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Welcome to the Dragon Quest General! Everything related to the Dragon Quest series, also known as Dragon Warrior, is discussed here

Choices Matter Edition
Last Thread: >>493359117

- Dragon Quest Monsters: The Dark Prince, available now on the Switch, is coming to PC and mobile on September 11th.
- Dragon Quest Keshi Keshi and Dragon Quest Champions officially ended their service on July 31st, 2024.
- Dragon Quest I & II HD-2D Remake has been confirmed for the Switch and will release in 2025.
- Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remake has been confirmed for the Switch, PS5, Xbox Series X/S, Steam, and Windows, and will release on November 14th.
- Dragon Quest Builders is now available on Steam, including all QoL that the mobile port had.
- Infinity Strash: Dragon Quest The Adventure of Dai is now available on PS4/5, Switch, and PC.
- Dragon Quest Treasures, a treasure hunting RPG featuring Erik and Mia from Dragon Quest XI, is now available for the Switch and PC.
- Dragon Quest X is available in English via a fan translation. Check DQX Resources for more info.
- Dragon Quest XII: The Flames of Fate has been announced. Details aside from the title are unknown.

/dqg/ Beginner's Guide to Dragon Quest: https://imgur.com/gallery/kE7vCn2
Versions to Play/Buy: https://pastebin.com/TcW5bgqv
DQM3 Resource: https://dev.metalkid.info/DQM3/Monsterpedia
Dragon Quest IX DLC/Treasure Map Searcher: https://pastebin.com/Paf0Ypme
DQB2 Resources: https://pastebin.com/ykdKc201
DQX Resources: https://pastebin.com/kE3XGQNS

ROMs/Hacks/Mods/Translations: https://pastebin.com/QbQS5i2S
Anime/TV: https://pastebin.com/a2cRRuzi
Music: https://pastebin.com/NceqwLAa
日本DQ Wiki: https://wikiwiki.jp/dqdic3rd/
DQ Art, Guide Books, Non-H Doujins: https://pastebin.com/GnaCV4vW


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That's racist.
We love DQ here.
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We sure do.
any new info?
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Looking forward to it!
In Dragon Quest 3, I will make a party.
Will there be strippers?
Demo soon, I'm not giving up hope.
Looking back at a couple prior HD-2D games, demos released about a month before the game itself released. So maybe in about three or four more weeks DQ3 will get one too.
He is wholly unaware about the slime tanks
Are we having an all-female party (excluding Erdrick)?
No, we're having a bald sausagefest party
The true /dqg/ experience.
Well now I'm considering naming my team something in which the first letter of each name spells out BALD
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Make sure all the bald old men have the sexy personality.
>Playin' some DQ8
>Kill Metal King Slime
>MKS gets kerplunked back to life
>Runs away before I can get the kill
It's rare to have a moment that got me that hyper-focused, but here we are.
Do you still get exp for "killing" kerplunked/zinged enemies?
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of course
it's the only way to play the game
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me on the left
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>romancing saga 2 remake got a demo a little less than a month form release
so yeah DQ3's demo will happen in mid october
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Warrior (Type F)
please play DQX
3make most wanted game according to famitsu
i will when the japs won't force me to get a vpn
Its kind of sad you can change every hair except the dumb hero spiky hair
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The only question here is try or not tray the beast tamer or go with classic classses only.
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Remember what they took from us...
But how can it be truly taken if it's still here being posted?
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>3 and 4 in highest tier
>6 and 8 above 5
In DQ8 do I just equip weapons with higher stats even if they're different from the type I'm trying to use? Fights already go slow as hell so I wanna boost MCs damage by equipping a lance but then I had already put so many points towards the sword so im confused
Did she eat a whole baby?
if all you're doing is basic attacks then sure, but Eighto has sword skills that you learn pretty early that do more damage than a basic attack for no MP, so you might want to see which is actually stronger
You could do that if you just want the raw damage. You can keep both weapons in your inventory and swap during a fight when you want to use a sword skill.
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who and who?
Kilena and Aryl
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Please, buy Builders 2 and support Square so we get a number 3. Thanks.
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I did, twice
now you do the same for Heroes
I bought the first one, and I couldn't bear it, but I didn't ask for a refund. I'm sorry...
I kinda hoped we would hear about XII at TGS this year but I doubt they would promote it when 3make is so close to release. Suppose our best bet is after I and II are out, which means probably DQ Day 2025…

I am excited for 3make though so that’s good.
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I love her.
good afternoon
My favourite named DQ girl and the original biggu hatto.
You guys think Kiryl is a Big GM kinda guy? I get some Concise Compo vibes from him.
>DQ figuarts never because square enix sucks
>DQ nendo never because they suck
>most important of all, no 1/1 proplica sword of roto because they suck
Nothing but pain.... Cant wait for my $140 acrylics...
Do you like the bring arts figgies?
They're fine but not as good as a figuarts would be. Doesnt help most of them go for way too much now.
DQ merch is so expensive...
Alena is pure, unfiltered Concise Compo.
fat fuck
Ireburn that is very rude, apologize right now.
x is great i wish it got more attention. you don't need a vpn to play it.
i just beat dq5 what did i think?
The best game you've ever played.
you are grateful for going with the canon Bianca route instead of some nagging hag
Are you guys excited for DQ3 remake?
I wouldn't say I'm excited. But I am looking forward to it.
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Yup. I think about it every day.
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No my interest for it died out, but I hope it opens more people's minds to nonlinear JRPGs.
i'd get nendos if they didn't cost as much as they do for no reason.
Same with funko pops, i'd probably get a few as shit as they are if they weren't way too expensive for how shit they are. Hate how the economy is catered towards whales, even irl, instead of making sure everyone and their mother is spending their pocket change
Yeah how could I not be excited for III with abilities for non-magic classes? That’s all I could’ve asked for.
i need to play dq10 some more
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My brother.
This game is too good
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Yeah i really need a game with some cute witch girls, there's so little of them out there...
I already played dq3 but on a shitty emulator that tried to steal my credit card.
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As someone relatively new to the series and still needs to play a lot of the games, I want to play some kind of older version of DQ3 first before the remake comes out.
Problem is is that I'm not sure which version I should play, along with the fact that I'm already juggling trying to decide which of like, 5 games I currently have going I want to play, and that indecisiveness leads me to procrastinating on playing any of them.
flip a coin
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that's a mighty forehead
it is. i really wish it would come to the west so it would be a bit easier to sub for the complete version.
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Made for kissu
What's the best party to use in Dragon Quest III?
Three male gadabouts
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Fun fact I learned literally just now: you can switch your party leader in DQV and get unique interactions.
This is true in a number of games.
Yeah, I figured since DQ's biggest thing is character interactions, I was just surprised that it actually extends to their interactions with parts of the environments.
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threesome now
Not really. I hope other people enjoy it, but I don't have any interest.
Would you rather
>be punched in the face by alena
>get bang'd by veronica
shut up bitch
this is Dragon Quest not sissy frou-frou makeup and cooking quest
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>Would you rather
>only gives one option
Rare to look forward to anything nowadays. Just when things look interesting, something comes along and blows up in your face. That being said, I am mildly looking forward to this.
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Whatever you think would be cool.
>no dlc for red burgundy vest
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what did they mean by this
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>he is going to buy the demake
a 3/10 and a 35/10
Yes and no.
Im excited but the pricing and the censoring kind of killed the hype.
Is not that I'm gonna pretend is the worst things could ever happen or something. Not gonna pretend I won't buy it or anything.

I will eventualyl buy and play it when its cheaper but I won't run to buy it when it comes out
yea the censoring for me as well killed the hype. but i bet there will be a mod that changes some shit in game.
How often is se giving discount to their mobile port? I'm not sure if I want to buy dqm3 android with 20% discount now or wait for better discount.
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Oh no!
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very excited
deboras hair is a nightmare to draw
just be as talented and experienced as toriyama lol
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The things I'd do to this slime......
That's a fine price, just buy it. Has the DLC included right? Closest I got to a "sale" was getting it on switch for $60 with the DLC
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You HAVE filled out your museum, right anons?
Cute blue-haired wife & blue-haired children.
I will leak one thing from III-HD. The post game is something that will fully tie it in with XI.
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Life fucking sucks
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I think I need some healing...
And suddenly, my mind drifts towards DQ done in the style of the Paper Mario games
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Yowza, what a beefcake!
I’m guessing he was secretly romantically involved with the fighter throughout the entire journey.
My man that is a harem if I have ever seen one.
No she doesn’t. She can’t even fit into her spatz as it is.
Actually going to buy it on steam so yeah, pretty excited.
just draw wavy highlights rather outline it. make soft shadows or light to make it look like hair.
I never did any of this shit, or the post game for V. Is it worth doing on a replay?
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abunai mizugi...
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good friend went to nipponland and brought back some really nice gifts
How come DQ gets so little love on PC?
>Builders 1/2
>Monsters 3
>I + II HD-2D
How about 4 to 9?
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Trans king
They're not on any other modern system. PC's getting as much love as everyone else, maybe more.
will sony actually save XII from limbo?
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Terrys wonderland is fun
Hit the post game in Heroes II. Is there anyway to quickly level up the MCs other jobs to 40 or so that isn't pissing away a quicksilver key?
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That's the price of DQ not being owned particular developer. Also widespread accessibility is simply not a priority for Horii, otherwise we'd already have DQ games on NSO or similar by now.
It's not like Square with FF and SaGa where they're more likely to retain the code, assets and developers to work on bringing the games to modern systems, hence why those series are far more accessible on modern systems. FF has the Pixel Remasters and SaGa's lead has made it his mission to port, remaster or remake every title for modern systems. DQ has been through 5 different developers just for mainline alone, one of which isn't even around anymore, and Horii hasn't shown any initiative of at least porting the other mainline titles, leaving them either in limbo or mobile phone hell. He'd need to talk with SE and saddle a dev studio with the task of reworking 4-9 somehow for current platforms, best bet would probably be >>>>Arte Piazza unfortunately.
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damn denuvo, id be playing this if it werent for you. Terrys wonderland I shall persevere
need more loli characters in dragon quest
Sex with Tessie
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I hate it here
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Immediately after that post
Has your mind been changed?
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Not at all honestly, but I am glad I got a slime instead of no slimes.
Gonna go see Dandadan and try not to think about this.
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Very nice. I need to get me a little Slime some day.
Don't you have a business to be running, Torneko?
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These warriors look like they need food
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I hate how slow this thread is now, but Im gonna hate the new fans diving in when 3 remake releases.
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is the leak true? would they really market the 3make and 12 at the same time?
Where leaked game or demo?
We'll find out tomorrow.
>The flying blades from Red
Yup, YanBARU actually played the game
The 3 remake will be forgotten about soon- even the bait threads aren't getting much traction.
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This general will be busy for 3 days and thats it
Don’t get your hopes up. Very unlikely.
such this general is so dead
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3make will revive dqg
Monsters 3, Treasures and Infinite Strash were very lackluster games. DQ3 HD-2D at least looks engaging and that they put effort into it.
I like this general being slow, it's nice.
>watch a jap video giving impressions and details on dq3
>party creation segment
>"I'll probably make a harem with 'innocent' personalities"
based japs
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Boobs too big
Did they nerf the spawn rates of metal slimes in dq9? I've been in the quarantomb for 30 minutes and not a single slime has appeared
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Just in that one area. There's a hill somewhere else where the spawn rate is really good, but hunting them down in the quarantomb is total ass.
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I'm out of Warriors
>drops my horse manure into the thread
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Reminder to never forgive the Japanese
a trailer with no release date is not marketing
besides, that's like saying they wouldn't announce 1+2 if there's already 3 coming, but they did
Wizard needs food badly
I’ve been saying Toriyama’s slimes were inspired by gollies for years and nobody’s paid attention to me.
I assume they all thought I was trolling.
I thought it was the trolls the ones based on them
LOL, looking for images of the trolls now I realized they also censored them on the remake
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im pretty sure blacks dont have the media muscle to censor trolls. somebody else got offended.
9 times out of 10, especially least in modern times, people get offended on behalf of the groups that something 'might' offend.
Famous example is people being offended by Speedy Gonzales, meanwhile actual Mexicans are pretty vocal in liking him.
What worries me is not revisionism of the past but the future.

The problem on getting warrior covered, for example, is not really having her covered. The problem is they fail to understand that became ironic for a reason, because back in the day it broke the mold and that mait it memorable and iconic, memorable enough so they are remaking it decades later.

If we lose that daring factor if we stop doing daring shocking stuff to do safe stuff all we will get are games that while may work well now will not cause impact on the audiences, and in 30 years will be games no one will remember or care because it didn't leave any scar.

We will be all old or dead by that point though
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Does anyone know the name of the song that plays at the Altar of Amalgamation in DQM3? I've tried looking all over and I can't find it.
huh yeah its not on youtube. this version from terry's wonderland is basically it.

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i fell for it and now im sad
My man.
im playing dragon quest 11 again. i wish i had erik as a real life friend
That was some good DQ news. We sure are eating tonight. I say with my bowl of nothing.
you rike?
no news?
You'd have to be retarded to think there'd be any significant announcements only a bit over a month out from the next major release.
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if you had to bone a monster which one will it be? i'd bone mandrake major. i wont judge.
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Nothing DQ related. I mean, the Lunar announcement was nice, but it's the same debate as always. Why wait to play now when you could've emulated ages ago?
share the source you coward. the king orc
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you WIRR buy fantasian
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This armor looks really cool
Is this the only image of it?
I want it
The armor or Dragon Quest Walk?
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me when i play DQIX
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i expected a penis.
anyway new footage https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dy7VDHNGEpQ&list=PLCF9D21495CAB0C2F&index=394
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Finally, my main PC is back after 7-8 days (its cooling unit was broken and had to be fixed)
Did I miss anything while I was gone, /dqg/?
Not particularly. Just the usual lying on death's door.
you can pretend it's a slit
sheathed ejaculation?
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Yeah, I like this.
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i dont have a desktop PC but was planning to get this one for the steam DQ games. will it be enough? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mv-UqxTJ4Zc
All you need to do is compare the specs of that thing to the system requirements of the games you're looking to get.
Neato. What was the rpg news today? I thought TGS was tomorrow...oh wait, Japan perpetually exists in tomorrow.
my bad lol
too bad DQW is a massive whale scam
Personally, I blame Rocket Slime.
Any mon that can cast Transform on my Female Warrior.
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He's in Monsters so he counts.
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>Images you can smell
Cute as always.
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>i wont judge.
Yes you will.
>eight pack
What is happening in these images
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I just noticed something.
It's only called Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remake in English.
In Japanese it's still called Dragon Quest III Soshite Densetsu e...
Same for Dragon Quest I & II. Dragon Quest I & II HD-2D Remake in English, Dragon Quest I & II in Japanese.
I seriously doubt that thing will run any of the games reasonably well.
the latest trailer is incredible. DQIIIHD2D might become one of the best dragon quest games at this rate, maybe even the best if the QOL is right and they add enough extra content. I mean holy shit! maybe even the best remake ever.
your insides would probably get destroyed but as long as you are having fun
the japanese text that came along with the image said 'mandrake major with something dripping from it's crotch' so I guess it's up to viewer interpretation.
boodica's a girl
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26 hours, set an alarm
Really? Are you lying?
>you can choose the voice
Okay but what? Where's the full pics?
more info at xbox tgs https://youtu.be/UdfaHTkhPI0?t=5899
For party members? That's old news.
>Party members shout the spell names
accentsCHADS stay winning
She doesn’t exist. Nothing in S is canon.
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I understand you.
S is the only version of the game that matters
That's something I noticed in Japanese footage. Not sure how I feel about it in English. I guess they couldn't go with various one-liners like XI for obvious reasons.
Have they confirmed if youre locked to the dub VA or not?
So it it wasn't obvious before, it's outright confirmed now that Monster Arenas replace Pachisi in this version. There seem to be multiple of them dotted about the world.
Since some of the old Pachisi rewards have been found in the Mini Medal reward list, the Monster Arena either doesn't have enough rounds to cover the remaining Pachisi rewards, or they've been redistributed into the world and the Arenas have some new rewards up for grabs.
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I don't think any screenshots or footage of the settings menus have cropped up just yet.
I see Romaly is now the designated Spanish Kingdom.
i hope not, i hate bong voice acting
Oh God, I wasn't even thinking about this because it's industry standard to not do that, but all the SaGa voiced games lock English voices to English copies of the game. Now you've got me nervous.
>or they've been redistributed into the world and the Arenas have some new rewards up for grabs.
I hope there is some new gear.
I'm not worried. A whole bunch of Team Asano games have had the option going all the way back to Bravely Default at least, and all the HD-2D games have had it.
Not saying it's guaranteed, but the odds are in favor of it.
Not allowed here
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It's been Dragon Quest standard to include both options since XI. Treasures, Infinity Strash, and Monsters 3 all provide the option of gookspeak or bong ramblings, so you'll be fine.
But that guard was speaking with a Spanish accent. I can only assume that means Romaly is now Spanish.

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