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Ten Vocations Forevermore Edition

>Patch notes

>Steam page

>Pawn/character creator archive

>Old Pawn sheet

>Updated Pawn sheet

>Skills, core skills, augments, and more

>Do you want your pawn hired?
Ask in the thread, and check the following for up-to-date pawns: https://www.pawnguild.xyz/


>Dragon's Dogma 1 OP

>Wanna play Dragon's Dogma Online? Click here:

Last Cycle: >>494834452
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>System (PC, Console etc.)
>Pawn Name
>Pawn LeveI
>Pawn Vocation
>Pawn ID
>Optional Info (Boons, Inclinations, etc)
I hate Thief. Strider was cooler.
Previous bakers, you've failed at the subject field last two times
>anon seethes about a hypothetical enough that he makes the OP about vocations
wew lad
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Is DD2 the most disappointing game of the decade? The hype was unreal and now it does Concord number on steam.
Show me when they planned to implement more vocations.
>b-but OOOHHH the colors THE COLORS
To that I say /v/ /v/ /v/ /v/ tard tard tard tard
keep your meltdown contained to the previous thread please, you've already tainted the OP with it
Let me hear you say /v/ /v/ /v/ /v/ tard tard tard tard
That's right uh /v/ /v/ /v/ /v/ tard tard tard tard
All the girls now /v/ /v/ /v/ /v/ tard tard tard tard
>gambling gacha addict fools get high off of trash loot from BBI
>thinks this is a "complete experience"
Can anyone explain the new High Palladium changes? I've been asking for days but literally can't check in-game.
There's more
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How’s the loot in DD2?
How much more, I mean. The notes just said "more" but not how much.
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The local shitposter realized he can't farm (You)'s from the DDON anons anymore so he's switched tactics again with low-quality /v/ posts, let him tire himself out and the thread will go back to normal.
Closer to Like League of Legends or something. Buy endgame stuff if you have the gold.
It's higher
Non existent, you buy everything from merchants.
I'm not the schizo, you're the retard. I'm already done. I won.
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new jank got released
>I'm being trolled
Brother, what is the new number of hits.
guaranteed to be dropped so it sadly doesnt appeal to your gambling addiction, sorry to inform that your dopamine receptors are fried.
>"Noooo you're my thread enemy!"
>tranny cat girl shit
wew lad, this is the DD that i want for sure
I was even about to post how DD2's mage would benefit from DDON priest's field shift, because running to your healers is still a really dumb mechanic.
But you kept going. Because you're a retard that can't accept he's wrong. Vocation take forever to make, so do the weapons. And there's already no weapon or armor variation in the game. But now they'd suddenly invest in making a new vocation with all that stuff instead of adding more to the old ones.
how many hours you got in the game?
And you kill yourself too finally, retard
>you cant play more than one franchise specially another one by itsuno
Is there a mod that stops movement while you're in the Posture menu of the character creator?
500 hours in DD2, 600 in DD1, I dont give a fuck about gacha crap or loot in general, only the combat, player interactivity and emerging gameplay made by systems interacting with each other.
>nooo not my heckin looterino from the enemies that fell somewhere i cant reach
meanwhile im enjoying trickster making idiots fall in the water.
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>500 hours in DD2, 600 in DD1
prove it
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>500 hours in DD2

I played most of it on the ps3 how the fuck am i gonna prove that, also it was the og copy of DD1.
actually playing the game and not wanting it to be over just to open my new lootbox from BBI enemies, little gambling addict.
Server stopped working halfway through, or is this repeatable?
Never seen that before, how the hell did you manage that?
BBI was the worst thing that happened with the franchise, people thought DD was supposed to be Dark Souls.
Mate if you were actually able to squeeze 500 hours out of that glorified tech demo then more power to you. Sometimes I envy the autistic.
>how the fuck am i gonna prove that
indeed, thanks for verifying you can't
Some jank wouldn't let me join other people's EXM even though I meet the requirements, this is what happens everytime I try to teleport to the meeting place lol
Ok gacha addict, sorry im not a Dark Arisen tourist like you and actually played the original on launch.
Yeah that's because I actually enjoy playing games and not just dopamine hits from loot, that's all there is to it.
cursed chu
might be hard to check because people usually don't run an arisen mage
its a yes, im sorry you are retarded and you can not understand that i enjoy both DD and DMC, and Bayo and Sekiro.
You can only enjoy one game... its true, im sorry you were born this stupid lmfao.
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>Dark Arisen tourist
lol wrong
prove it
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I gotchu
Palladium gives you 3 hits now, though I'm not sure what the previous count was
Sorry *High Palladium
Holy based...
>PS3 version
My condolences.
>DD1 cover

SOVL overload...
I was able to endure it until the PC port, absolutely no regrets
>Fighter is named "warrior" in my native language
I will never recover
Night scourge is mean...
I get it, back then I was ignorant of FPS or resolutions and all that technical stuff, I just enjoyed games, even those that ran poorly, I guess what they say is true, ignorance really is bliss.
still waiting on you or that other guy to show any proof their claims btw
I expected more from Shadolean Great Temple, it's just a boss rush
Feels like Scourge should be in the last room
Oh no, I wasn't that guy, honestly, that felt like it was just a shitposter, you just know that he will not be posting any kind of proof.
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>cringe is gone
>plebbit's sad
>/ddg/'s sad
>she lets the /v/ tortanic freaks and schizos get to her
i'm late but what a shame, her videos got me to actually pick DDDA up after owning it for several years and failing to ever get into it and then it quickly became one of my favorite games of all time
her Every Vocation is OP was my entry to metal
It always gave the mage 3, the buff made the guard bits the rest of the party gets go from 1 to 2
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>Wanted to wait for the 2x PP event to get 2000PP and gacha 4 trinkets at once for both SS and Alch
>Fuck it, decide to do 2 today since I've already got 500 in each
Are these good?
Both increase status buildup (Alchemist's Elixir / SS's Force Burst) which blue vocs are good at, and they save about 7/10 augment points respectively.
Only thing I could've gotten that was better is Challenger for Alchemist (8 augment points)
Lancer does so much damage for a green vocation especially in boost mode. I bet they wanted to turn this into a red but decided otherwise since there are already a lot of red vocations.
Nah Thief focusing more on mobile melee is a good thing, plus moves like Implicate add nice utility to the Vocation.
NTA, we already had Implicate though? It was my favorite skill because you could just pull down Eliminators in a flash
Drop your gold farms. Just spent all of mine making level 80 equipment and I still need quite a bit
BBI runs or Phyndim bosses
Prefer Phyndim because of higher EXP/BO
That just looks like the Arisen is shoving a mace up that cyclops' ass
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She died for our sins
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>Literal WHO jewtuber grifter being shilled

Holy attention whore jesus christ. I get you need grifting pity points but god damn you fans are on par with vtranny mentals.

I personally didn't like InfCrange due to faggot shit being shoved on screen as soon as I watched ONE video to learn about it.

Good fucking riddance
>making her "livelihood" off of a dragons dogma youtube channel
I liked her videos but come on, she's just asking for eventual depression. Or more likely it was already there if she had so little plans for the future that putting her eggs in that basket seemed like an alright option.
Is it an actual female and not just AI shit? Sounds like a fat dyke honestly. Nothing to hate some people are just born with odd voices
Spent 20 minutes killing the level 93 Infected Gorecyclops, waste of time would not recommend
Why is this general all talking about DDO? DD2 came out only six months ago.
DDOfags have their own inner clique with that private server so they really not death unlike DD2 and most tourists refuse to go back to DD1 and enjoy classics.

>Yeah bro I totally moved on from DDDA I just spent 3 digit hundreds of hours playing a 12 year old game!
Because the private server stuff for DDON has progressed quite a bit in the last few months, it went from kinda barely playable sandbox to being a fairly solid experience with actual progression, quests, crafting, a bit of endgame content, etc.
DD2 had a lot of discussion for months, and there's a bunch of people with renewed interest with the latest patch improving performance a lot and people resupplying on hopium for DLC.
Look up DDO and you'll see that it's only recently that it's become "worth" playing, and you can only do so much in DD2 before you become bored, you need to understand that DDO was dead for years.
I imagine it would drop the same stuff as other infected gorecyclops, I guess you'd get quite a lot of XP (or PP) and BO.
>doing quest at night
>spooky necromancer wight boss spawns
>encountered one of these earlier in my playthrough and it beat my ass but i'm stronger now
>take it down, rewarded with loot drop, the Craos Tine
>fkyes.jpeg that's so cool, big upgrade for my sorc pawn
>go to city to turn in quest, visit vendor
>vendor sells a sorc staff better than the unique wight drop one in every way
This is probably the design choice I found most baffling, the world's so beautiful but you aren't rewarded for exploring it enough. Why does this resplendent chest at the end of a cave have a mushroom in it? Just put a tiny bit more effort into making the dungeons and their rewards feel unique and the game becomes much more enjoyable as an RPG
Pretty much the same loot yeah, 50BP, 16PP, and my pawn earned 180,000 XP. Going up the tower there's another 2 cyclops. If it wasn't for how long it takes to kill one it would be a decent farming spot.
There was a mod that somewhat addressed this, but yeah, it is quite strange that despite having decent chest rewards in the post-game Everfall, BBI and DDO, DD2 regressed to how it was in DD1's base game areas, or maybe even worse than that, because I some areas did give you some good gear in Gransys, I remember there being a decent gear in the Soulflayer Canyon for example, but of the top of my head, I can't remember there being really good lot in DD2's chests, and as usual, the best shit you get at shops.
anon there's no use trying to reply in good faith to the other anon at this point.
show us your hours bro
Man who gives a fuck if a rando chest at the end of a dungeon gave you mushroom #3722862

At fucking least you can buy the gear. Fucking retarded elden rong doesn't even have good chest rewards and you can fuck off ever buying shit. Hell you can't even fucking buy basic crafting materials making currency pointless
what if they added more gear that you only get from specific quest ending combinations like the hugo bandannas
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lmao if anyone doubted she was a real woman, now you have ultimate proof, the biggest WOMAN MOMENT i have every fucking seen in this community

What the fuck did she expect? People waited 12 fucking years and got lied to in marketing for a game that was worse than original and they had to pay 70$ for. They have every right to be upset. She EXPLICITLY said in the video it's not about hate comments on her, but the overall community. Only later she mentioned people called her a shill. Like what, am i supposed, like you, to just think DD2 is the best game ever and way better than original? Why?

Of course fucking plebbit simps for their queen now and anyone who dares to say negative things about the game now is LE BAD when they were upvoting memes calling Itsuno a fucking blind retard with shit vision.

This community 100% deserved the shitty game they got.
>the world's so beautiful but you aren't rewarded for exploring it enough
Find all the coins for over power swimsuit :)
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Almost have Seeker AI dialed in. It's one of *those* classes.
>Huh that riposte skill sounds good, even has an EX, does the AI know how to use it?
>>Knows how to, but just doesn't want to use it, even when you make it
>Whoa this rope skill just annihilates gobbos, I wonder how it'll work against something bigger?
>>Zooms past it with the skill, then walks back and forth five times, repeat, zero damage throughout the fight
>Does double jump height augment matter, does rope length augment matter?
>>Who the fuck knows
>the game is so shit and fans are expressing their disappointment
She had a certified woman moment. Of course she's female
What's a good place to BO farm?
She must have unironic autism or something
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>that cyclops' ass
Arisen! I'll scout ahead!
I don't pay attention to reddit or tubershit but like DD2 more because the boobies are nicer ^q^
For endgame, I would like to know too
the reason DD has so many female fans is because it's literally like Sims to them
they can play and dress up their companion however they want and go on some gay little adventure with them
Huh that actually makes sense
I've been wondering for a long time why there aren't MORE female fans actually.
And I love playing with barbies in my vidya, I'm disappointed these days if a vidya doesn't have that. It's not so gay.
a lot of jap women play it. I've been desperate enough to lurk tumblr to look for fanart and there's a decent amount of them in there
If they're bigger whales than the grognard gamers, I wonder if capcom would play to that angle
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they could, possibly. all Capcom needs to do is to lean harder on the pawn interaction and romance and add more armor options.
What the actual fuck
What's the over/under on any sort of announcement at TGS, in your opinion
I prefer one to a side by side. Some of the cheaper ones don't eject right thoughbeit.
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>Kindhearted Chirurgeon elven cutie
I bought a cheap turkshit from Dixdros's cousin and it blew up and killed my niece so I'm wondering how much free BO I could get as compensation...
My theory is like a lot of other systems in the game, the best equipment was moved to vendors somewhat late in development to make the game easier for retards and reviewers to get through
All the evidence points towards 'Yes'. Very convenient time for them to:
-end their multi-month long radio silence
-release a big update
-put the game on sale at lowest price ever
-start running ad-campaigns and collabing with content creators

Its now or never
The dlc will feature a multiplayer dungeon with gacha loot. You can trust me, I eavesdrop at the capcom hq gloryhole.
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>LeveI 241
>Calm Fighter

Send me a friend request to hire her.
Dragon's Dogma threads used to be the comfiest shit on /v/. And it turned to shit as soon as 2 became a thing. It's not because 2 could have been better. Even in the pre-DD2 threads, people lamented that DD1 could have been so much more, and that it has blueprints for something unique and better than anything else you'd find.
The threads started being ground for culture war, shazam trannies and shit flinging. People went from talking about the game itself, to becoming a carbon copy of every other threads about modern games you see (muh niggers, muh asmongoloid, muh trannies).

It's not about wishing people to circlejerk about something they don't like. It's about seeing something else than constant low IQ shit flinging.
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>Was supposed to go check out cool DDON armors I could craft
>Accidentally update Firefox, breaking all my custom CSS, my home
>Mostly fix it
>Don't feel like doing anything anymore
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>Itsuno is gone
>only good DD youtuber is gone
>last patch is promising but not nearly enough for what the game needs
>only hope I have is there is a substantial DLC in production along with free title updates
Fuck, I'm almost out of copium...
>only good DD youtuber is gone
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I am replaying teh gaem (DD2!) with the dynamic difficulty thing and some other mods, having a good time bonking dudes with shield bash as fighter (I laugh everytime a goblin goes flying). My world ended up with strawberries this time, I could go for some strawberries... Thanks for reading my blogpost! :D
/v/ was always eternal summer that got worse and worse. But it's been exponentially unusable since... Cyberpunk launch probably? It used to be tolerable at least, with a few havens.

Cute poster CHU :D
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>/v/ was always eternal summer that got worse and worse.
especially when hiroshimoot removed ip counters
it's so weird seeing this general be derailed all the time by random shit like this literal who eceleb. I heard 20 seconds of video and asked youtube to never recommend the channel to me, but apparently no one else did that.

It feels like the DD2 disappointment is "international". I hear people, word-for-word posting complaints that discord boogeymen were posting both in English and Japanese on every platform. It's weird, it's obvious the game is being raided, but the flaws are definitely there. It feels almost like people are being supplied the same talking points: FPS drops in Vernworth, Dragonsplague, microtransactions, never anything about exploration or combat or actually playing the game.

Absolutely none of the complaints are talking about any actual flaws of the the game, they're just shitting on it for being... a dragons dogma game. Walking, camping, portcrystals, stamina, stagger and knockback, stuff like that.

Even the people who would have dropped the game for not having their favorite class aren't even shitting on the game, they're indifferent. It's like a weird new faction of people, that never played vanilla DD1, only played Dark Arisen, and only played Bitterblack Isle. They keep flaming the game for not having any of that stuff even though it was an expansion.

Sad part is that once devs add DLC people will flip-flop on the game even though Itsuno has left the company. Even the fake fans that worship DMCV were indifferent that Itsuno left. DD2 was treated too harshly, imo.
actually it's 86
DD1 is 81
Mergoda Security District if you're 40-50
BBI if you're 60
Infected Griffin Route in Phindym for endgame
>Infected Griffin Route
got a map for this one?
>it's obvious the game is being raided
i believe the same, after the sweet baby whatever thing got out and how they went on record saying that if you don't comply they'll sic their discord armies against your games i believe it even more. DD2 specifically i believe it's cause they kept males and females instead of going type a and type b

>but the flaws are definitely there.
sure are, though for me it's pretty much mostly armor layering being gone and maybe enemy variety (but DD1 had this as well so). People blame capcom's suits rushing the game but i believe the major thing was the engine change, which there was no way around it of course but it led to them basically not being able to take advantage of DD1's assets (unlike DDO, which did that and expanded on them too) and having to go into DD2 as they would with a brand new game instead of a sequel. I also believe Itsuno willingly held back on stuff, in some interviews he said he wanted the character creator to be simpler but his team fought against it, and this reasoning imho explains armor layering being gone too (cause the "in DD1 everyone had the same end-game gear!!" explanation is extremely retarded).
I'm curious about the dlc but not really looking forward to it, as you pointed out they'll likely cater to the retards crying for BBI and i couldn't care about that in the slightest
>the game is so shit
Kill yourself subhuman /v/ermin
>People waited 12 years

The vast majority of people who bought DD2 didn't play DD1. DD2 was catching enormous amounts of shit for a DLC model that Capcom have been using since DMC4. Apparently everyone was overall fine with letting you buy super costumes and health upgrades in DMC5 but holy shit you can buy a TENT in DD2? Shut it down.
>random encounter is broken
Is there another mod that dynamically changes encounters? I was thinking of starting a modded NG+.
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He probably means this, or the longer route.
It's 30, 20, 30 PP? Everything's weak to ice, bring 2-3 sorcerers.

I feel like there's something even weaker to kill though, because for PP farming XP doesn't matter and it's always 20-30 PP from bosses anyway.
Not PP, durpahurp... BO.
that anon's talking about infinite cringe. Nihil's still active, went back to DD1 now
>muh discord trannys
>Muh secret SBI conspiracy
Holy cope. It was a severely overhyped and disappointing sequel that was dropped and forgotten by the general gaming public with two weeks of launch. Starfield averages more daily players. If it wasn’t for people bitching about it there would be no discussion at all, except for sharing coomer pawns maybe like the subreddit.
Where can I get the new sovran armors?
Buy them from the Dragonforged
It's not in his trade inventory
Are you in endgame or ng+?
Holy shit I just checked and not only does Starfield average more players, it averages almost 7 times as much kek.
Anyone have any cute elf sliders?
didn't starfield just get a dlc or something?
Starfield is getting a DLC soon
Anon, you are such a basic bitch.
Hey sometimes vanilla ice cream is just what you’re craving at the moment
>something about this encounter caused my game to crash (you can't see it but the diagnostics crash thing was processing while this screen was frozen)
i needed to stop playing for the night anyway
DD2 mindbroke this /v/ tourist KEK
>LVL 103
>Thief/Calm/Woodland Wordsmith
>Implicate, Skull Splitter, Plunder, Formless Feint
>Ring of Vehemence for Knockdown Power
So what the fuck actually happened that turned the fanbase into shit? I know a long-awaited sequel being somewhat disappointing is a factor, but holy shit there has to be a lot more going on than just that. Is it because of the misinfo and doomposting by e-celebs like Jim Sterling and penguinz0?
We live in a different era and e-celeb niggers abd their sub human "communities" drive a lot of negative discourse. Whether it be misinterpreted or out right lies the negativity is perpetuated. Capcom has some burden to bare for this though. Seeing as they released the game before it was ready and chose to drum up the marketing hype train.

I really just don't bother with it. DD2 wasn't what I wanted it to be but I had my fun with over 200 hours. I don't interact with any DD "community" anymore other than this place but even then I lurk about twice a week at best.
>first mentions the fanbase
>then the zoomer audience of ecelebs
>as the same group of people
Holy shit how did you reach lv 200+? Im hoping there's a cheap way and not just playing the game.
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nta but the leveling ramp stays the same eventually. enemies give some kind of proportional exp to your current level, so like killing 6 big monsters or something like that always gives you a level up.
They'll get more of my attention when they introduce

Expansion Announcement
Uuuuh badminton
Heavenward Sunder
>eternal ferrystone bad
>Casual mode bad

I really hate this stupid mentality hardcore fans have. Go back to fucking dark souls and fuck itsunofags
Based negro.
I just want more vocations
It's far too early for a DLC announcement. They're still in the post game patching stage. Games didn't take as long to develop 12 years ago so releasing a DLC a year after the base game was doable. Capcom already has a big release slated for FY25 anyways so I doubt they're gonna force them a second time.
I'd like a sports minigame of some kind to play with your pawns, as a kind of team building exercise.
Seja G.Mane
Straightforward Sorcerer
>Meteoron/High Salamander/Augural Flare/High Hagol
Kill a Griffin for 10k
Straight up give me basketball lol, I wanna see some pawns here do crossovers and dunks
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Granny is pretty strong
>DD1 and DDDA, 9 Vocations
>DDO, 11 Vocations
>DD2, 9 + 1 Vocations
>DD2 DLC, ???
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I need more cat gang adventures
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make it football so it's at least medieval adjacent
I literally can't think of any vocation to make that isn't redundant, or just outright introduces random new mechanics to the game, like summoning.
>hybrid trickster (does damage, and has illusions)
>"sky dancer" (melee but also has levitation)
>seeker (ranged thief)
>punching guy (street fighter meme)

anything else just feels like it's already there in an existing class.
>unlimited number of players clashing en masse
Good old pre-VAR times.
I also feel like they've got all the bases covered with the current vocations, at this point I would prefer them to add more skills and core skills to current Vocations, maybe even letting us have 2 sets of skills like DDDA and DDON.
Chess versus pawns would be funny, or a dogma twist on Shogi
There's no melee/close-range vocation oriented around elemental abilities, i.e. something akin to what Mystic Knight had going on and Magick Archer's dagger abilities
>Magick Archer's dagger abilities
That's what I thought "Trickster" was gonna be at first. Blue/Green
She's Australian, of course she sounds rubbish, she can't help it.
>LVL 123
>Augural Flare, High Levin, High Hagol, Maelstrom
>Fast casting due to rings (40%)
>no other mmos have in pvp
wrong thread anon-kun?
Dumbass anon.
Dumbass Pippi
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what happened
Anon was lost and posted in the wrong thread. Silly anon
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Arisen Name: Mike Hawk

>Rinze (Left)
LV. 85 Sorcerer
Skills: Comestion (P), Levin, Frigor (T) and Seism.
Crafting Skill: Equipment Quality 40.

>Mae (Middle)
LV. 85 Shield Sage
Skills: Force Shield (T), Slow Light, Element Glow, Rampart Raid (T).
Crafting Skill: Equipment Enhancement 41.

>Deirann (Right)
LV. 85 Elemental Archer
Skills: Energizing Bolt, Healing Flash (T), Crippling Bow (T), Weakening Bow.
Crafting Skill: Equipment Enhancement 19.
Cute sluts.
They're useful (most of the time) too!
shit pawns
>Rinze's face is covered now
A little sad but it makes her a bit more unique I guess, gonna add her to my hired sorc rotation so Noel/Catpetter can take a break
Do equipment quality and enhancement do anything?
they're the only ones that do something, lol
quality increases the chance of a "great success" (+1 crest slot) when crafting an item (u need an attack or defense upgrade rock)
enhancement increases the amount that the progress bar progresses when enhancing an item
I wanted to change her look, she had been using her old outfit for quite some time now.
Also I gave her the best Archistaff recently, now I just need to enhance it, gonna need to farm for a lot of Blue Opals.
Yes, higher chances of getting additional crest slots when using upgrade rocks and more enhancement points when you enhance gear (so you can potentially save on materials), if you're asking if these crafting skills are functional now then yes, they do have an effect now.
Thank you, I thought I was wasting my time because I leveled up enhancement and didn't notice a difference.
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Arisen Name: Musica Amadeus

>Fevrier (Left)
LV. 85 Element Archer
Skills: Fourfold Bolt. Curing Bolt. Energizing Bolt, Healing Flash (T)
Crafting Skill: Equipment Enhancement 21.
Has Ice Attack / Ice Affinity to help with freezing

>Artoria (Middle)
LV. 85 Warrior
Skills: Annihilator's Wind Slash, Heaven Thrust, Clarity, Pommel Strike (T).
Crafting Skill: Equipment Quality 38.
Has Divine Protection / Healing Power / Self Feedback for tanking

>Bastille (Right)
LV. 77 Hunter
Skills: Crimson Arrow, Explosive Arrow Volley (P), Threefold Arrow (P), Backward Retreat.
Crafting Skill: Consumable Quantity 21.
Will be in level 80 gear soon. Has Infected Destroyer
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Haphazardly updated map posted in previous thread with drops in points of interest. May be useful for someone.
Hell yeah thanks anon
Good stuff, are we ready to farm now?
It's up!
Or not...
I predicted this >>495026139
Fix will be next maintenance..when he returns from vacation.
I'm in!
Seems to be actually up now, 4x BO and 3x PP active for a week.
I'm going to finish my pawn's trees
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incredible jank
>server connection timeout
I'll try again later, back to DD2 4 now
I'm getting that error too, fuck... There must be a lot of people logging on right now.
I don't think anyone is able to get in, server is just fucked right now.
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forbidden hole
come play ddon with us snowyrisen
'Tis over... DDON servers are fucked.
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not snowyrisen, just waiting for the servers to get unfucked in the meantime
Cool screenshot.
I can almost feel my brain smoothing over scrolling through the discord chat for this server to find any comments from the server jannies. These ESL retards in there seem like they can't be older than 13 even if they keep spamming screenshots and shit from games like everquest and gunz.
No shit.
>i will look into it for 30 minutes if me or some another dev dont have a quick fix we restore to the previous build with the last db
potential rollback happening
wtf I'm actually in boys
Is go time?
It at least looks like it for now.

Pic rel is changelog, new EXM's. 4x BO and 3x PP is active for a week as well as intended.
I'm in, but boy is this thing slow, I see the orange ring of death regularly.
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I'm retarded + 4channel posting cooldown is retarded.
What dat shop do someone find out STAT
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BO rewards again.
Yeeeee boi
>third ark still not spawning mobs to open door
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I don't know what any of this is.
Those are weapons? But what are "Crimson Spells", and why does one need 140 of those things for one weapon!?
We are so fucking back bros.
click the exchange and check the stats?
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o tru
Can't figure out how to play the EXMs with pawns.
Crimson Firangi is the HS sword you get from the rusty iron scrap gacha.
Between that and the incredibly strange requirement of 140 EA bows, it looks like this is a donut steel exchange they've added in for those weapons. The real question is which of the new EXMs will shit out these bows and thus fuck up everyone's inventory since you need 140 of the damn things for one weapon
>150 BO per spirit arts hut griffin kill
professor cat thighs...
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All the other ones require 140 Central Tree Drops, dunno why the one I happened to screenshot is fucked lol.
They are only for viktor to squeeze and manhandle.
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And those are from a new EXM, think it's a spicy one judging by a comment I saw in the discord.
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>Central Tree Drop
That makes much more sense, it'd be worth reporting the HS weapon exchange as a bug then

On another note, it looks like Lost Order should give out Abyssal Ice/Droplets of Ruin if that anon who was farming trash mobs for those to make fashion gear is still looking for those. The new lower level EXMs should hopefully drop accessory exchange tickets as well.
The boost is active for a week not just a few days this time.
Don't worry anon, you have a whole week.
Nevermind, I'm retarded, but it seems you can't have 3 pawns and 2 hires this time.
I was trying to figure it out but I need to do something else so if anyone gets it working, tell your hacks.
Use the /invite command on one of your pawns while having 2 hires in the party, maybe?
To do an EXM with your pawns you need to choose "Solo Play", then you get the option to choose which pawns you want to bring, it says you can bring up to 7 pawns, but I chose 3 pawns and 3 hires, but only my main 3 pawns actually joined.
I tried the command, but it didn't work, it actually gave me an error and said I had to use the the recruitment board to invite players, I think they fixed the 5 pawn exploit, at least for EXMs.
Yeah, I think they fixed it.
>Phindym War Chronicles
I think that's an unironic boss rush of the S2 bosses, it'll be fun but it'll absolutely fuck people up.
The Lestanian Chronicles was an S1 version https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=24IjFhy8kzg
Meh, I prefer Morrow Forest Depths, kill the Ent (100 BO), walk a little further and kill the Griffin (150 BO) then walk a tiny bit more, and kill the Gorecyclops (150 BO)
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They made the dragon awakened harder, it's tankier now. I couldn't do it with just 3 pawns. Looks like we'll need a full party to complete it.
It was nerfed before because they did custom balancing to make it reasonable for parties of 4, since 8 player parties are "working" now they reverted it
I will still admire them from a distance
Fucking loading circle is taking more time than the gorecyclops I killed.
How do I play DDON with a dualshock 4?
And is it ever possible to change your name?
Nope. So if you picked a joke name, your only choice is to make another character.
Add the launcher to steam and then launch the launcher from steam
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thx for the armor & the deck flop
Dios mio...
I'll have nightmares after this one...
Community Halloween SS contest next month?
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Level 101
Woodland wordsmith. Kindhearted.
Kill gorechimera for allheal x5
Will be in unmoored soon
>mfw he's been on my team since he was level 99
I should probably send him back soon
Thanks for having him for so long. I am at this point cycling between steam friend's pawns and pawn my main pawn knows, so I'll rent your pawn back eventually.
Would be cool, DDO will also have its Halloween event soon.
I'm hoping for some succubi tails, bat wings, that kind of Hallowen gay shit.
aw she's smiling :)
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2's music is really bad
Only the standard title theme I hate (unmoored and credits version is fine)
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Need to prepare myself for the grind

I've lost count the amount of times I've skipped a line because I'm trying to hail them only to start taking to me
Fight music is good to me.
every time i see one of the ambient world lanterns it makes me wish you could use them in place of your regular lantern (same functionality, just a different appearance)
this is something i've wanted since dark arisen when i saw "bone lantern" was a drop but didn't realize it was just a material that you get from killing death
pretty sure ddon lets you wear alternate lanterns, so at least there's that...
It's just three different colors + the red mandrake looking one. Not really variety in design.
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You'll probably be able to get the cute little ghost lantern during the halloween event.
seems like there are a decent amount of variants, unless you mean lanterns that change the color of the light itself
I meant from the ones I've seen available
>click last lantern
>it's a reward for the hardest content in the game
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body odor and peepee
Disgusting game!
You're a tasteless faggot
what is causing this grainy effect to happen?
It's snowing!
Actually, I'm not sure, what's your GPU?
What upscaling option are you running, if any?
rx6600xt, and i think it's amd built in scaling. i use 1440p and play in 1080
post your video settings
video settings?
I don’t understand the flop posts. There’s a lot of neat beastren out there who are crazy well designed.

Flop is not one of them. Generic as fuck.
How does it look if you disable FSR? It'll definitely run worse, but does it still have the artifacts?
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A whopping 0 max level Seeker pawns.
the discord is unironically biased and filtered when it comes to making seeker pawns because they're too retarded to give seeker their good moves
i figured it out, it was raytracing being unusable like usual.
You tried out RT with a $200 AMD GPU? You are very brave.
it wasn't as bad performance wise when i first started playing, it just looked like shit since it barely worked and made most of my shadows non existent unless i restarted
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She's definitely all ears.
>The fated third chae
Lord have mercy.
Bro, I replicated it.
nice! gotta go sleep but i hope you get a shitload of that stuff
Seeker AI is WHACK and they need like all the strength augments
Your mom is generic as fuck
>switch pawn from simple to kind
>spams buffs nonstop
Fuck man I wish inclination wasn't tied to voice.
How's everyone farming BO/PP? I've been doing this run:
>start at Gwyndr, go towards the Small Tower of Wisdom.
>you'll find an infected Griffin and Gorecyclops on the way, by night these will be severely infected and the Griffin will often spawn at half health and the Gorecyclops will spawn at apparently 1 HP and will look like .webm related.
>now head towards Dana, on the way, you'll find an infected Behemoth to the left, by a cemetery.
>keep going down the road to get to the Spirits Arts Hut Griffin
>then go up the road and jump down towards the infected Gorecyclops by the Tower
>now go towards the Dana Griffin, at night, this one will be severely infected, the half health thing also applies
>go along the water's edge until you find the Spineback

You can end it here or you can also go to the Morrow Forest Depths
>go to the right and fight the Ent
>now go back a little and take the road up, deeper into the forest
>there's an infected Griffin and then a Gorecyclops by the dead end, these don't seem to change at night.
FSR 3.1 + Frame Gen are still on the horizon
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I've been getting M-0001003B a lot since 2 ~ 3 recent updates. Anyone else got it? Or know what that mean?
Do I look like I care about that nerd stuff...? Call me when they add more content to the game.
iirc thats likely a connection error, check if it's something on your end
Pretty much the same although I'm not particular about the order. I just put on a eurobeat playlist and zone out. Maybe add in the occasional Shadolean Great Temple for some variety.
According to the guys working on the server, the PP limit is higher than what the HUD shows.
>You can hold up to 200000 PP on each vocation, but the game will show it as 2000
>If you go into your equipment status, it will show all of it
First pawn done
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Color options for Scholarly Coat, in case anyone wanted to know without spending a Relief Coin.
Damn nigga, take it easy... You've got a whole week.
I'm sure that my connection is fine.

I tried asking this in the discord. Seem like during the session somehow i lost connection to the server( even for 1 second), someone told me to check for packet loss but everything run fine.

This suck, i honestly don't know what to do
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Bro been real quiet since this dropped...
About to start DD2 for the first time. Any tips?
At least my mom knows what it’s like to feel pride in her children.
Wolves hunt in packs!
Just have fun with it, healing items are plentiful so don't be shy in mixing things up and chomping them down. Keep a few dried meat in the pack just in case your aged meat goes bad. Oxcarts are your friend.

I'm not sure if any of this will be legit useful just trying to make sure the game isn't a ballache for you
Have fun with it.
Oh, also play a mage with palladium for magic or a warrior until you get decently into Battahl. You'll want a boat load of knockdown resistance until you learn enemy attack patterns, it'll stop you from hating the game.
Walk around the city, someone might yell at you.
What's your grinding spot
it was not ray tracing, it was reframework and my shoddy graphics tab setup
make sure to keep a few healing items on you at all times, cause it'll really fuck you over if you're not close to a city.
First playthrough, best playthrough.
It's an acquired taste. The highpoints are the highest of the series, everything else is not as good.
bought DD2 this sale
overall I am enjoying the combat and exploration better than DDDA
but anyone else feel like they rushed the game's development on Batthal?

I mean, I like the design ideas for the place - high level region crawling with monsters, tough geography to navigate with fewer campsite (which themselves are less safe than Vermund's), a society antagonistic to the Arisen and his Pawns
but the production itself feels to have been abruptly cut off part way through:
>fewer quests
>the monster variety doesn't change much
>the anti-Arisen and anti-Rift society isn't all that hostile to the arisen, his pawn or the use of rift magic
>even the few quests that exist are quite bizarre in continuity, like they were planned to be apart of a greater questline - Lanzo's side quest gets a cutscene and then he disapears from the game, however the cat queen's main quest doesn't get any cutscene, Ragnall shows up once and the very next time you kill him
Nope, that's the common read. Batthal was either rushed or largely scrapped and hastily stitched up
Shad Great Temple was 625 BO in... I don't know multiple Steely Dan songs. Garbage BO/min. Even the loot is kinda crap.
I had this problem. I hate using Geforce Experience but using it to "optimize" the settings fixed it for me.
This game worth 50 bucks on sale on ps5? Can I get a decent playtime out of it?
I got this, apparently not only, visual bug. Did 450 damage to him, he died.
I have around 150 ~ 200 hours of playtime and i think the game is shit. So i think you will probably find your money worth, as long as you don't buy it at full price
Why didn't you stop playing?
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I like fighting monsters, but i hate how slow and unresponsive my character is while fighting.
I like exploring the world, but only for the first time.
The end game is interesting, but only in concept.
Story and plot setup is interesting but ended up nothing

The game have a very good first impression, but i expected more. You could say that it's my fault to have unrealistic expectations and i would agree. The best thing about DD2 is when it still a pipe dream, when everyone make up vocations charts and predict the moon dungeon and whatever nonsense

Tldr: in my almost 200 playtime i mostly play for the combat. There's nothing like Dragon's Dogma combat, i just couldn't get enough of it
>People talking about how two hundred or so hours in dd2 is insane and they don't know what people did for all that time
>mfw I have a cumulative 760 hours across 4 accounts
I'd have more if this archaic system allowed for separate saves. I'd have an arisen of every vocation. I'd have played each through the game twice or thrice, and I'd mindlessly wander around Vermund with just me and my pawn bouncing from boss spawn point to boss spawn point.

And I didn't even play dd1. are you sure you guys belong in this general?
You clearly liked the game or atleast some of it. I just don't understand why you would call it shit if you can sing it's praise even after disapoitment.
Can you name me 3 (three) good games? Not for me to judge, I just want good game recomendations.

Most have forgoten that for a lot of people DD1 had to spend a couple of hours playing for it to "click" with them. I imagine that in future many will find DD2 to be the same.
i wish we got gold for killing enemies automatically instead of lil' baggies that sometimes drop sometimes don't.
>a lot of people DD1 had to spend a couple of hours playing for it to "click" with them
One of those people reporting in: I got into DD1 by a friend who said "you have to try this" and then when I played I nearly wiped out to the first set of hobgoblins during the tutorial (and then wiped out during the chimera fight). But when it clicked, about the time when I got to fight the Encampment cyclops, bloody hell did it click.
>Can you name me 3 (three) good games? Not for me to judge, I just want good game recomendations.

>Fallout new vegas
The game is pretty old, but the story and roleplay mechanic still hold up( i hope). It still got a fairly active modding scene too, if you're into that.

>Nioh 2
I play Nioh purely for the combat. But the story is suprisingly engaging, though the pacing could be bad for anyone who isn't familiar with Japan sengoku era history. When i played this for the first time, it was coop with a friend, so i went full weebu explaining characters and historical facts for them.

>SMT4 Strange Journey
I want to recommend you a turnbase game. This one is quite different from the other SMT. The game is purely dungeon crawling so you should take your time with it, or you might risk burning yourself out, especially in the longer dungeons.

I suppose you are right, i guess i do like DD2 deep down. It just that i refuse to admit it because i wanted it to be more
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I'm feeling some DD2 today
That's a big Flop
I'm getting cucked by the timer during the lvl 80 Tarrasque in Phyndim war.
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the spas are so goofy
>teleports npcs who like you to the other side of the world map so they can bathe, then has them walk home along a path with endgame enemies and a dragon
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the opportunity for shots like these is nice though
Do you have a Sorcerer with Comestion?
No I'm going to do it without needing to be carried by a Sorc.
For the love of Grigori remember where you pick up your first Seeker's Token. Beyond that have fun and take your time with the game, exploration is a lot of fun.
After Tarrasque, you have to fight the dragon from the "dragon awakened" EXM. It's impossible solo with that 15 minute timer.
The only one of those I haven't played is Nioh but thanks for sharing.
You need magick
Yeah right
hard mode is gonna be great. DLC is gonna be great. new vocation is gonna be great.
Fucking hell...
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pic was broken? I'll just do a jpg
By the Maker if this doesn't happen may an errant sorcerer cast Bolide at Capcom offices
based hoper
Chaewon and Chaewas
more like Chaewon and Chaelost
if you don't want to use a sorc then at least bring a blue vocation for lightning/fire enchants, maybe even equip fire affinity for burns
tarrasque is one of the few endgame enemies that sorc stays good at fighting compared to other vocations, overleveled/undergeared carry memes aside. it's slow as fuck and has obnoxious hitboxes, the only way the fight could be more anti-melee is if it had scourge demon flips
Anon. You're mistaking the quest, Earth Fury from Phyndim War Chronicles. I can handle Tarrasque fine, I'm level 85 and geared out. I'm running out of time because it's a boss rush that starts with an infected gorecyclops and altered zuhl and a bunch of harpy reskins and giant wargs, followed by a joke of fight with some trash mobs grigoris then you have to fight the equivalent of Sweet Pope and Hella Drake, and if you've never played DDDA, you fight a Wight, a cursed dragon and a bunch of shadow wolves. Then, finally you have Tarrasque, which I DEFEATED then it's followed by a fight against the dragon from the "awakened dragon" EXM. I don't even know if there's another fight after that because I got timed out.
NTA. Can you do it with other people? 8 man party perhaps?
i'm not mistaking it, i knew you were talking about the boss rush; that's why i brought up using a blue vocation (or using fire affinity) so you can swap to weaknesses or focus burns
the way you phrased your post made it seem like it was specifically the tarrasque that was timerscaming you, when being able to adjust your elemental weakness is probably the easiest bandaid speed improvement, followed by equipping the dragon damage boost augment since there are multiple dragons in that fight
Most definitely, an 8 man party can divide the work and the fights will be much faster. The one that takes me the most time is Altered Zuhl.

Anon, you don't have to lecture me, I have all that, it's probably skill issue. And Altered Zuhl takes me the most time not Tarrasque but most of the fights end with him.
I'd like to imagine she's trying not to laugh.
The loading circles are longer than most of my fights. I should just stop looting.
>Most have forgoten that for a lot of people DD1 had to spend a couple of hours playing for it to "click" with them
Ironically I had this problem with the BBI DLC, it took me until I bought DD1 for the second time (loved the basegame, thought BBI was a slog) for me to like the DLC. DD2 ended up being 70% of what I really wanted more from DD1, with my only issues really being the performance, that the second half of the game was rushed, and that the UW really needed to be longer. A reason to stay in it or an option to go "back" to it in NG+ would have been nice as well.
BBI-style DLC for 2 I definitely wouldn't mind, but I do wish we'd still get more updates to shit like camping. More cooking options, location specific pawn banter, etc. Wouldn't mind camping in an "open" area of a dungeon, though. If we got dungeons similar to the ones in Bloodbane with the open waterfall areas deep inside it'd be nice to camp in those.
so... how much more content in DDO compared to DDDA?
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She's so perfect bros. . .
Server is fucking melting

Much more.
Implemented though?
did they fix the spirit dragon fight not spawning crystals?
This server is actually a funny example of how things can go wrong in software development.
>developers make changes
>Only 1 admin to push changes into the server
>Bugs occur like you’d expect out of any program
>Major bugs get fixed but things like invalid/missing recipes/enemies/materials get reported then added to backlog
>someone else makes some changes to fix some of these minor issues
>admin forgets to push those changes, it gets added to the backlog
>developers make new major changes
> previous fix gets forgotten to push the new major change
>enemy placement gets broken and needs to be fixed (added to backlog)
>backlog gets forgotten again in favor of new hot change
significantly more, at the cost of it being significantly grindier. still fun though. the server everyone plays in currently has everything in S1 MSQ working, and DDON has a grand total of 3 seasons worth of content iirc.
Imagine doing Cato when the server is shitting itself.
So everything up to pdym is S1, are the following seasons the same ogre, griffin, zhul spam?
>kill night scourge three times
>only basic bitch blue opals drop twice, third one dies just as it becomes day because every spawn but the first one had max roots and jumped around like a faggot
>night scourge still spawns past 6 am
oh nevermind
iirc Bloodbane onwards is s2
>are the following seasons the same ogre, griffin, zhul spam?
didn't play the original JP release so I can't answer this, sorry. though I wouldn't put it past the game for most enemies to be reskins of cyclops/orges/grifs. there'd probably be new gimmicks (like the war-ready enemies) to shake things up, though.
It is what it is.
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Seems like the server is often shitting itself :(
Some channel 4 people went to 5, that's probably why.
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Pippi's lil bro has gone full sicko mode
How are seeker pawns? I wanted to make one but then I read they need a lot of augments to come online
Absolute garbage with tons of AI issues but they look cool.
Sometimes though, they'll actually manage to hit a weakspot and exhaust all the boss's stamina in like a single hit.
Sometimes they actually do damage, instead of walking back and forth and missing their grappling hook repeatedly.
Also they do not die, they cannot die.
>but they look cool.
That's good enough of a reason.
I also figured out you could combine EA's white health back on hit augment with Seeker's self immolation skill for free damage.
But I'd need to level a little more EA for that to even sort of make sense.
The good thing about it is that Sorc's fire augment is a lot cheaper than any strength augment.
I'm stuck in gacha hell! Usually I wouldn't bother but the augment "Extension" is a requirement to play Lancer and it costs a whopping 11 points. Looks like I'll be spending the week on this and I'll probably not even get what I want.
>Pawns still can't use all vocations like MK MA etc

Literally why kek, imagine running a 4 man team with same class. Its not even optimized OP shit
These bargain bin servers can't handle our level of no life grind, they are constantly shitting themselves.
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The best reason.
Can 4 sorcerers handle the night scourge?
afaik the issue is that the netcode is ass since they're essentially reverse engineering the game.
Yeah I think it's largely due to the fact that the SQL database can only have one thing written to it at a time, so if a bunch of people on one world are all looting or anything you literally take turns accessing the database lol.
Players? Maybe but the aoes are hard to see while casting with the limited vision you get.
Pawns? Get their hits in but also demolished repeatedly.
He is very weak to getting frozen thoughbeit.
They still haven't implemented JP rewards or does one of the missions give JP now?
That's how all databases work, but if it's an SQL based database it would make sense, that shit ain't build for these levels of no life grind. Did they say ehat they used? It might be worth looking at alternative options and migrate that shit to something faster and more robust if possible.
So one sage to keep the aggro and 3 sorcerers to fuck him up?
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I think most of the major enemies in S2 are already in the PS.
S3 also has some more things and content variety that might take time to get to PS but yeah, most of the enemies are reskins with some unique gimmicks.
how the fuck did the original game handle it?
I don't know, maybe by having actual serrvers and databases optimized for these kinds of rodeos?
I need materials anon.
by not being reverse engineered by a team of volunteers, perhaps
then why can't the reverse engineer team do a non-meme server option that can handle more than one ping request at a time...?
I'm not shitting on the guys running the servers, just saying thst the more they add stuff, the more people will start playing and connection eill just just keep getting worst and worst.
Time, money, manpower, etc, etc. Begans aren't choosers anon.
Read before you phonepost!
NEVER! Gotta keep it as lowe quality and with as many mistakes as possible.
How can you tell?
thst eill worst worst begans are all mistakes you don't "mske" on a keyboard
Phoneposters deserve voting rights! Stop the segregation! Phoneposters are people too!
anyone using mdf-xl? I can't seem to get my presets to show up on the dropdown menus even though I save them. is it broken after the update?
Armor-related mods seem to be broken after the update.
please do not the mandragora
Dunno, best to ask them.
I get that beggars can't be choosers but the way they have the server database setup seems hilariously shortsighted if the whole thing comes crumbling down when 20 or so people all send a database ping at the same time
do EMXs still not give BO or money?
Correct, just XP.
nope, XP and PP (if it's a boss)
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If anyone would like to join, we could use a 4th person for the Black Knight EXM. You'll have to be decently geared to enter it, though.
Do you need a couple pieces of the azure armor or something to hit the IR needed?
2 slots open now
I'd join but I feel that HS is useless in that fight
Darn, wish I wasn't at work.
Yeah, you'll need mostly IR 70 gear and a few azure pieces.
Never tried it with HS but feel like they'd be able to tear through rage with Ruin Blade. Add in the augs to make Ruin Blade stronger and conserve 25% meter and you get to just blast him from afar. Combine that with the shield and you get to ignore his attacks while staying on the offensive.
I could join if you aren't full yet

IMO HS is good at it, my HS pawn can do a decent job at fighting him. Terror Blast is a godsend because of how much he fucking teleports.
>people are complaining in the discord about the spirit dragon crystals still being buggy
How can anyone play Priest I feel like I just stand there holding Field Shift and while not contributing at all
what level are you? a lot of priest's buffs can't really be felt on the priest side of things until you get your stamina boost and your cast time boost
your actual buffs last longer than the field shift orbs btw, it can be a little hard to tell because there isn't a proper buff marker for it on top of the other two healer vocations using those orbs to indicate their buffs
i hate night scourge i hate night scourge i hate night scourge
Green vocations offer great support, healing and stamina regen are invaluable (among other buffs), just because they don't contribute to muh DPS doesn't mean they aren't great to have on a party.
Closed now, 4 player parties are apparently bugged and don't work.
it's the perfect vocation for someone who alt tabs a lot (me)
Any Pawn vocation DDG is low on?
for ddon? more green/blue vocations wouldn't hurt
DDON? Priest
DD2, got it covered
>ddon pawns
priests (ignore the shitters that keep saying priest pawns are bad, they got psyop'd by the field shift effect >>495318589 mentioned)
pick whatever
How can shield sluts so fucking based?
bruh stop calling them shield sluts
Hunter and Alchemist imo. Hunter gets overshadowed in general for the backline damage role by Sorceror and in a surprising turn, Shield Sage became the dark horse of /ddg/ and overshadowed Alchemist.
ddg def needs more sorcs
SS and alch are interchangeable for pawns IMO
hunter is overshadowed between people not wanting to deal with pawn ammo and the class' optimal build getting cucked by weak points

there are like 8 or 9 pages of level 85 sorcs and everyone already has at least one sorc on their main pawns bwo
>my pawns are priest and hunter
Cool, where do I pick up my special snowflake card.
I'm sure the game is just fucking with me at this point.
is there a big difference between level 5 and 6?
Not sure but I want 6.
kek fair enough, get back into the mines
at least it's not like the moon jewelry where you'll want a level 4 phys/mag attack jewelry while also rolling self-feedback (though level 2 is a respectable 15% lifesteal so I'd live with a low-level roll desu)
Yeah, it's just not that great, I guess being able to get green tea crystals sometimes is decent, but for BO/PP, you're better off with other routes.
Now that BK runs are harder to do, wouldn't it be better to get a 8-man party going and do Altered Zuhl runs? Can get the other nice materials that way too, I have a few Keys of Dragon Force stashed away...
What Dark Souls is that?
Zuhl doesn't drop Ocean crystals.
>third pawn get
time to commence grinding
What are some good BO routes? I've been casually abusing the griffin...
For PP spamming the myrmidon EXM should be fine
Oh, what does he drop exactly? The 3 types of blue opals?
I like doing this >>495247783
Yeah and the other 2 not Blue Opals have abysmal drop rates compared to Blue Opals which drop like common goblin fangs when you kill Zuhl. But, it depends on your luck, sometimes you'll get 5 other opals on a kill.
Good to know.
Then we could try Night Scourge, he does drop Ocean Crystals, right?
nta he rarely drops them
probably at a similar rate to the other two opals desu
Night Scourge's ocean crystal drop rate is really bad. I wouldn't recommend it considered how annoying he is to fight.
'Tis over... Guess the best way to do BK now is solo with 3 pawns, that's retarded.
I thought BK was solo able before?
wait did they kill doing BK with 5 pawns?
kinda annoying but I guess he's still killable with only 3
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Arisen Name: Ceciel Crescent

Lv85 Spirit Lancer
Skills: Wall Glasta (T), Corr Storm, Corr Meteor, Eadrom Counter
Crafting Skill: Equipment Enhancement 49

85 Warrior
Spark Slash (P), Savage Lunge (P), Escape Slash (P), Great Windmill
Equipment Quality 36

85 Shield Sage
Holy Wall (P), Rampart Raid (P), Slow Light, Protection Swing
Cost Performance 19

[Streamable] Brian McKnight (embed)
Shilling my 2 pawns for your BK runs
Bruh, I should go to sleep
Yes, it just might take longer depending on your gear and what pawns you use.
They seemed to have fixed the 3 pawns / 2 hires exploit, yes.
Holy... Guess I'll I can try with my SS and Esther and Helena.
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What does this blue mark on the corner of my helmet mean DDObros? https://i.imgur.com/qfvbyoQ.png
Why the fuck are people from world 1 in world 5 now
are you wearing something in the dress equipment layer? pretty sure that's what that means

No fucking clue, I decided to fuck off to channel 3 for some solo farming
What do fags use that garbage?
If only you could post an image on an image board.
Means you have it fashioned to something else.
Because he's a terminally retarded idiot who posted some dumb unrelated gif instead of just directly posting the picture
What type of enemy does he count as?
That dumb bird is 20 seconds away from getting FUCKED
I think it’s the dye color
dye color is a dot on the top right
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I love this game.
Total Goblin Annihilation.
>I decided to fuck off to channel 3 for some solo farming
Is this why Channel 5 seems emptier than usual sometimes?
Probably, if other anons had the same idea.
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fug I should've levelled a red, priest is so boring
But really useful though...
for group content I'm playing priest for sure but when I need to trust my pawns to dps for me it's kinda ehhh
I think I'm actually blind. Where is the new portcrystal in Bakbattahl?
to the right outside of the city, assuming you're coming from the big riftstone
bro come on now
Is random encounters back yet?
first vocation always sucks desu, you don't have borb boosts, you're fucking poor, and you're likely only running with 1-2 pawns, maybe 3-4 if you're using low-level rentals
Hunter pawns are kind of retarded off the bat. It's the only vocation where I've seen them just completely ignore their skills to use their core skills.
My own portcrystal is inside the city I figured it would be in there. Thanks.
Someone in the comments uploaded a fixed version in link related. Im using that and custom difficulty tweaks with 4.25x damage taken and 0.3 damage dealt. Having a great time.
Based thanks
According to the wiki he's a Spectral enemy, I'm assuming Spirit is the in-game equivalent. The proficiency augment for that comes from Elemental Archer.
wow he's just like me
silly healslut, there's no need to pretend you don't love it
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Literally the only attractive woman in the whole game.
what's her base head?
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>jump off cliff
>take thousands in damage
>heal it all back up
i seriously recommend gambling for a self-feedback accessory while the PP boost is up, even if it's a shitty stat roll like +2 defense the qol is unreal
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It's seriously not enjoyable grinding BO when the gains are still a fifth of what they should be
it's really strange, especially when you consider the vocation-specific BO trees from S2 and S3 if you want to get the few all-vocation boosts from everything
you need a LOT of them
Wait was it really supposed to be much higher? I did think it was a bit weird that even at a whopping 4x multiplier I would still have to kill at least 5 bosses to unlock a single node. And there's like what, 40 or 50 nodes lol. And you would have to do the same for each of your pawns too! I just chalked it up to MMO gonna MMO
Any one know what does more knockdown, speargonne or deadly shot?
something else worth noting is that spawns are fucked in general on the server, there were originally trash mobs that gave BO
this dude was killing a bunch of skeletons in hidell catacombs for blood orbs to fill up his earlygame tree. hell people in the comments are talking about their BO gains from that area
Purple named basic enemies that give BO... Interesting.
DD2 map so big they should add more bethesda style random encounter

This guy does some easy mode goblin hunting "extreme" mission and gets 3000BO. Now granted, the rewards for extreme missions in retail are only once a day so you can't farm this. There's supposed to be normal BO monsters everywhere too. From another video I saw, killing an infected lv65 goblin gave 35BO.
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anyone wanna farm bk 30 times with me (for me and two pawns) lol. or is there another way to get these?
You can also get them from night scourge but fuck night scourge
One circle in the fourth tier is 20.7k. Times 4 times 4 characters. That's 165.6k.
That's a little over 185 runs of infected griffin, clops, lizard, griffin, griffin clops. Enough XP to level all your pawn's every class from 0 to 80. Just no.
And there's the previous tiers to fully unlock too.
And then there's you beating the big bad, and the dragon still saying "oh you're not ready for a third pawn yet".
Then there's the damage you take, which is tickle or near one shot even with best gear. Like hmmm maybe we're supposed to have those +3 defenses, +30 HPs, +4 augment points for defense augments. And maybe even the dragon knight is supposed to take damage, as those +3 magic and str add up.

I've been thinking of this post a lot >>494539559
BK farming just isn't what it used to be now that we can't have 5 pawns in there, try hiring some really strong pawns and hope for the best, but if you're not DPS yourself to really take advantage of the times when BK is open, I can't imagine the fight going very smoothly.
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Yeah I'm down for some black knight
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>especially when you consider the vocation-specific BO trees from S2 and S3 if you want to get the few all-vocation boosts from everything
>Then there's the damage you take, which is tickle or near one shot even with best gear. Like hmmm maybe we're supposed to have those +3 defenses, +30 HPs, +4 augment points for defense augments. And maybe even the dragon knight is supposed to take damage, as those +3 magic and str add up.

A reminder that the current blood orb trees are only for season 1, the season 2 trees aren't implemented yet which is a big part of why the high-level enemies can seriously fuck you up. The later trees required you to do a whole fucking quest with the respective vocations equipped before you could unlock the trees. pic related is the first section of the warrior tree lmao
I'd like to but I don't feel like I have the damage
Has anyone else been getting a lot of destroyed oxcarts along the roads and in towns after the latest patch?
come join us anyways, we just 3 manned it
Do you have enough Item Rank to join? You need 67 at least.
Crap I went to do stuff
A grandpa is ready when you're done
Tanks stay logged in always pls
we only have two lol we're finished
just get one of the reds to put on alchemist augs, you DO have crests in your weapon right?
DDO? Mine seems to be doing alright using custom skills, although the damage output is a bit underwhelming.
anyone got a picture of what the sovran set looks like with the stats?
I'm redownloading DD2 cause of the update
still going?
a tank only really matters for night scourge and maybe cato desu, otherwise you can live without their status effects
black knight likes to teleport like a schizo regardless of aggro and spirit dragon is a mechanics-focused boss (with literal physical/magical damage gimmicks with the fucking crystals, I'd rather have another sorcerer or HS than a tank unless the crystals are a complete non-issue for the remaining 7 people)
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Does catnip work on beastren?
trying to form a 4 man party for exms be like
Shut it narc
I don't see why it shouldn't.
>Is DD2 the most disappointing game of the decade?
Not THE most, I did have fun with it for a while despite acknowledging it had some real flaws
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>notice anon wants to run something
>go to switch to a blue vocation
>see party is full
>unswitch and go back to minding my own business

idk how many red mains actually have alch leveled though. a lot of the good supportive crests/gear setups are missing too afaik, so blues might as well have a monopoly on slow/sleep/(stone/gold) for the time being
I have alch leveled for the augs, but not enough to use it in a real fight. If augment slots weren't so tight, I'd try dicking around with an aggro build. Maybe it'll be easier once we get some more jewelry.
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exciting priest gameplay
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You're literally gay
I said woman, and I said attractive.
You don't think Doireann, Ulrika, Nadinia or Menella are attractive? Also, I can't remember the name of the little beastren lady who accompanied Nadinia, she was also really cute and had a lovely voice.
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How do I cope with the sorcerer not having all the cool spells from the first game? Or the romance getting even worse compared to the first game? Or no endgame? I saw some combat and I can see it's mechanically a lot better than the first game but these nitpicks have been bothering me too much. I say all of this in good faith I want to enjoy the game.
DDON has damage spells from both games + more
It's time to accept DD2 for what it is, at least it's another DD game, and it's unique in its own ways, even with all its flaws, I always keep coming back to these games.
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Yeah I was reading this thread, the DDON being revived came outta fucking nowhere, but I'd still like to enjoy DD2 as well. Wait does DDON has romance too?
You're right, funny thing is, because the two games are so different from each other, I'm genuinely getting cravings to play both games. Is there a guide for how to make the game run better? I must be using some retarded graphics options because the webms I saw here run so fucking well.
Now that it's on sale, tell me why I shouldn't buy DD2.
>Doireann, Ulrika, Nadinia or Menella are attractive?
nah Doireann is kinda cute though, just not really super attractive.
>Play DD2
>Use calm voice for my pawn
>Turns out that's super defensive inclination
>It's locked to voices

What the fuck lmao. Also it means that if you don't pick up simple they'll never gather or pick up shit.

I can't believe a lot of drops in this game don't have a neon shine only seems to work for minerals
Even if the game has something like that, it's definitely not implemented
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You can climb on Altered Zuhl's back when he does his shockwave move to avoid it. Can't go higher than between his wings though as it can still potentially hit you since he lowers his head.
>tell me why I shouldn't buy DD2.
I can't, though I guess if you're playing DDDA or DDO now and see yourself being busy with any of these games for a long time, you could wait until DD gets DLC and then buy it.
>frog in NE dies
>to nothing, no one turns that way
>sudden mass of BO from all the frogs
Damn, that's good to know, I'll climb and spam shit next time instead of wasting time on the ground like a shitter.
Not playing DDDA right now and I can't justify starting a live-service MMO (which I assume is what DDO is, I'm not wholly informed) I'm super burnt out on grindy gambly live service slop. Tell me if I'm wrong about DDO though, I just hear "MMO" and the rest comes to mind.
DDO is a MMO version of DDDA that got it's service finished and is now being revived by the community, so don't expect any future updates or any p2w bs. Never played it but from what I heard it's a much more complete version of DDDA that never got a western server.
DDO was shutdown years ago but it's been brought back to life by some dedicated people, and they've setup a private server for people to play on, it's been very enjoyable for me, even at the endgame, I have never felt like it's that grindy, but playing with others /ddg/ anons has certainly made things go smoother and faster, also, it being a user-driven project means there's no pay2win stuff. (and can't never be since Capcom would shut it down)

However the game is not perfect right now, not all content has been restored (but is being restored at steady pace) and the server is not super reliable, I've still been playing for like a month non-stop though, I'm just happy to play more DD, and it's nice playing old vocations with new skills, core skills and even completely new vocations, also, pawns can use all vocations, so that's interesting too.
Nah you're right about DDO it's exactly what it sounds like
Shut up Chae, and come revive gramps again
It all depens on your hardware, but one thing is for certain, do not expect good performance on Vernworth, even with a high end CPU, if you've got an RTX 4000 card you can and should use frame gen to somewhat help with that.
My calm gathers pretty often, not to be Dr. Pawn AI research, but maybe it depends on how klepto you yourself play
>romance getting even worse compared to the first game?
NPCs are bland but pawn-wise it's way better
You just gave me an idea to try the AMD driver frame gen/upsacaling, it's genuinely better than the space marine 2 ingame frame generation.
I've never tried AFMF, but it's certainly worth a shot, it will look/feel bad unless you're getting at least 60 "normal" frames, also, this game should get FSR frame gen eventually, not sure why it takes them so long to implement it.
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>make pawn a literal visual clone of main character in the first game because of that true ending
>do the same on DD2 on release because there was no info on it
>the main romance addition for DD2 is now two gigachad clones having the hots for each other
only being up to his standards
>Wait does DDON has romance too?
afaik it has far more pawn coombait than 2 due to the nature of it being an MMO but there's no NPC romance. the pawn affection isn't implemented yet either and a lot of the pawn dialogue is poorly or not translated.
specs are probably the most important thing here, most anons seem to have mid to high tier PCs.
I'm free at last
Man heavenly shot is actually worth putting on an archer pawn now, this is kinda neat. Although it does lead to moments where you're left wondering why the boss is suddenly dead.

I hope they come along with the hardmode update soon, I don't really wanna continue de-optimising my pawns to do less damage.
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At least one pawn always suicides at Shutram Falls.
That thing is too adorable.
I think Night Scourge SUCKS
How are you all organising on DDON without guilds?
Didn't even know anyone here was playing it
channel 5, then just ask if anyone is up to group. most people responding in english are likely from /ddg/
Either in the thread or in game, you can find info on DDON from the pastebin at the bottom of the OP. The server people play on has different channels, typically people play on channel 5.
Second pawn's tree is done
So I played the officiala DDON server when it was live and yes, almost everything about the private server is based on S1 despite the client having all S2 + S3 content because the owner is some autist who thinks grinding is the only reason for an MMO to exist and doesn't want to implement all the things capcom implemented that made the game tolerable to play after S1.

It makes absolutely zero sense to do it this way because it's literally tripling the amount of work they'll need to do when they eventually change it to how it's supposed to work, they've basically gone out of their way to build a classic/S1 server instead of restoring it to how it was at end of life.

Another example, they're planning on re-implementing being unable to pick any vocation at the start and locking the new ones behind already having a leveled vocation.
This was already removed early into S3 but they want to add it back. Fucking retarded.
Not surprised when they even implemented the XP penalty when there's a clear evidence from the JP wiki that it was removed by Capcom themselves. It doesn't help when the owner is surrounded by discord yes men.
Yeah I've been in there multiple times arguing against adding shit that was already officially removed but they never even bother trying to come up with a reason why it should be added and just ignore the fact that it's not accurate to how the game was in S3.
Complete waste of dev time.
>come back to game after 3 months
>think my pawn looks ugly

what's this phenomenon called
post in the thread and hope someone comes
post in the thread and hope that the party isn't already full
>they've basically gone out of their way to build a classic/S1 server instead of restoring it to how it was at end of life.
I mean if they want to build S1 server they would've removed EX skills altogether too. This is just their own 'vision' for how their PS should be. That said I think another reason is probably because they can't implement certain content properly yet so they resort to padding shit out with random changes. Fights in S1 and S2 were mostly simple so they can just use them as content. Things that involve a lot of scripting need more time to get right I guess. I'd reckon shit like War Missions, Epitaph, those random ass interrogation missions and whatever that Chain Mission thing near the end was had more server side scripting so it won't be out just yet.
it's really unfortunate, multiple people brought up why the xp penalty was a bad idea and they were completely ignored in favor of making the penalty range slightly wider.
>rookie ring isn't working and was intentionally disabled anyway
>multiple quests were missing, and still are, even if it's better now
>completely ignoring that there was a damn course that negated the penalty (before the penalty was removed outright)
>not adding in a way for high level players to get the course, such as paying a measly 10 PP to remove the penalty for themselves so they can easily level alt vocations (partially due to technically issues, but still)
>the playerbase literally being too small for people to easily find party members within a similar level range unless they started at the same time, and even then they would be limited by vocations if they do a bit of solo grinding or play with someone else
I'm all for keeping the game on the slower side since I've played older MMOs, but the game was perfectly fine without the penalty before you could boost yourself with pawn rentals. now it's a slog to level other vocations outside of xp events.

the server is full of shit that they'll have to change eventually, the most obvious example affecting everyone is the weird netcode that handles database requests one ping at a time.
blood orbs being nerfed for the S1 trees makes even less sense when you consider that we're missing the named mobs that were brought up earlier. they're adding inconvenience just for the sake of it, rather than the "inconvenience" being content like the quests you had to do to unlock higher-level skills.
it's been mentioned before, but people are going to be fucking pissed when area rank is implemented. same for the S2 and S3 blood orb trees.
Congrats. Where are you farming BO and how much it cost to fully upgrade one pawn?
>missing content that made the XP curve better (rookie ring, quests, etc.)
>completely ignoring that there was a damn course that negated the penalty (before the penalty was removed outright)
Those are what pissed me off the most when the xp penalty was initially implemented. It was originally added as another F2Ptax like crafting time, on top of being completely removed in season 3.
As a feature, it was probably trivial to implement, but there was no reason to enable it after proving it worked; they could have programmed it and then turned off the switch until later.
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Look at this little Sonic
The usual run around Phyndim sometimes from farming Zuhl but that gets really expensive and you have to farm mats for the keys. Last time I checked, my pawns lacked around 30K BO to fully upgrade their trees even before the XP event.
Not adding the rookie ring or even just a permanent 2-3x exp to the server is fucking stupid. I don't even bother leveling anything without the events because it's a waste of time.
They've nerfed the quest exp back to S1 values too, in S3 doing the main quest would basically level up your first vocation for free, negating the absolute cock and ball torture that is trying to level up from level 1 with no gear or quests to do, the new player experience is literally worse than the official server which is ridiculous for a private server.
Among other sources of exp that are missing, it makes the server so unreasonably grindy.

And yeah, if area rank is added with no changes it's probably going to be the tipping point for most people, I think they've only gotten away with making the game this annoying because these people never actually tried playing the official server and have no point of reference.
See >>495383154
>I think they've only gotten away with making the game this annoying because these people never actually tried playing the official server and have no point of reference.
Same here. DD2 being in the state of limbo that it is, along with the game being free is likely carrying things desu. I wouldn't be surprised to see the server population drop (and the overall connection improve) if a DD2 DLC were to shadowdrop.
Most people are playing the game despite their grievances because it's more DD.
me when i practice perspective shots
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>not gradually changing his pawn to look like the Arisen throughout the game
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DDON Knowers.
What's the story behind the infected? Did it come from BBI or did it come to BBI from Phimosis? Did it come from the Scourge?
And does the real version of the game have Battle on the Big Bridge Zuhl?
>And does the real version of the game have Battle on the Big Bridge Zuhl?
>night scourge drops its ground infection geyser
>pawn walks up to it
>pawn sits in it
>geyser explodes and pawn goes down
jesus fucking christ why are the pawns more retarded in this fight compared to other fights? it's like I'm playing a real MMO with how often they'll stand in the glowing red one shots
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I love sorcerers
and randomly zooming across the battlefield
Sorcerers everywhere.
I still don't think they are overtuned, but more the issue discussed earlier.
Other classes deal lower amounts of damage and are more heavily influenced by the lack of BO upgrades. Not quite in the scale of DD1 where you did zero damage if you didn't hit a damage threshold, but... getting close.
Sorcerer on the other hand is gonna at least deal like 300 damage per Levin strike no matter what. It's not 3000, it's not 9999 like you'd want to, but 300 half a dozen times is still a lot.
It's no wonder they're popular on this server.
You just described an overtuned class..
No, others just aren't doing the damage they're supposed to.
>every other class doing little damage
>this one class does fuckton
>not overtuned
How's DD2 as an introduction to the series? I've heard mixed opinions, should I just play 1 and forget about it? Or play both since they're both on sale.
It's perfectly fine as an introduction.
If you like 1 you'll like 2, unless you build up false expectations for a decade in between playthroughs.
Fuck jannies.
It's alright, story is fucking garbage tho.
it's fine. if you like dd2 at all you should think about getting dd1. capcom is updating dd2 but i don't think they can ever fix the absolute putrid dogshit story.
>False expectations
Bargaining stage.
Will I get a decent many hours out of it? How's the replayability, even on sale it's like 57AUD which is retarded but partially the fault of my shit nation.
You should play DD:DA (the first game), take your time with it, and then make decisions. 2 claims you don't need knowledge of the first game, but you do for the story to make even half sense.

Three tips:
Near the start go save the missing girl that a man approaches you about, instead of continuing the main story that has you escort something's head. Otherwise you miss a ton of later sidequests.
Don't go to the purple circle for the first playthrough. Or do, but it has spoilers, it's the DLC.
When you get to the city, check what's stashed in your loot chest by talking to the innkeeper.
If you're one of those "dollar per hour" people you can easily get 50 hours or more out of DD2 if you actually explore the world
It's not like I consider it a strict rule or anything, quality of those hours is obviously a consideration. But I do appreciate when a 60 some dollar game doesn't fizzle out in under 50 hours.

I see. I may well do that.
>Will I get decent many hours out of it?
Depends on what you define as "decent" but it's easy to drop 200 hours on it before replaying. Easy to get 60 hours without initiating the MSQ.
>How's the replayability
Kind of bad compared to DDDA (which has the DLC built in) unless if you're gunning to minmax pawn badges
Don't you usually pay $100 dingo dollars for a game, 50% off shouldn't be that bad, should have tried it during the free weekend.
Sorcerers are simply the lazy class, they don't need much additional effort to hit their maximum potential and pawns are almost incapable of fucking up as one.
>Elemental damage augments come from Sorcerer
>MAG damage augments come from Sorcerer (low hp, high hp, high stamina, general) which are massive damage increases
>Sorc is not as reliant on higher leveled gear to trigger the 85% stamina damage boosts; they can easily stay in the high stamina range with their "Restore stamina while casting a spell" and/or "Restore Stamina after a successful Chant input" augments, whereas most other vocations would need to chug potions or have a green vocation supporting them (resulting in something along the lines of +70% additional damage)

The only thing overtuned about Sorcerer is that you genuinely don't need to level other classes, while everyone else needs at least one (Sorcerer) or two (Sorcerer, Fighter) other vocations partially leveled for their core augments. Let's use Alchemist as an example
>wants Fighter for STR, High HP STR, Low HP STR, High Stamina STR
>wants Sorcerer for Elemental Damage
That's two other vocations just to put it on par with Sorcerer. To minmax it and really bring out its damage potential, you'd want more shit
>wants High Scepter for the Core Skill boost (for Elixir detonates, etc.)
>wants Spirit Lancer for the attack boost while your weapon is enchanted (Alchemist has zero reason to not be running an enchant with how free it is)
>wants any of the unlisted vocations for racial boosts (e.g. Element Archer for Spirit Damage if you want to blitz the Black Knight)
>(optionally, depending on the build) Aerial damage boosts from Seeker
>(optionally, more supportive) wants Shield Sage for enchant duration
>Restore Stamina after a successful Chant input
This is the better one, you don't even need to get it to level 6. It's so much mana gain per waggle.
Yeah, that augment pretty much guarantees you'd be topped off on stamina, or if not then at least within the attack boost range by the time your spell goes off
>the better one is 3 points cheaper
is the other one 10 points just because it works with other vocation's spells? is it even worth using on priest or ea? there's no way it'd be worth it during hs' casts
I couldn't manage to stay away for 3 whole months, but her chest and smile still warmed my wounded heart
I don't know and have been wondering about it myself.
i read that it works with spells but my issue is that it's 10 whole points and idk how stamina-hungry priest is, or how bad priest cast times are. would they even need the stamina regen during casts, especially when they can just drop an infinite stamina pool somewhere and sit in it?
if the augment was even more universal and said "lets you recover stamina while charging an attack" then I'm sure some warriors and hunters might find some use out of it, but idk. not all of ea's attacks look like they would even count as spells either, so idk if ea would even get much use out of it. plus the aforementioned "just use your stamina regen skill" problem
If you have the stamina regen spell, it doesn't matter, but yes they can be stamina hungry
this system is a big part of why leveling should not be the grindy part of the game
>L-le story is shit!
Fuck off /v/ermin. The story is unfinished, but by no means is it shit.
>5 sorcs
Now this is gaming.
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>haircut in DD1
>haircut in DD2
What IS up with that?
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That system is exactly why the Rookie Ring exists, you get a fat exp boost for the lower levels so you can easily get most of the augments you'd want on other vocations without needing to do much else.
Levels were still rather grindy in the original, but the server's current state is probably the worst it'll get since higher-level monsters and quests give more xp. I doubt they would increase the level cap anytime soon with S2 being as piecemeal as it is.
The Royal Treatment in DD1 was 3,000. In DD2 it's 25,000
maybe to discourage people from levelling up their pawn's affection stat too fast, considering that it is tied to the true ending and all
playing warfarer is pretty interesting, because it kinda forces you to really boil down vocations to one skill. Like, skydragoun's fist is the only skill that mystic spearhand needs, everything else is superfluous with an arguable exception in speregonne as nothing else in the vocation is a real heavy hitter, but the vocation itself hits hard and fast enough and has enough potential to delay enemies with the forbiding bolt that it's also kinda not super necessary.

Trying to boil down archer now, and I'm torn between tempest shot and spiral arrow as the most essential skill. The multi shots are rather underwhelming , and while they improved the shit out of deathly arrow, puncture dart already does the "shoot an arrow really hard" job really well with more consistency. So does one go with 'shoot an arrow that keeps hitting" or "shoot lots really fast"?
>accidentally go to channel 1
>stay for a bit until the interact delay becomes too much
idk how the hell anyone plays like this, holy fuck
the answer is blast arrow
Gotta wait till everyone is asleep.
I decided spiral arrow was the least reductive skill, tempest just turned into boring button mashing
I agree but they're no good for the elf larp and also, the fire damage turns me off since spiral is universal and fire is cucked against drakes.
That makes no fucking sense.
It's garbage anon and you screeching about it won't make it less shit.
Back to your containment board already >>>/v/
stop following me to channel 3 you fucks
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Second week of the Divegrass Newfag cup is starting in a minute. /ddg/ will be playing the second match, our fate depends on if /dng/ beat /bag/ and we beat /uma/.

In complete denial.
Yeah you are
can this low-effort shitposter that keeps talking about everyone he doesn't like being from /v/ fuck off already
My current WF is Lycian Shot, Cloudward Slash, Frigor

The one I weaned off of for steamrolling too hard was Flameburst, Skydragon, Augural Flare
Deathly Arrow got a big buff in terms of power and ease of use. I knocked down a midair griffin with a single timed shot of it. Previously I'd say that Spiral Arrow was just better in every way, but now Deathly is fun and worth using. Personally, I hate the entire concept of Warfarer. Making the game in a way to make each vocation unique then removing that uniqueness by making a vocation that can do 95% of what each vocation can do but with additional utility to make up for that lost 5% is just a lame idea imo. Having no unique skills other than Rearmament and only 2 augments also just makes it feel like a vocation switch mod instead of something actually unique.
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How do you guys farm night scourge? He's annoying.
Run around in circles reviving my pawns until a freeze procs, then attack the tree parts until it's down and I can actually attack it.
I wish I was joking this fight is fucking aids. I'd do cato instead if it wasn't as much of a stat inflated mess
You are missing a shield slut.
>/v/ermin shitposter thinks hes welcome here
shut the fuck up slutfag, you clearly haven't fought it
Just this once, I'll put my faith in the heart of the cards.
It's rude to call Shield Sages that way, anon.
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It's the weekend. It's time to teach that armored turtle a lesson again. Recruiting at WDT.
We should also go kill Giga Zuhl like fifty times after that
I'll be on in a hour.
We were abusing the "Dangerous Legendary Zuhl" yesterday, he would spawn at like 1% HP, we abused the fuck out of it, it was glorious.
I never really liked Lycian shot, redpill me on it, it seems hard to use well in situations other than sniping pre-engagement.

>The one I weaned off of for steamrolling too hard was Flameburst, Skydragon, Augural Flare
this is literally the only game I've had to max min. it's pretty wild when you think about it.

Yeah it got a huge buff but my problem with it is it doesn't bring anything new to the table, and given how limited warfarer is, you really don't want to be nullifying any of your core moves. I agree with your criticisms, and maybe wouldn't play warfarer if it weren't for the fashion. There should be a 4th upgrade tier like dragonforging that lowers your armour's stats in return for removing the vocation restriction. Finding synergy is nice though, they just mishandled it. As you say, warfarer should have more augments dedicated to enhancing synergy, like boosting the duration of self enchants like enkindled blades or proliferating shot Or using rearmament after a perfect deflect made you do a special attack unique to whatever weapon you swap to. That could be a core skill, rather than an augment. Lotta wasted potential. But on the other hand, further fleshing out warfarer means you have to make every other vocation more rewarding and give them more and better maister skills.
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i got full azure because of it lol
Did they fix it?
Fucking hell, that thing dropped the orb thing you need for it?
I'm still using lvl55 gear.
Got all my pawns in full azure lmao. Now I'm out of keys and mats. Worth it though.
>Did they fix it?
I'm not sure how it's triggered, but no, it should still be possible to do.
it's probably triggered the same way that the other 1hp severe enemies are
idk how to trigger it either, maybe something to do with spawning the first one just as the time changes
Is it over?
fuck you, I'm jelly
>Fully weaponized Chaeyun
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'tis over
>over when I was changing crests and augments
>false expectations
people just wanted more of the same, not "fixing" what wasn't broken
chudface so good it made me spit out my drink, thank you anon
Last pawn's done.
Now I wait for the skill augmentation to do this dumb grind again
People defending the pitiful XP and BO gains etc on this server remind me of PSO2 NGS players' stockholm syndrome.
who the fuck is defending the bo gains?
the exp gains i can understand to a degree because some faggot was begging for the game to be like XIV last week
Server died.. How do I get to the morrow forest?
um sweetie if you don't like it you can make your own server okay?
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8 anons used to live here, now it's a ghost town
Of course I didn't get to grab Zuhl's loot bag, FUCK
after a quick glance through the discord, nobody is
anon is a shitposting faggot which doesn't surprise me because he's a pso2 nigger, honestly explains a lot about some of the shitposts this poor thread has gotten lately
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Surely them starting to post shitty memes again on xitter means something is coming right. Right?
I suppose 'tis so...
The early Griffin gets the worm, as they say...
Thanks for joining everyone!
Fun times, I think I can craft a full Azure set for myself with all those opals.
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Chae said Hello one time too many and the cops got to him
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How jank is Dark Arisen? I'm thinking about trying it
>press anything
>loading circle
Cheers, died way too much doing Cato but bullying the fuck out of Zuhl was satisfying
Seriously I don't know if it's because Levin is a tiny bit weaker than Comestion, but Comestion did more damage to him during the initial hits.
Also he's weak as shit to stagger when he's flying even when berserk, Levin will just drop him.
It's the greatest unfinished truthfully 7/10 but also GOATest game ever made with the best gameplay ever devised. Zero jank.
Not jank at all, it's got problems just like DD2, but "jank" isn't one of them.
Additionally, I tested basically every other spell previously.
One I hadn't was Seism, which I saw pawns casting on him. Honestly not a good choice either, same pretty weak damage as other long casts, and doesn't instantly unbalance him either.
Levin, Comestion, trap (with elemental buff especially), Black Haze are what work.
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I kneel.
Damn, I want to craft that for fashion... It's gonna be expensive.
Yeah, definitely my favorite "knight" armor in the game. Now's the time to get it though. Back then, I grinded Ents for like 10BO a kill to get the 1000+ needed to craft it. Wish the pauldron had better textures though, it looks like an ugly onion.
Shill me your DDO pawns with the "Cost Performance" crafting skill, please, I want to save my shekels.
Kasper (Grandpa) has it but he's not a very high level crafter yet, it's only in the 20s?
Are we flexing?
That's pretty good, I'll hire him.
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Ceciel doesn't count because he's a big nerd
Good point, it's now or never, just gotta farm a little BO, kill a few cursed dragons... It should be relatively fast.
How do I earn the big bucks (DDON)?
You need to hit LV. 60, then head to BBI, basic enemies drop up to 30k gold and bosses up to 60k gold.
Oh, the Azure body armor only needed basic Phindym materials for max enhancement, surely this means the leg, arm and head pieces will ask for even easier mater-
>Relief Coin
it's insane how cheap the body armor was to upgrade materials-wise, you can probably straight gun it to 4* as soon as you craft it
that said the relief coin fillers are annoying, it's going to fucking suck when the pp boost ends. I'm gonna need to farm a few extras so I can 1* some fashion to dye
inb4 it looks like shit because you can't preview dyes unless you've already upgraded an item
How hard is keyed zuhl, compared to cato and night scourge?
Fug, this keeps happening, anyone else?
I feel that Zuhl (and Night Zuhl) is definitely easier than Cato, with a full party you can even constantly stagger him and his stamina runs out a lot faster too, and the only bullshit attack he has is the ground slam, if you're melee, you'll probably want to jump on his back when he does it and you'll be safe, or run to the entrance if you're a Sorc, Priest or Hunter.
He doesn't drop Ocean Crystals though.
Hoo boy, low poly Arisen.
Guess I'll keep grinding...
Anything decent near the halfway point around 30?
DDObros i was stupid and wasted all of my R currency teleporting to places outside of my level, what's the best way I can farm it at my current level? 15
Level 15 you should only be teleporting to Tel and Lynwood, and maybe the beach. Set your favorites to those locations for free teleports and build your RC back up by doing the quests.
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You can follow this route, it doesn't require you to fight anything, just need to grab the 4 chests marked on the map. Be sure to set the portcrystal as a favorite.
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At that level, you might want to go the Temple of Purification lakeside area, there's a port crystal there, and you can loot 4 chests in that are that will give you about 35k gold (combined) every time.
On the left image you can see the route you need to take to get there, you will have to go inside the Temple of Purification and find the way to get to the top, you should probably just run past everything and reach the port crystal and favorite it to do gold runs whenever you need them.
On the right is the money run itself, enemies here might kick your ass, so I also recommend avoiding them and just focusing on the chests, the worst enemies here are some garms at the beginning, the rest are easy to avoid.
You get RC by doing quests and killing bosses (purple health bars), also make sure to favorite port crystals you teleport to often, to make the free to use, except the Arisen's room, that one is always free.
I did notice that chests are always the same draw, so I figured there must be something. Nice
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I went in and killed him on my first try, holy fucking shit it's insane how much easier he feels compared to the other two Opal bosses desu. Even his damage felt significantly lower, though the sudden Death spawn had me concerned for a moment.
Is the key a guaranteed drop, like a refund if you kill him, or did I just get lucky here?
>the only bullshit attack he has is the ground slam, if you're melee, you'll probably want to jump on his back when he does it and you'll be safe, or run to the entrance if you're a Sorc, Priest or Hunter.
The first time he did that, I ran away because he teleported to the middle of the room and looked like he was doing a big attack. Jumping over the shockwaves worked while I was far enough away, just like a similar attack BK does. I tried climbing him and stuck to that if I could run up to him in time though.

That said, I don't mind the lack of Ocean Crystals since I can just bully BK for those, so I think I'll spam zuhl to finish my armor set.
Go kill the quest wright in Small Cave Tombs, that should give you a bit of emergency R
You got a little lucky there, keys are uncommon, and sometimes he won't even drop opals so you'd just get the gold and RC.
Damn, oh well.
>Zuhl (and Night Zuhl)
nta what's the difference between the two?
Night Zuhl is LV 87 instead of 85, has slightly better drops and is overall a little harder since he starts using more powerful spells earlier, I haven't fought either of them alone so they don't feel that different to me, I'm usually on party with other anons so both of them die equally fast.
Which dragon force key craft is easiest or are they all relatively the same?
Human Seja looks pretty good
purple petal one is probably the easiest, though the first craft key might have a few materials lying around if you were farming for other armor sets
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Here's the un-upgraded stats for the sovran set.
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Full dwarven and dragon forge upgrades
First time playing Dogma 1? Enjoy it anon.
Night has more HP/ATK/DEF since it's level 87 instead of 85, spawns in a Death instead of a few blood orb frogs, gives more pp/bo, and has slightly better drops overall
How playable is the DDOnline public server these days? Wanted to get a couple friends in it to see what they missed, how far are we gonna be able to get?
Forgot to mention, but the death drops (normal) upgrade rocks, though it seems that it'll get changed to drop the 3-4 slot upgrade rocks.

Season 1's story quest is in, and maps up to Season 2 are in. The game's using Season 3 balance and has EX/BO skills. They just recently got EXMs working too, though some are buggy.
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>50 of these

This gave me a good chunk of it, thanks
I'm thinking of doing the usual Phindym run for BO/PP/Gold, anyone want to join?
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>try out Phindym Chronicles EXM
>"what the fuck why is this so difficult? a severe cyclops AND a zuhl?
>try it again with an aug setup
>cyclops spawns in as normal and clear the first stage in half the time, look up the mission and see that the first stage is supposed to just be the zuhl
I guess that explains why it was giving BO and drops, fucking lmao
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Returning after not playing for 4 months.
I'm so sad this is probably gonna be the last dragon's dogma game ever. Hopefully the DLC is good and provides some comfy dungeon content I can farm for at least another one or two hundred hours.
Maybe I'll give the mmo a try.
I couldn't finish that EXM, I get timed out at the dragon. It's probably easier solo because multiplayer is bugged to 3 people only.
I could bring my 2 silly and very naked sorcerer for support, I'm still rocking low level gear and can't really fight anything in Phindym, unless you want to help me upgrade my gear?
rip thread
It's fine, I can handle the bosses myself, I'll use the in-game chat to announce myself
Aright, I'll join in a minute.
I maintain hope and cope that it might not be the last game. Even if Itsuno is out, DDON wasn't made with his involvement either and it was fairly kino, even if the setting wasn't similar at all.

All I want is for them to bring Tadayoshi Makino to make the OST for whatever they end up doing, and I'd be content with that much. His presence is sorely missed in DD2.
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I barely managed to clear it with three pawns. I think that the main timesinks on the quest right now are the tagalong cyclops at the start (I wouldn't even bother attempting the quest at night right now desu) and the tarrasque being a fucking faggot between its slow, forced camera angle changes and the chance that he'll summon the petrify orbs shortly before you down him, potentially forcing you into an additional cycle.
The last stage isn't too bad once you stagger the boss; pacing-wise if you enter it with about 4 and a half or so minutes left, you'll probably be able to clear.
Zuhl takes all my time because he's a massive faggot that likes to fly when I have no magic charges.

Evacuate whenever, Arisen
>you do for the story to make even half sense
You were never supposed to assume DD2 was playing by the same rules as DDDA, and I have idea why you lore autists still insist you should.

It's a game about bonking big monsters.
>Lots of places to explore BAD
Go back
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