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Currently: Ragna/v/ 3 - Released on Friday, August 16th
Pay attention to the changed WoE settings!

>Ragna/v/ 3
>7x EXP/5x Equip/3x Misc/10x Cards - Pre-Renewal
This is the upcoming 4chan community server. Unlike the previous two editions, this server has extensive rebalance and changes. Discussion, status updates and information gets released on this thread. Non-commercial, unmoderated chat.

Rates: 5x/5x/5x/3x, it's OriginsRO except rebranded. Not wiped, server was brought back from exactly the point where Origins stopped.

>UARO - High pop; vanillacore low-rate; multiclienting banned;
Rates: 5x/5x/5x

>ccRO - Pure PvE card farming, seasonal;
Rates: Customized depending on spawn rarity

>But where is /ro/ playing??
Nowhere en masse. You can find a few stragglers on any of those servers.

>Basic resources:

Careful with iROwiki links. If the url has "wiki", you're looking at the Renewal article.

Source Code:

Previous: >>494739910 (Cross-thread)
Actual last thread(the one linked in OP was the one before).
female alchemists routinely brew futa potions
what bg changes do you have in mind? i think you should probably discuss them without adding them, just in case
I wish my girlfriend brewed futa potions..
Force her (him) to play an alchemist, sis (bro)
I don't like futa so I don't brew those kinds of potions.
I brew tentacle bottles.
Well female blacksmith have sex with anvils
If we want more new-players, we need to make a rentry that explains all the esoteric nigger shit that advanced players have ingrained already like what rare (non-ting) drops in the early and mid-game are valuable (for alts/self/or selling) as well as the point of farming certain dungeons or areas. It's not accessible in the slightest that a new player has to research defunct wikis and sub-1000 subscriber youtube channels to figure out how to play realistically.
why not join a server catered to those specific needs, with a fair and chill server administrator then?
I did it's called ragna/v/3 with my niggers
you are retarded
not really though that's not the server you're asking for bro
I asked for a rentry that explains things newer people need to know. You are confused (ie. retarded).
yeah there's a server specifically catered to that though
What about cultivating anal worms
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>there's a server specifically catered to making rentrys

there won't be any more new players, the small numbers of players that were on ragna/v/ either migrated to myro, other private servers or quit
0just make an alt and stay there ;)
is your post an ESL humor kind of thing?
no one is playing your shitty 5 pop server lmao
Absolutely not.
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Why not? Server is pretty good
you now remember that retarded "poring-dev" LARP
shame gabriel
I'll miss you
can't play on a server that disregards its playerbase anon, I just did the smart thing
>can't play on a server that disregards its playerbase
lol how
ragna/v/ is fun
>can't play on a server that disregards its playerbase
>plays on a server with no playerbase that still has clique favortism that he's simply ignorant of
I shouldn't expect more from a thirdie I guess
>has clique favortism that he's simply ignorant of
can you give an example?
it's real...........people are migrating......
mum! myro is poaching players from my server!!!!
>last seen online: 19 hours ago
goonies we lost him...its over....
>"can't play on a server that disregards its playerbase anon, I just did the smart thing"
>doesn't even says what's the problem with ranga/v/
yeah nice one brownoid thirdie
best of luck to you and your server bro
that's all I will say about it
man the 150+ grind is brutal on iRO
You're actually such a pathetic loser, trying to shill your 10 pop YET ANOTHER rebirth server while claiming the server that has 15x your pop is dead. Is it just being a subhuman third worlder where doing shit like this comes naturally?
you're talking to different anons btw
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it's so fucking over....
my-ro is nice and i play there but i dont appreciate how schizo-kun is using the server to shitpost ragna/v/
we dont claim him
those are different anons though
This board really needs ids. Every single fucking MMO thread is unreadable.
could you tell me what was the problem with ragna/v/?
i'm this guy here >>495197419, was the PVP, WOE or something?
The daily quests are comfy
one of my favorite things too, good experience
What class to start with anon kun?
just b urself
Well idk whats a good start ToT
dev can you give SG a hit buff or something. The buffs you've made are good, but that's where I feel a bit gimped even with significant dex allocated. SP usage is very high as well, but at least can use consumables for that.
I don't understand how resistances stack. So I have fire armor on (75% resistance) and then I drink a fire pot (30% resist) will I just be immune entirely to fire? Or is it like 30% reduced off of the 25% damage I"m taking through the armor?
type /fog and thank me...
The latera
Armor resistances like Pasana do not stack with resistances such as Jakk Card or Valkyrie Shield. If you wear a Pasana armor and take fire damage, first it gets reduced by 75% and the remaining is subject to Fire Reductions.
If you want total immunity, you have to do it without Pasana Card.
Dev, either increase damage on triple action or remove the aftercast from rapid shower because right now triple action damage wise is unusable trash outside of using it with inferno damage wise and rapid shower is awkward. Full buster memes get boring very quickly once you run into shit that does not die and past that you have the exact same issues you had in vanilla (your main ability is a shittier grand cross on a way squishier class).
is this bait
Feel free to refute me.
triple action is the highest dps possible in gunslinger
190 aspd rifle
In what world is a 450% ability the highest damage dealing ability? Are you retarded?
DPS =/= Damage dealing ability
more spammable than rapid shower at high aspd
So this is how the GS buffs are made...
Even at maxed out aspd you are doing dogshit dps, the only argument I see is sp efficiency. There's also zero good rifles.
why are you playing iRO
Did you think you're some genius for figuring out you can do mediocre dps on a vendor rifle? I don't get it. The argument still stands, it's fucking shit.
...vendor rifle?
GS already have a broken shotgun build, they don't need more buffs. If anything they need to be nerfed.
its funny because AP bullet rifle triple action is more broken than AP bullet shotgun on bragi
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IDK what he's referencing either. Bargi Full buster spam is always meta, especially with the buffs we were given.
Whatever the guy is on about with rifles makes no sense, unless if he's talking about tracking which is lol.

And looking at this DPS makes me wanna build a GS so I might do that after I tranny my priest.
Does ragnav3 server have rogue treasure?
Thought on auto bolt sage?
Only good server with renewal (rip novaro)
EDP is super buffed here as well so there are a bunch of SinX running around with 2 Rogue's Treasure, 100% crit, 300 flee, autoattacking for 10k
katar or dagger better?
dagger is way better
dagger aspd sucks and needs twice as many cards
use two swords like a chad
fists, you dont need more
duel axes if you want to have the biggest dick around
Spamming 6k damage triple action at 190 aspd is retarded DPS, way more than spamming 17k busters even on bragi.
how do you get 190 aspd with a rifle?
the aspd buff skill only works with gatling guns, right?
It has 1 second of aftercast delay without bragi.
You can't physically spam that fast without cheating.
last stand doesn't require any specific weapon
server laggy janky
12.8cps boomer here, yes you can
>only party on arcadia is a bio3
dead server...
We told you that when they spammed up this thread with their ads nonstop when it relaunched a couple weeks ago. Ancient dead server. Should have listened.
skill issue
admin finally added changes to website so if you care you can read
Dev can you add more cosmetics?
dev can you add an erp room?
brother just go to the fucking church
dev why don't you add more cosmetics that are droppable?
dev I literally need mercenaries. add them back
uhm. no. they need to be clapping like seals as we 12v1 abyss. there's no point in playing unless there are RCNs witness us dominating
dev at least tell me "no" if you don't want to add my sage's buff suggestion. You must really hate dancer, alchemist and sage huh
Your changes are braindead. Learn to play before you make recommendations.
>halve card drop rates after we farmed every card in the game
What are your suggestions?
reduce skill points needed on sage. give dancer sp while dancing. make cart cannon instant and give us homunculus
>steal one of my kidney
>what do you mean you need additional support? You still have a kidney just live with it!

removing or reducing cost for elemental change skills. I actually have never seen it being used in decade of me playing RO
>waaaah reagent too hard to farm
>removing or reducing cost for elemental change skills
Why? It's just 20 of an elemental stone. It's not used because it doesn't affect mvps or pvp. Should it? I'm not sure what abuses could arise but it's really not that big of a deal for sage as a class. Why are you so autistic about it.
Also getting an elemental converter to cast the skill is trivial.
god you alchemist players are fucking retarded your class is so overpowered here
>reduce skill points needed on sage
sage has more than enough points
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I mean these skills. It's not fucking EDP and you need to reapply for every monster killed.
buy from my shop
thank you
>I mean these skills
No shit.
>It's not fucking EDP
It also doesn't cost any skill points.
>you need to reapply for every monster killed.
The reagent cost is cheap af.
it doesn't work on MVP and bosses meaning you can only use it for farming regular mobs
even if you farm the other mats yourself, blank scroll still costs 4k@
Never once I asked about skill points or anything, what are you talking about?
it gives sage a job in a party now that being SP battery is gone
fuck those shadow and holy elements
let me control my plants or make it so cart cannon does no damage to the plant and I would have no complaints
>it doesn't work on MVP and bosses meaning you can only use it for farming regular mobs
Sure. It's great for those mobs not weak to any bolt element.
>even if you farm the other mats yourself, blank scroll still costs 4k@
So? It's only used for select high end mobs that should yield either great xp or drops. Anything else is killable without it.
>Never once I asked about skill points or anything, what are you talking about?
You're autistic and have low communication abilities.
>it gives sage a job in a party now that being SP battery is gone
So you're talking about scholar and not sage? Your complaints are even dumber then.

It's obvious no one agrees with you, including dev, so I think it's time to just drop it. You tried but now it's getting spammy.
I agree with that Anon.
Sage needs to be OP and useful.
Nice way to refute my argument anon, I really hope you are not the dev. It's okay you can think you've won.
if you want sage to be useful in parties then just cast deluge and dispell
why would we cast deluge? just give us buffs please. why do you all hate sage?
Female alchemists are good for ___??
MVPing, Leveling, Brewing, and so much more!
they are number 2 after dancer in the ranking of lewdness. Why?
Are they a good cook too? Will they make a good housewives?
Absolutely. They have to use a lot of Dex and Luk in order to brew, so they have really good hands and a natural success rate with anything they do. Makes sense that it'd translate to any other duties. Int isn't weighted as much though...
please use both on me
it's always the braindead coomers who want sage/alch/dancer buffs. too retarded to play it because they spend all of their time jerking off.
>three of the sexiest classes are bad and you only play them for their sex appeal
Have you gotten yourself a cookbook? Can you make level 8 dishes!? Please answer.
I haven't done any cooking yet, the only cookbook I got I sold to a better cook.
Hanyeo's homemade food...
Ruru's personal, hand feed buffs...
Hanyeo going to marry me
>why would we cast deluge?
r u siris
please be my personal sage, we can waterball together.
Message me and I will! Does ninja also work? Cause that'd be fun too.
Never give buffs to these tards. It's always the shittiest of players asking for class changes.
Took too long, your pocket waterball source has logged off.
nigga nobody gives a shit about your fucking wizard shit, you guys are already good enough as it is
t. snigger
where are we going to waterball together? i'll seriously consider it
why dose the dev always ignore me when i ask for more cosmetics?
He's too busy repeating himself over and over and not elaborating
>post a "had a fun vidya" on v
>get banned for off topic & non vidya
fuck the bullies

still funny tough
I got a reply while ago saying its hard to add, i asked like a month ago lol
how are people consistently transforming that wild rose in payon? i thought hocus pocus did a bunch of shit
>wizard waterball
sorry but you're getting NTR'd by stalkers
oh...thats sad, maybe next server I guess
anon, there's already a server that mobs drop cosmetics .01 chance
can you cast shadow spell aqua ball without standing on water?
There's already plenty of cosmetics and they're all accessible for free. This must be one of the current pre-re servers with the most costumes. Quit being a nigger and be happy with what you got.
rogues/stalkers are a meme, everyone laugh at them
oh yeah? cast level 10 waterball
that's right, you can't
little level 5 waterballet
how many stats do you have to sacrifice for the int you need huh, your weapons have to matk% and you need to stand on water too lmao
>Hyzoloist/Azoth method
Just attack it with a 0 str char while under Sanctuary or with constant heals.
>Hocus Pocus/Abracadabra
Keep using the skill until you get "???" from it, there's various results you can get out of that skill, one of which is Monster Change, which turns it into an MvP.
If you manage to transform it to MvP and somehow pull another ??? into Monster Change right away, you can transform one of the slaves into another MvP and they'll walk together.
>>If you manage to transform it to MvP and somehow pull another ??? into Monster Change right away, you can transform one of the slaves into another MvP and they'll walk together.
someone please have the rng to do this, top kek
Holding hands with Feath as they soul link with me...
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Is it too much to ask for the game's text to have support for hiragana, katakana and kanji? I want to write my characters' names in Japanese.
what do alchemists do with tentacle bottles OxO
this is a korean game. go play ff14
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>POV: you're an Imp in Payon Town
go be a weebshitter somewhere else, this game is for chads
petting embarassed natsu on the grass while she attempts to escape quoting bogus reasons like exp loss in town...
>this is a korean game
not anymore gwailo, gravity is authentic japanese soil
also this server doesn't even support gook langtypes in the first place anyhow
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god i wish i could erp like that
>projects some ERP from two posts
imagine the skin color
>it's a white (or wannabe white adjacent) incel seething
lol lmao
that's why I avoid posting on threads, no fun to be had, only shitflinging and schizos
everyone i don't like is a schizo. why won't they let me ERP in peace in this public thread? the audacity of these schizos
>Hanyeo is still single
>erp faggot projecting
totally not a schizo
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Alchemists will
>cook dinner for you
>craft potions for you
>give you chemical protection
>do all sorts of kinky stuff with their futa, tentacle and body part enlargement potions
Why do you not have an alchemist wife anon?
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Because most of the server are men and most female characters are also men, if not mentally fucked to the point they'd stay in a mental asylum for their entire lives. And I don't interact with people.
>please create male characters i want to look at mans, choosing female sprite is homo behaviour
yeah right
choosing a female sprite isnt homo behavior but larping as a female behind the sprite is absolutely homo behavior
>I only play male characters because I want to self-insert since my life is meaningless
>can't separate his real self from an online avatar in a ROLE playing game
choosing a female sprite AND female name is also 100% tranny behavior every if you try to cop out with "haha dw i'm a guy"
im yet to see unironical tranny in chat to start sending ropes via mail
>not roleplaying
this ain't no MMOG
are dagger rogues just obsolete now?
Still has its niche, none can outshine them there
We have some but its not like they are gonna mention it in global chat.
t. Bullies
you are telling me i probably partied with some unironic troon?
this game has a fucking TRANSITION mechanic, of course troons would infest it
Do you really think all this hornyposting is just shitposting? Fat pathetic NEETs play and then scorn you for not wanting to deal with them.
No one gives a fuck, but it's too obvious that it is Bullies. Troon guild name, troon guild logo, troon playstyle. Yjk.
>scorn you for not wanting to deal with them.
does this implies that the only "people" that """can't find""" parties are successfully filtered troons? based honestly
I meant "we" as in the server, not a guild or anything, I'm just a guildless oldfag chud.
The troons are the NEETs
man i wish, but im not a NEETchad
>Cart cannon is a physical attack
Is Strchemist a thing here?
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Wtf is that a bunny fucking a tucan near a pond ???? what have we come to bros....

also fuck jannies, clean me up again
What are your dream pre-re changes?
Need stuff to do.
Yes, it's basically a long range BB with larger cast time, slightly more damage and no gutter lines.
make hp/sp regen cards affect the improved HP regen skills %hpregen on knight
unironically yes and the dmg is good
Dream big, anon.
But, sure.
x1 exp, or less
Remove rebirthing mechanic
You are a pre-trans class until base 90, when you get to 90/50 you need to do the rebirth quest to advance job to your trans job.
When you get to 99/70 you can do another quest to get the third job sprite as a cosmetic.
But I assume in WoE you still want to throw acid at infidels right?
dream big?
pope pet
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Well, at least I've got the 99 part covered. Can choose your sprite (3rd + jro).

Your idea's to overhaul rebirt are cool, but definitely more suited to a different game.

Now this is what I wanted to hear.
ayyyooo dev da server kick da bucket again
>but definitely more suited to a different game
no, not really? pre-trans ro is better anyway
So far, yes. Acidified Zone does not ignore defense and has CD so it can't be spammed like AD.
you were better pre-trans. checkmate XY
Is there baby classes on ragnav? if not add them dev ty
Been playing RO too much. Fell asleep for a short while and had a dream of playing with you idiots on some big server where we all just stayed in Geffen (idk why, I hate Geffen) and hung out in different guilds. It was a really comfy feeling. I had a friend in another of the 4chan guilds that always said something to me when I came back to town (can't remember what) and always warped me. I knew somehow that we never interacted outside of town though? Dunno.

Unfortunately there will never be a big server worth playing on again and even if we all went as a community the schizo would stop at nothing to ruin it.

Feels bad. Back to bed.
>idk why, I hate Geffen
sorry bro but you're being sent to the cringe dimension
>I hate Geffen
i stopped reading
hey dev, we made an alt guild now and use #ally chat but the color kind of sucks and is hard to read. any chance you could change that?
We told him about it when we were (trying) to plap Randgris but seems like he will only change it when Bullies will have problems with it, which won't happen because they're not using it.
I had a dream with hanyeo last night...
can't you change the color yourself?
back off bud
and that is?
QRD on these guilds?
>Nice Boat
>Blue Board
>all me
>Pixel Friends
>Thunderous Drip
>Itty Bitty Titty Comity (never even seen then ingame, wtf?)
like all guilds theyre cliques but just smaller ones
Hey Dev, can you fix Warlock sprites/colors?
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Itty bitty kitty is a SEQUEL guild
Idk about the rest noja
Fuck off hanyeo is mine
like half of those are jews network for mail tax evasion
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Nameless quest status?
What fucking nameless quest
Sorry hanyeo has already given me the ring. We are getting married soon.
its self-namedropping o'clock
Nobody ever namedrops me and I've played all 3 ragnavees...
t. JRPG Male Feminist
People name drop me and I dunno why. I'm a super retard loner
thank god noone namedrops me
>ctrl + F
>*type in my name*
> 0/0
Feels good to not get cliqued
How do I get namedropped?
Is ERP the only way?
Not even that works, I'd know...
Be genuinely nice to random people
it's always schizos that namedrops themselves just like that grendex literally who
and that the ERPer fat bald alchemist
ERP? What's that?
>is a schizo samefag himself
be an interesting person
Please finish nameless already
Who is the most annoying player in #global? (seeing if I'm annoying)
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I see what you did there, leave me b
sorry, misstyped
Here's the real poal
wheres the cumming deep inside shion option
why do you hate alice
I don't get it either, Alice is cool
Peonggy can go kill himself though nigger
>ting won
it's over
vote on peonggy rape
vote on peonggy rape
vote on peonggy rape
so what are the chances of the rates being up for solo players now?
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who's the mascot of /rog/?
vanessa. she still hasn't given up on sieggy after all this time <3
You're outing yourself
How is the ragnarok card server? Sounds kinda fun to learn the whole game. I've only seen like 30% at most.
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Daily reminder to openly mock and bully players with an orc face. It gets under their green skin everytime
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I like devs' ninja changes but the consumable spam on any lategame ninja skill requiring you to carry around so much weight worth of them aswell as the fact that SPAMMABLE skills require 100-300z per use is so ridiculous and stupid, it's just negative fun and a remnant of old design that shouldn't be in the game at all
I've been saying for weeks that the server doesn't work late-game if you're not part of the "parties".
All the changes are completely stupid and the low rates are not enough to support actual end-game leveling or even farming.

That is, unless you roll one of the classes the dev wants you to play at the moment. So either Hunter or Guns but who the fuck wants to do that.
Let me take a bit of my time to tell you how of a retarded complaint you're making. First dev removed ninju balls consumption on 6 out of the 9 magic skills, leaving only the last tier of each element to consume them.
Elemental balls are 150z (300z for the shadow melee one you dont use)
you can get 1000 elemental balls for 150k and those skills shouldnt even be your bread and butter to start with. The best fire skill is the firewall, best water is the cold bolt and wind sucks in general but the second AoE lightning bolt is good in general. All those doesn't cost balls. If you are unable to recuperate that money after 1000 used of a skill maybe you shouldnt play ninja and make a vendor instead for now. Also do like me and get the free ninja deluge for your wizard bros.
im pretty sure he means the physical throw ninja
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>If you are unable to recuperate that money after 1000 used of a skill maybe you shouldnt play ninja
what a fucking garbage mindset
but i guess it makes sense in minmax brainrot serv
not all monsters return 150k expense after barely 1k kill dumbass
dogshit card sadly
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speak for yourself buddy, the SHADOW one is literally the one I wanted to build and what most of the dev's changes to ninja were made for, I get putting shadow orb on double attack and killing strike maybe because they're long cooldown/downtime skills but ninja's main melee skill requiring it is dumb... especially when utsusemi doesn't require it.. also frost bolt drops off super hard in dmg lategame, fire wall is extremely low dmg all around but it has its uses, you're right the second lighting aoe is fine but again the issue is that this stops doing actual dmg lategame and you should be using orb skills at that point
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>he can't farm it back
>it's the animeposter
this makes so much sense now
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Sage Autospell thoughts for dev anon

Amazing for actually leveling as one without a tank, enough said

Bringing books up to daggers is nice, this should have been vanilla
If I could be greedy I'd want a bit more (on books without good MATK bonuses or something)

This is ass in vanilla when you get an unlucky streak, and unchanged here. I do not mean in terms of DPS but smoothness.
If it's possible, halving the level of the triggered spell (lvl 5 spells at lvl 10 autospell) but doubling the trigger rate would make it play much smoother without buffing DPS.

The inconsistency annoys me so much it's unreal even on normal sage, and I know I'm not alone.
If you can make this skill NERF bolt damage by 10% at max level, but bump the rate to 100%, it'd be phenomenal. (Same average DPS)

Gives endow skills a purpose with the buffed converters.
30% seems a bit too powerful though for autospell which is the build with points to spare.
Honestly? Learn how to play Ninja. 100 casts of the flame pillar should net you about 100k+ zeny even without good drops. They cost 150z each and have a weight of 1. Your most spammed skills are free, like freezing spear and blaze shield. Dev even gave you dual wielding so you can have two matk stat sticks now. Even as a low level ninja you can farm high orcs and grand pecos with no resource costs while making bank. I can't speak for other ninja builds because I only ever play magic, but I assume they aren't far off.
I've yet to check the physical throwing builds so I cant say on that
>idiot of never had a mamomite merchant
also you missed the part where those skills shouldnt be your bread and butter kill moves (magic ninja)
300z for a 60 seconds double attack buff on stack of having better dual wield bonus than thief class

I never made a vendor on ragnaV so far you're all complaining for peanuts. try a unmodded ninja elsewhere and come back complaining for real

t. highest MATK ninja on the server
but that's the issue, I DONT WANT TO PLAY MAGIC NINJA THE DEV LITERALLY MADE THE CHANGES FOR MELEE NINJA, AND I ALSO DONT WANT TO FARM STUPID SHIT FOR THE SAKE OF FARMING IT SO I CAN USE MY CLASS AT A BASIC LEVEL, again, reminder, YOU HAVE TO DO NONE OF THIS STUPID SHIT BEFORE LATEGAME, it's literally just out of nowhere stupid mechanics that add 0 enjoyment to the class and only serve as stopping points to stop playing the class when you realize the dev trolled you and it's not actually the class it was for the previous 80 levels
>I never made a vendor on ragnaV
yeah we know easy to brag when you have your buddy dev killing 2 iconic skills of a merchant
>Gives endow skills a purpose with the buffed converters.
Endows give you 6% element resistance per level on this server. For me it's enough though I guess it's not great since the main defense of hindisight caster is to not get hit in the first place. If anything I would just up the duration.
are you bad at reading? I literally said killing strike and double attack were fine using shadow orbs, I meant melee ninja's main spell you have to spam that costs shadow orbs unlike utsusemi, aswell as the lvl 3 spells requiring orbs
What? Melee ninja is even better in that regard. You just need a few shadow orbs for shadow warrior. It's literally nothing, easier than archer or gunslinger consumable requirements.
how is it calculated though? is it -30% from the raw damage or after defense calculation
Where is an ok spot to level as an 87 hunter? My gear isnt very good but I have a +5 hunter bow
It's a red herring question. Endows are clearly not sustainable enough at high level for their duration.
It falls in the same category as """just be fully geared with cards to start farming retard"""
Wait. What the fuck. You're whining about mirror image? Holy shit git gud you shitter. That shit gives you +50 flee ahahaha nigga just fix your build.
No, you need a lot of shadow orbs for it, it's 5 attacks and resets just like utsusemi, you're spamming both frequently especially bunshin since like I said it's MELEE ninja
I don't know.
What? Endows are easily sustainable. You just use them in parties for melee attackers so you might be casting it for one to three players every 20-30 minutes.
another day
another Total Cornutus extermination episode
dev wants you to make a autoattack melee ninja which is a stupid idea and why I went magic here (so far)

projection, I never had more than 2m on me and I give a lot of my time and gear to other players.

Ninja is a pvp class first and foremost. I also was one of the top pvp melee ninja on a high rate PK server. Just switch class if those are your mad complaints. Some other classes have it worse here.
How can I make fwends in this game...
Rag bros I only played Maplestory as a kid, will I enjoy this game and what server do I play?
Bro let me break it down for you with comparison.

Safety wall tanks 11 hits and uses 1 blue gem. Blue gems have 11 weight and cost 600z. So tanking 1 hit with SW costs about 55z.

Mirror image tanks 5 hits for 1 weight and 300z, so that's about 60z per hit

Since you're str based melee the low weight of the orb and your higher str than a mage/priest means you can carry a lot more easily making the +5z cost worth it. Additionally MI gives +50 flee with is massive, SW doesn't give shit for flee. So essentially with a proper build you're using less shadow orbs than someone with SW is using blue gems.

Given the pros and cons between MI and SW, it's almost perfectly balanced. STOP BEING A SHITTER.
can you even reach 300+ flee? why do new world's mobs have that many hit when lorewise some shitter soldier and scholar can catch and put them in some metal cage?
built different
yes, that's exactly my point, the dev made all of these changes for melee ninja but then leaves in the most insane stupid limiting shit on melee ninja for no reason which makes it shit to play with a restriction that adds 0 benefit to playing it. Also, no I don't want to play pvp at all I just wanted to play melee pve since I saw all the cool changes but then I got hit with the retarded ass (mostly shadow) orb restriction, I don't give a rats ass about pvp
you're literally a magic ninja user who doesn't even know what the changes are to melee ninja if you thought the +50 flee was the point of that skill, like ur actually retarded
Does myro offer boosted slotting/stat enchanting chance or does it do nothing?
yes and come to ragna/v/
talk to people/use glowballs/learn to draw
shadow orbs are 2 weight dumbass
You can get 300+ flee as super novice and assassin but nobody else can
Post the full build that does this you absolute mongloid, with the full set, its current upgrades and the mobs you're supposedly fighting.
I have some time to calculate the real number and dunk on your fucking retarded larping ass at the moment. Let's go.
You are fucking retarded. +50 flee is MASSIVE. Rogues/Assassins only get +40 flee. So you have more innate flee than thief classes while also getting a free 5 hits negated. 95% of the time you should be dodging hits. The other 5% of the time you spend 60z to dodge the rare hit from a mob. LMFAO you absolute retarded shitter just shut the fuck up.
Dev, could you add custom headgear quests? Mostly for PvE hats like Fish in Mouth, Peco Peco Hairband, Musketeer Hat, etc. You know, the kind of hats you see usually in cash shops and boost some Pve builds.
Also, what are your thoughts on slotted mid headgear?
as far as I know yes and there's also a card removal npc (costs zenny) and a skill reset npc that you can use for free (but after base level 70 you can't)
0.01 drop chances of all enemies dropping all types of costumes
yes, all of them
the server is starting to get some good traction and now's the perfect time to start

Yes, there is both slotting, unslotting, and armor enchantment.
You can literally just start talking to the admin - it's allowed, he's not a sperg
it's also a passive on them and they have way bigger bonuses on agi and other tools to mitigate shit that ninja doesn't have u troglodyte, keep seething loser
>card removal
Thanks but no thanks.
>doesnt give shit about pvp
>plays a niche pvp technical extension class and complaint about subpar PVEing

I swear you guys are just fucking retarded cry babies. Buff your brains. Its easier to level magic here. Just switch melee once you got the ball rolling fucking christ
I'm sure your gear won't break, anon.
I'm sure.
i swear you people never learn... i'll pass no thanks.
>complain about class design
>retards start ranting about b-but this is how it's always been
ok dumbass? what did you think I was writing? that's the fucking point
what does that mean?
well, good for you if i'm wrong about it but a low rate is not going to survive more than a month. especially not with that population.
Why does my merchant get locked into the flinching animation for 1 billion years when a hill wind hits him? My main never did this
you complain about the fondamental design of the class (a niche PVPer) and how fucking poor you are. sounds like a big U problem. Also you're replying to two different persons schizo. But I'm not gonna throw away your complaints and check myself a melee build in the future.
is not that low though
The daily quests give pretty decent experience
Card removal ruins market value to me and it kind of ruins the feel of cards in general. It's a personal thing.
I agree in a way - it's a hard game to balance in terms of feeling vs gameplay. It loses its rarity if you think "oh, it's re-usable anyway". The RNG aspect of it breaking just feels bad with no upside.

It's life. I hope to do better. Thank you.
you lose the card btw
Sounds like he has a stat problem. If he's burning through the 5 hits too fast then he obviously needs more flee or is going after the wrong mobs. With a 50 flee bonus you should be raping stuff pretty easily to make orb costs irrelevant.
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It does a bit of everything.
Where should I be leveling as a 40 Acolyte?
fuck that
lmao this is pretty fucking based to be honest
Maybe orc dungeon? I'd offer to party up and help but I'm lvl 70 and can't afford many cannonballs right now
dont tell him about fortune daggers lol
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I'll ask the same to the myro dev, could you make the dungeon access quests account shared? I'll give you >pic related if you do so.
Amatsu dungeon 1 (you need to do the quest to get the permit, Feudal something) and go heal firelock soldiers with pneuma. If you're lucky you'll also get an Apple of Archer headgear
You could try just contacting him ingame or in the discord though
Niggerdev would unironically rather have dead/failed BG's than cuck his precious bulliekeks (all their alts are on different accounts to megawoofus so this change would only benefit their """competition"""")
thank you
STOP fucking distracting with the account quest bullshit. What he really needs to do is bring back achievement system and make the server work towards global access.

Are they not?
They're supposed to be.
No one's told me.
I can get 330 on my professor
contact him through discord or ingame mail. he goes by Admin 1 and Admin 2
what you're doing is pretty fucking nice btw and I'm sure he won't decline your assistance
your obsession is so weird
your server obsession is so weird
not an argument, multiclientshitter

I just checked and it's shared over the entire account.
No they don't. You just need to make the char variables into account variables.
Careful in changing unnecessary stuff.
i play uaro, but ok. your weird random posts that swerve into BULLIES ARE BEHIND THIS with mental gymnastics every time is just so odd.
can i say nigger on myRO
I just made a new char, checked warpra, have my warps.
If you need more assistance, don't hesitate to contact me. It's definitely supposed to be account-wide.
I play myro, but ok, your weird random posts that swerve into YOUR POST IS SO WERID with mental gymnastics every time is just so odd.
absolutely it's just a bunch of anons
You can, once.
Sure you do bulliekek, you just happen to be perfectly aware of all the intricacies of ragna/v/ with which you can perfectly deduce than any allegations of favoritism towards bulliekeks are totally a schizo conspiracy, right?
it's a 4chan server, what do you think?
>Discovered Dungeon Warper
Oh, I get it. Well, that technically works.
Is iron and iron ores useful for anything? Should I just sell them to npcs or nah?
anon i didn't even say you were wrong, there is no need to be insecure. i just pointed out the weird pattern of you trying to make everything about them.
post uaRO screenshot :o)

Yeah - it's not *all* dungeons. I'm sure Payon, Sphinx, ... isn't that far away you'd legitimately need a warper.

Full list on Discord.
And, again, it is account shared. No double questing.
you can go from iron ore -> iron -> steel
so it's pretty useful but you will need one coal and five iron for one steel
If you reply to me you are in Bullies. It's that simple.
are you jelly?
Fuck you

Is it?
I thank the anon who told me to go x10 drops, though. It does make for a more interesting non-trans time.
I'm not a blacksmith, so I guess I can't use it for anything? Maybe I should hold onto them just in case I make a smitty fren...
Nice try, Bulliekeks.
yeah, you can't do shit with them otherwise but they're still useful
I need to get a smitty fren to process my 300+ coal/iron/iron ore
please increase the spawn rate of leib by 20x....
>is it?
O.. Ok. Sorry for doubting you.

Can confirm anon is a man of honour. Will see what I can do tonight - thank you.
oh shit are we getting Battlegrounds in Myro?
i saw nonoko today and we was sucking off a faggot for items
And how was it?
Still waiting :o)
Tell dev we want dancer buffs

No more slutty ragnarok girls until we get dancer buffs
Shhh he's trying to shill a different one right now. If we talk about something else he's going to freak and ruin the thread. >>495306826
is it a Trading Card Collective Game type of server?
Bulliekeks want Dancers to be un-buffed so nobody plays them so they don't have to face stun in woe, because only they would bother megawoofus leeching some dancers for woe (they don't tryhard btw)
anon, i get nothing out of posting identifiable information for you, except the vague possibility you will become bizarrely obsessed with me too. no screenshot is coming. if that makes me a bullies too then you are free to think that.
Why would you fuck at the church
Every single dancer I see is in Bullies. I literally cannot think of a single one that isn't.
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>y-you were right, I admit it, I was just LARPing!
concession accepted, little bitchlet
There are Battlegrounds (2v2 & 5v5), but not the extended system or `@joinbg`. I think it's included in the package.

Besides the SP regen, which is a different class' problem, what danceNRHG8r buffs specifically?
>autistic boogeyman screeching
3 gypsy on the server, 2 are bullies
Proving my point exactly
how did one woe turn the thread obsessed with one guild of gamble addicted gacha queers. this thread is unrecognizable compared to one week ago.
Only trannies can play dancer, or complete subhuman metacucks who are literal serfs
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for someone in the game, couldn't find any full body pics, sorry
what are you talking about? most of this thread is now playing in myro there's unironically nothing like what you're posting in there
Schizo was sure this was the iteration Bullies would lose but instead they just won again, so now it's scorched earth policy, As you can see from the other reply you got instantly.
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>most of this thread is now playing in myro
i will never forgive sega for ngs, i was hugely into pso2 before then
>have to make up headcanon about anyone ever thinking bulliekeks wouldn't just zerg2win
what game is this
what are you talking about?

you're a mexican monkey playing on an esl server trying to poach players from a thread in /v/ KEK
he isn't going to stop is he?
how big is her cock
>t. bullikeks
honestly we direct reply him too much. low-quality bait shouldn't get (You)'s
if there is one thing I learned from visiting many /vg/ generals is that schizos will still post even if no one replies to them
The myRO shit is just the latest stunt by a certain ponyfucking schizo to pull people away from ragna/v/, something he's known to do. He did it many times before, one time pretending to be a so-called "poringdev" and got exposed as a LARP so hard he just immediately gave up on the persona.
And before that it was his furfag boyfriends "/v/ server" but that loser didn't want to release it knowing it would get 0 players while ragna/v/ was alive, so he had to give up on that shilling
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these plants are getting smarter
yes, but then it's more obvious to any passerby that no one is listening
where are all the hunters when you need them...
we're legit playing in the server though it's nice
proofs it's ratshitpiss?
some of us are legitimately playing my-ro but the schizo took the opportunity to use it as shitposting fuel

MyRO Admin - I legitimately don't know any of you people, nor the drama surrounding. I simply opened a server.
I'll leave the ponyfucking in your capable hands.
just keep doing the great job you're doing and fuck the thread seriously , promote it here and there
>instant damage control reply spam upon being called out
God I'm so fucking good, I see through """""anonymous""""" posters like Neo sees the code in the matrix.
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Discounted some food and increased the buying price on my aloe leaflet, hopefully this price range would appeal to more players.

Also as an event, I've left Gordon Ramsay on vend. The first person who can find, open my shop and post the screenshot here gets free stuff in his/her mail when I wake up.
Shut the fuck up peonggy
Who am I then, Neo?
fuck off peongy
I already make ads so who needs you
>getting so scared of being a loser once again you start giving away your food so people keep playing on a preferential treatment server
not going to fall for it brosky you had your change
just fireball them lmao. they can't out heal our fireball spam
yeah sure, all 5 people
>all this damage control
/rog/ - Ragnarok Online General.
Not ragnav General.
I see nothing wrong with another server being advertised in here. In fact you people getting that assblasted about it proves that all the "positive" posters have always been blatant ragnav shills.
>he will eat literal shit if it can make ragnav look bad
third world behaviour
>inb4 you're called the schizoposter
I'm just having fun with the costumes dropping as I kill shit, what's so bad about that?
Me? I'm playing both servers, of course.
I'm not adding any methods for obtaining cash shop headgears. Making quests is a pain in the ass, too.
I've also made the choice to not have slotted mid headgears. Don't expect slotted sunnies to happen, ever.

I'm strictly against any sort of decarding system, at least for a server like this. Cards in weapons are the only truly irreversible choices you have to make.
nigga these people are actively shitting on ragna while playing the other one, don't play victim now bitch
i love how this thread doesn't have anything related to what's actually happening on server and in #global in particular lol
Me? I've already quit playing, I just like the drama.
Deeev let me dual wield daggers as rogue so I can LARP as a wizard with 2 bazerald
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No one is playing on myRO kys niggerfaggot
Okay mr. "NO. RESETS. EVER." I'm sure you won't backpedal on this decision for ragna/v/4, your principles are so hardcore and resolute after all
>literally proving the point
of course he hardcore about this shit if you're random, but when bullys will ask him for it he'll just spawn gear and cards to compensate while not to look hypocrite (you really think we'd miss that double Alice card drop don't you?)
i want one of these so i can make an autospell rogue
>I'm strictly against any sort of decarding system, at least for a server like this. Cards in weapons are the only truly irreversible choices you have to make.
That's such a stupid take.
Not only not everyone can immediately drop the highest weapon before starting to grind, but cards are not something that you casually drop either.
Some people have to slot their npc[1] if they want to get any kind of farming starting to begin with. And I'm certainly not going to buy any of those low mob 500k card, that economy is for alts and alts only.
You could have done like any private server since 2010 and make unslotting 1M with guaranteed equip destruction or something, but I doubt economy has anything to do with your decision.
join /our guild/ 'avalon' in myro
dm pekora
Hocus Pocus sages are slacking, payon merchants need to be killed
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Thank you for the buffs Pekola!
if everyone is playing on myro then why is it not in the OP?
is not clique certified
Bullshit. It's the clique that's trying to push this new dead malaysian server. Fuck off with your single digit population gay ass costume drops faggotry. We've got a 4chan server with 100 players on at any given time. Suck my throbbing member.
Niggerdev doesn't want to lose even more pop
Feeling kinda lost, what equips should I be farming as an alchemist?
if myro implement the bg changes and keeps updating the game with more QoL stuff I can see it being a really long term server
>message sponsored by the clique
myro is our server btw
at least the dev isn't an alchemist hating faggot
guess who's always online to make the new thread?
normal people or the neet clique?
op had way more servers at first but they gradually removed all of them
Literally was like that on iRO chaos. You don't know what you're talking about. Priests used to lex turtles for monks not just for the one shot, but as it would tap it for extra exp.
I tried using openkore and failed
how does solo leveling merchant and alchemist feel in that server?
Definitely a hell

You get a bit more attack and attack speed, better than average. Find people to do dailies with
>solo leveling merchant
>on a x3
>arcadia online only works with windows 10
What the fuck
it's okay, merch has axe mastery and mastery skills also give 1% aspd to their respective weapon. there's daily quest that gives tons of xp too
guess that dev also hates merchant and alchemist then, there's literally no reason why solo leveling certain jobs should feel miserable, any dev can give merchant better skills to level with but they never do
Better than usual and you don't have to level overcharge and discount
suck my cock? ;)
we get max overchage and discount lvl 10
all characters in server get it
that's good enough for my merchant

add "chat is unmoderated"
it's highly appealing to the 4chan demographic
don't think the dev hates the class
unlike ragnav you at least have access to overcharge and discount
solo leveling merchant has always been a pain on low rates
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single digit po-ACK
worst part of playing super novice is having to do the cringe chant in public spaces
all of those guilds are mine
it keeps getting bigger....oh no no no
>solo leveling merchant has always been a pain on low rates
it's always been like that, but why keep it that way? is there any actual reason why merchant should be shit to level?
Make a party of only yourself
Send messages to party chat
Probrably bcs creator is the most broken class in vanilla
thats the best part though
What was the justification before rebirth?
Korean hate jewish
vanilla didn't have trans jobs

There isn't a reason anything should be shit to level, and the suggestion box is quite literally open and has been very productive.

Just being kind, partying up, and doing the dailies, can help you along massively in the early levels. They're generously overtuned.
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>bullikeks are sliderlets
why is it always cutesy ads with females. add badass ones with ifrit/beelz/etc
is there any payoff for putting yourself through super novice or is it just a meme class until the very end
The only ones who bother making the ads are cumbrains obsessed with le AI art
Give me images as I've requested before, I don't keep a stock of RO images on hand.
To attract people who are into dilating
eh you can get insta-cast pretty easily on your own but it's mostly for fun since expanded super novice is a renewal thing
noooo you are the trannies here!! ha get OWNED in woe you schizos!
Some of you would be better if you weren't here
what's a bullikek
Today I will get a glove and a zerom card!
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thanks for the suggestion, it was pretty comfy
how does unlocking a 2nd job work? do you get reset to level 1?
what is with you guys and super novices
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priest or monk? I guess priest. check the job change quest on rate my server (its in prontera church first left door). once u turn priest go back to amatsu and get job 30+. then you go reset your stats and skills for a Turn Undead build and go dogfucking (Anubis, sphinx B4). you can grind to 99 there but try to answer party request since priest are highly demanded and it change pace of the solo grind. Good luck
Dev add a name change NPC
In Ragna/v/? Double attack + crit + chant+ blessing

In myro? Completely useless unless you want instant cast
You do a job quest and promote. Your base level stays the same, you keep your 1st job skills, your job level resets to 1 and you then level it up to get points for your 2nd job skill tree.
priest yeah, thanks for the advice anon
so you could brick yourself by getting your second job before 50 and miss out on some skill levels?
Just go job50 on everything. In the long run it's such a small part of your journey.
didn't know Vespera migrated to myro lol rip in rip
Nice shop, and thanks for the meal. Left some meals for others too.
another one? damn
And I seen Narue
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nigga shut up
Priest sucks I have to do too much work in parties
>people are leaving niggerdev's slop
he'll just replace you with a bot, probably name it after you just to piss you off lel
@dev, u there? I sent a zeny mail to my main account but the dosh just disappeared, no clue where it went
priest party babysit is without a doubt the most skill demanding of all ro classes. But most of the time its due to take extra care of shitters crossing the def line. If you get good enough you can solo babysit a 12 man thors party AND shitpost anywhere you want (global) simultaneously.

im sure a one skill dps cuck is gonna reply to me, dont bother
Gonna turn my priest into a magnus build. total niff death incoming
thanks for the money, peonggy
>allow multiclient but only if you're part of the preferential treatmeant group
>blatant use of bot to make an artificial population growth (you can literally test this out with who talks in chat)

and now he'll take it a step further? roflmao
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*nigga cricket sound*
everyone too busy playing to post.......
I'm hecking grinding and leveling for next woe, those super cool and awesome bullies guild won even though they were heavily outnumbered, but I'm sure they can't get lucky twice!
>somebody else now fucking my dogs
Look at this retarded AI generated slop, kys
hey dev can I have the complete changelog to the cards? For example the soldier skeleton card changes from 8 to 15% crit rate.
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Link with the server info has all the changes, see the OP
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Aint no way bros
This nigga on reddit
based server honestly
>my (little pony) RO
that's ratshitpiss. ignore his server
I'm too busy sucking dick to jerk off as a dancer
>advertising on r*ditt
don't touch me

literally who
same energy as
>i saw your dad in my gay porno
You don't belong here.
I'm a double agent lil bro
Deep behind enemy lines trying to sniff out redditors
And I found a big stinky rat
lol shut up nerd
i hate all of you
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My-ro is fine I'll play it on the side casually in case it blows up and gets a real population
>in case it blows up
it's doa lol
It's a filipino server with nothing but niggers, not even the resident schizo that's advertising it plays. I would rather kms myself than even consider playing there
why is the clique so sensitive?
I'd unironically consider playing on it if the rates were at least x5 or x6, x3 rates are way too low for me personally
rates are good for me personally though
it's a couple of hours to 2nd job with the quests
Unironically just stop making threads besides the /vm/ one. We never needed a /vg/ thread anyway. LARPers will get bored on slower boards.
this whole thread is making them feel insecure and the imminent change in server playerbase threatens their fun
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it's over
none of those play anymore though?
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I hope you're happy that I had to post this because of your hatred. Think twice before being a hater, theres enough suffering in this world
I've been doing this for a bit and its extremely fast xp but now I'm afraid I'm gonna power level myself to a point where I'll be expected to actually know stuff. What should I be aiming for, gear-wise? And I assume in an actual party priest just keeps up the buffs and heals people when they take damage, right?

me middle left
that's the point lol
lucky for you priest dont really need gear to be an effective support, but you will need some if you wanna tank. Anubis has a low chance to drop a staff of healing which can get you started on better healing support. I suggest you try to take smaller parties at first. always bless-agi every members + gloria and magnificat. Heal and res when needed. thats the basic. after that it all depends where your party is headed; you might need to reset to get lex, safety wall or sanctuary depending on the job. Make sure to get the AoE bless/agi from the priest skill tree (custom to this server but super welcome to remove workload but cost high SP). Only one way to learn and its to try and keep trying

As priest get kyrie elison too if you can afford it, once HP you will change that for assumptio which will be your mandatory skill to keep on everyone. you go girllllll
Has a lot of gear ideas you could follow.
And yeah, it's about healing, buffing, removing status etc. some content requires knowledge, placing pneuma, or just what mobs you should silence/bless. helps to play with at least another priest and you can learn from watching.
im still here
>staff of healing which can get you started on better healing support
I actually just got one of those so that's nice. I figure I should probably just skill reset every time I go into an actual party, right? can't imagine turn undead will be the most useful thing if I need to manage all that other stuff.
thank you for the link, I'll give it a lookover
Damn, this is nice. Do you have one for Alchemist?
If you got all the basic skills I mentioned even with TU you dont need to reset for non late game dungeons really. Im sure knowledgeable players will be able to rec you the needed tools for the job you're about to go for. Dont be scare to get grind out of the way, it will just make your support job easier overall by having better stats. Try to get really high dex mid high int and some vit. Someone else will tell you to put a meme flee agi build for dogfarming but those are just retarded autocruising noobs. Buy fly wings to bypass teleport cooldown on tight situation.

Oh yeah TU need luck too so you might just wanna reset your stats when going from anu to party support and even then, its manageable with dump luk stats. make sure to refine your first staff of healing to safe limit then try to break through +5 if you find other staff. Anu also drop oridechon oh lucky you!

be aware that you need 1, 285, 000 zeny to rebirth at lvl 99 which you wont get in anubis farming
Nope sry.
The anon who created it did a real good job for sure.
That's unfortunate, I changed job to alchemist today and I'm kinda unsure what kind of equips I should be farming I'm kind of an RO noob so I don't even know what the endgame equips are
Current level?
You'll want a phen card so you don't get casts interrupted from attacks. They're in Izlude dungeon lv 4 and is probably a good dungeon to get mid-levels on. You can get a wind knife in Einbroch's weapon shop and cart revo mobs.
For using Acid Terror, you want a high attack weapon, I used an NPC two-hand axe with a wolf card to max attack, and since card damage doesn't work with Acid Terror that's your main upgrade path. It's a good option for farming Geographers and making a lot of plant bottles. They're going to be a great option to level on harder mobs you would need to kite and they're a lot more useful now plus they like with your Acid Terror weapon.
If you take the Cart Cannon route, you'll want high attack weapons and carded weapons so you maximize your damage per zeny. 2 carded busters or if you're insane 4 carded axe[4} are where you want to start gearing towards. Use any Blacksmith recommended leveling spots and Knight(Bowling Bash) leveling spots if you're using cart cannon.
If you haven't yet, use meat from meat venders for your main source of healing cause they're cheap.
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another based teacher... we're healing bros...
thank you for all of your help anon
Starting my ro tonight since ragna/v/ 3 is dead now.
71, I've been leveling up by killing Geos with Acid Terror so far. The fact that it ignores flee is pretty neat, I've been dumping my stats all into STR and INT the damage still feels pretty low though...
Based and thank you so much, gonna be trying to level using Acid Terror and swap to Cannon once I have the zeny to afford cannon balls I guess
Starting ragna/v/3 tonight since my-ro is dead forever.
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Don't let the door hit you on your way out
Save all the maneater blossoms you get and turn them into plant bottles. If you get a smokie card you can cheese mobs that don't rude teleport and summon plans then hide while they murder mobs while being unable to attack you.
me in da middle
the duality of anon
There's a lot of tranny stuff that's bad for the game. Alchemist bombs are fucking retarded balance. Breaking gear is retarded. Assassins are really meh. Hunter meta gets very old. Nerf DS a little bit and buff auto falcon hard.
But if you won't do any of that shit then at least rework the forging system completely. You should be able to craft elemental weapons with sockets. That's the only way to make it viable. Of course it should take some effort. One of the midgard servers reworked that entire system and it was incredible.
Buff mob density everywhere. Don't simply say 3x mobs and done because that just buffs the annoying anti bot mobs they added. Make a pass over maps manually and see what feels good. It sucks walking through a map or tping around and it being empty empty empty.
I could go on forever...
>You should be able to craft elemental weapons with sockets
Now that would be fun
Sounds smart, might try farming smokies then
what the hell is a "rude" attack/teleport?
Pixel Friends is made up of a few friends (clique of 4) who play in completely different timezones and we're old geezers now so we hardly get to play together, but we share gear and help each other as needed.
Open to inviting more if you have the same mindset.
If you deal damage to the mob and the mob has no way to path to you (Due to Ice wall, hiding, teleport invulnerability) It will be considered a rude attack. The default response is to teleport from most mobs.
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this then he go poof
how do you talk in your local area?
@area "text"
how do i make my dagger rogue less shit? don't say go bow
In about 50 minutes, at 00:00 server time, I'll host Zombies event.
omg he's gonna do the event where he spawns zombies on top of you and you get fucked
intimidation, graendol, alice, sieggy
you better step up your game that event is pretty damn bad
Give more head's up next time
Do you have ideas for any new events in the pipeline? Also, have you considered adding the pet eggs that can't be obtained in-game as a reward for BGs or something? I'd like a way to get the ones that don't have tame items in pre-re i.e. Miyabi Doll, Whisper et al.
beg dev for dagger rogue buffs :)
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i look forward to finally playing with anons when I finally get done with work...
If you stack cards on a main dagger and stack more cards on a secondary weapon dagger, do the cards stack? Giving you 324% total for stacking race/element?
you want this thread >>689466941
I don't speak that language though
Didn't one of these devs remove rude teleport in one of their servers? Seems fucking broken to take that away from MvPs.
All cards put on the Left Hand are applied to the left. So your Right hand swing is boosted while the Left is not.
The exception to this are +% Crit Cards, such as Mobsters. For these, they apply to both hands, so for dual dagger auto-attacks, they apply twice.
What about when being used with skills?
What's the point if 50 people play your event and only 3 get a reward? it's just discouraging to waste your time for nothing
Whats the point of doing anything competitive when only first place/2nd/whatever gets something?
>Roll Aco
>No ERP yet

*fucks you*
happy now?
*smokes cigarette* quickshot
Skills only ever use your Right Hand's atk, ignoring the Left altogether. But the cards on the Left still work, being applied to the Right.
So if you build for a skill like Soul Breaker, any [4] weapon will work, it's base attack doesn't matter.
Over the last 3 weeks I realized ragnarok fags are the most insane people from any game I've ever played. I always thought screaming at russian people in tekken with no idea what the fuck either one of us was saying was unbeatable but you niggers got that sly insanity. That revolting rat insanity. Fuck all of you.
Kek based
You havent been in many /vg/ threads then
Soul destroyer doesn't use +% damage cards though?

I'm moreso asking for ninja, stacking damage onto shadow slash. Are the +% damage cards from the left hand considered?
what server? lmfao
This is the worst example you could've given. Amazing.
I got the answer. Envenom does boost the damage done with +% damage cards in the classic calculator.
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I guess events aren't all that bad
>hasn't played WoW
>hasn't played FFXIV
Shut up man.
It doesn't, but it does use +ATK cards, which in turn work. They are applied to the main hand.
>shadow slash
It will work. I've tested that, in fact.
see you tomorrow anon
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no card
Take a break and go kill something else for a bit
You could've just said yes, you know? I would hope someone building for Soul Destroyer would know how it works if they were asking about card stacking.
Hey my RO admin: can you please nerf anubis so priests are encouraged to party up instead of fucking dogs until 99 and then quitting? Nerf their exp by around 75% or make them minibosses or make them not undead.
Even more based if you remove them completely and give Sphinx the old spawns.
That's because niggerdev is Graendol. There, I said it.
submit feedback to his email he's pretty responsive
just buffed dancer/bard so they can have normal walking while casting for example
Can Ninjas take down MvPs with killing stroke or otherwise?
That actually makes a lot of sense if true. He has said a ton of things in global speaking for niggerdev which made no sense to me. Hate both of those faggots.
>make x thing worse so y thing becomes better by comparison

Why not make y thing better?
He's had some bad opinions once or twice as well iirc...
Don't be a retard. Anubis solo exp is busted.
you switch classes or do bowling bash bow
these are pretty much the only options
With old spawns, you mean Marduks?
Is toy factory the quickest way to get job 45~50 solo with thief?
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Guild Lead of Nice Boat, just a group of friends player together, not opposed to meeting knew people along the way either.
kill high orcs or if you have enough flee go for hill winds(faster)
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>me and my guild fighting an MVP
I stopped at 3000, fuck this game
sorry i meant new not knew, im still eepy
Sorry the RNG is being shitty anon. Hope you get it soon.
would make more sense if he was bill
Why is it that 190 aspd is almost 6 attacks/second but feels like 3 attacks/s?
I really think Niggerdev is his own entity. Apart from some shady network head
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>not opposed to meeting knew people along the way either.
Liar. You were literally saying how nobody would join your guild a few days ago and I asked which guild was yours so I could join and you never replied.
>just a group of friends player together
But it seems you never had the intention.

I hate this, I hate it, I hate it, I hate it. I hate MMOs.
sorry you have to erp me to get in
Then what's the fucking point of joining a /v/ server out of all places?
obvious bullie spy
owo that's okay! everypony who knows me can tell you I'm the un in the stable if you know what I mean ;) message reiuji utsuho uwu
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I would heavily recommend /vm/'s Bizarre MMOadventure if you like MMOs, but you hate this cliquefaggotry
I literally spent all day playing a fucking 20 years old game today
on the bright side I got some really sweet costumes and mask + pet loyalty
I joined this to try to make friends but I'm on the breaking point
i joined bullies with a friend and have had a really good experience
kuso was really nice to me too so maybe try them
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4 Thara cards
Just max your luck bro
sorry i didnt see it, if you want to join just ask. dont really want to advertise that much in game/threads
kill all super novice
you quit ragna/v? damn
sex with super novices
don't fucking lie to me
nobody talks to me
hang out in payon you'll get perved on soon enough
you sound mentally ill ngl
Ragna/v/2 he removed Expel and rude TP from certain mvps like beelze and maya
we're in 4chan nigger, we're all mentally ill
If you're in MyRO, make sure to type "NIGGER" in #global so I know who to add in /our guild/
there's only been one emperium drop and it was used to create Avalon
you can freely say whatever you want in chat btw
avalon is literally our guild btw
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Join now so you can make fun of the socially inept retard?
Let's just both go on our ways and forget this ever happened.
put a drops card in your shop so i can buy it, i know one of you have one
I had like 6 but I no longer play in ragna/v sorry bro
its not that big of a deal anon, but whatever makes you happy
Kuso has alot of people in their guild if you wanted to join them.
i don't recall asking


are you this desperate for attention
I don't like them
keep crying
why are you seething bro?
really? everyone i've partied with has been really nice...
Thank you for the buffs Pecola uwu
I walk alone
dagger rogue bros we are being left behind
>have 4 shining stones to get a petite pet
>get one to 1% hp
>fail all 4 attempts
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Come to Comodo if you would like a present.
post your favorite ragna/v/ screenshots, fellow quitters
The damage it does is not comparable to Asura. Even if you boosted it as far as possible, I doubt it'd kill even the weakest MvPs.
i think if a tame item fails on a monster that might be a monster forever cursed to fail tames. maybe that's just some bullshit i picked up while playing RO.
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really wanted a petite but i aint going back to zenorc hell, oh well
nah, I tamed dokebi with like 10 brooms on ragnav3
>another dancer joins bullies
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there are THREE high priests without guilds
>payon merchants still alive
sages slacking
Is Earthquake reduced by any kind of defense besides neutral resist or is it like a piercing attack?
>bill quit before hitting 99 again
Half of pleb went to myro already. Good luck zerging the air tomorrow.
Ranged reduction works against it. As well as any anti-racial, size or Alice cards. Ghostring card will also reduce the damage, and GTB will nullify it. If you're the only one being targetted by it, it can also be reflected by the effects of cards like Maya card.
EQ can be single target? I thought that skill was an AOE
i have not seen that server mentioned in ally chat even once
Only if you're the only one in the screen at the moment it's cast. I remember people being able to kill Hardrock Mammoth with it back in the day.
Also forgot to mention things like Kaupe will prevent the first hit of Earthquake.
racial reduction, alice card, long range reduction (horn, alligator) all work in addition to neutral resist. like the other anon said if you actually have ghostring, deviling, or gtb card those all work as well. iro classic wiki is pretty accurate for pre-re, at least before whatever changes your server has.
pretty sure i saw bullies tank auto counter it on valk too
also, having more targets spreads out the damage. homunculi (lol rip) and mercenaries work for this.
Dual-wield Elemental Swords and cast firebolt scrolls like a chad.
i'll kill myself over playing priest again, I did that back in 2004-2006 and hated every second of it
is myro just poringro?
No, dev is competent. At least more than Ratshitpiss.
it's some random garbage server with a total of one person in the thread playing on it
you all are such faggots
>whoa i can get COSTUMES via DROPS?
bro he's literally and unironically implementing the feedback we, as players, are giving him
ask Vespera about how the server admin buffed dancers/bard just because he had a legitimate suggestion about it
he also set up the bg pack that includes @joinbg
that's HUGE
small malaysian server with one person here trying to use it to shit up the thread
This. I'm decaclienting there and I made a guild today.
sorry chuddie myro doesn't allow multiclient and there are no exceptions
>he also set up the bg pack that includes @joinbg
Wait, did you guys actually got the good bg script?
... you've never even bothered to read their discord have you? why are you doing this

even billGOD quit. ragnaKWAB is over.
would be so fucking hilarious if he jumped to myro too which honestly wouldn't surprise me
nothing of value lost
BASED. See you there tomorrow I guess.
Bill didn't like having competition for MVPs
I hope he leaves so all the actual people who don't multiclient and camp mvps all day get to have fun
>h-he multiclients!
you're just a shitter trying to cope with being inferior to him lol
Sounds like you're the little fucking faggot here
no im white
fuck off bill, literally everybody hates your preferential treatment
you had the whole server catered to you and your multiclienting buttbuddy and you still got rolled
lol not at all, deleted-kun
I apologize, it was a wrong reply.
>he has never won an mvp against bill
skill issue desu
Apology accepted. I also apologize for my condemnation.
for me it was that part of the Ragnarok Anime where it was implied that Maya got plapped in the alley https://youtu.be/x0IDIYHbzvo?t=447
for some reason I thought that was on Episode 1
what the fuck? I changed timelines?
i believe it happened on the Alberta Arc where Alice got transformed into a Mutated Dragon.
I'll have to rewatch it
>it was implied
is that how she turned into Maya Purple?
The bluray release shows the whole rape scene bro
Damn oh well
Somebody give me suggestions on where to level super novice after 70-ish and what build
myro is so fucking fun bros..
get some siroma cards and go ice bolt goats
hmm, well i do have one card already, guess i'll try for another
Thanks for the valkyrie shield and armor, I won't name you just in case of the schizos. Thanks again anon!
no fucking shit retard, you fell for the shilling
no one is in a hurry , why would you be kicked ? play at your leisure, it's a 20 years old game
no way?!!
you're saying the pinoy hue server is...... LE DEAD??!!!
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is this fine for support while still being able to do dogs decently during downtime? not really sure what skills people want priest to take other than what I've been told in the thread
thanks for reminding me about doing the plant event bro
Qrd of each guild in ragna/v/?
since when did we start hating myro here, is this an /lgbt/ psyops?
it's just the clique samefagging and feeling threatened from a server that people are migrating to after making a fool of themselves
Sis, the reset cost 5k here (9k if both), just use turn undead points into something else and reset for intense dog fucking.
>muh clique myro clique myro clique myro clique myro clique myro clique myro clique myro clique myro
Get the fuck out of my thread.
yeah but I'm lazy and also a bit broke, I can't justify constantly spending 9k
>12 pop server
>keep flooding the thread as if anyone is gonna bother playing on a hue server
nice move myROniggers
both servers are terrible with low pop
someone just make a x15 already
we love myro here btw
You're playing on Ragna/v/ which has super cheap resets, if you're going to support, switch to a support build, if you're going Anubis, switch to TU build, it won't take more than a minute.
Canto Candidus and Clementia need to be level 3 each, otherwise the duration for Bless/Agi will have you constantly recasting them and wasting your SP, which at 500+ SP per round is going to have you starved.
Also did you check https://rentry.org/PriestH2B
There's recommended skills to take there.
>super cheap resets
for 80+ people*
I did, kind of tried using it to make a decent-at-both build to avoid having to constantly pay for resets, but I guess I should just eat the cost. thank you anon
Kill 20 wolves and sell Strawberries in payon.
nta but how do you effectively kill shit thats not undead as a priest?
you send your slaves to do it for you
9k is nothing, even in the first dog fucking stage
bro you can make 9k in one trip through payon dungeon
You don't, lmao.
Mercenaries on other servers, Linked Holy Light if you have multiclients. You can actually solo things like Atroce with the level 10 Mercs.
so how do I make money as a priest
All bullies though
Sell all the shit you get from bombing undead. You should be able to easily get 200k before even becoming a priest.
succumb to knots or become millionth priest slave at bully's disposal that will be (probably) giving you items and money
turn undead evil druids or literally any moderate/high level undead that isn't anubis. sell the drops and cards
The amount of priests Bully have is unhealthy. Please, leave some to other guilds. Thanks.
your guild will give you all your gear and you can just sit in larry and warp and buff them
is sanctuary a good spell or not
Support Priest doesn't make money by itself, unless a lucky drop goes your way on a party or the party is considerate enough and gives you first grabs on those items.
TU Priest can make money by leeching people if you're good at killing them fast.
Magnus Exorcismus makes the most money, especially if the server is active and there's demand for Geffen items (Infiltrator and Marionette Dolls) but it requires a higher entry fee for good equipment.
Battle Priest can make money but it's the one that needs the best equipment.
Bullies have done such extreme damage to the priest mindset that I don't think it can be recovered.
There is another....ERP Priest! Easiest to play.
Oh yeah... you can probably make real money with that as well...
Not my cup of tea though.
real money for erotic role playing? maybe in final fantasy but here?
I don't know how you people find erp easy to do, my prose sucks
Really good. It's a continuous AoE Heal that you don't have to worry about after you've placed it. It lets you keep supporting the party or casting Lex on things while topping the party's HP.
You do need high DEX to make the best use of it though.
>how to make money as priest?
>no, i ask as a priest
fucking retards
this is ragnav community
doesnt it also heal enemies?
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so true
should I just vendor all of it or are the cards something people actually want? how do you sell to other people anyways?
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i wonder if ragna/v/ dev has any plans of changing Venom Splasher. i really like the Renewal rework that makes it very useful as an mid-game AoE attack.
>does it benefit the clique?
>if yes, will change
>if not, lol, lmao even
please give ninja 20k HP at 99 to buff the final strike
Yeah but that's only if monsters get inside it. Even in moving parties you'll find enough room to prevent that, and even if the monsters do get inside, 777 heal per second to them isn't THAT much when they're getting showered by spells and attacks.
Bear in mind we're talking about large parties where focusing your Heals on a single team member will just leave the remaining 10 unsupported, if you're partying with 3 or 4 people you'll only ever use Heal on them.
I see, thank you for the insight
Do only old people play this game?
I'm older than 30 younger than 36
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Define old
Over 30
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I'm sorry for being new and retarded
I am not
>20 year old game
what do you think
i'm newish and don't know the value of whatever cards you would be encountering but cards are almost always worth keeping. you can trade with people manually or setup a shop as a merchant
so I'd need to make an alt to be able to set up a shop, I see. thank you anon
specifically Evil Druid card is PvP fodder so it'd easily go for 1.5-2m
a tip is to make the merchant on a new account entirely, if you set up your shop and use the @autotrade command, it'll log you out of that account and keep your shop open and you can keep playing on your other account. It's not the same thing as multiclienting
I'll try to farm out 1 or 2 of those so I can afford my rebirth then, thank you anon
never would have known that otherwise, thank you
>bullies trying to get new players to sell their 0.1% car drop
Do NOT sell your cards.
EDs are not that hard to farm, just ask your 99lv. sniper to do it for you instead of wasting money
yeah you'll just have to mail your items between accounts to sell just FYI, it's 2,500z per item mailed so just take that into account
>Zeny is completely worthless in ragna/v/
RODEX tax is theft btw
It's a tax against powerful jewery
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I tried myro for a laugh, but I actually quite like it, and it doesn't have that melee bug movement thing. I like ragna, but the tryhard woe types kind of put me off recently. Not expecting anyone to move there, was just curious.
gib me free gibs or I will move to myro
That's an hour of zeny, if you think I'm selling any card for that you can fuck off. It's staying in my storage. The mavka fags can either trade me cards/gear in kind or pay a respectable amount.
i sold mine 1.25m
It has some nice upsides, some downsides.
Seen a few names from ragna/v/ there so far but it's still a very tiny server for now.
it's like a completely different game to be honest
in a better and good way
your shill posts are getting desperate
New bread doko
i'm fine just leaving the thread down until the myro shitposter forgets about it desu
Leave the plants to ME
mailed you the prize, thanks for playing
its ok bill/gordon/graendol/peonngy not everyone are clogging mavka map with 10 bots, the most amount of zeny i had is 11m
yes hello
never ever ever sell cards to the vendor
>Fags trying to splinter the playerbase for no valid reason
this is why i don't play shit with you retards
>it's another episode of crying and seething even with preferential treatment
>nonono im not butthurt over being called out for abusing mavkas
do bulliekeks really
Netori bots the fuck out of mavkas. I sat there following him while cloaked a few times. Typical bot movement. No inputs a human would make.
funny how ragnav shills are allowed to shill but whenever someone does it it's suddenly a problem
>>abusing mavkas
MyRO has been really refreshing. Put a few hours of grinding in and got all my gear slots filled out. Low exp rates and higher drop rates feels so good and is how RO should be played. You can actually have fun gearing and progressing. Finally a server gets this right.
If you stopped playing there you're forbidden to play anywhere else or talk about it.
Didn't you read the fine print?
sell me a remover card wtfff
I'm the guy who got the pupa. hello
you're simply a bunch of faggots, it was advertised as a /v/ and /vg/ server and now you homos are trying to shit on it with some server that literally advertised on reddit
bunch of shitters
ro in 2024 bots the fuck out of Stings. I sat there following him while cloaked a few times. Typical bot movement. No inputs a human would make. His glove drops are not legit.
>there are bots and multiclients on ragnav
yeah and the sky is blue
if you want to talk about ragnav3 so badly and only that one, go to your /v/ thread schizo-kun.
don't get your panties wet
Lucky fuck.
but you already have a safe space to shill your SEAver, cutie
someone make a /v/ thread so i can get the fuck out of /vg/ already
this place fucking sucks and moot was retarded for making it
Vanessa bots the fuck out of /rog/. I sat there following her while cloaked a few times. Typical bot movement. No inputs a human would make.
go make one
i'll tell the mod that you already have a /vg/ thread so they can delete it and send you back here lmao
>use mirror image
>doesn't take a shadow orb
Did dev stealth patch it?
Someone give me the rundown, why is this buckbroken nigger trying to kill 4chan servers while shilling a reddit one?
Is it the host of the reddit one just trying to groom faggots into his Discord?
You couldn't be more transparent.
how do people not get tired of playing pre-renewal, especially on a server without custom content? At least on uaRO they have new dungeons
Server with retarded ass faggot niggerdev only making changes for his clique fag friends and terrible design choices all around. Rules apply to everyone but his friends. Awful melee hit stun and movement yet any other server doesn't have this.
Refreshing and chill with some nice features to polish things up and good rates. No insane changes. Good BG script. Takes feedback from all players.
You couldn't be more transparent.
ragnav niggerdev has been a faggot for 3 servers
he brought his discord circlejerk in /ro/
they have been shitting up our threads since then
this is 4chan
of course someone is going to get tired of this bullshit and try to actively destroy him after a while
>comes to a thread in which 9/10 anons are playing on a specific server
>starts shilling his 1 digit hue botted one
what do (You) think anon? this guy is 100% ratshitpiss
Lmao bullies in this thread so mad their clique server is dying. Hilarious.
Keep saying it and maybe it'll happen one day
oh no. Who will they stormgust in WoE?
you lost the plot
ironically if the server died today bullies would probably be overjoyed because they are the only ones who did any of the big mvps and the ones that won woe. if we are going to leave it should be right away they lose something.
im 120000000% sure it's vincent. im not crazy. you're all crazy
make a rogue/hunter alt
thanks for hosting
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name the new thread as /ragnavg/ and make a seperate /rog/ for all the other discussion
everyone is happy, all smiles
maylayROfag will schizo in the ragna/v/ thread no matter what
and they're all camping the smaller ones like the cucks they're so they feel glorified if they get a drop
Wouldn't it be funny if not one person attacked bullies in woe?
just leave the whisperbox blank you dumbass
no one cares about your shitty server kek
>nooo we should put the other servers in an open-air prison
they'll always manage to dupe some new players with no gear into attacking them. It's what they play for, but yes it would be funny if no one turned up.
how many of you are actually playing myro right now? i only know 1 because he keeps saying 'based' like a fucking idiot
No one play in ragna/v/ tho
So far I've seen 4 names I know from the /v/ server, plus me.
pekola you bitch invite me in avalon
no one plays in myRO tho
You're right, i dont
yeah there's a few people.
1 guy
hey it's Marhek, I somehow lost my raydric pet
idk what happened
could I get it replaced?
Hanyeo please be my wife.
she's too busy riding my cock right now
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>namedrop hour
i think we could make more tolerable hours in any given day if we overlapped namedrop hour and schizo hour, you two could work together to both make the thread shit and talk about people that don't know you exist together.
I saw you dead and AFK on the field. I presume your pet ran out of food and left. Pray the dev is nice enough to reinstate you your pet.
wouldn't matter, they'd still screech and shitpost in it anyhow
It's just a single schizo. That's it.
Is the only place to rent a falcon in hugely? Tfw you respec and birdie is gone
I hate Peachy so much. She is always just there farming stuff and never saying anything.
She has to be a 3letter glowie or some sort of crazy murder hobo.
I'm playing it, having a blast. Gotta sleep now, but more tomorrow. Might still play ragna/v/ 3 as well, not sure yet. The admin on MyRO isn't a corrupt retard like ragnav.
kys pekola
Why so mad? Do you expect her to ride your dick the moment she see you in the map?
grendex is annoying to me
I'd pay for ERP though
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>The admin on MyRO isn't a corrupt retard
>brazillian (corrupt)
>mihomo gacha player (retard)
That's not who this is.
Not to be a racist but I'm white.
Just say you want to fuck Peachy.
based af
MyRO has extended zoom. So fucking nice and something that pretty much every pserver has these days. Fagnadev won't add it for some reason. I guess I have to be a bully and ask for it.
Oh and it also has a navi system that isn't bugged to death and works no matter what map you're on when starting it.
Oh and gear also drops identified. Fuck magnifiers.
Oh and it has the good BG script.
Oh and it has dungeon warpers once you unlock it for the first time.
Oh and you don't have to do dungeon access quests on every fucking character on your account.
Oh and the episode it's on is before the satan morroc trash so old morroc is there and has all the old sograt desert maps+spawns. Very very soulful.
Oh and it doesn't have assassins doing 10-20k autos with 30 minute EDPs for no reason at all.
Oh and it doesn't have wizards doing max matk attacks at all times so they kill stuff like necromancers and salamanders with 1 SG.
Oh and it has a daily mob kill quest system where you can party up with people and it counts the kills for everyone in the party.
Oh and it has regular events to participate in not ran manually by a retarded GM.
Oh and the GM chats with and takes feedback and suggestions from anyone, not just those in his faggot clique guild.
Oh and every player has oc/dc 10 instead of taking it away completely.
Oh and it has costumes dropping for every mob and you have to actually earn your appearance.
Do I keep going?

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