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What is Revue Starlight?
Revue Starlight is a multimedia franchise consisting of stage plays, anime, manga, mobage and more. Various stage girls compete in battles to become the "top star", the peak of their peers. NOTE: The game is a sequel to the events of the anime, Shoujo Kageki Revue Starlight. It is required to watch it before playing the game.

>Asset viewer

>Tier List

>English Twitter

>Download Links
Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=jp.co.atm.smile.ww
iOS: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/revue-starlight-re-live/id1456723497?mt=8

Reaching toward the final stage.

Previous Stage: >>490563238
The Karen strikes again!
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Let's go, to that final thread!
To become shining stars!
I just realized there's a 5 star selector for the banner and Archangel isn't included so it's not even in the rollable pool. It is already over
Why does ftb dresses like that ?
Are you guys going to have a distinct /u/ thread or all just dogpile into the bushi general once things come to an end?
>bushi general
eww no thanks
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the last yyk
she is forgotten
less than 10 days...
Revue Stoplight
Baby Blue
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the Seiranese Ichies
haha seatlet has more subscriber
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Red & Blue bosses > Trophy Road > Boss Keys > Burning Stage Girl bosses
aijo karen fat dog
I like to beat up the Andrews. I wish they yelped
Beat that filthy creature to death.
Killing is good
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If Andrew didn't exist starira would have lived for 5 more years
If Eru didn't exist starira wouldn't have lived for 5 years
Eru is the tulpa of a sad orphan
If Eru had stayed 5 years old starira would have lived for 50 more years.
We still have time for Hag Aruru! Trust in Eru to deliver!!
45 year old Arururururu...
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la puta
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I finally got the legendary blessed Flatzuha... my account is saved!!
There hasn't been a dedicated /u/ thread for like 4 years now after some posters there had a melty.
But yeah if people want a place to talk about the series without worrying about hitting page 10 every hour, reviving it is a good idea. The "Bushiroad" thread is just a Bandori thread in disguise, no point in sharing a room.
That image is a crime against Butaikind.
Students belong to their teachers. That is the most fundamental law of nature.
Showtime! Frontier!
Arururu shot everyone...
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amano karen
Now that the dust has settled, what do we REALLY think about Cream Soda
I never tried it
The synopsis made them sound like they need to be spanked by Yakumo, but they look cute in all the art I've seen, so I forgive them. I did not actually watch Baby Blue yet.
All girls need to be spanked on their bare bums by Yakumo.
Wow..... it's the King of seatbelt
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my King is not very imposing. make Michiru the new King, promoted from Puppetmaster/Shadow King
Old man Karen
Karen will be remembered for
the 2028 Beijing Massacre.
nothing happened
The Dog of Shanghai
Snail Tsukasa
Do not let Maya see.
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Suzu lost.
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haha no mom
How young is too young?
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you must be old enough to identify the clever themes and to appreciate the witty comedy of Conte to be a true reliable elder and upperclassman
you must be a butaituber
the secret fumi onlyfans
I recommend Rinmeikan!
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Judy is the greatest
Hikari bottomed
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>How many times do you have to ask that ****ing question
Shiori should send Yachiyo to the glue factory
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hikari was not invited
She is with Judy now.
I envy Hikari's skill of being invisible.
Hikari is just a hairpin.
I don't get it.
Of course you don't.
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the Grand Concubine of Siegfeld
she will be in a other school
the Grand Concubine of Romana
they are more loser than seiran
Romana doesn't even have a designated cute hag teacher... their days are numbered
Karen will teach them
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Which Starlight was your favorite?
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Just wait for the sequel... they will all return...
it's LALAFIN though.
The funny one
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TENDOU MAYA has the coolest Revue which has to count for something. In terms of personality I'll have to pick Junna or Claudine. I like the types who earnestly chase something that's out of reach. For the mobage girls I never actually got around to reading the story properly but Akira is really handsome and cool and so is her VA... I remember getting really horny about her once. She looked incredibly good in some photo anon posted. By the way are you the same person who posted this Yachiyo picture when we got started? I was here at the beginning but I never stuck around. The last girl I got back when I was seriously playing the multiplayer was Phantom of the Opera Banana. After that I either didn't play at all or I would just sign in to collect the daily login reward and roll the gacha if I could.
All my friends and family love Mei Fan
Stella will become my favorite when she takes Ryoko back and plants Mikoto's head on a pike.
2mooe Tamao Was my Friend
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I like when she screams "KLAUS WARD" and hits her big gong
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I think that Kuina was so cool in Remains that it is unfair to the others. They need to make her a lame loser again to recoup
Life is not fair. If the other losers want to be coolerer than Kuina, they will have to work for it.
That is the way of the stage.
Wow. It's
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Toji No Miko!
Yukina-sama on the stage!
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The Terror of Dondon
She's coming home!
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it's her fault
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ReLIVE's soul was sold to dark devils in exchange for plushies of the Siegfeld Juniors. Now we wait
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Future Freaks
akira will set them on the right path
It is the road to hell.
the goddess kaoruko saves all
>that Tamao senpai
Lmao, Tmao.
Shiori: one more rival

I try posting this for the 3rd time but the sistem keep swallowing my post. Either 4chan doesn’t like Brave browser or
Shiori will have to go on a killing spree one of these days.
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That's evil!
Did You Know? Frontier Is Cool
who are you?
yyk zzzzzzz
stupid jacket
stupid hairclip
I liked El Dorado.
Only Andrew did not.
Kansai Ben stupid cow
dead thread
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the cow is a symbol of vitality. this flower will not wilt
2* Tsukasa cleave through Daffodil. dropped
I never understand how to use the radio. Do i need vpn?
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she will be forgotten (that is good thing)
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Special event.

No Hikari because canon and no Stella because she'll be playing a guitarist somewhere else.
Hikari's cannon...
Cannon in H
I thought this is was Shizuha talk about rooftop shortcut

jellyfish guitar?
Shizuha also molests children, but they are very different.
>the guy who got turned away by misora
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We all know the real reason why Hkr is not there...
It is because she is selling herself to brown women in Dondon.
>No Hikari because canon
That's a weird stage name for a wrestler. Although now that I said that it's actually kind of cool.
Speaking of Dondon...

Happy Birthday, Bakaren!
the final karen
the karen to end all karens
Mihono has been found.
dead in a ditch
It is reborn
This is the best show I was tricked into watching because of a Starlight VA but our Stella is still cooler. Now make her play the guitar for a revue
Stella lost to a zoomer
Stella went boom.

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