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>Kiriko spam filterlist

Previous thread: >>495093743
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the kiriko brought you donuts
>Mercy spam filterlist

>Mercy spam filterlist

>Mercy spam filterlist
Mmm donuts, I'll have some, thank you kiriko
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the kiriko dance
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I come bearing news, anon! Blizzard have run out of budget to actually pay their character designers (they spent it all dealing with milk-related lawsuits), and have decided to consult YOU on designing the newest Overwatch 2 hero!
What's your bright new idea for a character that'll really captivate the playerbase, and make Blizzard some much-needed cash?

>hard mode: your character must fill at least some DEI characteristics, we've got to keep Blizzard's ESG score high!
Goth gf with a big butt. Like Sable Ward from Dead By Daylight but with a gun.
Was playing doomfist earlier against a venture, with charged fist I punched the bitch so hard, slammed into a wall that I felt bad for them.
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Sex with Juno
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Blonde, green eyes, freckles, pale skin, American farm girl. Large breasts, wears jean shorts and a crop top. It's a female so it's dei! She also grew up poor which is dei! She has a shovel as a weapon for the first melee dps.
Maximum velocity
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Milk contraband you're under arrest
I'll have to drink all of it myself
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Mei's ass is my favourite character.
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This but Hana's ass
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fair enough
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None. Zero. I’ve said this many times already but I mean this 100% when I say that Blizzard already created my perfect character in Sombra.
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i cant stop wanking it to her and chatting her up with sex bot ai
I'm so tired of Sombra being in every game
What rank are you that you post this everyday?
I'm so tired of Sombra not being real and my wife
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Enjoy your life anons.
Do not fall for the misery and agony of the antagonist zoomer.
I hate low elo sombras so much all they do is stand in a spot incognito for 30 seconds, reveal themselves to shoot at a target for 2 seconds then translocating out without doing anything. then they do this for the rest of the round, i call them out for it, they say look at my elims, i tell him doing 1 damage to a target counts as an elim then he tells me thats what sombra does then i tell him to fuck off
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This guy gets it
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Best girl
Best skin for best girl
Love Olivia <3
The worst sombra in the world is still extremely obnoxious to play against too
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Gold and Plat general
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jokes on u im masters and even that feels like low elo.
i miss ow1 so much bros
My highest is Diamond 4 pal.
I saw the funniest fucking plebbit post last night about being banned by blizzard, probably one of you guys, but it got deleted before I could cap it. he was calling lifeweaver a faggot and also rambling to the support people about marxism
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i did something like that 2 years ago about OW and how mercy players are all fags and never do no wrong, except this was in the discord server.
i hate mercy mains so fucking much stop fucking stealing my heals oyud umb bitch and go pocket a dps already jesus CHRIST im HEALING THE FUCKING TANK
Tank healing and Tank shooting is so much fun though.
Based Illari lover
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Gold and Silver general
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You think very highly of me
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I'm too busy gooning to the Asian female characters to climb in ranked.
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I'm tired of people making new accounts constantly and fucking the matchmaking
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On console it's the worse. Smurfs will run rampart in Silver through Plat games, and then get mad at their teammates for playing like their rank.
i am losing all desire to play...
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where is plasmawatch
hi there
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I love fat girls so, so fucking much it brings me to literally tears. Protect fat girls. <3
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That's not fat. Roadhog is fat, Mei is chubby at best.
You shouldn't fetishize disabilities
Mei's fat ass required more energy for cryostasis and killed eco point
1-3 ow
4-6 valo
7-9 the finals
0 single player game
Either you haven’t been around fat girls or you actual have a fat fetish
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Crazy how tanks have like 28 stuns and never think to use them for anything but damage
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Idk I get solo-shattered everytime I blade as Genji.
Yeah because it does damage.
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I had a Rein solo shatter me 6 times yesterday
bro you're not zbra get off doom
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I solo shatter exclusively to Mercy players
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You probably had it coming.
i think this season is the nail in the coffin
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So every woman?
This is amusing because Sombra doesn't actually care about money because you know, she's a fucking super hacker.
I lost motivation to keep track and i’ll get back on that soon, but according to my current data (24 quickplay games) the odds of having an enemy swap reaper into a winston are 1/3 (16/24 games)
this is a frankly ridiculous ratio given dps has the most plentiful roster.
so yes, counterswapping IS a problem for the sole reason of i don’t want to have to play against the same fucking character on repeat every match
That's how you know she'd be the perfect wife
What were they even thinking with Mauga anyway? What if we made Roadhog but dumber and gayer?
2/3, the odds of not having an enemy swap reaper is 1/3 lol my bad.
the data was also collected very early in the season when nobody even had the mythic so it’s not just current season hype train
lesser odds than pharah playing against soldier+cass or widow playing against sombra
he's a big guy
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>no extra chin flesh
>flat stomach
>thigh gap
>feet wider than ankles
>no cellulite

You niggas have the most retarded views on what fat is.
Just jump away
then please collect your own data and pressure the devs to address this
i know.
i’m not saying reaper OP i’m saying i’m tired of fighting the same fucking shit on repeat just because people have the compulsive need to counterswap always.
Tankoids complaining about someone playing a character who doesn't just immediately fall over and die when they get within 20m of them is the most consistent cope after Mercy mains claiming the character takes skill but then again so do Winston players despite the character being about as complex as an MMO rotation.
The Rock was mad that their weren't any Samoan characters, so he was made just to please him.
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>metal rank
>enemy tank goes Mauga
>your tank doesn't go Mauga
>the character designer's thinly-veiled bara fetish
No reason to mirror him in the current meta. Your tank just needs to 1. not pick Rein 2. understand how cooldowns work.
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missing the point, again.
i’m tired of fighting the same character. i beat reaper all the time, i beat bastion all the time, i beat mauga all the time. i’m just sick of fighting them on repeat in a game where the selling point is having a big roster. fighting the same fucking guy in 66% of my matches is lame and boring.
stop counterswapping so much, shitter
Maybe the problem is 80% of the roster is shit against winston?
this is some first world problems shit
>swap off character because you're being countered and getting no value against the enemy comp
>can’t pick characters that sit in the back because your character invalidates them
>cries when he doesn’t see other characters in the roster
Stop picking monkey then?
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tankoids complaining about dps counterpicking them is the funniest shit ever. like yeah bro you might get tickled a bit, it's not a total tankoid genocide. wish it was though.
I want to tell her I love her
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*snaps the wetback's neck*
I have no problem with that kind of swapping, but very often it’s not that.
people go zarya into dva on watchpoint and expect to win. people go reaper on junkertown just to counter me. people go reaper when my pharah buddy is 24/0 just to counter me. there’s no strategy, no mind games, no nothing. just looking for a cheap advantage. it’s pathetic.
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spicy latina love
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If you were a rein main complaining like this people would be telling you to fuck off
>there’s no strategy
How is swapping to reaper one of like 3 DPS who can do anything more than die against winston not strategy
Fuck off retard
It’s even worse than a reinfag saying it because he plays fucking monkey
the strategy is, since dps has practically no impact and everything relies on the tank, to try to make the enemy tank as miserable as possible and hope your tank is not a retard.
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Yes I'm switching to Sym if the enemy D.va is raping us
when will they be removing tanks from the game?
Rape Sombra
judging by the pattern, when OW3 drops
sym isn’t a dva counter if you’re outside of the metal ranks
if you’re in metal ranks lol
Hana raping me? Oh noooo haha that sounds really bad...
I only get sad if enemy tank picks D.va because I want to play Bastion
its just looking at a type chart. oftentimes its not even the correct play as i described in the post you’re replying to.
Must be horrible for you
Mei is better nowadays because she doesn't die in less than a second
Based Olivia lovers
pretty cringe desu
i mean when 66% of enemy gamers specifically play to make my life worse then yeah it gets kinda annoying
especially since i solely play quickplay
I don't play obese heroes
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Yeah they should let you win
Yes I'm switching to Sym so I can jack off to her thighs
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you wouldn’t get it.
i dont get the winston hate he’s not even that common
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i look like this
based if male
>doesn't aim
>can outrun every non-tank
>can instantly heal himself and put his health to 1200 (4x reapers)
>650 health bubble every 6 seconds
Winston is retarded like every other tank
I don't think I've ever lost a juju+brig comp match they work so well together.
>he’s not even that common
Not a Winston hater but this is just not true.
Above metal ranks he's incredibly common.
It's just that D.Va has been so overtuned that he gets sidelined, even then bubble provides much more utility than matrix in coordinated play.
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time to post some kiriko
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>not that common
He’s in 75% of pro games
God I want Mercy to blow me before our mission.
are you a pro?
how come no one told me BASED was in this thread?
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"Honk honk" voiceline when
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kirikoposter, post the kiriko dva one
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>lust provoking image

I haven't played OW since the 2022 halloween event. What game modes should I focus on if I'm trying to learn about all the new heroes and maps I've missed out on? I vaguely remember Sojourn being an oppressive meta pick and Kiriko dabbing on other supports, but that's about it. No clue what the new crew even does or how to fight them!
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thank you
there's one left, can you guess who?
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I don’t know but I made this one for me
This. at least hooking and cooking is fun. Mauga is literally designed to shoot the enemy tank 24/7
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love this little digger like you wouldn't believe
Why is he white?
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Echo watching Mccree and Ashe have sex
Hopefully Venture will get a skin that makes her look feminine and sexy.
you can't just put a spoiler on a '97 honda civic and call it a racecar
Yes I can
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Why not?
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even when im not playing this stupid game i cant escape this dumbass character
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Lighting Tracer
which skin is that
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Lena Tracer
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It's crazy how doomtards are so bad when they have 20 different stuns every 2 seconds. They're the sombra of tanks for sure.
Moira is fun
Do you even know how doom works?
If you're retarded
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agreed she was fun before juno released and in low elo, but now everyone can just peel and you kinda end up throwing by playing flank moira. coal buff was nice tho
Tanks should have 500 less HP
I should have 100% more sex
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>Mexico friend gifts me his account with exclusive skins
>Can't change region because of blizzard accounts bullshit
Is there a way for me to change the email and or country? Or at least play?
I've heard I can just play on steam and that fixes everything right?
My guess is I play through steam and just change the battlenet account email and password to one of my own
lil bro got scammed by jose
You can't change region
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I know, but I want to change the account settings so only I can access it
Can I play through steam and it'll get fixed?
>tank crying about people counterswapping them but wont swap themselves
Honestly, without exaggeration, tankoids deserve to get nerfed every single patch for about 6 years.
Role queue mystery heroes is better than the standard game because you can’t be held hostage by an elo terrorist one tricking doom, ball, mercy, moira, lifewaver or sombra.
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No but you can change email and password and slap on 2fa, but you would need access to your 'friends' email. not sure why youd care if he would want to play his account again.
its also easy for him to reclaim an account any way.
unless you're just trying to pussyfoot saying that you bought a cheap account from some mexican on epicnpc or something.
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>doomfist gaming
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Kill yourself
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>when you pulse bomb the brigger
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>having fun
>enemy team picks widow and now I have to change the entire way I play the game
>having fun
stop the cap
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>try to practice sojourn
>not having fun and keep missing my mlg 360 railgun headshots
>try to practice sombra
>enemy team isn't retarded and bats me away from their supports like a fly
>hop back on ol reliable reaper
>immediately hit a 24 killstreak
Good ol' teleport behind the backline and merc the healers. Works everytime.
Where are you getting all these Venture pics from?
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Widow maps are healthy for the game because the matches on them actually revolve around conscious positioning decisions and utilizing the map design effectively and isn't just a makeshift deathmatch made with people just W-keying on autopilot.
>Widow maps are healthy for the game because the matches on them actually revolve around conscious positioning decisions and utilizing the map design effectively and isn't just a makeshift deathmatch made with people just W-keying on autopilot.
yes I LOVE losing because my widowmaker missed her shot or because my teammate went out of position for 0.1 second
Blizzard…for the love of money…please release more Brigitte skins…I’m begging you…the Briggers are suffering…BLIZZARD!!!!
if a widow hits a 100ms shot you deserved to die
Dva playing video games for a week straight and not showering.
>play one game of all queue aka tank
>none of my dps know how to fight venture
>get destroyed
>turn game off
Very nice blizzard thank you for this matchmaking
Not really
true! I deserve to lose for having the worse widowmaker! FUN!!!!
>better players winning games is........le bad
Yeah because 1 player shouldn't be able to delete another player past the range they can interact with them.
on normal maps I have options to dealing with a good widowmaker
on widow maps I am held hostage
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that sounds like a cope you heard from some streamer like flats parrot. she has long range advantage but she loses a close range 1v1 to almost every character unless she hits a montage shot, which doesn't really happen that often.
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I want widow to hold me hostage
You don’t get to be close range on widow maps you fuckin retard
just don't run it down main, it's not that hard. there are plenty of routes options to close the gap, unless it's a badly designed point like havana 3rd.
Widow maps are literally all main retard
only circuit 1st point is all main
and havana 3rd obviously as i mentioned previously
remove all ow2 maps and remove havana and junkertown and remove role queue and remove 5v5 and add lunar back in. fuck your eula and live service agreement sell me THE LAN CLIENTS BLIZZARD SELL ME THE OLD PATCHES BLIZZARD
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good morning
sex with Lena
>It's crazy how doomtards are so bad when they are targeted by 20 different stuns every 2 seconds
FTFY. at least i think i did because this is closer to reality than whatever you were trying to say
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bad morning sex with Ashe
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I agree morning sex with Lena
which female hero would be with me if i have a small peepe? serious answers only
not kiriko
venture (you will be pegged relentlessly)
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Smoking half a joint with coffee and then playing Hammond while smoking the other half.
i really do not give a shit
This explains why every ball player is a retard at the wheel
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How many days?
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3042 days
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She just needs more time
Drilled, one might say.
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steaming pile of overgirls after a long group workout, imagine
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For me it’s the que honda lady
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she smells bad
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it's weekend... everyone should be at home playing overwatch and posting on /owg/ where is everyone
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>doing placements on my alt since im muted on my main but still want to play comp
>diamond 2 placements
>forget to avoid dogshit shitter two stack I carried one game, then farmed the next
>get them on my team
>Tank flames them
>I say "just go torb" because they're monkey/tracer
>locks in cree instaed
>tank proceeds to call him a faggot multiple times
>our woman on mercy goes "OH SO YOU'RE JUST GONNA BE HOMOPHOBIC???"
>I say "I'm gay, i'm not offended. he's just insulting the guy"
>she gets into a shouting match with our tank
why are white women like thsi
why do they always get offended on others behalf even when they don't want nor need them to be?
anyways, nerf widow.
not readin allat
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Waiting for my bestie to come online
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women annoying
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what does that mean?
Getting Junopilled
Juno is brig levels of free SR.
disgustingly broken character.
D5-D2 in less than a week.
get good at ana/bap and it's GM5 easy
And that?
I can't get directs on my diving dva/monkey as bap from far away and while they're highground. and Ana is only good at enabling your teao make plays. you can hit a fatass 5 man anti but if your team doesn't follow up who cares, yk?
plus the right click on Juno forces recall which is GREAT for tracer meta right now.
>plus the right click on Juno forces recall which is GREAT for tracer meta right now.
she can just blink away from it
that shit is a homing missile, swear that shit does like 140 degree turns and still donks her.
Tracer needs to go back to 150 HP.
bitch does NOT deserve 175
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How about you git gud instead? No?
this, so much this. keep nerfing every single dps, this will save our game.
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Playing Juno in unraked role queue.
>How about you git gud instead?
ironic given she's running over top 500 right now, but you wouldn't know that would you, plattie?
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it's her game
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least retarded /owg/ post
>huh? wuh?? guh huh???
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Ok, have fun
>8+ minute queues for support in diamond
>just to get a tard with an ego playing ball/doom without being good at them
ah, now this is the comp I remember.
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Every time I want to buy a skin I put the amount I'd spend on coins in my Fidelity account
This year has been awful, haven't wanted a single one
if he's the same rank as you, you deserve to play with him
cool argument
so that boosted mercy main also deserves to be on my team?
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That was me and I didn't swap specifically because you told me to
not true. due to the tank player pool being incredibly small, and the role being incredibly OP to the point that any retard can get value on it, and most tankoids are infact retards, the tank rank is incredibly inflated. the tank in your diamond games is realistically a gold player.
shut the fuck up, retard.
getting to diamond playing D.va then swapping to a skill hero isn't the same thing.
a diamond soldier one trick isn't a diamond hanzo player.
>tank is the most important role, meaning the better tank determines the outcome
>doom and ball are both high skill heroes
>somehow the doom/ball OTP is boosted
make it make sense
>Support plays like shit
>Blames tank
>DPS says nothing because they're playing something else
Tale old as time
you have literally 0 reading comprehension, it's crazy.
that or you're just a disgengenious retard.
or maybe you're the problem and deserve to lose
ball has 6 million hp and requires the entire enemy team to counter him or he will win for free. there's really no skill involved in playing him no matter how much you want to grasp at the "muh mechanics" straw.
ah, so a retard. got it.
no???? I'm not the guy complaining about getting a diamond doom/ball in a diamond game, post replay code or shut up
you are illiterate and can't follow a basic reply chain.
final (You), I don't speak to retards.
you don't need to speak if you just posted a replay code, but okay, I accept your concession
>unranked quickplay match
>some push bullshit I don't want to play so I back out
>get put into it again
>I leave again right when it switches to the match starting
>matchmaking ban

thanks I'll go play another game I guess
>tell my teammates to avoid one of the DPS
>get 3 endorsements
that's why I always avoid then DC.
alternatively play 2CP in arcade.
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>play game
>have to play game
>don't play game
I always avoid someone on the team before leaving so this doesn't happen.
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>join QP match in progress
>team is losing
>but we win
Oh boooooy

because you're a retard
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When will Overwatch have a SOMALI hero?
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remember when people would joke Mei was doomfist because of her quick melee?
man, I miss early Overwatch 1...
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We need a SOMALI hero!
what funny about this
Remember Mei’s freeze? There are new players that have no idea that Mei used to be able to do that. She would be the most hated character today if she still had that feature.
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Hi handsome!
Hope you slept well!
for me, it's scrap that torb had to pick up to give out armor and upgrade his turret.
I miss ulting after respawning and getting a POTG
there was a patch in ow1 very early seasons, torb level 3 turret literally could not be beat in certain locations like kings row. If you look at back at Torb and put his old ult in game he would be fucking SSSSS tier
They balked to the TF2 faggots who cried about him being too much like engi
>and getting a POTG
Torb potgs are always so bad
>overwatch 2 release
>"we are doing away with bonus armor and shields from abilities, it's now all overhealth!!! it's more streamlined this way!"
>torb no longer gets armor on his overload
>nerf the shit out of brig ult since it no longer gives armor to teammates
>lucio can no longer get his ult EMP'd
>proceed to ignore the concept entirely and give Ram extra armor on shift
what was the fucking point
post THAT torb potg
i wish i saved it lol, what is it 500 armour lmao
the absolute classic
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>there are people RIGHT NOW in this general that never got to experience early overwatch
truly heartbreaking.
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It was only good because nobody knew what to do so you could get away with anything.
That's the feeling you want back and you never will even if they did release an "OW Classic" because people just know too much now.
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>our Sigma simply presses Q
>we win
>bastion turret form critting
remember that one time the devs decided to RETARD buff bastion so he could facetank a d.va bomb with a nano?
I member
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It was like 3 days of the omnic crisis.
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what a legend
juno wears diapers
who doesn't?
>great discussion about old overwatch
>porn addict faggot has to inject himself with his low quality garbage post
this is exactly why everybody hates you.
most people between the ages of 1 and 80
We have so much in common!
>member? me members
>>great discussion about old overwatch
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more support players should be than are

omg same
kill yourself ^-^
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i look like this

Verification not required.
So does Hana
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cumming on Lena's back freckles
a perfect tank/healer duo that can help change each other after a long ranked session
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>yes, I do report people for gameplay sabotage in the arcade, how could you tell?
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>0 healing
>0 impact
>left click broken
>fade into the enemy backline
>instantly die
yep I love playing moira
These grayscale dude images are a great "please disregard my post" indicator
yep way worse than the mediocre soft core porn being spammed here
Goonerposts can be boring but they've been happening for the last 10 years so it's best to just ignore it.
You can do it anon!
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>entire enemy team spends 100% of their cooldowns trying to get me in overtime
>simply press Q, lifting them off the objective, and giving us the Dubya
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Que onda
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>These grayscale dude images are a great "please disregard my post" indicator
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These grayscale dude images are a great "please disregard my post" indicator
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>dose.......uhhhhh.gwayscuuhhhhh doos r grwughhh "plbloobloobloo" induuuughh
Amelie Lacroix

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redefining the word obscenity to not only include all pornographic images, but low effort avatar posting as well, would do wonders for America and the world at large
Hawk Tuah girl but it's Ashe
Get your tits out get your tits out GET YOUR TITS OUT FOR THE LADS WHEEEYYYY
Okay I'll be honest
I'm a spic and I want to sell my account, I've all battle passes since season 1 complete all the way to the last one, also have the current one but incomplete, have pink/rose mercy, most collabs, 393 skins, world cup and Christmas bundles, watchpoint pack, etc.
I've had people interested, even a guy from canada bought it but had to return it
Turns out you can't change region unless you upload a picture of a bill with your name in your new address in your new country (lmao, no wonder everyone hates blizzard)
You can't change the phone number either unless you change region
So I'm a bit lost, that's why I was asking
I hate this damn game and I don't have fun with it anymore, I want a few bucks, was asking for 200$ to sell it fast
I know they can change the email and password on the battlenet account, but it's the phone number and region the things they want
Cause with the phone number you can get the account back no matter what so I understand that
Guess I'll specify its Mexico only...
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with as heavily as they have monetized this game, I think you're stuck in region and need to find a whale in region. Lower the price and move on
Hey guys first timer here, I finally got in the game by using my friends postpaid. Any tips? I've been having fun with D.Va, Tracer, and Lucio.
Yes, take a hammer and hit your balls with it.
Forgot to mention I'm doing nofap and D.vas perfectly shaped ass is making it extra difficult
Hot. Look at those headlights and nice ass
I gotta be honest this patch is really disappointing.

It seemed like we were in an upswing, the second half of last season was popular. The start of this season was popular. It looked like balance was headed in the right direction, except for how they struggled to pull D.Va out of total dominance. Honestly I started to have faith in Team 4.

Man this patch just took it all out of me immediately. What a lackluster and disappointing patch. The only good thing that came of it is that silly WoW emote and I refuse to spend money on this game anyway.
you liked the gigatank patch?
His body proportions are starting to become outrageous. I miss the old more canon bodies.
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Just lost
It's much less the whole overbuffing tanks thing, it's how they've forced us into yet another boring sustain meta. It's the way they've forced us to play Overwatch since the sequel dropped. I just want a decent stretch where we don't have to make everything about dumping resources into the tank. Yeah, having tanks be overtuned out the ass sucks, but at least we didn't have to spend every moment of every match staring at the tank when they could take care of themselves. Now we're back to that awful situation where if you're not doing everything you can to make the enemy tank miserable, or dumping every resource you have into keeping your tank up, you lose. It's been like this for almost all of OW2 and I'm just tired of it man.
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Which character best handles the Shadow Moses incident
Ana is the defending command that you would want, but she'd probably be on the FOXHOUND side anyway.
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umm guys?
DPS has been pretty consistently half of the support queue for me
nobody plays the cuck queue
>mystery heroes
>whoever gets zarya first wins
Metal Gear snipers outclass the Overwatch ones
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Nope, D.Va is sill the queen. Unless you are talking about the garbage role locked mode.
>Ana is the defending command
>defending command
are you retarded?

I was trying to think about it in a more interesting way, as literally any significant character in Metal Gear wipes the floor with 99% of the Overwatch cast. The only realistic choice for trying to combat anyone within the Metal Gear universe is Genji. Unless Soldier and Reaper's super soldier capabilities are greater than we know.
Otherwise you just use Overwatch's trump cards, which is boring as hell, but Sigma just blackholes everyone OR Echo just does her thing as a sentient fighter jet with plasma weapons.

This is like saying "BRO WHO IN THE JOJO UNIVERSE DO YOU USE TO COUNTER THE Z-FIGHTERS" like half of them aren't just planetary threats on their own.
Golden Experience Requiem solos the DBZ-verse
Yeah but every series has a meta-character that is theoretically impossible to defeat. It's half of why powerscaling is stupid as fuck.
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>finally manage to kill the Zarya
>enemy gets double Zarya
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>oh no this character who becomes stationary in return for the highest damage in the game is too easy to kill
>lets give him so much damage reduction that he can face tank a tracer bomb stick
reminder that devs have ALWAYS been retards who cater to shitters, leading to garbage metas, and its not a new occurrence in OW1
Is the invasion bundle worth getting

The 1000 coins for 8 dollars is nice but I think no one will be playing the missions

I also looked at the Xbox game pass and it is total shit

Can I still get the 6 skins for the 1 dollar 13 day activation?
>Is the ________ bundle worth getting
no. no bundle in any live service game has ever been worth the price charged for it
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>junkrat on enemy team
>enjoyment of match goes down by at least 60%
if its a legacy account that doesnt require phone number, you can just place a disclaimer about the region not being able to change. you can change the email to a burner email so that they have access to both the overwatch account and the email that its registered to.
if the phone number is tied to the account i believe you're able to change it, but only you are able to do so. so they would need to send you their phone number so you can swap it over to them.

if anything, i'd be more worried about them chargebacking you after securing the account.
mirrorwatch bastion was so much more fun than real bastion
>cant critical
>target must be point blank or the damage fall off and spread guts the tank mode fire
>slow as fuck
deserved buff desu. next time don't sticky a full hp bastion. also dont stick mccree as well since he can just roll + mitigate the damage.
better than pharah amirite haha. at least they nerfed pharah haha. i mean why would the character whos been pharah but with better burst damage from mines since OW1 and without a suicidal ult not be more annoying???
it will literally always be funny how they had bastion AND mei who arguably had tank traits, but they chose to make doomfist the tank while having nothing "tank-like" about his kit.
Because tanks are allowed to be fundamentally bad designs that make no sense and don't fit in the game. So it was either delete him from the game or make him a tank.
man i can't stand tanks who just stand in choke as if there's a single map in the game where there isn't cover immediately past the choke
>tank traits
Iirc their initial idea going from OW1 to OW2 was to give tanks most of the CC as a means to control space. Mei got stripped of her CC but doomfist was probably too CC heavy in design to fit their idea of a OW2 DPS.
>get into a match
>people already being retarded
>see 0 IQ soldier making the worst plays imaginable
>seems like he's just feeding
>Widow ziplines up to him
>ping her constantly
>she slowly walks behind him
>kills him
>he starts going on about why didn't I heal him
>roll my eyes and alt-f4
Freeze on M1 was dumb as hell because her entire gameplay revolved around corner camping and ambushing a tank. At least now she has to use wall to do it.
mei was basically already a tank because you literally never wanted to 1v1 her. removing freeze just made it so now even any support with slightly decent burst damage can 1v1 her if they get walled off.
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counterpoint: it was fun
counterpoint: no it wasn't lmao
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are you a tank main? you don't even know what fun is
It was completely braindead. It's about as fun as mauga.
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>their initial idea going from OW1 to OW2 was to give tanks most of the CC as a means to control space
>hard cut to season 12 where tank game play is being hacked, slept, hooked, and cooked at minimum
dear god please stop reminding me of how the game has only gotten worse as they decided to backpedal on this in real time.
>>slept, hooked
hog is literally trash and ana is weak af
Mauga should have 50hp
we already had smolga
characters dont have to be good to get value out of stacking hard CC. you can just pile it on until whoever youre doing it for doesnt have the cooldown or team resources to counter every ability that stops them from playing. its exactly why hog sombra and ana is the default go to comp any time someone is getting shat on by doom/ball/any dive really.
Picking mauga or orisa should disconnect you from the game
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Nah, they should stay. Nothing feels more satisfying than making them switch by pushing their shit in.
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Does anyone remember/play Pharah anymore? I played 15 games in a row last night and didn't see a single one. Can she even function without a pocket mercy juicing her up?
She's still broken, it's just hard to play her when dva is in every match.
>Can she even function without a pocket mercy juicing her up?
nope, which is why she was reworked to be playable without a pocket mercy. but then the devs forgot that and literally made her rework redundant by once again making her unplayable without a mercy, because the only option would be to make mercy weaker and we cant have that in supportwatch 2. same reason why sojourn continued to be nerfed and have her kit slowly tuned away from gaining charge based on damage due to damage boost being retarded.
You're bad
It's not a legacy account, I created it on October 4 just to start playing ow2
I do need to add the phone number
>Chargebacking me
I was scared of that too and was unsure of using player auctions, but since the transaction is made through their page and through PayPal
They need to create a dispute on the site to make the playerauctions guys accept to make the refund through PayPal
So if they buy my account they can't fuck me
Still, I feel insecure about selling my account to another spic
I know my people and everyone is very stingy, not everyone will want to pay 4500$ pesos for an overwatch account
Sad but I think I might keep it
I'll still post it but with not much faith
Unless an American wants to gift it to a spic friend but that's highly unlikely
pharah """players""" deserve nothing
>Turns out you can't change region unless you upload a picture of a bill with your name in your new address in your new country (lmao, no wonder everyone hates blizzard)
tell the buyer to just grab any bill of his and just edit the name on there to whichever one's in the account. i bought mine from an indian guy and just edited the .pdf (or .png screenshot, honestly can't remember), they don't bother to check if it's been tampered with or not. Had the account ready to go in a day or two.
still doesnt stop mercy from being a horribly designed character whos stopping other characters from being fun because they have to be rebalanced around her boosting damage
>committing fraud just to play a f2p video game
lmao even
>supportoid talks
nigga i'm not cheating in my taxes i'm just doing that essentially is pirating an online game. if daddy blizzard cares about it they can ban my account or sue me (lol, lmao), they'd be doing me a favour.

not like it matters because they literally don't check, the upside of the community jannies being unpaid and barely competent/literate is that you can just get by doing shit like this
Juno does way too much damage. If you play her as a DPS she's just another DPS+. The current cope is
>b-but she cant heal herself (if you ignore the support passive and her ult)
Yeah? Like a DPS?

She's literally free wins. The only thing that can stop you is a giga tank diff and I mean like MMR terrorist one trick doom/ball who also somehow doesn't know how to play their character despite it apparently being the only one they play vs a team that all swapped to counter them even though they didn't need to because they're so bad diff.
>literally hard meta in pro scene and t50 korea
>hurtrrjnrjnrjnerinjfksdkjfnjksd*shits diaper*low
Promptly kill yourself zencel
you dont even play the game
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>2017 dive but people know how to play the game
>Juno does way too much damage. If you play her as a DPS she's just another DPS+
welcome to supportwatch 2. if you speak out about how DPS passive is the only thing barely stopping support from being a better DPS, you are greeted by the same supportfags who are the only people left playing the game since they have nowhere else to go
Why do supports love trash talking after they get carried? It's so bizarre. I think it's partly because the role is so braindead and overpowered so they get genuinely offended when they get killed but it's still odd to see someone who's like 4-12 trying to shit talk anyone instead of feeling deeply embarrassed that they needed 4 other people to carry them due to being so heavy.
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>pro scene
Who cares?
this but tankoids
You'd be crying for Lucio to be nerfed
Someone who would point out rank
You can't really carry a bad tank unless you have 4 smurfs so that almost never happens.
But I was the lucio player
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Personally I've taken to just playing support and pointing out how stupid my character is every time I do something retarded that shouldn't happen like getting 2 sleeps in 1 fight, getting 25% ult charge + doing a combined 600 damage and healing with 1 juno lock on outside of the enemy range, etc

If I feel like ruining games I'll play QP games with "bad" characters in a duo like ball + LW and just make the game unplayable for normalfags where even if they counterswap they still can't do anything without a full stack of coordination.
Who asked?
Stop talking to yourself then.
it should be mandatory for all support players to learn brig
The problem is brig is only good if your other support and tank aren't retarded.
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Stop FUCKING posting this skin
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The obvious answer is Sombra with piano wire
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Juno! I love her!
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me too!
I love Ted as well!
It really is that easy. I don't need to use a single braincell using this tard.
yeah, it's called "playing support"
t. dps retards who ican't go past the 1v1 mindset blaming the team-based game for their own personal failures
nigga discovered abacus and acts like he has just unified quantum mechanics with relativity
im playing support tho
I'm tired of these sombrashitters. Even if you mirror them and kill them on CD they wont swap because they already hit the lowest point they can get. It's like when orisa or mauga is relevant.
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A more accurate picture would be Sombra (me) curb stomping Sombra (not me)
she looks so much better without that dumb haircut
What is the design reasoning behind making some roles clearly more valuable than others?
Quality of players
is this more dps victim shit
Such as?
Tanks/supports living or dying has much more impact on the outcome of a fight than damage characters.

It's the opposite, I try to avoid playing DPS for this reason.
>someone picks lifeweaver (doesn't matter which team)
>game becomes 20000% less fun
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there is none, the design reason literally changes to fit god knows what. remember how we went from "tanks only have 1 player and so theyll be treated like raid bosses"? or how giving support more consistent damage has destroyed the balance of the game between them and DPS because they didnt have their healing lowered to compensate?
Tanks should take double critical damage and double CC duration and double the DPS passive actually.
I love her so much
Hot take: if you shoot a tank in the face and their health goes up instead of down no matter what other things are going on in the game then the game is fucked
you want to play Overwatch where tanks actually die?
you're like 5 years too late
The game is the most fun when support is the least good role.
Tanks have a dive target to focus and rape with their big stats, and with shit healing and dead supports all the time tanks die easier to dps. it’s a win win all around
niggas will say that tank shouldnt be immortal but refuse to acknowledge that MAYBE support shouldnt be able to shit out the amount of healing that can keep a 700 HP body alive. if you nerf supports literally everyone wins lmao. tanks arent as immortal but also can kill shit again, DPS doesnt need to rely on a passive to do what they used to in OW1, and supports get to spend more time shooting than healing
There shouldn't even be 'hitscan' heroes, guns should work like Borderlands 2 where nearly everything is projectile.
tell me how lowering mercy's healing is going to prevent a d.va who does a million damage and has a million hp from killing me within 0.1 seconds with no counterplay
Ok how addicting is this game? I'm looking for a fun shooter i can play 2-3 games here and there
It's less about tanks being unkillable except the obvious ones like ram, dva, mauga, hog. It's more about how them being unkillable AND the amount of healing in the game means a fucking mercy beam can outheal the amount of damage a character in the "damage" role puts out when you also factor in DR, armor, self healing, tank passives.

Hell Mauga by himself is effectively immortal for 3 seconds every time he hits CA because he gets self healing and DR.

Too much of the game is also balanced around the fact that bionade exists. So they think tanks need giga damage reduction in case they get healing turned off for 2 seconds. They'll never remove bionade even though they should have 8 years ago but they definitely need to cut the shit and revert the dps passive nerf and remove the "takes less headshot damage" shit from tank entirely with no compensation.
I can't wait for the moment that everyone realizes how adding a second tank will actually allow the developers to balance the game AWAY from tanks being the only thing that matters in each game
it doesnt prevent her from doing it but it makes it more risky than it is now get the benefit of armor AND matric AND a pocket. however thats more of a whole different beast with how armor heals at the same rate as normal health and how changing that might effect the game. the goal isnt to prevent a certain way of play its to make it harder without good execution or communication
theres a reason everyone considers BL3s shooting miles better than 2. the last thing this game needs is more projectiles flying around with its horrible feeling tick rate and giant hitboxes
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i've been waiting at most 20 seconds to find a play vs ai easy game
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why is play vs ai always so popular
honestly the whole role needs to have some kind of health normalization like the other 2 and maybe then start adding on armor. so all non armored tanks would have the same health but from there armor can be added on or removed without adjusting base health
>why is play vs ai always so popular
that was all I played when the game first launched (I was scared of PvP stuff)
how long did you only play PvA for
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I love having to run for cover from a support
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for like a couple of weeks when the launch hype was going
then I came back in 2017 and tried getting into comp for 35 hours before becoming a ffa deathmatch main after brig dropped
I played against bots for a few hours because I was console only before playing Overwatch. Other than RuneScape and Roblox I guess.
I had experience with cooldowns thanks to playing Destiny on the PS3. Prior to Destiny, Halo was the only shooter I ever played and was the game I grew up on. Overwatch was really fucking weird for me and ended up just playing Mercy for an entire week as I got used to whatever hell I was trying to play. All I know is that it was really fun and exciting, way more interesting than anything I had played before.
2016 was so long ago.
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I like to play it when I feel like playing on one of the holiday maps
>3 one-sided stomps
That had notthing to do with your hero pick
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Hey, it's
Kiriko if she was in Adventure Time
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What is Adventure Time?

Lena talked her into getting the same BBL as her I see
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An early 2010’s cartoon that aired on Cartoon Network. Look up Peppermint Butler.
Looks like a violent show
seethe more, faggot
It is
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Got bored and decided to play on the weekend
BIG mistake
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D.va just wiped my team with Q
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>wondering why my widow shots felt extra hard lately
>my dpi was set to 3200
You couldn’t tell immediately?
>enemy team talking shit after lose first round
>100-0 them for two rounds
>our Doomfist spawncamps them for most of both rounds
3200 is the correct dpi setting though
who are these men?
>stack says gg after one sided stomp
>get them again next game
>they get stomped
>they don't say gg
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chipsa was right
Yes but also a hypocrite since he played doomfist
Chipsa was a hero
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miss that greasy nigga so much it's unreal
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Cartifan22 >>> Chipsa
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>shit Genji costs us the match
>tell everyone to avoid him
>get him on the enemy team next match
>they do well for one fight
>he starts talking shit
>stomp the rest of the match
>he's now quiet and I tell everyone to avoid him again
>*le not so subtle bragging greentext about how you're an epic 1337 gamer pwning n00bs*
yawn, get new material /owg/
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>enemy pick good supports
>my team pick mercy moira
my reaper goes kinda crazy
Based best girl
poko was on the other team
>playing Dva on Numbani attack
>take high ground at start of the round, fire down on the enemy
>enemy doesn't take much damage but they also occasionally look at me
>they all stay grouped up, no one separates for me to dive
>we stay here for the entire round, team feeds without forcing anything

Should I be blaming myself for not being aggressive enough? I feel it was my team's responsibility to threaten them more so I could isolate anyone that ran away.
It's your job to make things happen.
Just lost and it was 100% my fault bexause I played like shit
But guess what?
I don’t care
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i lose? i blame the tank, simple as
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First off, apologies. I am completely out of the Overwatch loop and am just now hearing about this.
There apparently was some blog post made in July talking about possibly testing to add 6v6 back into the game.
Has there been any updates about it at all since then?
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symmetra getting away with having baddie skins again
no, they said it would take a while because they need to further optimize the game to properly run 6v6 again
I lost and it was the tank’s fault, he was feeding all game and generally ignoring the objective (I was the tank)
No. The playerbase feedback was not adamant enough so blizzard decided to de-prioritize it in order to release Juno and Kiriko skins on schedule.
good call honestly
sometimes you lose not because you or your team is bad but because the enemy played very well did you ever think of that?
No, I’m the best there ever was
Nobody has ever played better than me
>play 1 game of numbani
>day ruined
They really fucked Symmetra's waifu appeal with the big schnoz, I personally don't mind it but she could've been Sombra tier popular with a more conventionally attractive face
More for me
How do you(You) have fun in this game?
by playing reaper
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>more conventionally attractive
people who say this don't know what women look like
They announced it right after the Marvel Rivals beta started so I guess we gotta wait for that to release in December first probably lol
Symm tier big schnozes aren't conventionally attractive, name 10 actresses considered hot with noses that big
What happens when to balls roll into each other?
Dva is still braindead overpowered.
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A 6 pack per session
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>hard game
>make a great comeback
>1 more fight and we win
>dps walks into the enemy team 1v5 and feeds
How can I be harder on myself in bronze?
It's so funny when the enemy team gets the retarded lifeweaver/mercy combo for once. Dumbass pharah getting killed by his own team's tree
Every time you die think about why and how you could have lived
What if I'm not dying much and my deaths aren't really the problem?
how do i get my very own mercy ekitten to hardpocket me when i play dps?
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Then you're probably too passive
Fran Drescher was smoking in her heyday and she has a shnoze
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>want to play rein, dva, roadhog, and orisa
>can't handle the pressure of potentially throwing the game for my team because im the only tank
I really don't give a shit if it's imbalanced, i want 6v6 back and I will never stop whining about it.
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why did they thakn the tank?
How do I know if I'm being too passive vs feeding?
>he saves porn

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Anyone know sauce
>that was so autistic
Me when tracer or pharah say anything
I'd be embarrassed to share this publicly.
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Kiriko turning to Mercy and whispering this into her ear after I spam "I can dig that" on venture...
oh shit Luigi took Kiriko's soul
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Who would put a bounty on Juno?
Need more turret characters
he’s so fucking hideous i can’t even
D.va? BWC.
Symmetra? BWC
Kiriko? BWC.
Juno? BWC.
Mei? BWC.
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Not a single one drives a Porsche?
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how would you create an interesting turret design that isnt just a copy of one we already have?
symmetra's turrets should attach to players
>running torb/ashe/illari/kiri
>junkerqueen insists on running at their spawn instead of just holding a choke
>spends the last half of the match screaming at us
the worst thing about 5v5 is how the only tank players left are all retards
I feel happy whenever I see an Illari in her pajama skin
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>D.va in every single game
>No one picks a counter
>Act surprised when you lose
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I have all of her skins but I keep going back to pajamas
maybe add the knockback turrets from pve, keeps players from objectives. maybe give it to a tank
she looks so small and precious in that skin
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that happens once in a hundred games. that’s the problem with overwatch. you don’t lose because you played better people. you lose because you had shittier people on your team.
>watching sajam slam
>there's a lifeguard kiriko cosplayer in the audience
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sexually suggestive screenshots
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>you can't run from me, princess cole
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>pick Genji/Soldier above diamond
>automatically booted back to the main menu with a -25 SR penalty
Hana and Fareeha do but they're Porsche Macaroni Turbos or whatever that SUV is called
Is Echo about to rape him?
anyone else think it's weird how reaper is our best mythic yet but no one is talking about it?
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I use reaper all the time and he’s in my top 3
I love his mythic but don’t post about it or him in general because I come her to post cute girls
Angela Ogundimu
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because playing Reaper is fucking lame this season.
>tickle tanks because le armor
>you're cucked out of ulting until D.va is out of mech (lol good luck in S12)
>do no damage to Monkey
>have to duel squishies that all have tiny as fuck hitboxes and escapes and will only fight you on their terms (Tracer/Sombra/Ashe)
quite literally impossible to kill Ashe because of her coach gun and retard damage along with her usually being near her supports that will always bail her out with a pull/immort/suzu
he's GOOD but it doesn't mean he feels good to play.
who cares if he has the hottest and best skin in the game if he's just not enjoyable to play?
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why are you in the bathroom
Denton may I remind you to stay out of the ladies restroom.
you talking to me?
why do gay men also like big breasts and nipples
liking boobs and nipples is a straight man trait
not how that works, buddy.
straightest hanzo main skin.
The dragon is sated
Is this realistically possible for a man to look, cause it's pretty hot ngl
reaper main btw
Time to play Moira all night
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we in this bitch
what the FUCKKKK, take a shower.
this has to be edited.
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where do you think you are?
Goblin cock
The dragon is sharted
god fucking damnit
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>Role Queue Mystery Heroes doesn't count towards the Arcade Night daily
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>wtf unranked gamemode doesn't count as arcade???
Marked by the dragon.
is this whole philosophy of putting bronze tanks in gold and gold tanks in diamond going to be long-term, or should I uninstall it now?
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Yeah, it's a little cancer.
I am forced to pick LW any time I see a rein because I know his retarded ass is going to int for an "epic poggers pin" then die instantly over and over.
Well to be fair assuming he won majority of games it'd only be 70 games at most
Still a lot of sweat but possible
I've noticed not a lot of Bastions or Orisas despite the buffs
Very thankful they aren't controlling the game again
Poop comes from there
Bastion was never "controlling the game" anywhere outside of non joke ranks.
his buffs were extremely QOL for making him something other than a tank shredder. which is the way he should be taken in 5v5 before a revert in 6v6.
when has bastion ever been more than a onetrick tier pick lol
above silver? bunker comp on Junkertown.
that's literally it.
Yes Yes whatever you say
if you genuinely think bastion has ever been above B tier outside of bunker comp in any elo that matters at any point in the games history (aside from the 3 days of unkillable bastion in 2017), you are profoundly retarded.
your brain should be extracted and studied.
I just realized. These Junos are holding their speed rings like it's a fucking suzu. Bitches hold onto that speed ring until the whole team is already dead, then they use it to run away. Bitches should be dropping those rings off cooldown, so I can rush down their backline. I had to friend request spam and flame these Junos to get any speed from these bitches. I literally live inside rein's asshole when I play Juno.
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Reminder bastion won the OWL 2019 grand final
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Yes Yes whatever you say
>play at start of S12
>drop the game after multiple stomp matches in a row
>mid-season patch
>"well I haven't played in a month, might as well see if anythings different."
>first two matches are more stomps
Glad to see the game is shit as usual. See you all next month I guess
Your Bastion tournament VODs?
>removed critical hit white fortify active
>can now reload without shield interrupting
>also sym tp cancer
bastion has always been bad, you might as well say hog was good cuz he played in 1 stage when they turbo buffed him
it also doesn't count towards the "play games in mystery heroes" daily quest, infuriatingly. i wonder how much they pay their programmers.
Arcade Night is the "play games in mystery heroes" quest.
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The draw time nerf for Hanzo is horrible. I don't think it makes him any weaker exactly just way worse to play and ruins muscle memory.

The projectile size is whatever. But the draw time feels awful and you can't tell when you're playing against him either.
did they fuck with it? i got hanzo in mystery heroes and he felt weirdly slow, like his shots were taking too long to pull, but i only have like 3 hours on him across 8 years
it's just like, out of all the things to nerf.
storm arrow, jump CD, dragonstrike (again for some reason).
they nerf his draw time and fuck muscle memory people have had for like 8 years now.
like why
.72 to .87 draw time
crazy how a small number change feels that different
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reminder that gingerbread bastion stole 1 overwatch coin from your account that you'll never get back.
1899 will always torment us
It's just showing how little they play their own game. They think it'll make him shoot less when really all it does is make him have to spam more instead of aiming.

Same shit as nerfing Ashe's reload speed. It's not a real function nerf, it just makes her feel worse to play.
didn't they fix that at some point with something that costs 4 coins

I wasn't playing then so it didn't fix mine but I thought they did something like that
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it doesn't matter.
it still puts you under the 1900 threshold you would have been at. meaning you need to spend more money.
Oh no, Juno got exposed to too much solar radiation!
the bodyshot nerf damage was great to nerf her breakpoint of headshot hipfire into M2 headshot but the reload nerf just feels bad.
>Solider? killed
>Souj? worst DPS in the game at all ranks
>Ashe? nerfed over and over because of her
at what point do we just remove damage boost and give her a different ability?
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What about Sombra?
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Sombra hacks Ram and gets the vibrating, ribbed, heated, spinning omnic dick.
I want to see more characters like this.
Our lives are short. Will you share yours with me?
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beardless torb is already a skin
Yeah a lot of the game's balanced is fucked because they have to count "what if mercy pocket." They keep buffing her beams too because they keep trying to force her to not be useless. So we're back to heallbotting being back to pre-S9 again where you just can't fucking kill anything anymore.

Personally I'd make the DPS passive 50%
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what's the most egregious silhouette destroying skin in the game? one that you'd go "what character even is that" if we didn't have red outlines?
Soldier's heist skin but it doesn't matter because Soldier is the second worst character in the game after Hanzo.
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>All of this and Reaper is still one of the better dps this season
What a miserable role
He's really only good because he doesn't die in 2 seconds without a healer up his ass and healers are too busy healbotting to play properly
I'm surprised at the amount of shipping and general fujo gushing over Ramattra.
I suppose people are always willing to overlook the fact you're a genocidal maniac if you have a distinguished voice and nice hair.
no but like literally, if reaper didn't have Wraith and had lets say, soldier healing pad. he'd be F- tier.
>Soldier's heist skin
oh, this is easily the winner. forgot about that skin.
deadass thought it was Mccree when I first saw it.
since it was just the emote with no weapon.
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Right he's not suddenly good, it's that 80% of the DPS roster are dogshit if the enemy knows what they're doing especially the tank who can just walk up and delete almost all of them. Same reason Mei and Genji are "good" this season.
manga has ruined me, i instinctually read these right to left and it always fucks it up...
You said that Bastion was once controlling the game. Surely you have some tournament VODs where Bastion controlled the game... right?
have they deleted tanks yet
Sadly no
aw man
giving me some real room temp IQ vibes.
no wonder you think bastion is strong.
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The pig is streaming
The thing that gets me is they were so afraid of sustain metas after JQ was super dominant in OW2 beta they didn’t let her be good for like a year but they have no problem with continuing to buff sustain and keep making sustain supports who shit our a billion aoe heals with little to no downtime
>playing Mauga in QP
>"ermm, why are you playing Mauga?"
>"Mauga ewww"
as they play Rein/D.va.
complaining about a B tier tank
some people just have no awareness.
the girl named after a city in Colorado?
Nah they're right
reminder to EVERYBODY here saying "ermm support isn't strong, DPS isn't weak"
and you're a retard.
Cass's falloff is tragic. Baptiste also has like 10m more than him too with a gun that has like 5000 ammo.

Support damage in general needs to be looked at.
I don't think anyone other than Hog players get the right to complain Mauga being played
it's crazy, if you're a strong DPS player you genuinely get more value on DPS supports like Bap/Illari on an off angle than you do playing dedicated DPS.
a plat mccree/Ashe main is a D1 Bap/Illari player.
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This match had 0 leavers in it. I'm starting to think they're testing bots or something
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Quick play? Probably a stack of mercy mains playing "for fun" while the other team were sweatlords out to pubstomp. Happens all the time.
Newb here, what hero to play if I just to be an aggressive balls to the walls killing machine
any support
good on ya
She cute

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