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>Official WoW News

>Threads of Destiny - New Cinematic

>September Trading Post

>20th Anniversary In-Game Event Preview

>NA /wowg/ guild
GLOBO FOMO - Moon Guard
>EU /wowg/ guild
Nerub Silkweaving Forum - Argent dawn

>WoWg community for NA

Previous: >>495562910
>a vengeance dh has joined your +3
first for killing AI niggers
Hot mobster gob mommy
Why are you so against AI? It makes art creation more approachable.
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Why are WoW players such miserable faggots?
No wonder this game is dead.
It looks uncanny and lowers the standards of quality by untrained pseudo artists.
>priest gets a shit eating grin
>tries to rope the hunter into it
>just do m+ bro
yeah no, ill stick with delves and pvp
On the fence between maining Blood DK or dps warrior
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this is bad right?
do i keep it just to pad my ilvl?
both dk and warrior are really good this season
lemee just peer into your mind and find out what class you are real quick
>DH crying about heals when he is dying to a pack of mobs
What the fuck
Making a new account after my last one got trashed a few years ago, would anyone like to throw me some character ideas?
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>play tank
>get called out
>"I'm new"
>"oh ok sorry you're actually doing really great for a new player!"
>not actually new
Every time.
male vulpera holy priest
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POV: A havoc DH is the key holder of the +3 you joined
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He's just having a giggle mate
These things better not have overpowered racials like mechagnomes did
nah if you wanted overpowered racials on a priest you'd wait until patch 11.0.5 to make a dracthyr priest
*unboxes weaver plasmid*
Ability already pact
the hunter and the dh joined the group together btw
>these are the 590s that cant do T8 delves
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I hate other WoW players so much man
I want to play the game but I don't want to deal with them
It's a complex feeling, not sure how to cope
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>mfw running over a health potion too hard
So im playing arms warrior and got 610 shoulders from timewalking. They have Crit/Haste on them but when converted to tier its crit mast.

Should I keep the stats or go ahead and convert them?
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the future is here, gooner chads

the only reason you would ever need drops from m+ and raids is to do higher-level, even more toxic dungeons and raids

what kind of person would willingly put himself into this maze?
this unironically looks terrible
what kind of mongoloid tank dies to first pull on a DH? even most new guys don't do that shit, don't even bother signing up for mythics at that point holy fuck
would imagine it was like any other convert tier, convert if you have 2/4 set lined up, otherwise just wait
The Chinese bring Anime to WoW before Blizzard
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>Demo Lock
This spec is such dogshit it's unreal. It's always been a statue but it feels so much worse this expansion.
>dk has glyphs for frosty and bloody looking deathgrip and other abilities
Genius. WoW is saved
Priest sounds fun but I want to play a horde race that isn't a furry
>i got the first real heals at the boss fight
is he seriously implying he needs heals for trash packs on +3? jesus christ
LMAO that's funny as hell
literally every race can be priest, pick whatever.
Can I just get the physics without that other stuf?
I really wish they would bring back the glyph system full bore, there is a fair bit of color shifts they can include to give abilities more flair
I only play demo because I like to imagine my blood elf getting overpowered by multiple felhunters
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Are you hyped?

eh kinda
I would have liked it if they made all rare mounts drop 100% for a week or something
>lines up just right to make expansion resubbers pay for another month
I hate Blizzard
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NA Horde/Alliance /wowg/ guild. Look for us in the guild finder or community list!
>no weird shit
>chill anons
what is this?
Please I want shadow priest to be more interesting along with more blood knight focused pally glyphs
I don't like them spending an entire .5 patch on it
Until they give me something worth caring about, no.
We need a goblin allied race
We need more goblin weapons and armor
We need goblin Mechagon
You forgot power-tripping guild leader.
>We need goblin Mechagon
>We need goblin Mechagon
>not Undermine

Do you even know Goblin lore?
equip the 603
with an ilvl difference like that, ilvl > stats
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please join globo fomo on mg and tank, i don't wanna tank
How so?
>no weird shit

i was expecting them to add gilblin from nazjatar
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>investing 200k for a 1.5k profit
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hmm could it be my time to shine
>globo fomo on mg
>no weird shit
One of these is lying.
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I wish I could be in multiple guilds because I would tank for you guys (only in keys, fuck raiding LMAO)
>>no weird shit
Not really, most of the guild isnt from MG.
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best I can do is an elf/troll missing link avatar knockoff
please join
Gobblin on deez nuts, nigga
kek i wonder if people get nervous anytime i join their keys
t. veng chad
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>19 characters
>Nerub Silkweaving Forum
>112 characters

NA bros?
Yeah so what, you gonna drop your pants now? I'm waiting...
so join then, bitch
I'm already in the wizardchan guild and I hear this guild doesn't like it when you're in 2 guilds at once
Goes to show Americans are an unlikable bunch. Thank god there is an ocean dividing us.
I'm already in a guild.
Also I don't care about guild or community shit anyway, I prefer to pug, lurk and shitpost sporadically.
i think the Harronir are cool and want to play as one
qrd on bea feet?
>Leaving personal guild
>For some 4chan one with sub 20 people
Eugh nigga you gay
>Would raid with tho. Maybe. Probably not.
There's been a few dialogue lines about the Undermine in TWW so I'm hoping we'll get a tier there
>call yourself a wowg guild
>janny tranny other people

What steps do I follow to successfully pug silken court heroic?
people are being weird about joining for some reason idk why
NA proving once again they are smarter than the average EU retard.

NA knows to not mix with other retards from /v/ and /vg/
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Joined a stonevault the other day with a veng DH that literally didn't use demon spikes a single time
Nerub Silkeaving Forum is only 20 characters. 22 if you count spaces.
>doing +7 grim batol
>mage keeps pulling mobs ahead of the tank
>tank asks wtf
>"its my key i decide the pace"
>wipes us 5 min later and key is bricked

how can we cull these people from earth
Globo Fomo has a shit name and I shan't be joining it for that reason
>playing an MMO single player

make it a static group
This is not content haha. You guys have paid a full expansion price for 10% of an expansion by all measures.
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dishonest slut
Didn't it lose the vote, but some tranny decided to use it anyway?
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Demo is great in m+ though
>multiple people who are not from the same server call out the DH
Many such cases.
I mean I've played like 400 hours since xpac release, I'm enjoying raiding and running m+ with my irl mates
I'm not too fussed about that for $40 kek
sorry I looked up the wrong guild

didn't realize it was without space
gotta get that bussy
I mean it's more than what they usually did in the past, which is nothing
Just do what I did: Join it and report the name so they're forced to change it into something else.
No, it won the vote by a considerable margin.
that was clover crusade which lost the voting
tell that to thethread you mongrel
>playing with other players
>talking shit with other players
>playing with friends when they feel like it
>single player
Ignorant fucking troglodyte.
I refuse to insult you or anything but keep it on the topic.
If you do the same instance over and over again that's not content!
Seems like it worked.
Harronir deez nuts
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worlo players need to be studied by scientists
even leper communities arent this hopeless
What is the best drood spec? Please I need to know
It's not getting changed, you lose.
it takes the most skill to play

>nerubtroon is retarded
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The fact you been a pass user for 10 years was enough to convince me that you lost control of your life, no gif necessary.
im most impressed that its all enchanted
Applying to dungeons as DPS is Hell. It's a plus FUCKING 2!
Oh I see, I don't remember the names, but I distinctly remember people complaining about someone making guild with name that didn't win. Guess that was clover and someone made the real current one afterwards.
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What causes M+ to have a far more deranged community than raids and pvp?
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lower your voice when you talk to a nerub chad
Well, I'm not really sure what "content" means in this context, but either way, I'm not really fussed about needing a constant stream of "content".
My buddies and are progging through heroic; each time, the bosses have new mechanics and get harder. We have to improve our gameplay and our strategies to succeed. We need communication and teamwork, and performing well in a raid is a test of skill and class knowledge. That's fun to me.
M+ gets increasingly harder and adds mechanics with prefixes as you go, and when you fail a key, there's a lesson to be learned. That's fun too, because my friends and I are working together to push the limits of our skills and teamwork.
You seem determined to let me know I'm not having fun, but... I am. kek
I want to hear more about the adventures of Mann Mannson and Dawi Dwarfbeard...
they're farming good boy points its not a real post
>thinly veiled "can we talk about <feature that gets talked about literally all the time and everyone agrees is good>?" post
>mental illness sad backstory post
>"thank you blizzard" post during honeymoon period
it checks all the karma whore boxes
Objectively the best? Bear. The other 3 specs are all pretty low tier, while bear is one of the best mythic tanks.
not from any guild but after looking at nerubtroon trooncord and tw*tch yeah, that's a tranny guild.
t. <Stay and Listen> cuck
+2 is +7 now, sorry bucko but youre not bricking my key
Storyline, unique quests, unique encounters, that's content the sum of their hours should somewhat correlate with the price, for wow it stopped doing that since shadowlands.
nerub is a literal tranny guild if your discord is any indication. not even ironically either, actual trannies
>have to wait months for hunter rework
>doesn't use discord for voip
don't @ me schizo
Fewer spots to fill means it's more feasible to meet higher standards. Plus, less social interaction, so it's easier for antisocial autists to participate.
>doesn't address tw*tch
concession accepted
Nice voip you have there.
haha, good one
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I watched a little of the Nerub stream.
They looked like they were having a good time overall. I'd play with them if I were EU
that stream was for wowg only
yeah that was a joke

ever heard of it? schizo? loser?
Oh... lmao
Yeah, I don't play ff14, sorry bro. I got halfway through MSQ and quit because of the constant cutscene bullshit
You can keep it. :)
When is it not hell for dps. Consider the amount of other classes in your role, and the overall player count.
Your only real hope is having a ridiculous big pp sized item level, or applying the second the group is formed as a first in first served. Good fucking luck on that.
How do I find a guild that uses guild chat instead of discord?
>tfw have to use gnome transmogs and pretend they are goblin mogs
It makes me SICK
Say something good about it
uh oh nerubtroon melty!
>american hours
>crying about imaginary trannies
m+ is more deranged than raiding? must be pretty fucking bad then because every raid I was in has had plenty of sperglords
got Chinese pay pigs more invested in the game
so it did not get axed
I liked it.. Guldan was cool.. I actually only remember Guldan
it really wasnt that bad. needed a second war sequel though
It tied in with WoD pretty well, which I thought was neat.
um Khadgar was kind of cool
The promo items were nice. I dunno I saw it during it's opening week and the only time the crowed popped was when a murloc showed up for half a frame. It was alright I guess middle of the road not groundbreaking not terrible.
Elysian GM having a melty again
Reminder to our OG fotm refugees. Majority of nerub members are old Very Cute members, the same people that spawned the infamous "lightcord" over on OG.
I don't know what any of this means.
HOLY SHIT that is good to know because I don't wanna speak to any of those nerds again.
Are pings raid wide? Can they be?
>discord involved in the general
how long till we get a ban evading BBC poster?
I give it a few weeks
The two Mak'gora fights were pretty good. One just an absolute Brawl with Gul'dan being a dick, and the other... I mean its practically a one and done fight, but like... It's weirdly hilarious that the small human man manages to beat Blackhand(?) with a sliding dick slash.
Kinda feel like that brings into question on Orc rules regarding low blows.
>Globo Fomo chads winning
>Nerub chads winning
>Elysian chuddy seething that his guild is dead
You lost
>playing with og players
lol these people always suck at wow for some reason
Yes they are
if you check the archive you would know that the only person that says nerubtroon is the cucked elysian gm

think about it for a bit
Xivgshitter's starting a conspiracy cause he doesn't like a slow thread
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Then we can be just like /lolg/
That guy hops from different McDonald's wifis to spam more BBC lmfao

Why is it always an EU weirdo that spams BBC? Is it because they don't have many black people over there so they can romanticize it?
The best thing that could be said about this is that the in game promotional items tied to it were pretty nice. Cool sword and shield for alliance.
The movie was the biggest piece of dogshit.
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It's literally ALL about the nelfs.

When WC3 came out I bought the nelf box. #nelflife
There is nothing wrong with human on panda sex
Knot bait
Built for handholding
i would join but i'm omega casual. i don't really want to raid
>talk to Chud Stormsneed in zul'gurub
"This place is wild, right?"
>talk to Chud Stormsneed infront of the dark portal
"This shits crazy"
"Remember the invasion? That sucked"
>talk to Chud Stormsneed in Old Man Harlow's farm in Old Hillsbrad Foothills
"I forgot why i came here"
>talk to Chud Stormsneed in a place you can't travel to unless you take a ship from the enemy faction
I think I had my gay awakening during the Medivh golem scene
my gf at the time liked it
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>WoWg community for NA
Thank you for putting the updated link baker-san
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Anyone else love riding their big, strong stallions?~
>firearms exist in Azeroth
>steam-powered tanks exist in Azeroth
>pilotable flying mech suits exist in Azeroth
>trans-continental railways exist in Azeroth
>literal fucking spaceships exist in Azeroth
>machine guns do not
>he never did the mop intro quest
>machineguns do not
>bran running around delves rapid firing like its veitnam
you just know
>trans-continental railways exist in Azeroth
name two
Of course they don't. But gatling guns do
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>Why is it always an EU weirdo that spams BBC?
>Is it because they don't have many black people over there so they can romanticize it?
How fucking unaware of the world you live in are you?
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what happened?....
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I mean you guys have your peaceful immigrants now I suppose but this is a new development compared to the USA I reckon
Still doesn't explain the typical EU black fetishism
Did these nerfs already happen? My fury warrior feels REALLY weak and slow for some reason
>fire mage lower than augvoker
holy fuck lmao wowowowowow
Is it the 20th anniversary yet?
this same thing happened when i was doing siege of boralus, vengeance DH died in second in the first pack, what is going on?
>Still doesn't explain the typical EU black fetishism
>Typical EU black fetishism
You realize that it's 4AM in Europe right now and that BBC spammer tend to be califag, Israelifags and baiting SEAmonkeys?
No they don't you retarded faggot. Highmaul was.
I liked Garona being implied to be Medivh's daughter and Gul'dan saving baby Thrall. Otherwise, all the other changes were pretty much for the worse. And Clancy Brown was outrageously wasted as Blackhand.
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their pyroblast does less damage than an ice lance
>blizzard """balancing"""
The blacked stuff I see usually comes from EU people but I suppose I can see how it's judishous trickery and the ever-insufferable SEAfags who routinely ruin every thread they stink up
remove her boots
imagine the smell
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i kneel to healerbulls
i did it
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Posting it again
the worst part is he genuinely thinks its not his fault at all
Tauren bait
He thinks his job is just
>hold aggro
mutt's law
Wait so chinks are bringing wow mods back? I don't have to port decade old mods over to 2024 anymore? Thank god
>make demon hunter
>give it pirate mogs
Hehe. Edgelords btfo
NTA but post a tribute
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god warrior is so fucking shit. fury folds to any damage at all and gets fucked by every meta class, arms deals literally 0 damage, most useless spec in the entire game, the only upside is living slightly longer than fury.

its not looking good...
This place has really gone down hill
2012 - 2015 wowg was so fucking kino
Shut up Pinkie.
This is a ret chudadin false flag
That just goes for the whole board really
every r1 warrior is saying it, I'm just repeating it... its looking like a retchad season
You're not playing it right
>implying the board was ever good
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NTA but anon what the f.
>every post is just name dropping avatarfags and clique drama (sovl)
>every post is just name dropping avatarfags and clique drama (sovlless)
i love when pvpfags think they are playing as serious game for serious people
I'm gay and I like to see men cum, what about it chud
good might be a strong word but it was more light hearted and dare I say fun?
I miss the shitposting against the namefags most desu, modern wowg is boring as shit.
erm, um, gnome rails... boats... jackie chan?
It's still a containment board at the end of the day.
no one cares mazie
back in your cagie
Does modern wowg have namefags?
I haven’t been here in a coons age
I said I'm gay, but I didn't say I'm a faggot
The very cute wow guild has very little overlap with the final fantasy one, the wowg one died before that and others used the same name there years later. So no the same anons
>i have to deal with schizo ffxiv europeans here on wow too
fuck this so much
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How fun is mistweaver monk healing right now?
reminder that if your female toon does not wear pants, she is literally free use for the entire Horde
Hey guys can I get an invite to the NA guild????
Names Nizbun im also fat and smell like shit.
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you did get at least 1 myth option in the vault, right??
>chain losses in solo BG
its rough out here
I've been doing this for weeks and nothing ever happens. I bought those fucking elixirs for nothing.
its actually body type 2, chud
i decently geared one and went into a m0, it felt a bit painful trying to keep up. the mobility is super fun but i was outputting over 1 billion in heals and it still felt like i was slacking behind compared to doing 400 million with another class. crazy.
I don't know a single one of these avatarfags' character names. Not the Nelf coomer. Not any of the multiple furries. Not that glasses wearing human paladin.
In today's WoW you get kicked over the smallest things in heroics nowadays, these people continue on getting higher ilvl then take that brainless mentality onto M+ because it's all they've ever known. The best thing to do is to find a group of friends to play with so you can reach higher highs without interacting with said morons.
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Why is every Demon Hunter various levels of crazy/shit in this game?

>Either fucking tryhard deluxe going ape shit at all times or absolute hot garbage shit, no middle ground
>Barely speak English in most cases
>Every DH raid lead just fucking sucks at leading
>Always angry
>Or always speaking in memes or some shit

I used to hate Druids the most, but now it's DH players.
I don't want a myth track cloak
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Does it counts if she wears pants under her dress?
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>>Or always speaking in memes or some shit
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>Dawntrail was a Dawnfail
>now all the GAMs from /xivg/ are coming to waowgee to bait cum tribs
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>go take a piss
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i am a casual BG/BG Blitzchad now
i no longer care about ilvl
i no longer care about number go up
i dont care about being serious
i dont care about winning or losing
i only care about FUN
Winning IS FUN you little hedgehog FAGGOT
This gives off tranny energy
>not using a piss sock
You damn well know the majority of those people stick to their game because they either got to keep renewing their sub so they don't lose their virtual house or they have long given up on the actual game and just treat it as a vrchat alternative.
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i loooooooooooooove the dreadlord armor on draes. it makes their ass and hips way wider and heftier which just looks so great!
That's really only scratching the surface
How do Paladins cope that their DK cousins are infinitely cooler than they are?
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I don't plan on stepping foot in m+ again anon. I genuinely don't care being "undergeared" when I'll still carry my shitty guild regardless. I'm finally free
Paladins are for children and manchildren.
DKs are for teenagers and adults that haven't outgrown their teen angst.
I would know for I am in both camps.
Primarily Maye and Howlah.
The others just get nicknames, even if their names are known. TrollAnon, Scoopdog, Memefox, etc.
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>Tyrannical and fortified at the same time
are all paladins like this
howlah is a bogeyman
hes not real
>thread not going how we want
>someone noticed the discord
>quick spam retarded bullshit and rant about xivtroons
>dump all your folders sisters!
very oregano
they are all like that
they have always been like that since vanilla release
the different classes do have personality archetypes
does it even get better than this
Howlah and his multiple synonyms don't post here much anymore.
>the different classes do have personality archetypes
How would you describe some of the others?
this gets posted in seemingly every thread and every time i'm reminded that i know a handful of paladins like this and i hate them
>steps in front of the trannycord accusations
uhmyes hello id like to uhm idl like to talk uhm i want talk about the game why why are uhm why are paladins uhm paladins stop please please stop im trying please
>was Arthass taken?
you can do it anon
yeah you tell him.. we're the real warriors!
>isn't even a hero class
priest: introverted control-freak
rogue: chaotic neutral enjoyer of ... well ... chaos
druid: drunk and high 247
warrior: "assistant TO the regional manager"
mage: full ADHD
DH: full ADHD with half the brain
Suffer well.
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>Howlah and his multiple synonyms don't post here much anymore.
ive been called howlah
ive been called the schizo
it was never one person you retard
maye unironically got the janny hooked on his r34 and when he reports people making fun of him you unironically get banned
I wish i was making that up
Complete retard here, how do I actually obtain my vault rewards?
I got a bunch of shit unlocked but how do I actually take one?
Human male paladins are. Dwarves are pretty cool
You'll get a choice at the next weekly reset methinks
go to the vault room on the mini map it says "great vault"
it unlocks on the reset AFTER you unlock things
The slots you have unlocked in your weekly vault will populate with items after daily reset and/or maintenance on Tuesday morning (NA)
in vanilla they were buffbots in dresses. with tbc they started to get uppity
Ah, so I unlock the rewards for next week, gotcha
So I cant take my loot until reset happens
The fact they were buffers going around buffing everyone's dick for so long was WHY they all developed such a chip on their shoulder. :D
vdh has a lot of active mitigation on short to medium cds that is meant to be used often rather than saved for tankbusters.
i bet if this dude just hit
>fel rush
>immo+spikes macro
>green sigil
>blue sigil
he would live 99.9% of pulls without actually having to think about dark, brand, prison, kick, kick sigil, fear sigil, actually hitting meta, etc.
>races that are played by cool people only
Kul tirans
>races that are exclusively played by cunts
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you guys deserve the unhinged paladin rants from a few threads ago
you've driven their playerbase insane with your taunting over the years
you get what you fucking deserve
NO CLASS catches as much shit as paladin players
its actually insane
usually pretty quiet which is good because i don't want to hear from the robber class
usually women so i can't really comment. the priests in my guild are 40 something motherly women which are cool, sometimes they are annoying tho
furries, no exception. they think they're hot shit because they can do it all but really they're just shit
quintessential pumper chad with all the game knowledge or a total moron who wants to UGH ME RETARD ME HULK SMASH. there's no inbetween
pretty chill. if they're a gnome avoid at all costs if you value your sanity
will sperg at the drop of a hat. pulls everything 5 miles ahead of anyone else somehow forgetting that his party doesn't have speshul movement abilities for his speshul class and can't keep up. king and ceo of the key brickers club
hehe i have glowing eyes look at me
thinks he's the protagonist when he's really just the chump
>>races that are exclusively played by cunts
more specifically gnome mage and undead rogue
Maybe if you stopped making posts like this nobody would give you shit palacuck
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It's weird how people still have these arguments about classes when canonically death knights and warlocks are the strongest
>Pallies are oppressed
You are making it up.
Best horde race for warrior?
So DK wise its
>Frost: FOTM
>Blood: Good
>Unholy: OK
wow I can go back and do old content once again how exciting
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Maybe their sissycages are a little bit too tight?
>Person is raging off-topic
>It gets reported for off-topic
>The off-topic gets banned
Please take medication
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Undead or fem cow. Zandalari if you commit to the look
>Frost always playing second-fiddle to UH
>Now that they've risen niggers are trying to reduce them to FOTM
Kill yourselves, all of you
Racially - Goblin, Undead or Troll.
Aesthetically - Orc.
mere warriors will never understand
this palacuck is fucking MAD
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hehehehe also true

especially the gnomie mage ^^
>i love how nobody has an issue with the hunter
Dks should be allowed to use fist weapons and tear things apart with icy versions of the abomination limb claw
>unironic EU trannies shitting up the place
do male human paladins really?
I hope everybody laughing at this understands that these guys are likely just dumbass kids
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You guys are so fucking obnoxious its unreal
i bet you dont even have any myth slots unlocked in your vault
sub 1800 arena rating
sub 2200 io
But not this pala
>seething for 2 10ths of a century about warriors
so elite... i kneel...
Just hit 80, how do you get keys again?
They unironically are
>shit for years
>Perhaps our class with 3 specs should be able to do something else other than ST heal
>warrior player takes all the leather gear and swords
Classic showed that Warrior is the downy retard class
A M+ key just do an m0 or talk to the panda
It'd be so fitting for blood knight in spite of the change they'd have to do for dual wielding
>perhaps our class with 3 specs should be able to do something else other than ST heal
this was your first mistake
loot boxes from various daily/weekly
even if they're kids it doesn't make it any less funny or retarded that his first instinct is to blame it on anybody else
i look forward to when they make the dark portal hearthstone a twitch or trading post reward
That picture took me back some years since it was my wallpaper on my shitty laptop when I was but wee little baby trying my hardest to level a hunter to 55 so I can finally play a DK.
Paladins were never shit what the fuck are you on about. They were BUSTED healers for pvp and king at single target healing. It's a fucking healer/support class and morons like you probably picked it and wanted to play it like a tank or dps, like trying to shove a square block through a circle hole and pissing and shitting that it won't fit
>Classic showed that Warrior is the downy retard class
No it literally showed that was Hunter.

You fucking paladins and your autistic obsession with warriors is insane. Because you're both plate you literally feel eternally cucked by warriors and it is actually hilarious. Just get over it dude, you know prot and ret have been totally viable and actually pretty good for most of its existence at this point, right? You know that ret got giga buffed in a rework at the start of dragonflight and has been broken OP since, right?
>lose 6 solo BGs in a row
>massive rating loss
>absolutely zero rating gain
>loot spec set to ret
>open timewalking chests
t-thanks metzen
go back to holy, sissy
what addon shows what expac/boss an item is from
The Adventure Guide.
I just cannot understand this obsession paladins have with classic and wanting to do things that clearly the class was never designed or intended for. It's mind boggling. And they call it unbalanced because heckin warriors are the best.
These people never played warrior in vanilla or probably never even played vanilla itself. Just reading reddit melties about wowlogs by people who think parsing is the only thing that matters and crying endlessly for "balance". We have it now in SoD and it's a fucking mess of a game
not sure honestly. might be altoholic
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look again you retarded fucking nigger
>things that clearly the class was never designed or intended for
I think paladins are gay as much as anybody else does but they clearly had a (failed) tanking spec and a (failed) dps spec. It is disingenuous to pretend otherwise.
Can we take all the content of retail WoW and put it in Classic WoW or something like Everquest?
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>morons in solo BG sitting and waiting at inactive capture points
Brainless face-rolling normalfag who somehow succeeds anyway. The consequence of their class never requiring more than four buttons and being ordained God's strongest retard.
One of the remain 50 people in total who believes ranked PVP still matters in this game. Not actually good at it. "I wish it would suck more" mindset.
Dad-adjacent individual, be it in terms of values, skill level or political opinions. Deduct 50 IQ points if Human.
FOTM, retarded furry, or absolutely insane person who sucks Blizzard dick harder than anyone. Has not had a correct opinion in 20+ years, but you'll hear all of them.
Same as a druid but somehow even dumber. The consequence of their class never requiring more than four buttons.
"I see a lot of priests and druids, but I rarely see any shamans. That could be fun!" said the person who later resents their decision to waste time and effort.
>Death Knight
Never actually anyone's main despite existing long enough for that to be possible. Goes back to the basement whenever they stop being overtuned somehow.
Font of knowledge (read: know-it-all, who asked?, etc.) and most likely to realize they wasted their life on worlo, then kill themselves.
The corporeal embodiment of a Green Hill Zone MP3 and fart with reverb MP3, with everything that could possibly entail.
Either a literal girl or suffering from the skill level of one. Has a lot in common with paladins, except there's like 20 buttons.
Enlightened renaissance man. Has an impeccable understanding of social etiquette, game mechanics and loot priority.
>can't time a +5
>I'm the common factor in these failed groups no matter how hard i cope
it's finally over isn't it
you dont have enough time to go elsewhere and contribute before it becomes active though...
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Why not just play the fucking game and learn how to do things, dipshit?
you legit have never pvp'd before if you think this is the case
Lemme guess, the 6 losses were by a large margin and the win was a much closer game
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what does this mean?
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You can try AtlasLoot
join only if you're about to cum
>FOTM, retarded furry, or absolutely insane person who sucks Blizzard dick harder than anyone.
I've been playing druid for like 15 years and I'm none of those.
>Has not had a correct opinion in 20+ years, but you'll hear all of them.
This is spot on though.
he only wants stair railings to apply
>do 6s and 7s
>my gm and arakara are still 4s
>try to get into groups for a whole hour
>not a single invite
What's the deal with these dungeons?
> use: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet 2 minute cooldown

ive played for 4 days and dont know what the ++ means
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>no hype for prepatch event
>no hype for launch
>no hype for season launch
>no hype for RWF
what happened?
Classes are more than their specs in Vanilla. The problem is people applying a retail mentality and lens to a game that doesn't fit it.
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im never going to recover from this
++ means 250lbs
+++ means 300lbs or more
I didn't even know the expansion was out until weeks after launch day.
theres something fucky going on with the system at the moment
i set my loot spec as prot before i opened the box at the end of wake
got the 2h sword instead
might have something to do with what your loot spec was when you killed illidank or whatever idk
what difference would that possibly make?
in eots you are actually retarded if you go anywhere near a point that isnt active
the loot is already chosen the moment you get the box in your inventory, you should had switched loot spec before you got box
I pretty much only play with friends (90% of my m+ runs in s4 was with my guild, the other 10% was mixed)
I'm curious about how bad pugging really is, what's the role/spec I should go for to experience what steerage/underclass keys are like?
Will naming my undead warrior Terrydavis get me banned?
leveling in vanilla was the game. there are classes that had massive quality of life advantages while leveling, like Paladin. everyone loved having them around for their utility and they never fucking died because they were durable. then you have people who disregard leveling as a small hurdle (probably people that pay to skip leveling in retail) and only focus on endgame, which didn't even get attention until the game was even released and live, where paladins were healers. completely disregarding that the class was designed to be a support, they argue that it should be a tank and dps too because it has talent trees that they think support it, whereas talent trees were just things that accentuates a class
1-7 solo bg tonight. talk me off this fucknig ledge
Will never understand people calling Frost DK boring
The rush I get spamming obliterate is unmatched
They only ever experience Breath fDK
>search "this thing"
>No results :(
>google "wowhead this thing"
>find the page i was looking for
Shitty search function
Pulling a huge murderpack as Frost or Blood DK releases the dopamine. So why doesn't Unholy?
You're on Classic wowhead baka.
this is not how any other boxes that say "for your current loot specialization" work
Nope. I even checked
returning player - best option to spend marks of honor on?
Because Unholy is deep sounding noises and zombie shit thats gross and not funny to land
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>The rush I get spamming obliterate is unmatched
the rush in question
>need key
>can buy them from the murloc near brann
>check delve journey
>finished it
i may have done too many.
They're just for xmogs now, so whatever ensemble or weapons you want
You can send them to other characters to buy their sets too
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marks are only good for cosmetics, all pvp is purchased with either:

bloody tokens (acquired w/ war mode in world quests, war chests, special pvp wqs)
honor (obtained from unrated bgs and the like)
conquest (from rated bg)

many of the old pvp sets suck shit so i would look at the weapons which more often than not look amazing
How? You get progress from non bounty delves?
Sour grapes
>that was hunter
No that was hunter in actual Vanilla. It was the subhuman class because of the pet but it UNIRONICALLY has the highest pvp/skill ceiling of any class
>obsessed with warriors
Because warriors ruined classic.
>raids become literally nothing but 20 warriors white auto attacking mobs over and over
You legitimately want paladins to just stand there wearing cloth armor because you're a fucking faggot with a superiority complex
what are you looking for
There there, it's not bad to enjoy simplicity. Often less is more.
>You legitimately want paladins to just stand there wearing cloth armor because you're a fucking faggot with a superiority complex
I never said any of this.
I didn't say this either.

I said you guys have a complex and a chip on your shoulder because you got cucked by warriors in vanilla and you've never let it go. Thanks for proving me right.
utterly mindbroken by being told to put on the dress
many such cases
because tearing things apart with the glacial strength of the frozen north is more fun than popping pimples and making zombies do your job for you
You'd think the average Paladin player would be into crossdressing
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holy based
Reminder. Paladin vs Warrior in vanilla was because one of the WoW devs was so buttblasted by EQ paladins he seethed so hard he shat himself in the dev meetings to the point where they made up "hybrid tax" just to appease his horrid jewish rat rage.
But by all means continue arguing it in his schozz'd spirit instead of being glad one persons insecurities aren't shitting up 4 classes anymore.
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>played war within for a few days
>haven't touched mythic or raids yet
>almost 610ilvl
teach me your secrets
where do people duel rn?
its called delves and its for retards
the warrior no inbetween thing is so funny cause that was me in my guild
i was fury and i had an arms bro and we were both top 4 every fight, and we got this new fury that did like half my dps
he tried talking to me after raid to get some advice or something (i have no fucking clue how to teach somebody to do a rotation. idk bro i just do it? im pressin the buttons that light up. go look at an icyveins guide or sumn)
and he typed like a total idiot. wasnt even clearly new and uninformed he was just like a total knuckle dragger. barely literalte. had thug in his name and everything
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I started playing tww today, is it worth it to read the quests or are they just sloppa I can ignore
>max doing hidden runs again
holy autism
Didn't hybrids suck ass in EQ1? I know ranger was complete dogshit, because I played one.
You can ignore 'em
but I heard that's how you git gud
The side quests in the first zone are good and worth reading, but by and large you can breeze past them
I hope i can get some good rank 4 curios on reset day
I want to try dps brann
how many fucking times in a row can dks cast death grip

If it's important, the NPCs will /say it and the line will be voiced, or it'll be a cutscene.

They have 2 charges of death grip, plus 2 AoE deathgrips, and if that's not enough, 2 roots, and 3 sprints.
>dueling against a friend's paladin during WotLK
>beat him so hard he got depressed and deleted his only lvl 80 character
Good times, good times
Decent enough for modern wow standards which are not high mind you.
The only quest worth paying attention to is the dementia earthen
>They have 2 charges of death grip, plus 2 AoE deathgrips
that explains it
this nigger gripped me four times and i still got the orb because i'm an evoker
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rate my gob's mog
oh and the AoE deathgrip that does damage can pull you up to 3 times if you're unlucky
>hunter classic
>afk shooting
>ez mode questing
>fat ass aggro range with pet in dungeons
>pet taunting
>pet fucking pulls every time after a jump
>uumm I'm out of arrows lol
can confirm
I want to plunge her on my cock/10
Abom limb was changed in DF to only pull you once
bwl NPC lookin ass
it's alright I suppose
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>Try to heal a TW dungeon as resto
>Tank never held agro and everybody instantly released anytime they died
I don't want to do that anymore
was going for a black leather look, and i feel that gobbos best strength is their midriff given how wide their hips are
i feel ya man
>Every 1 sec, an enemy is pulled to your location if they are further than 8 yds from you. The same enemy can only be pulled once every 4 sec.
Jewelcrafting or Blacksmithing?
sexy orc
I can not wait for the ele rework
Tanks take so much damage in tbc tw
Oh disregard I suck cocks
jewelcrafting is kind of cancer
crafting any gem costs like 3k gold
jewel crafting and spec into prospecting
and sell gems
Most of them are just terrible I had a druid in my party yesterday that just pulled the entire Botanica and it was smooth sailing.
Room for one more?
*unzips cock*
I liked the df rework to professions but fuck tww they made everything super complicated and tedious.
Im ilvl 575 on my blood dk and what delve level should I start with? I assume it will be easy solo for blood.

Can I spam them over and over?
>Try talking to people in Dornogal
>They all don't reply and or fly away
its just common sense
and knowing what words mean
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>*Cracks open cock*
How is that better from needing Profaned Tinderbox as a Blacksmith? They went for close to 8k per pop last time I checked.
What ilvl can you start M+ reasonably?
I'm talking +2s, i have jack shit
I was tanking them easily at 580
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nice game
sorry i cumed
what is that armor set?
Looks like heritage armor and some DF tier set shoulders
This is the worst pugging m+ has ever been. The drooling retards that play this game are incapable of not standing in everything and seemingly don't have interrupt bound to anything. Does the average player play zoomed all the way in or something? This game is not that difficult.
i am looking for an addon that shows active defensive cooldowns on player nameplates in pvp. i found "nameplate cooldowns", which shows the cooldowns of player skills, but not when defensives are active

what's the name of the addon i'm looking for wowg
i didnt engage very much with the professions in df but my understanding was they didnt want everything to be <1g worthless outside of awakened order which is what happened in dragonflight so they made every recipe cost a fuckton of materials
every gem is worth 70g because you have to crush like 30 gems to craft a single cut one
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Half is Orc heritage
The other DF S3 PvP ones I think
Belt & legs are from MoP remix
neither can I
People get straight up one shot, I wanted to try healing in TW to get an idea of how resto worked but I guess that won't happen
you know I am surprised Blizzard can not use AI to balance classes
maybe next epac
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You're looking for TellMeWhen. You have to do a bit of setup of it on your own if I recall correctly but it worked pretty well when I was learning PVP
How does this image add to what you're saying at all
melty incoming
how do PVP junkies manage
50 plus keybinds for multiple classes
with the Key tool tip gone too
AI doesn't exist you stupid normalnigger
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Why does every group for Heroic Ansurek want Discord so badly? You can't pop some bubbles without everyone in there? Should you be expected to join someone's wack ass Discord just to fight a boss?
Dude, what the fuck, why are you fucking posting here man? You're so old. Where's your wife? Go home to your family.
my favorite were the black temple pugs requiring it
weird how they managed this with jewelcrafting yet for Enchanting the only reason why the enchants are expensive is because they require Profaned Tinderboxes which aren't farmed reliably anywhere (some delve weirdness with Brann aside)
They kept crystals expensive in Legion because they had the foresight to realise showering people in infinite epics in M+ and from world quests even might be bad, so they made each enchantment cost like 12 crystals. Yet this time they cost 1 crystal but a fucking tinderbox
I sometimes miss the old professions desu, but I dont think the Cataclysm professions would work on regionwide AH, too much competition would eat markets alive and make nothing worthwhile
I got lost on the way to your mom's house
I'm not saying I don't believe you but I have a very hard time wrapping my head around that.
to add, I also find it really weird how there's no 'cheap alternative' enchant for chest/boots and a few others, every expansion always has the cheap fuck alternative, and I'd be happy enchanting my gear with the cheap stuff until I got something worth spending gold on
is there any benefit at all of picking convoke over tree in m+? sure the cooldown is 1m but you don't get anywhere near enough pumps from it for high damage?
No worries
If you need help configuring it I can try to help, been a while since I used it though
no just keep going til u git gud
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Fishing is fun.
>there's no 'cheap alternative'
Yeah thats the big fuck you
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>one simple feature a dev likely strung together in 10 minutes creates better world pvp than all of Vanilla
I wish it were more lucrative but yeah it's relaxing
Cute elf by the way
How do I remove the smell of shit from my gaming chair?
I play human ret paladin btw
any WrA chads here?
is it as dead and/or furry as it's made out to be elsewhere?
You telling me fighting over some towers in the plaguelands wasn't peak game design?
anon this general is filled with rp faggots who have never turned on warmode. nobody is gonna know what this is.
main+3 alts should do it
>t. 50% track with main+1 alt
>rogue dies on trash
>rogue dies on boss
>dies again
>dies more next bosses
>logs out after death #7
thanks retard
Have they fixed the sword to be yuge again, or is this just an old screenshot of you in DotI?
raiding is gay and im glad m+ and delves are putting their knee down on the raiding community's neck
Naw it's an old screenshot sadly. The sword is still babby sized today. :(
anon, M+ is the one AGHKing this season
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>finally join the pandacord
>see this
what the fuck bros
In what way? Delves give shit loot and m+ only gives good loot from vault if you do a 10 (99% of you retards are crying about 4s being to hard so that's never happening)
>M+ and
you dont get to pretend M+ isnt a pile of liquid shit getting dabbed on by brann and co
sorry little man back to your +3 overtime.
i exclusively play m+ (only enter bountiful for gear) and yeah i have no reason to raid. will pug a raid one time just to put it in my rio and thats it.
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>have weird thumb
>casual play with a 12 extra buttom mouse for 2 days
>hand already hurts
>join 6 dawnbreaker
>healer die to beam
>he dies again
>leave the group
>heroic raid loot is shit
nice cope lmao
if it aint paining u aint gaming
Yup. My thoughts succinctly
I wanna know what retards cried about it to get it nerfed. Like what the fuck we have Armageddon and nobody cares about that
If you didn't like how yuge the sword was then don't use it baka
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>he missed out on the bloody perch sit down bug where the bloody chum buff would stay active for 5 minutes and had a near 100% chance to catch a sanguine dogfish that sold for 250g each and all you had to do was throw in a new bloody perch within 5 minutes to keep the buff active
Yeah it is
the post your responding too is a m+ chest and it wasnt like that before tww, it does appear to be how its working currently however
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>put up ILLIDAN SKIP party
>I don't have the skip
My thumb is way too shitty for this. I'm just chasing transmogs and i'm already in pain
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im going to make yggdrasil look like a joke
you have to set your loot spec before the chest spawns in m+
that is how it has always worked
the moment the chest spawns your loot is rolled
do you have short thumbs?
i guess megan fox has the same thumbs for reference, me and my sister are also afflicted
why dont you just.... use your keyboard
Fun, relaxing past time. Very cozy
so whats the fastest expac to level in? is it still WoD?
you WILL play trannyflight and you WILL enjoy it
is it more kino to have one long action bar or multiple stacked shorter bars?
>+2 ara kara again
>key rolls +10 SV
fucking christ
just give me a mists damnit
Remove your helmet
that's what everyone claims
i leveled 1-70 with classic dungeons last week and went straight into TWW. kill yourself you obnoxious retard
what makes WoD faster than others?
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it would be extremely painful
Yes, and no.
For Horde:
Silverpine (+Gilneas) --> Hillsbrad Foothills --> WoD Tanaan Intro (yes seriously, it's efficient) --> Set up Garrison --> Gorgrond ---> Spires of Arak if somehow not 70.
For Alliance:
Eastvale Logging Camp --> Redridge until the 'Prisoners of War' quest (dont do it) --> Duskwood (only Darkshire, avoid Raven Hill quests) --> Loch Modan (find the Dark Iron map quests) --> Tanaan Intro --> Set up garrison --> Gorgrond --> Spires if not 70 somehow.

In the past, WoD's treasures gave insane XP, not really true anymore. The bonus objectives are decent but not as good as efficient questing in zones like Loch Modan, Redridge or Hillsbrad.
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is she lying?
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Short and misshapen
And walk with my mouse? I could put shift on the mouse and use my left hand for the number keys
relax spergo, it was a joke
i don't know that it is. it's just what everyone claims
Alright lemme plap your tits and cum on your helmet then
They added these supply drops all the way back in BfA.
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your a big guy
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I made this in 30 minutes.
You play on MG?
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>master machinists vent overlap with the block insta kills my group on a +9, then 8, then 7...
Thats enough m+ for me this week.
What an uggo, why not just put some AI pic there instead, yuck
is that tsm that shows mail like that? i should learn how to use that eventually
wod zones are not really faster, its just the intro is fairly long so you get tons of quests back to back with very little downtime. the speedrun routes are mostly cataclysm zones.
yes, I dont know how to use it much either, I just like having the prices on tooltips updated automatically every couple hours
Ok might be retarded question
Do mobs still even have armor?
Or did they actually slap a fucking PVP talent on the monk hero tree
I swear i remember them normalizing mob damage reduction when they yeeted armor pen as a stat
I only have two side buttons on my mouse and one of them is for autorun. I barely every use my keyboard to move forward. I always have my legs propped up to relax unless I'm doing a dungeon or something. I do all world content aside from higher delves with my mouse and it is comfy.
tsm does that? ive always hated having to do a full scan with auctionator everytime i checked the AH
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she won
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>look inside
>fish scales worth 7 copper
it can, but you need their app, and to make an account afaik
theres no armor in pvp either. plate classes are really good kill targets, especially warriors
Destro Warlock looking for a guild. I don't like fags, furries, or woke SJW shitters. Retards are cool. Realm Illidan, Horde.
bro pugging has been so much worse this weekend

>NW +8
>everything clean
>first boss is going down fine
>healer get chomped by one of the little adds and dies
>prot pala "ARE YOU FOR REAL?!"
>doesnt even CR the healer
>just leave
>boss had 30% hp left
What causes this mental retardation?
>he didnt get a 10 completed
come on brother
estradiol rage
makes roids look like ritalin
very sad
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So this may be more a question for the classic thread, but I'll ask here because it relates to retail.
I did some tanking in timewalking dungeons today and yesterday, and the big thing I noticed right away is that the damage me and my group were dealing and the damage I was taking was extremely high. Like, each autoattack from an enemy was dealing big chunks of my HP, but mobs and even bosses were dropping very fast. Comparing to pushing high delves with a buddy at least, the nerubians I go up against there just whittle away at my DK's life, but it takes forever for brann and my DPS friend to drop them.

Is this just some odd scaling behavior, or is this indicative of how Classic WoW/TBC really is/was when current? Was it enemies that you could kill with ease but could also shred your HP much the same?
the problem with TSM is it builds up so many errors over time that it will block you from something as simple as using a hearthstone to casting a spell or even logging out of the game. i don't remember it always being that way but it's been like that since early dragonflight. i have to switch back to wowui auction house and /reload just in case every single time i use it
Time for spetting
I'll never catch up. Only delve vaults for me now.
you're an idiot
armor is most definitely still a thing
the difference is there are VERY few specializations that deal strictly physical damage
you're basically looking at mm, bm, ww, arms, fury, feral, outlaw, and assasination because they dont play the poison builds
OCE keys are waking up
its over
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>Try a Stonevault +5
>Evoker healer leaves after the first boss
>Try another Stonevault +5
>Evoker healer doesn't leave after first boss, but goes offline
Evokers are especially on my shit list so far. I don't know what they've got going on in their lives, I have no idea what they're thinking, and I have no idea what their schedules are like. I don't know if they have a scalie meeting and they have to go shove objects up their ass, but they should get their fucking shit together (technically impossible now) and quit leaving groups. Fucking stupid faggot cunts.
im just going to buy a +10 bost
i would rather waste 10 hours farming herbs than pugging m+ for rio
play warrior against mm and tell me armor is still a thing (you will not)
TW scaling is broken, it was nothing like that in original BC or classic
mm is an outlier currently, its just busted and hasnt gotten nerfs
i can literally dig up patch notes from s4 to prove you that armor is most definitely still a thing in pvp
>fem draenei pee r34
>fucked up ai anatomy
its scaling. you take more damage in classic and you have to go slower in dungeons for sure but honestly tanks never die unless they're braindead retards or healers fall asleep
>he doesn't have "ai_generated" blacklisted
then again what did I expect...
No, things had more health back then relative to the amount of damage that you could do.
The damage they do to you isn't accurate either, but if you pulled aggro from tanks mobs in Heroic dungeons at the time would put you into the dirt pretty fast, even tanks would struggle if you pulled too much.
Hard CCing (Polymorphing, Traps, Sap etc) before pulls even took place was common in Heroic dungeons because raw damage numbers from mobs was high, even if mechanically they were simple.
Don't see Timewalking as 'how things were then' because the scaling and all the abilities our classes have make it a completely different experience.
Take this video of Shattered Halls heroic, skip to around 13:50 or so and you'll see how communication was important, they were strategising pulls because patrols/overpulling would be totally lethal. And this is in modern Classic TBC where people are just better at the game (and have more tools in regards to things like threat etc)
okay pal then play against rogue and tell me armor is still a thing. I'm sure it's still a mechanic but it effectively does nothing in TWW.
Warriors are pumpers though. They're the investment class that starts off the worst but pays off bigly. Think like a project car you get for peanuts and over time put work into it to become an absolute monster that's only really good at one thing like 1/4 mile (parsing, group pvp) yet sucks as a daily drive (open world farming, solo content, solo pvp)
Yes, that's unironically their role in the endgame. Vanilla had a lot more to it than that though, yet people love to view it through the same lens they view retail/future expansions. Paladins excelled in solo content, could don the shield and aoe farm scholo/strath/etc solo (can warriors do that?), could be a total fucking menace in world pvp...
At the end of the day, nobody forced you to play a Paladin, you could easily just reroll a DPS class if all you wanted to do was DPS. But then again Paladins aren't known to be the brightest of the bunch...
Isn't a lot of MM's damage not even physical anymore
TWW is the first xpac where it's always worthwhile to go after each one.
Not him but most of their damage is aimed and rapid fire, both are physical
Yeah they really went overboard with the wpvp rewards.
The shit you buy with blood tokens (which are easy as fuck to get) are onl 3 ilvl under conquest gear.
Figured that was the case. I was going to check out that turtle wow private server when they do their UE5 thing next year and was curious whether this type of balancing is to be expected in anything vanilla-adjacent.
Should've figured Blizz can't into scaling again.
a lot of ai genned stuff is great, like yeah there a TON of garbage but theres also a ton of very fappable material.

Ive noticed though that AI seem s WAY better at drawing dicks, futa/trap/fembot content then females. It makes a mess of female anatomy most of the time it seems
Thinking about rolling a Man'ari what class ensures peak plappability?
I fail to see how this is a problem.
demo lock so you can apologize to Thal'kiel
sub is basically all shadow damage lil bro
the other two spec lean heavy phys but bleeds ignore armor iirc dont quote me on that
UH was basically a free kill target for phys specs in s3/s4 df, they nerfed armor for plate classes by like 30% and it felt really bad on uh and hpal specifically
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luv holy priest
looking at a top MM hunter on Sikran Mythic (pure ST)
Aimed Shot + Rapid Fire is 29.7% of their damage combined
Their physical DPS amounted to 53% of their overall damage.
Much of their DPS is nature or shadow damage anon
Get a load of this guy. He can't even interrupt! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
I don't give a shit about no ai images. They all look uncanny to me. Nothing makes me lose my boner faster than having to look at the most generic artstyles being imitated by some machine that cannot get the most simple aspects of the human body right. Humans were meant to be drawn by humans and that's it.
If you use AI upscaling or use it for texture generation as a small time game dev that's totally fine but that's all I can give it credit for.
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I didn't say it's a problem if that's what you're implying.
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>Curse (Boss)
literally baby's first healing class. completely useless in anything outside of raiding.
fuck warriors
fury warrior players are the gayest faggots imaginable
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Nice game Blizzard
Might not be that bad of an idea plus the casting animation is amazing too I love that little butt wiggle Draenei ladies do.
Excuse me sir but priest is the protagonist class of the entire game.
This bitch has a beforehead and afterhead, this bitch has her brain sideways, this bitch has an extra 100gigs of memory space, this bitch can remember tomorrow, this bitch is a sniper's dream, this bitch has a head start on everything she does, this bitch's hair dresser stands on the second floor.
so you're telling me no one really does physical damage anymore and the few classes that do either ignore armor completely because reasons or are dealing SO much damage that armor effectively does nothing anyway, then

wow that sure does sound like a great stat, a real stat even, for sure not deprecated at all
if I get declined one more FUCKING time
dude just as much human drawn work is shit too.
you're clutching pearls
>demo lock so you can apologize to Thal'kiel
why would a drae apologise to him again?
>be circa 2 years ago
>apply to a plus fucking 8 on a toon that just needs their fucking vault done
>VASTLY overgear this shit
Archimonde murdered him for summoning demons before it was cool
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yeah i cba
The race to world first this time is really boring heh. Liquid going offline makes it even worse
mindbroken sissydins will never not be funny
And a lot of human drawn work is a lot better too. Your point being? AI art is the TV meal of food. They do the job but they are hollow and have nothing to do with the fine art of cooking. Are they better than little Timmy's attempt to fry an egg that goes up in flames? No of course not. But they can never even come close to a finely prepared meal that has been made with love.
I did 7s but people refuse to invite me to grim batol 6.

I hope they win thb
Justice for josh and zaela
Been playing WoW for a few weeks. Now am at Max level and enjoying myself very much. Focusing on PvP now, it's a blast. I am still a noob but I'm really having fun with the game. I'm also playing on controller for max comfy. What's some fun stuff in game I may not know about? Also I'm leveling a new character but can't find new gear to get him caught up. Any tips? Auction board is too expensive for lv70.
yeah but that holy fire dps be hittin doe
max is 80. you'll keep getting better gear from quests as you level.
When levelling just do quests etc to get gear, there's nothing to 'catch up' on until 80.
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why are there 2 copies of this retard's skull floating around me now?
Blizzard is retarded
misery loves company given they are stuck with (you)
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Damn horde players look like THAT?
>reach lvl 70
>killing enemies takes fucking forever because i level so much from farming and got no useable gear
Le sigh
i think i know why but im not sure
the transmog system acts very weird with legion artifacts
>Empower irradiated herb
>Start to pick
>It despawns
>Click clone
>it despawns
i hate this game
apparently no one else feels the same
i was roleplaying exactly that in the thread the other nigiht and i caught a three day for "racism"
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You tell me chief, its been a known bug for months now apparently
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>third spark and second catalyst charge tomorrow
pinky melties are hilarious
You misread. I have a level 80 and then leveled another one to 70 but the gear jump was huge and now can't kill things in TWW.
I don't want to repeat the TWW story quests. I've got some from world quests thankfully but any other ideas help.
>after 3 days I still can't find a leatherworker with the pants
>guy in m+ group starts raging in the chat in his native language
kino feeling
wow i can get my erm.. interchangeable armor of the fireflash or feverflare to a heckin wahoo 1up item level!!! lets go wow is back!??!?!
>still haven't crafted anything
>guild cliques are so stupid why don't the mythic raiders ever offer to help newbies with keys
do each delve once, even on tier 1
You get good xp from the one-time quest you find in there and they can give gear
should i craft a 619 2h for my arms warr? i have a 604 champ track already.
idk if im gonna have better available because i am DEATHLY AFRAID of doing group content.
I'll do that. Thank you.





doesn't drop any upgrades mate
I'm full bis mate, I don't gotta run m+ mate
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Wait I thought that if you cleared a Normal raid you were locked out of the Heroic. Is that not true anymore?
never was
share whatever the fuck you're smoking with the class, bitch
the joke is that i joined a guild group with some people who don't raid with us (social/"friends and family") and they spent the whole dungeon complaining that no one ever responds when they ask for keys in gchat
this aint mop remix bwo
They are 100% not getting past Silken Court until reset.
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>do dungeon on mythic
>guy drops what i want on first try!
>turns out the color i wanted was heroic only
>takes me 9 attempts to get it again
At least i got 2 drops i wanted on the last run so it was completely worth it
its monday in civilized timezones
are the timewalking magetower challenges doable at the moment or still bricked?
Are they still going to not let evokers stay in non-pinhead-dragon form? or did they go back on that
That hasn't been the case since 2013
wait for the vault, if no hero/myth track weapon
craft for sure
This video has already been popping up in my feed and the thumbnail makes me laugh every time i see it. That fucking pose he's making.
they'll fold soon, the ugly dragon forms were a complete failure
even the thirstiest bootlickers aren't defending the models online anymore and people are only getting more upset over the no transmog schtick
end of TWW by the absolute latest
non-evokers apparently don't get forced into gecko form when using abilities, only evokers do.
nope, you're downstream of the NYE
you're not in a relevant timezone
what're you an aussei? im in a queen group with a shitload of them apparently, they dont know im piss drunk
literally 1AM 4chan time (east coast U S of A and the irrelevant nearby locales((greatest coast on the whole wide planet)))
I think the bosses still have too much hp and damage
ya i guess but i havent gone to bed yet so still sunday as far as im concerned
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Something is off about this guy I can't quite put my finger on it.
man i hope so
i like the class but those pinhead lizards are godawful as fuck
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This is a top tier screenshot
Well done, kekked
Also, cute humie
i've been getting assfucked by death knights all day and i don't like it one bit. what counters death knights in pvp?
>what counters death knights in pvp?
2 death knights
if you're really desperate there's a toy that turns you into a femnelf ghost for 30min on a 5min(?) cooldown
costs 5k i think at that wizard tower in azshara
it's not much but its better than the lizards
That's unironically how it works for me too. It's not sunday, it's saturday night. Saturday doesn't start until like 5-6 am.
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Unironically warrior. Warrior chews through DKs for breakfast since they have pretty poor physical damage mitigation. AMZ and AMS do nothing, we can spell reflect diseases and Mortal Strike cripples death strike healing
fury warrior, windwalker monk, feral druid, combat rogue
but mostly fury warrior, hard to drop stacks on UH unless you use all of your mobility but they're coming right back
yet you'll scream 'happy new year' and kiss your boyfriend on his chapped lips when the ball drops
frickin losers
>unironically seething over timezones
brought this bad boy to fight illidan
I don't think it even spawned when I used it and I banked my other trinket on accident so I had an absolute brick equipped after we wiped...
holy projection
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He's so cool
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Well, wowgee?
I've always thought that was a bit cringe honestly.
Which demon hunter subclass is best for pvp? I hear havoc is squishy and that vengeance still has high damage and burst
Warriors are in general. It is what it is
Play the game instead of bitching about rp
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you need one more dps for your key. you have no lust and no melee. what's your excuse for not inviting him?
>whats your excuse
Delves are solo.
Why do you cry about roleplayers every fuckin day man who gives a fuck
bgblitz is a meme
dont play tanks
dont play tanks
dont play tanks
havoc sucks right now but if you have to play dh, which i wouldnt blame you, search mvqdh on drustvar/checkpvp/wowarmory
that nigga knows whats up
varian and garrosh were two of the most popular wow original characters, it's crazy they killed them off
look what they are doing now kek, relying solely on WC3 characters and now WC2 characters to carry the story for them
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He's so cool (literally)
well i invited an rsham so...
Come to Dalaran.
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missing a "bully bait" in profile square
and "bull" in name
oh and can't forget "kneeknocking length" or "stud"
erm dalaran exploded
Most people are still living in DF S1 and think survival is dog water. Most people don't even know it got buffs and a rework, and is getting even more buffs/QOL in the anniversary patch. Survival fucks, it just has terrible optics.
That's all this futard does
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erm... proofs?
>started roleplaying somewhere around 2009
>STILL recognize some of the names in GS
It's mental illness.
It has to be.
Can we remove the stupid forge horseshit req from runeforging
I get that we have a teleport but half the time I use it it DC's me and I just saw one dude fall through the floor
if i lose another stonevault because a healer cant handle it im gonna lose it
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Lame ass
You're replying to the futard bro
Crying about roleplayers is utterly retarded because you can just leave

Retard-chan subjects himself to going into Goldshire just to get mad lol
it was nice in pandaremix desu, just open the menu like any other prof
Survival is so much better and pets are way cooler than when i last played during cata. It's a great class
why do paladins live in your head rent free
I saw him today. I took the offer.
How do you take good pictures like this? What plug-in do I use to make nice pictures?
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So I applied this to what I saw in Silvermoon a little bit a go. Despite how few there are there at a time on MG, came surprisingly close.
Probably because several characters had several of these in one.
Why are paladins gay laymao
>He sees the word futard and immediately assumes it's about him
Yes, mommy...
idk bro, why do you let gay men live in your head rent free
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serious question. what is the deal with these dragon fags and why do they zero damage?
You've called me that for the past 2 years lol
However your ghost reply is an accepted concession

Let me out of your cranium hovel, not every post is me bro
they make everyone else pump and have a bunch of utility/dispels they never use
>when you forget how to get to mechagon as horde and spend 10 minutes running around listening to nathanos shit his pants about his waifu only to remember thats not the right quest
BFA was fucking awful.
WrA SMC used to be POPPING every night. Now it's a ghost town. I sometimes head there and sit on the bench where I used to RP with a femsaken a lot.

I miss her.
oh really? I do about the same damage with or without one in the group
The idle animation on top of the mount has my character look around like that so I just positioned myself around the NPC, waited for the animation to play. Then I just took a bunch of screenshots, picked out the best looking one and then cropped it a little so hide the weird angle my mount was standing in.
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What specs can I play to guarantee being priorized over other DPS
>Not Aug
And what spec is the easiest to play as healer
>serious question
if this is actually a serious question, they buff the groups damage
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He's so cool and canonically pounds blue ass
>BFA was fucking awful.
it was a literal humiliation ritual for the entire playerbase
its a do nothing spec like any shaman in tbc
literally just a lust bot for fags that want to have ZERO responsibility
do not invite ever
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im ready to make gold bros
idk what im doing
What's the easiest t11 delve to solo?
Kael'thas is going to kill him in Midnight as payback for backstabbing him btw
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M+ is too hard bros...
fungal folly
just use spores to kill everyting
>three weeks late
>100k in startup cash
it's genuinely too late for you. even if you went double gathering, you're so far behind on profession knowledge that by the time you're caught up the materials will be worthless again. just buy tokens.
no you dont lol
how do you know which ilvl you should be before you run a key?
Retard lol
No you do not
Your name may be at the top of the list but the numerical value of your total damage done is not the same
they saw everyone enjoying DF S3 and were like noooooo stop playing M+ rn
>aug was such a failure that blizzard has completely given up on the support spec experiment
It's less of an ilvl requirement and more of a not being stupid requirement but you wanna be around 600 I guess.
I have been flying from ogrimar to stranglethorn and flown to stormwind and taken an alliance ship to kul tiras. I have done this about 6 times now
Nah it's just exposing how bad the general playerbase is.
man going from heroics to m0 as a DPS has to be a fucking absolute nightmare
EST/EDT is the only timezone, guy. currently EDT (or UTC-4 for you godless communists)
>>aug was such a failure
In what universe? It's mandatory in m+ and RWF are bringing at least 2 to every fight.
yes i agree i am also an eastfag now stfu retard
i meant to type NYSE
i've never been the victim of so many race-changing enchantments in battlegrounds as i have on my dragon. people are racist
you already outgear the content from delves, though.
theres a really short quest to let you take the undead ship to drustvar
you can fly right to mechagon in like a minute
>605ilvl before I even touched heroics or mythics
Skill issue
bro you live in jersey city calm down
stfu bitch im several hundred miles south of that
delves are better content
Where are you getting this video?
yeah, but how do I know what ilvl i should be for +2 or +8?
my goal is to just keep my sub rolling with tokens
Read my reply again...
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>half of my weeklies didn't reset
>can't earn delve keys or profession knowledge from quests
>didn't get a spark fragment
>other people have been experiencing it since tww launch
>blizzard is incapable of fixing it, says to file a bug report
>there is a very real chance it just happens again on tuesday
Just don't do it. It's a simple as that
Good to know. I searched on the interwebs and got no information just like always
why the fuck are you doing t11 delves? don't you get the best rewards from t8?
he wants the "cool" zeppelin skin
Just saw a guy bitching about how some classes are called hero classes and that he thinks all classes should be able to do big damage not just hero classes
He was a warlock doing 250k dps
never happened. kill yourself liar.
Why is this mentally ill brazilian cumbrain in every general?
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playable spiders when?
This is hilarious I had no idea dpsissies got personally offended by declined invites
I'll be sure to decline rather than leaving their invite hanging in the future lmao
>The fucking spiders get tails
>Worgens dont
fuck this dumb retard company
that mount was such a disappointment lol
barber mount when?
>mere warrior above the elite paladin
so much for the power of the Light lmao
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looks like an altfag problem to me
>That didnt happen
>Ok it did but its not that bad
is there anything trannies wont speedrun
i only have one character at 80. i'm not sure why you're so mad and hostile.
Who's being hostile?
Is arcane actually hard or are mages just gaslighting people into thinking they deserve to be on top again?
Arcane mage got a juicy rework in TWW and not it is no longer autistic and needlessly complex
*throws chair*
You couldn't even rape a quadriplegic
wait really?
is it not all about shitting your entire manabar in 2 seconds now?
but number go up...
When i go rape-mode, i just go berserk and i don't regain consciousness until everything around me has been raped
Just a reminder that the incmpetent blizzard retards have literally 0 backup for any of your character or inventory data
all it takes is one pajeet coder to fuck up and everything you have ever earned in the history of the game is gone
remember that
>Freedom is just one SAAR I ACCIDENT away
Don't do that.
Don't give me hope.
Lord forbid I lose my banks full of Pungent Seal Whey
>oh no not all of my alt's guild bank full of outdated mats that will sell from 10s-3g each!
>0 backup
they have an entire automated item restoration system. that's hardly 0
>guk guk guk mm yes blizzard guk guk guk nono you can do no wrong guk guk guk dont worry ill pretend im only trolling
it's glark not guk you poopyhead
>95% of players got nothing back
>all their gold disappeared too
>warbands have been eating items for weeks with literally 0 acknowledgement from blizzard that it's even a problem
hope you don't mind when your whole character list goes missing next month
>outing yourself as an actual cocksucking faggot
anon I have 2 million gold in my warbank..should i take it out...
Hawk tuah
Bitch I couldn't care less if my bank gets fucked. Now if you wanna get your dick sucked drop your pants and stop with that bullshit.
who cares
its just stuff
who cares bro
bro it doesnt matter
nothing matters
who cares
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sounds like an altfag problem to me
I don't know, people have been playing this game for 20 years. Some people have gifts and ingame mail from dead friends that were in guild banks and are now gone. That would definitely feel bad
anon never had friends so he can't relate
Lucky for me I don't have any friends or emotional attachments to anything stored on Blizzard's servers.
Why is unholy DK so much higher than frost DK?
this nigga got feelings and shit
what a faggot lmao lmao
>empathy for strangers
Get a load of this fucking WOMAN
Like I was saying in the other thread it's because our main fun pvp build, ignite, doesn't have enough vers or mastery to function properly, so Fire is currently useless.
>Blizzjeet employees trying to defend their terrible coding
>why is a bad loss more significant than a close win?
Actial mouth-breathing retard
Because I'm bored you dumb fucking spic.
>EU hours
>Actual pajeet shitters posting in defense of microsaar's pet company
Man some real shit right there.
It's like 7 in the morning in the EU neets are going to bed and everyone else is going to work
>nooo stop fucking around it's not funny!
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can confirm I'm about to get all comfy and cosy in my bed and have a little sleep before raid tonight :)
i aint baking on mobile you stupid ass niqqas
More power to ya big guy, sleep well.
Cannot confirm. Its 3:20pm and I'm about to do some delves.
>americans wake up
>thread goes in the shitter
really fries your nuggets
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i told an aussie lass her voice was cute in a queen pug
bsesd or cringe?
>soloing all the raids i couldn't do the last time i was playing wow 14 years ago
>americans wake up
its like
midnight there
you retared jeet
people get up at 7am
people dont get up at midnight
>cot +7
>prot pala dies three times before first boss
>nigger doesnt take my brez on second boss
>say bad prot paal in party
>whispers me a wall of seethe
how u gon' tank if you die that ez lil bro?
you'r enot a tank
you're a lil bitch nigga
NEETs do
>>americans wake up
It's 11:30PM on the west coast you retard
Sounds like he really got under your skin
maybe a lil bit but only because thant nigga put me on ignore as soon as he sent his message
fucking thin skinned lill bitches these days lil bro
Maye's been awake all day retard. This is EU hours
shit i forgot the derby yesterday
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what the fuck am I supposed to do with this shit
saar neet are getup at midnight saar it very normal saar pls believ
>meanwhile its not 7am
>its noon in india
>actual for real parjeets itt defending blizzard
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That bad huh
/kiss Brann see what happens (:
make a new thread, fags
we got myth vault
what you ogt lil bro
get yeeted around the map like a tard and wonder if the dev who designed it is inbred
new thread


Fucking captcha timer istg this shit is the worst
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>When you realize the reason there isn't any TBC Classic or Wrath Classic is because Arenas were introduced

also rate my mogs

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>get declinded
>whisper them "??????????????"

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