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Official WoW News

>Threads of Destiny - New Cinematic
https://youtu.be/brOSi_rpGj4 [Embed]

>September Trading Post

>20th Anniversary In-Game Event Preview
https://youtu.be/MNeQdGV5_2U?si=GTerY-rZZSnTPzP2 [Embed]

>NA /wowg/ guild
GLOBO FOMO - Moon Guard
>EU /wowg/ guild
Nerub Silkweaving Forum - Argent dawn

>WoWg community for NA

previous opps: >>495600376
first for killing AI niggers
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>Only 100 gold from a delve? Blizzard is LITERALLY SPITTING IN MY FACE
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have delves killed raiding and m+?
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man its 230am i should brick someone australians key
He's right though.
im finna brick a ragnaros key na sayin' g??
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but i literally just posted it....
Reminder that Nerub Silkweaving Forum is full trannies and faggots
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Post elf feet
>i refuse to do anything to get gold
>waaaaa why am I not getting gold
it should say
>you've been undercut
>by someone else using the same addon
Reddit "memes" fucking suck
who do I watch for havoc dh pvp?
You don't
That shit is fucking trash dawg get the fuck off the board!
the feet are in the way of the cute bulge!!
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ownd bitch
I mean he does have a point about delves.
>5 piles of gold at the end
>adds up to be about 1 quests worth
What's even the point of having the gold piles?
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only a couple more hours till i recoup the costs of the wowtoken i just bought and then a couple more hours for the next token!!!!!!!
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So true
>search for 8-10s
>they are all NW, SB and mists
is this a bug?
Never forget wowgers, that paladins are an oppressed class. A thing entirely done by themselves to themselves
take the free dub anon
this is horrible dude, whyare you farming ironclaw?
is this a leveling character?
Absolute blood elf SEXO
im just flying around the outside of khaz algar
She takes futa cock
absolute dogshit slop
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>there should be a MASSIVE PILE of gold as a weekly reward
what planet do these motherfuckers live on?
>eyes move up from her tummy
>AI slop
they be calling that shit warband
but just be the gang
4 niggas with dracos and glock switches
ayo wow Gz
desu BOUNTIFUL delves could have some more gold, maybe tie it to some extra minigame like the EZ mining nodes for extra reddit seethe.
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so this blue blob is the big bad
One of them yes
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i hate niggers so much man
i miss legion
>insane gold from mission tables (way better than WoD, although required a bit more maintenance)
>150g per world quest with the right follower equipment (i did them for AP anyway so just more gold for free)
>shoulder enchants which gave crafting mats (bring these back blizzard)
>blood of sargeras to convert to mats, also gatekept crafting alts who couldnt just sit afk in cities all expansion and had to play the game to craft things (good)
>farming was worthwhile, herbs/ore were expensive, new ore/gems in 7.3 made a ton of gold too
>professions were worthwhile but not needlessly complex like DF and TWW, and had some gatekeeping to stop people from just instantly crafting everything
>cooking, skinning, mining and herbalism had bacon/felhide/felwort world quests which were free huge gold every 3 days on every alt

bring it back
echo just killed kyveza RIGHT NOW, max is shitting himself
The gamers want more cosmetics
Forget raids
Forget PVP
First to farm the newest cosmetic set should be a thing
Delicious slop. Feel free to give us more servings.
yep, she prefers green gentlemans
Wife material for that comment
I want to fuck a blood elf
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Wait i just got this achievement and the thing that unlocks the extra cosmetics, so it's not season fomo or is it bugged?
Trolls are the most worthless race in the game, they have been in far longer than the Vulpera but have just as much impact
There are more troll motif weapons and armors than from all of the other racws combined

Let that sink in
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>anything 6+ and below is a crapshoot filled with people who don't know the dungeon mechanics
>Anything 7+ is a bunch of tryhards who quit the second after a wipe
Some come out better, some worse
Here you go
It never was season fomo, it's just the easiest way to get the achievement (Keystone Hero/Elite) was seasonal, but you can always go back and just solo/small group the Mythic endboss and get it too.
delves and pvp crafting gear killed normal raiding and m+2-6. the game showers you in champion track loot to the point where theres no reason to do the raid/dungeon difficulty modes that only drop champ gear
I don't remember when was the last time I saw a plain old troll male player
It's always either female reg troll or male zandalari.
How fucked is Raz mythic in pugs at 80?
Orcs had an entire expac dedicated to their shit
man i'm so stupid, i guess i'll never bother with KSH ever again
I'd prefer if they didn't come out at all. This shit sucks like look at how fucked up her arm is.
ugh fine i'll goon to modded up level 1 bimbelfs ugh
pretty easy, diurna gave us more trouble but still everything was one shot
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>kind of want to tank or heal
>no clue what to play or make on an RP realm
>feel like no one will interact with me anyway
can you make liadrin
I would play one if their tusks and feet didn't ruin every possible transmog.
No way I'm looking like shit.
M+ quitters are the biggest faggots there are, most of the time everything is fine when these niggers leave.
They also tend to be shitters themselves who fuck up or do stupid shit but quit the second anyone else makes a mistake
Nice Jaina
Took about 6 hours of exploration to get to 70. And thats including leaving the game on while I did other stuff.
Pretty comfy way to level.
i unironically think that delves are going to be really bad for retention for that reason
when the only upgrades are from heroic raiding or 7+ keys that most of the playerbase cant/wont do, they'll quit
as a corollary i fully expect delves to get nerfed to veteran+champion vault next season and a massive shitshow because of it
how is aug in delves? do you run healer or damage brann
but im a boy
having only played classic, playing hunter is weird. like random animals come out. it's not about developing a bond with your pet and like being a hunter, with traps and a bow and arrow. i dont feel like a hunter in retail. it's like soulless. i dont know why they did this
You just flew around each zone and got to 70? Impressive
Go back to classic old man
>paladins are severely mentally challenged
many such cases
currently at 2300m+ score what exactly does the 2500 cosmetic reward do and is it gone after season 1?
I ran aug once with damage brann, it's doable but dev is just better and faster
does using a lvl 70 boost on an earthen still give the heritage armor?
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>you will never fuck a Blood Elf IRL

Thanks for the slop man.
I don't have to push my feed pet macro every 2 hours it's like we're not even friends.
wow has had a problem with cannibalising it's own normal raid/lower m+ difficulties for a while, this expansion has been extra-bad for it
and it's seeping into cannibalising heroic, too
why the fuck would you run heroic when you get delve loot in vault at heroic, quite frequent events with 'free' heroic loot (Black Temple Illidan box, 4 m0s rewarding heroic item etc..) and delve maps which give hero items too.
It kills the incentive to do that midcore content and leaves only uber casual solo stuff which is forever complained about by the supposed audience for being 'too hard' (see the delve complaints last week) or the ultra hardcore mythic raiding
WoW doesn't have a proper inbetween because the low-end is way too rewarding and it's really bad for the game.
And yet you still find dozens of groups trying to do heroic raid at any given time
Sounds like the, quick, solution would be to seep myth gear into heroic stuff
grim batol feels like one of the easiest keys with my premade yet in a pug its always the biggest shitshow
not me they dont invite me
>grrrrr theres less people for me to fucking POWERTRIP OVER AAAAIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEE
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>have to salvage TEN (10) Feasts to make ONE (1), A SINGLE feast that persists through death

this is some next level bullshit
>+9 read no leavers
>one wipe tank leaves
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Yeah, it's fast as fuck. You can get 10-70 in a bit over 3 hours on an earthen
If you're wiping on a boss but only do 3 pulls an hour because after each pull, everyone goes afk one by one, then it's not worth it, no.
I swear to god, not a single pug tank in existence knows a path for enemy forces, or how to handle throngus

also retard casters/healers standing on top of fire elemental spawns
>guard druid calls me stupid because he cant press swipe when he pulls something
>he has to read me telling him hes shit for the rest of the run
>just sits there and takes it
if you call that winning tank "chads", i think you're just a loser who likes the abuse
sending my regards, kek
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>run out of coffer keys in the first day of the week
okay now what? wait till next week so I can enjoy the game again?
Heaven in a picture
>fragile druids with weak mental
sounds like them furfags
>Log on
>Do my daily delves
>No longer have any time left in the day to play wow

anyone else with this feel?
This but instead of doing dives it's ERP
>remove catalyst
>remove tier from vault
>remove tier from lfr
midcore population saved
>muh m+ being forced to ra-
shut up nigga normal is easier than a +2
They really need to let t6s and up give key shards or just keys
>do 4 bountiful delves
>no reason to do any more delves for the week

midcore has to be the most retarded shit I have heard in a long while
Yeah, thats all I did. I had the 25% warband exp buff, and I just flew through Northrend, Pandaria, Broken Isles, Zandalar, and Kalimdor while watching Star Trek TNG.
green plaphogs
Forcing people to raid to get tier = saving anything to you?
The Warband XP buff (or any other, afaik) doesn't apply to XP you get from exploration.
Do you have a good mod that pinpoints each zones trigger to explore that area?>>495634478
Why dont you faggots have a Hector Hectorson equivalent?
Its impossible to read anything
It's just another raidkek freaking out that people are being given options instead of being held hostage by faggot loot councils and officer circlejerks.
>wake up
>echo already caught up to liquidshit
24 hour advantage and you STILL get your bussy fucked by EU
>what exactly does the 2500 cosmetic reward do
It's a transmog of your tier shoulders or helm but with a special glow effect.
Why are healers literally impossible to kill in PvP
It gives you the special mythic only visual effects on your tier set for all variations of it.
So did delves get nerfed again? Granted I'm above i600 finally (601) and I'm on ProtPal, but T8s feel a lot easier now. I don't even need Bran's health pots.

Oh. Guess I didn't need to wait until I had five 80s, then. lol
It sucks doesn't it
U r welcome fren
removing rewards is gay and retarded. that only pisses off the playerbase. the solution is to add rewards
>make heroic raids drop more loot
>making clearing a heroic raid give you extra catalyst charges
>separate the pvp, m+, and raiding omni-tier token achievement
>add more crests to raiding so you can actually reach the weekly crest cap from raiding

also make mythic raiding more approachable for pugs. no more unique id lockout please
I've been doing them as a Prot Pal with Brann doing DPS, you only really need him to be healer if you're DPS.
Nobody will interact with a random player unless that random player interacts first.
how old you niqqas be to discuss dem computah games. it do be how unc said
>ayo lil young WoW G. if you is talking bout da game instead of playin it, the game do be whack, on king david
is that street knowledge, foenem
I curse of tongues an evoker, send 3 shadowbolts to him and nigga heals from 15 to 100 in 2 instant cast spells like nigga what
making raid drop more loot would be a good idea since getting absolutely nothing from spending 2-3 hours on reclears is absolutely aids. give me a carrot like fyralath or the head enchant from s3
>its real
holy lumaoooo
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>pug ovinax hc
>people keep spamming to do this strat
>saying 344
how the fuck am i supposed to see "triangles" and "squares" here? the fuck is this shit
and how is it 3 4 4 when we're doing 4 packs always? wtf is this garbage
Nah, I just fly around in red level areas with fogclear turned off
I'm a shitter, so I did need Bran even as Prot.
But maybe I'll swap to Ret for delves. See how much faster they go now.
filtered by basic brain check
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>every economy post is either "you spics should work for $.50 an hour not $3!" or "why isn't blizzard printing more gold?!! dae inflation?"
most of those people don't have a clue about anything, least of all a player driven economy. early game is in a place where people sitting on millions who are going to sell runs for 6 months are gearing characters. it's like people financing a house for 40 years only the players pay in cash not slavery to magic jew bucks. if you aren't someone like that you should be making gold off them and token buyers now. sorry you're either a mythic raider or you're a farmer. if you think you are casual then you are just being dumb and caught in the middle. there are many other games or points in time to play wow that's far less restrained when it comes to economically maximizing gear, power levels, and power fantasy.

then there's the token and gold buying like blizzard can actually force people to play the game when there's so much cheap labor to buy. retail players are so dumb they don't even want gdkp when that'd both spread gold to players and take a hammer to carry sales in general with a far more open market. they play in the same divergent world where people buy runs anyway and the high end players drown in gold but don't actually want it fixed, either with higher profession costs (it's not even remotely "expensive" now like a game with truly rare items with pvp power would be) or with more open item trading to increase market access.

it shouldn't even use undercut most of the time since the price didn't change. it's just a stack where the new is posted on top. one of the worst ESLisms in this stupid game.
Content should have rewards equal to the effort put into them.
Raid content should be the only way to get Raid gear.
I looked for such an addon when I leveled my own Earthen through exploration and couldn't find anything, near the end I realized it was easier to run the whole continent north to south, move a bit west and go south to north and repeat in a grid-like manner
boys can be wives too, get with the time gramps
yea it's easy seeing a tringle on the image, but when you do it in game you can't fucking see anything
post your hc kill shiter
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just make your own group, it'll fill in like 5 minutes. i'm so lazy i just assign someone raid assist to sort out the tanks since i dont know how to do that shit
What a faggot
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Pick your healer
i dont care if high m+ gets a way to get equivalent gear as well
but no, easy solo content and baby shit you can queue for should not
I'll take the nice doggy
Well I'm certainly picking the nigger so I guess I go dog
Shit characters btw, delete both please
dumbass cannot even spell correctly lmao
the difficulty in the game comes from dealing with other turbonerds who are trying to emulate their favorite streamers, and the fights are balanced around people using addons that sound train horns every 3 seconds, fuck raiding
M+ runners are gigantic babies. Good christ
Right if he knotfucks me after the party leaves
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class for this feel?
wow echo at 6/8 already, this is going to be close as fuck
even method might catch up to liquid now that its nighttime in NA
how can i enjoy affliction

this shit is a SNOOZEFEST!
Fremdraenei monk mistweaver crossfaction healing for an orc/troll/tauren warrior
I guess monk since you are posting garbage. Is that the feel you were going for?
is mythic castle nathria soloable now? wanna farm that plate mog ngl
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If some people here want "fast" leveling queues lemme know I'll queue Wotlk dungeons till I hit lv 30 then I'll just do TW
Got it
Yeah sure
whats the alternative to tsm if i dont have autism? auctionator? auctioneer?
Can try
Looks ok to me
it ain't a garbage, this is certified ludokino
This one
there are people in current day who still dont understand and complain about augmentation dps being low
Of course it looks okay to you because your standards are abysmal. Her arms look broken, her fingers are a mess and the lace is all kinds of fucked. How do you not see that?
>arthritic balding fat boomers whenever they see a timer in content
auctionator is cheating
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why is there so much versatility on every piece of gear i'm getting
yea but I'm not tryna learn how to play that
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>pick skinning because worgen get racial bonus to it
>everyone says its the worst profession
>kill 1 mob
>skin it
>get 100g worth of leather
>kill 1 rare
>get 2k worth of leather
>kill daily lure elite guy
>get 5k from his unique fang

i genuinely dont understand how you can be poor in wow
Any space goat with her clothes still on is garbage to me.
Getting into a +6 is like entry level jobs, getting into a +7 feels like you need several phds
I believe it depends on class since you gotta do Kael but it is possible
True. All draesluts should be naked and wobbling in my face while I pump.
what about warlock or DK?

>t. orc warrior
fucking brainlet lmao
Ah I think lock has a cleanse right? You could probably do healing through bandages but you'll want current bandages. I've been meaning to go back and try on DK with bandages but you get almost immediately fucked at the shade since you can't cleanse him
alright im gonna make my earthen. which tank spec plays off of armor better, warrior or paladin?
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>he's not rocking 1% vers
its easy for eu guilds they are just copying NA strats and then get lucky on endboss
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I've been trying to get into a +2 with 605ilvl for 30 minutes now
Not in their kill. Who cares.
War ofc
Sorry mate everyone is 610+, you got left behind. Better luck next season!
the problem with skinning is that it is by far the easiest profession for the bots to farm. we are fortunately between bot waves at the moment since blizzard just hit a massive ban wave about a week after the x-pac dropped, but once the bots pick back up in a month or two the price of skinning mats are going to absolutely plummet to rock bottom prices like they do every expansion
i complained about this but then i made my own group and got 400 applicants in 2 minutes
nice photoshop loser
Doesn't warrior have two talents that gives armor percentage alongside str percentage from armor. Can't recall if pally gives something similar
>only 3 DPS slots
>every key that gets listed instantly gets 100+ DPS signups within seconds
play a real role
the best about that shit you don't even need to do 344 shit, just zug, its a dps check
Lucky you. Everything I get is full of mastery, which is dogshit for my class. I have nearly 40% fucking mastery and single digit haste.
What inspires you to make your different characters? Any special stories to share?

I'm going to be eventually making a Kul Tiran warrior that looks like my dad did when I was a kid.

That aside, in my dream situation the warband is able to adventure together like a jrpg party in content where you are allowed to bring NPC such as Delves.
I'm a healer
TWW is alright but I miss all the Tuskarr kino
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Night night woahgee
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>tfw a plump belf will never sit in your face
Why live
i look at female worgens and think "thats a nice ass think ill play as one"
copying which strats? using exploits and getting away with it? no that privilege is only for NA.
how kino is the goblin raid in patch 11.1 going to be?
Make your own group
pls dont take such obvious bait
the mage shit was hotfixed within an hour of gingi crying about it
what the fuck is wrong with her face lol, lmao even
>just play the boring roles bro
if you aren't playing a /wowg/ approved dps spec you don't get to complain about finding a group
Logging in to sunstrider isle
>inspires you
Lore bits and in general character ideas that never get expounded upon. My DK is one of my lock's parents. I got a pair of goblin sisters, a mage and warrior. My undead warrior is just an Frankenstein expy since I made him on a whim.
I'm with you on wanting warband to be stand-ins for delves and follower dungeons. It'd be nice to see 'em grouped up since I've thought about how they'd fill out a dungeon or raid party
warrior has 10% bonus armor in its class tree, 13% bonus armor in its tank spec tree, as well as a 4% armor to strength conversion.

paladin has 24% in their class tree (including blessing of dusk procs) and none in their spec tree

so they are actually about equal. paladin also gains a shitload of armor from shield of the righteous, while warriors active mitigations are more absorb shields and block chance rather than direct armor, so in the end with active mit up, paladin might pull ahead on raw armor, though warriors armor to strength conversion means they do a bit more with it
I figured out why raiding is dying it's week 2 and people are already asking for curve.
Basically low end raiding doesn't exist.
also lightsmith gets a 5% armor weapon blessing
This has literally always happened in pugs
>WoD LFR dropped no tier, stat stick trinkets only, even designs look like shitty dungeon drops instead of the shiny raid gear
What do we have here, another fag who think he will save WoW doing something new and unproven...

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i have 15% versatility and 2% haste
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loony troony autist avatartranny status?
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>low end raiding doesnt exist!!! worlo le bad!!!
i can tell which one of you fuckers started wow on 7.3.5 or 8.3.7 (whatever the bfa last patch is)
>OG has "duty complete" filter
>nobody cares
>wow has "link curve"
>everybody loses their minds

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I know my goofy ahh be mad annoying. I just be way too turnt when around my WOW Gz. I was hustlin hard for this OC, ong I'm certified. I already kno' y'all gon dig it.
english please
Well by that logic, Liquid should have no problem winning now that Echo is in the lead, right? Since they can just copy their strats now.
This, except make it 30 people so you can kick the one retard who will rush forward and fuck the whole raid over.
go on and tell us what those are
before m+ or delves it wasn't an issue raiding was the only end game.
how does that work? becasue I think if the wow premade finder had a filter that only dispalyed your groups to people with the achivement it would be better than seeing several groups you cant join. I've never played OG so i've got no idea how they act also lose their minds? exgeration much? I'm just saying the reason raiding is declining is it wants more from it's participants.
>minimum item level: (higher than what the content drops)
Best Alliance race for Death Knight's right now?
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How much Asmoncoins do you get for posting this?
Also how much is one Asmoncoin in $?
>Fresh cut from da barber
>carried baddie shitter ass mongoloid says who cares its a videogame
didnt this stupid fucktard ignore mechanics and make his guild work harder so he could stand in shit and mash mortal strike harder
Dungeon Finder needs an option if you want to get matched with nerds that will never stop running, rushing through the dungeon pulling whole rooms together, or if you're a sane person just trying to play the game normally.
tell me about asmongold why did he kill his mother?
KT Human
Worgen. Second runner up is KT
if you have to ask this question, then it wont matter anyway. you're never going to parce on a high enough level to notice a difference.
stoneform from dwarf and shadowmeld are always good

diapergnome racial is good if you plan to tank, maybe zandalari if you want to take the gonk blessing for 5% move speed which is nice

>noshoes trying to talk shit
so did everybody involved with disc priest and evoker kits for pvp just decide its fun not to have to interact with the game at all?
So what do delvesisters do when they're not delving? Why do they need that gear?
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it's called follower dungeon.
whats wrong with versatility?
>play an online game to play with bots
Follower dungeons are garbage normal ilvl gear that is absolutely useless
>go back to old content to solo it for missed transmog/etc
>oh wait cant, boss does thing that needs 4 people and despawns haha gottem
Uh, Trolls are all over the Arathi Highlands, and I don't see a single member of this Arathi faction around. Clear superiority. Thank you.
Do you really thing they have somebody in charge for balancing mini games? Take your ass back to Mario Party my man.
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>1 (you)
I appreciate it, gang. But I ain't making it out the hood with 1 (you). Back to the trap I go... I ain't talkin bout dem transfolks you goofy ahh weirdos
So what do raidsisters do when they're not raiding? Why do they need that gear?
i got 1 fucking items from i don't know ho wmany rolls and had abysmally rolls on the other items,w ho thought that this is better?????????????
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I've done m+ all week this week trust me the bots have more personalilty.
Yea blizzard kneecapped it because it would unironically be preferable to play with them 9/10.
It sucks but it's the only time you'll get to play the game normally.
M+ has basically made every dungeon a race even if the timer is turned off.
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neeeeeeeeeuuuuuuuh no you cant get items youre a temp testieboi recruit we get all the loooooooot neeeeeeuh
>white hands typed this post
Isn't this a school night Kyle?
Cryboomers sure are all out in force today
There should be cool open world events like the prepatch memory shit going on all the time. Always an opportunity to just fly somewhere, land and be surrounded by other players getting yucky with each other.

>no you can only do cool fun stuff in instances

Blizzard is dumb.
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>how does that work?
They call them "statics", but it's all about being a part of some discord clique full of autistic faggots.
There's no raids like in WoW in XIV though.
The only similar thing are the "alliance raids" and those are basically LFR only.
The only challenging encounters are always like some perfectly circular or square platform floating in the sky, the raid group spawns in front of it, there is no trash, nothing, just enter - combat - if you die, respawn, pull again.
The combat itself is atrocious, you play as if you had constant 500+ ms ping, so you have to memorize the order in which the boss does the abilities, so you can dodge them in advance, like each boss has about 4 abilities on a set timer, you get a "tutorial phase" when it does the abilities one by one, then it starts to combine 2, 3 and finally 4. It's like a really long Simon says.
The whole difficulty really is in their servers performing like shit.
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warrior actually has significantly more.

i have 2 freshly leveled 80 earthen, a warrior and a paladin, and despite the warrior having about 5 less ilvl, he's got like 40% more armor and stamina than the paladin.

paladin just seems to really be lacking in raw stats right now
blood I'm EU. US niqqas ain't got no time for chattin on the net, they busy in the trap or streets
normal/heroic raids and mythic dungeons should be queueable
Please stay in school and if you finished school get a job, please.
>It sucks but it's the only time you'll get to play the game normally.
>M+ has basically made every dungeon a race even if the timer is turned off.
no. people having been spamming GOGOGOGOGOGO for literal decades at this point.


at the end of the day, why the hell would you want to go slow when you are skilled enough to go fast??
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too bad this shit is shared, would be cool if you got 3 marks for doing each activity
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qrd on resto's hero talent trees?
How does this work on alts? Does each alt have their own achievement to complete, or can you only get the reward once?
subhuman retards
i have like 30 kills on both normal and heroic combined and from 30 rolls i got 1 item, how can you justify this rng on top of rng system? with personal loot you just have 1 rng system based upon your personal luck, from 30 kills i bet i would get more than 1 fucking item in this shitty ass system
You're getting baited, anon.
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Are destruction warlocks supposed to be dog shit in Mythic+? I had one in my group earlier and they were absolutely terrible. They were also male Blood Elf, so that already said a lot.
says Current Character so its separated for alts, ie you have to do one of the pillars to earn it and get a mark

Marks aren't Warbound anyway so you cant funnel them either
>please stay in school and become another wagie zog slave
uhm, I don't think so.
Wow eceleb faggots campaigned against personal loot because it made it harder for them to funnel all the loot to themselves by having their braindead fans pass on all the loot
Then their retarded followers parroted that talking point
When did /wowg/ get this smart?
Uhhhh, you know you can only get loot from a boss once a week, right?
Killing the same bosses 30 times in a row doesn't give you 30 chances at loot...
wildstalker is for catweaver sweatlords and the othere one is for normal people who just want to heal
are you autistic?
no? i've had destro locks regularly topping the charts in my runs.

i dont play the spec, hell i dont even dps, i only tank, but i see warlocks at the top of the dps meters more often than not when they're in the group, and they are usually destro
Destrolocks suffer from the same weakness as they did in every season since they got nerfed in Sneedolands S3

their AoE is based on stacking as many overlapping rains of fire as possible and that also means the tank should keep the mob packs in place and the trash mobs should live long enough for said overlapping RoFs to start doing damage

this translates into Destro being weak as shit in low keys as mobs die too fast, weak in PuGs as most tanks and healers are retarded spastics who cant stand still or survive standing still and then shine like a fucking solar beacon in premades and high keys because they shit out gargantuan damage
That's a good point I guess it's more accurate to say, it's exacerbated an existing mindset.
>at the end of the day, why the hell would you want to go slow when you are skilled enough to go fast??
I like going fast but if my group are full of shitters or new players I don't do that becasue it's counter productive at that point.
in the end if people cant avoid swirlies or kick I just end up going slower, sure I'll never die on BDK but it''ll take forever, sure I can solo every boss but the 4 people on the ground will basically go afk.
if you want to go fast play with your friends or in m+. hell if you want to do any stratrgy past unga bunga, don't do it in a pug really.
you don't really have to give a shit about anyone elses expereince, but it's probably much less frustrating to not expect a lot from random players.
That anon was factoring in Shield of Righteousness. For example, at 601, my Pal has 82,255 armor, and SoR gives 73,592 for 4.5seconds.
>join guild
>kill boss
>drops item i want
>other guy wins item
>next week the item drops again
>other guy doesnt need it
>instead of rolling against 19 strangers, i get the item by default

this is how youre supposed to play the game

enjoy your suboptimal gearing method then
We summoning trees then.
I hate shapeshifting combat, it's the main reason I don't play DOTC feral
a tank who kites mobs out of their dps players aoes is a fucking idiot
he's going to become druglord or rapper and end up making 5x as much as one on in this thread.
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youre forgetting the part where one of the officer decides to run it on his alt the following week and browbeats you into letting him have it
It can also be a shit tank or a shit healer because if they try and stand still they get folded like a garden chair by autoattacks
>hasn't played wow in weeks
>hasn't done the raid
>doesn't talk about it at all
>the first thing he reacts to after a long time is about the "exploit"
what's his goal?
how do i find a guild?
Trash useless stat outside of tanking (damage reduction) and pvp (versatility bonuses are multiplied 1.5x)
join a better guild then faggot, this never happened to me before.
Tank here, I don't care about your dps, there's a lot of shit on the ground I'll be honest I don't play your class or careabout it so i don't know what your spell effects look like, if it looks hostile to me i'm walking away from it.
>b-but my dps
don't care and if you complain i'll just kick you. have friendly looking spells or get fucked.
ah I tank that might explain why I use it lol
ive been in the same guild since mop and thats never happened. join a better guild lol

raider io or wowprogress. go to your server, see what guilds are recruiting
wait crossrealm guilds exist now so idk
i mean sure, maybe, but warriors shield block and ignore pain give 100% block chance as well as a fat shield, and warriors also have a flat 16% damage reduction just for standing wide so i figure that roughly makes up for whatever armor shield of the righteous might grant.

i dont main either class, i leveled them as something fun to do (my mains guardian) but just playing both through some T8 delves, the paladin feels significantly squishier. that said, the warriors lack of self sustain was definitely noticeable in content where mobs arent rapidly dying
i think i will just not raid and deal with officer/loot council faggotry
>just need 2 points for ksm
>get into a 7 dawnbreaker
>tank is a chink
>turns out hes never done m+ dawnbreaker before
>spends half the run flying around not getting enemy forces up
>we go over time by a good amount
>by some miracle, I get exactly +2 points needed for ksm

thank you xi xiping
>oh look Rotgut woke up from his tri-weekly coma and wants to raid tonight!
>haha you don't mind if he gets this trinket right guys? he just read on wowhead its good for warlock so he really wants it :D
warriors r good tho
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Player-made content with an in-game Dungeon Designer tool.

Scenario, delve, dungeon, single boss arena, whatever the creator decides.
Place groups of mobs and bosses, give them any spell, conditions and priorities etc.
Pick any zone or instanced part of the game as your canvas and place objects and entities as you like.
Tank stat priority is vers/haste or vers/mastery depending on class
>Someone doesn't like the way I pulled the boss
>Instantly quits
also tank here, if you are kiting mobs out of the DPS's attacks, the fights are going to take twice as long and you'll have to endure more damage anyways as well as wasting timer

if you cant recognize a fucking rain of fire or blizzard after 20 years, you may need to hand in your tanking badge. you're too stupid for the role
Has anyone compiled a list of the demographic of each expansion chosen for leveling a fresh character? The obvious ones being boomers for cataclysm, and newbs for the current default. But what about the rest?
Would have to be a spin-off game that Blizzard immediately torpedoes
Except you are not competing with just another guy but like 3 or 4 more and some are in the inner clique or it's straight up the GM's gf, then the next week the item doesn't drop
Details shows it properly.
Same tank here, i don't know whats more retarded that you think i've been playing for 20 years or spells effects haven't changed at all in 20 years.
you know what else wastes timer? standing in shit that kills the group, it's very simple use friendly spells or find another way to dps this isn't a democracy.
its an idea worth exploring but I wonder how much experimentation blizzard can realistically do. Wow changes so slowly I wish they would experiment with new things more and roll content out slower.
Oh, I'm not saying Pal is as tough as a warrior. I definitely feel the squishiness some. I was just pointing out the SoR bit, because you were comparing raw armor while the anon mentioned SoR.
I'll be leveling my warrior next, so I'll get to see how much more tankier it is. I did a bit of Death Kngiht, though, and thats night and day compared to Paladin. I get why people are sour on ProtPal right now compared to the other tanks.
...yes? i didnt say warriors weren't good.
>even method is catching up to liquid
total NA death
Pretty sure Neverwinter had that and it got removed because it needed too much moderation and it would constantly crash out the game because it used a different engine/code than the actual overworld quests or some shit like that I don't wear programmer socks
why is r/wow so stupid
I cant believe I really play with these fags
this has been my dream ever since they made plunderstorm. im hoping theyll release the tools to players so we can make stuff

it would also work for player housing
Yes because I want to fill up my vault, it's not about the dungeon drops.
ty yeah that sounds mostly on point for blood
dps here, post your car and m+ score
i got permabanned there for calling someone a retard lol
can you show me an example why r/wow is stupid
i can hear the sloshing of that liquid soup you call a brain through the keyboard. jfc how can you be so retarded and still manage to type?
i think it would work amazingly well within WoW.
Add some reward system like delves. Make it a weekly to complete a random player's creation, or have a list of "featured" hand picked creations. It's infinite content both for players and people who like to design shit. It will double up as a way to make instanced housing a possibility and give people a way to build their own castles or kingdom.
If they want to be jewish with it they could tie unlocking areas and items to existing reward systems.
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>max when he wakes up
anons are angry tonight
>wow all of you are idiots I literally respect none of you.
Tank here, the goverment isn't taking requests from the citizens at this time.
>I have no reply so I''l insult you
yea good talking to you faggot, I accept your concession.
>same items always drop
>you're only competing with ONE other person
Kill yourself mongoloid
How come every time Max wins it's all fine but he's such a sore loser? He finds every excuse in the book whenever Liquid comes second (Blizzard nerfing the boss at night, bad accommodation for the Liquid team etc.). I kinda hope either Echo or Method win just so he becomes spiteful yet again
liquid got silken court to 40% off stream
You are so on the money it hurts.
I just started playing WoW and in just less than a month I'm at max character and barely give a damn to log back into XIV. It's atrocious how much worse the gameplay and netcode are.

I prefer XIV socially but WoW utterly destroys it. The other advantage is graphically xiv is prettier but that also comes with weeaboon retards.
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Are battle pets the biggest flop out of any new system ever added to the game?
>took the pokemon formula and somehow made it as boring as possible
>everything about it is so simplified compared to actual pokemon that you need specific pets using specific moves in a correct order to beat most fights
>anyone who still uses battle pets only does so for world quests and they simply have an addon script play all the fights for them
>exact same stats, movepools, and models recycled for years
>never ever reworked or improved upon it after all these years, despite a "pokemon MMO" being an easy smash hit if done correctly
>it's so bad that they had to cancel a battle pets mobile game
Okay, what are the rewards for me as the player?
did a +7 dawnbreaker the other day with 2 DHs (1 havoc, other veng) who have never been in the instance before and did shit like aiming the orb on the 2nd boss at the closest wall

why in the fuck are you in the dungeon then?
Gear and cosmetics. Vault slots. Achievements. Playing fun content that's not the same dungeon and raid you've been doing for the last 6 months.
Not even close.
It was a side project added to the game as a joke
I think the problem with battle pets is it doesn't give me ilv gear. if it gave me ilv gear or crests or runes or alot of gold I'd do it.
but it doesn't most pet quests reward more pets shit but if i don't want to do pet shit in the first place?
why would i?
I want to play pokemon I could play pokemon.
It's still midday though.
slow news day huh?
why do people play pokemon if they don't get anything at the end of their playthrough?
I've done a +6 dawnbreaker and had no idea the orbs worked like that, I think the problem is, it's not inherently obvious how most wow mechanics work, but people also aren't reading all that shit in the dungeon journal
>why not
becasue it's fucking boring man, I don't want to do homework to kill a boss. and I've not needed to thus far. I've not opened it once and never win.
>all these chuds crafting weapons with ascendance
heh *flicks nose* while you wasted several tens of thousands of gold this week I saved mine and will be going double dawnthread pieces with an unembellished 636 weapon tomorrow
easiest W of my life
Because he has to desperately justify his spot as a human addon on the raid team.
>if he wins
>if he loses
wow ive been pwned!! you guys are right, guilds freaking suck!!!

guess ill go back to pugging where im rolling against 19 other people and theres still a chance that the item doesnt drop
i concede nothing except that you are too god damn stupid to recognize your own party members spells
Fun and pokemon players get to keep every pokemon they ever capture and transfer it to the next game.
Have you ever played pokemon?
evokers were a mistake and all aspects of the game would be better if they were just removed
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>It was a side project added to the game as a joke
Just because it was a side project doesn't mean it has to suck ass. It also wasn't a joke as it was heavily advertised as a major feature for MoP.
the homework here would be doing the dungeon on heroic or m0 at least once before making or joining a pug and then wiping on boss mechanics
i get that you cant be bothered to do the most basic shit, but the game itself provides the learning curve (that isnt wiping 15 times until someone who speaks the same language as you explains what you should be doing) and you dont have to read a single dungeon or wowhead guide line for it
I object.
I preferred when the battles actually simple paper-rock-scissors as oppose this new gimmicky fights like "beast with elemental abilities" so if you bring a mechanical to counter it, it fucks you up with its abilities that counter you.
And of you need addons and guides for that. Otherwise good luck going through all the pets one by one.

>inb4 replying to copypasta from 10 years ago
She looks stupid.
I play class in this game man, I play warrior, there's like 12 other classes with 30+ specs among them.
I don't play your class, I don't know your spells, I'm never going to learn your spells while I'm trying to play my class tanking +5 mobs, who are all casting their own spells and trying to kill me.
I'm not looking at you, I don't care about you, Healers have friendly looking spells so I stay in them, if you don't have a friendly looking spell I'm walking away from it.
It's that simple as for how i don't have intricate knowledge about every class i don't play, you hear yourself right now?
*loots a mythic track weapon from my vault+
why do worgen lose a finger and a toe when they transform? weird
ahahaha look at this loser faggot hes not playing a fury warrior
they have to compensate for the knot somehow
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>a major feature of the joke expansion
>not a joke feature
Okay, here's my "click the thing in front of you!" scenario.
Oh did they added a minimal timer? Nvm just wait 10 minutes while alt tabbed, then click the thing for free Gear and cosmetics. Vault slots. Achievements.
>gingi cries about liiquid exploiting
>echo is currently exploiting the boss mechanic entirely live on stream right now
just ban them all
>i dont know how to play the game and cant be arsed to learn

lol. lmao. the fact that you think this is a rebuttal his hilarious
you telling me a fury warrior would NOT take a mythic 2h from their vault whytboi?
um sweetiepie you haven't even finished a 10 yet stop larping
whocar dood it a vidogame dood cmon man like who care dood cmon
>it's so bad that they had to cancel a battle pets mobile game
Reminds me, is WoW Rumble or whatever the fuck still alive? I don't think I've heard a peep about it since it's launch was shilled everywhere.
Don't know why you feel the need to cope buddy, most of my gear comes from m+ despite me being in a guild because someone else always takes priority
are you being serious?
in heroic people just zerged the 2nd boss down on site, I didn't even know he had minibosses untill M0.
M0 Is also a joke, the orb boss is tanked in a smalle room, atleast the aoe fear is intuitive, but how can some via playing realizing how much the orb is doing is relevative to it's position?
you're actually clueless about game design if you think doing heroics or m0 is going to tell anyone anything.
also heroics? really dude? the mode where people to wall to wall to learn anything about any dungeon? most bosses don't even do mechanics in heroics they die so fast.
10/10 bait i thought you were being serious.
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>method 1% wipe
I know how to play my class, I'm not trying to learn how to play your class because I'm not playing.
Yeah that's it basically. maybe wowmasters like yourself can play every spec, i don't want to. I have 1 character who I play, don't have time for more, that's it.
>brainlet trolling attempt
heres your (you) retard
I don't know, but it fucks up any pair of gloves with studs and such things made to cover each knuckle individually.
oh shit you were being serious? you're actually retarded.
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Wait Earthen can be warlocks? Since when? I thought that got removed in Alpha
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>um sweetiepie you haven't even finished a 10 yet stop larping
Get on your knees.
If your point is that people will optimize the fun out of the game that's always going to happen and they're only ruining their own experiences as long as it's solo content.

Besides, there are ways other than timers, like a m+ style mob counter and such
>but then people will make mobs that are permastunned and debuffed to do no damage to exploit the system!
Whatever, see the first point above... and it's not like this couldn't be balanced as well by giving creators different budgets to choose spells from and having each dungeon rated by a "difficulty" that scales with mobs health/spells
If you don't take the time to learn at least the major cooldowns and gimmicks of the other classes then you aren't gonna get far in this game. They will either be on your team in pve or an enemy in pvp, so unless you wanna spend all your time in solo delves then you won't get far without that bare minimum knowledge.
pretty sure DK was the only earthen class that got removed from alpha.
>If you don't take the time to learn at least the major cooldowns and gimmicks of the other classes then you aren't gonna get far in this game.
I'm fine with that I don't really want to do arena.
I think i've been doing fine so far and having fun tanking, but yeah bro I guess if I don't have an encloypedias worth of knowledge but how every other class plays I'll just have to play delves all my life,
jesus fucking christ you people are miserable.
maybe you faggots should write a book if you think this shit is so important.
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I'm choosing between Survival, Marksmanship, and Balance
What's each spec good at in M+?
Does Survival have noticeable downtime?
Help me choose pls
Why is Bloodbound Horror an RNG riddled shitheap boss?
>heroic pug
>everything going well
>everyone doing tactics
>suddenly the faceless adds spawn spread super far out
>beam happens to cut off the group killing faceless mobs
What fucking shithead designed this garbage boss fight? Most of the wipes that happen don't feel like it's anyone's fault and is mostly because of bad RNG.
Heroic Sikran and Rasha'nan feel fine and fair, you wipe if the group fucks up the mechanic but Bloodbound just wipes you if you get unlucky
I hate this garbage boss
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uum sis.... your response?
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do all delves share the same loot pool?
been a while since I played, do HC raid and normal raid have a shared lock?
do not play balance
>male blood elf
Slay queen yass
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kinda gimped myself not taking double gathering profs on something that isnt a druid huh

ok so in which part of the world is it more acceptable and encouraged to boast about being this clinically retarded, EU or NA? just for the sake of statistics
this makes me want to play balance
i like battle pets even if its not perfect, there are worse systems that came later
>do 1 gold reward world quest
>enough gold for repair costs for a week
enchats and gems are expansive as shit tho and no way you can afford them with passive gold
I'm having fun in m+ as aug bros
How tf do you even play as aug?
I don't get it you're upset. I don't want to learn how to play your class and I'm having fun playing mine? or upset I don't want to read through pages of other clases skills that I'll never use.
you basically pop your buff and try to keep it up as long as possible
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Please rate my goblin
Yes? If thr complaints about cloaks and trinkets are anything to go by
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lockbros, what spec should i run in m+
Strong Horde warrior/10. Not a fan of the goggles personally but they fit at least
would be better with a different tabard
Affli if you have a lot of haste and mastery, demo if you have versa.
Destro is only good if your tank has a functioning brain and you are doing keys about +7.
Aff and Demo seem alright.
yea repairs cost too much and world quests reward to little i didn't want to grind for gold but I need to at this point
how much are these esport fags getting paid to basically raid, sleep and eat for days in a row?
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I don't have a lot of options, but I'll keep looking
I agree. I was planning on getting the earthen one today
>Liquid killed Nexus Princess
Nerub sisters' response?
back in the days it was only the raid (guild) leader who got sponsor money while the rest of the guild members got fuckall

now with the YT/Twitch economy probably most of them as its free advertisement, but the way they earn their wage is heavily obfuscated
which armorset is that?
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actually he's a void (formerly high) elf
So a whore for the powers that be. At least you're honest
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>boasting about being retarded
Some guy spergs about how people can get to dawnbreaker +6 without knowing mechanics.
I tell him the mechanics isn't inutituive and lower diffculties are so easy no one learns anything.
I thought that was a pretty resonable position honestly.
It's badly designed fight and people don't learn anything from heroic or m0.
Most of them probably get nothing unless they're popular streamers. Max gets 99% of Liquid's wow money.
You know he actually isn't the character, he just plays it and the made up background story is completely irrelevant to the gameplay, yes?
>Really like Hunter, BM & MM
>I rarely get invited in keys
What am I supposed to do?
that looks great and i actually prefer this tabard
your own keys faggot
not play BM in keys ever and make your own groups
What are some good Nightelf names?

So far I got
My groups don't fill at all
I'll get two DPS, and no one else for over 20 minutes
I know, I only play MM in keys, it's awful right now
>next in line to get Ashkandi on my hunter
>officer brings his warrior alt to BWL
>the same character I lost the Hakkar sword to 3 days earlier
>his main gets 99% of its gear for min bid so my dkp can't compete
>he grinds AB to exalted in one weekend and burns himself out on warrior
>Ashkandi never drops again
Yes, I'm still mad.
why don't people invite you to keys? I invited a hunter the other and was surprised he was survival. I invited him becasue I wanted a range.
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Unless you are one of the 5 specs autists are using to do +40 keys then retards won't invite you.
I'm not even sure I know
I just keep getting denied
I hate meta buckies so fucking much
The real mastermind pulling the jailer's strings
why did the token prices spike so much? is it because of rwf?
Are you chronowarden or commander? I'm kinda getting bored of chrono and wanted to know if commander is viable
chinks are getting quite close to 6/8
I told you to buy it earier this week bro, it's only up from here
Season started, everyone renewed, now nobody currently needs tokens so its starting to go up.
Should I use and upgrade dagger + off hand or the two hand staff as a mage? mmm
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Me next please!
The zek'vir back stays on fuck you
I forgot how much of a fucking clusterfuck Shadowlands was, what a piece of shit
Depends on the secondary stats on the rest of your gear and your spec i guess
>tfw never been in this zone
>zero interest in going there
looks like someone who takes it up the ass raw from maghar orcs.
>join your group
>you stand in shit and die constantly wasting everyone's time
>you never bloodlust
Why would I want to play with you?
>have herbalism profession gear
>maxed out skill tree for specific herb
>gather node
>a singular 1 (one) herb of bronze quality
It's kino althoughbeitever
Is that some form of projection?
Tauren, Futa Draenei, Orcs, Human males, you faggots say this about EVERYBODY
Yeah i feel like this should be illegal
laugh at how shitty r*tail is, i'd wager
I think that XIV definitely has more graphical fidelity than wow but the artstyle is infinitely worse
the lighting is also atrocious and makes everything look flat with no contrast
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i feel like you could just use gshade/reshade if you cared about that.
Yeah we get it you saved your radiant echoes, cool story bro
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is it good
Can I level 70-80 in Shadowlands? I hate War Within quests and story
>key shards and valorstone rewards are capped on world soul events
i was extremely disappointed when I realized that I get the same reward for 200 and 900 essences
Alleria's bath water.
Are the keys warbound? Can I transfer keys between my warband?
its so fast though
just install azeroth auto pilot, turn your brain off, and mindlessly follow the green arrow for a couple hours
join a farm group on group finder or make one, the 5x and 1x radiant echo phases are shared and only the reward gets multiplied
a 20+ man raid can get over 1k essences
>most guides recommend lightsmith prot paladin
>statistically speaking the majority of prot paladins running higher keys are templars
>no groups up and no one joins my groups when i actually want to do them
Tastes like nothing
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Is it a sharding/layer thing? Are some realms just empty regardless?

Where the fuck is everyone in the open world?

Aside from people descending upon Beledar when he spawns Hallowfall, Khaz Algar is an absolute ghost town.
I'm out of the loop. Is Sco no longer playing for Method?
thanks for the tip but it was last updated in 2021?
Bro your tools? Accessories? Tool enchant? Tool sharpening stone? Phials?
Just do dungeons and delves
>Are the keys warbound? Can I transfer keys between my warband?
oh found the Reloaded version, nvm, ty
why not
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is there an optimal way to get a lot of coffer keys? i'm late to the game and just starting to delvemaxx
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why so many models for 1 npc
Same reason why you can't send crests around.
because the entire design philosophy behind warbands and how characters interact is that you cant and shouldnt funnel gear and resources to one character, but rather funnel shit to your alts from your main
stop replying to me
is warcraft rumble good
Because you'd be able too much fun all at once.

You get one key for each of the first 4 caches (weekly quests in valdrakken, light up the candles in hallowfall, the 20 waves event...) you open each week.
Then you also get some key shards from world quests.
These 2 are afaik the only sources of keys in the game.
You also get Radiant Echoes from running (bountiful?) Delves. You can spend these to do a 2 minutes open world event that rewards you with key shards based on how many mobs you kill in that time.
It's terrible.
Guides were also recommending Templar ret, but everyone is running Herald.
Ngl I fell for the Lightsmith meme too, but it was so fucking shit to cycle globals that do nothing and also spam WoG.
If recount didn't count your weapon buff damage you put on others as yours, you'd see you're doing next to no damage.
Prot Templar with decent haste pumps out so much you keep the buff on you for so long and it also heals you (unlike ret, where it only does damage).
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>dark ranger and marksmanship changes still over a month away
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Does she have to have her own room to protect her from her fellow raiders sexual harassment?
Happens a lot with guards, it's to simulate them not always being the same guard i think
it's bad and also I'm fairly sure it's already dead
It can be fun but it's not very f2p friendly and it's quite grindy
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>watch this bitch's random video posted on twitter by trooner.io
>she literally walks into the pizza slice and dies
Maybe DEI guild hiring was a mistake?
pussy stank
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>this isn't the monthly reward
thats aug
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>You're an outsider, yes?
i've noticed that class guides for tww (icy-veins, wowhead, maxroll AND the class discords) have all been noticeably worse than in the past. i'm gonna try swapping to prot templar instead and see how that goes
all the content creators are purposedly giving people wrong strats so they can abuse the optimal way to play and dodge nerfs
Thank fuck for Murlok.
Literally copied a build and started to perform so much better than following a guide.
Someone post that aug chat compilation from back when aug released
You can get into a Grim Batol groupl?
I kneel.
>dies once
but enough about the avatarfag warriors that shit up this general
if only murlok showed what people run in raids
sylvanas outfit + blood troll outfit return are gonna be in the same month and both cost 2k tender
just in time or blizzard to start selling tender in the shop
how? im getting like 2x nullstones when gathering golden bismuth or imeprfect null stones + often getting tier 3 bismuth in a row
you can use warcraftlogs for that no? They even have a scoreboard
lube up your bussy castfag, im going in raw
Yeah I think blizz would need to start making a raid score for that to happen.
Also many people swap shit around for bosses.
yeah but the ui of murlok is the nicest out of all the sites
i wonder what gingis wife is up to while hes away for over a week fighting videogame monsters
Literally how the fuck are you supposed to accumulate to much Acuity?
I don't even have enough to make tools for myself as a blacksmith, what the fuck?
id ask her but right now shes hiding in their wardrobe and i find it cute that shes doing that
iirc shes into horses so...
npc crafting orders and first crafts
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someone made this one for me
y'all member when lil'doomies were laughing about this datamined nerubian "boat" some months ago?
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Say sike
>need 300
>"here's 10 for 20k worth of mats lmao"
If that's the case, then fuck professions.
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No, what was it about this specific doodad?
how do I unlock timewalking? I'm lv72 and can't queue
do I need to finish the expansion's main storyline first? it's my first tww character
Boosted characters can't queue for timewalking for 24 hours
You'll wan to level by completing the story on your first char anyway. Completing the main campaign always unlocks important endgame shit.
I'm not your mother to babysit you. If the group is shit I'll rather spend 2 minutes in lfg than waste half an hour on a shitty run, unless it's a +10 or something
oh that's probably it, I'm like 3 hours short
yea but TW ends tomorrow and I want whatever free noob gear timewalking usually provides
parts of abberus priest set or the pvp equivalent
it was one of the first things datamined from TWW and people were calling it a boat. resident doomers ran with it
Remember to do your timewalking raid
I'm still mad I never got the heroic crests awarded from the week 1 delves like other people did.
>yea but TW ends tomorrow and I want whatever free noob gear timewalking usually provides
If you aren't max level yet you won't get any relevant gear anyways. Even if you ARE lvl 80 then the gear is still shit except 1 single weekly quest for completing 5 tw dungeons. You aren't really missing much.
>top dps?
>of all the comments, only one suggests it looks like it's supposed to hang on something
Also only now I realized they made a whole new unique ram for Earthen paladins that actually looks good, not covered with the moss.
BM bros.... not like this...
>posting global logs instead of showing your own
>just wait until Tuesday brownies for the nerf!!!
subpar dps cucks been REAL quiet since the """nerfs"""
What's the new cope I wonder? maybe this >>495646138
Shadow priest sisters..................
is it me or leather gear suck dicks
my dh looks like a fucking buffon
>paladins are so elite they're smack bang in the middle
turalyonn having an aneurysm rn
>Nerub bros suspiciously silent today after getting they bussy broke by the Princess
im racist what spec and race should I play?
>warrior good = expansion good
glad blizzard is finally coming to terms with this
human male warrior
If world quests dropped 600ilvl with a chance at 610 in and 616 in the vault reddit would be sucking world quest's dick. Nobody actually likes delves
Warrior. I'm racist against lower class dps performers (and i'm evidently correct in my racist ways)
is demon hunter hard to play or is it intuitive to learn because i'm getting tired of my paladin
>warsissies when their class is good for 1 (uno) tier
>do braindead easy t8 delve
>can be done solo
>takes like 10-15 minutes
>get guaranteed champion gear
>get map which translates to more easy hero gear

>do +6 key
>have to sweat
>have to hope the 4 other people in the party don't brick it
>takes a minimum of half an hour just to find a tank
>here's 56 gold

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warrior is always at the very least decent. meanwhile the rest of the roster has to live in fear of a single patch making their entire class obsolete.
I sorta liked them day 1 while 20 ilvl under the recommended with DPS Brann. I had to plan things out on a pull by pull basis.
Now I just unga bunga into them with healer Brann with the only risk being me falling asleep.
It's over
yep lol
the rewards for anything below 7 are trash and dont seem to be worth it at all
and you have to be constantly aware and playing your best in is delves you can be half afk waiting for cooldowns
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male human rogue followed by male human warrior of the same visage
>maxtrannies feel the need to cheat with a 24 hour lead in order to win
Not looling good na sisters
Imagine having to grind valorstones or crafting materials for TWO 2h weapons.

This message has been brought to you by the Arms gang.
imo delve rewards are simply too good and completely mismatched with the amount of effort they require
This is by far the worse dungeon season I have ever experienced at launch. I feel like all the casual players who would want to complete keys are doing delves cause the Vault gear is just too good at 616. And all that's left over is the scummiest pieces of shit in the World of Warcraft. Leave for any single wipe on trash, boss, even a damn personal death. If you're not in a guild group or friends group you're basically fucking done.
is this your first time playing wow or something? bliz always does this, they add new shit, make the drops significantly better there than anywhere else so its not dead on arrival, and then in the next patch they pander to m+ again.
>Prot paladin is ba-
Then make friends nigga
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there are 2 prot paladins in the top 40 of the world

prot pally is fucking dogshit
>If you're not in a guild group or friends group you're basically fucking done.
well yeah
if you want to do group content join a guild or make friends, otherwise it is ass cancer
i can only imagine it as i don't play this dreadful fucking slop
watching this i honestly do be believin this season is a tank+healer issue
my tanks never pull like this and i always have to second guess when to use my fucking cooldowns
Eh it's only champion gear and a 4% chance at 610 hero track.
It's not like normal raids and first few heroic bosses are hard.
Skinner chads do we go for skill first or the rare lure shit
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My vault on Tuesday is either going to be incredibly kind and give me exactly what I'm looking for or it's going to be the biggest waste of time possible.
>here's your vers/mastery myth track ring bro
>prot paladin can put out dps levels of damage
8 of the 9 slots will be a Versatility/Mastery piece of gear and the last one will be a tier set piece I already have.
have some delve trinkets to round it off
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>0.8% choke
tank and be racist to all non tanks, all of them but not paladiin, they are the cucks of tanks but still miles better than any dpsoid
I had 3 616 delve trinkets in my vault last week.
I was most displeased.
you have literally so many choices in this expansion and you are still crying
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i get my 4 set on reset at least...
>token got a +50k gold bump during the night
totally not controlled by blizzcucks
If the token was controlleed by blizzard they would never let it go down at all because that disincentivizes buying for cash
qrd on how to get delve keys and how to get tier set items
t. noob
do world quests and radiant echoes for shards. Shards make a key. Key is used in bountiful delve. There are 4 a day.
Tier set is just catalyst every 2 weeks or raid I think
Delves killed m+ and raiding as much as m+ “killed” raiding
The problem with ANY piece of content is when it becomes a waste of time, like that post points out
why waste your time with the logistics and frustration of group content when you aren’t even guaranteed to get something out of it? I expect delves to be nerfed soon because, over time, they will only make WoW’s biggest problem become more and more obvious: there’s absolutely fucking NOTHING in the game to do besides the gear treadmill and collect-a-thons
if i want to ONLY make a night elf and am interested in both tanking and dpsing do i pick druid or demon hunter?
fem nelf warrior
dwarf paladin
Hey I'm planning to buy a 636 weapon. How long it will be usable? How long it will be until the next raid?
Or Death Knight. DK's fun too.
I took the dh pill and that shit is not tanky, and defensives are tied to damage, like fiery brand or demonform, I have a hard time keeping my defensives up for tank busters since they do a shit ton of damage but I'm just a retard
it suck dicks imo but I'm hooked on the mobility it has
I'd say it won't be until after January at the minimum.
delves are way more fun than mythic dungeons
play monk if you want retard mobility and also passive mitigation
5-6 months
screw you guys...

i was scared off of dk because every healer laments the fact that blood dks go from 100% to 10% to 100% to 10% over and over but i'm a bit interested in the class still

well shit i'm a retard too so it sounds like i would have a tough time with demon hunter
Good thing I bought tokens yesterday evening.

don't play druid
they were at 276k and I thought I could get them for 260 ish but I guess I got cucked
lets pray it goes down again
>there’s absolutely fucking NOTHING in the game to do besides the gear treadmill
Fucking tell me about it. I had a goal of getting aotc, I did that on the weekend and now I genuinely have no bloody idea what I am meant to do. I've outgrown the appeal of "dude gear number go up!!!" and not autistic enough to chase parses.
I don't particularly care for either, but I guess I did at least max level a DH because it kept me engaged longer than Druid did.
Problem is DH's have a reputation of being retards and also currently just not the best survivability for tanking, so your options on the two are iffy.
I hate the interrupt changes so fucking much it's unreal
pugs are practically impossible nowadays
I bought for almost 270, spent all my gold.
Have four tokens now and turned another three to balance to buy the vessel of hatred.
no self healing and being reliant is a turn off for me
my bro plays rsham but still I dont feel playing that
>have delves killed raiding and m+?
m+ would be so much better if the items would scale forever meaning you could theoretical get absurd ilevel, but you would need to beat the content, but Blizzard needs to appease too raids cucks.
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Just queued my key for a +3 Necrotic wake as a MM hunter
Wish me luck my niggas
What changes?
if you stun/displace/whatever the mob simply recasts the spell after the effect ends
can you elaborate on why? i'd appreciate it

>Problem is DH's have a reputation of being retards and also currently just not the best survivability for tanking
i can see this being a recipe for disaster, it's starting to sound like i should instead consider dk or druid
shitters are mad that they actually have to use their kicks instead of spamming AoE stops any time they see a single cast
good luck, I actively avoid that dumpster fire
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devles are kinda boring, no? At least in torghast you felt like a god.
they have ok self healing now with healing orb talents and vivacious vivification + shado pan
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wtf, who thought that this was a good idea?
Imagine the meltdown from mythic raiders who simultaneously hold the opinion of "no one does mythic for the gear" and "mythic should drop the best gear" if you did a +14 and got 650 ilvl gear or whatever.
What ix Max thinking right now
>fly to hallowfall
>the grizzly hills elder scrolls halo theme kicks in
absolute sovl
any evoker mains in the chat rn? is it worth making a scalie? will i get into m+ groups?
Keystone Master feels like you barely scratched the surface this time because its like a mix of +7 and depleted keys, compare that to DF season 3 where you needed around +20 on every key. I know it was easier then but it feels like you can play like shit and still get KSM now.
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It filled, wish me luck sars
Max is not going to be happy when he wakes up
all 3 specs are bussin rn, no cap
man why does it have to be so hard to discover any of the actually good potion recipes
I got KSM in DF S4 halfway accidentally and I had no idea what the fuck I was actually doing.
even devastation?
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How is he so FUCKING low?!
He's 596
some people might not invite you because they love following the high level meta in their +8 keys but yes dev is also good
oh no no no...
>pull like this
>Nobody stops anything
>everybody dies
this doesn't work in pugs
you are absolutely clueless
I got plenty of ksm and I didnt know shit about the game, just surface level shit like switch to adds avoid x or kick y
I had to spend 30 minutes watching a guide for all the fucking stonevault mechanics because even at +4 with tyra I got my shit pushed in
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>xhe flexes xer coinflip blitz rating
this is the most cringe shit i've ever seen in any vidya with rating/ranked/ladder
KSM has never been a big feat of skill,
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Only ELITE players such as my self are capable of suck a feat!
Did they?
they killed brood?
pugging in this game is absolute dog shit
>suck a feat
man m+ gearing progression feels kinda fucked since they locked the highest crests behind a +9
who thought harder m+ tuning and a worse ilvl curve was a good idea at the same time
Nice! Thank you bros.
its shamogre...
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Max bros?
9s and 10s are clearable with heroic gear and a good group, even if they have made them way harder this season with the obscene amount of unavoidable damage mobs shit out
anyone else love getting an item that's 10+ ilvl upgrade but the stats are worse so you lose dps haha :D
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more like suck a feet
How is the key?
Goona say this race is finally something good. They are going toe to toe
What did they mean by this?
Isn't pugging shit in every game?
This is simply mathematically impossible unless you are talking about specific trinkets.
wait are there fucking tool enchants and sharpening stones WTF??!?!?!
that is possible because the secondary stats are worse for your class or spec :)
Where can I watch this?
What website is that image taken from?
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>stops playing wow
>does this
the west has fallen
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Disbanded, what else
Shit just doesn't die fast enough.
Even if you went from Haste/Mastery to Crit/Vers, the primary stat gained from 10 item level outweighs those secondary stats
nalthor WILL be pleased...
Say you love me.
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And yes the sharpening stones require a Null Stone just like the weapon ones.
the retBVLL couldn't carry...
jewelry are usually the only item you can compromise ilv with since no mainstat but dood didnt tell what kind of item hes dealing with
typical trash hunter lol bet you didn't know you could CC the frost mages
For me, it's fem worgen feet.
I don't know but all of the profession nonsense, feel like it has turned into some fucking pay to win gacha mmo
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do you need to know anything about the TBC dungeons to queue timewalking? or is it a faceroll?
That cheered me up a bit
I give up though, people this season unironically play without a working brain, out of 6 runs, none were made past the 2nd boss.
I did
Counter shot into Ice trap.
If Ice trap falls, intimidation works
He was nice, played well, overall friendly, Ret paladins may yet be redeemed, he added me so he can poke me when his tank friend logs in to help out
It's faceroll
>Fight grim batol last boss
>everything is dark purple and you can't see shit
this is gay and sucks cock
it's a zerg rush
how do you still not have keystone master
>D4 expansion in 2 weeks
Wow is done bros... it's over...
He's apart of their org, this is just an ad.
I'm a DPS
I play alone
maybe I'm unlucky but every pug I got up was matched with people that unironically belong with cattle
>have to be 10 ilvls over other tanks to stand a chance in living +7 keys
I dont know how Yoda does it, prot pally has too high of a skill ceiling for me
>back from a one year break
>bought the expansion a few days ago
>reached max level yesterday
>start gearing up through delves and world quests
>halfway through, the "whats the point" feeling already pops up
damn, I thought I would've lasted longer. It all still feels so pointless. I guess the game is not for me anymore
I'm DPS too. I've pugged every single season.
you are right, though. people are so insanely dogshit this expac. Lack of kicks, CC and so forth
I love you.
what's wrong with him?
he just looks like he is covered in dust
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Brother it's awful, I usually get KSM within two fucking weeks, and right now I'm not even at 1k.
I don't know what to do anymore
Is it because I play hunter, should I switch to another DPS
Maybe I should try tank or heal or something, I'm not sure, I'm just tired of this season already
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It's pretty fucking bad, yeah. The boss is enormous and covers a lot of the tentacles so when you're running to stay with the tank, you can get caught off guard from a tentacle that almost blends in with the environment. Kinda sick of this visual clarity issue in WoW, I'm about to make a fucking Pandaren so I can just be a fat fuck and always see myself and what I'm doing.
aug in the group + one of the best healer players
its a self handicap playing prot pally honestly
It's fucking funny to me that all those sunfury arcane mages in pointy hats will reroll the very second it finally gets nerfed, they are barely human
arent mm hunter strong / fotm-ish tier this season or am i having flashbacks to diff expansion?
debating myself to switch to tank, at least for 2nd season cause trying to get into groups as dps at this point is just exhausting lol
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>fight grim batol last boss
>retards stack the circles
>tank asks "who takes the adds?"
This exact scenario has happened 3 times this week
Nta, but my brain tells me MM is SHIT this season, I think survival is the meta hunter right now.
I'm going to level in druid. What's the best way to level?
MM & BM are doing fine in raid, they're not FOTM nor broken though far from it
In M+ MM is B tier, with BM being Z tier, actually even lower than aug which is hilarious, surv is in between.
diablo is gonna be dead in 1 and half month. poe2 coming out soon
Dungeons until you can run timewalking dungeons
Buffs are coming in .5
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This greenskin just HAS to be the frost DK in the power within cinematic
show me his buff uptime
You can run Timewalking dungeons at 10 now.
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That's for 11.0.5, right now you still need to be 30
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Max bros?!?!?!
how do i disable dmg numbers?
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>log in to my shaman I haven't touched since BFA
Holy SHIT why do I have so many fucking buttons??????
Half of these look like they're fucking worthless
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we ARE getting sob and nw nerfs, right?
What do you bros think of Khadgars girlfriend Modera?
starting at her tummy and kissing all the way up to her face
Unironically a nothing character
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Just got a new account, which one of these should I level?
looking at her fingers
Actually its nerfs
10% less armor
10% higher CD of generators (toll, hammer of wrath, judgement, blessed hammer, eye of Tyr of you run templar)
Reduction of healing and damage of spenders
4% haste

What you get in return doesnt compensate this HUGE reduction on holy power generation and survivability. Basically you will be even glassier but will potentially deal more damage because of default crit on wings (but less damage than current critwings because the duration is shorter)
But she's everywhere.
imagine if method pulls it off kek
So is Shandris, doesn't stop either from being nothing characters
imagine if 火锅英雄 pulls it off
Is it still pass users only or did the site get fixed yet?
Method has women in it so that's not happening
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something happened
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>do grim batol with fren
>3rd boss
>guy charges into add when he's fixated so we wipe
feral druids...................................
at least we still timed key.
In a world where every server and I mean EVERY server received the raid at the same time RWF would be even more dead than it currently is because normoids can't handle "us" losing to chinks.
is there a toy or something that puts dracthyrs in visage form? i don't have that shit on my bars yet i've somehow been placed in visage form twice today
I think arcane magic slows and outright arrests the aging process the more powerful you are.
pls I can't decide, warrior priest or druid?
the cow
>7 hours ago
How should we know what you want to do?
Going warrior is the chad move.
i thought china gets it at the same time with the new netease deal?
you can do wqs that give 700-800g. sell rank 3 mats. the weeklies give 1k+ gold
with how easy it is now to get up alts and running thanks to warbands, there really is no excuse
Chinese chads are actually leading the race.
I chose the cow, thanks
This but going down.
chinamen are even more fucked than EU when it comes to resets right? it will be a real sturggle for them
AI slop is bad!!!

Ok here's your real art fucking faggot
there's a toggle that auto puts you in visage form after combat, check to make sure it's not enabled by accident
Jesus Christ google sucks so fucking much now a days, I give up on finding actual release times for each region. Iirc china release was at least full day behind EU.
max is gon FREAK when he wakes up
Chinese servers work very differently. You're able to get gear more quickly on them, for example.
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>AI slop is bad!!!

Here's your real art fucking faggot. (I forgor to add image in last post >>495654721)
Yeah, pajeets getting control of google has completely bricked the site. It's fucking useless for finding anything except whichever corporate sponsor has fed them money.
Yandex only seems to have the old info.
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I don't get the story, but I want her.
i just used the changing gear to tier pieces and now the item is fucking level 80?!??!?!

what is this dumb fucking shit? where do i change it back?
>average player has the worst keybinds known to man
>wonder why their playing is so clunky and slow
uhh bro your critical thinking?
quickest test: what button did you bind your main spammable skill to and why?
banging my head against normal ansurek pugs is wild how do people not know the fight by now
i blew through the whole raid on a bunch of characters the first few days but now its impossible.

theres like 3 mechanics the whole fight its the most chill final boss in years holy fuck
i'm not revealing my secrets but i promise you its goated
e because its right next to my finger
any answer besides 1 is sovlless
>binds 12 keys to an mmo mouse that they constantly fatfinger
>doesn't use shift, alt, or ctrl to multiply his binds
>binds 6 7 8 9 0 but has to click them because his fingers can't reach
>unbinds back pedal
yup, it's retard gaming time. lets somehow get into a +10 and gray parse!
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Sex, impregnate, fuck!
>binds 6 7 8 9 0 but has to click them because his fingers can't reach
Are you woman or child?
>swap from prot paladin to holy paladin
>every single m+ run becomes 100% easier
fuck tanking i hate tanking ;w;
mine have a very logical progression
Razer naga, normal 1-12, shift 1-12, ctrl 1-12. Enjoy your purple parses while gooning to xalatath porn on your 2nd monitor (real story)
skill issue :/
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We wuz
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made to be relentlessly bred
Holy Priest is holy boring as shit fuck
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E and F
what the fuck
I disagree.
>how do people not know the fight by now
>i blew through the whole raid on a bunch of characters the first few days
99% of wow players didn't do that
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Question to all my Fury Warrior bros about the rotation.

Why does every guide out there tell you to cast Recklessness/Avatar pre-pull and then charge? When you're talented Casting Avatar casts Odyn's Fury which is free damage and a dot on the Target. Shouldn't you pop your reck/avatar after charging and once you're at the boss? Its not like the extra rage generated from the charge with reck makes any difference at all when you're at full rage almost immediately.. The fuck am I missing and why do they all say that? I understand in the ST rotation when you don't take the talent that casts Odens Fury but anything multitarget it seems absolutely wrong.
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why are evil chicks so sexy
mouse 4
the kind of people trying to do normal are the same retards that get LFR bosses to 10 determination stacks
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lmao this is like the 4th time already that i got double nullstone
i fucking love mining lads
stop reading wowhead and icyveins "guides"
Do Heroic/Epic editions ever go on sale?
whoever told you to pop cooldowns before you're even in melee range of the boss is retarded
post profession equipment
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>Alright rogue, I know I've sent you on this continent wide hunt for all of my Kin and had you infuse these weapons with all sorts of magical powerful items. But before I can upgrade them to legendary status, I need proof you killed my dad.
>Oh, Rogue. You killed my dad, sure, here's the final upgrade to the blades. Anyway, I'm off to Pandaria, hope you find use for them, if not, just throw them away. Not like there's any Blacks left to hunt.

What the fuck was his problem?
>8 hours ago
how do you even strafe during combat?
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Yes. DF would go on sale constantly.
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Maybe you should actually read the words on your screen
alleria isn't evil though
site was borked for like 2 hours and only pass users could post
>getting instantly chunked to 10% HP on a +3 as a 610 prot paladin with SOTR up, in concentration, with ardent defender
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meanwhile I paid like 50k for this one and I'm still not getting any null lotuses
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it keeps going
minig best part about this expansion
by rebinding A and D obviously
I dont know why it's not the default - nobody should keyboard turn ever
What is the overall most fun dps? Mage?
don't reply to it
THIS BITCH NEEDS TO BE IMPREGNATED ASAP! Corrective rape is the only way
uh, void bad

feral druid. everything else is not even close.
>that smug face
I want to fuck her.
>null lotus
why would you care about that worthless trash
i'm having a great time on dev evoker
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are you finesse maxxing?

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