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Previous: >>495632694

Version 1.2 "Tour de Inferno" Special Program
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YzElFb4S64s [Embed]
Agent Record | Caesar King
Agent Record | Burnice White

>Newest Trailer/Teaser/Character demo
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d17pewXhrI8 [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=biuXi_x7-WA [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NihInQv5Iyk [Embed]

>Current Signal Search
Jane Doe - 09/04 – 09/24 11:59
Sharpened Stinger - 09/04 – 09/24 11:59

>Current Events
"All New Program" - Receive Encrypted Master Tapes - Ends 09/24 03:59 (server time)
"Camellia Golden Week" - 08/21 10:00 (server time) - 09/23 03:59 (server time)
"Immersive Tactical Drill" - 09/06 10:00 (server time) - Ends 09/16 03:59 (server time)

>Upcoming Events for 1.1
"Scene One, Take One!" - Starts 09/13 03:59 (server time)
Full 1.1 Event Details: https://zenless.hoyoverse.com/en-us/news/125244

>Redeemable codes (claimable in-game or online)

>Resources and useful links
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This is the real thread.
I will be pulling caesar and her engine.
I think I'll try to get Caesar since we'll get a shitton of rolls this patch and I'm close to 180 rolls saved
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you wont forget the standard banner cuties with all the new sex added will you?
Let's see which one survives...
this one is pretty late and all the spam bots/jeets are in the other one
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I'll stay with this one. Seth shitposters are the absolute worst posters on /zzz/. Nobody likes him unironically.
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True to Caesar
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as a bonus you also avoid getting ass worms
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banging . . . BOOS!
I hate the standard banner. All I got from it was 2 Graces, 1 Lycaon and 1 Brimstone (the only good thing from it). I don't have Ellen or Rina
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To continue a small point from earlier. I would prefer the ballet Twins over Dead End Butcher, but the moments where you have to just run in circles and wait for them to be able to be damaged again make them a hard choice for a boss you have to repeat weakly. I'd rather mech from S11's agent quest.
skill issue
I had her AND her engine on both my main and reroll account.
She loves me.
Yeah he's tight
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So who is rolling for her engine?
Already forgot them entirely 1 week into game back in July
I have 140 pulls and I'm at ~50 pulls away from the next 50/50, so it depends. If I win the 50/50, then yes, I'll try getting her w-engine, otherwise I'll focus on Piper M6 and saving for Lucy dupes.
I am on her rerun
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>If I get my wife to C6, I can show her naked body on my profile for everyone to see
Hello??? How is this a good thing again???
Ballet Twins also make you use your brain and balance the health on them. Unfortunately many gacha players seems to lack a brain entirely.
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what's so good about hot water anyway
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>not ether
bros what da heeeeeeeeell
I won't even be rolling for her bwo...
I've got around 250 rolls right now so I can absolutely guarantee both her and Burnice but I don't really want to be rolling on engines cause I kinda want to roll for Ellen on a rerun cause I'm a late starter.
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I fucking hate the daily check-in forcing you to do it in the browser on that shitty website
Use the app retard.
Except for latinx goddess Nekomata they are all pretty shit agree
You can do it on the mobile app too. It also comes with widgets for ZZZ
How good is Piper's Mindscapes except for M1?
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>still no dragon loli thiren anywhere to be seen
why even live...
You guys getting the biker bangboo?
Yeah. He's probably not that good anomaly team but he's rock.
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For me? It's Billy (Snake Duel) Kid!
they're all good but none of them completely unlock her or something, they're steady upgrades
we also need bunny thirens
Go to the arcade
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nearly 80% of people saying this is a skip or undecided is a new record, wtf was Hoyo thinking here...
I probably will just because its cool
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bunny thiren agent*
When your design looks like it came out from Wuwa, that's what happens.
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Are the leaks real?
Is this Kokona sexposting except ZZZ

>7th female limited banner in a row
>electric anomaly/disorder
>the other 6 are all much more distinctive in design
Not surprising, honestly
problem is all the new males they design look like absolute shit. Seth and Lighter are easily the worst design in the game. And I doubt they will fix them when niggers are trolling pretending they are cool
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leak this
Yes. Miyabi has been cancelled.
Seth maybe but Lighter's design is cool. Like what do you want when you ask this? Are you the kind of faggot that's not happy unless every male is some fat meaty bara bait dude?
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oh please. Lighters design is so incredibly generic. Literally looks like a highschool SoL anime side character.
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you speak like an ESL
wheres the ether characters
>yamato nakadashi
I have obliterated my Caesar "pre-farm" by crafting/grinding Swing Jazz and after 20 discs I still haven't gotten a single atk slot 6
It's so bad I should have just used a tuner.
Miyabi anomaly ether after her ice attacker version was a fiasco in the early beta
Trust the plan
Breather patch so impulse rollers don't get burn out entirely and leave. If Lighter comes out right after that pretty much confirms it.
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>brownoid is mad he got called an ESL
>now tries to call everyone else an ESL
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This game needs more cute boys
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it takes literally 2.45 seconds
lucky Jane
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Yabi never had a chance
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Are you a chinkozoid or something?
Why don't you open your eyes and look at the official artwork?
Lighter is pumped up when compared to a faggot. He just looks better.
Then show me the design of someone you don't think is “generic”.
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>red scarf
Always kino
>eye bags
>biker jacket with the spikes
Yep, kino
>fist weapons
Extra kino
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those are not the right names hentai-kun...
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They seriously need to stop pandering to gooners
Agreed. Gooning is currently one of few fun, low-cost hobbies. Once it gets too popular, those fuckers will find a way to somehow monetize it as well.
Jerking off isnt a hobby bwo...
you sound like a woman who thinks sitting and watching tv is a hobby...
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Anby is going to obsess over the america zone's burgers I can just tell already.
game doesn’t even have panty shots
shut the fuck up you puritan troon
Do I do my weeklies today or should I wait for tomorrow's changes?
Ceasar is a skip for me. Don't see the appeal of a granny wearing a roman cosplay for whatever reason but you do you.
She's probably around 18-19, you nig nog
Janes slow ass banner killed the hype.
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You sound bigoted. You know how much effort it takes to go through everything that has been made and is being currently made without missing anything? And to store and properly catalogize it?
No depressed internet gooner racist loser ever called me an incel
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Lighter if he was good.
We're all in here
The real thread for non-faggots.
>b-but Seth
Aggressively avoiding art of male characters is a very homosexual thing to do.
Aggressively avoiding art of m*le characters is a very based thing to do actually.
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Rather dead than gay
being ironically gay still means you are a faggot
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Bwos, I started building the cat guy, is the disc build good enough?
Go back to your homo thread
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Kill yourself tranny
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Why are you so aggressive?
Just go back already
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No idea, but here's some Neko ass
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No I am here till you take it back and say sorry!
where did everyone go? bingo?
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>Caesar nerfed into the ground less than 48 hours before her release
I already prefarmed for her an now she's shit? All the early access content creators were advertising her shield gating that she doesn't even have anymore. This is fucking false advertising. Who the fuck can I sue for this?! I wasted valuable time and energy farming shit for a character who is worthless.
Best agent for netorase?
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We're all in here
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playing koleda story quest help bros how do I do her stuff? Just spam m1 or hold m1 or what
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No refunds

Burnice nerfed into the ground too lmao

Better skip both and roll for Yanagi now
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it's fucking... over...
>4 hour thread
>barely more than 100 posts
it's zzzover...
it says gullible on the ceiling
Does Caesar powercreep Seth in Jane teams?
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lol loser
what nerfs?
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no thanks
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My posts aren't going through
Seth gives Jane roughly 20% more damage

Caesar gives Jane roughly 60-70% more damage
Imagine getting the unit being replaced by Lighter.
discord raid hours
>basing who to roll on off of test servers and jewtubers
This is the one
If you had 1 hp left of shield and took 10,000 damage you would only lose the 1 hp of shield and your health would be untouched. Now, with the nerf, if you got hit with a 1hp shield you would lose 9,999 hp.
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it's funny how some fags say proudly that "i actually play for the gameplay and not the waifus", "just because she has big milkers doesnt mean she's worth a pull, coomer" and wear it as a badge of honor. Those are all women's talking points, you can smell the fact that they were raised by single mothers. Massive faggots insecure in their masculinity justifying themselves against women even when there are no women around lmao. A real man pulls whatever the fuck he wants for whatever bullshit reason he wants without giving explanation or justifying himself to anybody, maybe that's something that (You) would have learned if you actually had a father, lmfao.
>paying to use an anonymous website
If you don't see what's wrong with that...
>complains about faggot character
>complains about straight image
what a strange game to watch
>nerfed to the ground
they just removed shieldgating lol that shit is retarded in any game that isn't called risk of rain
Even worse, he got the TWO agents that are gonna get replaced by Lighter.
Make sure to complain in the IRC
This is a clear abuse of power of a rouge janny
To be fair, all the standard S ranks suck dick in this game
it's funny how frogposters think people will read their blogposts
This game content suck big fat cock. The story It's just reddit tier humor and the animation gives me kind of Disney vibes. FUCK the anon who recommended my this trash
Ok so it's nothing. The shield is a vehicle for her ATK buff and you're not supposed to use it to tank damage.
Good thread shiptroon
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Get fucked nigga, nobody likes you
do we know the size of the patch yet? especially on PC.
Get fucked retard.
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You already lost.
>lighter being use by no more than 30 twitter foids
>rouge janny
What's wrong with a red janny?
12gb pc, 8gb on mobile
Cope. She's fucking garbage now. I wish I rolled Qingyi instead.
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Really hope you got perma'd too. Sethfags are not welcomed here.
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>reddit hates her
>TikTok hates her
>Twitter hates her
>CC's hate her

I love my mommy. I will be the one guy with Yanagi on my account and you cannot stop me. She'll literally be just for me, zero copies, I will be the sole EU owner of an (exclusive) Yanagi.
oh rouge of love
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Should I do my weekly Hollow Zero now or wait for Caesar first?
Go back to discord, tranny. You're not welcome here.
This but for Asia.
Wait for Caesar so you can have some gameplay with the new char. Hoyo better add more repeatable shit to do.
What's the difference?
I like her but she's not interesting enough to invest tapes in her. I'll probably get her on her rerun.
>post made before site went down for a thread that had a different OP image
>thread made after site went up had a jane+seth image
>somehow was assigned the same number and deleted
>anons having a schizo melty
I can confirm this to be true because I saw both before they were deleted.
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The "nerf" changes nothing for me. Her shield works the same as Ben's. Just don't get hit.
did they really? or is this just wuwa shitposting lies?
fags and fujos
a bunch of 14 year olds don't matter
fags and foids
Deserved lol
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>Hoyo better add more repeatable shit to do.
you already got 50 seconds of dailies bro.
Hollow zero without TVslop.
>Don't have Seth's wengine
Are the F2P alternatives decent? Or do I need it?
Cope and seethe.
veni vidi veni
just do a 10 roll on the wengine banner
It's just a retard baking second bread. Bread was still fresh though, after 1st one was eaten.
Why? I'm just investigating what happened
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which characters are we going to get in 1.3? I'm still not sure if I should roll for these biker girls...
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>F2P alternatives
>for a defense engine
How do you do it on the app?
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You don't have much time left to roll for the rat or her ball.
Be sure to not regret anything.
They're really bad, same issue as Caesar. You should try to get at least one of his sig
armpiit sexo
Skiption 6 and maybe Lighter
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VENI VENI VENI >>495655265
Finally her game-killing banner can end.
Don't worry I've skipped everything since Zhu and got 300+ pulls in the bank so I have zero regrets.
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>character keeps getting described as the Zhongli of ZZZ
>she now no longer has a good shield
and just like that not rolling
Is janes N2 good? I already have her at M1 and also managed to get her ball. Should i keep rolling or should i save for the next banner?
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I got her day 1
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>Is janes N2 good?
If you switch to the Jap dub she speaks fluent Japanese so yeah
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I plan to get him he looks more interesting than Yanagi. Never thought Hoyo would ever make a pink hair I don't give a shit about.
I think the site rolled back the numbers on the deleted posts, but because new threads were being assigned old numbers they got deleted. Hard to say for sure at the moment but there were two separate threads I saw. The first was made just before the site went down and had a Yanagi pic iirc, while the one made after had a seth and jane pic. Both were assigned the same number somehow so both got deleted.
I don't roll for characters that flop
>C1 and ball
You've already committed to being retarded. Don't stop now.
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>want Caesar
>want Burnice
>want Yanagi
>want Miyabi
>only have enough for two of them if I get KOT'd
Being F2Poor is pain.
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This, didn't stop rolling on Qingyi's banner after getting her and her ball, didn't get any S-rank signal at all when my account dried up but no regrets
Imma just wait for the release. Not sure if chink ver or eng ver is the correct one.
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Nope. It's not your mommy. It's OUR mommy.
Are Grace and Ray ninjas?
Pray for v1.3 to bring an event with a half-decent defense ball.
We don't need more duplicates, this one was already up for 4 hours. You were clearly acting in bad faith making multiple other ones for no reason or than to keep with your Seth faggotry. Well deserved honestly.
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This is the official /zzz/ account bricking characters list:
>Brick Yuan
Remember if you pull for any of these your account is permanently bricked and you should make a new acc.
That looks like a very dry pizza
We don't care about your poll, ugly fujo
When does 1.2 start?
I am poor and is saving for Caesar...
Its so over...
I want to drink Yanagi's breast milk straight from the source.
a-are we back?
Sorry your waifu isn't popular anon. You can still roll for her.
None. Closest thing would be the Spring ball from the battlepass, which is similar to his own ball, though obviously not as directly beneficial. But that wouldn't be F2P.
is c1 jane worth it?
I will only roll to get C6 Lucy and Piper. Might lose a 50% to neko on the way but that's it.
36~ hours
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Suckaku READY!
yeah m2 is even better
Enjoy your C36 Brickton
opinion discarded
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one day or anoher day
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is c1 [...] worth it?
People just don't like used goods cuckbro
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Why do they love Thanatos so much?
zzz is THE game for c1 chads
every single c1 so far has been a huge gameplay improvement
>cucked by a fictional character
Get better taste. Caesar and Yanagi are easily skippable if you care only about looks and don't give a fuck about meta (based).
Caesar has a combat impact buff with her perfect block, so a single anby engine copy ends up with the same impact value as that engine with max copies.
Because they hate (You)
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Can't wait to go to Cheesetopia and order some cheese burger & aristona tea, bros...
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I wish Lighter was the alpha leader of the SoC or just a straight up work alone gigachad.
Don't get me wrong, I love Caesar and I will be pulling for her, but if I am gonna be pulling for a male I am not pulling for a background secondary male even if he looks slightly cool.
>shadow jane in shiyu
thank god im getting caesar
have fun playing the game even less
I bet you consider loading screens also as game content.
>every time any male character is seen with a female character it is a ship
>clearly a meme comic
mentally ill-kun... i...
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S6 trailer with mandatory hot springs scene at the end when?
>suddenly it's about used goods when everyone complained about design and personality since her inception
They add him to make sure Ellen/Zhu rollers don't feel bad about their decision.
God bless to everyone here that complained about this cancer. Fucking retarded devs don't even play their own game to see how supremely annoying this shit was
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That 5th node is just straight up shitting on Ellen. Fire/phys weakness and Ice resist on BOTH sides?
desu it's getting a bit weird that every single faction seems to be lead my females, except for the maid one, funnily enough. It's kind of hard to take seriously that the rebel biker faction is all not only led by a female, but is actually comprised of mostly girls except for one dude who most of the time looks like he wants to put as much distance between himself and them as out of embarrassment.
>shiplooneytroons calling others mentally ill
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Belle's driving? FUCKING RUUUN
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my robowife is so cute
>opinion discarded
shieldgating removed means caesars shield is now paperthin again
why are they being retarded
holy shit the delusion
Everybody should have a 3rd team built up after 3 months.
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Holy sex
>rolling for launch dps
>mentally ill retards try to paint everything they don't like as shipping even if it isn't
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How many bangboos did you guys have right now?
How many already at level 60?
Are you rolling for porkboo?
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The CoomWizard was here too
Of all the reasons to pull or not to, this might be the gayest one yet
Lighter = laharl
Koleda = Etna
Nicole = Seraphina
bangboos = prinies
lucy = Fuuka
Lycaon = fenrish
This image is what's gonna make me roll for her
Why am I like this?
What's wrong with girls in leadership roles? You sound very bigoted anon
shieldgating is retarded and grants her literal immortality, don't be stupid.
people were praising this game because it didn't have a healer and now they're complaining because of this.
>They gutted Caesar and Burnice on pre-release
Holy kek. The devs of this game don't like money it seems.
when the hell is the sex date?
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>there are people that rolled the shark
I have every boo except for Cui and Amillion
only have Resonaboo, Sharkboo, and Plugboo at 60 because they’re the only ones I use
And who's Killia the faggot that won't bang Seraphina?
In every survey I asked them to fix camera and make normal levels in addition to throwing TVslop in a trash bin where it belongs.
Unfortunately only slop got axed so far.
What is a shieldgate in ZZZ? Is it like Warframe where I get half a sec of invulnerability when my shield breaks so I have enough time to smash my keyboard and immediately restore my shields and get another invulnerability time if I fuck up later?
Not my problem you would pull for a beta male secondary because you identify with them.
Massive beta energy right here
>will pull for a male only if he can be my daddy
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Quote me on this: Yanagi is likely a director or a large donor to an orphanage which is why she receives tons of flowers on mother's day. She is NOT used goods nor has she ever had a penis inside of her.
I know this because this is how mihoyo operates. They would sooner shut down all their games before adding a female playable character who has canonically given birth.
i have all of them
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I’m glad SyHan decided to draw her again
I don't mind it, it's just weird at a certain point when EVERY faction is led by a female.
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>ice resist on both side
So with the Burnice nerf, it's over for her, right?
>Lycaon = fenrish
I can't wait for the vampire twink to get added.
Wait for fanservice trailer at least.
>Burnice changed
>now she won't be good with Jane
what were they thinking
I’ve rolled on every character
Yeah. Those delusional cunts are annoying and their opinion should be counted as 1/10 of a normal person opinion. Imagine being such a socially awkward nigger that you think 2 character interacting is shipping
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>he doesn't know
lmaoing at your life
>He still thinks about his sister instead.
it's happening again!
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>After tucking her daughter to bed, Yanagi starts cleaning up the table. You decide to help her.
>Thanks for lending me a hand, how about you tell me about your day while we work?
>You tell her about the day you spent playing with her kid, how it reminded of taking care of Belle growing up. In turn, she starts talking about her child fondly.
>She looked happy, sharing proud moments and annoyances to another responsible older figure.
>Eventually, it was time to address the elephant in the room
>"If you don't mind, what happened to her father?"
>Right, he...was a H.A.N.D soldier, just like me. I was pregnant with our child at the time, so I couldn't join the mission. The next time I saw him, only his corrupted corpse remained. It's been 10 years since, and I've just been distracting myself with work.
>It gets lonely, you know? But I know don't have time to think about myself, because she's relying on me.
>"You're a good mother. She told me you were the best thing she could ask for."
>I wonder about that, ahaha...
>...that's weird, why am I tearing up? I should be happy after hearing that...
>You must think I'm a mess right now, ahaha...
>The tears just won't stop falling...
>Overwhelmed by her emotions, Yanagi couldn't help but sob uncontrollably. You find yourself wrapping your arms around her.
>Surprisingly, she doesn't push you away and cries on your shoulder.
You stay like this for a while, until she finally breaks the silence.
>D-do you think I'm pretty?
>I'm asking if you find me attractive.
>"Yeah, you look gorgeous"
>But I'm 40 years old, you know? I also birthed a child already, you must think I'm past my prime...
>"Even so, I like you the most."
>Then...do you mind spending the night with an older lady like me?
>"No, not at all."
>Good morning, did you sleep well?
>"There wasn't really any sleeping to be done yesterday..."
>E-enough of that! I'll make us breakfast, so would you be a dear and please wake up my daughter?
I'm surprised they aren't adding shieldgating to one of her mindscapes kek
Her shield would take the entirety of a damage instance and then break. So if she had 2k shield up and took say 5k damage, the shield would break but your actual hp wouldn't be touched. Now you take 3k damage to your actual hp.
Wanna know too because it's the first I'm hearing about shieldgating in this game
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Go back reditard
>They would sooner shut down all their games before adding a female playable character who has canonically given birth.
bro your Lucy?
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Source and explain how it's over or get the fuck outta here.
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oh nonono
Install hoyolab, enable notifications. As a bonuss enjoy the occasional random +30 polys for engaging in social media bullshit.
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I will have the strongest Miyabi.
She will be the most powerful Miyabi, with the widest face, the highest DPS, and the strongest team of all the other Miyabis.
Others will see me post her build and they will wonder to themselves "does somebody need a Miyabi this powerful?" "Why would anyone have a Miyabi this strong?" "Surely, there is a limit to how far apart her eyes can be?"
And I will answer, simply:
"This is what it is, to possess the strongest Miyabi."
Jane is only good with seth, she’s garbo
Can't wait for the homos to have broken kits. This game is starting to smell like Genshin to me.
>if she had 2k shield up and took say 5k damage, the shield would break but your actual hp wouldn't be touched. Now you take 3k damage to your actual hp
Honestly for the better. What the fuck were they thinking giving shieldgating to a character that can refresh her shield per enemy attack?
based but mihoyo doesn't have the balls
piper go brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
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>ice resist on BOTH sides
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why do single anime mothers make me hard but single mother roasties make me disgusted?
Increased how long it takes her to fill up her Heat gauge, which means she has to spend a lot more time on the field before you can move her off field.
not reading that
Why is /hrtg/ raiding us?
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>shiyu is shilling most recent banners
WOW, that something new
Shut the fuck up and go back to your tranny general
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Not in ZZZ too...
do we know how Ambush Node works yet?
I'm gonna use Jane/Caesar/Burnice.
Can't wait to clear the new stuff with
>Qingyi + Soldier 11 + Lucy
>Anby + Billy + Piper
>playing 3 gacha
>lmaoing at anybody's life
She's a widow, not a divorcee. That's the difference
>Burnice nerfed again
Why do they hate her so much? Is her kit even that strong?
>shieldgating not removed
so what is it?
What's wrong with wanting to pull for relevant only male characters? At least then I can identify with them.
For sex I already pull for females.
their game is dead so they have nothing else to do
burnice + lucy + S11.
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>I'm gonna have to play as my waifu more
oh nyooo~
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Bricknice was always a skip
Oh I get it now. Shieldgating is busted in Warframe (and often mandatory), I guess they had to choose between adding a big cooldown to her shield, removing her shieldgating effect or letting her break the game permanently.
They really don't want to make another Xiangling I guess (even though Burnice is an S rank compared to Xiangling being a 4* in Genshin)
>entire mommyshit cuckshit autism because she gets flowers from her coworkers on mother's day for being motherly
holy fuck kill yourselves faggots
as cringe as this is, I recognize the effort
if you make more, go easy on the wish fulfillment
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based balance team
>Burnice nerfed into the ground
big oof
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Something fishy going on around here
nice censorship zookeks
>muh meta
who cares, you can still roll on content with the global pool.
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i'm probably going to drop star rail, maybe look at it again when the fate collab is out. genshin and ZZZ are fun and have actual gameplay even though i like RPGs
What does it mean? do I roll jane for caeser/burnice comp or not?!
It's only natural do be upset when another girl got announced for our game who is a wholesome mommy with loving kids while you are a self hating hrtranny.
Ellen... easy on the sugar alright...
Burnice is a skip now yep, can't believe they killed her like this wow
Caesar is still the same burnice seems like she got slightly buff also nice trips
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>hrt and giggers raiding us because no lighter or haramusa
I rolled for Ruan Mei and her children thoughbeit
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Wait so people didn't get the joke that her colleagues treat her like a mom because she is constantly nagging them and instead they think she is an actual mom?
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The only nerf that would kill the game is a Piper nerf.
A trophy wife needs to be showed off.
Next drip feed will end this drama.
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i picked it up again for feixiao and i'm already getting bored again desu, i might do the same
Yuri is cringe and not based
they wanted to do spats but half assed them into panties, it looks bad
Uh oh Wisepag melty
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>Yanagi seems like she'd work better with Seth/Jane
>like Burnice more
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Yeah, a while ago.
This thread is mostly composed of the autistic and retarded, so take a guess.
Pfft oh nonono
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Cute girlfriends
Yanagi, Jane, Seth, Ligher lovers. Can we separate these people from our /zzz/ safe space?
she’s so cute…
Have they announced they are removing Seth or something?
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>ingame vs animation
bruh you are not helping at all
its ok you can call them subhumans on 4chin
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I will make her a mom.
>shiplooneytroon nuclear melty
The dailies take no effort and some of the stories are fun, but yeah its reached a point where its very repetitive. I'm sticking with it because I like the characters and the world and its casual easy to play game on phone
Do you think the model just magically change between gameplay and in-game cutscene
Old Burnice had character. New one looks like generic moeblob n#100424922
wtf they're forcing me to make a 3rd team already
i had considered picking it up again for the topaz rerun cuz i dropped it after failing to get her first time round, but then i saw posts itt telling me penacony is just homo wank
An ingame animation you retard. Thats the panning intro to the HIA/VR training.
Yanagi was a bitch whenever she talked to me, constantly looking down on me and disregarding me for being “civilian”.
I've always wondered why these people that don't even care for yuri or shipshit waste time of their life they'll never get back posting stuff to rile other people up on a random interweb forum.
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>he fell for the "2 team only" meme
penacony is shit
playable when
trust events when
marriage event when
moving to eridu valley with her when
Nobody cares, civilian.
You are a civilian
They don't know the truth
>shitposting tourists INSTANTLY start talking about their off topic game in the /zzz/ general the second it gets mentioned by anyone
LMAO this is so fucking sad.
Okay but she didn’t need to be a bitch about it though
uh oh, civilian melty
>he gets triggered by anything INSTANTLY
LMAO this is so fucking sad.
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if burnice is being more of selfish dps causes the metafag tertiaries to fuck off thats good
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Anyone know what the last one is? I searched around but couldn't find any info
Mommy vibes. Yep. This is a must pull for anyone in here with a shota complex.
>Section 6 is modern day Shinsengumi
>OBOL is JSDF Special Forces
I'm nooticing
you forgot that the shipfaggotry died out at the same time as their off topic sperging
I'm so fucking triggered I'm melting rn
Obol is American coded
>if burnice is an on-fielder
good for my piper team
>if burnice is an off-fielder
good for my piper team

I can't lose.
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>You can only play ONE gacha at the time even though these gacha "games" don't have any content for 90% of their life span
uh oh are you getting a little angry that someone noticed?
I wonder how will she act towards the siblings after she discover that they are proxies
Yep, sad to see what this game has become. Just pure incel slop on top of incel slop. I was a fan of Mihoyo before, but now I think I'm just gonna #RideTheWave.
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Canon couple....
soul vs SOULLESS
what leaks?
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i beat a stage
Extremely socially stunted and any response they get is worth it because they are that starved for attention.
They're lawfags.
Probably instantly arrest them or kill them
Did I say that? or am I questioning why the other generals exist if you retards are going to discuss your off topic shit here instead?
See the picture you posted.
>we're getting our own Kafka
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'fraid so
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What a horrible thread shut down the site again.
Thanks for the honesty. I just like the idea of making a lonely widow Yanagi happy and wanted to make a scenario about it, but I can't into AIslop. Probably put one too many of my fetishes lol.
>we're getting our own Kafka
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They're WHAT?!
Uh oh he's having another melty
Seth really is made for thugs
she's neither 40 nor a single mother, what's up with these fuckers that come up with deranged delusions?
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Wow, the furries are already going to be in the Shiyu defense, I'm surprised they're going to screw the ice teams too.
Bros they put Maxx C to 2. I’m throwing up right now…
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But there are no signs of thiren or trans obol agents.
It's fucking happening I can't believe it
S6 will be like the cops and not actually learn who we are
they’ll just think we’re really good civilian investigators or whatever
Burnice nerf means she's gonna be demoted to the global pool! BELIEVE IT
Uhh why does yanagi have the raiden VA?
Stop bullshitting
>West: rolls out hotfixes to fix critical game bugs
>East: rolls out hotfixes to fix a critical aesthetic flaw in a character
Asians are literally a god race.
Or any other DEIs
Honestly Thirens are probably very good hires as they're literally superhuman
She will blackmail you and force Wise and Belle to do webcam streams for her.

Mommy is lawful evil after all.
Both members love slop food
>chink va
who cares
1.2 seems to add a decent amount of new enemies that's good
>Maxx C will be gone from the OCG
>but they successfully managed to introduce the Mulcharmys to the TCG so it's like it never left in both formats
My body is ready for 3k+ Burnice fanart, like rat and the fishe have gotten.
she’s our Raiden expy
It's just funposting anon, everyone understands
>flowers for Mother's Day
is talking about her being a strict, overbearing motherly figure to her coworkers. It didn't stop Rina and Piper from being called 43 year old hags.
she should be
Yanagi will save this game
>Jane is the Kafka of zzz
>Burnice is the Kafka of zzz
>No, no Yanagi is the Kafka of zzz

Janebros what team are you planning to use in 1.2?
Jane is lesbian
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> Grace
> Big Oppai, Electric Attribute, Mommy (for machines)

> Rina
> Big Oppai, Electric Attribute, Mommy Maid

> Big Oppai, Electric Attribute, Mommy Type

What is Mihoyo trying to tell us?
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So furries will only be playable from 1.5 onwards? Or has a new leak from them already appeared?
>5 in-game days pass
>Get the "Jane was just doing work in the sewers" random trust event in those 5 consecutive days
Jane is the Black Swan of ZZZ
Burnice is the Guinaifen of ZZZ
Yanagi is the Himeko of ZZZ
This general going on suicide watch in a few hours lmao, and it will be mostly deserved
>Burnice is the Kafka of zzz
wondering which Calydon has the darkest/mysterious past trope. zzz seems to LOVE "mysterious past" characters.
I’m giving my wife Jane a break for a patch
Electricity is stored in the boobs. That's why Anby uses external source.
She will probably try to recruit you or send you to their academy or whatever so you can join their ranks.
Miyabi will drag you out for training but they will sound like threats so you go every time. She's gonna want you to become her exclusive proxy.
Literally me because I have the same WICKED sense of humour
Can't imagine they can work long hours tho
Humans are still the stamina kings of nature
My Acheron and Jingliu teams
Just post the pic instead of a reddit leak retard
Jane Seth Burnice
95% of comments on the Yanagi reveal already were lighterfags whining non-stop

If he isn't the 2nd 1.3 banner these fujos and faggots are going to have a melty. Most people here will just be glad to get a breather skip patch.
they're called thiren and they have no relation to furries
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You guys never learn
But he is cool and i need a skip patch, i see nothing wrong with this.
Waste of an S rank. Add more A ranks!
jane seth caesar
jane yanagi caesar
The fact that this also tracks across every Hoyo game is hilarious to me.
Jane with Caesar and Burnice or Yanagi?
or Jane, Burnice and Yanagi?
Burnice, in the stream she "use to work alone" and there was an old bio leak with the same thing written down too
But this was old, right?
Lighter is cool. Just because he mogs you IRL is no reason to seethe.
>Barely functional autist, bad wife
>Lethal cook, bad wife
Piper. She killed billions.
I care because it indicates the honkai expys are dead. (elysia and now mei’s VA are used)
>no sawashiro
makes no sense desu
Humans use the word furries in this game, probably as a derogatory term
Are Yuritards cool itt?
>Lighter in the second half of 1.3
>Harumasa in the first half of 1.4
>two m*le banners in a row
it’s over
Isn't "furry" literally used in the game to refer liking thirens romantically
stull tuning my cops and prostitute team, and using a vanilla Anby/Nicole/piper team most of the time.
I want to use S11 more but she really needs a C1 imo. Will definitely add burnice or caesar if possible
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new waifur leaked
No, fuck off.
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Happy birthday to me
Happy birthday to me
Happy birthday
Happy birthday
Happy birthday to MEEEEEEE yay!
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Yes, you are welcome.
1.3 will be such a garbage patch holy
holy shit they are making a whole skip faction. I appreciate that
You learn to appreciate those moments when a new hot chick arrives and you're sitting at +30k polys
kys cucks
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Is this option new?
Is electric the best element? Holy shit they have something for everyone.
out of TEN
WHOOOOO yeah Rina!
Grassy, Woody, and Bricky are cannibals
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Stop shilling recent banners, you incompetent fucks! I'll just brute force it with Ellen and Zhu anyway lol
1.2 is our first real content patch. Honestly 1.1 was pretty decent if that's what the filler patches will look like.
I'm conflicted I like the fact that I can save a lot but I don't like femoids and troons getting uppity so I'd rather doompost the males while benefitting from the situation
you mean 1.2. everyone makes typos, it's ok
It hurts short term but at least you can save up for actually good additions
No they are responsible for multiple war crimes
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I have an M1 Rina, seriously considering skipping Burny for this hag, her design is growing on me.

Burny's gameplay looks like a snore so far, press Ex for 2 whole seconds and fuck off. Literally a glorified support.
nah, calydon's plotis likely to be a "filler" while we hunt down the fugitive, and I can bet it ends right when we find him,probably on aTWIIIIIIIIIIIST. 1.3 will be Kino story mode if anything, especially if it's also the Obole /Anby clones reveal arc
Yanagi's slow ass banner is killing the game
I don't care if he's an S or an A I was laughing at the raging homos and femoids preemptively seething because yanagi exists
If I have to get spooked by on S rank tomorrow, I hope it's at least her.
Yanagi's big ass is fucking killing me I CAN'T BRE-
She's Disorder support, you'd need another Anomaly other than Electric to make use of her.
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Yes, we have canon couples here :)
only if you ship Pulchra with Burnice
I wish they'd stagger faction agents instead of releasing them together. I want all of S6 but it's gonna be hard with all 3 coming out back to back to back culminating in Hoshimi, who's THE character I really want.
they eat bacon?
probably the biggest change since you can BA3 two times but again you still need to dodge counter and the gameplay change is just "you can click more instead of dodge countering".
Seems huge but when you realize you can only get so many bullet on a stun rotation its not as good. is just more damage.
faster first stun and more damage
More damage
More damage
More damage and better uptime, not that its a problem now that nerfs were reverted.

All of the them are just more damage.
rip anon, at least he died happy...
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Who will win DA ZHUYUAN BOWL
Miyabi or Qingui
Nah they probably will fit together
We have no foothold in the rim afterall
shipping is not allowed in this general unless it is with (You), you have been warned faggots.
I wish we got A rank "C-1" version of each characters as the plot goes on, and we still need to roll them for their C0 S rank and so on
>hey, nagi! did you really buy those red bean buns today? try to remember.
What the actual FUCK is this sentence? How does this make any sense?
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Depends. Lolis giving sloppy kisses to each other? Super hot and based. Hags don't the same? CRINGE
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No, you have /u/ for that. Go there.
oh burnice could rim me so much it would fit together so well
>most poor third world faggots will just be glad to get a breather skip patch
fixed that for you
no straight white man would ever wish to infect their game with a homo patch just to "save". only seaniggers beg for save patches
Soukaku ate the buns and is trying to gaslight her into thinking she didn't buy them.
it matters for burnice because pre-nerf burnice was good.
for caesar not so much, you can still refresh the shield by literally breathing, only content that it will get broken is on disputed nodes and its siblings.
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Jane is CUTE!
What is this image?
ChatGPT translations bro, all the "localizers" -ack'ed themselves over some petty Twitter drama
Janetkek melty
I'm seriously considering dropping the game over Jane
uh oh, melty blood lobby
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I decided to give it a quick scuffed paintover
haven’t seen that before, I wonder what triggers that to show up
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She is.
She's retarded and electric
you gotta play the game to get it
she gets thrown down the elevator shaft
which event/quest did she appear again?
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>shield character
>scuffed fire xingqiu
So 1.2 is just a skip patch?
looks like it
I picked it once and rolled 0.
Odd, they seem to have written it correctly on her actual character page https://zenless.hoyoverse.com/en-us/character/detail?id=126040
No, they are just as bad as other shipfags
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Anyone else gets a serious urge to punch this autistic rat face?
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Not bad, good job /ic/fag
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What am I looking at...?
Damn, I hate all of them except Kiyoko and Charlotta.
crafted for reverse rimjob
>Yanagi combat start
Kokyuu suru sono kankaku, oboete oite.
>Yanagi attacks:
Chanto tachinasai.
>Yanagi gets hit
Itakunai wa.
>Yanagi ults
Owakare no jikan yo... pon!
>reverse rimjob
what's that
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Something I don't see talked about much, is that why is Yanagi's colors muted in her splash art? Her hair looks less pink, and she almost looks like she has deadfish eyes. I actually really like that look so seeing her model have a vibrant purple gradient eye color + bright pink hair is throwing me off.

Nice. I do like Nazuka Kaori
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>i will not be able to get caesar on day 1
I guess taking a shit in the other person's mouth?
Great title for the list of good games with shit fanbases.
this but with chingyi
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Having a girl lick your dirty asshole. Popular among mentally ill otaku
We love Yuri shipping here
mx2j strikes again
i love this meme! what even started it haha. such a good one.
the way they are frontloading every character I want is downright cruel
on the other hand Lighter waiters will explode from all this extreme edging so good for them
>raiders are shipfags
>THE gacha shcizo is also playing
I hate you faggots
that's regular rimjob
Should I even use Bangboos' chain attacks?
God I can wait for Caesar so I don't have to worry about Thanatos niggers again
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Do we know if we're getting news on who the second banner for 1.3 is tomorrow?
If you meant to type pinch, I'd like to do that. Playfully.
google it bwo
Janekeks did we just lose to a teaser of an old hag...?
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When is the evil woman patch?

All these vanilla do-goody hallway monitor girls ain't doing it for me.
So if my Lucy is already at 2000 ATK then do I give her Energy recharge in slot 6? I already have crit in slot 4 and use atk % in slot 5.
NEPS: Literal Chinese police department
Section 6: glorified japanese salary men mixed with shounen

I'm keeping with the western factions (Victoria) and (Calydon) and hopefully the church where Lucia is coming from
bro which one? every single ZZZ release has been an old hag
later today
sure why not
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bro im a janechad and a yanagichad.
Where? I've been sick and not paying attention
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Ok anons why troons seem to reject our zzz raiden shogun?
>gay shiplooneys
It's a free damage so why not?
evil women bad
and they will die
lol what a stupid fucking picture. bless whoever made that
How big of a meltdown are we talking if 1.3 ends with Miyabi's banner?

Mind you leakers were all wrong about 1.2.
I just played osu and my hands are now in pain. Time to play Qingyi
dont care.
Next thread will be a Jane x Zhu OP
its a waste of time for zero damage
might be fine if you are a 1+ minute shitter but any runs sub 50 seconds skip baboon chains
Despite some similarities, the Raiden of this game is Hoshimi, not Yanagi
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If S6 were the military instead of cosplayers it would have been so cool.
hell, i would take a designs similar to S11 even though she also looks like a cosplayer, at least she has the fucking backpack and cool glasses
I don't like Yanagi's appearance and I like big tits. I don't like Yanagi's personality either.
>All mid characters nobody cares about
She's perfect for the role
Jane killed ZZZ
But that's lighter
Miyu and Charlotta wasted on a hag...
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>I like Yanagi's apperance, i like her big tits and i like her personality.
My bangboo wife and our adopted children

saving my tapes for wide fox
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Knowing that there will be no Mei in ZZZ has left me with a melancholic feel
oh you bet your ass there will be Mei expy sooner or later
Actually good with MUH HEART OF GOLD KEKAROONI trope

Fuck off. I don't want to fix her. I want her to break me.
What's Yanagi's personality?
>hag using japanese weapon
>doesn't turn the world black and white when she fights
>doesn't cry blood
>doesn't canonically listen to bullet for my valentine
why did they wait until the last day to nerf caesar? I regret farming her mats for nothing now
Here >>495657498
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>her personality
Easy to use, just keep the tabs open.
>can literally see chunks of her fat ass
there's never going to be an actually evil playable character
She reads yaoi and ships straight men together
Jane's bad girl streak is an act.
Eureka 7 is my fav anime, i guess i'm nobody.
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I feel like you guys are setting yourself up for disappointment with this mommy headcanon.
She's old and, beneath an ice and professional exterior, hides a melancholic personality of a girl who let her golden years pass by and now yearns for love and to feel alive again
WTF Ayatsuji?
I will now apologise and roll for the wonderful Yanagi-san
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Nya Proxy-sama thank you for adopting me and giving me your 90 tapes nyahaha! ~
I didn't do that.
Yanagi saggy tits and loose vagina EROTIC!!
>rolling for used goods
Where are the videos that showcase the character's kit without someone talking and showing their face?
I want to see Caesar.
What's the value of the girl that can't get pregnant?
That's right, 0
This is why rolling for Yanagi is pointless
I'd roll for you tho *blush*
I love eureka 7 as well, but you have to admit eureka is a bitch she only cares about nirvash and gets jealous when it chooses the mc instead of her
bangboos are useless
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Thinking about her...
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Mmm, yummy
Man I wonder when this mysterious redhead will get a banner.
If we ever get skins...
I mean how bad could it be? She could literally be just Jean (hurrdurr I need to work overtime to catch up to my forebears) and I'd still love her. The mommy personality is just something I'd like as extra, plus it's supported by official descriptions.
She's 40 years old. That's still a breedable age.
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Fag who lost coinflip in last day Jane banner from last thread here again. This is literally the worst luck I've ever had in all of Gachadom, literally 180 to get this whore. Every other time I lost the 50/50 I got the feature 5* like 20 pulls after.
Now I won't have enough for Burnice and even worse Lucy/Nicole Mscapes, I may as well start saving for Nun now.
Oh, I'm thinking about her alright.
Imagining the Yanagi X Harumasa NTR doujin with Wise on the cuckchair
I think this is the first gacha I've ever played where I'm done with all of the main story events. Neat.
I wish real hags were as hot as Rina
>the leaks subreddit post about Yanagi's drip marketing is flooded with deleted posts

Did I miss a homo melty?
She ate all of >>495663730's pulls
>literally 180
bull shit
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i need a karin gf
Enjoy retarded kid
>sorry Wise i will be out late tonight patrolling
>w-what's what noise? i-it's just me here *moaaan* d-dont worry about it!
>*moan* l-love you but i gotta go now! *hnngg*
Stay away from her, she wants to be like Nicole
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95% of the comments were a discord raid by troons, fujos and faggots whining about Lighter
No she is stealing my bow fag!
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My King...
Not in the game right now so can't post current pulls, but I had 200 (pic before pulls in last thread) when I started and now I must be at 20/30. It may have been 160 plus I don't know nor care I'm just malding about it.
>95% of the comments were a discord raid by
huh? somethings not adding up here
According to the mods and some comments, it was a raid of triggered "husbando" lovers making a fuss and getting deleted/banned
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We need to have an open discussion about the games false advertising.
why are the tits bigger in game?
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fuck you she’s one of the better characters in BA despite her old year1 artwork
>Bore Hunters
Fucking trannies, man
She has none
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>twitter link
I wish mods would just leave shit up. I don't get why people want to delete something that's so entertaining to look at. Now I'm sad that I missed it.
>the shower video
>now Yanagi
Burnice demo better be a good one.
So uh, does Burnice still have that big ass dorito chin or did they actually fix her?
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This was LITERALLY answered in this thread.
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fixed but now she doesn't look as unique, I really like how all the faces look different for now
Doesn't this mean the melty over Yanagi was worse than the melty over the SoC shower scene? I tried so hard to find seething posts about the shower but was only able to find 2 like literally whos.
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So many JK cuties in ZZZ and you go for the 40 year-old workholic hag full of cellulite?
They will fix everyone
Including WIDEyabi
Burnice is cancer free now
She's got a stick up 'er arse.
Bros im starting to think zzz community may have a tranny/furry/homo problem.
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The marketing intern from here (constantly posts the surveys) took our feedback back to the devs and they had it fixed.

Thanks Hoyo intern! Good job!
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Shouldn't people wait for the next s-rank drip before jumping to conclusions?
It was like that because those ferals were expecting Lighter to be the first one dripped.
That was a fun little overworld event.
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you pulled her for your 2nd team right? at least you know she'll do her job. she's a straight forward dps and quite fun. not to mention you get an A rank that works very well with her
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>3d whore ruining 2d
I bought the 1-in-4 wengine 1 buck thingy to give this cute maid her signature.
>4 bricks
Holy kek. Enjoy B-ranking Shiyu
Okay, but would (You) be ready to roll if it is Miyabi who is revealed tomorrow?
taskmaster/slavedriver, mommy, keikaku doori
trying to hard
>evil is for us to judge
Holy shit what a bitch. Thank fuck for easy skips.
I'm not rolling miyabi
Easy skip
why did these freaks even start playing this game? it was obvious from the get go that this game wasn't going pander to them like genshin(that is also backpedaling from pandering to them, but that's another story)
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>would (You) be ready
if they fixed her face sure
At work: bitch (professional)

At home: bitch (bi-polar)
00:00 is considered the next day bro
>used goods new character
how many other gachas do this?
>2nd team right
Only reason I actually kept going before losing since I literally don't have another DPS other than Billy and Anton and I'm not building those. Now if only team 1 wasn't physically too..
Also got like M50 Catboy so at least she's going to be well supported, but I wanted to run Jane/Burnice/Lucy so fucking bad...
I see Japanese character, I skip. Simple as
maybe twitter posts should stay on twitter after all...
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A bit of Anomaly Mastery was the key, for Jane, for me. I have not been disc-lucky in general. Hardly anything that boosts impact, hardly anything that boosts anomaly proficiency. Before this, my best clear for SD8 was 5:01
Of course. I'm not depleting my gems until her rate up.
>back peddled
Dendro fag is fucking mualani
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I love them
Depends if she's an ice attacker like Ellen. I'm not a metasissy and I'm quite happy with my Ellen.
Seeing this I know realize 99% of the "tranny" melties here are bait. You guys don't sound like this at all.
I see Japanese character, I roll. Simple as.
can't I just go 3 stunners and perma stun enemies
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I see Chinese cunny character, I roll. Simple as.
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by making every character release after her complete shit by comparison!
>some images that no one replies to every thread infinitely.
Why Is this form of autism in every general?
Who isn't?
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hate that fucking robot, man
It's part of the pipeline of making soys. Next it will be buff babes, then dudes in dresses, ect. Low key faggots on the cusp of bisexuality
they had only one interaction in game where they were competing for MC's attention and she told him to fuck off lmao
fucking retard
one is enough
you can't stack the stun
This post was made by a cuck
>perma stun
just play Ben+ caesar + seth
Sad that Janefags need to post various rodents except rats since as Jane rats are disgusting.
Seth posting started becoming less effective.
They are trying new strategies.
I guess you can do that in trials where time doesn't matter but in regular SD you need some dps to clear in time.
Based, here before ratkek meltdown
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Cute Jane kisses
I aint ready all that

Im happy for u tho
or sorry that happened to you
>Same anti-Jane schizo every day
>Brick schizos
>Irrelevant anime "stupid bitch" poster
>Cross general raids
Hoyo generals are the worst.
i roll for characters i wanna roam with in the overworld
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People actually spent 180 rolls for this
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Trust event soon.
imagine being so gay you look at a woman and see a penis
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You're sad!
AND pathetic!
u too
It's not how fault you see dicks wherever you look anon.
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Pulled for Ellen and Qingy (Burnice next). 6.7k right now saved. Still have half the game to clear and patch 1.2 will give 18k chromes and 20 tapes (not even talking about 1.3). Won't be a problem at all for anyone here.
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Zhu wife.
Yeah I'm thinking it's ratfag meltdown hours
I don't understand? How would wise be dinner? Is zhu yuan a cannible?
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The best canon couple...
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Coco > rat
This post was made by a faggot.
Bretty cute.
yanagi’s banner is 1.3 right?
I can't believe that ratfags are this pathetic
don't you mean anti-rat fag or are you the one posting bait pics?
>jane shiptrannies calling yanagi used goods
zero shame with those kekolds.
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I can safely skip it would only be a small upgrade
>midnight in the philippines
shouldn't you jane-seethers be asleep right now rather than having a melty on 4channel
Nice! I can save!
But that's every hour now
My stick.

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