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Previous: >>495646462

>Download - https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/en-us/home

>2.5 Preview Page - https://act.hoyoverse.com/sr/event/e20240830version-2zj3e2/index.html

>Version 2.5 Trailer — "Flying Aureus Shot to Lupine Rue"
>Feixiao Trailer — "Nothing to Laugh At"
>Myriad Celestia Trailer: The Arrow that Seeks the Stars
>Animated Short: "Taking It Easy"

>Current Character Banners: (Feixiao, Kafka, Black Swan, Robin + Moze, Asta, Luka) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/32661409
>Current Light Cone Banners: I Venture Forth to Hunt (The Hunt), Patience Is All You Need (Nihility), Reforged Remembrance (Nihility), Flowing Nightglow (Harmony) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/32661628

>New Drip Marketing:
>Rappa (5* Imaginary Erudition) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/32521040

>Redeemable Codes - https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/gift

>/hsrg/ Tools & Resources

>/hsrg/ Thread Template
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Robin and Sparkle are both perfectly fine and if you think one is better than the other you're delusional
*reipu flopflop*
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>i have to click upgrade 1 by 1
Sparkle is just niche
one day she'll be able to support a character other than QQ or DHIL
You have batch select on the top right corner
She's literally the best harmony for Acheron E2
am i going crazy or is there usually a batch select?
If you're using Jiaoqiu (and if you're a metafag you are) then Sparkle is better than a second nihility even for E0 Acheron
/hig/trannies are going to FREAK
Kill black swan. Behead black swan. Roundhouse kick black swan into the concrete. Slam dunk black swan baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy swan. Defecate in black swan food. Launch black swan into the sun. Stir fry black swan in a wok. Toss black swan into active volcano. Urinate into black swan gas tank. Judo throw black swan into a wood chipper. Twistblack swan head off. Report black swan to the IPC. Karate chop black swan in half. Curb stomp pregnant black swan. Trap black swan in quicksand. Crush black swan in the trash compactor. Liquefy black swan in a vat of acid. Eat swan . Dissect black swan.Stomp black swan skull with steel toed boots. Cremate black swan in the oven. Lobotomize black swan. Mandatory abortions for black swan. Grind black swan fetuses in the garbage disposal. Drown black swan in fried chicken grease. Vaporize black swan with a ray gun. Kick old black swan down the stairs. Feed black swan to alligators. Slice black swan with a katana.
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>If it was just about shilling units you'd think quantum would be
It is about shilling units in the sense that every new character has to powercreep the last one so hard that characters are pushed out of the meta faster than they can release on-element replacements
We are now at the point where the last Quantum/Ice carries to be released are worse On-Element than the most recently released carries are Off-Element in the same content

Aventurine boss is Ice weak and Imaginary resistant. My fastest team for clearing Aventurine is Firefly with HMC
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I don't even play your game much, but I think about March several times a week. It's like the Roman Empire, really. Whenever a topic comes up like "favorite anime girls/vidya characters", my first thought -- involuntary, even -- is March. Like I immediately get the mental image of her, uncontrollably.

I really am not a March waifufag (consciously so, at least), it truly puzzles me myself how she has wrapped me around her little finger like that.

Like, if a topic is like "cutest girls in anime", as in ANIME TV SERIES, March has such a hold over me even THEN I think of her.
Calm down, Dan. Jeez.
No, this is where you enhance not buy the cards, in the room before the final boss.
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Have they busted out "the word" yet?
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hat trick
March won the trailblazerbowl
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>hivemind is not real
But /hsrg/ told me she's a brick?
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March 7th real name is Tayzzyronth.
Jingliu is still good, Aventurine's mechanics just screw over her specifically because he wastes your turns and her entire kit is dependent on doing damage in bursts.
hsr will never be as good as it was in belobog
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My girlfriend is so cute
hsr will never be as good as when I was playing it with my friend group at launch
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>Most women are capable of secreting considerably more milk than needed by a single infant. The regulation of milk synthesis is quite efficient (around 800 mL/day).
>The normal daily production of saliva varies between 0.5 and 1.5 liters. The whole unstimulated saliva flow rate is approximately 0.3-0.4 ml / min. This rate decreases to 0.1 ml / min during sleep and increases to about 4, 0-5, 0 ml / min during eating, chewing and other stimulating activities.
>Daily loss in sweat is about 400 ml for an adult. The heat loss can be quite significant because there is a loss of 0.58 kcal for every ml of water evaporated. The maximum rate of sweating is up to 50 ml/min or 2000 ml/hr in an acclimatized adult. On average however - only 1L per day, and, due to its fast evaporation and most of it disappearing - therefore:
>800ml of mammary milk + 1L average of saliva and + 50 ml/min or 2000 ml/hr during intense physical exercise = 2800mL average, assuming Bosenmori Mei is sweating for 30 minutes for any reason...
>Water consumption minimum: About 15.5 cups (3.7 liters) of fluids a day for men
>3700mL - 2800mL = 900mL of unsatisfied thirst
>Bosenmori Mei has 2 bodies >>> 2800mL * 2 = 5600mL (average)
>non-pregnant and 1 sex per day having Bosenmori Mei is capable of satisfying daily thirst of 1.5 man!!
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I've been bashing my head over DU8 for the past 5 hours. I've tried FF Superbreak, Feixaio elation, and DotHags and nothing works. Is there a guide or something on what domains I should enter or equations to look out for or something? I usually just pick up combat to get guaranteed blessings and then adventure/escapade whenever they come up.
is 4 cycles on kakaurine supposed to be good? jingpoo with r*bin does it in 2-3 so it's a piloting issue
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It's not 4 cycles on kakaurine it's 4 cycles total for both sides
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What happened with your friends bwo
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Fish for Curio that lands Shields on damage taken and then Golden Blessing of Preservation that allows shield stacking + common Nihility that heals on DoT and tank everything with (you)rself.
You are now aware that your body is constantly actively swallowing saliva
Firefly love!
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I was going to post, but it was detected as "spam". Can't do shit
Good day everyone
Jumped to the next flavor of the month
isnt berserk stacks infinitely and you will die sooner than kill the boss?
AI anon, where are you? Can I get Hunt M7 in her hunt outfit with big milkers?
You mean macrosegregation? I did that just last run actually. But I still died in the second stratum or whatever because I literally did not due enough damage to kill the chink monkey before it enraged and started one shotting all my characters lmao
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If you're using a break team, remembrance and try to get all of the blessings that freeze/dissociate enemies. It's fairly easy to stop the enemies from ever taking a turn.
FUA, make sure you have Sigga then just take all the shield blessings, the Amber Wall curio, the enhanced version of the shared-damage destruction blessing, and Comet Nucleus and/or Calling Card. With good enough luck Aventurine can even solo just with Amber Wall
For DoT, uh, I did beat it with DoT but I can't remember what I used besides the energy-on-DoT blessing and a lot of brain in a vat blessings, and I was ulting 20 times a cycle
am i the only girl here???
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hold up I'm autobattling my dailies
Protect black swan. Befriend black swan. Bridal carry black swan into bed. Slam dunk a baby into black swan's womb. Cuddle fluffy swan. Cook black swan breakfast. Picnic with black swan under the sun. Stir fry black swan's favorite food in a wok. Toss black swan into the hotel pool. Urinate into black swan's drug test for her. Judo throw black swan's enemies into a wood chipper. Twist black swan's jar lids off. Report black swan to the based department. Karate chop black swan's steak in half. Cradle pregnant black swan's belly. Trap black swan in marriage. Crush black swan's amazon boxes in the trash compactor. Liquefy black swan's food when she's sick. Eat swan pussy. Dissect black swan's trauma. Stomp bugs in black swan's apartment with steel toed boots. Bake treats for black swan in the oven. Memorize black swan. Mandatory impregnations for black swan. Grind black swan some smoothies in the blender. Drown black swan in love and attention. Vaporize black swan's worries with a ray gun. Help old black swan down the stairs. Feed alligators at the zoo with black swan. Slice black swan's birthday cake with a katana.
your girlfriend is underage
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her bare feet on my face
I mean that 3 of that is enough to Tank
Obviously everything else goes into Damage.
It's just that DoT build means - Enemy's enormous SPD transforms into heals AND shields.
It's impossible to die with this little combo so you can concentrate everything else on Damage output.
yeah, but the first side is free with these chars
out of 10
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Feixiao made me respect women
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Imagine living in a debased country. Couldn't be me, EU chads win again.
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We love IPC kino here.
I wonder how fofo would feel about getting her feet licked....
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She's so strong and cool!
My FUARKING heroes.....and Jade
Should I use my double drops on salsotto or the new sets?
You have to go back
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Hitting curio reset with a lot of garbage/destroyed curios feels great.
I say this
she looks so much cooler outside her ult
surely one stoneflop banner will sell
probably the vampire one
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That was already Aventurine
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Like mr. Architect wanted
Eventually she will need to change battleframes ...
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Try putting them on first half first of all.
Motorboating firefly's belly
but it's already a man's frame...
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>he deleted KING
mindbroken lol
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Is this general really so dead that fofoschizo got two threads in a row?
MORE carbs!
Bellies are for blowing raspberries, not motorboating
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The absolute state of chinaslop
sooooo true, where's hertaschizo making 5 threads and keeping them alive for hours
That should be her canon breast size and when she walks around in luofu clothes the luofu girls look at her with envy.
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Moving to her bosom
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bros... i think i'm starting to like DU.
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Honkai: Star Rail?
This post has nothing to do with Honk Star bucks
Wow I love getting a 5 star cone to reset my pity at 60 pulls
omg i really should care about this as a player who doesn't own any shares in hoyoverse
Even our flops do better than that lol
>Not a single chink in the top 10
I truly, TRULY despite salesfags
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Fofo wonned
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I used to do that with my gf
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Unli farming
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how tf are they flopping so hard lol?
Firefly, Kafka, Acheron, March, Sparkle GODS...
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>A new game and a new region cant compete with us at our worse
Don't you faggots have /biz/ to talk about sales and money related shit? why don't you fuck off with that off topic garbage?
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is lynx still acquirable via the story? and will she continue to be?
Jade, Jaoquiu, Feixiao, i apologize
Personally I hope that G*nshin succeeds so their writers stay over there and don't get moved to HSR
You get her by clearing Pure Fiction stage 2 iirc, and it's permanent
Where is Kafka and why did you post this? I REPEAT WHERE IS KAFKA, WHAT YOU DID TO MOM?!
Yes it's permanent
>Don't you faggots have /biz/ to talk about sales and money related shit?
that's only for Firefly
I still can have sex with that
I dunno if they removed that but you could get her when unlocking Pure Fiction and did the first two levels.
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Firefly rabu
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Why is Aventurine in a burka??
Why is hoyo making me consider whaling
And I thought pinkfox sales were bad, jesus fucking christ
FF rerun... when...?
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The reigning defending and undisputed champion
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What could you possibly want to whale on? We're dead for at least the next 15 weeks
Firefly Supremacy
Feixiao, Robin and Topaz
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He is hotter when he covers his dumb chest hole
I wonder if Firelfy can actually surpass both TBs
Wifecheron rerun where?
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He'll yeah, I got huohuo e1+cone and never regretted it. Also, wtf happened to genshit, is it really finally dying? Ngl, since wuwa launched I never went back.
full of tapioca tea
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All the random "you're banned" messages I've seen when out and about on mobile data have been either someone having a racist melty on /pol/ about aventurine's clansmen, or someone having posted child porn
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Licking Huohuo's feet!
Swirling my tongue between her cute toes!
2.7, I hope. Maybe even 3.0
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>It was Hertashizo who single-handedly banned image posting for entirety of New-York half-a-year ago
LMFAO. He's not even a burger.
that's the cuckposter who was falseflagging as Hertaschizo
is the penacony planar good on anyone
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Poor huohuo..
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Even if so! He deserve not such a credit so I will consider this a Hertashizo achievement!
I miss Sneed…I took those comfy threads for granted
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you're replying to them
For raping her like the useless onahole she is
For Paizuri
For footjobs
For handjobs
For kissing and showing deep affection.
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ty ty. playing with minimal spend so trying to build around guaranteed characters.
Using Dragonfly horns as handlebars!
Touching Firefox fluffy tail!
Touching Pepeshifly antenna thing!
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I don't think so, she's often drawn with either of them
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>Huohuo star rail
>Tounching a pepeshi puffball
Fucking degenerate
>Touching peepshi antenna
>b-but males will sell better! just look at how well L&DS did!
>flops despite having the Naruto and Sasuke buff
Touching pepeshi balls is considered rape.
So hertaschizo is from New York?
I mean, he will indeed sell better than Mualani by the end of the banner
Let's be honest everyone is waiting for the Archon.
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mwah mwah mwah mwah chuuuuuuuu
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Thanks to posts like this and the one milkman, i like Acheron more, I'm saving for her
>locks toughness bar
>>b-but males will sell better! just look at how well L&DS did!
No one says this. You can't even do the same thing to characters as you can with LaDs.
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>and the one milkman
Yeah me too I think he's the most based person in this thread!
>look at sneed and memespace
the females who play mihoyo gachas are not yumes, they are kekolds (shippers)
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That won't stop me hahaha
When are we going to get more japanese characters?
The KING is so smug
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Sparkle is Japanese?
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The KING is getting plenty of mommy milk these days! With that much calcium he will grow up good.
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Agent N the Genshin sabotager...
I know the Neuvillette poster is trying but it just isn't as funny as the Firefly poster on /gig/
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She is from planet sparkle, which is considered japanese territory like oedo star where she pretended to be an actress.
Husband spotted
I want to go to the planet where she "pretended" to be a courtesan
>hertaschizo making mass /zzz/ threads
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I broke him
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Is Xueyi the oldest playable character?
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No, she died hundreds of years ago so she's disqualified. Hanya has the oldest mentioned age while still being alive. Many other characters may be older but for obvious reasons the specifics are gatekept.
When will the next bare feet hebe goddess arrive
>It gives a lot more points for the battle pass
I want to have sex with hertaschizo (real)
How old is Hanya?
The Vidyadharas are immortal, not sure if that counts, though
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At least 1300. Likely much older.
God how I wish she and bug mei had swapped kits
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Listening emo music with my Gloomy wife Hanya and her sister while we smoke and cope on how bad things really are.
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I need a playable blonde mommy character
>almost 3x times older than Yae
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I have bad news.
Id rather use Robin or Fast Bronya. If you are a soulless metafag, I hope you enjoy the gay fox
>5 /vg/ schizos are having a melty at the same time
>/hsrg/ is filled with boring posts and AIshit
this place is bottom of the barrel
It might be Jingliu
The Sedation of Imbibitor Lunae happened 700 years ago, and she's Jing Yuan's mentor, so she must've been much older than that
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JingLiu's milk is permafrozen though.
Also King is canonically into women younger than him.
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I proclaim a heavy spell on each and every one of you who reads this.

If you are a cuckposter, I hereby proclaim that you are cursed to the end of your life with misery, pain and suffering that you inflict on others with your pointless posts. You will lose all your 50/50s in every gacha you play. You will lose all your stat gear rolls to flat stats and irrelevant stats. You will be cursed indefinitely until you change your behaviour and improve as a individual.

However, if you are a pure soul with no malice in your heart and treat people as you would yourself, then may you win all of your 50/50s, stat rolls and have a good day, evening or night. I wish you all the best in life.
1300 yr old Hanya milkies
Reminder that Ganyu is at least 3,000 years old
Can Star Rail beat THAT
Comfy bread = good bread, we don't need more schizos here.
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I finally found it guys
The holy grail of HSRG
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We don't talk about Hanya's age
All me btw
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This anime was a fucking masterpiece man
I can't use twatter man...
>woman in her 40s asking you out
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That's so fucking small man
This man ended up SEX in this new years and didn't even wear his Ruan Mei dress. He got creampied while the dicklets danhomos didn't.
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Happy new year
Almost as small as aventurines titktok hours KEK!!!!!
Firefly has AIDS
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She's so cute bros.
for me it's a ruan pouch
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Dating in your 20's: Heh, that guy's stupid, I bet I can fuck his brains out
Dating in your 40's: If I get donor sperm, measure my temperature to determine exactly when I'm ovulating and then slip Everclear into his diet coke until he passes out, I bet I could convince him he knocked me up...
I regret rolling E0S1 Topaz Lawrence
Lots of characters have aids
Acheron and Aventurine? Nihility aids
Feixiao? All the aids in the world
Blade and Jingliu? Mara aids
Dan? Doesnt have a dick
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i think you misspelled argenti, arlan, aventurine, blade, boothill, dan heng, dr ratio, gallagher, jiaoqiu, jing yuan, luocha, misha, moze, welt and yanqing bro
Managed to roll for Himeko and Kakfa.
I felt something when Himeko called me a lucky boy in her text chat, and Kafka said she was happy that I was missing her.
I finally felt something.
flopflop is only made for reipu
My powercrept by a 4 star wife Topaz Jelena Lawrence....
Technically Firefly is at least 10000 years old
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>Gepard not mentioned
I'm noooooticing
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And Yelan is like 38 and a regular mortal human who looks her age, which makes her the biggest hag in Mihoyo games.
>Hes has Robin+Sparkle+Black Swan cosplays
How much sex does this guy has on different holidays?
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firefly is like 10000 years old
Zoomers have no idea how bad dating is in your 30s
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I'm losing interest in HSR...
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Suspended animation doesn't count, otherwise March is likely a turbo-hag.
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I want to make Jingliu feel young again...
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Have we talked about this yet? New AS team stats.
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>firefly shilled
Only appearance rate matter retardbro
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Alright so SAM kicked my ass, but this time things should go better (I hope).
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I love my beloved wife..
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Appearance rate is a fucking meme. Usage rate is way better.
Hi, Zatzgod
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wait the cyclic weekly final boss isn't fixed? I thought it was fixed so that you could strategize...
>good heavens, just look at the time!
spite hours, indeed.
if shilling was all it took for a character to succeed why did arleccino flop?
>Appearance rate is a fucking meme.
this but usage rate
>bro out of the 12 people that rolled for pink npc 8 used him hes soooooooooo busted bro
I will keep you up to date if I drop this game
I won't keep you up to date
>Dot out performing meta acheron
You faggots said dot is dead. Glad I never listen to you
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The same reason Awormurine flopped
Such a shame, you posted a GOAT pic as well because it has one of the actual Chink dresses that I find sexy, not Hoyo's homebrew sloppa chink dresses.
Oh I just realized Prydwen uses appearance rate anyway. Damn.
Arlanchino was boar as men??
Why is she so smug?
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I am the 1%
Shes trans-coded yes
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I unironically think Block Builder is better than some of the 3 star equations.
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He’s a Bong
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sex with this pink fat whore
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Neu Hoyo will never make something even half as sexy as simple qipao like this
Beauty in simplicity, as they say.
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can't wait for big herta
Soemone got banned trying to post that.
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Thanks for all your help. In the end I stopped going to combat domains altogether and kept gambling on occurrences. Got so lucky with this run and I'm now so over DU kek
congratulations, ZatzGOD
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Thanks bro.
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>Feixiao AS
>Firefly 44.73%
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>pag mei
You beat DU
honkai feet worship
/hsrg/ told me firefly was made for (You) but her use rate is decreasing
Your wife is a whore, Hertaschizo
>>Feixiao AS
>Acheron rank 6
Uhm you guys said she would be T0 until EoS. What happened?
wtf I was told to save for firefly but she's already been powercrept?

Remind me why they told me I needed to roll the sigger and his girlfriend again?
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I don't want Herta to be for (you) tbqh.
Her main appeal, at least to me, is her bitchy personality.
I'm afraid that making her fall in love with you will completely destroy her personality and turn her into a cardboard box.
She doesn't have to love me, just being friends is good enough for me.
Speaking from experience, having friend(s) of opposite sex whom you can talk without filter or sexual tension feels really good.
>153 rolls no Robin
Hehehehehhahahahehehehea I AM FUCKING DONE

Do you see TB in any other team?
Always and without exception keep 28800 jade on hand for an emergency full pity
Expecting ~80 rolls per 5* has never gone wrong for me, you'll make it bro.
I single pulled your Robin I’m sorry bro
>theyre still at top
Firefly has one team.
Feixiao having 13% appearance rate is surprising. So people really did pull for her at least.
I rolled Robin by accident and got cucked out of Kafka e6.

To explain: When I went into shop and redeemed my jades for tickets, it went to Robin instead of Kafka. I wasn't paying attention and one ten pull later I was welcomed to some strange world.
Did you fall for the FUD thinking people rolled for Kafka and Swan? This was Feixaio and Robin's banner.
anons told you that robin is the FuA core character, aka enables the whole fua gameplay, not kakaurine, not brickpaz.
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Soon Lingsha will be on top, just you wait
i mean technically hard pity is 90 so, you never know
Stop listening to schizos and doomposter
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the banner defaulting to robin instead of keeping your choice is a scam, sorry to hear that happened to you anon
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Incest kino?
there’s a bug crawling on my face
What's Firefly even doing here?
C & C at the top!
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Aiming at cock
a cheld spider im afraid
you have aids now
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Let her in.
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HSR for this feel?
Going in for a tackle.
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Which planar ornaments did you farm?
>pag humor
KEK based!
Also damn that ratio
Their names are Hotaru and Hanabi
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she isn't a whore and I'm not hertacschizo... Tingyun is a girl that saves herself for marriage
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Lmao, thank you for that Anon.
Blade catching random strays kek
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EXTREMELY cursed image.
You should be spam farming Lushaka so you can put +36% atk on your hypercarry
you lost anteater schizo
this reminds me, how does Robin work with Blade?
Their names are Steve
shouldn't you be dying in ukraine?
who else here is happy dr analwormitas paggio got powercrept by feixiao
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I tried to farm Duran for Herta/Moze/Himeko and Kalpagni for Harmony TB and got fucking nothing. I got this which pissed me off looking at it just now.
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Firefly is nothing without SAM
If she didn't have a mech suit, she'd just be another bland and boring waifu with no personality or redeeming quality.
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Black Swan floats because she's a memetic entity and isn't real.
How does Lingsha float? She doesn't. The animations we've seen thus far are essentially high quality placeholders. We'll get a surprise companion quest in the 2nd half of this patch for Lingsha where she will reveal her lamia form. The current floating animations was the best way to not have the animators duplicate their efforts for her upper body while swapping the lower body in place with the lamia tail.
Not me because I'm not a male hating schizo and I appreciate the work he did before her.
Anon, thinking about "worms" 24/7 is not healthy
im taking a break sometimes
lol you insta triggered the analwormers and also yes im happy i have finally built a fua team for all that fua shilling mihomo likes to do
Dan Homo can fly too so all higher tier dragon people must be able to float
She floats because she is a dragon bitch, like Dan who also floats. Cope.
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it's firefly time!
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I want to fuck Yunli's feet
perfect being
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And Herta would be nothing without the doll joints. Your point?
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content doko
Let it go Lamiabro..
Shouldn't you be dying in Ukraine or something
Duran but its looking like all relic shards...
in other games.
go clear your backlog, you lazy bum.
I know you have at least 2-3 JRPGs that you haven't cleared yet
Eva reference in the wardance event
Shouldn't you be living life to the fullest?
How would Yunli react if she found out (you) love her feet
She'd be the type of girl who would act grossed out over it but then get mad when you start talking about Clara's feet instead: "what about MY feet huh?"
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freshly harvested from aventurines intestinal tract btw
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I already finished a game on my backlog this week.
Dan 2 was the literal high elder of the Vidyadhara and has the cloudhymn magic. Lingsha by comparison is just a random vidyadhara alchemist. You're coping
>DoT gets a shill buff and Acheron is gimped by using Sparkle instead of Robin
>Barely wins
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How do I auto the Feixiao boss?
The event cone for Robin is kinda meh
Isn't the cone with March on it better
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Take a whaled Aventurine support from your friendlist. Let it afk for 5 mins
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Love my Jade x Herta team
My rapeable teen wife had a very successful thread
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(You) should start paying more attention to her feet
That's Screwllum's damage
did you skipped Fu?
So nobody noticed this anon had 80 blessings?
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I just use FF + fug inestead of gallag and it does just fine
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BRICKeron strong for only two patches...
Found an E1S1 Aventurine and it seems to be working
No I do have her but I'm still dying. I lost the Aventurine coinflip during his banner and thought Fu Xuan would still do the job; she doesn't really.
floperon is... future-proof...
Every thread "swarmed" with that crap. Wake me up when Fireflop will finally stop being a thing or at least this shitty character will go and fucking die like she was supposed to...
So Acheron is actually dogshit now? lol
Uh oh melty
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>so she must've been much older than that
She is from the Cangcheng ship, that got destroyed in 6300 SC. There is a book that talks about Lingsha becoming the new cauldron master with the date 8100 SC. So Jingliu is 1800 years old.
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Prioritized Velocity Salesforce Tier 1 Feature Requirements Value Blockchain Alignment Mock-up Stakeholders Budgets OKRs Jira Circle-back Enterprise Thinking Sharepoint MVPs Timetables Use Case Communications Mission Statement Business Atlassian Microsoft Compliance Management Touchbase Agile Workshop Initiative
Your Fu sucks
how come silver wolf isn't used at all anymore even with acheron
>She is from the Cangcheng ship
Hanya was alive before the ship got destroyed, as another anon stated
So we still don't know who's older
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Firefly is eternal.
she doesn't do anything relevant these days, jiaoqiu and even pela are better debuffers and so many DPSes have inbuilt universal toughness reduction
Hanya is hag modeled ergo she is older
Penacony's new map in 2.6 is a school?
Because why would you and typically Sparkle's "support" already outstrips what SW brings to the table. That and people have E2 Acheron
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Super broken
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Constance soon
Yeah, was just clarifying for that anon how old Jingliu is, since we have a decent estimate. She is referred to as a girl when her training began after the destruction of her ship, so she is probably still pretty young when it happened.
Pagfly killed Star Rail. We're all playing ZZZ now
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This game needs more breedable blondies.
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You can see her underwear...
Why is the rat flopping then
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Aventurine is enough
Is it fine if I give Feixiao’s cone to Dr Ratio?
Because pinkfox exists
The funny part is even with pinkfox, Acheron is already falling behind
Yes, it's only 5% worse than her cone.
>this is considered a diverse cast
I don't think it's even an improvement over his own? Unless you don't have it of course then probably yeah it's good.
>Hanya's Character Story: Part III
>Memories she refuses to recall, fragments of her human existence from millennia past, resurface momentarily before gradually fading away...
>her human existence from millennia past
I don't think it's unreasonable to assume that she is at least 2000 years old
If my Fu Xuan keeps dying to big nukes should I buy texture of memories or get her light cone
she's currently on laudau's choice
It only gives him +15% crit rate which Boat already does. He can't really benefit from the DEF ignore because his ult does like 30k damage on a good day.
True, not enough niggers for our american xisters
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My lovely wife Sushang
I love Fofo so much bros... I would breed her so many times we would need an entirely new Xianzhou ship solely for the new little foxians...
Roll Aventurine
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You're so cute when you think you're important
*tussles hair*
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Can I interest you in rolling for Robin?
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is the current newest Planar Set a BiS for anyone?
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My wife makes every Event she appears in a thousand times better
Where's Hertaschizo or Tingyunschizo? Why is Huohuoschizo allowed to vandalize 2 threads back to back?
it's apparent the staff are pests
I have no fucking clue what to spend my double planars on, I'm satisfied with all my planars
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Fofo is the most plappable honkai
Robin should've been a fairy girl and not a birbgirl
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Can DoTcheron save a swanless DoT comp?
I already have Robin.
I nibble on her chicken wings daily.
That's Sparkle, she's tricked you.
Imagine Huohuo in heat...
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Why did Aventurine WIN?
Even better.
sweaty girl feet
Me on my back getting star railed
I can never fap to fofo because it's like you're fapping to mr. tail
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I drive.
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IPC slam pig
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dotcheron only works because of Swan E1, her def shred, vulnerabilty debuff on her ult and the way she gives Acheron +1 stack everytime she enters battle with technique... so no. Kafka works without Swan tho just pull enough eidolons
is sparkle a tranny?
I kind of wish they showed the playable Foxian cast when Hoolay put the blood moon thing in the sky. They showed NPC Foxians starting to go blood crazed but I think it would have been kind of hot and spawned some fun fanart if they showed Yukong and Huohuo start to lose it.
Mostly just a small upgrade to any Vonwacq user like Robin
Probably BiS for Jing Yuan but who cares
Robin has the best E1 in the game. That said, I don't think anyone should roll eidolons unless they really like that character or they're a dolphin/whale. You're giving up another character for that damage buff.
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One of these is an evil sociopath animal abuser mad scientist
I want to get my soul drained dry by Tingyun in heat...
I want to mud wrestle Feixiao while she's in heat
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Extreme dehydration may be avoided in an emergency by sucking at the breasts.
>JP VA talking about playing the game and rolling for their characters
Neat, cool, happy for them
>NA VA talking about playing the game and rolling for their characters
Desperate faggots looking for a crumb of internet celebrity and validation and trying to get laid with fat fans

Its the same situation and yet why do I feel so differently?
Do NOT disrespect my PINK king
she would be really musky
NA VAs are arrogant wannabe hollywood superstars
thing: >:(
thing Japan: :O
Because you're a dumb weeaboo
Wait, Hanya sleeps in a coffin?
Is there any official art you can see it in?
This >>495692795
No two ways around it.
for some reason people on 4chud tend to worship japs for no reason
No, Xueyi does.
thats xueyi
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Foxian milk... decided to keep (you) healthy and strong (for more "milk" drainage)...
>no breasts
>huge clown feet
bro this aint doing it for me
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Are we pulling BRAPPA?
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maybe a tenner or to if I like her in the filler episode.
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Mole too small.
>I don't think it's unreasonable to assume that she is at least 2000 years old
Yeah you're probably right, I forgot that her character story even directly says she lost Xueyi when the Cangcheng was destroyed.
>She saw the crimson star known as "Rahu" suspended high amidst the clouds atop the Xianzhou Cangcheng, pulsating like a beating heart.
And since she was on the battlefield with a weapon, that means she was a trained warrior at that point.
And fuck I keep forgetting how fucking sad their stories are. It even references the "Under the Blue Sky" LC in a fucked up way. Such a shame that the sisters are just 4*, almost treated like filler. Would have been cool if they would have gotten a companion mission that goes somewhat in their history, but feel like with the prison now being a map they kinda lost their chance.
i cant because i have to roll Lingsha and Acheron cone
If her character is good then sure
I have zero need to roll for meta in the foreseeable future, I have like 5 viable endgame teams
I do believe that, but I just can't seem to interpret this any other way
>Hanya's Character Story: Part IV
>On one side of the coffin, a white-robed judge fixes her gaze upon the sealed coffin. Observing her sister's slumber had been routine during her human days.
The "white-robed judge" has to be Xueyi, which means her sister, Hanya is in the coffin
sex with hertaschizo
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This game needs actual yume self insert desu
Stelle doesn't look generic enough and she doesn't have men fighting over her.
2 millenia old tiddies
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She does nothing for my penis. I will throw a 10 pull at her to allow God to decide if i get her or not, but nothing more than that.
Kinda unsure on her, even if I pull might only go to the 50/50. I like her design and animations, but her kit is just not doing it for me. Only talent is something cool, rest is just clunky. Might see if she wins me over in the story and/or if next patch units suck.
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Is this good on Aventurine?
Stelle looks like she's on Xanax 24/7 (and that is a good thing)
Different take from you, but I'm glad its not expanded on. They are good characters because of their mystery and because its not expanded on. Look at Yukong's child. Everyone liked the fact that Yukong was a mommy until it was revealed the kid as adopted.
this is amazing on aventurine, the only way it could be better is if it had SPD instead of flat DEF
>NA VA don’t give a shit about the companies that feed them; they’ll stab them just for the sake of drama farming
Neat, cool, happy for them
>JP VA respect the companies that feed them, and most of their drama only comes from their private lives
Desperate faggots looking for a crumb of internet celebrity and validation and trying to get laid with fat fans

Its the same situation and yet why do I feel so differently?
If you're going for an offensive build it sure is.
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For me, it's Topaz.
The closest you will get is Feixiao though, she has two twinks
Not everything needs to be explained to the finest detail
It's at least a 24% damage increase when in ultimate
It will also never ever pay for itself unless you get it in like, 3 pulls
Why are Rappa's skills names so sexual? What is Love Deep?
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Death to footfags
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Can you stop scratching my back? Firefly started asking questions
>pay for itself
holy lack of soul, you roll eidolons to make your favorites better and Robin's does that for everyone
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>Feet = bad
>Armpits= ok
Cute boy
>An Aurumaton Spectral Envoy approaches her. "A new task?" The white-robed judge turns to the envoy.
>"If you wish to remain and attend to Madam Hanya, I can ask other judges to undertake the task instead."
You could have just quoted a few lines later, it directly states that the white-robed judge that is watching is Xueyi.
>That she will dream of nimble hands gently crowning her head with a wreath.
Also fuck, this line actually got me. Going from under the blue sky when Hanya was happy, to Hanya almost giving up and allowing the tree to embrace her, to this line.
I actually liked Yukong's quest, I consider it one of the best in the game since it deals with the emotional subject in a very nice way. But I do see your point, mihoyo could just overexplain it or ruin it in some other way while now it allows for your brain to fill in the gaps. But I didn't mean give a literal flashback, just a nice quest of the two sisters being allowed to go outside or something. Just some small happiness that continues their story instead of it just being some almost hidden away text. In voiced content, Hanya just appears like a gloomy stereotype from some LN, while there is much more behind that that could be explored some more.
Me as Topaz here.
Robin is pretty popular, that's a nice surprise.
Hell, now that I take a closer look Penacony cast literally tops everything.
Also where the hell is Seele and Bronya?
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Last time I checked japanese VAs don't boycott the company that pays their salaries because there aren't enough niggers in the game.
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She's a size queen...
>her character story even directly says she lost Xueyi when the Cangcheng was destroyed
I wouldn't call it direct at all if what you mean is
>As she gripped her fractured sword for a desperate struggle, she suddenly saw a smiling face blossoming upon the tree — a reflection of her sister's face.
that part
>It even references the "Under the Blue Sky" LC in a fucked up way
How so? The LC doesn't have a lot of lore to it, does it? It's just 4 short sentences
>Such a shame that the sisters are just 4*, almost treated like filler
I kinda agree with the other anon
This way it makes it more mysterious and you have to actually care and put a bit of effort into learning about it, if you want to know their lore
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Strongest belobogian WARRIOR
The post is not talking about boycotting though, just about them playing and rolling.
don't worry, my tongue will NEVER touch your feet sushang
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Surprised Himeko is so low. Unless she's rolled into HI3 or something.
nobody really cares bout hi3
No but there's enough reasons to dislike them. Plus wouldn't be the first time ENG VAs are grooming minor fans on the side.
stinky foxians using their stinky foxian pheromones to seduce and claim helpless human men...
Lets see her penis
It's them streaming and trying to build a community more than anything. It feels so blatantly artificial when you see VAs talk about how they want to fuck Adventurine or whatever.
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That's a Hertaschizo
who dis please
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>I actually liked Yukong's quest,
I did too, but as you said, overexplaining is a problem too.

Honestly, a good quest for the two of them would be Sushang and (you) following Hanya around per Xueyi's request as Xueyi thinks she's acting strange. Have Xueyi say something like "I don't want to throw her in jail, but I ahve to be impartial" or some such. She's going to sus places and doing sus things. Turns out to be a gift related to their childhood, something related to one of Xueyi's friends or something. Ends with a drawn picture of the two smiling and hugging.
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>just whale on your favorites gweilo! It's SOVL!
Not today Zhang
>Hell, now that I take a closer look Penacony cast literally tops everything.
I feel like Penacony kinda revived the art scene. Game was practically dead, both in art but also after the space china slog. But Penacony had some archetypes that really attracted the Japanese audience, like Firefly and Sparkle. Even Robin is pretty close to the idol archetype. You can even see the interest in region breakdown, remember someone a few patches back pointing out that HSR has way more JP revenue than other mihoyo games like Genshin. That is probably also why they went all out on JP marketing. So the higher interest in JP means also way more interest by JP artists. Let's hope two fucking patches of chinaslop didn't kill that interest
Who could I run with Ack if I pulled E0S0? Pela? Gui? Sampo? Which 5* chars, also at E0S0? I like her, but it would feel miserable to not have any team for her to feel synergistic in.
I'm getting Fire Emblem Fates vibes with TB relationship with both AE and SH.
>Another artificial discord melty
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Cute and canon
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If she can clear MoC12, yes. If she cannot, no.
I still am missing an img dps.
There's a non-zero possibility this is a woman.
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Lingshabros how are your funds looking?
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No doll joints is kinda bad.

Black Swan + Kafka. Biggest single boost to that team would be getting Black Swan's E1 for the future.
>Honestly, a good quest for the two of them would be Sushang and (you) following Hanya around per Xueyi's request as Xueyi thinks she's acting strange. Have Xueyi say something like "I don't want to throw her in jail, but I ahve to be impartial" or some such. She's going to sus places and doing sus things. Turns out to be a gift related to their childhood, something related to one of Xueyi's friends or something. Ends with a drawn picture of the two smiling and hugging.
TB doesn't has obligations with neither
334 pulls on a guarantee
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180 pulls just in time for her banner. I want Rappa along side her, so I'm hoping I get both of them early, or at least one of them.
>You could have just quoted a few lines later, it directly states that the white-robed judge that is watching is Xueyi.
That doesn't make it any more clearer why Hanya was in the coffin, unless I'm missing something
Man genshin really warped my perception of the fanart, even the shitters get 2k easily
Much better.
I just fapped to this
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New Kafka doujin got translated.
Not that, its about the chemistry, the evil family is the best one in that game too.
>put black rubber bands to look like there's indents, making it look like real doll joints
That's actually pretty clever
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Why not?
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Hertaschizo was right
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Firefly 6.9k
>I wouldn't call it direct at all if what you mean is
I would say the only time Rahu shows up in relation to the Cangcheng is when it is destroyed. It could be some other unrelated memory, but to me it reads as one big scene. The next paragraph directly references Rahu as the nightmarish moonlight, so the paragraph after it also being part of the same battle does make sense to me.
>How so? The LC doesn't have a lot of lore to it, does it? It's just 4 short sentences
I meant the picture on the LC. It has human Xueyi placing a flower wreath on top of Hanya. And then when Hanya basically gives up, it says:
Nimble branches gently crowned her head with a wreath. She allowed the foliage, leaves, and fragrant blooms to encircle her, just as the tender hands had embraced her.
>Honestly, a good quest for the two of them would be Sushang and (you) following Hanya around per Xueyi's request as Xueyi thinks she's acting strange.
I might be way more melodramatic with this, but why not have Xueyi try to recreate the flower wreath from the LC. Since it is such a repeated scene from their past, having Xueyi recreate it and having them realize that they are both still kinda alive and can do this with each other would be a nice end.
>meet a random NPC on the street
>their unvoiced quest is at least twice as long as a personal quest of a playable character
They really gotta stop this shit
Fuukafly my beloved...
The enemy...
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one ten pull away from pity and hoping I can get Tingyun when her banner arrives. not sure if I'll have enough jades if the worst case scenario happens
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>Reduces ur party HP/SP to 1
That's nice, the retard who made the OP can still fuck off.
You don't have to do every quest.
P3fes>>>>>>>> demake
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I want to become her panties
No, you should be the one that fucks off. We're 500 post in already and you're still seething like a stupid bitch
Yeah I assumed that anon was also wrong, but upon reading that character story it became clear to me that it was written from Xueyi's pov. The rest is from Hanya's, but also references her being in a coffin. Part 1 has:
>She is a judge of the Ten-Lords Commission, bearing the code name, "Hanya."
>Observing her awakening, the aurumaton stationed beside the coffin commenced a rapid flurry of writing, its movements too swift for the naked eye to discern.
And part 2 does as well:
>"Is it time to drink again? I almost forgot." >She rose from the coffin. "Why are you bringing me the wine instead of Yepo, sister?"
>"Yepo... You don't remember, do you?" Her sister's eyelids close halfway. That is how her sister expresses concern — However, the ingenium forming her sister's body lacks the finesse to convey this expression, rendering it instead akin to a gesture of drowsiness
Hanya's character story is her drinking the forgetting wine to stop the memories from coming back, so guess you drink that in a coffin?
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I see some pink...
play a real dungeon crawler
the psp version is better solely because of femc
>Stupid bitch
YOU got fucked by a nigger and then ghosted by him, YOU should kill yourself already
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bro, your E6 HMC for your superbreak teams?
>those thighs
Yup, that's a man.
Can't believe they keep bullying their only female MC, she's a such a cutie and fun character compared to the boring male one too.
Too bad, that's not happening.
I only have E5. Let me guess: You need more?
Feixiao has like 700 right now btw
Hope that chinksloppa was worth it
What was this place like when firefly dropped?
>make a single female MC
>make her a canon pedophile
What did Fatlus mean by this
Getting all the treasure is a pain, E4 should be enough right?
Gladly keep seething you stupid bitch. I'll keep sucking on your delicious salty tears
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>I only have E5
You have E4. E5 and E6 are rewarded at the exact same time by hitting level 50 on the statue. It's actually impossible to only be at E5.
Not canon btw
Yeah, E6 adds 2 extra hits on HTB's skill, which both increase toughness damage and gives extra energy. That energy especially fixes HTB's rotation so you don't have to use an ERR rope but can instead use a break one.
No, I only have E5. I refuse to use the E6 so I can find him easily on the chart until I finish farming trace materials.
How does nigger cock feel and taste retarded faggot?
horrible but kino before, pretty good during it, horrible and souless after (current)
That was back when they were based, before Sony sold out and changed their HQ to California instead of Kyoto.
We peaked, now we live like husks
We peaked there
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I don't wanna pull Swan. I don't wanna run Swan. It's so over, why do not one but TWO carries I like need her?
you are not me.
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Mitsuki Nanoka!
There was surprisingly dead weeks after the first one
this is a MALE CHILD
It was bad, and it felt like the slowest fucking banner ever. Even Jade felt faster.
That's my son
Burned out to a nothing burger after less then a week, so much for muh waifu
>fucked a boy
>fucked a dog
>fucked a god
>fucked a zombie
>fucked a robot
she had a while ride before fatlus buried her
Making a happy go lucky femc for a game about nihility and death wasn't exactly brightest idea. She would fit much better in P4
you don't own danbooru filenames you retarded ass nigger
just put your tripcode up and be done with it
General changed for the worse
My wife Topaz is so perfect
>Even Jade felt faster
That's just seems so because you completely forgot everything about it.
Life to footfriends
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your gay
The good ol' times
cope, portable was shit and added nothing worthwhile and femc was troonabit garbage. door kun will always be the real MC, cuck narukami and joKEK will never be as based and deep as door
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What about my gay?
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I don't have to use a tripcode. Everyone knows you're a false fofoposter it's obvious.
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I'm NOOTICING a distinct lack of Aventurine posting, i bet they're currently Flopflop posting
*licks ur pussy*
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Based beyond belief
Nah, she was perfect because of that, she brought a bit of hope and liveliness to an otherwise pretty depressing game, even made Shinji my favorite male character in that game.
Also in P4 she would overlap with Chie so it won't do.
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I'm here, hello!
They could have made Chie a goth, since goth was relatively big at the time.
>so guess you drink that in a coffin?
I wouldn't say that, because
>>"Is it time to drink again? I almost forgot." >She rose from the coffin.
This line states that she was in the coffin before she began drinking. And by the "I almost forgot", I think it's safe to assume that at least the primary purpose of the coffin isn't to drink the wine
I also wonder if it's the same coffin as Xueyi's
>>She is a judge of the Ten-Lords Commission, bearing the code name, "Hanya."
This is also interesting, since they said codename, it makes it sound like it's not Hanya's real name
Though I kind of doubt that, we probably would've gotten a clue of it elsewhere as well. Also, I believe Xueyi would refer to her sister with her real name
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just confirming if you have it
>Seething at firefly
Chill mr. Hindsight
Who hurt you?
The male mc died of aids
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Chad Narukami mogs door-kun tho
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Hmph! This is double speed
>make a single female MC
just because Atlus forgot Persona 2 exists doesn't mean you should too
Margaret is pretty much a goth.
Look, I'm all for hags, but that stupid condom hood just ruins it for me. If she had that luscious hair flowing freely she'd be a must pull
Pre-2.0 was amazing, just constant Gosling posting to her part from the trailer. Ignore the part where we had a week long melty when it leaked she was Sam back aroundg 1.3. 2.0 was pretty good with her being cute and all the theories about the future of the story. 2.1 was mostly absent due to Acheron and Aventurine, but some reactions from people who remained unspoiled and art of gundam/kamen rider Firefly. 2.2 was probably peak with the entire extra date, her reactions to the acting part got reposted a ridiculous amount of times. First week of 2.3 was pretty filled with her, since her banner dropped+the story shilling her that hard. But after that everyone was done with the story and rolled, plus penacony story was over. So we died.
if i already have feixiao and robin should i pull for feixiaos s1 or her e1? or robins s1?
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>He remembers P2 duology
Are you my brother from other parents?
door-kun being eternally kept alive via rehashes, time travel, and remakes will always be funny. fatlus and their own audience completely missed the point of the game.
cute couple
Robin E1, unless there's a specific reason you ignored that option?
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Persona 4 > Persona 3
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Firefly Love!
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C&C in summer!

Paghands typed this
no im just retarded ty
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This will be useful someday.
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>P2 mentioned
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You don't need Robin's cone if you are using her with FUA.
Out of all options I think E1 Robin would be the most valuable. Feixiao is a DPS, she will get powercrepted by a new shiny one soon enough
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Mein fuhrer
I guess we can all agree they both mog P5 in the story department, aside from your cousin, uncle and teacher most of the cast was pretty horrible compared to what Persona usually is about.
>All this talk that Tingyun 5* will powercreep TB
nigger if anything RM will lose her place cause FF just needs someone to give her Super Break when TB buffs is down
Does that asylum inmate still spam her 24/7 in the persona general?
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God I miss the old days with Blade madness posting, literally peaked there, instead of this shit we currently have with Fireslop saga...
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>he still has his Topaz on some cope set like Salsotto or Duran and hasn’t farmed a Wondrous BananAmusement Park set yet
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Black Swan without her hood is like removing horns of a goat. she is bald without it
It's about time they made HTB usseles, Lingspud powercreeps gallagher, Stingyun powercreeping HMC is just the natural progression of things
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Peniscony is just a poor man's P5
>when TB buff is down
how do you even manage to do that?
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Not our fault Blade turned out to be a big dissapointment (I like Blade)
Firefly Yoshizawa my beloved...
Who let /pg/ in here
ZZZ is just a poor's man P4.
>Liz in p4a tries to find a way keep erebus in the cuck cage and finding a way to bring door back in addition to going on her journey of self discovery
>just immediately gets forgotten along with minzauki being a vip of the velvet room
>all of this is just forgotten in the remaining spinoffs and never really nodded to in 5 apart from a rise cameo poster
man this is really gay. arena was truly the last time we would ever see a person cast way out of highschool sans 1 and the 2 duology
Wondrous BananAmusement Park isn't better than duran thougheverbeit
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Every other character has hair vents or a braid or something to liven up the top. Presumably she'd have one too they just didn't model it because the veil is stapled to her skin.
Resident IPC firelfy hating homotroons
>when TB buffs is down
You want them both because superbreak stacks
They've been raiding other generals trying to shill Reload and Metaphor.
>Lingspud powercreeps gallagher
only with E1 + Firefly, Gallagher is better everywhere else
What's Genshin
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You made me realize that firefly fits as a P3 social link. Her relationship with death and the hope to keep living after a life-changing experience in Penacony
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Sunday is a Maruki ripoff
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IPC grunt POV
you'll just use both HTB with Ting though
just like how you use M7 with Feixiao
The super brick buffs won't stack
It is if you have her light cone
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>sees someone with feminine body
mental illness
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I have never played a persona game
>My favorite vydia
>The most recent character that i like
It just literally click in my head that
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>make unironical Hitler a character in your game
>told to censor him
>give him sunglasses and call him Fuhrer instead
when did Atlus stop being based?
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>Tingyun 5* will powercreep TB
That's fine, the main character being in the meta is always the result of an immature game mechanic that needs to be fleshed out with an extension to the cast.
We like Chad Ziodynecock /here/, paglus.
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we love belobog here
Oh I think I found the reason. It was at the start:
>Since her daily work relies heavily on oneiromancy, she has been constantly struck by a tremendous influx of mara-tainted karmic information and grown detached from worldly matters.
Google says oneiromancy is predicting the future using dreams. Which is what the entire character story is about. So guess she sleeps in the coffin to do the dreaming, and needs to drink the wine to forget those memories from the dream to control the mara. The start of part 1 also makes sense if the coffin helps with the dreaming part.
>The colossal coffin, resembling a desolate vessel adrift in a tempest, sways amidst the tumultuous currents of the ocean of consciousness.
The first few dreams in that part are from her using oneiromancy, until she basically starts remembering her own memories. The end of part 1 also describes her work
>The verdict of her judgment has been revealed, and the names that materialized within her dreams are transcribed onto a jade abacus token.
And then she probably drinks the wine to forget those memories
>And within a few hours, the woman will no longer retain any recollection of them.
And last part is Xueyi, who basically reveals that humans need to do this part because
>Making karmic judgments and delivering sentences are profound tasks, and such responsibilities must be exclusively entrusted to judges who have detached from the mortal world yet remain attuned to the emotions of people, unlike aurumatons.
>That is why her sister is needed for the Ten-Lords Commission.
Man I thought their past was fucked up, but even their working conditions suck.
Jade is so fucking ugly.
that's a dude ass
HMC's super brick stacks with Firefly's super brick though?
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Calm down Mr. Schizo I'm just finally doing the Wardance event.
It's just a dating sim + dungeon crawler
Nothing impressive but can be very fun at times
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Still coping we will get well deserved OP schizo edgelord
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The closest P3 character was Cancerman who died at the end of the game.
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>he still has his Topaz on some cope cone like Swordplay or Final victor and hasn’t pulled a Worrisome, Blissful yet
>The super brick buffs won't stack
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>My tits are down here, sweetie
You can't say that FF has a character arc, that's forbidden
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I have it I meant Wondrous BananAmusement Park is better if you have her LC
I don't think he can last much longer...
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Not even her tits save her, she's easily the ugliest hag in this game. Not surprised she flopped so hard.
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Doesn't even matter if the Super Break bonuses don't stack, Tingyun's additional break bar would be worth the slot.
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Pic unrelated.
If you don't have 6 sets of Lushaka with 6 ER ropes your ass is literally bricked btw. The benchmark for any Hypercarry will be Acheron with +36% atk stacked from her teamates on Lushaka sets.
She has exo toughness?
if you are interested in doing so play a real SMT game instead
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>Played p3f
>Cried like a bitch with his death
>Played p4
>His book has been published by the kirijo
>Starts bawling again.
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Not cool man
What are you talking about?
True, she needs to have at least some character to have an arc.
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Avenpaz sisters, I've come to a conclusion: we don't have enough porn.
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two poots to flat attack
two poots to EHR
allegedly, yes.
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how mad would you be if Sunday was the super break support instead of Tingyun?
What's wrong, You don't like her deformed far apart eyes?
she already gets a shit ton of CD from her E1, her cone, Robin, March etc. the 25 % damage is way more better than more cd
>topaz cuckposting out of nowhere
Literally doing it out of spite
It’s just B*C/NTR tier now
we need more planets having an uprising against the IPC
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eh, that's fine, there's nothing wrong with my Firefly team right now anyway. I'll pull the fox and find a place to put her, even if it's just my lap.
That's my neighbor son
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I'll remember this
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>You don't like her deformed far apart eyes?
Yes. I know she's supposed to look like a snake but her 2d part doesn't reflect that. Her model is disgusting.

Does /u/troon spamming count as cuckshit now?
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I am enjoying myself.

This is sad but true.
Did you see anyone get mad when the fox homo got Acheron's debuffer role? No, they just didn’t pull for the character, that’s all.
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>Did you see anyone get mad when the fox homo got Acheron's debuffer role?
yes, atleast 3 melties per day
I would prefer that, or better, if neither had anything to do with super break, since it both already has a good team and is completely braindead
New units should focus on bringing older ones back into the meta, make them supports that would help DoT and Blade or something
Time for a Herta thread
>No, they just didn’t pull for the character, that’s all.
If only that's how the threads actually played out
>Did you see anyone get mad when the fox homo
Yes, I saw people being mad about him every day in this very thread
>Did you see anyone get mad when the fox homo got Acheron's debuffer role?
Yes? People are still seething to this day and both sides of the aisle too.
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Because it's not for fetish porn, it's cute and wholesome
Nigger i had melies over acks BIS being an NPC male FAGGOT, may your balls shrivel and fall off revisionist homonigger
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I don't like undercooked bread
Will someone bake a good thread?
stay out of Japan then.
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>eating carbs at all
>I will complain instead of grabbing the bull by the horns
shut your mouth if it's not to suck MY cock
That does makes sense
The Hanya lore conversations have been much fun
I wish i had a gambling addict gf like Qingque
Why so she can burn all your money on chinese poker?

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