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Previous: >>495665987

Version 1.2 "Tour de Inferno" Special Program
Agent Record | Caesar King
Agent Record | Burnice White

>Newest Trailer/Teaser/Character demo

>Current Signal Search
Jane Doe - 09/04 – 09/24 11:59
Sharpened Stinger - 09/04 – 09/24 11:59

>Current Events
"All New Program" - Receive Encrypted Master Tapes - Ends 09/24 03:59 (server time)
"Camellia Golden Week" - 08/21 10:00 (server time) - 09/23 03:59 (server time)
"Immersive Tactical Drill" - 09/06 10:00 (server time) - Ends 09/16 03:59 (server time)

>Upcoming Events for 1.1
"Scene One, Take One!" - Starts 09/13 03:59 (server time)
Full 1.1 Event Details: https://zenless.hoyoverse.com/en-us/news/125244

>Redeemable codes (claimable in-game or online)

>Resources and useful links
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banging . . . BOOS!
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Please reply to this post with a SCREENSHOT containing your UID if you would like to be added to or removed from the public UID list. A normal gameplay screenshot or camera shot is fine. This list will be transferred to a rentry in about 7 days. Also please put /vg/ or /zzz/ in your bio! (optional)
Brick Flop
the pedophile throwing a schizo tantrum is going to remember this humiliation for months.
remember that every time he announces his arrival.
floypi lost. jane, zhu, caesar all won.
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How do you get 4 substat discs at lvl0?
Idol faction will save ZZZ
why is the idol so sweaty? imagine the smell
it would've kept going, too, if jannies didn't cull the thread

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we know they'll outsell jane but who else
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Nicole is the purest of maidens!
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This. Keep complaining about thread quality while, at the same time, replying to shitposters.
Coming this Xmas (surely)
game will eos before they release because everyone is dropping this dogshit game
Can you blame him?
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Soldier 11 wants ATK% on her Disc #5.
You should remember this by now.
You already know they've been canned for a while.
We're getting THE STARLIGHT KNIGHTS instead
>have fire dmg
I'm bricked.
Please Dawei... just give me an Electric DMG Bonus disc...
ratbros our response????
I like this videogame
>le divide and conquer tactic
I'm nooooooooticing
Soldier 11 wants whatever is the least trash that shit domain decides to give me
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If I wanted to full C6 a character, how many rolls would I need assuming I lose the cointoss?

I'm saving for yabi
I will run PEN% and you can't stop me.
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Rare idol thread.
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Lolis literally ruined the game. half of the fanbase is not playing because of them
1.2 and 1.3 are already expected to pick up the slack caused by the infamous flopcop uninstalls. jane wasn't enough on her own, she only sold 99% as much while having 25% fewer people rolling.
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Rolling for my nigga k'
this is the correct answer
Dumb jannies need correction!
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I love my pure maiden girlfriend Burnice
mihoyo is returning to its roots

by which i mean yuri
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Threads reached peak garbage shitposting, so I made a /bant/ thread to add fuel to the fire
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Psychology test : what character do you think of when you see this?
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I'm rolling for Caesar and you can't stop me. I rolled for Jane and you coulnd't stop me. I rolled for Qingyi and you couldn't stop me. I rolled for Zhu and you couldn't stop me. I will roll for Ellen and you can't stop me.
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700 rolls or some shit like that.
I will use whichever disc that have better substats
if you lose all 7 50/50s and go to hard pity every time it's (180 * 2) * 7 = 2520. good luck anon
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Don't care if she didn't sell well. She's one of, if not, the most fun agents to play. Plus, she has a fat, jiggly ass.
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Reminder: Lighter takes boarcock
10 rolls so you can brag about your luck with one screenshot.
1120 rolls assuming bad luck
more like 800 assuming normal luck
but that's not including r5ing her w-engine
Answer me question vastly okay. Is you see rolling Caesar and why is that of? What about the Burnice and did you save alots on the pertaining matter in?
Should I pull for Jane before it's too late?
I've already used 2 tuners for her, I'm not using a third one
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>hags vs lolis in addition to the usual shit that happens MHY gacha general
This is quite literally begging the question but I swear to God gacha threads somehow managed to Loli vs hags and Big tits vs DFC to the most retarded degree these 3 or so years. Not even the fags on /a/ are this bad about it
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does PEN% even do anything besides make funny words if you try to explain it by starting a scentence with "PEN% is..."
bro that's a just a wall?
which agent are you guys jerking off to today?
Will 1.2 let me date Lucy after the main story quest?
I will not roll for Caesar because her flavor of gap moe doesn't suit my preferences and I want to chill after playing my soul out to get Jane.
Think I'll roll for Burnice since she's got more of the coolness factor that I like.
we'll recover from jane flop in 1.2
How the fuck do you guys have enough materials to keep up with all of these characters? I can barely level up a sub team with the pitiful amount of resources we can get from the daily 300 energy.
Ben is my favorite brick wall.
That's a brick wall.
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>Answer me question vastly okay. Is you see rolling Caesar and why is that of? What about the Burnice and did you save alots on the pertaining matter in?
extremely based and made for rape
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>Is you see rolling
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So does Caesar have any good jiggly parts? Or did they just give all the jiggle to Jane?
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piper's goofy ass
focus on your DPS first, your supports and stunners can stay at level 50 for a long time. the main damage dealer being geared out is the main thing that matters for clearing
Don't spread yourself too thin or buy the BP.
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>Answer me question vastly okay. Is you see rolling Caesar and why is that of? What about the Burnice and did you save alots on the pertaining matter in?
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Caesar has more jiggle than rat
you'll never hit 90 pity, you can safely calculate it as 80.
>4 fucking threads
I hate you gachafags... keep posting pictures of the cop and the biker chick you goddamn wastes of flesh.
Put him on my plantation and get him picking good
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I need to compare myself to others and the limited amount of people I played against in that one snake event aren't helpful..
I am rolling for Caesar
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Already jerked off to Rina for her birthday
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reminder to janecopers::
>fourth place
>fourth place
>fourth place
>fourth place
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I need verifiable evidence for this claim for my cock.
there is no lolis in this game
30% PEN ignores 30% enemy defence
much better than flat PEN because we have no idea how much defence enemies have
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Does Mihoyo have any sort of weighting for Standard S-ranks you don't have?
i.e. if I'm missing 2 S-rank agents, do they have a higher chance appearing if I pull an S-rank?
Or is it even?
Or do we just not know?
It's Nicole's Defense shred but worse since they stack multiplicatively (this is bad)
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need full source
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Bro your language module?
I respect all haglikers besides janekeks, watch the thread quality recover after her banner ends
>Hag v loli
>Jane ship spam
>design nitpicking
>general doomposting
These are all shitposting tactics fyi
It's always Nicole
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hopefully it stays that way because we don't need normalfaggots here
Caesar is definitely going to flop seeing these results
Every time the indian pedo makes another egregious mistake, remember that it's because he's giving up sleep just to fight in a gay little culture war against the non-disabled on 4chan.
Slopyi flopped.
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I see, hopefully I'll save enough but I am prepared to whale to get this autistic sword fox wife to C6, might pull for her engine as well
What is she doing?
she is farting
I look like this and say this. My BMI? Over 40.
There was not even a nerf you retards
hagpedos lost
show me the numbers to back up this claim
Hey, you're that ninja
the latest banner, with the least user submissions... has the least submitted pulls?????
Anti-loli shizo is a myth perpetuated by the extremely fragile lolifag who gets upset when anyone calls them hebes
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Allow me to translate:
>Eh-nah?! Nah-ehna-nah-eh, nah-eh-ehna!
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Reminder that self-appointed anti loli crusaders are 9/10 projecting leftist pedophiles hoping their vitriolic hatred of loli deflects suspicion of their own pedophilic tendencies, which usually involve actual child porn and real kids as opposed to fictional ones.
They will vehemently deny but everyone knows the truth.
The blackout...is it over?

I was watching a Persona 3 Reload run ij Episode Aigis.
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Holding hands with Nicole!
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>Big tits vs DFC
Disgaea prophesied this shitflinging a long time ago.
I can't wait to roll for Caesar.
Caring about things like meta and money earned is cringe.
top is not a loli, thats a hebe
Launch your game and look at her passive.
no lmao I have c2w0 Grace and c1w2 Koleda while missing every other s rank
it's 6 to 7 jane's polling results were significantly worse
japs are so based, i miss when their companies weren't corrupted by jewfornia
None because i can't jack off while at work
I'm a fascist thoughbeit
I just hate you brown would be child fuckers with every ounce of my being
get engine before c6 retardbro

I have 3 c6r1 chars across genshin and hsr, my average was about 750 pulls for them (including genshin's shit weapon banner), if you want a point of reference
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meant for >>495679145
Nicole is for Wise only.
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hi, manjeet
same as it ever was
You could even say that's hoe shit.
How many boogemen/schizos does this general have now?
Will never not be true.
is there a pizza parlor in the outer rim that has pizza and burgers for buffs. outer rim is my home… I hope the news station is another cute doggy…
Jane slow ass banner killed ZZZ
>jane shitskin posting wojaks now
thats how you can tell xir is upset lol
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>guess who are the deranged bbc posters.
>electric anomaly
gracefags on suicide watch as the real titty powercreep puts her in her place. yanagi
continue acting like an unironic schizo and being easy to spot and things will work out for you surely
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>Answer me question vastly okay. Is you see rolling Caesar and why is that of? What about the Burnice and did you save alots on the pertaining matter in?
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I NEED these hebes, I cant go long with only having qingyi as my only limited
Her passive barely gives any bonus damage, to know if attack % or fire are better you have to look at all the buffs she gets from her team/gear altogether.
For example, there's almost no chance you'd want attack % over damage % if you're using Caesar and probably not with Lucy either.
>I'm a fascist thoughbeit
Based Caesar appreciator
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>poster wars
Heres my schizo theory: the “anti loli schizo” or whatever and the “pedo schizo” are the same person samefagging and shitting up threads every day because they are pathetic
Amerimutts really are a mistake.
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I'm the miyabong
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Hags won
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That person on twitter called you a pedo because he was trying to hide his pedophilia. This is obvious since he uses it to shield his real identity.
I called you a pedo because you're severely mentally ill and consequently attracted to children. This is obvious because I have no identity to shield here.
But enough about Wuwa
holy based
that was my first post in the thread that wasn't art
it's so obvious meant for poster is the imgschizo
Kek true that just happened to the anti-christian god larper faggot on twitter that got outed for grooming underage girls on discord it just keeps happening
If you get worked up over defending loli or hating loli you are a pedo; it’s as shrimple as that. Can you all stop posting until it’s something of substance? Everyday is the same it’s fucking annoying.
Have none of these niggas watched any anime/manga that isn't JJK? Feel like westerners should be used to it by this point. I'm not a loli bro but when it shows up I just ignore it.
Nice day 1 UID

Put that Corin on your profile my guy
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Sure why not
I want friends
The idols are 16-17 years old according to Hoyo. Hebe is only for 10-12 year old characters in the middle of puberty. You can call them loli though, that includes everything.
I regret rolling for Caesar Lawrence.
sorry xister, but koreans and flips are unironically taking the ape loving mantle away form burgers.
ok dickscorder
Granny Rina…….
Based on what information
nobody even uses grace she's trash, she's not even useful for jane teams and won't be useful for burnice teams (which will use caesar/jane/piper/lucy)
I don't get why anyone is complaining about a char nobody plays being "powercrept" when he's also a standad char and it'll be like 6 months since release by the time yanagi is out, nobody actually gives a fuck about grace
Oh no he's back
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also applies to male haters, they're closet homos for sure.
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Last day of Jane slow ass banner so everything is going to shit. Just come here after 1.2 drops and everything will be back to normal ok?
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I regret…
Holy projecting Amerilard.>>495679915
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I dont care about age, they look like hebes so... not young looking enough for me to call them a loli
>zhu yuan x jane troonbian posting stopped so xir could shit on qingyi and defend janes honor
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Wait, for real? I just rolled this…
it.... doesn't count.... just shut up, okay????
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It'll depend on how many rolls I can save before her banner, if I can't realistically get her to C6 then I'll settle at like C3 and her engine and then full C6 during a rerun
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Post Ellen Joe
the niggers are a new strategy. let's see how this one unfolds.
>>490592284 won
Sibling LOVE
Where this?
hebe is 12-14 but whatever
He's really back lmao
No... I have... no counter to this...
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>look at my cute loli wife, i wish i had one jn real life, maybe i can get one in the school nearby
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you seem upset, sea monkey
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those are hebes though
Not bad but you shouldn't have upgraded without having crit damage on there.
You will reach the point where you just pre farm.
the important thing is to never max out character, leave it just enough to 7/7.
if you struggle, level them up further, focusing on DPS of course.
I have been pre farming or ascending characters since ti reached ik 50
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>don't care about cops
>don't care about biker sluts
>mihoyo decides to release nothing but cops and biker sluts
When are we going to get a faction that's actually cool?
I'm going back to /gig/ and /hsrg/
come say hi >>495678358
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Finally a decisive blow has been dealt
Who are you quoting?
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>Put that Corin on your profile my guy
She's built really badly and my current profile theme is big breasted women...
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Someone posted him last thread. But side by side seems like they may have added some XV K9999 into him as well.
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I care
>BBC spam
Schizo melty incoming
He's severely autistic and doesn't understand. There's no point. Just let him cry, like most of us do.
getting eaten out or getting a blow job by a girl with shark teeth doesn't sound pleasant
hehe and loli are both appearance based retards
obol squad will be after section 6 hopefully and we'll get a bunch of yorha waifus
Amerifat melty thread.
>hebe fag back to zzz
I hate it here
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Notice how the convenient wojak and nigger spam started when someone called him out on his falseflag shitpisting trying to stir shit between Qingyifags and Janefags and shipper posting and how aforementioned posting has also conveniently stopped? Thanks for the conformation that they had you spot on retard.
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I am literally romantically attracted to Burnice.
>call out sea man
>spam intensifies
lol, lmao
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Bruh what is my ice dog doing
Kinda funny how you used JJK because there's literally grooming and pedophilia shit on it and everyone somehow glossed over it because it's a hot lady doing it on a shota and "should've been me not him"
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added thanks
See what? Did you forget pic?
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>Thanks for the conformation
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There are no children being posted in this thread though? These are fictional characters. I think the only mentally ill person is you, seeing things that are not there
You on to something and its delicious.
pedophile fragility really is unavoidable.
and during most of his meltdowns, he gets 0 replies. it's so sad.
When are we getting the church faction with that big titty nun?
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thanks bwo
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He's the same faggot spamming Jane x zhu art and salesshit
Constant d&c shitposting
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>pedophile fragility really is unavoidable.
and during most of his meltdowns, he gets 0 replies. it's so sad.
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Joe Mama!
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I’m going to go back to play FF16 this thread sucks
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just roll for whoever you like niggers
missing one shiyu stage is not a big deal
it's less than a pull per biweekly
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God save us
>tfw misclicked and wasted my tuner on an ice damage bonus fanged metal 5
I've never been more bricked than I am right now
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I might swipe to finish my 300 tomorrow if I don't lose my caesar 50/50 to rina
d-did it at least have good substats
I'm curious to see how nerfed her design is.
imagine the melty if the next drip isn't lighter
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shiyu is pathetically fucking easy, which is the dumbest part. they're trying to shill by adding specific resistances to force you to pull whatever they have on banner, but people are clearing phys res with solo billy. there is literally no reason to NOT be clearing shiyu unless you're just lazy.
you can clear shiyu with only A-ranks right now anyway you have to be retarded and/or bad at the game to get filtered by it and think you need w/e the new banner unit is
it might get worse later on but it's nowhere near there yet

tthe problem is when there are a lot of desirable characters and you have to decide for which to roll, if you like them all you are fucked
the first 6 have good designs and personality, maybe 5 if you exclude QY but that's it.
Characters are made for the same type of people
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>Shenhe is the sexiest early leaked design that came out of Genshin
>Took two years to come out
I am not ready to wait such a long time again for this hottie AND the idols. I am not fucking strong enough.
is m0 caesar without sig engine still good?
I am a transwomen and yes I’ll be maining Lighter and yes you will all post soul when you see my clears
Elemental res seems like it was designed more with psychology than gameplay in mind, it doesn't do much but it sure as hell compels people to roll
This faggot doesn't look like K at all
if it's harumasa instead the yumes probably won't be so uppity
hope it's pulchra or some other waifu
>ban evading
This, but unironically.
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Ok, pedo.
yes every limited is good without sig
caesar gets a lot of value from her sig but you'd still see more of a damage increase by getting your dps their ball if you don't have it already
just get her for now, test her and if you think she underperforms (she won't) you can roll her engine or get it on rerun
it 100% is not needed no matter what retards say
Hopefully not the AK looking characters. They're unironically burka tier.
hag check
disc 4 is crit% until i get something better
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Whose melty is currently ongoing?
From his leaked animations I only saw moves that matched up with K.
This guy used fucking Demara Battery and she's still kicking ass.
where the FUCK is baddieboo
bad bait
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Does Caesar’s shield overwrite Seth’s?
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baddieboos don't get the carrot
I have a shadow ban on sending images
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/zzz/, your opening statement.
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imgschizo was going for a bit but things have mellowed out now
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i can't even tell which boogieman is acting up anymore
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very cute. really looking forward to lucy's trust events, not in any small part because of these little guys
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just post scat already genxister so janny can ban your ass quickly
My client cannot be held responsible for his actions because he suffers from extreme mental illness
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Every next agent will sell worse than previous because the game is dying.
See you later.
huh, TIL that her shield is a separate shield from the usual shield from resonia/Ben
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They always dripped characters from the same faction in a row right? It's over for Lighter it's either he's A-rank or scrapped LMAO
I hate Ellen for one simple reason, they made a shark maid and didn't make her a mermaid
The biggest missed opportunity
You're right K actually looks gayer
4th place
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>got the anomaly main stats
>Polar Metal
I just hit knotted level 40, when should I be farming discs because all my characters feel pathetically weak
I want to have sex with Rina. Thoughts?
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Wide if true
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We finally get the unlimited weekly boss drop by spending battery? you guys promised me a few weeks ago
t. faggot who picked WiseFAG as the MC
1. Why did the cheeseburger get into a fight with the veggie burger?
It had beef.

2.Why was the vegan rejected for a job at the burger joint?
Because she didn’t meat the requirements.

3. What do you call a vegan burger?
A misteak.

4. What do you get when you cross a hamburger with a computer?
A big mac.

5. What do you call a cheeseburger at the playground?
A slider.

6. What type of burger isn’t allowed on the Titanic?
An iceburger.

7. What is a snowman’s favorite lunch?
An Iceberger!

8. How do you make a hamburger laugh?
Pickle it!

9. What do you call two burger buns that came out of the oven stuck to each other?
Sesamese twins.

10. What do you call a male cow that eats hamburgers?
A cannibull.
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my rapeble wife ...
I don't know why he gets upset at the term hebe it's in the loli age range it's just more specific
defense characters can use stun balls?
I want to punch Corin in the stomach.
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Caesar? for Wise.
Burnice? for Wise.
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Yabi bros....
Yes but you don't get the full benefits, just the stats.

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How bricked am I?
all W-engines can be used on all class
they just don't provide the extra skill to mismatched class
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>defense characters can use stun balls?
I know this is cope but with Demara Battery your energy regen increases with assist attacks -> Caesar uses her EX more.
damn, that's some FAT tail...
It's over. Reroll, NOW.
Are you mad little faggot?
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you can unbrick with just 50 chromosomes
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Your honor. This is a Thiren thing, isn't it?
What 2 piece do I want on soldier 11?
Also her gameplay is filtering me
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sex with lighter
anon... The extra skill won't be active on mismatched class
Do tell, I have 50 chromosomes
those potential drive discs would've been bad anyway
One anon already confirmed a week back it's the same as lvl 55 reward.
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Shut up big daddy
You got it right but some retards (or trolls) lately want to redefine loli to mean only kindergarteners and shit like that which is just dumb
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Huh, so the robot outsold the rat in the end.
K fag melty if Seth showed cleavage like the HSR males you guys would be mad
T. Burnice/Piper
1.5 when they add trigger
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mermaids fucking suck tho
11. Why shouldn’t you buy a hamburger in Athens?
Because it is way too Greecey.

12. Why do hamburgers make good baseball players?
They’re great at the plate!

13. How did the hamburger introduce his wife?
Meat patty.

14. What do you call a frozen hamburger?
A ham-brrr-ger.

15. What do you call a hamburger on a motorcycle?
Fast food.

16. How do you stop someone from stealing your grill?
With a burger alarm!

17. Why can any hamburger run the mile in under four minutes?
Because it’s a FAST food!

18. What does a magical burger say?
Open sesame.

19. What is a burger’s favorite day?

20. Did you hear about the spy undercover making burgers in the park?
He had a license to grill.
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Then I have no idea why that guy equiped it on caesar.
Fuck off, Shay
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Of course he doesn't look like K. He's a different character. What he has are his design elements.
>Similar hair style
>JP Biker aesthetic
>Gauntlet to channel his flame powers
>Hand in the Pocket
>Cool, quiet, but rough demeanor
They've gone as far as to give him some of K's animations in the leaks. I really like the pants being a lighter matching color instead of copying the shirt.
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Finally I did it without any rats. I tried with Koleda due to weakness meme but Chinky is so much better it's not even funny.
Your OBOL squad patch?
Sons of calydon are so lucky to have such a reliable man... Who is going to be shipped with him?
>dumps cools fanart
>fucks off
based. Have fun anon.
its just for the stat stick of more impact. there are no good defense balls that give impact which is the main issue with caesar's cope options
I say Burny or if we going outta left field, Piper.
Big daddy
Seth is so lucky...
What happened to character combos like Ben/Koleda?
Big Daddy
do you know the source of the image you posted, poser?
Why did the noodle break up with the spaghetti?
It found someone more saucy!

What do you call a fake noodle?
An impasta!

Why don’t noodles ever get lost?
Because they always follow the sauce!

How do noodles get in shape?
They do pasta-bilities!

What did the noodle say to the chef?
“You’re pasta-tively amazing!”

Why did the noodle cross the road?
To get to the other side of the bowl!

How do you make a noodle laugh?
You tell it a pasta joke!

What’s a noodle’s favorite music?
Ramen and blues!

Why are noodles great at school?
They’re always on the honor roll!

What do you call a noodle that tells jokes?
A funny fettuccine!

Why did the noodle join the band?
It wanted to play in a pasta ensemble!

How do noodles keep in touch?
They use “pasta-gram”!

Why did the spaghetti refuse to fight?
It didn’t want to get tangled up!

What do noodles do at the gym?
They lift “weights” of sauce!

Why did the noodle start a business?
It wanted to make some dough!

What did one noodle say to another at the party?
“Let’s get saucy!”

Why did the noodle go to art school?
It wanted to learn about pasta-craft!

What’s a noodle’s favorite game?
Twister—because it loves to get tangled!

Why did the chef bring a ladder to the kitchen?
To reach the high pasta!

What do you call a noodle that knows karate?
A kung-fu pasta!
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When does the new patch come out so I can be disappointed.
Ben Bigger? More like Nen Nigger
How is this related to ZZZ? Reported.
Burgers > spicy noodles
When Jane's banner ends + 5 hours or so
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It's low steaks posts like these that keep me coming back.
aaaand you're right.
>anime schizo is here
Great, now it cannot physically and possibly get any worse.
Burnice or a cute story about Caesar meeting him for the first time, Something like she is the reason he is there
I will have to kill you now
do YOU?
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nice thread you got here zzziggers
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Spicy noodles > burgers
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One more day and Jane will be gone forever
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In case you guys forgot who the shitposters are
Caesar's an interesting angle. May I interest you in my Piper angle then?

The gist? Age difference.
>announcing report
alive internet theory
I do, you clearly don't, or you'd understand the reference

This exchange is over
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Am I an anime schizo?
I'm trans btw
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Why is there no new A rank in 1.2
Fuck off
>Caesar's pinning over Lighter is what got her into romance novels
Are you? We have a resident shitposter who avatarfags anime pics
It's gonna be lighter
this is my favorite qingyi fanart
will our vampire survivors beat nikke's?
i liked MoG
Lighter promoted to S for your convenience

the banners are already known and Lighter ain't there
>Thick thighs with noodle arms
I can never unsee this
You're welcomed here as long as you behave like a normal human being.
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Are you a stupid dumb fat oinky BITCH?
It only took the release of seth for full blown shipnigger faggotry to happen and for this general to devolve into /gig/ levels of trashiness and homosexuality. Imagine the release of lighter.
Imagine the release of fagumasa.
nice, a second skip banner
kek I was wondering why I didn't get her wallpaper even though I maxed her trust events. Turns out they didn't make one for her yet.
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sometimes there just isn't one
and that's okay
man, i remember this anime
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Jane's big ass, stinky ass, long ass, jiggly ass, fat ass, sexy ass banner killed, thrilled, and filled the game.
It's funny how they tried to spin it back after saying that zzz and wuwa were brothers and the problem was the other miyoho games.
In every survey please tell them NO RERUNS. Thanks.
yuck, never reply to me again
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I want shipniggers to die a painful and horrible death.
FUCK I thought the patch dropped tonight
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fuck off
wuwa is our ally against the troon menace
i fucked up
if only
STFU wuwa, you're irrelevant
Go be a whiny normalfag over on >>>/v/eddit
File deleted.
I'm about to commit a crime
A crime of love
fuck off wuwajeets
your dead game already lost to a fucking AFK game
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>Took so long to clear 11/11 I overcapped
at least I managed it before Caesar
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Legal in New Eridu.
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hoshimiya deepened the game's daily active players.
mimi-chan lengthened the game's player count.
meeb... uh... she... um... made the playerbase... she... it... compared to how it was before, it's...
Neato burrito.
PiperXseth could work too. He is constantly getting in trouble and she tries to convince him to be a good boy
>be american
>reports to the FBI
>tips them
>gets shot
*cums on you*
Is Grace Seth Rina a good electric team?
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We're about to hit levels of low thread quality that was once only thought to be a myth.
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Explain why you haven't built him yet, stupid bitch.
do you even play the game?
Bro this is nothing
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>next SD17 has both sides resist ice and fire/phys weaknesses
>it also greatly favors anomaly chars
Are we gonna have hsr situation where the most shilled elements are fire and imaginary through all of the game life time? Is ice gonna be a forgotten element? Again?
You can reply to me zhubwo
Incestposters have forsaken us
We don't even have waifuposters
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thank you for wasting government resources anon
hmm, are we about to see posts trying to derail in pairs... as if a boy and his phone have rest his router?
>jacket says STAB
>she stabs people
bravo dawei
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so who's the strongest in Victoria housekeeping? Rina said the groups were balanced in strength when Corin and Ellen were 1 group, and her and Lycon were the 2nd group
I meant lighter, fuck. I ruined the immersion
willing to bet a lot of chromes that this artist normally draws little girls
This is /gig/ on its very best day
yeah, im just shit at it though
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If you can't do this by now you might as well uninstall.
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Without looking it up, (try to) say her full name.
They are slowing down the release pace already. Or more likely, 1.1 was an outlier with 3 characters, since 1.0 didn't add a new 4* with Zhu, either.
Expect most patches to be only 2 characters, and eventually there'll be only 1 character like Genshin.
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Have you been in a coma newshitter?
Ice and Ether have been dominant elements throughout this whole fucking time.
Fire/physical are the weakest elements.

And electro is the worst element because only Anton is an electro main dps and he's fucking garbage.
Why did you stop posting the Monogatari girl
Yaosobi did a song about her
when are we getting bosses with raid mechanics like in honkai impact 3rd
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We love ZZZ and Wuwa here
Luciana Louix de Montefio
So that is why he told us not to redeem...
Do you guys farm the Z merits? I need them for the dennies..
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>A + limited S = S + S
>who's the strongest guys???
>thought to be a myth
cute newcutie go to /gig/ if you want to see how bad it can really be
Never because genshin crowd, so no fun allowed.
When do we get a RANGED Stunner?
i remember dropping the anime because of it's subtle sexiness and it's really weirding me out
Louise Francoise Le Blanc De La Valliere
Luciana de Montecarlo
lucia montenegro
play 2 times and gtfo of HZ
I ain't spending more time in that shit hole
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Happy birthday to me
Happy birthday to me
Happy birthday
Happy birthday
Happy birthday to MEEEEEEE yay!
shipsissies are having a melty.
wuwa sluts... sex
what a homosexual post
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lucy daisuki
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on opposite day!
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Pffft, this is nothing. Return when unironic kabbalahposting is the best part of your thread
There's also the "I know how you truly are" angle, coming from Piper.
this is the main shitposter by the btw
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h-happy birthday miss rina
happy borthday bb, do you do anal?
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You just outed me as a fake Lucybro. It's over
it's going to feel like shit to give caesar a stun ball but I won't fall for the ball salesman talk and roll her sig
Ice was shilled a hell of a lot more than fire has been so far in HSR. Fire shilling only started with FF which was 3 patches ago.
Ice shilling in HSR lasted from 1.3 to 2.0, from 9/4/23 to 2/19/24.
Fire shilling started in 2.2 (6/10/24) and already ended in the current MoC.
You are right about IMG but you should really just expect the newest banner unit's element to be whatever Shiyu is designed around. 100% chance the first one in 1.3 will be Elec/Fire.
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Yeah sure
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>finds out you're a criminal hacker
>outright decapitates you, burns down your store and rules it as a suicide by fifteen gunshots to the head
My cute glowie wife saving New Eridu once again!
I love animesque nuns so much bros
My Cocksleeve
Anglos, especially Americans, are prudes. It's built into their culture.
Why not
Birthday SEX
I bet she doesn't even know what a 'Necessary Evil' is...
uh oh the discordtrannies are here
Burgers taste better than noodles if you like noodles more than burgers you smell bad like eggs and cheese and probably pee standing up which is really insanity
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of all female characters why women and fujo try to bash her the most? Is it because she possess wife material the most or something, I don't think it because of lighter...
No, you have to use your free selector wisely.
Look at genshin for example. Until they gave us a standard 5* of our own choosing recently, there were plenty of people who have not gotten a single copy of Mona in 4 years of playing.
>even allowing Yanagi to handle reports needs another report?
my little salarywoman void hunter just wants to fight!
>didn't get Qingyi? Get Anby from Jane's banner as an alternative electric stunner
>didn't get Jane? Get Piper from Caesar's banner as an alternative physical damage dealer
>didn't get Caesar? Get Lucy/Nicole from Burnice as alternative supports
We don't have an A-Rank alternative to Burnice yet so Lighter is going to be the one to save all of the new lucklets who picked the game up because of the trailer.
Because lighter.
There's nothing wrong with incest
The fuck are you talking about?
I love Rina
sorry, shit's making my dick erect even though im not in a mood and just want to watch some animu
>Is it because she possess wife material the most
Yes. And that hurts them.
>reeeeeeeeee it's supposed to be lighter's turn not hers ayiiiieeeeeee
That's why
The game is piss easy and never have I felt like I've needed bigger numbers ever since clearing shiyu for the first time. Not going to roll for balls or dupes unless we get a genshin tier amount of reruns.
NTA but what should I even be spending this shit on if I am below IK20?
sudden ecchi in your face without warning is the best kind bwo...
>taking it up to eradicate what they specifically consider evil
So Section 6 are essentially the Hellknights of Eridu? Nice
Yes, I don't have anything else to do
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how are we supposed to compete?
everyone knows only discordtroons play pm/limbus shit
I heard my sister scream out 'Where the fuck is Lighter?!' when the drip came out from across the house..
Yanagi is generic and defending her shows you can more about virtual signaling than good designs
And literally lighter will be announced today kek all this shit for one day difference
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>single child degenerates are at it again
by not being a dead dogshit game
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You know how men consciously always care about our dick size?

It's the same for women and boobs, but only x100 because unlike a penis theirs is always visible. The easiest way to make a woman (or tranny) seethe is by putting a large breastfed woman as your main banner, it simply triggers a gaint instinctual primitive jealousy in them.
Sexo con Changli
>level from 40 to 50
>nearly double damage in SD stage
Can't go wrong with promotion chips for attackers
I don't think lighter is going to be the second banner, It wouldn't make sense to release the pink NPC bitch, randomly. Maybe is the katana fag or Miyabi
but anon... we're playing zzz...
Who is this everyone are you talking about? You, you and you?
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Punish her for disturbing your peace and quiet.
She probably wants it anyway.
bwo? https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1fwUFsqUCoEeyfXQPv39rXSaQVwUwb09gNUarNbfVUWA/edit?gid=468577226#gid=468577226
its in the links on the OP.
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Last chance to get the best character until whoyabi to clear hollow zero in 10 minutes or under
a not dead, not dogshit game
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Honestly, what’s the point of still playing ZZZ if Mihoyo isn’t going to give a shit about female players? 7 female banners in a row, and male characters are getting completely ignored. It’s frustrating as fuck.
And those last couple of trailers? They’ve been all about appealing to incel gooners. If they don't get their shit together and give us some love too then they're gonna lose a huge part of their fan base.
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gros your Caesar status??
Does S11 have a good cope ball?
Yes. It's not a dead dogshit game unlike WuWa
we get changli and wuwasister get lighter, I heard their husbando pullers are getting desperate
Starlight engine
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The femoid/tranny meltdown would be glorious
Life isn’t anime bwo that’s not how it works
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It's simply not a game for women. You should find another one until you fall victim to the sunk cost syndrome
Who is this bitch again?
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Lighter will have a lot of pressure on him as the first limited Male S-rank

Gays and echinoderms needs to rally their troops if they want more husbandos in the future

Imagine if he outsells Ellen
Anon... you are going to make them mad...
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So how does your family dynamic play out, considering you both play incest gacha game
300 dolarinos that I have yet to convert them to chromosomes.
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Leaks already say it will happen, and it will be the worst patch yet by far as a result. Idk why they are delaying the goodies (Miyabi, Idols, OBOL) so fucking much
Isn't appealing to male gooners the whole point of this game existing?
I saw grace on this website
hot take: yanagi's milkers are too big. 1-2 cupsizes smaller and she'd be perfect
oof burnice is so cute
chang chang
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Thick. Solid. Tight
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Yea-uh it is, I learned it from the GBF anime
How many more female banners and lewd demos will it take for homos and normalfags to realize the game is not for them?
I've seen so many fujos talking about their Lighter/Harumasa savings that I'll be surprised if at least one them doesn't unironically flop. They don't understand that wanting and rolling for them means nothing if you don't spend money.
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>we're the worst performing of the 3 hoyoyo games
>we lose to random wuwashit
it's over...
my caesar status? easily skipped for yanagi
Bro your Grace?
coomers > gooners
>we lose to random wuwashit
source? I'm pretty sure ZZZ has been above wuwa every single time.
God I can't wait for Yoohoo
Sex with the blue brat
Anon, those people don't "realize things aren't for them". They force their way in and demand that it gets changed to be for them.
WuWajeets aren't exactly known for their intelligence
Zzz more like snooooore mimimimimimi haha got you good
>>we lose to random wuwashit
Holy shit, I didn't think I would do this... Ahem. SAAAAALESFAGS!
>wuwa gets camellya sexo
>we get homo s rank
why am I playing this game...
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Fuck Caesar, give me Chinky and Zhu
who's "we"?
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>he doesn't pee standing up
u gay or sumn
I don't want to fuck her and she doesn't want to fuck me, sorry to burst your bubble.
touch tail?
Lighter is A rank.
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My birdwife. She gets used a lot for cross general shitposting for some reason.
>say thing
>farm (you)s
you morons never learn
Why would I pull for a character that looks like she has down syndrome?
Look like Jane KEK
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post YFW they start announcing the idol lolis as A ranks for 1.2 today
I do not see rolling Caesar.
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Uh huh. And if I syphon all taste enhancers out of a burger, what will remain?
I uninstalled WuWa the moment ZZZ came out but I might reinstall for Lumi... she's very cute
When does she come out?
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Let's see their other communities.
is that jane as a child?
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Damn. Westermarck effect really makes this world a boring place huh
my beautiful rat wife
based on designs
youhu>camellia>lumi(wtf is that name) >> the shorekeeper
So they're basically just parasites.
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Putting Yanagi before Lighter is still a fucked up move, 1.2 is the SoC patch so it'd be completely normal to put Lighter right after. Instead they purposefully put Yanagi there so even dolphin waifufags are forced to spent in order to get Caesar+Burnice+Yanagi.

Scummy move all around.
On this pic her arms are fine. Unlike her model
NO. You already got your rat, fucker
they want to keep straight male paypigs strung along and they likely don't have much of interest beyond those characters
>merely pretending
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did he actually uninstall
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WuWajeets are unwelcome here
that's my uncle
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Why is the thread so shit, wuwafag hours?
The 4* look better than the 5*...
why would I want to get Yanagi
>Her passive barely gives any bonus damage
Maxed Soldier 11 at C0 has at very least 90% increased damage.
>70% Core Passive
>10% Additional Passive (32.5% against stunned enemies)
>10% Inferno Metal.
At C2 she gets 36% more.
>For example, there's almost no chance you'd want attack % over damage % if you're using Caesar and probably not with Lucy either.
S11 has 1572 raw ATK before any multipliers (888 from maxing her out and 684 from maxed out Brimstone. Starlight will give a bit less)
Maxed out disc 2 gives 316 ATK after all out-of-combat multipliers.
P1 Brimstone will provide a 28% multiplier to all of that. Starlight will give a bit less.
Maxed C0 Caesar will give 1000 raw ATK after all multipliers as well as 25% extra damage multiplier - more with her W-Engine.

So, fire DMG% disc:
>((1572 * 1.6 + 316) * 1.28 + 1000) * (1.9 + 0.3 + 0.25) = 11328
ATK% disc:
>((1572 * 1.9 + 316) * 1.28 + 1000) * {1.9 + 0.25) = 11239

Against stunned:
fire DMG% disc:
>((1572 * 1.6 + 316) * 1.28 + 1000) * (2.125 + 0.3 + 0.25) = 12369
ATK% disc:
>((1572 * 1.9 + 316) * 1.28 + 1000) * {2.125 + 0.25) = 12415

So even with Caesar's huge 1000 ATK buff (assuming she's maxed) DMG% ends up being a mostly side-grade.
If you run both Caesar and Lucy with S11 then yeah, DMG% disc will become the better of the two.
However, DMG% increases are generally more abundant than ATK increases. All of those will go towards the same exact multiplier. Stuff like Qingyi's or Caesar's W-Engines all scale DMG%. The eventual C2 will also inflate that multiplier.
Stuff like Soukaku's or Lucy's W-Engine will scale ATK% - that'll be additive with the Brimstone's (or Starlight's) multiplier, and because that's a smaller multiplier - it will have better returns with ATK% disc as well.

And no, 600 ATK from just Lucy is nowhere enough to overcome the massive DMG% multipliers S11 gets.

But, to be fair, DMG% disc is a bit better for EX/Chain Attack/Ultimate.
Worse, /gig/ger and /hsrg/ger hours
my uncle
Am I the only Lighter roller who likes him second because it gives me 20 more days to get everything to guarantee him wow I have to wait two weeks oh the horror now I get 100 rolls to work with instead of 50 plus everything leftover from Caesar and Burnice. He should have been first if they were more concerned about pushing Sons of Calydon likers being forced to spend but they decided to put the generic Acheron voice first nobody wants. So no money for Hoyo.
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It's time to be honest with yourself.
My bad, I forgot to flush
we like wuwa here newfag
does anyone have that comic where the siblings ask Nicole for their money and she starts to pull up her shirt?
i want to get Burnice Yanagi and Lighter so im fucked either way
Even the straight males had the sensibility to completely fuck off from genshit already once they realized the game wasn't for them anymore. What will it take for homos and women to get the message?
maxed caesar gives 1500 to dolphingods, not just 1000
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I-I'm sorry anon, I'm just so weak.. I love rodent girls so much I...
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give it up anon, sibling love is great because of the taboo
some WoW streamer someone posted a video of him acting disgusted when the shower scene appeared and said he would uninstall because it was too much
But i already do that with my shark?
Says the NAtranny
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>Wuwajeets use Changli as their token girl to tout how they're going to kill Genshin
>proceed to get mogged by the worst Fontaine 5* (Siggy)
>Wuwajeets use Changli as their token girl to tout how they're going to kill ZZZ
Why do they keep doing this? Do they have a humiliation fetish?
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Feel free to add me
>maxed caesar gives 1500 to dolphingods, not just 1000
Reading comprehension.
I said Maxed C0 Caesar.
So no one to care for, got it
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Some bitch that plays WoW. She got into these games through Genshin (because of course). She gets filtered by the shower scene. Comments are fun to read.
An actual guarantee. I gave la rata a flip, lost it and I still have 240 rolls left over. The excess goes to Burnice.
Don't worry anon, you'll get prostatitis in 10 years too. And then you'll realize that pee sitting is far superior
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>miniscule difference
yeah I'll just use the one with better substats
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I can't wait to get better Lighter ass shots
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umm, guys, calm down, please...
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Not sure what you mean, they are chill now last thread was far worse.
Cute maid correction...
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>miniscule difference
If you are running her with Caesar specifically.
Are you?
Okay. I confess. Almost all of the designes in this game don't get out of me more than a >hmm, cool I guess. There was no design that made me truly and deeply appreciate it. I will play this game anyway. Maybe one day.
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She's cuter than 99% of the pagpag cosplayers posted here.
Fuck yeah I will
Is it true that yanagi probably the safest girl to have sex with in zzz
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sorry, I took my meds
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Meanwhile in reality: Wuwa hasn't reached the top 20 in the JP app store for the last two months, and this month it spent 4 days in the top 200 before dropping out.
Does me need Caesar engine and brunice engine two because they give buffs off field a lot so I think on the matter getting both may be the solution of the conundrum the is of pressing itself forward. Thoughts?
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I hope they make a Russian dub for the game. They're potentially adding the 8th strongest economy to the consumerbase.
>suddenly, numberfagging matters
It really flip flops around here, I guess these are sea hours
>game for straight people makes Hoyotards seethe
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Yes. I'm still playing even after capping on weekly limit.
Trying to get 70+ resonias for inferno reap is kind of fun.
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What kind of stupid fucking name is Wuthering Waves anyway?
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no, it's qingyi
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Post your good S11 builds. I need to know what to strive for. Please, I beg.
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can someone share their filters? I've filtered images but idk how to do words
Nope, its 3:10am here.
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What do you mean? It's comfy
My guy, fucking Italy has a larger GDP than Russia. We'd sooner get Italian or Indonesian subs than fucking Russian.
Despite what schizos will tell you most men enjoy playing male characters and most women enjoy playing female characters
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nice game zookeks
Why do people here find some random person who you didn’t even know existed two days ago and decide to base your entire worldview on the opposite of their thinking?
zepla fuck off already
We do have Russian subs though. He is talking about dub
>shiplooney spam and kekposting died the moment wuwaars got mentioned
Im anon
master of noticers
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>2nd 1.3 banner is Miyabi, not Lighter
>she's an Ice Attacker too
Can you imagine the meltdown?
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Yes. I've literally watched multiple hobbies of mine slowly lobotomize themselves to appeal to people that don't spend money on them, but demand they change to appeal to them anyway. Then turn around and wonder why they don't make money anymore.
It happened with American comics, it is currently happening with video games, and now they're going after anime/manga and other related hobbies. There's currently a small but growing westoid movement to try and get gunpla models switched from plastic to limex (which is a nightmare to work with and fragile as hell) because "it's better for the environment".
Zenless Zone Zero.
Peak hours for you to shitpost while gathering pagpag
Skip ellen
Skip zhu
Pull qingyi
Pull jane
Skip caesar
Skip burnice
Pull yanagi
Pull miyabi
And all for idols
What's your plan anons?
how much dividend you got from your games sales bro
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Nobody wants Italipags and Indomalaysians in the game. At least Russia has a huge anime consumerbase. Mihoyo is missing out massively on this opportunity to make big dosh.
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I'll come running back when Mihoyo grows some balls and adds a Naga character, god imagine...
If I don't contradict or complain about something for 30 minutes, I will explode.
modern 4chan has no culture of its own anymore. it's all based on being contrarian to normalfags. modern 4chan will turn on something its loved for a decade if it gets too popular with normalfags
We have one of the largest playercounts in hoyogames thoughbeit
Clears in under 2 mins. Not a great build but good enough
anyone have the caesar c6 portrait?
you posted anime girls laughing/being smug therefore I declare you the victor of this debate.
Ok "Dagon ball"
Why did I even expect logic from people whose only personality is their race...
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i would be happy
Haven't gotten drafted yet anon?
I appreciate you doing the actual calcs but this just proves it's not worth it. Especially because attack % can never get damage % as a substat, so it will alawys have a dead stat (even if you get crit/crit/pen) while it's easier to get a fire disc with a mixture of crit, pen and attack %.
Plus, the average Soldier rotation will be using her ult which doesn't get the 70% damage buff on every stun, so that'll further skew the numbers in favor of fire disc. Which you noted.
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hopefully i can salvage enough for Burnice as well
get a grip bro, even their stream codes are FOR (YOU), that faggotry is /gig/ signature
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I'm glad things are getting better
Uh oh Hohol melty
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>only 140 rolls
I'm scared bros...
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I drew this
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even genshin mogs us...
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my disc luck is horrible lately
Is superstar a hidden gem or just brimstone cope
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The la li lu lei lo?
Isn't that wuwa or whatever
they weaponize shiptrooning anyway to shit on superior games
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I work at Gazprom, so no. Plus, Russia still hasn't made a true mobilization, due to it's sheer size of population.
Seriously, Mihoyo is potentially loosing millions on this. Other gacha devs already have their Russian dub and are pandering to Russians massively.
Sharing filters is how shitposters learn to bypass them. Instead of doing that, I'll just give you the site I used to learn RegEx https://regex101.com/
It's pretty fucking painful watching it happen to MTG. 20 years of watching it grow and be a fan of, the ultimate nerd and social outcast hobby, down the drain because of bullshit like that. I don't even recognize it anymore.
>mindwarped by wuwa so much cant even recognize genshin
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s11 koleda ben

I dont have brimstone and starlight is on ZY (and I dont have lucy so I couldnt trigger its passive with my team anyway)
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>tfw have two brimstones
I need her to be 1.4 so I have enough savings for c6 tho
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>We conclude that the sitting posture is the best position for men with urination problems, e.g. due to an enlarged prostate to urinate in, whereas no difference was found in healthy men
per https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4106761/
sounds like you already got LUTS bro sucks to be gay lollll
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She's hotter than most girls in this game I admit
i would like to believe my fellow wuwabros to not stoop so low that they use things they deem disgusting
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Here's a build not to copy. I still can S rank SD though
I think saving for Miyabi M6 is lame
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wuwa mogs you camera man
S11/Lucy/Ben or S11/Koleda/Ben?
go back giggers. you're not welcome here
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>not even an arm around the shoulder
Are they even friends?
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Nobody is after your hobbies but capitalism and greed you retarded incels not women
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true. whaling for miyabi m6 is based however.
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Clears her half in time, good enough. I'll work on disc autism later.
Why the fuck would russians just suddenly start playing the game if it was dubbed in russian?
russian gdp is 3rd world tier at this point vlad. hoyo might as well localize to Pakistan or some shit
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I like this.
The latter
please Yabi I only have so much money... onegai..
extremely based posts
a russian dub would be cool but only if it's like russian dubbed movies where it's some bored sounding guy mumbling over the original track
level your shits anon
that purple disc also hurts my soul
I took a really big dump and now my butt hurts so much I feel like I can barely function
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We need more brownies in ZZZ. I haven't been able to masturbate to a fair-skinned woman since I got Nekomata, and Mualani made it worse. I am broken beyond repair.
drink prune juice
Haha. If only I had Koleda instead of Rina...
She is cute and hot but as always genshit devs are so fucking homosexual they managed to botch everything about her kit and number-wise. They even admitted to fucking up her targeting and tracking system the clunkiness it brought on already turned away the people who liked her out of frustration. "Return to roots" my ass when da wei couldn't even do the first thing to prove that, which was her, right. Sixty nigger cocks indeed.
drink vanilla extract with two glasses of water dont actually do this
Aether got cucked from Mualani by both Kinich and a random Fontanian sailor btw
Just took a big fat wuthering wave salecharts
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>game "mogs" zzz
your game will never have HER
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>another white man becomes addicted to little brown girls
[GREAT news] many such cases!
>cuckposting again
uh oh, melty melty...
>Real Name: Tsukishiro Yanagi
>Age: 51
induce a panic attack. it'll trigger your fight or flight responses and your body will grind up all that poo and turn it into easy passing diarrhea
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Dude, Russians barely know English. I'm lucky enough to know it decently well for my job. I had multiple of my friends struggle to get into Hoyo games because the English words and dub were to off-putting for them.
Seriously, I just want to play ZZZ with my friends.
Anime enjoyers in Russia are usually middle class citizens. I know of this since one of my friends spent 2k euro on Reverse 1999.
Yeah, that's a pretty good idea as well.
Is Ukraine or Russia winning
ZZZ btw
>Remaining 01d 00h
Bet that enema doesn't sound so bad now, does it?
New thread
Mualani is a female pedo who wants Kachicunny Paimonny
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wallmart AA12
>vandalized open open
where's the real thread
Both loosing.
Oof, must genuinely suck being an authentic fan. Seeing a game with fun lore being turned into Fortnite of card games because of american jewish greed
you know (((who))) is winning
why are you guys so absolutely shit and retarded when it comes to making new threads
That'd be nice. Right on time when Snezhaya drops

t. polak
the tranny fears the [Open] chad
at least she has a job
That hairline, a rostie or a tranny huh?
I'm just gonna stay in here until it 404s then quit these threads forever(an hour or so idk)
gib patch notes

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