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Previous: >>495744525

Version 1.2 "Tour de Inferno" Special Program
Agent Record | Caesar King
Agent Record | Burnice White
Agent Story | The Rape of Corin

>Newest Trailer/Teaser/Character demo
>Current Signal Search
Jane Doe - 09/04 – 09/24 11:59
Sharpened Stinger - 09/04 – 09/24 11:59

>Current Events
"All New Program" - Receive Encrypted Master Tapes - Ends 09/24 03:59 (server time)
"Camellia Golden Week" - 08/21 10:00 (server time) - 09/23 03:59 (server time)
"Immersive Tactical Drill" - 09/06 10:00 (server time) - Ends 09/16 03:59 (server time)

>Upcoming Events for 1.1
"Scene One, Take One!" - Starts 09/13 03:59 (server time)
Full 1.1 Event Details: https://zenless.hoyoverse.com/en-us/news/125244

>Redeemable codes (claimable in-game or online)

>Resources and useful links
let's settle this

m*les won
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These devs have no artistic integrity. They just cave to any pressure from players lmao
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you niggas are his seeds
At around the 10 minute mark or a bit earlier they start talking about it
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>Wideyabi is dead
First for sexo con Belle
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>Wisepickers will be able to use Belle to run around in the City
>Wisepickers also get Belle to talk to them during missions
>ultimates arent shared anymore
>Thank you for stunning the enemy for daddy, Lighter. Here's your reward.
>the golden week bgm is gone
They should just give Lighter out for free like Ratio. No one is rolling for a male anyways.
>shared decibels
Great now we are just going to be like Genshin
Wideyabi was the friends we made along the way
>The Rape of Corin
I got clickbaited...
Since ZZZ 1.3 It's dead. What are we playing then. What comes in genshin that time? Maybe HSR?
i hope they'll just cut the demon horns on the ball
the wide eyes are fine
>>Wisepickers will be able to use Belle to run around in the City
ew no thanks
Isn't that too broken? The game is already easy as it is
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>TV removed for hollow zero
>we will also add more enjoyable tv mode gameplay
so it's a nothingburger, just a better way to speed through your hollow zero weeklies for those who don't care about TV slop, this is a good change overall
They can make it harder
they will give miyabi a tail
>They are killing the TV
It's unironically over, that was like 90% of the game, what now ? will we just hop from hallway to hallway ?
switching to the other sibling not being reflected in the story seems weird to me but eh
It’s pretty fucking stupid anyway because chain attacks was already just their ults without the annoying cut in animation.
>tv removed
>integral part of the gameplay experience removed
this is unironically going to kill the game when those same content creators who complained realize how shallow the gameplay is past that.
>TVslop is so bad they are redoing all story missions
Lmao can't make this shit up.
I only had the BGM up for a few hours. The curse of doing everything last minute...
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holy fuck what a great change please come soon
They can still use TV as storytelling medium and sidquests
but for repetitive stuffs like HZ it's a really good choice
It makes sense, why give everyone a special animation if the player is going to only use 1/3
But they never said that? The wording was “exploring optimizations for shared decibles”, whatever that means
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>faggots flocking to lighter
>shitposters piling up
>obviously hijacked OPs
>TV removed
Fuck niggers. Can't have shit in this world.
boarGOD please have mercy on his hole..
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>Killed TVs
>Killed Hollow Zero kino exploration
>Killed story integration with TV
>Killed wideyabi
>Killed the hopes of a male S rank main DPS
What the fuck is Hoyo doing????
>undisputed arena champ
How does this fag end up working for Ceesaar again?
Hallway sim will be even worse than tv. How do they not realize that?
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enjoy your corridor hell you will understand in 15 hours
>no more tv for hollow
well, i mean, i've been beelining to the boss node since 1.0 anyway. there's no point to interact with the board after you're strong enough to kill everyone under 30 seconds.
ZZZ turning into Genshit already, tragic
Thats exactly what they are doing. They just killed TV mode for the main story.
>tv mode dead
>QE swap genshit slop incoming
it's fucking over
Did they completely remove the TVs? I might reinstall then
>hrtroons trying to import their MC war to other games
Fuck off
>each character is going to have their own ultimate bar
ok, i'm finna gonna unload everything on stun
because he's banging them all
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>I pushed the wrong role button.
Fixing the game for paying customers.
So coffee will be free now, no more dennies, and it'll be 80 stamina, damn that's a fucking nice change for character building
This is what he fingers his fangirls with btw
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If they give my autistic fox wife a tail, I will spread my asshole wide for Da Wei and C6 her and also max her engine
Zhu won't be able to resist Miyabi now
that's a good thing, we had 4 less abilities than Genshin, kek
>Retards bitching about TV removal
It fucking sucks you morons, its slow and boring as shit, they need to find a better way of breaking up the gameplay segments, one that doesn't fucking suck ass, cut one of the fucking arcade game modes and put them in instead of TVs and it would be a better experience
When are we getting more ether and ice characters?
>What the fuck is Hoyo doing????
This dev talk reeks of desperation. Is ZZZ dying?
This literally all sounds bad. Did normies actually ask for this?
Wait, people are actually upset about the TV getting axed? How are dedicated story stages not just better in every way?
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Fucking stupid ass Devs, following WuWajeets devs is suicide
If the sidequests are still unvoiced, the main issue remains. I couldn't bother clearing out my exploration mission backlog for the longest time because it was just text and tvs without any voice acting.
Miyabi and idol group.
>another swap spam + ult spam hack and slash gacha
anti tv niggers really killed this gacha.
If they actually just turn this into Honkypact Turd I'm out.
>trust rank 5 with unlockable ASMR audio log
they want the BA audience
rip ZZZ
I'm playing WuWa now
Jane's character quest was better than a lot of main story missions because it had ZERO TV sloppa.
Any 1.3 skipCHADS here?
Lighter is S-Rank? Da fuck? With that A-tier design?
>Zhu has to build up her ultimate now
Suddenly M1 is looking a lot brighter...
Mihoyo should straight up rip off persona 4 TV exploration as a compromise. Good balance between free roaming and rouge like elements
>playing snake to get resonium
rip WuWa
I'm playing ZZZ now
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Also, they're refunding dennies spent on dismantling W-engines, and they will no longer cost dennies to dismantle
And they just mentioned they're doing double drops events at a higher frequency. Weekly claims won't be three times a week anymore, with the added stamina consumption for rewards attempts.
They added a weekly mat box at the scotts outpost shop as well
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>Property of Big Daddy
don't take bored 4chan contrarians seriously
Did you play janes story? Running through hallways clicking buttons was even more filler than tvs where you can at least zoom to the end
Was gonna skip her, but if they give her a tail I'd take back every negative thing I'd ever said about her, and not skip her.
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This is the official /zzz/ account bricking characters list:
>Brick Yuan
Remember: If you rolled for any of these your account is irreversibly, irredeemably bricked and you should create a new account.
>legendary proxy who uses a computer and a bangboo will no longer use a computer
0 vision, the game. The dev are inept retards leaching the money from mihoyo. Maybe Another Coomer video? LMAO
They are turning this game into Genshin lol
they can't cut something that is literally 50% of the gameplay and replace it with NOTHING. you will understand when you are just running through corridors tomorrow
It will be like in HI3 where everybody has their own ultimate gouge but the on-field character fills everybody's gauge.
most skippers don't even care if there is dialogue, there could literally just be pictures and people would still fucking skip. Voiceless text is a middleground.
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Wait w-engines costed dennies to dismantle?
it was worse though, wow walk through this boring dull uninspired warehouse set over and over again with slow ass move speed and click this thing to fade to black and read 2 lines of text then fade to black and now go slowly walk over somewhere else and...
I'm glad they're adding back up energy though
Will make it easier to catch back up after the skip patches
Didcyou enjoy running circles around Jane's "dedicated story stages" talking to NPCs and pointless terminals?
I guess wuwon
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Surely, every Agent will become for (you) because this a based game with an "Accompany" date mode and not be like fujogames like Genhin and HSR where they feed you yaoi slop and make all the female characters not interested in you?
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New Banner drops tomorrow right? How strong does Caesar seem to be? And what sort of team would she prefer running in?
Miyabi bros... There's hope. Skipping ceasar to get her w-engine.
It just needed to be snappy and actually have some strategic impact on the combat. idk. Whatever I won't miss it.
he got promoted, just like qingyi
After Burnice, Miyabi will become the second zzz to canonically undergo plastic surgery.
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>can actual understand Chinese
>none of the devs talked about removing shared decibels
You really can just say anything and make retards here believe it huh.
I will still take corridors over tvlobotomy any day because it still won’t be 4 niggas in a row turnbasedslop
Ohhh so Zhu yuan's team will continue feeling the best to play I understand
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>game doesnt listen to feedback
>”shit devs omg lol they hate this game it exists just to fund their passion projects”
>game listens to feedback
>”holy desperate these devs are bending over backwards to please look at how hard theyre trying”
how many hours till v1.2 release?
i genuinely believe anyone who thinks this actually subhuman IQ
ZZZ barely has a world, it's not like in HSR or Genshin where they can tell the story through it, please explain to me how the fuck are they planning to tell the story without the TV ? keep in mind that they reuse the same battle areas, so if they spam them it would feel like shit
you're forgetting Bricken and Jane Brick though?
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Will you still love me, even when I’m no longer wide?
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pulchraGODS won
You're presenting a false dichotomy
Seems they're adjusting the targeting and auto lock on, so that you don't just switch to some random boxes mid combat in your attacks
Obviously they listened to the wrong feedback.
>unironic shills defending the corridor hell in 1.1
those anti tv trannies are killing zzz.
thanks anon that alone is enough
The same way they did with Jane story
It's because we're playing from the perspective of Jane
If we were playing from the perspective of EOUS, TVs should be used[
oh wow color me surprised that there is exactly 5 jeets shitting up this general instead of their designated shitting street
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>want to skip burnice and save my poly
>need 5 more copies of lucy and nicole
I'm so fucked
the funniest thing about it is them admitting miyabi looked like shit
The problem is that the literally only 10% of the playerbase hates tv (because most people who did already quit the game) so why the fuck are they pandering to this vocal minority. It would be like if they suddenly changed every female character design into DEI woke trash straight from Concord because they want to listen to the 1% of players playing this game.
>Devs can you do something about the tv?
>Did you say remove it?
I'll only love you if you sprout a tail
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>devs listen to shit feedback
tvkeks LOST
accept it
more like
>devs listen to shitposters (in case of miyabi) and normalfags (removing TV)
I just started tuning out the TV shit after the 10th time I had to listen to a character yap as I moved through squares solving 1st-grade level puzzles. Good riddance.
Most broken support in 1.x
She can run in any team, she's that broken.
ah yes the honkai impact way... woo...
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>We are completely reworking the decibel system
>Now Agents Busts will be independent of each other
Doesn't this completely fuck burst DPS units like Zhu Yuan? She will never get her burst up now unless you waste massive amounts of time playing her on field like a retard.
They are ruining the fucking game and they don't even realize it.
At least this is a buff to Ellen lmao
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I can't wait for pan piano to cosplay as Caesar with her pussy out.
>slow ass move speed
You did not play the game
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I'm pulling for this fox ass regardless
>hey man, can you speed up the tv animations?
Stop crying because you didn't receive a phone call.
You are incorrect.
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I am spamming on every single survey to bring back the fucking TVs. Do whatever you have to do to make it palatable for ADHD zoomers, but they are going to fucking kill the game if they take out something that represents 50% of the gameplay loop and replace it with absolutely nothing. The game was literally designed around using the TVs as an interface to move between instanced encounters, and the TVs have lore significance as Phaethon's interface for syncing with Eous. We already got proof that they have no idea how to make the instanced combat areas interesting on their own, since the 1.1 story corridor spam was just as bad, if not worse than the TV slop.

If you asked for TVs to be removed you are a genuine subhuman IQ retard and you have actually killed this game.
As long as they don't make your gameplay ass.
Nowhere does it say this.
Lucy is for Caesar
TV mode should have been like Pokemon Mystery Dungeon. I’m going to say it.
You got it wrong, only 10% of 4CHAN zzz players hate tv. And that subset of players is a tiny subset of the global players which also pales in comparison to the chinese playerbase, in reality most players don't care about tv and just want to get stuff done faster.
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Important question: Is there any W-Engines that are usable on Caesar that is not her Sig.?
I barely have any rolls to get both her AND Burnice.
I don't mind TV being gone from hollow zero
I'm sure even after the 2 clear requirement change people only did 1 still
But if TV was fully removed that would be a little silly since it was used really well in the golden week event
Just not enjoyable as repeated content especially for how long it was
>Pulchra is playable
I hope the Idols came first
I'm actually so fucking mad right now, TV was fucking KINO
Redesigning character animations takes a bulk of their time for adding them into the city mode
Ben's Model is so fucking big he can't get into the video store or other areas
I swear none of you can read
separate ults is good do you seriously think its a good idea in the long run that you only see dps ults like come on it would be nice to use anbys ult to stun a gun the use nicoles ult on break into nekomatas
so true
walking down a reused room and hearing an npc yap while you do nothing is a lot better
not really
i'd imagine the decibile generation will be the same, but the cost of decibles will be cut into thirds so everyone can use their burst, if you want. wishful thinking
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This is why gatekeeping is good
This is why you dont want youre game to have mass appeal
This is why you never ever listen to or welcome normalfags into your game
If this continues we will have Alhaitham x Kaveh style homo ships and censorship being pushed on us by 1.5
TV is awful and you are retarded.
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>TV axed
>ultimate skills reworked
>new features that let you play the game less
Why are they removing everything that made ZZZ unique and turning the game into HI4? Are the revenue metrics really that bad?
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holy fucking SOUL
they are removing TV gameplay in the main story, retard. You already have the taste of it with the main Jane Doe mission
I don't understand why people are against this. You niggas never played a tag fighter?
probably still will be used for events
saves time for events, and can put more time into the main story
t.corridor sloppa apologist.
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Ok TV faggots since apparently there's so many of you that love them let's hear 3 things you love so much about the TV system.
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>turns into EQ spacebar EQ spacebar EQ
Just use Anby's sig
It's fucking free and you don't even need to worry about the copies since you just need the substats
Enemy data?
FurGODS we won...
The game was already censored sweetie, what's doing it again?
so true sis
Good take.
They outright said they're replacing them from the 1.2 STORY
>retard thinks gachas are not pandering to casual normals the most
how out of touch with reality you need to be to think this
I still think they should have just decreased the decibel generation rate, but made it so that every unit ulted when you hit the button. Could open up possible ult combo animations but that's asking for a lot.
it's either that or the game is doing so well the execs are playing safe
use any stun engine you have just for the impact %.
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what the fuck is all this retarded doomposting? everything sounds great so far
Why are there no debuff symbols on the enemies
game flopped so hard zzz is just turning into hi3rd. lemao
>expecting people to read
People can't even remember that we literally have a TV event coming up
>They listened to my survey about being able to hang out with your sister, agents, other npc's
Bwos.... I feel....LISTENED...to.....
Where does it say TV removed? Are you guts retarded?
you couldn't run/sprint like you could in combat, therefore it's fucking SLOW, you RETARD
>Two gay artists on my tl already said they will m6'd Lighter
Look at point 6, they are completely removing TV from the Main Story, the MCs are proxies for fucks sake, what the hell are they even going to do now ? are we never playing as 01 again in the Main Story ?
her cope options are trash, unfortunately
>Original Transmorpher (needs to be W5, only gives combat Impact and won't actually increase her shield value)
>Spring Embrace (does not buff her personal stats but gives teamwide ER which is good for support)
>Any stun engine with Impact (she won't get the passive, but it will give her Impact for her shield)
with that said, she doesn't NEED her signature since she's a support, but her F2P options still feel very bad. hold out that they make an F2P event engine for her or something
I'm going to spam this on the survey
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Ceasar build?
what's her best team?
We already had the chain attack system to spam ults. Now it’s going to be this every stun
>3 mini ults into 3 ults
Congrats. Every boss just fucking explodes on stun. Better start inflating everyone’s HP to compensate
>Alhaitham x Kaveh style homo ships
This will actually make me quit because ZZZ somehow was safe when HSR already took the knee and went full on homoslop.
While the new Hangout System they are planning seems promising, I always am in fear that we will get WORM'd eventually.
You can tell these are greenhorn devs because they're willing to tear the game apart over criticisms
>Alhaitham x Kaveh style homo ships
Reminder, the trash homosexuals who promote this wormshit are already here. They're just waiting for the perfect homoslops to appear in the game.
Yes, separate ults are a good thing and anyone being genuine would think that. Everyone's just having a laugh pretending otherwise, along with acting like tvslop was good.
If we get to play as Eous I might give them a pass for this
This wont happen of course
post their Lighter art
As long as she does Gun-fu I don't care about her element or rank
They already fixed that with Caesar.
shared ults is an excuse for them to artificially up the difficulty
bigger hp if you don't utilize your ult rotations like genshit
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I fear for the future of this game of Lighter banner outsells all other banners excluding the launch one...
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Please... At least in 1.5 so I can have a reasonable stash.
>another electric DPS
is every fucking DPS in this game going to be physical or electric? what the actual fuck are they doing
tv=good when its minigames like the pokemon battle
tv=bad when walk two feet proxy blah blah blah cutscene walk two feet proxy braindead battle
they are making more tv good and removing tv bad you retards
I'm rolling C6 Lighter and pairing him with my C6 Caesar and C2 Burnice
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>Wideyabi is so hated, they're fucking killing her
holy moly.... what the fuck
huh miyabi's model is getting an update? rip wide face memes
Guess I can slack off even more now
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22 hours until the Rubicon is crossed
>Alhaitham x Kaveh style homo ships
Kaveh is a biological woman.
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Kaveh ruined Genshin.
Aventurine (aka CacaSHATva) ruined HSR.
That blonde vampire twink will ruin ZZZ with him being Lycaon's fujoship.
It is inevitable.
between caesar and burnice, which of the two that need their engine the most?
holy fuck i can chill for 10 days and not give a shit about this game? nice
Is this porn? Where's the full image?
>the girl that was shitposted to death
What other electric DPS other than Anton do we have????
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they're going to make mibibi more WIDE. BASED DEVS.
They havent done any yet... hopefully tomorrow
Congrats, this is the most retarded pol so far.
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Please don't take what people say here seriously. Acting like a moron is just very entertaining for them.
The normalfags are already complaining ZZZ is "too horny". It's only a matter of time now.
nooooooo............... mibibibros.........
It stores at a rate of 1/3. You have to chill for 30 days to get 10 days worth.
I'm still kinda confused why we only have 3 S rank DPS characters and 2 of them have A rank copes that will be getting better this patch....
burnice would want hers more. it will directly increase her DPS and it's the only anomaly engine that directly compensates for her energy consumption.
Be in the main story? You see them in cut-scenes in the 1.2 trailer
Perfect QoL for me, considering I cap it almost always, because I only play once per day and at irregular times.
I wish they make Lighter as much of a mysoginist as I am to filter the enroaching femoids on my game
Ease of creating small-scale gimmicks that would be hard to implement in straight combat stages (such as the chasing ghosts in Ballet Twins)
Versability in mission structure that allow scenarios that would not be possible if everything was combat stages (puzzle exploration commissions, prophecy, carmilla dungeon, pokemon battles)
Hollow zero's rogue aspect while underprepared (which they acknowledge) offer a nice type of alt challenge that straight combat stages can't offer
Can someone please post the Caesar armpits sloppa?
I want more stuff like the prophet, just maybe not as a fucking 1-hour long mission.
this is not nice...
technically yes but wont you lose currency from events ?
wibabi will have her revenge by making her ears taller
>t.corridor slop apologist.
>devs listen to normalfags
almost like that's where the money comes from and not from a nigger like you
I like to go on dates with my all-female agent harem.
Sounds like you just hate yellow men.
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Leveling up that Koleda ball to put on Caesar.
>him being Lycaon's fujoship.
And nothing of value was lost
Wasn't the fact they're updating models (particularly miyabi's) already known way before this vid? Why's everyone acting surprised?
>harumasa consistently leaked to be electric as well





the uneven distribution is extremely blatant here.
Has anyone played Mystery Dungeon games?
>cut the horns from the demon ball
Imagine being a soulless nigger. Can't be me.
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>People don't want wideyabi to be fixed like Chinice did
There's a point where you've become TOO contrarian.
Burnice-Lighter is gonna be Zhu-Qingyi in terms of synergy huh
personally, I think it's amusing they called out miyabi for the first time.
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Why is /zzz/ poppin right nw#ow? The latest Ceasar trailaer was meh.
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WIDEyabi is sovl and a thread cornerstone, if she disappears then the game has nothing left, especially with TOTAL TV DEATH
Moving forward the story seemingly will be more like Jane's, and sounds like they'll backport those changes into what we already have
they didn't mention wideyabi before
tho it was obvious
It's not easy being contratian
Ok this just show that you're a SOULless nigger.
S11 / Lighter / Burnice possible? How retarded would this be?
just quit if you hate the game that much
>caeser video show that lucy is around the same age as caeser
and that's another loli gone
>piper is in her 30's
>lucy around the same age as caser just short
>koleda is an adult so early mid 20's, just short cause she was stunted by hollow corruption

only known loli is ellen....
maybe corin not a loli too
loli bros are losing and i love it
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>he didn't roll Zhu
Probably the single most value F2P agent ever put into the game. I feel bad for people who skipped her and fell for the Ellen baitbanner.
pretty good
Burnince to keep the 4PC set active
Lighter to stun fast
DPS during stun with S11
>shared Decibels
Why are you doomposting this? We already have shared Decibels. The problem is if they make every agent have their own Decibel bar. I sure as hell don't want another EQ iframeslop like Genshin but I don't think this means what you think it does.
>energy backup storage
say thank you to wuwa for this btw, they forced hoyodevs to actually do something about feedback instead of jewing you for everything you’re worth 4 years straight
I've played the Pokemon ones
Lucy would be much better.
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>they made lighter a qingyi stunner right before they completely destroy the ultimate system
>Rat banner ends today but have to wait until tomorrow for 1.2
I hate this slow fat fucking rat bitch she can't even leave quickly FUCK OFF STOP DELAYING THE UPDATE WITH ACTUALLY GOOD GIRLS
This day gap is gonna kill the game, EoS before 1.3
If Lighter is like QY then S11 might suffer because she's more of a sustain DPS than a burst like Corin/Zhu Yuan. HOWEVER, the game is so easy so who really gives a shit. Use that 4PC burn set for that sweet crit rate.
it's worse than zhu being the only ether DPS, she is literally one of two ether CHARACTERS in the game, period. granted, the other one is free, but this is retarded distribution, especially when they are perfectly fine with shilling elements that are starving for characters in shiyu
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It feels like good old dungeon crawling and is a neat way for them to represent the Hollows without actually having to spend the dev costs and time involved in making actual enviroments (that they would half-ass normally) so their efforts can actually be dedicated to the story they're trying to tell through them and whatever fun gimmick they try to implement.
Bomberman mode was fun. Tower Defense mode was fun. RPG mode was fun. Investigation missions were fun.
All of them conveyed to you a story, and managed to do so just fine.
Jane's missions were a taste of what's to come. All they had us do was talk to raiders and walk from point A to point B while fighting some enemies here and there. A trivial and boring waste of time that only weakened the narrative.
Also ults in this game just aren't that powerful.
I... don't really care about the Ultimate desu
I usually just use it to refresh S11 buffs
Could you imagine if Ballet Twins was a 3d stage? You'd get chased by child ghost #4 like in Genshit.
that was the most soulful trailer we've had yet ya doofus
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They are destroying the game...
My Ellen’s ult takes out like 50%-66% HP of most end game bosses. What?
>now you are forced to 13/13/13/13/13 all the characters
anti tv niggers are killing zzz
Lucy Caesar and Burnice are for Wise.
>say thank you to wuwa
pretty sure it started with HSR, they've had this feature for a while now, before wuwa even launched
HI3 and Star Rail were doing it first
Hugo Vlad will mindbreak this general, skinny blonde AND a vampire literally gayest most flaming homo archetypes you can put together
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495753112 (Nigger)
> >devs listen to normalfags
>almost like that's where the money comes from and not from a nigger like you
Reminder this is what happens when you ignore your base in order to chase normalfag money
HMoFAGODs... We won... Take me home country roads...
>corridortards won
Are you fucking kidding me
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fuckkkk where will my Kng fit in???
>being scared of having more ults
Nigga name me a single ult in this game currently that isn't fucking worthless.
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The issue with the TVs is that most people completely tuned them out and were just seething trying to speedrun them without realizing how they were conveying the narrative. There are definitely ways it could be streamlined, and I don't think anyone is deluded enough to say the system doesn't need changes, but this TOTAL TV DEATH overcorrection is actually going to make the game way worse. I guarantee by the end of the week we'll have people complaining about how boring the 1.2 story missions were.
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>they're killing TV mode forever and ever
Every single DPS’s ult.
>What is Qingyi, Rina, and Lucy
>>>Spam Ult for Anomaly comps
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>ults in this game just aren't that powerful.
Delete 1/4 boss HP in shiyu 7 is not powerful enough?
>he skipped the least jank team in the game
Oh nononononono
I hope they leave this as a feature or maybe make him bend ove
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>secret battlestation in the video store with an ridiculously advanced ai is now a glorified quest selection menu
>They made Pulchra an Electric DPS so straight men don't have to roll for faggotmasa
based devs listener
They want to peacefully sunset genshin because the story is ending soon and move resources over to build the animal crossing gacha to really pull in the normalfag crowd
But many people are doing fine without an ether dps
Putting so much effort into the novel tv stuff then dumping it because retards got annoyed instead of refining it is such an enormous misstep it’s unreal
It's incredibly powerful on dps unit. It's a bit underwhelming on every other class.
Just make it so units will "refund" some decibles when they ult so you aren't strapped to save your ult for your DPS in the stun window and can comfortably ult with your support if you can gain it back before stunning the enemy.
>game about action combat and waifu collecting
>"muh tv slop where you can't see any of this apart from 1 or 2 predetermined points was LITERALLY 90% of the game. what now uaaah?1"
Go pick up a book for preschoolers if you like rudimentary puzzles so much.
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> The heckin Piano
The shower scene with Ceasar being an alpha Stacey was better.
I don't think they should completely remove the TV from the story, but they should change it to be a lot more quantity over quality based. It felt like they had way to much TV content when so much of it was the same. What they need is one unique TV experience per story. Not to long, not to short, and not to slow that it has a character cut in every two steps.
Soukaku's ult gives her the 3 stacks necessary for max buff of her plant the flag skill.
Bro your 2 million damage Starlight Engine Zhu Yuan ultimate? Your 50 Energy Lucy ultimate?
Every DPS ult, Jane ult, all support ults (for huge energy gain across the team and good modifiers)
The only ults that suck currently are defenders and stunners
phase out the more tedious and terribly paced TV missions
instead have less TV missions overall but they're more enjoyable like the golden week zone
Because some of the characters have so little field time that expecting them to build Decibel is impossible

I see them just making the Decibel have more stacks everytime you reach 3000 points
And your ult will go into a CD to prevent spamming single character ULT
Genshin devs did the same thing and the end result is a watered down turd that is being abandoned by players. MHY takes the "service" aspect of "live-service" too far and try to desperately retain everyone instead of following their own vision for the game. There's a big difference between slavishly doing what your customers say they want vs. being able to suss out what they really want and doing that instead. Maybe it's because gamers are a shitload more toxic in China, I dunno, but it means that anything MHY does is likely to have the soul stomped out of it in a few patches
I delete a boss HP with assaults and disorder already.
No ult needed.
because the game is piss easy right now. their moronic gameplay changes suggest a higher focus on combat which will inevitably lead to them bloating stats in shiyu. are you seriously naive enough to think that people will be able to clear with solo billy and solo nicole forever?
I will continue to force Corin into undesirable situations and watch her struggle to get me my S ranks.
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>They're turning the game into EQEQEQEQ
I damn sure hope you meant to say Yanagi
if we get yet another fecking electric DPS after her i'm gonna flip
We should complain about all the oversexualized girls next. Remember to say in the survey that you want more cool males like Lighter.
Can they hurry up and release her already so she flops harder than Jane and we never get another furry
When will we get the Idols?
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Go stick your dick into your tvs if you like them so much sheesh.
Reminder that "listening to feedback" is why WoW and XIV are such total slop now. Dark days are coming for ZZZ.
There will probably more ether options by the time that comes
Yanagi is Anomaly not a DPS
summary of the chat
>TV mode gone from main story from 1.1 forward
>looking at ways to make other quests flow better
>"action rougelike" mode in 1.4-1.5, characters and enemies will have new movesets(?)
>coffee will give 80 stamina and no longer cost denny
>ball disassembly no longer costs denny
>people who spent on disassembling balls will get refunded
>stamina overflow
>increase material drops
>directly buy mats with stamina
>more building QoL
>improvements to autolock and manual lock
>in 1.4 every character gets their own ult bar
>they aren't happy with the everyday life aspect and are working on improving it by expanding the city
>Ben is too fucking big to be playable within the city
>1.4 will have agents accompanying the player in the city, by following them around
>install size is a problem they're working on
>Miyabi model will be changed
>future livestreams will be longer because apparently people didn't like the brevity of the 15 minute ones
I think it's pretty safe to say that they're incrementally killing TV, will be interesting to see if they backport the changes to early quests in an attempt to gain new players
>devs start listening AFTER I get everyone I have to 50/60
It just keeps happening
lolidols will save the game, hold fast brothers
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Don't mind me if I do!
bro wtf is going on here.. game is so in shambles that devs are making this a cookie cutter type of shit. atleast add auto so I can not even play at this point. retarded ass chinks. might aswell re-install wuwa, atleast I can play there
Wow was dying before they started to listening to feedback (read. Whinges from SJWs)
You will be singing a very different tune after a couple patches of corridor bullshit
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I got my last core skill........
this, zzz is over I'm going back to wuwa
S11 will get better with every patch and will never be powercrept.
Is there any game you tourists won't pretend to have played
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Sounds good to me!
probably after the fox+pink hair version
Good ridance
So, is he an S or A rank?
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If (you) skip Caesar, I better not see you complain about not being able to clear content you little shitter.
Congratz fellowcorinbwo
now force her to carry your endgame.
But I don't play on my TV I play on a monitor?
zzz dying is a good riddance
now they will shift the focus to HSR and Genshin
>all the datamines were wrong
Wrong, WoW died in Catalysm when they made the game babymode.
I heard Pulchra stole Lighter’s S Rank promotion.
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Same. I originally only played ZZZ because it was full of soul, but if they are removing everything that makes the game unique I'm done.
Z rank
i know a lot of people were suggesting the "new dev" thing was a spook to generate sympathy for the game but they're so blatantly retarded it has never been more obvious. they will run this game into the ground at this rate
By this point they'll either dial it back and only make a couple TV missions a patch or completely relegate them to event minigames. A shame.
I hope they can do it well, because randomfight-cutscene-randomfight-cutscene is going to be really weird.
>Sorry it was too different! Here we'll make it more like Genshin.
reminder her whole faction is made up of nothing but Anbis
>Mibibi will have pink hair now
Good way to fix and improve a character.
Anomaly is better DPS than Attacker
Zhu mogs Jane
XIV combat and gameplay loop is fine though, it's just the story thats trash
I'll uh...try not to haha.... I've gotten a little lucky and a little too cocky this previous patch so I only got a 50/50 for her....
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Bye jeets.
and never come back again
Jinhsi mogs every ZZZ women too
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If they make ults matter more they're gonna have another avenue to bait players with mindscapes and signature wengines
>You could die before they come out
scary times bro, stay safe, we will make it
this is exactly what you're going to fucking get. we all KNOW what this looks like already, it was literally how they handled jane's story in 1.1. anyone who thought that was better than TV slop is a fucking retard
>XIV combat and gameplay loop is fine
lmao even
...Animal Crossing Gacha...?
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>Miyabi replaced by Raiden Mei
BASED fix Hoyo
Now remove qing yi
wtf is this real
I liked the tv stuff I hope they don't completely remove it
never once do I want to kill a genshin tard so fucking bad up until this point. They ruined Honkai Impact and now they're activlely ruining ZZZ
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>Hallway simulator
Didn't know we're turning to KH2
>Pulchra joins the Cunning Hares
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were where you when wideyabi had her face put in a hydraulic press?
mobile game moment
Hoyo started as such an ambitious developer and now they just want to develop a bunch of games which play identically and are willfully held back by being stuck on mobile
I'd agree with you until Billy is basically a DPS machine if the enemy attacks frequently enough.
The 1.2 missions will be like the Jane mission in 1.1, which means that they'll take longer than TV kek
Is Genshit the source of all evil? How do we fight back ZZZbros
I cant be the only one hoping they dont make it so you have to use all agents ultimates one after another like in the other games. The whole point of chain attacks is getting a mini version of the ult and seeing it more often without having your entire damage loop revolve around spamming them
Why would I do that
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Trigger will put us at t0
1.1 already killed main line.
>corridor hell with the thugs
>go to point A, kill mobs, go to point B, kill mobs, go to point a again, etc
these 2020 gacha tourists are a blight
>genshitter reaction image
Turns out to no one's surprise, the homos came from /gig/. Total genhomo death.
More like Soulless Zone Zero
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>Pulchra will join Nicole's faction of thrown away kids.
nope, your burst window is just going to be
for every team. enjoy your animation spam
sorry that was too different and unique, we need to change it so it's like our other games now :)
>I better not see you complain about not being able to clear content
what content? shyiu? lol that shit is piss easy and now they are removing everything else, so there's no need to metafag anymore.
bunch of retards think they know how to run companies better than businessmen
wait the ultimates are like genshin really?
How does that work anyways, only play honkey
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I miss her already..
>Cunning Hares is the furry faction
wouldn't doubt it
the vocally screeching minority clearly wants every game to be the same so might as well just use all the same characters yet again too
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Go back to your shithole wuwajeets
>XIV combat and gameplay loop is fine though
Bait. KYS yoshit sloppa
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Honestly, nothing will make me quit the game unless it is going to he a homoslop homoge like Gayshit Fagpact with Wormvillette and Homonkai Fag Rail with Fagventurine and Gayqiu.
Ruin the game as much as they want, but as long as they stick to their guns and go through their vision undisturbed by fujoshits, it will all be fine.
I understand how they convey the narrative, I just don't really care. If I'm booting up ZZZ, I want to play ZZZ, not a bad tower defense/ bad RPG/ bad bomberman clone/ etc. And if you don't like the gimmick of the stage, it can be a real slog. For example, I did the infinite abyss mission earlier today, and that was 30+ minutes of:
>go through small TV area
>pin pressure down event so it shows up next floor
>go down floor
>repeat 4 more times
>fight an easy battle
>repeat entire process until FLOOR 100
It was braindead, I didn't enjoy it, and all I got for my time were some dennies, I believe.
Gonna start spamming feedback to keep SOME TV in. I like TV. It's a once-off experience for story mode, and is unique.
I'll fight for it.
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Am I the only one who dislikes the ultimate change? Those long ass animations are going to ruin the dynamic feeling of ZZZ's combat. It'll just be EQ swap bullshit like Genshin now.
>future livestreams will be longer because apparently people didn't like the brevity of the 15 minute ones
Who the fuck are these people? I should put this on the survey, I'd be damned if my livestreams turned to VAslop like genshin again.
Probably just means it's safe to ult now while stunning to break faster
Ult on support before setting up break
They can easily make it so it's not dump ults during stunned period
gonna cry and kneel again dawei?
It literally says right there it might be a placeholder
50 poly is nothing. Cope.
How much did Jinshi make? Obviously not enough to make EoS not happen on wormwa. EoS Imminent
Do your surveys. Praise the status quo. Complain about changes.
>people with nowhere else to go end up with nicole
there's actually a pretty consistent theme here so this is believable
ohnonono billybwos and kotfags
>total TVkek melty
did they mention it in the video, haven't watched all 30+ minutes yet
>all this freaking out when we already have leaked exploration achievements
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>XIV combat and gameplay loop is fine though, it's just the story thats trash
story going into EW was what made it popular, with Dawntrail the story fell off a cliff. They've actively made the classes way more boring and homogenized, though DT fights were kinda fun
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>Miyabi is a fire DPS because it's blue flames around her sword and she gives a special blue burn status to enemies
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I don't think anyone here likes it, it's an absolutely stupid idea
>People are literally crying and shitting themselves this game isn’t like Genshin and HSR
Dude, if you want a game like Genshin and HSR…PLAY GENSHIN AND HSR
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>Support ult
>Stunner ult
>DPS ult
Man. I got tired of Genshin gameplay like two years ago. If this is really what they will be changing ZZZ to then I'm out.
Literally hate the Quickswap gameplay style and only tolerated it because at least chain attacks in this aren't so egregious. All I really want is a character action game where I play the character I rolled for instead of some fucking ADHD space masher. Why do chinks love this shit so fucking much?
Dying with dignity is better than bending the knee.
Money speaks louder for corpos, however.
is genshit and troon rail (autotrannies)
no monke for you faggot
Over half of the comments on the twitter post are complaining about tv stuff getting dialed back, they’re going to realize everyone who was enough of an adhd zoomer to get turned off by the TVs is lost and they’re only alienating the remaining fanbase by being so insistent on removing them. I expect tv stuff to come back into the main story eventually as public opinion turns against corridorslop considering how comically inconsistent and wishy-washy the dev team is
What is your end of survey responses now?
Mine are:
>Please add Robot Idol ASAP
>Please change Nekomata's Catwalk ability as it doesn't make sense
>Please add more TV content
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Time for dinner super seasoned burger and fries fuck yeah and hollow zero time
thanks for the summary
I'm okay with everything but the tv removal, it's a shame they gave up on it
For this patch. The discourse is about future updates.
uma delicia
I will use monkey and edge wolf's animations as a cope for this being a placeholder
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why did they mention miyabi specifically
The video said they still looking for a way to implement it, so they might be aware about it going to be 1 minute cutscene
that burger is just wuwa tho
Did you pull that patty out from the garbage dump?
>The game's most interesting mechanic is going away because mouth breathers are retarded trans or gooners that don't want to play videogames
Holy fuck you people are fucking retarded. Have you anti-fun retards played anything other than gacha slop before?

This games is getting fucking killed by retards that don't even play it/devs that are being massive pussies and rolling over due to reddit bitching. Fucking chingchongs I swear.
I've been playing games for 32 years, the devlog is a death knell for the game. Remember to gatekeep your interests and hobbies more effectively in the future.
They have do to this cause nobody uses the ult charge for anyone but their DPS, making the ult animation of the stunners and supporters pretty much useless
ugh I hate frozen patties
I didn't like bangboo limbo
Anby... stop eating the burgers Nicole puts in the fridge... she fishes them out of garbage cans.
This is beyond retarded.
Quality of story missions doesn't depend on having time padding filler used only to mask their lack of actual in game levels for players to play on.
You are arguing that Jane missions would be less boring if instead of being able to walk around the bandit hideout looking at her model we were moving in a tv corridor with rare same dialog popups. Get a fucking grip, tvsloppers.
Can any one actually point me to where they say it's individual ults because NO ONE EXPECT ONE POST IN THIS THREAD ACTUALLY MENTIONED IT.
Based TV enjoyer.
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>/gig/gers crawling out of the woodworks with impunity
Grim, zzz is truly dead.
1.1 story was fucking garbage compared to 1.0, can’t believe tards here were praising it
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by 2.0 they're going to add autobattle mode, they have no spine
this ain't ground meat that's just ground
honestly blue fire would be very cool but she's probably gonna be Ice Anomaly
Never played Genshit so I don't know why it's a bad thing. I like DHCs and Ults being reduced to only being used by DPS during stun windows sucks.
>floor 100
bro… you could leave in the first 5-10 mins
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It's actually absurd. Every single fucking change they're implementing is just to make it play more like Genshin and HSR. Adding individual ultimate meters, dialing back the TV slop, making the FUCKING LIVESTREAMS LONGER for no reason. I still log into HSR every day but the main appeal of this game to me was the fact that it was unashamedly trying new things and not being beholden to the legacy and style of other Hoyo games.

The writing was on the wall when they released a fucking lore trailer full of HI3 expies like a week after the game released. It's fucking over.
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lol i wonder
>game being dumbed down
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We’re not alone, at least
The best possible outcome.
I have like 6 different gachas to play everyday, do you really think I wanna waste my precious time doing the TV board bullshit?
No thanks, begone TVs
>Never played Genshit so I don't know why it's a bad thing.
watching 10 years of cutscenes in every combat encounter is retarded and shit
>Please add characters with archetypes/elements that aren't represented much yet
>Please make events more interesting, Golden Week was a good start
>Please continue to phase out the more tedious TV content
1.4 or 1.5 will have the TV replacement. Was translated as "action rougelike"
Literally looks like a dug-up cemetery holy shit, I see skulls.
Femorrhoid flops have killed this game as well. I'm sorry you have to experience this too
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I like them and was hoping they would expand it, not destroy it.
>Miyabi no longer in the run for ugliest character in the game
>cunning hares
>the furry is playable and will be a mainstay in the main faction
>mogs nekomata
They’re already abandoning their vision by putting essential parts of the game in the trash, expect fujo bullshit the moment criticism gets anywhere since this dev team clearly can’t handle it at all.
Cunning Hares was great Belobog SUCKED change my mind (you can't my mind is beautiful and brilliant)
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Just wanted to say that I love MILFs
Golden week was tedious TV content though???
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>I have like 6 different gachas to play everyday
>do you really think I wanna waste my precious time
>6 different gachas
>precious time
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They could have kept it vague...
>Nicole adopts another cat
This needs to stop.
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I hated 1.1's story because it didn't feature the best part of the game (Belle and Wise) and with the TV parts gone, I fear we are going to have HSR-tier story slop where the MCs doesn't do shit at all, or worse, be the fucking WITNESS of the story.
>23 till pity
>not possible to get jane doe unless I pay money
Fuck this shitty gacha system so fucking hard I played every single day and completed every event and did my hollow zeroes and I still can't get Jane Doe
Fucking piece of shit wasting my time and patience with these stupid fucking B rank anal beads fucking me in my ass and pissing me off why do I even waste my life on this I don't even like anime
It makes the game more linear since you're just watching the same lengthy animations and dumping your cooldowns in the same order every 20 seconds
because retards forced a meme about her that the retard devs took seriously, now she's going to look like generic waifuslop #9179023
yeah, you're right, I should've spent as little time in the TV mode as possible. It was my mistake for thinking they could make something worthwhile in there.
>Quality of story missions doesn't depend on having time padding filler used only to mask their lack of actual in game levels for players to play on.
You're right, just turning the story into a fucking visual novel with the comic book pages would unironically be a better change than this.
>You are arguing that Jane missions would be less boring if instead of being able to walk around the bandit hideout looking at her model we were moving in a tv corridor with rare same dialog popups.
Yes, because the TV gameplay has far more room for them to experiment compared to the combat, which, while fun, is not complex enough to carry an entire story mission when you are just going from instance to instance hitting damage sponges. At the very least in the 1.1 story, you aren't playing as Phaethon, so it makes some sense that there are no TVs here. What the fuck is the justification going to be for actual main story missions?
penacony was good tho
They agree that she's ugly
Just add more ults like Rina’s which are conditionally better to use than the dps’s
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i like karin
Show your index completion.
get a job you fking parasite
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this is all because keklan and luoshit failed. We could've just been our own comfy passion project niche
I am a TV defender and I agree that Infinite Abyss is total ass.
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>inb4 nicole was a bunny thiren all this time
>but all she has is a rabbit tail and because everyone eyes in on her tits we never noticed
call it right fucking now
i dropped ff13 when the reworked AST and it wasnt living by your draw and they streamlined it to like 3 effects so it was boring i hate they did that it was super fun to play before
They aren't trashing TV mode they just said they are removing it from the 1.2 story and will try to put BETTER TV stuff in the side-quests and events. The summary specifically says expect MORE ENJOYABLE TV
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so we’re just reddit now
cant wait for more of this now that the retards see how many (You)s they could get
Remember the Jane story?
Instead of doing TV puzzles, you're just gonna stand in front of voiceless npcs with some rally missions inbetween (which are more boring than the TVs imo)
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>three cat thiren agents
>only one canid thiren so far, maybe two if Miyabi counts
fucking cats taking over
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I'm only worried about the amount of easy i-frames dodgelets can have with three consecutive ults.
Its exactly because I have a job that I dont wanna have my time wasted with TV sloppa
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but when are (you) gonna start drawing Reenah?
Mine was always:
>Less feminine male characters like Seth and Lighter
>More in-depth combos and combat mechanics
Pic unrelated
I hate anti-TV niggers
I and I say I, think that she is ok
Issues with the removal of TV mode:
>Wise and Belle's roles as proxies are severely diminished. basically becoming backdrops (they werent even backdrops in Jane's story, just side characters that appeared for a minute)
>More easy fucking fights over and over which you do every day in your farming loop anyway
>huge reduction in character dialogue and exposition
Explain why you think TV mode is fun.
For me, the only time it was actually fun was in the Ballet Twins story mission and was a slog to get through everywhere else.
Also, what the fuck is going to happen with Fairy? She is suppose to be the navigating assistant to (You) when in TV mode? Thank goodness I never gave in and spent a penny on anything since I knew these people would fuck this nice game up. The story will probably go to boring generic shit since all the cool stuff will end after the Outer Rim chapter and it will be boring Section 6 tier characters from now on since Waterkuma is fucking ded (allegedly).
Right now I'm hoping the 4chan assigned interns actually exists because I don't like every single fucking change in the dev diary.
>TV mode gone
>now ZZZ is really just Honkai 3rd Impact SECOND
How the fuck is lighter feminine?
Time padding filter like wandering around a corridor between npcs doing fuck-all instead of having things woven together into a single visual novel portion? They aren’t going to stop padding, they’re just going to start padding with lame empty hallway garbage instead of at least somewhat unique tv stuff
niggas already post twitter screencaps for (You)s all over, it's already over for 4chan
No, it was way more enjoyable than your typical main story or exploration mission
>can drop in and out whenever you want
>plenty of optional stuff and variety of puzzles
>lots of rewards you get along the way instead of after finishing the mission
>minimal interruptions
If the TV missions were all like that I wouldn't find them such a slog most of the time
Obviously I realize making every single TV mode that substantial isn't realistic with how many there are now, so if they improve the quality of the missions while reducing their quantity I am more than ok with that
Fairy and a note in the dungeon literally told you that there was no point in continuing, that it was for the sort of people who enjoy a pointless and easy journey with no real purpose. At least you got a little lore drip for your effort at the end
It's related because were on a ZZZ board and can only post zzz pics bwo
This one makes the most sense
>not Seth and Harumasa
Nigger please. Lighter is Anton bro tier.
>Lighter is an s-rank
i need all of you guys to skip that worm so mihoyo sees that we don't want any more homos.
your job must be selling accs if in the end you want games to be more linear in every way because you cant afford to buy whatever you want.
Just stop being a gambling addict retard, dump this and pick up more png collectors if you don’t want to play a video game
We really are going to become background characters for the THIRD fucking game in a row aren't we.
>Literal Whollaron
God, I love Hoyoverse games! I love SLOP!
>they rework it so ultimates no longer freeze time
Lol enjoy your dps loss
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"Why do you want the TV board gone, its so unique and cool"
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>do something unique for a change
>buckle down and streamline it like your other projects
I fucking hate capitalism.
These days 90% of the shit you see here comes from reddit, twitter, discord, etc. There are only a handful of 4chan made content.
why do you people actually believe the waterkuma is fired shitpost, the section 6 characters were designed before release like his characters. he's just not the sole character designer
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welp, now game will degrade into slop without identity by listening to retards
was good while it lasted
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Did the anti miyabi schizo just save her?
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>now have to put in the feedback what parts I like with parts I do like
I mean it makes sense to have done that, but most people view feedback on putting the stuff in they don't like. But now they've only heard about complaints about TV mode instead of praise for it, so now they're taking it away.
Jane's mission was such a fucking slog to do. TV sections helped break up the monotony.
>fun is banned
You’re the only one who brought up Reddit
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Any men not built like He-Man is a twink, bwo.
>a pointless and easy journey with no real purpose
dang, just like all the tv mode gameplay, then. Good thing they're getting rid of it in their main story content!
what it was, infinite abyss?
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>he rolled characters before the ult changes
is this what they call bricked? if this change pushes through, new characters are gonna have more OP ults
Expecting TV-haters to read is the problem.
Billy's notharem grows.
That's weird, you all seem to know a lot about Star Rail and Genshin.
I feel like my ignorance has made me impervious to your doomposting. It all just sounds like schizobabble to me.
Notice how TV mode complainers are the same people who rejoiced over the skip button. Illiterate dopamine slaves
If they remove TV mode, how will I feel like a hackerman navigator geek like Futaba in Persona 5
>tv mode dead
rip MCs
your only purpose now is to literally just watch
Can they improve lucy's model to give her a fatter dumptruck?
Yeah, the fact that all the characters had these cool ults but only dps were allowed to use theirs was fucking trash.
TV mode was fun because they could clearly add simple gimmicks without too much effort, and some of those were a lot of fun. TV mode's weakness was how much time it wasted with explanations and animations for shit youve seen constantly already which is why I asked for improvements like speed up modes for those animations.
Rina's story and how it explained the history of the hospital, and the follow up ballet tower lore quest were both really cool ways of showing off exposition within the tv mode. It'd lose so much impact if it was just me spamming dialogue with an npc instead.
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changes? whatever
I'm just here to save for thirens and roll for thirens
Why are people happy this game is turning into Hi3's braindead combat combined with Genshit EQ swap spam meta?
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>they're removing all the soul this game had
>people are celebrating
whenever rina becomes as good as karin
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Shitposting, contrarians or honest opinions right now? I honestly can't tell
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Top three replies to the tweet about it are all complaining about the removal
Jane saved this shitty game
ult changes?
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>your only purpose now is to literally just watch
Made for the Genshin audience.
I'm trans and I love TV mode
I reverse image searched it hoping it would be a /zzz/ original
guess i shouldve known
Well he should be the main character designer director since HIS designs are the reason why people like this game. Characters like Nicole, Lycaon, Koleda, Lucy for example are prime examples of strong designs leaving a lasting impression.
"Running in reused corridors is so great!"
"Oh shit, a puzzle? Hit this button to open this gate, now it's done!"

The problem with tvs was that they didn't do enough interesting things with it. Whatever they replace it with isn't guaranteed to be better.
>You will WITNESS Lighter fucking Piper
Mohoyo is becoming the new ubisoft. They are literally just recycling the same formula over and over.
If they said that its actually a tomboy girl they wouldnt really need to change anything about his design. He is gender ambiguous at best.
>is this what they call bricked? if this change pushes through, new characters are gonna have more OP ults
Its the opposite retard. If they make it so all characters can ult then ults will be made weaker to compensate for the additional damage. You couldnt be more wrong.
Rinabros....it's so fucking over....
Good way to blend story and gameplay unlike what they did with Jane's story, or what they have been doing in Genshin and HSR.
>western complaints
as if they care lmao
next savior will be Miyabi then Pulchra
just make every character a furry
Rally missions suck
>ult to stun
>chain into support
>chain into stunner
>chain into DPS
>ult with DPS
>switch and ult with support
>quick swap into DPS
>after all the animation spam, your stun window has expired so you never actually got to play the character
this will be every burst rotation and i PROMISE you will get tired of this real fucking quick
my cock got hard thinking about it
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only people celebrating are wuwa devs and players, because that game will be top 3 when these changes go live and everyone deletes the game and swears death to hoyo
I think your brain might have genuinely rotted.
Your curiosity ruined the thread moment and made you more upset when you could have been ew gross and moved on, but instead you decided to suffer and extend a images life further
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Why is everybody just ignoring this part huh?
Puzzles and mechanics that the combat cannot represent.
It's a representation of Hollow exploration that isn't just fighting everything, and not all commissions are only about combat.
Hollows are complicated, and turning it into a pure combat-only gameplay is going to get boring fast. People won't see that. Once Blitz Withering Garden is out, they're going to say it's just as boring, because it won't do anything special, when the actual unique events happened in TV mode, but they won't see that.
Golden Week was better than the Jane quest
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>create a game with a mode
>not for everyone but players who are into it like it
>"people" pick up the game just because it's popular
>"people" complain about the mode
>main story is now just hallways
>hz is now just hallways
>"people" are now shitting on the players who enjoyed the game for what it was
Janes slow ass banner killed the hype.
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holy ESL, I can smell the shit from a mile away
he's still a freelancer and we don't know how much creative control he actually has. he probably has no power to veto if some in-house designer wants to push their slop designs, which is how we get stuff like section 6 sticking out like a sore thumb
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Anby Demure lmao
I'm trans and I hate TVslop
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>that game will be top 3
I'm a TERF tradwife adult catholic convert that has never been confirmed or gone to mass and I think TV mode is for men and not something that should soil my womanly hands.
that's hollow zero, not main story
>that game will be top 3
let start from crawling back to top 10 eh?
TV is relegated to sidequests and hollow zero
Honestly TV was fine it just needed improvements to the speed and smoothness, but normalshits who have never touched a dungeon crawler in their life and just want to mash buttons can't stand it.
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i know that everything will probably be alright and that the ZZZ devs will find a way to balance tv kino without making it sluggish and forced, but it's fun to doompost and act like this is the end of the world
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More loli, more tv, more agent socialization
>Zhu and Corin become literally unplayable because they won't be able to generate their own decibels
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Caesar/Lucy/Burnice team let's go
>they took everything to heart
does that mean they are also making more hebe lolis due to how popular lucy/piper is??
I hope they release the Idol group before EoS
With no TV the concept Wise and Belle as a proxy is kinda pointless gameplay wise. You're not actually doing proxy work, they'll just be the Eos following the around the agents for some reason.
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I tried to save this gacha, time to pull a "pontius pilate" with this low IQ fanbase.
>6. In the upcoming Version 1.2 main story and and important future storylines, the "TV mode" will be replaced with story stages as the major means of experience. This optimization will also be implemented in the main stories in future versions.
Because of this, literally fucking killing the entire point of being a proxy.
this is referring to hollow zero and events. this means we might get some occasional TV gameplay every other patch but the main story is going to devolve into garbage corridor slop like undercover R&B was.
I feel like these changes will make more sense once we see the sensor tower revenue for September.
I'm not sure any characters are 100% his, character design is a job that's more about your ability to draw cool characters, it's a back and forth between you and the 3D artists, it requires technical knowledge.
He's a consultant at best.
So is Caesar's hand a prosthetic or just a cool glove?
They'll add it back into main story if they can figure out how to make it good.
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>No more the Prophecy kino sequel with kino ost
It's saddening...
>complain about genshin and star rail having too much word slop
>TV removed for talking to an not voiced npc word slop
I'm not spending any more money on this turd.
Lucy has sex with Caesar
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My genuine honest opinion:
>I liked TV mode but it needed improvements, everyone can admit that, but I didnt want it scrapped
>potential ult changes suck dick. ult swap ult swap ult is the laziest dogshit combat ive ever experienced.
>Notorious hunt change good
>all story modes being replaced by story stages rather than TV will make Wise and Belle nearly irrelevant. Camera cuck siblings incoming
No, anon. That mean the vast majority of normies complained about weird lolis so there will be no more. Idols never ever. They're listening to devs.
It's because these devs are fucking chinks that only "pretend" to have a clear passionate vision when in reality they only chase after the shitty dollar.
iirc he’s character lead but they’re probably pushing in-house stuff hard, expect him to get more of a foothold as they realize his designs all sell better
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Im glad they got rid of the TV slop, fucking insufferable boring obnoxious useless piece of shit. good riddance!
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>didn't care about Jane's agent story because the MCs weren't there
>liked the Golden Week event because the siblings hanged out with a lot of the Agents we met so far in the story
Simple as
I will keep saying that Agent Stories that does not involve the siblings/Proxies as trash while praising the content that makes the Agents interact with the Proxies as great in the survey.
You should to.
That's the hope isn't it? Either way I hope it'll be more interesting than what we got with Jane's story. Her ass was great but everything else was.. also ass.
Feeling cool yet kid?
dont you worry, this game will soon be below it by the looks of it, because players here are just casuals with adhd and housewives. the usual genshit troupe
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>It's fun to act retard
Come home goy
99.9% sure it's a prosthestic
>No more fun creative missions like the Bangboo battling quest
>just hallway/fight/hallway/fight
>destroying everything that makes the game unique in the hope of roping people in who never were going to play in the first place
yeah, it will make sense when the numbers keep fucking slipping because they are now alienating the people who actually liked the thing they created to begin with. fuck off.
they are making her even wider and also giving her a tail
they are removing TVs because genshin retards are low IQ
Would rather have this than more normal fucking humans
can you niggas calm the fuck down
Joyous when
Hope hoyo pulls their head out of their ass. Removing the main gimmick of the game is the quickest way to kill it.
People bitch about TVs being filler when the dev time to add something to a corridor is significantly larger than adding something to TVs, it’s going to be the same amount of timesink while being way less interesting
Me, I asked them to remove TVs in every single survey
You're welcome
By your logic the game should just become a visual novel with fights in-between since corridorslop falls under the same category
Already tired of pretending?
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>She's fine
Wait that’s just like Dragalia Lost…
>can quickly blow through levels with it
>can use it for puzzle/board game/strategy gameplay
>ludokino because you're seeing what Phaeton is seeing
because it's to keep retards pacified until the "action rougelike" that fully replaces TV in 1.4 or whenever is ready. TV is clearly deprecated
>we are going to streamline and add QoL changes to the TV World

Why are you faggots so dramatic? I actually got scared
they are still making those retard
name a single main story mission that has good tvs
>Your curiosity ruined the thread moment
Jesus fucking christ imagine posting this even half ironically
lighter doesnt seem to be getting a ton of likes on twitter
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it's ok belle and wise will fuse with Eous and have to lead everyone through hollows in person now
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>No more tv mode in story mode
Does that mean we can finally walk as Eous in a 3d environment?
that's literally not what they said
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The reason I don't like ZY and Q is because they have Chinese names, I am not kidding. One of the reasons I can't stand Wuwa/genshin/HSR and a lot of other gachas is due to 90% of the cast being Chinese. Yes, I know a lot of these games come from there and that's why, I don't care. In this game we just have those two and the rest is a mix of western/hispanic/japanese which I'm okay with and they sound good.
>sibling+fairy banter in tv mode dead
>we'll get get more shit like Jane's quest where we talk to voiceless NPCs
We're watching the game's soul being sucked out just because they want a wider audience
>(like Hoshimi Miyabi)
this one made me laugh and almost thought it was fake
but who is the futa between them?
If you like the engaging gameplay in TV mode just go pick mint in genshin.
It's the same amount of fun.
we genuinely have no reason to give them the benefit of the doubt. we already got a taste of what their idea of replacing the TV content in story missions is, why should we believe it's going to be anything more than shitty corridor slop
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We already known troons and women are loud minorities
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Kids shouldn't dreas like this
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is that-
based russian ellenposter
Allows for visual flare for things they’d be too lazy to make in a full-3D environment (take rina explaining the old woman’s backstory for example)
Makes it very easy to add gimmicks and the like, leading to more variety between stages
Unironically much faster to go through than corridors at a similar scale would be
Hopefully, but I fear they will just ignore him and get all "Well WE are the devs and WE know what to do with OUR game!". Since chinks tend to get all high and mighty about themselves.
I did my part and disliked the short on their youtube
How is reddit reacting to these changes?
I'll grab her this time. I never grabbed Zhongli and Kazhua in Genshin, but this time I want to have one of the meta characters
try actually reading the dev post nigga >>495756292
sad isnt it? hoyo is a dogshit company. going f2p until dawei gets on his knees again and sucks my dick for pennies
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Don't let me play as Eous. I'll spend most of that time staring at Zhu Yuan and Burnice' ass.
That's because people only pretend to like him to troll/are payed off jeets.
How the fuck do you even read this?
wtf is a backwards R
Anon we're literally getting racing next patch, no you have not seen their ideas
finally a good post
zoom zooms will NOT get this reference
Opening cutscene
Ending cutscene
Rinse repeat until chapter is over.
the last time they ignored literal numbers they fucking killed genshin with a year of male banners so i don't think they'll repeat that mistake at least
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Same, imagine wanting to see less of your characters on the screen.
reminder that every single post demanding the tvs stay is a raider trying to kill this game
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Now that TVs are confirmed gone, what does ZZZ have as their core distinctive feature over other gacha games?
>>sibling+fairy banter in tv mode dead
Ah yeah, can't forget the famous banter like the unskippable explanation from Fairy how she can't hack intelligent locks every time you pass one.
They're adult women, just petite
They’re just saying that because they want the chance to backtrack if they alienate players as hard as they obviously will with a retarded decision like this months in
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>Jstern25 gets sucked off non-stop in this general
>he doesn't even have Inky unlocked in his store yet
Heh what a noob, THIS is the guy you guys jerk off so much??
>he doesn't know about the hidden Inky affinity server-side pity modifer
>have a formula for a game that your niche audience enjoys
>slowly change it to appeal to a "wider audience"
>it's shit and your core fanbase now hates you
Where is the animations at
The opposite is true you nigger faggot.
we lost its over, now we play NTE
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As long as they give me more ass shots from, this wouldn't be too bad
>shitty 5 minute racing segment where you press a QTE to dodge obstacles
We have furry women.
Oh my God, I love TVs!
There's nothing better than staring at a couple of dark squares with glitchy PNGs and the same animation everytime! It's so much better than actually walking on a three dimensional world and seeing your characters interacting with things!
Its definitely not just a poor excuse to save resources with shitty design choices disguised as uniqueness for pseudo cult players !
Man, I don't fucking know anymore. I will wait one patch and see how it goes and see what they plan for 1.4. If they continue down this path, then I will have to reign in my gambling addiction and go cold turkey I guess.
>>More easy fucking fights over and over which you do every day in your farming loop anyway
Oh no gameplay I'm shaking
Hopefully the MCs arent an afterthought like they were in Jane's story. They are literally the best part of the game and they are going to get sidelined just like all the other hoyo MCs.
most of these niggers haven't solo'd with a shitter A rank in SD besides a few autists.
Go back to your dead games general, retards.
if they dress slutty and have erotic bodies they're honorary adults bwo
Probably you already "control" him it the cutscenes on a 3d environment
fundamental issue #7814
Mega Shart was the last time before Kaleidoscape (right before EoS) that we had stagekino...
You are arguing that having a shit mode is better than having less shit.
I'm arguing that it would be better with no shit whatsoever, and guess what, they can do all that le experimentation, preschooler puzzles and other filler on a map where you can see and use your agents you collect and upgrade, the very fucking reason you are here. Imagine asking for tvslop, when you can ask for normal levels with every bit of "gameplay" that shit provides.
Based and true
I like the TV stuff.
Its a good change of pace and the mini game stuff they did with it is fun.
Camera Wise and Belle incoming, they're killing their only gameplay.

Wouldn't be surprised if everything ends up like Jane's quest where they're even off-camera most of the time.
Proxy already has no reason to exist in the 1.2 story because it takes place in the desert where there's barely any electricity let alone computers to hack.
im already here
>TV removed
>male banner
>ult spam gameplay
So 1.4 is the EOS patch it looks like. RIP.
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I just woke up to them all but removing TVs completely? Grim.
His design is not good. It's not even bad just mid. He's just a guy in a leather jacket. Borderline NPC especially with the flat colored hair.

If you compare him to really good male designs like Zhongli I mean I can't see why anyone would get excited about him. That anyone is at all just shows how thirsty these girls are and MHY is not giving them anything.
Her expressions ruin it
See the little sethfag with the earring and the makeup
Yeah buddy, he said TVs flopped
The little faggot hates the proxy network
The little faggot, he's hallwayslopper
HSR and Genshin aren't on the same level of Wuwa. It's only characters from the respective chinese region/planet that have chinese names.
HSR keeps wanking them though, Genshin only does it once a year.
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>lucy is the around the same age as caeser
>piper is in her ealry-mid 30's
the zzz lolis and slowly going away.
loli cucks are losing so hard right now
yeah that Sumeru all-male stretch made me quit Genshin until Fontaine started
back during that year, I thought they were doing it to try and get rid of all the undesirables who demanded censorship and what not, basically Twittards
unfortunately, it backfired miserably and caused even more of them to get into the game and in fact become the primary playerbase
irrecoverable disaster, sad to think about
looks too happy
Proxy isn't a hacker you stupid nigger.
I'm just glad Yanagi is out before all the shit changes are implemented, I can get my wife and jump off the ZZZ train like I did with Changli and WuWa lol.
>It's so much better than actually walking on a three dimensional world and seeing your characters interacting with things!
But this wasnt what it was replaced by. Instead Jane walked around the same room and spammed dialogues for 90% of the story section then played the same 4 levels of ballet tower we've seen a dozen times.
Can anyone even name a single memorable TV section part from the main story?
They're only fucking with those, they'll keep doing side content with TVs.
Holy based, Jane is a boring uggo and the gameplay of her story was dogshit
I read it. Thrice just to be safe. You goobers just love to doom post, there's no way they're going to just axe something that got so much art and effects put into it like that

I love all the art for it, like a lot, it's also funny to me that Eous' zipper looks like a mouth when you're being dragged into a battle. My only real complaint is it needs to be streamlined a bit, there are way too many hardstops that disrupt the immersion, I don't need to come to a complete halt for Fairy to point something out
Anyone else hold off on doing trust shit until we could control time like gods?
We will just have to see what happens, but hopefully they realize that, as game makers "We cannot just fully pull the plug on a design choice just to appease "fans" and instead need to focus on a compromise we are comfortable with if we feel their concerns are objectively valid".
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Normies killed the TV Mode Play
probably closer to what we got for Jane, but I wouldn't mind running around with him
theres still hollows to navigate
>I'll teach you when I get back from the tour de inferno
that what we in the industry like to call a death flag
>reaching top 3
Point still stands. What is eous going to do in a high speed car chase in the desert?
Wide sex
You have no excuse not to clear them considering it takes roughly 3-4 days of being a lazy shitter to max them.
where the fuck did my post go?
That happens mostly on the visual novel section though
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>Reminder that [troonkai dilatepact 3, troonkai tranny rail, gencuckold impact shizo babble]
>all that le experimentation, preschooler puzzles and other filler on a map where you can see and use your agents you collect and upgrade
Are you retarded? The entire point is the TV acts as a representation of the interface that Phaethon uses to interact with agents in the Hollows. The only replacement for this would be just playing as Eous outright, which they clearly aren't going to do. It's also moronic for them to double their dev time on trying to translate TV puzzles to the combat gameplay when they could actually just put some fucking effort into making the TV content more palatable for people. They're not even TRYING to make it better, they are just giving up and removing it. How the fuck do you not see the issue with the devs having this little faith in their own abilities?
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really? The last time they ignored their playerbase, it literally killed their game!
wuwa will probably end up the same, it's just that they started with the chink region
Literally everyone with a brain asked for qol, they’re obviously moving to scrap tvs
Literally in the prologue. you reverse hacking an amateur hacker and doxxing his location so SWAT him.
There are Hollows in the desert they still have to maneuver through
I think lesbians are sexy and cum to lesbians sex Caesar Lucy hentai is going to be fire
It makes me wonder why Belle was shown in person at the outer ring oh well we'll see soon
>Just do stages to advance time
yea no
This is what I don't understand
All the cool memorable TV sections are from side quests like Kami North.
Belle is shown with billy in the desert in the trailer.
But you're right it's going to be some shit like Porxy just being there for some reason and then switching PoV to the Sons of Calydon doing their thing for the whole story.
Proxy is for navigating hollows.
A companion hollow can appear anywhere including a desert.
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Should I use my last 7 hours to grab Jane?
I feel like Caesar would probably be the smarter choice, I am bad at games like these and her shield seems like a good crutch
The ballet towers were cool for the first few minutes. I can't remember any other main story tv section.
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Why the fuck would they be present for a story from her perspective on a mission they have absolutely nothing to do with, how dumb are you?

>other hoyo MC's
>Trailblazers literally getting more and more voiced lines each patch
>Clearly going the direction of being thoroughly established characters instead of mute self inserts

Can't talk for genshin cause I haven't played it in about a year
>he didn't put his life on the line for about 30 seconds to speed up time
skill issue
>thinking mihoyo has the balls to kill a playable character
>really? The last time they ignored their playerbase, it literally killed their game!
and they are trying to speedrun this exact thing once again. incredible
Woah it’s almost like they could have removed that instead of neutering the entire game over easily fixed pain points
Yes. Being a camera. Glad you agree.
>zoom zooms will NOT get this reference
>zoomers don't listen to music
Reminder that the average Gen Z is like 22 years old and has a job
Thats why I said 3-4 days than 1-2? You burn your stamina on HIA and fuck off and repeat. Doesn't work if you're mining Discs forever though
There's a stage you can do in under 10 seconds, you're just a lazy nigger.
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Uoh T0T
Who fucking knows since they are changing ULTs and said they will be "adjusting character abilities" due to new gameplay changes coming later.
Why was Caesar's left hand cut off?
>>495757189 meant for >>495756941
what happened to her pet?
>a year of male banners
>conveniently ignore Dehya and all the 4* that were mostly females
We got to get rid of these colored TVs
>waste hours doing something you could do in minutes patches later
>time padding filler but you can interact with and see you characters
>excel sheet looking ass but you can't see your characters
What a tough choice.
the Belobog ones were fun, especially with blowing shit up and the mechs crashing through shit, and the Ballet Twins quests with the lights, infravision, and being chased around by ghosts was neat. You won't be seeing stuff like that going forward because it would eat up too much dev time. That's the nice thing about TV, they can get creative and do things that would otherwise take a prohibitive amount of time and labor for a live-service game
>he doesn't know
the only actual reason they wouldn't do it in this game is because of the trust events, but they definitely have the balls lmao
Pokemon league
They're just leaving it out of the main story mission for now. They are going to keep experimenting with it in the events and HZ and other missions.
Anon, the latest story literally has a joke about how sidelined they were.
Wait so 1.3 has no new A rank?
Hoyoverse has only killed ONE (1) playable character who wasn't already dead in the entire time I've been playing their slop
That isn’t what happened you double nigger, you gave up your Phaethon internet account to the hacker, and then reported that account to pubsec after they’d logged into it.
Yeah but that's a joke, that anon is doomposting about it becoming real
poor waterkuma is dying in a chinese prison and you're laughing
not limited, standard brick designed to make you rage when you lose a 50/50
are you fucking serious? sure, just go tell all of the seething homos that they should just roll for fucking seth. that's not how it works retard.
ALL S ranks BABY
Yeah classes are easier, but the endgame fight mechanics are getting more complicated, so the ceiling remains the same while the floor is lowered to attract casuals
You should do what you think will benefit you the most at the moment. By the time this >>495757327 drops, Jane and even maybe Caesar would already get their rerun + many future banner options.
derailing the train
navigating through darkness in the twin towers
making sure zhu and qingyi don't fucking die while trying to remain hidden
It is real.
> social engineering isn't hacking
That's literally 90% of scams.
How will they inflate the play time of the main story now?
Rina's story mission was a good one too. It would have been less impactful if you were running around a reused corridor as a representation of a hospital. Instead of using your minds eye.
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Are these raiders in the room with us right now?
??? what balls exactly?
the only playable character who's died in a hoyo game is Himeko
wtf's a agent accompany mode??? dating mode???
Tell me what the fuck did Stelle even fucking do the entirety of Chinksloppa
>>>>>>>interact with
Wow it sure is dynamic and interactive to walk around a random hallway and talk to npcs (maybe interact with a button without any animation occasionally too) instead of playing grid-based mini games
You're still gonna be wasting hours clicking the proceed to next hour button, as some characters only show up once a week after talking to them
I'm currently raiding Zhu Yuan's ass
I hate normalfags so much. I don't even know if I should continue anymore.
Gallagher and Misha in HSR.
This and also work on their environment and new levels for us to play on.
Tingyün... forgotten...
>welt leaves that possible universe for an alive one
damage REVERTED.
1 (ONE) is greater than zero. there's also tingyun in HSR but that seems to have been a fakeout now
again, i don't think it will ever happen in this game because one of the points is being able to hang out with and effectively date the characters, so they obviously need to be alive, but hoyo isn't above killing playable characters in general
honkai impact sisters...
I guess but were they really alive to begin with
You put that goalpost back right now
They turned off gas that one time and uhhhhh
I rather get tedious TV modes than having another fucking Hoyoverse MC being sidelined away from the story to service fujosloppa where (you) WITNESS the story and have character not give a shit about (you) because (you) are irrelevant in the story.
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>stabs you
Why's everyone ignoring free dennyless coffee that gives 80 stam and w-engines not costing shit to dismantle?
Genshitters could only dream of having such similar big QoL
Yes, you get to walk around the city while holding hands with Anby now
>average Gen Z has a job
Did you forget the whole first segment where we go on an adventure with Hanya's fine ass? Look I'm sick of the yanqing dick riding and space china in general, but the trailblazer had prescence, not the main character, but not invisible either, wants someone invisible look at daniel, *that's* someone who does fuck all.

But they kind wrote him into a corner, cause
>why doesn't he just go super saiyan
>form kills everything = no story
So he's gonna he a do nothing devoid of personality blight for the games entire existence
I play games for the gameplay not to get my dick sucked off by fictional characters I dont give a shit about
No one liked the wuwa rover cocksucking
did you even play Jane's mission? longer corridors, pointless conversations with NPCs, etc
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i'm attracted to petite girls and women. doesn't matter how old they are. older is better in fact, children are insufferable
Just means I'm STILL saving time and my patience
that is the game i was referring to

I suppose but Himeko's death was pretty much the most important event in that entire story, ZZZ isn't really set up in a way that they could pull something like that and I doubt they'd kill a playable character just for a self-contained story arc
20 stam is nothing and dennylets are retards.
Never notice coffee costing anything, never dismantled a W-engine.
Give me something like condensed resin and I4ll actually care.
At least in hsr they just made the MC a separate character and set up the whole character switching thing (even though yanqing wank fucking sucks). If they go the genshin route outright it’s over
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>newfag(s) exposing themselves without knowing
t.troon that hates himself because he isn't the gender he wanted to be
more characters died than just Himeko
Jane's mission was unironically worse than TV mode. If that's the future of this game, we are fucked.
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>its much clearer in the dev talks.
>in patch 1.4, the ultimate skill are moving to individual gauges to each Agent
bake it
WuWa is dying cause everything not Fractsidus fucking sucks, I am so fucking sick and tired of hearing chinese names now, ZZZ is such a fucking breath of fresh air

I know some of the whiter anons start angrily vibrating in their chairs about the hip hop influence, but I personally enjoy it, reminds me of jet set radio and splatoon
>someone who does fuck all.
uh he speared some random jobber in the last patch. he's totally relevant and not sidelined because they have no idea what to do with him!
So the game is just becoming Genshin Impact with parries and no open world map?

people who died 50000 years before the story do not count, at most the flamechasers are 0.5 of a death because I guess they do have death scenes even if they aren't real
I hate what Genshin turned into and I hate that ZZZ will be just like it by the end of 1.x
sounds like a personal problem
may i recomend you play games geared to your tastes instead of trying to force them?
Thanks for beta testing tvuck
you do it
New thread
Coffee is already effectively 80 stamina if you used the 2x bonus. I think the only thing that changed is the denny cost
What do you mean turned into? It was always ult rotation simulator
Anon, what kind of keyboard do you have that has 4 next to [ ' ]? One of those hand ones? I can't think how that'd happen otherwise unless different languages have it in other areas.
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Yes. We're killing everything that made this game unique to appeal to retarded normalfags who already got filtered by the gameplay and marketing. Do you rike????
the main audience for hiphop is white people kek
waiting for the REAL thread
based self-confident chad
I didn't realize these games were infected by VN cancer, I thought they were about collecting characters
So long as they keep it up with character designs ZZZ is still the better game by miles.
The fuck does that change about what I said, I know for a goddamn fact a couple dozen faggots in here started squirming when the lyrics kicked in on their first S rank agent
give me ONE good reason we have adult caesar instead of kid caesar
Kid caesar would have sold BILLIONS
French keyboard layout
If you hold shift while typing ' it inputs a 4 instead. Often happens when typing * I' *
>Dead end butcher reveal
>Train chase and diverting tracks
>Mech fights, wall breaking, and bombs
>Following Zhu and Qingyi's criminal chase
>Ballet twins ghosts and spirit form
Without TV section, the proxy siblings loses their presence in the story, delegated to some sort of exposition bot who does nothing but talk through Eous while Eous just follow us around and hides when the agent goes into battle. Fairy too whom we use her omnipotence to map hollows loses her job in the main story.
I realize that TV haters are just people with little to no imagination. When they see TV section, they only see squares instead of imagining what happens inside. When Eous flew over Zhuyuan and Qingyi's head in the TV mode, they only see a square moving over more squares.
Of all the big gachas is unironically the one with the best art direction like by such a long shot the use of waterkuma, cassette retro futurism and abundant use of smear frames on the cutscenes really make it stand out. I am sick of Chinese names, Chinese zones, Chinese folklore theme lore. Hip-hop post apocalyptic Neo Tokyo is the big win of this game
that's a good thing genshin is just ability spam
>The leader of the bikers is a tomboy loli wtih shield&sword.
>Lighter is a chuuni that has to take care of 3 brats
It could have been perfect...
Ah okay, thanks for sharin. I've kind of taken for granted how easily it is to talk to others from around the world and forgot about keyboard layouts. Have a nice day.
I like the story, watching different fractions was fun; I love that even Lycaon recognized that Nicole is actually a genius.
I was sold once I saw the panty and stocking inspired art too
What are the chinese saying?
Oh noe, how can I ask devs to improve and make game better. How dare I ask post 1990 game levels in my video game. Oh, what a travesty.
>Are you retarded? The entire point is the TV acts as a representation of the interface that Phaethon uses
Are you? Like for real, are you fucking retarded? You can't even fathom that it's enough for us to see HDD load to understand that we entered hollow as Phaeton and after that having to actually walk around hollow using our team we are "guiding" is better if the level is polished and filled with points of interest, puzzles, activities and combat than just staring in a black screen holding forward?
If they are not planning to improve shit, they should remove it, not put a cherry on a turd.
>small interaction characters (the point of this game) is better than no interaction whatsoever
Yes. Look guys, we have the smartest tvsloppa enjoyer here.
stop samefagging about Chinese names stfu nobody cares weeb this is the Chinese century get over it.
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>loli cucks are losing so hard right now
>and yet faggots complain about muh fictional loli drawing
>You can't even fathom that it's enough for us to see HDD load to understand that we entered hollow as Phaeton and after that having to actually walk around hollow using our team we are "guiding" is better if the level is polished and filled with points of interest, puzzles, activities and combat than just staring in a black screen holding forward?
No, because you're not playing as Phaethon or being engaged with the story. You are now reduced to a WITNESS while your agents actually do everything. Like I said, if they made it so you play as Eous, then there could be some hope, but they're not going to do that.
>If they are not planning to improve shit, they should remove it, not put a cherry on a turd.
And like I said, it would literally be better if they abandoned their attempt to pad the story with gameplay altogether and just made it be a visual novel. If they can't figure out a way to do it without pissing off someone, then just don't bother.
its a body type
Only playable characters have IDs like this so its actually confirmed now
>Flop harder then jane
Not possible sorry, we're getting another dozen furries who are for (you)
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Why are they just staring at trash?

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