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Previous: >>495744525 #

Version 1.2 "Tour de Inferno" Special Program
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YzElFb4S64s [Open]
Agent Record | Caesar King
Agent Record | Burnice White
Agent Story | The Rape of Corin

>Newest Trailer/Teaser/Character demo
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d17pewXhrI8 [Open]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=biuXi_x7-WA [Open]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NihInQv5Iyk [Open]
>Current Signal Search
Jane Doe - 09/04 – 09/24 11:59
Sharpened Stinger - 09/04 – 09/24 11:59

>Current Events
"All New Program" - Receive Encrypted Master Tapes - Ends 09/24 03:59 (server time)
"Camellia Golden Week" - 08/21 10:00 (server time) - 09/23 03:59 (server time)
"Immersive Tactical Drill" - 09/06 10:00 (server time) - Ends 09/16 03:59 (server time)

>Upcoming Events for 1.1
"Scene One, Take One!" - Starts 09/13 03:59 (server time)
Full 1.1 Event Details: https://zenless.hoyoverse.com/en-us/news/125244

>Redeemable codes (claimable in-game or online)

>Resources and useful links
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individual polls for the upcoming changes

TV tards lost KEK
wide Mibibi status?
It's over. ZZZsloppa is the future. ZZZkino is dead.
Anti TV freaks of the nature killed ZZZ
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Backlash is pretty universal so far
/poll/fags need to fuck off
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Thank you for beta testing ZZZ for us genbros to play once natlan ends TVucks
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I don't dislike Jane and Seth as characters.

I dislike what they stand for: the beginning of the hypercasualization of the game and the end of TV mode.

Aka they represent the game turning into normalfag pandering central: Genshin 2.0.

Open world slop coming soon too, just you wait.
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Fuck anti-TV retards
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even the Japanese don't like the removal of TVs from the main story. Neither are the Chinese on Bilibili. Who the fuck are they exactly pandering for this decision? It's like watching the Honkai Impact Part 2 trainwreck all over again
>tube comments
I stopped reading that shit in 2010
But what about the Chinese players?
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>TV slop gone
>Loser neets are mad the game doesn't cater to them
Maybe if you stopped being a poorfag and put some money down they would listen. But casuals stay winning. Go play an mmo or something.
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>make unique gameplay decision
>unique gameplay filters some people
>panic and undo unique gameplay
>people initially turned off are largely not returning
>fanbase that enjoyed unique gameplay is now alienated
Sasuga mihoyo
Lighter's EN VA is Aleks Le
The problem was that the chinks where complaining about the tv even more than the west
>All only mention side content tv mode
Good thing they're keeping that then.
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Honestly, the death of TV will either permanently ruin the game or be a blessing in disguise depending on how they handle Phaethon going forward.
As long as Phaethon stays relevant in the story and is not passive like other Hoyoverse MCs, then the changes in TV is fine.
But if they disappear completely in favor of Agent stories where Phaethon does nothing, or is in such a reduced role in the story where you are a WITNESS of the story, then it is unironically over.
Belle and Wise are the best thing in ZZZ and having them become more passive because there is no TVs anymore fucking sucks.
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Cute and canon.
what do the chinese players think about the changes? they are the only playerbase that the devs will actually listen to (and maybe the japs, to a lesser extent). if they are still in the camp of wanting all the TV stuff gone then its fucking over.
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the outrage is totally organic and totally not orchestrated by a discord group comprised of all 12 active wuwa players all of which are Indian
Holy zoomer
>people play the beta
>Devs tone down on tvs
>Devs completely remove tvs
>"But why? I loved tvs"
Me with the death of TV Mode
At least make the survey ingame and give me dennies, hoyo intern.
based futa on male enjoyer
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Yeah I'm done with this game. Lighter not being an S attacker was the final bucketdrop which broke the dunkey's back. I fking hate you inciel heterofaggots so, so much thanks for ruining yet another game
I dropped wuwa when this game came out. I do not like the changes.
holy fucking based, I knew it sounded like him

now I want him
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Reminder that separate decibel bars will make burst characters like Corin and Zhu unplayable
>anon realizes what silent majority means
if people are happy they dont talk
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I want the names of all accounts who asked for no TV content leaked NOW
my head really hurts
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>everyone who disagrees with me is a shitposter or raider
this is the average IQ of the people who want TV slop gone. this is who they're bending over to appeal to.
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did they say if they were going to change the earlier chapters? newfags are still going to have through slog through all those tvs and potentially quit
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So, it was fun 3 months, bros. Back to the regularly scheduled mihobosoft slop, I guess.
Yes people LOVED TV like they totally loved the board game story mode in Budokai 2
I want 40/60 on TVs
why remove them, or at least add a new endgame mode that's TV only and refreshes periodically (no HZ doesn't count)
previous thread is wrong
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Now that we have confirmation that S11 will stay relevant for a long time, is it safe to use my hamster cages on her, I like having her at 11
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>Don't play as them navigating Hollows anymore
>don't even need to play as them in the city and outside

Wise and Belle found dead
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banging . . . BOOS!
>unique gameplay filters some people
It was the majority.
Keep coping but it's the truth.
what are you gonna play now?
I refuse to believe the chinks are that different to the opinions elsewhere. I know theyre soulless by nature but they cant be that awful
But what if Lighter is actually a dps just with a stunner label
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/bant/ thread is still up
mentally ill lucyfag
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Exactly, the whole decision is beyond retarded. You can’t just remove a core gameplay element 3 months in
They said that they will do that in the future in the video
piper wheel
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I am going to remind you all through out ceaser banner cause i fucking hate pedo and loli enjoyers
>piper is in her early to mid 30's
>lucy is the around the same age as caeser, so early 20's

lolipedos just keep losing and i love it.
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>Actually sat down to watch the devlog
I should have known better than to trust Mihoyo but I'll choose to remain hopeful for now.
I'll just put fav on Nicole it's fine...
Nah I bet it’ll still be the 3k limit and each thousand will count towards an ult.
Nta, but Endless Space 2.
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Actual previous thread since retard continues to insist on vandalizing the OP.
here you go, bro >>495750918
>Caesar and Lucy confirmed lesbians
It's over Wisepags.
>>anon realizes what silent majority means
Yeah, the silent majority are the TV haters now
drink water
>Luciana de Montefio
>Piper wheel
>Caesar King
>Burnice White
Why are they gatekeeping his last name when we know its Lorenz
I did, actually.
>hoyo betrayed their fanbase
I guess they're switching to shilling hsr for upcoming 3.0?
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Even Chinks don't want the TVs gone. What the fuck are they doing????????????
>Just like they loved one of the greatest fg story modes
It's Brutus.
It was me. I can't wait to use Fairy Auto-Explore to autocomplete cancerous trash like The Prophecy and Infinite Abyss. I will never again spend even a second longer than necessary in TV mode.
Sorry anon but they were the biggest haters of the tv stuff
loli is not about age
stop exposing yourself as a newfag tourist
the combat, yeah, but exploration and puzzle solving got watered down into nothing after casuals shit themselves over Dragonspine, Inzauma, and so on. The dev team overcorrected, removed challenge from the game and filled the gap with wordslop
>Zzzoomers getting their first fuck off to our other game period
They grow up so fast....
More time for incest
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So you admit that it's okay to be attracted to them now just because we have soft confirmation that they're adults? Interesting. I thought they were "child-coded" and it was gross and icky to find them sexually arousing though?
Anons, how do I quit sunk cost?
Good things about TV Mode:
>attempts to spice up gameplay with a variety of minigames and small gimmicks
>can be used to show and imply things that wouldn't be feasible in the action game mode, like flashback scenes or fancy setpieces.
>Showcases what exactly wise/belle do in the story as proxies in an elegant way
>cheap to make (I don't know why I should care about this, as the end consumer, but it's still a good thing for the devs at least)

Bad things/Problems with the TV Mode:
>Is almost completely seperate from the main game combat, so all the gacha characters you rolled for and care about are completely irrelevant...
>...except for an obligatory fight at/towards the end of most TV stages, which runs counter to the minigame/gimmick focus of TV Mode
>because it can't be too challenging, TV Content is all very simple; too simple to be engaging.
>annoying and slow to replay, especially if you're already used to the gimmick of the stage. Better get everything you need on the first go.

Ultimately, TV Mode has its appeal as a short, gimmick-based thing, but it doesn't work together well with the core gameplay. For the combat lovers, it's busywork to speed through for resources for the actual game, and the people who go to TV as a break from the game still end up having to do combat anyway.

That said, it still has a place in the game, and will likely still be a large part of the game, for one simple reason: The core gameplay of ZZZ is not interesting enough to stand on its own, and never will be. The devs know it, the players know it, everyone knows it, which is why this is such a big deal in the first place.
Aren't the underage in china not allowed to play for more than 1 hour a day and only on weekends? It wouldn't be surprising if they want to streamline everything given that
Its over boys, they are all fully focused on reworking the entire story and removing TVs instead of producing good loli characters now
how is it wrong? which part of it is wrong anyway, there's a lot of posts in it
>the point

>your head
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Game combat is really quick, the TVs exist to "pad the runtime" in the initial release to make it seem like there's a lot to do ingame than there actually is. Compare it to other hoyo games, there's a lot of exploration but ZZZ overworld maps are tiny in comparison, thus the TV was born
I checked the box next to TV mode/puzzles as things I enjoyed on every survey I did. wasn't me.
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Loli has nothing to do with age retard, many extremely popular Loli characters are of legal age
who asked
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Lighter being a stunner means Big Daddy inevitably is going to be the Sons of Calydon's S rank physical Attacker
It would honestly be incredible. to have a gameplay mode so hated that, despite being so heavily integrated into the game, that only 3 months in, they retroactively remove it. Or at the very least, decrease it's presence significantly.
Seriously. Stupid faggots were mad they couldn't speed run the story and killed the gameplay for everyone
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>Back up Battery Charge
Fucking. Finally.
The thing that's most crazy to me is decibels won't be shared. I feel like they could've done something else if the problem was "we only see DPS ults"
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these are real lolis, when do we get an actual child (female) operator instead of tiny hags
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They literally said that just because there's no TV mode in 1.2's main story it doesn't mean it's not coming back in the future. They explicitly said this. Why are you all so fucking retarded holy shit.
newfag who quit here
yeah all i remember from this game was staring at blank tvs and cutscenes with like 3 seconds of combat in between. I was trolling the combats cause I wanted to play more and not be shoved back in the TVs. I had a lot of fun but I didnt feel like sitting through the story after the kot arc.
I will maybe come back if they add cute barefoot girls but I'm already invested in other gachas now desu.
>The core gameplay of ZZZ is not interesting enough to stand on its own, and never will be. The devs know it, the players know it, everyone knows it, which is why this is such a big deal in the first place.
All of the actual combat changes they're suggesting are going to make the gameplay WORSE and LESS interesting, which just adds insult to injury. Not only are they removing the lore-friendly companion to the combat, they're going to turn the combat into ugly ultimate rotation spam like Genshin. It's actually the worst fucking possible thing for everyone.
In this very screenshot they are saying the the corridor slop is better for the main story which is the mode they are removing the TV's from
I understand many people not liking it, however they designed the TV sections as a core aspect of the game, removing it now leaves the game barebones. Almost every commission in 1.1 consists of running, fighting weak mobs, running, fighting weak mobs, running, fight strong mob. It was easier for them to rework TV than completely removing it.
HI3 was successful even without some useless padding.
but i like the core gameplay
Opposing the hollow 1 is such a ridiculous mission, to the point where opposing the hollow 2 was somehow way easier.
Every time you think you are finally done you either get one more boss to fight or the boss has a phase 2. At least before fighting shadow Jane you only had to fight a bunch of fodder.
>chinks having soul for once
actually shocking
Actually I'm surprised that HSR players aren't complaining that their story mode is basically 90% VN 10% gameplay now
What the fuck are you POOR?!
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we've been invaded by genshit fags split ults are retarded we already have chain attacks to this
>remove TV
>make agents playable everywhere

so whats the point of being a proxy? it was unique for exactly 1 patch. bravo! now it's just another gachaslop
I'm convinced that dev note is a falseflag. No way they are this out of touch.
>Another retard who didn't play the 1.1 Jane interlude
This fanbase is fucked.
>>Is almost completely seperate from the main game combat, so all the gacha characters you rolled for and care about are completely irrelevant...
This is retarded tho, agents demonstrably have unique interactions in HZ, and quite a lot of them too.
The average IQ of this thread might be into the negatives
I will demand in the next survey that they autocomplete "the prophecy" and "infinite abyss" for me so that i don't have to waste my time with that garbage.
The point of HSR is that you don't have to fucking play it, why would anyone who likes that game complain about there being less gameplay? I only actively play my units for endgame content and a lot of people don't even bother to do that much.
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Let the doomposters get it out of their systems
bro, they said they're gonna go back and remove TV from the main story so far at a later update
Kill yourself mongoloid.
the top rated comment there says tvs are better for hollow zero and events like golden week, while corridors are better for story quests
>however they designed the TV sections as a core aspect of the game, removing it now leaves the game barebones
Yes but they were warned about it being shit since cbt1.
Thy had the feedback but didn't listen.
Yes, but now they are killing all interest in the game so no one will use it :D
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Sounds like main story stuff will do away with the T.V stuff and more like what we saw with Jane's story and possibly the Bike Racing stuff in the livestream. I like the T.V gameplay and if they're just relocating it to sidequests and events I won't be too mad about it. I'm more curious about the Ultimate change since that seems like it will fuck with the current flow of battles and balance of characters.
I'm gonna melty
They said in the dev log they will keep doing tv stuff they are only removing it from the main story
Did they not say they're going to remove it from the main story in future updates?
But that's what JRPGs are....it's the only game true to its genre
I really hope 1.2 isn't another story where you spend most of it through the eyes of an agent. What's the point of even having a protagonist if you're gonna start doing that constantly?
>No argument
thanks for ruining the gacha.
>game progressively evolving towards open world
>able to choose the character you run around as
>No TV for the whole story of 1.2
The genshinfication of ZZZ has begun
TV is a slog but I liked it for Ballet Twins. As long as there's more of that unique experience curated to the area, then I'm okay with more TV slop.
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>people who whined on TVs are the same group of people that complained that the battle system are too repetitive
>remove TVs
>combat are still too repetitive so they won't come back anyway
Sasuga mihoyo
> Not only are they removing the lore-friendly companion to the combat
One important thing about TV mode is that it is NOT a companion to the combat; it is entirely seperate. In fact, it's a distraction from the combat and from how the gameplay is pretty limited and small, like >>495758812 says.
walking on grid means the fucking TV mode you fucking retard
I dont really trust likes on Bilibili. They've been caught multiple times botting them
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Devs blundering this fucking early...
Things are looking grim bros
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Ethnicity: Chinese
Status: Vocal
Petition: Signed
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Currently being cocked blocked by battery charge so I can't level, just finished Jane's R&B and hit that point where it just says "I think I should level up more". Now a lot of you are saying The Prophecy is TV kino, when and where is this, I want to get to it before any of these changes potentially butcher it
if they have their own decibels it means supporters will never be able to use them
besides this i don't really care if i use them on a supporter or an attacker
and they still aren't going to reinstall
Allowing you to play as your agents more often is a good change... in context with the TV mode existing and being part of the core gameplay loop. Ultimately, part of the draw of the game is to actually use the characters you roll for, and in context with the TV interface being so prevalent, having more ways to use your characters is nice.

However, WITHOUT that context, the game literally just becomes Genshin but without the open world and instead just shitty instances where you run from point A to point B and hit a couple enemies.
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>Nooo why did they hear to the loud minority
Sorry to tell you anon, but you were the minority all this time
TV change is only for MAIN STORY
Anything before 1.2 will remain untouched
>he actually likes the unfinished TVsloppa mode
would pound his bussy
I already raped them all
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hotel: trivago
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>R*ddit and other mainstream platforms love it
>especially the combat changes
Are we the sane ones in the insane world? Wouldn't that make us the insane ones?
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Who's having a melty?
can we get z-merits from blitz HZ?
We're about to turn into Hi3 2.0 bro its over
Jane's quest was garbage. We keep the meaningless dialogue on between fights but now in 3D, but without the puzzles now.
Search it up its a hidden quest
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They want Asmongold and other streamers back. TV was fun but it was boring stream content. They are removing it to make the game better for streamers.
thisthisthis I really hate having to sit through four fucking cutscenes every fight and god forbid you build for more ults. I liked being able to play favorites and only ulting with one lol.
>>Is almost completely seperate from the main game combat, so all the gacha characters you rolled for and care about are completely irrelevant...
Hollow Zero does a neat job at that by having certain characters with specific tags. For example, Piper is small so she can crawl into holes, Billy is strong so he can rip open the vending machine. They already have a solution they can implement on side comissions, they just don't do it.
>>...except for an obligatory fight at/towards the end of most TV stages, which runs counter to the minigame/gimmick focus of TV Mode
Very inconsistent. Some pure puzzle stages have them, some battle-centered ones don't. I agree it's strange.
>>annoying and slow to replay, especially if you're already used to the gimmick of the stage. Better get everything you need on the first go.
Agreed. There should be an option for TV tutorials in the settings that can switch between full tutorial, first time only or never.
which zzz has the biggest tits (canonically)?
they could've just increased decibel gain
I dont feel like checking but my lucy uses a set and ball that fills the decibel bar every 30 seconds or so as long as I'm swapping and using EX skills, so I can just do a big dps rotation or use a stun ult if I feel I need it
Is there a difference?
you can pretty much ignore what Lucyposters have to say
>The performance of the plot is better in the map level
All the comments are saying for the tv stuff to be side content
>>R*ddit and other mainstream platforms love it
>>especially the combat changes
what the fuck are you talking about? even on reddit it's despised
Ever tried going outside?
I'm still spending btw
Why is Yanagi's drip marketing music so good for no reason?
Rina or grace
Big daddy for males
Seems I have to hit lvl 40 first, got a bit of waiting
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the one suggesting that they should retain the grid-based system in the main story has even more likes than the shounentard
I meant "companion" just in the basic sense that it was the thing you did when you weren't in combat. I don't have a solution to the whiplash of going from TVs to combat, but just removing TVs is definitely not the answer, and I think we agree on that much.
>people pretending that the current ult system and team rotation isn't already rigid as a fucking rock
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>I don't care
>I don't care
>I don't care
>I don't care
>aaaand send
sure did. i bought noodles, coffee, and a dog gave a newspaper
will go out again tomorrow
Miyabi, she just wears a chest binding like all japanese warrior ladies
>The core gameplay of ZZZ is not interesting enough to stand on its own, and never will be. The devs know it, the players know it, everyone knows it, which is why this is such a big deal in the first place.
I have no idea how people use this as an argument when HSR, a full-on auto-battle game for most people, exists and makes shitloads of money even during dead months. Gachafags don't give a SHIT about gameplay unless it's to complain about it wasting their time.
Yeah I'm worried about this too, how the fuck am I supposed to generate decibels on Zhu Yuan or Lucy when our only way of generating decibels are being onfield and doing shit?
tvkek cope status?
Literally everywhere I see people complaining
I will praise the devs on my 20 alts for the removal of the TV mode to make up for the whinning anons on this thread
>lighter is voiced by RYU FROM STREETS in jp
so why did Jane flop
Koleda was made to be raped by me
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stunners take more field time than attackers, when you play Zhu it's Qingyi or Anby on field 70% of the time
rats are disgusting
Grace is unironically distracting as hell every time she's on the screen, she's unbelievably stacked. No wonder they put an additional top on her
>chinks are more based than /zzz/
You're an f2poor your opinion doesn't matter
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Spoonfeed me, pls.
How "removed" is "removed" in "TV mode removed"?

Are we just getting less of it (so the continuation of an already existing trend) or is it actually getting scrapped?
I liked the later TV mode puzzles a lot, Prophecy was kino, and Hollow Zero had a pretty nice gameplay loop because of that.

The main strength of ZZZ is its combat for sure but every single action game that's driven entirely by its combat system has to utilize a form of padding as a change of pace to not burn their players out. Even the stellar examples such as DMC, NG, Bayonetta, or even games like DOOM: Eternal or Ultrakill do that.
TV mode did that job very well IMO, and it's a system that should be reasonably easy and cheap to produce more content for.
What are they going to replace it with? Stuff like Rallies?
Sure, Rallies are great but keeping them fresh and varied will be orders of magnitude harder than doing a similar work for the TV mode.
Not only do Rallies require baseline more effort to develop and make work - the current engine ZZZ uses actively limits the degrees of creativity allowed for them. I mean, we can't even jump.

I'm a bit concerned, to be quite honest with you, family.
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>set up siblings as important people with ties to the pre fall Eridu
>have a schizo/time loop moment where they establish a contract with Fairy
>Fairy is a one of four giga powerful AIs from precursors or shit
>sibling and Fairy is seeking for something important in Old Eridu
>all this setup
>all this potential
>completely fucking obliterate it from orbit because of normies with ADHD
Hmm nyo.
no tvs in her quest
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>reddit hates her
>TikTok hates her
>Twitter hates her
>CC's hate her
>zero discussion
>zero hype

I will be the proud owner of the only, exclusive Yanagi in the entire EU cluster. I fucking love Naginatas and spears so, so much bros. My Rina M1 is ready to form Team Electro-Hag.
Curious to see how living in the Outer Ring is compared to New Eridu.
>whore lesbian
>whore shipbait
take your pick
shutup retard I'm not reading that
Isn't wuwa already the same skill + ultimate rotation spam as Genshin?
Shiptranny shit, irrelevant now because they killed the core zzz gameplay.
Lighter as a stunner sounds cool but where is his nuke DPS...
Ask /hsrg/ that question.
The main cast isnt even fleshed out yet but all the POVs go to gacha characters.
That guy suggesting the TV's being styled after the area you're in's onto somethin. That's a good idea.
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Kill yourselves retards.
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For the people complaining about the ult change post the last time you did something other than qing yi spam till stun -> chain -> zhu dumps ult repeat
will there be maintenance before the patch?
I need my 30 second combat NOW
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>watch the dev face-to-face video
>dev says they plan to nerf Miyabi's face
probably boring as fuck because they don't have any television
Wait is lighter a stunner actually?
Did you play Undercover R&B? Did you rike all the hallway slop in that story quest? Well, every single story quest is going to be that now. Enjoy. As for the other game modes, we don't know, but the general implication is less TV content in general, and it will likely be relegated to occasional events at most at this rate.
yes for 5 hours
because it was 2017, compare it to the average mobage back then it was generations ahead
she looks like an npc. Blandest limited 5 star design so far.
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Eh, what happened?
Qrd on Mibibi? Where is that in the video?
Actually, Jane flopping is a good thing because it means that less characters who are so detached to (you) and is there to be shipbaited with another character.
If Miyabi is ZZZ 'yaka with as much (you)pandering and sells well, we might be saved.
Why focus on them, that doesn't make money. Just make stories to shill the new characters until EoS.
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The removal is well received, it's just some retards being very loud
Was lighter confirmed A rank? I love S11and my account is S11 seeded so hopefully I can M6 her soon
Fellow euro bro I will proudly roll for her too
I wish they’d make it so that Hollow Zero has infinite floors with increasing enemy strength and the weekly requires you to clear a certain amount of floors instead of having to clear separate runs several times.
How many TV sections were in Undercover R&B? That removed.
Ults need to be more interesting if everyone is going to be using them now. They can't all just be big chain attack, sometimes with a bonus.
i assume they made crazy money on the quinyi banner
and since she was just a power creep for the whales, they figured they may as well milk them
Probably would be fairly easy to implement too.
>Exploration and immersion
>Corridor hell
retardGOD the ult change is not going to make you have new rotations. you will have the same fucking rotation except now you're going to add 3 ults to it because you can. it's just going to add more animation spamming and ruin the flow of combat.
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Even if the main character generates something like 2/3rds for the background, by the time they're stunned, and I switch to Corrin I won't be able to proc her Puffer Electro buff.
Lighter is stunner and Burnice is an off fielder, which means SoldierChads are safe for a while
just watched the dev update video. why did they decide to kill the game?
Once again, this but Asia. Burnice-Rina-Yanagi is going to be on one half of my teams until EoS.
that's even worse, I hope they're just thinking about it and it won't actually be implemented
retards got filtered by TVs so they're removing them

you can't use your m6p5 agents for TV so there's no bruteforcing content
Main story missions will have as much tv sections as Jane' side story.
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just don't use it
>managed to bully them into removing TV and completely re-designing Miyabi

why are the chinese so spineless? don't they have a vision for their own piece of art, or hmmm maybe this isn't art at all - maybe it's just another product exclusively designed to extract as much money out of you as possible and they will, at a whim, change anything and everything to achieve that

really makes you think about what you spend your time on
look how smug she is DAMN that's hot
Yeah, stun timers are waay too short to spam both support and attacker ult, and do the attackers rotation within the duration.
>Commodore 64 tier game mode
Let's remove all agents kits and keep only normal attack and dodge. Ain't it gonna be so unique for an action game in this day and age.
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>4chan chuds are larping that TVs are what made the game and using a 4 comments online as evidence are coping TVs are good because they have too much free time being unemployed and f2p
>Multibillion dollar company with all the engagement data and the best data engineers that China can offer reach the same conclusion that TVs are bad
ZZZ will enter it's golden age.
Her tits are nice but she is too bland unfortunately
Robocop was as bad as her
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This but for NA
Burnice/Yanagi is gonna be perfect together
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My concern is if the decibel gain is going to be gimped or not.
If yes, then I hate it,
If no, then I'd enjoy it so I can spam all my favourite agents ults, whether it's suboptimal or not.
>tv mode
blame your outrage bait """""""content""""""" creators and their audience of gen alpha children, neither of whom play the game but complain loudy
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But it's so shiny, i need to press it.
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Don't let them take this away from us. Revolt!
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Guys I was asleep...
What are all these changes you keep mentioning?
It sounds like a nightmare from both a balancing and game feel department.
Make ults only generate for the onfield character, and you likely fuck over agents like Zhu and Corin that only want to come in on stuns.
Make the ults separate but they all generate at the same rate regardless of who is on field and you create a balance nightmare as the game becomes ult spam. Stun target once, ult with dps, ult with support after for energy, ult with stunner and they're already stunned again.
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Your fate is over retard.
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Survival of the fittest
RIP Koleda
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Wouldn't surprise me if streamers were a major factor in the decision. I fucking hate the modern dystopian internet (((culture))) for fucking much. It has ruined my video game hobby and satellite interests, i.e. vintage electronics, because of youtube chasing clout faggots and scalping subhumans from all shade of shit to pale aids bags. The internet never should had advanced any further than it did in 2004 and I hope Steve Jobs is in a vat of boiling shit in hell for his cursed iphone invention. Also, fuck the jews as well.
The tv sections were just time consuming slop that had no place being in the main atory of an action focused game. Good riddance
You ult with the support on a Piper comp for a free 30 energy, it removes the need for an energy disc
I'll always remember that fun quest helping Qingyi and Zhu from behind the scenes.
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>came back from work
>lighter announced
Damn, I'm gonna have to scroll back to see /zzz/'s colossal melty.
She isn't getting redesigned retardbro. Her 2D sprite got the most attention outside of Nicole pre-release. Her 3D model was just clearly outdated because it was made early into development and they thought that they could get away with not upgrading it.
Fuck you, I'm also pulling her, my Yanagi will wipe the floor with your stupid ass in the EU PvP leaderboards
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Yes, now I get to use the full kit of the character I rolled for instead of being only forced to use one ult.
How horrifying.
I genuinely do not believe that there are people who think the current ult system is good.
Yeah, you do. Will you like it 50 gameplay hours from now? 100? 200? They have to keep you playing so you're more likely to roll, and you'll get bored sooner or later.

HZ is the exception that proves the rule, I'd say. They're aware of how little agent choice actually matters for the TV sections in their premiere game mode, so they make all these little interactions. While they are nice and definitely better than nothing, it's not exactly something I could see being used outside HZ.
I just woke up bros, what's going on
I'm scared
Only change I wanna see is if an enemies HP bar is completely red, the bitch should die, why do I have to still wail on it

Also bosses 2nd phase transform animations while the clock is ticking, that needs to go
Watch the video retard, they won't, and they're going to remove TV from old story missions in 1.4.
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ahh yes, they used their best data engineers to completely embarrass themselves with the failure that was Honkai Impact Part 2
>not allowed to like something (like the transparency of a devlog) as a whole for just one negative aspect
This is why we can't have nice things
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I will STAB Dawei for this
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Dev listened gone wrong.. why did they listen??
lucky Seth
S11 will be the main character in the Obol patch. They don’t want another character stepping on her toes.
read >>495760157
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do you really think they're going to go back and think about zhu? they're just going to make a new ether dps that powercreeps her
create a problem and sell the solution
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Reminder that Ether/Electricity will be the meta anomaly team until EoS due to how the elemental status effects work. Fire is close but without Yanagi you will NEVER do max Anomaly/Disorder damage. And rumor is she buffs disorder even more with her passives.
>Comic strip
Skip. Oh sometimes I can't skip but I just need to watch so it's okay.
>TV mode and puzzles
Can't skip
>only team I've liked is Zhu and Qingyi
>it's too simple so they'll never make another pair like them and will instead force shitty gimmicks and jank with requirements to do anything similar
It's so over...
sure, i could just choose to be deliberately unoptimal. it won't change the fact that every single showcase of the game is going to look like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OZAx1fAheks

it also means they now have to forcibly rework characters to somehow generate decibels off screen, or these characters will just be completely fucked and objectively worse
Lighter is currently forgotten because of TVs and ults.
Honestly, an Oath System will save this game at this point.
15 seconds segs with lucy!
What about my immersion as a hackerman navigator like Futaba from Persona 5?
The game will become balanced around ult spam and enemies in endgame will feel bloated as shit if you don't submit to the ULTSWAPULTSWAPULTSWAP
genshin gameplay
Now that means balancing the game around three ults going off at the same time, retard. Which means meat sponge bosses that will require you to min max in order to finish everything in time. Also, it means good bye solo clears since now you WILL use a team of three and be fucking pleased about it.
At least in hsr protagonist still collects stellarons... They're still relevant...
they literally just tried that in genshin and chinks had a giant melty
You mean the most dull and boring story to date?
But I can't oath my sibling because they're not an agent. That's bad.
Based manjuu, but mihoyo doesn't have the balls.
the current ult system is fine actually, they just need to give more of a reason to use ults on anyone but a DPS
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See you in 2.0, oh wait you won't be playing the game because you are a fucking retard and will have quit the game by that point because of being uninvested in anything other than button mashing
FINALLY. Cooler Seth.
the devs listened to outragebaiting fotm grifters who wont be coming back regardless
>Seth and Jane have 3 conversations with eachother
>Wildly shipped
>Caesar and Lucy share skincare and hair care products, tease each other, do the gay piano thing, have been with each other since the beginning of the gang
>Not shipped
Someone got the miyabi redesign? How is she not wide anymore
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>People who liked the tv never said anything about it
>people that didn't like kept complaining and sending feedback
Maybe answer the fucking surveys and give feedback if you like something, it's your fault for being complacent
flop status?
Customers voted. Contrarians in shatters.
Nigger you do not know how the new system will be, nobody other ran the devs know how the new system will be, I doubt they even have that solid of an idea yet and aren't testing shit constantly. Why are you acting like this is exactly how it's going to work?
they had a melty about spin2win, not about Mualani, but as usual mhy overcorrected and turned her into a brick
As long as they dont do a 3 hour long POV switch like in HSR then we are good
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Cute pussy, sis!
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Curing Miyabi's autism is the only good news
The Stellaron Hunters are the protags now?
StraightGODs won
Why do gacha players hate gameplay? this is the second game I've had something fun ruined because it needed to be streamlined for the people who want to play as little as possible.
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4chuds who never made a game unironically think they're better game designer than Hoyo.
Neuvillette is a homo, it was only expected the gentrannies would melt down if his status was threatened by a cute female. Zhu Yuan is female so they don't care.
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Crying pajeet won't make people roll for whores anon
Waifufags don't care what you think they are, they're not twittards
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>it's either going to be Genshit 2 where you just rotate through bursts, protected by i-frames the entire time, or it's going to be a situation where the individual ult buildup is so slow you don't get to ult at all
Why would they do this?
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Basically gone, they're even reworking 1.0 story to have less TV.
It'll be left to events at best.
Ashame, it reminded me classic pokemon dungeons.
But honestly I think the ultimate change is worse.
Can't wait for a full cutscene of ultimates like Genshin and WuWa.
I'm sure the devs have a better grasp of what the players really want with their private surveys than anon reading fucking youtube comments
You lost. TV sucks. Move on.
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Here's her redesign.
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>no / greatly simplified TV mode in stories
>lighter is an S rank fire stunner
>miyabi will get plastic surgery to make her less wide
>ults will build decibels per character, not per team
>can walk in overworld as any agent you have
>will be able to bring an agent you have to follow after you in the overworld
>new game in the arcade
>will be able to spend 60 energy to redo those 3 weekly boss missions for rewards
>will be able to pass time / rest without restrictions
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>Already have Rina and I really like her
>REALLY want Burnice, way more than Caesar
>Dont like Yanagi's design at all
Fuck my shit up
I sure love for support characters to have literally 1 button to press ever or even 0 if you just use their chain attack.
You can criticize a game without being a game dev same as you can criticize food without being a professional chef.
which site is the best to sell account? I need to sell my account before I get infected by the fujohomos coming to this game
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>someone is arrested trying to kill dawei with a wideyabi buster sword
>Genshin's MCs are glorified cameras to everything that happens in Teyvat
>HSR's MCs are literal lobotomized children basically getting dragged around on a conflict of other characters that doesn't even care about your existence
>ZZZ's MCs WERE integral to the Main Story but are going to be lobotomized out of it because the main way they contribute to the story is literally going to get ripped and scrapped off the game
Sasuga Homoverse MCs
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Pretty cool. I like that they kept his tail.
Show me a headshot of him during Ult in that mod, bro
Games are a social platform now. People want to share fanart on Xitter, not push buttons.
What if they just completely redesign miyabi lol
>TV change is only for MAIN STORY
That's the worst part nigger! That's the only part TVs were actually fun and made sense.
Oh please, am I supposed to pretend to be retarded and not expect anything until it releases? That multiple ult system and energy sharing (funneling) already exists in Genshin and is the primary reason I dropped it for ZZZ.
genshin wuwa and zzz are the only gachas with gameplay
>(x) won
really showing your inner gigtard. Go back >>>/vg/gig
Crying "whores" and shipnigger headcannons won't make it come true, either, we're also not twittards
Lighter should've been an Attacker instead of a Stunner
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>Ult change


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What's the qrd?
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>not playing with a loli
couldn't be me
Years of brainrot from other gacha with shit gameplay
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so miyabi will be the limited fire attacker huh
Go watch HI3 rotations.
They are pretty deep and engaging.
Damn, that shit looks so floaty and boring.
Get rid of you identity, are the dev retarded?
/gig/ did win however
You will become ult spam and do "anomaly" reactions
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The tv stuff is being removed because the people that hated kept sending their feedback to hoyo, while all you fuckers that liked never said anything about it
I am no longer buying express passes and writing them to shut down the game in every single survey
If only
It's insane that the poeople who made Genshin would go back to making corridors and flat maps with characters that can't even jump.
If the ZZZ devs like street fighter so much, why couldn't they make the exploration more like SF6 at least with a small amount of verticality and some traversal abilities and a bit of platforming?
>Burn is guaranteed 1000% dmg with or without disorder
>Shock and Corruption caps at 1250% and can only go down from there, especially Corruption that needs an attack every 0.5 seconds to not lose any dmg.
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Hsr works because it's primarily a mobile game. Taking away the auto battle would've made it a slog since most of what you'll be doing is grinding. ZZZ is more for pc/console and the gameplay has more depth than just "turn on auto mode". It could've gone the genshin route of 20-resins-per-dungeon-run-and-each-dungeon-run-is-2mins-long-and-you-have-to-play-on-manual-every-time kind of hell but thankfully the devs gave us the 5 niggas in a row mechanic to keep the grind from getting too tedious. Quick enough to get back into doing stories and event where thr interesting bits happen
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I was gonna C6W5 him but now I noticed his chin is too pointy. He looks like a characture Robbie Rotten. Gives me the ick. Guy looks like the Crimson Chin ewwww....
wuwa lost
Decibels will be shared but ults will be separa>>495759583
te. Easy.
yeah because devs never interpret data poorly or get pressured by upper management's to make stupid decisions. Games like concord are resounding successes because how could a company that harvests petabytes of data ever act like massive retards, right?
Yanagi's design isn't that bad...
She looks decent in her splash art and some of the fanarts made her look good
However the model face looks really bad. They need bigger eyes or more details or something. That's the face of an NPC. Too bad they're only fixing mibibi
It's not our fault if they don't understand the simple concept that pleased customers often don't provide feedback. The only way this mess would be happening is if they're not sorting their survey data until usable groups. Which I'm inclined to believe is the problem considering a normalfag friend of mine got the 1.0 surveys despite dropping the game halfway through chapter 2 and provided to tell them everything they don't like about the game despite having no intention of ever playing it again because they'd "rather just play LoL".
>Remember team ultimates from Naruto Ultimate Ninja storm
Oh shit this is a good idea. This could be their way of making more designs like Koleda+Ben synergy. It should use every ult from all characters involved though.
I will wait and see how they are going to implement the 3 ult and cry about it later
>extra animations for every character
I played a lot of games tho, so I know what a good game is
TV mode is removed from the Main Story Quests. I think that's fair since the MSQ is ideally supposed to be where all the big setpieces are, so we won't be missing much from no TVs there.
We'll still have TV sidequests and stuff.

or they can do this
This is the only way where it won't be super annoying. It would have to be simultaneous animations or only show the last one.
This. You have to be retarded to not collect logs of specific metrics in your game for analysis.
Data showed that TVslop sucks and it's the only reason it's getting the axe, no matter what contrarians shitpost here.
The problem is HSR 'gameplay' is genuinely horrible. Unlike Genshin or ZZZ, you can't just use any character to play casually, you have to build a functional team and repeat the same rotation every single battle, even in exploration mode.
Lighter powercreeps both Koleda and S11 however
even if ults weren't useless for stunners and supports and shielders were better why would you want this?
>ult for buff and energy
>ult to instant stun
>ult for big damage
the whole flow chart turns into ult spam, you press a button and get a cutscene you aren't even playing the game anymore it's literally just genshin
FGO with it's slow flash gameplay being just repeated over and over is the most profitable gacha of all time.

People will be fine with the only gameplay being hallway/fight/hallway
>Already have Rina and I really like her
>REALLY want Burnice, way more than Caesar
>Dont like Yanagi's design at all
Fuck my shit up
The game became what it became exactly because they heard the retarded minority from social medias
the same retarded minority that is now crying because they removed the tv mode
I'd be okay with this, you'd get to use everyone's ults without watching a year of cutscenes.
Would be satisfying as fuck, too

they could just make it so only the primary character has their animation, and your two allies do what is basically an super chain attack as their ultimate
If your identity is slow and clunky gameplay then it's best to remove it.
>game becomes ult spamfest
>enemies are balanced around it
>breaks games balance
>nothing personnel kid
Read >>495760157
I want to ride around the deserts on motorcycle and do minigame skateboarding with my characters around city. TV sucks ass for the main gameplay loop, but I wouldn't mind it occasionally being used as format for events.
>no more TV
44 hate, 17 love
>no shared ults
25 hate, 19 love

>no wide miyabi
28 love, 16 hate
>no ATK lighter
17 love, 10 hate
>electric anomaly when we already have one
>a downgrade from said electric anomaly
>should have been pink haired ether anomaly
how did they screw up so hard?
everything about her is begging to be skipped, it's like they want us to skip on purpose
but yes, I still want to roll
are you actually retarded enough to think they're going to make the system this complex? its just going to be genshin ult spam
>Simultaneous ult is extra animation

fucking retard it's literally just using their ult at the same time wtf are u saying extra animations
I'm sure you know something that they don't.
Finally, someone with some sense. Dumb Genshitters.
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I only have one leveled team and just hit the hollow zero/shiryu parts of the game where you need two teams.

Fuck man, I just got this shit operational too
Are they going back and removing it from 1.'2 story too or new players and alts still have to sit through that shit?
>Don't believe what you see
Now post the I don't care
I don't really follow HSR but they had to hit the quadruple banner emergency button to make revenue pop so maybe that means they're losing players who aren't giving feedback about why? I imagine that the sort of person who would "play" an autobattler wouldn't be very interested in actively providing feedback
what the fuck takes you 2 minutes to farm in genshin? every run is just as fast as this game for me
>Schizo babble
Again, good riddance, and hopefuly that shit dies for good
>most profitable gacha
According to what metrics?
Voices in your head don't count.
>removing previous content
Its like you're new to gachas or something... lmao
cool discord raid saars
>what was "Seen" in question:
How long until the next patch drops?
I like gameplay. I came here for gameplay. Some retard decided to dilute it with lame time wasting tvslop for no reason tho.
the minority were the niggers complaining about the tv mode, and those that werent filtered back to hsr and stuck around would have kept putting up with it anyway so there was no need to change it and alienate everyone else
And you will keep playing zzz
>you have to build a functional team and repeat the same rotation every single battle

that's how ZZZ has been trending though.
He's kind of a faggot, but I love how much oomph his attacks have, you really feel like you're slamming down something with weight to it
>thinking this wasn't going to happen even without the change
Also retards don't even read the dev notes they are complaining about.
Have you played Genshin recently? That dev team spun the fuck out
Damn I was planning to pull Lighter as my Fire team’s DPS. Guess I’m just gonna use the selector on S11 and keep the tapes for Harumasa and Mibibi.
Stunner is the homo class now
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>more jane style agent stories
>tv section streamline
>agents around city, more shit to do
>fixing ult and lockon systems
Not bad honestly I like what I see so far, just hoping they deliver on it. Just hoping they don't take the feedback too seriously and take the puzzles out entirely, in fact I want harder tv puzzles.
imo the issue was just not the entire tv section but rather tempo. If we could for example get up close and personal scenes of the character action and then cut to Eous moving through tvs where we solve puzzles it'd feel like we're really doing something. Hell maybe even control Eous on screen at times and try to run through an insane battlefield without getting hurt or a stealthy mission, something of that sort. Just an idea. Listening to player feedback is good but I don't want this game to lose its identity either.
They already said I'm the damn video that they are doing exactly that
roll Jane Seth, easy team 2
TV crap being gone is good
Means I get my gems faster and I can stop playing faster
This is a waifu collector after all, not a real game lol
I pity future newfags that will miss the cut TV kino...
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TVs were great filter for women, tramsvestites and niggers who can't fucking solve puzzles. With them gone, expect for this game to turn into another Genshin Impact. It's exactly the same thing that happened with Honkai Impact by the way. I warned all of you but you didn't listen
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It's almost like people voice dissatisfaction much more loudly than satisfaction. Here's what's going to happen now: they're going to get a massive wave of negative feedback from people who actually liked the TVslop and want it back. Now what? Are they just going to go back and forth every patch because the louder opinion keeps changing? They actually need to fucking decide what THEY want their game to be, rather than just bending over to the first sign of criticism and going full scorched earth on their own game design. Keep in mind, they're not just fucking over the TVs, they're also fucking over the combat, all to appeal to people who are likely Genshin tourists who were NEVER the target audience.

They need to grow some fucking backbone and actually get a direction for their game. Even if that direction ends up just being "Genshinifying" the game, I would rather they just fucking decide what it's going to be. At least then I can quit rather than hoping it will go back to what I wanted.
about 7 hours for EUpoors till jane banner ends
but i think USA gets it around 8 hours after this

they said something like "12:00 server time"
honestly, it'll be up tomorrow
>most profitable gacha of all time.

also looping autism made FGO infinitely more boring
If they gonna do ult rotation slop then at least they should shorten the animations 2x like in hsr.
>HSR 'gameplay' is genuinely horrible
>you have to build a functional team
Oh nyo, you have to play the game?!
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Problem is, that's my team 1, I installed the game cause Jane, was originally going to wait until Miyabi.

I guess it's the cunning hares for team 2
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>most of the big sweeping changes such as TV removal, individual ults, roguelike combat mode and the character rebalances will be implemented in version 1.4
So v1.4 is when the game either gets a massive resurgence OR straight up dies
Thankfully Azur Promilia and Arknights Endfield should be released/close to release by then so I won't be missing ZZZ if I do drop it
That mentality didn't keep me in genshin bwo
Wanna try it out again?
People already complaining about long boss animation in timed content back in Genshin but it's not going anywhere, it's just something you have to take into account in your clear time.
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So true sis
Next step is to sanitize the designs and get rid of all the cringey fanservice, they don't need to appeal to loser neets anymore
I'm uninstalling the game because of the TV change.
Rally mode is so much better that I sincerely don't know why the whole game isn't built under the same system.
The TV Board feels like a single patch event type of thing and its not fun at all
>Little bit of fight-5 minutes of tv slop-little bit of fight-5 minutes of tv slop
Cant belive some people actually wanted that till EoS
Interesting but inaccurate take. Lads just wanna kill shit and not have to solve puzzles and other filler stuff to get to the action.
>Make the system complex

You are fucking dumb anon their already implementing it where all three agents are at the screen doing their skills
You can solo oneside with Billy if you got his M2
now what
now they'll add a separate TV puzzle section for whoever wants to bother with it and pay in achievements, 10 poly per level
Until we know what those changes are, I am assuming it will be like "Achieve X damage from Ult" or some crap just to inflate big numbers.
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Wow, everyone's typing long paragraphs today. Wonder what happened.
>solve puzzles
There's no puzzles in this game lol
Even the "puzzles" there happens to be are spoon fed to you as you do them
The only filtering it did was because it was fucking BORING
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>Commodore 64 tier
hell yeah
Game is over, thank you for playing
>Big Daddy is just 'Oyaji' in JP trailer
Why is english translation like that
>are you actually retarded enough to think they're going to make the system this complex?
you can already have all three agents doing shit on field at the same time, a toddler could code this
>people since day 1 hated tvslop
>now out of nowhere there are literal spammers "concernposting"
obvious raid is obvious
>1.4 will have agents accompanying the player in the city, by following them around
While I'm not denying that the other Hoyo games have sidelined MCs, this part they said in their talk made me think that we might actually play as Eous in the future with the story related agents actually following us through the story stages, so basically the same thing that already happens in TV mode, but now actually visible.
Koleda is the fastest off field stunner and will still be used on S11 teams unless you go with Caesar, Qingyi forces you to use S11 as a burst dps and she has lower burst damage than fucking Neko
They're no shipped because Ceasar has gay sex with ALL her subordinates like the real Ceasar.
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The tv sections had some nice moments like when we were piloting Eous and we're trying to help Zhu and Qingyi navigate through the hollow, we encountered a spring mechanism that pushes Eous above their heads and so they were questioning what flew past them. I also like the Rhythm tv section in the golden week thing.
I don't, can Billy really solo? I remember seeing people say he sucks
I made my Pubsex team and now I am waiting 1.2 to make a whores of Calydon team.
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>he actually believes this
lmao even
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EN trannylation isn't a meme anon, we've been trying to tell you since
>Brokeboat Mountain
back in Genshin
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I honestly don't mind tv but I don't like it when they're mixed. The recent bangboo event was a good example where I liked it when it was only tv mini games and hated it when they tried to mix in battle missions.
who did you get from standard?
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Are they actually retarded?
The TV segments in MAIN STORY MISSIONS are fine AND serves the story.
The parts where I don't want to do the damn TV are in sidequests because there are only a few handful of TV missions that uses the TV well, and most of them are from the MAIN STORY.
Why would they remove the TV where it was actually DECENTLY user?
Interesting and accurate take. Lads just wanna solve puzzles and not have to kill shit and other filler stuff to get to the action.
It'll be a huge loss for hoyo if you go
i want to be piper's driver's seat. i want her to sit in me all day long
i want her to fall asleep in my embrace so i can listen to her snooze
i want her to eat in me and drop some of her hamburger on me, then lick it clean
i want piper wheel to fart in my lap
>now they'll add a separate TV puzzle section for whoever wants to bother with it and pay in achievements, 10 poly per level
Nice, you completely missed the point. The point of TVs in main missions is to provide a fucking BREAK, some levity between the corridors and combat sections. If you just separate them entirely into two different game modes, you now create a situation where everyone will be fatigued with both gameplay loops because you're now forced to eat a bunch of TVslop at once or a bunch of corridor slop at once.

The solution is to keep the gameplay loop as it is, and actually put some fucking effort into refining it, not tearing it out entirely.
Why is Wuwa associated with pajeets?
I got the kot, hence cunning hares, just gonna be a bitch and a half to get her up to speed with no batteries an shit
No it's more like you have to roll for and play with characters you don't care
what "tourist" is going to pick up a game because they can press more 2 second ults, are you retarded?
The story starts with Wise and Belle rewinding time at Hollow Zero and the Shiyu Pillars. They also have connections to the White Star Institute and Helios Academy. They aren't some random NPCs
>he played a mihoyo game past 2020 and hoped it wouldn't be genshinfied
So should you do Hollow Zero before or after the update?
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I told them I loved the tv's and they should make an endless mode
I like TV but the transition animations could be faster and smoother
Nobody. Which is why these changes are fucking moronic! Congrats, you found the answer. They're bending over backwards to change the game for people who already fucking quit for one reason or another. Do you see why these changes suck now?
Women are the primary audience for puzzle games.
We'll get a better feel for their new world design in 1.2 and 1.3 to see if removing TVs was a good idea. For now I'm just basing my thoughts on Jane's side mission. Which wasn't amazing.
They should have made her wider if anything.
So theres this thing called hollow zero
Giggers deserve the rope
Because it's way smaller in comparison to genshin and hsr and zzz (GBs wise) and it can fit in jeetdroid along with pubg mobile since jeets are too poor to get a nice tablet to play on or a PC orba console
Good riddance.
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Trying to isolate me to downplay what I'm saying is exactly why genshin is flopping the way it is
I'm not the only one who thinks this way anon
>tv niggers are mad
>wide miyabi niggers are mad
Today is a good day
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Reddit is NOT happy!!!
Yeah, I don't know either.
I genuinely think TV were the best story+gameplay idea they've had in all their games combined, now we're back to VN sloppa.
People only complaining about TVs because we had access to so much story at release that it feels like you're spending all your time doing TVs, and also the extreme amount of handholding and tutorialization, which could very easily be fixed.
If we had a story episode worth of TVs every patch, NO ONE would complain, but now it's too late because devs had a knee jerk reaction to unfounded criticism.
Has anyone drawn art of ben trying to squeeze through doorways yet
Man it will be hilarious if tomorrow when the patch goes live everyone praises the main story without the TV's, the melty here would be funny
>I need TV because too much coombat make me tired
What is wrong with TV slurpers lol
Blame content creators, they hate TV more than anyone else

Fuck em
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I can't believe the devs called out miyabi like that and embarrassed her in front of millions if not billions of people..
>ults will build decibels per character, not per team
they said they were exploring this it's not 1000% if we whine enough they won't do it
frens, i am a newfag to /zzz/. Worth playing for someone who's only ever liked Nikke? I don't care for Genshin but this looks like fun and the waifus look nice.

>Captcha H8RW0W
get with the times gramps. TV talk is all the rage now
Just woke up
What did I miss
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Why are they obsessed with DPS characters?
That's not endless bwo
They're already shorter than HSR even in 2x though. Genshin ones are also really short and snappy.
It's confirmed they lurk this general.
people have been complaining about only 1 ult since the betas, probably one of the highest complaints aside from tvslop. it has literally nothing to do with whatever boogeyman you're crying about
Lolibaba chads are winning what are you smoking lmao
Loli hags are hot, you can justify a lot more with a loli hag (personality, interests, raunchy kinky sex all day with piper etc.)
Go watch the dev log any tl Dr anons give you will be full of shitposts
I WILL be modding M IYAB I to be as wide as possible.
The devs cannot stop me, or my W ID E wife.
Because it was one of the mai criticisms at launch, so taking it away from the main story means most people wont be forced to go through that shit
Like >>495759356 said, I also think that these changes are likely being pushed by higher-ups to make the game more "streamable". It is true that the TV interface isn't sexy enough in a stream thumbnail so turning it into Genshin makes it more easily marketable for retards. It's all so tiresome.
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Yeah, and Aether and Lumine are literally from another bubble universe who went to Teyvat and the story starts with one of the siblings getting cubed by the Primordial One while the other sibling becomes the Abyss Prince/Princess after Khaenri'ah's downfall and is integral to the story with the Traveler being a fucking Descender for God's sake.
And look how the Traveller ended up despite being so integral to Teyvat?
A fucking WITNESS.
A glorified KAMERA.
Belle and Wise are going to suffer the same fate.
We don't have sex with the characters here, gameplay is fun though.
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And now you remember why live service slop is ass.
>auto png collector player
do you even know how to hold a controller or play with mouse and keyboard? You can surely try if you do
I guess you miss when /zzz/ was filtered by that delivery commision
It's essentially an action game. You'll probably enjoy it if you like action games, and probably won't if you don't.
Qingyi is my favorite character so far and she's a stunner
I even M1'd her
I'd much rather a good stunner than shit like Ellen who I almost regret getting to M2 if it wasn't for the fact it unbricks her
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Please respond.
yeap, it's a great game
the camera is pretty censored tho, you're not gonna get nearly as much ass
also this game is better on PC i would assume, but you can still use the phone for dailies
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>making tens of millions every month is flopping
women won't play an ecchi game, even if it has puzzles
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>Doesn't use lightning
Retarded devs honestly, should have called him Flamer
After to avoid the TVslop.
The TVs always needed work, I'll even admit to being a TV hater back in CBT2 when I managed to get in, but there was a much greater proportion of it and much less effort into using them creatively back then. On the other hand, there was never an issue with the shared ults, the issue was them not creating contexts where using all of your character's ults made sense.
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Is leveling Jane's skills worth it /zzz/?
this faggot can’t keep his mouth shut until he gets another male banner for a whole year.
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Boothill??? What's this retard on about
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I see it now
Pulchra will be the 1.3 A rank, probably on Lighters banner
yes hollow runs are much faster after update cuz no tv
You mean the baby tier ice puzzles?
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Ah, now the game is not flopping is it
Don't trust your lying eyes, amirite?
You're getting the same amount of combat retard, as seen in the Jane mission. And that was soulless because it had no fucking TV, Razor was the only thing good about it.
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and pressing a different once button to watch a cutscene to get the exact same effect is better how?
People complain Soukaku is clunky because she does a lot more than press on button to buff.
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The thing about ZZZ is that the multipliers in this game actually aren't super crazy (for now). Like even just from equipment, there's a very low ceiling in what your maximum energy regen/impact/anomaly mastery etc etc can be. Even the crit stats theoretical maximum are all a good bit lower than hsr and genshin. And there's nothing for decibels pressure of like, 1 A rank support ball.
So no, really, 3 ults aren't going to do anything that crazy in this game. Especially with no way to stack ER like genshin.
Read the top comment
Dawei moaned in a livestream about how the dev team got lost because they couldn't figure out whose feedback to pay attention to, said something about returning to the roots of the game, and then he got all weepy. Then Natlan released as an unfocused slapdash mess and revenue seems to be cratering
The only thing flopping is my massive cock inside Piper
>Dead time in-between patches
Why do they keep doing this on every single one of their games? Its absolutely retarded
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level the basic attacks and dodge attack, you get some damage, and more importantly daze
you don't need to max it all, though
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>uses fire instead of ice
how is this as an idea to make ultimates more useful for non attacker chars without turning it into EQ spam
>Every role now has a special effect on their ult when used on a NON-stunned enemy
>Attacker: increase agent attack speed by x%
>Stunner: if enemy is stunned within x seconds of using the ultimate refunds 50% decibels
>Support: agents deal additional damage to non stunned enemies
>Anomaly: increase decibels generation by 1.5x or 2x ( can be lower if it makes ults too spammable )
>Defender: increase interrupt res for x seconds or recover x% of dmg dealt to non stunned enemy as hp
Anon...did you not notice how in the sidequests you always had he bangboo folloowing you and how the bangboo is the one activating systems and shit? The tv slop is literally just that but lazier
disingenuous homos and fujos will act like boothill got powercrept by firefly when he's way less restricted than her and has a higher power ceiling. firefly is braindead and does BIG NOOMBER without any effort, which is the main difference, but he's also fucking broken and they'll never admit it
God I fucking love feet
This cuck has ED lmao
Genshin will only truly be a flop when it stop making more than 20 mil every month on mobile alone
makes sense
big daddy being physical wouldn't fit with lucy's pigmaxxing build
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Thanatos was probably their attempt to make stunner ults worth using, the problem is that he ironically isn't spastic enough to be worth using it once you get used to fighting him and realize one parry is like half his daze bar.
Also disorder comps usually ult with support for energy already.
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>cry for male limited S-rank
>get one
Give them an inch and they ask for 100 miles.
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>control: big daddy
>accompany: piper
>invite lucy out on a date
You faggots deserve no TVs, I remember all of you whining about it non-stop, until you reached a level high enough where the TV content becomes kino and start to enjoy it.
Live with your choices retards.
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I'm sure genshin will eos two weeks from now.
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Isn't it too soon for a returning player event?
Movement skill and active playing>
>since there are no women playing zzz because of gooner bait its mentally ill trannies arguing they need unrelated puzzle filler in our action game
Woah, makes sense.
It's well on the way
why no just use make use duo attacks instead of stealing from other games, they would already need new animations
really? I can barely remember any main story missions that use the TV well. Maybe chapter 1, as a cheaper way of representing the train? chapter 2's just sucked, 2.5 had the investigation gimmick that entirely just felt like a tutorial, and 3's was mediocre.
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>>495758745 >>495758765
>>495758836 >>495762014
so many lolipedo fag seething. holyshit we know you're angry but calm down.
maybe stop rubbing it out to children and touch a mature adult woman.
must be hard living such a depraved life when you've never hard sex.
I'm actually shocked how strong he is at E0, paired with ruan mei is some serious one shot potential, which is thematic as shit, but still
Then shy isn't Burnice called Stoveice then?
Its about being the element not having a tool that makes it
This is just HSR's permanent event system. Nothing new here. They seem to be getting most of their not-retarded QoL concepts from that game which just begs the question why these things weren't in to begin with.
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i want as much combat as possible
They know that the NEPS faction was a snoozefest and that people are coming back for the Chads of Calydon.
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That's the fucking point. They have far more grander plot relevance than some CIA rat glowie or a biker gang in mad max desert. And what do we get for this relevance? Fucking SIDELINED.
They ironically think cutting TVs will bring people back lmao
another thing people complain about are how long soukaku's animations are and now they want more ults??
I'm really retarded when it comes to time zones. How many hours until caesar?
Nah genshin and hsr did it around the same time
>Then Natlan released as an unfocused slapdash mess and revenue seems to be cratering

except everyone likes natlan and genshin was the top hoyo game on the meme revenue chart
Boothill is a cool character for straight males and yumes. They (fujos) want characters like Dan and Juan
Why are you having a meltdown and spamming cheap bait
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I was a Nikke player before but I dropped it for this game actually
I enjoy the story a lot more and the lolis are perfect
I will jack off to both flat lolis and cowtit gigahags and you can't stop me
That's a really good 3D Piper.
Cop banners (especially jane) killed the hype. Most people left as a result.
Now that kino biker is on the menu they will all return.
Sales will prove this.
>didnt name her dumb fucking fat bitch useless whore pig fucker waste of air die die die i hate you ugly
Soukaku sucks because you have 10-20 seconds to deal as much damage as possible with the stun multiplier. I've literally had the ballet twins wake up because Soukaku didn't finish her animation and activate the next chain attack.
I remember everyone praising how Jane's main quest was so much smoother than the TV sloppa
You fags simply like to complain about stuff
Isn't the game doing fine? Why the fuck are they acting like they're in full damage control mode?
Anon what kind of crack are you currently snorting. It's biker imagery you are thinking way too hard into this.
You're not getting more combat, TV or not.
>She doesn't mata at all though
Lighter not being an attacker is fine as stunners are also on fielders and can play off element
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Gotcha, thanks frens.
>can't comprehend a simple sentence
I said it's the only one I like, one would assume play as well. I'm playing Nikke on PC, retar.
I hate lolis, should I steer clear
>Attacker ults are an integral part of DPS rotations
>Support ults allow everyone to have access to EX skills more often
>Stunner ultimates instantly stun
>Defense ultimates fill all 6 parry bars
>Anomaly ultimates instantly fill the anomaly circle
You're a fucking idiot if you think three of these instead of one is gonna do nothing to game balance.
I told them that overall I enjoyed it, that while it could use some optimizations but that it was a good way to have different types of gameplay and storytelling
The problem is that they seem to have understood why people disliked it (the time-wasting animations, which they're fixing) but then decided to throw it out anyway and replace it with corridors. It's classic Mihoyo overcorrection
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not even worth a (You), have another "child" since they make you so upset
Being stuck in an echo chamber is what leads to shit like Concord. Listening to fan criticism is absolutely the right move
Janes quest was a snoozefest the entire time what are you talking about
run around talking to random npcs what fun
When are we getting arenas with hazards?
Both for us and to push enemies into?
I feel that it's the main thing that would really enhance the dynamic of combat.
I want to fight a boss while lasers are spinning around the place, I want to knock mobs into explosive barrels or push them off the edge of the arena.
Phy Atk% w/ shitty substats or Atk% with good substats for disk 5 for Jane?
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>want caesar and burnice and not interested in any of the characters thereafter
Kinda wish they'd come later so I can save up jimmies
God help me so I won't have to swipe in the coming weeks
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gonna commission some caesar x lucy porn
Support ults already give energy and Stun ults stun good. I think people don't realize that.
It's all shitposting anon
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>is NICE
>has NICE body
Everything makes sense now!
>I hate lolis, should I steer clear
Every meta team has a loli or two. Game has furries in it for crying out loud. If you're too underage to handle those two things then don't bother
why does piper feel like a side character in all the calydon content so far
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I main Luke in SF6
I'm pulling Lighter
It better be futa.
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>chimp chong chink chonk nip nop waieee waoooo cjhink chao chao long long wong tong yong wong wawawwWAWOOOWOWOAWOAOWO YO FON LINGING
Why is nobody talking about the new cool vampire survivors roguelike mode?
They're even giving each character new movesets...
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Being extreme to downplay what I'm saying now?
Genshin takes a lot of resources keep running so if it starts generating lower rev, they will shift resources to games that aren't liabilities to make up to it
Which leads to less resources bring put on genshin itself making it get less content that isn't recycled low effort slop
That is the road genshin is headed, not "eos"
People just liked staring at Jane's ass. Which was nice but everything else was meh.
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>It's classic Mihoyo overcorrection
Yup. They got like 80% of the way there with their analysis of the problem, but then decided to just give up before trying to find a solution.
at least another 6 for jane's banner to end
+ possibly around another 8 for the US jane banner to end as well
It's really simple, make another resource like the parry, but for Ults. You can use 3 characters for Ults 2 times before the bars star refilling again.
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She kind of is
She's like Ben she's not exactly driving the plot forwards
It looks like she gets a lot of screentime with Burnice though, looking forwards to that
no tv for the story is good it means the tv segments will always be fun mini games going forward

also it means more comic strips for dialogue instead talking every 3 steps

it also means when we are in the hollow we get to be eous running around talking to like caesar and burnice
Nah lolis are pretty minor. You can ignore em if you don't like them
Every cameo of her in the marketing is just in her truck for like 2 seconds. I'm hoping its just because trying to make the truck driver stop driving the truck to do cool shit might not work because I'll be sad if she gets shafted in the story.
>everyone likes Natlan
>revenue chart
Natlan was only out for 1 week in August. We won't really see how it's doing until October, but the sensortower data doesn't look so great
Rent-free good saar.
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Piper is mostly here to catch some Z's and vibe, my kinda person
Imagine all the sweat under the tight leather jacket
I was fine with Jane's quest because it makes sense that sometimes (you) won't be there for TV stuff but I don't want that all the time
>doing fine
hsr literally went to sleep mode and zzz still has trouble winning bread and topping charts... Is what dawei probably thinks as a tiger parent.
I have 225 rolls. Do I have any hope of getting Caesar, Burnice, and Lighter? Or am I coping?
doesn't play the game
Stunners are better for people who like the character as they can be played off element and take more field time
>classic Mihoyo overcorrection
Never saw this. Examples?
i remember there being actual intense arguments over it because you had smoothbrain coomers saying how much better it was (they just liked staring at jane) arguing with anons correctly pointing out that they just replaced the TVs with a much worse form of filler
>If you're too underage to handle those two things then don't bother
Lots of assumptions, sanity is also not a part of the game I'm guessing?
Thanks for the actual answer.
Which ults are you going to "spam" in a typical dps-stunner-support team? You're still bound by decibels which will require 1-2 full rotations to generate.
No TV for story means Wise/Belle are useless and their story is meaningless.
it fits her character though
Basic, skill and Ult
>Burr is an expression commonly used when its cold
Caeasar and Bunice are W1 baits you cannot survive
>hsr literally went to sleep mode
>releases 4 major banners at once
We're actually witnessing the Mihoyo implosion. The issue is that because the upkeep and development costs for their games is so ridiculously high, all it takes is a slight reduction in revenue to bring the whole house of cards down remarkably fast, much faster than what people are used to from lower budget live-service games. ZZZ will actually be the mistake that kills Mihoyo lmao.
Yes anon I also remember everyone saying how good sex with your mother felt. See? Anyone can do it.
As the game gets harder Stunners will he more locked into their element since it's more difficult to build daze off element. You'll eventually want a stunner of almost every element if you want to keep full clearing Shiyu.
>t. Star Rail meta expert
you are either lying or delusional
probably both
>Not dash attack
Lol lmao
>Outside of Koleda all of the stunners have the same or even more field than than Attackers
If he was a support, I could understand this, but Attacker and Stunner are the best class that your favourite character could end up as.
Defender and Anomaly are usually a coin toss.
Just be lucky bwo
Yes. The average to get a unit is ~100 pulls, we get 100+ pulls per patch, even if you fall behind the average you still have a good chance to get them all.
Why you fags keep using mobile only charts that don't even count the cn android revenue as a basis to this retarded argument
Honkai Impact in its entirety
Players are good at identifying problems, but not providing solutions. Cutting TVs out when they're a core concept to how Phaethon operates and interacts with the agents seriously brings into question how they will maintain plot relevance moving forward. Rather than cutting it out so much from the main story they should be finding ways to make it less repetitive and break up the flow of the game less so that you lessen the kneejerk reaction from the haters and don't alienate the people that like them.
The problem now is that every main story mission will be like Jane's where you run through the same hallway you find in a dozen other missions for 20 minutes fighting groups of 3-6 enemies that you've fought hundreds of times with no puzzles. Maybe you'll pick up a key here or use a terminal there, but no puzzles, no unique set pieces, and no special events because now they'd require a full cutscene instead of just moving tiles on a grid.
>who's only ever liked Nikke
Cuck, stay away from ZZZ, thanks
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Ew. gay spotted
wouldn't have happened if zzz carried its weight in the previous months. older sis hsr had to go all out for the family
>TV slop quest
>press right 3 times to move a meme avatar
>stop and listen to Fairy for a minute

>gameplay quest
>control the character you want to roll and play
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>upkeep costs ridiculously high
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Was considering getting Lighter for a full Fire team since I don't like S11's play style back when he was thought to be an attacker... Guess I'm skipping him.
The CEO stays.
You have to balance what you want to make vs what people say they want to play, and try and understand what customers actually want. Getting stuck in a reactive mode where you try to be everything to everyone just leads to a bad product
at 0.4% the S rank payout takes around 170
from 70 the odds go up fast till 90, averaging an S in 80
you're as likely to win a 50/50 as lose it

so the numbers are (80+80)+80 = 240 for 2 of them
but the 240 should pay out a 0.4 as well. so it's not as crazy as it sounds

plus every banner nets you around 20 rolls from dailes alone
>the game, marketing and support cost 100m+
ok bait. made me respond
why the fuck would you say it's cratering when you don't even have any real data? are salesfags retarded?
You wait until the devs turn the game to shit so quickly that your sunk cost mental gymnastics can't keep up and can't convince you to keep playing anymore.
For me that happened with world of warcraft before and seeing this thread and the new changes in the game makes it likely that I will quit zzz as well
Like I said they are brainlets, you can cancel or swap off Soukaku unless you want the buff, she does multi hits so if you build her for damage she isn't wasting field time and her ult is the one support ult that is actually good
>removing tv
>replacing it with hours of dialog slop like their other games
Its so fucking over bros...
I dont want to play another space bar spam game...
Sure Rajesh only 2 more weeks
Priority pulls for metapaggots
>Miyabi (maybe)
>Phys stun (likely Lucia)
>Ether stun (probably an OBOL unit)
>Version 1.6's first limited S Rank unit
There's a skip button retard.
Lighter better be for (you) or it is literally over for male characters for this game because they are either shipbait or fujobait.
You’d complain too if the tables were turned and you were forced to build strong homos while waifus are only off field buff sluts for everyone else, be honest
>which ult
Fucking ALL of them, retard. You wanted a system where by generating a single 3000 decibel meter, you get an ult + two more for free. This much iframes+damage+other benefits will make teams more powerful so the game will get more bloated to balance it. Not using ults will be unoptimal and will gate you from clearing the hardest content. If you don't understand why this is bad, I suggest you go back to Genshin, it already has the system you like.
Concession accepted.
disingenuous retard argument. enjoy your corridor slop
Genshin Impact in its entirety
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You sure know a lot for someone who never worked in mhy.
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>mihoyo implosion
>literally building nuclear reactors and chinese Akihabara
If you don't want to read or pay attention to the story just skip instead of pressing the space bar
I switch off my stunner at like 97% and use soukaku to trigger the stun as her fly the flag has decent stun multipliers and leads to a buff no one else but Ellen is need for the chain attack anyway
In that situation I would do the smart thing and play another game, because I don't waste time on stuff that doesn't appeal to me. A concept foreign to these people.
I regret rolling for Belle.
>doesn't play the game
Who, you? Stunners suck ASS when off element, try using Lycaon against ice resistant enemies and you'll see
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Sorry I'm not a big enough degen, I'm still going to try the game out and ruin it for (you)s
Alright! Time for a partial nuSEES reunion!
>players are reporting that tvs sometimes cut off dialogue when you move forward too fast
>only solutions to prevent this with corridors are to make incredibly long hallways or force the player to stand around while waiting for the dialogue to finish
fun times ahead
You're awfully optimistic
I will indeed enjoy playing with actual characters instead of staring at black and white monitors and chibi bangloos.
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Before HSR released, Dawei bragged about 'game industrialization' and how they organized the company to pump out one game per year. Maybe that can work for normal games, but making six gacha games in a row is fucking retarded.
based Natasha, Svetlana, Ivanka enjoyer
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>Zhu Yuan
>chinese akihabara
wut? got a link for what it looks like? that sounds pretty cool
>whine like faggots for a whole month about TV
>They remove it
You get what you ask for, that's what you get for being ADHD riddled retards.
>space bar spam game
This is proof that you never even bothered to play this game
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Post loli to scare nikkefags
They won't nerf anomaly will they?
stunner ults do jack shit for now
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>Belle goes to Outer Ring with Cunning Hares
>Does fucking nothing
>Everyone fixes their own problems without your help
Where have I seen this before?
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>The problem now is that every main story mission will be like Jane's where you run through the same hallway you find in a dozen other missions for 20 minutes fighting groups of 3-6 enemies that you've fought hundreds of times with no puzzles. Maybe you'll pick up a key here or use a terminal there, but no puzzles, no unique set pieces, and no special events because now they'd require a full cutscene instead of just moving tiles on a grid.
I think the devs might put more time in fleshing out model based gameplay. The Biker Race looks to be part of the story, so I don't think it's going to be ______ character walking in circles, picking up keycards, talking to NPC.
I still don't understand. Isn't removing TV and replacing it with what they did with Jane better overall?
I like the direction they seem to be going. Instead of making grid based tvs the different gamemode, they're actually implementing new gamemode styles. Like the 1.2 update will have racer style gameplay. I think expanding on this mindset will help the game from becoming stale by being ONLY combat. Like imagine a hollow mission where you have to do a sonic adventure battle 2 style "city escape" level where you have to run from a hollow on a snowboard or something. They can probably use many of the aspects from the tour de inferno game we're getting.
No? What you described is just Genshin and when the situation became apparent (Sumeru-Fontaine) I simply quit and started looking for other gachas I like.
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BANGBROS!!!! I've collected them all!!!!
They're doing fucking fine
The CCP would literally bail out Mihoyo if it got even close to that bad. They're the #1 cultural exporter and aren't allowed to fail.
MHY is not some enigma anon, no company is, they're all run by people
Stuff like this is only logical when you look at all the pieces without as much bias as possible
Hard cause people nowadays cannot turn bias down
only retards and normalfags got filtered by them, thougheverbeit
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something something cunny, something something uoh
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Play a better game
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i'm looking forward to the patch
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it's obvious they're building an ecosystem to keep money flowing into their games instead of going to competitors, but 4chan is full of monkeys that think genshin was magically going to make the same zillions forever and they should never diversify
I'd rather they keep doing both tv and nontv for novelty desu desu
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i'm still pretending that piper is a boy until a real shota drops
All you can ever really get is info like sensor tower, paimon.moe, hoyo hitting emergency buttons like sudden 10 rolls, stamina upgrades, etc. That said, stuff like the game not sustaining a high ranking in sensor tower when a new region with a waifubait banner is released and overall usage of paimon.moe going way down are signs that something is not going well
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>another mihoyo protagonists found dead in a ditch of irrelevancy
I am sorry for your loss, Wisebros and Bellesisters.
>lolis scare nikkefags
huh? they literally have a girl in a randoseru
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What do you call this
I though the vampire survivor thing was for the arcade?
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There's too many twink fags in hoyo games and the only male design I dont care for so far is seth, but lycon billy anton and ben are all fine actually, even lighter looks cool.
They just have to be cautious about how they put these characters with females since shipniggers will use even a passing glance as means for flooding the internet with heaps and mounds of trash art. For jane especially it detracted from my enjoyment of the character
I only just noticed that Caesar has a prosthetic hand...
I'm gonna miss the Phaethon siblings, they're probably going to fade into the background and only occasionally be shown during the beginnings and ends of main missions if this shit continues. I genuinely liked mission TVs, especially with the Victoria Housekeeping and The Belobog Construction Team. It's looking fucking grim, (You) were never the main character of your own story.
They're totally dying >>495763474
>have to roll for two characters to take full advantage of it
>type match up is much more important than with attackers
Why would they? It's a money maker.
That's what I've started doing after a while as well. Triple ults are still going to be weird because you'll want to active your stun as soon as possible, then after that it'll depend on the team.
You might stun with sup, chain into attack, back to support, then quick assist. Or sup ult stun, chain into ATK and keep them on field.
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I rolled Ellen Jane and soon Burnice
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Piper > Lucy
Even dismantling this shit is not worth it.
lol and faggots here really think that mihoyo is doing badly
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This is a retard checkpoint, please remember that if you
>want TV mode gone
you are a stupid retard
>want to spam all 3 agent ults
you are a stupid retard
>like current miyabi
you are into wide-eyed aliens
>are an anime avatarfag
off yourself
But at what cost?
Your "cunny" game betrayed me by releasing hag after hag after hag. At least with mihoyo I know what to expect.
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Plap plap plap plap plap
Anon she has boobs..I can respect the hustle though
they might buff attackers tho
anomaly isn't meant to be the main DPS, it's meant to be situational
nooo you can't say that, especially when using Sparkle...
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>game launches
>almost unanimously the thread is like tv slop the game is a tutorial to IK 30 I hate tvs so much bwos
>fast forward now
>we understand that the TV segments are boring and we will be refocusing the story content on raid missions that were received positively by the community and moving tv missions to side quests with mini games and puzzles and events only
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Piper and Lucy are so lucky to have each other!!!
man, slurpcord rolled into this thread hard to do damage control lmao
It could be. The TVs did have some good moments that would have been difficult to do in 3D. We'll have to see how well they do with it. Obviously, people aren't having much faith in the devs.
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>mihomo wasting your money on useless projects like nuclear reactors
>this is good actually
Not on PC and no gameplay.
the vast majority of strong characters in genshin are female, and you're not forced to build anyone. ZZZ has been literally nothing but waifuslop with zero males so far, and the one they get is a glorified support
Oh right my bad
>replacing tv gameplay with a skip button
Shit thats so much better...
Uhh, bros... Is the mission pass already gone? I didn't finish it...
>you are into wide-eyed aliens
well yeah I like girls that look unique
You first, imagine still playing BA with its stupid bullshit instead of just wanking to its porn if you feel like it or whatever.
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Koleda, Anby and Qingyi all work fine off element, maybe it's because his kit is balanced around the ice debuff.
quite literally just go ask elfy for a new one and it'd be near impossible to be worse
nuclear reactors are more useful than gachashit thougheverbeit
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But its very close
Super close
Tight even
My only issue with her design is her right bicep is just a little too thin to be carrying a big metal shield like that. Just needs a bit more meat on it
it's almost like all the people who hated the TVs fucking quit aside from some very loud and vocal complainers, and now we're here.
trudging down corridors and talking to NPCs was shit, could have been like 10 TV squares and a quick conversation
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>nuclear reactors
It would be good if they invested in nuclear fission reactors but afaik they wasted money on fusion reactors...
kek, good one
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>Restrict TV segments to the occasional story mission
>only other content that has it is Exploration Commissions with jacked up rewards for time spent, like 5x or 10x the current amount
Problem solved.
>good TV is stuck in later parts like Prophecy or Pokemon
>the retards and eceleb never stuck around so they only know the tutorialslop
>people who actually liked ZZZ discovered TV is actually good if done right
>devs somehow listen to the former to try to bring them back???????
maybe if you post an actual game first i'll consider
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>>Belle goes to Outer Ring with Cunning Hares
>somehow takes the whole HDD and Fairy with her to enjoy the TV slop
Makes sense.
> We want a male S rank.
> Nooo, he has to be attacker.
It has to be a troll account.
You don't play shit.
Square peg
Round hole
The current state of affairs, and their actions, point otherwise
Also, "dying" is not what I'm implying
When a boated company starts being unable to walk by itself it draws in vultures to "help" it, something like that dying is bad for everything, especially the economy
the CCP itself being the biggest concern
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Let's see how it turn out on 1.2 main story, reminder that Jane was just a side story
Yeah but Qingyi also does a strangely high amount of damage for a stunner
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we actually do have an idea of how much budget the game gets
tv-only player here. what the fuck am I supposed to do now?
I want to get crushed between those tits like that one giant junko image
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You just don't have any idea what the fuck you are talking about
I was close... But plugboo isn't complying like the others
I accept your concession.
Why don’t they just allow normalfags to skip the TV segments? If they don’t want to play the game, fine, but don’t make it worse for everyone else.
This reminds me of when faggots were saying Cygames was going bankrupt and then they casually announced they'd acquire Nitroplus for 17 billion yen so they'd resume abandoned projects.
because ecelebs bring the mass casuals that devs appreciate. What are you capable of, bring in a mere friend or two to the game?
Fuck you lucknigger.
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As expected
Laptop and or phone, Fairy is an advanced AI that literally hijacked their shit she's capable of getting onto their other devices
Holy shit, if they wanted an easy band-aid solution, they could have easily just added an auto play feature to the TVs. They are actually just too lazy try anything to fix it.
Seth and Lycaon are already overly romantic and would literally rape (you) if they weren't subs
Mihoyo is mass appeal focused. They don't pander hard enough to x or y group to corner the market.
The "everyone else" is like 20 players on 4chan, so why should they listen to a tiny fraction of a fraction of the playerbase
Was Princess Connect Cygames, or was that Crunchroll that killed it?
mihoyo said genshin needs 200m a year to run and hsr and zzz likely need half of that or less. all of them make their costs back in a month or two at most so muh budget meme doesn't even mean anything
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>had to go to hard pity on both of my SSR rolls so far
>had to go to hard pity for both of my Bangboo rolls so far
It's going to get better, right?
You're really going parasocial with this.
>Playable agents in town delayed because of Ben Bigger being to big
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>the Chinese don't like it
>the Japanese don't like it
>fucking everyone unirionically don't want it to go away
>they still somehow thought this was a good idea
I'm starting to think they want the TVs gone because of streamers. They were the only people who are the most vocal about it.

See /zzz/? You don't hate e-celebs enough. You think you do but you don't. I advocate for the death through lethal injection of all streamers.
Been a while but isn't Priconne still going in JP
All the attention and playerbase just went to BA instead
Always go with the good substats option
How much of that Genshin budget is advertising though
>cherrypicked comments
keep coping
Why don't you play a pokemon or an rpg for those things instead of an action game?
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Well for one, I actually spend money on games I like rather than grift off of it for an audience of largely f2poor covid kids that just bitch and whine when everything isn't made explicitly for them.
Nikke has playable toddlers btw
You will never be a woman
Every Chinese comment I see they are saying the the tv stuff is good for side quest or events and the main story should be map based
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wait TV's being removed?

I will now play your game now mihoyo, I kneel!
Keep coping, TVcuck.
Yeah, JP is still ongoing. I just can't remember the companies that created it or killed it in the west.
TV was bad early because the animations were slow as molasses.
It's fine now, it just needs to not cater to the lowest common denominator and actually put some difficulty in puzzles.
Also Hollow Zero needs a real roguelite dev to design it. It's just too pussified at its current state, too unwilling to place players in uncomfortable/risky situations, too untrusting of the player's skill level.
t. streamoid
Its snipped from the launch trailer mix btw.
>200m a year
sounds like their problem
maybe they should stop marketing their already popular game and cut cost
Crunchyroll killed it. Dragalia was Nintendo's fault.
World Flopper, however...
>just bring a phone bro
Yeah, guess they are retarded and still use special equipment instead of just a phone app.
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Why even bother? We know its clean Burnice we saw you shower
Ideally, would s11 lighter burnice be a good team?
Idk bros... I don't know if I have to pull Burnice
It was Crunchyroll, they were caught gimping roll rates on the gachas they handles so Cygames broke off their deal.
Star Rail literally sponsored the Paris Olympics and people think Mihoyo is strapped for cash

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If you watched the dev log they said the are going to implement a new rogue like mode on 1.4
say all you want, but the bottom line is that tv is getting removed, you lost, time to move on
that was around launch so it's probably smaller now, everyone already knows what genshin is
There's probably a reason for it
Genshin for such an old game keeps drawing massive amounts of new players and I find it interesting
Nothing parasocial bout it anon
This is just economics, which allways involve political interests
It's a value skill to be able to see this sort of stuff even outside gaming market
It's not something too difficult either if you understand it
I never understand why people seething about oyohim don't work the they just got lucky during covid and are now too big to fail angle. Like at least that's actually true.
Because 'everyone else' that has played this game up to this point are already either used to or enjoy the TV segments for the story, the fact they're having a returning players event means they literally only did this for normalfags that won't even come back because they still have to do the previous patch and level up their interknot

This game is less than 6 months old, that returning players event is a desperate cry for the profits they made with Ellen
lucy is better than burnice for that team
Yet you sound like you don't know anything about what you are talking
marketing is a continuous thing because people have the memory of gnats. they're still spending hundreds of millions on marketing it
I'm going for S11/Lighter/Caesar myself
If you only want monofire for whatever reason Lucy should be better too
I'm sure you're a multimillionaire.
So it's not the game budget, it's just marketing.
I'd rather not have a cock and ball torture Rougelite like Arknights Integrated Strategies
>too unwilling to place players in uncomfortable/risky situations, too untrusting of the player's skill level
sue me for watching vtubers and streamers but you wouldn't believe how many I've seen having trouble with the fucking story fight with Jane Doe. That's the "challenging" level fight for most casuals.
The lovely smell of nicole's perfume and sweat mixing in there
Heaven on earth
New thread
I'm old enough to remember when people called AOL and Yahoo "too big to fail". No company is too big to fail.
CCP removed their spine long ago. By force.
can someone post the resonaboo boo gif of it getting sucked in the blackhole
>everyone already got used to eating shit
>therefore they must continue to produce more shit
I barely finished slop like The Prophecy and I'm not doing it again. Fuck you.
Even here a bunch of anons we're getting filtered by the tv puzzles
Really? iirc that wasn't too bad. Her shadow form was way more terrifying since she would chunk you if you got hit.
Ben placeholder
Yahoo and AOL had a series of very specific fuckups that you're not going to replicate with a video game company.
>not even linking back to the right thread
>too mentally retarded to use 4chan x "copy text" feature
Someone make a real thread.
except mihoyo is the google in this scenario
they apparently find one in the outer ring
most games budget include marketing whenever you hear "dev spent 100 million on the game". you have to set aside cost to promote the game with ad buys/billboards/commercials/etc. its not just all money paying your shitty employees to make the game over 2-4 years.
That's not gonna work, nobody really pays attention to the OP
it was bad because you are forced to do it for so long, I remember needing to stay up and play continuously for almost 8 hours non stop just to get to dallies which is like half way through the story segment
it's the fall off in genshin that worries them as they still need to keep the game alive until summer 2027
because it's not true, covid and covid related gibs ended towards the end of 2021 but outside of Raiden their revenue was highest from early 2022 to fall 2023
bait used to be believable
ahaha get fucked
your tears are a delicacy
Why would an unironic homo play a gacha game clearly targeted towards a male demographic? It's not like genshin and to a lesser extent star rail where they at least pretend to try to pander to both. The amount of female lewdity this game has makes it clear what it's all about.

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