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Previous: >>495744525 # #

Version 1.2 "Tour de Inferno" Special Program
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YzElFb4S64s [Open] [Open]
Agent Record | Caesar King
Agent Record | Burnice White
Agent Story | The Rape of Corin

>Newest Trailer/Teaser/Character demo
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d17pewXhrI8 [Open] [Open]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=biuXi_x7-WA [Open] [Open]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NihInQv5Iyk [Open] [Open]
>Current Signal Search
Jane Doe - 09/04 – 09/24 11:59
Sharpened Stinger - 09/04 – 09/24 11:59

>Current Events
"All New Program" - Receive Encrypted Master Tapes - Ends 09/24 03:59 (server time)
"Camellia Golden Week" - 08/21 10:00 (server time) - 09/23 03:59 (server time)
"Immersive Tactical Drill" - 09/06 10:00 (server time) - Ends 09/16 03:59 (server time)

>Upcoming Events for 1.1
"Scene One, Take One!" - Starts 09/13 03:59 (server time)
Full 1.1 Event Details: https://zenless.hoyoverse.com/en-us/news/125244

>Redeemable codes (claimable in-game or online)

>Resources and useful links
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banging . . . BOOS!
I will never recover from the removal of TV gameplay.
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>want to show a friend who doesn't play what TV looks like
>most videos have someone yapping over the footage
>eventually find this one
>check the comments
>people saying they were stuck on this puzzle with hundreds of likes
Wtf? No wonder they wanted TV gone, the average player is literally retarded
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Keep TVs but add a sweep option for Notorious Hunt
Laughing at all the tv cucks
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I will forever love my beloved Mibibi even if they nerf her superior wide head
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>Enemy have a sliver of health left
>Chain attack triggers
>Swap to Lucy with a home run that gets the kill

Gets me everytime
Find a more Kino finisher than this
This room temp IQ baker...
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can someone post the resonaboo boo gif of it getting sucked in the blackhole, please
Phy Atk% w/ shitty substats or Atk% with good substats for disk 5 for Jane? Currently have the latter with AP+2 vs AP on the former
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>you'll be able to walk around the city side by side with your waifu/husbando
They're putting those walking animations that they had to make for the character change mechanic to good use.
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One day and another day
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Fuck off auto nigger you have to play the game
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Blessing everyones gacha with Kot pulls.
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Post Caesar images.
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say it again while looking at me in the eyes
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>missing Grace, Koleda, and the furry out of the standard S ranks
>Grace and Koleda are being powercrept and I'm not gay/will have Caesar if I ever get Ellen on rerun
What do I do? Grab a S11 dupe for when Soldiercoin goes to the moon?
thanks anon
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I get to be Belle and take walkies with Seth…
>ask for tvs to go away for months
>They do it
> :0
>repeat the exact same button presses in the exact same sequence
>several times
>play the game
Add sweeps to everything
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>Agent Story | The Rape of Corin
So are we just gonna ignore how vandalized this thread is?
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No problem.
So when is the patch out?
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>Agent Story | The Rape of Corin
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Good morning sirs!
Post your Shiyu clears.
We need to wipe the Nicoletard off the face of the earth
I want to kiss every inch between her eyes to comfort her.
why did he do it...
compare miyabi's eyes to any other female character in the game, they all have the same proportions so I don't know where this meme even came from
do i drop HSR or genshin to play alongside this
Yes that is playing a game, not that you would know that autofag
Five Namek hours (17 hours)
Was the faggot who vandalises OPs always in this timezone?
That’s been in the OP for like 5 threads now it’s not the Nicole poster. They’re too stupid for that.
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>retards cant do tv puzzles. Leave
>troons cant stand sexy characters. Leave
>women dislike (You) pandering. Leave
>tv puzzles removed
(You are here)
>retards come back
>sexy characters censored
>troons come back
>(You) pandering replaced with shipping
>women come back
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Any Wipeout screen with the Bangboos mid animation of their attacks is guaranteed kino
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>4chan hates it
>Chinks hate it
>Japs hate it
>people who ACTUALLY play the game hate it
>they have still done it anyway
you don't hate streamers enough. You think you do but you really don't.
Yeah, I'm thinking we lost
Does patch release at the same time Caesar drops ingame? It's a little under 12 hours for me (superior American).
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Ult change is good and I won't hear otherwise. Having a major part of a character kit THAT YOU ROLLED FOR locked out because of team building fucking SUCKS.
Yeah, let's give a sag gigger faggot the attention it so desperately craves.
I am killing myself
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What about them.
booba too big here
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I need more sexy lolis.
None of those people will come back.
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Okay, ADHD zoomers, the adult is speaking so pay attention and read.
>TV mode change
The main concern is that the current combat gameplay allows for little freedom aside from the combat itself.
It will be hard for the devs to maintain a high quality level with those restrictions. Even OG DOOM gameplay has more depth to its movement than ZZZ.
If they are willing to improve that, we might get a more proper Action Game out of ZZZ, which isn't bad.

The TV mode being relegated to side content might mean more "no-breaks" kinds of experience similar to The Prophecy, exactly because it'll become more optional.
There's potential for good there, we'll have to wait and see.

>Ultimate changes
We don't know the specifics.
The two main concerns are
1) The change deletes all burst DPS out of the game
But Zhu players will riot and CCP will arrest the entirety of Hoyo for embarrassing the law enforcement, so this is highly unlikely to happen;
2) The change will turn ZZZ into Ultimate spam fiesta like every other gacha in existence
Which is a more real threat, IMO.
I'm cautiously hopeful they won't head in this direction because the initial fundamental design of ZZZ seemed to suggest they are deliberately trying to avoid this.

1) He's male;
2) I play Soldier 11;
3) I don't have Koleda;
4) Koleda will still be better as an "off-field" Stunner.
Not a problem.

pretty much
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Which zenless would care the least if their panties were wet?
Nicole seems like the type of slut to schlick in her panties and continue wearing them afterwards.
We weren't worthy of her perfection...
>tv gone

I fucking hate everyone. Finally had something unique and they complained until it became like every other shitty arena beat em up. Dropping once I lose the 50/50 for mad max waifus.
He does it on purpose, I don't exactly know why but it's true. He answer to every post but those talking about the [Open] shit. I guess he enjoys getting (You)s and seeing people talking about how retarded he is.
I will name my first-born child TV Gameplay.
>want Caesar
>already have S11/Koleda/Lucy core
>even if I somehow manage to get both Caesar and Burnice and pair them with Piper it feels like too much of overlapping teams with enemies weaknesses
I don't know what to do...
Why does this link lead me to the page in indonesian?
Is OP indonesian?
Absolute state of these threads
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he saved the game
Question on the patch itself:

When will Caesar and Chapter 4 be made available?
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What the FUCK did I miss last night?
No more TVs??? What else happened???
Basically, you are gay.
Nah the issue isn't fixed with everyone having their own ult, the issue is that most ults fucking suck. Why would you ever want to use a non DPS ult when the only purpose for most ults is just damage?
What they should have done is rebalanced every ult so there's a good reason every character would want to use it.
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>Lighter is voiced by JP Emet-Selch
Bros I might have to roll for him...
real old >>495758007
Wideyabi is cancelled
I'd say it'd turn into ult swap slop but a lot of characters still won't be worth ulting on lol.
TVbros lost, hard. It's so over.

Ult change? Huh? Did they fix only your dps getting to ult?
Separate ultys.
You're wrong in thinking they're coming back. Only the bitter faggots that can't abandon the game remain.
so what? I'm Indonesian too
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>I don't know what to do...
S11/Koleda/Caesar will be an improvement over S11/Koleda/Lucy.
Lucy's C6 has incredibly synergy with Piper but very little synergy with Soldier 11.
Retard, there will still always be "this is still the most optimal solution" ult for any team comp.
>those comments
lmao holy fuck
What ult change?
he's cringe and doesn't do HZ at all, he does nothing but play SD really badly
Kill yourself
The first vandalized threads of today were long ago, I don't remember this guy doing it around these hours.
Then again, our more mentally ill posters don't exactly have healthy sleeping habits. And what's worse, they sometimes have copycats.
We entered the most cursed timeline as soon as faggots convinced the devs to "fix" Miyabi
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troons are not welcomed here
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Hi everyone, what did I miss?
>all this contrarian love for TVs suddenly
no, it's shit because right now I'm trying to scrounge up every polychrome I can to get Jane and TVs just fucking suck. THEY FUCKING SUCK!
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>Lucy's C6 has incredibly synergy with Piper but very little synergy with Soldier 11.
meant to post webm related
Stunner ults generate a fuck ton of daze, support ults generate enough energy for the entire squad to EX, and anomaly ults will proc anomalies from a completely empty bar. The only questionable ones are defense ults.
The game will literally turn into ult spam.
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I want to have sex with every ZZZ character including the males and furries
radiate Jakarta with Plutonium
>I'd say it'd turn into ult swap slop
It won't unless we suddenly get decibel generation as a substat.
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>herro proxies we hear yu dont rike tv modo
>in next patch we incrude nicole sweat mode
>you can lick nicole sweaty underarms super crean in this mode
>do you rike it ploxy? Prease understand
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Corinbros would've never deleted the TVs
>he didnt one phase
I'm going to need to see you do better bro
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So now that it's confirmed Caesar is lesbian are we still rolling?
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What did they do to my beloved meebs, I just woke up
>[Open] [Open]
How more can we go?
>TV gone
Thank fucking god.
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They could make it just you get 1.5 or 2 ults at max so you actually have freedom to decide I wanna stun this guy real fast so I’ll use Lighter’s ult or it’s the start of the fight I’m going to use Rina’s ult to give everyone energy. It’s a good idea I only ever use DPS and Seth’s ult (which is basically a DPS ult)
Good take. I was waiting for the shitposting to subside to mention they were going to only drop TVs for main story and work on improving it for side quests and HZ.
>Ben Bigger is a big problem
Lighter is and S rank but he's a stunner
This is a good thing for husbando fags as Haramusa is DPS
you know 99% of Gacha player base are SEA gamers right?
Anon, genshin ult spam is only because ER is a substat.
You can't even increase decibel generation outside of 1 A rank support ball.
You mean Big Daddy is attacker right?
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TV-slop should have never been anything other than optional time waster mode like arcade.
Anyone with more than 2 brain cells understood how Phaeton works in the hollow after introduction and there's no point in seeing this constantly when it doesn't add anything to action focus of this game.
Surveys are only one small part of getting data when it comes to system analysis. For Mihoyo to decide on removing it completely from main content, it should have showed something like filtering majority of players in data logs.
Contrarians can pretend to be some kind of 9000 icq chads for liking bad system all they want. Reality is they are not target audience and are exactly the same as fujos and homos throwing tantrums when they are not getting more of their unpopular shit in our game.
To be honest, I got filtered by a different one, which relied on remembering the patterns
devs gave her a shout out in a devlog video calling her in-game model ugly and promised that they will "fix" her model.
The Unwidening has begun
completely organic conversation going on in this thread
>defense ults
What do they even do? I don't think I ever heard or noticed anything about them.
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worst Qingyi gameplay I've ever seen
we had a poll, you're in the minority you can stop repeating the same post now
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literally this
Yes, they should kill themselves
Having to use multiple 5 star ults in a row is pain, the cutscenes are distracting in abyss where time is of the essence. I kinda like the system in the game more although it is kind of a shame you never get to see some really cool looking ults like Rina's
It's fine because both of them are my wifes.
>/zzz/ having a turbo nuclear melt down when they realize they are the minority and that anyone with an actual IQ hates toddler tier puzzles that retards in this general call "kino"
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Can't wait for Mibibi
all whitey should
If Lighter really is a punch barrage character and he has an EX that spams, it's possible that he'll be also good with C6 Lucy.
But I feel like they'll go out of their way to gimp that pairing like how they did Burnice + Lucy.
type this again in standard English
Clearly people who hate TV slop are the majority considering the devs have acknowledged the problem. You can keep coping with anonymous 4chan polls though.
we don't know when he's coming so that doesn't matter for now
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What the fuck
The captcha quest?
Those was kinda difficult, also I'm pretty sure some of them had mistranslations because a couple of questions didn't make any sense to me.
The best way I think they can change it is so that every class has a different decibel cost on their ult with different effects. Like 1000 decibels for stunners, 1500 for supports and 3000 for attackers/anomaly
The only part of the TV mode that I absolutely hated was in Ch3. Goddam I hated every second.
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h-haha yeah the problem with TV is the puzzles are too easy...
Lucy M6 + Piper has to be the most overated thing in this game, the damage is really low and you "stun" your boars so they don't do their regular attacks, it's good to extent the buff even more but that's about it.

Also S11 benefit from M4 way more than Piper
Yuri is based I want her even more now desu
How so?
it's okay to admit you can's solve toddler tier puzzles
I've been having dreams about Yanagi for 3 days now. I think I'm in love bros...
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>Lighter’s leaked kit includes building 50stacks by hitting
Inb4 they introduce a boss with multi-hit shields to shill him
>They are making Miyabi tighter
Tvs should be done ONLY in story and cool side quests/events and removed form everything else.
It makes sense for it to exist in the story since that's how you the proxy work.
Genshin has literally nothing to do with this and you're retarded if you don't realize how being able to ult with all 3 squad members will warp the gameplay.
If you're not one cycling bosses, it will become common for DPS/stunner/support comps to restun the boss within 10s of the first one with their DPS having enough energy from passive regen + the support ult to dump 2 EX skills again.
streamers are not "majority of the people"
Have they said anything about Notorious Hunts? I don't like only being able to get 3 items a week
Good stats, bad rotation.
Doing BA>BA>dash>BA3 is dumb.
Also, you should swap Nicole in when BA3 begins - not when it ends.

But I actually didn't know you still get QA prompt off the non-last support CA if you cancel the following CA.
Cool stuff, anon.
That is called doing unfun chores that you have to force yourself to do to not waste free resources.
I'm actually glad nobody cares about the opinions of this shithole, if any devs took 4chan seriously they'd be belly-up in a week tops. The problem though is that they do listen to other forums who shan't be named but you know who, full of retarded faggots who can actually skew their judgment at times
I always said TV slop was pointless filler but the hoyoslurpers were trying to convince themselves it was good
I'm reserving judgement until I see what they actually have planned. Genshitters crying about it can fuck off.
as soon as the patch drops
>chapter 4
idk, probably the same
>Game starts with a TV, complete with OC in universe TV commercials
>Takes place in a video store, videos needing a TV to work
>Several story chapters start with Phaethon watching TV
>The in game currency is based around the colored bar TV channel/no signal thing
>Getting characters is done in "Channels" , with their currency being tapes
Removing TV gameplay is removing the soul of ZZZ
they all uninstalled already why do you think the devs already made rewards for returnees they''re trying to appeal to people who don't play the game
Well they need to after I spent a night with her.
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>The problem though is that they do listen to other forums who shan't be named
>if I don't like it it's le streamers' fault
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Would she strip and let me take photos of her if I offered a discount at my store?
daily grind to slowly accumulate materials while fighting off the urge to not spend money to get them is the definition of gacha gaming
I can't believe they actually gaslighted even the devs into thinking that Miyabi's face was too wide
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only mhy knows what the actual breakdown is. Natlan thus far feels like it was developed on a shoestring so I'd expect the majority is marketing
Not quite, they had a deal with some NBC broadcasters in a few US markets. They aren't an official IOC sponsor or anything
Rather have more comics and cutscenes than tv or no tv desu
>already pulling out the jaks
I won
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I hate how much of a gooner this game is making me
I genuinely like all of the female characters
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What the FUCK did they mean by this
How about they remove the dogshit NPC talking missions in the hub world instead
holy esl
Uh oh you're going to trigger the TV cucks with that redpill
No more wide
yes you will be able to spend 60 battery on them after the three free runs
ZZZ will not survive without TV gameplay, I give it one patch before we have another patch that is entirely TV based.
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The final Mimo pull this patch was very fitting.
Not necessarily "majority", but even if it's actually only like 30% of the playerbase nagging about it the system would still be considered as having mixed reception and should be addressed appropriately.
My Nekomata works non stop at the video shop just to get chips for Piper and soon Caesar, she's such a good kot
unironically yes. They want streamers to shill it again but bangboos are "not streamer content". I want to hit every single streamer with a crowbar in team fortress 2
lmao that's what we're getting now instead of TV missions
vagina bones...
They acknowledge that her face was objectively weird
Interesting. I will look into optimizing a bit more next cycle
You're a minority, cry about it LMAO
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It's always time for wife anon kun
Tourist with ADHD zoomer brain are not the majority, they already left for the next pump and dump game.
If they try to regain these ppl and end up fucking the game for the others it's their loss.
You guys don't understand the precedent this sets.
With the removal of TV and push towards Jane-like story telling we will be forced to play as the latest twink/ikeman homo who is shilled in the story, unlike where we could use our own agents and choose to use the story agents
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Jane. She's a dirty slut.
>Chapter one is very basic hollow exploration tutorialfest and redirecting train tracks
Complete waste of time. We have a rally comission that already involved spinning tracks and moving trains.
>Chapter two is chasing robots around the hdd
Pointless shit so characters can talk while you fiddle with something.
>Chapter 3 is lighting up the towers as you climb dodging and eliminating ghosts along the way
Only good one but not particularly hard and starts to drag.
That's 1/3 they got right. Compared to Inter-Knot comissions they're garbage.
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I'm curious what happened to the 3d modeler that worked on miyabi and likely burnice. Is the person still in the team? Maybe they're talented and was rushed. Possible that they're the one that's responsible for fixes as well... Otherwise,
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The captcha thing was a joke about how modern captchas are better solved by AIs than by humans, and are really annoying. Ludokino as fvark but also irritating
guys 1.4 is looking to be a fucking major patch will it kill ZZZ or save it???
Yes lets remove the only other gameplay part of our game other than combat
Wtf is this decision??
oneeloli is based, actual yuri is cringe
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All the people in discords and friends I know that defend TV-slop unironically have diagnosed ADHD.
Do people know that using K&M controls lets you click a tile which makes Eous auto-pilot to that tile in TV mode? How does this work with controller controls?
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futa Belle...
>He thinks only ONE person made it
>An entire additional 20 (T W E N T Y) extra battery
> Two fucking zero
I am shitting my pants at how GENEROUS our CCP overlords are to us bros this is the best thing I've EVER heard
>like Hoshimi Miyabi
she can't escape the Akaya allegations
furthermore, waterkuma has been taken out back and shot
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oh shit I won something nice
Promoter implies she is advertising outside the store like Anby asking people to upvote the cunning hares as commission rewards
Miyabi was probably one of the earliest characters created into development and they didn't update her model.
Burnice was probably rushed and they just didn't notice how odd she looked. They tried to fix it but that just made her chin look off, so they had to fix her for a second time.
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Why does no one coom over her unlike loom in the other hoyoge
Miyabi MkII will be the best looking character in the entire game. The shitpost made mihoyo ditched the ultra widescreen-friendly design philosophy on her.
Thanks for 200 Poly, anon!
A lot of people are waiting for Miyabi in comments and her model is a meme
She really is the Ayaka of ZZZ
This but unironically.
Meebibi bros...
They didn't delete anything
wait I'm still logging in to redeem it!
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>Caesar: this piano thing, is it hard?
>Lucy: what do you think?
>kid: is it hard to play
>Caesar: nope
Another L for Lucy
Theres this gif of belle with a cock reverse fucking nicole while the latter rims the former I've fapped to it actually like 40 times already
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I liked tv's, if I wanted hallwayslop I'd go play HSR. Mihoyo is making a huge mistake.
Im a big fan of top down grid based roguelikes with turn based combat. The part about TVs that gets me is that they half assed it. I get why people hate it because irs really shallow as if the devs aren't sure of their own product. The closest they got to something good was the prophecy quest
there was nothing wrong with miyabi
her eyes are totally realistic
>An entire additional 20 (T W E N T Y) extra battery
> Two fucking zero
I don't think you're getting it.
It's 20 (T W E N T Y) extra battery OR ONE ENTIRE ENEMY CARD
Basically, we didn't get shit.
She's only a whore for Wise.
I do. She's the cutest and sexiest mihomo fmc.
Sid the sloth looking ass
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You sit on capped energy without using EX and capped voltage without using enhanced basic for way too long and not utilizing her dodge mechanic, wasting time dodging manually or just getting hit instead
As a pianist, at first it really isn't, it's probably the easiest instrument to begin with.
It just becomes ball busting if you actually want to become good at it.
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but they do
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Glad TV mode is gone. Hopefully they can make the game open world like Genshin and then it'll finally be fun.
I don't get what they try to achieve by referencing their skewed polls where half of votes are from raiders that want zzz to fail either.
Devs have all the data. Data showed that tv-slop must die. Simple as.
Some say there is nothing wrong with black characters yet it doesn't make them gacha material.
She just doesn't have that RIZZ
Artist was cumdumpsonic iirc
Meant to say paizuri fucking
>I liked tv's
if you want puzzles for toddlers, I suggest playing genshin btw
she looks like some gross-ass lesbo who doesn't shower
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So between Caesar and Burnice which goes better in a team with Soldier and Lucy?
Am I retarded for not recognizing what this is
If anything it's the opposite. I find her bland and annoying and I'm pretty sure I'm in the minority.
>Soldier and Lucy
definitely Caesar
Why don't TV fags just play games like these?
Caesar. S11 and Lucy can keep Fire Anomaly up well enough by themselves.
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What happened I just woke up...
What do you mean tv is gone? Those tv missions (exploration category or what it was called) were the most kino part of the game, cause they can do basically anything with it from pokemon battles simulator to bomberman.
She's doing better than loom because loom took a while to take off
We're already seeing quite a bit of belle
>like Genshin and then it'll finally be fun.
don’t forget to add homo banners for a whole year, then it’ll finally be really fun
>Tits not out
>Not constantly showing off her panties
>Doesn't stretch to flash her armpits all the time
>Isn't a blonde stacy-slut
Belle was clearly designed for 'modern audiences'.
traveling mimo
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don't post the bogged version. She used to be cute.
Which female character has the hairiest bush in ZZZ?
So how are you guys building caesar? Crit or anomaly since impact is limited anyhow.
faces are too meh, good animation idea though.
She's flat af
>every post celebrating TV being removed on reddit are getting downvoted
Ceasar. Having an anomaly applicator while you already have a DPS is awkward and unoptimized. I don't fault anyone for doing it though cause I run an Anby/Piper/Corin team.
I think that's what they're going to do. Make it side content that becomes more complicated.
and you also run rocketboo that is arguably the best bangboo in the game
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Bruh Yanagi is kind of a bitch....
TV dev deserved better.
tiktok addicted zoomers can't stand turn based mechanics so they're deleting it
>reddit loves TVslop
what the fuck I hate tvs now
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We love Belle here though
when patch
>belle didn't want Koleda to see Monica's movie because she wasn't of age
How old is everybody? You want me to believe Belle is older than Koleda?
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hollywood really like the look right now, Rachel Zegler too
>puzzles for toddlers
>large chunk of the playerbase is incapable of solving those puzzles without guides, including yourself
absolute state of retards
I creamed my pants a little ngl
>TV lovers are reddit
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She's made for rape, mindbreak and ntr though.
i have no idea how normies can put up with such censorship
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gonna be honest she looks like a fucking stick and her design is a 2/10, second worst looking mihoyo FMC just next to man giant Stelle
nekomata, her ass hair is big and that means her bush is just as big
shan't be rolling glowies even if they're hot and have big tits
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If 'majority' dictated how the game works ZZZ would've left only with gacha and just empty world to walk around aimlessly.
Most modern gacha try to be one million different things to keep players entertained but don't do any of them right.
ZZZ combat is great, but not quite there yet. HDD is fine, but also here's snake! Here's a rythm game event! Here's a racing event! Here's vampire survivors!
They intentionally try to be everything so you get the feeling that you don't need anything besides it. It sounds crazy but I'm not shitting you, there's actual psychology shit behind this.
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I didnt want to open with EX on the trash and then EX on the boss because I wanted to maximize the steam oven passive
Based Qwant user
I have all quests done and shiyu on farm since forever ago, keep crying fucking retard. Even genshit has harder puzzles in Sumeru than any TV section in Zzz. Kill yourself.
I do, that's why I'm giving an example retardgod
she actually isn't she's about as stacked as S11 the jacket hides it
>both are anglo + spanish mutt
miyabi confirmed for mediterranean
you sad little thing
>do dailies and use battery in less than 10 minutes
nice try psycholocucks
>Game flops
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Can someone describe the smell in picrel in a high effort and non-meme way?
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I don't get it. TV was criticized during very phase of beta test and they still released with it. As someone that was impartial to it I thought devs had some spine. I can only guess that this was forced by the business and finance team rather than devs choosing it themselves.
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Blind retard bro...
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Not gonna lie....
I popped a boner reading that....
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Dodge mechanic? Not dodging manually? Steam oven passive? Bros what the fuck, please explain.
If they change TV because ppl don't like it, so they can change her design because someone don't like her lewd clothes too
>it's a /pol/tard
figures out
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Koleda says in game her hair is really thick and grows fast
>anti-tv fags are 10 iq gore posters
this is who they're trying to get to play the game. actual subhumans
>have a formula for a game that your niche audience enjoys
>slowly change it to appeal to a "wider audience"
>it's shit and your core fanbase now hates you
Do you have the one she goes naked in the middle of the street for some fucking reason?
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I love them
And steamy armpits
>terrible opinion
Every time.
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But isn't removing TV gonna fuck up the game on a fundamental level? With TVs there was a system of moving from p. A to p. B without beat-em-up detailed long ass maps. Jewhomo loves cutting costs and TV is an obvious way to have beat-em-up gameplay without designing actually big and coherent level characteristic for the genre. Remove the TV glue and what we have in the end? 2 min of arena -> dialog/cutscene to "move" to the next arena -> 2 min of arena -> dialog/cutscene -> ad infinitum. Because there's no fucking way Jewhomo gonna design actual levels.
I've been running Piper + Corin together for a while. There's something satisfying about doing Piper's spin and then swapping to Corin to use her EX.
>get rid of tv mod in story mode
thank God
>but it's going to be like janeeee
Yes, jane story quite empty but they can also that part too, I think jane story is some experiment for them you think they they not improve that?
Wasn't your argument that this place was the minority tho
Stelle's size and deadpan expression is what makes her hot
TV-slop eaters are a minority. You have always been the minority. You cucks only deluded yourself with your own poals, LMFAO
lighter bros... why is he not a fire attacker?
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Is this a melty?
Maybe in an open world game this might feel true, but as it stands you run out of content WAY TOO FUCKING FAST for this to be true given the energy gating. The game mode thst should carry them which is Hollow Zero loses interest because the end point is always the same and theres no reward for doing higher difficulties past the first time which is the most mind bogglingly stupid decision ever. Seriously who thought that was a good idea?
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Anon, they're also adding racing stages too. It's pretty obvious they're experimenting with stuff.
ZZZ should have been open world
First time playing a gacha?
you like holding down a button to do consistent damage
You need to finish that team with Berunies
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I'm an aficionado, lemme tell ya
>sniiiifffff, analyzing...
>analysis completr
A little bit of booty but masked by copious layers of perfume hair product nail polish etc. slight hint of body musk that comes naturally with having huge milkbags on the thorax. One could say it's both classy and trashy simultaneously. If she starts getting worked up there's a tinge of umami fish-like odor around the labia. Quite feminine. Wonderful specimen.
Diagnostic conclusion: mesugaki that wasn't corrected and grew up to become an adult mesu-bitch
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The preload was out for a while and there still isn't any webms showing the wallpaper for Lucy and Piper. Lame as fuck.
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Is she strictly dependent on her signature w engine or are there some good f2p alternatives?
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my king (real)...
this, their aesthetic are way better than other open world games
ZZZ should have been a hentai game
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Next they'll remove Shiyu Defense because "majority" doesn't play it. Then they'll stop releasing new story because "majority" skips it anyway.
You didn't have to sit on capped energy for almost 10 seconds though, you could've used hold EX on the boss and you would've had it available again by the time the buff ran out, pay more attention to your meters anon
Disks should cost no energy to farm, make it like MH charm grinding where you can spend forever in the mines
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Now that TV shit got gutted, what else should be removed from the game?
I'd say the bangboos. ZZZ deserves nothing and should stay shit.
Ult change part is on "Future Plans" currently
>1. We are currently exploring optimization options regarding the shared Decibels when Agents use Ultimate skills in combat. We will also continue to optimize the logic of the enemy lock-on function and add more types of enemies with more varied combat animations.
ZZZ should be open world like GTA
Just stop working on ZZZ anymore because the majority of the human population on earth doesn't play it.
1.4 will either make or kill this game
>open world like genSHIT
>90% of the land is empty
Open world is such a shitty gimmick that is not needed 99% of the time.
They saw the edits bros…
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Please watch the first six minutes or so of this and stop spreading misinformation online and falling for bait.
Belle can drive a car but that might amount to not much in that world.
So how will 1.2 even work without TV?
The stream showed that we'll be still using Eous to enter the hollows with Caesar through the race part of the story.
Yes actually
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i can't wait for the new arcade game
next they'll stop the incest innuendos because the"majority" doesn't kiss their sister
>take away what have her soul and charm
they're the easiest to powercreep but people love them for some reason

>inb4 lighter is powercrept before release
would be peak
Is that a real thing or are (you) having schizo moment?
redditniggers are cattle
her next best is Seth's engine
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Steam oven gives you impact the more energy you have. Its why I only tried to use EX halfway through the stun bar
Doing that would have reduced the passive effects though. Im not sure it would have resulted in any meaningful change to stun time
That is a good thing. Developers should never be allowed to have a """vision""" if the majority of the playerbase hates that """vision""". Games are not art, they are consumer goods. Look at what happened with Helldivers 2, the stubborn retard devs tried to force their """vision""" on the playerbase and lost 90% of it by result before being forced to capitulate and cater to the masses.
Devs need to realize that they glorified McDonalds cashier clerks, not fucking Michelangelo painting the Sistine Chapel.
Another change ive proposed: make box galaxy useful. Make it have a rotating S rank w engine as well as rotating A rank engines. The current box galaxy is boring and I havent used it once.
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I was planning on buying the battle pass and extending the monthly on Ceasar's banner but if I do that the devs will think I'm happy with their decisions. Bwos...
I miss pija...
the tvs we're unironically the soul of the game, crazy to see people defending the removal. probably just a bunch of gambling addict coomers who'd like if the game was just a gacha machine that spills out porn.
Coridorslop without gameplay, obviously.
disingenuous comment, end game modes are there for ALL players to have something to reach for. TV slop is a barricade at the beginning to the ending of the game filled with boring ass puzzles with as much shitty YAP as a genshit quest. The devs made a decision based off DATA and feedback from players, not one or the other, BOTH.
>b-b--b-b-but i liked tvs....
no one asked, especially the devs
they are losing far more potential money by keeping shitty tv slop in the game than keeping your crusty ass that spends nothing on the game
what the fuck that's so gay
current ults are good and its retard's fault for not understanding how decibel generation works
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She has no good f2p alternatives.
>Steam oven
Oh that's a ball, thanks. I thought it was a passive Qingyi had that I missed somehow.
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Why doesnt these two have combos a la Ben & Koleda? Are they never doing those again?
They legally can't let you play all day long otherwise they would. Their best bet is keep making you come back for dailies and events.
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Can someone give me a quick tldr on the state of TV's?. I thought they were just being streamlined for reddit and tiktok zoomers. Now I'm hearing they are gone for good?
Maybe not zero cost, but 20 energy per routine cleanup seems okay
leakers don't care about this game
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It's the chinks, it's always the chinks
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I like girls who enjoy schlicking in their panties and continuing to wear them after, which zenless is for me?
I am in the same predicament
bangboos are the soul of the game, TV slop was boring filler that no one liked.
Am I missing something or did they say they are only replacing the TV stuff for “major story events”?
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For me it's Anon's 13 year old niece.
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Sarasabros...never forget what they took from US....
21:9fags lost.
4:3GODS won.
As it stands I can do hollow zero all day, but its just not fun to do so. I'm not saying I need to have a resource grind, I just want a fun replayable game mode because I like the game and I dont treat it like an "investment" or anything.
That's what they said.
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Swear on me mum some anon posted a webm of the official Belle and Wise cosplayers that had all of Belle's clothes laid out on the sidewalk.
I vaguely remember hearing that there were a lot more puzzles that actually got fairly difficult but those were yanked because they filtered the fuck out of the beta testers
it's not that she's underage it's probably a very lewd movie
We're stuck between a rock and a hard place, bwo...
no more TV gridplay so Belle and Wise lose prominence and are reduced into your average useless Mihoyo MC
enjoy your shadow producer
Yeah, like the Jane's one
>another low iq filtered
so obvious...
>wake up
>lets get jane c1 before its too late
>see mention of ult changes
>urge to spend money goes away
ermm bros...
someone has to link this
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I remember talking to an anon saying Burnice was an honorary loli last night. Good to see his creativity shine through.
noone cares about this fucking game
don't reply to me until you grow up TV shit eater. I'll recommend you some big boy puzzle games.
man fuck Hoyo but more importantly fuck the retards that they take seriously
He reasoned that life indeed isn't worth continuing and unconscious is preferable.
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Excuse me but I'm a gambling addict coomer and I like the tvs
Seth and Ben give 3 Assist Points on ult, not sure about Caesar
Support ults give 10 energy + 20 energy for the the next character swapped in
Stunned ults deal a fucktone of daze
Attackers just deal big damage??? Idk their multipliers aren't that different from the rest
And Anomalies idk, I think it's what anon meant by proc full anomaly from an empty bar
I dunno, add actual gameplay like races mode in new patch? Like anything to PLAY instead of looking at that boring tvslop?
They ain't gonna bother making more tvs except for next story batch.
We had only 1 tv event since release.
>No more tv mode in story chapters
>TV in HZ is now optional
What's even left? I'm glad they're still trying to work on more engaging content from the TV mode but still.
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high quality post
Fucker better show up for the end of the year stream.
the eyes on this one are weird as hell.
he read the future change list for the game and decided to bail out early
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She is a loli. An Oppai Loli.
owwwnn big anon can't solve puzzles. Let me take it out and give this S rank for free owwwwn
too long, did not-
tch, alright, sis
>"everyone saw how there was no TV in the jane quest, there won't be any TV in the 1.2 main story either, or the stories after that"
>"we will not get rid of TV mode for the occasional quest or HZ, it will just move a little faster because we'll optimize the animations"
>"we will eventually go back and remove TV mode from the story missions so far for new players"
>"you will no longer have to look for yellow and pink boxes, we'll just give those for free after you clear the TV mission one time"
i ain't watching further
>ulting with sokaku or seth is a dps loss because of their long ass animations
>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d17pewXhrI8 [Embed] [Open] [Open]
>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=biuXi_x7-WA [Embed] [Open] [Open]
>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NihInQv5Iyk [Embed] [Open] [Open]

what single digit IQ retard is making these threads?
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What can I say, we simply love Belle here
Just slap a stunner engine on her I guess.
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>[Embed] [Open] [Open]
the only reason I have time to play this game is because it isn't open world
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I just woke up and see people going wild. What did I fucking miss?
I'm looking for it in the archives but we have way too much to look through.
Then fuck off nigger, you're clearly the minority and never spend anyway
You losr now fuck off
woah little kids really do have such wild delusions, cute...
tv haters
But hey, at least they fixed the absolute dogshit of an aiming system...
Wise is a lucky man he has a fuck buddy at home.
It's the Nicoleposter, he does this intentionally. People on USA time learned to ignore his threads and bake new, non-vandalized ones but SEAs lack the wit and intelligence to do it I suppose
Did they fix Burnice's face?
TV sloppa got killed. Lighter got dripped.
>no more TV mode
good I guess, idk some of them were ok but most were worthless a->b with shit or no puzzles
>lighter S rank stunner
kill homos
>miyabi no longer wide
where is proof of this?
>Ults not shared between characters
also proof? or is it a what-if scenario
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Piper bros...
How come our girls is getting so little attention in the marketing for the next update...
because no one cares about them they are the two least popular girls, Piper should have been something other than sleepy Lucy without a hat
Don't give up, I want to see a public nude belle cosplayer.
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>game slowly turning from unique TV puzzles to shitty halls fetch quests
I blame retards that can't even find their way around fixing bangboo circuits.
are they completely removing tv mode?
tv apologists
>n-no u
Ben is A rank. not to mention defender, which koleda doesn't need
two S ranks doing it would be too expensive / strong (and those two don't even share an element)
i'm sure they'll do it again at some point
soukaku and bandana boy seem to be close, maybe they'll have it
Her and steeltusk were the main part of yesterday's illustration.
Also it's fitting for her to just sit back and relax in the background.
the occasional shitass event, or maybe they'll do something fun and have ranked chess using TVs
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>combat section where you're often being pressed against time limit
>has idle animation
>non-combat section where you can spend your time leisurely
>no idle animation
I still didn't quite get the logic behind this decision.
>schizophrenic delusions about his thread enemy
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>androphiles should've quit the game by now
Lighter is A rank right?
dev talk >>495767903
for the story - yes
most people in genshin don't play abyss either
looks ok to me, bro [Embed] [Embed] [Open] [Open]
S Fire Stunner (dps)
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>make a playable mc
>make two of them even
>make 3D models and animations for them
>make cutscenes with them
>make the plot for them
>hire VAs in 4 different languages for them
>throw them into the thrash bin anyway for other characters you could've worked on from the start
>for third time in a row
I genuinely don't understand this from a business standpoint. That's thousands upon thousands work hours fucking wasted, that could have better spent elsewhere. It boggles my mind. Why even have designated mc in the first place? Why???
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TV mode brought us the coolest moment in the story and they are gonna remove it?
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Wasn't that just a random tiktok cosplayer? You make it sounds so sexual too, it was a "showing off my fit" meme.
Oh and I forgot that she is on the cover of Burnice's agent quest and will probably play a role in it.
I was about to make one but realised I couldnt be bothered to enact a thread war. Im editing the OP to include the 1.2 stuff and details for next bread
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she's sleeping
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yes, they're memory holing tvs as a whole. they're going to remove every past tv scenario and pretend they never existed on top of never releasing anything similar again.
Lighter will be on field NA spammer, she will still be the queen of dodge attacks and fast off field stuns
theyll never gut shiyu, its there to bait retards to roll
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I think I might transition from f2p++ to a dolphin in the next patch.
I only have ~40 pulls worth of monochromes left and I want to pull both Caesare, Burnice, and their W-Engines.
Go forth without me, fellow f2p bros . . .
see >>495758047
Everyoen here is so mean to me :(
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>You losr now fuck off
>No long socks/stockings
>No g-string or thong
Why are women so useless
it's ok to admit you can't solve puzzles. You're anonymous here.
So with Lighter being an S rank fire stunner does that mean that he's going to be the best for Jane/Burnice anomaly teams instead of Caesar?
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Burnice without her ball is like Skeledirge without torch song. Enjoy rolling for bricks if that's actually your thing.
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I NEED a nursing handjob from Rina
The game need an MC for trust events
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but... tvs are still going to be in the game in the missions they were most fun
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I had to use THAT cause my shit luck with Jane. Not regretting that though.
>Burnice's fat ass can't enter the store door frame
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Rerolling account might get faster after the removal of TV from the past story chapters.
This but Yanagi
What about Caesar without her ball
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every factions A-rank should have a duo attack with every S-rank in their faction
This is the first character where she will be seriously gimped without her ball right?
I thought the point of anomaly teams was to not have a stunner and instead have a support?
you should, jane is for cucks
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i can't wait for co-op PvP to drop so i can carry you with my lvl 60 Anton, bros
this game is quite useless without tv ngl
Rina seems like such a nice motherly older woman
Yanagi can't compete
it's annoying that they only did that with Koleda and Ben
>baddieboo is so cool
>can't get him
Does that confirm hollow raiders fraction in the future?
Who wrote graffiti on Ellen's tail?
TVless Zone Zero...
>he keeps going
medication, NOW
We don't have his full kit, but signs point to him being an on field stunner who might be able to dish out damage on his own. So no, not for anomaly teams.
That's like uhh.... zhongli with the shield but without the res shred. She's still usable.
That's a bullshit cop out and you know it.
just in time for the angels
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>miyabi ruined
>first s rank homo, herald of what's to come
>tvs removed, hrt clone
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Sorry I'm not insecure about those things. Her and Seth make a cute pair.
sweeto ando gari mashumeru mee mee miruku
What cool moments? Zzz's story is garbage and mid at best. TV sections especially had the worst fucking dialogue and bits.
big daddy
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I have 332 pulls.
>no more TV slop
Is it true bros? Don't want to re-download just to be let down...
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>first s rank homo
Bwo? Your knot?
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Which zzz slut would most likely be into public masturbation in front of an audience?
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So what's everyone's first impressions of 1.3's limited banner cast? This seems like the easiest skip patch so far and its not even close
the only universally liked change
bros should i roll i still don't have piper but i have m6 billy
If it's not OBOL or idols I'm skipping.
Based f2p bro with full roster and their signatures!
i'm skipping all the way till the angels
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call me a schizo but I believe that pic related is actively happening
yes, just like how Holly's dad easily abandoned teddy
>p*k*m*n comparison
Kill yourself /vp/drone
Yeah I'll give yanagi 10 or 20 pulls but that's about it
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Grace, if the audience is a group of bangboos...
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They didn't say anything about adding new agent missions?
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Does that mean we can no longer trigger trust events in Hollow Zero?
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>still no team presets
only if you hate playing billy
I would rather play my c6 corin or c1r1 neko than the rat
Yanagi gets 40 rolls, maybe 1 pity if the 4 stars are good
I forgot he existed, but I meant limited S ranks
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Lighter will job and we'll get a
>Lighter Lorenz, give me back my legions
Yeah, it's a skip
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it's just an experiment, sis
TV HZ will still be there, the TV-less is a separate mode.
I was going to skip, but Lighter being stunner makes me want to pull. Might pull Nagi too to be contrarian.
Caesar is for outdoor sex stranded in the wilderness when it's raining and there's nothing else to do
I'm already skipping everything that isn't furry
where's the fun in that? Without a crowd surrounding her with their photo camera shutters going off nonstop that's kinda lame desu
Bro your Koleda?
Its time to turn off the tv and go outside.
Too much "tv gameplay" enjoy empty hall fetch and deliver.
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>Oh yes, a retro-futurist style with emphasis on cassettes, tapes and movies.
>Lets just remove the tvs from the game for broader appeal.
Fucking hell
Looks like an easy skip for me
I don't the complaint was about how they work, but how bad it feels to use (or not use, in this case) them
Like, you roll for a limited support agent, but you never even use their ult because the game is a dps race and you'd rather use your big dick dps ult
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I wish I could deliberately roll for him
I'd be pushing for maxing him out every time till I did
>implying that bangboos can't have cameras
Wise is looking too inside Eous
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I roll every SoC.
No exceptions.
very lame, will sell poorly
Each Squad member having their own decibel meter incoming.

Should have been that way from the beginning
>Lighter makes me want to pull
worm hands typed this
>day is bad
>remember I will have dates with piper and lucy
>day is not so bad after all
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I like Yanagi. She has a minimalistic design which fits S6. Not everything has to be

Less is more.
she is wife marterial and i love her
i dont just want to fuck her and leave her
>I don't want to play as the new character in their story quest I want to sit in the cuck chair
what causes this
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When I said that I liked the rally commissions I didn't mean replacing the entire story commissions in this format...
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My mom saw me playing zzz and said all the girls look like whores except Corin
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Don't have her. And if I have to pick an agent to lose 50/50 or pick from selector it'd be Rina.
This but Ellen in her JK uniform and we're stranded on an abandoned bus stop out in the sticks in the rain and I'm a little boy and she's a shotacon
All this complaining about tvs fuels me, the fact that nothing they say or do will ever change anything yet they keep screaming into the void is so funny to me
>I don't the complaint
I don't think the complaint*
>One person
That's not truly PUBLIC anon... I'm talking fingerblasting herself in the middle of the day in the middle of Lumina Square.
what youre saying is basically
>wait for the animations to drop they might save this bland ass design
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it's over
>Less is more.
Guarantee this guy worships HSR's billions of qipaos that all look the same
Miyabi eye gap nerfed...
EoS imminent.
They can easily make cutscenes like this without TV slop.
I actually don't mind her either. I'm sure I'll like her even more when more of her personality gets revealed. I'm just not a fan of the electric anomaly
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Well this just makes it easy to skip and roll Caesar and maybe Big Daddy if he ever shows up. I am not bothering with Lighter given I already have Koleda at C1.
Will pull for Lighter, will not pull for Yannagi. I like both of his japanese seiyuu and his english VA.
but they're still in the game
For me it's M0W1 Yanagi, no questions asked.
that's the guy who killed his own bangboo right? that shit was dark with the bangboo pleading for him to stop
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>no more TV
Based. Should only be used to some events with well crafted and original TV levels.
>listening to the Miyabi meme
So who are we memeing next?
>Lighter is a fire stunner
My polys are safe, cool

I didn't understand what they are going to do to the ults, someone can explain it?
Less is less in this case however.
>said all the girls look like whores
has she seen actual whores? There are normie girls in gangnam who wear half the clothes the ZZZ chicks do
Don't let grace being a brick effect your judgement.
women who want to play puzzle games
retards who can't appreciate things
shizo degenerates
SEA self inserts
woman and homosexuals
butthurt gooners
Getting Eva vibes when I saw the piano scene with Caesar and Lucy playing together.
Are they just going to stop making new A ranks?
wtf I wanted to larp as futaba…If I wanted to larp as Joker I would just play Persona 5
Based big daddy bro.
I took am rolling Caesar and skipping lighter, also I got koleda on the beginner banner
Is he A rank or S rank?
lol isnt it like the half of the gameplay? even golden event was pure tv
whats the game now going to be like? smash buttons since your are always underleveled?
I might pull for A Ranks and pull an S Rank in the process(depends on who's on the banners), but I'm not going out of my way for either Yanagi or Lighter.
S rank fire stunner.
this post was made by troon hands. YWNBAW btw
thanks for the chart bwo
will consult it for better shitflinging
The fact they're so focused on player reception makes me think Lighter really was an A-Rank that they changed to S in response to the yume seething
sounds like you have sadistic / tyrannical tendencies then
you should repent
She is not wrong.
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Would you roll Lighter if he's actually a DPS in a stunner's clothing?
>all these unfilled element/class combinations
>two duplicates of existing S ranks (not even A ranks) in 1.3
What the fuck are they doing
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How long till the patch?
>fits S6
that's the problem, S6 are high level hollow adventurers and they look like ordinary businessmen about to sell you a car. S6's design choices don't fit S6.
like the Raid missions, probably
at this point its dumb not to pay 5 bucks if you care about this game
the rindu pass how ever is scam
Keeping the options open for Miyabi rework.
they went way too "minimalistic" on her
TVs are a zoomer filter. Boomers can appreciate the top down grid based gameplay and the way it can abstract cutscenes and include all kinds of minigames within.
Maybe for events, like the Camellia Golden Week or whatever
We still have another electric shit unit and Miyabi who likely just take Ellen job. I don't really understand when Zhu is our only new element who is already gone.
Not wrong. I'm curious to see how they'll actually balance it, but I hated that I couldn'tbuse Anby's Ultimate. It has the most kino cutscene in the game imo.
I mean, caesar can also fill out multiple roles so lighter can possibly be a stunner/attacker hybrid.
Same thing they did in 1.1?

Theyre literally outright telling you the uneven patches are skip patches.
>lol isnt it like the half of the gameplay?
Yep, and they're going to rework the old story and remove the TVs out of it.
They didn't say anything about events, so that's probably the only place they'll use the TVs.
Wait what's Glasses role?
Shark is peak ZZZ design however
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Found it. Not the official cosplayer and yeah it's some kind of retarded TikTok trend. Sorry if you were expecting full on naked dogeza.
>log in to euro server
>6 hours left
> log in to asia server which is 7 hours ahead
>blank and no cesar
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I would have rolled a few times if he was a A rank, now I'm absolutely not rolling on his banner, lol
>tvs butchered
>but now you can walk with your waifu in town
I really would love to see the trash opinions that get sent in mass for shit like this to happen.
Will she be better than Grace?
I do hope they allow more bursts for 3000 decibels. It sucks having these cool animations that you'll never see because the burst priority will always be your DPS.
Only if he can team up well with my Koleda, which I doubt.
Using him on a Koleda squad was part of the reason I was considering pulling him.
Bwo Caesar doesn't hit EU until 05:00 AM tomorrow
Limited banners always end ahead of a new patch release
>Didn't take the chance to spread out her panties to show off the wet stain on the crotch
Belle is useless as always.
if you skipped qingyi you are omega giga bricked
>every patch is skip patch
You are kidding me
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>Both already already overlapping classes

Unironically their banners will be killing the game. What the fuck are they thinking? Just for everyone hold their rolls for Miyabi?
>Hey its a post apocalyptic setting where these dark spheres corrupt everything inside them, but theres one city left where you live as a guide to treasure hunters trying to explore these spheres for riches
>You are a unique guide in that you are the only way that does it by remote controlling a drone to do it via a computer program

Explain where exactly the wall of monitors and tapes and reels comes into it. Because it feels like you could tell the exact same story but replaxe investigation logs with "Ether energy capsules" for exp, and replace master tapes with some sort of social media "contact registered" aesthetic fluff for pulling characters

Dont get me wrong, they anachronistic vibe of mixing future tech with analog tape reels and recorders is really cool, and makes the cover plot of the protagonist running a video store more relevant, but its hardly core to the games soul
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you mean its its 17 hours away?
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>go on a cinema date with Caesar
>go to a restaurant after
>invite her to your place for sex
>eat breakfast together next day
I wouldn't mind if they add all that to be quite honest senpai...
>Grace and Koleda being ACK'd in the same patch
Belebog bros...
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He's not, I'm afraid.
t. Patiently waiting EU bro who will be working that day and won't be able to roll until 6pm
quinyi banner did really well
they're milking the whales
I have C6 Anby with Hellfire Engine, she stuns faster than Qingyi ill be fine. Keep huffing copium, Lighter will probably get a +120% Stun Damage Multiplier lol, Qingyi will be powercreeped in less than two months.
>Only reached 18k in time for Caesar
uh.. there will be front loaded patch polychromes right?
useless corin it was all your fault! now bend over for correction punishment!
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you are forgetting this is a mihomo game and you don't even get to see cleavage because they put a tie in the way, lmao
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I'll carry Belebog on my back bro!
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Maint compensation.
>defending bland slop as minimalist design
Lol the cope of zzzo niggers is amusing to watch
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I don't think so.
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>never understood unironic doomposters
>this happens
>my hands itch to doompost
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the game is bricked
how are they going to unbrick it?
i played all story missions and the daily 90 polli pass, wasted 150 on jane and have not even enough for first pity yet?
i cant roll for ceasar and burnice
how is mihoyo going to fix this?
millions will go away like this
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blame the twitter trannies
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They should just remove all TV AND corridorslop and make this a 3D visual novel with combat segments in-between that will also be phased out of stories eventually since players complain about them being too hard or interrupting the pacing.
They just gotta fix her face
Why doesn't she take her shoes off, isn't it hot like that
I fucking hated tvs, good riddance.
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Ehh, that depends on the character really. Also I doubt that it will actually happen, just that a man can dream...
Yeah. New patches always hit the same time for everyone. For eu its like 5am, for NA its like 11pm and idk what it is for seaniggers
they should just remove the gacha element and make it 30 bucks and a proper jrpg
Yanagi? Grace but off field maybe
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>shit on game for being furry HI3 for ages
>finally say fuck it because Natlan is just that horrible
>game hits me with fire hammer girl
She's pretty okay, I can work with this
>hottest girl in the game drops right after
Alright, fine, I'll stick around for a bit after Caeser fucks me.
Burnice... forgotten....
IQlet melty
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I haven't watched tv in ages.
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>tfw no cozy chill life with my cute sistergf
See she looks good in this one
bro, your goy brainwashing?
>Natlan is just that horrible
best region so far
i hated china so much i dropped the game for 2 years
also grace is a pile of shit
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How do I play C6 Soukaku and what teams can she work in? DPS Soukaku specifically, I already use her as a support for Ellen, but her damage seems pretty decent when I intentionally mess up the quick assist and she starts spinning.
Hey bros I heard your game was going eos. Good.
im surprised shes untouched considering how badly they censored Caesar Grace and likely Jane
Based Belobog-sponsored account.
>Fail to get Jane
>Seth is now worthless

What now?
>tfw no Koleda and no Grace
Explode luckshit.
Newbie here, why do people hate the TV so much? Are puzzles too hard?
I'm glad you like Pokemon, anon, for me it's a catastrophic step down from France and its underwater castles.
whoever thought up thanatos is a fucking asshole holy shit.

>annoying dash attacks
>teleports and wastes your time
>tanky as fuck too for some fucking reason

hands down most annoying fuckoff enemy
Ellen's face and expressions make her stand out just as much as the hair and tail, they could have made her a generic JK and it would still work, if Yanagi was expressive maybe she would be more popular
read her skills
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You wouldn't get it.
waterkuma was fired and they censored his designs
>Check out ZZZ because everyone is glazing how it's the coomerge to end all coomerges
>Every female character except Anby is wearing shorts, Ellen wears fugly grany panties
>0 decent panty flash to be seen
What is wrong with people these days. Get some fucking standards.
>no TVs
Do the masses enjoy HI3 corridors or something?
Grace and Yanagi are different characters for different comps
Grace was constant shock uptime aka Electric Jane Doe (except more off field)
Yanagi has big Disorder buffs in her core passive iirc. She wants to mix anomaly debuffs which removes effects like shock
you burned everything on jane, what the fuck do you expect?
What I don't like about him is he can spam those moves back to back even if you are dodging him its still a waste of time. I want the lock on feature just because how much of annoying fuck he is espically if there is two.
bro, your lucky rotation where he just sits there?
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Welcome to /zzz/ bwo.
i have grace and i don't really like her. she does a lot of distributed aoe damage but sucks when it's one enemy
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*teleports away from u*
the only people calling it a coomer game are underage
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>0 decent panty flash to be seen
that i can get every character i like
She slap, she plant, she spin, sometimes she gets ice infusion for her basic attacks? Her ult gives her a massive atk boost?
something like that
not having grace means you lost one less 50/50 so thats a good thing as shes a mostly worthless censored hag
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not really
Nothing personnel kid.
FOTM chasers played, hated it and dropped the game.
There's some people that dislike them but a majority of players is neutral or enjoys it. There were a lot of problems with it early on because they were really fucking slow and prone to get stuck but they're mostly fixed now.
Take out your stunner and ult
He looks so fucking cool bros ... Anton just can't compete....
Genshin players are all home schooled Mormons, I'm not even kidding.
what's that? trying to S rank this timed fight? HAHA NOPE GONNA WASTE TEN MINUTES OF YOUR LIFE
What is the next faction to die?
Is it true Genshin won't let you lose a 50/50 three times in a row not counting the guaranteed? Does ZZZ have that
>you lost one less 50/50
can losing a 50/50 not give you dupes?
Yanagi = for adults
Ellen = for zoomies and Gen Z
I will never trade my Ben/Koleda for metaslop
>you need TV to make paethon make sense!
I don't get this opinion
We have a mode where both can perfectly work together and is even more interactive
Did we forget about Rally comissions already? You have and control the agent going around the Hollow, fighting and shit, while Paethon via Nous and Fairy talk, help, give hints, and even hack shit for you like turning trains around or opening doors.
I just want to lick her belly all over though... I don't care about anything else as I already finished all the end game content shiyu defense included...
Burnice will get agent story.
Meanwhile jane is nowhere to be seen.

Please hoyo don't fucking pull a soldier 11 blueball again.
>t. lost 5 50/50 in a row>>495771547
this is where him being tanky as fuck comes into play. stun his ass and then he just eats all your hits until stun wears off
>Mr. Howard
kek based
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Victoria when Miyabi comes out. Lycaon is already feeling redundant.
underwater is the worst thing about france outside of meropide in the AQ
it can but just asoooming its not from standard
I think it grew on a good chunk of players that stayed when you get more creative missions. it doesn't make a good first impression
Anyone who rerolled recently know how many limited pulls you get per try? Want to know if its even worth trying to jane at this point
>ult changes
That's it, that's fucking it. I thought it would take heavy censorship and faggot pandering to kill this game but turns out Homoverse went above and beyond my expectations by turning already perfect combat gameplay into another braindead Genshit experience for women and children.
I will have over 300 pulls for Miyabi (fixed).
mash triangle again after fly the flag for her spin attack, as for supports you can use Nicole or Rina, getting more atk from Lucy is just diminishing returns
Yea, but the point is to make him eat those hits instead of fucking off 5 times in a row. He's not as tanky as other elites/bosses anyways, and he can be interrupted with heavy hitstun
aren't most of the pulls from having to play the game or login so rerolling takes fucking forever?
>Feature generates a lot of complaints, criticism and discussions on its issues, how to improve it, etc.
>Gets to the point where devs actively remove it and promise to make it better

>"actually a majority of players liked it!"

Every time. Nothing generates all that bad buzz and discussion for no reason
not happening unless you give mihomo your shekels.
What was changed?
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You won't leave the game quit bitching.
I just want more useful A ranks
just get an account for 5 bucks. It takes like a hour before you get your first limited multi and thats with mashing skip
TV animations were slow as fuck.
>Are puzzles too hard?
Nope. They are easy.

Also on launch you needed to do Hollow Zero 15 times to max your weekly z-merits. That's not even an exaggeration it actually was 15 times, it took 5-6 hours total if you didn't have decent teams.
I'm just confused on it because I've been playing 5 days and haven't had any real issues with it. Did they fix some stuff passively, or what?
I saw it has a double speed but that seems mostly niche.
i will, but only if they add blacks
>Nicole makes me horny
>My dick goes limp when I see Belle
What does this say about me
Honestly I wish they'd only remove TVs from Hollow Zero, its a pain to deal with.
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>pulchra confirmed playable in the future
FurGODS how are we feeling
>Not Meta
>Thus only played by true Beloboggers
They have soul.
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Grace was shit since release
None used Anton nor Ben
Koleda is for the fags that got 50/50d
You can't kill what wasn't alive to begin with
>Get more useful A ranks like Piper
>Kill any motivation to roll for S rank given how shit they are compared to A rank

Yeah no they don't want to make that mistake again.
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>The premium currency of the game is film tapes
>The main characters run a video tape store
>They are also quasi "net runners" on a tv themed version of the internet
>Fake tv commercials play on the opening screen to set the tone
>Every single agent event is about movies they watch on tv
Yeah i wonder where do the tvs come into play.
Giantess agent when?
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Seth can be used on any anomaly team wait for Burnice or Yanagi to unbrick him if you don't have Grace

Koleda murders him
You're Wise
>15 fucking times
Holy fuck yeah that's a nightmare. I'm doing 4 as a newcutie since I just unlocked the 1250s. I imagine it gets up to 2 when you're maxed.
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what if belle was dressed in nicole's clothing?
Learn how to read, nigger.
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is this necessary?
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I'm having fun playing the TV mode trying to get 70+ resonia kit for Inferno reap.
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Not good, desu. What's the fucking point if the game itself gonna become a shitty genshin clone?
fucks sake dude I'd just drop the game 2bh
How shit would the thread become if I posted banner sales
>no more tvKINO
so what's the point of our mc's then? are they going to retcon and say they were able to fight all along
They talked about removing the shared ultimate meter, and the pessimistic view of that is it will turn the game into brainless ult spam
In general it seems like they are listening too much to ADHD zoomers who want a character collecting sim that plays a flashy animation every 2 seconds and not a video game
not the poster's fault the falloff rate for the board isn't fast enough to keep up
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You are already "ult spamming" in this game because ults and defensive assists have the same fucking animations.
She doesn't have the tits nor thighs for that.
I bet when those shorts come off her panties will be dry unlike the girly coomslop mess you'll encounter with Nicole as well
> Also on launch you needed to do Hollow Zero 15 times to max your weekly z-merits
That was truly retarded and that design choice is probably responsible for a lot of the outcry they received about the TVs
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This game sucks
But the people who have been here since day one are the ones that want improvement bot to cut stuff away. The devs are the ones that apparently hate their own creation or are willing to bend a knee to have a few extra retards play
>Ellen wears fugly grany panties
Ellen wears pantyhose did you mean Corin?
>all hit bump limit
>2 are way above
If you want to complain about general spam go to gig, hsrg or bag.
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I didn't know you could do this now I'm horny
I told them to remove loli and censor women. You are welcome.
We already did that yesterday bwo
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i dislike seth
the only reason i use his ass is because he gives anomaly buff
>coomer gets anyone to get standards
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The guaranteed is waiting for Miyabi.
10 more hours of stinky rat
Just imagine the smell of her dorito hands
Holy esl nigger
Belle will pull out a Deagle and shoot Perlman in the fucking face.
Uncucked OP
I will stop buying the BP its mostly useless anyway and maybe eventually quit playing like i quit HSR during penacoly. Once you lose interest you start missing events amd dallies then you realise you aren't having fun any more and uninstall.
Chat is this true?
New bread, now with 90% less [embed] (open)
that seems like a long ass wait. that's like what, 2 months?
Limited S rank support would be cracked beyond belief that it will change how the game played for many.
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It was a brainfart, I just coomed myself.
Not his fault that your waifu wants to fuck him.
People have told me this multiple times for many different games. And every single time they were wrong and I dropped the game to never play it again.
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which thread is the real one i'm having decision paralysis
>Gacha where the entire draw of the game is rolling for characters and weapons, upgrading and building those characters and then fighting enemies with them

>Spend majority of time moving a gif around on a 4 way directional grid where you see none of the above, before you're able to actually engage in the core gameplay loop

Whats right with it
i hate how it's forced
he's a retard justice freak there's nothing appealing about him reeeeeeeeeeee
Well at least both of em don't have [embed] (open) [embed] (open)[embed] (open)[embed] (open) on it
Thread wars
When two jackoffs want to think they are more important
He made it before bump limit and didnt update the OP with any of the 1.2 stuff. Its what I get for trying to make a bread for once.
it'll be fine
support ult is a dps loss, although stunner ult could be interesting for faster stuns and better dps
Let's paste your OP in the next thread.
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So this is becoming normieshit? I don't like what the devs are signalling, plus the designs after Calydon guys are literally Genshit tier. Lighter is okay but look at fucking samurai larp squad they are absolutely disgusting normietrash
The office lady look is fucking hot and anyone who disagrees is an unbearable faggot

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