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Previous: >>495772349


Version 1.2 "Tour de Inferno" Special Program
Agent Record | Caesar King
Agent Record | Burnice White
Agent Record | Lighter Lorenz

>Newest Trailer/Teaser/Character demo
>Current Signal Search
Jane Doe - 09/04 – 09/24 11:59
Sharpened Stinger - 09/04 – 09/24 11:59

>Current Events
Sorry, Nothing.

>Upcoming Events for 1.2
Full 1.2 details and events: https://zenless.hoyoverse.com/en-us/news/125865
New at the Arcade: Bizarre Brigade - to be added in 1.2
Back in Business - Daily check in, double drops and more - 09/25 (1.2 release) - 10/10 03:59 (server time)
All New Program - 09/25 (1.2 release) - 11/05 03:59 (server time)
Overlord's Feast - 09/26 10:00 (server time) - 11/04 03:59 (server time)

>Redeemable codes (claimable in-game or online)

>Resources and useful links
based thread
It's going to resort to spamming gay porn or blacked shit like the other schizo kek
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Please reply to this post with a SCREENSHOT containing your UID if you would like to be added to or removed from the public UID list. A normal gameplay screenshot or camera shot is fine. This list will be transferred to a rentry in about 7 days. Also please put /vg/ or /zzz/ in your bio! (optional)
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doomposting status?
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This is what every story quest will look like in the future. I hope you are happy now anti-TV fags.
Fuck off retard
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With the devs planning to retroactively remove TV sections from the main quest, how will they even handle the smaller gimmicks, like lighting up the darkness in Ballet Twins while being chased by ghosts?
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quit your bitching, there's still gonna be TV puzzles and TVs in HZ
they'll only remove them from story mode
kill yourself tv schizo. tvslop is trash and its good hoyo is gradually removing it from the game
>hsrg doomposting about being replaced
>zzz just laughs at the premise
Interesting contrast.
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I don't get why do people cry about Ultimate spam, you already do spam ultimates during the game because all characters have the same fucking animations during ults and defense assists (or whatever you call that slow mo attack during stun break)
stay lonely lmao
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Based & true.
I love stacies
TV's being removed from future story, not current
Expect gore and blacked porn spam tomorrow once the patch that removes TVslop goes live.
I liked the TV mode. :(
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What did she mean by this?
What does this even mean
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Fuck on genius
They plan to rework older chapters too.
i STILL haven't done that shitty mission and i never will LMAO tv mode fucking sucks get over it
We're already seeing it. 1.2 will be racing segments.
>the alternative to concise TV sections is corridor sloppa and unskippable dialog sections
Zoomers are subhuman retards who make everything worse. They should fire waterkuma and add DEI cast and purple, green, pink, and teal to every scene while they're at it.
Screenshotting this for when they start removing old TV missions in 1.4 like they said they would.
Do you need another DPS for a second team? Yeah
Are you clearing the game right now? If it makes you dick hard.
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What will Piper's reaction be when she finds out I have a cartoon drawing of her face as my inter-knot profile picture?
if you dont like the calydon bitches yeah
>Honkai 3 is dying
>so Dawei decides to turn ZZZ into Honkai 4
I fucking knew this game was too good to be true.
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Game ruining?
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It's extremely funny when you think about it and remember the history of genshit.
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The leaker used a completely different word than the one usually referring to cultivation. Just because google translates it the same doesn't mean that it's the same.
Tv slop is dead. Now it's all action and no kiddie nintendo shit. Thank you dawei.
The problem is that chain attack spam + ultimate spam means over half of the time you will now just be watching animations. Just like HI3 and Genshin.
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Wait a sec, new weekly gives only 150.
Let me guess, they aren't reducing roll price by 10 poly aren't they?
We are getting jewed in a broad daylight!
>All mibibi fanart about to be invalidated
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Would be pretty cool if they go pseudo horror mode and turn visibility all the way down with actual ghosts stalking you.
TV mode removal is good. Holy fuck it's a slog trying to follow the dialog and then getting interrupted constantly when you're doing the fucking puzzle.
This general deserves it for not gatekeeping the game from normalfags that ruined it
MetaGOD here, let me spell out this new change for you because it seems like most people here do not understand how to play this game.

First thing you need to understand that ultimates in this game are stupidly powerful. I am talking about any half decent player being able to remove 70% of any Shiyu Defense 7 boss with 1 ultimate. So what happens if you can use 2 stupidly powerful ultimates all other things being equal? You one tap everything and the game balance collapses.
New meta is stun, dps, dps because non stun supports just do not provide enough value to lose out on the 2nd ultimate.
>b-but hoyo balance team is not stupid!
OK, so what can the balance team do?
>increase decibel costs
Terrible idea from gameplay perspective. If you attempted Shiyu speedruns, you would understand that charging up decibels in this game is annoying. Disorders, anomalies and chain attacks (not so much) are the fastest ways to generate decibels, everything else just sucks in comparison. This means dps characters with fast anomaly build up skyrocket in value.
This approach doesn't even address the core issue, it just delays how often you can spam ultimates to waste more of your time.
>inflate enemy hp bars so that they don't get melted in 1 ultimate
I don't really need to explain why this is a bad idea. This also kills solo runs on more niche agents who you may want to play outside of their normal roles (e.g. playing stunners or supports as main dps).
>add cooldowns between each ultimate use
Pointless, you will still use 1 dps and ult twice or use 2 dps agents.
>nerf ultimates
This would never fly on existing agents.

Honestly, I can't see any way how Hoyo could implement this change without completely fucking up the game. The idea of ultimates being scarce has been cemented into the game's identity since day 1 and all current content and agents are balanced around this assumption.
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I will have the strongest Miyabi.
She will be the most powerful Miyabi, with the widest face, the highest DPS, and the strongest team of all the other Miyabis. Even once her face is fixed, and her eyes are no longer separated by a the atlantic ocean, my Miyabi will stand as the strongest.
Others will see me post her build and they will wonder to themselves "does somebody need a Miyabi this powerful?" "Why would anyone have a Miyabi this strong?" "Surely, there is a limit to how far apart her eyes can be?"
And I will answer, simply:
"This is what it is, to possess the strongest Miyabi."
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>Has to autistically and obnoxiously spam the thread because he can't organically interact with others
>Tells others to stay lonely
The projection is real
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I would just like to take this moment to say that I'm glad that they are removing TV gameplay

and that it is ok to laugh at people who like TV gameplay

they are subhumans that hit their heads when they were just wee little babies
This probably will get beta tested first by releasing some kind of limited event where you can go ballistic with ults, and see how people like it or not.
I'll take corridorslop over tvslop. At least I can play my characters I invested in. (the main point of any gacha)
>Lighter into Harumasa
>we're at the start of the year of homos arc that Genshin never recovered from
Oh no...
i wanna break in my new onahole, which zzz should i fap to?
Ellen's Agent Story doko?
As opposed to staring at blinking bangloo while the Fairy is yapping in the background for the same amount of time.
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>pink haired big titty slut walks in your store
>(You) notice this crazy bitch is wearing a black thong for her bottom wear
>Her fat tits are literally spilling out from her low cut top and she bends over a lot as she tries to haggle the bill
>The haggling continues and goes nowhere
>She's getting visibly frustrated
>Finally she snaps, puts a foot up on the counter which puts her panties in display
>(You) notice a damp spot on her panties
>She offers you to smell her panties all you want in exchange for writing off her tab
How do you respond zzz?
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>Wake up
>TV mode murdered in cold blood
>Combat soon to revolve around ult spam
>No idols until 2.0+
This is not looking good...
Yes anon, we had this discussion weeks ago.
Please look forward to them reducing shiyu rewards too.
>This also kills solo runs on more niche agents who you may want to play outside of their normal roles (e.g. playing stunners or supports as main dps).
This should be killed.
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what happened to tv mode
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I want caesars kit but i'm more into burnice's character what do /zzz/
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Sloppa lovers on suicide watch today.
UID: 1505318008
Please add
>Orpheus & Ghostfire
at least we’re getting 3-4 more girls before the next m*le
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Clearly the answer is text-based exploration
You don't want to be called readlets right?
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What is the deal to do with Y? Throughout the whole process of Dev's face-to-face encounter, I could always feel the strong murderous intent exuding from him. He is dangerous. The kind of soft-spoken guy you don't want to piss off. His actions are meant to right a wrong and build trust, but his actions teeter on the edge of violence.
>Casesar calls the boar Oyaji
>EN TL: Big Daddy
What the fuck i wrong with EN trannies?

Loli Caesar was cute though
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Get a life
she's the best anomaly unit in the game because assault frontloads damage but also she can make her assaults crit
i wish i got ellen's weapon
she's so fucking gimped without it
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I cant quite put my finger on it but there is something about ZZZ designs that rub me the wrong way.
Genshin/HSR characters are overall much better desu desu.
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Removing TVslop is a good thing. You're all too retarded to realize it.
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Cool, now add HIA sweep to shorten the daily grind.
Shut the fuck up erp tranny.
He's just a nerd that is nervous in front of a camera.
The fight or flight instinct is kicking in.
if you want players to use other ults why not make weaker ults use less decibels?
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Kys smellfag.
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They announced that they are removing it from story missions

but that's just the beginning, every body hates TV

total TV death will soon be upon us
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based thread.
TV mode would have been fine if Fat Xiao was in charge of the writing.
Zero chance however Belle could
>tv mode fucking sucks
>Can't even use caps right
Buddie, this place is for adults and on top of that it's not very friendly to the disabled. Reddit is two blocks down tho.
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>Genshin/HSR characters are overall much better desu desu.
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>/gig/ and /hrtg/ raiding the thread
weird because i feel like genshin/hsr designs look like you went on one of those 2000s deviantart character maker flash games and hit randomize
Are Belle and Wise just useless now?
Removing TV is literally removing the only thing that actually tied them into the gameplay and gave them agency in the story.
>1.4 is just genshin without the exploration and puzzles
Hmm, now might be a good time to go back to HSR...
>provide a public service
>anons hand over their UIDs for free
I was never in it to make friends anon.

>EU server boobies
I'll need a screenshot anon.

here's your (you)
Because it shows how fucking unserious the challenge is currently.
I quite prefer that decibel is shared amongst the entire party. I hate that in genshin you have to watch all of the ultimate animations.
Well it was fun while it lasted. Time to fully embrace being a cucklord camera with legs in true Miyhomo tradition.
Seriously how are Belle and Wise gonna be relevant at all moving forward?
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piper more like diper
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>Temporarily can use a S-ranker for farming stages
>but not for Shiyu, special events or Main Story
Sorta lame, but, eh.
At least I can play with Koleda for a while?
>They announced that they are removing it from story missions

Ok the TVcuck melty is getting old.
I still don’t like it being gone in the main story since it kind of removes the siblings from the game. The whole point is you are guiding the agents. I’m fine if they want to have some parts that are like rally commissions, but the whole game shouldn’t be that.

Hopefully they do stuff like Camillia Golden Week’s dungeon. That was really good
>Tv removal is good actually
Seem like a bunch of shills
Did you like the Jane story?
Cause that's the slop were doomed to now
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No one really gives a fuck about tv mode being removed from the main story but the ult changes may actually kill the game
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so now that we're finally gonna have enough to get our 300 selector with the upcoming patch, which 5 star are you gonna get?
>It's the same hrt schizo shitting up gig and hsr
How can one schizo have so much free time every day to rotate between three generals and shit them up?
I bet 10 quid I could make stelle on that flash game
Who the fuck asked for separate ult meters?
So long, HRTfag. We won't miss you!
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Always wear protection around thirens. Especially rat thirens.
Just telling you guys that if these changes go through then fanservice is next on the chopping block.
Did you somehow miss this.
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Wait, does this only apply for returning players?
Well, that was a waste of my time reading if so.
Silly me.
I enjoyed walking in areas as Jane instead of solving puzzles intended for age 3+ children.
Hoyocucks that want all the games to be the same.
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With all the UID's you've added, you can provide like a top 10 /zzz/ leaderboard for the arcade games.
>he spend polychromes for standard
I'm 110 pulls aways
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at this point im convinced anyone talking about tv changes (positive or negative) is a bot trying to slide ultimate discussion
It's just a game bro
You don't need to take it seriously
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>this is who they're marketing the game to with these changes
"content" creators ruined the game
Your order, sire.
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We hate TVslop here
Say yes because why not
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>purposefully sabotaging ZZZ to make it worse than HI3 so people will move into the passion project instead
>Phaethon’s Story
>literally removing the only thing that ties Phaethon into the main plot
Genius decision by Mihoyo.
The first game where the MCs are actually cool and they’re neutering them 4 patches in, amazing.
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I feel like I'm taking crazy pills cause of the amount of seethe I'm witnessing online. TV in story mode was SHIT. It was a piss easy slog that locked you in place and just asked you to go from point A to point B. TV in side missions? Sure.
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agents age ranking, from youngest to oldest

>literally children
>possibly children, but they have a job
>possibly highschoolers, but they don't attend
>young adults
soldier 11
>ethereal beings
angel 1
angel 2
angel 3

- source: i made it up
>Did you like the Jane story?
Yes actually.
I did.
What's the point of ultimate if only the dps are worth using it?
The current system is clearly a bad.
Its the same people who doompost every character and do things like spam Jane ship fanart. They are either paid shills or mentally ill discord troons
they dont play the gacha
No you did not mr shill
>Did you like the Jane story?
Yes, very.
i actually liked the tv mode but if it's going away they better have transitional world areas where i can actually explore the hollows
Lucy and Neko are both adults
Neko was a thief and Lucy can drink
find where they live and burn their house down with their entire family in it. that is the only solution to the CC problem.
Either Kot(Don't have her) or Koleda(to get her to C1).
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Which agent is most likely to get accidentally pregant, refusing to get an abortion and having to settle down because of a child, living as single mother in poverty?
Should I be surprised?
this one won't go through
Maybe. I tried to look up anons on rng.moe but most profiles aren't public. I haven't looked at the friends list close enough to find any data like that.
But belle appears in the trailer lol Jane story was a special side episode
They are nerfing Meeb's wideness. I might not roll for her now....
TV mode is the best part about Holllow Zero, and they plan on changing it too because of braindead faggots who can't think on how to progress
>new ZZZ animation by BlobCG is Ellen
Holy based
I'm not the one writing a big ass fanfiction post on why multi ult is bad bro.
what is the point of the proxies now?
Belle if she was an agent.
But it wouldn't be an accident.
It says more about you if you enjoy main story TV shit. There's no challenge unless you're a schizo retard.
hoyocucks just want all games to be the same
who do i run with Caesar
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So who would you say is the REAL face of ZZZ?
>the anti-TV schizo and the TV schizo are the same person
Holy fuck kill yourself already.
ult sharing is the only part that does not need a change. fuck this shit
I don’t want separate meters but I do want an actual reason to use non-DPS ults
right now there’s such a disparity that there’s basically no reason you’d ever use a stunner/defender/support’s ult
porting over genshin ult spam is absolutely not the solution though
...yes? actually I liked it
>you'd rather walk around the locale and talk to npcs instead of staring down at a gameboard listening to radio transmissions?
yes, yes I would
tv sections should be reserved for when you're doing HDD hacker shit
Abortions are illegal in New Eridu.There is a population shortage due to the Hollow disasters.
he thinks if he causes enough of a stink that mihoyo will reverse their decision
he's far more likely to die of heart attack tho
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>a living breathing individual made this poll and didn't die of cringe as he was typing options
In case anyone wondered why devs listened but not this kind of players.
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ZZZ is about to walk the same thorny road that Kuro took with WuWa.
>>All mibibi fanart about to be invalidated
How? Pretty much no one draws her with a wide face.
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We'll get the rotating survival shiyu defense on the next patch, nyes? I liked it.
>new meta will be caesar/dps/dps because she fills the stun and support role simultaneously
Now you'd have to be a genuine retard to skip her.
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Did they mention if they're going to restock the 100 energy juice drinks with 1.2? I assume so
>provide a public service
The ego on this faggot
YouTube "content creators" and their legions of zoomer fanboys are unironically killing games as much as DEI sloppa but /v/ and /vg/ will never acknowledge this because they also get all of their opinions from these grifters
That's how I feel about HSR designs, they're not original or practical.
I really like both Genshin and ZZZ designs.
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she's my new lycaon
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>shake titties 500 dennies
>boob grope 2000 dennies
>panty sniff (5 minutes) 3000 dennies
>naked pose for photos 5000 dennies
>lewd dance 8000 dennies
>schlick in front of you 12000 dennies
>buying her panties 50000 dennies
>footjob 80000 dennies per shot
your order?
pretty much
non stun dedicated supports are basically DOA now
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Actually the unique pungent smell of zzz is its strong point.
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I'm not too fond of TVs, I want live-action Bangboos
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/hrtg/ has 2nd child complex, where they have to be the best and beat the first child (Genshin), obviously they'd sperg out about 4th kid being on its way. Meanwhile /zzz/ just wants to have fun and doesn't care about gacha rat race
Corin without a shadow of a doubt.
She'll probably give pity sex to a client.
>Getting baited into rolling due to some autists delusions about the future meta
Sounds about right for this place
Actually there's a 2 child limit due to not having enough space for a growing population
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>HoYoverse's new game, Zenless Zone Zero has just released it's first update, featuring the highly anticipated character: Jane - Download now to try her out yourself!

Is the joke that they released this video on the last day you can roll for her lol
You're in the wrong thread
And what's that?
If you go the arcade there's a button to open up rankings.
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TV is gay and stupid

the game is now better

be thankful that we don't complain even harder and have it removed from everything
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HI3 has been reduced to a beta test server where functionalities for other games are being tested. It's a dead game, bro. Time to let go
Are they going to make Wise/Belle a playable combat agent or is their only plot relevance now going to be as an NPC bangboo running around next to your agents?
Fairy is also literally useless now despite being set up to be a massive plot point.
What a retarded fucking change.
Is there a fast-forward button or actual skip button until 1.3?
>Commissioning this when Jane's banner is going away
Imagine on the 1.2 story you get to control eous directly
There's a reason why the hoyo schizo that shits up all 3 generals originated as the sparkleposter from hsr
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Based kot
Support ult does DPS
I want both formats available
There is an argument that ults were heavily under utilized. You have 3 characters on a team yet only 1 ever gets to use their ult. On top of this ults are boring and literally just do damage. If they give each character access they can develop even more advanced kits in the future.
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Now that devs removed all the soul from the game, which gacha are we migrating to?
Big Daddy is funny though, who cares what JP translates it to? They butchered all the names in Genshin.
I still get Qingyi ads and her banner’s been over for 3 weeks
they aren’t the timeliest company
You're a minority then
Nobody liked that shit
Chain attacks are also just your ults
I will forever despise Mihoyo for spawning giggers and honktroons.
I liked using robutts ult during my critical 8 fight as I kept him permastunned.
GFL 2 Global
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>remember making this benny rabi 3 years ago
time flies
Ok, tell me the last time you used Nicole's ult over zhu's
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You know what's going to happen
>No tummyjob
0 dennies... sorry Nicole...
>that pic
GFL2 pre-regs are up
Yeah I'm not very fond of our character entire job and role being sidelined.
Ults being a separate gauge for each agent is fine as long there isn't any passive gauge gain. If the character needs to be on field to increase the ultimate gauge, then there isn't a problem. Most fights you probably wouldn't build up enough to use your non-dps agents ults anyways.
>Big Daddy is funny though
Full retard
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I didn't see anyone else post it so here you go.
Bleach Brave Souls
literally has soul in the name
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>gamers for years complained about console companies adding TV
>now people are suddenly mad when there are less TV in game
What happened?!
Does that come with socks on or off?
thanks anon
>skimmed his video
>landed on a section talking about the TV removal
>When you have combat and TV mode that's too much of a disconnect from story to hold any sort of attention span
Uhhhhh what?
zoomers fear this
Pretty often if I'm just messing around, This game isn't difficult anon.
>Will have to swap and spam ults every rotation because monkey brains wanted to watch the animations

I hate the fucking sloppa retards, hopefully in a year they are fully filtered and the core audience makes the game not shittier with updates.
Only those who want to complain are heard
Happy people don't speak
>When did you use Nicole's ult over the most broken Ult in the game
When did you use any ult over Zhu's?
>you're supposed to share your ultimate with everyone!
Americucks really love sharing.
the update is up in 20?
>If the character needs to be on field to increase the ultimate gauge, then there isn't a problem. Most fights you probably wouldn't build up enough to use your non-dps agents ults anyways.
how can you be this fucking retarded? zhu yuan was marketed and sold solely on the premise of burst dps and her onfield gameplay is garbage
if mihoyo implemented this change and killed zhuyuan, china would literally burn down their hq
Staying right here tv schizo. Game has even more sovl now that they're removing shit from the game.
You know you can just not do the ults right.
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here's your (you)
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what disease causes gachatards to want TV mode kept in? It's a fucking flash game like every PNG collector gacha, are these people just addicted to not playing the actual game?
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GFL2 will kill both HI3 and ZZZ.
Azur Promilia & Endfield will kill Genshin.
HSR will 41% itself in due time.
It's over.
What your suggesting is a ginormous problem for all the burst dps.
They will never have there ults up for stun windows because they aren't on field very long
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you now remember redditors defending tv mode here calling it kino
Anyone feel bad for the devs? You can tell they put a ton of work into the TV mode stuff and thought everybody would like it, only for them to backpedal hard on it only two patches in. It might as well be a minigame now.
Repeating my question from last thread:
My two main teams are Ellen/Soukaku/Lycaon and S11/Lucy/Koleda
With that in mind, what future characters should I roll for?
I feel like Burnice and Lighter are the correct answers here, but what do you think? I have enough polychrome and tapes for 2 maybe three of them.
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After changing her clothes Nicole noticed that for some mysterious reason she was getting discounts from stores more often
Idiot, if this were a thing you'd be overfilling your stunner's decibels while your Zhu Yuan and other burst DPS are left with no ult to burst with.
But to make this system they are going to nerf the damage and daze of them all so for the same effect as now, I will have to do at least 2 if not 3.
I use Lucy and Soukaku's ult all the time
I'd rather Arknights: Death Stranding Edition
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We hate anti-tv schizos here
Just because it's different doesn't mean it's an improvement. As is,you have two characters in your team who effectively don't have an ult at all, which kinda sucks.
Now it's just HI3 with furries
meds. now.
>release lighter as stunner
>immediately bricked right away because caesar exists already
LMAO the absolute state of lighterfags
Can we laugh at how bad Rina is?
Jane killed this general.
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banging . . . BOOS!
*deep breath*
>thread is filled with contrarians and shizos from other generals like steletroon and catranny
>zero shipping spam ang gay posting
noticing, zero shame.
now that tv mode is axed does that mean hollow zero is going to take less finally?
i didnt mind tv mode in story but in that shit
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>in-universe nothing changes and the proxies are still navigating everyone using the HDD system
>the only change is the interface the player gets
>retards keep saying that the proxies role is gone now
I don't know if it's shitposting or genuine retardation.
>Serve a thousand customers in your restaurant
>10 pajeets come every week to complain your food needs more seasoning
Do you change the recipe to cater to 10 faggots and potentially alienate more of the 1k customers?
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Hope he does Grace and Jane eventually
They do have a lot of power over games. I unironically think that if you changed nothing about Concord, but somehow gave most "content creators" a brain worm that made them actually like it that would bleed into their fanbases and the game would be doing fine right now instead of being shutdown.
Take your meds.
Jane's story won't magically become better if you replace empty halls with empty halls but with no graphics in tv-slop.
But it is a step in right direction since they can make corridor slop better while tv will always be shit.
When she's not in Zhu's team.
>muh burst dps
The game is not hard enough where a "burst dps" can't be played on field long enough to build up their ult gauge.
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Okay genius, since ZZZ devs are apparently stupid compared to you, how would YOU fix the ultimate and decibel issue?
Give a real answer instead of some half-assed handwaving non-answer.
>>new meta will be caesar/dps/dps
Inferior to caesar/support/dps
these subhumans will unironically kill the game
lighta trannies did
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>We will also be continuously improving the models for some Agents (like Hoshimi Miyabi)
FUUUCCCKKK YOUUUUU NIGGEEEEEERSSSSSSS. I fucking hate people so much it's unreal. There was NOTHING wrong with Hosimi's model. The WIDE memers were absolute morons. Now she'll just have the same face as every other female agent for NO reason.

On another note
>After aqcuiring Caear/Burnice, Proxies can freely switch to playing as them and explore the city. In Version 1.4, Proxies will be able to play as any contracted Agent in most non-combat Environments.
Does this mean we will also be able to play as Belle/Wise interchangeably? It'd be moronic to be able to play as any Agent but NOT your brother/sister.
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>if you have enough energy to ult, your chain attack will just be combined with your ult
You're welcome guys. I just saved ZZZ.
You need Zhu/Qingyi/Nicole
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Was he right?
You mean the best content in Zzz that just "coincidentally" had no TV slop? Hmm, really curious...
There is no issue
There, I fixed it
Bwo they are going to make the game harder with giant hp inflation and other bullshit and it will become necessary later, just like HSR and genshit
Chain attacks suck because they don't pause stun timer.
TV mode felt like a chore sometimes.
Mainly because Fairy felt the need to handhold the experience all the time and waste my time
>way forward blocked
>BIG RED BUTTON a few spaces away
>fairy starts a soliloquy on how this red button might help us
I'm playing a game for infants aren't I? TRhey shouldn't do away with the TV but scale it back a bit and make it less retarded
Best content is hollow zero which is all TV
qingy will be SSS+ elden god tier with ults now lmao
>300% stun multiplier
>explode with two burst dps
the original system was completely retarded tho and they don’t know how to fix it
>in universe.
So? I liked experiencing the hollow from thier perspective.
So yeah the hollow might as well not exist.
I don't even know how there gunna rework the 2.5 story chapter because the whole point of it was that we were doing things behind the scenes and not interacting with zhu yuan and qingyi
Blizzard is a joke. So no.
I don't know why you people are saying it like it's a bad thing because it's PISS EASY NOW.
Partitioning the decibel
Increase the max decibel to 9000
Each use cost 3000
Will induce CD on the character that you use to do ULT to prevent spamming
there, I fix it
>can finish shiyu in 30 seconds with burst dps
kill yourself
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your teams are basically set, it just comes down to personal preference at that point. You could roll caesar to replace lycaon or lighter/burnice to replace koleda. Or just save for yanagi and start an electric team
Anomaly mains recognize best how broken three ultimates would be, because we actually use both Support and Anomaly ultimates depending on the situation. Disorders also give a lot of Decibels. It would be an insane powerspike if we were allowed more Energy for their EX Specials, AND the ability to fill two Anomaly gauges from zero.
Hollow Zero fast foward button is still not fast enough for that dog shit content.
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>There was NOTHING wrong with Hosimi's model
Remove ultimate sloppa just like the tv.
Disorder comps use support ults all the time for the energy gain.
I know right, the wide memes were making me roll for her, now if she is sameface i might just skippa
Zhu yuan litterally can't and shouldn't be played on field.
Only anomaly and Ellen benefit from the shit your trying to sell
you know what, I won't touch my penis today
my lil guy deserves a break
>disorder memes
tell me when she does def shred and dazed damage increase
I make a counter offer to have sex with her for the entire bill
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Don't let all of those stuff distract you from the fact that the video store system remain unchanged.
Making a sex tape with Nicole and leaking it
The only time TV feels like a slog is with your 2x Hollow Zero weeklies. For everything else, it's charming and unique.
It's questionable for Ellen as well.
She's less bursty than Zhu but she's still pretty bursty.
Sit the fuck down retard, disorder chads play the game unlike you.
Concession accepted.
dios mio...
No, the new shiyu is blue (non-cycling).
>muh timed shit
sounds like a skill issue
I can't wait for there to be seperate ult gauges. Based mihoyo.
Have all of your team ultimate at once and appear on the stage like Marvel vs Capcom
100% agreed but part of the problem is that decibels are this cryptic, mystical system that is not well explained so 99.99% of retards only get to use their ultimate once every 20 minutes and then cry about being shit
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Want to complain about something else?
what is fairy auto explore?
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You know that whole “can you mentally rotate an apple” thing? About how some subhumans can’t picture objects in their minds?
Those are the people complaining about TV mode. For normal people TV mode helps visualize the story, but for troglodytes like many CCs they can only picture a grid of TVs with nothing else going on. And that’s who the devs are catering to.
>imagine thinking shrew lady would ever let you touch her body
Correct, thanks for the picture accompanying my point.
>going to be like the HIA event where I was too fucking strong half the time and killed the enemies before proccing enough anomalies
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hmm speaking of babies. consider the following. If EVERYONE on earth RIGHT NOW had sex and had a child, we would increase the total world population by 50% from 8 billion > 12 billion...

new eridu woman should definitely have (unprotected) SEX a TON
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>Did you like the Jane story?
Literally the best playable part of the ZZZ main story, retard
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Ok but they unironically should actual start raising hp pools in SD now that everyone has maximum levelled DPS and good disk sets. Why is everyone here acting like they shouldn't be doing that irregardless of the ult changes?
What's wrong with it besides that it's too simple?
ZZZ designs( colorful and stylish ) > Genshin designs( basic, but still have flavor ) >>>> HSR designs( souless )
>actual sweatys crying over serpate guages because of burst characters and time attacks
kek this is a causal game retards. take that shit somewhere else
there is literally nothing to fix
if you struggle to get ultimates, that's a skill issue
>Meanwhile /zzz/ just wants to have fun and doesn't care about gacha rat race
if this were true you wouldn't have salesposters to compare the game to other hoyoshit or wuwa
I agree that snooze is more separated from the normal shitflinging than the other games but it's definitely not immune to it, it's also the community that whines about wuwa the most to the point where r*ddit brings it up every time a new qol is added to zzz
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>did a last minute 10 roll on jane
>got fucking furfag Seth C3
B-But... I wanted Jane...
Pathetic lol
Other way around, tv sloppa "enjoyers" can't possibly imagine Belle/Wise existing and guiding the agents if they're not shown in a shitty flash game format.
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Just remove TV from HZ weeklies and leave it in story and commissions. Also, bring back the harder, more involved TV missions from the beta that were removed after CCs cried about it.
whats that?
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I know it's prerecorded and mostly scriptwd but Heitongguggggugugugugg made some pretty pointy questions about the game. I don't agree with some of their decisions but respect how transparent they've been so far.
If you missed items in the TV commissions you can send Eous & Fairy to that commission and pick the item for you.
The survival one that doesn't have a countdown is non-cycling? Strange, it would be the perfect game mode to shill Ceasar cause you know survival after all.
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hz is the best part?? sit down, do a hollow run, enjoy battles and replayable rpg shit. do people really want a bunch of disconnected fights instead?
Finally, they are going to reduce the amount of tv shit. Not even old jrpg had a mode so annoying.
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>getting ratio'd in /zzz/'s tv slop shill infestation of all places
holy fuccck you're so fucking stupid LMFAO
That's more like Big Boss.
>google translate
full retard
tv mode isn't that bad, it just needs to be snappier. it was better in 1.1, but it still feels like you're constantly getting held up by textboxes. it's the stupid hoyoshit where things take a half-second longer than they should, which is very infuriating. they already lessened the amount of tv mode by a lot. i feel like if they made it snappier, people wouldn't hate it as much.
>actual sweatys
Read: The people who whale and pay the bills.
If they nerf my character in any form I'm going to sue. Just like the Nuev players in genshin
yes I coomed to walking around with jane probably 10 times, Im pissed the game forced me to finish her section to do event though and I lost 50/50 now I can't fap to her.
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can he do it?
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Repeating it won't make it true bruv
TV slop is not their perspective though. You're watching through the eyes of Eous, not flying above the map.
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Reddit is done with this game lol

Give them an inch yada yada....
>implying salesfags aren't just shitposting tourists who are mainly from /gig/ and just rotate to between generals that have something going on currently
Removing TV mode is step 1 to removing Wise/Belle from the game and turning everything into massive shipshit and /u/shit like every other Hoyo game
prepare yourselves
>he thinks whales are sweats
kek retard
as long as they don't nerf the character directly you can't sue shit dumb fuck
detailed "open world" hollows > tvslop > corridorslop
since the former is obviously never happening, TV is the lesser of evils
>Did you
Yeah. Weird having a quest I wanted to do instead of putting it off until I had to because of more TV animation locks.
The only cryptic part about it is that we don't know the exact numbers each action generates, but it's basically just a number that rises if you're in combat. We only know that
>chain attacks
generate a lot of decibels.
Close. That's da lao ban
I hope the hyper twitchy heckin' quirky over animated shit in cutscenes gets axed too
Ult system is good enough as it is.

The rest of the gameplay is what needs rehauling, game leans too hard into shitting damage as fast as possible, that's why burst(hence ulting during stun window with the DPS) is whats meta right now. There needs to be a reason to not ult with the DPS, either have ults with effects that aren't just dumping damage or nerf dodge/parry mechanics because they make the game too safe.
So the English translators are using wrong MTLs and don't actually know chinese. That explains why the EN is different than the chinese and japanese.
Ok, enjoy Neuv 2.0.
How the actual fuck is it cryptic though? Are people legitimately so retarded that they can't connect the dots between 3000 decibels = ult is ready? The button even fucking lights up.
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If it ain't cheap I don't want it
decibel is only for damage dealer “burst” classified type ults
support and stunner ults, or non burst if they want to make a stunner with burst or dps without burst, don’t need decibels to use but have cool down and need special input (up down etc like street fighter) during EX and you can press to use a bit of decibel to enhance it like in sf meter
TVslop > Corridorslop > Openworldslop
What a way to break inmersion having these characters play fucking piano. You know that in hellholes they don't listen to that.
already happened, only shiptrannies liked the jane quest.
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>improving the models for some Agents (like Hoshimi Miyabi)
this phrasing hurts
they really calling her ugly
Still didn't address the 2nd part of how that plotline would work.
The ZZZ marketing team paid the Flashgitz niggers to make a animation promoting the game?
They already said they are expanding on the trust and companion system retard.
There's this game called Genshining your Impact and Wuthering my Waves if you want open world game.
We shall see in the coming days. I'll still be enjoying the game and you'll still be crying over a casual gacha game.
jane story mogged all of 1.x's main story shit which is probably the reason why they decided to scrap it entirelty
the positive reception for that 100% had an impact on them saying they'll retroactively remove it from the older content, too
let's just hope they keep adding fun TV modes like the RPG quest and the main event from 1.1.
>>gamers for years complained about console companies adding TV
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Keep seething, Qingyifag. We won.
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Today I will remind them
stop posting you mentally ill subhuman
>And I bet now we won’t see another male unit in years.
Do these people not play the game? Even ignoring leaks Harumasa is one of the only unique characters that hasn’t been made playable yet.
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>improving Miyabi
New design already leaked
I was hoping we'll get something like "get a rate-up for selected Standard S-rank agent!" but alas it's just a rental.
>The only cryptic part about it is that we don't know the exact numbers each action generates
which is admittedly the most important part
the amount generated also varies big time
disorder > chain 3x in a row > anomaly > chain > parry >> skill >>>> shit > basic
you are basically forced to do anomalies or jump around like a monkey with chain attacks if you want to quickly generate decibels
They didn't nerf neuv directly.
They made that change universal and they still got sued to hell and back because of neuv
Yes, they showed the screen in the 1.2 trailer and it's not a cycling mode. Yet somehow people online are still talking about it like it is.
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We shitposted too hard now I feel bad that some intern responsible for her eyes probably threw himself off of one of their skyscrapers
Mavuika's 3D model don't look all that good, desu.
EX also generates a lot of decibels I think
As long as you seethe I'll keep posting
Please have waifus for (me) this time. I need pandering but not the shipshit one.
You just proved Anon's point with this retarded statement.
>the same retarded reply
only shiptrannies liked the jane quest.
What is the obsession with Miyabi?
Just looks like a generic Animu samurai fox girl
You dont play either game. Kill yourself, fucking shitposter.
This but unironically.
I'm the one enjoying with faster clear times and future refunds.
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Do you doomtrannies even read the dev post you're dooming about.
It's literally a staple form of entertainment in the wild west saloons in all media
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Can you STOP putting your feet on the table BITCH I just cleaned it
>looks AI-generated and generic
It's WuWa isn't it?
Thing I hate about the TV is the amount of time waste, unskippable scenes, unskippable slop dialogue, unskippable tutorial prompts and animation that serve absolutely no purpose to anyone that's a human, how do you tv lovers deal with this?
left >>>>>>>> right
Did you edit the pic on the left? She actually looks cute here.
He will his SOVL along the way.
Are you gonna spam Yuri and shipshit again, sis?
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>Reading Reddit comments on this
Yeah instead of TV segments now we get to do the same 3 combat stages with the same 5 enemy types even more frequently wow...such variety
These people are too stupid to realize that if they don't spend money on the banner just because it isn't EXACTLY what they wanted, they'll get less males.
you'd be surprised how many tv lovers agree with you
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I will not stand the disrespect towards my general
>thought the update would be today
>it's actually tomorrow
I fucking hate this
I mean belle and wise seem to be really present in the 1.2 quest and they only received praise from all players since the devs listen they won't do anything bad to them
Every company ever uses data metrics to observe the "silent". The cold hard truth that you refuse to accept is the amount of players that quit because of the shitty TV sections. This is no different from the modern day issue of MMOs filtering out new blood because of old ass expansions that are designed way worse than newer content.
Why don't they just turn them into combat units? Make a story arc about them learning how to fight.
will caesar replace c2 lycaon or my c6 soukaku on my ellen team?
>go on R*ddit, land of hivemind and shills
>act surprized when they find shills
also go back
I have no idea who neuv is, I'm guessing a genshin character, but I can guarantee adding an ultimate for each character is not grounds for sueing. Do prove me wrong in the future if the changes go through.
>faster clear times
Don't care. Having fun playing my game my way.
I don't care how you try to paint it
Jane sold less than chinky btw
holy shit we're getting a collab with shirakami fubuki from hololive
TV gluppers don't have the brain capacity to process the information so all the time wasting is a welcome reprieve for their brains to catch up, they literally start/stop like a car at an intersection
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Then how about you go back there?
I liked wide Mibibi and am sad now
I'm saying doomers don't even read the devnotes.
>comparing hangouts with the already killed main line.
you tell me, shilltranny.
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Left is so much superior, lmao
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>we care about surveys
i hope all you fucks tell them that we want panties back and less censoreship like i do everytime!
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>Yet somehow people online are still talking about it like it is
That makes sense, there's an empty spot after all.
they don’t even know that Lighter converts impact to atk
You won't have a game to play soon.
I literally was the one who started the entire Miyabi bullying arc in this general. Keep crying in your little corner dumbass, Hoyo themselves acknowledged that she's ugly as shit which is why they specifically namedropped her as an issue that needs fixing.
Raping Corin while everyone is arguing about the dumbest things ever.
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Miyabi redesign
If convenience and time respect wasn't an important factor I'd be playing more real games instead of gachas, but it is, they shouldn't waste your time making you look at pointless tripe

Kill yourselves pags.
>one day I'll be able to get rid of the files for chinese, japanese, korean, and whatever languages there are
>he doesn't know about the reverted neuv bug fixes
Oh you sweet summer child
since when was reddit this based
You bench both, you just need Ellen+Caesar.

Even placing one of those two bricks on your team is sub-optimal and lowers clear speed.
>hangouts don't count
Oh god, I think I finally understood. Those drooling retards are looking at the TV grid and see just that - the TV grid. They don't imagine it converting into whole labyrinth of Ether rooms with agents being guided by Eous but just move static Eous picture through the grid. How the fuck one can live like this even? Is it similar to blind person, who never seen anything so they don't know what they are missing out?
That's women for you. They always find one trivial thing that gives them the ick and next thing they know they're 40 and alone.
t.buttblasted shiptranny.
then fuck off to your general hsr tranny
Nothing about that disproves what I said
It will be the same platonic sanitized garbage as all Hoyo games while the spicy stuff is in the story between Agents
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>HSR players complain that every male is a DPS
>Snooze players complain that the first limited male is a stunner
What makes this dumber is that most people who like a character should want them to be a support of some kind, because they'll last longer and may never be "really" powercrept.
Meanwhile Ellenfags like myself know her time is limited until Yabi comes out. Plus you can probably just get dupes for Lighter to turn him itno a DPS, or run him with Caesar/Lucy and use him as a DPS since even DPS Koleda can clear Shiyu right now. It's like Genshin where if you really want you can turn any character into a DPS.
it's really fucking weird that they went with office workers instead of anything else. who wants their mythical kitsune to look like a wagie?
Uh oh shiptroon melty
you should compare both 3D models anon...
The problem is the type of game you are playing. One that could fry most potato phones and require a decent pc using such a dated dungeons that are solely focused in a bunch of icons yapping.
Reddit is the opposite thoughoweverbeit and lamenting the removal and calling it the worst decision they've made yet.
that would be an insta-uninstall.
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The memers got you, her eyes were always fine.
oh no no no no homoxister is MAD LMFAO
go back
Too soulful for chinks. Even though ZZZ is pretty soulful for chinkslop
Adding an ultimate for every character is not ground to sue. Your right.
But the suggestion that burst dps have to be on field to gain decibels is a GIANT nerf to their performance and is grounds to sue.
They sued over neuv because they made you no able to spin you camera like a mad man while spamming a hyper beam. It was a universal change but it affected neuvs performance the most and that what people bitch about.
zenless zone zero
Unlikely but there's potential in trying the either.
I think if you're already mostly on-fielding Ellen over swapping between Lycaon and Soukaku until you get a stun, replacing Lycaon with Caesar and just unga Ellen all the time might be a good idea.
Caesar's shield should ensure your BA3's aren't getting interrupted so your DPS outside of stun should be pretty good.
You posted earlier that reddit loves TVs. Fuck off and stay there faggots.
I guess I'll just have to enjoy it while I can.
Never played genshit, so I don't care.
I don't cause all of the changes that they made were improvements
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This is canon, right?
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Now that Caesar is confirmed to being lesbian are we still pulling?
You don't play this game nigger
I hate doomfags so fucking much
man 1.3 looks awful, where is miyabi
What's the correct translation then?
>main line got killed
>but look the hangouts, and genshit minigames like racing and cooking.
shilltranny are you ok? are you ok? shilltranny?
God I hope the damage is minimal and they only make very slight tweaks. Ideally they didn't mean anything to do with proportions or anything and are just upgrading the model detail and/or presentation.
Its more they are trying to make it look cute because little girls involved and not the wild west.
>threw in 5 rolls just before the banner ended
>got jack shit
well, eh
yeah, although when is her banner even coming? janes banner just disappeared
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Why are they so hellbent on hiding his face?
bruh her eyes are NOT fine in that webm you posted lol
looks like you also need to get your eyes checked
Thankfully the devs aren't listening to you retarded pags anymore. Every charcter will be better now they aren't mindless bots to boost your pathetic pag ego.
>7 chicks in a row
>and then 7 dudes in a row
we're EoS'ing
Then prove me wrong, sue them and post your results here. In the mean time, I welcome the changes. Being able to use more than just my dps' ultimate is a change I'm looking forward to.
>Just because its a stereotype doesn't mean its true
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>should want them to be a support of some kind
>because they'll last longer and may never be "really" powercrept.
Venti didnt last that long. Diluc had more longevity than him.
If you go by Calcniggers then Caesar isn't an upgrade tin Ellen teams if you have Lycaon/M4 Soukaku already. Likewise, he isn't an upgrade over Qingyi for Zhu.
It's a waste to use her in those teams anyway since Caesar + Lucy will be able to turn basically any character into a "real" DPS now. But if you like her you can replaec Lycaon or Soukaku, just don't expect better performance.
Personally I'm gonna remove Soukaku from my Ellen team just because she annoys me, and run Ellen/Lycaon/Caesar. But I will mostly be using Caesar with Corn and Brick 11.
Miyabi was always fine.
When you reach max decibels you enter a special Gangbang Mode for a limited time. During this time all party members can use their ultimate once. When all party members used their ultimates or the timer expires, exit the Gangbang Mode and reset the decibel count to 0. If none of the characters used their ultimate during the Gangbang Mode then the decibels don't get reset and it functions the same as it is now.
I do thoughbeit
Saar? Please redeem saar?
I was told to go there for a summary of the changes. Yes, Reddit is mad about the TV removal and doing the thing where they downvote anything that isn't also completely agreeing that they shouldn't be removed to the point they're hidden.
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because his uncovered face is… uh…
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>CONFIRMED lesbian until release
>immediately paired with a man in game
just like jane
such is life for yurisloppers
>same type of person who imagines themselves as a cute girl when they see their troon face on a mirror
it’s clunky garbage to play, too many clicking around for useless garbage coins and extras, shut the fuck up, it’s simply SHIT gameplay. i rather have actual text game zork than that garbo
>main line got killed
>Didn't even play the new story to know that
You are have less worth than a piece of shit
Except in other games you have mc and event girls getting fanarts together but most Jane fanarts involve Seth.
ZZZ devs are all straight
I can tell. You are an autistic loser who wastes his life on 4chan. You accomplish nothing and one day you will kill yourself. Terminally online discord loser.
If Pink OL was Ether Anomaly I would've rolled. Game needs more Ether characters.
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are you mad sis? start with the shipshit spam to prove you're right
Venti is basically the only one though, you also had to go back to the 2nd character ever released to prove that.
The CEO hasn't gone anywhere, even Kazuha won't go anywhere once Xilonen comes out.
Besides, Venti is better in certain comps and whe his burst works. It's not like they released a character that does what he does better, they just prevented his main strength from mattering via boss spam and big enemies.
nope enjoy your early hi3 hallway sloppa and reused assets up the ass
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>all these posts about nicole panties
why not her feet why is it always panties with her
>remember the history of genshit.
what happened?
Bros... Am I bricked if I pull for Jane or am I bricked if I pull for Caesar?
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>new real-life stream
>she's nowhere to be seen
Booo. Give me a cute cosplayer in the next dev stream or I will NOT be watching it...
Then jane sleeping in our beds and zhu watching porn with us somehow isn't "spicy"
Stop trying to spin the argument that I'm against every agent being able to ultimate.
I'm against the idea that an agent can only generate thier own decibles themselves.
based S class chads
strawberry panic kino
cause no one has seen him
Did Belle/Wise did anything worthwhile in the TV dungeon?
lighter a sissy
what are your current teams? If you only have 1 5 star dps Jane is better
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pull for both
two negatives make a positive
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Nicole's tits are fake. Where do you think all of her money went?
I’m not rolling until they finalize the ult situation
banner reviews
I dunno, for me it's her fat tits.
You will watch the chibi livestream all the same anyway.
>pretending TV wasn't ALSO reused assets
I liked TV but c'mon now.
well the tranny who has enough imagination to do so will no doubt be less suicidal than the tranny who doesn't
not being able to picture anything in your head is a disability.
uh oh homo melty
Bwo your >>495790947 ?
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They can have her, my Wise is busy being spitroasted by Ben and Lycaon to care
I HATE Ellen/Zhu's onfield gameplay. Too tedious. I want unga bunga DPS like jane
Every time the tv would be stopped so we could see characters talk. It will stay th same but without the tv
lol lmao even.
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belle has sex with her brother
footfags should be removed from existence
>don't have to replay pr*phecy several times to get all rewards
>Lighter is a stunner
>removing tv mode
>turning the game into Genshit ult spam
I’m uninstalling
I agree. Anyone complaining about Myiaby's face is just parroting shitpost like a faggot.
It's only really used well in a few agent story quests and especially in the police story part where you are tailing and helping them with Eous.
>t. poojeet who has never seen a western movie
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Lighter's theme
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Oh, fuck. I found an old image. Remember when we used to think that section 6 was coming after pubsec? Good times.
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TV is a fun idea they implemented poorly, I recently went through Rina's agent story and it hard stops you every five seconds to explain a simple button pushing puzzle, the golden week event does a much better job actually being interesting with the concept but that's after slogging for hours through braindead puzzles and wrestling with fairy for control of the game, I understand the hate and am disappointed the response is to slash it not fix it. Pretty much sums up the ult changes too, it was stupid that only one unit ever gets to use it in a team but what they'll replace it with will be way worse.
Big Daddy’s sissy
>Jane's banner is gone
See you space rat...
TV slop is literally more recycled low effort garbage than hallway slop. Are you retarded? They literally just need to connect 10 boxes together, put a bunch of yap and 3 shitty trash mob fights with 2 toddler puzzles and there's your new TV slop level.
fancy lingerie pantsu because she uses them to fish for discounts all the time?
Yes please leave
The only way the removal of the HDD system benefits the main story is if they replace it with unique stages divided by missions like Devil May Cry where you guide agents around Hollows with Eos.
Add some Resident Evil puzzles that have you go around looking for pieces of a bigger puzzle or solving a retarded riddle and boom.
Thank me later intern-kun.
If the ult change is
>divide all dmg by 3 and you have to use all 3
I am unironically seething
Weren't they attested to be in their early twenties?
>used to think this schedule was stupid
>there was no way they’d split up the SoC characters
>felt vindicated when SoC came first
>then they did it anyway
>but what they'll replace it with will be way worse.
And you know that even though it's still in flux and being tested because...?
Belle and wise are going to become camera men in 1.2
And there plot relented will feel at a all time low because you the player won't feel like they are doing anything
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she hates us
>korean Miyabi and dude with a choker
it's over, soul is kill forever
Obviously Lighter is the A rank on Yanagi's banner that would explain the weird order.
That's an all time banger tho.
what do you mean
you lost
How? Press ult, hold basic attack, press EX. Boring, sure, but tedious?
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>expecting jewhomo to put an actual effort
the fact you think people can’t “picture” something in their heads shows you are completely retarded already. all those “aphantasia” retardness comes from semantics and people not conveying it properly and some people taking it as a literal “seeing” like a projection in your eyes blocking your view. same as “hearing” narration. you are not special and everyone can do that, retardo.
you’re a tranny
If they did something like that for the 1.2 story for example everyone would be satisfied and it would ensure the tv to never come back to theain story
Wait was Lucy already taken? All my investment on her gone? just like that? I was even drawing her....
buttblasted LMFAO
Just make it so using the ult triggers the ult for all 3 characters, something like an ult chain like the current chain attacks. Also triple boss HP and finally add critical shiyu 8-10 to compensate. A win-win for all accounts.
I will only forgive them if you fight shadow Miyabi with her wide eyes
you cant even use 3 ults during 1 stun window
I'm not spinning anything. You're the one crying over burst dps not being able to generate their guage because of field time. If I want to use Ellen's ultimate I would use her until her gauge was filled. I don't have Zhu, but if I did and I wanted to use her ultimate I would use her until I could. By the way, we don't even have any information on how the separate gauges would be generated. For dps, if it's tied to how much damage they do burst dps might be able to fill their gauge extremely quickly. You're just making assumptions that the generation will be the same for every character.
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has anyone posted this yet?


honestly never expected a flashgitz zzz video but here we are
Give it a rest, anon. It's time for the acceptance stage.
you forgot your wojak xister.
I will take Nicole's payment for her debt in exchange for her breastmilk
let's be real nobody cares that much about phaethon's side of the story
+33% Ult resistance for all enemies applied at the end of the formula. It's based.
>game is good
>devs decide to fuck it up
Kinda tired of this rerun
Cool. Leave and take that lighter faggot with you.
They're building racing stages so yeah, they are
Now without stunners?
cry harder, your tears taste so good
Crocodile tears.
Accept what?
It wasn't that good. Its the Hoyo game that was making less.
i wonder if headband boy and sid will be together
Good riddance.
Greetings /zzz/, John Hoyoverse here.
What's the number one thing you want added to the game so I can forward it to my developers to work on immediately?
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>Belobog already powercrept out of existence by 1.3
That he's an S rank, silly billy.
>has anyone posted this yet?
yes, but the niggers here are too busy arguing over stupid shit to talk about it
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>there are people IN THIS VERY THREAD who didn't pull for this
>without a stunner
You're kidding right?
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Well I'll go play something else until the update is live later today, hope the general is better by then
only furry characters from now on
get me them idols soon as possible
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Huh? Caesar? No anon, it's going to be me
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Would she walk around Sixth Streeth naked for 300k dennies?
your wojak xister, you forgot again.
Generation should just stay the same. But without sharing ultimates.
If Nicole is generating 400 decibels right now she should be generating 400 for everying in 1.4
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They don't know how to fix what's been a core aspect of the game with the TV sections and are just going to cut it out, the gameplay is currently hard balanced around 1 ult and I expect them to treat that problem with similar finesse.
This shit is getting worse than /gig/ and /hsr/.
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>TVs gone
>independent ults on 3 character teams
>extreme elemental shilling in SD
>yuribait up the ass
when did you realize you were playing Honkai Impact 4?
They will fix this problem by removing ben from the game and vow never to make a character bigger than a twink ever again.
Ikr. I mean they did video on HRTroon game, why would they do one for ZZZ?
>and people not conveying it properly
you have no idea what you're talking about. just look at the apple image posted earlier and discussion around it, there are many people who can't even do the very simple 1 and coping that they're "abstract thinker" or something. you're probably just as disabled and coping
fuck it up by removing shitty time wasters that are nowhere near gameplay? ok dude
not until lighter is revealed a rank so th trannies can hang thmeselves
>ben and anton
A rank and also garbage
What's left now?
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sex button
Okay, but why the fuck would you ever play Zhu without a stun character? Are you doing a solo run or something?
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All they have to do is to turn chain attacks into "ultimate chain attacks" (with shorter animations) under specific conditions.
Just way combat is still smooth and whoever asked for this retarded change will get what they want.
Great, now every main story update will be Jane shit where we just run from NPC to NPC and get lore dumped and Wise/Belle will do nothing
Koleda will still be stronger for just plain ol stunning based off the leaks. Fossil W-engine Koleda will be able to stun anything in one EX attack while you will have to spam attack with lighter
I see, you have no idea what the fuck you are talking about
I have a guarantee.
Get back in your flea-ridden cat bed Nicole bought for you at a sale (looked like a dumpster), Neko.
once again, you forgot your wojak, are you okay xister?
Pheathon interactions are some of the only good interaction in the game.
Jane story has proven this
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aerial combos
They literally said they were going to improve it as side content and cut it out of main story for now DO YOU PEOPLE FUCKING READ
the piano story was nice
Datim sim mechanics
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OBSESSED, it's quite sad how hard you were projecting your seething
assMAD kek
Just like the hit game Honkai Star Rail!
now that was uncalled for
>Generation should just stay the same
For most fights we have right now, you're only going to use one ultimate. If the changes go through it won't be able to stay the same. They would have to make changes, so that non-dps characters could fill their gauge at a decent rate.
Nude skins but only for Ben and kill all Belletrannies.
Belle should never cut her own hair.
More sexy and cute cunny.
uh oh wojakxister melty
How can you ult spam when the game all chara the same ult bar? or will that get changed as well?
>start the 1.3 story
>twins go to Scott Outpost to renew their civilian investigator license
>enter comic mode as Yanagi is holding a meeting nearby
>twins don’t show up again until the very end
this is our future
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You smell mangy (affectionate).
it depends on the angle and also how close her face is. it had some issues but not to the extent that people made it to be
Eridu strip clubs must be something else
>remove fat fur nigger
If the ult change happens it's almost certainly going to be a toggle like manual chain attacks
which would actually be really kino as another layer of team building if balanced correctly it wont be
This kills the Belle
Only a matter of time before they reveal hollows are the actions of gods and we enter cosmic stakes storytelling garbage
Your opinion is invalid.
Did you play 1.2 already? How do you know that?
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Saving for Lighter because I dont want to cheat on my wife
Gonna cry? Gonna shit your pants? Want bib and a bottle?
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Make the agents invite me out for a date.
I should be able to choose which agents do that though.
I'm a beta tester
Thats a guy or troon.
Have a lust meter that you need to manage for female agents with a button for them to masturbate. If they do it in front of NPCs you see pictures and vids of them appearing on the interknot the next day and each female agent reacts differently depending on their personality.
Non dps will fill there Guage at a decent rate.
Because it will be the same as the dps and the stunner.
I'm not seeing the issue
If a dps got their ultimate than everyone else did too because the generation is shared.
Not the use.
so you cheat on her with another man instead
lucy's mask copies his snout
Stun > DPS window is not fun for me. I prefer BUFF then go HAM
>wojakxister nuclear meltdown
dont shit the thread ok?
ESTbros the maintenance ends at 11 pm right?
>camellia golden week tv good
>hollow zero tv good
>babysitter tv bad
>prophecy dunno because who does that shit for 20 polys
but we learn more things about jane than belle and wise no?
>still the best "off field" stunner for everything that isn't an ice team
>"selfish" stunner that demands on field time
Are doomposters really just this baboon-brained?
Big Daddy makes her keep the mask on during sex
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>What's the number one thing you want added to the game
tell john we need a Sparkle expy asap
>Hey, Cousin! Let's go bowling!
Not watching your shitty video. Buy an ad faggot.
But I don't see anything related to western there, remember they don't use pretty teenagers girl like that. I wouldn't mind a guy doing it in a bar.
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>have to wait till tomorrow to roll and play, despite waiting all day for the update
Okay, but this has nothing to do with each character having a separate gauge, so what's your point?
Jane story was a SPECIAL EPISODE focused on her. 1.2 will be different, holy retards.
please don't come back
gay sex
you're mindBROKEN, SAD!
das a kek
When do I unlock more shop workers? I only have Heddy, Sjal and Towa-chan. I am caught up to the main story up to Jane's POV quest.
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oh no...
I mean what you fags are doing is just pretend it will be like that as if you already played the fucking thing before it's even out
absolutely rectum-ravaged kakakaka
Unironically would be a fun game mode. Add bowling to the arcade you furry fuck, not everyone wants to stare at arcade screens.
nta but you sound like a literal bot just saying that over and over, and you're kinda proving him right, just dont reply if you dont have anything to say
no, people are retarded with language and can’t communicate. language SHAPES thought and comprehension can wildly change how people perceive what things mean. they see that image and think they need some sort of visual hallucination, same as hearing the narration. if you are PHYSICALLY hearing or seeing anything, you are very mentally ill. retardo tranny. alphantasia “studies” are all pseudoscience by self report aka meaningless
>still replying and unable to give a proper reply
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Realistically what would happen if Nicole actually went around offering her panties to be sniffed for discounts all the time
Keeping TV in the events/side quests but not in MSQ is so ass backwards
Why would I NOT want TV in the only fucking content where Phaethon get to interact with the Agents? That's the entire fucking point I don't care about them bantering with random job request nigger #79
cant wait for lunch break to go home and do it to jane doe
playable shota
you will watch it
They weren't listening before
Else how would rat be completely fumbled like this

see >>495793565
I would make her a counter offer, give her more money in exchange of sex
How would Phaeton be managing an undercover police sting operation?
This is extremely inappropriate attire for a 10yo
This game has lock on? How do you do it?
you need to get out and make friends
specifically with characters you own
>2 (two) accounts into rerolling for jane last minute
>start up the third
>get "too many login requests try again later" error
>the only googlable fixes do not work
Go on without me bwos, it wasn't meant to be.
I'll have to stick to honkai
playable Coco when
Adding cards to the disc farm so I can spend 300 batteries in one fight.
Being able to turn off Mscapes, the bottoms are there but they just change the splash art FOR SOME REASON.
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They should add a roll button with iframes and character customization.
uhm... this is kinda lewd...
>still seething
you lost, troonie.
>phatheon can't banter with the agents they'll still be chaperoning around through the HDD system because... because they just can't, okay?
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Heh, you finally revealed your true form, /zzz/. And at the first possible sign of trouble at that.
>can't come up with anything to reply with anymore so just cops out and recycles post
hilariously booty-bothered LMFAO LOOOOOOOL
It wouldn't
I certainly wouldn't make a whole patch with just that shit that barely felt like a side story either
Even golden week was more fun
So icky how hoyo is now appealing to the male gaze with gooner bait an sexualization of minors.
try again bwo
And nothing is stopping them from making interaction cut scenes without TV slop.
The only people who profit from removing TV are rerollers who don't spend me
Thanks, I only unlocked the hangout mechanic a few days ago and the only ones with any real progress is Qingyi who I had to help carry to the police station while she was out of battery.
I really wish he did dark skinned versions too
Anon just wants some attention. I can do him that kindness without stooping to his level.
but she's not offering sex anon, even the services she charges for doesn't include any of them
Anomaly characters are built for that kind of gameplay.
I guess this isn't a good time to hornypost, any guesses on when the current raid is going to die down?
but enough about how anal devastated you are.
>No limited banner for some reason
Damn they really want to kill this game
Here's your (You)
I don't understand. Clearly, Mihoyo can copy Fromsoft's animation. The new Enotria game is pure JANK
nice thread zzzbabs
She's completely covered, she just looks cute. I think you just see it as inappropriate because 10yos get you hard as a rock.
is the new arcade game going to be in at patch launch? that’s all I wanna play, it looks fun
im already getting withdrawals... i dont know if ill last 1 more day...
A few more hours at least but it's going to be dogshit until 1.2 is live.
No one is buying into the passive aggressive kindness act, you're just coming off really asshurt, and again, giving him what he wants, further shitting up the thread
but that makes zero sense. the apple is IN the head. you're asked to imagine an apple, not project the illusion of an apple in front of you. anyone who can use their imagination would instantly know what they have to do. the one misinterpreting it as such are the people who can't do it
>1.2 tomorrow
5 days.
>copies how I reply now
oh no no no no xis is certainly derriere-devastated at this point LMAOOOO
>b-but [seething shizo babble]
Literally never these people are permanently online.
not covered enough. I can see her hair. Damn brat needs quran correction
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What kind of date events will she have?
Exactly, I roll a character. I PLAY the character. I don't need "stun first to have fun" bullishit
>most Jane fanarts involve Seth
Thats total BS
It's not about being covered it's the equivalent of some 20 year old goth slut outfit meant to exxentuate limbs and features and frilly accessories but on a 10yo, inappropriate
You're right
Take them off! Strip her naked!
Anby or Nicole?
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How do you know they're permanently online?
Basically at around 7pm - 3am eastern seaboard time every day the sparkleposter samefag will rotate between gig hsr and zzz boards to shit up the place
Xer's an actual hrt tranny (he revealed it once) so that explains xer behaviour
Just ignore and don't feed. Xer wants attention more than anything else.
>blonde hair
>brown hair
>green hair

>white hair
soldier 11
>pink hair
>red hair

>blue hair
>black hair
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>dating a TRUCKER
Anon, you are just asking to be found dead in ditch
I said it a lot of times but the majority of fanarts are commissions.
but enough about (you) wojakshizo, lmeow.
I'm also permanently online
They have no concept of a mind's eye and assume people literally just hallucinate on command
It's like explaining colour to a blind man
here's your (you)
This should be illegal
Take breaks from being online. Now.
Oh it's the blacked spamming cuckold shitposter from /gig/ who worships the biggest gary stu homo in that game
don't even reply to his blatantly obvious trolling, report and ignore and he'll get bored of self replying before he starts dumping blacked or scat porn and gets banned
>just recycles what xhe said now
Only an actual pedo would think that
It's like she's wearing fishnets or something
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I'm having fun
It's been more 10 hours since the dev video was released.
Calm down.

>he's still at it
You're making me blush with how much I'm living rent free in your head.
>But I don't see anything related to western there
The whole Outer Ring
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[bad news] hoshimi miyabi is confirmed to be ugly
her father should be arrested for child exploitation
Because what I'm suggesting is shared GENERATION which doesn't conflict with non shared decible Gauges
If Nicole has 2100 decible at the moment and zhu yuan has 2000.
If Nicole used an ex skill and generates 400 decibles than Nicole would have 2500 and zhu would have 2400.
It's a much better system than having a character only generate decibles for themselves and only them self.
Shut up i just woke up. Not my fault they post big news when I'm asleep.
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Why does Nicole like to put her foot on the table and offer her panties as her first offer when haggling?
If you've seen the leak posted two weeks ago You pick her up and find out she's surprisingly light
>still seething
you lost, even at shitposting you are a failure.
t. actual pedo in denial
Do we have Yanagi's and Lighter's kit / animations yet?
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I have an announcement to make.
Every shitpost in this thread was made by a tourist.
That is all.
We all know that they won't because they'll focus on agent/agent banter like they always have and Wise/Belle will be shunted into the background
God I hope they don't go with standardized models like Genshin and HSR
Being attracted to sexy fictional characters doesn't make you a pedo, roastie. Your eggs are dried up.
Yup its xer. Wait if xer is here that means gig is clear right? Aight, heading back.
>still couldn't let go of how people easily sexualize fictional characters rather than treat them as DEEP and THOUGHT PROVOKING characters that xhe uses for her shitty headcanons and shipfaggotry
LMAAOOOO the absolute state of asshurt homoslurpers
The shitposters are a /gig/ discord raiding the thread fyi
Wait like 5 days, text leaks usually come a day after beta server starts, animations take 3-5 days after that
no, because i can do it and i know the words used are misguiding when actually talking about it with other people. just read any discussion on the internet about it, where people love to feel special like you, and everyone is the greatest imaginative of all time, they find the “3%” who say they see it differently and actually talk about it with them and you will see they just don’t really understand the concept through words but they can clearly “see” if they can explain somehow what it happens. thing is people can’t explain and the language limits their thought, since thought is language, if you don’t have the language, you don’t have a visual image or thought, since you can’t imagine something you have no concept of existing, such as differentiating between colors that share the same name. so their issue is with language and self expression, not mental processing. all studies about this retarded topic is pseudoscience from the internet, astrology for reddit retards trying to feel special
How is Wise more popular than Belle when it comes to furry art
Yeah but now we aren't doing anything
They removed any agency wise and belle had over the story.

>he [schizobabble]
go outside and touch grass before you get thrown into a mental asylum.
>actual pedo ITT
That would just result in ult spamming and the initial argument was that each character would need to be on field to generate their ultimate gauge.
ZZZ has set itself apart from Genshin/HSR for better or for worse.
You 100% know it will be. But this feature is totally an extremely important for the future of ZZZ, so you know.
You don't play the game.
Ironic since you need that more you delusional shipnigger homoworm slurper LOOOOOOOL filthy fucking homosexual
It's really not
99% of furries are gay
It's funny how the REAL pedos (Pope, Saudis, Epstein..) don't give a fuck about anime.
Ult spamming is a better than making burst dps all fucking garbage.
It wouldn't even really be spamming. You use the stunner ult on the daze bar then once they are dazed you just use the support than dps. And then it will still take like another minute before everyone has ults again
>Ironic considering [HEADCANON]
didn't read, you lost. cry.
I said you're a delusional shipnigger homoslurper and a filthy fucking homosexual faggot LMAO.

And you are still SEETHING about it KEK
Didn't read again, you lost, I won. Cry.
>Ult spamming is a better than making burst dps all fucking garbage.
I already argued against this point. I'm not repeating myself. Check the reply chain if you want to see my argument. If not, we're done here.
This is the one thing that will make me drop the game. Multi billion dollar company reusing models is inexcusable.
I have Ellen and S11
You should be alright to skip Jane and get Caesar then if thats who you prefer. S11 will be strong with all of SoC
Yeah I think anon has a point about you
>covers xer ears like a kid so xhe wouldnt hear the truth
I said: you're a delusional shipnigger homoslurper AND a filthy fucking homosexual that should kill xerself already LMAO
>he's still going
let me guess you have a worm up your ass? Maybe its a cock from your boyfriend? Is that why you're so mad? His small dick can't satisfy your gay asshole?
Caesar soon fellow Kingbros
Again, you're a delusional shipnigger homoslurper AND a filthy fucking homosexual that should kill xerself already. And now you're suddenly talking about ducks like the HOMOKEK that you are surprise surprise LMAO
Odds I do 30 rolls on Caesar for Piper
Evens I do 40
0 I get her even though I want Burnice more
An extended hollow zero that adds fun gameplay mechanics as well a way to earn resources
No wonder devs are scared of pissing off you pags, you go into absolute nuclear meltdown when something doesn't go your way. Now shit your disaper, big fag baby, LMFAO
Oh suddenly not talking about dicks anymore eh? Filthy fucking shipnigger faggot LMFAAOO
Sad that we're not talking about dicks already aren't you faggot? Kill yourself pag.
Don't you have some monthly gay pride parade to attend to? Stop being obsessed on the internet and go show your support sis!
Tvfags lost.
Back at you xis. And moreso with you since you practically WORSHIP homofilth even in this game and like to talk about cocks out of nowhere after all LOOOOOOL
>n-n-o you
SAD! Next time use some lube when your boyfriend pounds your ass. Maybe you won't be so anal destroyed the next time you're in a thread LMFAO
Talking about anal sex now I see, you really are a full blown homosexual LMFAOO. Just as I expected from delusional shipniggers who celebrate maleslops in this game and cuckpost it to no end KEK
How brown are you pajeet
Tick tock pag, it's time for you to go bed with your boyfriend. You don't want to make him mad or he might break that sissy neck of yours.
uh oh another trigger homoslurper LMFAO
Delusional shipnigger homoslurper and a filthy fucking homosexual that should kill xerself already LMAO
you lost
Odds I go for Caesar weapon
Evens I save for the roll
0 idk, go for m1 or some shit
You're tired already of being called a homosexual piece of shit, aren't you xis? LMAOOOO
A unique model for Venus
>pag retard thinks anyone else is mad but ximself
Again xis, you're a homosexual piece of shit that ruins generals with shipniggery and cuckfaggotry and you should kill yourself already LOL
when are you going to stop seething? I even made sure to use an appropriate pronoun so I don't misgender you sis
>look I'm doing the xis thingy too!
LMFAO what a weak response xis. As expected of a filthy homosexual who does nothing shit up threads all day.
>he says while having a complete diaper meltdown on cooldown every 60 seconds
>nooooo don't call out my cuckfaggotry let me shipfag and cuckpost in peace nooooooo
Disingenuous pieces of filth too these homosexual shitposters are huh KEK
You have to go back pajeet. We can't tolerate how much of a faggot you are here anymore.
This is fun. Because you will NEVER let go of me calling you out like the cuckposting filth that you are. It's just so fun to tell you that you're nothing but a piece of shit homosexual LOL
>This is fun
please keep trying to pretend you aren't literally crying right now pag. I'll even offer my shoulder for you to cry on, considering everyone rightly treats you like the subhuman nigger you are.
What is the cause of male seethe really? Do hololive unicorns and gacha people really overlap so much?
>nooooo you're a brownoid if you don't like my shipfaggotry
>everyone HAS to like my incessant cuckposting or else they're a seanigger
Remember homocuck, you unironically think like this LMAO. And if anyone even expresses their dislike for your faggotry, you will repay tenfold more with rampant cuckposting and homoslurping. That's how pathetic you are LMFAO
>pagmunchers love vtubers
>there's more waifufaggotry during SEA hours than during NA

Hmm I think I'm noticing
I'm very worried about you pag, it's not healthy to obsess this hard over a random anon over the internet. Though it's not surprising considering how obsessed you are with anime girls even looking in the direction of another digital man. Pathetic...
>mindbroken cuckposter calling anyone else pathetic
Do homoniggers really KEK
>Still having an apocalyptic tier booty devestation meltdown
>b--bb-b-b-bb-but i'm not pathetic
>nooooo don't call me a cuckposter!!!!!
>stop calling me a homo waaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!
Filthy fucking piece of homo shit, that's what you are. Don't you have another /gig/ thread to homopost to death? Or are you just absolutely assravaged by this one anon who keeps you here fucking kek
Doctors should observe you as a caste study. What causes someone to be so clinically insane that they become this pathetic when an anime girl talks to anime boy in a fictional piece of content. I honestly think they would win a nobel prize if they wrote about it.
>noooo you see it's not cuckposting let me just shipfag in peace I swear I'm not mentally-ill waaaaa
That's all I hear from failed "people" like you homoslurper filth. Disingenuous from start to finish. Ruining threads one after another. And when called out like this every once in a while, will not let go of it like they have something to protect like they're not already like the failed individuals that homos are LMAO
It's really sad all you can do is scream homo. Pajeets really do have small brains don't they?
>caste study
pajeets eternally on the cuckposter's mind
You call a homo, a homo, homo. In fact, you call a filthy homosexual like you, a filthy homosexual. kek
>You call [schizobabble headcanon]
yawn, you're getting boring pag.
Delusional shipnigger homosluper AND a filthy fucking homosexual. How's that sound xis? LMAO
Uh oh pag is stuck on repeat. What's a matter? Your pag brain can't handle more than a couple of buzzwords? LMFAO
>nooooo stop calling me a homo already reeeeeeeee
Ok, filthy fucking cuckposter shipfag homoslurper lmfao
How does it feel living in groundhog day? You wake up and go through your pathetic daily morning routine only to end up on a basket weaving forum crying about fictional women interacting with other fictional men. I honestly couldn't imagine a more pathetic life than yours.
Didn't read. Homonigger maleslop slurper cuckposting faggot LMFAO
Yeah I know you didn't, you're a pajeet with single digit IQ, LMFAO
Was it about caste studies again? Why don't you enlighten my pajeet brain to the wonders of how this male character will cuck this specific fictional female again homoxis? Fucking KEK
you tell me, you're the one having a meltdown over it, retard.
Oh what's this xis suddenly not up to cuckposting right now? How will you ruin the next /gig/ thread like this xis?
>genshin out of nowhere
you really do obsess over invisible ghosts don't you pagpag
>out of nowhere
oh no no no xis's reading comprehension already forgot the thread of conversation from 30 min ago LMFAO. Feeling tired already xis? I'm not keeping you from spamming homoporn in /gig/ am I now? Or better yet, in the next /zzz/ thread?
>he thinks I read all of his schizobabble

I'm closing the thread. I won and all you can do is cry about it and keep seething. Pags like you deserve to be cucked by fictional males. Die faggot ;)
>runs away like a little bitch
LMFAOOOOOOO as expected of a bitchass homo piece of filth. Go on then xis time for you to ruin the next hoyo thread then and cuckspam the shit out of it.
No. It's not like they aren't getting paid, plus TV mode could have been unpopular at the meeting /planning table.
when are we getting a big black man (or woman) in this game that isn't a fur?
Ok, Amber from Natlan.

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