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Previous: >>495804775


Version 1.2 "Tour de Inferno" Special Program
Agent Record | Caesar King
Agent Record | Burnice White
Agent Record | Lighter Lorenz

>Newest Trailer/Teaser/Character demo
>Current Signal Search
Jane Doe - 09/04 – 09/24 11:59
Sharpened Stinger - 09/04 – 09/24 11:59

>Current Events
Sorry, Nothing.

>Upcoming Events for 1.2
Full 1.2 details and events: https://zenless.hoyoverse.com/en-us/news/125865
New at the Arcade: Bizarre Brigade - to be added in 1.2
Back in Business - Daily check in, double drops and more - 09/25 (1.2 release) - 10/10 03:59 (server time)
All New Program - 09/25 (1.2 release) - 11/05 03:59 (server time)
Overlord's Feast - 09/26 10:00 (server time) - 11/04 03:59 (server time)

>Redeemable codes (claimable in-game or online)

>Resources and useful links

>Vote FOR or AGAINST TV here if you're a literate human (zoomers and niggers can ignore)

>If you're a tourist from Tencent Marketing who can't do a greentext properly, kindly remove yourself from this thread and from existence, preferably immediately with a gun at your face
Is that one brickyi pedo still crying over her flop?
honestly I'd be fine with the TV removal if they made a new mode focused on TVs with periodic rewards (such as the RPG quest and similar ones that are peak kino)
devs listened
mihoyo is removing tvslop from the game
zzz is saved
tvtards lost
reminder to ignore the lunatics
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Fucking finally
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Reminder that brick flop killed the game and 1.2 will revive it
The game is losing its soul with every patch
These devs are listening to CCs over (You)
>no more TV in the main story
>no more shared ultimate
so we're turning into HI3 part 3, got it
>>495818371 Nigger
>too sensitive for 4chan
Go back
For me it's a hack and slash without furries
Yeah I'll just do that this tv shit is getting way to obnoxious already
Keep crying
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I love her so much bwos. Can't wait to get her.
real thread >>495818467
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Please reply to this post with a SCREENSHOT containing your UID if you would like to be added to or removed from the public UID list. A normal gameplay screenshot or camera shot is fine. This list will be transferred to a rentry in about 7 days. Also please put /vg/ or /zzz/ in your bio! (optional)
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It's worse. They're listening to fucking reddit.
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Caesar would sell twice the amount if she looked like picrel
>TV schizo is still melting down
Take your meds, holy shit.
No, they are listening to me. I asked for tv shit to be removed in every survey. I thank Mihoyo for listening to me. Tvslop is NOT soul, by the way.
how manys bongs until i can roll
that's every game
CCs have a direct line to devs and that makes games that are good to stream but that suck ass to play
I already shared those thoughts
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I'm done, I'm fking done, Lighter being a fking STUNNER and not an ATTACKER is the donkey that broke the bucketdrip FUCK YOU HOYOVERSE!!!
What is this game called?
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TV should be in HSR
Yep, it's right here lol >>495818596
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lolicon game
lolicon general
Based. Now delete your Genshin and HSR accounts too.
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you now remember the video that permanently mindbroke pipertroons
>only a single free character is top tier
>not a single regular banner character is top tier
fucking grim holy shit it's so pay to win
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>completely ignoring the fact that qingyi is t0
I accept your concession
Based and true
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I love Piper
no instead we get cool end-game modes
Thank you for the blessed edition friend. May all TV haters die a slow painful death.
I think the real thing to be concerned about is how much of ZZZ will be changed to feel like a derivative of other mihoyo games? I specifically started playing ZZZ because the character designs interested me far more than genshin or HSR. I tried both of those games on launch and dropped both after a while, Genshin felt boring to play, and HSR character design just made everybody look the same to me. ZZZ felt different and fresh, and the story hooked me with how Wise and Belle interact with the agents and actually have plot relevance.
If this ends up getting morphed to where the protagonists become walking cameras like the other games I don't see myself sticking around. Making the same game 3 times with a different coat of paint also seems like a bad idea for bringing in new customers.
Give me straight is Caesar actually skippable?
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Yeah cool man they can just implement all of that and we'll be good. Problem solved. Yepp.
my apologies, can you post the Zhu version of this as well?
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the numbers do not lie. He is more popular than Yanagi. Its over straight men
Fucking this, I was fucking hyped for SoC. Now I know my money would be used by castrated chinks. Motherfuckers, death to them all.
[Sad News] We will be renaming the Limited S-rank Agent "Jane Doe" to "Brick Flop." 15x Polychromes will be sent to Proxies who have obtained this Agent as compensation.
Don't forget, pajeet pedo. Giving up sleep to defend your mental disorder on 4chan is a great life choice.
>non-vandalized OP
No one cares retard
Who do you think you're fooling?
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First gacha?
Loli Caesar? No
Old Hag Caesar? Yes
I'm straight and Lighter is way cooler. Yanagi just doesn't look that good. Lighter on the other hand is a cool looking chuuni dude. Unfortunately he isn't A rank so I won't get him but still
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why would stunner lighter be an issue anyway, he's still an on-field unit
we want genshin 2 yes
New Miyabi when
tvfaggots lost bigly and can't except it
>a honkai impact but open world
Will you samefag on cooldown again for the next 8 hours?
When the other is a fucking NPC from another game instead of on par with ZZZ's kino NPCs it's inevitable.
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why don't genshitards play their own game
OK but controlling Eous would be cool
I’m a straight man and he’s literally me
How did leakers get Lighter's role wrong?
and what's more, every time it sees caesar it's going to be reminded of the humiliation it suffered when the first little kid banner sold worse than the adult banners surrounding it
Agreed bro. The game only gave me 4 Koledas, no other standard and now she's getting powercrept? Is this for real?
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Why would we need a new Miyabi when she's already perfect?
Dont tell me Pompey is voiced by the guy we here in the teaser trailer? He should sound gruff and old
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you now remember the statistics that permanently mindbroke rattroons
They're not really dedicated leakers for zzz.
I sometimes wish vg would enable country flags for like a week, i think i'd be quite fun
eurobros am I understanding it correctly that Caesar come in about 9 hours? I think the previous banners were like 10 hours later on their release day
Most people that play ZZZ also play Genshin
>Oh dev, let me play Genshin Impact without playing Genshin Impact
Why isn't she wearing a bra? Are all fox girls like this?
they're mostly just pulling guesses out from their ass based on test server data. I don't think the team is prominent or big enough to actually have leakers.
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remeber corrin has scars
How do I beat Ether 11?
So are they effectively getting rid of Belle/Wise? No more TV missions and you can walk around with any agent basically means they no role to play.
>bottom of the list
>when 25s exists
lmao which tool made this list
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Wow. Only 2 threads with a few comment about TV on NGA. The CN forum that Mihoyo listens to. It's a non-issue after all.
Leakers have a terrible track record with this game. Leakers were saying S6 would be the 1.2 banners, and one of them even said Qingyi was A rank. Leakers also said Yanagi would be Ether.
It's releasing at the same time everywhere nobody is getting the banner early this only happens with the second banner of a patch
They're reading through garbled kit or moveset data in code and have to try and make it comprehensible.
It doesn't have to be open world.
It can just be a closed off labyrinth

My counter pitch:
-Control agents like usual
-Literally zero indication of where to go
-Can now swap to Eous as a squad member
-Eous knows de way, has the chevrons on his hud and can activate certain switches and shit
-Squad members (Or at least just one) follows Eous behind you as you go
What are they doing to ults?
quit if you get the brick resonia at the beginning and reroll until you get the good ones
Why would it? It just shows that the game is on a decline which is only natural. Every banner more people drop while not enough new people play the game
they're working on it
when are they putting the nun with the big bundas in the game
MetaGOD here, let me spell out this new change for you because it seems like most people here do not understand how to play this game.

First thing you need to understand that ultimates in this game are stupidly powerful. I am talking about any half decent player being able to remove 70% of any Shiyu Defense 7 boss with 1 ultimate. So what happens if you can use 2 stupidly powerful ultimates all other things being equal? You one tap everything and the game balance collapses.
New meta is stun, dps, dps because non stun supports just do not provide enough value to lose out on the 2nd ultimate.
>b-but hoyo balance team is not stupid!
OK, so what can the balance team do?
>increase decibel costs
Terrible idea from gameplay perspective. If you attempted Shiyu speedruns, you would understand that charging up decibels in this game is annoying. Disorders, anomalies and chain attacks (not so much) are the fastest ways to generate decibels, everything else just sucks in comparison. This means dps characters with fast anomaly build up skyrocket in value.
This approach doesn't even address the core issue, it just delays how often you can spam ultimates to waste more of your time.
>inflate enemy hp bars so that they don't get melted in 1 ultimate
I don't really need to explain why this is a bad idea. This also kills solo runs on more niche agents who you may want to play outside of their normal roles (e.g. playing stunners or supports as main dps).
>add cooldowns between each ultimate use
Pointless, you will still use 1 dps and ult twice or use 2 dps agents.
>nerf ultimates
This would never fly on existing agents.

Honestly, I can't see any way how Hoyo could implement this change without completely fucking up the game. The idea of ultimates being scarce has been cemented into the game's identity since day 1 and all current content and agents are balanced around this assumption.
kinda low numbers innit?
big if large
What's the brick resonia?
>So are they effectively getting rid of Belle/Wise?
No they aren't, you niggers keep saying this when it's not true
Oh okay but why is that the case for the second banner?
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Why are they copying the HI3 story format when HI3 is basically dead right now?
him actually being indian was the funniest thing
Except Qingyi is in second place for sales and Caesar is going to push her down to 5th
holy fuck why is the pre-install 30gbs
Her literal entire backstory is about her crippling illness leaving her hospital bed bound for a long time which explains why shes such a social retard, she missed out on years of prime social development time.
I think it was something to do with her heart which honestly makes me sad
no but Belle/Wise are going to do basically nothing in the in-mission cutscenes now they are the avatar out of mission but inside the mision they're having you control a party member
Get lucky in the first part by getting the right teammate then progressively get more luck with events and things that can take away pressure and corruptions.
Both this and the constant headcanon banner predictions seem to suggest there are no leakers in the private ZZZ dev circles. Unless the Obol fanfiction turns out to be real, there have been no real leaks yet.
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I need gun nun
Skipgods, I kneel.
I feel like devs in general have forgotten that players can listen to a story and play the game at the same time, most of the story could be commed by someone while the player is playing the game you don't need to always segment it. If bioshock could do it this shit can
We don't know they didn't elaborate they only said they are testing stuff
no, she literally has scars
you can see them on her M6
These threads move so quick and with barely any discussion or information exchange.
/vg/ culture sure is weird.
You're talking to an infamous autistic pedophile who can't read a graph, can barely read a number, couldn't think critically if his life depended on it, AND is a sore loser.
He's worthless in every way and most people ignore his spam for a reason.
>Its another Zhu Yuan gets Nicole forst and not Qinyi run
It happens so fucking often
As I said, you are a retarded nigger who knows nothing about dev.
It's basic systems analysis and how it's used in software, I'd suggest for you to read about it but you are too mentally challenged.
You can pretend that mihoyo is listening to you western crybabies all you want. How is that boycott from you loudest whiners going btw, bozo?
Remember to spam the next survey with requests for tv mode to come back but as an actually cool dungeon crawler with a nice tileset and maps that aren't garbage.
You realize your picture has more than two right? Even an [urgent]
that's just gacha culture
Updoot, now go back
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Coming back to this game after dropping it in the first 2 weeks, who should I go for? My only team is Ellen/Lycaon/Soukaku and I also have Nekomata though I heard she sucks
anything that isnt crit
uh oh anti-loli schizo meltdown
thats not her im talking about the one with the hammer
they didn't even properly explain what they are doing they only said they are testing their options, you have no ideas how this shit will turn out to be you fucking retard
>move 3 squares
>ai yap
>game tutorial
>move 3 squares
>ai yap
>game tutorial
>move 3 squares
>ai yap
>game tutorial
>move 3 squares
>ai yap
>game tutorial
>combat trash fight
>move 3 squares
>ai yap
>game tutorial
>move 3 squares
>ai yap
>game tutorial
>move 3 squares
>ai yap
>game tutorial
>combat trash fight
>move 3 squares
>ai yap
>game tutorial
>move 3 squares
>ai yap
>game tutorial
>move 3 squares
>ai yap
>game tutorial
>trash boss fight you've fought twelve dozen times over in all the other garbage TV sections
wow....soul...really gonna miss this...
become a irrelevant non entity
I love Ben Bigger. My love for him is vast, like the ocean.. yet unending like the deep dark emptiness of space.
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Holy schizo, just go back to samefagging about everyone who disagrees with you being a pajeet since you’re clearly too retarded to make a consistent narrative
Meant for
>Only 2 threads with a few comment about TV on NGA. The CN forum that Mihoyo listens to. It's a non-issue after all.
Theres more than 2
grab caesar. She will work well with either your ellen or bring your neko up to become viable.
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Caesar bwos status?
where the FUCK is the patch
that one will strike a nerve
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I picked this game up specifically because it has Hoyo's character designs without being another assembly line open world.
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I know, I'm just on my phone and have few pics saved
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what do we think of this?
Bioshock is way too sophisticated for the avg. modern gamer
Do you want to impregnate him as well?
hello how many hours worth of content are we getting in 1.2
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will Piper + Lucy + Burnice be a strong team?
really like burnice's design but not sure what to play her with. don't have jane, rina or grace
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>replying to the filipino anti-loli femcel who has been samefagging every day for 16 hours
How long until maint?
What was wrong with Miyabi's design?
The thread is mostly shitposters and people replying to them. 4chan is trash.
And it's an unironic pajeet who is easily identifiable by the thread quality increase that always happens about 30 mins from now. It's so pathetic.
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Tv is shit. Open world is shit. Corridors are shit. Mihomo is just a shit Midas that turns everything it works with into shit. No matter what they are gonna do now, it will always be shit.
cuz she’s the first banner of a new patch
>multiple loading screens within a minute of gameplay in 2024

TV was a mistake.
>4chan is trash.
You are free to leave and never return.
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she looks like a sadcat
18k poly and about the same to pity as you bwo. I also think about rolling for her weapon considering everything else sucks so much... oh and I have like 35 rolls I could buy from dupe points in the store
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Yes I know that dipshit I mean you should know she has scars because of her backstory
It's all shitposters here now anon these threads only get comfy a few days after the patch is out and everyone left
like 2 because anti-tv niggers won.
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>Except Qingyi is in second place for sales
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Too good, attracted a lot of contrarian shitposters
Oh wow. 4 threads. Crazy.
I want to be his loving house-husband and have him smother me under his weight while he holds me in a tight embrace before he impregnates me. We cuddle after.
Both Lucy and Burnice deal damage and build burn off-field, while Piper can spin to win.
They could touch up the ears a bit but otherwise she is perfect for kuudere sword girl enjoyers.
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devs didn't have to call out mibibi like that. I mean, everyone kinda knew under the covers that she's getting fixed when they said they were reworking some models but still, she's a pure yamato nadeshiko and doesn't deserve the open humiliation.
I wonder if flopyi will hold the stigma of mentally ill fans forever because of him, or if some other character will have it even worse.
He gets no attention anyways, just let him samefag until he gets tired and leaves
Is Mibibi the Ayaka of ZZZ??
Child... erotic...
I'm trying to understand what is it that players complained about regarding her design that they felt like they had to mention her specifically when talking about model improvements.
wtf I love Lucy now
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Caesarbros I can't wait for tomorrow
Considering how little posts there are in general in that forum yea those 4 speak a lot
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The far apart eyes that's it
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We need to riot about ult before it's too late even genshin is trying to move away from EQ spam
her ears look weird
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Honestly her face just looks way different than her official art. Not that she's the only one with that problem but a lot of people are very invested in Miyabi.
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We just dont know.
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How many hours until caesar?
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She is already perfect.
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I hate miyabi schizos and lighter trannies
thats all
17, 75, 13, 10, maybe 19, maybe 68, maybe 25, maybe 6

Why would you say only two threads?
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im leaving feedback in the surveys to say DONT CHANGE MIYABI SHE ISNT BROKEN AND DOESNT NEED FIXING
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it's tonight
>insufferable anti-loli schizophrenic Janecoper
>keeps outing himself as a tourist femcel
>keeps trying to falseflag with Caesar
I don't feel sorry for him or his lack of self-awareness
Reminder Lighter is a manlet
eyes are too big it's not the separation as Zhu has the same amount of space between her eyes but she doesn't look bizarre
No she's ugly. Looks like she has downs
I suggest making a petition and starting a boycott.
Ideally on reddit.
8 hours or so
I feel like the game’s focus on synergy and teams will be to its detriment.
Like, I want to roll on Lighter, but I don’t have a team to slot him into so I probably won’t.
That's so weird though, I know people have been shitposting about this but is anyone actually bothered by it? I think they fit her slender design perfectly.
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So you don't hate anyone? How wholesome of you!
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She'll stoically get through.
And will say something about melons.
Skip banners until forma del Miyabi (short eyes).
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loli faction when
>So what happens if you can use 2 stupidly powerful ultimates all other things being equal? You one tap everything and the game balance collapses.
>New meta is stun, dps, dps because non stun supports just do not provide enough value to lose out on the 2nd ultimate.
What kind of take is this, from a "metaGOD"?
Ult multipliers are high across the board, hell Lucy's ultimate multiplier is close to Ellen
What kind of retarded """""metaGOD""""" would bring stun+dps+dps, when you cannot have two on-field dps? One would be a dead weight until you filled their db gauge for a single ult in a fight.
What you really would do as a """"metaGOD""" would be building up your support for DPS, so they can provide buffs for the on-field dps or debuffs for the enemy plus a huge chunk of damage with their ultimate while still keeping their value as supports.
Triple ultimates benefit the classical comp of stunner-dps-support the most.
I don't want to spam ults with all fucking characters, what were they thinking?
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>someone animated all this
I thought Soldier 11 was supposed to be good wtf? Did I brick myself by wanting her and then getting her randomly?
Now you fags better properly fill the surveys so shit like this doesn't happen again they clearly are seeing them
I thought maintenance was in an hour or so?
Milk and cum mixed together make a good snack
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it's tomorrow for yuropoors
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The ears could use some work
No, Ayaka still dances with her wet socks to assert dominance over gaijins and their inferior culture.
Mibibi is the Rapi of ZZZ.
more like Kusogi
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I thought they're against it lmao. It's literally like /zzz/.
you cannot outnumber china
She does not look like this at all in-game.
They were bothered enough to complain about in the survey
Yeah it’s her eyes size being so big they touch the border of her face that’s giving the wide illusion
it's crazy how inferior of a foxgirl miyabi is, why do her ears and face look so off?
>tv slop has to go
>let's make the combat more like genshin, the dying game, and the story more like hi3, the dead game
bravo hoyo
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>comes out in 1.4
>serious action girl instead of cute aristocrat
she's Jingliu
the pajeet qingyi pedo is mad at big daddy since he's never known what having a father is like. as expected.
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tingyun died so that homos like yanqing, daniel, and king juan could rise up
The maintenance is in about 3 and a half hours
It feels like it's just Genshin but less interesting really.
Team building with only 3 dudes and a heavy focus on the on field character doesn't make for a lot of creativity. They need to design much more interesting enemies that push the game mechanics hard for this game to feel like anything more than a light version of Genshin.
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Not all agents have a particularly powerful team passive, and even those who do don't require it in the current game state. I've been running Lycaon without any ice or VH teammates since release and the only hurdle for him is ice resistant enemies. If anything, that's what you want to build, a varied roster to cover different elements
I wanna McDonald’s gimme a McDonald’s I wanna cheeseborger with Big Mac sauce and nuggies with honey musty I wanna McDonald’s I’ll cry if I don’t get my McDonald’s
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>open game
>see this
>get hard
Meebers, we won. They're making her wider.
nta but what could mihoyo change that's not listed in that post?
only thing I can think about is better tutorials/info on how decibels are generated but that's clearly not what they meant in the dev notes
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What Burnice and/or Caesar teams can I make if I have S11, Ellen, Qingyi, Knot, Rina (C1) and all A-ranks except Seth?
First banner is on patch release, second is mid-day in your timezone. At least it's not like in genshin where the second banner releases late afternoon/early evening.
Based TV sloptards lost again.
Came for Lighter. Is there a pity system or a reroll? How f2p friendly is this gacha?
or am i better off saving pics of him
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ramen is better btw
yes you, lighter tranny
>Jane's mission successfully prevented me from deleting the game
Fucking chinks it's their fucking fault
Just use Piper bro
how do I trigger distortion?
Bribing Enzo to make an onahole module for Qingyi
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Unfortunately persuasive and I'm a tvfag.
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>regular cool looking dude
Piper, Burnice, Caesar?
Chinkoids want to log on their phone play genshin close open star rail close it and open zzz then close it in 30 minutes time remember this is a phone game for 16 year old chinks
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Why is Mihoyo hellbent on powercreeping units with the same element/class instead of filling the holes of their fucking element/class.

Are they stupid bitches?
I know it's not ZZZ but in Genshin it was chinks who doxxed and threatened to kill the devs for trying to nerf the most overpowered busted character who is also a jesus gary stu homo in the story
s11/burnice/lucy... monofire maybe?
>Chinks are celebrating the tv getting deleted
Bunch of soulless fucks
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god I hope this game doesn't have HSR powercreep, I miss my wonderful wife being useful
Because not everybody has all standard units.
It's ok to powercreep standard units.
That's what they do (or did) at Genshin, yes
Rerolls are possible but also very tedious, not recommended
There's a pity system, but hard guaranteed pity is 180 rolls (you have a guaranteed S Rank at 90, but it's 50/50 between the banner limited and a standard S Rank)
F2P drip is pretty sparce but between the 1.0 / 1.1 / 1.2 and first half of 1.3 (Lighter is like in 2 months), you should have more than enough if you don't fall for FOMO
cope tvcuck
>why not delete all garbage quests of exploration?
True and real.
90% of exploration comissions are fucking garbage
Burnice doesnt need much field time, Ceasar can buil her shield and buff, then switch to Piper and spin to win
Japs have shit taste
tu peux mettre deux camions poubelles entre les yeux de Miyabi
When is the 1.3 beta gonna start?
TV segments were too wordy, but otherwise I thought it was a cute way to convey the work of a Proxy.
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I don't get it either, she's peak evolution
50/50 on first S rank, the you ge them on your next S rank. You will get Lighter if you pool til he releases.
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>make a gacha game
>make people spend thousands for character
>you can't even use them aside from a few mins in combat
>walks in TV all day
TV would never work after Genshin and HSR you can't go back to jpg collector mode after that
No dedicated reroll, and it's not worth it to reroll accounts. Fairly f2p friendly, there is a pity that averages to around 80 pulls per S-rank not counting luckshitting, every patch gives ~100 pulls and there is a bunch of permanent content rewards from 1.0 and 1.1. If you want to get 1 in 2 characters you'll probably be able to get them, if you want to collect 'em all don't even bother.
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>He knows zzz will end like genshin/hi3 cameramans
>Tv schizos still going at it
>All the wholesome Caesar discussion gets buried.
Absolute faggotry
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Go play westernslop then
>you can’t even use them aside from a few mins in combat
isn’t that how most gachas work?
Fufu love
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>after acquiring Ceasar/Burnice, proxies can freely swtich to them and explore the city and other areas, allowing this with any contracted agent

why do you have to pull Ceasar to enable this feature?
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Holy fucking based, literally pic related right now
Tvs should change into holograms
Classic good idea bad execution.
If it were more free (not getting stopped every 5 secs), tthe dialogue was shown in the bottom (seriously who the fucks put dialogue on the UPPER RIGHT CORNER) and it had a dialogue log it would have been fine.
faster animation was a given but TV mode in story has way deeper problems.
>had plenty of opportunities to fix tv after numerous beta test phases
>barely bothered to fix anything about it
>release game
>shocked pikachu face at player fall off
>promises to bring numerous improvements to tv
>actually nvm lets delete it
don't care much about the tv but this dev team is funny
>genshin player
>spending thousands on gacha
>having a melty when other people aren't forced to see his expensive character and people can complete the game without needing to spend as much as him on p2w characters

honestly just kys and fuck off back to your game
I'm still 40 pulls from pity Jane but I'm running out of cheap pulls I could try to bang my head against some of the defenses I havent S'd but I'm not at my desktop and play half as well on my phone why are there no codes to redeem this isn't fair I thought I still had a day

Where can I get 6400 poly FAST without money
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We have guess who can't reply properly or know how to do greentext lurking here. Say hi to them and ask them to kill themselves
Because they haven't implemented it for the other characters yet retard, it'll come in 1.4.
In this case everyone has to say on the surveys to not make belle/wise less relevant and they will listen
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Post your favorite pokemon and zzz
Slyveon and Ellen Joe
most gacha aren't mihoyo they have genshin and hsr, so there's some minimum standard people expect
I don't mind the text and animations in hollow zero cause you can speed shit up and skip them fast, during story sections the characters should just talk over the gameplay instead of interrupting it
Is not easy to fix this shit retard, is not like the compiler has a "fix this feature" button.
It's way easier to rewrite the whole story than remake the whole game.
>missing the point
>Diluc is the best standard DPS
>is a pyro
>6 elements
>of the five dps in 1.0 2 were pyro
it took two years to get a Geo dps
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wtf bro you gonna die...?
Tvs are good, but they fucked up by making the early ones a ducking slog and not creative at all.
>they haven't added it yet
>they will add it in 6 months
that's such fucking kikery holy shit lmao, only enabling a feature for the limited time current 5 star and telling everyone else to get fucked is so shit
forgot to quote >>495823107
They should add auto battle and it's perfect
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>can complete the game without needing to spend as much as him on p2w characters
I'm never pulling homos like Wormhaitham and Fagvillette, and I can NOT complete the Abyss with just my favorites like Ganyu, Shenhe, Yae Miko, Hu Tao, etc.
>Kazuma is cooler than generic office lady
So when are we getting an Ether stunner/anomoly so my Zhu can come out of the closet?
you need to kill yourself dumb nigger
wow seethe
lickitung and nicole
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Do (You) have your rolling plans ready bros?
Gardevoir my love, Ellen my wife
idol group
nta too but nothing that was said there is relevant, character damage and enemy hp going up is not a matter of "if" but "when" since currently the game already had people popping enemies with zhu or jane
more ults being allowed just opens up for more skill expression that isn't "just ult with dps lol" and even allows the devs to put effects on ults for supports and shit instead of making every ult in the game a 4000% damage nuke even for characters that don't build damage and you would still feel good to use
why the fuck did you not roll Qingyi
because theres 5 elements and 3 classes
15 unique roles and half of them are filled already
with this few archetypes the same element/role powercreep is bound to happen and fast
if they did all the missing ones first then we’d just have same element/role powercreep until EoS
If you think this is bad you should see the other Hoyo games.
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>phone poster
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damn, the gacha is not for me then. I'll just collect stuff because I saw a cool design
I wasn't playing the game when Qing was available, and I started playing by purchasing an account with Zhu
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>tfw consistently 36 starring abyss with all female team of characters I like lately
>nahida nilou yaoyao kokomi / arlecchino fischl beidou chevreuse
>dont need to resort to homos
Erm what the sigma defender anomaly support and attack are not three
He's probably a normal person
agent trust events
arcade achievements
hollow zero achievements
paw mascot

probably not gonna make it though
>cherry picks and skips some posts while leaving the fact that is post #8
Anti TV tards are low IQ even in their attempt to present a false angle.
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False advertising
It's so weird that they frontloaded their best designs. Section 6, Lighter and the lolis are going to be a few patches of bombs in a row
same. No idea what Marchbro is smoking
got everyone before la rata
gave la rata a flip and lost it
getting Caesar and Burnice, skipping Lighter
not sure about Yanagi, depends on her synergy with my current units
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MC is evolving into a camera
you might be retarded
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Should we be worried about Hoyo's new project?
Should be very good yes
>"s-so uh we gonna shit on our own game"
>will skip
>will skip
ether corruption takes on many forms
cope tvcuck you lost devs listened
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>No more tv bullshit on Hollow zero, meaning I can now do my weekly misisons without wanting to kill myself
Pure bliss
FUCK you Lighter is rad
It's not furfag hours kill yourself tranny retard.
>He doesn't know
It triggers something for people like me where when I look at the model's face and feel like something is wrong. Everything else is fine, but if I set her up as wallpaper it would bother me. Wallpaper might end up being shit anyway but some people are more obsessed about savoring looking at their character models and will whine about that issue being a disservice.
>get Caesar
>get Yanagi
>get Miyabi
The plan is to win all coinflips.
Last time I tried Abyss was around the time Furina came out and I basically did no damage to the enemies. I haven't played the game since then, it's fucking bullshit. I'm happy getting full stars in HSR endgame modes now. Never going back to that wormed faggot game.
But why do I need to hide it. I really thought they were all against the change when majority of them don't really care.
Just talked to Dawei
TV is saved
no need to thank me
OBOL Squad will save us
>bodysuit sexo with Trigger
>cute and funny with Orpheus & Ghostfire
>/m/ pandering with Seed
I’m happy with S6 being lame so I can get a couple patches to save
Can you clear theater without homos? It requires so many characters....
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>won 50/50, got her within 10 pulls
>won 50/50 got her in 50 pulls
>planning to win 50/50
>planning to win 50/50
Eyes too small and close to the sides of her face, looks weird
based ellen chad
Why do they want to turn this instead a generic clickfest? TV has the most interesting and novel mechanics in the game.
But...you guys told me that Grace is trash...
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>rolled ellen
>lost and got rina'd
>rolled zhu, got zhu
>rolled qingyi
>lost and got S11'd
>rolled jane, got jane
>will roll for caesar
>will roll for burnice
>will skip lighter
>will skip yanagi
>will roll miyabi
all in on the bobatea penguin
Will Miyabi work with Jane or Zhu they're the only good characters I have
the idols are excellent and i only vaguely want to fuck them
>i cant clear the red missions because i can't keep up with the fucking twitch reflexes the game wants from you
just burnice for now, probably miyabi unless she really is an ice attacker, all in on idols and any other still unrevealed loli, skip all homos and hags
its easy as fuck
the tutorials are the problem
let me mash through dialogue faster
I also dont need the camera to pan over and highlight a block that obviously needs to be pushed then the button it obviously needs to be pushed into
give me the option to 4x speed or even skip those parts
none of the puzzles are even close to hard enough to warrant this amount of handholding
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Looks mixed to me, they know corridor sloppa will kill the game + phaeton being a hi3/genshin cameraman now
How do I make Grace work. It feels like she contributes nothing when I use her. Is Anton the cause of this?
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ermm how do i make him fuck off? i cant do my dailies
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>"everyone that likes a character I don't like is not normal"
Her new model has different eyes, that one is a lot closer to fine
>skipped shork
>pulled Zhu
>skipped carpal tunnel
>pulled rrat
>skipping caesar
>pulling Burnie
>pulling Yanagi
>waiting for Lighter gameplay but probably will give him a 50/50 at least
>pulling Mibibi
>hard skip Homomasa
your tears are delicious tvcuck
I wouldn’t mind Hollow Zero to have like a mode like the Skull Cavern in Stardew Valley. There needs to be more items to balance out healing pressure and mini games added to it. Also it could be a good whale mode where you need C6 characters when you get really really deep that don’t offer any rewards.
Pick one:
>Subhuman CC niggers
>Their rabid animals as audience
>Tiktokbrain Zoomers
Hoyo needs to sponsor blue sechi to make another chibi for my KING and Burnice right now or else...
>got ellen
>skipped zhu
>got qingyi
>skipped rrat
>can't decide to use my guarantee on caesar or just wait for my belove burnice
.Makes up his own strawman to defend his cherry picking
Thats like if we took your posts and said everyone in the west hates TV
you can do that daily in lumina square, it has an old lady instead of a dog
What do people mean by "50/50"
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In HI3 the whoever the pov character is is still a character in the story.
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>zoomertroon twitter lingo meme
>vandalized OP
Chinese no want work hard after 14 hour shift
Personally, i like the current decibel system.
It keeps combat flowing way better, i want to play the game, don't watch fucking cutscenes.
It will be okay if they make ults animation skippable and cancelable but i rather they keep the current balance of the game instead because its a very huge change and im 99% sure they are going to fuck up the balance.
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>Ellen Joe
I may have an aesthetic.
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i dont play theater its not fun
go to the news stand in lumina square
>MC is becoming a camera
>if you want any other avatar you have to spend money on Ceasar to win a 50/50 coin toss

so why do people say they listen to players?
Burnice and Yanagi
I'm going all in on anomaly so I'll be getting Burnice's weapon too
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Knot's ball should be good on Chinky, right?
modern genshin is entirely balanced around Neuvillette, if you don't have him it's pretty much impossible to get past even just the 11th floor, let alone the 12th
It's true though, 90% of people hate it despite your botted polls. Take your meds already retard.
Ben Bigger
It's not a good fit for a gacha is all. They can't make proper use of the system otherwise too many would get filtered by puzzles, and dungeon crawler are too niche anyways.
I'm ultimately ok with them removing it, i enjoyed it while it lasted and at least they gave it a try. At the very least whenever i stop playing this slop. i will fondly remember the prophecy and that's good enough.
you have a 50% chance of getting the uprate S-rank character
>MC is becoming a camera
LMAO another tvcuck bites the dust
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skill issue
I dont own a single 5* con or sig
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>plays a game that has furries
>complains when they meet one
Anon are you retarded?
>if you want any other avatar you have to spend money on Ceasar to win a 50/50 coin toss
When you get to pity on limited banner you have a 50% chance of getting the limited s rank and a 50% chance of getting a standard s rank. If you lose a 50/50 then the next pity guarantees you the limited s rank, but that's little consolation to the 80 pulls you just wasted on c3 wolf man.
MC has no role in the story/gameplay now
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>Do (You) have your rolling plans ready bros?
my rolling plans are roll for every limited female
might have to roll for lighter too, since he's voice by LUKEGAWD
my luck hasn't failed me yet (except when it did)
Post more robutts
Why did they change her? She was perfectly fine in the beta.
They actually improved it a a great deal between CBT2->CBT3->launch they made it take less time in general each time but they really wanted it to work.
mihoyo please... let her out of jail before sneedzaya
>/zzz/ is now worse than /gig/
that's it, i'm going back
burnice fucking when
No, Dawei using Mihoyo's profits to create new honkai games just to put new Himeko clones in them is pretty much part of the company's culture.
you wish, we are talking about gameplay here not irrelevant fucking schizo stuff
literal schizo
don't reply
Mindbroken by male GODS
>started playing on jane, pulled
>more than 1 idol but realistically not all of them
>one or more obol
thats because /gig/ is here
do weeklies now (hz, hunt) or wait for update?
She reminds me of my ex th-girlfriend, posting Ellen hurts like hell to me.
Simulanka really mindbroke people holy hell
I shoved a tv up my ass
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After Miyabi we still have Colonel Vike and the rest of the voidhunters to look forward to thoughever
>they have to jew everyone out of money by locking the avatar swapping feature to the 5 star
why can't they just enable it for everyone you own? the models are there, the animations are there, holy fuck this is so stupid and transparently money grubbing
exactly as said, the devs mentioned they're adding a feature in 1.2 here you can swap wise/belle out with agents but it's locked to ceasar/burnice pulls unlocking the feature

so good luck if you don't get one of them lol!
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YulerGOD I kneel
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Only one more hour until Jane's slow ass banner stops killing the game
wheres your noobvillette?? >>495824553
anons forgot the whole TV gimmick is locked to phaeton, without TV, phaeton are both useless now. Look how Calydon fix everything without phaeton's help (just like in the jane's main story interlude).
Isn't the MC in current system basically a camera already? They're not even in the action, they just watch things via Nous, they don't even leave their home
>Luke posters
Get the FUCK out of my general and go back to /fgg/
They are dead, Jim.
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He broke you.
(You) need to work harder for those dopamine hits.
I can assure you none of those characters are C0R0
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I DON'T roll for sidegrades.

I didn't roll for Anbys sidegrade.
I wont roll for Grace sidegrade.
I wont roll for Koleda sidegrade.
you control things via the TV whcih gives you some agency and thematic storytelling
as opposed to the new system where the TV is being removed and they're adding an autocomplete button to TV sections where fairy does it for you
technically yes, but at the very least they interact with the characters inside of the hollow.
Stop deadnaming her, her name is now >>495818994
Is the Pajeet Pedo still crying?
We literally can see the MC with Billy in the 1.2 story trailer preview, no?
>I DON'T roll for sidegrades.
Lingshabros?? we're getting BTFO
dead as fuck CN Raiden is voicing Yanagi
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>since he's voice by LUKEGAWD
Holy fucking BASED.
forgot to quote >>495823107
just be yourself
Get sandplapped
The multilevel irony of this post

>>495824543 >>495824740 >>495824879
he killed the game
Why would that stop? I remember the Paethon and Fairy talking in Rally mission, and the interactions with characters in the Belobog arc
>I suck at baby tier action games reee, please make more toddler puzzle TV gameplay for me
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To be honest I didn't actually think there was anything wrong with mibibi, the w i d e memes were just in good fun
Brother... they obviously don't have slow walk animations for every single character, be fucking patient.
Is it okay to skip the entire Section 6 characters because I don't like any of their design?
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i got ellen and zhu and rat
no chingyi and im skipping all except maybe lighter he's cool. id also like to get the robot idol girl whenever shes out
>Superconduct Eula
this is a shitpost btw
it's surprising because it's still littered with text inserts that block your progress, fast forward that untoggles itself, and transition animation that take too much time. Best moment for the tv for me was just doing the abyss. Barely any interruptions, just crawl
so any bets how long until raiders leave the thread?
Is Caesar out yet
Yes. Not only is Jane guaranteed to surpass flopcop when Caesar drops and more people update their rng data, but also flopcop was confirmed to be powercrept by Lighter. He's going to keep this up for weeks, it's so pathetic.
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He killed the game for you aka mindbroke you
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>they don't have this
then fucking hold back on the feature till you have parity or just make them?
it's just transparent kikery to lock it behind a 5 star pull
The CN VA scene is actually kinda small and the same VA may voice several characters in Mihoyo games.
It will get worse tomorrow.
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>hes hard coping now
Source: your ass.
Yes but the banner image is bugged. Just start rolling now and you'll get Caesar
Fuck off seriously
ellen is a soukaku sidegrade
jane is a piper downgrade
caesar is a seth sidegrade
burnice is a lucy downgrade

zhu is the only character you couldn't afford to skip
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No, you help agents to survive in hollow zero, already explained in chapter one and the golden week event.
I'm not surprised, because hollow zero filtered the AHDH zzzzoomers
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>qingyi M1W1
>skipped uggo
>will roll on caesar for piper dupes
>rolling burnice
As opposed to? And dont say hyperbloom where she does nothing and nahida and kuki do all the work
Is the current HSR banner a good deal for newcomers...
3(+5) HOURS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hard to do that when i dont play the game
who else do they voice in genshin?
ok thanks I have enough for pity
you sure?
who cares no ones playing this for wise or belle
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Zhu is a Nicole sidegrade.
Don't forget
>he does it for free
yeah, feixiao is broken as shit even with a full 4* team and robin is the best bennett sidegrade in the game
>Just as Jan’s stumpy Bangboo foot steps through the door
who? what?
You should probably ask on their general bwo
this chinaman speaks the truth
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I've rolled for every limited and will pause after burnice. Yes, I'm partially funding the chinese nuclear power plants and missiles pointing at taiwan.
They don't normally enter Hollow Zero you retarded schizo. Talk about ADHD zoomers.
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I am your upgrade
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Mareanie. Piper.
Get Feixiao and Robin if it's those that are still up
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I don't feel anything toward him apart from thinking he's based for giving us free rolls. I still get to use the radish regardless
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Remember to roll for Robin
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Deranged chumbuds vandalising her face for the first few days after release was painful to watch, but after MibibiGODS reclaimed the meme wideposting became the best part of these threads
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>61 6 5
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>bad character design
no thanks
I was gonna skip Caesar but now you're tempting me with Piper
Yeah, Feixiao + March + Robin is the godcomp for FuA and Kafka + Black swan is the godcomp for DoT
spicy meme pal, too bad nicole does absolutely zero damage
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I love my fox wife.
ok thanks a lot
zenless zone zero
But they don't go in there, they go via Nous
Nearly everything story related that needs the Paethon in the hollow has them there as Nous watching the events via Nous (and we the players still watch all the shit from 3rd person anyway)
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Changing the slop tv gameplay doesn't mean removing the HDD system and Eous from the lore you FUCKING RETARDS
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>(like Hoshimi Miyabi)
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we are SO back!
dot is a meme, get the fuck out with that powercrept trash
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Wait a minute Gensisters? HSRetards? Is this a crossover episode
kys genshitter
typical soulles chink behaviour, gooks are way better game devs and its not even funny
More like
>sent by Kuro Games to shit up /zzz/
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I eliminated 6 mosquitoes today
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How will miyabi shitters cope knowing their ugly waifu wont be so fucking ugly anymore.
>165 cm
key woy is interact, not talk.
it gives a reason for the MC to be useful, otherwise a hollow is just a normal battleground.
it was interesting for the MC to not be combatants but be equally as important gameplay and narrative wise.
Now the gameplay is basically all on the agents and if the mc proxies do something it will be very limited.
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My Nicole does damage and is heckin valid you take that make
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Fox Love
yes, they are here as their games are dead
I will allow it
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Any Agents for this feel?
Do Nikkucks really?
will see how burnice vs yanagi fairs, and if the game will survive past 1.4. otherwise will just move on from yet another hoyo slop game
if /gig/ wasn't infested by unironic femcels and /hig/ by rabid yuritrannies I'd entertain the idea of a /hoyo/ general
Thank you, mayor of /zzz/.
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Unfortunately the dev team is spineless and removed her soul because of your playing around. I hope you're happy
nikke peaked with bikini anis
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Fox Life
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I'm probably just going to roll until I start getting close to soft pity then quit, hopefully picking up piper dupes and being able to carry the pity tally over to burnice
How will the coffee work with the excess 2400 battery reserves? Will it just be added to the reserves if you have your 240 battery maxed? I didn't watch the program
We LITERALLY don't know that, there is no point or reason in changing the interactions
>there are "people" who unironically play this slop
void hunter Sid the sloth is not SOUL, she's just a fucking DOGSHIT design
Yes, get Robin ASAP, one of the most versatile units in the game. Depending on if you like how FUA or DoT teams work you might also want Feixiao or Kafka+Black Swan respectively, Feixiao is especially good for a newbie because she has a really good welfare subdps in March (hunt), Robin is her best in slot support and her other BiS teammates Topaz and Aventurine are rerunning soon.
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I have 332 saved pulls

I AM going to get Caesar
I AM going to get Burnice
I AM going to get Yanagi
I AM going to get Miyabi
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That's fine. I skipped all of the cops because I didn't like any of their designs.
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It's time for you to be honest.
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I totally abandoned dot when the ipc fua team picked up, fua is way more fun (also I can use yunli on one of my teams instead of depending on hags)
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The damage is done, this is the future for cameraeton, the based black screens.
Are they going to make Wise/Belle a playable combat agent or is their only plot relevance now going to be as an NPC bangboo running around next to your agents?
Fairy is also literally useless now despite being set up to be a massive plot point.
What a retarded fucking change to completely remove the ONLY thing that gives the MCs any feeling of agency or impact on the story.
This character art sort of helped me understand what they were going for in terms of her appeal. Tiny cutesy face, etc. Still not really my thing but I can respect it.
Seriously though, bake a poll
caesar is a reddit coded character
is a fox thiren better or worse at sex than a human?
depends if they have a tail or not
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Please roll for Lingsher too
umm 90 x 4 is 360!
Yes I rolled Jane Doe and yes I only peed my pants once this week
Yanagi and Lighter on 1.3 and everyone else on 1.4, they probably will add Jane on 1.3 too
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I can't wait to roll my entire stash for Miyabi.
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New poll baked.
Not really.
Thankfully hater schizo switched to something else, at first he had a melty literally every time Miyabi was posted.
When is her banner out?
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/zzz/ is this real?
your coffee battery will still go to your 240 battery, so you'll be at like 300/240 and start charging the reserve until you drop below 240
To be fair, Fairy has always been utterly useless in gameplay sense
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>uggo rat background gone
>kino SoC background in
goodtastebros we won
Finally you can goon to your character in the overworld. Should've implemented that from the very start rather than fixate on immersion. It's going to be a pain for them with each model being unique though apparently.
better if you can stand the smell
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anon, TV mode is the way to interact and make Proxies valuable without them being combat oriented.
Sure they can go meet them the agents but that's just text driven story, NOT gameplay.
Now the gameplay falls entirely on the agents.
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yes... ill touch your tail
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Foxes are whores by nature
If the combat turns into ult spam, I will quit
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Zzz drones are such contrarians.
Now everyone is going to pretend as if her eyes weren't a big issue at all.
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The launcher... reclaimed and cleansed...
Well at least they said more hangout stuff for agents I guess
I have her card in Koikatsu
Why do the 3D artists have such a hard time translating the character art into the playable version? It's not as bad in Genshin and barely noticeable in HSR.
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>look up Caesar arts
>only a handful of them have her with a prosthetic arm
put it on the survey bro.
there's a 000001% chance they will listen
>skipped the rat because of her ugly face
>now I really, really need max dupe Piper to make up for it for my calydon team options
which deity do I pray to
do you think the silent majority of normalfags on reddit will get redpilled about the homofujo question after witnessing their constant melties in the last few days? or maybe they are too domesticated for that?
>not getting stopped every 5 secs
this will continue to happen, just in 3rd person mode
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Idk you should ask more often, maybe someone knows.
>shark: wasn't playing
>zhu: early m1
>qingyi: m0 lost 50/50 to koleda
>rrat: m0 deep soft pity. got knotted chasing wengine
>caesar: pulling for a single piper to m6 her and copies for anton for cope lightning dps
>burnice: pulling for lucy mindscapes
>yanagi: depends if i get burnice or not
>lighter: skip
>haramusa: hard skip
>miyabi: pull
>big daddy and cheeto: depends on kit
>robo idols: absolute must pull
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Did devs stop censoring their female designs?
probably not, all the official art and previous versions had white pupils.
it's important for her lover (me) to look into her eyes. maybe i get lost in them and draw a map or something.
Hoshimi Miyabi unsheathes your dick professionally and her ult activates Judgement Cum (three times in a row with the ult rework)
Obviously not?
They will change her face to look more like her 2D artwork while not looking weird and not change her to a completely different person.
I'm expecting the Miyabi touch-up to move her eyes two millimeters closer to each other
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I'm tired of these games always showing off prosthetic arms and legs.

When are they going to have the balls to just show off a cripple without any bullshit "ITS LIKE AN ACTUAL ARM BUT DIFFERENT COLORED".
[SAD NEWS] The game will effectively be over for you in 1.4
there's nothing wrong with miyabi's eyes...
>A populist is reddit by nature
Read a fucking book
The TV itself has no unique value for that, you can still have interactions and conversations like we already do in Rallies
It's not like in TV segments we get text or dialogue choices in story when moving around, we mostly just follow the agents PNGs while the conversion happens top right
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lmao at the triggered replies
I guess ZZZ didn't filter the hoyotrannies hard enough. What else could they do next to filter them for good?
sex with (you) after the date?
Look, I like the TV as the other guy but by removing it you literally make the MC useless, using the Bamboo was literally their entire thing and now they're just gonna be a useless side character who can't fight.
If they make them playable this would be less horrible.
>poll schizo is back
goodbye thread quality
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shes at 90% of her power just at c1
He's the OP and half of other seething posts.
>What else could they do next to filter them for good?
Less MalexFemlae ships and real /u/ bait
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time to settle this bros
Honestly, I'm glad they removed TV Mode. Complete waste of time, hope they also eventually scrap it from commissions.
>corin answer
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Miyabi love!
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I want S6 team and that means Miyabi is must have. Realistically what are the chances Yanagi will work well with her since I'm definitely not rolling for fujomasa.
Why did they have to make the bow guy look like such a flaming faggot
if zzz isn't your only gacha game you should just leave and then kill yourself
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The companion exploration stuff is quite nice, though I don't know how deep they'll go with it. Seems unlikely they'd have a character-specific reaction for every like dumb city NPC convo. Maybe they could swing it just for side quests?
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Leaks of the new chapter 1 after the changes.
the chances are likely that she’ll be the first ice anomaly unit
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Watch her be a villain. Same haircolor as Nineveh and Colonel Vyke.
Yes but it has value??? TV mode IS gameplay and is the purpose of proxies, it gives a reason for them to exist.
again, interactions are NOT just conversations.
>we mostly just follow the agents PNGs while the conversion happens top right
the focus is still on the proxies until combat begins though, which is precisely my point.
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2D art is simply better than 3D
especially with anime
Kino. Kafkaesque, even.
I'll be honest, that's a shit cosplay.
Couldn't they buy proper pantyhose?
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>its 2026
>version 3 launch event tomorrow
>you check /zzz/ for news
>its just 600 posts of shipart, schizowars, and salesposting the latest male banners
>boot up the game instead
>maybe you will S clear shiyu 8 today
>launch 3 ults back to back to back to enter stun phase, hit Miyabi’s E to trigger ult refresh skill, ult 3 more times
>still cant clear in time because you didnt roll the latest S rank male character
>close game
>preload new Hoyo animal crossing gacha
What's a question?
Miyabi literally looks fine
I could almost regret not using the launcher
If she is indeed ice anomaly, or ether anomaly, Miyabi will be one of the best in slot teammates for Yanagi because of her alleged disorder buffs
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Impossible, but yes, they killed the whole phaeton gimmick
3d modelers are often more engineers than artists.
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>Can have prostethic arm thanks to futuristic tech
>Hurrr why don't they just have a stump despite having no reason to!
Even more hilarious when you frame it as "the courage to ____"
kek they do be like that
They're going to make miyabi sovlless... it's over...
>mibibi also has a prosthetic arm
did Cheon Yeo-Woon visit the ZZZ universe at one point or something
yes, memes have too much power
ETA until we cross the Rubicon?
Which female character he will ruin?
it won't happen, that would make 4pc puffer electro completely broken
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Yeah? Whatcha gonna do about it?
The MC doesn't matter anymore. It's all about the agents now.
Get Caesar, skip Burnice.
I guess in the long term skip Section 6, skip idols, roll furry tits, maybe roll Obol.
Other then that I'm just playing it by ear.
>taller than Ceasar in the promos
I'll believe it when I see it
The point is that most people don't like doing that. It's gameplay but has zero real value, it could've been fully automatic and it would have been the same. It's there just to give you an excuse as a player to "play" it.
If the important part are the interactions and conversations, then those can still exist as we already see in Rally commissions.
They said they're still going to use TVslop, just less of it, while also trying to make it better. This should make everyone happy unless you absolutely need to have it for every damn mission (like it was before)
every single female NPC standing around Lumina Square or our home street
>fairy is useless now
fairy is now the "do it for me" button for all the TV puzzles so that's her job now
Feels like the devs are kowtowing to the vast public which in turn will slowly make this game more and more of a homogenous gray product that is meant to be enjoyed by the lowest common denominator and will have no unique identity or vision, even for a gacha game.
I understand wanting to DEVS LISTENED but there's also a level of artistic discipline required to fulfill a vision. Making something that appeals to everyone is making something that appeals to no one i.e. has no appeal.
7 hours until we ride bro. Caesar said something about the senate, should be good
Burnice or Pulchra.
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Be 100% real with me bros
How likely is the chance that Big Daddy becomes playable?
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Someone answer me??
>complaining and make huge doomposts about the game situation
>still in the MHY cage anyway, just in a new game
Scarily realistic
0. I'm being serious.
Having dropped Genshit in 2.5, I think my level of tolerance for dev bullshit has plummeted. What change would it take for you to immediately drop ZZZ? My non negotiables are consecutive male S rank banners, Autoplay mode, and crossovers
Mibibi knows what you've been saying about her in /zzz/...

Looks like a normal dude honestly
>Octopath has a gacha
How is it?
I think the devs are kowtowing to
>gacha addicts and whales
>content creators
like any live service game eventually does
for some reason every developer treats CCs like they're gods
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Well. Okay. I would rather not have yet another disorder meme team though, it's all I have.
It was always just shitposting.
No more TV for story
Ok but that also means no story for event? Skipped the question meaning that yes, they will also stop making events after 1.2
Ok but what about HZ? Oh huh, let me talk about this long promised combat only roguelite mode instead, now coming in 1.4+
They weren't subtle, TV is pretty much gone from the equation.
based and real
he'll never show up anywhere as long as you don't roll for him lol
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I dont have high expectations, but I hope he is playable
Literally has always been, we never had control over Fairy and if you were retarded enough and failed a lot of times she would just complete the shit for you
Yeah the game is out already so they don't need to it anymore look based on the thighs and butt physicsc cleavage and bait trailers
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>I'm being serious
Lying is wrong, you know
The game is likely their most expensive to produce besides Genshin, and needs a high return to be justified. Being a niche product won't meet internal expectations

Less than 20%
noone wants ugly playable thirens, you may think you want it but you don't and you know its true
Lets' be honest, changes like this were never going to be nice for everyone.
What i want is to keep it consistent so at least people know what they are in for.
For me, i honestly don't care, the other changes were so good that i would prefer they keep listening to the surveys.
he already does bro...
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Removing TV, making the MCs useless story wise, and making the combat just based on ult spam.
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Koleda and Ben are missing an eye, Lycaon his legs, Corin seems to have been maimed at some point, Caeser and mibibi are missing an arm, Qingyi has detachable limbs, this is starting to get very consistent
notice how the TV shit eaters never responded to this because they cant
>zzz isn't the open world game
>no kino motorbike world exploration with your hot biker babes
I weep
How the dialogue is handled was awful. Not only is it hidden in the corner of the screen but you can never tell how long dialogue is supposed to last so either you're risking the dialogue being lost by walking one screen further than they expected you to or you're just standing still waiting for dialogue to end, and even with that last one sometimes the dialogue just decides to skip itself.
Miss Yun is so pretty
I regret skipping Ellen Joe
I regret skipping Zhu Yuan
I regret skipping Chinky
I regret skipping Jane Doe
Caesar King is coming home at least...
Why do they always have red mascara?
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We love twinks here
I can understand an expensive product requiring a high return of investment. You can make an accessible game with wide reach and still sustain a vision though. It's a must.
iirc they're adding a minigame at least
I fail alot on purpose because fairy being condescending to me is hot
thsi right here is all the proof you need this shit is genshitters invading the general to try to force other games to be like theirs
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>they will also stop making events after 1.2
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>What change would it take for you to immediately drop ZZZ?
One more MalexFemale shipbait after JanexSethe and I'' drop the game immediately
>Autoplay mode,
Give me Autobattle for most content, please. The combat is dogshit and Im tired of pretending it isn't
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>TV Mode should be improved, not abandoned!

>Just reduce the animations, remove all the parts where you lose control, speed up the sequences, add something to make it fun
>Just remove literally everything about the mode because it doesnt really have any redeeming features!
>stopped making character music video
>will be removing tvs
the signs are on the wall, The finance department is cracking down on the team.
why the fuck are you even playing? just uninstall the game and go do literally anything fucking else. this is the most retarded thing ive read in the past month
Don't worry Mibibi, with your eyes so far away from each other, at least you can witness these great tits in their full beauty

>crossover-hating chad
Based. They suck and they're always very poorly integrated into the main game. One of the rhythm games I used to play had a crossovers and anime collabs every couple months to the point where it felt like you're no longer playing an actual game but merely a means by which you're being shilled something else

I mean yeah sure the game could use some kickass men instead of twinks but he doesn't seem that bad to me
Less than 30 mins bwos
between this and caesar/burnice's razor thin chin + bug eyes (fixed?), they should spent 1% of their millions of dollars into just handcrafting a new model for each character rather than painting on details onto the same doll and only changing the boob/thigh size.

They all look kinda off if you look at them for too long.
her outfit is so ugly
skin when
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>exposing yourself as a newfag
>said no one
Is the 80 energy coffee this patch or is that a later one
It's ok, you now get to use eight niggas in a row rather than four, skills are more impactful compared to the main game, however the passives are fixed. There's an overarching story and it's pretty ok, and the characters are competently written.
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>has technology for prosthetic arm cuz FUTURISTIC
>set up a VHS video store that people physically have to walk to rent despite blockbuster having beek bankrupted ages the fuck ago in the modern era for being obsolete
Can you call yourself a stupid bitch now?!?!
you've spent longer crying about tvs than you would have spent playing on them for the next 6 patches
>had THE perfect run in HZ 11/11
>out of all corruptions I could get the last one is Weakened
>just right before nineveh
Fuck this rng man
>Only took two match patches to add an event replay function, and even claim the rewards that aren't time-limited like HSR, something Genshit still doesn't have
Who is Caesar for? Jane wants the next two off field anomaly units.
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>Ellen: Skip
>Zhu: M6
>Qingyi: M1
>Rata: Skip
>Caesar: M1
>Baldnice: Skip
>Yanagi: Skip
>Lighter: Skip
>Harusoy: Skip
>Miyabi: M6

Simple as
Harsh, but true.
It works to pump the thread at least
>why the fuck are you even playing?
Why do you want to do that chore? every gacha should have an autobattle option
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Total TV death

Death to TV fags

Devs listened

TV cope and seethe
just pick shields buffs
yeah, until he becomes playable. then he'll fuck off forever like any of the other characters

>inb4 they give him away for free
Not sure what people going for the retro feel has to do with literal androids cyborgs, and power suits ingame
>The point is that most people don't like doing that.
define people, the fanbase is divided on two sides right now. No one is wrong imo is just preferences.
The important thing here is that proxies have a role and that role was defined by TV mode, for you it may be the same but that's you, other may prefer the proxies to be more involved in gameplay which is also a valid complain.
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If they actually replace TVs by just letting us control our Bangboo and guide the agents around the Hollow, that'd be a great way. Just have the player control the agent as soon as combat starts.
said everyone that defends that garbage mode. The only ones that wouldn't be saying genshit tier apologists who love toddler puzzles in tv slop. their only defense is making a wild accusation about "tv-haters" not being able to clear it even though those puzzles are almost sleep inducing.
the problem is exactly because they approach it that way, every model is custom instead of using a base like hsr and genshin so they end up having weird eccentricities that need to be ironed out
>seething at sethCHADGOD
7 out of all 19 resonia I have are shield buffs
But not less than I have played on them for the past two.
>it has zero real value
spoken like a mazed shitter who just wants to see his waifu's butt and gets anoyed when the jpeg he spend money on isn't on screen
Bwos I got some red radishes they're good af you want some
Wait, why do they let a cute high school girl work as a "maid" and do such dangerous things? isn't that endangerment?
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>going for the retro feel
They LITERALLY even have newspapers.

Imagine trying to say people not having prosthetics makes no sense in this games universe when we still have people riding fucking BIKES, reading newspapers and fucking VHS stores that they rent.

Now shut the FUCK up.
>zoomers hate shit like the bangboo arena
>only 19
Nigger wtf are you doing? You should have 40+
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Jesus Christ Genshin aged like milk. what a dogshit game
Chuuni retard.
Faggot in long fuck-me-boots.
Armored gauntlet.
A literal robot.
Rolled Ellen
Skipped ZY
Rolled QY
Skipped rat
Rolling Ceasar/Burnice
Skipping Yanagi/Lighter/Harumasa
Rolling Mibibi
Skipping Pulchra
Rolling Idols/Obol
no lol
You can make a stew with beef carrot onions parsley and radish it’s pretty good
I'm saying that we don't know how involved they will be, since the TV doesn't have any innate or unique value for it to be the only place they can get involved with.
That's literally just a rally commission. Getting rid of the TVs means getting rid of any creative or unique gameplay opportunities. The game is going to be corridor slop now. Actually worse than HSR's SU.
Fuck off moron I'm a Days Gone chad
delusional lol
So a stump is a fashion statement?
>I am so heckin different and crippled.
Lines up with the LGBTQ+#$@%GF mindset

Like how you ignored the android and power suit part btw. Just like you'll ignore the top part of this post
This thread is also trash
TV mode was never going to work because in order to make the gameplay engaging, you need to introduce failstates that mean anything, and real opportunities to approach that failstate. And you're doing this in a gacha game, where the average player is a 80iq retard. At least everyone can grasp their head around smashing basic attack until carpal tunnel fucks them at 22 years old
How often does maintenance end early? I really wanna roll before I go to bed…
I'm already fighting Nineveh that is all I could physically get.
Genshin is more popular globally though.
What are you on? Jane flirts so hard with your character in any bonding event. send ends up even in your fucking room at one point. Wise couldn't get any sleep from how loud Belle and Jane were smashing clams.
Rolled ellen, ZY, chinyi, jane
Skipping everyone until EOS
Its gameplay has no value in it. The other anon is correct about it being a good place for interactions, but again that's not unique to it.
just came here to say that yanagi is boring as fuck
>fucks them at 22 years old
>i'm already 23
heh... nothing personnel kid
meant for
YOU'RE boring as fuck
I remember when people said artstyle is forever and doesn't age.
Stupid bitches!

>So a stump is a fashion statement?
We literally have people in the Outer fucking Ring who know nothing about a fucking PIANO.
And treat it as some completely weird object.

Then you have them fucking teched out in prosthetic state of the art arms and shit.
Make it make sense, oh wait you can't because you're a dumb bitch.
Does Tencent pay these faggots to be here? 4 hours since I last checked the thread and the antiMiyabi schizo and janeshipschizo are still fucking posting
>Jane had her own theme song, two versions in fact, for her videos
>We haven't seen if Caesar will get a musical MV - But wasn't that an original song in the calydon video?
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I tried picking it up again for the new nation, but i just cant get past how it looks now. It looked great back when I started but now I cant stop comparing it to ZZZ and its age shows especially with the model proportions and limited model sizes for characters.
Not only that but I got appendicitis and a post surgical infection afterwards so every time I look at Mualani's orange brown skin I imagine the pain and discomfort I was in when I had those.
That game isn't live service....
So? Ellen also ends up in your room but you don't get to have sex. Belle is straight btw
don't engage with the anime retard please
tvcuckoldry is a mental illness
>What are you on?
lets not pretend they didn't shipbait the two. They knew what they were doing with all JabexSethe scenes
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I am sure they could come up with plenty of creative things to do in the 3d environment... thinking about it, they'd just turn it into a game like dungeon hack, just with the combat being ZZZ style.
Why are you even playing the game? Legit question.
New thread
your favourite rat belongs to big twink cock aka BTC
wow that means they know nothing despite literally going to New Eridu all the time for supplies.
not him but farming resource stages are boring and needs auto mode or sweep
Go look at Genshin if you want to see what gameplay opportunities await us.
We know if its full of corridors, their involvement will just be text and nothing to do with gameplay since the gameplay will be passed into the agents.
even if they say "Press this button to advance" it will still be up to the agent.
It's a huge change from having two gameplay sections to one.
why are you all so mentally ill?
The whole issue is that corridors for main story content are going to be infinitely more grueling and disengaging than TVs ever were
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>OMG we in the desert
>we know nothing about p-p-p-p-pian....p-p-piano?!?!
>we just some desert people we know nothings!!111

>Oh wait pls don't mind my high tech prosthetic arm that perfectly mimics a genuine human arm and is even more sophisticated that the ones used by the literal bangboo mechanic in 6th street or the noodle shop owner!!!!!
Shut the FUCK up.
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Dungeon crawlers and rougelikes are unfriendly to brainlets, there is definitely some truth to them never really being able to give us something genuinely interesting when they're aiming for the people who need the only interact-able object in the room splashed with yellow paint just to make sure they don't miss it. But that's all on them still trying to force the concept anyway, people were complaining in the beta, what did they expect
Jane fucks everyone including both mc and seth, simple as
>t. has never talked to Corin
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Big Daddy gave her a weapon made of etheric metal. He clearly has more funds than a poorfag fixing bangboos next to a vhs store.
Two characters being on screen together isn't shipbait you brain rotted clown
how many hours left
nah, you'll just get some cutscene like this >>495828008
Also paid very skilled people to train her.

Weird how
Why would I want to talk to fucking Corin?
That is how they interact already, and even reflects how things are actually happening inside the hollow. You're thinking about how you, as the player controlling Paethon, interacts with the agents. But that can be moved to other parts of gameplay and even outside of the hollow.
So you're using his thread this time?
Gacha players are retards and can't comprehend the concept of waiting for page 9/10
That only works when retards in other generals aren't having their daily meltdown and making 15 threads.
I dont think it'll work like genshits. Decibels probably wont accumulate off field unless the unit is doing off field damage , so if you want say Nicole ult you'll actually have to have her on field to build decibels.
Qingyi is an automaton, goober
Massive skill issues.
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>We will also add more enjoyable "TV mode" gameplay
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Honestly that is a fuck load of changes, and they're almost completely unrelated to the fuck load of good changes we're getting in a few hours (Save team comps, battery charge bank, more material farming, skip the tv on hollow zero, etc.)
I'm really enjoying the game as it is and have logged in every day for 72 days straight. So I'm honestly just really happy the devs are taking suggestions on board and improving the game in such a sweeping manner. A few of the TL:DR things are literally my suggestions.
>this is starting to get very consistent

Gee I wonder why the main characters would heavily feature permanently debilitating injuries and ailments in a post apocalyptic setting
thats every gacha in the market lmao look at wuwa it powercreeped as much as other games in a year first 2 months with jinshi
It makes sense a temporary limited character would be stronger than one you can get at anytime whenever
>They are fixing lock on.
theres people clearinf full 4*s and even an amber main channel clearing with amber solo lmao sounds like skill issue, i dont pull for males and im c0 r0-1, abyss is braindead easy and so is imaginarium, f2p you can archieve easily what this dude does in the worst character in the game
here is a 5.0 clear still using amber
100% a leaker already confirmed it
she's a fake loli
not really, as soon as you start playing the agents, patheon has no control over gameplay, only narrative.
interactions with gameplay is different on interactions on a narrative level, both can coexist but gameplay is the focus.
Its gameplay has value when it's used to drop dialogue lines while you're playing, unlike no TV at all where you're just standing in front of a voiceless npc babbling for way too long because they had to make up for the lack of content.

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