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Sorrowdark Edition

>NA /wowg/ guild
GLOBO FOMO - Moon Guard
>EU /wowg/ guild
Nerub Silkweaving Forum - Argent dawn

>WoWg community for NA

Prev: >>495812470
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>Hunter Narman says: Dawa! I must ask-
>Windsage Dawa says: Narman! I've brought you here to ask-
Dawa pauses for a moment in confusion and then laughs.
Narman errupts in laughter.
>Windsage Dawa says: Did we just?
>Hunter Narman says: We did. Want to get married?
>Windsage Dawa says: More than anything. I love you.
>Hunter Narman says: And I, you. More than anything
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Forgive me if this is dumb but does it matter what order you do these in? Some weeklies reward rare boxes and others epic? But according to the text it doesn't seem to matter
gay thread
only HIV positive posts below this line

It matters?
No they're unrelated.
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I'm already kind of bored. My sub is about to expire and I don't really have any goals for a resub. Video games just suck.

Sidenote, I REALLY fucking hate dealing with captcha, holy shit.
I literally have to race change to goblin or order to have enough Alchemy skill to transmute R1 mats to R2, otherwise the skill cap is 373 (need 375)
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>Wake up
>Can't be a dragon warrior
Running out of reasons to keep living bros
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sex was created by the old gods
dont do it, remain pure
>back to the horde vs alliance roots bait and switch- expansion
And now they do not even exist because of Dragonflight and cross faction updates.
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tfw WoW's Mythic+ population keeps shrinking
queues taking forever, dead key after dead key
blizz keeps pumping out new systems but nobody's running content
is this the end of pugging in M+?
miss the days when you could actually find a group without waiting 30 min
M+ is an outdated and badly designed system, the whole key shit has always been toxic and predatory and puts all the risk on one player for no reason. I haven't played since Legion and I'm genuinely shocked they never made it less awful.
>Delves give heroic gear like candy
Games dead, mother of all ripcords has been pulled: welfare gear
Mythic+ player base in WoW so low right now
Every week it feels like fewer and fewer people are running keys. Dungeon finder is dead, keys take forever to fill, and even people on LFG are just sitting around not doing anything. This game is hemorrhaging players and Blizzard doesn't seem to care. Fix scaling, fix loot, or just stop screwing up the entire M+ scene. Everyone's burning out because the reward system is trash compared to the effort.
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i personally have not set foot in a mythic dungeon yet because i don't like the selection of dungeons this season, i didn't bother looking into the new dungeon level and system changes so i don't understand them, and bountiful delves give good gear anyway.
Yeah, now they will rely on character numbers because how easy it is to gear your all alts and of course people will run m+ with their alts to try out things and flavour of the month shit.
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>like candy
>ive only found 2 maps over multiple characters
how about you le... fuck off??!
Uh, according to a reddit post, something like 5.3million were ran last week. Any idea how that compares to previous expansion first weeks?
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lmao its too easy niggas
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>nobody can find the thread because the retarded avatarfag used dog shit awful oc commissioned art that everyone has filtered
grim grim grim
>hasnt found 15 maps
>lucklet cries about it
sucks for you
eat shit i guess
This week's affix seems way harder than last week.
It was like 3.5 million in Dragonflight. It makes a lot of people angry, but M+ is actually the premier content in WoW right now. Just look at how much more popular M+ content is on youtube than raid stuff.
big boobs alert
wow tokens going through the roof post m+ season
this is unprecedented
no one is resubbing
people have quit
>it was like 3.5mil
Source: youranus
feel free to prove me wrong
>seen all the content
>no point in farming the dungeons
see you guys next patch!
>one shot all bosses up to Rashanan on HC
>everyone immediately leaves right after
these retards also forgot that m0 being a +10 now basically removed all those old +2 - +10 runs that greatly inflated the numbers
and those are not counted anymore

so what you see now is only >+11 keys based on the old system

though i admire his dedication of doomposting 24/7 a game he doesn't play, wonder if he gets paid
no he doesn't lmfao he does it for free
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anon the info is there.
2 million toons in first month of DF
5.5 million toons in first two weeks of TWW
it'll probably triple DF's numbers by the end of the week despite there being delves as an alternative and good gearing method:

Doomtrannies lost so hard they're having permanent strokes as of now
I actually already looked it up since I was curious.
DF: 3.2 million
TWW: 2.3 million
The 5 million number is wrong.
you can stop shitposting now.
>doomtranny is mentally retarded
love to see it
Finally got out of that maze and back into the real game. Delves are so much fun, man. Loot, lore, cool enemies, and no stupid timers or key levels.
Mythic+ is just a glorified race against the clock for the same boring dungeons over and over again. Delves are the real endgame.
to-do list:
- have a retard meltdown
- post a very high resolution off topic picture
- be hideous
- go angrily search someones image upload on the archives, then post results because ????
hahaha you lying mother fucker thats season 4 week-
>oh theres a graph
>cant wait for someone far more retarded to not see that and just lie about the url
oh you don't like how difficult m+ is? you don't like that the difficulty of m+ is making people quit? you don't like that tanks are made of paper and that healers don't have any big spammable heals to keep everyone alive? this is what you wanted /wowg/
Damn, TWW is more dead than Dragonflight...
Despite the real argument thruth nuke post being right above the bait post they're replying to, /v/ermin and doomtrannies will still shitpost like this

ignore and report.

Even DF is getting BTFO by TWW nowadays. Just that big.
what are you talking about mother fucker there was at least
30 people at the great vault this morning
if this post ends in 9, on god t dubs is bussin
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what's the point of this low effort doomposting when the retard gets btfo every time
is it masochism? does he enjoy getting blown the fuck out?
same song and dance every time
what's his endgame?
i had to wait until a new thread to point out this shitter in case he was waiting for (you)'s >>495831872
dps are brain damaged on average and this proves it
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uhmmm, wtf lads?
i'm starting to think it's a falseflag because there's no way he believes his posts are helping his cause
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he comes
I thought that was Khadgar....
>consider switching back to horde
>remember everyone is just identical elves
I hate blizzard
im convinced that's an old god
also something's wong with that peculiar (void) fish
>not a single tooltip addon that'll add mount information the vanilla tooltip
>only elvui is capable of doing this
beledar is a light prison for a void being and when sargeras stabbed the world the prison got damaged and that's why it's glowing purple sometimes
there's something to be said about belf players that want to specifically be the most "attractive" looking race on their faction en masse, when there's 5 other (more attractive) races on ally side. you're supposed to play horde for the monster races, not for belf slop.
Would be interesting
looked at that maximum guys stream and it looks like he isn't even playing? what the hell is his role?
OMG Trans sisterssssss i hate these delving chads so much they are ruining wooooow omg. they ruined tranny+ and raiding omg, how can a trans girl such as myself show her gaming skills when theres no one to play with :(((((
100% something will happen to it to get us into midnight
they stealth nerfed thee drop chance after the first week.
it's actually azeroth's buttblug
>there's 5 other (more attractive) races on ally side
there's not
blood elves reign supreme
I play horde for the vulpera. vicious little fuckers, those guys.
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GUYS. What's a class pandaren can be that doesn't suck right now AND is lore friendly for them? I like pandas.
No, they didn't. lmao.
>lucklet cope
femhumies are close...
>delvetranny shitting up another thread begging you to apologize for being le toxic and bragging about their hero slots in vault
He's doing all the callouts, no he's not actually playing.
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mistweaver monk
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me on the way to heal +3 chill run
Warrior. Mage. I suppose Hunter. not sure how you'd spin shaman without looking into glyphs. A bit surprised they can't become druids if I'm being honest
You did de-trannify all the fem dwarves, right?
>doesn't like raid
>doesn't like m+
what the fuck are you even gearing for? more delves? just unsub at that point
you better be a druid
>mazerats seriously bite their own falseflag
Never gets old
omg trans sister........ we are such epic gamers, truly l33t as the oldies say (hehe) i'm doing m20 rn im so epiccccccc OMG, really sister, how could god create such a skillful girl like me to play games hihi
obviously some of them are close, very close. fem humies are great. don't get me wrong, i would risk it all for jaina. but the top of the pile, in general it's belves.
on diddy crib
>she doesn't falseflag thee falseflag
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Man why do we get shitty balloon tits while OG actually gets good coomer mods
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The tranny is not wasting a second spamming this retarded new narrative.
I love how they have to ignore the number of characters now just to try and say retail is dead.
The most mentally retarded tranny.
i currently have tier head and shoulders from the based great vault, these are obviously PVE gear

i would like to use the catalyst to make two PVP tier pieces which can also be used in PVE

is my best choice to get two rank5 crafted PVP pieces and put them into the catalyst?
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chatgpt spitting out facts
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haha, who is this little guy?
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is hero track gear with 6 upgrade stages the highest level gear?
>why does a game with literally 0 anti-cheat have better mods than a game with anti-cheat
good question
this nigga serious?
myth 6/6 is top ilvl
there's one higher track, myth
Can't catalyst crafted gear, but you can with conquest gear
nobody's reading your faggot chat log with your faggot bot, faggot.
> then post results because ????

Sunk cost fallacy.
Wasting 10+ years dooming will rot your brain.
The last 12 months have been pretty though for them, please understand.
nullstones up 50% since two hours ago btw
>Double the characters from DF S1, the greatest M+ season ever
>Doomie is going all out seething
You love to see it.
Should I reroll as an elf?
asmontrannies and xiv shitters seething 24/7 itt because they just realized 6 years of >ITS OVER posting has amounted to a massive resurgance of the game and the playerbase. sad! delvechads and mazechads, stick together amidst the coping trannies.
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nerubar normal mode is also popping off
then you have the delve enjoyers that dont touch either
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In the shadows of Deadmines, where whispers blend,
Lives Sneed the Goblin, a crafty fiend and friend.
With a glint in his eye and a scheming grin,
He runs his machines, where chaos begins.

His Shredder hums with a menacing roar,
A whirlwind of gears behind a rusted door.
“Step right up, adventurers!” he calls with glee,
“Come test your might against little old me!”

With traps and tricks, he guards his domain,
Where brave souls venture, and few return sane.
In the caverns deep, where shadows entwine,
Sneed dances with danger, a master design.

His laughter echoes through the mine’s dark halls,
As heroes approach, heedless of their falls.
For in every corner, mischief lies in wait,
And Sneed’s clever schemes will seal their fate.

So remember this Goblin when you take the plunge,
In the heart of Deadmines, where dangers lunge.
For Sneed is a legend, both cunning and bold,
A tale of adventure in Azeroth’s fold.
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>sneed returns in the new goblin raid
LOL doomtroon cant handle the fact that the games the best ever its the best its seriously the best the best right now its ever been its better than dragonflight its betterthanwotlk fucking classicispisscomparedtothis itsthegreatestever 20million chinese CHADS vs 0 xiv TROONS winning BIGLY
>no its ok im not having an actual meltdown over the course of 4 threads im totally falseflag trolling, i 100% am secure in the fact that WoW is king MMO, thats why i repete it to the point i look retarded
no, you can find myth gear from mythic raid or your m+ vault.
yep, one faggot broke because tww is bussin
belves with blue eyes are so fucking cringe
you will never be a helf
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>my team is retarded
>broke my sobriety streak of 2 months today by buying liquor just to stomach this phenomenon
>can't skin nerubians
dance studio 11.1
They're faggots who want to pretend their edgy and cool while still being pretty
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Kill the bitch who made this a weekly
They must be using a bot or chatgpt, like no normal human being can be this obsessed with something they hate.
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>the token being 300k+ proves tww is the most popular expansion ever because so many people are buying them theyre running out of cheap ones
>unless it goes back down
>then its proof tww is the most popular because so many people are buying tokens to get gold to play with
please give holy paladin tips people are dying in m0
nobody believes retail is over a milly, you dont need to tell us
>neets are seething
Keep farming them null stone piggy
Its not the healers fault if they die in m0 they literally are just standing in shit
that's exactly what it is. rofl. 99% of these faggots play female belf too which makes it so much worse. imagine not playing a male orc, undead, tauren, troll or literally ANYTHING else rofl
>female belf
uhm chuddie, fem NELF is the meta
get with the times, gramps
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>play horde on wra with wm on
>ganked by 6000 ally
>play ally on mg with wm on
>entire shard is a ghost town
actually this entire thread is just me posting with my botfarm
Didn't know you were a furry maye
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free bacon king meal with 20 dollar purchase bros...
going to maze+ all day with a triple whopper 16 nuggs and a bacon king
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>can't use the great vault item that puts a socket on your gear on rings anymore
>but rings can still drop, even from the vault, with sockets
genuinely what was the point of this
servers dont exist anymore its all just sharting rng
>twitch views and the fucking token are the doomers strongest arguments
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>heres your flooded bustling hub city, bro
that wont even last you 20 minutes
why is she angry
show feet
I can't play Alliance because Stormwind looks cringe
Why wow is dead?
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I wasn't
But now
I've been awakened
Stop queueing blitz. Your mental health will tank. Queue anything else.
slow night huh? shitters out in full force
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>cast mass barrier before key starts
>it's the fire one
Does no one erp in Moon Guard goldshire anymore or am I just sharded weirdly
This expansion feels weird as Horde. It's like they don't even exist. We're just surrounded by dwarves and humans.
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you're off the wagon too, huh?
same but with m+
fucking bullshit
shuffle is a relaxing change of pace after last week desu
They do, but it's been deadish during the day. Busier during nights, and way busier on weekends anytime.

Quality has certainly gone down hill overall though. Gooning and its consequences have been a disaster for Goldshire.
well this is what all the peace loving hordecucks wanted
they chose the villain faction and refused to play the part of the villain so here we are
dwarves in the fucking horde ffs
Blitz is RNG on whether you get a good duo queue healer+DPS, team comp, and whether people will play objectives and/or are not awful. Sometimes you'll get loss streaks, sometimes you'll get win streaks. First 20 games are 'placement' matches, and it's important for your MMR to win most of those or you'll be climbing by 8-18 points per win or losing more per loss.

As 1 player, most games you can't help carry a team to a win.
MMOs in general are a dead genre. It's literally only 30+ year olds playing now trying to cling on to nostalgia
i switched to horde when the alliance spit out its last dying breath in BFA
i stayed for the belfs
they're very attractive and i like looking at my girl
continue projecting tho you weird tranny incel
its hordecucks fault for not only playing belf in majority of cases but also switching to alliance en masse for more gooning. there's so many cool horde races, literally the only thing missing is a decently attractive druid race (coming next patch) and the horde will have the best races to choose from thematically.
wash my back while i commune with the machine
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>open vault
>bracers, ring, worst trinket in the game, items with a useless secondary stat
where does the erp happen on argent dawn

>tauren look retarded
>trolls and undead have a perma hunch that cannot be toggled
nelfs are better
hunch is kino
any time i see an orc with no hunch i cringe
this expansion really showed that no one at blizzard plays horde anymore
like in the last zone that spider place there was a random male human that i have never seen before but apparently is a known character if you play alliance
not to mention that the only horde character in the entire expansion was thrall for 5 quests lol
Why did the artist of this key art give every character a pig nose?
sit on my face
yeah its totally awesome seeing my transmogs get stretched and warped and looking strange, not to mention tabards/chest mogs being harder to see
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I usually go there and talk to the dancers or look for any cute panda girls to hit on.
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>doing Nightfallen questline while leveling to max
What the kino sigma...
thalyssra my withered barefoot queen
Cringe faggot Vanilla tourist kill yourself
love the nightfallen
better than any other fag elf race combined
that fat panda faggot cursed my one myth option with a crit vers ring
son of a bitch
>loot ore
>game crashes
nice one shitzzard
All the good ERPers are on Episilon now
If there are a low number of people there, it's just early. If there is literally no one there but you, you prob have cromie time and/or warmode on and are phased.
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comfy kino ludos skidibi baba
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Thanks for the loot, jackass
People paid $90 for this so they wanted this.
no no don't you understand, TWW bad
you are suffering from ludokino dissonance.
>cromie time
Oh that's what's happening, thanks anon
This is probably asked to death, but what are the best Brann relics?
>new expansion ludokino
>previous expansion bad
Remember how ludokino Dragonflight was?
Oh wow my vault is total shit again.
nelfs are good but they have shit feet and no butt
Oh wow my vault is bussin no cap
shit feet?
imagine how much stuff you could scrape out of those long toenails with your teeth
>14.9k fire mages
I like the speed one
He's the token fag character. Had to put him in somewhere
Must be nice.
she's taken
can you post an example
delves really did round out the content endgame pretty nicely. Its something to do that makes actual progress without needing to find 4-29 slobbering retards to group up with you.
best part is that there will be new delves with every .X patch
so 12-13? delves every couple of months
Is this a thing? I've been invited to it by like 2 people, but they weren't people I'd ERP with.
S2 will have 2 new delves at maximum
and it will cap at champion gear
screenshot this
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bwo...just buy this shit...
hes right
m*x doesnt like it
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>Delve until my ilvl is 610
Now it's time for comfy Mythic 0 runs where I solo the entire instance while DPS watch dead on the floor.
they confirmed it in an interview
>It's all here in this interview
>may i see it?
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my group for m+ bailed on me so this is pretty much what im gonna do to hit ksm
Yeah its a RP heavy private server and all the ERP goes on in a phased beach club area for the most part
they're nerfing the shit out of them
>the games the best ever its the best
That would either be the start of BFA or the end of Legion. War Within doesn't have comfy zones or dungeons like those xpacs did.
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>18% simmed dps gain from yesterday
4pc is a hell of a drug
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Saving my null stones
Dorn is comfy
Demolishing Terror's Slam no longer knocks players back.
HOLY SNEED!!!!!!!!
no way dude, what class are you playing? my 4p is dogshit
>M+ babbies needed nerfs or they cry and poop their nappys
>Delvechads were doing them when brann would just not help at random because eh fuck off im on smoko
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>tier piece goes in the ONE low slot
they were never hard, people are just retarded
>retard ignored delves because he bought the bad gear vis crit lmao bad trinkets memes
fuck you
delves had so many changes that it was a different experience on a day by day basis lmfao
veng chads, can I have a qrd on the aldrachi hero talents?
is it more defensive or offensive? I'm shitting out crazy damage with fel scarred but I lack defensiveness I guess
hey i don't know if you know this but like 40 more minutes of doing tier 8 delves would have gotten you another 616 roll. Also another catalyst just dropped today
Sporebits alone have had more changes than all of M+
>not 8/8 tier 8 delves
zamn, you played yourself. at least that top trinket is bussin
just died in lfr
yeah enhance has like the best 4p in the game
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>Every expansion is now 4 zones + 8 dungeons and a raid
>Each zone has a specific event tied to it + a rep
>Every patch is now a mini zone + new rep + new raid

Why has the game become so stagnant? Is this the future for the next 8 years?
yeah I know, I had 3/4 tier 8 delves and just went to bed before reset. That's what I get for not doing my fucking chores like a good boy.
Nigga you are retarded
>play female character in warmode in hopes to get ganked
>everyone just ignores me while questing
It's not fair bros
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hey if it makes you feel any better
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Why do you hate us? Is it because we are better?
>mythic plus runs count
>player count seems to be down 25% since dragonflight release
This is not good for blizzard.
nigga you are right
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I gratingly accept
Gooning in the war creche with this dracbro
i love augs in my groups they make my pp big
i don't remember their names but probably the one where he makes enemies more likely to be crit, and the one where he makes you big or small
>Why has the game become so stagnant?
It's not really a passion, just a machine to keep player count as healthy as possible. At least we aren't back to AP grind. That was the real cancer.
Yeah, I only come on this site to larp as a loser but each time you faggots come around I get mogged by how much worse you are.
I like dragonchads
>levelling Dungeons don't pop as healer or tank anymore
Geniunely worrying.
I don't like the four zone thing but the the rest of the shit your complaining about as of dragonflight is "the game has had well paced patch cycles with actual content within them". The weird patch stuff they did in dragonflight for minor patches was expressly not that to begin with.
Is there a better feeling in the world than finishing a bountiful delve just to get the shoulders you are already wearing?
At least legion had nice class quest lines and zones
i'll get lynched for this but i did like how the world felt more alive with players back in Legion/BfA, every world quest I'd go to would have a ton of people doing it
back in Legion you'd use the WQ Group Finder addon and there'd be 50 groups to get it done faster, it was cosy in a way
kinda happy it's gone though, saying that I think the real cancer was the +0.5% damage artifact point grind, just completing the weapon until 34/35 i think it was, was okay, but after that, and concordance? pure aids
even my cata classic levelling dungeon queues are super fast...
This is kinda insane, from this number you have to remove all the characters without a key over 10.
If only r.io could track bricks and disbands.
just buy a boost lol
that piece of shit was nerfed too...fuck u
I got nothing when I was chormie timed to the newer expansions, but near insta queues in the TBC/WotLK dungeons.
emissary quests were unironically a better system then the gay ass world event system the game uses now. Having to wait 50 minutes every hour to do a gay minigame for a box sucks fucking cock
is it still a good time to start playing the new season
Best site to find female pandaren art?
i agree, I liked emissaries a lot more
The current thing they're doing is 'Special Assignments' but they're mostly just gimmicky nonsense and if it's an elite quest there might not even be people in group finder to help you with it.
What was wrong with Emissaries?
What was wrong with World Quests where you just killed a guy?
What kinds of cloaks did you guys get in your vaults today? I haven't opened mine yet but I'm expecting a broad selection with maybe a duplicate or two.
Agreed. At least the emissary you could pick a WQ that were less annoying.
>even my cata classic levelling dungeon queues are super fast...
Do you play horde? I play alliance.
It's honestly sad how dead the leveling population is. Every zone outside of Khaz Algar is devoid of players
ofc. easy with delves/crafting
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>the literal brown faction
Decided what Im playing.
Main: Arms warrior
Alts Blood DK and Ret pal

I wish they didn't massacre hunter over the years
>Get into dungeon
>Azure span
>demon hunter ZOOMS everywhere
>jumps into some ring, pulls everything
>nobody else can follow, I barely keep up
>mob puts me to sleep for ten seconds
>DH dies. Leaves the instance
>other dps goes offline
>I get 30 minute deserter debuff when I leave
we're a month into an xpac release. Why would there be people levelling alts?
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>That'll be $90 + tip
all alliance characters are token fag characters :^)
>tfw mess up in dungeons
>tfw it's fine because i'm a draenei healslut
it's literally that shrimple
basado. arms is incredibly fun
They split the population by expansion with the chromie stuff.
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I play alliance :3
>orc shield in the center, but crested by darkspear fetishes and adorned by tauren feathers to represent the unification of their peoples
this game used to be kino
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>be me
>be healer
>apply to a key
>instantly invited.
>finish key because im god healer
that easy
yea its the n word faction played by immigrants
Is anyone autistically farming for the Queen's Pheromone item?
Anniversary patch better save the game because I am flagging already.
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would you let xally play with your balls?
why are healers like this?
Now is the perfect time to quit the game.
>lets the king of stormwind get kidnapped because hes having gay sex
>has a dialogue afterwards that he doesnt feel guilty because anduin would have wanted for him to have gay sex
why is it so surptising that a world as big as azeroth/beyond is 90% dead in other places? with the amount of location and microlocations in the game, it would take an unrealistic amount of active players to see people in those zones. i just don't get it. if you want small pond many fishes, go play vanilla. retail is big ocean many fishes for obvious reasons.
least retarded demon hunter sperg
funny how the horde logo is shaped like africa
>giving a shit about shaw the failure
>check twitter
>echo is literally giving up
Wait is the queen a free boss?
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once its at 6k u can just AFK until the end right?
nice game blizzard
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That would be the alliance
she's not hard at all once everybody clicks with it
it doesnt help that they still seperate people by the CRZ groupings
They should just show everyone on your region/language. Why are there multiple English EU CRZ groups?
There should be English EU and then Argent Dawn (to preserve that servers unique realm identity for RP reasons)
>schizo anon is fucking right
aint no way duuuuuuuud
I know this was a meme not too long ago but if most of the classes got another spec what would you like to see

>warrior 2h+shield
>DH throwing weapon ranged dps
>Priest holy damage dps
>brown humans
should have been their own race
I just want everyone who uses 2h Frost to get mass banned
>best ret talent set up makes both cruasder strike and avenging wrath passive
>best hero talents herald is all just passive shit
How cucked is this retard spec?
>Used to go to goldshire to clear my urges
>Now open an AI image generator and blow my load in 3m
The industrial revolution and its consequences
>inbred hordefag doesn't know what 'the exception that proves the rule' means
you tried
>normal orcs
>brown orcs as a seperate race
>normal humans
>brown humans are not seperate race
continuity btfo andmy immersionsandwich ruined
With sharding it should put any players in Desolace in the same version of Desolace. So even if there are only 10 players in NA that are in Desolace, they are in Desolace together.
Is being Nightborne less cringe that blood elf?
>every single piece of high level rogue gear gives haste
>it's the worst stat
WoW is back
I'm so happy
It's still on slow decline.
paladin ranged support specc just throwing around blessings and hammers
shaman tank specc with 1/3 of the binds of the other shaman speccs
support warlock specc with amplified curses
wolf druid specc that plays like warrior/ret
>WoW is back
but is it though?
>>brown orcs as a seperate race
they are not, they are still orcs
and humans are all just titan creations
you can find people in just the dranosh starting area and it's usually decent quality
so i've heard
make this a shitpost on the official wow forums on sunday lmao
Finally, some decent synthwave
I'm back playing for the first time since Legion. I played the launch of BfA and SL, but didn't even hit cap and didn't play past the first month.
I know nothing about pugging ERP. I have a dreaenei bull friend I exclusively ERP with
No Alex said it is.
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they tried to do it in the Traveler when that black girl was from a human settlement in Stranglethorn
but in Shadowlands they just added them like they always were there
also it's funny how they made asian face white with updated models in draenor and then didn't even add proper asian faces in SL
Thread is moving so fast no one will know I'm gay for Xal's feet
Yeah I'm never reading a spoiler message by an erpfag ever again
>DH throwing weapon ranged dps
this is literally aldrachi reaver and it's awesome, but the damage is shit and the tree as a whole is a mess
Any hunters here? How is MM? I mained hunter all the way up till end of WoD and after Legion couldn't take it anymore

Poor gobbo has been neglected
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I don't remember asking, Chudster.
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Decline but they make changes that makes it look like it's back, for example cross factions raiding & guilds and cross server auction houses.
idk i think its fun and intuitive
other people probably think its boring though
mostly i just enjoy that it has mega giga aoe burst dps
Already trained mr ASS
Zovaal’s dark reign,
Shadows twist in endless night,
Fate entwined in chains.
god i wish i were my dracthyr
did they ever add the negro face that they teased at blizzcon?
lmao no
Banshee’s wail resounds,
Fate woven in shadow's thread,
Freedom’s price is pain.
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why cant i buy coffer keys with my undercoins
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>wow is back
god damn wow sucks now. everybodys been trained to operate in a selfish and antisocial way
post you're dracthyr flirts
>You like bad dragons? I'm a real bad dragon.
>My visage form is supposed to represent what I most want inside of me. But I can't walk around Valdrakken transformed into your dick now, can I?
>I might go infinite after tonight. Because I refuse to live in the timeline where we don't fuck.
>Scaling issues? We can find a workaround...
>I'll have you soar on cooldown.
should I give up on frost and just go arcane fotm or what bros, tanks aren't even kiting anyway
because you aren't literally maxed out on your delve reward track. Which you'll only be long after delve loot is useful in the slighest.
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Ranged dps that uses bows, guns, and maybe polearms
Caster of some kind using fel energy and the thrown glaives
Shadow tank that's just Disc mechanically. Focused on absorption of damage and shield while summoning shadow helpers
Full fledged shadow caster that'd get San'layn as a hero spec. Would be the other dual wielder to Frost.
Tank naturally to show up gay boy wrathion and make Deathwing proud
Healer spec that's branched from bm for spirit beasts
Conjurer that's just a poorly disguised necromancer. Actually avoids void beyond shadow damage flavor while sticking to undeath.
damage spec that's more in line with mistweaver.
Tank spec around parrying and dodges/evasion
Tank spec that's supposedly focused around earth and lava but a good 70% of the talents are actually storm and lightning based.
Healer spec that's an inverted affliction. Not sure what special demon unit it'd get.
Dps caster-melee hybrid that's like ench shammy but for paladins that's heavily blood knight coded back before they got forced into the light again.
They get nothing except a minute band-aid increase
fire time
na bros how is fire right now
na brehs tell me
tell me now
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How are delves as healer?
Retail is going in the classic direction with raids where you have to be 99 parser or you are out.
>not doing a gladiator spec for warriors
not even going to read the rest
An enormous challenge when it comes to trying not to fall asleep
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Playable Kobold when?
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Just finished this and it still dismounts me when I try to mine in TWW?
>Game doing so great the faggot brigade is reposting the same filler shit from the last 20 threads
>is covfefe good for fury
>guys im just back from mists of pandaria how is night elf mohawk
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>88k at max
it sucks. it feels more like it was thrown together at the last second. at least fell scarred improves upon how dh already plays even if it doesnt actually add anything
they're shit still despite the sole fire mage gimping himself on the leaderboards
something about this post really got to me, good laugh from it
i wish the community headcanon made all pandarens talk like this
Sorry blizzard killed that dead by fellating vikings so hard
Whats the meta on this anyway? I went plethora of ore on my mining alt.
are you me?
Why is retail so much more toxic than retail?
get brann as dps with a bunch of rank 4 dmg spells
I dunno. Were you bored enough to go 'fuck it i might get a month out of it', and then found out you were actually having fun?
well cause classic is the cesspit of classic
It's over...
>parse 92 on ulgrax
>forgot literally all of my consumes besides prepots
god damnit
ofc the retard tanks couldnt handle taunt swaps on bloodbound
back to lfg with me
ill have to do it again probably
I'm ready for the anniversary event. 20 goddam years holy shit.

I still remember in High School going "who the fuck plays EQ it's so old!"

Now we're old.
welp that toon is bricked
even if you win 10 games now it will just be +5 per game
make a new character
worth. event is kino
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>playing feral while my cat watches
name something more comfy, i dare you
Who was in the wrong?
>never played hunter
is it any fun? i mostly do high m+ with homies or pug raids here and therer
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looks strange
cute fem nelf
cute feet
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speak for yourself
i think i got another 5k of these bitches on my other account
I shouldn't have spent those badges? I'm so stupid
Playing human while my human watches from it's cage
it's the best shit to max first, the sheer amount of shit you gather is insane
>inb4 play druid for insta flight form
Nice. Yeah, I just saw the transfer button on the currency tab, that's all my characters over God knows how many years of idly doing TWing.

They are used in the anniversary event, but I don't know what for. I know you can buy vanilla reputation with them, and I'm sure there are mounts and whatnot.
can I get them at the very anniversary?
when is the event
I hope the Arathi empire returns and genocides the horde.

I'll be honest, I haven't read past the first paragraph or so.

>Tumblr General
kill yourself
Have they confirmed it will use timewalking tokens?
>boots are the last piece of gear I need to upgrade
>the only M+ dungeons that drop plate boots are City of Threads and Siege of Boralus
*cough* *cough* go on without me lads... I'm not gonna make it
>goblins nuke their cave and it crumbles down on them
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Some stuff costs TW tokens but all the Tier 2 remakes will cost a new coin currency.

Each set costs 80 coins but after you buy one the price goes down after each. Not sure how much it goes down but if you're autistic and want them all its doable
Both. No numbers are known so you can't be doomer on numbers, same for 'game is bussin, 7-11 mil sign ups!' more bots than ever. Also remember the 'ulduar' log thing is the whole raid, and not unique chars. So you have to subtract by boss count and alt count median, etc.
Bronze celebration tokens
I hope I can get all of the rewards at the anniversary
Also I hope those new t2 sets can be obtained on one character
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The harronir look cool and i'm tired of pretending like they don't
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I know that feel bro
Post the eyebrowless one
i kneel
>playing TDM instead of trying to win the actual game
god I love blitz filtering the absolute gigashitters out, you can literally win the game alone on any map til 1600
please respond my son he's hungry i beg for (you)s
ranged/support bard spec for rogues
please tell me I can get these timewarped badges at the anniversary
>get locked for lfr boss without ever damaging it AND leaving the fucking group
i love this game
when is the aniversary?
I'm playing a bomb throwing survivalist goblin with a machanowolf and it's based
in november probably
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Why are people like this?
streamers say 22nd october
my friend told me not to play DPS that getting into groups was awful.
what's an easy tank and healer?
>Black Humans
>Come from the Jungle.
I like the Traveller books, well the first two. But that'll always be funny.
So, if I want some PvP gear just so I'm not dead weight, should I get trinkets first? I have about 2k honor and have never really played PvP, but I want to add it to things I do for weeklies.
November running to the start of the new year probably
depends on your class, a good rogue or healer could probably solo carry games until 2k
if you're on a spec that's only good at fighting and doesn't have cc or mobility then you're stuck relying on rng teammates
>Dawntrail so bad that even Zepla is playing WoW again
How do you fuck up that badly?
yeah the first two was kino
I will not even give the third one a chance because danuser's lackey roux probably ruined it
I'm SO glad they all fired
Alliance will sadly save them since propping up their mudhut way of life is the white mans burden
yeah probably, but you're still going to be pretty much dead weight until you get at least full honor gear
lockbros i just got 5/5 tier
>try to doxx random on 4chinz
>he's literally right
kek I'll think I'll get your name from him
it's their shadowlands
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how do i improve my ui
he's not right? Nothing above 8 gives higher loot.
Turns out MMO players don't like being a sidekick to a furry.
Who knew.
please guys
I got so many through timewalking and spent them all
i mean yea thats where black humans come from in real life too
also the savannah but mostly jungle
above 7 is the point you tried to make but you were wrong anyway, try again and use google this time retardfren
the game was never that good. thats why they had to remake it 2011 and it still sucked
you cant it's perfect.
that's a lost cause, give up on it
what addon for the enchants missing weakaura?
ya'll racist you know that right?
The only thing FF14 has going for it is the customization. I can fully remake my OC girl in FF14 but I don't want to pay for an expansion and sub to another game while playing this one

I literally don't have time to play two mmos
he said 9 gives better loot than 8, which is wrong
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>after a thousand years of gene mixing all the arathi humans have pointed elf ears
>also half of them are white and half of them are charcoal black
is this how genetics works?
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8 quintillion dollar company btw
We get another timewalking event second week of october
The questing in the ringing deep and the final zone is bad.
good news, neither wow or ff14 are mmos
>white humans would rather fuck an elf than a nigger
buy more pigs so we can download more ram
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Okay.. I have:
2 votes for Monk.
2 votes for Warrior.
2 votes for Mage.
I'm not really into caster classes, so..
>Warrior or Monk?
The Light unironically makes you blacker, depending on your power level
the only thing FF has going for it is the story and the music,.
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Sisters, we're climbing!
I'd suggest getting a raid frame addon and putting it directly in the middle of your screen. do NOT minimize the stock raid frame when you do this.
had 2 guys from area 52 in my m+ group and they both dced and left the party at the same time

nice on blizzard
Libtards don't care about logic
The NEED disabled trans people of color
>complaint about WoW for years was over us being the chosen main character champion
>people flock to FF14 where the narrative is built around us being the MC champion of god
>stories concludes and we're demoted to side character for actual literal DEI tranny character
Its like poetry
yea idk what that means
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i installed this since it was recommended by raiders and i literally played worse because the ui is so fucking confusing

Monk if she's a smarter-than-she-looks cutie
Warrior if she's a dumb-as-rocks hottie
Post ass either way.
>thousand years of gene mixing
Haven't they only been down their like 15 years?
both things that can be enjoyed fully and for free via youtube
bold strategy
this looks like a screenshot from 2008
why not default UI
The expedition, yes. But the original expedition that founded the Arathi Empire on a different continent, is far older.
aioo wow G zzzzz
cant even lie, big opp went in on this
on diddy crib

big opp the reason for a whole lotta shit
and I don't alk shit, I be outside

WoW is back
TWW is kino
Metzen is a GOAT
stop downloading UIs from streamers
UIs are personal, to you, what works for some streamer isnt what might work for you
The arathi reach sexual maturity when they are 1 year old
>fundamentally changes the burst profile so you never burst as much anymore
they did it on purpose
druid. probably the easiest tank overall and one of the more forgiving healers once you wrap your head around how HoTs work (dont wait for the team to get low before you start healing. pre-empt the damage by casting hots ahead of time)

elune guardian is actually brain dead easy.
how you apes play without class colors enabled is beyond me
the fucking hunter from nerub was exactly the same
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slopanon here again

doing some more pinup requests for a while
try to limit it to one distinct character (or multiple generic ones) because doing images with multiple distinct ones takes quite some time longer to fix errors on
can you do slim whitemane praying
>no raids
>no pvp
>no dungeons
>no guild
>no delves
>no cheevos
>only log on to go herbing and mining
I farmed over 1 million gold this expansion
am I autism
Easiest tank is druid, and easiest healer is rsham. Both of them are top tier right now too, especially rsham. It's actually so stupid how powerful rsham is compared to other healers in M+.
Goblin panty shot
i wanted to try it out to see if it would make me better but all it did was make it more confusing and hard for me to do my rotation

i also don't like how soulless the black minimal square look is that elvui has
same outfit for jaina but on her back with her legs spread squeezing her tits together
Can you recommend a good tutorial, or idiots guide, to AIing stuff? I hate to sound like a boomer, but I never did anything computer science. I went to download a local model, it said something about a terminal, and I don't even know how I would google that to find out what to do.

I have a great computer, I just have more money than tech sense.
What the fuck were they thinking with the default raid frame endlessly expanding outwards.
Imagine being a new player, no addons and you step into lfr only for that shit to cover a third of your screen.
>easiest spec in the game finally op again in m+
BMbros we're back
>the cumming of stratholme
Katherine in a slingkini with lipstick kissmarks on/around her cleavage if possible
why are bc reps not warbound
Why do you say sisters Maye, are you both a troon and a furry now? Are you completing the pipeline?
FF14 filled its role for a game for people to play while this game was in the worst state its ever been in.

The problem is that autists put way too much of their personality into what mmo they play. A lot of the people that left for FF14 went all in. During the SL exodus people were funneling into a game that already had 3 expansions worth of culimating story for them to play through all at once

Now that the story is basically over and a new narrative is starting its fucking boring because its the beginning. If people went into vanilla Realm Reborn and had to wait like we did originally they would have hated it
default UI + plater + darkmode
optional narcissus
but it's literally not
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This is a brainlet take. Final Fantasy makes you do everything slowly and meticulously unless you buy a boost, but this is a mortal sin both games commit, so it's irrelevant in this discussion so you're given time to process the things you see, obtain or have happen to you. It and Vanilla both - just as an example - give you new abilities at a snail's pace. You have time to figure out what they do, test them and add the abilities to your kit. I think vanilla is the only one to make you pay for them, but this is important since you now have a tangible reason to value that new skill.

Nu-WoW doesn't do any of this. Modern leveling is, notoriously, a narrative nightmare; you will do things in a zone and probably not even finish half of the expansion's content before you get sent to Dragonflight... where the exact same thing happens, and you get sent to TWW. This is done because the game is insanely old and it'd be unreasonable to make you do like 8 expansions of stuff, but also because the game's community is a punch of push-push-push spamming number autists who want to propel themselves as fast as possible into "the real content": sitting around and waiting for mythic+ to become tuned enough where it's feasible. The entire community went from roleplaying game enjoyers to that minmaxing kike Tigole, to put it simply. And you can't trust the current writers to truly make something comparable to BC, Wrath or Pandaria writing to make a cohesive leveling story. Just look at how bad Tutorial Island's plot is.

There's obvious problems with vanilla feeling more like a cohesive world that you're merely a part of VS. the champeen who must heal teh wounz and is personal friends with Thrall, Jaina and Alexstrasza, battling the end of the world every year. It's obviously related. But people who fixate on this never bring up the problem of turning WoW into the spreadsheet simulator that dragonslaying PVE goons always wanted it to become.
the game really did peak in HW for so many reasons
I'm not maye
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Its time to loose every loot roll.
good luck!
female orcs
>cross server auction houses
not new, retard
A draenei woman on her knees, with her arms tied behind her back, wearing a tight rubber black top
>Now that the story is basically over and a new narrative is starting its fucking boring because its the beginning
that's not the full gist of it and you're being disingenious in only saying that. the reason that ffxiv is having it's own shadowlands-esque exodus now is that the game is stale, hasn't meaningfully changed in a decade and won't meaningfully change ever for the remainder of its life. the guy in charge is perfectly happy with not taking any risks and keeping things rolling as they always have with the same patch release cadence, the same content as all the older patches and no more than that. no fun itemization, no wacky cool side content, no alternate gearing paths, no out-of-the-box-thinking when it comes to dungeon/raid mechanics. it's always the same old shit with ffxiv over and over again and that's why the game is deader than ever
thugged out

>central cee
this fool cant be serious posting this fake ass bitch niqqa who dodged fdots funeral.
imma show u some real uk drill
tscam still da realest popping them kids and women
worgen look so fucking stupid its unreal
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>Still can't use crafting order mats from your warbank

nice game
i still dont know what a warbank is
why did they make crafting so complicated
I'm doing 1.2m overall without gutting my cc at 604 so yes it is kek
account wide bank
you need to lurk moar
its ironic, newfag sister
If FFXIV 1.0 couldn't kill the community, nothing will.
And it was far worse than Shadowlands.
>people think crafting orders are hard
the only hard part is getting someone to craft you a 5 star
>doomposting stops
>tranny shill in ultra damage control mode
lol (laughing out loud)
xiv is good for erp, playing dress up and socializing
the gameplay is so fuckiing bad it's absurd
I persoanlly play xiv when I need to socialize and play wow when I want to kill shit
they want to restrict any serious goldmaking to a few giga rich autist kikes and get everyone else hooked up on tokens
are you a tranny? why not socialize irl? imagine paying money to pick what dress matches your lipstick and talk to other men online lmfao
you're actually braindead and should promptly kill yourself
>want to play Kungfu punch man class
>do not want to gear it for pvp
I am serious. Stop shitting on the harronir
The harronir are not ugly avatar boar monsters, they are cool and cute
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it struggles a lot with clasped hands

don't really have one on hand since I mostly learned through trial & error and getting some help on the unstable diffusion discord
but Im sure there's a bunch out there
why are modern leather armor sets so fucking shit?
who's shitting on sexonir?
Whitemane making out with a goblin
is it too late to get into crafting
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wtf how big is this cathedral
is your BG blitz rating suppose to reset every week?
holy fucking orcbait
They should have been short. Between human and gnome in height
The leather community has been taken over by the fags
you can catch up with npc crafting orders so its not as bad
you probably changed specs, it's different for each one
Purely for yourself? No. To make money? Kind of. You could probably make a nice little amount through gathering but pure crafting it's too late. Unless Blizzard realizes what they did and implements some kind of catch up for late crafters but that'd mean Blizzard recognizing and own that fumble.
Druids got sets that were perfect fits for them too early on, so all they can do is reiterate versions of those.
No idea with rogue. I think they just don't know how fantastical they want to go so they're all just weird as fuck.
Monks are weird because realistically they shouldn't have that many clothes in the first place.
idk about dh, only illidan exists as a dh to me and he just runs around in his pants
FF14 is only being kept afloat by its raid encounters and its customization. The actual game is completely stale because they haven't changed or updated anything as far as gameplay, gearing or progression goes

There's no talents (PVE/PVP customization/variance), stats basically don't matter and all jobs play the exact same way regardless of content. Its the streamlined homogenization people used to claim WoW was doing
OH they fixed it not showing for different specs?
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Anduin's return
why is the text missing
the community from 1.0 is probably gone. hell, most of the people from early ARR or even late HW are probably also gone
Imagine a goblin nuke right in the middle of that. That would be so based
literally the only ones that keep winning are plate wearers
Come on anon, who could resist getting them all?
not all but ill def get most of them
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>brb bio
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>late HW
nah im still around, i did take a break from wow after legion though
/farming blood stones for gold/
during pvp week?
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Can you do something with Shandris? Anything
Plate is the only thing they bother doing 3d work for.
>method is still pulling
it's over for them kek
Damn Anduin got molested by that!?
you're a god
Is there maintenance on eu before reset?
if you farm 20 of them for me ill carry you to your elite set lil bro
>ignoring the goblin request
Fucking racist piece of shit
shut up green thing
I main hunter and my set looks like shit
I just need to get to 1800 rating from 1600
just waiting
I WILL kill you
i want jaina to be my mommy!
probably samefag only filling his own request
dang, im just tryna learn the new profession system i heard about getting bricked in df from either not playing on launch or knowledge points and just avoided it
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i have so many addons...
How we holding up liquid sisters, even if we win it’ll only be because of the headstart
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what the fuck is this
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what do you think of my dickass pvp rogue mog
need this pose but with Whitemane and a horde mud hut background
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anyone else like to gather up all of their little boxes for the weeklies and open them all at once or do I have autism?
Cause it wouldn't fit in the shot otherwise and Stormwind Keep doesn't make for a good shot
eh a lot of that is details,handynotes and little/bigwigs bloat
do you play a female elf?
he looks like a level 20 npc
>tfw still get messaged about the tattoo and sneezing gobbue everytime I log on for 30 mins a year
Here's your goo girl gf, bro
the real problem with delves is runed crests
mazed+ and raidchuds are capping for free and running around with a ton of 619
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actual appearance of sylvanas in the canon
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lockbros we obtained the cool mecha mount
You probably still can if you just wanna learn it. Gathering professions, and tailoring, are a pretty decent window into the changes since they have knowledge points but aren't as costly. This expac, I believe, they let tailoring be it's own gathering profession on top of crafting
I know lots of women that did this.
no i am a hairy man
I wish i could just trannies mog my item slots and keep my look while leveling. Having to spend 300g every hour to keep my look ain't cheap
Great work
that's what i was going for
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sadly can't do characters I don't have loras for or for one where they don't exist

goblins only have like 1 dogshit rigid lora that isnt flexible to do anything with because of its lack of training data
>are you a tranny?
Im a 6'0 bald gymgoer
> why not socialize irl?
i do that too but online is fun
> imagine paying money
I play on a free to play account
> talk to other men online lmfao
says the thirdworld subhuman browsing 4channel dot org
>you're actually braindead
so true sis
>should promptly kill yourself
wow ok then
oh okay just keep reposting the same shit then I guess
Thank you anon
post em before reset
It's totally reasonable that heroic raid and delves yield comparable vaults, they are comparable difficulties after all
How this game died?
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>want a tabard and a cog wheel back item transmog to complete my look
>end up having to do a million missions and unlock the earthen race
Not bad actually. There are so many things to do now that i wouldn't know where to start if i wasn't chasing transmogs
Would your character spread her legs for shota orcs?
lets see your dungeons anon, not just the score
>warlords of draenor content drought
this hit it really hard. It was a really fumbled expansion
>legion artifact grind burnout
>battle for azeroth artifact grind
>battle for azeroth retard tier plot
>shadowlands looking like a mobile game
>more retard tier plot
>gay frogs in dragonflight
I know she's not wearing pants but i don't do the erp thing
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>shota orcs
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Warlords of Draenor (WoD) made PvP really fair and fast. In the next expansion, Legion, they had to balance PvP around the higher tickrate (up to 100, usually 30-40, likely 100 in all PvP situations, compared to the old 2.5). This led to a mass exodus of PvP players, and wherever they went, they struggled to perform, lol.
I believe that modern WoW PvP players could probably reach high ranks in MOBAs quickly if they took some courses and continued to improve, unlike the older WoW players.
By the way, most of those older WoW players who didn’t quit are just doing PvE content now and rarely touch PvP.
I didn't get to run city of threads or stonevault a whole lot to practice
ara kara can definitely be improved, it's not that hard
quick someone post that picture of Onyxya with Anduin, where you just know ;)
I always mocked dh players and their class but I'm playing vdh for a week and that shit is kino
How should I feel about this? It's a very hot image even if it's AI slop.
I have no idea why don't you guys force the AI to give its best, realism, lots of details and just select the best result... why do you always have to share images that look like low effort doodles?
ara-kara is a shitter for any healing class except shaman, its fucking ass on last boss with all that poison. shamans get instant mass detox and the rest of us are left with ???
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Rate my gobbo
What's the reason for doing the lamplighter stuff? It looks like they put a lot of work into it but it only gives basic gear?
Lockbro why are you playing demo and not affliction or destro? Only asking because I still don't know which spec is performing the best
he looks low IQ, why would he have candles on his shoulders? Also that helmet looks like a public toilet somehow.
why's EU so dogshit this raid in RWF
embarrassment of a continent.
One more expansion till goblin paladins brother
It's a very good source of rep
why do NA try to apply their racewar culture war bullshit to EU? it makes no sense. we are whiter than you, better at you in almost every game, have better healthcare, vacation time, way of living. yet you constantly attempt to make US vs EU happen. it's not gonna happen. you already lost.
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do you like my new frost transmog?

(Im a fem tauren druid bear)
Keys are fucking brutal right now
nothing normal about neets spending all day long on semi social media
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Is the story of this expansion good?
if you wanted it super detailed or in a realistic style you should have specified so
you can force certain styles via tags or loras

about the quality: it's actually pretty random at times
I get lots of gens at high quality but bad pose/angle and got to scrap those
I usually try to cherrypick a gen that has a good pose/angle with acceptable to good quality
but the quality can vary wildly, even when using score tags
its ok
first time i've actually liked the story since legion
dragonflight was good but not really invested personally because i came back to wow at the end of s3 after not playing since bfa
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who the fuck thought of this
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Depends. Do you like women screaming? Then you'll love it
is there anyone in wow that has more autism than yoda does for paladin?
Thanks man. I've wiped 51 goddamned times on queen today and it does feel that I get at least this
More realistic is not necessarily better. AI drawings tend to have a very smooth and polished look to surfaces that I've grown to like.
Can you generate something with a Draenei and a human around her breast level with his height? I want to see realistic proportions doing something sexy.
I know I'm late to the party but I was away during launch
where do I allocate my points for herb/min if I want to generate max gold
I plan to sell the mats, not use them for crafters (I only play one character as God intended)
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Because demo is cozier for open world content because felguard tanking

For raids I do Aff, for M+ I switch between all 3 specs

Affliction is mostly the king of raids, and for a very rare time, all 3 specs are fairly equal in m+
I want her to argue with me looking like this and yell at me in her native shath'yar language
Wait, are you telling me shamans can just dispel the poison spray at the end? Shit is just poison?
>More realistic is not necessarily better.
au contraire, It's objectively better, the left hemisphere is enjoying picking it apart and the right hemisphere can only enjoy that.
You can only tolerate the low detail stuff if you're a gooner and you just need low cognitive slop to satisfy your barely working brain on your sessions.
Better than memeflight but still suffers from onions writing. Everyone is too nice, all main characters are lawful good and can't stop talking about their feelings, there's no edge at all.
of course... they have a toten that instantly dispels poison + continues to dispel every second for 9 seconds. anon don't tell me you've been playing with shitters....
Every class with poison dispel can remove it but shamans have the aoe cleanse totem
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For mining focus on bismuth, for herbalism probably arathor spear, orbinid is expensive but a pain to farm.
>First 20 games are 'placement' matches, and it's important for your MMR to win most of those or you'll be climbing by 8-18 points per win or losing more per loss.
the only reason for that is to force the average player to try his best and thus offering the small player-base in the queue somewhat decent games because in absence of that it would be worse than you're describing
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also there's tons of factors that affect the image - specified scenery or not, angle, etc - and the subject matter is sometimes rigid and the AI model struggles to combine it with other things
you can also somewhat tweak the level of detail, but it sometimes produces a lot of artifacts on the image or messes up the initial composition
>dodges every shot
>alleria aims at the mcguffin instead of her
>can't dodge anymore
they're trying to make up for how edgy shadowlands was and honestly it's better this way. who the fuck asked them to put arthas in super hell that his soul can never escape from and give anduin permanent ptsd
well since you took it on you it's your obligation to tame the model and give us good shit, no one ought to see more garbage
Also wow this image is really hot. Perfect Draenei hips.
the image sucks, her right foot is completely disconnected and the leg leads into nothing
just generated it as proof of concept
No I just happen to play a priest and I missed the whole dispel revamp, whenever it happened.
Is it just me or did priest really get the short straw regarding m+?
No. Pixel art is hot. Lingerie is hot. An image doesn't get hotter the more hi-res it is, it's not about detail, that's preposterous
I came to expect AI fucking that up, for what it can do it's good enough.
Also don't you have tools now where you circle the fucked up areas and shuffle it until it's fixed?
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TWW looking very dead only a month in.

Servers are mostly ghost towns. Grim.
No, priests can remove deceases and mass dispel.
yes, its called inpaint
it works most of the time, but sometimes you can gen the same area for a while and get no usable results because the AI is confused as fuck on what its actually drawing
You're just chasing dopamine.
>Is it just me or did priest really get the short straw regarding m+?
priest is absolutely ass in m+ and honestly... good. they excel in raiding and they can stay there. sounds mean sorry but i used to play priest and given how broken it is in raids, i don't think it needs to be good in m+ too.
It needs something to guide it, maybe free doodle the main idea on top, physics as you perceive it over it and let it follow that.
Smart people are probably having really good ideas like that and that thing will eventually come, but it could also not be a thing because it requires effort and normies....
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Is it just me or are the gear rewards completely fucked up now? Delves just give way too high ilvl gear. Normal raid and m+ until hero track is basically all invalidated at this point as dead content.
Most expensive are arathor and luredrop
What about the other talent specs? I got both gathering while mounted, now all in on an herb and bismuth? What about next
I dont deny the dedgame allegation but I find people so fucking fast for m+. 10 seconds and I had a tad more than 20 dps in q
I agree the towns are quite dead and I play on the top 2 or 3 eu server. I think the shards are fucked up because when I get sharded in a frog server, the main capital dorolgor or whatever is PACKED, probably double the pop
take advantage while you can
Maybe that's why M+ is dead? Why put so much effort if the dopamine reward loot cycle is broken?
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Did you know that if you play Evoker or Monk in PVP your true CR is actually 400 points less than what it shows on the screen?
Fuck these horrible classes
Everyone said it at the start.
all this stuff is in rapid development
last year it couldn't even draw hands
are you dumb? there were 5.3 mil keys done in the first week of TWW m+
>subhuman take
>subhuman avatartranny
checks out
>alleria aims at the mcguffin (thats on her) instead of her (its literally on her, center mass)
Its dead because it gives shit reward for how hard it is nowadays
+4 is already filtering billions
Damn this bitch ugly as fuck no cap
...this shit looks it was made by a classic cryboomer
Her cock is bigger than yours
I'm thinking about that gobbo without pants.
m+ is dead because it's actually hard and the rewards are awful. 600 for a +3? Should be at least hero.
I know which one, but because you're sperging out I won't tell you.
>all in on x and y
You can if you want. The fundamentals are mostly just stat boosts so there's nothing wrong with completing them then going into bismuth+luredrop/whatever herb. Only thing to add is maybe get the first sub-spec on the third herb tree. If you open the irradiated sub-spec it cripples the knock back irradiated plants do making them easier
looks like ElvUI
Currently maintenance in EU. Give it a few hours and I'll show you.
don't worry anon I got you just give me a bit
eheheheheeh imagine being a retarded NA piggy lmaooooooo
nigga just google it
>identify the perfect cosmetics in uldir
>hoping for every item except belt and pants
>everything except belt and pants drops
I wish i was this lucky irl
shaman poison cleanse totem doesn't just remove all the poisons instantly
Do the zeret mortis rare give some kind of currency ( visible in your currency tab)
I have autism and a lot of mental illnesses and I dont want useless and retarded currencies on my character page, yet I desire those sweet looking 1handed swords for my chad vdh
its wow
FUCK challengers perill
>real life autist
>plays a class whose design is autistic in the proper sense
checks out
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HerbaGods today is going to be a great day
Dunno I genuinely skipped everything
Kinda regretting it because Im liking the expac so far, m+ are hard but in a good way. If you dont know mechanics you lose, as a tank its rewarding
I wish i saw the purple womans feet during cutscenes
Holy mother of finesse
Are you using the blue 300 acuity gear, how the fuck are you gathering so much
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He's right, you know.
Raiders are so delusional it's insane actually
Shadowlands was so edgy that it looped into being comical, impossible to take seriously.
>corruption was a good syst-
Does your server effect gathering spots? Is it more optimal to make a character on a dead as fuck server and warband trade materials to a character on a popular server to sell? I don't know how the AH functions anymore or how nodes even work in relation to other players.
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thanks Zekvir!
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what if i just want the stuff on the inspect screen and not all the gay black border square shit everywhere else
why do people say hunter is easy to play?
I've got like 20 buttons

my disc priest, which people say is one of the hardest, feels much simpler
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>Month into the expansion and I still don't know what kej or resonance crystals are for
you press 3 out of 20
Because his rotation and situational cooldowns have a very low cognitive load and quickly and easily stick to your brain as you play without reading any tutorial.
Being a good hunter should be automatic, without any thinking required in terms of what you do in terms of abilities.
based retard
ill give you evoker fuck that class jfc
Later on today I'll download every single wowg thread since the release of the expansion and put it in google notebook, what questions should I ask it?
currency for items purchased from reputation vendor
resonance crystals is for cosmetics
the proff trainers in raccoon city sell you 10 knowledge points for all the proffs for 565 kej and the rest is basically for cosmetics
where can i find a good premade plater profile for pvp?
Hunter has historically been the retard class for retards alongside ret for years and for a very long time BM specifically was a three button spec but that hasn't been the case since the rework and people haven't adjusted.
>randomly brings up race because his entire continent is getting smoked in rwf
unironically seek help and project elsewhere my guy
>look at raider streams
>8/10 of them have hidden hotbars
i will never understand how it's posible for them to do this, i need the visuals of the hotbars in order to remember which button is on which key
BM is incredibly easy and requires 0 management of barbed shot whatsoever, can you just shut the fuck up when you don't know what you're talking about? like legit why even post just to get called a retard
>ele is weird
>enh is tryhard & proc healy
>raid healing is impossible while also doing mechanics
if it over?
Survival hunters are the only spec of hunter which doesn't make your brain more retarded.
you dont need plater unless you suck at your class or play uhDK, i could see alot of value in making your wounds twice the size of everything else
just download nameplatebuffs, i believe its a fork of ye old flyplatebuffs
nah im all green gear with herba, i was lucky used the green touch+green mulch
when you play a class/game long enough shit like rotation becomes pure muscle memory thats why most of them have hidden bars and weakauras blasting the center of the screen instead
not really true since they dont take Scent of Blood anymore afaik, you have to think about it a little bit now.
she literally does dodge but doesn't move the heart enough
the only good thing that came out of shadowlands
BM has a five button core rotation which puts it on par with a pretty big majority of damage specs.
is healing as bad as it looks this expac? what's the sticking point keylevel where the dps start using cc/defensive on GCDs instead of dying
>join game
>rating stolen
the absolute state of minigamers
generally +10 and above

the keys around +7 are filled with delvetards
resto sham/pres evoker is ez
mistweaver monk is alright
holy priest/disc priest/holy paladin/resto druid are all omega cucked and are unplayable
disc is a top healer in literally all 3 forms of content, retard
nope lmao
priest isn't a top healer in raids it just gets a free spot because of stamina buff and nobody is gonna bring sh*dow

fuck off to
and please kill yourself
do you look at your keyboard when typing?
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>train a shadow priest all game
>they never come even slightly close to dying
arms is actually probably the worst spec in the entire game, maybe even worse than fire. this shit does nothing. you have no utility, you get kited by everything and you deal 0 damage. I've tried everything, mastery, crit, slayer, colossus, spear colossus, spear slayer, execute stacking, nothing deals any damage. the only thing you can do is pad damage meters with sweeping strikes and rend, you have 0 real pressure. you're like a rogue if rogue dealt way less burst and also had no playmaking potential whatsoever. its looking fucking GRIM.
is there a talent build that makes aff not aids to play?
Sco is fucking desperate for method to stay relevant. He can't afford to be the perpetual third wheel, bad look for sponsorships i'd imagine.
yeah warrior is fucking dookie
can't even have damage without other classes screaming and shitting even though so many classes hard counter
Your first clue was playing a class the same color as literal shit.
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tfw when I'm smiting the demon called allah
>man creates successful organization for a world first guild with over 80 bosses killed first
>"Sco is fucking desperate"
Anon are you okay?
he should've just ditched after the Josh situation
i hope he hasnt invested a ton of money into it because it surely won't be able to keep up
he shouldve started doing classic-andy nostalgia bait content, after all, wasnt he a world first raider back in TBC with Lady Vashj and so on? I remember him being on a Blue Plz episode in 2008
futafag are you getting dabbed on in pvp lmao
piss be upon him
When was the last time they won a RTWF?
if that shadow priest stood mostly still you you mostly made connections then that's grim indeed
you guys aren't worse than a cute egirl are you?

you can clear a +9 right?
oh no retbros
We need more one eyed goggles like the beholder ones and fewer over-designed ones
>be women
>stream with tits showing
>get carried
Why would he quit? He doesn't even have to raid lead. Sco will ride that horse into the ground.
do combo damage type abilities like "shadowflame" or "firefrost" benefit from things that effect fire or frost, or shadow or flame?

or only things that specifically call out that special element?
read the talents you're asking about before asking please thanks
are you upset?
everyones playing fury rn and i just sat my war until it gets buffs or fury gets nerfed
you're just an uptime bot and if you cant get it because mages are busted rn you're fucked and wont do shit pretty much
should do well in melee stacks tho its all about getting a big fear when the healer is trinketless into storm bolt + your coolies
yo idk if eiyah died her eyebrows or something but she looks fucked up rn
its affected by all bonuses that touch any of the composite damage types
for example elemental blast on enhancement shaman is boosted by every type of feral spirit, because its damage type is a combination of all of them
>raccoon city
you want to try that one again?
you know what i meant lil bro
spider city, i actually dont know what its called azj kahet or some shit?
i just thought it would be funny to say raccoon
All me
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okay, thanks

the talents didnt specify.
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sco isn't going to be the one making this decision
he handles shit like recruiting, sponsors, business deals
raid leading and organization is delegated now
Scobros we're not out yet!
>wasnt he a world first raider back in TBC with Lady Vashj and so on?
Method were always around the top but never got firsts until much later on.
The Vashj kill was the first "unbugged" kill. The first kill was Nihilum a few weeks before where Vashj suddenly lost a shitload of hp due to a bug and died (and then the corpse despawned with Vashj respawning).
They just caught up. So they're safe from being supplanted by chinks.
For now.
nta but I am upset
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How long has it been since there was a genuine 3 way race on a final boss? Jailer doesn't count beecause liquit.
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Hello, retard here. "Champion" gear is heroic tier and "Hero" is mythic right? I always forget what tier those are.
>hit valor cap
>have no more runed crest to upgrade with

well this dont feel good
Dude is such a tryhard attention seeking fag. It's no wonder why him and gingi got along so well. Rogerbrown seems like the only normal dude out of the bunch.
Myth is mythic
Im sure you can work backwards from there
No, champion is normal hero is heroic and mythic is mythic.
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Champion is raid normal. Champion>Hero>Myth
Death Knight done
Warrior done
Paladin done
Monk done
Hunter done
Mage done
Rogue done
Priest done
Warlock done
Druid done
Shaman done

Demon Hunter next
get this weakaura anon
I am not not upset
did they make the queues for solo BG blitz shorter
for worse match making?
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Thanks anons. For some reason i was over thinking it on the titles.
pretty much. the MMR is all fucked up too. I was 1600ish getting put in 2300 rated matches and losing more rating for losses than i was getting for wins. it feels impossible to climb unless you get insane luck with 5 or more win streaks
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Why is this dungeon so difficult? There’s no indication of what I’m supposed to be clicking on and the markers aren’t working. I thought dungeons were linear with only one correct path that everyone takes? Where’s the mass killing?
the fact that M+ dungeons drop 12 crests but it costs 15 to upgrade an item is the most Jewish shit ever, pisses me off every time. You just know it was originally 1:1 but they thought it would be too user friendly so they decreased crest gain or increased upgrade costs just enough to not match up for more MAU-driving friction
how small of a playerbase modern wow has?
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its so over
welcome to last week for literally everyone
One of the best clips from SL's. The height of raiders being pissed that M+ was more popular than raiding.
i cant get over how fat this guy is
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Nuh uh.
>EU down
uhhhh echo bros…?

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