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>Previous: >>495830394

Version 1.2 "Tour de Inferno" Special Program
Agent Record | Caesar King
Agent Record | Burnice White
Agent Record | Lighter Lorenz

>Newest Trailer/Teaser/Character demo
>Current Signal Search
Jane Doe - 09/04 – 09/24 11:59
Sharpened Stinger - 09/04 – 09/24 11:59

>Current Events
Sorry, Nothing.

>Upcoming Events for 1.2
Full 1.2 details and events: https://zenless.hoyoverse.com/en-us/news/125865
New at the Arcade: Bizarre Brigade - to be added in 1.2
Back in Business - Daily check in, double drops and more - 09/25 (1.2 release) - 10/10 03:59 (server time)
All New Program - 09/25 (1.2 release) - 11/05 03:59 (server time)
Overlord's Feast - 09/26 10:00 (server time) - 11/04 03:59 (server time)

>Redeemable codes (claimable in-game or online)

>Resources and useful links

>Vote FOR or AGAINST TV here if you're a literate human (zoomers and niggers can ignore)
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who’s gonna be the dripped A rank tonight bros
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True to Caesar
no shitposting past this post
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bros... EoS soon....
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>(like Hoshimi Miyabi)
Acquire PizzaPizza
Equip Big Cylinder
Cave faces
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I beat BG3 with a female gnome druid.
Unironically it was pretty fun transforming into an owlbear and jumping on everyone.

How come Zzz has no druid class.
>no (embed)(embed) etc.
it's over. Flopsar is DoA
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It is TIME

The die has been cast

It's time to cross the RUBICON



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I command you to masturbate for 5 hours
can't believe devs confirmed she's ugly as fuck...
Send Mihoyo a feedback ticket and they'll bend over backwards to add it
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u g l y
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Forgotten again...
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But everyone said that Devs listening was a good thing.
I'll fucking kneel with extreme force if Pulchra.
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Is Mihoyo gonna regret neglecting the female fanbase this hard?
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Sooo.. What are we going to talk about for the next five hours?
no way pulchra is a rank, cunning hares has too many already.
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shhhh Belle is sleeping
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What a dead game. Where's the content???
God dammit, this better not be a twatter artist. I ain't making an account just to view this stuff. Please place it in a catbox my firend.
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Fuckin hate when that happens
>Nothing's working
>Keep digging the fetish grave deeper
13 hours until Caesar for americans
Why would they? Most of their female playerbase left for LaD and they never made mihoyo a lot of money anyway
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I lvled you up to 50.
And I regret it, you're fucking TRASH.
I tried but I came after three minutes bwo... what do I do now...
if you want the female audience then you get into the makeup or clothing industry, you dont get into the fucking gaming industry.
Isn't homo archer literally next patch?
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They're reshuffling the female playerbase to their new MIHOYO game: Astaweave Haven, an Animal Crossing/Sims/Stardew inspired game
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>15 mins til maintenance

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how much longer?
Don't worry, they have a game specifically made for females in the works because I can't imagine any man wanting to play this shit.
sorry i'm tired, 19 hours
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Is this fetus Bricky? What the fuck is this image set lmao
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But they would see their stunner 80% of the time... Why the complaint?
modbros how are we feeling
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They should just skip brickser banner since no one is rolling her
thats my post
males love farming sims though where you can marry one of the villagers. Females like Love & Deepspace.
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They probably assumed, correctly, that the gameplay would filter out most the casual female audience, especially on mobile.
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How long till Corin goes and does a Euphy?
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You wouldn't understand.
you really like posting about asmonbald huh
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Come back to HSR after your game goes on maint. I'm not asking
It's in 5 hours globally
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Is mihoyo really rushing into another game?
Because they don't really play the game, they don't know how the game works, they're not interested in learning how it works, and they only want their wishes and opinions to be validated and catered to.
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We hate HSR here
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I think I'm going to get Caesar to fill the last slot on my 2nd team and I'm just gonna save to C6 Miyabi when she comes out, or something. I genuinely have zero interest in any of the upcoming banners that we know about, or any potential characters that might become future banners that are currently in the game. There's actually zero incentive to do absolutely anything once you're able to 7/7 S rank SD. And even if you'd only be able to do 5/7, that's already way more than enough. It literally doesn't matter. I've never played genshin, did they ever introduce some kind of a different type of content in the game, that actually requires you to have a lot of different teams with different elements and stuff? And if they did, were the rewards even worth the effort?
I love Ben Bigger and I dream of being able to fall into his warm, loving embrace.
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How do you differentiate Bricky, Woody and Grassy???
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>Genshin has a pretty even male/female ratio
>so does HSR
>Tears of Themis is 100000% pure fujo fanservice
>still make a fuss at the ONE game that doesn't pander to them
Why are women like this?
Anon i like stardew Valley too but that fanbase is like 80% female. I met two of my last two ex's from that game.
They'll make us wait until 1pm just like last patch
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No I understand perfectly bwo
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Who is the Kafka of ZeeZeeZee?

It's Yanagi btw
It's so fucking over
>they removed TVmode and the soul is gone
we're just generic mihoyo slop now, no different than genshin and HSR where the MC is a cardboard cutout and everyone stares at the ass of the girl they spent 1000 to pull
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>all those weird looking ass aliens
its so fucking over for this game...
fuck me genshin unironically won
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Got me some ABU Alphagatorz leftover from my FFXVI marathon so going to play all day with some food. What should I order bros? Burger? Pizza? Some Tacos and Nachos?
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Lighter being an on field stunner will make him an even bigger brick.

Soldier 11 is an on field dps, she is even more on field hungry than Jane is.
She needs a burst stunner like Koleda.
If Lighter is an on field stunner then he is GENUINE max avoid garbage.
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NTA but please brotherman, a catbox or mega.
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>This video is not for whales and dolphins, its for you, because you are just like me
I'll answer only if you give me your Eikon loadout.
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I'm going to sleep, good night bros, good luck on your rolls tomorrow.
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It's true. Nothing like having your own wuxia bladesmith wife to help you with tending to crops
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Kafka must be pretty forgettable if you're comparing Yanagi to her.
>t. doesn't play gayshin
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>genshin have to fund this game
hoyo is literally losing money for even keeping zzz
seeing it in real life really shows how bad that outfit looks
I'm you but BETTER
Did they only remove TV for Main Story? How will the weeklies work now if they're complete gone?
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Should I summon?
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Got the footslut C1 yesterday out of fucking nowhere. How good is she now? I love her design but I don't really have Rina and haven't built Anton, so I'm not sure how to build or use her.
>rerunning 5 stars
>in a mihoyo game
That's literally all the images so far.
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>already have c6 Anton
>Piper at c5
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this will never get old
I dont see anything wrong with it desu, but I'm a thigh man so that's probably why
... are there no uncensored or uncropped versions?
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Good night Mibibro.
Just drop the fucking patch aaaaaaaaaahaaafddaaaaaaa
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Real talk. With a bunch of farming simulator games like the Rune Factory series out there where you can actually date or marry characters and have an actual ending what are the chances this same crowd would give a shit about a live service, gachashit chinese version where you'll probably get platonic friendships and an eventual EoS notice?
You know you get a full refund beyond C6 right?
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>still saving for miyabi since launch
we got a miyabi eye fix before her release
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Does it really be like that?
That's not a good thing though?
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>goes from Kafka to Fugue Tingyun
kino, ZZZ could never
Those are just rkgks
Kek you can actually get stuck on the prophecy lmao
Yes it is, the alternative is you get nothing.
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>manage to make an already awful design even worse
How do you guys do it?
Yes it is? You'd get about 10% of your rolls back but they still contribute to pity.
>crpg (whatever that means in the gacha mobile game context)
>very boring, soulless designs
Its perfect for women, actually
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How the fuck do you lose track of an airship? Do you not have eyes? Those things are massive and slow
so asian doodles only... fug.
depends on the gameplay imo. frankly there are already plenty of no-gameplay gachas. Farming sim marriage tends to be very final and the whole game moves towards some level of automation by the end and that goes against gacha game systems.
ponder the smell
Do we have any jigger makers here?
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Same artist that did nugget Qingyi though, btw.
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Who in god's name is rolling for these shitters?
Wait, why do I like her more when she goes psychotic? Is it the tits?
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I'm gonna watch a movie until the patch drops. Have fun bwos
If Miyo wants me to roll please let her act like the right outside the office
Yo this dude named after a Fortnite dance convinced me to SKIP bro
Seed is literally a mini metal gear and ghostfire is a loli with talking guns
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2 minutes until maint and then 5 more hrs until Caesar
We are almost there bros
Concord 2 hype let's goooooo
ping me if they announce a persona 4 crossover
>in game announcement they are shutting g down at 6
It's over...
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sweaty jk shark feet
Wow can't wait to have no games to play on my $800 ps5 pro.
>one game
Dude you're not rolling a fuckin monkey with a shotgun?
I'll take care of corin while you sleep bro :)
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Concord 2 announcement!?
I want to marry this pancake eating derg
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is this real? ain't no way these designs came from the same company as star rail.
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don't forget to vote! your voice is important
>they're literally EOS in 2 months
holy fuck
I'm so happy they removed tvslop from the game.
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Since Jane's banner is already gone, does that mean that Seth and his wengine are in the standard banner pool right now?
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The UNDISPUTED champion
Are you all ready to pull for the king of /zzz/, /zzz/iggers?
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She's so talented...
There aren't many characters yet, the blue girl is cute. Is she good? I like oni girls. Onis are neat.
Will they announce Bloodborne?
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nothing waiting for free lucy from event.
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>got kicked out from the game
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Ps5 pro will be the definitive edition for Zzz.
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I have decided. Starting today, I will refrain from masturbating until Yanagi's banner is up. I will then proceed to blow my load on her banner, then "blow my load" on her face and tits. I will not fail my goddess.
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Yeah I can't believe there isn't a single china dress, let alone 7974588 variations of them.
Those type of images are the cringiest shit ever
Time to goon until the game is back up
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>all the cc say they are not rolling on x
>a week later they post a video saying ""new tech found and now x is worth it"
You fucks fall for it every time
she is so hot, fuck I love Grace
I checked what the fuck that wuwa thing is and it's literally carbon copy of genshit, which by itself triggers my gag reflex. Why are you shilling it here?
what h-game should i play that takes around 5 hours to clear or maybe 2 that take 2.5 hours
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D...did you make this?
>sci-fi space opera videogame
>no star trek ayy lmaos
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Her M1 doesn't seem gamechanging or anything. She's okay, use her if you love her. No Rina is rough, her only standard team in that case is with Piper/Lucy. Burnice would be a decent pull if you want to go hard on her. Standard Anomaly build is as much Anomaly Proficiency and Atk% as you can get.
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you missed the bit where he instantly folded on acting like picking jane over qingyi was meta and not a complete dickroll after qingyi released and was insanely strong
Yeah, her animations are long af but she's a good support and becomes a dps at c6
She's still just Ok, probably will get powercrept by yanagi but if you're not rolling for her might as well use her.
>won't be able to get home on time and use my energy before maintenance
Go on... without me...
Anyone know where to find the full soundtrack that playes in tge Ceasers release demo video?
The Agent Records in the OP are the upcoming new characters right? Do we know how long until their banner? Wondering if I should save all my new player freebies to guarantee them.
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>>495847154 (me)
>Proto Piper
Crazy how much gacha has cucked people into defending this kind of thiong. Clearly the sane approach is to give you something of value not to waste your pity and give you a miniscule refund.
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Eos is already in the game.
game is literally unplayable
it's over
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IKR? It's not AI generated recolors of the exact same character over and over. Crazy
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usually 1.X 5stars are baits (2.X is where the real shit is at), but these 5 stars are just not doing it.
star rail had kafka, jingliu, bait. genshin had like what eula, ayaka bait...
all look alright, but zzz fails in comparison.
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Fuck yeah bros
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I like her too anon, but as a medical professional: you don't wanna hold off masturbation for 6 full weeks. It will cause a significant amount of stress on your prostate and can lead to severe health issues down the line.

A ten day period before her banner should be fine though.
would be fucking hilarious if that furry group releases in sequence, revenue would dip so fucking hard they'd never run a furry again
The UNDISPUTED champion
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It's up
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how many hours until maintenance ends?
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am I a cuck if I use Jane and Seth alone in one team?
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>oh this game looks cool
>playstation VR
Shut the FUCK up
Jane bricks me up
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Maybe don't spend thousands on gacha games and save some money for VR stupid bitch.
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hibernating until lighter/seth so I can c6 both with no spooks
4 hours maybe
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This, but Seth.
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Thanks bros. I already have Lucy and Piper more or less built so I guess I'll go with that. Will be rolling Caesar anyway, in which case I hope to lose to Rina or at least get Piper to M6.
Also Planning to get Yanagi but I seriously doubt I'll get her.
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Japs seem to really like her design which makes sense. Not so much in the west I feel.
kaisars banner isnt even here and I want it out already.
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You can just selfinsert as him if you have a little bit of imagination. But keep in mind that canonically he's absolute bottom bitch and her personal pet/accessory without any free will
What is "something usable"? A copy of a random other A rank? No, I'd rather get the roll refund so I can keep building pity towards the limited character.
Come up with something meaningful, otherwise you're just a retard that doesn't understand how the refund system only benefits you long term.
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M0W1 Caesar with M6 Piper please
Anyone saying they want to play with the pig and the monkey is lying, unless they're an ULTRA AIDS INFESTED FAGGOT
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Should I play Palworld.
*Spits in a yumes faggot face*
I'm bisexual but I don't see the appeal on him, venti makes me really hot tho
Does your little cock twitches when you think of them together?
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Don't get Playstation VR

Save for something nice with eye tracking or motion control. Sometimes it's better to pay for the good stuff.
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Seth? Literally me.
Nah, it's millenialbait. Gets old 2 hours in.
After the pokempn gimmick it's just a standard open world survival game.
Isn't the game unironically dead?
But to answer, no. You can just play it for 2 hours and that's the whole game.
This is probably what people mean by gacha brainrot, I can't even comprehend how far down the rabbit hole you have to be to value one pull as being more valuable than another character.
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>I'm bisexual
>but I only like the female characters who are female in everything but name only
no. probably because my dick doesn't twitch at all when I play horny games unless I actively try to jack off
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Jane had sex with my belle btw
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Finally , it's zzzover...
What this anon said >>495845571
It's not just video games either. It's literally every hobby. Things have to cater to them, even if they don't engage with the hobbies, otherwise they have nonstop melties.
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When are they gonna add a quit button in game?
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Furry Tits
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You won't believe what that one pull is going to be for
Where can i get a gf built like Jane?
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>rveryones argument will soon be why roll on more than two stunners and two dps?
>single player game
>unironically dead
Devs might be in hot water if Japan's IP court is stupid enough to side with Nintendo's absolutely retarded patents though
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I accept your concession.
nice tits but what about her face
dress like belle
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I was thinking I'd just start having wet dreams 2 weeks in and any health complications should be prevented that way. I'm no health professional though.
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Is she as big as Grace? That's some crazy booba.
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Eating another tub of icecream while I wait for Caesar
Do we know story wise if it's your sibling or (you) that seems to get kidnapped?
But im a dude
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I will see you guys in 2 days because you bitches cannot stop yourselves from posting spoilers. Have fun.
It's always belle
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She had sex with half of the town (just like Belle btw), nothing to brag about
does this game have any yumebaiting? How does Seth interact with Belle if you've picked her
that's not a problem
How are you going to know if Caesar is a cuck bait then?
>giving dragon age this much air time
They have nothing to show huh
I will play the game dummy.
No lmao gaming has been shit
oh creepy guy or jester or whatever his name is?
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Why were people saying Caesar didn't have any jiggle again?
I guess they relate better because they both have older brothers
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Burnice moves so femininely.
Im gonna get drunk and roll when the patch comes out. AVE TRVE TO CAESAR
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Huh, makes things a little awkward if you picked Belle then. Guess I'll have to save my retarded sister, again
Why is one sleeve off? Is she stupid?
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As a fellow man of culture. Could I inquire as to the sauce of the right most middle picture sir. Yanagi is a sought after resource in this house.
Corin is so small...
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Big Daddy is going to be a main dps.
Who they both want to fuck.
Lycaon hogged all the yumebaiting.
just pick wise DESU
My in-game wallpaper btw
they're talking about her thighs
Do they butts jiggle?
You're wrong, they fuck every single night (belle is a semen demon)
I walk like this
Assuming I don't want to run Soldier 11, who do I put as a third on a Koleda and Ben team?
C6 Anton after he decides to show up on the new banner, perhaps.
That shit looked fucking awful. ZZZs combat looks way better. Western AAA games have fallen so far that chinese mobile games are now higher quality.
I am going to goon so hard to her.
I look and walk like this
>Female players
lmao even
Id prefer being seth tho and have jane womanhandle me
Lycaon would never do that to a rubber ducky.
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>legacy of kain soul
Belle will fuck both and then his big brother while Seth watches
The fuck is UTC+8 why do they pick retarded time zones?
I don't think I'll be able to cope with the fact that I'm inevitably going to c6 anton while rolling for caesar. Even when I win I get bricked
Theres no teams that even want lighter
So what are you doing during the maintenance? I'm playing smt vengeance
Mine said +6
Is, is this really what kids play on consoles these days? I haven't owned one since Modern Warfare 2.
I want to fuck you in the ass
Bros.... I want a hot topic gf so bad.....
Answer my phonecall you shitty mutt slut
Her waist is too thin, no woman looks like this
cool npc. who's the real leader though?
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>no one wants to play with him
playing rogue trader
No, kids are playing on phones and ipads.
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No women in America you mean
>american hours
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>thighs thicker than her waist
Every woman should look like this
Everyone updated yesterday you goof
BTW it's easy to tell when servers are up. Someone will instantly post a 10 roll within seconds of going live so
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It's redownloading all 50 gb for some reason
>>they removed TVmode and the soul is gone
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You don't need this cope, there's only 1 male S rank here.
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Patch time is puzzle time!
Shut the FUCK up bitch.
You are getting baited by mihoyo cuz the servers are offline anyway
This, but he's not lying albeit
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fatties can’t be feminine, lay off the burgers
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It's only 6pm but I am fucking tired.
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No man looks like this
Even Diablo 2 is better than ai hunter
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Idk you tell me
Hmmm probably gonna goof around on MHGU. I need to actually branch out and play something besides hammer/swaxe/HBG tho. Sword and shield is supposed to pretty fun in GU, yea?
I know, Anon.
I want to lick her sweaty asshole.
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Monhun is so soulless.
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>go to update
wtf bros why are we only 3.8 stars in the app store??
That hanging belly is so fucking disgusting, this is concord tier pandering
That ass CLAPPED lose some fucking weight woman jeez

What must I do to have this? I will do anything to have this.
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my boyfriend looks like this
Remember the cc era were they posted all their videos saying the game was too easy
I should play Gundam Breaker 4. Bought it at launch at didn't put much time in.

Yes, oils are sex.
My mom is build exactly like Burnice.
I gave it a 1 star after the sexist shower scene.
4 u
better to not have to wait when things are up if something fucks up
Only if you use ranged.
Can I meet your mom?
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SnS is fun but I actually like SB SnS the best because Perfect Rush, actually useful shield bashing, and more frequent Shoryugekis compared to the Hunter Art
Oils are great, especially once you beat one of the most cancerous quests for Chaos Oil 3
>story wise
More like story belle hehe
Hey it's Aloy from genshin impact!
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>Wolf thiren agent girl who's a druid that can fully morph into a lycanthrope
AAA western games have been cooked for a while now
>abuse from
From what anon
I'm a sucker for gas masks, so we know anything about that character?
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most app store ratings are based on the literal first filter: if SEAnigger poverty devices can run the game
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burnice is THICC
Play Hunting Horn and embrace double notes
Unironically most of the bad reviews are just people with 8 year old phones complaining about how they can't run the game.
Aight see you in 5 hours
Why is burnice so fat?
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I-it's just zoomed in more on Burnice. Th-that's the only reason she looks thicker!
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I'd eat both their asses. Problem?
No play archer like god intended
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Wait is the new banner releasing right now, and the servers are offline?
Fuck I was literally just downloading to start playing. Does it throw enough new player freebies at you for me to guarantee these new characters though?
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Monhun is shit, I hate dark souls combat.
god, she's gorgeous
I hope all Lighterbros are playing Terry Bogard.
Yeah, you should get plenty of you play through the game.
But u will need to rank up ur account for some of the free stuff
dark souls combat is dogshit
>Wait is the new banner releasing right now, and the servers are offline?
>Does it throw enough new player freebies at you for me to guarantee these new characters though?
You should more or less be able to guarantee at least one even if you get pretty unlucky, Caesar is a solid pick since she should be able to deal decent damage
humble skinny glorious leader caesar >>> shit >>>>>>>>> greedy boarmeat blonde retards
>pre-World bow
Alright thanks, I like the look of all three of them, kind of 90s cool guy, which is forever cool guy
Play Valor LS, the parry is just as ASMRgasmic as ZZZ's *CLANG* *CLANG* *CLANG*
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The humble everyman leader Caesar "Beidou" King
holy shiet I'm glad I decided to give this game a chance, Burnice gave me a big tits fetish
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need masked/faceless woman character nyow
your testosterone should be what gave you a big tits fetish
so wait this maint is one gorillion hours long?
>started late and have literally no 5* DPS
>was hoping Lighter at least would be fire attacker
It's over. I can't recover from this.
Outside of ghost of tsushima 2 that was fucking shite.
>He's unironically rolling an ugly dyke like Caesar
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>they didn't show Zzz in the state of play showcase
Its fucking OVER
>ghost of yotei
ZZZ is unironically finisjed lol, count your days until 2025.
3 hours + tip
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bro your Jane?
We LITERALLY just had Jane
My testosterone is pretty low, but I have a big boob and adult woman fetish.
it's ok sis, just wait one more patch for your T0C0S0 electro dps harumasa
I want Caesar but I NEED Burnice.
Jane has cellulite
Have you really not rolled all this time? I'm guessing that you spent any free standard tapes that you got. But like you're just sitting on around 40k chomre and 60 tapes? Is that right?
thread theme
>ugly "female" protagonist
No thanks. ZZZ will be safe unless western developers learn what an attractive female looks like.
something you have in common
I'm rock hard.
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They showed palworld and not Zzz.
>Babala likes spices
>Burnice somewhat looks like Babala and uses fire

Burnice = Babala expy??
>only Caesar & Burnice in 1.2
>All agents in 1.4
GayHoyo is so jew
wait i just clocked this character is called jane doe. jane if she was good
I use Corin on one side and Piper on the other because I skipped both dps characters.
You know palworld is COMING to ps5 right.
Like today.
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im a mommy fag, but it seems like caesar is a massively skip and burnice is much better choice to roll.
kinda sad
Hot. I bet her big fat rat ass wobbles like jello when you smack it.
Where is your 10 roll then
What's updog?
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neither do I, I've been here since 1.0 and my only limited is qingyi. We're in for the long game
You'll lose your 50/50
watching that state of play made me realize things aren't so bad here. I love you guys
just sold my kidney to afford caesar bros, I'm so ready
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>(like Hoshimi Miyabi)
day 1 player... but uninstalled before the first banner ended.
came back around 1.1 first half. haven't rolled in anything.
What state
Now post maivika's in game model.
Did something actually happen to Caesar to warrant the recent doomposting or no
Are we done pretending that tv gameplay was good and isn't a waste of time?
we fucking lost
>gave me a big tits fetish
>gave me
>a big tits fetish
what are you, brown? As a red blooded man you should already appreciate all breasts big and small, and all asses big and small.
Where does this image come from?
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>Genshincuck can't post models because their game is outdated as fuck
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That state of play had less content than Zzz.
Yanagi and Lighter on 1.3
Tbh Burnice would momdom you before Caesar ever would (source: divination)
>they didn't roll the only Ether attacker that also works out of the box with a fully F2P team
Honestly if you showed me Genshin for the first time, I'd think it was some shitty mobile game
shitposters doompost every single new character
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what are you doing to pass the time?
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>Lucy & Nicole on the banner
>Burnice walking/running animations are a MUST HAVE
I mean, it's a perfect banner.
You can't skip it.
mole missing
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>exhibit A
>works out of the box
She's shit without her M1
SEApags should go back to their dead gachas like wompwomp and nikker
I really like her model
Yeah, the doom/shitposting loop can get tedious but once you see the wasteland outside it's actually quite cozy in here.
Holy flipping pepperoni I ate a big ass bowl of spaghetti and meatballs and now I can’t feel my legs I had too many carbs
what do you mean late? one hour ago?
we literally had jane until a few hours ago bro
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I don't get it those models look fine to me.
If we are going to shit on a gacha lets just shit on wuwaniggers instead.
Emilie is a sexo hag and I'll die on this hill. She could've been a more interesting design based on the leaked prototypes, sure, but what we got isn't bad at all
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Eating multiple tubs of icecream
I played Slay the Princess because my zoomie friends kept recommending it, but it's gets way too philosophical and reddit for me. If I'm playing a VN I want to have sex with cute girls.
I just wish it didn't make the threads so fast, I mean I go to work and come back to seven threads in the fucking future. Do you know how annoying it is to scroll through each to see if anything of worth was posted image, webm, or catbox wise?
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*Shieldmogs your Caesar*
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drinkign tomato soup
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I'm more interested in Piper dupes than Ceasar, but I'm on hard pity so I'll almost certainly get the salad king unless I get some crazy Piper combos and can hodl for Burnice
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>>Burnice walking/running animations are a MUST HAVE
>we'll get to walk around with 5 star characters
>4 star characters will probably be delayed forever because Ben exists
it's over..
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try imouto life fantasy bro
I'm watching the Hannibal series.
Fear and Hunger 2
I played 5 hours and have a one hour save file
Fuck this game
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Saaar go redeem your own thread saar
Why did they name a gang leader after a fucking salad?
Holy hell
wuwa looks like crap in motion and the actual gameplay blows
wideyabi and chinice aren’t attractive just because they’re fat with tits though
>uma musume
>but h-game
But enough about ZZZ TV mo- oh wait HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
but enought about Genshin
Now that ultimates are separate, is Burnice more meta than Caesar?
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>wompwomp so dead they have to come here
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post more pulchra leaks and art
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>played because of zoomie friends
Should've played it when it was /v/'s fotm.
Actual skill issue
could caesar/lucy/burnice work? also is caesar m1 and 2 a must?
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I have an erection. What do?
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What an absurd move. Every match felt like a boss fight.
you know that doesn't work when i already mentioned wuwa right?
Stop trying to make non attackers DPS for fucks sake play the game right
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It’s up
I already got all endings in imouto fantasy bro
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>lets just shit on wuwaniggers instead.
Rent-free is bringing wuwa out of nowhere. Talk about your -snrk- gameplay like how the game is removing TV gameplay and turning into genshin.
Nico can solo SD btw
luv rina
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Today I will remind them.
Zhu and Nicole make my dick go up
jork it to anby pornography
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Why does wuajeets always talk about wuflop everywhere expect in their own thread?
Go back to your game, it needs all the support it can get.
>not brownya
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Today, I will remind them
"They" don't have anyone else to talk to in "their" own thread.
reminder that wuwa is so scared of zzz they moved their patch day lmao
someone post the vid of anby fucking wise. I won't snitch
>da wei sent exploding energy drinks to end Jstern
Mihoyo is NOT fucking around anymore with leak posters
I can't believe they Killed Ben
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>Zzzoos don't know that the majority of the Wuwa playerbase is on PC
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Just block the meteor oki, guess the high/low right, run to the other corner and wait 10 seconds and make sure to never get hit again, bro =))))))))
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>mfw rolling 2 Koledas in 20 rolls
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Mihoyo is never super early with maintenance, right
did he get them from the pager factory?
post rngmoe
Didn't they EOS that animal crossing game?
Posting this from the gym
it happens sometimes when Genshin and HSR. ZZZ so far has always been on stated time or later
I am rolling for Caesar and her ball
Is that the animal crossing pocket camp? Aren't they EoSing?
I don't swipe
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is it not 11:00 utc+8 rn bros.....
>google it
>This content has been blocked by your ISP in accordance with local laws
grace is such a good adopted sister
making her short, tomboy sister feel good.
wonder if koleda has a big bush?
playing the game right is having all the characters you like in a single team
Get in here
What shithole do you live in?
What 3rdie country is this?
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I just got done playing Link's Awakening, is it up yet?
I swiped for jane to get her just before the banner ended and now I'm realizing that I'll have to swipe on an even bigger pack to get caesar. They've got me, bros....

That's what, 12 hours from now?
do jiggie.fun next time bwo
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For you bro.
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I'm going to play the new zelda game.
Stupid Corin fucking BITCH.
I still have more fun dealing with that over STRIKE/THROW
Burnice and Jane work?
ZZZ launch was up earlier than listed and that's it
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South american? How do you niggers live in your shitholes and STILL don't know how to use vpn or don't have any other means of dodging DPI?
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When are we gonna get a real wrestling character?
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I use Odin, Garuda and Shiva. Shiva pairs well with Dancing Steel and Zantesuken from Odin and Garuda embrace is just good.
How much are they gonna squeeze Mibibi’s face bros ? I’m scared.
Anyone going to give Lorn's Lure a try here?
I need these
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>Mualani vs these joke models
How soon until it comes back up. I'm retarded when it comes to time zones and UTC shit.
>growlers your grab attempt
owari da
3-4 hours
>playing link's awakening instead of the new one
why tho
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[bad news] miyabi is ugly
[good news] her beauty will be enhanced
what does the time it come back up mean? i look it up on google and it says its 7 oclock in utc 8 or whatever. it should be back up an hour ago?
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>this is the future of story content in ZZZ
Holy shit its unironically fucking over
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I am just eating a 5 day old blueberry donut with some tumeric sprinked on, and some blue raspberry bodyarmor to keep me alive until the servers go up.
honestly they should add a countdown on the launcher or something
>License Level for Hollow Zero has been increased from 60 to 90. This takes effect at 04:00 on the first Monday after the update (server time).
We're so back.
Honkek here
now /zzz/ cares about revenue graphs or wuwajeets are too strong to shitpost to?
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I'm playing jong
How strong Cesar? la
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>want a fighting game version of several games/anime I like
>if they get made they'll just be like Marvel and never like BB
Fuck em androphiles kek...
I'm so fucking BAD at mahjong
How the fuck do I get better?
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Nicole needs thicker thighs
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>be zelda

>spam beds at enemies
where does it say this?
this guy seemed really cool but too hard for my broke hands to play
I already beat TOTK a long time ago, echoes of wisdom isn't out yet, it's in the same style of link's awakening remake so I decided to beat this before echoes comes out
Oh my god fuck OFF Chrome
Looks cool. Will wishlist.
Nicole is a beautiful perfect ANGEL.
I’ve been playing it since yesterday. About halfway through. It’s pretty fun and moderately challenging. Getting some of the collectibles is absolute cancer though but I’m probably just bad.
>echoes of wisdom isn't out yet
then how have I been playing it for several days
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I hope I can get Caesar with 50 rolls
Corin anal destruction
Fucking Asian women and their obsession with plastic surgery.
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Kek, which fucking shithole are you stuck in?
This but Piper C6.
I think kickboxers are closest thing to wrestlers in this game
>imagine german suplex Belabog machines
you got guarantee bro?
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they only thing that needs to get fixed are the ears
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Would be so cool to suplex some hollow nigga
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i doubt anything i would reply with would help but i hope you do, corinbwo
kek enjoy jail
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>Optimizes parts of 3D models for Agents Caesar, Burnice, and Hoshimi Miyabi.
The end of widening...
You mean as in making them bigger, right?
England. I can't even use 4chan without censoring myself or the bobbies will visit.
they are surrounding your house right now
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puzzlebros, ENTER
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He's what made me switch to stick.
>everyone assumes 3rd world
Why is this?
the size is fine but textures look cheap
this is how subhuman pedokeks keep getting caught and then want to act surprised
what the fuck dystopian hellscape do you come from there's no fucking way
How does soukaku work in an ice team? I'm not expected to actually wait the gorillion years it takes for her to do her flag chain attack right?
My Instagram account got pirated. Just want to say to the jeet who stole it, thank you for freeing me from this normalfag hell.
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no. i got 50 rolls and a dream
thanks bwo
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Ears are unironically the only good thing about Miyabi
burnice is dps tho
You need a cunny loicense for that
>using Chrome, the literal NSA+CIA+PSYOP goyslop in AD 2024
>not using Firefox and dozens of mods for the superiorest browsing experience
Post jailcell
Not bongistan because I can view it
they made this change recently
if you search for something on google, especially in chrome that is unsavory
You guys are making me want to download the game again and just play Mai/Bullet/Terumi because they're WAAYYYY easier
Rough, good luck buddy.
I was betting on Canada or 'stralia.
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I don't like corin posters.
They come across as the biggest fags out there.
You know Firefox, edge and all the other reputable web browsers are all built off the same chrome backbone right
>t. triggered brownoid
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I'm so sorry, this is so much worse than south american
>Stops characters from getting interrupted during attacks
>Buffs attack
Love dash cancels, but it was a bit absurd. They made a shonen protag that managed to filter most of the player base.
So'e to 'ear 'at bruv
>get to 70~ish% stun
>hold Lycaon ex and quick swap to Sokaku
>Triple swing into double buff Ellen against an enemy that has bonus stun dmg and ice shred on it from Lycaon.

Maybe there's a better rotation, but it's been enough to s-rank all the content for me so far.
>mini return event
>get a free a rank engine for being gone for a month and then coming back
probably a craftable engine im guessing?
Bongbro that's rough, as if wasn't enough having to deal with the flood of shit skins on your country
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He's not a bloody bong because I can view it and I'm a bong
Post a pic of your jail cell
I'm using Cuckhrome and I don't have these problems. Your country is fucked.
>t. hue
Is Koleda a teenager or some mega height stunted womanlet I speedread her chapter
I'm a Leaf and you can still view loli as long as you don't search it with Jewgle.
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>it's true
I never got a screencap of her kinda ugly face from 1.0
does anyone have it? unedited, of course
The rape gimmick is tiring. And very paki.
Nah, it's the sig season for the free characters you get.
there's like 5 puzzle rooms now. we in here
that nigger is trying to view loli hentai on his work network
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Is Burnice body the size as Caesar's?
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It's fine, I'm using my supervisor's laptop because I hate him.
But he says he's a bong >>495855272
I fail to see the problem here
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>niggas really looking up loli on google right now
Your ISP logged that
How many hours until live?
Does NA get to roll in a few hrs or is it just Asia servers?
Shouldn't a cat girl have like 8 nipples?
the same size*
He's a bloody liar or he's already on surveilled internet because of real cp
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that's from the beta not 1.0. i really think the change between them made her look worse
everyone rolls at the same time on new patches
>Tried gooning for 5 hours until maintenance ends
>Just accidentally came
FUCK this is taking forever
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I'm sorry for your blindness
What are we even doing in the meantime? TVposting seems to have lost all momentum
How THE FUCK does server maintenance take 5 hours?
No fucking way
I need to SNIFF Ellen
I'm still failing to see the problem
Just farm echoes in wuwa to pass the time
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My first result for the same query...
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>All that work just to do less damage than the gorillas. Noel is a pretty interesting problem to have though. Giving freedom and letting you chain into whatever means doing what's optimal will be crazy.

kappachino has a lobby open every saturday. Don't know if /v/ still runs lobbies.
can't believe i share a general with actual pedos
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fuck off
She smells like fish and sweat
>Your country is fucked
Lmao, people are getting in jail for posting on twitter in hueland
>loli hentai
>child abuse
>while real children are getting murdered and raped by shitskins
i love laughing at bongs but this just sad now
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Sharks pee through their skin so she'd smell fucking terrible.
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bait used to be believable
I remember reading that the almost all of the reports these guys get are drawings, making the whole thing almost pointless. But it sounds like an interesting job to have, looking at loli porn all day.
Sounds like how being a wizard is actually like
I'm playing the new zelda game.
Its not fun.
>fbi loli hentai
glowniggers arent even trying anymore
how many polys in this patch
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>FBI loli hentai
Now I'm curious. Everyone post where you live and google loli hentai
Firstoids live in a dictatorship
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Be 100% real with me bros
How likely is the chance that Big Daddy becomes playable?
That's hot tho, imagine licking her entire stinky body
I'd be more suprised if I didn't
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I am just planing my rolls accordingly
>no fluffy tail
What the fuck is the point?
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This changes EVERYTHING
You keep posting this like its bad yet it doesn't have TV slop so it must mean the future is bright.
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i had no idea we had so much leaf in this thread.
He is using deathflags to speak semaphore
>Washington D.C
>Unlimited streams of cunny
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big brother is always watching what are you on about.
Hello glowie
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no thank you, officer bullshit from Langley
from the beta to 1.0 only the shading changed but censorship aside models remained the same
>We tried Caesar and Seth and THIS happened
>The Caesar/Seth situation is crazy
Wasn’t it officially confirmed that he’d be playable at some point? Hope I didn’t dream it.
scrapped, not safe horny enough
Chaining around as Terumi is stupid fun. Waiting on a ZZ character with either chains or a chain/whipsword.
Leaflamd is fucking weird because the federal government doesn't want to decide if loli is cp or not, so they leave it up to discretion of whoever investigates you. I had no problem bringing in some sus loli figurines from my trip to Japan, but then a month later some poor sob got charged for possessing cp at the same airport because of a doujin.
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Did I miss the /zzz/ Hunger Games?
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BP Weapon or Seth's Sig as a cope option for Caesar?
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John Lennon
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Which Zzz fanbase is the STRONGEST
How do I burn 3 hours...
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How much longer...
are they the figurines that have removeable clothing? as they may not try to take apart the dolls.
They've been here long before you.
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brb someone’s knocking on my door
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why are there so many bongs here?
Waterkuma game.
Waterkuma thread.
6 inches.
diablo 2 act 1 lets go
Stunted womanlet that is also the youngest out of the playable cast so far outside Corin, I think?
Won't be surprised if I see you anons in some police raid news tomorrow.
Feels good living in a shithole where I can pirate and browse whatever the fuck I want and nobody gives a shit
Lucy love!
t. Bong
R5 Transmorpher.
need enough bongs to have tea time
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feetfags always win
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"actual pedos" have built this site chud
why the fuck are they getting rid of the TV mode
No, Burnice is Nicole tier. Caesar is Zhu size
reddit and CC's
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pedo website
pedo game
pedo thread
>not 7 or 7 1/2
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how about with a friend? :]
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>randomly gets blown up by a cruise missle someday
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Because nobody likes TV except me
I fucking hate CCs, reddit is full of undersaged niggers who don't even buy pulls or currency
why the fuck are they listening to those fags?
is it up yet?
Aye, I can do that
Most of the general likes TVs thougheverbeit
I'm always up brother
content creators are all about the big dollars and cents from click bait.
they are not going to give up click bait on new content
should i roll for caesar?.
They measure internal engagement metrics (yes, they're monitoring everything you do in game) against surveys against online sentiment to design their games. TV is really just that unpopular.
It's only for Story mode, we'll still have it everywhere else.
The reason is likely because most players don't bother with more than that and they've disliked TV mode on surveys.
Caesars slow ass banner is killing the game
she's a zoomer
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Who the fuck is this supposed to be?
yeah I know why CCs give dogshit contrarian opinions
I'm asking why the devs are listening to their dumb asses instead of players
or why they listen to the underageb& zoomers on reddit who don't even spend money in this game
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> You know palworld is COMING to ps5 right.
>Like today.


My wife Trigger.
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We need another /bant/ thread
leaks for ants
The sniper in S11´s story
It's the gacha audience. It's like when Genshin thought they'd try to do puzzles that took even a minor amount of thinking in Inazuma and the playerbase fucking rioted. TV mode simply goes outside the 4 minutes of gameplay they can handle without a skip or auto feature.
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I'm most of the general.
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she has an aoe pull in black hole move like kazuma without a cooldown
she also buffs like kazuma
if you don't know who kazuma is then yes
>Its been 15 minutes since I posted this
what the FUCK why is time going so slow
Sector 6's slow ass banners is going to kill the game.
is this real? how do people get hyped for this? please tell me they have different idle state or something at least
>it's only for story mode
that's the only place it really matters
the puzzles and other shit was based in TV mode, that shit is stripping the soul from the game to take it out and give us HI4 instead

>a bunch of headcanon shit
>no proof on anything
absolutely worthless post
It's pretty thick though.
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>BP expanded to tier 60
bro shes mid as fuck
And have them listen to 4chan schizos instead? Brilliant idea no one here couldn't even come up with a nice way to change how ultimates work.
Why else do you think this site is also filled with brown white supremacist larpers, they’re all one and the same
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The U.N decided not to go after loli and hentai in general earlier this year, if you're still unable to look at it you live in a fascist dictatorship unironically.
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>2 hours later
>still seething
they actually only listen to them if they have more than 1+ million subs, afaik
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Reminder that if Lighter sells more than Caesar or Burnice we will have year of darkness like Genshin did during Sumeru. Waterkuma will be fired, female characters will be E Q and fuck off supports for Big Daddy and we will never get a based shower scene with lolis ever again. You've been warned.
>>no proof on anything
They said so themselves in the dev stream retard
More free shit is always good.
What are (We) having for our next meal bro
“Slop” gets thrown around a lot here but this is pretty much the definition
That’s because Ultimates shouldn’t be changed. Just buffed except for Attackers’
yeah I actually spend money on pulls in thsi game as opposed to 3rd world monkeys and reddit fags
>erm you're upset they removed a thing you liked for no reason
yeah that doesn't make me a schizo does it nigger?
We like this.
>a bangboo for skinned for this
wtf how long is the maintenance

are they going to force me to miss a day
I am immune to airstrikes bwo, not a single mutt would be able to know where to locate my city in a map
That’s a man
Remember to predownload
don't be like me
3 more hours bwo
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ok I'd still ravage her asshole
I apologize for shitting on Genshin characters, didn't know how bad it could get.
aint that the truth
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If it ain't broke why fix it?
5 hours or less, started at 6:00 UTC+8
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Yeah, nah. I'm guessing you don't play any mihomo games because they've never reacted to so many trivial criticisms as aggressively as they are with ZZZ. It feels like a kneejerk reaction in response to early player retention not being as good as it was for their other games.
Doumo Doumo
who is the tingyun of zzz
it is a kneejerk reaction to content creators
the devs are new and not as confident as the other devs like genshin so when a bunch of CCs make videos about how "this game is dead in 3 months if they don't remove TV" they panic and remove it
Why are you pretending this is worse than genshin or star rail where they don't listen to anything and the games are stale as fuck?
>trivial criticism
More like people really don't like the mode. People don't like the constant interruption between action and interacting with the TV. It's not kneejerk at all if you just watch the dev stream explaining why they're scaling it back to TV being a storytelling device instead of action gameplay.
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so you're the one shitting up our thread...
They acted really fast on a lot of the beta feedback, it's just different dev teams. Although player retention could be a factor I just doubt they would done the updates differently if it was making 150 million a month without any drops or whatever.
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If she's considered mid then no bitch will ever settle for a fatass like me.
more like zoomers can't handle anything taht takes more than 50iq and a single button spam
This is the ARPG with an auto combo button enabled by default and it warns you about turning it off
lose weight
not listening to feedback and doing what you want is 100% better than overreacting to minor feedback like this
because you cannot please everyone and now you have set the precedent that if you bitch loud enough they will rip out the stuff you don't like from the game

so expect everyone t bitch really fucking loudly and fight of rhte dev's attention to get their stuff added an no one else's shit added
Shut up, nigger. God, I hate those contrarian faggots who think the more miserable and shitty a game's experience is, the more """soulful""" it is.
It's because of faggots like you that we have a whole year of homo banners and no new 5* female characters in Genshin. Eat shit and drop the game, cuck.
How do you know it's an overreaction? They have months of survey data and you don't.
Retards legitimately believe that these changes are made because of complaints from Youtubers and not because that is what the majority of the chink audience (the real consumers) want.
whre is this proof you have? you keep bringing it up
they don't actually go after you for that though do they? Last I heard they just use it as an excuse to slap on some extra fines while going after people that have 3DPD
I don't give a fuck lol, genshin and HSR are fucking dogshit games and I will kill myself before I see a game I like get turned into that slop
Saar you are just poor
Great. Then shut the fuck up and let the developers listen to their audience. Otherwise, it is precisely the stubbornness of following the original "vision" that will make this game another Hoyoslop.
I'm not whatever anon you're referring to. I don't need data to point out that you don't have data.
Do you have the "you where simply too strong to win"
>listen to their audience
you're a genshin paypiggy, fuck off, go back, and stay there pageater
>buzzwords and Genshin slang
Please go back, blackie.
well thats it, im getting burnice
>you can only explore as the 2 new limited S ranks
fucking kikes LMAO
Just get the new characters then?
normalnigger Kafka is from Honkai
? they actually do reruns, retard
Those hips...
yes, a lot actually, he gets shy around her and there are more flirty interactions than with other characters

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