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Dark Ages are over Edition

>I have a question about Monster Hunter!

>MH Wilds
Wilds Info: https://www.monsterhunter.com/wilds/en-us/
Steam page: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2246340/Monster_Hunter_Wilds/
New weapon trailers: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7z-ZXbhfoKEO9jJv7a-bG7UcHGTCX5uH
Gamescom 2024 trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=myHFsVMQIYw
Release Date Trailer

>MH Rise
Sunbreak TU Info: https://www.monsterhunter.com/rise-sunbreak/update/en-us/
Hunter Connect: https://pastebin.com/Tp9t570y
Armor Set Search: https://mhrise.wiki-db.com/sim/?hl=en
Monster Weakness Database: https://robomeche.github.io/MHRise-Database/

>MH World
Iceborne Info: https://www.monsterhunter.com/world-iceborne/
World is now Steam Deck verified! https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/582010/view/3738609511464820653
General Info: https://pastebin.com/uCazCZBf

>Older Game Emulation and Multiplayer/Frontier


>Where does /vg/ play?
Post the game, platform, room code, and password (7243/rage)

>/mhg/ OP pastebin (use this when making new threads)

Previous thread: >>495789110
I love huntresses
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>Dark Ages are over Edition
But the whole game is about brown people and ugly women and the game looks like casualized trash?

And even the casuals it's made for no longer care
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Why does Wilds look like garbage compared to other 2025 games? It's lucky it releases early
Wonder if we’ll get a Mohun themed ps5/controller like world did for ps4
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>But the whole game is about brown people and ugly women
don't forget the main antagonist is literally called "the white" something and attacks you with chains kek
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i too love huntresses but not those ugly world/wilds blokes
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I thought picrel was the same character at first but looks like the game has multiple wide jaw butch dykes
>sees a butterlfy
>oh my god it's incredible
this is the low standards they want us to have
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that however is a "male"
voiced by a woman of course
That's supposed to be a guy? Are you serious? Holy fuck why are Capcom games so ugly now
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The console was cool but the controller was pretty ugly, looked more like tribal tattoos than Rathalos
Is Wilds releasing in Japan?
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Drats! I'm naming my Palico after Masterlinkx
With how bad the PS5 is doing it technically isn’t.
Hell today they announced the biggest shot in the arm the PS5 could get is being blocked.
Nintendo is preventing the Palworld PS5 version from launching in Japan until the lawsuit is over.
You're delusional, too much message board posting rotting your brain
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Capcom finna be swimming in ESG bucks after this game
Just stating what we know, sales in Japan are likely gonna cap at like 500k
No PS5 game has ever hit that there so it’d still be an achievement.
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Why do all the monsters look ugly and grimy now? Are they trying to bring all the Resident Evil players over?
Will this be the first MonHun to flop in Japan? They do realize that an American audience can't keep the franchise afloat, right? Right?
Too many DD2 people on the staff
It's impossible to flop with Capcom and Sony marketing. And even if it flops they will just dump 10 million copies in the Mahandi river and say the game sold well.
>And even if it flops they will just dump 10 million copies in the Mahandi river and say the game sold well.
kek. just faking numbers is actually what i think big media is doing for years
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>Astrum Unit's Handler. An adroit biologist renowned throughout academia.

>why are Capcom games so ugly now
you know why
>Minimum Specs
>Upscaled 720p
>30fps ( with frame gen )
>1080p60 ( only if you have Frame Generation )

This is the result of pandering to graphics whores
I miss the times when MH had sovl graphics
and yes i'm gonna return to Freedom Unite
enjoy your slop
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Sad. I first noticed their shift in the early 2010s when they made Claire look like Tobey Maguire. Just seemed very weird and inorganic to me
Still not buying a GayStation 5, jeet shill
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Wilds is gonna be the first mainline Monster Hunter game that I won't buy since I started playing the series 10 years ago. Think about that, Capcom, and please try to improve!
lmao how is that shilling
Just quit mainline. That's what I did. They've gone off the deep end. It's just not worth it when I just want to hunt monsters
90% of the time Jap PC minimum/recommended are just the two shittiest PCs they had in the office
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why are there two threads you fucking RETARDS
these system requirements are super worrying. not even doomposting i want the game to be good but it should raise red flags
Arkveld is pretty cool to be honest
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>people still giving Capcom money
Post-rational society
Japs always just throw shit at the wall and call it requirements. Long as it has decent setting customization you're good.
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>min reqs: 3600
>recommended reqs: 3600x
..that's basically the same. did they just make shit up? see pic related for an example
This one here was actually a duplicate that should've gotten axed. And now it's filled with doomposting
Left side looks cooler. Which SF is that?
Someone is definitely sabotaging Capcom from the inside.
Give Wilds to me! And I'll... I'll...........
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>have to wait 6 months for the actual release where they fix the performance and add shit that should've been in the game at launch because le ebic shareholders will piss and shit if they don't have enough money for a dickgirl sex party on their yachts by april
Why? The recommended specs are literally just console equivalent parts. There are no surprises there at all, you get about console performance except you drop resolution to hit a more comfortable framerate target.

Surely I'm not sharing a thread with PC poorfags whose computers are less powerful than a fucking PS5. Right?
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What are we betting bros? Are we gonna be able to skip cutscenes or are we gonna have to watch all the street shitter’s faggot scenes?
it is optimized for a shitty ps5 3700x+rx5600 rdna 1.5 how is this worrying?
>B-But it's just a recommendation!
PS5's were dying on stage at the presentation
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5 which was already ugly. It's pretty wild how it looks amazing and like quintessential Street Fighter compared to 6
ps5 has horrible usb and heatsink issues.
And it's specs are better than most normalfag PCs
Dragon's Dogma 2 has the worst optimization of any video game ever. Always expect the worst from Capcom and never trust reviewers and you're good
Monhun mainline team has a bad track record with PC releases. Although you're right in that the base PS5 is going to be running the game at some custom mix of lowest and medium settings, resolution at sub 900p FSR'd and using other custom upscaling methods to reach 1440p+, and still running at 30 FPS-. If you have at least a 3060 or equivalent and something like a 4th gen Ryzen or equivalent you'll be able to play the game.
skipping cutscenes was already confirmed
shit/doomposters don't do any research huh
fucking cocksuckers
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It's over for us indobros
>only ever use GS and Lance these days
>used to dabble in Hammer but left it behind because it just wasn't clicking
I feel like I should maybe try learning a new 3rd weapon to replace Hammer, but I don't like anything with vials or kinsects or extra bullshit like that
Maybe SnS? Dual Blades?
Bad track record of what? Rise and World are both fine and Rise is also RE Engine.
>SnS? Dual Blades?
These are both pretty straightforward weapons and won't take long for you to get used to them. Might as well just try both.
Just downgrade your mudhut to a straw hut for a few months and eat grass shavings.
Sticky LBG is the hammer of gunning. Use that.
Yeah I'll give it a go
Plus my two mains are "slow" so I guess it makes sense to try something "fast"
Nah, I'm not interested in projectile weapons or anything with ammo/extra complications
You obviously were not there for World or Iceborne's launches. They were fucked.
The recommended card is 5+ years old
Wilds look like ASS, it's looks like it's still on POS4
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>almost all the zones they show are wide and flat
Rise won, fuck World and its jagged unplayable shitzone terrains with inclines and things blocking you everywhere

Wilds is Rise's son
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It looks like World with a face lift but ruins twice as poorly
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look at this fat fuck
what a heckin chonker
I was. It was the game that made me upgrade from my ancient GTX 670 back in the day. It was fine. Aside from volumetrics nuking your performance I don't remember having major issues. Plus you had loading times of like five seconds whereas I would classify the last gen console versions of MHW as unplayable.
I wish to pet the arapaima leviathan and give it pellets.
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Debating on giving up my bluetooth controller for a wired controller
>rise dog climbing on vines
riseCHADS we won
Is this The Evil Within?
I blacklist wired controller players constantly.
a 4060? seriously? to run a game that looks like that!? what is capcom smoking?
How over is it?
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Newfags can now stop defending MHW
It's going to be incredibly easy until the final wildsborne boss huh
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You CAN run Wilds right /mhg?
I'm pretty sure Wild is shared custody with Wilds and World
Spent time in World's muddy texture backyard and
slow weapon training, and the other weekend in Rise's vibrant garden and... I don't know what else Rise would have contributed
Probably some other meachanics
Also it spent some time with its MHNow cousin and learned the monster star difficulty autism
That's what MH is now. World had no difficulty until event quests, besides that you had to get used to the new controls and animations.
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And for the poors...
Just imagine all those out of the loop normalfags buying wilds and then the massive backlash when they see how it runs. God Capcom are fucking morons
god I'm just gonna kill myself it's so fucking over
I'm above recommended specs, but I doubt the specs listed there will get a completely solid 60. It's definitely going to be like DD2 where some situations will always cause big dips. If I can get mostly 60 I'll be fine but I play at 1440 which will probably suck unless I just decide to play at 1080 stretched out.
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Thoughts on American Namielle?
boring until he's powered up. So 5/10
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Play real MH, ignore new westslop
Why are all the monster in wild so fuckable?
I like his tiny face but he kinda looks like a fag in drag
alibaba mizutsune
Just don't like 'em
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Arapaima with betta finnage is a strange idea but I can dig it. Waiting to see it's turf war with Plesioth.
>ssd required
fuck you
Did they finally port 4U to a real system?
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they're unironically not hiding it
You can get a 1TB SSD for 50 bucks and under now.
i wouldn't want to play with someone who take 5 minutes to load into a hunt
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>From the director who brought you JUSTICE LEAGUE... SUCKER PUNCH...AND REBEL MOON...comes the epic cinematic experience of the year....MONSTER HUNTER

This fucking game looks like ABSOLUTE HORSE SHIT and ONLY WORLD NIGGERS will eat it up as if its ACTUALLY GOOD. DIE CAPCOM FUCK YOU
it's 2024 old man get with the times
the fast load times an SSD brings you!
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>there are people in this thread who can't run Wilds
why does he need those webings? I can see his color is counter shading from the orange water, if not for his fucking wings
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Yeah I can run it at 60fps no problem
what in the nigger
Why do retarded normalniggers always think that they should be able to run ports with weaker hardware than the consoles they're targeting?
>rajesh in 1757 seeing the english land in india
I hope the fight isn't like Ukanlos or gaismagorm and take up 80% of the screen.
>the white race
>is chained up and uses whips
what did capcom mean by this?!
>brute shitmon already
As if you needed more reasons to skip this trash lmao
>What if we fire the Monster Hunter Designers and Hire the resident evil ones?
>Great idea fellow slant eyed 80IQ retard
looks like he would fuck up the camers
>I don't remember having major issues
It was a lot of "works on my machine" tier shit like me and another friend who had a 970ti at the time had the game stutter every time a barrel bomb or Teostra explosion went off until a few patches came out
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am i imagining things here or
how is that resident evil at all
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The White Monster's Burden is real...
realism shit was a mistake
focus on art direction you soulless motherfucking gooks
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apologize to Frontier
>White Wraith
>Wraith is just someone saying "race" with a speech impediment
So subtle Sweet Baby Capcom
Tendies are just saying whatever pops into their heads first at this point
>why do people on the platform that has varied graphics settings think they should be able to run ports with weaker hardware than the consoles that are locked to specific settings
gee I wonder
>High Rank Hunter Ayame is the hottest girl in Rise by far
>Has a whole story arc about how she got injured and had to abandon her preferred heavy weapons and start over from scratch with the LBG, inspired by your exploits
>Is not available as a Companion on hunts
for what purpose
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Now I'm definitely not playing this garbage
>Risefags already doom posting
That didn't take long.
God I can't wait for the "I-It won't sell well posts!" just like they did for world.
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no *baps*
Tokuda hates white people
I have SSDs, I'm not wasting 140gb on this trash

It's open world

Capcom cannot handle world streaming so you're gonna be fucked on performance in game whether you have an SSD or not, load times aren't gonna matter out of hunts
I guess but I wish they would at least elaborate on their shit posts would make for some discussion while I put off playing video games
It uh... it has scales?
Equal dragon weapon is real!
so if Wilds comes out and it's really fun but it doesn't have any sexy white girls and one of the protagonists is brown are you not going to buy the game? it's a hunting game. why are you insufferable fucks complaining so much about shit that doesn't matter?

you are imagining
>the consolewarfags conveniently appear at the exact same time as the culturewar schizos
funnies thing all day desu. all that shitposting about ps5 and turns out they're going to play on one lmao
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It's going to sell well because its for the masses low IQ dumb faggots who have no ability to discern quality. NOBODY and I mean NOBODY will LOVE this game. it will be middle of the road garbage for every single CONSUMER to CONSUME without questioning anything and then after a grace period NOBODY will be talking about it except for the new faggots that have been plaguing this general for over 10 years
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mhw wilds lumu room pc koko
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That's a pre-order from me.
Looks like they copy the chicken monster from Wild Hearts
wilds actually won't sell
it's going to sell well because it's world 2 but better and world already sold like fucking hotcakes
>Doesn't put porn on the H drive
Shit tier
>why are you insufferable fucks complaining so much about shit that doesn't matter?
Welcome to the modern internet, it's not just the libs that do it anymore
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Yes, GU is playable online on PC with 60 frames. It's 4U but with more content, many more good monsters and locations and optional anime abilities that are very fun

No need to care about new garbage
only girls and homos would wear that though
the porn is hidden on the C drive
it's because that's where you can C the porn!
Its almost as if they spent millions of dollars on said SHIT that DOESN'T matter. Wow imagine that ??? you 60 IQ dark waste
Is that just because you download all bluray rips and shit or do you have like 9000 different animu series downloaded?
>It's 4U but with more content, many more good monsters
more filler gathering quests, many more bad recolored shitmons*
>why are you insufferable fucks complaining so much about shit that doesn't matter?
Internet crazy seems to double every year.
it doesn't really >>495858560
cool spin on the leviathan skeleton but this thing looks like it will be painfully unfun to fight
It'll sell but I'd genuinely be shocked if it sold more than world and frankly I think the requirements will cause backlash
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>do you have like 9000 different animu series downloaded?
>announce surprisingly releasing the game at the end of fiscal year
clap pls
I wish I could kill you for replying to me with this retarded post.
>adding brown skin to the game costs millions of dollars according to the chronically online dementia patient
XX is objectively way better than 4G its not even close. Your end game consists of wystone retarded dogshit while XX has an actual end game content that can keep you engaged for hours without having to worry about RNG weapon upgrades.
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can someone add the hehehe text to this
fat fuck, I would rather have tigerstripe Zamtiros
I like GU and all but I'm getting real tired of this retarded meme that it makes 4U obsolete
What's the worst one you've dropped?
bow mains probably doing well
It's not a meme, little boy
Well you see, I'm very mentally ill but I'll pretend I'm smart and that you are the enemy or my ego cannot go unquestioned, my politics are perfect and my mind is beautiful and I am never a hypocrite just as bad as everyone I scream at.
>he's not a seikrit rider
Oh don't get me wrong. There's a million things wrong with the PC version. But compared to like Dragon's Dogma 2? It's fine.
upvoted and given patreon gold please brothers for the greater good
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Here you go fellow target audience.
I barely even touched guild quests in 4U and I still played for like 500 hours
There's tons of stuff to do besides Rape Ape 4U
So Deviljho is 100% getting in right?
4U for the experience, GU for the repeat playthroughs.
Yeah, its a good victory lap if you already beat everything in 4U
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i really can't remember if i'm being completely honest with you
the worst one this YEAR though? highspeed etoile
downvoted and reported to nintendo
I would bet my life on it
sure feels good to have a job, a PC with a 7800X3D, RTX4090 and a 4k 240hz OLED monitor.

can't imagine what life is like for the 3rd world subhumans in here.
>I'm bad
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Yeah I looked it up and it does look ugly but it's not that one. It's this chicken.
With every zone getting a big deal apex monster and the weather shit those new monsters might be the party crashers instead of one that shows up in every map
Or something new since its a new gen
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>more filler gathering quests
It doesn't have those in the hub
>many more bad recolored shitmons
No it has many completely new monsters like the fated four, over a dozen deviants, monsters missing in 4 like Nargacuga and Lagiacrus and even the weakest monster has a hyper version which makes it a proper fight

>I can play a game that's a better version of the game I like?
Something isn't right with your brain
Congalala isn't in so he isn't.
It's clearly a very cpu-limited game. The gpu really has little to do with it. The "framegen for 60" is required on those cards because the CPU is being raped. Basically, anyone that saw DD2 should've been expecting this when they saw the amount of detail within the world in terms of monsters, characters and endemic shit. It's not great.

Whats the point of a 240hz monitor if you're getting like 60-100 fps at 4k?
>even the weakest monster has a hyper version which makes it a proper fight
>meanwhile rise does this with anomalies and everyone shits and pisses their pants while sucking off GU
yeah, modern consoles are notoriously underperforming enough to outright scare companies onto PC for the bigger market. I can't imagine having stricter spec requirements than almost any other game on the market will help the sales a whole lot
you are so gay my dad even agrees that you fuck men for free
Name 1 new weapon class. Name 1 new Monster Skeleton.
Alright thanks. Now tell me where the budget went.

MH fans have become the dumbest audience in all of gaming, congrats
OOPS >>495877636
>Whats the point of a 240hz monitor if you're getting like 60-100 fps at 4k?
to get 240fps in other games
Anomalies don't have new moveset like the deviants do thoughbeit
monster whips, arkveld
Anomalies are cool as well even if the reddish tint is ugly
Games that are kind of pointless at 4k?
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other games suck and old games dont benefit from 240hz so whats the point
they have one new move! the explosion!
>the time and budget it takes to make a brown skin texture is the equivalent of an entire new weapon type and monster family according to the underage that has never touched a mh game in her life
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>Post yfw enjoying wilds kino while rice soys shit up the thread replying to themselves on release day
>It doesn't have those in the hub
It just has identical repeats of village quests and repeats within its own quest list
GU's fine but don't pretend the quest list isn't padded out dogshit
I mean, a chook monster is going to look similar to other chooks unless it basically no longer resembles one. A smaller angry brute pecking above it's class is a neat idea considering how fighty the things can be.
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That's the lip of his gross extending fish mouth that you can see in the beginning of >>495876870
I play rise on PC THOUGH
Now that the dust has settled.
>Main weapon
>Secondary weapon
will wilds be on the switch 2? the constant shitpoosting is inevitable but this will be the turning point
You're retarded stop typing.
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>implying it won't be (You)
there's no way they made it look like shit just for console. Probably not a launch title though.
lance (blast element) (for fun)
Haven't finished either, but I was having more fun in 4U G rank than I am currently in GU G rank
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>snoys screaming into the abyss with ricers
>I'm just hunting in another monhun game
I'm blessed to have not sold my soul to company, I hate all of them.
and I pirate many games, because it is morally correct.
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MHGU was the final Monster Hunter
what do you mean it's on ps5
New weapon class 1
New weapon class 2
I accept your concession
What the fuck is this gay shit
you can't pirate wilds though
Portable chad.
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Wilds status?
Not yet...
What do I wanna work for?
not ever lmao
unless you give that mentally ill troon (actual) Empress 500 us dollars to crack it for you
that bear is literally me after working once to afford mh wilds
>big booba and thighs
You fap to traps
releasing in 5 months!
Can't wait.

You have hunted the Doshaguma. You have become the Doshaguma.
>Nearly exposed pussy
I wish Capcom was still this based.
Your check has been sent
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>you can't pirate wilds though
Are you sure about that? All Capcom needs to do is say something bad about trannies and Empress will crack it in 2 weeks like what happen to the harry potter game
The hub is all about hunting monsters
Village key quests aren't horrible either if you aren't in a hurry
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>I have to keep playing shitty games like mhfu until mhkino is out in 5 months
>All Capcom needs to do is say something bad about trannies
why would they do that
they're actively working to do the opposite as clearly demonstrated by the stuff they forced into wilds
Just play world you massive faggot normie
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>WorldChads and PlaystationChads get to play MHWilds on their platform, while Risetrannies and tendies can only seethe in their dying general
KEK I can't wait
the internet would in fact be a much better place if people got paid financial compensation every time they had to interact with mindbroken schizos
How do I find an underground street fighting racket to compete in so I can make enough money for a Wilds PC?
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>i-it's kino!
really trying to convince yourself there
right looks better
Idk, but empress did crack Rise so it's not farfetch. Now I'm wondering what "MMO" this person is playing.
>tendie sour grapes reaching levels not seen in 7 years
Kek, can't wait for the actual launch
Capcom are hoping the sales for wilds will increase as time goes on like in 4-5 years when people have likely upgraded for cheaper. They're essentially creating games most people will be playing in the future. It's an interesting strategy but the games are multiplayer and many people play them for the multiplayer so there's an element of timing there. I really don't know if people will play games with dead online. I guess that's why they're going so hard on expanding the followers system to "future proof" the multiplayer but I honestly don't think it's the same for most people but I suppose we'll see
you forgot your trip
removing the poster count was a mistake btw
NO! -tf2 heavy>>495879257
This. Not only should it be returned but post IDs should be added.
>can't wait to save the niggles and beat up the big bad white with my focus attacks (TM)
we know
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Will the fishing mini game actually be good this time in Wilds?
This. We should add upvotes and awards too.
According to the specs sheets PS5 and Series X will run the game at 900p at 30fps using upscaling to hit 4k
Series S will be 600p at 30fps and upscale to 1440p
PS5 Pro will be at 1080p upscalled to 4k
No 60fps options
>Remember hearing some state of play shit is going on, click out of the fg thread on /v/ I was in to see if someone posted the date
>just thread after thread screaming and crying over snoy this, tendies that
I fucking hate consolewar posting so fucking much holy shit
>doesn't know basic mh lore
please try to keep up
All the budget went to shit that doesnt matter, your odds are high
yeah now I can't see how many people are samefagging!! oh wait it's obvious and doens't change a fucking thing because they will samefag anyway
it's like youtube dislikes you stupid retard
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No it objectively doesn't, at all. The characters don't even look like themselve
This is why I don't trust huntresses. Thankfully I'll have my bro to hunt with in Wilds so no huntresses will be with us! Weird how I never saw his face though...
snoys talking a lot of shit for guys stuck playing at half the fps my 7 year old GPU will run it at
Longsword and HH like every single solo metafag is going to use of course.
No deck support
There will be anti cheat too this time
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>The cat doesn't speak in pun
We are reaching level of soulless that is not even supposed to be possible
did anticheat effect mods?
sf5 characters look like they're modeled out of clay and have wax hair
MonHun has NEVER had a good fishing minigame.
does denuvo fuck up modding? Is that the reason why it's 30fps because Denuvo??
I read that filename as tranny demon the first time
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>Capcom got triggered by Breath of the Wild because Zelda is an actual girl
you're replying to someone that clearly doesn't play MH, what did you expect?
God I hope the huntress feet are actually good in Wilds.
tendies malding hard ITT
Old fishing is better than new fishing
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after today's absolute state i'm more excited at this desu. i was really young when i watched my older brother play this. now i can actually relive those days.

hopefully capcom learns and does the same thing for breath of fire
>sf5 characters look like they're modeled out of clay and have wax hair
Which is better than looking completely retarded in every way. They even somehow ruined Terry with those ridiculous Hulk muscles and 1985 Mask face
It's the exact same fucking thing are you dumb?
Resident Evil Engine didn't only mean graphics... it was also the designs, asthetics and consumer tier gameplay. It's literally over for capcom.

Only way you'll unironically buy or play their garbage is if you're a mindless consumer
Good morning
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>hey bro can I copy your homework?
>yeah just be sure to change some stuff
No I do play monster hunter, I just want some better fishing mechanic since it was in Wilds new video. It doesn't have to be amazing but just a bit better and maybe you can put out a deep sea monster by accident which drop decent loot if you beat it.
>Which is bette-
nothing in jive is better
literally nothing
What the fuck is that?
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>"I've gotta kill fatalis"
GS bros... h-he's gonna return and make everyone laugh at us again...
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>4060 just for Medium setting

It is fucking over. I am gonna have to buy a new graphic card for real

Why the fuck do i need to? It is not like this shit is Elden Ring or fucking God of war. The graphic is nowhere near that good
Eventually this place will just be retards talking past each other like they're all in a twitch chat.
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Capcom is just a joke today and everyone who keeps them alive is a bugman who shouldn't even be allowed to have money or make spending decisions
chat is this real?
Denuvo :) enjoy your worse product because of that.
140 GB you already know its unoptimized . game will launch with 4 maps and tens of monsters. screenshot my post.
>ignore /mhg/
>play Wilds
>have fun
It's really THAT easy
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No offense to the huntards but this game gives more of an MH vibe than Wilds and I can grow creatures to boot!
It is unironically OVER for Monster Hunter

i've never even heard of this
revealed today
>early access ARK clone on piss 5 so no mods and paid online
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I have never not gotten 60+fps on re:engine games on this almost 4 year old piece of shit.
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The villagers look like they are wearing some kind of white ludroth

Status: in?
It's crazy how much better the japanese voice is
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>even hammer is a fast weapon now
capcom really wants every granny and femoid to buy this game. dead series
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>60 fps
>Only with frame generation

What the fuck man? I thought 60 fps is supposed to be the norm nowadays, like fucking minimal requirement
Is there a video with monster hunter language of the new trailer?
They want as much money as possible that means appealing to every single fucking retard who is capable of holding forward and mashing a button. Its literally over for this franchise. Just play Gen 1-4.
The most apparent parts is the fuck boy, and the cats

holy shit the cats sounds cute in japanese but retarded in english
>every weapon is just long sword or switch axe now
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Just started a new file on World
What are the must-have skills for Hammer?
Is world the worst MH to start a new save file in?
loved that shit in alpha and beta
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>paid online
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This is 100% a guy right?
Gay blight res
Gay res
Gay atk up
Cootie blight res
World is the worst to play in general. What you want to hunt, Odogaron?
those are great skills for your world playthrough. Have fun
It's you and your wife(the handler) son!
Congrats he's just as malformed as both of you!!!
>Normal Human Bean Answer
>American Answer
It's MA'AM

If you don't know if a character is an ugly woman or an ugly man you know the developer is pozzed

But no it's probably a tranny, VA is female
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Here comes the Flame of Kamuraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Fake frames
Forced AA probably
Absolutely shitty trailers

I will NOT be buying Wilds at this rate. The demo gameplay will have to be AMAZING and extra ENGAGING to change my mind. Button mashing for easy kills will be the final nail the don't buy coffin for me.

The demo better be AMAZING Capcom.
>Just started a new file on World
this triggered misies
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Who pissed in your cheerios? Is your mom kicking you out?
It won't be. It's fucking over dude
This will be the most cerebral MH to date, trust the plan
This is a cool ass zone, I will probably mod it so its always in the lush state all the time
doesn't look like it, which is why you have to ask
>First decent looking area in five trailers
>Only show it for 5 seconds
>50% of the time it will be covered in shit
Capcom's retardation is rapidly increasing.
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shut up faggot. go play your slop
Actually Wilds WILL sell like crazy
Monster Hunter in the west was a mistake.

Americans were a mistake.
only think that concerns me is
>140 gigs
imma need to buy another SSD before release.
I have a ryzen 7 5700g RX 6750 XT so yea i'm all set.
Aids resist UP
Oh wait, you're too late.
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>>50% of the time it will be covered in shit
What you mean? It has an alt state that makes it ugly? Why is Capcom doing this all the time?
>get to endgame in DD games
>entire world is now red
Fucking 4chin ate my reply, but I'd recommend Airborne. Hammer doesn't really need any skills to work properly
wait hol up... I can't run 1440p?
>85% of the "PC Master race" plays on 7 year old hardware that can only run indie games on Steam
Who'd have thought
>First decent looking area in five trailers
crimson forest looked great though
Slugger and Part Breaker. Hello? Anybody home?
nothing special just slot damage
do you have a RTX 6990? then yeah, you can
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Just look dark and murky with PS2 fog and recycling Ancient Forest assets
no i have RX 6750 XT, but reason im asking is cause nothing says 1440p, it only says 1080p FHD
Do NOT redeem the nulberry
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They have this apex area shitmon that makes everywhere it goes colourless and ugly

It i also an alternate environment shuffle sorta thing, like a season
that's not the crimson forest you colorblind illiterate retard
get your fucking eyes checked
Flagship look mid
i was making a joke about a nvidia card that doesn't exist yet anon...
Its baffling that you niggers are obsessed with this dogshit game and you have no idea how the main mechanic these retarded jap faggots keep advertising works.
Calm down kid
The water area and green trees is also the Crimson forest. Look at the website.
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No, games should always aim for higher and higher graphical fidelity and more computing power so that we can establish an elitist gaming culture and create an apartheid that divides the rich from the poor. I hate playing with poor people and I don't care about your cries. Bring gaming back to the 90s and 80s where the blacks are delegated to watching their white friends play video games.
i know but im upset about them not saying 1440p, like bro i have a 1440p monitor i don't wanna downgrade....
Finally got around to setting up GU on ryujinx but I can't decide if I want to start a new hunta or continue on with the one I've already logged 400 hours into on switch...
It literally is, go check the website. Scarlet forest has the same broken structures in the background as the trailer
Doesn't net you any extra KOs because the monster will be dead long before you get to the higher stun threshold
Fun to have but I've never heard anyone it was necessary, especially in LR/HR where you don't have a lot of skills
crimson means red and that forest is clearly green
ergo, that is not the crimson forest
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Tempered Elder Dragons in World do the same. Capcom really has some stupid people working for them

>No, games should always aim for higher and higher graphical fidelity
That's what games are doing. What is your point? The problem is Capcom can't optimize for their lives and higher graphical fidelity doesn't mean that it looks good
mod name?
right looks better desu. left looks so soulless without the blue filter
I am fine with higher graphical demand. I am not okay with "higher requirement yet lower yield"

This game looks like fucking ass graphic wise. Why the fuck is it so demanding?
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afaik you want yuzu and playit.exe if you want to play it with a friend. great game anyhow but offline quest progression can be slow
because of gemma
just use ryujinx lol
preasu understando nobody in japan owns a computer
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lumu luck


So like if that's their PC requirement then how do they justify even releasing it on PS5 and the like?
So far my 1080 has carried me well with a 2k monitor.
I never played Warhammer 3 but Warhammer 2 was max settings.
They should focus more on design than levels of god rays... Cool hard baked lighting will always beat generative lighting. Not that this works for a game where you're under the open sky but still.
Stop shitposting and kill yourself. Right looks horrible and if you truly think it doesn't then your an idiot
You should be able to tell this game is not going to run properly in any PC. Frame Generation wasn't made so you can magically go from 30FPS to 60FPS, it's use is for 120FPS+.
I wouldn't be surprised if you want to play this shit Raw 1440p 60FPS+, you will need a 7800X3D and a RTX4090.
Genuinely thank you
>create an apartheid that divides the rich from the poor
This will never happen because PCfags don't update their specs and only buy games (which they don't play) if its more than 75% off or less than $10.
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I think the CPU will matter more than the GPU for framerate. I think you'll be able to get 60fps 1440p medium possibly with fsr (no framegen) if you have a good enough CPU.
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>if you want to play it with a friend
Why would I ever want to do that
>great game anyhow but offline quest progression can be slow
>>or continue on with the one I've already logged 400 hours into on switch...
I am aware
only maybe a fourth or fifth or so of those hours were afk, even
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>we have to worry that a game this ugly and outdated runs properly on 1000 dollar hardware
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I like the implication that there is something bigger and/or stronger that chained this fucker down
Sorry I can't hear you over the sounds of "Works on my Machine"
we were robbed, anon. there's another huntress that sits on a porch and flirts with you in elgado, like ayame. she also asks to join you on hunts but you can't do anything with her.
Is a 10900f still good enough? 5.20 GHz at full boost and 10 real cores with 20 threads.
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We're going back home, Worldchads. This game will trigger the Riseshitters so hard, not that they can even play Wilds on the ShitchLOOOOL
>Why would I ever want to do that
it's fun and online quests are balanced for 2< players. farming g rank hyper monsters is hell solo

>how do they justify even releasing it on PS5 and the like
by locking it at 30 fps lmao
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Well, I guess you could say that I'm something of a Hell Hunter...
*credits roll and everyone claps*
>lice status
>toaster status
>oldfags status

Your first Monster Hunter? Not surprising since World and Wilds are made for casual normalfags
So.... Are we sixers in Wilds or...
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>Doragyurosu if he Tigrex
Weird but I'll take it. I can tell his armor will look pretty cool.
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Not really. I guess you might get 60fps with framegen.
>Beru if he grey
it's dogshit
i hate this new era of voiced monhun, it's infecting everything
A friend of mine gave me examples of 12 fps, 25 fps and 50 fps movement

My reply was 25fps looks fine to me. The perks of not having an incredibly retarded standard over video games.
Not kidding I can't tell if this is Wilds or some new Chinese MH knockoff
>that HUD
>those graphics
Yes but I think its different when a monster is chained up in the wild as opposed to knocked out and carried into a city
Arcveld? Jobs to nergigante
you should have looked at 10 15 30 60 and then 120 and 240
>What's that? A monster we thought was extinct? Hunter we need you to go in and finish the job.
>My reply was 25fps looks fine to me
The perks of having no standards at all
RE engine was a fucking mistake, retvrn to mt framework
Do you have an example? I've honestly never been bothered by FPS. I mean I don't even know what my TV or monitors are capable of to begin with.
I wonder if they'll ever make an MH where you have to save a monster (by hunting the flagship that's chasing it).
The worse part is that it's for a pajeet
Maybe I just enjoy video gaems ;_;
they sound retarded either way
no meows or nyas or catpuns, it's awful
this website is the standard:
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To anyone who's GENUINELY wondering if they are going to able to run the game, just wait for the Demo to come out. You probably won't but you never know how much 1 setting impacts performance until you test it, so you could turn the 1080p60fps (FrameGen) experience into a 1080p60fps (Raw) just by turning off something completely busted. Is it still shit? Yea but at least it's not completely shit.
Judging a game just by Minimum/Recommended specs was and will always be a bait.
Also, it's hilarious to see the "supercomputer"fags begging for (You)s these last threads.
But you could enjoy vidya in better quality, no reason to treat yourself poorly
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not really since youtube caps at 60fps, you can literally just google fps comparisons though if you're curious
the higher it is the smoother it is basically, and the smoother it is the nicer it is to look at
try that 15 vs 25 vs 48 vs 60 preset

i have a 240hs monitor so 30 frames looks fucking jumpy as shit and i hate it, and anything less than that is actual eyecancer
When’s the demo coming out? Idgaf tho ima just cop a 5090 for this game
My friend gave me samples of 9 fps, 37 fps, and 501 fps.
My reply was 501 fps looks fine to me.
No idea. I'm expecting some news about it at TGS but we know they always release a demo.
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I REALLY hate the talking palicos. I liked it before when they meowed and we understood them. It reminded me of R2-D2 beeps and boots or Groot saying "I am Groot" and everyone understood what they said. Palicos saying full ass words with that overly weeb voice is just weird man. I hope we can turn that shit off.
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This game is fucking weird man, all the characters look werd and out of place in MH, the whimsical cute stuff like the felynes look out of place with the graphics and the characters, the monsters just look like wannabe mature versions of monsters we already know
>just by turning off something completely busted
yeah it's called volumetric lightning / fog, motion blur and depth of field
that will instantly improve performance
i mean they've literally always been able to speak human words, so it was only a matter of time before they got voiced as well
Yea, there's plenty of "free FPS" settings that devs just leave on for some reason. It varies between games though.
Story is cringe
>I was hoping that I imagine the whole thing.......
>It was burned into my mind
is that screenshot from DD2
yes you can turn it off
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Hmm, the monster designs are definitely better than World but I'm not liking this second batch much.
Ray Dau and Lala Balerina gave me the impression we were getting more creative and colorful monsters but 2/3 here just seem like Jurassic Park designs

interesting havung a chicken as an early shitmon brute but it's not very appealing
He's just ugly and dull-colored. The presentation (size, animations) are neat but it's a HUGE step-down from Ray Dau
Even if he looks derivative of Dora I like the clear color palette and Tigrex body.
I used to play MHW at 25fps
The only real issue is slowdowns, ~30fps won't look bad so long as it's consistent
But I have a 3060TI now, so I got nothing to worry about
>cant even toggle aim on a controller in world
>have to hold lr like a retard to aim all the time
But you will always know that they are actually talking now and you just turned it off
Yall that release date trailer was EVERYTHING!

Exactly the mature grown up diverse story content that Monster Hunter NEEDED!

I cried and clapped so hard my hands still hurt

Deluxe Edition preorder set!

Just take my money, Capcom!

you talking about the slinger or something? when the fuck do you have to aim ever?
I always assumed they meowed and we just understood the meows by the pitch and tone.
>I always assumed they meowed and we just understood the meows by the pitch and tone.
Yes, the goal is to kill all modding so they can keep cross play
It’s a requirement by Sony
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>Exactly the mature grown up diverse story content that Monster Hunter NEEDED!
>Korean game without Black Rock
>EVERY character is white as it should be in fantasy medieval
>nu Capcom
>every character is a woman, trans, brown, lesbian
The contrast is crazy
I really hope I'll be able to troll some consolefags with the Wilds equivalent of instant phase 3 Fatty
>ps5 is now $800 in Japan with the pro being $1200
>The only real issue is slowdowns
I find the time it takes to send/receive input the worst part. 30fps is just too low, feels unresponsive at times.
No? I don't think about the EN ver. when I play a game in JP.
>not the Premium Deluxe
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6/16 in da lumu
>watch new wilds trailer
>my tummy hurts now
I hate wilds so much
The skin color of npc's you'll only interact with three times, and you skipping all the dialogue, matters?

For fucks sake, the MHW characters don't even have names. Just titles.
>playing 2/4 instead of 3/3
Korea and China are going to take over gaming. Even Korean indie games are way better. Dave the Diver is one of the best games ever made.
>No? I don't think about the EN ver. when I play a game in JP.
You will think about it every single time there is a stupid story scene with the cats and something feels off
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Story seems to be a worse version of 4 so far
>instead of Gore being the centerpiece of the story because of his effect on the ecosystem and his personal vendetta against YOU PERSONALLY, hunta-san is gunning to put down Arkveld because he destroyed some villages
Like haven't they done this plot at least 3 times over in the series? Why does there have to be a cinematic focus on it this time.
>just stop caring it's irrelevant!
If it's irrelevant they can stop shoving it in my face. Monster Hunter didn't deserve being used for this shit
I highly doubt, it will look silly and I will be laughing.
>Camera cuts to Palico talking
>It's just the usual meows
>Characters understand him perfectly
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They always get the dark and gloomy shots in the trailer. I wish it was more like picture related most of the time. If they have dynamic weather, I wonder if you can change it in the settings to keep it more sunny.

If I wanted to play a dark and gloomy looking game, there are hundreds of them.
>>It's just the usual meows
>except it's not the usual 3 seconds and you know why
>shoving it in my face
As we both know, you're never going to interact with these NPC's.

You'll talk to the smithy, the quest board, and pet your poogie in between hunts. And you'll do it for 1000 hours. Wring your hands all you want. We both know damn well you don't actually give a shit.

I've be fine with the game being nothing but hunts and a menu screen in town so I don't have to do the stupid little jog from spawn to workshop over and over.
>I've be fine with the game being nothing but hunts and a menu screen in town
Imagine being this soulless, holy fuck
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>Never going to interact with these NPC
>Turns out the pajeet is one of the most important NPC and you need to talk to him constantly for endgame stuff
No way they would do something like that right.....??
seriously, what is wrong with you
Guiding lands is excellent because it's nothing but hunt hunt hunt hunt. Unironically. The only NPC I have to interact with is my slut-fu handler.
just wait like 2 days for someone to model swap him for chichae
You will see them all the time in cutscenes and when exploring and you do want to talk to NPCs and get your buck's worth and you probably have to talk to them anyway. Just say "haha whitey deal with it" and spare me your hypocritical drivel, you braindead mutt

Much better
You are really expecting a whole script for the Palico? Like a 20-40 second monologue about the plan to take down Arkveld? I'm just expecting some quips from the silly cat.
I mean, it could happen, I just don't see it. And my main problem with them speaking is when playing the game, I don't wanna hear him say "get a load of these claws", or whatever he says, when I'm hunting.
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>non white characters in a fictional universe where people are fighting literal dinosaurs and eating 15kcals of food twice a day in between talking to sapient cats

Can we swap the pajeet kid for a Shakalaka instead? That would be cool.
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Can we swap the pajeet kid for a Palico instead? That would be cool.
I like GL for that too, but spending 30+ minutes staring at the smithy options while listening to the hammers pounding in the background is as much Monster Hunter as is actually hunting monsters
Why do westerners want gritty super serious business stories in video games?

That's not fun.
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go home whitey
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>he isn't a solo hunter
Will a RTX 3060ti be able to handle wilds? It's better than a 2070 super so I don't know why they didn't include it at all...
It will play the game. But your CPU will be the main thing that decides your performance in most cases.
I got a 12 core ryzen 5900x?
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Not sure what your point is but I already thought Wilds looks bad and boring before it became evident they're going full DEI
>they're even making fucking statues ugly these days
In my head canon, palicoes consider themselves the purest cats while also being superior to all their cousins because humans respect them enough to give them chin scratches. demihuman casual racism is cute.

>palico interacts with grimalkyne
>you can see your palico wiping its hands after you leave the zone
I wouldn't expect stellar performance. If I were to guess, probably in the range of like 45-60 fps
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It's always the super ultra mega hardcore epic x5000 shadows.
I'm just happy if the shadows move with the Sun. I don't need 400 layers of dithering.
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You should never take the opinions of fans seriously when designing something.
People have shit taste 90% of the time
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>sf5 characters look like they're modeled out of clay and have wax hair
that's every capcom game now tho
>turn off volumetric fog
>game both looks AND runs better
>have above reccomended speccs
>still won't get stellar fps
Sadly given capcom's track record even if I had BiS computer components I'd still be seeing 30-45 fps on average given how bad they are at coding and optimization.
We can't really know but I'd assume yea because the 2070S can't even use framegen, if I remember correctly. Now if you want 1080p60fps raw, I doubt it.
Honestly just wait for the demo, no point in guessing.
>playing remakes
You did it to yourself.
Reminder Denuvo will bog down performance considerably until it is removed after 1.5 years.
Every other game than DD2 ran well, so you're kind of talking out of your ass. I think RE Engine is just a bad match up for an open world game with lots of small individual details going on, which kills the cpu performance. The recommended specs is only 60fps WITH framegen. I should've clarified I would expect around 45-60 without it. Your cpu is probably like what, 10% better than recommended? So I wouldn't really expect it to suddenly be locked 60 without framegen.
It can use AMD's framegen, which would likely be what it means.
>Every other game than DD2 ran well
World ran terribly before denuvo was removed and optimization patches were applied. DMC5 also ran terribly with denuvo active. Pirated copies ran considerably better because denuvo was removed.
Why do you retards think Capcom will make a demo? They didn't do it for DD2 when that game definietly needed one for testing.
Its not a demo, its a network test. They will just use the demo they made for the conventions but add on the servers to test them
that's exactly my pc wtf
I don't even know this guy's name
Bharat or something Indian I think
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>>game both looks AND runs better
mhw volumetric fog is one of the most amateurish things ever put in a video game. and turning it offisn't ideal either because now even things far away look super close and all the colors and contrast too aggressive
Because they usually make demos for their games? Very few games don't game one, DD2 being one of them.
>running DD2 60fps locked with a 3060TI
skill issue
because every recent MH game going back to Gen has had a demo?
Because it's free marketing for people to put 70+ hours into like 2 pre-release hunts
Imnot expecting the demo until ~Dec btw
>He can't afford a $300 GPU
Go get a job, poorfags. You can't even pay $70 for Wilds.
There were like 2 instances of World running like shit, it wasn't really entire game's performance. It was like Teostra's supernova and like thunder element or some shit like that. It's not like the entire game was running at 30fps mid tier hardware. I don't remember specifically DMC5 but I had an 8700k and 2080ti and I could get like 120fps at 1440p mostly maxed, which is a far cry from DD2 and what Wilds is looking at. I think you and I have radically different views on what "runs well" and "runs like shit" is.
Nerg didn't actually die but that was just lucky on his part
Sure, if you have a 7800x3d, you'll get it no real issues in the current patch in the town. The issue isn't the GPU. DD2 ran fine in the world, it was specifically the towns that ran like shit and it was never gpu related.
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the absolute unit
Depth of Field and Motion Blur don't affect performance much if at all
But they do look like ass
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don't get one* epic brainfart.
I'm surprised so many in here say World had terrible performance. I played World before Iceborne launched, so I wasn't a launch player, and it was flawless, same thing with DMC5. What I remember being fucked was Iceborne released and it broke DX11 or 12, one of the options was terrible for a while.
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>new trailer
>new area
>new flagship
>/mhg/ still slow as shit
Everyone already said
>I like this
>I don't like this
hours ago so it's back to status quo until they give us the demo.
I don't like this
>wilds women harem about to get culturally enriched by my strong white male semen
You're all looking at this wrong.
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this desu
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You are cordially invited to the tendie mass suicide live stream, February 28th.
Yeah even with the launch issues World ran notably better on PC than on the base PS4 or whatever the shitter Xbone was
It was buggy and more CPU heavy than it should have been but it wasn't frying anyone's PCs, and it improved a lot with patches by the time Iceborne was out.
>It was buggy and more CPU heavy than it should have been but it wasn't frying anyone's PCs
Except teostra's supernovas were almost bricking gpus.
why are they rushing the release bwos
*type 1
Player character is canonically brown
the diverse cast #3, chromosome man
Personally I only got stutters on Kirin's lightning and that got fixed at some point
Yeah, on a 2080ti and 8700k I could mostly get like 100+ fps at 1440p pretty much all high which is reasonable. Like I said, it had a few performance issues with specific things, but the entire game wasn't running like shit or anything like that. I do also remember the broken thing on Iceborne's release.
it will never stick, troon. World and Rise are the only good MH games. soon, World, Rise, and Wilds will be the only good MH games.
CB [status]
CB [impact]
Harder fights will be
LS [status]
How do I harm players?
I'm not getting tripped by faggots with TWO different weapons. I want them to cart.
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Hey pard, remember to eat before you hunt!
>you can either craft decos OR craft charms
>the other is an RNG nightmare
Okay but what if, we could just craft both
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>why are they rushing the release bwos
Scared of GTA and other games and they know people are used to games being a buggy mess on launch
I'm pretty certain this general is faster than /biz/.
That would be anti-semitic. Merchant bills needs to be paid too you know?
I've been saying this for a long time. I also thing they should just make it that you have to craft the low rank set where it exists to then upgrade it to high rank with high rank parts. It would make all of the useless low rank sets needed.
>Scared of GTA
the games don't have the same demographic though, one is aimed at kids and one is aimed at autists
>in wilds both are rng because fuck you lmao
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>Need 4060 and Frame generation to reach 60 fps in MEDIUM setting

What the fuck man? I am not breaking into Nasa to play fucking Monhun on high setting
Just make a white hunter.
What's the big deal?
the 2070 Super is on the recommended and that was already a few years old when World came to PC
sir do the needful and upgrade your cpu
if you play as a white in wilds (YOU) become the minority lmao
I'm forced to look at swarthoids in the 6 million unskippable cutscenes that you HAVE to suffer through because village and guild quests are once again merged and the only way to get to endgame (the fun part of the game) is to sit through poopgolem drag queen story hour
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am i the only one who thought this trailer was underwhelming? i want to see gameplay
>2th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-12700H 2.70 GHz
>RTX 3060 (laptop)
I'm good....right!?
We'll get gameplay at TGS, why would you expect gameplay in a Snoygger presentation?
>the games don't have the same demographic though
They do since World
What do I get for pre-ordering?
>Be Canadian
>See indian all day irl
>Go home to play monster hunter wilds
>See indian all day in the game
I'm trying to escape reality, not live in it
just skip the cutscenes if you hate them so much
>am i the only one who thought this trailer was underwhelming?
>every thread is doomposting
>no one talking about it on x
yes you are the only one anon!
then you won't have a holistic vidya experience as intended by developers and you might miss out on one or two good things
Why haven't you guys overthrown your tyrant yet?
Fourth disappointing trailer in a row, losing faith.
They are confirmed to follow you and talk during quests.
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Guild outfit and your daily dose
So it is pretty clear that we will have NPC Hunters in Wild, how do you think it will go

A. NPCs "hunt" with you, World style, as in they said they will go but never shown up and only waddled in when the cutscene started
B. NPCs hunt with you, Rise style, as in you will never solo any mon, ever, as in you didn't beat the game
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if you're snoyboy and preorder on piss5 you get a mini artbook too
they already told us how it works and it's B, but it's entirely optional
you can call in certain npcs to hunt with you, instead of engaging with multiplayer with real retards
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I just fucking know that every trannies and their mothers will wear this shit in game
Is wilds about hunting the monster that caused india to be like this:
If no one answers your SOS or if you aren't online you get NPCs instead
Thats it
This... this is just the Kulve headpiece...
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and guess who wore that
>brown arms
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Looks like you can layer your dog
i'm wearing that and the elf ears at the same time and i'm going to make a choco huntress
>Have to run Wilds at 30 FPS
Do framerate differences affect those hitting higher frames?
>The Cooler Seikret
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If you have a problem with this just leave the general and play a different game
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Palamutes had some bitching gear. Buddies always got the best shit in MH, I'm sure the bird will too.
It really is going to be a repeat of the JP vs US Exo Primal ads with the US using that shit and JP using the Vtubers again
It looks like a 2014 game, there is no excuse for it not running at 60-120 frames on a $500 PC.
he's asking if him playing at 30 fps is going to cause problems for people not playing at 30fps
>tranny ads vs tranny ads
Imagine the smell.
>the US using that shit and JP using the Vtubers again
so the game will be advertised with tranny pedos either way
If I play with unlocked frames with 30fps the difference affect it???
I was surprised they didn't bring the dogs back just because they already made so much gear for them
Maybe it was an excuse to train up all the new gear modelers
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Good hunts! Room is 5/16.
Consoles are stuck at 30 and have crossplay with Steam, so the answer should be no.
No. The only thing it will affect is your own windows if it's programmed like World was. Lower frames makes the game harder.
I don't even think it's real open world, looks more like MHW where you get railroaded through areas by walls. The SotC remaster looks more open and atmospheric than everything I've seen from MH Wilds.
you must have a brain problem if you still aren't bored with fatalis
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>3080 12GB
yeah I'm gaming
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is there a list of what all special rewards event quests let you make?
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thanks doc
speaking of sotc, the shit framerate confirms for me that we still won't get any huge monsters in the wild
Fun good.
I mean, it will but not much. Locking the fps only ensures you are getting exactly the fps you want, so locking it at 30fps, makes it so it doesn't fluctuate between 30 and 40fps.
>30fps kino
yup I'm thinking classic monster hunter is back.
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You truly were the greatest...
Even now, the masses can't seem to let you go...
you were never getting wild mods, not until sony shuts down their monhun servers
maybe if there is a mod to remove the fire cone spam, the interactive cutscene and that his weakspot shifts to his body so you can just grug to win. bonus points for a mod that makes him not look like a retarded giraffe
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>Can run God of war silky smooth
>Can't fucking run Wild at 60 fps

It is fucking over
you don't know fuck all, the game isn't even out
their "recommended specs" could be total bullshit, you only know when it's out
Yeah no shit God of War is a PS4 game.
>those cancerous locales
>that endgame
>everything but GS, CB and IG is shit
At least post MHGU, you will still look like a tendie but at least not like a retarded one.
>their "recommended specs" could be total bullshit, you only know when it's out
This is maxamium cope. The game rapes CPUs just like DD2. This is the same level of delusional cope as "it's just an early build".
>Wild looks worse than a PS4 game

It is fucking over
they've only shown ps5 footage so far and we all know consoles are dogshit
Don't the new God of War games have a shitton of loading hallways
underwhelming expansion of 4 and seregios is in the top 3 most forgettable flagships
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>their "recommended specs" could be total bullshit
I bet if you were a girl you would get pregnant alot
It was the best mainline entry. Not game has been able to embody it's art style either.
That translates exactly the same to pc. The "framegen for 60fps" shit is because the cpu is roughly similar in spec to the ps5. You'll get 60fps+ if you have a 7800x3D or 14700k/13700k, but good fucking luck if you have an average chip. This is exactly the same as all of the DD2 demos. I would probably not expect a public beta too.
so much so it got featured in astro bot as a representation of the game
Yeah took like 5 mins for "compiling shaders" on my 8 years old computer. But it runs silky smooth the whole play through
Why does this look so much more expertly crafted and designed than MH Wilds? No transparent texture grids, no PS2 textures, not that flat lighting
>if you have a 7800x3D
i do! it's good not being poor!
was that doragyurosu?
because it's an interactive movie and the audience wants to watch a good looking movie not a bad one
I agree we don't know shit but if you read 1080p60fps (Medium with FrameGen), you should expect absolutely abhorrent performance.
I do as well, but it's not great needing the literal pinnacle of a cpu to get 60fps.
It's a Dora/Beru copy because Worldlets won't know any better.
So not a single new skeleton?
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Want the Gemma sticker but everything else is shit...
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They are in.
thx bro
There is absolutely no reason for Capcom to put in any effort or be creative. MH always sells
Bring back Nergi or Vaal at least
>because it's an interactive movie and the audience wants to watch a good looking movie not a bad one
Enough about Wilds!
Hopefully not until they've figured out how to consistently make good monsters
Fuck you give me a centipede and cobra monster.
Yes I really miss one of the worst and most boring looking monsters in the series.
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finally, a fitting and immersive place to get wilds news
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It is almost 90% sure that Niggergante will come back since they are porting Model directly from World
I mean, this faggot uses the same skeleton right?
>centipede and cobra
Wilds is an Arab love letter
it's the tigrex skeleton (but flight enabled)
>arab love letter
>but the "arabs" are played by pajeets
every time
I love Tigrex.
>discord trannies and general doomposters have 5 months to lose their marbles completely before pure hunting kino returns
That new locale looked lush, we've got charming cat tribes again, the next 10 years of hunting are gonna be juicy.
Snake wyverns exist, and they happen to be the two absolute worst monsters to ever stain this franchise
the new flagship is better than Magnamalo
>the next 10 years of hunting are gonna be juicy.
you said the same about world and you aren't touching it anymore because it's boring

This world PC room/lumu is 3/16.
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This post reeks of pajeet
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I fucking hope they never touched that shitmon again. Literally 90% of my fights with it are like this
almudron is a fucking bastard and if that cunt ever returns i will firebomb crapcom hq

magma almudron is completely fine though, bring him back i don't give a fuck, he's piss easy to bully
Remember how on PC the tick rate for gunning in MHW was never fixed? Wilds on PC is going to be a disaster like Wild Hearts.
There is no excuse for not bringing back every World and Rise monster since they already have all the modernized models and animations - if not at least giving them a realistic makeover like they did with Goss => Doshaguma
uh babe that's called SOVL actually
no one cares
uhh akshually more monsters is bad because umm you have more content to play for the same cost and that's BAD!!!
goss is nothing like doshaguma, you guys are such retards
Those are Leviathans, I was talking about this shitmon and its sub >>495897258
Beating the guy without legs in a race isn't much to brag about.
You cared enough to reply.
True he has none of the cool things Goss can do. Even less reason for not bringing back all the World and Rise monsters
>you aren't touching it anymore because it's boring
Yeah which is why World gets daily rooms to this day?
it's why you're shitposting right now instead of playing and the rooms only have 3 people >>495897191
Thoughts on Arkveld, the new flagship?
For one, I'm glad it's not an elder dragon. I wished we actually got a temnoceran or a carapaceon or just a new type of monster that isn't a "lizard-like" creature. But I like what we got.
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Not jumping for joy but it's not an elder and considering it seems to be on a rig that hasn't gotten a new boy in some time, I can dig it. Can't form a proper opinion until I've bashed it's head in a couple dozen times.
looks like gore magalla has a new challenger for the EDGE-Award
Boring. Hoped they would do something crazy to make up for all the other boring designs. Or a new skeleton
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>the character's name is literally Erik
Why the fuck would he be a woman?
Just because he's got a somewhat effeminate face?
Protip: Look up the meaning of "bishonen" on Google and you'll see tons of androgynous dudes like Erik in Japanese media.
>HAHAHA told you my goyslop game has androgynous faggot characters used for LGBT brownie points
You're a real winner
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I don't know why, but this guy has got the funniest face I've seen in a monster in ages.
everyone knows he's a dude
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>the white monster has been chained for too long, now he has come back to wipe the brow skins into submission
>turning your jailers chains into weapons against them
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Just pre-ordered the Premium Deluxe Edition
oink for me
Magnamalo is disabled!? Since when what happened?
>the rooms only have 3 people
after being up for a few hours with 6+ people
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alatreon beams can melt supermanning hunters
Give us Stygian Zinogre in Wilds, that armor will look even better on the slim pretty Wilds huntress
So I'm guessing he gets extra "chains" when enraged or something? Because the official render only has him with two of those chains.
>10AM 28th February 2025
Playing Monster Hunter Wilds with no issues on my Pee Ess Five
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I don't like how it looks, i don't like the over used triangular scalies. At first glance i thought it was some kinda deviant white Radar or some shit
all these fucking monsters look the same now
Nah, there were people here who insisted he was a woman. It's just the US localization team for some reason used a woman to voice him so there was still confusion.
A fucking Moray Eel
monster hunter?
holy fucking cancer
Monster Hunter?
>He is a solo hunter
Do fivers really?
been 3 years since I've seen an post like that on /vg/
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I thought it was some kind of skinny Nargacuga
they always did
I love watching your kind seethe.
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>for some reason
to be fair, that thing looks like an ugly androgynous tranny
crapcom knew what they were doing
Gonna make my hunter a Giga Tranny, /mhg/.
Cry about it.
It's great in MHGU because every weapon has aerial. It's clearly made with aerial in mind and for IG to hit its head and get mounts. You're refusing to adapt
>I fucking hope they never touched that shitmon again
And don't worry, Capcom is way too lazy to do something as cool as snake skeletons again
>It's just the US localization team for some reason used a woman to voice him
The JP devs made that abhorrent troon design in the first place
This is capcom as a whole now, get used to it
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>to be fair, that thing looks like an ugly androgynous tranny
This, doesn't even look like your typical cute anime twink, just confusing and ugly. Even Rise gets it right
NTA but actually you don't need aerial for such a mon.
In fact, even someone as cancer as Hyper Naja, you are actually supposed to hit his "widdle toesies".
Becomes a complete bitch, constantly staggering the moment you do this.
I can't believe it turned a frustrating fight into a complete joke.
It's sad that the future of console monhun npcs is gonna be ugly, sunken-eyed faces like the handler and this

only the fucking tendie switch games are gonna have normal npcs i guess
Aerial definitely works best for me but yes you obviously don't have to
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So we can agree there is no place for nintentroons in our thread anymore, right? I mean, there hasn't been a MH game for Nintendo in more than 10 years now.
>the 40 year old console warrior
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>mini artbook
2018 is over gramps nobody gives a shit what you play Madden on
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thanks for da hunts!
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I love huntresses
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>he isn't a soles hunter
>min: ryzen 5 3600
>rec: ryzen 5 3600X
This makes me believe they have no actual idea what the recommended specs are at the moment. There is no noticeable difference between the two
People should talk less about GPUs and more about how ugly the game is for the specs it wants
Maybe it's a GPU-heavy game and the CPU doesn't matter as much? That would be good for me.
CB friends, can you aim the phial explosion of Air Dash in any way? Every time I do it I seem to launch myself in a random direction.
penghasilan sehari itu, ez bro
>the only people still playing mhw are tranny gooners
huntress coochie
I have 5 months to master the HH and GL.
Will I make it?
I'm still on my GTX 1060 6GB, and I'm going to finally update my rig specifically for Wilds. I'll just wait until the game comes out and all the YouTube PC specs channels have come up with the best combination of affordable rigs and good performance for Wilds. I don't mind waiting a week after release. The game is going to occupy the next 4-5 months of my life anyway. Waiting an extra week for better info on PC performance won't hurt. Because I don't want to waste money on a card that ends up not being good enough to play Wilds at 1080p/60fps.
Nah. Give up now, wear the dress and just use LS.
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Gajalaka 2.0?
What if I stick my penis in that?
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>Wilds has none of that classic Japanese charm and humor, bingtendies said
>can't post a MHW screenshot without ledges and uneven ground
Get this trash out of my face, flat areas are back

Rise won
You can with your movement stick/keys, but I think it's only in a limited degree
>TFW on a 2600
That's $100 wasted on 1 game, fuck you Capcom.
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>Mfw Frame gen is expected to reach 60 fps
CPUs are what you need to keep your eyes peeled on, a 4060 can run the game at 1080p and is cheap as fuck.
No one said this, though any attempt at classic MH whim falls flat and looks weird and out of place with those ugly mutant monsters and NPCs and the dark brown world
It's design is really hard to discern honestly, being a solid white/gray mass of sharp scales and fluffy fur makes it all kinda blend together outside of the whips
That said I don't dislike it, but I think rey dau is definitely the cooler wyvern
wtf are those beanies
>ey dau
Yeah generic flying wyvern with the Astalos gimmick slapped on (actually unique monster that looks like a dragonfly and did the lasersword thing first) is very cool

Shiteating mongoloid
>No one said this,
Classic bingtendie denial. Make shitty accusations for months. Then get BTFO'd. Then deny you fucks ever made these shitty accusations in the firstt place.
>though any attempt at classic MH whim falls flat and looks weird and out of place
Nah. Those cats carrying that meat worked perfectly fine. Just like all attempts at classic MH whim in World.
ps5 pro gonna fucking BLAST OFF TO 60FPS YIPEEEEE
>only those damn tendies hate nog-monster hunter!
strange strategy
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Why yes, I do like cool golden wyvern with majestic wing and scale patterns, I also like astalos for its own unique and cool design
Now get off the computer, arkvald, and maybe learn how to use a razor while you're at it
>Why yes I do eat microwaved shit
Where is it confirmed to not be an elder?
How did you get this photo of me
Can I lick your armpit?
Only if you're a huntress wearing skimpy clothes as well
Making fun of tendies doesn't work when you're obsessed with those stupid Care Bear cats. And yes they do clash with the grim and rugged approach to the world, monsters, characters etc. and just exist to sell more than 10 copies in Japan
30 fps
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NTA but look at the logo. It has "four" little snake. Those are the Apex monsters in the different region. Then the middle one chain below is probably Arkveld. The elder is probably the "real big bad" and Arkveld was fighting it but end up chained. Arkveld could be an elder, it's not confirmed but most people don't think it's strong enough to be an elder like Magnagalo vs. Narwal/Malzeno.
i see posts saying ps5pro is also 30fps? they actually said this?
>needing a source
chud behavior
i need ammo against console plebs
>And yes they do clash with the grim and rugged approach to the world, monsters, characters etc.
You can keep insisting this until the heat death of the universe and it won't be true. You bingtendies lost.
No one cares
minoto... my wife... please visit me in Wilds... all the npcs are so ugly...
You did enough to reply :3
Apart from. The nog pajeet kid does anyone else think the graphics look really shit? Somehow the trailers feel like a blurry mess and a step down from world even
Man fuck 4U kushala
wind armor survives after getting flash bomb, poison only breaks his wind armor, he ignores poison to build up his wind armor, you can't dive his mini moving tornados, if you use the dive to avoid the tornados-it doesn't fucking stop the low flying charge

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