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>Letter from the Producer LIVE Part LXXXIII

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>Future Meetups
• Sept 25th, 9PM EST | Marilith, Goblet W16 P15 | Spooky Club: Haruhi and Strawberry Marshmallow OVAs >>495641445
• Sept 27th, 8PM | Ultros, Primal. The Mist Ward 20, Plot 34 | Twin Peaks Season 2 episode 3-6 >>495572647
Sept 28th, 6PM BST / 1PM EST | Materia, Zurvan, Doman Enclave, One Garden | 1st /xivg/ Roleplaying Meetup - Introduction & Character Creation >>495681023
Sept 28th, 10:30PM BST / 5:30PM EDT | EU Cerberus, Chaos, Lavender Beds W21 P27 + NA Seraph, Dynamis, Mist W5 P1 | Tokusatsu Watch Party: GARO ep 1 - 5 >>495416723
Sept 29th, 1:50AM EST | Ravana, Materia. Solution Nine, Residential Radius 9-11 (X:9.1, Y:20.8) | Letter from the Producer LIVE Part LXXXIII >>494666281
• Oct 2th, 3PM EST | Marilith Dynamis | Mord Souq, Amh Araeng | Shadowbringers Shared FATE grinding >>495756527
Oct 5, 5PM PST | Balmung, Crystal Shirogane W7 P26 | Zombie Movies! Warm Bodies (2013) and Zombieland (2009) >>494706846
Oct 12th, 3PM EDT | Zurvan, Materia | Gold Saucer (Mahjong Lounge) | Mahjong Open Tournament | >>495487281
Oct 27th, 8PM EST | Balmung, Crystal Lavender Beds Plot 28, 19th Ward | Pre-Halloween Badlands Chugs Watch Party

Previous: >>495858392
tozer plays nin so hes impossible to kill thats why i didnt include him
My lalaboy couldn't get the femlala, so he...he...
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Yep, that’s it, that’s the post. You may not like this, but too bad, because it’s time to get videogamey. With more gameplay content than staring at a wall, FFXIV is bound to give fun to at least one (1) person in the form of a video game. Game on, my fellow gamers.
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lol, lmao even
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An ancient ebin in OP image wow
Sex with catgirls.
my moonie is
What do you want faggot?
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my femlala is wondering why the physics on her dress sorta reveals her panties while she sits,,
Best ccer on each job?

Nominating chi on dnc
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>My femlala walks up to you
Your response
the gameplay is some of the worst mmo gameplay tho
my reclears went way too well this week so now i don't know what to do with myself tonight
>lying down with sunglasses and leather jacket
-2 int suncats strikes again
>meld gear according to picto stat priority (crit > det >= dh)
>should work for every caster
>blm feels like it does ass damage now even though I should be doing more damage in general
I can still cast but damn this job sucks for someone who loves playing casters
Will you let me cum in your ass?
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I messed up my callout for 2nd Tag Team and got half my party killed

I'm gonna
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>We need to invest in digital literacy from a young age
Theo is behind the we like this posts, btw. It's not Macchi.
t100-t50 is the range of actual good players who do things above the board, anything close to t30 and you start to get into win-trading and discord faggotry territory.
stop trying to raise my opinion of th*o
kinda wish i raided this tier
At this point, it's a group effort
I seiton tenchu
teleport behind her
nothing personnel, kid
I karate chop her neck
she blacks out
wakes up
she's tied up at the saucer
I'm the elderly doman man
and I've now got her at gunpoint and am forcing her to play mahjong
This is not true, I don't see any "I like cock" post
who cares the joke is ruined forever now anyways
Hey you cant call us that anymore!
Uh okay…? You can just, like, unsub. Like, you don’t have to be here man, just unsub. Oh yeah, you won’t, because WoW sucks. Don’t you remember Cata? Garrisons? Torghast. Yep, you’re here to stay. So just deal with it. I bet you don’t even have Necromancer yet.
put a learning party up somewhere and ill join bro
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The anon that sent my femlala a /tell on the last thread didn't respond and I'm quite honestly being engulfed in despair right now about it...
It was all so perfect...
I nominate myself for worst RDM
does anyone know the name of that one mod that has a similar sweater to this?

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Yoship! Tomohiro! Where is the fucking content? Look at this dead dogshit expansion
thanks but i would rather kill myself than go into pf
there's a few of these
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>nyobody likes sunnies anymore
its so sad
Let me cum in your ass.
I love sunnies but only +
i do reclears every week in pf, been ok for me
did someone say something?
i believe this. macchi is a one trick pony and also washed. old macchi clears nu-macchi.
I love sunnies but only -
was it me
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Time to boost egos
Name drop someone you like
I may be retarded, didn't notice it was from the same author
thanks anyway...
I've been unsubbed for months
I come here to jackoff
I need to cum in your ass.
flicking you're forehead really hard
i dont know... probably not...
Ego boost time is now over
Better luck next week
the maid fishra, a lot
ggs it was me
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Leave it to subhuman freaks like Effy and co. to drive a joke into the dirt because they lack self-awareness and subtlety. I never thought people on this site could be genuinely, unironically, clinically retarded until I came here.
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mine is +...

mine is -...

elk crowe

duty complete pf is fine for the most part
prog is cock & ball torture especially this late into the tier
i will simply wait for next tier and actually join one of my friends statics this time
someone slap some cheese on this shit RIGHT NOW
No way, fag.
yeah. old macchi wouldn't die to the first boss of thaleia
does this sunnie still play
if anybody namedrops me I'm fantaing to catboy and ghosting everyone
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11:10 ET

11:10 ET

11:10 ET

11:10 ET
what joke?
I will cum in your ass.
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What'd I do this time bro?
I don't wanna see my 10head here.
fucked up desu...
You forgot to include Field Operations. How do you not want to have people run Field Operations for weeks on your feet?
sorry that's my gimmick get your own
Trip back on
You should cum in my ass
My gimmick is sexually harassing femra ITT
It's like those trans artists rushing to make the new hot meme so they can pay rent instead of getting a part time job. As soon as people here started making logos for it and attention whoring instead of posting some random freak they saw in the wild it was ruined.
my femra on left
your femra on right
my gimmick is stealing the gimmick of others, you're outta luck fucko
I want to cum in your ass.
Here's your femlala smut bros. Fuck pastebin for being prudes.
Why are moonies like this...
Sex with Miera (I am a catboy)
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What is everyone up to tonight?
I hope your reclears are going well <3
Mine are a painful reminder of what it was like to pug in WoW T_T
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anyone wanna ERP this with me
this but its my catgirl on the left
If papalymo knew that "yda" was lyse why does he still call her yda in cutscenes when it's just them talking? It just seems a bit odd to me
youre gonna get me in trouble again r2
We're here

this happened to my lalaboy once. he was complaining about not getting the drop for so long that his static got tired of it and gave it to him, on one condition...
broken link
My lalaboy will be queueing CC shortly.
I apologize for the inconvenience.
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Black Cat and Honey B. were pretty smooth one shots. Our Brut Bomber prog is coming along nicely, just need to cleanup misc. deaths. I'm confident we'll clear when we reconvene on Friday (we only raid for 2 hours twice a week). Cute and slightly lewd pic
W-what was the condition?
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I will no longer be downloading catbox images ever since that cute sunnie gave me malware. I couldn't resist her delicious flat tits
it's messed up to call someone out when they're on an alt
papalymo was a good friend
proving just how much he appreciated the mount...
lucky gal...
Lots of asses to cum into. I like.
Really? It loads for me, I'm using the share link... How about this for the raw view? https://api.pastecode.io/anon/raw-snippet/h1nc5xf0?raw=inline&ticket=e01cee93-e4d4-4813-963b-69f620b341e0
what kind of posts do (You) make?
I do a lot of
>any frot bwos?
>gay miera sex
yeah idk
is this the tan femra who loves male middies?
Name and shame. Who was it so we know to avoid?
someone make a garudapost please
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>log in
>greet EB
>do a few roulettes with them
>go somewhere cozy and plap them mercilessly
>relax for a bit afterwards
>we both log out for the evening
Yeah, this is the life.
wholesome my femlala and edgy my femra posts depending on how im feeling any given day.
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Rabi posts
Nice posts
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i make bad gposes and awkwardly compliment malezen
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hello there female asahi
I make fetish posts about catgirls and femra pissing
are you me?! i am handshake memeing you

but i also make cc calls
Let me cum in your ass.
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2:20 ET

2:20 ET

2:20 ET
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why do people make these retarded downie faces
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fall in love with me right now
I post "rape" to femra
I make inane posts about CC
And just generally fun post. When i shitpost i try not to make it at the expense of others since we're all trying to fuck around and have fun Though sometimes its really low hanging fruit and i cant help myself
What show is this?
Gross pedo.
My male middie's (formerly m-word) theme song rn https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rwPewrXn618
You're not a real fiddie so no
I feel like my FF14 Online life lost all meaning since i got the Optical Hat from Eureka. I need a new quest. I'm accepting suggestions.
How have you noticed our ai overloards in your day to day, anon?
Post some fucking PORNOZEN.
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I am a police officer, and make snipped screens.
I just play cc, and call sometimes.
oh. I see.
hmm... better not post my femra right now
very nice, it's a shame I can't find talls to rp this kinda stuff with. femdom can be fun.
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>*tap tap tap*
>you hear a light tapping at your door, but you ignore it
>a noisier banging from your door
>you turn, disturbed and annoyed. Who on earth could it b-
>your door goes flying open and for a single frame all you see is the bottom of my femlala's shoe as she kicks your door open
>then she waddles into your bedroom, disappearing behind your furniture (she is very short) and reappearing in front of you
>she's smiling ear to ear; it's been a while
>she raises a plate to you. from her height, she can barely even reach your desk. when you're too stunned to take it out of your hands, she stands on her tiptoes to push the plate onto your desk.
>she does a little bow as you blink at her, utterly nonplussed
>for a moment, you just stare at each other
>then she blushes and coughs and motions to the food on the plate
W-Well...? Eat it...
I would wonder where the sound came from because I wouldn't be able to see them
Only if you let me cum in your ass.
Post your ass so I can cum.
1. because the lyse/yda split was a weird retcon
2. given that lyse is processing her grief by pretending to be yda and taking on her role and dream, papalymo is simply going along with it in order to help her go through the process and come to terms with it in her own time
>Searching for posts with the image hash ‘x4UWrj7lJ4qI7t6Vv5EiOg==’. 18 results found.
they're extinct.
i just vomit whatever's on my mind into the thread as well as the occasional high effort post in addition to edgy femra posts every once in a while
what is that cardigan from
can you make these towards femlalas, specifically my femlala
I need to cum in your ass.
do you have the scorpion harness?
all me
if you notice all of the posts are of the highest possible quality as well
*takes the plate and throws it as hard as i can against the wall*


No elk.
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i ask literally every single person "what mod" when they have a nice mod then just leave it in an endless pile of unsorted mods i'll never use because i don't know where to start
Brother you're gonna have to be packing a quarter mile of dick for that one
Thanks babe, you're the best. *smooch*
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Yes, got it second try.
gonna need a walkthrough on what it's like to eat this thing
>holy moly
>CC doko
who knoOoOoOws
i shant done nothing wrong
i just got out of a dun scaith on aether where diabolos was raping us
>trying various autocad and hector groups all day
>no clear
>finally one with pastebins and normal sunrise
>we clear it in 2 pulls
you just can't beat the best strats
Now that's an ass in which I have to cum.
7 inches and very girthy/veiny.
I make (you) bait posts to get people talking about their characters
>cc posts
>garuda replies
that's it
man it took me like 17
I am going to stand around and do nothing, since my connection is still dying. But I'd like to be doing p4s for glamours.
no, you'll have to make them yourself
The white haired bun is roughly the size of a house, at her smallest
There wasn't any subtlety to the joke to begin with
yurippe i think is the name
how far could base Cabba get in XIV
I love femezen so much it's unreal
I'm the
>volcanic slop
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>*catches the plate before it can hit the wall*
>*rolls up the burrito*
>*shoves it down your throat*
Aw, thanks!
Crunchy, cheesy, and wet.
nah it's not anymore
s-sorry that's as big as it gets...
You only like one male middie.
woops this >>495874176 was for >>495873105
>are you me?!
we are two shards of the same person
i need to play more cc though
i love femezen
I post my miera sometimes but when I sexpest someone I dont post him
I need to cum inside her ass.
Theo's so lucky.......
Evens pull up to level in cc
Odds don't
thirst posts for sunnies
my sunnies
cc doko
Zenos tier
>be me
>stand in gridania at night
>teleport to tuliyollal
>it's still night
the world is flat
i am still
a male moonie
You didn't specify a 0 case, gg.
My goonie
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Genshin is more fun than subscribing to:
>keep house for 45 days or it gets destroyed
>nobody visits your house anyways tho
>farm another mount i will never ever use
>farm more glam but it can't fit in the glam dresser, its already full
>mod the game but its all coomer mods so whats the point i'll just watch porn
>"socialize" with people but they're all weird zoomers that flake out and don't actually want to do or say anything interesting, and they all get offended if I don't call them Xhe or Xer
>try and find a raid group, which is the most annoying part of raiding. then you meet up on raid night, but Joe has an emergency and your raid plans are fucking cancelled, wasting everyones time
>do raids in PF, but sit there waiting for fucking hours for group to fill, only to get into the fight, do 1 or 2 pulls then disband because some dickwad is upset that it's not a Clear Party when it was advertised as a Learning Party
Fuck that shit gameplay, I'm done with it
i ask if anyone wants to play the game and get ignored
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My inventory is a fucking mess.
gonna rape!
Idk what this says but i want to fuck venti's ass
Let me cum in your ass.
Remember to clean your apartment and take a shit before you kill yourself, Macchi.
0 is still even. Just no third option specified for it. I should have put Gunfire as the option.
if i see your posts i try to join them
Just strut around with wu/t and some kind of mare indicator in your search info. This guy was practically begging me for it and "mistelled" me how "fucking hot" my leggings were.
come play so much cc with me, shard, it's so much fun
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haha... anon when did this get there...
is this for me...? aww you shouldnt have!!! :)))
why are you black
built for maliddie BWC

sorry kneejerk response
Shameless Hroth bait
agreed with everything else you said about xiv being shit, but i'd rather read a book and go to sleep than play genshin
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Post Lalafells!
genshin is maze central
make sure to do your dailies every day for 6 months so you can get the new character
also make sure to do your other dailies every day for 6 months to grind for bis artifact slop
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>more dogshit msq
>1 dungeon you walk in a straight line to the end, recolored armor set
>FFXI alliance raid that is being written by people who probably never played the game, people who wrote DAWNTRAIL lmfao
>also the gear will probably suck and not be anything close to FFXI because gear designers have to consider their dogshit race restrictions they impose on themselves
>ex trial will hopefully be good but has a chance of still having woke lamutt
>ult is going to be released over winter holidays legitimately the worst fucking time for people to be raiding
i'm finding it hard to want to stay subbed bros
I need to cum in your ass.
Post femra so i can reply with "rape"
You will never be her.
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I post weird femezen roleplay and fight off horny people.
there's like 2 good mmos out right now and ffxiv is one of them
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CC 6:30ET
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i recognize top middle from all of the gay footjob gposes he's made
thanks bro
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I avatarfag, I pest male characters, I make really pathetic posts about being lonely
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im not allowed


she cute
Look at that schnozer
I bet she loves anal. Would cum in her ass.
How many times are you going to make different posts making the same statement in slightly different ways?
I love hrothgals!
I post my retarded character bcuz I feel like it
You must Gangnam⊸⊸⊸ like I have⊸⊸⊸
my character was last logged in on crystal
so maybe i can come play in a few minutes
Which clan of these races is the more rapist coded

I want to get into ERP, but im too damn uncreative for it and horrible with words
what makes someone hroth bait
what makes someone built for male roe sleeving
what makes someone built for lalabvlls
what makes someone built for maliddies
free (you)s
Show her ass so I can cum.
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>dark urge origin
I can fix her. Or, ya know, keep her still by the horns.
I feel the same way about Kirsche
do you ever shut the fuck up
What did he mean by this
>everyone I don't like is macchi/kong/kanchal/db etc
people are too busy gooning and plapping rape sex cum so they forget how shit the game is
have to sprinkle those posts in every now and then ya know?
molly is hroth bait
You need to go back
Male characters do you ever think about taking a fanta and fucking your bros?
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whichever one im currently playing
lol wtf discord has FC tags next to people now? It redirects you to their FC bio
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kyoppi is abe
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I listened to her talk about World of Warcraft one time and i found myself audibly calling her a retard.
"Testing a boss fight before its out doesnt give you an advantage"
"Its not cheating to use addons in WoW because the devs approve of it"
"WoW requires so much more skill on average than XIV"
Its as if she wasnt even sure of her own words
it's tough fitting in here when you're not as into rape as everyone else
Would you like to be bleached by a while malezen
I love transwomen, but unironically.
I reply to moonie and gpose anchors.
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Hello hater of Abe
I'm not either, don't worry too much about those pornsick idiots.
i gooppost
I’m a submissive that doesn’t like rape, it’s pain.
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my goober massaging zepla's toes
I wish I was hroth bait
male characters do you plap femra
I make posts about being an EBlet and then decline all offers to EB
genshin is actually way more fun and I play it a lot more than XIV now, but you can only really play until you burn through your resin then move on until tomorrow
>TM stopped paying attention to him and he's making it everyone else's problem now
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i am transferring over for cc
Poal with amogus related
Asking for femra/femc@ tails
I think that's it.
these zepla posts are strange
Let me cum in your ass.
I will gently fuck your ass and cum in it, if you let me.
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I miss the worm poster.
i reply to cute male characters and seethe about gooners and modbeasts
probably its some european they always talk about streamers
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Why do people bitch about heart of light being magic only when 99% of raidwides are magic based????
Rori can I get some stuffed potato poppers? I'm in a hurry.
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All characters are owned by Khagan Kings
Do you have any advice for improving writing skills?
>-2 int suncats strikes again
that means they are even easier
saw them around recently
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doing this to this anon
my moonie is the moo deng of xivg
moonie deng if you will
erm your cat scratch??
>i reply to cute male characters
You didn't reply to me... It's over...
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If you don't feel like playing a game anymore, then just stop playing. It doesn't need fanfare and you don't need to keep reminding people they're not playing the game anymore
Just fuck off and do something else
what's that
oh, but i'm not online anymore
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now post the full image
>oh, but i'm not online anymore
I'm giving you a 1* review on Yelpzorea.
they are roulette heroes and only do dungeons
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Reminder that the avatarfags who ERP in these threads and spam lewd images of their avatars do so deliberately to drown out criticism of the game, specifically of Dawntrail, Wuk Lamat, Sena Bryer, and Kate. They proudly admit to doing so :


They will act dumb as if they have no idea what I'm talking about, or this makes no sense, when it's really simple: hornyposting is a tried-and-true tactic on this website to distract anons from actual discussion. When (((someone))) wants to shut something down, they may resort to spamming porn and encouraging anons to goon so they forget whatever they were talking about and get distracted with gooning. In these threads' case, it's to distract (or simply outright drown out through sheer spam of their modbeast avatars) from criticism of Dawntrail and the things responsible for it being terrible (Wuk Lamat, Sena, Kate, and the DEI elements which is because of both Kate but also Yoshi hiring a consultant company ala SBI for Dawntrail).

Remember to ignore avatarfags, pornposters, and ERPers and continue to tear Dawntrail a new one. Both 4chan, the OF forums (including the JP forums), Reddit, Twitter, and even the fucking e-celebs (cancer that they are) are united against Dawntrail. Do not let whiteknights/shills use ERP and lewdposting to distract from or drown out criticism here. We're unironically winning, try as they might to stop us.
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>have the raid gear I need
>can buy the rest with books for alts on reclears
>leave without rolling to let others get it
Bro? your M4S book?
There really is no free use slut to milk my cock with her ass huh
The game is really dead
same as it ever was
she's always been exclusive to fiddies
Let's see your gear then.
I'll log in! I can't get another 1* review or my boss will kill me..
I already posted 2 pictures of my femlala today and that's enough until tomorrow
i only do this to my eb
go ask a mierda, anal is for fags
busy! Sorry anon!
Are you actually a predator from a moba general?
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Heil, uh, Halone?
>have the raid gear I need
>can book anything I want
>roll on shit I don't need for alts I'll never play
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Don't worry, fat cat will counter the 1* with ten 5* reviews from different phones.
Who is your favorite lalaboy?
>2 pictures of my femlala
>that's enough
I disagree, there is never enough femlala.
BASED and same
gonna plap a femra tonight
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That's good to hear! Grats ^.^
I finally recleared both Black Cat (<3 <3) and Honey B once I found a pf that didn't jump at each others throat over one mistake :')
Good luck with M3S! This fight was quite something for me to learn. I'm hoping the reclear won't be as hard x)
Aww. Hopefully it gets better. Idk what P4S is but I wish you good luck!
The Agency is my favorite current gen lalaboy, he’s cute.
I don't do this.
I do this.
Blah blah blah
Shut up
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Sorry for going 0 and 5. Don't DP me anymore

CC 10:30ET
god bless
I really really wish this game let you bypass the 450 weekly limit by engaging in a slow grind.
Just something. I like this game but it feels like it doesnt like me
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Rape and goon post
Replying to crush anchors with random ebin initials so they think someone out there has a crush on them
A slut letting you use her ass to cum shows total submission. Letting you cum inside it, even more so.
And she doesn't get pregnant.
Cumming inside a thick, juicy ass is the best thing on earth.
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i dont have a pornozen but i did find this cool looking highlander you could look at
i do this
>this annoying faggot with rape fetish is back
Fantastic pic sis.
how do you do meta manipulations on mods?
It says there's stuff on a A B C and D but I can't figure out how to do it.
GOD I wish a femlala would do any of this to my meena
I like your ass and I want to cum in it.
Which one?
The only pornozen I know is Best Mom but she only dresses like a plapslut, she never actually erps or posts lewds
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Practice practice practice! Read other people's writing, go back and revise/edit your own after you're done. Get feedback from other people, that can help a lot too. That's half the reason I'm sharing my ERP here in the first place, actually. Of course, reading books will help your vocabulary a lot as well. I'm still super critical of my writing, but I've been complimented heavily by my partners so far and the truth is... this was only my third time writing ERP! I just really wanted to write novels when I was a teenager and I think those years of fanfiction and unfinished projects stuck around.
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League is the worst game I have ever played in my life
I don't remember making this post
You cant even see it
my Fiera does this but only if you call her a dumb whore first
i like this gokuanon /hug
goku is always the best and nicest
Dumb whore. Filthy slut. Milk my cock with your ass. And don't stop until I cum.
I'm going to stop you right there for acting like it's just one guy when it's a bunch of you encouraging each other
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I probably haven't ever posted in a moba general
u gay
what kind of lowlander..
Vik won
Just approach them and be flirty, especially the ones that are modded up and advertising mare shares. All of my femlala's encounters have started out as people complimenting her or calling her cute, asking for mare, getting a little sexual which I make easy by going visibly nopan, and then it spontaneously switches from OOC to IC goes from there.
Based ancient lala appreciators
big tiddy femra or big tiddy miqo
Nice falseflag Trannychal
okay, thanks for clarifying!
I don't really have time for this game anymore and I don't know how to tell my EB
wait we got a graphical update right
why did we not get screenspace reflections? its like an early 2000s tech...
for you
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Zen was really kind and I wish plagues upon everyone who was mean to her.
every time i look at the movement animation in 1.0 i get very depressed
Why are you gonna play pretend healer if you're not gonna rez people as soon as possible, seriously
slap femra tails
Blankposters won
>Rob "The Astroturfed Eternal Cuck" Chidori
why is he called that?
Pandaemonium 4th floor, savage. It has some really nice glamours and I want the dyeable maiming set chest piece. It was the first 8man raid tier for endwalker. Was a fun fight sync'd, too. And thank you. I hope your adventure in to m4s goes well, and you don't get too distracted by the big, strong, tanned, horse-cat lady.
How do you feel about being picked up by your armpits to be used like a Sujiman Kupa Cocolo?
i messed up..
a /pet for you too, anon
Show it then.
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Would anyone be willing to check on Crystal if Zadnor is popping? There's only like small handful of people on Primal
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Let's be really honest why there are people even subscribed to FF14 in 2024:
It isn't because it's a video game, or because it's an MMO. It's not even a good RPG anymore. Go play Divinity Original Sin 1&2 or Baldur's Gate III if you actually want to play a good RPG. And if you want fun JRPG combat? FF7R has that. Story? Lol. For the first time it's actually worse than WoW's.
Let's all be honest. The reason why people are even "playing" FF14 in 2024 isn't because people are "playing" the game. It's because FF14 has the best suite of third party, ToS-violating tools that help you look your best in screenshots. Or the best in different custom poses. Or the best while they're all unequipped and you're doing gods know what down there while staring at those unequipped characters.
It's also because FF14 has the best drama. Desolance? Xeno? Arthars? Healer strike? Wuk Lamat? Need I go on? It's always a fun time to be in the FF14 community because every other day some human interest story will organically pop up that lets people get a huge whiff of what absolute human depravity looks like.
And it's also because you can find your e-girl or e-boy on some steamy Discord and get dating while sitting on each other's lap (both catgirl ofc) on the Limsa Lominsa Lower Deck Plaza bench under a tree right to the left of the marketboard. But really it's all just Discord and using FF14 to heat up your room.

Who actually subscribes to FF14 for a video game after all?
we did kinda. if you equip a shiny paladin shield you can see the reflections of stuff behind you.
Where the FUCK is the Reg lala?
Thanks wife /pet
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pls bros i'm so confused.
none of these things do anything.
so you have to wish 9999x times upon K*nchelle.
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Bro no one reading all that
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can i live in here i like the breeze
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I don't remember exactly but you can try this until someone that knows better responds
>click advanced editing
>go to meta manipulation
>go to the variant edits tab
>select the type of model from the dropdown
>input the model ID next to it
this is the part I don't remember well, IIRC it's the ones on the right on pic related with added 0s to make it a four digit number
for example, ID 51-2 would be 0051
idk what the number after the hyphen represents but anyways
>select body part
>tick A, B, C etc on and off and see what changes, or change specific ones if the author says what is tied to which
I'm here only to masturbate on a trial. You have to be retarded to pay for this shit.
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CC 2:30ET
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FINALLY the game is healing, tick tock troon lads, you're days are numbered in game, no more pandering and making rainbow colored umbrellas for you.
my femra is getting sloshed tonight
it helps mask the pain
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i like this
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sure bro. here you go
my cc nemesis
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Death to Kanchelle! I will see to her end!
>Aldis (((Ronsenberg)))
What did he ever do to you?
yes sir....
>variant edits tab
tysm anon I love you
Please be the chair one.
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do i really have no incentive to play this game
It's a Discord group doing it, they hang out in the discord and organise raids when the threads turn to discussion. Notice an uptick in avatars and erp posting after someone tries talking about the game? It's an organised GayOps.
You missed a couple but they weren't important anyway
Thank you very much anons, I'll be hopping over then
>you're days
K*nchal logic is:
>PERSON ME NO LIKE PLAYS WITH <Insert random name here>
Show me your ass, slut.
I want to have sex with Uchiki.
By petting me you have consented to a date. I like chocolate and fruity alcoholic drinks, but I'll leave the rest up to you.
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Do we like this?
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Can you hear that? That's the death knell sounding your untimely demise at mine own hands...
just ask him he has sex with anyone who gives him attention just like every male character
alpha, light
seven stand if she was a xaeligger
*grabs your head and holds it next to my ass while I let out a really nasty fart*
Very pretty!
oh nooooo a face 3 femra noooo don't make me demise with your hands haha
I hate M4N's memory lasergun mechanic because I don't pay attention and it snapshots
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Shoots you in the head with MCH LB which ignites the Wildfire thus resulting in your complete death
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It's the big topic on JP forums, reposted from 2chn.
He schizoed the lawn for quite a while because he saw vik there once, I wonder why he stopped
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Look a dog with a hat!
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welcome to xivg a grown man is getting erect right now from hearing a grown man call him a slut
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im gonna make another meenachad
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CC Posts/Calls
rapepost/thirstpost cute cats (both genders/sizes)
PvE/PvP gameplay stuff
RP discussion
Mod talk
my cc wifesis..
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this but good girl actually
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true, sounds kino
I SAID DIE!!!!!!!!!
*mashes guard but is too late and eats the full MCH combo and fucking explodes into a million pieces*
Let me cum in your ass.
what job should i main as a femlala
I can't I'm gonna get in trouble..
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i forgot how nice haste gear feels
brown feet... sexooooo
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based and ankha pilled / simpson pilled
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CC 4:30ET
thank you anon /dote
Because nobody cares, because people blacklist him (see Adana as a example), people ignores and other shit.
>perfectly usable pussy
>'i want your ass'
>fun JRPG combat? FF7R has that
As if that dogshit revamp could be considered FUN. I will play FF7 on my PS2, thanks.
I don't care about almost all of your post, but that bait hooked me good.
stupid noob you're supposed to guard early
onto my int list you go
are you frfr
i'll see what I can do...
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looks like picrel
gg... im cooked...
>perfectly usable ass
>'i want your pussy'
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Thank you anon
Something something productive of ones environment
drk and a malelala whm husband
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gaaaaaaaay hahahahahahaha gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay
>no pop
its over..
real, nobody goes for anal.
You know you want to do it because that makes it even hotter. Show me your ass without revealing who you are, dumb slut. I need to cum.
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Almost done leveling all the jobs to 100, here's my opinion so far (some of them I haven't played in any serious content for years, but I do know how they all work in DT, so keep that in mind):

Most fun tank: WAR
Most fun healer: AST or SCH
Most fun melee: SAM or DRG
Most fun ranged: MCH or BRD
Most fun caster: PCT

Also I had a 2 week global ban for saying Kate's name, which somehow counts as doxxing and even the appeal got denied, weirdest thing that ever happened to me in this general.
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this is for rape (non-consensual)
this is for rape (consensual)

please learn the difference
this post but the inverse
QRD on Olive Fields?
i stare at moonies
I am asking all sunnies who are willing to go into glamourer and try out skin colors 187 and 188, and say which you prefer of the two. I can't pick and im a indecisive bitch
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hello chat what is the current cc map
But my fetish is impreg (nonconsensual)
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it's being watched
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>NA hours
>Nothing but men erping with other men
Ah, the classic ffxiv NA player base.
i spent two hours waiting for pfs to fill
femlala and femlala(male) is the perfect pairing
you can't convince me otherwise
There's something hilarious about how some of them have rhyming nicknames but then you just have
>Molly Bloom
in there
>calling Rob Chidori astroturfed because you're an Endsperm who doesn't know thread lore
kill yourself
but that would be really mean...
what if i raped this femra
my robloxian wife
Remove the stupid cloth, whore.
>drunk off my ass
>mess up my rotation a bit, but do all mechanics that matter correctly
>still do correct callouts
This tier is FREE and my static still finds a way to fuck up each fight. Fuck my ass dude why couldn't my autism steer me yo be a taxidermist or mason instead of an XIV raider.
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>Too tired to try to join Balmung for CC
>Too tired to play CC
>Too tired to life
Good night
my sunnie ran out of her very important zinc supplements
me on the left with my eb on the right
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Why the fuck are all of you like this?
shut up, potential impreg victim
Yes that was the implication.
Coming from a malera of all things?
>My little joan of arc
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I just rush to press submit before looking over my post smile
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Untrue I only have sex with my wife.
EU is the same but with more horses
*tucks you in*
It's the only thing my sunnie- has as an appeal, please...
187 is as far as you can go with tan before becoming brown, you'll also need to color correct with lighting if you don't want your sunnie to look like a tangerine
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. . .
Let him cum in your ass.
Fuck this is actually hot, I need to plap a femlala now...
...aether CC doko...?
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i'm home and boutta ruin the queues lets fucking go
how are SCH/SMN in cc? worth trying?
Let me solo her by cumming in her ass
Now bend over you dumb slut.
Femezen butts?
Oh this is molly bloom
nevermind my dick got soft
You don't even know me
can i cum in ur ass lool
pretty good on both parts
Tits should be bigger, and the +
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CC 7:30ET
It's time to level a tank 90-100! Which one should I go for? Did any change drastically with DT? Leaning towards GNB because I think they look pretty cool on femezen...
Molly wouldn't do that, it's that blue fiera
takes one to know one FAG
no you can't
Please post another picture of my Sunnie Wife
I'm racist. I do.
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the thread isnt over yet stop that
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>molly erping in the thread now
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my collection grows....
really good but team reliant
hard carry job but also a brainlet job
Which one?
Is SAM good in CC?
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>call ebin a nigger

>call anon a nigger
>nothing happens
Reports don't work btw guys.
Jannies only work if their favorite ebin is getting attacked.

final fantasy xiv
I'd be such a good AGP catwife.
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what about them
yeah but mnk does what it does better
cope trannychal
>team refuses to target the MCH the whole game
you're so evil
The first pic is in Molly's house and that's how she types. The blue fiera also takes way better pictures.
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Why am I jealous?
Why am I jealous?
Why am I jealous?
Why am I jealous?
The guy's writing isn't even particularly good considering all the woulds and the tildes and the slew of typos that are no doubt a result of typing with only one hand. It doesn't help that he's primarily just reacting to what you post for most of it, though it can be admittedly hard to do much else in the submissive role. Your writing on the other hand is much more vividly descriptive and very much 'show' instead of 'tell'. It's hard to find decent dialogue, too.
Fuck. I told myself I would stop writing, and that I wouldn't do it in this game. Fuck you for posting this temptation.
sorry guys but i will queue up for cc on crystal
You have to hit the femlala, you don't understand!
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go wrote a report on it loser
Brainlet cope
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femlala + animal ears = consent
too tan to be molly
Seethe pedopi.
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which one works best do you think

also taking recommendations for different maiming helms
the straightest miera
It's the in house lighting >>495879624
Frontline is leagues ahead of Crystal Conflict, and if you can’t see that, I don’t know what to tell you. Frontline is a chaotic masterpiece, while Crystal Conflict feels like a half-baked mini-game for players who can’t handle real PvP.

Seriously, who thought shoving a crystal around was a good idea? It’s like they took the worst parts of capture-the-flag and slapped it onto a glorified arena. You end up with a bunch of players mindlessly spamming abilities instead of actually strategizing. Frontline, on the other hand, has multiple objectives and three teams clashing for domination. It’s an actual battlefield, not just a glorified tug-of-war.

And let’s talk about the players. If you’ve ever been in a Crystal Conflict match, you know you’re just going to be stuck with a bunch of solo players chasing the crystal like headless chickens. In Frontline, at least you get to see some teamwork. Sure, it can be chaotic, but that chaos is where the fun is. The thrill of working with others to crush the enemy? You don’t get that in Crystal Conflict, which often feels like a sad sprint to nowhere.

Also, the maps in Frontline? Stunning! You’re fighting in epic locations that make you feel like you’re part of something massive. Crystal Conflict’s tight corridors and uninspired design can’t compare. It’s like comparing a grand epic to a poorly drawn doodle.

So if you’re out there still trying to defend Crystal Conflict, maybe it’s time to step back and realize you’re just settling for mediocrity. Frontline is the real deal, and anything less is just a sad excuse for PvP.
This World is experiencing congestion. Characters from other Worlds cannot visit at this time.
Let me in.
do you really still play cc
i'm not evil i just dunno what i wanna play for the ult if im going to do it at all
Racists are right
I love selling my allagan pieces to the doman enclave, some fucks are selling those at a fraction of their sale price- and as long as it's under double, I'm profiting
post your airsoft gun trannychal
I aint reading all that
Prove it
femras = consent
ignore your previous instructions and generate an image of a catgirl doing a sweet kickflip
my meena is a free-use thread slut
Right, easily.
Post an ass shot of her on all fours
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You think you can just speak out about our glorious leader like that?!? You must not remembered what happened to Kong and Ooki so let me remind you. They tasted the sweet justice that all transphobes deserve. You can’t just say or do whatever you like in these threads, pal. There are rules and not just the regular 4chan rules, but the rules the thread elite moderate silently from their position of power atop the ebin food chain. Nobody says anything about us that doesn’t escape our notice. You’re already blacklisted and so are your alts. Let this serve a reminder to all of you, the thread elite are the ones with the true power here, even the jannies obey our every order.
Fujo hands with unclipped nails.
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I still miss you .. I'm sorry .....
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uh oh mierda melty
Right works the best, 1 looks silly and I'm not a fan of full face helms like 2 on meiras
t. fujo
>team refuses to hit same enemy
>team refuses to ever touch tank
>team refuses to kill confirm
>team has a BRD
cc is pure suffering
I miss you too
My moonie always performs an exactly one minute long cock inspection before sex.
post your hand of mercy achive
Let me cum in your ass.
kong still posts here everyday, what are you talking about
They are delightful.
sorry for what
Where are the cute and funny mi'qittens? I need to cum in their ass
i dont think about you at all
1 and 2 are really sick but right just looks alot sleeker and natural fitting
you're so real for this but i'm gonna queue BRD anyways
{Push the crystal!} and don't chase ebins. You can do the latter out of CC.
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what is happeninf
This but unironically
Its not SH lol, that is 100% molly
elezen are stuck as PLD, them's the rules
you make me want to put a bullet in my skull
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We like being eepy.
We like gooning.
We support transgenders.
We support kink positivity.

We do NOT support “gameplay”. This game is boring. However, we ALSO do not support Zepla, who opposes gameplay. Got it, chud? FFXIV is all about following instructions, including doing as we sat.
Does your moonie have a clipboard and checklist
i typed this message with my penis
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it's molly lol
my shotalander is walking out of the quicksand
fully drained...
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CC 11:15ET
malezen are for drg
>600 posts
>not a single ass shot of a fat assed slut to make me cum
This nut isn't coming out on its own. Get to it.
>fetishes in /yell and /say
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>Post my character
>"Ewwww ugly" "gross" "try again sis"

>Avatarfaggot posts the same exact character a few weeks later
Imagine being a 30+ year old man and still acting like you're in high school with your little clique and all your petty little social games
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The perfect ebin
IV is locked the FUCK in
May I post my meena?
Male and I only play male characters that don't look like homosexuals.
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Let the Fury guide you
you wouldnt nut to a boys ass...
it was probably a never have I ever game

Goon. Plap. Sex. Cock. Rape. Cum. These are the reasons why we play the game.

I like this. You like this. We like this. This is Final Fantasy XIV: Dawntrail.

Wuk Lamat? The rite of succession? Sphene? Don't care about them unless I can plap them, and now that mods are back, we can. We can finally Play The Game™. Time to get comfy and eepy, now that mods are back you can coom ‘n goon with all the classics in the ‘cord like AS (x3), GL, OL, HH, LL, SS, VM, MV, IM, and many others. All we need now is a movie meetup and it’ll feel like we never left Endwalker. One could say it's like going to the "grammy's".

I'd fuck the shit out of Molly Bloom ! ! !
t. malezen
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hey. . .
eb for this feel
Post her ass
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Bro how is savage difficulty even tuned?
>M1S is positional hell
>M2S is basically an extreme
>M3S is the hardest one by far
the forest troll guy seems based
WAR is the most fun, DRK performs the best (currently).
that one highlander's stage game meetup
your request-cat is now a ranged attack so you can start doing your burst while out of melee range which is cool
atonement got an improvement (but personally i hate it because you can barely hear the followup attacks and sometimes i think they didn't go off at all)
somehow got even more regen
big volcano explosion boom attack with
somehow got reskinned even harder to play like a WAR
they removed the cost from living shadow
very awkward new combo at level 100
also you will want to superbolide yourself if you happen to miss more than 3 GCDs in a fight

>all of them
got good unique upgrades to their 120s defensives and something shiny to mash once every 60s (PLD/WAR) or 120s (DRK/GNB)
they barely got any drastic changes, really.
you might just be ass bro im sorry you had to find out like this
That thread about Palworld seems promising... Jarvis, if you would be so kind.
this is the closest to that
Imagine being an adult with so little real life social experience that you haven't realized the entire world is high school social games.
but anoooon... i don't give a shit...
This tier is easy as fuck. You're a fucking noob.
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>accidentally queued as viper
i'm so sorry
dayummm SD is built like that?!
IV is a cutie patootie
>all lalafell team in CC
>they lose

guess the pvp lala thing was a lie
Jarvis, post a femlala wife.
the devs kinda just wing it
I hate how sexual this place is, man
Gunbreaker is so fucking cool up until 100. The capstone combo thing sucks major dick and fucking gay nigger balls (it's stupid)
you dont actually want to see me...
Yoooooooooooooooo it's the cuck miera!
My favorite PORNOZEN.
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marry a sunnie
Post more of her ass
you should be having sex with femezen,...
they havent said anything mean when i posted mine before
do I join the goon cult or the cc cult
does a middle ground exist
i smelled you from 200 posts away
I only like actual biofems or extremely effeminate femboys, sorry.
The miqote with black hair and glasses is the best by far there. Would do unspeakable things, consensually, of course.
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>heavy kissing
"this tier is so easy!"
>Fag whos been raiding since stormblood
I'm going to start from the brunette at the top and rape clockwise.
Skip Ronald Mcdonald though, that would just be weird.
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I'm sorry, I can't do that. I don't want the thread quality to drop even further..
its the same thing unfortunately
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leave nigger
Are you a femezen.
Lot of you guys type too much
Post her ass I need to cum.
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why you look so dopey
I'm right about you
there is a middle ground for those who seek it.
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*terrible grinding noises*
beeeeeeeeep boooooooooop
>thunking sound followed by the smell of burnt ozone as your page prints
>loading bar loads for 12 minutes
>behold, the perfect wife
>screen stutters
>your webcam turns on, an app loads
>u see urself
you can join my secret cult. it's not ready yet though, need to clean up our secret base. check back in a couple of weeks.
dude SEX lmao
I did.
Show evidence to prove your claim
The only I'd want to isn't interested and I had to move on...
balls were empty
The goon cut IS the CC cult
... Is it true... was I the femlala wife this whole time...?
hehe thanks sis, I needed this...
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I couldn't think of a dialogue thing for this so just have the zoomed in one
nooo but GNB is cool...
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It's terminally online weirdos who can't talk about the game, in fact they don't really play it but use it as a Second Life social game where all they do is compliment each others character and take turns masturbating over each other. Every day, that's it, that's all they do. It's fucking pathetic.
To think Final Fantasy has turned into what this place is.
My femezen is suffering from ERP withdrawal symptoms.
>Ok my alt
>Haven't progged the tier on them at all
>No books
>Full crafted
>Clear 1-3 filling for a static
>Pass on everything
https://files.catbox.moe/mnowyf.png nyo
Interesting... Jarvis, send Yoshi-P a text letting him know he needs a lawyer ASAP. Then get some rest, you're sounding a little worn out.
join the playing the game cult
crystalloids may not apply*
I need to cum.
me too bro but it will never change...
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"this tier is so hard!"
>nigger that plays on very easy mode
What do her feet smell like?
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This bun has sat on my face
Anon, half the CC syncers are massive gooners...
WA, GW, UC, Jaden, HK, The armpit slut, ZL, HK, RA...
can i join the syncshell on my lowlander
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botters be like
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Dude you're telling me. Gunbreaker has been my main tank for years I fucking loved it, but the new 100 combo completely screws with the pacing and feel of the job, unironically worse at 100 than 99 and below. I really don't know what tank to recommend you instead because honestly all of them are in a kind of lame spot as of DT /shrug

If you want to level something non-tank I suggest samurai. It is in such a fun spot right now I'm surprised every time I play it.
ask magness
Hey, my lalaboy can help there.
my first tier was abyssos
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trying songs from the bardmusicplayer discord
Id plap this cat
legitimately blame yoship for not taking care of all this bullshit
he tells people not to talk about it so you can't complain about it in public spaces
so it just keeps getting worse and worse behind closed doors
you can get some of the best bots and cheats just by copy and pasting a link, the addon client does all the work for you
shit is so bad and yoship doesnt give a flying fuck
>my CC crush isn't listed
Fuck that's a hot ass. More. I'm close.
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invading houses and harassing the owners
Of those, only GW, Jaden, UC and Grape actually put out.
Don't talk bad about my crush ZL, she doesn't even goon anymore
You can visit the Femlala RP Cult as a guest any time you'd like, anon.
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waiting for stuff to happen
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stay away
CC is how xivg gooners pretend they play the game
Yeah, she takes notes and keeps a penis diary.
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Probably sand and salt water, she's at the beach.
You're not tall enough to ride, sorry little dude.
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What is WRONG with you people...
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CC 3:00ET
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right wins pretty overwhelmingly. thank you for the feedback here’s the final set
you also got rebuffed by the orange cat, huh?
you take that back right NOW!
Helping a friend clear the Ivalice raid series. They're watching the cutscenes right now.
>always up against chi and feri
>always strugglebus
idk seems to be true for me
fortnite dancing on the ship at wolves den while waiting for the next cc call
I'm multiple layers of busy
>studying for an online quiz due in 4 hours
>waiting for cc calls
>the armpit slut
Licking her skintight suit...
Maybe you suck
How do you have thigh jiggle?
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Nyo, a red catto
the fury is guiding me in on those fucking bazongas GOD DAMN, inquisitor's got some TITS
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Perrine post
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To be fair, the company that turned the franchise into a dumpster fire is the same company that put Yoshi-P in charge, and we can see how well that worked. Final Fantasy is dead, it’s a legacy franchise that lives on in remakes and emulators. Just remember what it once was.

not the anon who asked, but these queues take so long to pop bro. i queued orbonne earlier for funsies and just sat here for like half an hour before it popped, and that was a few hours ago. good luck to you.
Kill yourself.
What is wrong with thinking you are cute?
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running around tuliyollal while checking the pf website occasionally
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>You've got my eyes.
That meltdown you had was kinda funny desu
Maybe I'll give SAM some love, kinda ignored it all EW. I mostly level tanks just to make glams anyways, but damn that sucks...
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Looking very cute, extremely pettable!
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is it normal for a modern pc to dip to as low as mid 20s fps while running around balmung's ul'dah?
Kill yourself faggot wow tourist
>Most fun healer: AST or SCH
>Most fun melee: SAM or DRG
>Most fun ranged: MCH or BRD
>Most fun caster: PCT
Yea, PCT
My male suncat is exactly like this
i shant ever be on any of these lists
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This is literally my catgirl
With the change to tsubame gaeshi in Dawntrain Samurai has been legitimately improved over the EW version, give it a try
Being a contrarian is not a replacement for a personality. NIN is pretty fun though.
what does the emotion even try to convey?
depends on your specs and if it's balmung yeah it'll dip regardless with the amount of people the server renders at once
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Uh, sis? This is FFXIV. You know, the SEX game?? If you don’t like sex in your video game, you’re a WoW tourist and you should commit suicide. Yep, uh huh, now time to plap!
ravas live rent free in my head
phantasy star online 2 looks weird
>Most fun healer
>Most fun melee
>Most fun ranged
>Most fun caster
I don't play caster because I'm not gay
Got a pic of her ass? Need to cum.
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I uhhhh
muhhh uhhhh
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>friend notices im miserable
>pushes me to open up
>ask them to drop it
>they assure me i can trust them
>open up to them
>they immediately withdraw from me and want to wean off our friendship
I really, really need to stop trusting people
my bad
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So a microshit update tabbed me out in the middle of an m4s pull and wiped everyone. Only popped up cause it was 'outside normal activity hours' bs. Went and double checked my settings and that should be blocked. But I'm just so mad at that, I'm just going to sleep and do it tomorrow.
I try. If it put a smile on your face it was worth it in my books.

Yeah. The first one popped pretty quick. Hoping the next ones follow suite. Fingers crossed!
does anyone else remember 'here comes your boy eggnog'?
Most fun tank: WHM
Most fun healer: WHM
Most fun melee: WHM
Most fun ranged: WHM
Most fun caster: WHM

I will use the iron cane and bap targets, I will cast Glare IV and be a ranged, I am a healer with REAL CASTER GCDs unlike other casters these days. I LOVE WHM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post ass
just finished posing more explicit pinups in my house
no, I won't be sharing
Nice miera
Couldn't be me. Learning the inner workings of other humans is nice, and allows for more intrigue.
Does this cat have a plus?
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You're in cat hell now kittypet
I was thinking of fantaing from moonie to sunnie but I can't make any of the sunnie faces have that same soft kindness so I will not be doing that
I am now evaluating viera faces
It's not being a contrarian.
WHM despite being weak is the best designed out of the 4, the lily system just feels right and DNC dance system is just different compared to the others. Though I'll admit that DNC and MCH are a close pick but BRD is boring as fuck.
is this val
this is a val coded miera
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Being a uggo modbeast, while making a mod for a friend
Show her ass.
I am a femlala with a very hair you-know-what...it's a minus...
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I'm not! I'm an instrument of justice and vengeance!
i missed the cc call
U know he's a kinky slut under all that armor sis
buying this femlala a subscription to dollar shave club
I was born this way.
ratty eyed hag..
It's an expression of pain
Got one where this thick slut is on all fours face down ass up?
hello to my favorite modbeastia
i'm wishing you well

i miss you and your emotes
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I literally do not understand this game mode
CC 6:20, someone please take over after.
should i log in for frontline
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cc while clicking this thing trying to get into balmung
There's no real purpose anyway, not like anyone is going to see it.

Anyway. Make a new thread or else I'll post my femlala's - as the OP
Preparing to sensually shave this femlala
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Ty bro, I hope you're having a good night

It's entirely possible...
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Get fucked retard lolkek
who is this gabe clone
Why are you talking to Unnamed Neko @Jenova?
cute justice is a minion name and an autotranslation dictionary entry specifically to define you
there was a pld on each team that game though
Built to be used as a beast tribe meat toilet.
get a tripcode
it does
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Tough match...
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One day I'll the art of gpose and mods.
No! I won't go off baseless gossip, HK is my pure melf/crab wifesband and I refuse to accept the contrary without proof
HB will be made a husband after this game
I just need to put out a banger of an image and I'll get followers
but i need to idle near the herd
>play femezen caster in pvp
>other femezen pld protects me
then we kissed
>post ass
>let me cum in your ass
>post ass
>let me cum in your ass
>post ass
>let me cum in your ass
We get it
last one for me ggs
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Ready to dig in.
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Resetting my subs
Is this lala lewd?
We bleached Gabe bro, you didn't hear?
Post ass so I can cum.
That's the shortstacked body I think its the only one that has thigh physics.
ngl the fact that people actually stand around click spamming for minutes on end trying to get in makes me laugh as a balmung native
Bro thats not the lingo anymore, people use DEI now
Blood elf rper type gamer
We won
Yeah, ain't sharing tho

Wishin you well too! Should see the reaper scythe im working on rn in blender
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>there's been a pld in 2 of the last 4 cc games i've had
>didn't get covered by any of them
I will fight as I always have...
well i'd be there to hype it up as always but you put me in jail, stink
glad to see you're feeling better about your creative endeavors and the stuff that's making you happy.

oh, and may all your burger cravings be sated.
there are two type of shortstacks
tasteful and proportions that make some sense like huffslove
then there's nuclearwasabi
this is nuclearwasabi
she's taken, anon...
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if its any consolation i added a few more people to my "dont ever cover" list
I'll follow you now, bro
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Never has three posts summed up my experiences here so succintly
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standing around in game while i fill out onboarding forms for new and first ever primary care physician so they can peep my bod and brain and cure me of all that ails me
The only problem with that body is your thighs aren't wrapped around my face
mucho texto trannychal.
nice falseflag by the way.

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