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Version 1.2 "Tour de Inferno" Special Program:
Dev Face-to-Face | Zenless Zone Zero:

Agent Record | Caesar King
Agent Record | Burnice White
Agenty Story | The Rape of Corin
Agent Record | Lighter Lorenz

>Newest Trailer/Teaser/Character demo

>Upcoming Events for 1.2
Full 1.2 details and events:https://zenless.hoyoverse.com/en-us/news/125865
New at the Arcade: Bizarre Brigade - to be added in 1.2
Back in Business - Daily check in, double drops and more - 09/25 (1.2 release) - 10/10 03:59 (server time)
All New Program - 09/25 (1.2 release) - 11/05 03:59 (server time)
Overlord's Feast - 09/26 10:00 (server time) - 11/04 03:59 (server time)

>Redeemable codes (claimable in-game or online)

>Resources and useful links
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Stop liking evil anthro women
The yamcha pose will never fail to crack me up
It says right there in the 1.2 update page that they changed it, though.
>game no longer steals focus/cursor when loading into battle
This could have been the only thing in patch 1.2 and I would have been happy.
man face on a female furry what the fuck
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She looks like from natlan
they did my nigga Pompey dirty
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that is just sad
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>we get to talk with Yanagi during inferno reap
>she is completely stale, a total bitch to Harumasa and Miyabi's & Soukaku's underpaid tard wrangler
>we see her now
>she is buying a round of ramen for her subordinates after leaving the arcade, letting them dump their work on section 6, helping Harumasa with work and establishing good relations with section 5
>not only that but we have a nice chat and she shows some form of personality
genuine tears in my eyes, just so beautiful
>coomer furry homo thread

Move to the non-vandalized thread
>Ceaser a cute
>Burnice a psycho paizuri queen
>Cat girl turned me into a furfag
This was a good patch.
>drying your boobs before puting the sweaty leather bra back on
I am ashamed of my words and deeds.
What personality? Being forgetful and thinking about her job all the time?
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How do i switch targets in the overworld? I can only see belle and wise as the options
>Hrt image
Furries can can fuck off and so can you
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gave leverboo some friends
where's the burnice x cat ship art?
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My drive discs aren't that good yet
She is a professional and demands others to be the same. She won't coddle her team while at work but clearly she has a kind personality underneath that.
if this keeps up I think I'll drop this game
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>sister fixation
bros... she knows....
missed my 50/50 to soldier 11, what's her best team?
Holy shit! Devs listened!
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what theFUCK
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this art style is so fucking disgusting, very similar to westoid tranny art style
no way fag lol
Bara artists drawing women...
Currently it's just Caesar and Burnice if you roll them, in a later patch you can switch to all agents.
I just want to say that mihoyo was very high IQ about covering her snout so she looks more human and thus get more people actually interested at her. At this point even if they remove her mask, they already got them.
We're all in here
fuck off nyagger
Sure. I will do that by turning them into redeemed, good anthro women (with my cock)
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I didn’t know TF2 Pyro is so cute without mask
This girl ain't right...
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noooo my wide queen
aside from the complete disrespect for human anatomy I don't think it's that bad
Total TV death!
TVcucks on suicide watch!
incestgods we're back
Honktroons are a blight upon humanity.
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How will Ceasar fare, I wonder.
Also they kinda forgot they changed Caesars hair from green to grey
problem is she doesn't excell at anything
she'll be useful for niche teams, probably, but unless they release agents with god tier synergy with her skills she'll be forgotten pretty fast
Honk bros are normal it's just Herta tranny spazing out.
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so how reasonably long till we have villains introduced but then come back as playable?
Koleda and Lucy
Units that do a little of everything usually last longer, look at Ruan Mei in HSR

Report this fag for spam
higher than jane, lower than qingyi
T-They're just removing them from main story chud this is uhh
Why is herta schizo spamming zzz now...
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Star Rail has been our sister game and Ally of us since launch, don't get the hertatroon divide us
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>roll for Jane
>lose 50/50 to the inferior physical DPS, kot
>roll for Caesar, planning to to get all the sons of Kinodon
>lose 50/50 to Koleda who Lighter will make obsolete
>had to go to hard pity 4 times
>all I wanted in life was Grace or S11 or M1 Rina
No one has worse luck than me
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I just booted up and holy fuck Caesar's voice is so soft. That kinda voice using ore is giving me cognitive dissonance, is she really the SoC leader?
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She was very calm in the story, and I thought it was cool how she negotiated with the SoC, and was basically just doing her job, nothing too cruel or evil.
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ok i'll pull
Is 4chan acting up again? My post got eaten...
>implying she is liked at all
Move quickly before the thread 404'es
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>Koleda who Lighter will make obsolete
never lmao
lighter is so fucking lame no one will play him, even if he's meta
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Does someone have the mega folder for these cute critters?
Did you switch MC?
This didn't happen to me.
Holy cringe incel garbage
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I beelined straight for lucy's trusts, here's her wallpaper
To be fair here, Ruan Mei has was a good generalist when she came out and became even better with time because we started getting a lot of very strong break effect characters. Now something similar could happen to Ceasar as well but she honestly doesn't even need it. It's obvious that survivability will be a problem in the future, and her being a stunner/defender/support all in one with easy as fuck to activate shields makes her unique enough already where she can easily keep her value.
I'm running out of copes to avoid swiping
Finally, (You) pandering.
Cry more
Stop lumping my Paizuri queen with the cunny shit
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>we have Valvedrones up in this bitch
there's a small chance Mors might
>Don't have S11
>Didn't like her from the little test play you can do
I suspected she had the best synergy. Thanks for the advice anons, who is the best runner-up?
...I do have C6 Corin and C6 Billy for what it is worth.
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Shadow Jane is kicking my ass.
>her dad gives wise the ok
holy fucking based I thought mihomo had no balls
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Do it
cinema, absolute cinema, ludo kino
very nice
>Paizuri queen
Burnice is for butt cheeks enjoyers.
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If she wasn't electric I'd say 1.5 or 1.6, but since it looks like she's an electric attacker and there's the fagot who uses a bow and arrow who seems to have the same element and function as her, I don't know?
Does Hoyo tend to repeat elements and functions this quickly? I don't know much about her other games.
When did it become uncool to like TF2?
I did switch once but changed back. That was before doing the new story content though. Also you swap to your main character when talking to people so they shouldn't even have implemented you getting other lines. it's weird
olee fuq
I dunno, it took awhile for scaradouche to become playable and only because he had a very LOUD fanbase of shotacon girls
Burnice in a tight fire retardant suit when?
jesus christ Caesar jiggles tons in her character screen
Okay, that's the new best wallpaper.
Do you have Piper's?
I didn't switch and it happened to me.
Not yet, I'll need the reset to grind her events out
These wallpapers are a lot better than the previous ones. Devs listened?
my penis
Why there is almost no art of Caesar but a shitton of Lucy art as of this patch?
She's retardant alright
do your best to promote her anon in a way people enjoy
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I am here once again to ask the same question:
Is this bitch worth leveling for gameplay purposes?
Pedos and lolicons need not reply
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I didn't see any new lolis in Blazewood. Hopefully the opening of Cheesetopia will change that.
Lucy is in her prime age, Caesar is past it, simple as.
Lucy is very popular in Japan.
She is 4 star Jane so if you want phys anomaly then yes.
And people say star rail is more for (you) than this. It literally has nothing even close to that, and that includes firefly as well.
But is there any differece if you pick belle?
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God I fucking hate Lucious and Mors. Hopefully that faggot dog never becomes playable unlike Pulchra and Bellum.
If you have Jane, no.
Her gameplay is one of my favorites in the game, but she's not for everyone.
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The first side I could just dodge spam without any idea what was going on, but the second side was pretty challenging.
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How did everyone's Caesar rolls go ? Hard pitied into oblivion? Shafted on the 50/50? the ultimate luckshit? Tell me your experiences
if you're retarded(skipped Jane) yes, she's a pretty decent phys anomaly dps
Caesar is an ugly hag.
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Well, they managed to get a good number of people to say the classic:
"I'm not a furry, but..."
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How's Caesar's agent story?
did this bitch literally just go OHOHOHO~
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Sex with Pulchra.
Saving every poly after this match for her.
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Why is she looking at me, her twin sister Welle, like that?
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Who should I level up for DPS between M6 Anton/M1 Billy/M0 Kot? I have Caesar
Every character is protagonistsexual regardless of who you picked
Burnice is so hot in this art style
always was a fun of the high waisted thong/bikini bottom aesthetic since Lita ruined my tastes in women
so is Ceaser to zzz what Zhongli is to genshin? an absolute must have because of their shield?
Would'nt the way burnice talk to pulchra be considered super racist?
Check again
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Unironically sex with this dumb, busty tomboy
got her on first 50/50. got spooked by s11 engine on sig banner unfortunately
half of her head is missing
If she actually looked like that in game I would pull for her
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160 rolls for her, pretty much everything I had
Not sure if that was worth it since now I can't afford her signature which seems to be a must have
Reading that scene I couldn't help but think she's so playable. Bellum and even Mors are set up as redeemable but they were very careful for Pulchra to do nothing offensive.
She's got that furry fever. It's not racist if you want to nurse on those furry titties.
I just finished ambush mode S ranks and 11/11 blitz without her

she's nice to have but not "needed"
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got her in like 30 rolls and her engine in 50
pretty happy, I got her engine right before calling it quits
Really bad, got fucked in both her gacha and her weapon banner. I hope she ends up being good for a long time.
They did weird shit with the UI again, Fairy's speech bubble on the top right side of the screen that says something like "use EX 0/5 times" when you do Agent demos spazz around when you do something that changes its text
I'm 60 rolls in and afraid to go further just to lose the 50/50. We'll see how quickly I can get 1600 more chromosomes and if I've sacked up by then
Hard pity as always, but since I lost the 50/50 on Jane and didn't get her, Caesar's home at least.

Saving the leftover poly for Burnice and going with cope engine.
Its the equivalent of those old men saying muh nubian queen to black women
So it's canonically ok to impregnate Lucy?
I'm seeing a pattern here
Nobody is ever truly needed, Zhongli was the same as well.
>M6 Anton/M1 Billy/M0 Kot
Is c6 piper worth it?
Im at c5, but already got caesar and her engine.
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Is this a new A-rank agent?
im so jealous that you can enjoy a world of mediocrity to such an extent that any attempt at stylization looks bastardized to you
you'll love the future of artistic mediums enjoy it pedobro...
her father allows it
Got in the first 10 pull with about 40 pity
May as well keep going for the artwork
If you're Wise.
Got her on my first 10 roll.
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what did he mean by this
Do we even know anything about that?
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alright Lucy, it's rape time
ive seen much worse, this is so inoffensive lol
H-how did they figure out my fetish
I don't speak faggot sorry
I am not a lucky man
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too be honest, she would fine anyway
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Section 6? More like Section Sex!
No need to call me out like this Lucy, shit
>design is generic OL
>personality is workaholic OL
At least she beats whatever Harumasa is supposed to be.
Damn brat needs correction.
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Will ZY ever be ass mogged?
They're not even trying
she looks like she fucks human men
She wouldn't have the mass appeal she somehow managed to get now. Pic related for example does nothing to me at all. Pulchra on the other hand...
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Chingyi is now my main DPS
That order
Fuck. Burnice is really fun to play.
75 rolls but won the 50/50
My luck here is the opposite of HSR, where I consistently get a 5* early but my 50/50 win rate is under 20%



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I found one. Thanks for the heads up.
whoever your highest damage dealer. A good cheap alternative is Anton, unsurprisingly. He's also currently on the banner and you even get his faction bonus too.
it means he's a stubborn cunt
>pink hair
>cow tits
>long bare legs
She's an SSS agent going by design alone
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Wait what happened to that passive character exp thing? Where can I get that?
>mouse no longer gets stuck in the center of my screen when I'm tabbed out after loading into a new zone
wtf good patch
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Lost 50/50 and had to go for hard pity but got her ball easily.
do you get z-merits from blitz mode?
I was capped so I couldn't know
I think Zhu is mere centimeters from having a disproportionate looking ass, so unlikely unless they make a very tall woman with a proportionally huge ass.
I tested the band code in the op. It is expired.
Yanagi is a titty monster not an ass fiend. She is mogging others in that department easily.
Lost the 50/50
Was about to go all in then i saw the horrible cope weapon choices and i immediately lost interest
at least i got M6 Piper out of it which was my second after Corin
Marry them all
I won't play by your rules, demon!
This patch gave us loli kino and yet the actual loli faction isn't even out yet. ZZZ might be saved bros
yeah, that was annoying as shit.
lol I thought it was only me
that'll help my 8 yo concentration capabilities a lot
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B A S E D lucyGODS
almost hard pity but won 50/50
business as usual
sloption 6 designs are so generic and boring
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look at what they did to my 141 niggas
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Why does it say it's unavailable how can I level my Caesar?
>almost hard pity but won 50/50
that isn't almost hard pity
fuck burnice, marry lucy, sorry piper
Gotta be flexible, you know what I'm sayin'?
Nicole is for walking in on Belle getting plowed by Wise then running out of the room heartbroken and crying in shame!
Husbandomains are NOT happy about this patch.
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nice SSShit taste buddy
it seems to be only for sweeping TV mode gameplay with fairy
like if you miss a pink box or something, to not have to sit through another 15 minutes of slop
if it's something else it might come with the backup battery update
What's a caeser team?
My friend got outed as a furry after he said he wanted to fuck this and I broke contact with him
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Why is Lucy such a bitch when she's so short too?
I don't know how sincere the "collab when" posters are, but I'm personally not a fan of guest characters at all in anything. It's just a massive immersion break and they always look like they don't belong and ruin the overall vision if whatever they are being inserted into. I love EVA as much as the next socially anxious weeb, but I don't want Asuka and Rei in every fucking game I play.

Besides we already have a mech piloting, brattish, petite red head.... She even has a berserk scene
Yes 150 per run
This >>495923897
Killing any of them is a waste, but Piper is the oldest so it's lesser evil and she'd finally get to rest.
I fear even single fucking session with Burnice may be lethal, but it's definitely something worth dying for.
Lucy is obvious, she's prime wife material
but they can play as wise now and lighter + other npc males have a lot of screentime?
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>the youngest among the current Void Hunters
so either some of them are still alive or there are other void hunters we don't know of yet
Her glasses look like shit though
She'd have looked better with round glasses
We need more MEN
HOYO is killing the game and I am so happy to see a waifu incel game fail.
Fuck and Marry them all
The view around Miyabi really has changed a lot. When she was first revealed almost everyone was simping for her but now you see more posts making fun of her rhan anything else.
do I only get ONE of the weapons from the battle pass? that's kind of a bummer
I kinda was hoping I'd get all of them. They seem pretty good. it's hard to choose
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In addition to what you said, her moveset seems very complete as a boss, compared to Mors and Bellum, besides she already has data that she will be playable in the future, so at least she was well planned already, I just hope she takes the mask when it becomes playable.
What's the loli faction? Idols?
Any other homestuckfags constantly reminded by the performative bravado and "too cool for school" personality + shades of Dave Strider when they see Lighter?
I thought BP was supposed to go up to 60 to going forwards?
Looks like a Boring Office worker to me buddy. Lucky me, we have Nun tits McGee.
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So where are the extra levels for the BP the patch notes mention? Because as far as the UI shows it still ends at 50.
I swear to fucking god I wish I could strangle whoever translates this shit, the number of completely fucktarded errors and mistakes is unforgivable and they're EVERYWHERE holy fuck please someone tell hoyo they need to actually read this shit before it goes out, even just one fucking time
When the fuck do I get the free Lucy
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When are they gonna add more shit to this? I have had it maxxed out for weeeeeeeeeks
neato bro
can do runs in 7 mins compared to 10-15 before so I can save a lot of time now
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>didn't even take 3 full months for the devs to make a "fuck Ellen Joe" endgame mode
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She has and always will be my wife
Forgot my picture like a faglord
Dohna Dohna wouldn't feel out of place at all but that's actually 10000% impossible even if Waterkuma is working on the game.
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short people are vicious as fuck
My luck is so bad that I'm going to hit hard pity twice rolling for caesar but I'll get burnice on the first roll just to deny me my c6 lucy and nicole
>(and attractive)
Miyabi being pretty is canon, people calling her ugly officially btfo
the moment you creampie her you get Lucy Jr.
Post 1 error
Did you beat the Dopple Jane mission?
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i cackled at you saying killing piper was the lesser evil due to her age lmao
and yeah, hard agree
I'd loved the trajectory of Lucy's "rich heiress rejects family to embrace biker gang life of freedom with found family" narrative since the launch of 1.0
I'm happy to say that I'm eating well this patch
short people are closer to hell anon, this has always been the case
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Play in anything but EN. You do know more than 1 language, right?
When are we getting Soukaku's red oni twin
The main reason I'm trying to train Koleda and Ben to begin with is because I like Belobog(and Koleda is leaving my Lucy and Piper team to make room for Caesar). If Anton actually goes decently well with them I'm all for it.
>Tits covered by text box
Yeah it's a mystery.
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i had to jerk off every time i accidentally select Lucy in the character screen
this patch is fucking tough
they are pretty meh actually
for each BP weapon there is a craftable alternative that is about the same strength and is much easier to get since you can farm it, unlike BP where you would have to play for 6 months to get one to W5
soukacute is soukacanon soukaconfirmed
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>he's now reduced to a bystander with the removal of TV
You can come back to wuwa now. We actually have a role for the MC!
Bro your missing items in old capital?
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>Account unbricked
he does. It's not a perfect fit because anton ideally wants a shock applier on the team since he himself is notnvery good at it, but in terms of roles he fits as well as any other non-s11 currently in the game.
Ceasar after a thorough dicking
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>this bratty slut asks to meet you behind the alleyway, at night, in secret
Be honest, how bad are the black screen + white boxes in this patch?
No it's the face, it's a big turn off. She could have bigger tits than Ceasar and it wouldn't change anything
Is Caesar a character you want to be leveling to 60? Genuinely no idea
Decent. Lost to Grace at 75 then got Caesar at 26. Happy as long as I don't have to go 2 full hard pities. This does mean I'm skipping kingball thoughever
is the patch good? I un-installed the game to protest the removal of the TV mode so I wouldn't know
but ellen team still cleared
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>Interknot level 40
>pretty sure I completely bricked my progression and also have no disc drives
So uh what are the minimum levels of investment I need to put into a Seth/Jane/Caesar team before I can quickly move on to farming discs? I heard Jane just needs level 60 and you can leave all her skills at 1?
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Let's settle this
Wait till you max her out and then you'll need to jack off everytime you open your menu >>495922721
already got them all bro
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They fixed Qingyi's live wallpaper having missing background.
Caesar's tutorial is missing a space
Basically any of the new commissions will have at least one and usually multiple completely retarded mistakes
"Caesar and her crew said" x2 in the main story of chapter 4
Shawn referring to his tortoise called Slowpoke as "Slowmo" for two text boxes
Etc, there are so many I don't even screenshot or report them anymore because it would just take too much time
Has performance dropped after this update or is it on me?
What do you mean removed, don't you enjoy all those exploration quests in Chapter 4? >>495921820
dunno what it is but either the lighting or shading on her very often makes it look like she's blushing
bitch is constantly in heat lmao
but I never left. I'm just on daily login quest mode until some actually good banners come up.
There's a 50/50 chance I'm either getting the best head of my life or I'm getting jumped by some gang
unfortunately for me, bratty slut is exactly my type so I'm taking that chance brothers wish me luck
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Is she a must have to unbrick kot?
There's nothing that appeals to me about her but if she unbricks kot I might roll...
>lost my 3rd 50/50 in a row as a f2p
It's over my account is bricked...
I wish the game at least gave me Rina or S11 instead of Koleda and Kot dupes that i will never use
Was it not just a you problem? It always had one for me.
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You're wrong. If she had massive tits, you'd have posters spamming it here, then you like the simpleton you are, would change your tune instantly.
I'm retarded dont mind me.
that's about a 2/98 chance THOUGH
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I remember everyone attacked me and called me a stupid asshole when I suggested a brew that gave no extra drops but a little extra energy and look at us now

I won
the new environments seem to cause problems
and they should, holy fuck I love them
The glass doors were pitch black last patch
What disc 4 for Caesar?
Can't complain
weird melty about shit art but ok
Does he know?
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Jane bros is this good enough? I really need to start investing in other characters and dont wanna farm more disks for her.
I only have C1 Anton at the moment(and C5 Piper, my plan was to stop pulling once I get C6 Piper, may get more Anton...), but he still works fine right?
>Lucy homescreen already posted here
Alright, I'll use my trust attempts for Piper and post hers when I'm done then
moe characters have permanent blush
I just can't be bothered looking up the occasional obscure kanji
I could handle EDF 6 in nipponese because it's all voiced but this just has too much text 24/7
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fuck these niggers
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NPC's with punchable faces
melty? burnicebros are vibing and eating well my guy
It's stuttering on mine on overworld
Which hoyo game has the best story
That last shiyu was a pain. Jane cleared it no problem but it took a few tries with my chinky team since my team 2 dps sucks gigantic cock. I regret building grace so much
>no I know what YOU want
Your argument couldn't be more braindead even if you tried
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I really like this picture
I've been doing 15 runs every week since release bro
kill all pollfags
If you ignore chinkship hsr, otherwise zzz has more soul
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Ceasar's buff is sexy
I thought they were going to be adding it this patch?
I was fine on overworld but when I hopped in the new routine cleanup I had some noticeable stuttering
Just do Metro 2500 resets bwo
I guess you don't really care for the shit entrannyslation then
A lot of people are saying that. Thingo square seems to be a prominent problem to the poorfags' plight in particular, probably produced by it being a new more complex version of the map so the traffic lights can now change dynamically
how the fuck do people speed run this shit just spending bunch of energy or what?
What bangboo i can even use in team like this
Plugboo is garbage, so i don't want to spend precious rolls on him
I imagine this buff is a coating of my semen
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Cunnybros, there's a new slut strutting around Lumina Square
What's the point of killing all the shipping of this game? Fuck you incels
Will Phaethon’s Story be resolved by the end of 1.X? It seems like we’re already heading towards the climax at the end of chapter 4, and I just can’t see them dragging this story arc for years. Maybe we’ll follow different Proxies with every major patch?
waterkuma... I kneel
I have a 3080 and 5900x so I'm surprised I'm having issues with a mobile playable game
would neko caesar nicole be good?
Why is Wise getting all serious on us now?
>Yanagi starts talking
>immediately fall asleep
Sounds like you weren't real friends to begin with.
>How did everyone's Caesar rolls go
Got her and her weapon. So far I'm happy with her.
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now that you think about it, 5 million dennies isnt a lot
you need at least 2.5k attack bwo
I have a RTX 3060 and it's stuck at 80% GPU usage at a 150fps limit no matter how low I turn the settings (except render scale, of course that one always changes GPU load)
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Don't wagecuck bros this could happen to you
they finally put me in the game
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kino update so far
Time travel was already confirmed and you think traveling to Old Eridu will resolve their arc?
We haven't even met the other 4 super AI like Fairy.
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what kind of fucked up circumstances does someone need to grow up with to turn into the kind of retard who goes online and posts shit like this on their free time
I can't possibly imagine you have a full time job and spent your personal time doing this pedokun...
Went to 76 but I won my coin flip so I've more than got enough for Burnice. Depending on how quickly I can get her I might be able to save for OL tits too.
you got triggered by a simple 6 word post and started rambling like an unhinged person, so yeah melty
>missing a space
thats gotta be the most common mistake I notice, especially after colored words
is there some sort of message behind this?
Does Anby want to use the Demara Battery or should I switch her over to the fossil/steam oven when I get them? Why or why not?
[serious] why did they spend actual development resources to add walking lolis in lumina square?
how does this improve the player experience in zenless zone zero?
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I will never get this lucky in any game ever again (2 S-ranks in 1 ten pulls on both channels)
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they changed rabi again?
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Hmmm, yes. Robutt hypercarry.
it's prolly a lot to the average wageslave
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Is Belle autistic perchance?
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>Not even top 10
Why is it so bad?
Was it the removal of TV gameplay?
The homo banner announcement?
The yuri trailer?
Finally, have to time to log in. How's the new story/location?
She is an AI spy.
I'm not even the guy you are talking about
take a chill pill my brotherman, you're, like, totally harshing my vibe
>both are resistant to ice
chinkniggers are getting uppity
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>HSR has the best story
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Lucy was pretty good in this patch. She is my favorite Son.
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next patch we get orange hair
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Imagine just taking one home on your HDD mobile and no one would be able to do anything, the life of a pedo is something else...
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So Thirens has these instincts, imagine during sex.
It's interesting how the tail is something super sensitive for them.
How well does this team work? For these commissions I just put Soldier 11 in the empty slot and use her on-field with Caesar's shield
Where do I use Caeser?
1.1 killed the game, it wasn't a joke
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So he's actually a decent guy or is this mf doing a play
why is hi3 not listed
Is she trying to say warm pussy is the best??
I kinda regret pulling for Caesar. She just isn't fun to play.
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Looking forward to rolling for her eventually and watching the subsequent anal-ravaging commence after that one anon went on a rampage against her like a week ago trying to convince people (but mostly himself) that she'd never ever be playable.
>It's interesting how
It's interesting how Burnice considered setting her on fire as "playing".
You know this bitch bites in bed.
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Now I do and fuck you for reminding me
Do you want spoilers? because this is how you get spoiled
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I am my sister.
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Any /zzz/ approved youtubers to watch?
It's great
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>NooOOoooOo a girl can't change her hair by dyeing it!!!!!!
Why are you like this?
>this isn't even my final form
They chickened out by not going all out on the fan service with Ceasar. She is arguably the most censored limited character to date.
I'm guessing they use some square brackets or <bold> bullshit and just keep fucking up the start/end of it, not noticing it's missing a space, and NEVER check it in the game itself.
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I'm gonna miss the Hollow Exploration segments of the main story. Chapter 4 felt horribly short without it. I'm not gonna pretend it's perfect, but I'd rather have seen hoyo iterate and improve the system instead of slashing it from the main story completely. I see it's merit as a theatre of the mind exploration of narrative, kind of like a battlemap in a TTRPG.
Idk, maybe I'm out of touch. But good luck with your Honkai Impact 3rd remake or whatever
Badly, because you get -600 ATK and such for no Attacker. But it's story, so who cares.
What went wrong?
Firecute won
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If I share my invite code for their Return to Ridu event will people see my UID/account? Like will they know who's inviting them?
Yes. Part of Lycaon's characterization is about him restraining his wild instincts so that he can blend in society. All Thirens are like that.
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>There are "straight" men here that skipped THIS
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Our Cheesetopia will soon open.
someone update the rabi
Everyone spent their money on Jane.
Did you not look at anything pre release or even try her trials? Or is it just not what you expected
He's a good guy, the problem is his right-hand man is obviously evil.
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Cow cow
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Resistances don't mean shit in a game mode where time is not an issue though
>hrt pic
>lowest quality troll ive ever seen
many such cases
seek jesus
Kill yourself
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I've got a need for seed...
kill yourself firefly nigger
>Ambush Node only resets once a patch
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>Pink hair is le Elysia!!!!!
>Yellow and Blue eyes is my Kinanners!!!!
>le blue hair is le raiden meiiiiiii!!!!!
Can autistice higgers fuck off? Is nicole Elysia because she has pink hair? The horn girl look like a /akg/ character. And blue hair = mei? wtf?
Is zzz unironically dying? Top 9 on patch day and so many people are upset about the removal of tv mode, how did hoyo fumble the bag this hard? Can they even regain trust back after betraying the community?
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She's a big bitch.
Hanamak pulling for piper
>Yanagi starts talking
>immediately get erect
>Ceasar SEXO
>Burnice SEXO
When do we get a break?
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you know what this raises an interesting question
who the fuck is bringing children out into the Outer Ring?
Do people just feel safe using these nomads like guardian gangs? I feel like if I lives just outside of somewhere like night city and i entrusted my child's safety in the hands of wandering nomads, she'll either get killed in a raid or picked up by one of the lawless pedophiles that'd thrive in a place like the outer ring.
don't you tell me they don't exist, there's at least half a dozen in this thread alone
I saw a different loli with black hair walking around Sixth Street.
They started out really strong then fumbled everything with 10000 boring designs. Remember how 1.1-1.3 characters got leaked and everyone started doomposting about the designs? That was real. If only they kept releasing lolis and furries this wouldn't happen.
I wonder how much TV shit they cut out from the 1.2 story, i’m still enjoying it but I can’t help but feel there was meant to be a lot more filler between the timeskips that they just ripped out while leaving the combat stuff intact.
we don't even know if it's once per patch, but UI (and previous patch giving us the other mode) suggest we'll get some kind of shiyu mode every patch or so I guess
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60 poly
I've looked at gameplay and played her trial. But now after playing with her some more it's not that great
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Fucking mogged, holy shit
She also changed pupils, firepag.
>caesar, lucy, soldier
Okay this team is fucking fun.
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At first I was raped by Anton, but ended up quite good, won 5050 can't ask for more
also check that 10pull
You can literally try her before you roll for her
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Star Rail's story would be AMAZING if it actually focused on the Trailblazer
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killer shirt, i'd wear it lmao
saggy tits enjoyer dedicated
This is one of the times I'm happy the subreddit is wrong and the non-reddit using masses won. TV mode is stop start stop start filler 80% of the time. It's boring.

Focus on the 20% of the time it IS actually fun and give us more opportunities to use the characters we pull in combat. You know, the literal selling point of the game.
What's the eyes thing on firefly?
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I just want idol faction or Obol do I have to wait next year before I can roll
Yeah, honestly it was a bit boring. Just killing the same enemies on the same copy/pasted maps.
>only really want Burnice and Yanagi
>Will have 20k after I'm done with them
Bros my hand is kinda itching should I get either Caesar or Lighter? There isn't really any heavy hitters beyond 1.3 right?
Wait, I didn't FARM
>can see character gauges under their image on the top left
>lock on isn't total dogshit
>a thousand more quality of life changes
Sry bwo, you'll pull for three ugly furries before they release Idols, if they release idols.
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It's pronounced tsao tsao.
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this first half is so awful bros. the big robots hyper aggression, the furry being hidden by the robot or off screen most of the times and the furry's goddamn machine gun hitting so hard without any indications. this is not fun at all.
Caesar for (You) status?
Johiel is the only good one
The other two are way too over designed
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If a woman's tits aren't as big or bigger than my head, then they're worthless. Plain and simple.
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Holy fucking based, they actually refunded my dennies, how can I not love mihoyo
Can I Caesar if I return now?

I played for 10 days at launch, did 80 pulls and got shark girl but then quit

Is the game generous with pulls or stingy like genshit?
>Yanagi can’t say one line without being a bitch to me or Harumasa
>boner instantly deflates
This mode became a lot easier when I put a slot 5 disc with DEF% +2 substat on Anby
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>Incestuous sex on a flea-ridden couch
that’s good for me because I need time to save at the current rate and I REALLY want the idols. Preferably 2.x patches
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>Seething already
How did Firefly do it?
For me, it's the opposite. I just focused on the robot.
The other half with the fox shadow nigger on the other hand...
Wise's canon wife.
kinography incarnate
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>pull caesar
>forced to use seth if i want to pair her with jane
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lone sjal
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I'm very impressed the artist managed to man face Pulchra like this.
I'd fuck Belle every day...sex!
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Think again faggot
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You know after playing the new TVless HZ thing I've actually discovered why I hated HZ and it actually has nothing to do with the TV shit. It's all the fucking debuffs that get forced on you that make it insufferable. This mode being just selecting buffs you and and ONLY buffs makes it way more fun to play. I'm fine with having some downsides but it needs to be an optional trade off for even greater gains to compensate.
The Sparkle/Firefly/March triumvirate runs this general
Even Lucy is for you if you want to take the risks...
>forced to use Jane*
Stop using my wife for shitposting please
Just use piper?
what will 1.3 be about
1.4 = last batch of known characters (miyabi/harumasa)
1.4 is around mid january
1.5 = new characters
1.5 = late march
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One of the animations of all time
Dammit Rabi
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>discard icon is red now
nice, I've actually sent the feedback so they change colors because both lock and discard had the same color
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How many chromosomes can I get this patch if I do everything new, go back to clear all (or most) my remaining side missions and collectibles, buy knitted pass, and make actual progress on Chio Defense, Hollow Zero, etc.?
Will I have enough to reasonably luckshit Caesar and Burnice if I currently have a guarantee, 7 pity and 12k chromosomes?
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>Your wife
>Starts drooling for a girl in a different game
Skill issue. It was too easy I did it one try
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So Lighter was really supposed to be an A rank, right? There are several moments in our history with just 2 agents and obviously we were supposed to play with him or be his moment.
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As someone who sucks at this genre, do I need Caesar or do I actually try to improve without her?
I don't like anything about her besides the numbers she gives.
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uhh alright then
>zzz has their own rabi
the fuck
>decide to build piper since i got her C3 while rolling for Caesar
>lvl 40, no core skill, every skill lvl 5, shitty engine and half-assed discs with a half built caesar and lucy on the team
>actually doing better than my grace team that is almost fully built
Why would you ever discard though. It shouldn't even be an option
i do focus on the robot, but the goddamn furry is often off-screen or blocked by the giga robot that i can't tell what she's doing. not to mention the dumb fuck auto targeting isn't helping at all.
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story mandated date
watching a romantic movie
she's GAGGING for it
Will Caesar/Burnice/Piper be a good team?
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But your canon wife is...Belle
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I've never been around for a new patch for this game, when the fuck does the next beta start? In our sister games it's within a few hours of the new patch going live
Big Daddy fucked:

Caesar is for Lucy, bros
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Please understand.
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>over thirty new Combat Missions
>two (two) TV missions
This is the future (You) chose.
you definitely don't need her
this genre is about using what makes you cum faster though
Qingyi in the middle
>finish disc stage
>check reward
>its shit
>click discard
>later, mass select discarded discs to burn them
Its a really good feature
Caesar and Lucy are for threesomes while Big Daddy cheers you on.
all buffs do fucking nothing besides weakened dodge
yeah that was kinda dumb/hilarious
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There's something really funny to me about the fact that Pulchra looks somewhat like Buffpup
chink devs... i kneel...
good, I'm actually playing the game instead of toddler genshin mystery dungeon puzzles.
I intend to try it.
Using Caesar with Burnice in story showed me how powerful channeling abilities are when you have a shield. And going for disorder with 2 channeling characters would probably work wonders.
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For (you) chads won
I feel like this "remove every tv related content to have absolutely nothing in exchange" may have been a scam.
>Does Hoyo tend to repeat elements and functions this quickly?
we're getting yet another electric anomaly character next update even though we have grace
we already have ellen yet we're getting another ice attacker with miyabi
meanwhile still only have two ether characters of any class in the whole game
I get the feeling she's an A rank so I wouldn't doubt if she shows up under lighter
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>an hour home at lunch
>takes 20 mins to verify files in the launcher
>open game
>pic related
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I bet she shits like a middle aged truck driver too
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sorry bwos but Belle's husband is deceased
She's like 15
This is a good thing
out of 10
I just ignore her (well, unless she's on my face, flashing). Just lock on the robot and kill it first.
we hate tv slop here faggot
Sloppy rough middle aged man sex with Piper.
thank god
You don't dismantle?
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>They created a whole ass outer ring texture pack for the HDD
>pigs bringing succulents as tributes
that clip will never not be funny
Good point, she's way too old
game's laggy how long does it take for the client to smooth it out
Wholesome bike riding with Lucy
Kicking out Brickton from my Electric Team and replacing him with Piper allowed me to go from not being able to S rank 16th SD to full S-rank clears for two cycles now, yeah, she's really good. And if you luckshit her signature W engine as well she gets even better
>game devs developed a game
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Corin surrounded by fat cats.
i got piper c6 will rolling for caesar is she good? (new to gacha stuff)
>he rolled Jane instead of Caesar + Burnice + Piper
nah she is more like 13
I'm starting to feel like Attacker might be a scam and Anomaly is the real meta
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>Rolling for the first t1 limited
Just save for Mibibi.
sexual dick riding with Lucy
>The way she pivots backwards as Lycaon appears as if she got blown away by him
It's hilarious
So now that the Japanese yen refuses to fall...whats our go to VPN region for top-ups?
if she is old enough to kill she is old enough to have sex
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What the fuck
Piper is an S-rank disguised as an A-rank.
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I do, and discarded status makes it much easier to select S discs since you can apply it right after you checked your drop, then you filter only discarded instead of checking each disc
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You can only choose 2
How do I change my overworld character?
You came to the wrong fucking neighborhood nyaa.
Are Cinemas worth it on Caesar? When's her drop-off?
even a newborn baby can kill his mother
what are you implying?
I’m getting the impression some of you aren’t pretending to be pedos/lolicons
What causes a man to have this horrible taste, targeted to little girls?
Fantastic image. Wonderful post.
someone was saying ukraine have like 40% cheaper prices
but never checked it for myself
you can keep challenging the bosses now for 60 energy, thats kinda cool.
It's funny because ZZZ doesn't have any loli characters outside of NPCs.
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>Can miss boxes in story and rallies
>Fairy can't get those for you with the new feature
I know what to ask for in the next survey, they could have at least be consistent, this is pretty much the exact same issue.
>TV got removed
>Everyone on the big social media platforms is celebrating
It's over. They're never bringing this shit back.
I think it may be just that Physical (and to lesser extent Shock) anomalies are the best and at the same time physical and electric attackers we have are shit.
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or any obtained agent? is it only a select few?
Google the definiton of that word and try again.
That emote and whatever an extension is was for twitch and not in game right?
for me it's
>twerking in the wrong direction because of inverted cam and awkwardly correcting it to twerk on Lyca's crotch as he stands there stonefaced as her tail's shitty physics flop about
piper M6 or cat M0
Only Caesar & Burnice for now, the rest is coming in 1.4.
love me hags
love me lolis
love me hebes
It's the same as genshin. Same amount of rolls per patch and same pity system
I google loli hentai and I get a message saying child abuse is bad and filtering search results
I regret rolling for Zhu Yuan.
No, Anton is just rubbish because they gave a huge chunk of his power budget to making him also a shit pseudo-anomaly (he does a bunch of shock buildup)
Most attackers deal fast, consistent damage, and are actually nice to pair with an anomaly if you can fit them in because they can very quickly finish off enemies on low HP without waiting for an entire extra anomaly meter to fill
Then you have Zhu Yuan who just shows up when the boss is stunned to delete 90% of its health bar in 5 seconds
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Surely, no one in this thread is like this.
>t. Anonymous
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Haha yeah...
aw man
is Caesar good?
>everyone can see my post
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>legal here
fucking hag
Hoshimi Miyabi!!! Ahhh!!!! Hoshimi Miyabi in the flesh!!!
AaahhhhhhasdfGDFsFDSgadgnoueraqnfgoweafwqpkrq$!@# %!@
Its literally the attraction to young looking girls or sexual attraction to actual kids, you disingenuous contrarian
>My piper went from doing assaults of 130 k to doing 280k per anomaly proc by just replacing Koleda with caesar
Holy fucking shit
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Got her W-engine in 66 rolls, really happy. But I need to win the 50/50 on Burnice now.
Hoshimi Miyabi!!! Ahhh!!!! Hoshimi Miyabi's stinky fleshy butthole!!!
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Holy based
She'll be very good with your Caesar!
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YES! Fucking FINALLY an early get at 30 pity. Now there is hope for Burn Ice.
Only the latter is true, retard. Now google the definition of "kid" and maybe it'll finally hit your atrophied brain.
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What kind of establishment is this?
If you don't want to have sex with Lucy and Piper this place is not for you.
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I've never seen an S rank before the final 15 rolls
Hot period. I repeat hot period. Roll your Caesar Salad now
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>incels here so assblasted from loneliness they cling on to Lucy's 1 liner and thinks it's for you
Incels here so assblasted from loneliness they cling on to Lucy's 1 liner and thinks it's for you
>incels here so assblasted from loneliness they cling on to Lucy's 1 liner and thinks it's for you
Incels here so assblasted from loneliness they cling on to Lucy's 1 liner and thinks it's for you
I hate you
The devs listened!
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>game turns into full waifu pandering after cuking you with jane
zzz won...
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Sipping on one as we speak
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15 years ago
Damn that's a nice roll
Guys I was considering skipping Caesar and going just for Burnice, but in the end I rolled for Caesar and I think I'm in love...
I really want to play with her - are there any good team comps for her?
I got all A-ranks, and all S-ranks but the police trio.
Did you win and then lose or did you lose and then win? Cause if it's the former you've got a coin flip primed for your next banner.
>the default coffee gives 80 stamina now
Is there a point in picking anything else now? You get extra 20 stamina to do the others anyway.
>have to hit soft pity
>get a REALLY fucking bad feeling
>it's fucking Rina
It's over, my account is bricked with the most dogshit S-rank in the game.
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Are any of the b rank balls worth keeping now that they're free to recycle? I r5'd one of each just in case
>Parry with Ceasar
>Didn't get any shield
Am I retarded? She doesn't seems to give any shield at all
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Saved a lot of time for her but I got rewarded forr it
Congrats fren
Which is the better Attacker Ball to pick:

Soldier 11’s or Kot’s?
I will be using her with s11 and lucy.
Now, the problem is, all 3 are currently lvl1.
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ZZZ Anime when?!
Jesus cuck flop must have flopped harder than previously thought if mihomo is going this hard with the 4u pandering
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call it
S11, caesar , lucy is probably your best bet
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>One-Dennyboo coming back in this patch
Sovl reserve replenished.
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Yeah you have no room to talk about anyone
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bro I can see it...
On who?
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>zzz has the highest male to female ratio in hoyo
Oh, one of my main teams is Lucy, S11 and Koleda.
Should I just swap Koleda for her, then?
which character you must have or be cursed with a bricked account?
I think it's qingyi
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well, if I'm gonna call it I ought to know what I stand to win....
I'm in-game????
>A kid is between the ages of a homsosapien to the age of 13 where they become teenagers till the age of 18. Below the age of 18 is would be considered illegal.
Now you tell me, how old does Piper and Lucy look?
Rina is crazy good! in fan art
fill in the blank
>not going to be able to roll for Caesar's W-engine now
It's actually so over, my account is 100% bricked.
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>Big Tiddy Nun lady with big ass hammer
So she's part of some yet-to-be-encountered religious faction right?
Oh yeah, now that you mention it. A matching coffee is boost to one card so really it’s only 80 stamina (+60+1 free clear) so it’s the same as the new eridu coffee except without restriction, you just need to do 1 more run of HIA
wasted dev time
Those pink bars? MtF troons.
It's taken me 75+ rolls to get every character but then I've got an M1 within 10 rolls twice
I lost 50/50 to grace bros.
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bros she's so cute and she's doing her best just to help us...
Retards who say "ZZZ is underperforming and needs to just copy HSR or Genshin" are retards becuase that would only cut into Genshin and HSR's profits. ZZZ exists in the first place to fill a niche that ISN'T covered by other Mihoyo games. Mihoyo want to get their fingers into every pie they can. ZZZ is the waifufag/fanservice game and that's fine.
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I lost 50:50 for every limited characters so far, Caesar rolls is continuing the trend.
I think account seed might be real.
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Stop playing these chinese spyware and play League of Legends instead. These evil chink slot machines is designed to drain your money dry. No one is ever successful in this crap game. LoL on the other hand made a select few immortalized as champions. Picture is related
We hope.
Caesar and two Antons
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if they're going for the combat route and ditching tv, they HAVE to come up with new universal combat mechanics (like jumping), make it an actual fleshed out action game
it's the only way they can keep the game fun going forward
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How do we change ZZZ's misogynistic mindset?
>more males
>more revenue
>mogs all other coffee
the fuck were they thinking?
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Did you play her demo? She only creates the shield if you do an EX skill immediately after a successful parry.
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my first coinflip win...
Caesar, a piper, and an anby after 3 antons in the previous 20 rolls, making him at least MC10
Rina is literally the worst S-rank in the game, even worse than Nekomata. She could be an A-rank and nobody would even notice.
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That's fucking miserable man, they really killed TV mode for generic combat missions only.
post that lucy picture where if you squint hard enough you can kinda see her anus
korean gren soren
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Fastest Caesar Pull btw
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Happy for a chance at Burnice too
did they really buff shiyu defense??
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caesar is actually fuxuan/zhongli like early game hsr/genshin
unlocking easy mode with permanent shield/atk buff/stun/unlimited parry. the fact that enemy damage can't exceed shield is really comfy choice for shiyu

can't skip this chara if you're skilllet
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Is this how boobs work?
Those pink bars are all males pretending to be females. Except for LnD of course
I think the gacha in this game might actually be worse than F:GO and I'm not even joking.
Is this safe?
Rina is good in speedruns. Better than Soukaku
they didn't remove the shield gating?
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Really? Electric over swing?
The daze from extra ex skills seems much better.
Would you eat Caesar’s salad?
dare you question our overlord??
What the fuck is a stack of power? Is there a place where I can see the definition of the terms in the game?
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I never have to press this button again
>Not only did I get C1 and weapon but IO also save an entire pity for burnice/Ligther
Holy shit thank you game
Playable Jolly Jenny when?
On Kot. But she’s only M0.

But I lost the 50/50 to Soldier 11 earlier so technically I have both
>rushing tv mode is still faster than blitz for doing weekly runs
her model looks unbelievably scuffed.
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I played Caesars demo and I didn't like how she felt to play
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Is LnD's blue bar females pretending to be males or just gays?
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>TVcucks find this gameplay engaging
unless you want to have fun playing the game (using Jane)
they're from the same node so people who have no reason to farm ether discs just go with that they have
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excuse me for spewing autistic shit here
but I saw the parallels to cyberpunk since day 1 of ZZZ and I can't help but experiment with stretching that comparison as far as I can take it.
New Eridu = Night City
Agents = Edgerunners
Proxies = Netrunners
Shepard/Venus = Fixers
Section 6 = Samurais (corpo aligned edgerunners, not SAMURAI the band)
The Outer Ring = The Badlands
Sons of Calydon/Vanquishers = Nomads
Bangboos = Proxies (in the traditional sense)
Enzo/Lycaon/Elfy/etc = An emphasis on body augmentation being commercialized and pretty normal
I'm sure theres more.
If it's like the HSR warp tracker where the instructions tell you to download and run a powershell script, then no, absolutely not
They have manual upload instructions though and enough people use it that if it risked peoples accounts hoyo probably would have said something by now
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I love empty headed women
>s-she's better than a powercrept A-rank
I would rather have gotten kotted. Rina is the worst possible roll in the game.
Rina has the softest boobs in zzz.
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Where is the Yanagi gameplay?
Another roll stolen by Gato
The majority of "females" are MtF troons btw
the tracking website? it requires you to give them url that contains authentication credentials to your account
they are short lived (couple hours) but they can do pretty much anything they want with them during that time
let me guess, you just lost a 50/50
>new player
>struggling to s rank a few commissions
>rank up my interknot level so I can raise my agent levels higher
>the levels of the commissions shot way up as well
Enjoy your Zenless Honkai Zero Impact lmao
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FINALLY an early bangboo. Every other one went at least to 65.
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yo niggas rate my luck
I liked it
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So did Caesar flop? Can we doompost yet?
zzz also has many parallels to MGS, for example the AIs in lore video resembling The Patriots' AIs and Miyabi having a robotic arm like Venom Snake and a blade with trigger release like Jetstream Sam
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I refrain myself from pulling her after seeing how stiff her tits are.
Congrats, it's time

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Enjoy the ride, my dude.
thanks for raising that point
yeah, go ahead
A homosapien stops being a child after puberty
It's pixels. And if your lazy lardass knew anything about history, you'd know the legal age was always "after puberty" until less than 100 years ago. Why was that the case? Why don't you do some more research? Maybe your brain will finally revert from a solid rock back to grey matter then.
Don't bother replying.
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Is there a drawback to using Fairy autocomplete the exploration?
Do you get less rewards or what
>single instance
that's how they get you
you can't be one shot but you can be melted
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Revolverboo is any good for Caesar Jane?
Imagine Lucy handjobs with that glove...
cry more tvfaggot you fucking lost
Good riddance. We don't want you here
I'm tempted to buy the 7710 namecard bros
Anyone? Is this a good team comp?
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The pity in fgo is 300 rolls. In a system where the pity does not transfer to the next banner and where the only way to get gacha currency is story and events. Without thise you get 3 gacha rolls a week if you complete the weekly missions, that games only saving grace is the characters https://litter.catbox.moe/3nrp8o.png
So no, this is not worse than fgo
bro I dont even have the monthly
takes a bunch of minutes
I get what you’re saying, but I don’t think they have to go all-in on new combat mechanics. A lot of games stay fun by refining what works or adding smaller, innovative features instead of a complete overhaul
Is Burnice good?
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My angry wife [canon]
why do people brag about being f2p
isn't it embarrassing that you can't even afford 4 bucks a month for a monthly pass like what do you even do to be that poor
Everyone will look down on you for somehow being so dumb that you missed collectibles in a game where they are always plainly visible just off to the side of a completely linear corridor
No, I've never gotten a single S-rank without going well into pity. Meanwhile F:GO is much more generous with 5* servants.

yeah but I get what I want in FGO way more often and almost never need to hit pity
in zzz I have never not hit pity
Piper and it isn't close
now post her 14 year old butthole
man I also felt this subconsciously, thanks for putting it into words
Poor people are the one who spend 4 bucks a month on gachas, althoughever.
If I knew that the game will be this much donezo this early, I wouldn't have spent 400 dollars on it

It is, but they desperately try to turn it in their favor. Just poor people and children without income things I suppose, can't really relate
Do I go full retard and roll for the Wankgine?
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>tfw you still can't be pulled
I don't want to do shiyu
>Defending actual pedophilia practices
Lmao, keep coping that they are pixels you creep. Majority of people will always shun you
sorry I spend my money on wuwa and orisries
hoyo has to make up for a lot for keeping me trapped in genshin for 3 years before I give them any more money
Nah, Caesar with her engine can be in every single team going onwards, it's a solid investment.
good at sex
over 60 rolls and only 2 pipers to show for it
this game is actually ACTUALLY rigged
>skipped jane
yeah im thinkin based
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What am I supposed to do here. I've been trying to hit this thing for like 5 minutes but nothing happens.
So... Who won?
Who lost?
>someone made a bangboo to pull a fucking lever
life is pain
My Koleda is chained to Ellen, so i've never tried that.
Shut up dawei I will continue consuming content for free
wheres the vandalized thread?
Thats just bad luck anon, not really the gacha mechanic being worse
I got Ellen to c4 in only 200 rolls, yet had to waste 800 rolls just to get one summer Eresh
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wtf they replaced the bangboo puzzles with the dumb rhythm game
I genuinely felt bad for the bangboo :(
Since this thread is about to end, I just wanted to leave a reply for myself and not bother too many anons.
I don't want to be hanging out on this website anymore, I've wasted too much time on /here/
I'm going to kindly fuck off and hopefully never come back. It's nobody's business and I'm blogposting but I needed to make this last post in the gacha game I like the most as a memento.
I'm going to be an ultra casual from this point onward and not keep up to date with anything purposefully. Just login and see what's up in game only. Alright, I will do my best to keep my word and never come back.
my fucking starbucks order costs like 2 monthly passes and i dont even think twice about buying it
stop being so stingy with your money lol
Good. That's exactly what I wanted.
should I build pity in Caesar banner for more Piper or do it in Burnice for more Lucy??
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So, what main stats is Ceasar aiming for, it's 2 shockstar 4 the new shield disks right?
See you tomorrow
If you can't even spend $5 a month on entertainment you are a poorfag at heart
I'm going to do the same, hoyo threads are ass cancer. I'll stick around in a couple other nongacha game threads though because they're comfy.
Have fun bro
lose some weight fatso
wasted quads
If I buy the battle pass on my iPhone, does 30% of it go to Apple for doing nothing. I don’t even play this game on my phone. Should I just purchase it on my PC instead? Idk.
The only ""challenge"" in a gacha game is making do with RNG. Paying money is effectively dropping the difficulty.
via it via the top up website with a vpn
Burnice or Ceasar?
Behold, my brick
Yeah, Both Goog and Apple take a 30% cut of all purchases so they're cheaper on PC. You can use the top-up centre as well if you don't want to bother with installing the game
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Easiest 'chromes of my li-
>2 Thanatos
Who asked?
Just played first two combat missions that should've been the TVs

Fucking anti-TV faggots, what the fuck did you do, this is so much worse than TV mode, slit your throats please
just use Jane lol
I just got her engine x2 and C5 kek
Also, Piper engine is fucking insane what were they thinking
>Single pulled my Final Piper immediately after this
You unbrick the cat by having M1W1 and Qingyi
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>Agenty Story | The Rape of Corin
>the fuck?
U're my favorite blogposter, subscribed
given these pulls are in order, this is likely losing a 50/50, then the guarantee kicked in right after for an off-pity S-rank pull. It's already insanely lucky as it is, IMO.
I got her C5 and said to myself that there's no way i would miss her C6, wasted 50 pulls and got nothinng
At least i got Lucy
NGL Burnice looking kinda mid
if you enjoy this you must be braindamaged, but we knew that already based on how these threads were going last couple of days
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It really depends on what you think is "valuable"
Why would you roll for Caesar when she just makes the game less fun?
Lighter is a fujobait.
Press F bro, its a portal.
I only just started playing two days ago and I can already tell that I'm gonna miss the TV. I actually like plotting routes in my head...
yeah pretty much, but you can go 2 shockstar + 4 energy too, it gives better damage during stun windows and if you can dodge well you don't even need the shield boosts
I'm baking
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I gotta save her
>Jane for double dodge
>Caesar perma interrupt resistance


Next is Miyabi for perma freeze CC
>no jiggly thighs on Caesar
I feel like Proto Punk 4pc is bad
>have to trigger assist to activate, which means damage boost will only apply to non-dazed boss
But i also have no idea of what kind of alternative is good for Caesar then
no one cares devs did not listen to you
pretty much, but if you want to use her as dps youre gonna need 2pc fanged metal, woodpecker and puffer electro. disc 4 is crit rate, 5 is phys, 6 is atk
It's not so much for the shield boost, but rather having someone with the 4pc means everyone in the team can get that 15% damage amp.
It's the same price on PC and mobile, hoyo just make less money on mobile. The only platform-specific price difference is that the biggest polychrome bundle is 20% cheaper on playstation, because the normal price is higher than Sony's maximum for DLC
New bread?
fresh bread
I go 2 Swing Jazz and 4 of the new shield disks to have better uptime on her CLANG CLANG skill
why do we have a furrytranny that keeps making ops
But it's only good when the enemy is attacking you, and if they aren't stunned you barely do any damage to them anyway
I'm joining them
>just push ex skill on Lucy to send out the pigs and get bonus damage on top before swapping to your damage dealer.
Holy fuck
You wish, it activates only on defensive assists, so you have to dodge/parry
>switch off Soukaku
>enemy kills her while she's still on field
Jane & Jane
HI3 having more female players is wild.
Fuck off eceleb obsessed nigger.

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