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Fire Chicken edition

>I have a question about Monster Hunter!

>MH Wilds
Wilds Info: https://www.monsterhunter.com/wilds/en-us/
Steam page: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2246340/Monster_Hunter_Wilds/
New weapon trailers: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7z-ZXbhfoKEO9jJv7a-bG7UcHGTCX5uH
Release Date trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0dJpKRWYNkE

>MH Rise
Sunbreak TU Info: https://www.monsterhunter.com/rise-sunbreak/update/en-us/
Hunter Connect: https://pastebin.com/Tp9t570y
Armor Set Search: https://mhrise.wiki-db.com/sim/?hl=en
Monster Weakness Database: https://robomeche.github.io/MHRise-Database/

>MH World
Iceborne Info: https://www.monsterhunter.com/world-iceborne/
World is now Steam Deck verified! https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/582010/view/3738609511464820653
General Info: https://pastebin.com/uCazCZBf

>Older Game Emulation and Multiplayer/Frontier


>Where does /vg/ play?
Post the game, platform, room code, and password (7243/rage)

>/mhg/ OP pastebin (use this when making new threads)

Previous thread: >>495871556
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60 fps (with frame generation)
It's okay when PC does it
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third for my wife
That's not happening (+the PC is more expensive in Europe)
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>he isn't a solo hunter
>Want to make Brachy CB
>For some reason it follows the Girros path
>I've literally only hunted one (1) Great Girros and it was the LR one
Holy fuck why
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>Poorfags are in full cope mode on /vg/ and /v/
Jesus christ
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>he isn't a soles hunter
I love monster hunter world and genshin impact btw
5 months
40 hour work week
Slightly above min wage ~$18
If you can spare an 1/8th of your income, you can make it work
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You really just gonna shitpost and not hunt?
PC Iceborne Room / Lumu
>'people' that still live with their parents trying to accuse other people of being poorfags
I hate dereliction so much.
tfw no Kirin huntress gf
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I'm a SEX hunter
built like a fridge
So you'd need a 4090 to play at high or something?
Rent, groceries etc make buying a 2000+ euro PC a tall order.
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you'd need to get fucking high to buy hardware for nu-mh
I love huntresses
ok so just spend 1800 and make some concessions with what you buy
Mind you the price point i set is for a pc that will last you 4-6 years. Mines lasted me 4 years so far and runs everything on ultra
I mean if I buy a PC it'll last me, I made my current build (1070/8700k) 7 years ago
>1000 Raw 530 Element
>1100 Raw 300 Element
Any particular reason why the latter should be picked? Assume everything else is the same, sharpness etc. I assume that if you're bringing an elemental weapon you'd go with the one with the higher element.
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This one's for all you oldfags and doomer fellers.

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Just hit G2 and made Punisher, is it worth building an easy G-rank armour before I take on the G2 monsters or am I good for now?
Also how cancer is Lavasioth to farm with GS, I want to eventually make the Lava X set.
>Also how cancer is Lavasioth to farm with GS, I want to eventually make the Lava X set.
You should be fine. I used to do that since the set was semi decent and easy to craft. Lavasioth is still a bitch to fight as per usual though.
Wilds comes out the day after my birthday, I should build a pc
ele hitzones being terrible I guess but at that point just being a full raw wep like you implied
How do I learn to like modern Great Sword? It looks like this combo shit is sticking in Wilds. I liked 4U GS the most.
>Why not just do a draw charge playstyle
All the attacks besides TCS have a lot less OOMPH behind them. They're not satisfying to land is my issue.

I spent WAY less than $1800 on my build and bought when prices were high
You absolutely can make a modern 1080p 60/120fps build for less than that.
It's my 5th outing and my lance without health regen just bullies a ruiner nergi to death... dude this weapon just melts monsters
Lance beats the shit out of 99% of the game with the exception of Rajang/Furious Rajang which is annoying and Fatty which will melt you instead if you play against him wrong
My best advice for making greatsword more "fun" is
>Tackle more, almost every attack can be tackled through and if you're lucky you might even get a (lvl 1) TCS when the monster isn't stunned
The problem with this is that speedfags will call you a shitter for not just drawsheathing and using TCS only when the Mon is stunned
Okay, makes sense. I'm trying to figure out getting specific weapons for each "major" fight and can't really wrap my head around some weapons that seemingly only have the element as an afterthought.
Tackle my dude. Abuse it.
get stun resist so you don’t get stunned while tackling too many attacks
And it's fun to play, even if you just do counter and poke. Still, it can trivialize the game so hard, I try to avoid it completely.
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any gunlancer on this thread
I'm no excel guy but sometimes a build would rather go crit eye + boost with high sharp and sacrifice some element for higher raw
losing a lot of raw for ele usually means you go crit ele and crit boost
you prob already know but different weapon types are just built better for ele as well
crit ele and [ele] atk, sorry
will they finally have the balls to add a new snake wyvern is the real question
No, 100 years of brute/fanged wyverns
Perhaps. DD2 had a fully functional snake boss in the endgame so the engine can handle it.
Guess that's just more number autism to really judge what's better. Thanks for the help. I think I'll just stick to what I find comfortable.
i tried it in GU and hated it but ima give it another shot in fronteir
liked it in world but not in any other game for some reason
how to gunlance 4 noobs?
I use gunlance and look like this
>start working with mechanical turk today, 1 to 2 hours a day
>make 2 to 3 dollars a day
>156 days till launch
>make 400 bucks till launch
>buy a mid GPU and a SSD and still have money to buy the game
The bane of spics and third wordies... an honest day of work
i would give you sniff your cock all day long and be your toy
if you are emulation, the cope mod makes gunlance more fun
world gunlance have to deal with so much bullshit, without ICE mod i cant stand it, i like the combos but it needed more love
poke and boom
slaps and explosions
I think getting used to the base moveset before iceborne slapped a bunch of extra shit onto it helped
on that note I really hope switch skills+loadout swapping become a mainstay at some point, changing individual moves is way more interesting than just arbitrarily slapping extra shit onto a full moveset and calling it a day
Gunlance turned IB into a joke it's literally the easiest weapon to fight almost everything besides Fatty with??
Stop blocking, start hopping
What hours of the day are guaranteed to be shitpost free in this general? I want to know so that I can avoid the rampant shitposting that seems to be ubiquitous during certain times of each day. I particularly don't want to deal with bingtendie shitposting and doomposting.
I mean just because it's doable it doesn't mean it will happen, still, wilds is gonna have a spider Mon, so who knows, maybe it'll have a snake too
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If there's a working snake skeleton they can just drag and drop then it would be weird it they didn't utilize it. DD2 also borrowed Kushala's skeleton so the teams clearly aren't opposed to trading assets.
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Snake monsters are complicated to map out attacks and movement for because of the long body, but maybe capcom is going about it the wrong way.
A snake monster like pic rel could work, moving like a sidewinder but spend most of a hunt tucked up and attack with quick bits and tail swipes, plus any elemen/status they want it to spew.
And if you get enough hits in, it'll coil and reticulate its body, cutting players right next to it or even creating sparks/blast powder.
So it doesn't take up much space, no risk of its model spazzing out as it tries to move over uneven terrain, and fights almost like a fortress.

basically, just because a monster is long, doesn't mean it has to always be stretched out.
Najarala is like that
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>Focus mode seems a lot better thought out than underwater combat, clutch claw, or weeb bugs
>same old shit repackaged under a new name
Delusion is high with this one
Wilds is slop. I'll stick with WVRLD forever
I was thinking about Narja while I was typing all that out, and remembering how jizz its fight is. Good ideas but very janky in practice I was hoping to see it it World way back in the hopes they would refine its fight and make it good
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Why are you trying so hard to justify crapcom laziness?
They already did this once so why can't they do it again instead of shitting out yet another flying shitvern?
Narja's too big, which messes its fight style up

and it has limbs, I hate that, fucking hate it
I still have no clue if aerial style completely trivializing the coiling/trapping gimmick was intentional
this but unironically
wilds is looking more and more like bingslop the more i look at it
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I'm trying to work with it, not justify it.
>1080p on medium settings
>60fps with framegen garbage
>140GB SSD space
its oyster
what if it had boobs as well
what emotion is this expression trying to convey?
>Palico chefs in FU will give you advice after every hunt
>one of those is "if you're stuck on a monster, use another weapon! That might be the key!"
I wonder if this mindset has stayed with the MHteam even now, cause I could see them think back in 4th gen "well one of the new weapons is perfect against it, thats good gameplay, encourages trying new stuff etc "
well then its stupid hands could slap them about so quick and loud it counts as a roar, but I'm not sure that would improve the fight against it
That's for the shareholder's release. The full release 6 months after will have you getting 1440p 75 FPS on high settings with the same parts like DD2.
Why is everyone jerking off the trailer so hard?
it would explain the new leviathan whose name I can't remember looking like it will be miserable against anything that isn't ranged or guard-centric
The one that creates a tidal wave?
>why, just jump over it with IG!
>Love, Capcom
Why are all of the new characters ugly?
Is Erik a ftm or just a femboy?
Why do they keep adding obnoxious children into the stories? I hope Nata gets eaten.
I fucking hate Kirin so much
Im not saying its revolutionary, just saying it seems better than other "new" mechanics that were in older monhun games
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Snake monsters are always guaranteed to be shit
>either spread out so you're constantly chasing the head while they move around with their too long bodies
>or coiled up which means the head will be too high
>if you get around it by making them huge like dalamadur and laviente they turn into the most boring fights ever
Looks good for press. Everyone knows the only character that counts in monhun is your hunter.
Learn to dive evade, dummies, it's only been in the game forever
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wildsbros.... i don't feel so good......
Najarala was fun
Trve, monhun is the one game where the world really does revolve around you
I had fun fighting the Hydra on DD1 and wished there was more of it. But
>I wish I was eating real food
>dude, put away your weapon and run for your fucking life every fifteen seconds
exactly my point
A majority of us are anon
>tfw could have kept 980 till 30' series
What the fuck was I thinking getting this fucking 2080
Genuine question, why can you meld rare monster parts, but not rare decos in world. Fucking should be the opposite.
Best lewd rise mods???????
Dedicated gacha mechanic, please fight Monke again.
stirrups for chichae
Pandering to Westerners. The kid reminds me of Ava from BL3
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seconding, and how safe are they?
deco rng vs talisman rng vs rusted/shiny weapon drop rng
what is the worst
that have nothing to do with pendering to anyone, in fact capcom always pandered to the west, why do you think there is no resident evil set in japan
Talisman > Deco > Weapon
talisman RNG > deco RNG > augment RNG > 4U weapon RNG
Decos are the worst because they limit you the most, we've been over this
not in 5th gen
Kys yourselves
All RNG gacha trash in monster hunter is hot dogshit
Imma say decos > talisman > weapon
But RNG drops have always been a thing.
>1% chance for a Heavenly Plate or a Gem
I still don't understand what they mean with Plate really.
Every RNG mechanism is simply a little engagement slider capcom utilises to make future updates more enticing
Both deco and talisman RNG were patched to be reasonable after years of cock and ball torture
i like random talismans but craftable decos like in 4U and rise, relics were retarded though
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most of Rana's HPN series mods. Grada fell off with Rise.
>better than other "new" mechanics that were in older monhun games
It's still the same old shit but you will eat it cause it's the shiny thing.
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Let's not pretend monster drops RNG and modern monhun RNG are the same thing
They are all shit, depending on how you look at it. RNG decos are shit if you want to progress with single weapon type and RNG talisman/weapon if you want to minmax. Honestly, they should make everything craftable and make the drop rates of materials more rare.
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turd worlders don't work just learn to ignore them
>You absolutely can make a modern 1080p 60/120fps build for less than that.
he said euro. pc hardware is way more expensive outside of the US.
And cut down on playtime? Anon are you INSANE?!?!
Again, didnt say it was revolutionary or even that "new" its just better than the other "new" mechanics we got in older games
Wounds > water combat > wirebugs > clutchclaw
>they aren't arbitrarily changing the gameplay into something it isn't and that's apparently a bad thing
do zoomers really
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Gehenna's ports World mods
Nobrandburger's Chipao mod is nice
Hepsy's stuff is pretty good the Rajang armour is my favourite
Ranragua's version R mods are good. I think the Origin versions are too big and the default versions are too small though so I use the player bone editor mod to get it just right
how safe are these? client-side only, so no detection, or can you still get banned?
Deadass think all of this bitching about specs is coming from broke ass zoomers who dont have jobs and havent been though multiple generations of consoles
There's no anticheat in these games anon
You can join somene's hunt and OHK a monster with a mod and nothing would happen
I'd rather save the rng skinnerboxfest for endgame which talismans are. granted the chance of that bis three slot tenderizer or whatever talisman is way shittier than a required deco but at least I can have a working set that's 90% there until then.
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official world vs wilds list. this is irrefutable. wilds mons look like shit. in fact, its REALLY weird how half the designs can be correlated directly to worlds shapes and colors.
>early tongue monsters
>fire dinosaurs
>water fishy with big flappy wings/tentacles
>main flagship angry mon thats edgy

the new mons simply lack personality for sake of "graphics".
do people that always go "MY OPINION IS FACT" intentionally have shitty opinions or is it just part of the bit
>Legian is better
>Comparing a random big fish to an elder dragon
No (You)s for you.
where can I hunt vegeta
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Imma start playing World, only played 3U a long time ago on my brothers WiiU, probably gonna suck ass a lot but whatever. Are there any must-have mods that add shit capcom should've added? Faggots recommending coom mods and other gay shit need not reply, thank you very much.
I like both quit being a faggot
If you only spend your rupees on a nigstation 5 instead of uselessly trying to compete with your white peers maybe you would be able to play the game when it comes out
how do i into rise mods?
can't agree with that list
now this make me realise we've yet to see an elder dragon which is a good thing compared to worldborne
Fluffy Manager and then just drag and drop
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What if the Hunter we play as in Wilds isn't a novice? They must have some history before being picked to accompany whatever investigation group is in Wilds, right?
I miss the old huntathon quests
>want to make Ceanataur's set
>do the hunt where an infinite amount of Ceanataur's keep showing up until the time limit
>kill 4 and leave
>have enough mats to make 3 pieces of the set
this one?
I'm outside the US
We pay 80-85USD if we want a new console game, there's huge markups on gaming stuff including PCs
$1500 is a fat budget for a PC

Hunt-a-thons and Hunter's Road need to come back
Just disable itemboxes in them
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proofve you can play Wilds
it doesn't make much sense unless all their equipment is handwaved away and they start with zero gear, at least in terms of hunting experience.
>we've got a cockatrice
Wilds just keeps getting more kino by the minute. That jungle looking locale is gorgeous too.
16g ram is pushing it these days
upgrade that shit
>doing the full 10 kut-ku huntathon 15 times in gu for fire sacs
man I fucking hate kut-ku
idk nigga..
Man I fucking love Kut ku
Bring him back
>plays MHW at +100 fps
im good

i dont know how to install more ram
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I love giga-chicken
>i dont know how to install more ram
not him but literally just pull out the sticks and put in more
find out what your board takes and buy the best of that tier. these days you want 32-64gb
probably need to open the case up, unless there's a dedicated place to remove just the part covering the ram
seems too complicated desu dont wanna bother
He’s on a laptop
It’s 50/50 whether the DIMMs are hard soldered in or not
>just started sunbreak
>first urgent is fucking tetranadon
When does this shit start getting good
clagger removal mod not to ruin the pace of fights
cutscene skip mod for obvious reasons
scoutflies removal mod to see the pretty graphics instead of gay witcher sense neon highlights
better matchmaking mod to remove the region lock on MP
you dont need reframework?
That's the secret...
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You might. It’ll tell you any dependencies when you try to download it
If it doesn’t say any then nope it’s good to have anyways because it stops random crashes
ReFramework is for scripts, Fluffy is for .pak patching (content mods). It depends on the mod.
he pretends he likes spending 10000 hours trying to get crowns
Prime example that Worldbabies aren't MH fans.
People care about crowns?
He WHAT? He likes hunting monsters!??! WHAT A FUCKING BEANER! HANG HIM
show us your crown collection and time played
Sole hunter anon be like damn those are some tasty paw soles
some people care enough about crowns to unironically come here and complain they hunted a monster x amount of times and still no gold crown.
At that point it's just checking off a checklist. No longer actually fun.
be thankful you aren't that autistic. It's the kind no hunter should have.
Some people also get pissed if they get crowns to quickly.
I personally like getting crowns, but I'm not aiming for getting them all it's just neat to see the size variants.
They can't I massacred so many that they've gone extinct
I thank God every day that i was not born autistic enough to care about achievements. I have only ever platinum'd 2 games
What jerks, they just leave him... Dejected..
me when I'm rejected by the roastie guildmarm but then little miss forge appears
That's cute. I love Lynians. I'm so glad they never gave them human voices
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>seething bingshit trying to pit World and Wilds communities against each other
You can't be any more obvious and transparent even if you tried.
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oh noNoNONo
>You can't be any more obvious and transparent even if you tried.
oh the irony
>of the 100 nobles watching, 60 were impressed
>4gb vram
kek lmao
>He doesn't know
It never happened
>go into hunt
>see meta losers using horn to buff before swapping to their main weapon
>they gaze upon me buffing myself with my HH but I don't switch out
>they scream about how I'm not playing optimal, and horn is only for a quick support
>I slam my horn into then and they fly into the Monster's attack carting them
>he tries to kick me but I cannot be kick, I am to powerful
>I start playing my horn and BUFFING the Monster, before Wyvern riding it forcing them cart failing the quest, deleting their saves, bricking their devices
They showed it in the latest trailer lol not just palicoes but other lynians as well
It. Never. Happened. Not even Navirou happened.
There is no war in ba sing se
and that is why we robbed their princess.
Fuck them nobles.
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MH games for this feel?
I still think they could do a two-headed monster. Just make it explicitly a mutant variant of a normal monster that survived to adulthood so you don't have to justify the ecology behind 2 heads.
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I would get a PC to build but not enough room in my place to put it anywhere comfortable after its finished.
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I'll just... stick to Ryujinx, I guess...
Does Narkarkos count?
Thought it would be ass but Rise and world on laptop seems fine honestly.
minoto owes me footjobs
this but chichae
even making an ecological explanation for it is far from impossible
>monster adapted for hypercompetitive environment that gives additional benefits to being able to focus on one's surroundings at all times
>some sort of environmental factor left it more beneficial for multiple embryos to develop in the same egg, but due to bigger eggs being more likely to be found by predators, would eventually lead to evolving smaller eggs frequently compressing the two embryos into one organism
>species has to eat constantly to keep up with increased brainpower
>snake wyvern, fanged wyvern, or leviathan due to needing the extra muscular support to hold up the additional head
a bit of a stretch, sure, but polycephaly being an actual thing already makes it at least slightly more feasible than a lot of the actual monster designs
So why does Wilds graphically look okay at best? Yet require such high settings?
It's a sidegrade from World at best.
it's probably just due to how many more monsters and landscapes are loaded in at the same time
I imagine it's probably not optimized very well either
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We are never getting a character as beautiful as this again
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the lance....is STRONG
Modern video game devs do not know what optimization is. Nothing is compressed
More things going on. It's basically that "Skyrim lags with 1000 cheese wheels spawned".
Denuvo eating CPU
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I forgot to mention but i'm trans and I main hammer (these are synonymous) so that's why I rate boss design off how easy it is to stunlock them with the only weapon I can understand how to use
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3.. 2.. 1.. We have liftoff.
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>has zygodactyl feet
>reversed scales
>chain BLADE wyvern like the thousand BLADE wyvern
>same 3 claws on the wings
>flying shitvern
It's Steve's grampa
at least they started showing more than one (1) new monster per trailer
155 days to go
what did that comment and hammer mains do that hurt you so bad? So much it made you lash out like that?
Wouldn't a hammer main find a snake boss good since it's clearer where you should hit it?
It's okay hammersister, you're even more beautiful than actual women :)
is this a bot?
This dude funny

Hammers can't cut tails and are therefore worthless

Hell yeah
the one snake monster in the series that's not a gimmick (najarala) is an absolute joke for hammer
did you mean to sperg about a different weapon? when he said the head was too high he probably meant SNS or DB
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thinking about killing myself
I don't use meme weapons so I wouldn't be able to tell you
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>trying too hard to fit in
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wilds will be even easier than Rise
second part was cool
first part was just holy shit who thought this was okay
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All his retarded points were just different ways of the same problem we had since first gen
>chasing monsters
Always happenend.
>rathalos fucking around forests and hills
>paintball runs out
>you now have to waste 10 minutes looking for it

>Other monsters interrupting
Happened before. And it was worse. You can still use dung bombs and they work better in world than any previous generation.

>smelling tracks
New mechanic to represent hunter knowledge in the game

>boss quest unavailability
happened before in Dos. Not a new thing. It makes even more sense now.

>Shit weapon design
Only real problem
Me too but since Wilds is early next year I'm holding off just to try it out.
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thoughts on american namielle
literally none of these are issues in 4U (the only good game in the series)
I feel deja vu when I see it, like I've seen this exact render somewhere before they revealed it yesterday.
No lies detected.
south american
arapaĂŻma looking fella
i liek him
ugly face
probably got bullied for it
Yeah because 4 introduced its own set of problems and fucked the series for the foreseeable future
Ledges and verticality have been nothing but a blight on the series and does nothing but make your hunter harder to control and maps worse to traverse
>monster leaves zone
>have to climb a 500 metre wall slowly to get to it
>it decides actually it doesn't want to be here and leaves instantly
4U sucks ass simply because it has the worst map design in the series
why is it so slimy
We will never reach 4U peak again but there are other good games. FU is the oldest i would go, 3U is fun (underwater combat is fine with a second analog stick like on the 3ds xl), World is fun, Rise is fun
Generations would be fun if it wasn't so bloated, the Deviants system didn't blow ass, and Adept style didn't trivialize the game
I can't understand if it has legs or not
not hard, just annoying
no good content

Kill yourself slop slurper
where choco
all of those apply to 4u and more
Rise fixed that shit son
and to think without such a thing the snake wyverns (naja) would actually be tolerable
>no good content
You didn't play it
How to effectively trigger sliding with a hammer? It seems to be rather finicky as to when it decides to immediately activate when I press charge or it takes a runup.
rise combat is literally shit
>How to effectively trigger
Say 4U is shit
Tri is for groomers
Rise is bing
World is a snoy cinematic experience
FU lol
Dos more like Nope
MH1 Soul
mice is the best game in the series because every map is a featureless stretch of flat corridors and huge circular arenas and the few distinguishing features between them are there purely to gigabuff the player and make the game easier
every map in the game is shit and there isn't a single good new monster
if i wanted to fight rajang i'd just go back and play FU where he's actually challenging and fun
The cost surprises me 100$ cad for the base game. 75$ usd with exchange rates
Not as shit as pre Rise combat
i'd prefer that to slow le cinematic snoy climbing sequences every 10 seconds
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i was actually referring to 4u when i said that but go off
Pretty mild take but I agree with it. I guess fivers would be the only one who don't really relate.
>>you now have to waste 10 minutes looking for it
>Finally see it again
>It lands
>It immediately leaves
>Spend another 10 minutes
id rather play mh1 but not super smash hunter (rise)
>the sixth fleet has finally arrived on shores
Our time has come Wildjeets
>MH1 anolog shit not SMASH
>Rise combo vairety, SMASH

Get this faggot back to /reddit/
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Hype status?
analog attack >>>>>>> wirebug ultimate combo
Does anyone actually think this is better than World so far?

All of the monster designs have been meh. Pretty surprising. And while I like the desert theme it feels a bit... off. I don't know yet what's going on there.
Why are Borzoi's like that
When's the capcom TGS shit?
Higher than ever, game just got confirmed to be poorfag-free which will vastly improve the community.
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>implying low-profile mod to run on 970gtx won't be the first thing on nexus
right doesn't look transgender enough for the average World room
I think it'll be the same as world, maybe just a bit better. I would say "The Handler isn't in this one so it's better" but these new characters seem mostly ugly and annoying too
4U haters post about 4U more than 4U fans too, it’s unironically demented

I have never seen this level of obsession and dedication to truing to own the narrative. I almost respect it despite you faggots shitting up every thread because its so much work for very little reward
Mods, crush his chargeblade
>game looks great
>brownfag subhumans from brazil won't be able to play and/or pirate
>making the usual schizos on /mhg/ and /v/ seethe
best the series has been in a long time
There was already no hype but Capcom confirming you have to be a billionaire to even run the game at 30fps and it doesn't look better than world really killed all goodwill
Absolutely dogshit bait just abysmal
>"The Handler isn't in this one so it's better"
We got a little pajeet with a nasty ass voice being escorted around, that's why worse than a fat autistic handler woman.
I'm aware, we also get a femboy/tranny thing
Is this what the Iceborne ERP rooms were like?
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I remember there was some shitposting regarding Black myth Wukong
And now it's gone
... The shitposting really is by repeat offenders
Over and over

If you're tired of playing the games, go play other games
Uh oh nintendie melty!
This nigger started a whole elden ring gay plot
Stop phoneposting and do your job, Joshua
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Wukong? The goty game?
The wukong shit was literally chinese gov paid shills. They did their job. Shit was in every single goddamn thread.
>how the low rank velocidromes feel when I call my endgame palicos on them
Praise be to the CCP
I genuinely wonder if people will still remember this game a year from now.
Nope. All chink games are exactly the same
Praise master Xi for this beautiful Monkey game that owned the trannies.
anyone else fucking hate the characters and dialogue in Wilds?
what man in his right mind would want to hear the raised voice of a homosexual american woman barking orders in his ear when he is in the middle of playing monster hunter?
IGN rigged their own poll to prevent the game from winning lol
Not even the raspy Japanese VA can safe that shit.
I am skipping every snoy scene.
Damn, were they?
I confine myself to this thread on 4chins tbqhwyfamdesu
... And I don't use other social media
>Set language to Monster Hunter language
Did this immediately in World, the only way to play
The chinese are literally watching you on your webcam and you don't take me seriously.
don't ever link asmonfaggot shit. Buy a fucking ad.

>i have to block click farm channels at least 4 times a week
I don't get the crazy hype honestly. It's decent but it's basically just a mix of Nioh/Sekiro but worse and is like every other Korean/Chinese souls knockoff but slightly higher in quality.
>she thinks spying on people is something china does and not every single government beyond the third world
But my camera has a cover
I find it funny that there are only two stories that ever come out related to china. Literally ever.

>journey to the west
>romance of the three kingdoms

Nothing else. Fucking ever. Every 5 to 10 years. JOURNEY TO THE WEST IS RELEASED LIKE YOU'VE NEVER SEEN BEFORE. Again.
no such thing here
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Those are the only two stories the Japanese care for China, nothing less and nothing more.
Wish he was less grey, but it looks fine. But the tail thingy looks cool
They're the only stories the chinese care about too. Is there modern chinese fiction that is sucked off to any degree as much as monkey king? I'm talking even on the scale of an ant on earth.

It's not even a good story. That's what I found baffling. India made the same fucking thing hundreds of years prior. To the point where I'm starting to think journey to the west was more or less plagiarized.
Pretty mediocre, looks like a generic water monster. And also his fight will probably be shit
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>the evil whiterino monster - pointed the pajeet
Awful, and I hate America!
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>Dual Blades
>Switch Axe
>Long Sword
The thing you use to cheese
>Hunting Horn
Meh, looks fun
>Insect Glaive
Hon hon
>Charge Blade
Play another game jesus
The enemy of Wilds is the White colonizer monster of the western continent. What did DEI Capcom mean by this?
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My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined
Meanwhile you excuse the nips stroking themselves over nobunaga and other samurai crap and regurgitating yokai folklore (which they stole from the chinks). Turns out you just want to sperg about JTTW and ROTTK because that's the only thing you know about what they're exporting.
They've got bazilions indie game on steam about every thematics you can find. They even had a big breakthrough authour about 15year back that exploded and shown light on the dark forest hypothesis in sci-fi.

Look be thankful they're pouring in money to culturally export shit to the west now. In 20 years you'll slurp up the new hot anime without even knowing it's chinese and praise it like a good fucking sheep. Clown.
I appreciate the effort though.
I never liked her because of her generic personality, but at least the design was cute
stare into the abyss long enough...
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either Off or MonHun are the best language options
And his design is ass, generic fantasy monster with the whips of shitier
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Breeding every brown person.
Except Bahari he can watch.
Come on man, that is a kid. Really?
I didn't see where anybody asked for your worthless opinion
>bowgun tranny found

Khezu cares not for your morality.

>everyday I wish khezu came back
Wait aren't we all Bejitabros though??
>Gimmick will now be updated where the electric skin is on while he's enraged
I can't imagine his thing being any and all relevant with the enhanced movement.
then stop acting like it
>excusing japan it's samurai stuff
If nobunaga was the only character anyone ever talked about from japan, you'd be right. But that's not even close to the truth. Most of their shit is schlock too.
da fuck are you imagining, sicko? That's clearly a Khezu.
It's him or musashi lol
I don't have a main, i use every weapon because otherwise the game becomes stale
Wilds will make you kiss other men.
holy based
Kissing Huntsman!
I'm going to play 4U
working on finishing up LR Caravan and then LR Hub
Wilds still won't have the farm right? I miss the farm.
Good for you. Enjoy the story, it's the only exceptional one in the series
we dont know. maybe?
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I hate longsword so much it's unreal
>Enjoy the story
I am, it's ultrasovl
Chinger hated Rise though
It needs to stop being THE weapon. It needs a genuine rework
>that hand raise
So much soul... Why don't they do this kind of stuff more often?
>PETA will get mad
Fuck PETA.
The Lynians still have this much charm but they stopped letting the Hunter be a bit cheeky like that
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>Working five months straight so you can get 8 hours of badly voice acted, SBI written and directed, fake frame generated, cut scenes.
>And about 15 new mons.
And no cute girls too
I hope ryozo makes it so the final boss is giant and does the Rumbling and at the end the little pajeet kid get crushed. would be based. then we can get an AoT collab~

>/a/ctual /a/utists itt
The best Monster Hunter game? The one you're playing right now. Let's fucking hooooooooooooont.
Just played frontier and it's shit!
About 30 frames of hype (with cope generation turned on)
Future of video games will be only rendering wireframes and then letting AI cores do the texture generation.
Game making skill will be about selecting meshes and entering a prompt.
I'm sure some jeets are working on this
5 months for a computer
half a shift for a $70 dollar bibeo bame
That comes with the territory of “SBI written and directed”
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Meant for >>495984583
Oh well, guess we will have to wait for the portable game
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>tfw have a 4080 and almost never play videogames
>See this thread
Once you have something, you stop caring about it.
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>monsters always start in 1 location and fly to another in the same pattern at the beginning of a quest
>run there
>except this one time they fuck off to different zone
>15 minutes of looking, twice saw it flying away
ps5pro runs at 30fps so im pretty hype to make fun of all the retards playing on it lol
how do i get rid of that ridiculous mhw filter in the kill screen
When are they bringing Malfestio back?
play rise
yeah and guess what world got a shiny new coat of paint but didn't actually fix any oldgen issues and instead added more
no you mouthbreathing mongoloid retard rise is shit
Love FU. Love 3U. Love 4U. Love World. Will love Wilds. Simple as.
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Ummmm....what about...you know.....Rise?
you spelled MHWorld wrong
why are risissies so insecure?
the estrogen is hitting hard
>he isn't a weapon collector
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>trailer shows Arkveld stealing lightning from Rey Dau
So how is elemental stealing going to work in a hunt? Or is he going to be worlo alatreon 2.0 where he has all the elements already and you gotta pass an elemental dps check to overload him?
Well it's a flying shitvern, what did you expect?
Not using the shit whips
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>You beat Arkveld in a fight
>The blacksmith NPC says you can now forge a new weapon called the "Whip"
>People will claim it's GOTY and kino just because of this
>People will say Arkveld is the best flagship because of his fight and unlocking a new weapon class
That would be cool thoughbeit
Minimum requirement for Wilds at 60 fps is 4060.
Ps5pro will also be at 30fps fucking kek
>60 with fake frames on medium
>barely any visual improvements over world
>meanwhile wukong runs fine on a 1060
still wrapping my head around it. not a problem for me, but still fucked up
Worlos are the one that get all defensive for being a cinematic shitpiece.
Wilds is 65% more expensive than World in Japan. This isn't going to do big numbers.
>give Rise HH a try
>spam overhead slam + R2
>do the bing bing wahoo jump into Magnificent Trio when the bar is full
Absolutely braindead. The songs are not even a factor since you're spamming R2. Is there any weapon that got improved or at least is fun to play in sunbreak beyond LS?
Don't forget denuvo and DRM
No one will achieve those 60 fps clean in wilds
you know what the best weapon type would be?
for your mother
I hope they're just going for safer specs to wash their hands after the DD2 debacle. Still, I'm getting a 4070S next month and I'm getting worried about the performance already.
The performance will be fine, half a year after release when they've actually finished the game.
I feel bad for the HH designers. The monsters are such spazz that even spamming circle + r2 you'll eat shit half the time because the animation are still too fucking long.
I'd rather play strength hammer (and I do because I love it) than HH any time of the day.
Otherwise every other weapons are on crack and at their best. Even something like HBG is fun to play somehow.
Do NOT pre order, if you do, then you didnt learn from DD2
Why did it flop?
I never do and I honestly don't get why people do it for any game. It's all digital, so we're not running out of copies and the cosmetics you get for pre-ordering games are always kind of bland.
Jump Master or whatever it's called should allow me to do the hammer roll without being swatted off the air right?
Eaten up by its own hype.
Combat is clunky and limited. The story isn't compelling. The music lacks FLYING INTO FREE. Then true endgame is confusing to unlock.
I think it only works for basic bitch ledge jumps. None of the silkbind works with it. IG polevaulting shenanigans don't work either.
Fuck. So it's near useless then. Why wouldn't it count? That's stupid.
Was it good in base Rise, without the counter?
Bitterwhite Isle will fix it
They probably copypasted the skill from world where it used to apply off slide and wall jumps but there's none of those in rise.
Anyone wanna help me do muscle monkey madness?
There's a room up. You can join and post it there.

So I checked further and apparently it only affects you jumping but not jumping attacks. I've been scammed.
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No Demo for PC?
Capcom is trying to scam me again
9/16 !
nearly all of them
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the game is blatantly unfinished, it has very few enemies and the main story quest is incredibly short and nothing happens
they just added idle animations in a recent patch months after release
the game is also very "soulless" in a lot of ways, like not having ANY town themes at all, while the first game had shit like
npcs being a million times less memorable, etc

the only upgrade was core combat like being able to stand on enemies and use your whole moveset, instead of only climbing attacks
but the combat also gets worse for some vocations, like sorcerer that got 99% of their spells gutted
I didn't find HBG fun to play but I came from MHGU where HBG rolling siegemode exist (good mobility). My biggest problem is the special ammo takes too much time even though it feel cool to use, it's almost impossible to use it mid-battle and not worth it most of the time. There is also a pretty big delay when you try to roll dodge after shooting.
The people there are cool to hunt whatever.
Anon, there's five months to go, they don't need to drop a demo the same day they announce the release date.
How bad do you think Wilds will be?
I get the feeling it's gonna be cobbled together and need 500 patches because it was rushed.
I still have faith in the monhun team, but I'll hold my judgement for now. I don't want to get crushed like dd2 again.
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>When you see multiple no lifer playing a game
Ick! Ick! Ick!
It is going to be fucking horrendous on pc, just performance-wise alone.
The recommended specs are already out and theyre saying you need frame gen just to hit 60 fps on MEDIUM settings.
Capcom has learned absolutely nothing about pc game development and DD2 was just the beginning.
Bruh, the specs they posted are the same as DD2’s were.
I’m not even sure if they have the confidence to release a public demo at this point.
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Good hunts
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I love my hoontress
At least I know there's no point in getting a bigger budget build unless I spend more than 2000 bucks and I'm simply not doing that
Just intimidating.
Post more so I can love her too
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I'm enjoying pizza cutter CB but I don't really know what I'm doing. Do you guys run Load Shells? Power Prolonger? Rapid Morph? Guard, Guard Up, Embolden? Evade Window and/or Extender? What about switch skills: Ready Stance or Counter Peak Performance? Air Dash or Morphing Advance?
Suggesting that you use framegen to reach 60 implies a lack of understanding regarding framegen that you can only expect from Japanese developers
i like dressing like a girl too
I love huntresses
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tfw 9th wheel
I thought pizza cutter does explosive damage so bombardier for that
join the lumu so i can see what you look like modded
>28 minutes
can I get a tl;dw
I forgot to mention I'm trans.
ching chong nip wing wong
Sure in 28 minutes after I watch it
It has no counter in sunbreak either
>People say CB is braindead easy to use
>Video at the start says there is a guide with 80+ pages long

Hmmmmmmmm, I think I will stick with SnS
huntress time?
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This is what I use and I don't think any of it is right
The TL:DW is there's a guide in the description with very strong CSS builds you can just copy
the SB SnS guide is 126 pages long
They do the same with every weapon, most of that info is completely useless on a real hunt. Dumb people like to overcomplicate things just to feel smarter. I wouldn't say CB is braindead, but it is easy to use.
It is utter laziness and it will only get worse with Nvidia cards and slowly AMD enabling devs to just completely fuck optimization off and leave it to the latest most expensive gpus to handle in a much worse way.
>CPP into unga bunga
You only need to think when you get something that's a bit quick or evasive like Rajang.
why do dumb shitposters pretend an SAED isn't the highest commitment attack in the game?
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Going to consider suicide if they don't take one of the good things from rise (actually unique armor skills), and we go back to LE CRIT EYE! RATHALOS SECRET!
Dual weapons and single armor sets implies the latter
Just like my actual Monster Hunter games!
It's gonna be a high rank game dude. There's gonna be no skill diversity.
i spammed silkbinds all the way through sunbreak and got through it fine. the game is a joke.
>charge blade
>no guard skills
society has fallen...
Because in Sunbreak the amount of elemental damage is so disgusting that it's a trip generator by itself. You can get anywhere near 750 to 1k+ per phial tick. Probably why they don't allow you to do it from neutral in Wilds; not that I think it is a good thing.
you vill build ze raw critslop on every weapon and you vill like it
a part of me loves the sperg amount of armor skills but the greater part of myself knows the spreadsheet autism from 5th gen isn't healthy for the series, but fuck me if we lower the max amount of skills AND only get the bare minimum skills its gonna be so over
It's only disgusting at the very end of the game and even then the HP bloat means you're still trading
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base rise sucks stinky donkey balls but even high rank had skills like hellfire cloak and bladescale hone
>but fuck me if we lower the max amount of skills AND only get the bare minimum skills its gonna be so over
2bh I wouldn't mind it. Sure, slotting 10+ points in a skill back then was a pain in the ass (fuck deco farming), but you also didn't have armours with 5-10 skills.
it really didn't
i don't know where you get that hatred from
>bladescale hone
Ripped off from seregios weapons btw
correction: bladescale is from seregios but dragonheart was in the base game (after valstrax was added)
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Good hunts, think it's like 7/16.
Bladescale hone doesn't really work well in practice. If you dodge a little early it doesn't trigger even though it look like it should.
dragonheart is basically adrenaline lite + resuscitate activator
right paizuri
left mating press
Hardly matters if the monster spends the whole quest limping after the first few. Capcom has no idea on how to scale that nonsense.

Also, why the fuck 4chanX is burning my CPU holy shit.
My wife on the -left
How do you get vip tickets? Do you have to wear a set bonus and then farm flora over and over? I have random tickets from when festivals were a thing.
yes, you need the set bonus. There may be a penalty for doing shitter quests? Dunno how the % chances work.
digimon leaked to have a crossover with monster hunter.
if you like tamagochi type virtual pets maybe check it out but it hasnt yet officially anounced
What if humans were the true monsters all along, driven by the beastial need to impregnate choco?
>Secret area of the hoarfost hiding the butterbur
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dogumon makes sense. greymon shoulda been a tigrex skin.
Palicos want to impregnate choco???
How the combat system works is good
Stat scaling isn't fucked anymore
Stamina regen is sped up enough so that you don't need to be spamming stamina food, depending on the weapon

Runs like shit
Although the combat itself is fine, they REDUCED the amount of skills you can take
Vocations are fucked
Exploration is unrewarding. You get to the end of a cave, and you get fuck shit.
Story sucks
Not enough unique enemies. You're fighting the same shit for the first half of the game, then fighting the second set of same shit for the second half of the game.
True final boss is a cutscene with QTE
not wrong. the hunters are absolute units. true specimen of the species. After a few tours in the new world, I bet they can go home to wherever and just inflate the entire tribe.
surely we will see at least two returning monsters this week...
shouldve been guil/growlmon
If this is from mobile game I will try
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gotta have that omega. but i wonder if these will be the only fusion monsters we will get and the rest will be just straight up the monsters
we dont know yet, we only know they will be the classic digimon keychains, im posting the images in the digimon general
I hope we get health augment in Wilds. GS just isn't the same if you're taking permanent damage with tackle.
Hmm, I see. Thnx anon
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astonishingly cool, I feel like a tween again looking at that image.
Wait, does this that those monsters also getting digimons?
ngl that looks a little off to me but I appreciate the effort to make sexy huntress
RE Engine is proving to be an absolute disaster
Do we have more risers or worlders here
It works well in rise thoughbeit
Freedomers rise up
I'm a riser when huntresses get posted
It was well optimized for smaller maps but then they decided to go full open world slop and now it's all falling apart
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Freedomers Unite was right there
someone post the chart
Rise has also got to be one of the few MH games with (mostly) consistent frame pacing on its target system (Switch). Honestly, it's surprising that they got it right. Also, latency is worse on your own inputs if you play online with people too far from you.
why is the youtube sphere of mh full of so many scumbags?

>3 minute video
>2 full minutes is self promotion and restating what the point of the video is
Fucks sake.
>6 minute video
>no audio, but player is spastically swapping between equipment back and forth
>spend a full minute admiring itself before finally going on the hunt
>hunt is 3 minutes long
There's just no salvaging it, is there?
Because you're watching Youtube where it's more likely that someone is repeating the same facts again and again and padding it out for ad time, then remind you that only 15% of their viewers are subscribed. I fucking wonder why.
>latency is worse on your own inputs if you play online with people too far from you.
Is this Rise exclusive?
>repeating the same thing again and again
I'm reminded of a video of some guy that repeated the same phrase like 25 times in a 5 minute video. Enough so that even his commentors took note. I swear it was like 'how to do a power element phial super amplified elemental discharge'. And the video wasn't even about charge blades.
having started with oldschool mh (unite) and finished both worldborne and risebreak i only really see myself coming back to the latter, world is just way too grindy to the point of it being mmo slop tier and the gameplay (both weapon and monster) is too unserious but doesnt lean into the bing enough
its like it is trying really hard to be a big boy but then isnt whereas risebreak is just pure unadultered fun
I am so sorry.
I am going to impregnate all the huntresses
I'd be even more sorry if I had to deal with the pc version, with how things are looking so far
seltas king that summons seltas queens that he can pick up and fly around like an apache helicopter
I don't feel it as much in World, but I also have half the framerate in World I have in Rise when nothing happens on screen, and maybe a third if not less when there's a lot of effects going on.
Not if I impregnate them first
I ain't never ask nobody fer nothin. Not a potion. Not an herb. Not a whetstone. Not even a measly bitterbug. I earn my keep each and every goddamn day. So when I see these tiktok postin, skinny jean wearin, demon bird ridin wild child brats runnin round here with their free traps and no effort grapplin hook gathering well my foot gets to tappin. And my back gets to achin. And my brow gets to wrinklin and by the guild it gets me steamin hotter than a powder stone. Damn kids these days don't know the pleasure of a hard day's work. All they know is eat guild rations, load they slinger, eat hot chip, and lie
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>take switch axe and charge blade in wilds
>have 4 weapons
That there's one of them wild childs right now. Now go on and git ya damn parasite GIT before I grab me gun!
my huntress is 15 you sick fuck
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Come on, Agumon Palico costume.
Itsuno is a hack who hasn't been able to properly finish development on a game since releasing DMC3.
DMC4 was literally half of a game.
Dragon's Dogma 1 was a proof of concept.
DMC5 also felt incomplete, as it recycles a shit ton of content as well and has an enemy roster that is far too small for how long the game took to develop (it had an 11 year gap between it and DMC4). It also missed a lot of key features that even DMC3 had (like the ability to play through any mission using any character) and felt stuck in the 2000s in terms of quality of life features (for a game that is all about rank chasing, not having the ability to restart encounters or bosses via the pause menu to practice is unforgivable). They also separated Vergil as paid DLC even though modders were already able to get him playable on like day one.
Dragon's Dogma 2 is obviously also a proof of concept with even less content than DD1 somehow.
I used to think that the head honchos at Capcom literally force him to work far faster than he would like, but now I realize that the man simply cannot abide by a production schedule.
Itsuno was never good?
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>a new weapon called the "Whip"
>didnt read MH Orage
Guild knights will come for your asses.
I'd honestly be surprised if we don't get a demo/beta for Wilds.
Demos/betas seem to have become a standard for all major Capcom releases. Even that tower defense game from a few months back (Kunitsugami something something) got a demo on all platforms. Exoprimal also got an open beta.
Legal where I live.

The clutch claw really ruined the gameplay loop. The lottery aspect of the game is nothing new, but that Saf/Kulve siege grind nonsense to try to get some weapons was completely unnecessary.
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>Try to act superior
>4GB VRam
>Lap fucking gaming top

They could not waterboard this information out of me
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thanks for the hoonts!
I enjoy your images fellow golden kamuy enjoyer
I never played any of his older titles like the Power Stone games or any of the fighting games he helped direct, so I don't have an answer to that question.
is Alatreon confirmed yet?
Do you need the festival to be active to still get these tickets? I'm wearing 3/5 of fun fright, but I'm assuming it's a meaningless endeavor until autumn fest is live in like 2 days.
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It is fucking over
Sorry, my huntress is a huge lesbo
Do you think huntresses have stuffy feet?
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>DD2 ran like shit
>Flopped all around
>Ruined the whole IP
>Repeat the same thing to Wild

But why? This is some 20D chess shit
that's forbidden
>Rathalos is now forever stuck with that washed up pink colour

I fucking hate world
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>MHW ran like shit
>sold like crazy
>saved the whole IP
>repeat the same thing to Wilds

But why? This is some 20D chess shit
Should I reinstall Iceborne and continue where I left off because thah game turned into a fucking slog OR try other some the other titles that are on PC?

Do they top worlds OST or story though: https://youtu.be/po_t8I9FC2Y
Wilds won't flop. It's capcom's biggest IP by far and brand loyalty is fierce in this community. Some of these guys have spent years of their lives getting the old games up and running not to mention thousands spent on merch and shit. Some of these guys would buy even if Capcom was selling actual dog shit in a bag. With that said wilds sales are 100% going to take a hit because of the lackluster marketing, extreme system requirements and lack of interest from big names in the gaming community. I hesitate to say it'll sell less than rise but it's 100% not selling as well as world not even close.
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Not crazy with how the Rathalos + Greymon creation looks, but maybe the others will be a bit more interesting.
Odo huntresses have the best smelling feet followed by kirin and kulve
Nobody believes Wilds will flop. Not even bingtendies.
>old mh can play on a literal toaster
>new mh requires a super computer
was it worth it graphics whores
Look, World wasn't gonna sell. Okay it did but it was a fluke, Iceborne won't repeat it. Okay Iceborne sold but Wilds definitely won't.
its re engine, it will run on a toaster, but they have to go for the big things so people dont be like "OMG MY TOASTER CANT RUN IT AT 4K 132870970892130123098 FPS"
I guess you didn't play DD2
the festival gives tickets. the set gives tickets after the festival. the melder can also convert tickets, at pure trash efficiency
what monsters do you have a shameful level of personal difficulty with?

for me its jyuratodus. i can never position myself right and it seems like the rare times i do some FUCKING LITTLE FISH COMES FLYING AT ME FROM OFFSCREEN EVEN THOUGH I PAINSTAKINGLY MADE SURE TO ERADICATE ALL OF THEM REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
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But I'd be playing on PS5. I don't want to deal with the nitty gritty editing of files just to play Wilds.
I still have no clue to this day how to dodge Narwa's spinning pillars. I just farcaster out every time.
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Making it even better
>he doesn't like titty mods
you're loss
Hahahaha I just went into the catalog and saw this thread, and it reminded me that I saw part of the state of play trailer for MH Wilds but closed it because I won't be able to afford an entirely new PC, and I came here to make a comment about that and the fact I'm a perma NEET hikki with no prospects of playing it only to see a ton of other people commenting about needing to buy new hardware for it to run like shit and how they're too poor to afford this.
Why would I do that? I hate PC gaming and all the trannies using it.
that sucks man hope you get better
valstrax is my kryptonite
Unless they decided to do another 'rona and lock downs come back again Wilds is gonna flop hard.

Capcom is gonna regret not sticking with the true hunter NEET player base and going for the westernerslop audience instead.
trannies are breathing right now you should stop doing that too
So wearing 3/5 of fun fright should make it possible for fun fright tickets to drop. right now.

Because I seriously doubt that is the case considering I just spent 2 hours trying to farm a single fun fright ticket with 3/5 fun fright gear and got nothing.
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you: on reddit complaining you won't be able to get 90 FPS on your 1660
me: teaching myself to recreate the elemental burst counter animation with a mop
>pre pc
Oh wow a new game i'm going to play it
>post pc
Oh wow a new game wonder if i can play it

Ladies and palicos. This is pc gaymen
How the fuck are you supposed to avoid any of Raging Brachy's(4U) attacks? The explosions are xbox hueg and even rolling several times out of the way isn't enough.
I played world at 30 fps 1080p and I will play wilds at 30fps 900p.
Real monster hunters adept and overcome.
I've literally been laughing since yesterday. This is the funniest shit i've seen desu. what a bunch of low income renters.
Based hoonter.
Bowguns have existed since the very first MH you insufferable soulless newfaggot
I always get mixed up by Zinogre. It's like I'm immune to learning.

Chuck a small barrel bomb at your feet and don't get up until you're under Narwa. You can also avoid that one attack from Amatsu that flings you into the sky this way.
based freudian slip yes I am a very skilled hunter btw
ummmm...it's 3 weapons?
I'm pumped for fake DLSS 1600p @ 30
fps on my 5800x3d+3080ti. I may buy the $110 version because it's the closest I'll ever get to a moment of intimacy with Ryozo
I don't understand why people keep complaining. This is actually an extremely good thing.

The rooms will be composed of nothing but PS5 players and the well cultured rich PC players. We won't have to deal with trolls and shitposters like boxxy, ryukishi, next exy, jamp, jargak, monica and whoever else.

Think about it.
No Germans
No Brazilians
No Mexicans
No Polacks
No Indognesians
No Aborigines
World Stygian breaks my brain because I don't see red very well. The ground zaps are a pain. Beating his face with hammer still works well.
based as fuck for supporting our god
All my components except my SSDs and my graphics card, is a GTX 1080, are from 2015. Up until recently I could play and still can for the most part play most games in pretty good looking quality at 1080p and well over 60 frames. With the advent of FSR3 framegen (hacks since not officially supported in 10 series) it's gotten easier recently.

So I wouldn't call it the essence of "PC gaymen". I've only run into the question going on a decade after my purchase. If Wilds runs like absolute neutered shit on current existing hardware and even requires crutches like FSR when it comes out in 5 months that's because Capcom are inept.

Also 4k is a meme resolution. 1440p and 80-100 frames is the most you need while doing non-competitive PC gaming.
ryukishi plays monster hunter? I thought he just milks higurashi until he dies and never ever ciconia phase 2
Jargak was the worst of them all. Always sending unsolicited dick pics and talking about gay shit.
Capcom isn't inept. You're just poor. I bet you're one of the Pajeets crying about Dragon's Dogma 2.
In the everwood, are there any areas that you can bomb out? Like using large barrel bombs to break something?
>digimon collab means we could get to hunt down one of these
Never, the lowest shitposting time frame was just before the last trailer
>february 28, 2025

>rooms have been seperated by platform because pc players pushing their hardware keep disconnecting and crashing during hunts which irritated console players who created new rooms solely for console

I can see it now.
>calling anyone a poorfag with a fucking 4060
you can disable crossplay
I mean, I don't care about Dragon's Dogma 2 and its performance at launch was definitely a case of ineptitude. Objectively so.

And the product itself from the non-shill impressions I've seen of it seems like they basically created a just-okay but also totally unoptimized pseudo-remake that doesn't have the soul of the original.
>No Polacks
I'm gonna play Wilds without any problems. Thanks for asking though.
I hate how all megal levels look humanoid. For me I want to fight a Kuwagamon.
Obviously Wilds will have Denuvo but will they include some dogshit like Easy Anti-Cheat to further piss everyone off and make modding harder and make performance even worse?
>being polish
Time to clean the toilets, Petyr.
Not on my watch

Yes, no nude mods on my watch and definitely no editing talisman RNG!
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I was gonna say ofcourse they wouldn't but then i remember that they still made iron boned weapons in Iceborn even though that shit was blatantly hated in World for some fucking reason, so i dun't know i suppose
>1 hour after wilds launch
>guy walks into low rank lobby with maxed sets and perfect crit decos
Don't forget about Futa Queen/Shim the worst human being that came out of this place.
>he thinks wilds will have lobbies
>and the well cultured rich PC players
You can run this game with a 3060 and a 3 gen old CPU, which is like the most common hardware config on steam.
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Unlikely, but man it'd be neat even as a skin of an existing monster.
>post quest
>/mhg/er joins
>quest finished in 10 seconds

I swear to God if PC players do this on release I'm going to lose my mind.
i had cheaters on the PS4 demo
the fucking demo
you can disable crossplay you console poorfaggots
now stop crying while I turn on cheat engine
my brother in christ i have a 3070 and an 8600k on life support. i will be playing wilds. go get your GED
I'm Chinese btw not sure if that matters
Stop lying I played the demo. There was not a single cheater.
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You fucking faggots actually forgot how the last collab sucked harder than a collapsed star
>downloads fling trainer
time to get wilds up in here
>getting filtered by Behemoth
Couldn't be me desu
sorry to hear about that chang hope you get better and dont eat my canyne
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I'm not expecting anything other than an Agumon and Gabumon costume for the Palico, or some unlockable music/layered items.
this looks like Lisa frank art
I hate them on principle because it's far too much work that's completely wasted that could be spent on a proper MH monster instead. Never liked collabs in the first place, but especially the big World two.
the chick in the holocaust attic?
Has Capcom used EAC in other products?

My system while being old as fuck has been able to run most things reliably well but of ALL the games to possibly run like dogshit for me, it's Elden Ring and Armored Core 6. And it's objectively because of EAC's implementation, with it disabled I gain 15+ fucking frames.
What if it's savers focused and we get ShineGreymon cosmetic armor and a GeoGreysword that's hyped up but turns out to be complete and utter dogshit just like the anime
You guys would be lucky if they even release Monster Hunter Wilds after the Japan-Russia tensions with the breaching of air space.
gnarly trapper bro
she made a lot of great art for school kid backpacks in the 90s before they found her hideout in argentina
No I don't think so I'm just still annoyed that ER used it. I had to play that shit offline with EAC disabled because it always stuttered. Also mods obviously need to be played offline with EAC disabled but that's most online games. World is one of the few games that lets me use titty mods online.
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Look, let's just keep things simple with maybe a palico layered set and Butterfly theme.
best I can hope for is more OMEGAAAAAAA shilling with a cosmetic GS, HBG, and armor set
would even fit with the new lmao two weapons thing
I miss this game so much. Hmm I've been itching to restart Next Order. I never really finished it.
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>more OMEGAAAAAAA shilling
Truly inevitable.
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>start quest from a "Small old man" to hunt an unidentified monster
>track it down and this fucker is looking at you
>it notices you and roars
>Digimon World 1 machinedramon theme starts playing
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Your collabmon ser
>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mfUgbFrpIwA starts playing
We will make a steam blocklist and put it in the op
They probably mean a "reverse scale" taken from myth. They are scales that are weakness of their hide that causes great agitation from touching it and is seen as either a keystone that holds their armor or a bundling net of nerves (might also be from bird mantels). Gems are like the pearls of clams & oysters, impurities that get coated/mixed with more impurities and coatings until they form gems. Mantles are probably just taken from bird anatomy (something between the neck and body), Although from the icon they could also be where a mix of gem and plate form
>literally just a shadow the hedgehog rathian
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Next order is very sterile and souless. Download the NTSC rom of world 1 and patch it with the maeson romhack.
Surely they won't give us waifumon layered costumes.
Yes but only for the seikret.
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nope sorry, here's you palico for today
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I buyedt liceporn
I wish angewomon was my mom
based survival of the fittest toad bomber
i know you can meld tempered guiding lands into non tempered, but how the fuck does the other part of it work? i dont understand what can meld into what, like the logic
it's just monster's materials of the same region, no?
it's something like monsters have "tiers" and you can downgrade them into lower tiers. Elder dragons and rajang are highest tier and can meld downhill, but not into each other. Ruiner nerg and Velkhana have tons of drops so they're good farming for that.

You must gather 1 shiny to unlock melding for that creature. I think a normal material will also unlock the tempered material? You can get 1 shiny by wall banging a monster first thing, fighting is not required.
Play Insect Glaive
You'll be killing fatty in no time
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sorry I main hunting horn
>more dah'ren braces and earth dragongems than dah'ren bloodscales
fuck off
I used the mod in Rise to reduce material cost for talisman to a low number like 1, but keeping the RNG rates the same and it's still taking 300+ tries to get exactly what skills I want with the right slot.

The RNG is crazy. If I didn't use the mod to reduce material cost I would have taken at least 500hr of grinding materials and still not get it. This made me realize the game is rigged.
I wish there were more monsters with weird crazy faces like balahara or khezu or the bugs
Thanks for asking
gacha mechanics are fucking gay
DIgimon? In *my* Monster Hunter?
>exactly what skills I want with the right slot
The chance of getting that is unironically 1 in 100 billion btw
RNG stats on RNG items is as cancerous as it gets.
only 10 spawn, if you kill the tenth the quest ends
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>mfw watching trailers for wilds and having all hope and hype destroyed
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I'm mad not because I can't run it, but because my friends are considering if they even wanna buy it and play with me. Fucking fix your shit Capcom.
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we're digimonster hunter now
I haven't watched it, what are the problems? DEI shit?
>there's brown people and women in my fictional universe! SAVE ME, NIGGERMAN AAHHH
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Thoughts about Uth Duna?
Typical case of a tendie seeing MH fulfill its original vision and being repelled like a demon from a crucifix
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It looks inspired by some kind of instant messenger. Probably the only thing about the HUD I don't like. I like everything else about it.
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DEI is worse in its implementation than that. And I was just asking. I mean, is the handler a brown woman? Is she ugly? Intentionally or incidentally? Handler was ugly but not intentionally so. Are the majority of characters suddenly brown? Is it a desert setting for the purpose of the NPCs being a bunch of brown people? It's MH, if there are women, they should be attractive shouldn't they? They always have been before. Are they suddenly not now? I know from Capcom's internal standards from a ways back there are no more gender influenced variations on clothing... that in itself is that type of "equity", and not the good kind.
I remember when I was a kid I begged my mom to buy me a copy of Digimon World when I saw it in the store and she got it for my birthday. Then I had no idea wtf I was doing and dropped it after playing the game on 5 different occasions.
Did you not play World? It's the same shit. You can turn it off. Doomposters should really play the games they cry about.
Raging Brachy's random glowing parts are such fucking bullshit
Victory music is kind of weak.

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Anon we all want to see the chT so we can spam stickers, I just don't like the IM look
Didn't notice this until now. I hope we can just swap it to a classic style this one doesn't sit well with me
>the only thing about the HUD
pic is what rustlea my jimmies
You could probably remove both the ECG HP bar and the Safi aggro beam that show up before a big attack but I hope we don't end up with fights where we'll need them to know WTF is going on
>the IM look
I have no idea what the fuck you are talking about that doesn't look like aim or msn messenger at all
Is the gimmick in wilds that there is no town? Just your camps and people that visit them?
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PC gaming is so expensive so I guess I'll buy a Console since it is cheapeACK-
It's not random but yes it's obnoxious. You can use most slinger ammo to make it fall off a part from a distance
every map has a village apparently
no idea if there is a main village or guild hub but surely there has to be a multiplayer hub
If I see anymore goontresses in Wilds I'm gonna kill myself
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>surely there has to be a multiplayer hub
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It's the text bubbles you autist. It looks like every dm function on social media apps.

>hurr I don't use those
I can tell.
>carve tail
>hit the 32% "eat shit and die" non-tail drop
yeah cool
sorrry I'm not a zoomer I have no idea what the fuck you are crying about looks the same as world shit to me
>carve narga tail in FU
>get brainstem
goon with us instead
I had a PS1 with a modchip and pirated games that my cool pirate uncle gave me. I played Digimon World all the time but I was absolutely retarded and even with the fucking strategy guide could never find the portapotty or the portable toilet in time at bad occasions so almost always inevitably got Numemon.
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>Your Chocobo can fly
Don't know how to feel about this
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In the end, World looked and ran great.
Wilds too once we turn off the Volumetric Fog. I believe.
They showed that in the reveal trailer like a year ago
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>me looking at your outdated rig
I'm actually making one this time IF the feet look good so I can make a choco footslut
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It is fucking over
do you waifu your huntress or self insert as her?
THIS is what we are excited for, huh?
I'm not a tranny, I just want fap material
Have you never sent/received an SMS in your life?
Not that Anon but I play a girl in 100% of games with character creators and no romance system/romance option that I like (in which case I would play a male) and it's entirely to make my ideal waifu. Even in RPGs where you have choices to make I don't self-insert but make her act in the way I think is ideal. She makes the decisions I would make but I don't think of me as her, I think of her as my waifu puppet (my ideal woman would think like me).
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long lumu... good honts
nice you can watch my male hunter (me) fuck your huntress to fap to then
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Yeah and it looks nothing like the chat in wilds, find something new to doompost about because this is pathetic.
>so I was right about it being ugly bitch DEI shit and >>496022578 was a leftist faggot troon shill
you will never be your hunter
Munter Hunter
so true closeted agpsister
Why do I still come here?
just to suffer?
just to goon
For the memes
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Jesus fucking christ they are gonna do that thing where the Handler talks nonstop and give you tutorial hints again
It's a good reminder you'll never sink as low as some people even at your worst.
>It's a good reminder you'll never sink as low as some people even at your worst.
I'm not too sure about that.
You still come here in the hope that one day Blanche will return and post an anything room again.
>muh moral high ground
you clearly aren't here to gawk so you're more like the freaks than you think
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They kind of neutered this nigga in GU but I'm lowkey happy about dat frfr
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Attack Arkveld's chains while they're stretched for more damage!
How long before someone releases a mod to make the health bars look normal again?
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silverwind narga is worse than him
>le holier than thou
part of the circus freaks
Talking about 4U, his parts do just randomly glow, there's no consistently safe way to trigger the explosions, either. It fucking sucks. Even more annoying is that the parts still glow during knockdowns, and I had his head explode on me once while I was attacking it.
Hoping that's just a toggle in the base options.
whoever mapped the sunken/volcanic hollow deserves to be taken out behind capcom hq and shot
This is my biggest pet peeve. It looks distracting since it will be in your peripheral vision and moving too much all the time. I hope there is a "static" switch in the settings
Not a problem with normal 2 shots.
it's zigzags diagonally
that's literally it
plus the random paths up and down the far sides of the map
Why do you even need that spider sense shit? Just look at the fucking mon
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Huntress bed
The only good 4th gen maps are primal forest, frozen seaway and ruined pinnacle. And one of those is a Generations map
gunnerfags don't fucking respond to me
>Chapter 1

Hmm I wonder how many chapter is there
to complain
I have sex in that
6 because its MONSTER HUNTER 6
Where's the huntress
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Don't need to tell me, I've killed this fucker 54 times and it was hell every single time

Usually i hate barioth more than any Narga variant but not in this game
in my room
and shes my mom
and she wants to milk my prostate for some reason
You're such a fucking faggot.
You don't play videogames.
You're under the age of 20.
Giant snake monsters were ALWAYS the best because LOOK AT THAT THING FUCK YEAH I'M HITTING IT!
dude that's gay
>system requirements drop
>filters out the mudslimes
>starts melting and filling the thread up with its vile odor
Ahhh love me some suffering
nta but I just saw this post and I honestly hope you die for being so retarded
you are mr gay
you are also mr gay
hunting brachy with ls is so awful
how do you pickup and drop toads? wtf?
It took videogame makers 12 years to make playable storms again since the Mad Max videogame...
Literally all you have to do is have shit flying, make it loud and have lightning strike. That's all we want in games.
very carefully
toad-related injuries are on the rise
>retard is crying about chat that was in world looking like his iphone or something
>starts crying about system specs and indians
what the fuck drug are you on so I never take it
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Monster Hunter?
Found the poos
fucking retard
hunting brachy with blademaster is so awful
>poo in loo generation
>dung pods are going to be more important than ever with monster herds
>chat looks like an iphone
I guess it fits
all we need is a train monster that all the npcs get run over by
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struggle against sexy women all you like capcom, but I am inevitable
do not redeem the wilds premium battle pass

all elders in 4U rotate in and out, are you stupid?
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But why does she have turtleshell glasses?
This better not be some fucking isekai bullshit.
They rotate but you don't need to wait real time to hunt a monster
You can just turn a steak into your good ol' buddy the Caravaneer and they'll rotate again
I'm just gonna mod it out fuck are you on about?
so why are you crying about it? see you in the next thread faglord
cuz I don't like it?
so mod it out?
are you retarded?
fucking indians
Can you share sliders? She's got a pretty face

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