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>Download (Android/iOS/EGS/Windows)

>Wuthering Waves Version 1.3 Trailer | The Shore's End

>Resonator Showcase | Xiangli Yao - The ultimate Truth


>Convene Tracker

>Official Twitter Account

WHEN IN DOUBT, CHECK: https://wuwatracker.com/timeline
Resonator Banner: Xiangli Yao [Sep 7 - Sep 28]
Weapon Banner: Verity's Handle (Gauntlets) [Sep 7 - Sep 28]
[By Moon's Grace] [Aug 15 - Sep 28]
[Do Echoids Dream of Electric Sheep?] Tower Defense Event [Sept 05 - Sept 26]
[Wuthering Exploration] [Sept 12 - Sept 26]
[Alloy Smelt II] [Sept 16 - Sept 28]

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Previous: >>495927761
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I regret skipping Zhezi Lawrence.
wa wuwuwuwuwu!!
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Shorekeepers trailer is going to be so kino bros
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Will they change the banner
Awwwww bros, you shouldn't had...tooting for me even though i didn't ask you. I love you, my Zhezhi is now stronger.
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Rover, you will be saving your load for me. Won't you?
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Reminder, may I have a moment of your attention, allow me to remind you, permit me to draw your attention to, please be advised, I would kindly ask for your attention, may I request your attention, please
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I am bored and want to roll for shorekeeper and explore black shore already. This has been a long three month wait.

don't care because the 4* nugget is not interesting to me
hope so
Probably if the chinks complain hard enough.
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Ankobwos, you should stop being lazy and set up your shit before the revenooo day.
why the fuck would they actually do this lmao. what's the busniess reasoning?
How many copies are you planning to get for cammy, wa wu wa bro?
I want to wake up to news of banner changes tomorrow
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one. I don't want to brick my game with dupes.
something like
>youhu on jiyans banner will make it more enticing to pull on
>people will have less rolls for when 1.4 comes and spend more money

It's still retarded though. The extra money you'll make from this is so little. Almost no one is going to pull for a specific 4 star on a rerun banner right before a new character
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Reminds me of AK's first limited banner, only over a 4*.

Totally real outrage guys, just look at CN's posts!!!
I love pvp tho
ngl i like her design but i will never play Youhu anyways.
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What banner is the pikachu going to be on?
True lolicons will pull. I have no respect for any lolicon that doesn't S6 her.
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I love hags
I dont know +100% coordinated damage sounds pretty good for Zhezhi
better than Shorekeeper/Verina?
probably not
on the yinlin rerun in second half of 1.4 looks like. Unless they change the system because of the complaints
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I go and read some Misfit Demon Lord Volume 6, I will ask Anos to use Venizdonoa, the Destructor of Reason to change Solon's reasoning to the opposite and give us Youhu on Shorekeeper banner. Good night wuwabros!
of course not
On a very special Calcharo banner.
I like it too, most likely will take off my filters for that day because the shitflinging usually only lasts for 1-2 threads at most. I laugh at everyone as I eat my chips and when everything calmed down I put the filter back on.
Dead air is more damaging than the bit of unrest that comes from having a 4* on a 5* banner.

Jiyan's banner would be el grande silencio otherwise but now people can try out youho, whales can spend, people can make content on her.
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damn... ngl, that kinda sucks cause I already has Yinlin and her weapon. But that hebe mouse is pretty cute so maybe getting Yinlin E1 isn't the worst thing ever.

But since I'm getting shorekeeper + weapon that kinda screws me on getting Camellya... no win situation here for sure.
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I don't think every whale is happy with this decision though. There are those who don't care and collect all the characters, but even they wouldn't want to pull on a banner they already have as an S6 just because it has a 4star on it.
I mean she's still a 4*. With the 5* also having dupe copies on the shop, youho should get the same treatment. Patience is all you need.

Think upending every patch cycle from now till forever to have the perfect cycle 1 banner followed by absolutely nothing cycle 2 is retarded. Genuinely retarded. It's like zhezhi's banner but 5x worse because at least we got jeji memes out of it.
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Build your Sanhua.
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>we we we we we
If you know something about Calcharo just spill it. I have him and am a Calcharo enjoyer so stop teasing.
I want the loli NOW, I don't want to wait for a impossible to guarantee spook or for her to be added to the shop, it's that simple
sure if I ever get her E6
1 month bro, she is only coming with Jiyan
that's the worst part
The problem is that some retards can't help but reply to the bait and melties, which further dilutes the thread and encourages them to keep posting.
Not rolling that, I'll have to wait for longer
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Good luck pulling for youhu on shorekeeper banner this weekend guys! Please record and share videos here so I can check her out cause I don't have early access client
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its over
im disappointed in you solon
wawa has fallen
billions must wuwu
>smells like phrololo's poop
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we WA WU around here
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too soon for doomposting. The wuwu hasn't wawa-ed yet.
She and Yahoo are on my WIP list, they're waiting for their dupes so Zhezhi can make them good.
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Taoqi's amazing personality
shopkeeper needs 200% ER right? I think I can get that with 2x ER echoes and an ER weapon
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>finally remember to use my filters
>put them and refresh on the catalog
>36 blocked threads/generals
>/hsrg/ is one of those blocked threads
>despite all the buzzwords and revenue posting is in here too as well as with /gig/ and /zzz/ but none of these other generals are blocked from the filters
this is kind of funny
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250% good luck.
250 for max buffs
240. if you're using variation you'll also need like 24 ER from substats
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This is why her weapon is very important
260% for crit passives, 300% for human rights to not waste 30 seconds trying to get her ult back.
you get 10% from ult.
technically another 10% from the new 4 cost but it only lasts 20 seconds and her ult lasts 30
We were set for such a good time fuark
>youhi is on jiyan's banner and not SK's
>unironically going to have to roll on green diarmuid banner for her
This is why PGR will always be the better game.
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Sweet dreams are made of this
It's not like he's garbage or anything like that...
No one believes you've ever played pgr. Not a week ago with your falseflagging and not now
Unironically don't fuck yourself over, just spend some coral and take out a copy from shop instead.
The CNbros will save us.
And why is that?
Snow leopard-kun ate all of my coral bwo...
No cat and mouse games with genshit, for one.
Anon, for the simple fact it is a visual novel I can't give you that. I can give you that the gacha is better, but I can't deal with the fucking visual novel format gachas anymore.
Because in pgr you never have to even think "will I get that new character?".
yeah but i have a guranteed for cammy, kinda dont want to waste that.

oh right, i forgot i can do that
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The shop is just for dupes, it doesn't unlock the character, or am I wrong about that?
Wuwa's lifeless 3D copy paste expressions during 99% of interactions are infinitely worse than staring at finely drawn art and tailored text for each and every sentence. Unironically you get used to it.
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throught the wuwu and the wawa I alone am the honored wuwa
You just give yourself away not playing the game falseflagger-san, maybe go back to genshit and compare the expressions and body movements to that and then come back crying over facial expressions. You could have pulled out any other claim but you did the one wiwa actually does well...
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Fact checked by real Jinzhou patriots
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wuwa !
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Lucia lov
Yapyap's future...
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on the bright side, youhu being 2nt half lets me pre farm her boss since thats all I have left to get for her
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Most shills and falseflaggers here also post on gachagaming, /wuwa/ needs its hero again for another dendy action. One or two more of them seeing their family members here will scare the rest off for a few months. Might do it myself when I get some free time.
I think the lock is only for 5star characters.
Lee's cute permadying gf.
It takes too long doing daily chores (like 40 minutes) and it's killing the game.

In HSR it takes 3 minutes.

Also there's too much chink shit. Does literally every fucking character have to have a Chinese name?
I'm glad Wuwa got a better character designer...
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Well you can try and tell us if that is the case, I'm counting on you anon.
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This. I only have 30 minutes of game time allowed in my local netcafe. Kuro better fix this quick
...but Lucia looks better than Yapyap
>proceeds to click skip and never hear of her again
The image that utterly destroyed waifufags, Those 3 words are now a death flag.
Her red bangs look retarded, Yapyap is a goddess in comparison.
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both my wives
You were my brother Solon, you were supposed to destroy the hoyoshills not join them.
Calling my wife Lucia shit should be punished with beheading.
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Death flags in PGR are normal, Nanami will save this timeline so we can kiss Lucia again. If she doesn't cuck her first
>Youhu is on Jiyan's banner
Everyone assumed the characters would be on different banners until some random people decided to say they would be ran together, the only proof being wishful thinking
You asked for better genshit, you got it. It's better, but it's still genshit.
Let this be a lesson to you, corporations and their figureheads are not your friends. Nobody is special, nobody is different.
Most gacha do new 4 star together with new 5 star and rerunning banners.
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Don’t leave..
Yapyap has a retarded name, at least Lucia sounds nice.
nanami a cuter so I hope she wins instead
I look like this
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>Even her sisters try to cuck her
Lucia really can't catch a break.
>It takes too long doing daily chores (like 40 minutes)
Except it barely takes 7 minutes? And there are no forced weekly slop chores?
Bro even her own (different) self wants to cuck her
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Is there really no way to give gifts in a bulk? Do I really need to press the button literally hundreds of times?
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Yoo Ho-jang~
you rike?
Skipping this bitch if she is on the homo banner
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Goood She's all mine
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Wew i can dodge getting the loli.
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What’s wrong? I thought you guys love loli? Suddenly skipping now? Hehehehehe zako zako
>They put the loli in a homo banner
So are people still sucking Kuro's cock right now? Are you faggots still coping that they care about you?
I have her E6 and benched. Zhezhi is the only i love, others will support my love Zhezhi, not the other way.
kuro only gives PGR the special treatment wuwa is for openworldslop genshit tards
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I've got the homo and his weapon, still rolling for the brat
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Even the bootlickers at reddit are complaining, husbandofags too, literally everyone hates it. We might actually get it changed before its too late.
A couple of days ago, I was messing around at the festival, trying to get last few things done. I talked to Zhezi, and after the conversation we had, I got a notification that I need to finish her companion quest to progress further.
I just finished her companion quest and went to the festival, but I can't seem to find her. Where is she?
>STILL going with the pgr falseflag
This. I bet she's mid too.
In my heart.
I will not play PGR
>it begins
Enjoy your hoyo wars (bootleg edition) retards
Even the threads are the same lmao
I like how, like this gencuck is self reporting. Everyone is complaining in china, here, on leddit, but somehow they come over saying stuff like that because they know hoyocuck players suck da wei's teardrops off the floor if they can get 100 more primogems as a reward and after that they thank him too. Like you can't self report harder than this.
I am just past the pity, how far Can i safely pull so i don't get spooked by a fucking male? 40? 50?
They genuinely can't comprehend that wuggers and poggers love each other. They loathe their sister games, themselves, and everyone. /wuwa/ is the comfiest general in vg and it drives them insane.
>hoyodrone salivating for eos so bad he wants us to mald over a total nothingburger
>compared to the 40 days and 40 nights of males they slurped willingly
She’s still going into the standard banner so who fucking cares, and if this keeps filtering lolipags it’s even better
I honestly doubt leddit is complaing about male banner. They ask for them all the time.
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still rolling, I never wanted the 5* so my situation never changed, just the amount I have to wait
nta but they are not complaining about the male banners, they are complaining that Yahoo is on his banner, even they realize that those two fanbases have no overlap at all and it just pisses off both sides.
>nothing burger

Get your narrative straight, kuroshills
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The complaint is that the new 4* is on a rerun banner instead of the new banner. Not that all males are "homos". But I can understand why hoyoniggers would adopt that defense mechanism when all the "males" are boys in shorts or drag queens like neuvillette
But seriously man, just do All the event quests, upgrade buildings and then you get a date with her and the homo. Hurry Up or you will miss it!
two more weeks slurper keep going, this time for SURE
>Seething SEAmonkeys mad they can't afford a device to play wuwa and pgr
They'll go to sleep now thinking about wuwa too. Truly mindbroken
Do a 10 and stop there
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Why is there a hoyodrone having a melty in our thread?
imagine having a company living rent free in your head
But wubros...Shogun is kino?
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PGR actually has godtier optimization, its so fucking unreal that Kuro's optimization was memed as Kuro magic before wuwa, so its just UE4 giving Kuro trouble. Its true that they are butthurt that they can't run wuwa though
>Copies Genshit money grab to an extent
>B-But it's only 80 pulls!
>B-But the weapon banner is guaranteed!
>Look at all these free stuff!
>N-Nobody likes the loli anyway
Yeah. This thread is full of Kuro cocksuckers.
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>40 days and 40 nights of males
>total nothingburger
Faggots on full copium.
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Just got off the phone with Solon.

Guys... it's not looking good...
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NTA but it is a nothing burger. have fun with the free (You) il go take a shit now.
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I did everything. I cleared out the store, done all the quests, took all the pictures with everyone I ran into at the festival, got SS rating at everything, maxed popularity, etc. Here it says I've done the quest too, and it's not in my quest log? Could I have done it before and forgot? What was the whole "continue after companion quest" thing about? Am I going schizo?
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You will stay mad and continue to be mad all the way to 3.0, screencap this so I can laugh at you again next year
>he still thinks it's a nothing burger
Are you fags being paid by Kuro or some shit?
Check your inventory and see if you got the fan painting present from zhezhi
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Drink it up nerds, here’s your daily chocomilk!
This shows that you did both dates already, so i don't understand what more do you want?
>biggest complaint of generosity so far is just the default for hoyoshit with worse quality 4* on top of that
no wonder they have to falseflag with pgr they sure as fuck can't come here as representatives of gayshit
My predictions for how they're going to damage control:
100% likely we're getting an event to claim a free copy of her
50% likely they'll throw in a standard 10roll if China keeps shitting on them
20% likely they'll change the banners it would be caving much too hard but it's not impossible if they feel really threatened
5% likely they do nothing
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>still seething months later.
I still blame Changli, utterly mindraped every genshitter, this has to be /wuwa/'s most popular webm, even outside of 4ch.
Raiden and Sara were on the same banner though
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This thing?
I'm like 95% certain I was walking at the festival two days ago, talked to Zhezi there, and got a notification that if I want to continue her festival interactions I need to do her companion quest. I just finished her companion quest but I haven't done anything with her at the festival since.
Didn’t the guitar girl on childe rerun?
This but reversed. Kuro are becoming like Hoyo more and more with every patch.
I think you might have interruped the date somehow when you did her personal purple quest in between. IT even warns you about this. If that's true then i don't know how to resume it.
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IMO giving one copy for free is actually the most unlikely one, its easier for them to just add her to Shorekeeper's banner.
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I'm sad but it will give me time until I can roll the 5* free gauntlet at least. Even shorekeeper, the most soulless meta character in the game, only gets one 50/50 near Camellya's banner.
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Future patches will also have 4* on reruns so they would have to start giving one copy of future 4* for free. If they don't people will complain that they're getting stingy because Youhu was given for free.

If they move her to shorekeepers banner then they would have to do the same in the future with the first half of a patch always bring stacked and the second half nothing but rerun
phoenix hag love
Literally who?
It's rover.
I'll go check out the quest on Youtube, maybe I've even done it and just forgot.
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With her Forte she can literally write a doujin you can experience, so lucky.
Wuwa only has 4 genuinely hot girls and only 1 cool dude
>there are people ITT who forgot to claim zhezhi's special fan
Guitar girl and the cat both got added on male banners, but that was also a full homo patch and both 5*s were new so your mileage may vary on how bad you think that is
They definitely started using 4*s to scam players later, but the Raiden/Sara thing was still 2.1, we're on 1.3 here...
I don't accept gifts from uggos
That is assuming that 1 5* per patch will be the standard which is unlikely, there will be patches with 2 5* in the future for sure.
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Zhezhi write me a NTR doujin but it’s me steal not-liv from the NPC
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this thing. you get it from zhezhi at the fan painting stall (opposite to the riddle stall)
Is there a pic or mod with, dare i even say it, with that white overall removed?
>Kuro does something bad
>Faggots in this thread start defending Kuro and bring up Hoyo in every way that they can
Yeah. You fags are the same as giggerniggers. You're a corpofagboy
>Love each ohter
Bud i played PGR from day 1 until Noctis banner and let me tell you, PGRkeks did NOT love the idea of Wuwa or wuwakeks in their threads before the game came out. You couldn't even mention the game without ppl having melties.
I bet it's still the same.
Explain how is this a problem
100% in 2.0 because of the gacha rework talk
So i really give a fuck desu since the 4* pool is small af, we will S6 them fast
Explain to me how complaining here even if i have a problem with it will help?
Do you think any company takes feedback from this shithole, unironically?
Are you kind of stupid?
Because I'm not into homo. Go suck Kuro's dick niggerfaggot.
yeah I mean for any patches where it's one 5 star and one 4 star. On those patches they'd have to put the 4 star on the new 5 star if they cave in and do it here. And those patches will feel dry as fuck in the second half
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Can we go to New Federation after kuro shores?
Just proving me right. it is that easy
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Fuck Kuro for making such a cutie patootie and giving her a canon boyfriend. I wish I could kill them both.
No sis we’re going to not-Italy first
Adding her to the shorekeeper banner would be losing too much face, it's an admission of guilt that they did this out of greed, they have to pretend they had no bad intentions and just didn't understand how players would see it and have their feelings hurt yadda yadda corpospeak. And changing things right away would make them seem like pushovers and motivate people to keep pressuring them whenever they want something.
I found her at the stall now and got this fan. I also checked the date on Youtube and it's the content I remember doing. The guy doing the date on Youtube got an achievement after finishing it, and I double checked and I have that achievement too. I guess I just needed to finish her companion quest before I could get this fan? Mystery solved, thanks for the help everyone.
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Rinascita. Take it or leave it
>first it was nothing burger
>now it's "your complaints are valid but I don't want your complaints in MY thread"
Kuroniggers moving goalposts already.
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Seethe, mald and cope
Wuggers and poggers love each other and you'll seethe about it for eternity because you're obsessed with everything kuro for some reason. Imagine letting a chink corp live rent free in your head kek. also [-]
Sorry shaking too hard that i deleted the first >
mod link?
>[-]'ing yourself
>everyone's the same person
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3 more days bwos
This thread just shows how you faggots really think Kuro can do nothing wrong. LMAO.
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BAM [-] !! its that easy
Answer the questions and stop vibrating bwo.
PGRbro here and its not, the reason the thread was acting that way is because everyone was tense due to the possibility of Kuro going the way of mihomo and start pandering to shippers with wuwa, and also because wuwa was gonna attract all the hoyo shitposters on launch which did end up happening. At this point we know that Kuro is using PGR as the base for wuwa now instead of genshin (until they put Youhu into a rerun at least) so people aren't worried any more, they are pretty chill with discussing wuwa now.
It's literally just a 4*.

Ideally in a perfect world, you could play every gacha game for free with minimal thought but you know what those games are? They're called games, not gacha (casino) games. There are so many downsides for them to put their new characters all on one banner and so little upsides. There are literally no downsides for a player who just waits until their favorite 4* is on a good banner along with just grabbing copies passively from rolling other banners + shop dupes. It's a fucking 4*, not a limited 5*.

In no world would this necessitate such a ridiculous response to "here everyone gets the 4* (basically 3 free copies adding in dupes) and also every first banner on every patch will have everything you need and you can fuck off for the other 3-4 weeks.
>Gigi poster is a schizo
Of course
My palm is so itchy Solon!! Bring forwards the patch to TODAY!!! I WANT TO GAMBLE!!
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Steady.. BAM [-]! another shill bites the dust!
3 more days until disappointment
hope I'm wrong
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It does still annoy me that i wont be able to max her out day one
>only S4
Hmmmmmmm... nyo
Lots of things are just a ___ until enough people get upset at it, companies live and die by the public perception. If your customers think you fucked up, well you fucked up.
5* are already extremely expensive, subject to the 50:50 shit and have a good more than half of their power locked behind 6 dupes, they're not exactly running a charity to the point they have to cash grab off a 4*.
>also every first banner on every patch will have everything you need and you can fuck off for the other 3-4 weeks
This is easily solved by giving people things to do during the second half of the patch so they're playing because they enjoy the game, not because they're trapped in a mihoyo cycle of manufactured hype for new releases. If the game is going to live or die by how excited people are for the next pull it will probably lean towards the die side.
I just hope she ends up being Black swan but straight
What is the ideal pull location to maximize rng for Shorekeeper?
Does it even exist in the current world or do we need to do a bit of story to get to the black shores. I'm thinking wherever that spot she stands with the flowers for (You) would be a good one.
I'm willing to risk getting homo'd for Youhu
>muh c-customers
FGO had no pity for ages. Generosity has and will never be how good-will is sustained via gacha and WW is already ridiculously generous compared to its competitors.

People will always be "mad" at gacha games in the same way you're mad at the slot machine for not giving you 100k dollars for your 100 dollars spent. Does the casino change because people want the literal pity character that you're likely never going to use outside of posturing for sovl points on 4chan? No.

>This is easily solved by giving people things to do during the second half of the patch so they're playing because they enjoy the game
Also objectively wrong. People will consume any content in <1 day unless its timegated. If you add too much meaningless drivel to do, that'll drive off players just the same.
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You are clearly not familiar with Kuro, because actually admitting that they fucked up, taking reponsibility and giving a proper apology is how they saved PGR from instantly eos'ing due to the launch problems, they have also been handling it like that ever since that incident, I don't think it will change now, I think it just depends if its too late to change the banner, if its actually too late they might just give out a copy of Youhu for free.
How stingy is PGR with gacha, equipment, grinding, etc?
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When will china wake up again? It's like 6 am there right
What homo banner? I'm confused
Unlock BS first bwo, don’t let the fomo get to you
Haven’t play for like 3 years but the grind is easy as hell iirc
Only grinding dupes take a long time
Blackrock Shooter is on the other game sis.
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trailer tonight?
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They didn't even fuck up this time like with the BC pgr launch disaster. They didn't promise shit then take it away or lie, the fraud ass leakers decided to lie and say they were on the same banner when they weren't.

Like I'm pretty sure whoever made the 4* on this image were just putting together their wishlist.

Now people are mad when they didn't even do anything so they need to find a way to make everyone happy while also making the second half of 1.3 not boring
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I mean B(lack) S(hore) u idiot holy shit i will punch you
FGO is FGO, it can do whatever the fuck it wants. It's extremely daft to bring it up in comparison with an original IP gacha that doesn't have Nasu and Fate behind it.
Generosity isn't how goodwill is maintained, the perception of generosity is. As long as your players think you're generous it doesn't really matter if you are generous or not in some abstract way. WuWa risks to lose that perception of generosity today over something that while you might consider stupid and meaningless it pissed off sufficient people.
Gacha are casinos but their mode of operation is to blur that perspective and make players feel like they're playing a game and the gambling is secondary. Once you attract enough attention over how the slot machine is the core of everything you start to lose goodwill.
(Big)... (s)ister?
Wait, youho wasn't even confirmed to be on shorekeeper's banner?

Real? So people are just pressuring kuro for free stuff just because?
Honestly hags and homos are all the same to me. C6 Youhou is what I'm rolling for. The 5 star is irrelevant.
It's better, for mostly the reasons that it works how other older gacha works before genshit. Less RNG like random artifact/echo stat and this goes down to the whole game. Everything is more foxed but in exchange the game expects you to play it.
As others already said, gacha is 60 pulls, 100% guaranteed first time for new characters and half a year later they get added to standard pool
Echoes work in a way that you have memories of famous people, 6 of them, you can equip 6 to the character and they have random substats, but there is a craftable reroll item to get what substat you want on them eventually.
You are given a choice
>50% chance of rape correction with youhou
>50% chance jiyan fucks you in the ass
Do you take the risk?
Not having the new characters together was gonna piss off everyone anyway, it also sets an absolute garbage precedent, its probably why Kuro was hiding the banners, however I don't think they expected Youhu to be so popular, so they are getting way more complaints than they probably expected.
People can be mad about Youhu not being on Shorekeeper's banner without a single fucking idea of the leaks or made-up banner images or any of that shit.

She was according to beta data but we now know that it's not reliable, this being the first time we have added a 4*.
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This feel nothing burger af
The loli drama on twitter is way more interesting desu
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I got twice already (C1 wanderer for C6 farucute), third time won't be as bad.
>This feel nothing burger af
the amount of [-] posts trying to flare this up into a big issue should be telling enough
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>PGR has a nazi loli echo named "Adolph"
remember guys a literal youWHO 4 star being on a late banner is a worse offense than 4(four) years of necessary QoL updates going ignored no matter how much you collectively begged and reported and if you aren’t mad you’re a SHILL
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>People can be mad about Youhu not being on Shorekeeper's banner without a single fucking idea of the leaks or made-up banner images
People can be. But majority perception>>495988365
would be different. No one would complain xiangli yao was just a normal banner and not given for free. But if one leaker says yeah it's gonna be given for free and everyone starts parroting it and assumes he'll be free now it's an issue if he's not free.
>half a year later they get added to standard pool
Its not half a year, its literally the following patch, as soon as a banner ends they go to standard.
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Arknights went through the same thing with its first limited with everyone bitching and moaning and it did fine. CN complains when their gacha game turns out to be a gacha game and are "surprised" every time although everyone knows they just want more freebies.

Ultimately, its just a 4* and none of the whining about this will result in any real loss for them while arbitrarily changing the banners to be frontloaded will 100% cause a loss of players because the #1 way for gacha games to lose players is when they take a "break." You're trying to spin this as a fight for the ages but its still just a 4*, I can't emphasize how little this matters for players who aren't completely brain-addled by fomo. Good will means nothing for a casino and we're likely to have this same conversation play out when they roll out skins and people are once again flabbergasted that they have to have self-restraint and not just spend nilly willy.
Its still kind of scummy to hype up this new 4*, drip marketing them and giving them a little segment in the preview page, as well as the livestream. And then shove them on a rerun banner right between two really hyped 5* characters.

Even mihoyo who is known for shady and scummy gacha shit puts their new 4* on the new character banner so people have a chance to get both.
Why do people want yahoo to pollute the banner when S6 danjin, S6 sanhua, S6 yapyap all are needed while you only need to snipe a single yahoo if you want to run meme teams? If you get early homo its usable for mindless mobbing.

*I for one, have two accounts exactly for this kind of problem. I thank skip skip for making this possible*
sorry nig but after sand bagging the rerun banner for so long without any official info UNTIL the patch notes went up is clear as fucking day that they made a last minute change thinking it wouldn't piss people off yet now we're here
They just can't help themselves LMAOOO
Danjin's already on this banner probably won't be on shorekeepers.
or so I hope because I already have her s6
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She's also the MC of Kuro's first game, its about a lolicon saving lolis and the world or something like that, in the memory rescue story you get a glimpse of it because PGR is some sort of pseudo sequel, PGR's CN name is also Battle(field) Twin(tails) as a reference to it.

TLDR: even the equipment in PGR is for (You)
Are you guys really having a meltdown over a fucking 4 star not being in a convenient banner? Is this your first gaccha?
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Yahoo being on a homo banner to bait me into spending is peak jewish behavior and I will not be silenced about it
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>imagine if zhezhi's banner was just jiyan with no new 4*s
It'd have been so much more catastrophic and people want this to happen every patch.
>m-muh nothing burger
>still going at it
shut it kuroshill
yahoo will appear on a jeji rerun most likely.
>spending on a 4 star
Do anons really?
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>puts their new 4* on the new character banner so people have a chance to get both
No, I still don't have Chevreuse.
>please think of the revenue
Shareholder bro, I'm not getting paid regardless...
>roll the green general...., ROLL THE GREEN GENERAL I BEG YOU IM ON MY KNEES -ACK
just genderbent all the gacha males at this point solom, you dumb retard, females dont spend money in gachas.
I don't care about the revenue, it's more that zhezhi was something to talk about and had her own time in the spotlight.
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>but the revenoo
Tell me you are a mihomo falseflagger without telling me.
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Yes really cry about it
Most f2p/monthlies aren't even going to s6 her on her first banner so I have no idea what they're complaining about.

Whalers wouldn't give a shit because they just get more and more dupe currency for rolling anyways with their fuck-you money.
>Arknights went through the same thing
Your thinking is polluted by survivorship bias. Games like FGO and Arknights did not survive because of their mistakes but in spite of them. There are thousands of other gacha that didn't.
>Ultimately, its just a 4*
Again, it doesn't matter what you think it is. You are not the one assigning value to a 4* in wuwa, public perception is. I'm not trying to spin this as anything other than market forces at work. You don't decide if your product will sell, the consumer does, even if the recent times had corporations try really hard to project auras of invincibility. Nothing is too big to fail and often failure comes from the stupidest of reasons.
Wuwa is trying to muscle in on a spot in a shrinking market where it already has a massive established competitor in genshin. It cannot play by the same rules as FGO or Arknights who were released in completely different times and situations.
But you are welcome to stick to whatever flavor of hubris you want.
i will give up everything for shorekeeper
What is this a rorschach test? He didn't even mention revenue.
Obviously he means that it would just be boring as shit having nothing but a rerun.
>There are thousands of other gacha that didn't.
>all the hard hitters nowadays were extremely greedy or used to be
>hoyo games are the greediest of the 3d gacha market still
>n-no its survivor bias
wrong again.

>the rest of the post
its a 4* imao. You'll be fine.
even your butt for another man?
kusogames surely isn't retarded enough to go through with this when literally everybody hates it, i'd be shocked if they don't change it
Well idk what genshit does but in HSR they have been. I got the new 4* moze on feixiao's banner.
Thats for Kuro to solve, defending anti consumer practices for such a stupid reason just reeks of shitposting or actual retardation.
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He won
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I already have Zhezhi and her weapon, and dupes make the already easy game easier, so I probably won't roll then. Honestly, 1.3 is looking more like a skip patch as time goes on, I can already 30/30 without shorekeeper and I don't even like her that much, but I know Dengdeng will probably be in Yinlin's rerun banner so even Camellya's banner isn't looking that great, I'm not looking forward to S17 Sanhua or some dumb shit like that. Just why? They're not even making that much money
>no mortefi on the banner
If I could collectively gaslight the community into thinking every future 5* was free, and then the community gets mad that this doesn't happen, is it anti-consumer?

Anyone who doesn't rabidly look up wutheringwavesleaks would have no idea this happened.
Putting a new 4 star on a rerun banner on purpose to separate the characters IS anti consumer, the leak literally doesn't matter, you would have the same complaints, even Jiyanfags are mad at it because they don't want the loli even if she is good for his team.
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I just don't care about Yahoo i mean she's cute and all but realistically i wouldn't build her until like half a year later.
It's fun watching the shitshow though.
Come to think of it, rolling for characters is anti-consumer too. Hey anon, think you're onto something.
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>Has one of the coolest male designs accross all gacchas
>Still gets hate
I dont get these people
>it's more fun this way
Holy shit, it gets better
What's next? Rolling for new 4* while dodging the rerun adds thrill and excitement?
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You just reek of hoyocuck with this retardation, because this is the same shit that Mihoyo pulls all the time and their drones defend while everyone else that plays gacha calls them retarded for eating it up.
>Shower thought moment
>Remove timer from ToA completely
>Every boss and even trash mobs 1 shot you
>Doritos based on how much of your team is still alive by the end
>Bringing less teammates automatically means you can't get max doritos
>you would have the same complaints
but I literally assumed that when announced both shorekeeper and youhu that they would separate and space out new characters since that make sense intuitively.
I've never played genshin but it's the worst thing ever they copied from there and everyone else is some kind of gacha veteran where all the gachas they play have new characters that are always bundled together

Yeah I'm still "upset" that the two aren't bundled together like the leakers had led to me believe but there are still far more predatory things ALREADY in the game that don't even get a tenth of the complaints because people didn't get their hopes up with lies.
>hated for being a limited male on release
>blamed for almost killing the game early
>his gameplay is pretty much just spam LMB (boring)
>"b-but he's cool"
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I've said this time and time again but those Kuroshills are a carbon copy of Hoyodrones.
>spam lmb
way to out yourself
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Sadly we share a toilet with PTSD mindbroken genshart refugees, raise your hand to say hello and they flinch like a battered housewife.
Overreaction to males from the abuse they were put through is understandable doesn't stop me from laughing at them tho.
Sometimes I wonder how companies can greenlight and go through with projects like Concord then I read a post as stupid as yours and things start making sense.
By all means you should get a job at a company trying to release a hero shooter or battle royale in 2024 because hey it worked for Fortnite and Overwatch. You are exactly the talent they need to delude themselves for an entire development process.
no real ankobwo would say this
You're wanting to kill the game over a bit of convenience rolling for a character you wont s6 in one banner is retard-behavior. Skip Jiyan and roll for yaho when she's on a better banner. Asking for a completely dead 2nd banner when the game isn't even 6 months old is peak stupidity.
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He is cool and all, but between getting his seed, or putting mine in a loli or camellya or semenkeeper, I'll choose the later. I don't play anime style games to play as dudes, I want the attractive woman to make my harem.
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Outed myself as what? Not finding him fun when you're forced to play as him several times during the story? I definitely didn't roll for him based on that experience
>kill the game
Jesus christ you delusional retard, people would literally roll regardless, if anything they might be willing to roll more on Shorekeeper for dupes if Youhu is in her banner, meanwhile its the complete opposite for Jiyan because anyone that wants Youhu doesn't want him. Money doesn't have some kind of timer before it disappears, if they made money it doesn't matter if they made it earlier in the patch or later.
I'm not the one overanalyzing gacha trends and still ended up being completely wrong about every single thing you tried to come at me with. Keep looking at sensor tower reports and thinking your shallow ass understanding of gacha game mechanics somehow translates to revenue. There are so many of you people who think like yourself its unreal.
Real. I was gonna get him on the rerun anyways
>2 months of nothing burger content
>now this drama
This is how you really fuck up innit
I wonder how many retards have posted that image that they snagged from an older thread, post your ID with it next time if you dare, faker.
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You couldn't figure out how to one of the simplest characters in the game imagine calling out any character as boring kek lmao
It's not the revenue, its the discussion around the character. 3 weeks of Shorekeeper posting/discussion followed by 3 weeks of yaho posting/discussion.
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Who the fuck cares about the discussion, as long as people don't drop the game thats all that matters, are you an investor or something?
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did WuWa lost?
ZZZ mogged it
GF2 is coming out on global.....
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>no argument beyond "y-you took it from the archive!!! Post your UID so I can harass/falsely report you"
As if you need to prove anything in this piss easy game beyond just playing it
I don't understand how this is anything but overforced drama by shitstirrers
>Loli is a 4* not 5*
>She can come up at any time in any 10 pull
>There's like 4 sets of 4*'s at most so she will be getting a rerun fast anyway
>Nobody besides those who don't care like Rexlent would have used her in any meaningful way other than to say "I got the cunny!"
I'm surprised there isn't any melty over how shit those new 4* weapons are
It's funny that they bring up FGO, that just recently had controversy over their new mechanics that would have made people spend even more money and JP outraged so hard they backpedaled the same day. Even FGO isn't invincible, if you make retarded decisions, people will be angry. Some of you here I think don't know what others here talk about when they mention goodwill in tie to gacha games. As that other anon said, customer is king. They have the money, if enough customer is dumb to fuel them into a furnace that fucks them over, they absolutely deserve to get fucked over. These gigacorps have analytics groups for a reason, they calculate all kinds of statistics over what they can get away with and how to do what to maximize profit. Why do they put the daily free energy pack at the end of the store page? So you have to roll through all the purchaseable stuff. You might not pay for anything, but there will be that one who will get enticed. This is the same, they see how hard the backlash is and if they deem its not enough, they go through with it. And if they see that sales aren't as they expected, they will course correct later, even if it's late.
They're the best dps 4* weapons so far you don't even play the game
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This is the typical /pgr/ nigger posting itt
The state of the game matters less to him than this glorified discord chatroom because he barely even plays
I fucking love this guy. Fun, looks good, extremely well written and likeable.
One of the only male 5* characters I've ever pulled for in a gacha.
chibi tummy...
If it turns out there's an event that gives a free yahoo would you still be mad?
People would be less willing to drop the game if there was something keeping people logging in, like a new character to work on.
I am so lucky in this game. I am only a battlepass + subscription enjoyer and i have every 5 star character except changli and i have every 4 star, already s6 except aalto who is s3 and cowqi who is s0. I literally only lost 1 50/50 so far. My jinshi is also s1 and i didn’t get lingyang.
>flat ATK
>no crit or anything
Into the trash it all goes
can someone tldr me the drama over this 4* whatnot
The reason people are complaining so much is because this will set a precedent for the future, if you let them get away with it now they will do it every time from now on, which means that you will have to wait a month or more if the 4* ends up in a rerun that you don't want unless you get extremely lucky to pull them at random, so its basically a "now or never" to stop them from pulling this stuff.
Anon you will have to work on the characters regardless, you can't build them at the same time.
>but a whale can
A whale will build them instantly regardless.
>Can't even hit the first pre-register milestone
Few more points
>Betafags have said she fucking sucks to play, slower outro than Taoqi
>Metafags have calculated running Verina, Shorekeeper and even Baizhi is better than the selfish coordinated attack buff regardless of it being 100% unless your main carry is Zhezhi
>There are people like Rex who don't give a shit what banner she's on, those people will pull anyway like everyone else that wants her would or just wait till the rerun because 4*s rerun quickly.
>There's like 4 sets of 4*'s at most so she will be getting a rerun fast anyway
This is the only valid point you bring up, though that's an issue on its own, everything else only applies if you don't care for 4*s at all, to which I say fair enough, they should only release 5* characters from here on out
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I mean it's not rocket science in my guesstimation it's 50% playing along out of boredom 40% legit falling for bait. Yes, it's forced drama you figured it out.
doesn't matter
GF has always been the best gacha despite being small
it's run by autistic devs with some semblance of a soul
I like that Yapyap. I will yoink it into my collection.
Character that people only want for the memes is not on Shorekeeper's banner (not confirmed).
>everyone and their mother from twatter to reddit and big boy rex shit on this change
>but somehow
>yes somehow there are shitters ITT that still defend it
Fuck off
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>muh crit
ok sar here's the exact equivalent dps in crit dmg so you can show off your ratio to your friends on a basket weaving forum
If its from China, likely its just overblown drama.
meant for >>495993717
>two places that dont matter
>even big boy rex yet he's pulling anyway
is this the equivalent to genshits "boycott"? people who claim this shit matters yet pull and play anyway?
chinkcels didn’t like him or his personality because of the ‘responsible good guy playing it safe’ act compared to the suicide general so this might’ve pissed them off even more
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No you don't understand we have to criticize stuff like this
I thought this nigga stopped playing after getting clowned on?
GF2 has precisely failed because they lost their soul and went for a mihoyo 50/50 1 pity every 2 months scheme. You get a lot of talk about how some stupid Raymond controversy fucked them over but nobody discusses the elephant in the room that GF1 was a collection game where you could get every girl in the game and max them out for free and the monetization was mostly for skins and convenience stuff like production slots, dorms, etc.
You had ranking content that was accessible to everyone willing to put effort into the game not just whoever spends the most money on constellations and sigs. It was a product of a different age and will never be replicated again.
not that anon but using rexlent is a terrible argument, that dude is leviathan spender that maxed everything in fucking FGO, he literally doesn't care because he is rich, that dude is way above your average whale.
They only thought that till 1.1 when they learned rover founded Jinzhou then they hated genshulin for "sending our people to die" and praises Jiyan for "saving our people from a tyrant"
>only want for the memes
>loli hater outs himself
it all makes sense now
i wasnt the original anon that brought up rex but saying hes going mad about something and then spending for it anyway is stupid as shit.
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while this specific incident is a nothingburger you shouldn't let kuro get complacent I mean two different leakers also said this and it didn't happen in the end.
>wait a month
Hoyonigs like myself had to wait literal years because Faruzan was bundled with the rerun boy in shorts every single time
Now imagine this new 4* happens to be strong and you actually want C6 to use her for endgame content...
I'm legit uninstalling if this shit isn't fixed somehow
Funny how 4chan being contrarian makes them corporate bootlickers from time to time. They would rather convince themselves this is the right way than to agree with (((other game))) shills just once
>A super niche buff to coord attacks that only 1 character can take advantage of (whos also a sub dps)
Total shill faggot death.
I play multiple gacha games though, about 4. All of them take like 5-20 minutes to maintain.

I do drop shit games like this with terrible QoL though. It suffers from the same shut as Genshin.
What I mean is that he's gonna do it anyway because he can, but if even he is complaining about it, its probably a lot worse for the average whale, they might even hesitate to spend if they don't want Jiyan or have him maxed already.
What's with hoyoniggers constantly bringing their PTSD here and calling everything the second coming of genshit.

Same people that say the open world is boring after logging into gayshit every day for 4 years and getting burned out?
holy melty you’d think the drone plays with us too with how much he pretends to care
Gacha games were a mistake
and what im saying is its fucking retarded.
>they shouldn't do this - cc
>pays for it anyway in front of his viewers completely nullifying the above point
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never forget the outrage over abby who said like 3 words after 6 acts and fucked off
wuwa lost so fvcking hard
GFL2? It failed cuz of cuck shit though.

Man who are these leakers

Ideally we get everything for free in a gacha game without spending a dime. Does that sound reasonable to you? It shouldn't.

At the end of the day we're consumers and they're an overseas chinese company and the discourse atm is about where the line is drawn. Some people think yaho should be combined onto banner 1, some others are fine with her on banner 2. That kind of discussion is free reign. The fagolas trying to pretend this'll be the death of WW are falseflaggers and shills though.
buckbroken beyond belief
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Those were by shitposting leakers, I'm sure you must be aware by now with how much people mention it but giving characters for free is just standard for Kuro, so anyone that said that it was because of ZZZ was just trying to start shit.
>cannot check the news for days
>Youhu will be on a different banner and a fucking Jiyan rerun off all things
yeah I don't think I want to waste my guarantee accidentaly on him right before Camellya
>only /bag/pedos upset
and nothing of value was lost
Reminder that people who outright hate loli are tourists themselves, at most, people are indifferent
>a /bag/pedo
it all makes sense now
Oh I see what you are saying now.
thanks for this bwp
>Not caring because loli will get rerun means I'm a loli hater
>Not caring because I'd rather save for cummy is being a loli hater
yeah but rexlent is a special case. Surely most whales would still hesitate to pull 200 times for an s6 4 star on a 5* banner they already have s6r5
Kuro's fault was being too generous and make Youhu a 4* with a great outro.
They should have made her a 5* and nobody would complain.
it's not when you try to look at it from his POV where he has fuck you money and speaks outside the box for us peasants
Is Yapyap still on shorekeeper's banner? I want to finish her
No one knows. Wouldn't be surprised if all those 4 stars are completely different
Did it really take you 10 minutes to come up with this retarded mental gymnastic
>everyone is the same person
>everyone is sitting in this thread reading every post as it appears
surely you have better things to do. If you don't then at least have an actual argument against what I said
It's westoids defending this shit they are used to getting fucked over by corpos they go out of their way to spite the loli
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homo game btw. you can go back to your incel general like /gig/, /zzz/, /bag/ and /nikg/
maybe if kuro’s first loli game didn’t eos they would’ve cared enough to put her with shorekeeper or even make her a limited, guess the demand just wasn’t there
>They should have made her a 5* and nobody would complain.
actually true.
I can't believe this community is full of morons. It's a slippery slope.

> Put new 4* Loli in a banner no one cares about
> No females for years
> Cucking and Ship faggotry
> Playerbase cut in half (kuro cannot survive this unlike mmihoyoo)

By all means keep dickriding and defending this bullshit
>They should have made her a 5* and nobody would complain.
This is the only sensible take ITT, everyone else is coping
>People that want to S6 Youhu aren't going to pull for Jiyan if they have him at S6
I don't need to argue anything you sound like a fucking retard.
>rex says X
>his actions prove Y
>i-it doesn't count because......
that's what you're saying right now?
this means nothing when we have leaks of 2.0 going on with only females. heterosexual game btw.
you should care because it'll happen to something you want stupid retard.
this is how it starts.
Why the fuck are you so fixated on rexlent? I'm not even the same guy that brought him up. just look at what >>495994612
said and realize that it's bad for the average whale
Am I the only one here who likes loli but not msgk?
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Yeah, honestly I'm still wondering if they did this on purpose to bait a devs listened moment, but Kuro does some retarded shit with character releases sometimes in PGR too, so its impossible to tell if this is a dumb fuck up or if its a 5head marketing moment.
So... Why is not one mentioning that the Jiyan banner doesn't have Mortefi?
at least as 5 star her numbers should be much better. Right now she is decent at best even with RC6
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what a GOD
both banners are complete shit after the change
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it's going to eos because of a 4 star loli? That's sounds being blown out of proportion. Feels like the one dollar again.
i mean, it could be literally anyone
>hey game doing this is le bad
>oh but ill spend and support it anyway
do you not understand how this looks exactly like genshit "boycotts"? aka worthless? who cares if its fuck you money, make a stand.
so what are the 4 stars on each banner? Do you even know?
This general is a complete joke.
>everyone itt right now
I read the male in 2.1 is controversial said by leakers. 100% it's a shota homo whose gonna cuck the MC. sEoSs soon :))
Main energy+HP%+HP for SK right? it feels weird rolling for it
This post is factually checked by the wuwa fact checkers
+ crit dmg, but yes.
Youhu on Jiyan banner still makes sense because they’re both from Huanglong, why would they run her with the head of Black Shores?
crit dmg 4 cost. ER 3 cost and hp 1 cost.

Though the crit dmg and hp barely matters just make sure you get 240 ER somehow
Hey dumbass, try to imagine they put a 4* character your looking forward to in a homo banner
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>shota homo whose gonna suck the MC
the game is SAVED
>240 ER somehow
And I thought things couldn't get any worse.
Me too, but I like Youhu.
>wait till rerun or spook since there's exactly 10 4*'s including youhu right now
This or you can get some random 4* weapon and not even a character
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How do you pronounce:
Xiangli Yao
Already happened with Danjin and I got general'd (first 10 roll so who cares).
I don't get an aneurysm when seeing males though...
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So all this shit isn't even about putting new characters together but just muh homo?

Will people complain this hard with lumi together with yinlin?
Ok but what if they put her rerun on another homo then another homo then another homo...
You all talking like you don't have all 4* at this point with at least 2 resonances and one or two maxed out just by rolling on whatever.
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this is why leakers should be lined up and executed
worthless clout-chasing maggots that provide nothing of value while creating unfounded expectations
also pedos when everything is not served to them on a diamond platter
rather take the 5 sisters writing threads asking for more males everyday than these
Haha that's the funny part. They won't. I know people who would be happier with that outcome because they don't have yinlin yet too.
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Imagine if it is a trap character and makes all the husbando wanters seethe.
But how am i supposed to save asstrite without male banners...?
>or spook
it's a 4* and there's very little of them. You'll have an easier time convincing me a day 1 player who isn't doing a 0 pulls challenge doesn't have every released 4* so far.
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Usually this kind of stuff lets you get all the currency as a casual.
I'm missing something here, but it is what it is. 80 currency won't break me when I'm only 18 starring anyways.
It's Lumi now
I have nearly s6 of every character, granted I lost pity and coin flip on all the banners so like 550 rolls or so.

Yeah like eventually a 4* you want will be on a banner with a 5* you have. People want every new 4* to be attached to a new 5* are delusional. Not enough characters for that to happen.
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>4 hours, 420 replies
This isn't the normal general speed specially for the end of the patch without content.
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I don't have Aalto yet.
none asked shill faggot
How is solon going to fix this?
fact: The English dub was good
I want a cute trap but not a yandere.
Please make it a pretty mommywife (male).
It's still Dengdeng in chinese. Basically a cute way of saying "light".
>pedo seething
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I'm guessing I just should have been melting enemies when they came out frame 1 in stage 7 but I don't care enough to fish for four thousand points.
>do all the stage benchmarks
>not enough to meet the threshold for all premium currency
Very odd choice.
Now do it again.
Bro its cumulative
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>My general
Go away jiyan. Nobody likes you. Nobody likes cowards. This lad is the correct general.
Once big daddy from /z.zz/ is released, this game dies. kuro is just so incompetent
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Oh shit I thought it was just adding up the scores.
Here I thought I was some giga shitter, sure I can go murder it a few more times.
Thanks, anons.
>his tacet mark is on his neck
Okay that's badass
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He's pretty but I don't see us getting another twinklet after Yao for a while
>Yeah i know we're fucked let's die in vain like retards anyway
Whats up with chinks and their suicidal tendencies?
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I solo content with changli as much as I can
He did stop the big bad before the two of them disappeared somewhere and we only got Jiyan's side of the story and his constant seething over him
free 10 pull in the mail take it or leave it (I'd actually prefer that over them changing the banner)
XLY is still too manly for my taste...
Anon, I don't care if it's male or female. I don't want new 4star characters on the rerun banners because 99% of the time I will already have the rerun character. Period. What is so hard to understand on this? Anyone who doesn't go for dupes will just skip those rerun banners, just like how I will this one. And if they put Dengdeng on the Yinlin rerun, I will skip her as well, because I already have Yinlin.
I solo lucia in the vagina
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All we know about him comes from a guilt tripping schizo looking at shit he probably didn't fully understand at the time i would take greenman's opinion of him with a grain of salt.
>99% of the time I will already have the rerun character
>I'm going to have a copy of literally every limited that comes out
luckshitter future wishful thinking or whale?
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I don't remember making this post.
Whoops meant to spell cringe here. My bad!
updooted check your inbox i sent you some gold ;)
He was literally soloing the boss and he would have won if that coward greenman medic didn't flee from the battlefield with all the troops.
Okay, Lin, it's time to stop posting.
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If he was soloing it, he wouldn't lose because the troops left.
He needed his minions to hold back the enemy minions for the ultimate 1v1. So cool.
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I don't like this argument because you can still get very unlucky
>40k astrite
>STILL no Taoqi, even though I pulled for Jinhsi
And that's not counting the green orbs
Please tell me it's not true. Heard Youhu isn't going to be on Shorekeeper's banner. What the fuck it can't be true.
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I can solo your mom just fine for a couple hours but eventually i need your dad to massage my prostate to seal the deal.
Things aren't black and white out there sonny i reccommend you read some Solzhenitsyn.
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Sup z.z.z. faggot, I see you woke up. On the filter you go~
green man needed an army, a big ass laser gun and the power of a destined god to win let that sink in
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>but eventually i need your dad to massage my prostate to seal the deal.
Thats quite specific, is there anything you want to share with the class?
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Isn't gasoline the sole reason The crownless statue/ovathrax sunk into the sea for 3 years? If he didn't do that and just retreated along with jiyan and the others jinzhou would be destroyed
Look all i'm saying is there's two ways sometimes more about it keep it to yourself if you have doubts until you clear your thoughts and move forward.
Did people forget majority of Geshu's squad were regularass human soldiers and why he was hellbent on winning at all costs, it wasn't until Jiyan took over that they included resonators because they saw how fucked their situation was against the discord troons
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Luckshitter and someone who can spend a bit of money if he wants. 1.4 is 122 pulls anon for Monthly+BP, you can get a few more pulls from coral too and if you purchase the not double topup 100 dollar bundle (that I didn't yet) you get 50 more rolls on top of that. Even if you have dogshit luck and lose every 50/50, this guaranteed one 160 pull 5star for you every patch. So even with the worst of luck you only miss out on 1 character whenever there is two. So far I only don't have Jiyan but I don't even want him.
Should I do a lapdance emote for it or not?
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>Jiyan, I heard a complaint about you.
>Some of the complainants have sexual allegations while doing physical exams.
>I heard from some of the soldiers you ask them to bend over for anal examination.
>I need you to explain yourself before I go to mission.
>Should I do a lapdance emote for it or not?
Under different circumstances i would say no but the situation really calls for it now
>gaming - xianyun (new) nahida
>sethos - clorinde (new) alhaitham
>chevereuse rn - kinich (new) raiden
The weak must die.
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He's just mad he didn't get one
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Good morning bwos!
>Chinks loved Genshu Lin for leading troops to martyrism
>Called Jiyan a coward for running away
>1.1 Happens
>Learns that Rover (Us) created Jinzhou
>Learns that the soldiers that Genshu Lin led to martyrism were OUR people
>Chinks backtrack and now hate him calling him tyrant
>"How dare he play with the lives of our people!"
What do you call this mental illness? Stick to one side please chinks.
Anon, I didn't wanted to be the one to tell you, but you aren't fucking Verina's mother, you are humping a pile of ash and apparently getting a prostate massage from another pile of ash. Both of her parents are dead.
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Literal what is you're source on this they're just fine in no way shape or form did we get info of them dying and i read everything.
my glorious general would never violate his HIPAA code so those are simply false accusations from evil whores
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>chevereuse rn - kinich (new) raiden
I'm sure youhu will appear eventually in the banner of a new character, and probably less than 9 months later (just because there aren't many 4*) so I'm not sure why add that line. Unfortunately to me I'm not rolling kinich so I'll go a bit longer without chevy.
This game is becoming boringer and deader with each passing day...
We need more chibi animations ASAP bros.

How do we win against THIS https://x.com/arisu_archive/status/1838965404317999313
Foreign troops to martyrism is le good but home troops? Nono that's bad, Chinks treat jiyan like a hero now.
Then read Aalto's profile about Verina again. She asks him about her parents. Aalto as an answer tells her an allegory about flowers wilting away and that humans do the same.
BAfags finally eating good after all the doomposting.
I'm still sad PJ KV is axed though....
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>252 pulls
>6 5*
Thats an average of one 5* every 42 pulls you goddamn turbonigger give me your luck
Stop shitposting and post lewd Dreamless.
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I wanna touch it....
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My wife is beautiful!
Joe Mama
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yeah well I've lost every 50/50, luck averages out eventually
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I can't believe this brat did Wuwa first 9/11!
I genuinely don't want to play until Camellya
I hate my characters and clearing anything feels like slogging through a chore I don't want to do

I hope she's strong and fun to play so everything feels better.
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What's with that fucking crack that runs from her shoulder to her right tit is she really just some ancient Golem we made way back when?
>that early Monk and Jinhsi
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Ayy nice TGS statue
Is there any way to turn off or not use outro/intro skills? these things are so fucking annoying
What is annoying about them? Intro is literally a free parry.
I just want Yapyap's character quest.
They're a core gameplay mechanic bwo, get used to them or minimize their use by not swapping characters mid combat
>free parry
>free i-frame
eh bwo?
Are you legit retarded?
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who's intro is bothering you?
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Guys, I think I'm done seething about Youhu for now, but if I get spooked by the general early I'm leaving him at level 1 for at least 6 months, in fact, I might raise snow leopard instead out of spite
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Did they put Youhu in a Jiyan banner?
Read the thread, bwo.
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The leopard is actually OP with XLY fist bwo
Its because they put your incoming character in midair where they are a useless sitting duck that can't press most of the buttons.
>start on verina
>use her skill echo ult
>swap to zhezhi
>zhezhi starts floating because of intro skill
>her air basic combo blows cock so you have to wait 1s for her to land so she can properly build the remaining half forte to start her rotation
>she can get hit in that 1s and even if not it just eats time for no reason because fuck intro skills
>finally lands and get her rotation out
>swap to jinhsi to start pumping
>oops intro again! she starts in midair and can't use her skill to go into dragon form
>has to wait a second to land, again being at risk of getting hit and flung halfway across the screen
>if anything like that happens you lose the empowered skill to time out and half to basic to get it back, now verina's ult is gone for the nuke
Its just irritating. I can't think of a single reason I'd ever want to be in the fucking sky in this game, you lose half your buttons and the ones you can press are gimped or useless.
And that's just Jinhsi, at least she's usable with some annoyance. Changli is a fucking nightmare in the sky.

How can I not swap that's the whole reason the rotation works. I want the buffs from intro I just don't want the absolute positional cuckery that comes with it. Just put me on the ground and let me play the game and I have no issue.
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Do it coward you won't
That's just cruel and unusual.
Please don't use my wife for your shitpost
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>Just put me on the ground
hold left click, jump attacks cancel most airborne intros. its what everyone does when they don't need the intro's string attacks
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Rover literally did the same thing as him
Yapyap was almost sacrificed for the Dreamless fight to happen
>gamblers fallacy
If you flip a coin and get heads three times in a row, what is the chance of getting heads on your next flip?
I can give you a head, bwo
If Shogun is rerun then when is Zhezhi, my love? I decided to make her C6.
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>when Zhezhi shows her social anxiety people call it cute
>when i do it, im called weird or creep
Its not fair
That doesn't seem anything different to me? I
just tried it with Changli she still spawns in the air and does her horrible aerial heavy attack before she lands
Hmm should be 3 rerun banners after
They might change gacha banner and do 2 dual banners in 2.0
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at least 4 months if we're going by Jiyans reurn. but ps5 release might speed things up a bit.
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Either u get it or u don’t!
reading is for losers

isn't Youhu with Whorekeeper next patch?
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>the cooler pyramid head
Be insanely attractive despite having no time to take care of yourself, easy?
I love Zhezhi's ultra soft C cup titties. They jiggle so much.
>youtube algorithm tailored to my likes and trends in watching
>been watching a lot of ToA clears recently, variety of solo runs, some nikke videos, lots of 1566 vids, some Nikke, BAG, and PGR music
>suddenly zzzoonigger videos start popping out AGAIN
>even when I have distinctly ticked the "Not Interested" option in like a dozen similar videos that have popped out from my recommended videos these last few weeks
You just read his post.
LOSER hahahahahahahah KEKEkekeke
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My cope is rolling Shorekeeper's weapon for Verina and then doing singles on the rerun until I get a single copy of Youhou since I can't keep rolling on Shorekeeper until I max her out as planned.
>but if I get spooked by the general early I'm leaving him at level 1
If I get spooked by the general at all i'm probably just going to stop. Logically it seems unlikely, but luck being what it is you never know. I've only been playing for a few weeks so sunk cost hasn't locked me in yet.
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heh nothing personal wukeks
supposed to do intro into E immediately
I'm so glad I got Jinhsi
All i get from YouTube is breast feeding tutorials of japanese women for some reason. Fuck you Dawei.
It's only cute when girls do it bwo...
Is this the waiting room for the shorekeeper trailer?
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>planning to dump money to max out Yahoo and get Shorekeeper as an extra
>she's in china dragon man banner
I'll just put a tenner and pray then. You rike Solon?
you're fucking hopeless
leave my thread
Please give me the names of some of those channels so I can block them...
how many hours till?
any minute now
>Genshin killer
>Falls for the exact same pits mihomo fell for
>Doesn't improve shit
thanks Kuro I always wanted to revisit the genshin 1.x experience very nice
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That's what makes her perfect, not everyone can appreciate girls like Danjin.
Is Yangyang fun to play as in WuWa?
> rolling Shorekeeper's weapon for Verina
bro wtf are you doing
read the weapon description and Verina's intro...
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It's disgusting what YouTube and Dawei forces me to watch.
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>be honest with your homosexuality
Why does he cause so much drama? He's not out to get your waifu, he's not NTRing (you), as a matter of fact, he is for (you).
doubt da wei makes you watch those, he only watches nigger cocks on /gif/
Disgusting. The last girl is cute though.
If you don't pull Shorekeeper you bricked your account. She literally Oberon of WuWa without drawback
Look, I know but I'm just going to keep playing wuwa instead of wasting any more time on genshin. ZZZ already flopped but I never played it so I don't care. Sorry, not sorry still rolling shore keeper.
at S6 she's a beast support unit
It's out of his controls. Chinese hate him for being a deserter. Waifu schizos hate him for being a male. Now I hate him too because Kuro holds the loli hostage.
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>read the weapon description
>45% more energy regeneration than the Rectifier of Voyager I have to use right now
>25% more energy regeneration than the Variation I don't even have
>8 concerto energy on Liberation which isn't as good as either of the other weapon's 8 for skill, but doesn't outweigh the ER
That's how I see it.
>Verina's Intro
>deals a little damage
What am I missing about the intro?
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>can't main her
What a shame.
Bro is tripping don't mind him
>hold left click, jump attacks cancel most airborne intros
Okay so I use zhezhi's echo attack before swapping her out to changli
Holding left click as I'm swapping zhezhi out does nothing to help this, if anything I get the bad heron echo attack instead of the quick stomp one.
Holding left click as I swap changli in also does nothing. She just goes into her air dive attack with a 1.5s windup which leads to her dying to anything a hologram boss does during that time

Explain how I misinterpreted what you said, when I tried it both ways it could possibly be done.

I find it telling that 5 people called me a retard for calling out intro attacks for being difficulty to work with, and yet as soon as I point out a glaring flaw in the system with an elaborate example, only one person has anything to even attempt to dispute or solve it (which doesn't even address the sysmtem's flaw)
Okay so what's the new 4* lineup if Youhu isn't in shorekeeper's banner? Any leaks for that?
no need to be rude bwo but I understand
The jump attack works best with verina, there are many ways to cancel other characters intros though. you can cancel Changli's by simply switching characters or skill, the cooldown is just a split second. Cancels is how the game is meant to be played btw, when you cancel birbwife's intro you'll be able to immediately get the stack when you switch back to her. watch some clears on youtube, you'll see how people cancel different intros efficiently.
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Not soon enough...
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Where's the shoekeeper trailer bros...
I heard this game is a homo game now. Can someone confirm?
the atk buff doesn't activate for Verina
anyway it used to be on intro, but now that I look it again it's on skill now...
I'm confused. Am I allowed to buy the bp and monthly or not?
It used to be on intros that heal. Even before the change she couldn't use it
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>>496014691 (me)
>glaring flow
intros, outros, cancels, and the overall combat are literally what made me fall in love with this game. you're the first person I see complaining about those mechanics.
>even attempt to dispute
I hope you're not just here to start an argument. maybe other anons were right in being rude..
but if you're honest about learning, watch youtube clears and see how most people manage intros to squeeze out the most seconds they could in tower.
>>496007718 (me)
Anon, I'm not here all night. I am too busy reading Misfit Demon Lord in work.
yeah verina won't be able to activate the atk buff from shorekeepers weapon. If you want more ER but don't have variation use the craftable rectifier, rectifier25
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>the atk buff doesn't activate for Verina
Yeah, but who cares? I didn't list it because she can't use it and it's still a massive upgrade over other options. I'm getting it because I like her.
Same reason i'm gonna get the gauntlets from the Union Level 45 box when I hit it in 3 levels. Same reason i'm gonna get Yinlin's rectifier for Encore whenever she rolls around again assuming I don't get got by green medi-man.
I don't even know what that is, but i'll look it up. If it's better than Shorekeeper's weapon i'll make it.
I'm so anxious to gamba i might pull for homo and brick myself since i have guaranteed 50/50 talk me out of it wuggers.
if you have a guarantee shouldn't you be using that on shorekeeper?
YES but i just want to roool i have this sudden urge stop pretending it doesn't happen to you
>gives hp
>verina doesn't scale with hp
>gives atk buffing for team
>verina can't activate it
Literally the only reason to use it is the extra 25% ER which is a nothingburger
Why do so many people like Camellya? She was in the story for less than 3 minutes. She's just an inferior Ubel.
I looked it up. It looks worse. Same ER as variation, but instead of any useful passives it only increases her healing by boosting her attack.
Oh I thought you meant jiyan. Why not just roll on the weapon banner a bit if you want to gamba
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what in the actual fuck is a ubal fucking yurischizos i swear
I'd unironically use variation over it since you only have to skill to get the concerto vs ult but if you don't have it yeah go for shorekeepers weapon
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I already converted everything to yellow tidepod
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I love him..
Oh god how horrible. I'm not imagining this with Changli instead at all.
>Pretending he never watched Frieren
>Plays weebshit
Come on bwo...
NTA but I've never watched it, but I've heard of it. I stopped watching anime for about a decade now.
Anon your poor taste is showing
I didn't watch Frieren (except the first episode). Although I still know who Ubel is because I don't live under a rock.
Do Jin-Chan team, it can perma aircombo like 1/3 of crownless holo.

But really, just swap to a character whose intro isn't a pain then swap to the character you want to use, or swap off the intro-ing character with someone else.

As for changli, all my intros are followed by skill to get on the ground or jump cancel into phoenix for air combos. She has reasonable amount of tools in the air and what she really need is additional aerial teammates for more tools.

> I want the buffs from intro
Outro buffs in this game is such a trap, makes the game totally lame imo.
I haven't watched an anime in like two decades. Is it really just assumed you consume that medium if you play weeb games?
nta I admit I know who ubel is because the show keeps being spammed but I'll never watch it because I don't like slice of life
I think I'm just not making myself clear what I'm trying to do. I'm not trying to swap changli or jinhsi out at all until they have finished their rotation.
Here is the exact chain of events I am trying to produce:
>start with verina, use all her stuff then swap into zhezhi
>use all of zhezhi's stuff then swap into changli (or jinhsi)
>use all of changli's damage and dump everything under buffs
>then, swap back to verina and start the process all over again
That's all I'm trying to do. And I want to do it without intro attacks interrupting the flow of swapping each subsequent character in and ruining the burst.

Idk what the cancel shit is but if I'm understanding right based on this its something like
>do zhezhi
>swap to changli (intro)
>quickly swap back to zhezhi to cancel changli's intro
>swap back to changli
Which sounds like a really useful tech for general play if I understand it right. But considering I would lose the 25% damage buff if I do that idk if its really what I'm trying to do (which is nuke). I just want to have the intro be less shit.

I have no problem being wrong and learning but I don't like getting called a retard for not understanding how to use a very unintuitive system (that apparently everyone else just instantly knew how to do based on your spoiler). Is there some bible of mechanics and techs that I just never received? Because the game never tells you any of this.

I love the combat as well or I wouldn't be playing it, I just don't like them when they actively start to fuck me over during combat. I can't afford to stun my own character for 1-1.5s when I swap in a hologram fight where one hit is death and my burst window is on the clock. It literally feels like I'm getting punished for building the concerto gauge.
If you have any youtube videos to recommend I'd be happy to watch and learn from them. Because the ones I've been using so far sure aren't doing this.
any update on china? have chinks made kuro kneel yet?
anon that hates the mid air intros should still write it into the next survery because even though it doesn't bother me personally I still think it would be good to at least have the option to turn it off
>I have no problem being wrong and learning but I don't like getting called a retard for not understanding how to use a very unintuitive system
I thought I was doing something wrong and that there was something you were supposed to do, but it sounds like there isn't a way to stop or use it properly and the playerbase's solution for a bad mechanic was to swap off and swap back. Like they made the conscious decision to have intros leave you in the air and it's accepted that this is shitty and you should hit an undo button to make it work. I guess i'll put it in feedback.
wait like 2 more hours
There there. Solon has zipper down now. Go suck his dick.
Where is the predownload patch?
Jesus christ Wuwa is dead. Rexlent was trying to hype it up and ended up showing like 10 people in line to try the new patch.
she really is the best
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I mean if quick swapping is supposed to be the way the fix to this I guess it is what it is and I should learn it and start to try using it in my play. But
1) I don't understand why I was called retarded for finding this to be an issue, when the community clearly had found the same thing (and found a way around it)
2) I feel like the game actively mislead me into not looking for a solution like quick swapping. Because the wording on things like pic related
>or until they are switched out
would make me not even consider trying something like quick swapping as a potential solution since I'd lose this buff and that logically is suboptimal

>outro buffs in this game is such a trap
Which just makes stuff like my 2) above even more frustrating.
If that is the fast way for Changli to land. Is there one for Jinhsi too or just the quick swap?
My hobby is seeing if the hoyonigger posts are exactly a minute apart
You have no idea how tempted I am to ask for Jinhsi omorashi in the next poll.
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>ask for Jinhsi omorashi in the next poll
What do you mean by this.
Shorekeeper! I am going into battle! I need your strongest shore!
Jinhsi is a filthy sniper main, probably a silent aimbotter too.
An event like that one in witch weapon that ended with Ren pissing herself after holding it in literally all chapter. God I miss that game. One of the later new years events had Raphael shoving a magic egg up her pussy.
>I feel like the game actively mislead me
It didn't. The quick-swap (for landing) isn't intended and a player-made Band-Aid for the problem. The intention by design wasn't to make you swap to someone else and swap back just to put you on the ground. The reason shit expires on swap is because they didn't think the in-air stuff was a problem. Animation canceling and swapping mid-animation are basic fundamentals most players of action games tend to do on instinct, but there's a difference between that and, like, undoing an end state. It's weird and i'm not explaining it right.
I'll put it in the survey and you should to, but I don't see it changing because most people are like me and are too lazy to do anything about it and grow accustomed to it.
>quick swapping
Depends on the team. For some characters with long animation locks you should swap out to boost team damage on the 1 second cooldown and to prevent getting damaged while locked. If you want to face tank through everything while animation locked then you can use the buffs that drop on swap. Either play style is viable but animation lock swapping is harder and probably has the higher damage ceiling.
I've spent the entire day trying to create a Youhu drama Kuro hitpiece on gachagaming but it keeps getting removed. Kuro is reddit.
>Wuthering Gays
Lemao. Roll for that homo character to get that FOUR STAR loli!
>Literal free drama for those people to chew on
>Removes it instead
Now that's something
Would be funny if kuro force them to sponsor wuwa on that sub again lol
Is the Insider Channel a decent purchase?
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>spending money on this game
as someone that only cares about rolls not really. but if you complain about credits and mats and things like that probably. The 4* weapons from there are also kind of bad
just get the monthly
If you want faster Rank 5 weapons and like the profile sigils I guess. Otherwise no, it's literally double the money just for a 4star weapon.
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>nigger spamming doomposts at the same time, every day.
it's the texan schizo again, isn't it? just larping and falseflagging as pajeets and seadogs.
>>496021568 (me)
Oh wait I'm dumb, why don't you just called it BP like everyone else? I thought at the moment that the insider is the connoisseur version.
https://x.com/Wuwa_update/status/1838912475661738285 I love jinny so much
Yeah mainly thinking of it just for the mats.


My bad. I was wondering why you said it was double the price. Though I feel like if I say battle pass or BP it still might be confusing on which one I'm talking about. I guess I can say ten dollar BP.
But yeah just meant the ten dollar one.
>30 gig download
Why? Mt firmament was a +3 gigs wasn't it?
Nah, BP alone is fine, as I said outside of those who wants the weapons to be Rank 5 faster, no one purchases them because for the price they don't give value. So everyone from BP would just assume the normal one.
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>and I want to do it without intro attacks interrupting the flow of swapping each subsequent character in and ruining the burst.
>ruining the burst
how does it ruin the burst? dont like the intro? an E will cancel it, don't wanna E? you can burst mid-air. it has zero limitation on what you can do.
>"Idk what the cancel shit"
>he doesn't know about the mechanic this game is built upon
Changli will attack while she's out of field just like how she would if you were controlling her
Calcharo is straight up unusable if you don't cancel his heavies
Most transformation echos should be cancelled.
im sorry but if you don't know about a core game mechanic you shouldn't argue about anything until you do. you can't study multivariable calculus before algebra
>I feel like the game actively mislead me
wanna use her outro with changli without swapping back and forth? just press E when the intro starts, her string won't take a second longer than it would if she didn't have her intro.
No? It made you redownload the game and unpack the difference.
mt firmament you still redownloaded the whole thing 25 gb or whatever. Only really adding 5 gb this time
I think its more of a problem with how the mid air state functions that makes it bad.
Grounded characters feel more responsive and I can do stuff like animation cancel and swap and it feels snappy and natural.

The aerial combat just feels restricted and scuffed. Not even considering the many moves that are hard restricted from being used in the air, the general movement/dodging/animation canceling and stuff in air just feels bad and less responsive, and its harder to get a good perspective on incoming attacks and hitboxes.
Its why even on "good" aerial characters like Changli I still hate being in the air because I have so little control over my positioning and what I can do compared to when I'm grounded.

Even still quick swapping does seem like a unique form of skill expression, even if its unintended. If anything I'd rather them just fix mid air combat to not be dog shit.

Normally I do just face tank it if I'm in illusive realms or tower, which is why I never had much of a problem until now. But finally getting around to doing the hologram bosses they just kill me if I eat an attack so it made this whole thing come to light.
No, I mean it was 18 -> 21 gigs for 1.0 -> 1.1 right?
If this game is supposedly better than Genshin why are they copying all of Genshin's worst practices like putting the new 4 star on the banner nobody wants to roll on?
They said in the stream, no? They are still going through thousands of tickets and do continuous optimizations, for the time being it's most likely easier to just bulk the download into the whole game than picking out separate files what was changed and what isn't that might accidentally cause problems. But I think we already talked about this, anyone with normal internet can download 30GB under a minute or two. (2GB Telekom here)
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You understand every time an anon mentions his going to spend and buy a $100 pack, someone from Indonesia can feed his family with the same money for at least two to three weeks. Please be sensitive about spending. because it causes emotional rage.
Is predownload available now doko?
Ah all right, fair enough.
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but the patch is in 3 days
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isn't that the point of predownloading?
>anyone with normal internet can download 30GB under a minute or two
>tfw still only get 6MBs max download speeds
It's not fair. I don't even live in the middle of nowhere either. Apparently new lines are being laid down soon at least.
the predownload is always during maint which they have given the time for
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>Grounded characters feel more responsive and I can do stuff like animation cancel and swap and it feels snappy and natural.

And aerial combat keeps you out of range for many enemy attacks. Its a trade off, thankfully you have the freedom to choose whatever position you like by cancelling whatever animation you don't like.
Day by day. I am vindicated by my decision of no longer spending money on this game.
Up to where you are I guess. As shit as a country this is, at least it has good wifi (Middle Europe) for cheap. I pay 25USD a month for my 2GB telekom internet. Even my work wifi that I'm stealing is pic related.
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Jinny game
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do not care
did not ask
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Don't forget to prepare yourself for the revenoooposting. Ankobwos first.
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what is there to revenuepost when their 2 shitpost games can't even surpass HSR?
Just like this game, there is some luck on where you are with internet options. Everyone I've talked to from Europe usually has better internet than me, and for cheaper too.

This is what I'm hoping for soon but it will probably double the bill.
That's a big revenoo. But I like the autistic chibi version more.
well he did say it was his work internet
yeah worth it tho, internet is basic human right.
I see Verina has been the real brat all along.
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wtf it's so powerful
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what the fuck bros check out this teeny tiny revenooo
Yooo, it's the girl from hikari ost
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Loving the new art and stuff we're getting
>The true face of God
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Look at that absolute unit
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I wish this were me
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>how does it ruin the burst? dont like the intro? an E will cancel it, don't wanna E? you can burst mid-air. it has zero limitation on what you can do.
If Jinhsi gets locked in her intro string she can't E until she gets out of it and recovers on the ground.
Other characters like Verina can't E at all in the air so you just have to take the L upon swap (or I guess now I can use quick swap)
>he doesn't know about the mechanic this game is built upon
If you're talking about basic swapping and animation canceling yeah I figured out that much. But not the quick swapping back and forth constantly to cancel animations that aren't normally cancellable, that is a very unintuitive way to play that people wouldn't typically figure out (especially when there are buffs that deactivate on swap out, and other things that imply you should not be doing this type of frequent swapping).
If you want to make the argument that its a tech the community has built the metagame on I'll give you that, and just accept that I was simply ignorant to the tech because I haven't needed it until now. But no this is not "the mechanic this game is built on". There isn't even an in-game tutorial for it acknowledging its intended. For better or worse its effectively an exploit. The other anon summed it up better than I could.
>wanna use her outro with changli without swapping back and forth? just press E when the intro starts
And yeah that's great for Changli but her damage has a much more reasonable spread so the burst window is a lot more freestyle.
Jinhsi is the one I'm really playing around a tighter burst window and she doesn't have the same flexibility on her E.
I love my suicidal flat wife!
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What did he mean by this?
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Yapyap reigns supreme as the official face of wuwa
Is 5 the lowest possible amount of characters needed to 30/30 tower?
>basic human right
I find this concept gay, but for this situation I will accept it.
3 S6 limited characters
technically you only need 3
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Kek, i'm going to be an asshole and just mention i just cleared the lunite shop twice in advance because i got a massive overtime bonus this month
Holy shit I love this revenooo, hope we get more!
it's 3 characters one for each tower
whales have done this already
Shorekeeper, I tell you I am going into battle, and I want only your strongest shores!
MankoGOD, I kneel
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No shores for you until you say the magic word especially not the strongest
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You can't handle her WUs they're too WA for you
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Zhezhi, not forgotten...
Chat would you yap her yaps?
Yapyap supremacy!
Well then that's it, Shorekeeper I'll go elsewhere. I'll go elsewhere for my shores.
I would yap her in her yappers if you know what i'm saying Haha
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Rexlent did it betterr
How bad do I need XLY's gauntlets?
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traditional korean beauty
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In retrospective, limiting yourself to 5 weapon types severely hinders the creation of characters.
So we'll never get an Axe, bow, naginata- etc wielding character.
Hell the rectifier is already a "fuck it we ball" weapon thats pretty much whatever the guy wielding it wants it to be.
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You thought it would be that easy to get youhoo? The gambling queen needs you to gamble. After you're done with shorekeeper. You better



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New girl face look nicer but her tits are smaller…
I will build pity alright, pity that she will fall to obscurity after this patch
Sexkeeper trailer when?
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your jiyan? your danjin? Your jinhsi? Your 2.0 girl? put the anko picture back on bro
Jiyan is broadblade but uses a spear in battle retard.
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Give me the trailer!
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My overtime will be a fun "little" 22K word story translation for the end of the year for around 170USD. Obviously I will do it in work only in workhours, just to maximize out that I do it pretty cheap for him. With the wink wink discount, that clears out the whole lunite shop for me once or can get the big pack twice, will see which worth it more. Will be good for 2.0
I already got everyone* else, should I just go for the monk? Or get a dupe for Verina?
*I don't have the lionfag and I'm not picking him.
I won't. I've been defeated and corrected. I'll uninstall and run away with my tail between my legs.
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That's already the case for any character that isn't extremely meta and easy to use. barely any yinlin or changli posting compared to jinhsi because people here don't have hands
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I would yap her yaps for DAYS.
Yeah i would get the monk, you'll get S2 verina eventually
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>new girl face look nicer
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Don't let the door hit you on the way out
Anon, are you fucking BLIND?
>Literally 2 seconds in
>Hand already clipping into her skirt
*spit* disgusting, i can't wank to this.
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Don't forget to clean up shop!
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How do you feel about this patch now that it's nearly over?

I'm okay with it. Was feelgood and comfy. Plus we got a free 5*.
I love the chibi standees that they have
Pgr initially also had just a handful of weapon types shared between characters, but now pretty much every character has a new unique type. I don't think ww will go that route because of hard it is to get weapons compared to pgr.
But I also don't think it's all that bad in ww since every character gets unique animations, and half of them don't even show the weapon. Like, Jiyan is basically a spear character, even though he uses broadsword. Jinhsi actually actively uses her sword, but half of her attacks are still just a spectral dragon.
Basically, that'd be a problem and a serious limitation if ww did it the genshin way, having same animation for same weapon types, and showing the weapon in nearly all animations.
what shop?
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overall good but the events were too easy (IR, aloy smelt, and the co op)
I like Xiangli Yao (despite me being a male), so it was ok. Excited for the absolute kino coming.
Had way more events then I pictured, I got Zhezhi within 60 pulls so I'm happy. 2nd half actually went by pretty quickly, and I didn't even get a chance to build the free homo
Comfy story. Both Zhezhi story quest and homo story quest has some of the best scenery in game.
overall was okay, i always have something to do everyday, granted I only devoted 20-30 mins of my day to wuwa so I consumed the content little by little and still managed to finish everything. Didn't feel compelled to rush any event in particular. Wish the x2 tube drop becomes more permanent tho, tubes are the real bottleneck in this game.
Love that they're experimenting with what game modes they can add, hope we get some arknights-esque top-down tower defense in the future.
Don't like filler patches. This one didn't make me like them either.
Tits too big
>retro pixel mini-games incoming for the future
i'm still mad at this nigger solon for putting yahoo in the homo banner, but some retro gaming with my wuwas might mollify some of my anger
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This is my team
There may be better ones out there but this one is mine
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Should I stay up a few hours for the trailer?
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I liked Jeji.
It was a nice patch, the Co-Op and free 5 star got some of my friends into the game and I've been spending the past week getting them up to speed. Illusive realm was good and the story was too, got to add another 100 pulls to my Camellya fund too.
Feeling good!
I don't care for Yahoo no i'm not coping never did
You can whatever in overworld. Mech abomination on xiangli and jue on jinhsi is goated for the aoe clearing. just need someone to run inferno rider though
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*Verification not required*
But is it good or bad though he didn't say
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Open that wallet pedos!
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This is...bad...
Well, Shorekeeper says that the end is near and everyone will die, in addition to her likely being a construct. So she's indeed bad news. Won't stop me from rolling her though.
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Uhh anon..I skipped Jiyan because I needed to have enough rolls for yinlin and I want him and I want youhu. Don't speak for other people you retard
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Anyone know what's the bare minimum for 120 fps i'm using this premade right now but i don't get the option.
Btw do i have to use a special monitor for this i'm just using some 6 year old bigass flatscreen that's probably hurting my eyesight.
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Personally after getting shorekeeper I'll do a cheeky 20 pulls on the generals banner and hope for a copy of the brat who will go in my collection and probably never get built
you don't tell me what to do you damn brat!
Sorry anon but your position such a minority that its not even worth mentioning.
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>Youhu on Jiyan banner
Never been this miffed at a banner announcement before. I would legitimately roll a banner with no limited 5* rate-up over this piece of shit.
Eh... Just build pity on Jiyan's banner?
>Oh nyo i accidentally pulled him on my 20th pull
The absolute horror literally bricked account.
How good is Jiyan if I get extra copies of him? I use him all the time to farm when I'm lazy.
there was some file you can edit in the install folder to enable 120 fps even if the game doesn't give you the option
>Pretending to care about Youhu and skipping Shorekeeper
Wanna bet on the Shorekeeper : Youhu ownership ratio post 1.3 update?
We're going to get a weapon box in 1.3 that gives one of the new 4* weapons. I'll get a rectalfier for my Yinlin and use it until I spark the standard rectalfier.
his s1 is useless but his s2 is pretty good
I can hear it...
I need sexkeeper trailer NOW! KURO what the fuck are you doing
Damn, guess I'll try and get him to s2 if I can since there isn't anyone I want currently announced.
I don't give a shit about anyone else. I only care about (Me).
I thought you loved me, bro.
this niggas shadowboxing who the fuck is he talking to
Not even your momma love you lil bro
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yeah he's pretty whalebait his dupes are all good past s1 and s6 turns him into a god
Holy shit this nigga has maxed out zen
No Nvidia on me, but my Zephyrus laptop has 120fps unlocked with an RX6800S 8GB
>already has jiyan
>doesn't care about the insane lineup of girls now till 2.0 onwards
I mean that's just a woman.
Pity building is for retards. Why the fuck would any sane person pull on a banner they don't want to?
For the 4* and not because I'm a gambling addict.
That s6 is insane. Goddamn.
why do all the skimpy outfit mods for verina and encore give this big butts
don't they already have wide hips and big butts
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Holy sexo
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Happy Elf!
>Intro skill buffs for 15 seconds
>Can recast it every 15 seconds
Whats even the point of having a ""cooldown""?
We only really know about Tsubaki though. The supposed 2.0 gun girl is literally just a concept art without any actual information.
Imagine being you inside her
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s3+ or nothing sis
You will never be japanese
When I have the itch to gamble, I just go play mahjong and my blood pressure skyrocket after 2 games. Gambling is really not for me.
The s5 with attack increase with 15 stacks is what's got me. They really decked Jiyan out for whoever whales for him.
I hope you did not redeem Xiangli Yao
many of us already learned japanese and live in japan, wuwadachi
Jesus this man just deletes things at s6 wtf
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gosh I love Yapyap
Then you should be an 80 years old rotting corpse doing an endless wagie job yes?
I wonder what this paid model is thinking about in this picture.
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Whats the logical max number of rolls to do if i try to shit-luck Jiyan? 20, 40?
Anymore than that and i feel like i'm just wasting resources for Shorekeeper and Camellya
Probably "gosh I love Yapyap".
Mahjong doesn't make sense
Its literally just Poker
I got him in 30 on launch and didn't have to reroll but I had to hit pity for his weapon, so it's completely up your RNG.
1 holo per patch is needed to keep the game going. Story just doesn't cut it and people don't play it for the story given what 1.0 was like.
Why would I waste my pulls on Jiyan? LMAO.
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erm, this makes me want to spend on stupid gacha stuff in WuWa more

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