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Previous >>495998303

Version 1.2 "Tour de Inferno" Special Program:
Dev Face-to-Face | Zenless Zone Zero:

Agent Record | Caesar King
Agent Record | Burnice White
Agent Record | Lighter Lorenz

>Newest Trailer/Teaser/Character demo

>Upcoming Events for 1.2
Full 1.2 details and events: https://zenless.hoyoverse.com/en-us/news/125865
New at the Arcade: Bizarre Brigade - to be added in 1.2
Back in Business - Daily check in, double drops and more - 09/25 (1.2 release) - 10/10 03:59 (server time)
All New Program - 09/25 (1.2 release) - 11/05 03:59 (server time)
Overlord's Feast - 09/26 10:00 (server time) - 11/04 03:59 (server time)

>Redeemable codes (claimable in-game or online)

>Resources and useful links
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>3 more weeks until C6
>playing the meta
>not making a team based on cuteness
disgraceful behavior
I wish I was reincarnated as a meerkat thiren in order to satisfy Burnice’s cravings…
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banging . . . BOOS!
the mentally ill pedo from reddit really is going to cry for 4 more hours
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What stat does Ceasar want beside impact
I like this ritualpost
it's just people who hate loli coping
Burnice is way more kino than I thought she would be.
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and what are those cravings?
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Reminder that the 'jane schizo" and "anti-jane pedo" are the same person
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He won
Burnice is fun but Caesar feels much comfier and her buffs are insane, hence
>pull Caesar
>skip burnice
>skip Yanagi
>skip Lighter
>skip Harumasa
>pull Mibibi
playing Caesar reminds me of playing Gladio in FFXV, fuckin' love parryGODS
I don't understand this ritualpost but I like it.
Raw attack
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Is lighter physical or fire?
Burnice wants to rimjob furry women
neither hes ice
Ayo hol up.
>Loads into part 4 of TV quest chain
>Fairy begins 2 lines of unskippable dialogue telling you where the target is
>takes 3 steps, fairy begins tutorial dialogue for the puzzle for 3 year olds
>readjusts zoom setting again after the "puzzle"
>1st puzzle for 3 year olds, fairy has a setting to resolve it for you if you fail
>scripted fight, 4 ethereals and a big ethereal
>encounters locked door, Fairy says 'master I cannot open this as it is locked', camera zooms out and pans to alternative path
>steps on a platform that shoots you right next to the target, dialogue starts again
>2nd puzzle for 3 year olds
>hidden passage opens, reward: 3500 dennies and 2 tapes
>fairy talks again, camera zooms out
>last puzzle, this time with 1 extra step
>final reward: 15 polychromes, 4000 dennies, 2 audio booster master copies
I'm glad they committed to making the cool parry character be a good 5 star. Back when genshin launched beidou was easily the most interesting character to play but she was mid meta wise
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you banged the boo too much...
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Wow bros...
That bike minigame was so fucking AMAZING.
Holy shit.
Truly the most amazing thing out there.

I'm glad they spent dev time to it.
Gee I dunno anon, I wonder what alement a character named 'Lighter' doing fire shoryukens is.
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should i run ben or piper with S11 & lucy
i'm waiting for burnice and lighter banners
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>Watch ZZZ streams
>Every female streamer cums instantly to Lighter's intro
Burnice would trick you into getting a prostate massage from her and you'd notice the lube she's coating your hole with smells a bit too much like gasoline
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wow the lightning strike rally missions are actually just bullshit am I seriously supposed to kill stuff while 10 light bolts spawn on me per second or am I just supposed to let all the enemies die while i frantically run around
on? you died? well restart the whole ass mission not just this encounter
unironically have an easier time with 11/11 then this shit
>caesar can block with her little shield
>seth can't with his bargain bin charge blade
no way they're not reusing it another 5x
Have you seen his ass?
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It's literally 1 retard mindbroken by QY/Piper/Lucy
actually filtered
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>Was going to skip Caesar for Burnince
>Found out Burnice literally eats shit
Maybe im going to skip Caesar afterall...
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there are people in this very thread who are in a SD speedrunning discord
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>razor boss is more attack spamming niggershit
As if the mechs weren't already bad enough.
Bro your caesar?
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Is this real?
Ben is kino, drops mini nukes with his parries and has decent daze which S11 likes
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>She did the thing
I love this trope.
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very based top posts, this will be a good thread
He does when he parries.
Oh so it's bad when women do it huh, fucking LOSER CHUD INCEL FAGGOT
>He doesn't know about guard points
no, you can literally see the padding on the thighs
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>Linear decline
All mobile games experience churn
What mobile games hockey stick to the upper right? Can you think of any?
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most used bangboo in India
How do you even get mindbroken by those 3?
Stop sexualizing my husband, please and thank you.

>t. jealous asslet
I want to rub my penis on her face
I love tit cows.
I love flats.
I love cunny.
I love ass.
I love shorties .
I love amazons.
I love monster girls.
I love girls.
That's it.
When's the cheesetopia event?
the sisters are starving bwo please understand
Do you have this but with Caesar?
whatever makes you cope bro
Fairy, show me this anons balls.
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woah whose ass is that???
ummm anti-janebros... we must stop using this user-submitted pull tracker site, I repeat, stop using the pull tracker site, it no longer supports the narrative
Can someone post that webm of Belle's welcome back video? I need it for urgent research.
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Because of THIS
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That's lighter...
Feixiao actually outsold Jing Yuan in HSR, so they can trend back up even during a period as uninteresting as a Space China filler arc
Zamn shes got the whole bakery
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Rat love
Ohnonononnonononon this anon is gay hahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahaha
No but I'll do it in a while
This isn't a copbot, this is a stripperbot.
When will this milkmaid be playable?
Why is everyone in SoC a fatass I know they’re pig themed but damn
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I intantly came when Piper showed up.
I am no better.
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>Women go coochsplooh on lighter
>He won't even remember their name
No roll corinbro here, I'm trying this setup for a bit. I'm not happy with the crit going down from 50% but Nicole can get her back to 50% on ether weak enemies so I'm giving it a shot.
Let me say tho, getting more than +1 on a disk 4 into crit is pretty tough.
Is anyone still shocked that she's loved outside of this place by everyone except trannies and angry foids?
Is she related to Sundowner?
>kafka, black swan, AND robin rerun
literally impossible to fail, we don't even have reruns yet
>Fexiao, Robin, Kafka and Black swan outsold Jing Yuan
Already did love, already did.
bros im sorry... i got filtered
being the kind of retard that whines about loli mostly
>there's a "random" event in his way
>droooops down
>"this is room blah blah blah"
>liiiiiiiifts back up
Heh... Lighter huh? I'll remember that name.
Bro your Ben?
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God I want to give Lighter a reverse rimjob I'm swiping for him I don't care anymore
Piper ball on Burnice?
The warnings were too late.. rat is pure sex
Yeah mine
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She also LOVES children.
she had the buff of being acheron for FUA (literally the only fun teambuilding style) to be fair
no my balls on Burnice
>no support on first side
>second side hinges on a resisted DPS with no passive
What does the "B" in Burnice stand for?
how the fuck do i preview adult content on pixiv? do i really need to open them in new tabs to see them?
Ok but who was the siblings teacher?
Is it Joyful?
The guy with no head?
Burnice doesn’t want to be on field for long so any cope ball you use needs to either do something immediate or buff the next character in
Also I don't know how but somehow when I tried Lucy she he a dude for 13 million damage. Was it a bug?
What are these team building
>they finally fixed the bug where it wouldn't detect you had a controller plugged in and now defaults to whatever you used last
holy shit thank you. QoL changes in this patch have been good.
I wasn't expecting them to make her actually interesting, pleasantly surprised
Among us
I can’t help but get the feeling somethings wrong with the text boxes. I don’t remember it shrinking and enlarging constanly the way it does like it’s PSCT on Yugioh and MtG cards.
To be fair, we have less free currency to use now compared to then since a ton of people rolled for Jane plus the last ded month. I say this as someone that rollwd M1 Jane and like Seth and her.

There aren't more anthro men and the only other wolf character is going in the trash the moment we get the chance to beat his ass since he is a mega faggot like his scared faced aids bf.
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I am happy for you, biological female.
Yes, it’s actually in the known issues right now
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i'm holding out for angels or another belobog
Hoyo making all the achievements doable by literal retards
which site is this?
I'm using zzz.rng.moe
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>courage is power! *giggle* knowledge is, too!
bros... she's trying to woo me
>reverse rimjob
How does that even work?
Bro go to your settings
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leaks doko
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the very same
why did she perform worse than qingyi then
women are filling entire buckets to lighter right now
Ben is pretty decent in that team, his shield synergizes well with Inferno Metal. He's also pretty easy to build as he can use a lot of substats passably (def%, anything crit rated, attack%, pen) if you don't want to invest too much. You can run Proto Punk on either him or Lucy, he doesn't need any set in particular too much.
What's a reverse rimjob?
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Post how bricked you were, and how SO fucking back you are.
Jokes on them I already claimed the primos
What about Graceball then?
Burnice is so unhinged, it’s great.
>replying to the samefagging salesfag
I shiggy diggy
I'm probably skipping until idols after burnice, may pick up miyabi if she's seriously overpowered or something
Perform in what sense? One is a daze unit made for burst dps and the other is an onfield carry
Okay I got M1W1 Ceasar now what? My dps are a M1W1 Ellen and a M0W1 Zhu. I do have a Qingyi. Do I use her instead of Lyacon or Shokaku?
My guess is when girls tongue peek at your hole under your balls while they’re down there giving you a bj apparently it feels really good, not that I would know
I wonder what her trust event will be.
>I can fix her
>Fuck, no I can't
Holy shit thats a lot of dennies
i was at 18k
the Burnicecord owns this general
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Caesar singlehandedly unbricked my account.
My clear with Anby in her place was 6 mins.
IDK why you care so much about what women are doing, bro.
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Just try both and see, who knows what discs and engines you have
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How good is Caeser King?
happy for 'em.
it's just that everyone hasn't imported their rolls yet bwo
so she flooped?
or does it take time for the site to update and for users to backfill
>X is a brick!
>no Y is shit!
meanwhile Zhu Yuan with shop cone and a f2p team of anby and nicole deletes 60% of an ETHER RESISTANT boss health bar in 1 burst and is gonna continue doing that for the next year because ether units are gonna be rarer than albinos
I got M0W1 Caesar without spending anything but I'm going all out on Burnice.
Yes I will swipe.
something something zhong li
the latter
as more and more people use the site, caesar will "gain" more pulls, this will continue even after her banner ends
Discs are ok I do have lyacon's engine and shokaku's engine too. But lyacon's engine i hear is pretty good on qingyi too.
burnice eats poop lol
if you like her then you like girls who eat poop
>he still rely on whack ass data website that only use by 1% of playerbase
They really just dropped a 2 hr story patch for 1.2 and fucked off, holy shit.
This invite event is so ass, at least in hsr it let you cheese it
I'll just be content with the 60 and ignore it
who would you cosplay as at a convention?
>meanwhile (insert any decently built lvl 60 character here)
Fixed. We got Nicole and Anby solo's out there, metafags need to neck themselves
Yeah, and?
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Bwo? Your Billy Kid?
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Please, I beg of you. I need quality Lucy art. Preferably nothing lewd.
are there any cope sets i can use with zhu yuan? i cant get decent chaotic metal pieces to save my goddamn life
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my workwife!
2 hours of zzz kino > 20 hours of genshit story slop
are you a biological female?
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qingyi's basic attack skill is level 12 priority right?
what invite event? do you have to clear the new story 1.2 to do it?
Anton, I got the build for it.
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billyCHADS are the real players keeping this pyos game afloat
Meant for >>496014340
If you have it it’d be a decent stat stick
My billy isnt c6...
Ben, but then i'd have to deal with the fags...
[IMPORTANT] To preface, I genuinely teared up when Caesar "died" and Lucy was crying. It was a really good moment. That said, I thought about the fissure that saved Caesar and it made me think that Phaethon could've easily been a bigger part of this being making the "asspull" fissures become actual plans, something like
>I'm detecting high Ether concentration from the center of Cinderglow Lake. Could it be...
>Caesar, I have a plan. Do you trust me with your life?
Phaethon will easily be more integral to the plot, but obviously the emotional impact of setpieces will decrease and Caesar's theme of heroics will be sacrificed. But what do you think, /zzz/?
>spending money on vidya
Where the fuck do women get all this money from
Ben, I got the build for it
they will be events and stuffs
I for one liked the TV crap as usual normies ruin everything
the normies who complained about TV aren't even playing the game now that devs removed it
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you trying to hook your sister to get into the game or what?
i already raped her
The return to ridu event, you should check your events tab in the menu.
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Bangboo minecraft.....
By cope you mean what? You're going to farm other sets? it's not going to magically become better.
I would eat her poop, preferably directly out of her ass
I have a steel cushion. Do I use it on my m4 billy or m5 corrin? who is better or is it about the same?
I think people who want to be the main character in a gacha are fucking gay
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Ok and I eat ass. We will get along just fine
If you got good daze units go with Corin
one of Lucy’s midget pig thirens
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To be honest I did not care much for him at all until voice reveal and they gave him a good ass, I guess it was that simple
The point that you and the rest of jane meltycucks are ignoring is that she is a complete waste of pull and worse than m6 piper in everyway
bro your ZY?
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What disc stats for Caesar?
society just give women more jobs and opportunity while sidelining males. college enrollment is like 65% females. Females get uppity and won't settle for less than chad.
Hit the wall don't have kids and have a lot of money to spend as wine aunts.

Yes stunners actually spend more of their time autoattacking.
stunners should be renamed to onfield character should be renamed to burst character
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this is all i have in my tabs
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Choose just one proxy
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I dont wanna redo these combat missions for the missing boxes.. FAIRY TASUKETEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
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Here. Her boobs need to move more imho tbqh senpai
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How do I cope with getting M1 Koleda instead of Caesar?
Without shitposting, how do you explain the returning proxy event being introduced this early, with special cutscenes made specifically for it, if not because ZZZ is bleeding players?
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There is nothign to Lighter though.
He has no connection with any of them.

He's just someone who got recently fucking hired.
I will chose threesome.
I won’t
I love tits
you can quit the moment you find your missing box(es) it took me like 20 seconds to find the one I missed on one of those story comissions
Incestbros won
Your """"ass pull"""" has been foreshadowed right at the beginning when they talking about the Tour de Inferno origin
Why is Burnice off-field?
>why did she perform worse than qingyi then
they're actually almost tied now, despite the fact that qingyi's banner is older, so she has the backfill advantage on this stupid ass site
Spoiler you shit nigger I will break your fucking neck
How the fuck do I unlock Cesar's skill mats?
nevermind its a web event.
I love how all the thighs in the game are so puffy and cramed into way too small socks with that sexy indent
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rude, no more commissions for you.
Can anyone explain to me why would you care what other people using for playing their game?
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roll qingyi
roll caesar
roll burnice
roll mibibi
skip everything else until idols
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I have a job, and I'll do OT if it means I can get both him and his weapon
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The softest of pities didn't get me a Caesar still.
One Piper, Six Antons, One Soukaku, One Corin's W-Engine.
One mad Anonymous.
It's been 24 hours bitch play the fucking game
Pretty sure Star Rail and Genshin did it around the same time too. It isn’t a big deal.
so now that the dust has settled, is caesar worth it
whats so different about this returning event and HSR? can't you cheese this one too with 4 accounts that cleared chapter 1 then became inactive for 2 weeks?
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Do u rike?
are you retarded? introducing returning player events in 1.2 is the standard hoyo formula
even genshit, at the peak of its popularity, had the event introduced in 1.2
so did shart rail
Why did you cry? They weren't going to let her die
Her gameplay is literally empty her energy meter then switch to someone else.
this anton shit is on my last nerve too bwo
If you're bad at the game she's mandatory. Decent jack of all trades support otherwise but nothing meta defining.
I think Burnice would understand me choosing the soft kitty
It's not my fault, my dick fell inside her!
Burnice roofies you and fucks you in the back of Steeltusk.
Oh, SPOILERS, I guess.
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ok normalfags, you win. I'll no longer goon to underage characters. I'll goon to this hag instead.
the normies who complained about TV mode left and didn't come back after devs changed it.
think there was like two polls here most people like TV mode
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My knees are bending on their own...
If you’re bad at the game you won’t be able to proc her shield parry
Ah Lighter calls be Paisen(senpai but cooler)
I think they should give your chosen Phaeton a baseball bat so we can fight directly
So we're most likely going back to the outer ring right?
Perlman is still there and Lucius fuck is still around.
women can't into tech or trade, what's stopping you from not being 'sidelined' there
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>character switch
not for the characters you want
>backup battery
not in the game
>3rd arcade game
not in the game
>racing minigame
just one short mission
>boos to repair
timing instead of puzzle
>free lucy
no free lucy
Ceasar gives me the need to breed
yes, fuck tv slop.
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Hoyo says its not true but they weigh the shitty upped A rank higher than the more desirable one.
skipped Ellen
skipped Zhu
skipped Qingyi
rolled Jane
skipping Caesar
rolling Burnice
rolling Yanagi
skipping Lighter
only rolling Harumasa if he’s an anomaly
only rolling Meeb if she’s an ice anomaly
I'm expecting Perlman to wake up and sneak off somehow, but we'll probably go back at some point.
Yes. Like 90% of TV missions were overly tutorialized slop or defaulted to >>496012427
I expected them to gut them down and slowly reintroduce them with more fun, expanded modes. Camelia Golden Week should be the minimum standard for TV levels but with FEWER FUCKING TUTORIALS AND LESS DIALOGUE
im tired of you fags complaining
ep4 story was much better off without tv crap. there is zero chance they could have conveyed the same hype with shitty tvs
random side quests and commissions? i would rather do them as 1 minute combat missions instead of shitty tvs where it would take 1 minute just to get through shitty animations
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It's official. I'm a faggot for Lighter.
calls Billy* Paisen
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I don't know, man. I wanted to like Caesar but
>clunky as fuck gameplay
>bad designed parry, can't even parry what comes from behind her
>group-up ability is useless if you know what're you doing, wastes assist points
>useless flat 1,000+ atk buff that'll be powercrept by the next limited support
>useless shield and interrupt combo since dodge counters does dmg and are easier to trigger
>has a cool DPS design wasted in 5-secs off-field buffer gameplay, can't even play like one outside of meme comps
>somehow, "T0" in tier lists just because morons value jack-of-all-trades
I fucking loved her design since I saw it in the launch trailer, and I'm only investing in her because of it, otherwise I feel like I wasted my pulls in this unit. Please, tell me I'm playing her wrong.

Also, how the fuck do I time S11 attacks? Sometimes I genuinely think Jane broke this game and spoiled me, her gameplay is so straightforward while everyone else has some kind of inconvenient gimmick.
Why did they make two characters short hair with long hair ponytail
>taking people's opinion here as the majority
This place is filled with contrarians. If hoyo decided to axe it it's because the overwhelming majority in their surveys and CN cried about it. Not this speck of irrelevancy that is is basket weaving forum
Yeah. Also make him one the worst characters in the game so he’s the first character to get the boot as spins as you get 1 more team mate.
yes, fuck tv slop
How rude!
Man. There’s some really beauties out in the outer ring Like Pulchra and Kasa

Too bad real life Arizona isn’t like that. Just crack heads and Mormons.
I’m in uni for computer science, pretty much all the extra opportunities/internships have “women in computing” attached to them though.
It’s honestly really annoying.
My problem with Caesar is that she feels like she walks around with cement shoes
1.2 is shit
Made me drop the game
you don't know how to play s11 but you think you're the only one who cracked the code on caesar being ass all along?
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Touch Dark Souls. Jesus christ
enjoy your corridor sloppa, no refunds.
to be fair the game doesn't explain shit
The Ballet twins chapter really made me despise TV
But at the same time, I wouldn't care if it ever comes back
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Im still bricked....
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In terms of content per patch: Genshin obviously mogs, HSR is quite substantial albeit with a shitton of dialogue slop as padding, meanwhile ZZZ is ranked dead last being the most boring, shortest, and lowest effort put in out of all of them. And to top this off things are only getting worse as devs replaced TVkino for stale copypaste combatslop.

How do we cope with this?
the grouping move is useless as fuck, the radius is too tiny
because they want to annoy ME personally
i call those kinds of hair "fake short"
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>group-up ability is useless if you know what're you doing, wastes assist points
Stopped reading since you clearly don't know what you are doing. Her grouping ability is incredible in shiyu speedruns, nobody cares about wasted assist points.
>How do I time S11 attacks
Everything you just typed is invalidated you absolute shitter cunt.
Yeah i didnt like her as well in the end
lot of FRAUD caesars with no robotic limbs around here!
Whoever said casear and burnice wasn't fun is stupid. Their demo was a lot of fun in the story.
Also me and my girlfriend before going to the hotel.
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>shiyu speedruns
Do you niggers really
yo hmu with that Caesar guide (the picture with all the things)
also, i'm so fucking unlucky, I lost every 50/50 ever
still, i emptied the bank and got her
rip burnice
well, The story is disappointing. Worst of all hoyogames for sure
I regret rolling for Caesar Kang
>how the fuck do I time S11 attacks?
Shikanoko Nokonoko Koshitantan
good riddence
I love how Caesar feels to play so much
Unfortunately, as a latelet, I'm struggling to get her to level 60 and max out all her skills as my dick is commanding me to
>>group-up ability is useless if you know what're you doing, wastes assist points
Uh you realize it also buff damage right?
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what went so wrong
there's also the Mockingbird vampire guy
>tourists who don't play the game don't know that 1.2's story is generally really well-received both here and outside of here
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>Sometimes I genuinely think Jane broke this game and spoiled me
Jane is ZZZ's Acheron/Firefly. All units coming in the future will have gameplay built around her. At least unilt the fox.
I'm getting filtered by these humanoid bosses even with fully built level 60 characters. Got close once, but got killed by that bullshit gunfire.
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Is Billy made out of rubber?
No one gives a FUCK about speed runs in a pay to win game you retarded faggot cumslurper
leaks when
>Jane is ZZZ's Acheron/Firefly. All units coming in the future will have gameplay built around her. At least unilt the fox.
>creeped in 1.3
Yes, I will praise them in the nest survey.
Imagine calling hsr wordslop when paimon delivers a treatise every time she opens her fly ridden mouth to talk to generic roadside npc #47
>ep4 story was much better off without tv crap. there is zero chance they could have conveyed the same hype with shitty tvs
This sentence right here is how I know you're an adhd brained zoomer faggot who is incapable of appreciating unconventional narrative tools. Remember the part where you were supposed to tail Kasa in secret? I guarantee you there was supposed to be a tv section there where you had to sneak and follow her unnoticed. But since they scrapped it you literally just show up at the base 1 minute later with no tension whatsoever. It made that entire event meaningless.

Then again 90% of the retards who complained about the tv mode are incapable of watching a video longer than 90 seconds without subway surfers at the bottom of the screen so I'm not surprised that hoyo has to scrap the tv mode to cater to low IQ retards like you. Don't even try to argue because I'm fucking right and you know it.
Please don't forget your shark maid girlfriend for that stinky biker
ermmmm one of the best speedruns on the previous shiyu was a f2p billy main...
Was a very bizarre choice not making Lighter playable during missions during the SoC patch.
Hes obviously not gonna have anything to do in 1.3.
Are you telling me your fat fucking ass can't do that?
Nah genshit and trannyhrs is worse
Doesnt make this good tho
yes, he's a sex doll
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OH HO HO HO desu wa!
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Are black girls allowed to cosplay?
How so? With Yanagi and Burnice both enabling her disorder comp?
I don't play HSR, all I know is that I've got Ellen, Zhu and Jane along with all A rank units, Jane mogs them for me with how she feels in combat. I think a big part of it is being massively rewarded for dodge attacking and how fluid she feels
Nah Jane is better, FF doesn't have synergy per se with anyone, its not like she makes a team better she's a selfish DPS.
Jane, while also being a selfish DPS, isn't locked to a team and has more potential teams than most selfish DPS only because Anomaly/Disorder has yet to reach peak performance.
is corin/qingyi/rina a serviceable comp for corin?
>enabling jane
he's just very limber.
yes, as ben
So to summaries 1.2 sorted out many players
And cesar is shit
Guess we can agree on that
>Hes obviously not gonna have anything to do in 1.3.
They can make a filler episode about the underground fighting ring from where he came.
Patch 1.1 story was also maximum filler and nothing would be lost if it was cut out.
What's Caesar's current best team for meta?
That's one of her best ones
Give Corin a Pen Ratio main disc though
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When will Mihoyo grow some balls and give us the good versions of the characters?
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You guys are pipermaxxing, right?
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I love Ben Bigger.
Nekomata and Billy play the exact same, but you don't care because their numbers aren't busted like Jane, metanigger.
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what should I spend my batteries on? Kinda aimless atm. My main options are:

>make an actual jane team, so level seth and lucy up. But jane is actually just so busted she clears everything solo anyways
>level my supports/stunners up
>Start working on S11 in preparation for Lighter
>Level BILLY up for some epic solo clears
Would (You) jam his long fucking feet in your ass?
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You can really tell someone in the dev really likes Lucy. She has had almost as many scenes as Caesar in the story not to mention she's really animated compared to other characters who just stand around.
>walking through corridors only to neinterrupted every 15 seconds by dialogue that could easily just appear at the top of the screen instead, but won't
I'll give you unconventional, but the main reason why it's unconventional is because it's shit
sounds great to me
PEN is underrated
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still annoyed that I couldn't get piper to C6 but at least I got her w-engine and maxed her talents
jane is a rat not a monkey
We know Belle
to make it worse, both of the chapter 4 exploration commissions are garbage too. i did like how quick and responsive navigating the grid has become though
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that smile... that damn smile
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Her grouping move is useless as a grouper.
However, its the only way to trigger the additional dmg on demand.
So it makes it very good, especially against enemies who do a lot of attacks you can't parry.
>omg kasa is acting suspicious, lets tail her
>skip the tailing part since nobody fucking cares about means to an end
>get immediately to the point and find out what was the suspicious action
>omg kasa is acting suspicious, lets tail her
>well lets waste 15 minutes on shitty tv gameplay where we pretend as if sneaking around guards has any meaningful impact on the story or adds any tension whatsoever
>by the time you return back to the actual plot that matters you are so worn out by the sleep inducing gameplay and lose interest
i swear to god tvfags are genshit niggers who just want to waste 20 hours per quest on dumb filler that contributes nothing to the plot
because phaeton is involved
1.1 sucked because they sidelined phaeton.
i don't like piper much, and i know staying out of the way is her style, but she was actually ignored to an insane degree and it makes me wonder if the burnice agent mission will be treated like hers as well.
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>can't even parry what comes from behind her
Is M1 Kot a substantial improvement over M4 Corin? I was using the latter because I like her chainsaw, but just got KOTTED, and her first mindscape seems noticeably powerful.
Qingyi is the same except a mor chinkfied.
And you can play hsr if you want chinkslop.
I'm trying to convince my black female friend to cosplay Burnice but she got crispy
Ive parried attacks behind me, even projectiles. I think you just might be bad.
I do think she's one of waterkuma's favorite designs, she even got the privilege of releasing earlier than she should have to pad A ranks on release
Caesar is a great boon for the usual on-field Ellen. It's even better when you're free to use Caesar's defensive assist, counter and swap her out. Lots of daze and lots of damage.
The wall(12 yrs old) is brutal...
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>Jane mogs them for me with how she feels in combat
Exactly, that's what i'm saying.
>Ellen has to gain stacks, can be interrupted
>Zhu yuan has to gain ammo, only does dmg in burst window, has to have ult ready
>S11 has rythm gimmick with no visual indicator
>Billy, Corin, Anton, are all A-ranks, all heavily disc and mindscape dependent
>Jane, just left click and right click at the right time, bro

I cleared everything of the story, even enemies physical resistant with her. I didn't even see the final boss moves because of all the fireworks happening in my screen while my Jane kept shattering the enemy non-stop. It's no joke how broken she is.
Funny you mention that because I got Neko sitting at level 60 too because she's fun. Jane still easily tops her for me
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Billy Lore.... my fuarking hero..... is Lost Tech...
What do you do with Caesar against enemies that you can't really parry? Just rawdog her EX to get the shield up and only parry against bosses?
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>people said Caesers parry refunds energy
>it doesn't
I’m surprised she wasn’t an S-rank to be honest.
Now do that without camera being pointed on the enemy.
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the devs have play stats
metafags like lucy
kids like lucy
pedos like lucy
lucy love is too powerful
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chapter 4 lasted as long as other chapters btw
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Theres a speed limit for running on foot
wise is for....???
Still weaker until you get her ball. But the moment you hit M6 Corin it's over
I genuinely feel bad for rat skippers.
joggers are a menace
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don't see why not
Thaaank you
eh-nah le-nah
Getting sucked dry by Lucy!
>can walk around as whoever in the overworld
>cute supportive sis
>all the women crave (You)r cock
Imagine bricking your account by choosing the female MC, lmao.
Obviously Zhu
>almost skipped for caesar because i wouldn't have enough for guarantee
>say fuck it and risk being 10 rolls short
>win 50/50 for caesar
>have both
feels goodl.
i wonder if we'll get an A rank with lighter at all then
2 hours and 45 minutes of dialog and then 10 minutes of brain dead combat is not an improvement. TV slop has it's issue but at least it was 'gameplay' They should have focused on improving what they had.
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same but I also feel bad for the people rolling for caesar (unless you have some sort of motor disability, then she was designed for you)
Getting raped by female agents
Not happening if you're already fighting an enemy in front of you.
Did you see how fast Thirens like Lycaon and Ellen run?
Miyabi (and other speed focused Agents) can probably run faster than 150MPH desu
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the entire event is lucy porn
I genuinely feel bad for jane rollers
I regret rolling for Jane
wisechads won
I think that's exactly it. That she doesn't feel like she needs to depend on anything or any unit to do what she does, dazed enemies or not, buffed or not, mindscapes or not, etc
they also buffed her this patch. And looking at her trust events... easy dev fave. She's a great design, though. I'm glad
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it's for her
Is there any difference between supports and stunners with random relics (minus impact 6) vs. god relics in this game? it feels like anything but carry relics don't matter.
B _ _ _ _
Cheating on Zhu and Ellen and Caesar with Qinyi, Rina, and Lucy
tech unemployment at 7%
unending illegals pouring into driving wages down

I have a decent tech job but new CS graduates are going to have a tough time
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jane fucking spoiled me, I whaled on her to C6W5 and man she turned the game into easy mode
I love how she moves around with the constant spins and twirls around enemies, the audio/visual feedback when landing hits and assaults, and obviously she's really sexy, but man she just FUCKS everything to death

I had been procrastinating on doing the 11/11 till I had a complete minmaxed team because I kept seeing everyone posting about how they had trouble with it
took her in with seth and it was a walk in the park

three dodges plus big fat 750,000-1,000,000+ crits on her assaults, with only seths buff, that proc every 5-10 seconds is outrageous

I know I'm in the extreme minority with a minmaxed jane but I feel like her cinema is so much more powerful then any other S ranks
Actually agree that she’s pretty clunky,
>be you
>be bad
Fairy, tank this mans credit score.
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Interesting angle there Caesar
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my portable ojou-sama
I actually do regret rolling for Jane because she made the game too easy, I just mash attack and dodge and everything around me dies
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His sister, as if he had a choice to begin with
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>janelets on damage control
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The hardest nut I ever busted was chatting to a Lucy bot and letting her dom me. Little did she know I spent an entire four hours prior conspiring with her boar goons to ambush her, leash her up and make her eat from a trough as we molest her, making her our true piggie princess.
>2 hours 55 minutes of pure uninterrupted kino
>4 hours 55 minutes of tv infested time wasting
no thanks I will choose the non tvslop option everytime
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>pity farm because I won't be able to get Jane Doe and Cesar cause im broke
>work ALL the way down to HARD pity
>all 90 rolls
>Roll on cesar banner for guaranteed S rank
Just came here before I decide to fucking kill myself, missed out on Jane Doe, now there's little chance I'm getting Cesar. So long anons
what was the buff?
I honestly thought Burnice was Caesar's second in command since they were announced together and appeared together at the pub sec event. Turns out Burnice is just the gang's barmaid. It was Lucy who was Caesar's right hand girl.
Always funny seeing Jane rollers not having enough for Caesar too. Glad I got both.
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incest shippers are disgusting
>all 90 rolls
proof or didn't happen, its statistically impossible.
Shut up Zhu, you've LOST
> Now do that without camera being pointed on the enemy
Ask me how I know you use a controller
Caesar can't parry midair during the falling bash part of her basic combo, right? So I should just stand still if I feel like an attack is coming?
'clunky' is the new word for people with candycrush grandma mechanics, it seems
No one cares when theres so much randomization dum niggy. Someone who luckshits perfect disks isnt automatically better than someone who doesnt assuming similar play.
zhu was the real loser to roll for
sorry zhu, you were up to 180 rolls of lost potential
I use a controller and can parry behind just fine, I don't know what that retard is talking about.
He forgot to say 95% of 1.2 content is dialog slop.
bwos what option do I pick to not brick my date with Caesar?
Boars inherit a lot of stats now, including AP.
It's mainly a buff for Piper + Lucy M6 not so much for other comps.
so glad im in the bug biz, no one competes with you researching that one beetle group with only 3 registered samplings across 200 years
So combat using characters, being interrupted by dialogue isn't gameplay, but walking down a corridor grid, not using characters and being interrupted by dialogue... is gameplay?
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sis, your defensive switch?
makes sense since candycrush players are the target audience for caesar
You can (probably) dash cancel it even if looks like shit and maybe fit parry in but mostly likely you’d trigger perfect dodge
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>Wise sissies getting uppity

Belle is superior in every way
Her boars now inherit her anomaly proficiency as well. It matters a ton if you have her c6. I think I might take her off of 4 swing jazz and run 2/2/2 to maximize stats
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My M0S0 Jane hard carried my 11/11 run. I had some trouble but if it were any other character I wouldn't even be able to clear it.
Lucy is the Firefly of this game
Post the caps, bröther.
Is Mr. Panda a person or a statue? I've never seen him move.
bwos our narrative??
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>literally just press the button to parry an attack
This shit is a constant reminder that metafags are legitimately retarded and whale because they think it's a numbers game and not a matter of competency.
ask for baby making sex
Caesar haters confirmed Ceaser skipper. Disregard them
You really want 4-8 hours of HSR useless blab or Genshin's 10+ hour of blab + running around? ZZZ goes straight to the point.
No she isn't. Lucy has flaws and personality.
Caesar's slow ass banner is saving the game
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This is too hard for me...
Lucy is literally Bennett + XQ
is it just me or does caesar feel like clunky to play?
like why the fuck is the third attack of her basic string a fucking 5 second ranged boomerang shit it feels so bad to use
Name ONE Lucy flaw
It is a number game, is just that whale don't care about the REAL numbers
2:30 seconds or less per side.
Belle fucks thirens
>there are too many words in Genshin / HSR!
>there are too little in ZZZ!
Based. How much does C6 change her? I get that Assaults now do double nukes/chunks but is it actually viable to focus more on crit substats at C6 and does she start doing good damage outside of assaults with her normals?
Skipped Caesar because they censored her.
you don't even need to roll her you can test it out yourself on the demo lol
niggas just parrot shit online and think they're slick
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Use Jane with onslaught and dodge resonias for everything.
I said fighting.
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talk me out of spending $100 (f2p btw) to gamble 75/25 on Caesar's ball

That reminds me, can Caesar parry while her shield is being thrown?
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Rina or Lucy? Which would you guys use?
Caesar gameplay is as candy crush as it gets. Absolute snooze fest
What's my Burnice team?
Burnice / Caesar / Piper
Burnice / Lucy / Piper
Grace anywhere?
Rina with Qingyi/Corin
Lucy with Caesar/S11
Man, Lighter and Burnice weaseling friendship into the hearts of the Theirns was so damn cute.
billy but short
They'll release a better f2p engine for defenders near the end of her banner to cuck you. Don't do it.
Lucy's actually hot though.
>when caesar can even parry the entirety of the flamethrower attack of those giant mechs.
Her parry is just defensive assist with even more iframes and with good daze damage.
>weaseling friendship
>literally just rape
I regret rolling for Caesar
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Grace belongs in the trash can with anton
She's hotheaded
This story is ass without the TV sections holy shit lmao
you guys really asked for this?
I got S11 too, but since everything this patch seems to be weak to fire, I'll just build her.
I literally do not care about the story. TWO hours?
Man imma be playing this while at work
II can't squeeze this shit into my schedule
Pulchra and Burnice should kiss. Preferably with my dick in the middle.
>billy THE KID
bitches love puns
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>my Billy is only M0
This is the worst feeling in the world
She is clunky though

For example, you defensive assist into Caesar during a boss attack, you do the follow up but the boss has another parry attack, you try to use EX on Caesar to parry but because you had just used a follow up it skips to EX2 which does not count as a parry which makes you take damage
I regret rolling for non support 1.x characters
caesar is a brick
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so glad they got rid of this tv shit it’s pure kino now
Your honest thoughts on the moonmoon cheating drama on twitch?
zenless zone zero
yep its pretty based. no yapping required.
caesar seemed pretty fun from the demo, the people bitching about her feel pretty sour grapes-y
Same, I should have saved for burnice for piper/lucy
Every character works like this, just use another assist
jane was a brick
Wonder what's gonna be a good team comp for Lighter. I assume S11-Lighter-Lucy.
Kinda interested in building him, what 4pc would you suggest? I figure I could offload Proto Punk onto Lucy or something but none of the other sets seem too lucrative either other than Inferno Metal with some kind of mono fire team.
I’m more interested in Ubisoft committing corporate seppuku
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this is the single best post in the history of /zzz/. no... the history of /vg/
She's not sucking Wise(me) right now
Zhu... forgotten
What is she good for?
Hard mode: no sex related answers.
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what do you mean janechads dont have caesar? you got them both dont you bro? you wouldn't skip our king wouldn't you?
Weapon and dupes banners are a complex way of saying
"Do you want to spend 70-160 rolls on a 10-20% damage increase?"
you don't need them and never will.
characters are always the better choice, is the whole reason this genre exists.
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> it skips to EX2 which does not count as a parry which makes you take damage
In the demo you have a large damage and stun boost since every ex skills call in Lighter to use his special attack too.
My personal punching bag
at least rolling caesar gives piper dupes, I got her to M5 pity building.
Another release
Another poorfag cope session
I don't know who the fuck is moonmoon
We told you
GTAV Roleplayer roleplays a sexual predator who cheats on his wife with poor girls down on their luck and desperate for money. Something awakens in him and he tries to do it IRL, ending up raping some poor runaway.
Once someone meme’d that he doesn’t actually have a wife and kid you can’t un-notice it. Never interrupted by them ever
Is this unironically Caesars BiS comp? What about Jane Bernice Caesar?
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caesarGODs our foes seem to be illiterate
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post your antons
popular twitch streamer played on a gta roleplay server and roleplayed a relationship with an OF whore, turns out it was more than just roleplay and she was participating in freak offs with management or something
>taking damage
>with caesar
Her aegis is literally zhongli's shield and is busted as hell.
As long as you keep your energy economy that caesar can keep parrying, you are never going to take damage with her in your team.
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dawei doesn't take refunds. Cope.
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Of course. I’m not poor
Why would i roll for that dyke when I have her boyfriend already?
? No other character has a reactive EX skill but Ben and his works. If Ben was clunky like Caesar he wouldn’t go into parry stance after a follow up he would go into EX2
Not going for Disorder is just not using anomaly at its full potential
which zzz has the fluffiest bush
is piper one of those ladies that look ok at first, but a year later tranform into shriveled raisins?
>Ceasar attack buff
>Ceasar engine dmg receive debuff
>Lucy attack buff
>Lucy engine attack buff
I meant the character demo on the banner bwo
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the fuck more do you want mate the camera is locked onto the stunned enemy and she parried the complete opposite direction
it's based on your directional input
If I wanted to whale on my Billy, what weapon banner should I be looking forward to?
Anon I said EX2 not EX, please read
Got both and their weapons. What set would you run if you are using both Seth and Caesar? Caesar with freedom blues and Seth with the new set or one with the new set and the other with Swing Jazz?
fuck your statistic i did all 90
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>down to my last few rolls
fuck, now i need her weapon and more caesars
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You missed it. It was Zhu Yuan's.
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>Theres a speed limit for running on foot
I mean....
Why do you retards keep saying this dumbass shit.
In utter confusion oh how Lucy's trust events were able to pass Mihomo's anti-waifufag pandering office
This was clearly written with idea of the player picking Wise
Is this lady out yet? She looks neat, or is she after the shield lady?
Buy Brimstones from the shop.
ehhh well
her face looks so fat in this pose
I take note of everyone who guys to twitch con as a huge pervert and don’t watch them it’s literally a swinger party, this shit happens every year
Mibibi h-hayai...
Looking forward to doing it, then.
what the fuck is wrong with you no pussy getting seaniggers in here?
is this really how you talk about women?
Next banner.
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That IS EX2 retard
>Assist Follow-Up: Aiding Blade
>After activating the skill, press Special Attack or Special Attack or to trigger a Retaliation, activating Special Attack: Roaring Thrust or EX Special Attack: Overpowered Shield Bash.

leads into
Roaring Thrust with Retaliation or Overpowered Shield Bash
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Who has the floppiest boobs? Is it still Rina?
Anyone else having these problems? In Hollow Zero even when I get an S rank the lock door on the next map won't open, so I can't get the Hollow Zero tokens without using a bomb. Also Agents don't ever seem to be on the map for me to go hangout with. Only way I can increase trust is with the once a day phone invite.
sorry sweaty we YURI now
I know, the story for this game is so much better by simply being easy to follow and not containing pretentious yapping.
i dont like how grace plays and i dont like how much on field time se requires, i'll be replacing seth with yanagi once she comes out.
They're polygons in a video game.
Neat thanks
because its true, the retard didn't gave proof he's lying his ass off.
rates increase after roll 76, it has been proved in genshin, HSR and ZZZ uses the exact same system, just go to google or youtube.
i'd rather save my polys for burnice and her ball. already fine with seth.
didnt star rail have that girl with kamen rider suit that's supposedly for you? how is this surprising?
Those armor pieces aren't doing their thing, I can do a better job of holding those juggs in place.
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So what do we think of the story? I feel like chapter 3 was the best so far, chapter 4 was fun but felt like it went by so fast.
How do you even do her trust event rank up? Says she wants some video tape from a mission I can't even find evidence of existing yet. Did Hoyo really time gate that shit to 1.3 patch?
it is, soft pity only goes up to about 9% until the end with hard pity and hard pity is only 50/50
I use Swing Jazz 4p when I slot him into a team for support purposes (his shield, crit buff, swing jazz 4p for added support), if I'm using him for damage 4p hormome 2p electro. I haven't been motivated to play the update so I haven't actually farmed any of the new discs yet, but Proto Punk seems really nice and I'd probably run that over swing jazz on my support set.
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farming notorious hunt materials is without a doubt the most annoying part of this game
I can understand rolling for pixels (characters) but rolling for numbers? really? play with a calculator bro.
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Post Caesar dps builds, NOW!
I'm only near the end of chapter 1 and so far I like it much, much more than Genshin's. I was expecting it to be just as terrible so that's a pleasant surprise.
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Picking Wise and walking around as Belle is the optimal strategy for winning at Zenless Zone Zero.
proto punk and shockstar disco on caesar, hormone punk and thunder metal on seth.
Just do level 50, you're only missing out on a few greens
>tfw Caesar robohand is from Billy
That was cool
Chapter 4 blows chapter 3 out of the water.
Chapter 3 was all about the towers where the game time was inflated by TVslop.
>retards claim that ZZZ doesn't have as much (you) pandering as star rail
>meanwhile you can literally ask Zhu Yuan out on a date
>have dinner together while ordering specific meal sets meant for couples
>and even go out and watch romantic movies together
I love Star Rail but we don't have anywhere close to something like that. This is basically as close as you can get to romancing someone without going explicit about it.
our sister generals are seething over us again
And it doesn't hit 100% until the last roll retard. Statistically, it will happen to someone. I went to the literal guarantee for Qingyi's engine before I got it. Don't believe me? Go check the fucking stats for it on rng.moe.
Does she have a trust event confirming she's an amputee?
Oh, I thought you were talking about getting animation locked during the parry follow up attack. You just missed the parry timing and you're a retard. Works on my machine.
Its clear the devs stripped the TV sections from this chapter and left it as is to not hinder development, hopefully later chapters gave them ample time to properly develop story sections to not feel like that
It was average on duration
If you want some other reason, then I don't find caesar's gameplay enjoyable.
Yeah, the story in zenless is pretty fun until they inevitably jump the shark, dialogue isn't needlessly padded too.
superiority has that effect
go back to your general at any time instead of dropping shitty bait
>casually forgetting chapter 3 had a massive level gate and 3 of the same TV missions where you fumbled around in the dark
damn. hope you can have as many antons as me one day, anon.
what CD set am i supposed to give rina? do i give her puffer electro for more pen or what?
>needlessly padded

That's why I hate Genshin's story so much, probably more accurate to say I hate its writing. No matter how many times I tried to get into it, it just fought me off and demanded I be bored and want to skip dialogue.
Say it how it is, king
Who am I even baiting exactly retard? I love that shit, I wish star rail had the same. Is complimenting the game a bait?
you are still rolling for numbers in the end.
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Was worth the wait.
Now I can't wait for Soukaku's date event.
There was an event (not proper trust, one of the city random ones) in Ballet Twins Road where she talks about that she got wounded as a child and how she got the hand. She says it came from Billy. Not many details though but it is something.
ep4 was kino storywise, appreciate mihoyo not wasting my time with shitty tvs
the story in ep3 was alright but it was completely eclipsed by being forced to do those shitty unfun haunted house tvs
Yeah, that's why I wrote that it felt it went by so fast but then again in chapter 3 we had to grind our inter knot levels for like two days so that probably played factor and of course the tv sections.
the story was unironically too fast and felt ba compared to the TV sections
they really needed them despite the whining and contrarians
And let me guess you think anby is fully invuln during her skill
energy 4pc, pen ratio 2pc
you can check what everyone is using now in the disk selection interface btw
just pass a day, bro
does backup battery recharge same rate as regular battery charge
Great, it feels nice not to take all damn day to go through the story and the story itself was nice, calydon is a fun cast.
why is wise so weak
he'd become a rapebait for female agents if this game was pandering to SIfags more
Uh when the fuck is the beta
There is no parry timing since it skips the parry you braindead moron, it goes right into her shitty finisher
You’re baiting by attacking games part of the Hoyoverse unprompted.
nope, 18 instead of 10
basically they cut your lossess in half
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*mogs your jane*
If you know that a specific EX has shorter iframes, just dodge before they run out? Caesar's EX2 is fine in duration.
Why are you even complaining about taking damage when her shield should take the brunt of the occasional stray hit
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>Soukaku's date event.
Can you please show me a picture of lucy flirting with Wise, fast, please
>it will happen to someone
yes but its rarer than rare, people usually saiying it are bullshiting.
its like 1 in 10 million or some shit.
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The pacing is a drastic improvement over other hoyo games but the story felt a bit too rushed imo. There was almost no build up for the tour de inferno race and the actual execution was lackluster. But Pompey was a very cool boss. All of the sons of calydon characters are fun and have nice chemistry, with only Piper I guess being really sidelined.

Still a bit biased over the belobog end though since I really like Koleda.
Uh oh shipper melty
I hope my police gf doesn't get cucked by Firefly (forma la Zenless)
less talking more fighting
unironically schizophrenic lmao
It's not the same at all. Firefly is super PG about it and you could easily just explain it as her being overly friendly (especially since lorewise she kinda knows you from before you lost your memory). It is anywhere near the level of this game
What game did I even attack? I only mentioned ZZZ and Stad Rail, and I clearly expressed my liking for both.
>it's statistically impossible
>okay it's possible but it's like 1 in 10 million
anon the highest soft pity rate is 9% which means there's a 91% chance you don't get an S rank up until the end
it is more than 1 in 10 million you're just a retard with statistics
1.3 beta tomorrow sis let’s hope that naked cinema art leak is worth the c6
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What a weird quest
Lighter seems like a cool bro. Is he an S-rank or will he be A-rank?
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so does burnice/lucy/piper want the fire bangboo or this one
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Women, am I right?
logs or it didn't happen
do it faggot spoiler it if you must
no one knows you here
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yeah I'm gonna go have unprotected sex with lucy. later, losers
s rank fire stunner.
probably fire but the pig is funny so use that
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>hit the 50/50 for caesar
>pulled a second lycaon
is it over for me bros or do i still have time
>Collect the video tape "TresCarls"
>Obtained by completing the combat commission "Family Eduation - Epilogue."
I can't even find evidence this shit exists yet, maybe I'm retarded.
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>hottest girl Hoyo ever made
>sales tanked
Is it a ZZZ problem or a chink problem?
How have I not gotten a single W-Engine for Lucy yet.
Since you have 2 fire agents it's better to take pigboo to balance the elements more.
Not to mention it drags far away enemies closer which is really helpful in SD
Lucy stole the show this patch
>its like 1 in 10 million or some shit.
Winning the Powerball is a 1 in over 200 million chance and people win it. All you do by saying this shit is proving you don't understand how probability works. If you flip a coin until you land heads there is no guarantee that you won't be flipping it infinitely unless both sides of the coin are heads. The hard pity is that coin becoming heads on both sides.
gays and trannies don't like attractive women, anon.
That's not the hammer nun?
Why do we not have some racing maps or minigame with how much waterkuma has a hardon for cars and urban shit
Faction boos generally are more about raw power compared to the elemental build up of elemental boos.
Usually I would say faction ones are stronger if you can activate them, but an anomaly team may want to go with the elemental boo anyway.
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Seriously, whats wrong with her?

you don't see characters like this in hoyo games anymore
Jane's slowass banner killed us
now post her original design
>Vol1 is utterly shit, kot and everythint around her drags it to the ground
>Vol2 is all around great, Belobog family is awesome
>Vol3 is alright, not good or bad, Twins are the better characters in it
>Interlude/Rat is below average
>Vol4 is all around good, Bikers are a nice bunch, gets insight into Siblings past in a wholesome little scene
Guess I just like the ones with the more emotional hook.
Hottest released, I mispoke
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You should have it by now. Try fast forwarding a day and leave your store from the front door.
Do we have any more information about her?.
Jane's big ass smothered too many anons to death.
same its fucking crazy when im like 500 pulls deep into the ball banner
is caesar good or not
I don't want to thirstpost too hard and get banned
Obviously, also got Caesar her ball and also getting Burnice.
I stopped posting because giving any opinion outisde the pagpag groupthink gets you 4 replies immediately jumping on you and 75% of the other replies are some anons weird barely contained fetish about shit and anal
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this ain't reddit, bro
How do you feel about biker bimobos after playing the new story?
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I (Lighter) was busy with sparring (having sex) with Burnice all day.
This, the Tour De Inferno race felt like something that should've been built up with more environmental story telling like posters and more NPCs raving about it like Golden Week.
This Chapter was completed pretty quickly, though I think the TV bloat is necessary for more story telling unfortunately since it's cheap and easier than doing constant animation/comics
I was kinda underwhelmed by Burnice's gameplay. I thought she going to be Jane but fire
what do you mean?
Sure bro
Kino faction.
Yeah I did the previous two family missions but never got an epilogue mission and no idea how to get the epilogue.
I fuck that
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Next survey don't forget to put in the message that we need the Genshin substat resin.
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Can any Belle players confirm if Lucy is just as much for (you) as Wise players?
same dialogues.
I already had blonde and loli fatigue, I could care less
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>story mission is date with caesar
holy based
I dont feel anything because I haven't played the new story chapter because this game is boring
the only reason I played jane's chapter was because I'd miss an event if I didn't finish it
sparring and having sex are two different things bro
I'm a faggot, the last few times I've done so I've been banned anon
lucy has the pigs to help the phys side of the equation and will hopefully have her C6 to help with fire (and she should be able to actually build anomaly with the new changes), so I'm not sure I'll really need more elemental buildup anyways with how fast piper and presumably burnice fill their respective anomalies. Will probably do the pig for fun
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>bust down the door to random play
>walks up to you from this angle
>"you got any snacks?"
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>Big Daddy is big

Just finished the chapter.
CINEMA, even.
The finale was as emotional as Belobog's arc finale but even better written in all the tiny details.
For how sad Pompey's fate was, I guess getting a cool as fuck boss enemy introduction is one of the better send-offs...
I dunno why I'm bothering using spoilers for things the game itself spoiled in the first second of the update, though.

>latest patch changed the default screenshot format from JPG to PNG
What the fuck?
Cool, I guess, but now I have to convert them before posting here.
Genuinely my favorite group so far and the story was enjoyable albeit a bit fast.
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pigglet bros... we barely got any screen time
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What the fuck they feed women in Outer Rim if this cow is around the same age as Belle?
dumb homo
My only complaint is that it felt too short, I wanted way more. Felt like it ended as soon as it got really good. Still kino though. Would've liked for Billy to play a bigger role too I guess.
chapters with phaeton = good
chapters without phaeton =garbage, only shiptrannies will disagree.
worst agent quest = grace
golden week event = good.
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>ANOTHER useless city
Bros this shit is so ASS
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Genshin's most sexo design by far released recently and also tanked.
Hot designs alone don't sell I'm afraid, the people with the big bucks are all braindead metafaggots who'd rather pull for a .jpg of a brick that deals 1,000,000,000 DMG over an attractive, charismatic woman.
Poop according to Burnice.
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>I dont feel anything because I haven't played the new story chapter because this game is boring
uhh why are you playing the game if you think it's boring?
>Thinking about his sister while on a date with a busty beautiful goddess
Jesus Christ why is Wise so whipped
I'm moving to Phoenix next month bros, how do I meet desert biker gang girls like Burnice?
She's talking about Lucy, right?
Continuing with my plans to collect all SoC.
damn, someone must be butthurt
be more subtle i guess
or try posting in a different timezone
>Winning the Powerball is a 1 in over 200 million chance and people win it
retarded example, hundred of million of people gamble all the time and there's a high chance of winners being cheaters compared to here.
its simple logic here, do we have an equivalent of a lottery winner here or a shitposter that is mad that he went to soft pity an is exaggerating his pulls?
that's not how math works retard, is not 9% across the 76-90 pulls, its for each single pull after that.
I dont understand what genshit sloppers mean when they say this, climbing rectangles does not make something good
You can post pngs you retard.
I have a few nitpicks, felt a bit quick like many others have mentioned, but at the same time holy fuck, if we get into a groove of filler chapters as good as janes and story chapters as good as this I think we're golden. Feels too good to be true
Wait, are you telling me that all the hornyfags are actually poor pags?
What a shocker!
Nevermind, I'm an idiot, all I had to do was talk to old man Jobert in the store.
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Wtf? Where do I unlock this?
Yeah, shes shopping with her.
wormvillette flopped hard
Hoyodrone syndrome. He HAS to play all hoyogames. I have a friend like this
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bro, your nitrofuel?
hot take that people are scared to hear: hoyo games are just overall in a decline. it's why every game has been struggling to earn as much as before even with "good design" characters
shit's only gonna get worse with NTE, GF2, Azur Promilia, Duet Night Abyss, Endfield, Heaven Burns Red, etc. I can go on and on.

2025 will not be a good year for Hoyoverse. Mark my words.
because the actual GAMEPLAY (not tvshit or dialogue snoozefests or heckin epic comic book animation story) is fun and I like building characters
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I would probably join them.
Biker gang family is just too good and comfy.
>busty beautiful goddess
I genuinely struggle to understand why anyone likes this absolutely hideous design and horrible character.
Sometime this patch. Hopefully it'll teach people to get good so we don't have anons whining about 11/11.
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wtf caesar is strike and slash. she's op
Anon none of those game are going to do well.
Gacha in general is in decline.
Pag moment
Chapter 4 Story was great, but pacing was awful without the TV mode. Overall I think Chapter 3 was a bit more fun. The TV mode for that chapter was actually enjoyable, and the Ballet Twins setting with the haunted house aspect was really good.
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NTA but they're over the size limit. They used to be really compressed.
Its an event later
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Why do you shitheads keep praising Chapter 3, is this just some troll?
Chapter 3 was awful, the bangboo was awful, everything about it was fucking hot garbage.

Chapter 2 is literally the ONLY good chapter and it doesn't compare.
Its the only one with meaningful character development.
Koleda is the only unit so far they didn't treat with kids gloves, she believed her father was a fuck up and bad and had a whole turnaround.

Chapter 4 is shit because even though Pompey seems amazing, we don't really know anything about him and he really has no connections to Caeser so him dying isn't all that emotional.
And Caeser cop out dying was shit.

Koleda on the otherhand still has to deal with the fact her father was legitimately murdered and feel bad for ever questioning his morality.
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Loved all of them. I'm a real sucker for factions that actually feel like a nakama.
You can even see Lighter take off his glasses here because he can't believe Caesar was gone, meaning he actually cared for her despite his wisecracking in previous scenes.
Lucy should also get an oscar for best actress too. She was a really great supporting character.
Instead it wasted your time with endless dialog.
This is how I feel as well. Maybe not as pessimistic but I do think we're doing very well, gacha games are just in a decline.
HSR proved the answer is just more reruns though, lol. We'll be fine
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finally done now give the nineveh marathon a break hoyo
>The finale was as emotional as Belobog's arc finale but even better written in all the tiny details.
I liked the fight and ending there better because of the same reasons you cited but with Khors. That nigga was fucked beyond belief and had to be put down by the one family he left in a down note.
tv was endless. this is miles better
My time isn't wasted when the dialogue is great.
Yes. Belle is a lucky girl, all these other girls want her
play devil may cry
how much worse is lucy caesar ellen compared to soukaku caesar ellen
I agree this was better than the tv sloppa, but thats because they half baked the tv sloppa.
sister snatch too sweet
Your Ben?
you need lycaon.
Hope you are ready for endless genshin tier dialog slop. No more skip button for you anymore either.
Ben's gonna go crazy with that until it rolls +5 anomaly proficiency.
I've played them all, the combat is just as shallow as zzz except, ironically, DmC
how long until we get hybrid element characters?
i know it's coming but when do you think it's coming out
>every1 is hi-bread day do physical
Most of the decline in gacha is the Chinese economy getting wrecked lol.
>Nicole dieting
>Heaven Burns Red
The GL version is already an absolute flop. Pre-registration started two weeks ago and they've barely hit 35k, the first 30k of which were during the first three days. Key is popular in Asia but there's no interest for it in the rest of the world.
Good morning sir
Bros I've lost all motivation to play after finding out Sweetily is kinda ugly and Mina is fat.
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Personally, I like Burnice and Lucy more but I'd be lying if I said Caesar was ugly
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I really rode the line on pity building. Can I do one more or does soft pity start on 74 exactly?
Go on.
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Why is everyone allergic to words when the dialogue in this game is not only way more concise but miles better than the atrocious word salad Hoyo is known for? All you fuckers do is complain no matter what you're given.
On one hand, Caesar’s long buff seems perfect for hypercarry Jane
On the other hand, my other team absolutely needs Caesar’s shield way more than Jane
hope you get her anon
i don't want her, but i hope you do
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>hundred of million of people gamble all the time and there's a high chance of winners being cheaters compared to here.
The only way to "cheat" the lottery is buying every possible ticket number, which again, go back to my coin analogy. It's also considered lottery fraud, and is illegal.
Also, still waiting for you to go and check the Qingyi banner statistics and see that going all the way to the hard guarantee is in fact possible, which defeats the entire point of this conversation. In the meantime, I accept your concession.
yae miko will be a electro pyro hybrid
How does anyone use Seth or Soukaku? Every time I try to use them the heat death of the universe occurs before their attacks finish
We're simply going back to 2016 levels where gacha was for a specific niche of weebs, since the covid + genshin explosion has finally started to wane. We'll start seeing 10+m sales per month as the norm again instead of Hoyo's ridiculous 90-100m sales per anniversary.
It's literally one faggot trying to start shit with TV.
git gud
don't use chain skill cancel it with middle mouse button
The dialog is alright but it's no replacement for actual gameplay. The tv segments weren't the best but i would have much preferred if they improved upon those instead of what we have now. There is also the issue of patheon not having a good place in the story anymore. And what will they do with fairy. She completely disappeared in this version.
cancel the animation with alt+f4
it starts on the 75th pull
ellen wouldn’t activate her passive with that 1st team
oh my hope is to get another piper dupe and carry the pity to burnice without getting caesar, I'm gambling
Love and deep space actually shows that there is room in the market for gacha but not in the way you want.
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jenshitschlorpers were promised of Breath of the Wild but they can't even craft their own weapons or build contraptions. It's just a glorified tech demo
what fast food should I order for dinner
No one in their right mind would say Chapter 1 or 3 are good, while I think most say 4 is good because of the final scene with the siblings lore.
>it's 9% per pull
yeah and that's 91% chance every pull you don't get it
that's at the absolute PEAK is it's 9x more likely you get nothing than something
go to the liqour store and get some cigs and whiskey
Someone is BEGGING for correction
No she wasn't, she was even constantly banting with burnice.
And she also helped us discover it was ether explosives.
The majority of people here liked the TV slop.
Anyway with 1.2 seemingly doing worse than 1.1 we won't have to argue long considering this game will be eos in a few months.
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got a random orb, will just have to hope I get lucky on standard or piper shows up in the shop
happened to me too
don't be mean to your bro
Lots of organic posters today
She went from a main character to her having some sie dialog. It's clear the devs rushed this. I am not against removing TV slop but this is not the solution. They need to add way way more content if they want to continue this route.
black coffee
No i actually really liked the overall story and sons of calydon interactions.
yeah caesar is an skip skip, her gameplay is fucking ass, burnice is cuter and her gameplay is fun
you have to compound the odds retard
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My dudes. My F2P luck is insane and I love this game.

I chose not to roll for Ellen because she didn't seem that great.

Got Zhu

Got Qingyi + her W-Engine

Got Caeser + her W-Engine + Bangboo
because I liked the TV stuff where the dialog was acted out with little skits moving around instead of just a bunch of anime models staring at each other like :| with looping music and then paragraphs scrolling by
saar... Your sentence...
>Ben c6
>Nico c6
>Anton c6
>Soukaku c6
God hates me...
I believe in you, anon! I got her and she wants you too!
im gonna make a caesar x wise x lucy x burnice thread
congrats anon my luck has been good too. keep saving and planning your rolls in case our luck goes to shit
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>fighting the hollow zero bug bitch
>she starts spinning
>caesar parries all of them
>There is also the issue of patheon not having a good place in the story anymore.
Phaeton's role during the story worked just fine with them working as actual guides for the agents during their hollow expeditions.
>And what will they do with fairy. She completely disappeared in this version.
Honestly for the better since she was way too intrusive and Phaeton relied on Fairy way too much. I miss some of her wittiness but her low presence did not decrease the quality of the narrative.
are you retarded? do you not know how to do permutations?
I really like chapter 3 for some reason. Whole ballet twin vibe just felt right.
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Get a grilled chicken burger with shredded lettuce, tomato, pickles, onions, and and black olives. Sauces should be Garlic Mayo, Chipotle, with Salt & Pepper
Side should be a medium fry and a large diet coke
chapter 3 and the twins is like widely considered to be the peak part of this story are you insane?
open worlds in gachas just don’t work
We'll see what happens. I'm not too confident in the current direction the devs have taken but maybe it will work out. I'm just not feeling too good about it.
it's normieshits going outside
China is going through a GFC of their own so shit is fucked for a while
honestly it's not a bad thing because housing prices are insane there wish it could happen here too
I liked 2. Especially the ending. The ending with Geroy was kino.
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there should be an option to eat with jane here in later updates
spring embrace vs original transmorpher for caesar
which characters are best with caesar and lucy
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>china is surely collapsing this week
Everyone can parry her spin
Houses are for living in, not speculation
2 more weeks bro
What are Burnice's mats? I want to prefarm
Why is Anton Wario?
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>no imoutos
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>chapter 3
>peak of the story

>boring TV missions
>You can post pngs you retard.
How ironic - a clueless retard calls someone else a retard.
4K PNG screenshots of ZZZ are way over the file size limit 4chan has, as another anon has mentioned.

PNGs, unlike JPEGs are lossless, which is good for both data preservation and producing the best possible pictures after future processing or otherwise editing, but it's a fact that before I could've just posted a screenshot directly here and now I have to edit it first.
Yeah but if she spins too long you will get hit because parries only have a set iframes. It's better to simply dodge out of nineveh's attacks than to try and parry it since the actual hitbox is much longer than it looks.
Ok commie.
>he's still seething about Tv missions existing
lmao genshit is that way bro
It's fine if people like something you don't like anon.
>That nigga was fucked beyond belief and had to be put down by the one family he left in a down note.
Corruption Coplex is not Khors
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What the actual fuck?!?
try piper with caesar and lucy.
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>widely considered to be the peak
May you form your own taste someday, even if they are as wrong as that.
Please give me Project mugen next year and I will piss and shit on this game, pweaseeeeee
this post reeks of ESL
this goes thru my mind every time i lurk /v/ or /tv/
Between Ellen's banner and Caesar's I'm now the proud owner of a C10 Anton.
Chapter three's spooky vibe was fun and I really liked ballet twins but I wouldn't call it the peak necessarily.
Then close your mouth
PNGs are for pedos and JPGs are for royalty
wtf I thought this was an edit
That shit will never come out. The devs fucked up putting a concept trailer out too early and are running to get people on board to help build it.
Does she say the same shit to Belle? "Your weird Brother fixation makes me sick!"
Belle sisters get your shit together!
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>spooky vibes
These are the types of dipshits that call Pac man a horror game.
incestbros wtf...
Maybe it’s easier with Caesar but I’m just saying I’ve also had other characters parry her spin like 10 times in a row. It’s actually annoyingly long so I agree that it’s better to just dodge away
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Where are the commissions...
Threeeeeeeeeeeeeeeead baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaakeeeeeer!
Where are you at?
Lucy is an unlikable bitch
Koleda will never catch a break...
I think the hype is still there though, they just need to do say something
oh he's searching smug anime girl on google for reaction images you guys got the schizo mad
>actually I play whole game for almost half a year and hate every part of it
What cause this strange behavior
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where's the new thread
Shut it we are this close to freedom.
It's in a superposition that's going to be resolved when you'll make it.
That's it bro you finished the game.
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Built for instant loss.
unironically FOMO
hoyofags want to be already in on a game and have all the good shit when it gets good and more people join
they think they will be rewarded for slogging through shit they hate

I've already seen people act liek they're rewarded for their time slogging through 6 months of content they hated now that TV is gutted.
It's genuinely sad
enjoy your corridor sloppa.
We're days from TGS and every other big promising gacha are dropping shit here and there while Mugen is still MIA. They done fuck it up.
damn I just finished putting mine together and then the sloppa won
Cow Thirens are just bigger, anon.
Recycling it for later use, bwi
Brat in dire need of correction
she jealous of belle
cute ojou-sama.
he literally looks like a fucking rat, i feel so bad for the other dude

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