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Previous >>496041895

Version 1.2 "Tour de Inferno" Special Program:
Dev Face-to-Face | Zenless Zone Zero:
The Shitter Filter Retvrns | TV haters lost!:

Agent Record | Caesar King
Agent Record | Burnice White
Agent Record | Lighter Lorenz

>Newest Trailer/Teaser/Character demo

>Upcoming Events for 1.2
Full 1.2 details and events: https://zenless.hoyoverse.com/en-us/news/125865
New at the Arcade: Bizarre Brigade - to be added in 1.2
Back in Business - Daily check in, double drops and more - 09/25 (1.2 release) - 10/10 03:59 (server time)
All New Program - 09/25 (1.2 release) - 11/05 03:59 (server time)
Overlord's Feast - 09/26 10:00 (server time) - 11/04 03:59 (server time)

>Redeemable codes (claimable in-game or online)

>Resources and useful links
it's fucking over, they're kneeling to reddit whiners
suck shit tv haters, go shit,fart,shit,cum your pants
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Its really weird this game wants to be less interactive as possible.
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real tweet?
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>-1 taste

Are the turkey tacos that bad at cheesetopia?
Holy miyabi stocks fucking soaring right now
ellen in shambles
reminder to filter the lunatics
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I think you misread. They aren't listening to them.
/tv/ won?
TV or not, devs should not be listening reddit or x
this is not a good look
You can clearly feel the lack of TVs in the new story.
Don't get me wrong, it's a nice story with plenty of voice acting to make up for it unlike the Jane EP but I feel that without the TV it's missing the whole proxy side of the story.
Missions start with agents already being right where they need to be, you can't really tell the hollow from the outside world because of this, and it really doesn't feel like a proxy is needed whatsoever, Eous becomes nothing more than background character when he was the guide that needed protection in every base game story.
Basically, the whole navigation in the hollow aspect is gone now, no one seems to need a proxy even though that was at the core of the new story since the SoC needed your help to map out the Tour de Inferno hollow.

What do you think?
Prophecy sequel confirmed.
Feel like they should have made this 70 or 75 desu. Still better than taking a random one if you don't need it, but not de-facto better all the time.
The bonus ones only serve to help you burn stamina a little faster now
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you can filter a word, but you can't remove a core element of the game~
Caesar flopped btw
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Uhh, bros... Should siblings behave like this?
perfect discs START with 4 stats retard
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>anti-TV bronoids spent the past week telling TVfags to quit the game because they lost
>they're whining and throwing tantrums now
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>yfw anti-tv chuds got btfo
is the special coffee a limited event?
if permanent it's objectively better than the rest, since they just give you 20 in a roundabout way anyway
I'm currently finishing the story. give me a bit and I'll post an image showing that reddit loves tv mode and they were furious about the dev talk video
just say you dont like the game and go leave to find something else to play like a normal person.
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>base decisions off reddit posts
I can't carry all these Ws
So is everything going to be 90% tv again with 1 small dick section of combat or do they actually plan to balance it?
>the game is advertised as a fast paced 3d action game
>80% of the actual game is spent navigating the TVs
Defend this
I'm so glad Television Mod is back!
pajeets are rejoicing about TV not being removed btw
uh oh antitelevisiontroon melty
Flopped right on BWC (Big Wise Cock)
I rather dislike the TeleVision parts of the videogame
but maybe, teevee isn't so bad after all
maybe I'll like tivi sections in the future
but I think they should be called vcr sections instead
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I posted the clip of a million youtube comments wanting TV back and you niggers told me they dont pay attention to youtube, yet here they are replying to comments and listening to feedback about TV removal
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>Yanagi's skirt is actually just a wrap around shorts
mehomo are a bunch of fucking cowards and I'll never forgive them
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Big fucking antitv melty coming lmao
I really like that cat
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>Wise and Belle have a "special constitution" that is susceptible to Ether corruption
>mission where you have to rescue your twin from the hollow
>intro to Tour de Inferno where your twin gets sent to a Hollow with Billy
>eye zap scene
Holy fuck...
We're going to unlock the Sharingan.
>he's changing the narrative now
Honestly i checked everywhere and the only place where TVs were actively hated were from CC communities.
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I think I enjoyed the pacing for the new chapter a lot more without the TV sections dragging things out
I know it's not a popular opinion here but it is what it is
It's good being a straight, male, Wise-picking, TV loving, dickrolling CHAD right now
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Billy will have his SEMI-perfect* disk! So what if it isn't 4 subs! I believe in the heart of the STARLIGHT KNIGHT!
I agree, i'm totally willing to extend the olive branch too and say they were not as good as they could have been upon release (not sure if anyone else had my experience with The Prophecy, cute once I figured it out. Hell when I first began.) However, the meta aspect of the story they were trying to get across is that when you are watching the TV's, you are watching actual TV's as Wise. All those TV's behind the main monitor ARE for demonstrating where he is virtually.

It's a very cost effective, and in my opinion, creative way of avoiding difficult scenarios when creating huge areas to explore.

I'll admit though as well, I did enjoy the biker section even if it was short and little janky. A very bold step to attempt it.
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Remember the anti-TV party are a vocal minority.
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televisionGODS won
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If they actually stay true to the word of no TV during main story quests and TV everywhere else I'm down to clown. Tour de Inferno was great, if a bit rushed.
>no proof that anyone liked TV slop
>flip flops on every decision
I don't know how the future of this game is going to play out.
retards think they actually give a fuck about youtube comments
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We won reddit. le devs le listened.
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it's not special if most people have low ether resistance
less quantity, more quality. They don't have to add 40 minutes of constant TV slop, but a little here and there with a generous sprinkle of creative usage of TV tiles will be amazing. Also don't interrupt me so much while I'm playing on the board
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>more enjoyable
I'll enjoy it more if they just make sex scenes.
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LMAO the game is dead. They don't know what to do with it
probably panicked because the current banner flopped hard
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Hey /zzz/ I have a question for you: Why is the time when Indians are awake the most anti-TV hate we get in this thread?
blitz mode is way more fun
Time to uninstall again and get back to Satisfactory lmaooo
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My own hubris was my downfall
My arrogance got the best of me
I was blinded by greed
I was high on pride
I should have known better
I should have listened to those around me
I truly am, a stupid bitch.....
It was advertized as an action game with roguelike elements. They even asked you about your knowledge of roguelites (action and turn based) as the main point of their survey when trying to apply for the beta
The reality is that giggers actively sabotaged this game. It's not biweekly SD runs we should be getting, it's biweekly handcrafted HZ runs to emulate the daily runs in roguelites
>5 seconds apart
Burnice hivemind.
2D animated gif black and white bangboo avatar sex scenes. Hope you rike.
what the FUCK
they're mad they couldn't scam the old granny next door for 5 billion dollars
What the fuck was this mission about? I still have no idea what happened.
Why is the time when third worlders are awake the most TV loving? I don't know.
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>we are watching the very mention of TVs by the devs filter people in real time in this very thread
It's weird that they didn't do weekly gimmick runs for hollow zero, because hollow zero as a whole is cribbing heavily from Simulated Universe in HSR, and that has a weekly rotation that gives you a predefined starter build
I’m okay with no tv, I’m okay with some tv. But this chapter very much felt like there were TV segments that they removed at the last min and didn’t fill them in with new content. The pacing just irks me like a supercut of a movie where it feels like there’s more conversation, more lines somewhere but completely removed.
TV schizo is the pajeet (You) who disappeared during the mutt hours.
the other coffees should affect more than one enemy card
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so how long until they remove all the fanservice and add even more ship bait?
it seems like they listen to Reddit
People really need to show the siblings aren't worthless by doing the tv section. The issue was you spend most of the time doing this part with getting only like two small maps for combat. Your best hope was fighting a new boss. I don't trust them on truly making it balanced for both and it just being a piss easy way to make content.
We need more roguelike elements and maybe a roguelike stage rush modewith reso.
When you fix the bangboos in the outer ring is the calibration minigame supposed to have music? Its just silence when I do it.
Funniest shit ever; the most vocal anti-TV person I've seen literally doesn't even have the game installed (and is now planning NOT to re-install the game and play again, because they WON'T play it if there's ANY TV content)
That's right - Mihoyo was pandering to people who don't even play their fucking game (which is probably why they also did an about face and immediately walked back removing TV)
Maybe give it a 10-20 percent chance to hit a 2nd card. Maybe that'd be cool too
Maybe they shouldn't have taken the decision to remove TV based entirely on the early game where there's so much content that you're going to spend a lot of time in TVs to the point where it feels like there's too much of it?
If the current story had 3 TV missions, which is all the TV we'd have in 6 weeks, no one would have complained.

Removing them completely was dumb.
even the comments on the jp version of the dev talk were against cutting down on tvs
Is Caesar's banner really flopping?
goalpost shift detected
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Day 1 of 1000 posting Jane. Feel free to join me on this crusade.
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The Ruan Mei experience
Dear Zenless Zone Zero devs; I would like more characters that are romantically interested in the protagonist (both genders)
Thank you.
So there goes my hope for more rally missions.
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I'm sorry for your lost bwo. Here i s another gore
Flopping my dick with her tits.
It's doing great in JP and kinda mid in CN
They don't need to remove TV content.
They just need to add non-TV content IN THE EARLY GAME.
No matter how much it improves from here, if the early game experience is not changed, new players will have the same outlook.
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please stop posting images you saved improperly on your phone
Now they just need to invent time travel so they can powercreep her with a unit that gives you action advance
>devs announce anything on any social media platform
>They must have listened to that one group of people instead of aggregating all of their feedback from various sources!
Some of you anons are special.
It didn't until recently though
Genshin also just got imaginarium theater recently.
They're most likely going to do something to shake up the HZ at some point but for now it's the base version.
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More TELEVISIONS? I was having so much fun doing my 50 copypaste combat missions thougheverbeit??
>you can't really tell the hollow from the outside world because of this
You can't tell because it doesn't look like a hollow not because of lack of TV slop. City hollow looked grim and in ruins while outer ring hollow looks the same as normal except with monsters.
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There's no laws in The Outer Ring right?
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>Mihoyo was pandering to people who don't even play their fucking game
wasn't this the exact reason dawei was bawling his eyes out in public for?
They won't go back to add nontv sections they have no money to do it.
no more lolis, no more jiggle physics, no more (You) pandering, a crapload of extra homos (all meta as fuck btw), no more challenging content
Mihoyo wasn't pandering to people who already left, it was pandering to new players who would otherwise immediately drop the game after experiencing the absolute slog of the TV mode.
things are quiet again...
>no JP tweet
fake news, majority of the JPs dislike TVs
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What happens in the Outer Ring, stays in the Outer Ring.
>It's doing great in JP
>Didn't reach top 1
>flat defense +3
Her cat turned into a cactus like the legend says, but the kid mistakes a stray cat as her own. Then a joke about how her cat was annoyed that she didn't recognize her, but ended up gently brushing the girls shoulder to help make her happy. I've been crying for the last hour since I miss my sweet cat too.
I think Leif is actually a girl and Shawn secretly has a tomboy childhood friend GF waiting for him to pluck.
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Do you guys buy these mats?
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My second Caesar is Qingyi. Mihoyo will have to try extremely hard to make me pull for a 3rd stunner.
they literally said they will in the dev video though
The shit stats in this game have some extremely high weight to them in the rng selector, even more than other games I feel. Is this to balance out the lack of high and low rolls??
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10k upvote comment in the dev talk video on bilibili
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I hope they understand that both approaches they tried were bad.
The constant loading screens breaking the gameplay flow, sometimes having you loading into an empty combat instance just to talk to an NPC because apparently you can't start cutscenes while in TV mode were awful. Also, the lengthy explanations for the exploration mission when things could be simply more intuitive without a long tutorial every time.
Completely removing it and turning story chapters into a series of rally commissions is also bad because it completely voids the Proxy as an active character. The Proxy's role in terms of gameplay in this chapter simply didn't exist, you were just someone who allowed other characters to enter the Hollows. Not to mention, having bosses and NPCs yapping during combat also sucked.
Combining both things could be the best choice. Floor 1 as your usual TV mode thing, Floor 2 has rally commission gameplay with no TV mode then Floor 3 goes back to TV mode followed by the final boss fight of the commission. None of those floors with constant combat encounters that end in 30s and you spend more time in loading screens than playing the game.
Only one way to find out bro.
Yes, but not all. Usually when I want to clutch an S-rank in Shiyu but I'm not really struggling right now.
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She's ugly, her head looks like a rotten cabbage

her personality doesn't fit with her design

also her left hand is robotic and belonged to Billy
so Billy is jacking you off if you imagine waifuing her
Bolter should be made an A rank
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Lets be real here.

I like TV as a concept and I'm against removing it for pacing reasons.

However, TV will never be good because Mihoyo caters to the stupidest filth who couldn't even solve the motherfucking conveyor belt commissions. Also, puzzles and dungeon crawlers are like kryptonite to content creators, they fucking hate it with a passion.

TV will come back, but it will probably just be a very small part of the gameplay/main story at best.
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>coffee now lasts for 2 cards
>+40 energy
I keep enough for monthly reset and spend the rest
The problem with TVs is the early game missions constantly interrupt you to repeat things they already said 20 times
Having fewer TV sections later in the game does not solve this at all, what they actually need to do is make the opening less verbose
>reached top 2 instead of top 1
The horror...
don't look at genshin
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I'm a white purebred Scotsman (UK not US) and I love TVs.
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this needs a lot of work
I have enough to spare to buy character and engine xp, maybe disc exp too. Denny if I can save more than 1.2k after buying
M1 Caesar or Engine? Help anons
They already went back on their word about tv so they aren't going to add it now. If anything we are only to get more tv sections and less varied maps in general.
these low IQ troglodytes aren't going to be long term or particularly high paying players anyways, they'll play F2P BTW for like a month and drop it anyways
Much better than TV slop.
lucybros, what's the best way to farm her trust?
obviously you can't clear the shop every time unless you're a whale, but you can definitely do some spending in there
Do the other +60 coffees give double Inter-Knot XP for the 1 card?
If not, the 80 coffee has an edge.
B-but hoyo has all the data?? How could they possibly have made such an unpopular decision?!
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>made her laugh
Yeah, I'm losing my virginity tonight. Later, losers.
Someone else do it, I don't wanna do it right now.
so either way zzz is fucked because TV is such a core concept to phaethon as a whole
Not bad, but here me out.
Piper sex
They realized they should be following their vision rather than catering to retards because ADHD zoomers will never be satisfied

lick her feet
Mihoyo has the actual data and they must have seen the rate at which people drop the game after downloading it and the completion rate of exploration missions, which is the most likely reason why they even bothered to address this at all.
>Billy is jacking me off
uh what's the downside?
Forward to morning
One anon said he was resetting Blazewood to get her trust event there. He's got the wallpaper already.
And Mizubear sees all that He has done, and behold, it is very good.
Can you actually get all 114 combat mission points right now? I'm pretty much out of quests at 45
they need to fix the early game experience in general it takes forever of being locked in the TV's for the game to let you do dallies
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>it seems like they listen to Reddit
What killed Genshin was the survey they did in 3.5
suddenly 3.6 was full of shipshit
Even more NahidaxWanderer
Chinks chimped out Japan lost 60% of male players and the game never recovered to this day

For ZZZ I can see the same. Everyone is complaining about the shower scene JanexSethe is very well-received by the fandom and Caesar is the biggest flop yet
>do trust events
>skip to next day to see if there are more trust events
By stealing your best friend Soldier 11’s joke…
so Billy is jacking you off if you imagine waifuing her

Kinda hot desu
They pay way more mind to survey responses than reddit comments lol
Its kind of funny they do nothing with Eous in the outside world beyond that one moment they used a bomb to distract. He isn't even a playable bangboo. Could have also had the sibling just be right there in the middle of combat but now made them super easy t get aids making them even more beyond worthless.
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She has an event in blazewood that gives significant trust, when you are given an option to pick something about caesar or something about liking lucy, pick the second option for the bonus
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imagine self-inserting as this guy
Billion dollar revenue tier
instead of shower scene they should just make sex scene
80 coffee would still have the edge because freedom
>pump cock full of spicy chili oil
>ask Soldier 11 to slurp out my extra thick sloppy udon
the future is normie
terribly in CN couldn't reach top 15 and already out of top 20
in comparison Qingyi and Jane were still in the top 10 on the third day
I want my pamper my loli mommy gf Piper.
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TVs... won.....................?
they never said they are completely removing tv anyway except for the main story missions so they didn't go back on their word.
this tv "coming back" is a big nothingburger
>she bites your dick off
Your chosen sibling could always get a mutation that lets them fight
thanks, does she appear in a specific time/spot?
Why are you lying bro? Not a single comment on Jp version is against it.
>based on the best upvoted suggestion
AHAHAHA TVcucks are redditors after all!
If she fingers herself, does that count as preliminary sex with Billy?
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So this is that Outer Ring education I hear so much about.
>I know! I'll call TV's Reddit!
>That'll show them!!!!
Not sure about time, but she appears right next to 2 NPCs, one of which is a kid
We all know da wei himself is a lurker in all mihoyo generals
Bro, low IQ troglodytes with too much disposable income are the main audience that hoyo is targeting.
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>It's doing great in JP
>Didn't reach top 1
The fucking launch day was cucked by Nikkers in bikini
Zhu was cucked by BA
Qinqyi was cucked by FGO
Jane is the only banner that reached top 1 there and guess what? it is ZZZ worse banner yet until Caesar
I was actually hoping she'd recognize it lol, would be nice to know that H.A.N.D and OBOL have worked together in the past.
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Can someone post a good lolibaba build with Oven or whatever cope ball they have? It feels like bosses have a Mariana Trench instead of a normal daze bar these days.
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>upvoted suggestions
TVs need to be gone for this game to prosper
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We heard your complaints and now corrected the models.
>anti TV fags gloating that other places of ZZZ discussion, namely twitter and Reddit, are the majority who want TVs gone
>now crying that other places of ZZZ discussion are a minority who are mob ruling the game
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>zzz is a reddit driven game
we're quickly becoming the laughing stock of /vg/
That shirt was meant for Rina
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>Everyone is complaining about the shower scene
More like everyone is complaining about people complaining about the shower scene
In your head
>Caesar is the biggest flop yet
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Who would win in a fight, the child or a non-combat model bangboo?
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Tunnel Snakes Rule!
>JanexSethe is very well-received by the fandom
This is what I hate the most but in the end it s a mihomo game so I should have expected a fanbase full of trannies
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You are literally retarded if you think they aren't citing chinese social media.
TVjeets can't read English, please understand.
>TVcucks before
>stupid redditors and xitterfags!
>TVcucks now
>Yes reddit you slay!
but what about...
piper AND lucy sex???
When do the doomcucks leave? They've been at it for a week now.
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Is the alternative open world instead of TV's? Or large combat sections? What would you guys want instead of TV's specifically that you think would fit and be interesting?
Yup, it's over.
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Reminder for corridor sloppers to quit the game before sunk cost fallacy hits, because this game was never meant for (You)
>do blitz mode on mobile
>first boss is shadow jane
>have to restart for a different boss
even the weekly bosses on stage 2 are easier holy shit
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Conclusion: find meds for your obsession with reddit.
Skin color's not bad but I don't like the hair
It's fucking insane, really, don't they have other games to play?
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I did it!
>TVhaters now
>stupid redditors and xitterfags!
>TVhaters before
>Yes reddit you slay!
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>anti-tv tourists ejected
what the fuck is the timeline of this game? how have they been quelling ether activity in the oil fields for 40 or 50 years when Wise and Belle, who are both barely in their twenties, remember going to school in Eridu before it fell? is this another Mad Max situation where none of it maked sense or am i missing something crucial?
The devs basically admit they can't improve the game without filler tv sections.
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I need more contents... I'll even take TV mode...
I like Doom Eternal...
grats, now do it without caesar crutch
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When GI and hsr have their major patches
Ayo hol up.
>Loads into part 4 of TV quest chain
>Fairy begins 2 lines of unskippable dialogue telling you where the target is
>takes 3 steps, fairy begins tutorial dialogue for the puzzle for 3 year olds
>readjusts zoom setting again after the "puzzle"
>1st puzzle for 3 year olds, fairy has a setting to resolve it for you if you fail
>scripted fight, 4 ethereals and a big ethereal
>encounters locked door, Fairy says 'master I cannot open this as it is locked', camera zooms out and pans to alternative path
>steps on a platform that shoots you right next to the target, dialogue starts again
>2nd puzzle for 3 year olds
>hidden passage opens, reward: 3500 dennies and 2 tapes
>fairy talks again, camera zooms out
>last puzzle, this time with 1 extra step
>final reward: 15 polychromes, 4000 dennies, 2 audio booster master copies
Woah buddy slow down one step at a time
>1.3 patch
>1 TVslop commission
>63 combat commissions
Can't wait for TVcuck tears.
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True to Caesar, the Darling of Venus
We won?
Bro, your time loop schizo moment in the very beginning when you establish contract with Fairy?
darkest dungeon ripoff where we control eous and our agents as a party and do non-combat stuff. still less intensive than tons of 3d stuff, but a million times more soulful than generic tvs because there'd be custom art
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That game is now old enough to have sexual relations.

Good job anon, that shit is too hard for me.
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>In your head
you're coping hard if you don't believe the game shipbaited these two. Everyone spammed their interaction here twitter and reddit and the fanart immediately started
They baited this pair and the majority took the bait
now watch pinKing some more
>t-the devs listened!
Listening to reddit is an L
Hope you have better luck than me, bro...
I had to pull til soft pity twice because I got S11 from my 50/50 and I might fail the 75/25 on the weapon banner as well and I still need to make some bank for Lucy's dupes in Burnice's banner.
It's honestly not awful.

Qingyi requires actual skill to play on Seedbed LMAO, Koleda feels way more lenient with how her dodge counter works.
I like TVs but the next best thing are Rally missions. We've seen extensive use of them for this story update and they're not bad, but could be better if they had a bigger focus on exploration.
Actual open world would be a colossal undertaking that's not worth it.
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I have no Caesar unfortunately. Getting close to doing my coin flip though.
explain why a heterosexual relationship between two working adults is somehow trans coded
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2nd roll wasn't as exciting, it turned out
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How long do I have to wait for another cool character?
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There needs to be a balance between TV sections and non TV sections, anyone calling for removal of one or the other is a retard
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Not gonna lie, Blitz Mode is kinda fucking boring.
Dear anTV cucks: if TV is reddit, then breathing is also reddit. Care to explain why you still do it?
Guys, I cannot go past level 2 in the Cheesetopia minigame.
Is it a day-based thing or is my game bugged?
>Hey look a new map and region
>Zoom on a few sections
>Stare at a tv the rest of the time
>Do a small bit of combat with one to two rooms with a big enemy taking up all the space

How is this game taking so much space then?
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>TV sloppa is back
This is why we can't have good things. Enjoy your 2D grid based "gameplay" while other Mihoyo games do everything in-engine with a heavy focus on overworld exploration and combat.
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>You are literally retarded if you think they aren't citing chinese social media.
Mihoyo games are more popular in the west than China
please stop posting bricked up eos
>HRT fag is a TV hater
Of course you enjoy corridor simulator. Rejoice /zzz/ for it is HRT homos that we keep at bay with TVs
I picked coffee mate for our date and won the 50/50
Now this is the real action game gaming.
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>Caesar is canonically in love with Wise
Holy shit
Damn. Western fujos OWN the gacha genre.
Dungeon crawling with tvs isnt bad, but the implementation in game right now is just terrible, if it was more fleshed out I'd be down for it, basically I want prophecy style maps but you do combat with your own characters instead (and you also get animated chibi sprites of the characters you're using instead of the bangboo)
>When do the doomcucks leave?
They never do until the game is dead
unironically, we should be more worried if no one is doomposting the game
nobody understands girls, especially girls
How do I activate the cheesetopia event? I know I need to do a Lucy mission first, but I haven't seen it pop up.
>overworld expl-
go back then lmao
I'm gonna be here enjoying my tvKINO while having the sexiest lolis thats for (you)
>will be finished all the content in like 3 days and have to wait another two months for 1.3
>do everything
Dialogue isn't everything, bwo
You should expand your horizons
>Friends admit they don't want more combat or maps due to their shit computer or phone
>They only like tv since its less demanding and takes little effort to do or look at a guide
I made the mistake of trying this before inter-knot 50
Caesar's arms are comically thin compared to the rest of her body
>Caesar's arm is one of Billy's old prosthetics
Deepest lore
>while other Mihoyo games do everything in-engine with a heavy focus on overworld exploration and combat
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how can you tell who's from where based on their posts?
All gacha minigames, across all gachas have cooldowns or pauses. They don't let u one and done.
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is this new?
good job TVtards, you went and killed the game. what's the next step of your master plan?
Great so complete removal of TVs is what I'll write in the feedback survey.
Kill all zoomers and CC niggers with no surviors
Lucy sex
I like the tv gameplay
>caesar already down to 24
she flopped bigly
>Caesar is canonically in love with Wise
You don't play the game
>noooo I don't want TV it takes too loooong I need to finish the patch in one day instead of two!!! I want MORE dead time between patches!
this is you
I might be in the minority here but I really dont want to play another fucking chibi game
I pulled for the fucking characters and i want to see them in their full fucking shape and glory. Id rather eous stayed eous than get chibi jpeg shit
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What the fuck is this thing doing?
Crashing this thread... with no survivors!
>"Billy's prosthetic"
>not "Billy's spare parts"
Is Billy an android?
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>my Kot now deletes everything thanks to Caesar's buffs
I'm glad I was kotted and also have her ball
>pajeets can't run the game at more than 15 fps so they want 2d black and white grid slop
Theyll see you play hrt and trash your feedback
dupe for S rank bangboos
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It took them how much time to backpedal? One day?
I lost the 50-50, but I think i will be able to scrounge another pity in this patch. Who should i go for?
Defeating the anime shizos
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>40 Signals
>1st Signal was Caesar
>The next 39 gave me 3 Antons
I'm going to keep playing and enjoying the game.
We need a game mode that requires 3 fully built teams
It's already been proven Chapter 4 is longer than Chapter 3 and with no TV, shitposter-kun.
>new OST added
Yeah... we're back.
My only QoL complaint is that I should be able to select a track while chilling on the couch.
Actually, since they're letting you play totally different characters, they should just add an MP3 player that lets you choose BGM in the overworld at will.
and you don't watch any official content that gets released on their social media accounts
>pajeets and poorfags want TV slop
They didn't even say they were removing it all together just out of the main story. They were always going to use for dumb shit events and commissions along with HZ. Maybe they realized they can't be damned to fix up old missions since it be a waste of time and effort.
It's just a mindscape for any arbitrary bangboo
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>buy the $99 mono pack (with bonus of course, making me still f2p) because I loved Caesar’s EP and wanted to convey that I want more of that
>30 rolls later get rewarded with not only Caesar ball, but also my favorite DPS’s ball
Thank you Dawei please add WisexCaesar sex scene in the future
Kots ball isn't even that good
>Nooo i need more padding and walking through corridors being interrupted with tutorials for phone game tier minigames
And this is you
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>TVs need to be gone for this game to prosper
The game was down to 15 million in its second month Mihoyo is panicking they have no vision for this game they just want to spam banners for money
Should I roll for Bangboo dupes? I got the few I was interested in using but now I don't roll anymore.
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>67 posts hidden
zenfull zone
They never backpedalled, tvs were never getting removed. They saw people misunderstanding their devlog and decided to make a post built on the audience's misunderstanding to gain brownie points
Who's the third team member?
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>TVs are saved
>anti-TV Janecuck doing damage control on cooldown
You love to see it. Give it 2 hours and he'll switch back to stirring fanbase wars
Revive the game with better TeeVee and original vision of 60 FPS Nicole boobs jiggling.
gz anon you did the easiest one because there's no time limits
>Unused Elements/Class combinations
-Ether Anomaly
-Ether Defender
-Ether Stun
-Ice Anomaly
-Ice Defender
-Physical Stun
-Physical Support
My guess is Miyabi is the Ice Anomaly.
caesar shouldve been dressed more kingly, true to her name. instead she looks like some cheap biker dyke skank. i also dont like her hair color. grey, black or red wouldve worked better than whatever the fuck that is
Personally I'm just saving them until new bangboos come out, the damage increase from dupes doesn't seem worth potentially not getting a new one at release
It's only browns that like TVs btw
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Bros I think I love Caesar.
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>caesar teaser
>is actually a thinly veiled lucy teaser
>caesar backstory trailer
>actually a lucy backstory trailer
>caesar chapter
>actually a lucy chapter
>caesar and piper dates
>lucy is the main topic of discussion
>lucy date
>actually just a normal date with lucy
KNEEL before Lucy dev.
LaD is for yumestacies. They banned fujocucks from their game.
That's not wise lmao
>Should I roll for Bangboo dupes?
Fuck no.
Maybe after a year of playing when you save up 1k plus boopons, its too early for that now.
Can't wait to waste more time on another predictable story.
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>Account unbricked
Big daddy will be physical stunner
TV is for the thinking white man.
The inferior brownoid and the mentally disturbed zoomer cannot cope with the slow burn that is TV stages.
I always had to put Family Guy on second monitor while doing Hollow Zero TV mode because it was too boring, thank god for the new update
Everyone knows this btw
>everyone I don't like is one jane loving boogeyman I made up in my head!
take your meds bro
Caesar is very ugly and her animations are 3-star level lmao.
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Im an even bigger Caesar fan now
thats right, even bigger than (you) anon
/tv/ won, retarded low IQ niggerfaggots LOST
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she loves (you) too bro
Is there anywhere to send feedback if I already did their survey?
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everyone's having a melty!
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>free Crit rate
>20% damage
>and more 25% damage from behind
You just hold her attack, get behind, ult and I see her obliterate the bosses HP bar, it's good
Lucy, but Nicole and even Soukaku work too.
nta but can I get a link to their jp or cn channel, every time I open a link and it's EN I feel they've ruined whatever character speaks in the half a second I hear before I mute/close it
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Got Nekomata's ball on the w-engine banner. Sadge.
So, what's the best cope options for Caesar? One of the defense engines or a stun engine with impact as its stat? Or is her sig so much better that I really need to keep going for her sig?
Also, is Nekomata good with her engine? I was going to use Caesar with Lucy and S11, but maybe Nekomata with her sig engien is better than S11 without her sig engine?
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Erm, they're called Yumejos and they look like this.
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nah she aint but she doesnt have the aura and feel of a leader.
but /tv/ is exclusively made up of low iq niggerfaggots thoughever
I'm going to roll till I get one copy of every S-rank bangboo, just for "flexibility" and then I'll start rolling dupes for my core bangboo (unless someone puts out numbers that 5 star Bangboo are busted good)
I liked her when all we had of her was from the teaser. You are nothing.
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So now that the dust has settled, is Ceasar a must pull? Or can I continue saving for mibibi and her engine?
The EPs and such are still in English though
So are they even gonna bother now with the old chapters or is it a lost cause? Do they plan on removing Jane and Caesar sections with more tv sections?
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I'm pretty sure we had this exact discussion already except everyone was happy TV's were gone, do you people really flipflop your opinions that easily?
>two stunners in the same faction
He's gonna be a physical attacker, his story will involve kino Billy related loredrops that reveal how his fighting style is inspired by Big Daddy.
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Ain't fucking way they're making furry vergil be ice anomaly. She's definitely crit
Based ngl
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>Geninuely interested in this game especially this one character >>496052952
>Mihomo game
lol look at this dumbass
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Finally got a team to do this shit. Really love how everything after 1.0 is strong against ice.
I'm going to hoard my boopons because I'm worried I'll miss out on some super meta option later on
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>trying to build up a second team
>actually kinda like how neko plays
>would probably be even better with caesar but i want burnice and lighter and probably section 6 characters
Small indie company.
While Lighter with S-rank hype is cool I still really wish they made him a playable A-rank for this patch. Most of the A-ranks are pretty damn decent, Piper is considered pretty fucking good by just about everyone. It's not like he'd be bad if he were an A-rank.
/tv/ is literally sewers I make sure I always get banned from it
but buying 60 rolls is way better... what's the point then? if it was like 800 instead then people might consider it
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20 more GB of fat tits and asses, Genshit doesn't have them
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I always have to go 60+ rolls for a S-rank when a new character comes out
How do I get luckier
My best was getting Jane’s ball in like 6 singles
Yeah it happens all the time. People were happy males weren't a thing but now want to suck Lighter's cock. Yet now hate any mention of a male with Caesar.
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>the devs saw that one anime cc girl who got stuck for 20 minutes on the tutorial pipes TV mission
>This is what TV niggers enjoy eating
holy fuck my sides
CBT Miyabi didn't have a good reception and they'll rework her as Ether Anomaly. Trust the plan, believe in the process.
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>Got my first Caesar and first Alexandria
I'm bringing the Roman provinces all together, Egypt has been secured
Wise is so lucky...
Literally just copy Persona 4s TV system what's the issue here?
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Bro your Corin.
It could be both, she could very well be crit-related ice anomaly. Shatter does have a crit damage butf already so there's already the groundwork laid for it.
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>getting filtered by toddlershit
Yeah. People hate TV shit cause it's handled like shit, not because the concept itself is bad. When TV shit is fun it's some of my favourite shit in the game.
>60 rolls versus guaranteed dupe
Sooner or later you're gonna have every single 5* bangboo.
They haven't made a single Bangboo limited yet and I can't see that changing without advanced warning - and they'd probably walk it back after the community gets worked up about it
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Please? I remember that the majority of the thread rolled her. Are QY bros really extinct?
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I beat Ambush yesterday night, but damn I could have beaten 2nd side around the 2 minute something mark too. Too bad I keep fucking up Qingyi's dash attack after perfect dodging while she's in her rave dance. I swear I press attack after the dodge and all she does is stand there. I wish I knew what I was doing wrong so I can fix it. After she was nearly dead, I had kite for 4 minutes with Rina.
Caesar pov
Why not both?
>shatter already makes enemies take 40% more CDMG
>make her an opposite jane, where crit rate increases buildup and crit damage increases proficiency
>uninstalled because of tvslop
>heard it got removed
>feel bad about quitting the game and missing out weeks worth of rolls
>slurpers complain and devs backpedal on tvslop removal
phew saved me a reinstall there
>Mihomo game
The biggest problems with Mihoyo games are the fanbase and shipshit
Jane flopped so no more shipbaiting here
zzz is 25gb
hsr is 24gb
genshin is 20gb

not sure what you have downloaded kek
>Lucy dev
Waterkuma himself owns the post of Lucy dev and character designer and nothing can stop him.
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Where the missions at? I can't find anymore and it's not 50% filled.
Me? I have her sig ball + discs with Anomaly Proficiency substats
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TV fags are mentally ill and ruining the game for the rest of us. Go play indie games if you want to move through a grid of chibi sprites. ZZZ has some of the highest quality anime-style graphics I've seen, that don't go into weird pseudorealism like FF, and yet the main gameplay where the story is told is TV sloppa.
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>How do I get luckier
You don't the only thing that matters is winning the 50/50
You won't be missed
it's iOS
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H-Hello I'd just like to say I don't care because I was having fun either way...
Why does 4chan keep eating my 10/10 posts?
Is piper actually as good as people are hyping her up to be? Mine is at m3 right now and I've used her a bit, she's fun against weak mobs but struggles against bosses. Granted, she's only level 50 with not-so-great artifacts, so I'm not getting an accurate representation. But I've been hesitant to spend more resources on her.
The tv sections take a lot.
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bros I have no poly and I want burnice yanagi AND lighter...
Your Rina?
FUCKKK I want to W5 Kaboom the Canon but don't want Burnice Weapon because I'm not rolling for her
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Got double baba armpits
Seek mental help, schizo.
It's still a relatively young general so shitposters who don't even play the game are still trying to steer the narrative to farm (you)s. You can tell one guy is basically making posts on cooldown calling tvs high iq and a zoomer filter despite every tv level being pretty much a railroad with excessive tutorialization and 0 thinking involved. Another guy is constantly trying to hijack the conversation to try and start another jane flame war. It's gonna be rough for a while...
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i remember saving that one
wtf are you doing
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oh no...
I thought he would falseflag with Caesar more, what happened
What does this even mean?
So whats actually happening? I cant tell from all this zoomer illogical posting.
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>majority of anti TV is /hsr/xisters
Dead game club is two threads down.
>these people exist and stop us from getting tv mode content that would actually be engaging and not absolutely fucking braindead and boring as shit
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Rina bro, I too lost my 50/50 I genuinely nodded my head when she came in. I have a built Grace and Anton through sheer luck, can't wait to wreck shit with her. (did cost me though... True to Caesar).
Permastunning the enemy because the shadownigger enemy has a gun and runs away
That's ambush and it's much easier with 2 stunners to just spam parry instead of dodge and build up decibels and energy to further spam EX skill
You are immortal due to iframes
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Last of my Poly got me Dog
Makes no sense when hsr is anti gaming.
That’s a bit to entertain her viewers. People love "stupid" girls. Look at Gura.
bangboo rights
Go play a real puzzle game pajeet.
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She's pretty amazing
The trick to playing her pressing special but switching out of it a lot
Just landing the final hit of it is what you should be going for don't facetank just to land spins
I don't care, fix your teams
I just tune out whatever she says her gimmick is incredibly cliche you know what her response before she even talks
Tv is okay for side quest content and events
my condolences on your account being wormed anon
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now that i think about it they aren't even that good
but it is what it is
TV is not okay and there are no exceptions
Let TVslurpers feel superior for solving baby-tier puzzles.
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Don't care, I got S
>Lucy confirmed (You)sexual
LucyGODS can’t stop winning
>When TV shit is fun
Like when?
>inb4 Prophecy
Go play a fucking rpg, holy shit.
I had the same experience, I think the big thing is that if you don't have her well built you won't quite clear the threshhold to kill stuff before you start running dry on resources.
I want Lucy cunny sex.
You won't for the next one
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>Listening to the Caesar EP
>proxy is still KING and loved by everyone even though faggota were excited about 1.1 glorified agent story without proxy involvement
>tv gameplay is staying by popular demand even though 1.1 faggots just want to turn this into a genshin clone
1.1 worse update ever.
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based nyagger
She's obviously playing it up for the camera. The real retards are the one who believes they are that stupid.
I can't be the only one who thinks Burnice just straight up looks like a prostitute.
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when is the cooking event dropping I want my free Lucy.
>Thank you Dawei please add WisexCaesar sex scene in the future
This is a yurigod game
using gimped teams is a bad habit
my first experience with piper was in this event and she vaporized every enemy i fought easily, including groups.
shes pretty op
>game is designed around shitting
>get mad that they expect you to shit, all you wanted to do was piss
>refuse to go play a piss game instead
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I can see the shape.
>no Jane
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Now he's asking for what I assumed to be ASMR videos, I regret rolling
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The first part where your sibling leads Caeser and Lighter to your location was clearly made with the idea you'd play as them and lead them using the TVs. Playing area defense 3 times with solo Billy was so shit.
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An M1 Piper with her wengine is almost as good as Jane, arguably better in disorder comps. I have her at M6W5 with extremely shitty disks and she still shits out 800k disorders left and right.
They all do yes even Lighter.
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Your mother is a prostitute
>looks like
how do you think she survived on her own in the outer ring before joining calydon
fuck lucy
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holy shit I kept getting anton'd despite having him c6 since ellen.
corin lets watch tv then have couch breeding
Some wild guesses
-Ether Anomaly: Yutane
-Ether Defender:
-Ether Stun: Rokudu
-Ice Anomaly: Miyabi
-Ice Defender:
-Physical Stun: Seed
-Physical Support: Trigger
Not sure about Magus, and Chinatsu is most likely a support of some sort.
Harumasa is supposedly an Electric attacker?
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I don't know how good it is but it works fine for me.
>wears massive heels
>barely taller than Belle
she's tiny
star rail and genshin are rated 12+ zzz is 16+
Congrats piperbro
>fuck lucy
If you insist...
Calm down Caesar.
>An M1 Piper is almost as good as Jane
Not this episode again.
Idk why they can't just make more rally style missions. I thought everybody loved those
RIP people who deleting their PEN and ATT% disc with AP substats.
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Has anyone unlocked Caesars wallpaper yet?
On one hand, I need Caesar's engine which will probably cost me the full 60-70 rolls.
On the other hand, I need Burnice.
Tough decision
that's jane fucking with him
don't worry, he's actually a bro
left design 9/10
right design 1/10
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Based and true
don't worry, it'll get censored after release
based on the comments earlier they must unlock "today" at reset, because they got fucked over when they saw they can't do the entire thing in one day
so im guessing how many days to do the event, probably 3-6
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Meanwhile Caesar is a giantess
Anyone getting better times with caesar? I get more consistent higher scores with jane/seth/caesar but my peak even if it's only one second faster is still with Rina instead.
Did you know that this is the norm for gachashit outside of hoyoslop?
>will probably cost me the full 60-70 rolls
I like your optimism.
you can preview it during the story when you play as her in the lumina square part
Amber did it first
no one cares about her in genshin anymore sadly
nta but I would say 5 seconds slower easily qualifies for almost as good yeah
>right design 1/10
you are brown
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do we really need this guy?
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Miyabi will be Ether Support
Belle is spoiled by Wise
damn, are they fucking?
So what's the best element? Ether? Physical? Ice?
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I went with Burnice, I swore to get my KING her weapon next time though, and the rest of her C's.
She is the same size as Wise with heels and wise is smaller then lighter.
Her build is pretty straightforward, just 4pc Shockstar 2pc Woodpecker. Impact on slot 6. Crit on all substats. You can use Anby's ball, Steam Oven doesn't feel great on her on the new Withering Garden because of the Energy penalties and she's really not reliant on her EX.
pass the butter
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i hope he has fun doing his job
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Do we really need you?
Question is mod the skirt off/make it shorter/shrink the bloomers even further?
I rolled for two Caesars but I still can only use her in one team? Can someone explain? Should I contact support?
It's true
It's a Rick and Morty reference
>what is my purpose?
>you pull the lever
>oh my god
Ice thanks to the freeze and shatter mechanic.
poor Coco would get smushed by those giant titties that are level with her face

she's noticeably taller like Zhu
I went from clearing Red Shiyu 9 in 4:59 to 3:30 with Caesar replacing Ben on Piper/Lucy.

Rina is just really good with Jane, the PEN buff is still severely underrated.
>Go play a fucking rpg
ZZZ is an RPG, retard
this is literally me
Physical has a top tier anomaly while most enemies are weak to Ether.
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If securityboo is anything to go by....
Guys I think I will be bricking my account and entirely skip Caesar
Rarity wise Ether, effect wise Ice
Maybe they should add more "graphics" to the TV so zoomers are not so confused and understand what it's trying to convey
Maybe sprite graphics
do not hate on leverboo
shes good of course but making that comparison with m1 is a little hyperbolic
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I want to play the new arcade game
no fucking chance I lose a 75/25
Eh not really. M1 is basically worth all 5 of pipers other cinemas honestly. She pretty much peaks with it
(All) Bangboo quest(s)
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>no fucking chance I lose a 75/25
this isn't dwarf fortress bro I refuse to believe it's not clear enough
what they need is an option to enable or disable the tutorials depending on if you're retarded or not
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>would be easy enough to automate lever pulling
>have a bangboo do it anyhow
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It's almost like it all depends on the exact stats spread and buffs.
Ether and it's not even close. Ether is the premium element of this game, it will always be good and nothing noteworthy is ever going to resist it. Physical will always be kept in check because it needs to be balanced around Disorder so even while kept in check it's still going to be decent. Ice is the holy retard element that only exists to torment fucking IDIOTS that rolled for the 1.x meta bait ice DPS, they pulled the same prank in Genshin and HSR, they have it out for icekeks.
why is it not in the fucking game??
You mean you don't already have M6 Piper since 1.0?
We still do that with people.
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May you obtain her raiment, sir.
Physical until they give us dps with permanent element infusions.
Zoomies need colors on their face or they don't get it
that would help to make it feel less cheap and soulless
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>no fucking chance I lose a 75/25
Ether as most enemies are weak to it and Nicole gives crazy buffs
Ice as freeze stops the daze bar ticking down extending the stun phase and buffs crit by 10%
Abayo nigga
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>Already said in the dev talk video that they are not removing it entire
>Has to repeat themselves because illiterated retards
>we won!
Sometimes I feel bad for them
jiggles tits and ass please understand
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your 80 energy coffee sir.
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Yeah gl bro.
I always play around the worst case scenario
I pulled for Piper's ball Caesar ball was just incidental
>tfw Caesar’s EP made me roll for her with “that”
I hope ZZZ’s dev team keeps distinguishing themselves from Genhomo’s in the future
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I did, and you will too, but good luck!
I need to cum
Post images of Burnice’s fat fucking ass
but that is automation
Got Kotted. Which means I'll almost certainly not have enough resources to get both Caesar and her signature w-engine.
Is she actually good without her signature? Not just usable, but a significant upgrade over the existing 4-stars? Granted, being an upgrade probably isn't that big of a hurdle considering my only standard banner 5-stars are Nekomata and S11, so she won't have much competition in the support/stunner category.
I wish they kept the mechanic where caesar could parry her own shield throw
the animation clearly shows it was intended
now her NA chain feels useless
It's fine keeping it for events and random side quests, but it's NOT fine artificially inflating the length of the main story by using it instead of doing it like Jane's quest.
What would she parry her shield with
I think if zoomers could see their favourite characters running around in the maze they would be fine with it
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Based, but I suggest you also used this for the future if you're a retard that can't censor his UID
it's pretty uncommon but it can happen
The tv wasnt the worst part about this game, the worst part is spamming left click .
I wish Belle was my sister
oh I see thank you gives me time to farm some stuff for her I guess
modded id
delete your image
some unholy ledditor is going to do it
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Sometimes I feel bad for retards like you
I already reported him, you're welcome.
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Its fine, I've made it now
check these Pipes
Retard here,
Shouldnt I almost always just drink the 80 energy coffee since the other buffs are effectively only 80 energy but to a specific thing?
Excluding event stuff obviously.
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Reposting it because he deleted it, this is your chance to ban a tv slopper if you want
freeze is good here because bosses aren't immune to it
the reason freeze sucks in genshin is because boss immunity

then where are my exploration commisions?
it's definitely the most impactful, shes kinda bad without it but as someone who airdropped my at the time m1 piper's stuff onto jane when she came out the difference was real. i have her at m6 now and it's surprisingly close but that's about what I expect/what it should be for a ranks
Your account is now forfeit.
They're putting it back in story mode
The last bit about "instead of completely removing it" should mean they're addressing that part
>they had to make a mod that hides your UID
modtoddlers... not a good look...
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Why is my Imperator so plump, bwos?
ok pyro
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They are talking about this.
Where does Caesar fall on the unga-bunga scale once you get used to her? I'd like a "fuck it let's ball" team where I don't have to think/time much. I played her trial yesterday, and I had some trouble timing the second E press after the first E parry, but I was also half asleep so that might have something to do with it.
Holy fuck
that neko skin is beautiful
2 ninevahs with max corruption or 5 dullahans?
caesar wasn't an emperor
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I miss Zhu Yuan
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Why did you delete it? You're not NA though that's unfortunate.
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>Already said in the dev talk video that they are not removing it entire
>Has to repeat themselves because illiterate retards
Sometimes I feel bad for them
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he wasn't posting for or against TV, silly, he was hornyposting kot
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>ESL calling others illiterate
>unable to speak properly himself
>also an anti-TV faggot
what a surprise
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>unironically reposting deleted UID image
Why are Janecucks like this
the fact that you can even lose the roll on weapon banners is so fucking stupid
also a person on that server "15" would have to report it, america wouldn't be able to good luck with that
>admitting to being a pedo and losing your account in the process
Holy mother of copium
the miniskirt is dumb, should have gone with just shorts
you do know hoyo knows you use mods right, they can detect it
Just roll it on her rerun if you still like using her then. Transmorpher/any S stunner ball works fine atm. The 30% shield is only QoL due to how easy she can re-apply it and 18% damage is not THAT huge of an modifier.
i can't read. can an anon tell me the uid?
her two massiv-
>slopnigger can't even post mods
i wish you the best friend, sorry our general sucks
nothing will happen
take your meds schizo
You literally just e - e2 and then swap to lucy then E with her then quick swap into keeping your dps on field until the shield breaks.
Then you can defensive assist into her for her shield again, repeat.
Its brain off.
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5 blink-happy Thanatos
>brotherwars over TVs
Never call me that ever again
Why do I find Tin Master to be so annoying. He always sounds like a pretentious fucker. Are all coffee fags like this?
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I already reported the UID
God dam just saw the new Caesar video
Not only do they make her super broken and give her the best story chapter but they also make her 100% for you? What kind of gay male do you have to be to not roll on the clumsy ass tomboy with big fat tits?
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The last fight of the new mode was stupidly difficult since I don't have Caesar and you can only have Jane in one team. The onslaught of attacks made me play in a completely different, much less risky way than I usually do. It took me over an hour to do it but at the end of the day I've enjoyed the challenge
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Cope anti-tv faggot.
Janefaggots are subhuman niggers, what do you expect from them
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It still output similar damage with Fanged buff on or eve stun multiplier
neko isn't underage retarf
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>Got lucky with early Caesar roll
>Got lucky with triple Roaring Ride really early
>Got decently lucky with Piper Mindscapes
Kinda want to roll for Caesar's weapon, but I want Burnice and Lucy Mindscapes so I should probably just be happy with what I got(way more than I expected) and save up.
dullahans are the sword and shield guy right? i'd take 5 of those than 2 ninevehs.
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plop plop goes up my hair~~*~xoxo*/**/**/**
corin get back in your sex prison
I was unironically looking forward to doing more of these puzzles...
Imperator and Emperor are two different things, historylet
I only just noticed you can target the new boss' bike specifically. Has anyone figured out if this does anything, like how you can target the legs of those big machine bosses?
sorry gro
>Impact proto-punk with Atk, Crit Dmg and Crit Rate
>posting modded image
>forgetting to hide UID
deserved for being a retard
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>expecting 4chan^H^H^H^H^H the internet to not be full of petty children
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I like collecting UIDs of modders that fucked up
TVniggers deserve to be shot on sight.
>replying to samefagging
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Anon, if that's pretentious for you, then you clearly haven't met a winesnob.
>Are all coffee fags like this?
Below the height of consent. Don't try anything we got you surrounded.
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my cute plump hebe oppai loli burn niece
holy sex
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Share you cards so you can link up with your bwos
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but you're SUPPOSED to be a winesnob, coffeefags are just fags
If anything, real life coffee freak is way more annoying
I can't. I'm missing one more mindscape for M6 Corin.
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Does transmorpher work for Caesar? I recall someone in one of the threads saying the impact from its effect doesn't help because Caesar only uses base impact, so an A-rank stun engine would be better than it. Might be wrong though.
I don't have an S-rank stunner ball yet, and if/when I get one it'll probably go to Qingyi first.
Lack of attention from parents
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You order, sir. Some tea and double cactus.
+5 flat defense
okay but have you ever actually HAD specialty coffee or are you a stupid fucking plebe who consumes sloppa from starfucks
its not 50/50?
>Are all coffee fags like this?
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Touching Lucy's petite body in her tightest places...
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>Dullahan got huge fucking DEF stats it make PEN disc better in comparison.
those cactus salads look very...scrapy going down
i want my money back
He just really likes coffee.
Stun multiplier doesn't affect the ratio but your atk substats do.
we lost
You seem insufferable.
that's so silly...
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>He want soulless belebog elevator
I guess in the end you just go with whatever has the best substats, it's not worth the effort to keep switching depending on the enemy
>why do metaniggers with shit taste behave like uncivilized apes
Answered your own question there
>containment zone
go back to it
they raised their game rating to 18+
zzz is 16+
real coffequeers are worse actually, just look at this dipshit >>496055264
added brodie
>the schizo is still going
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We all know that, the problem is about using DISC 5 main stat, apparently main element stats its not worth it specially when you aiming for AP substats for Piper.
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We're onto you Phaeton.
Proxy business is ILLEGAL in New Eridu.
Enjoy spending the rest of your life in Guantanamo.

Section 6 out.
bro is hogging the world's entire supply of tren

The words emperor, caesar, czar, and Kaiser all go back to one source: the title of the first Roman emperor, Imperator Caesar Augustus. Augustus was the adopted son of the Roman general and ruler Julius Caesar and he took the name Caesar as part of his official name. Later Roman emperors did the same, and thus caesar came to mean “an emperor of Rome.” The word caesar was borrowed into German and other Germanic languages as Kaiser, which is how we get the word kaiser for “a ruler in Germany.” Through the Russian word tsar, which also came from kaiser, we got our word czar, meaning “a ruler in Russia.” The word emperor can be traced through French to Latin imperator. Imperator was a title given to great Roman generals and meant “commander,” from the verb imperare “to command.”
I regret spending batteries for semi-perfect discs...
Why can't ZZZ get anything like this...?

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I was trying to emulate early 2000s internet usernames and FPS gamer tags for the Inter-knot larp bwo...
Just use Grace's W-engine.
I dont see any benbiggy vids clear shiyu defense. Is his shield+tank with skillE not worth consider to build for ambush node?

>not roll for caesar
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>demigod soldier
>wearing a swimsuit in combat
Retarded, there are better ways of making coom designs and her base outfit is hotter. I dropped Snoggle like a year ago because of the waifushit pandering and beach swimsuits.
city slickers
>Eww, why are they making a bangboo pull a lever? Don't they know he has a soul? They could make it automatic and free him!
country boy
>hehe, bangboo pull lever
twitter and reddit will get mad
They're right about starbucks though. You don't have to go to some hipster artisanal civet-ass-bean coffee place to do better than Starbucks, literally just go to McDonalds
is he ok???
ben fell off because there are better options, its why anby isn't getting used as much
i assume he can do just fine if you play well
Not really, the margin so small, its not worth wasting weeks of stamina farming other main stats of disc just for extra 1-2% damage, specially if you already getting a good AP substats on any Phys/Att%/Pen disc 5.
What you want for Piper is AP boost.
Seeing as how they now make the decisions for this game, yeah, you're right.
you can clear with anyone
its just that nobody built or even likes ben
DEI hire
I accept your concession you mud drinking knuckle dragging neanderthal
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>mfw the current state of this general
Nah they are based. Of course a pedo wouldn't know anything about accepting accountability however.
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Ok I'll add you later
I'm the guy with "piper pit fiend" as his description
Is grace without rina cope?
>2.4% increase compared to atk
Is everyone forced to enter their username and password again often when starting the game or is it just me
Usual Reddit behaviour, nothing new, move along
That is how it works. It's why people were playing Nicole in random comps early on, her def shred becomes proportionally more impactful against enemies that way outstat you.
Bro is on more gear than Togi, Sam Sulek and Coach Greg together nahhh
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i can see it now btw
starbucks collab with zzz
need to buy a special expresso drink at the drivethru or with the starbucks app.
expect it within a year.
What do you want to achieve? Anton team? Yes.
Anomaly? No.
just you bwo
Ben is just a skill nuke machine, you build full DEF+CritDMG, swap in to do the counter and leave. He has no stun value like Caesar and his shield only gives a Crit Rate buff, there is barely any reason to run him over someone like Lucy that gives more buffs and leaves her piggies to do constant poke damage. His only viable teamcomp seems to be Koleda+Ben+S11
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>TFW I deleted all my disc5 PEN discs because ziggers told me its bad.
>he bought his account
It happens to me when my internet is unstable.
That happens if the game thinks your hardware changed so something weird is going on
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Are there any teaGODS in this thread?
He's fine, I used him at 50 to S rank this Shiyu no problem. The problem is his buff isn't that great, he's got nothing going beside sub-DPS damage on the chain, parry and ult. He was great practice for Caesar though.
Is the returning player thing up yet or not?
Nobody drinks that slop outside of north america.
anon even total retards would save a pen disk with good substat rolls
its on you if you vaporized them
also I don't believe you since I only seen like 3 pen ratio disks ever
I rolled for this robotic cunt and her ball and now I have no polys left. 10/10 would do again
Never happened to me on PC, but it does happen a lot on mobile.
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I save everything with good crit/proficiency substats in case this happens, even HP% or Def% in case a character with those scalings ever comes out
What’s that website everyone uses to post their stats? I don’t see it in OP links.
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Unfortunately some Brits drink it instead of Costa
/zzz/ gaslighted themselves into liking TVs in fear of being associated with Reddit
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It's not fair

they get this and we get some tomboy with a prosthetic arm that belonged to a guy

nice game zkeks
>wake up
>watch an official, canon wisexcaesar video
Everyday I wake up regretting rolling Belle
I always report UID's in all hoyo games if they are using mods in the image/video. It weeds out the retards and cleans the generals gene pool.
Bro you got a miner living in you PC
>he actually believes this
>Imperator was a title given to great Roman generals and meant “commander,” from the verb imperare “to command.”
There you go
Qingyi likes hot water not dry leaf water.
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>every bit of SoC content makes me like them even more
It's only bad when your team has def reduction like Nico otherwise it's ok-ish disc with good subs
how much polys do they award you?
I tried anton and didnt really like how he played. Might try him again.
I have grace c2w1 so I feel like its a waste not playing her.
no one eats mcdonalds slop either yet gen-shin did their event last week
isn't that mildly pointless after a certain point because new sets will probably come out specifically for those characters?
i remember people getting hp scaling characters in h-sr and they released a new set for it
Implying that it isn't reddit that likes TVs in the first place.
Its not that hard getting PEN from music store, people often waste them for disc5 because its the harder to get the main stat you want.
Anything that lets him samefag and fish for attention, he'll take advantage of. Just ignore
A minor? Let me fuck it
Despite everything you still love Ellen
Whoever wrote Jason's dialogue in this cheesetopia event needs to be fired.
>multiple broken lines just straight up missing words and barely make sense
>"3,000 Dennies is barely enough for a bowl of noddles."
I can barely even make my fucking browser not autocorrect it just typing it out, fucking hell, I'm begging, please fucking QA anything at all mihoyo, oh my god please
How to play rina
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It's just hoyolab battle records bwo
lmao close bondlet
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my god
What stats? Gacha luck? https://zzz.rng.moe/en/tracker
Character stats? Hoyolab.
Mod Anon status?
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I will keep modding the game and you will never ban me. I will not play censored slop.
bros why does getting ether corruption look so cool?
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I crave robutts. Her's look so soft despite being metal.
they hated him because he spoke the truth
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>tomboy with a prosthetic arm

Are you even listening to yourself right now?
Oh thanks
Yeah I thought it was rng.moe and was confused why I couldn’t find the option
Rare based furfaggot.
Why is this fag still samefagging about his schizophrenic bogeyman?
spilling copious seed to nekomiya mana
I genuinely cannot remember what the world looks like. Hollow? You mean HollTV. The Ballet Twins hotel? The BallTV TVins. If it wasn't for the occasional gameplay section or cutscene, I'd assume the setting was a bunch of TVs.
have nicole solo hollow zero or get the last hit on bosses in there
she sells those exp tapes for 999 denny at rest stops
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Glad it took only 1 patch to make retards realize the game is turning into a discount Honaki Impact 3.5rd
I don't imagine you have Jane/Seth because if so that's pretty solid.
Yeah, I just reset until I killed the ranged guy without getting too beat up then spent the fight just running away from the melee guy spamming ranged attacks and popping in now and then when the stunner's EX was available then getting out and spamming ranged attacks again. Was pretty slow, but it was safe and worked.
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anyone knows how to get HIA coin from this girl?
Agents aren't showing up that much after timeskipping
>have to deal with spaz rat to get skill mats now
>she dies in like one Officer Cui chain attack
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Use your adult card anon
for me, it's cold water.
she orders specialty loose leaf tea from Dick TeaMilkers but Coco is a ditzy bimbo and brews it into teamilk
the npc people are right in front of the building she's looking right at them
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I swear there's no one there
that's odd maybe reset the day cycle sometimes some pop up and other times of day most of the stuff they ask are nearby
they dont listen westerners, cn and jp are king and they aint on reddit, only people who dislike tv kino are zoomer and niggers like tectone
literally every threads in reddit complaining about removing TV mode got downvoted.
Just go to official sub and open the controversial tab.
We lost, just get over it.
Game literally no different than Star Rail now and just go play genshin as the main game just like Mihoyo intended, SR and ZZZ is the side games now.
tectone hates tv mode and so does the other low iq ccs. are you like them anon?
I'm not really sure if them being so agreeable is a good thing or a bad thing
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