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/vg/ - Video Game Generals

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P12 Edition

>Letter from the Producer LIVE Part LXXXIII

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>Future Meetups
• Sept 27th, 8PM | Ultros, Primal. The Mist Ward 20, Plot 34 | Twin Peaks Season 2 episode 3-6 >>495572647
• Sept 28th, 6PM BST / 1PM EST | Materia, Zurvan, Doman Enclave, One Garden | 1st /xivg/ Roleplaying Meetup - Introduction & Character Creation >>495681023
• Sept 28th, 10:30PM BST / 5:30PM EDT | EU Cerberus, Chaos, Lavender Beds W21 P27 + NA Seraph, Dynamis, Mist W5 P1 | Tokusatsu Watch Party: GARO ep 1 - 5 >>495416723
• Sept 29th, 1:50AM EST | Ravana, Materia. Solution Nine, Residential Radius 9-11 (X:9.1, Y:20.8) | Letter from the Producer LIVE Part LXXXIII >>494666281
• Oct 2th, 3PM EST | Marilith Dynamis | Mord Souq, Amh Araeng | Shadowbringers Shared FATE grinding >>495756527
• Oct 5, 5PM PST | Balmung, Crystal Shirogane W7 P26 | Zombie Movies! Warm Bodies (2013) and Zombieland (2009) >>494706846
• Oct 12th, 3PM EDT | Zurvan, Materia | Gold Saucer (Mahjong Lounge) | Mahjong Open Tournament | >>495487281
• Oct 27th, 8PM EST | Balmung, Crystal Lavender Beds Plot 28, 19th Ward | Pre-Halloween Badlands Chugs Watch Party

Previous Thread
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catboy supremacy
>4 afk watch parties
>1 roleplay meet
>1 mahjong meet
>1 actual gameplay meet
excellent selection of premium afkslop
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Confession time is over.
Better luck next time.
My male middie will never talk to you first.
He doesn't mind being alone.
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I've wanted to learn raids but just haven't put the time into doing it. Partially because I feel like it's too late to go into it. Everyone's going to expect me to watch guides or some shit that I'm going to retain 0 information from, after I say I learn much better from experience.
here's a picture of an ass as compensation for reading this post.
do not post feet in this thread
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Too late dumbass
I am going to shoot ropes all today evening to my friend's femraen wearing a dress.
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My miera literally looks and acts like this while committing eorzean tax evasion
waaaah other people want to do things i don't want to do
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this is a nice butt
I sold all my Wildwood stocks and I'm glad I did because they're crashing with no survivors,
ermm can you delete this post you posted you're confession after confession time closed you don't want any problems do you thank you for understanding
You are prison gay and need companionship from an actual woman.
Do not resort to EBing your male friends.
Is this finally the thread.. where I find an anon to love...?
i want a memelord EB

someone who's just an absolute shitposter but in a good way

for my femlala
That's what the compensation was for. You gotta pay the toll to get through.
Just watch a guide why should people be forced to take a shitter who will wipe the party repeatedly just because you “learn better from experience”? Just watch hectors guide on 1.5 speed you’ll be fine
This catbox is safe to open.
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Post catgurl content I can cum to (prefer naked ass or huge tits)
>log in
>EB is on balmung alt
>log out
This is lalafell porn do not click
I'm an ebin that secretly thirsts after fiddies, especially flat ones, I screenshot them in secret a bunch.
Catbox anchor
Post them all
uhhh wanna do criterions?
ok but femlala x femlala pairings don't work
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hiii /xivg/ has the game become any good again yet so that i can resub or is it still an awful mess with bad gameplay?
I saved a ton of silver certificates thinking I could buy ornate 710 gear and get rich easily then I got sad when I saw you can't buy the current tier with them...
But femlalas don't like us madlalads.
holy MOLY
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me and my aibō
(he hates it)
wtf is a memelord
I'm literally not going to remember anything from the guide besides maybe the name of a mechanic or two, and not even where they are in the fight. 80% of the mechanics in this game are the same fucking shit with new markers anyway. If you've seen baited aoes, lines, cones, stacks, akh morn, etc then you know almost all of every fight outside of whatever the gimmick mechanic of that particular fight is, that some other retard is going to die to first anyway.
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I wish we had more wholesome and traditional beautiful characters. I'm tired of coomer and blowup dolls.
Did you guys like my gpose last thread
Why don't you join them on Balmung?
It's not lala booba and I'm now disappointed
Do I do my roulettes and afk in LB14 or go play some more FF16?
Lot of words just to say “I shouldn’t have to look at guides”
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bet you guys couldn't do 5 times a thousand without pulling out a calculator
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Nah I'm not into yuri. no femlalas for me.
just make your own group for other shitters who don't want to watch a guide
Just buy the dip bro :^)
is there more?
>Housing shortage in populated Worlds
>JP think just adding new wards once a year is the solution
>immediately gobbled up because they won't permanently lock said worlds and making gil is stupid easy
>Alts can easily take up houses instead of players mains on the actual world
>SE won't implement a flag to make players pick one character permanently that can only buy property
Lot of words to call yourself a nigger
Do males count :)
Yeah it was fr**kin' awesome!
Get a trip.
I'll schedule an 8 player content event that will fill up fast
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Don't give us so hard math questions then!
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Keep posting himecut femras
They make me smile
Hey I've seen this instaloss doujin before!
yeah that's what im sayin, same sis. oh well
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Would you a Breedingway
moonie feet

a tasty treat
i swear llike half or more of all the homes are bought up by solo fc's with submarines going
I'm genuinely gay actually
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my moonie really likes fem and fu lalas
im not tryna apply to a space program in here bro
I wish Val had actually done more stuff with his feral cat
Male middie x Femraen
So you’ll be doing the next raid tier week one right?
Why is this place so horny all the time?
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It's *not* instaloss... it took a long time to make...
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I can't even fish anything ARR/HW/StB until I wake up

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See? Whenever you start using bigger numbers, that's when you pull a calculator out.
Nothing else to do in this godforsaken game
I did something really not good I posed my thread crush's character giving birth
I've tried before and it's just this conversation but in game.
>Blind group
>Retard joins
>Immediately either links a guide or asks which one we're using
If I can get enough people and enough free time for it yeah. I didn't do the current tier week one because I was at work 9 hours a day.
middies x fiddies
as hydaelyn intended
cute sunnie
i want to breed a bratty femlala...
I would like to request lewd pics with this fiera
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I'm not horny I just like getting (you)'s be it shitposting or asking actual questions, it gives the neuron activation!
lol show it
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You know PF exists right
I'm sorry,but it was just too easy of a jab to pass up.Good job.
this comic has my real name in it and this is uncomfortable
NTA but:
I'm trying for the first time on crystal
Need to git gud at savage first I think
Sure I haven't done Arbiter but got far with Valigarmanda
Sure I still have old relics to complete
Saving some jobs for the new Foray
I have 3 areas left
If we can get an /xivg/ group going sure I don't pub hunt trains
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I literally solved it in 3 seconds, I wouldn’t even have time to pull out a calculator
I only spent 2 minutes so it's quite shit. I can do much better now that I know how to pose the woob - Going to do one getting elbowed in the balls
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imagine if you paid for a character portrait commission but you were just a generic catgirl making it utterly worthless
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Sorry, had to step away from the Steppenet
If i remembered my address I'd forward it but alas, if you wish, you can poke a blue xaela's tail, as they say, once I'm home in two hours.
that's not your real name, that's the name you chose after transitioning
I don't like dealing with pf retards unless I absolutely have to. I don't trust the people that can't count to 4 in extremes to pay attention to whats happening in savage.
I think Im a sex addict. Im very sexually frustrated even tho I have 2x lewd friends and an irl fwb
So I guess you’re not doing the next tier then lol
>I don't like dealing with pf retards unless I absolutely have to
bro YOU are one of those retards
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my male midlander looks and acts like this
it brings back bad really memories
i thought i would be okay with it but really seeing him online there just reminds me again of what he did
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Captain Larenn, it's always a pleasure to watch you operate.
You are an anon... do you love yourself?
dragonsong's reprise was pretty fun
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I'm Rabi and I support this message.
I literally don't use pf because of them. You don't even know who I am
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Light or Chaos?
Tch, I’ll request next time
huffing stuffy catboy boots and miera shoes...
Femra x Femra
So cute!
I miss my friend we haven't talked in a few months now
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Yeah, but you had the calculator ready I bet.
Ok, how about 5 times 20 thousand... I KNOW everyone would need a calculator.
i actually do want to do criterion
No, I just want to make someone else happy
Who is this? Is this the middie with long brown hair? I don't know his name either.
Can my Miera please worship your soles...
That's a wife behind that mask!
hello i am roulettes anon from last thread my attention got coopted

anyone still down to do a thing in like 15m??
Why don’t you send them a message?
>inb4 “I feel like I would be bothering them!!!”
Nah it's 520 thousand. Easy.
I'm sorry for your illness.
This is not sounding like a healthy relationship, anon...
Same I just have no idea how to, the upgraded EW weapons are pretty cool especially the katana
Modbeasts are about to have their day ruined. Anti-cheat is about to be announced at the Tokyo game show
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1 Million, I don't need an calculator, I'm smart.
What did he do...?
They fixed that with individual/FC wards. I'm just tired of some alt having just as valid a chance at a house than people who actually play on that server. Especially since one service account can have 8 characters to eat up houses.
you ask for a lot of shit considering you haven't even touched the tier
I'm not her, you have to ask Macchi
I only used her mcdf
as the middie with long brown hair, i'm offended you thought i would make this post
Thanks! And no worries.
Poking a tail is rather intimate. How about a gentle elbow nudge instead?That is to say what DC?
bro.. the individual/fc ward thing only applies when they add the new wards
Do you like hyur men
I’ve been chatting with someone for a few months now in game, almost daily at that. I asked if they wanted to add me on discord so we could stay connected in case one of us stopped playing or took a break. They ended up saying no, and it’s kind of depressing to wonder why, guess I didn’t pass the vibe check
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No, I'm a total nobody.
But I assume that you would want them to love you back? If yes, that would be very selfish of you, anon.
Just join a static then if you hate pf so much, not for this tier but for the next one
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That's what I'm saying, there's no shame in using a calc. Calc is calculator for short btw.
We had an argument and haven't talked since
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All your thread are belong to us
Why would you add any 4channer on discord ever
I'm on Light..
Don't call me out like that wtf
There was an image of the game you usually post from, I'm sorry!
Same here. Good luck, fellow mid-nobody.
To talk to my friends
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I like the major-general
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miera containment anchor

i definitely don't just wanna see your bunboys nope
you just know
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Nta but I've added a few and nothing bad happened, i just didn't add them right away it was after we had been friends ingame a bit
Kid named G'raha.
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This is a cute froth
christ that looks like it'd hurt like crap
There's nothing wrong with wanting to see them
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Well time to move on bucko thems the breaks.
It’s waayyyy to fucking common here with you socially maladjusted faggots. I cannot stand you people at all and actively start ghosting someone if they say that. Imagine being friends with someone and spending time with them thinking everthing is fine and dandy and your “friend” hits you with “I don’t message you sometimes because I feel like I’m bothering you” when you’ve given them no reason at all to feel like this, they just made it up in their head.
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Chat is this channel real?
What the FUCKKK whyyyyyy
The catgirl was unironically so cute modless
Fellow light anon I'm sure you can find someone if you try hard enough Not me though I'm taken gomenasorry
but they already had a cute moonie... why would they do this
i am
a femra
waiting for helene to hit
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Are you going to be at any meetup in the future? I'm still curious and would like to have a chat.
You hear a *CRUNCH* as she brings down her heavy boot on your jewels
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I'm starting to suspect this one's a fujo and will therefore not be posting my miera.
ugly before and after. grim
This isn’t a 4channer anon
what's a cockwatcher?
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you should leave him
So did SE say anything about the Lovense sponsored modded gpose?
Fair, we can nudge our elbows and compare facial scales! Sargatanas, Aether
I could be. I've got a busy weekend and I'll probably miss the RP one I planned to go to. I'll definitely go to the letter viewing party.
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i'm a GAM bro... i promise... bro...
Do you like malera?
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i'd post cashy if i did
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Theo once again using his architecture powers for evil. Many such cases. SAD!
Hi fellow sargy nigga :3
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good meowning
>Did SE say anything about the thing that happened yesterday and was deleted within about 2 hours of going up, while only being noticed by about 2k people
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throwing shade at gerolt???
I should buy that coat or convince my omni crafter friend to resub so I can get the materials for him
I forgot to upload any of my newer pics so I could phone post with them
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Reminder that, if you don’t goon AND play the game at the same time, you are a:
>LT, TM, MA (x2), TV, KL, KB, or NB

You must do BOTH in order to remain compliant. In particular, all parses MUST be above a blue level, and you MUST have cleared the tier and attend mandatory reclears. In addition, when gooning, you MUST use supplementary body mods and you must NOT use Bibo feet. You must “put out” and you may NOT deny sexual access to any of our privileged members. You MUST be willing to date IRL men romantically and sexually.

Failure to comply will result in being blacklisted from the ‘cord, the beds, and all future meetups.
shut the fuck up
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You wouldn't know me.
I'll see you there then. I hope.
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they didn't say anything about the billboard or the pocket pussy, why would they say anything about this
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>moonwalks into the goal
very good looking bun, i like the coat

i continue to enjoy this scholarly bun
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What would I be looking for? There's quite a few middies.
Ain't no way you're also a sarger
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Kissing this moonie
She's getting SHARKed on the daily
You've played 38 games of chess
Seriously install coc and chess.com
yeah, that's my wife
From what I can tell it is a man or woman who watches other people and sees when they're fucking or who they're fucking?
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This is a bunny

Goon. Plap. Sex. Cock. Rape. Cum. These are the reasons why we play the game.

I like this. You like this. We like this. This is Final Fantasy XIV: Dawntrail.

Wuk Lamat? The rite of succession? Sphene? Don't care about them unless I can plap them, and now that mods are back, we can. We can finally Play The Game™. Time to get comfy and eepy, now that mods are back you can coom ‘n goon with all the classics in the ‘cord like AS (x3), GL, OL, HH, LL, SS, VM, MV, IM, and many others. All we need now is a movie meetup and it’ll feel like we never left Endwalker. One could say it's like going to the "grammy's".
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some catgirl partnered with a company to produce pocket pussies based on their xiv character
this guy will call lala players pedos btw
i am still unsure whether i should stay meena or go mava
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no way the major-general is just for being cute even though he was so big i had to scale him down to fit in my lap, ignore the krangled pose though.
dunesfolk femlalas
male midlanders

just as zodiark intended
Compare facial scales, yes.We'll have to link up on Materia, it seems. Find me at the Mahjong Tables on Zurvan in 2 hours when you're back. I'll keep busy until then.
Why is Sophie an ugly mooncat
ai slop
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ok where is my male midlander then
>these aren’t actually people who modbeast intentionally
>just standing around Theo has a chance of turning you into a modbeast
9 dudes and not one decent parent among 18 possible candidates
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Will do, mahjong on zurvan...
Plapping the cute cats
wtf did he died?
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I am but I don't spend much time there. The FC I'm in is pretty dead so I stay on Balmung to play CC with the boys
Never stop making these kinds of posts, it's so fucking funny.
what song is this that macchi keeps spamming?
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Surely I'll take more than one picture per month soon...
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Put your trip back on. I bet you don’t even play the game. Where’s your M4S clear? Your tome weapon? Your TOP clear? Your Necromancer? Yeah, exactly. In fact, I bet you’re just a Filipino. Well, guess what pal? We play the game. Yeah, that’s right. I have a static and (You) don’t. With the world-famous Appal and Effy, of course. Oh, and after raid? We goon and we cum. I bet you’ve never made a grown man cum before. Only hardcore professionals like us can do that.
What happened after
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May I see eyes please
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Consider maleraen
Came so hard he died, a miera can only hope he goes out so happy
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I have now defeated M2S a total of eighty times.
My moonie is concerned for the wellbeing of anons ITT
May I see you're chiseled jawline and shit eating grin pls
I'm the one with a mask. How do I spot you?
Alright fine. Put the dick in the bag, meatman
this is a good poster, the cute bun is an additional benefit

make whatever feels right bro don't worry about what we think. the best character is the one YOU want to fuck

i like the pose but the boxers and the oily skin are ick to me

purple eye supremacy
cute matching earring
My moonie appreciates your concern but you shouldn't worry about her.. it'll be over soon
Zodiark is using all his power to keep that midlander single until fate has you two cross paths
no i'm ugly
what kind of argument warrants months of time apart other than either of you fucking the others mom or some shit
I feel like these are the same person.
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>my posting style is apparently so identifyable that anons instantly know its me when I post even though I'm anonymous

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It's not fair.........
>hey posting
Definitely a fujo...
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I spammed M2N enough to clear it about 15 times with a few very fun wipes on the night it was released despite never bothering to raid before, but I wouldn't let my lizard brain hurt other people's chances of clearing Savage.
fine then

let's play bozja
My moonie is now worried about the safety of your moonie
I'm obsessed with you
Hey can you reply to some malera too
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unlucky bro, no one ever calls me out on my shitposts.. it helps that I'm a nobody though
please do not kill the bunboys
they are precious
The game would implode right then and there.
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Just to clarify,
my femraen has accidentally peed in her panties and she's hoping that nobody around will notice
i dont want to fuck him im not gay
Might be a solly question but why not join Alter since you're on Sarg already anyway?
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>this is a good poster, the cute bun is an additional benefit
Being nice to me only confuses me, thanks you. /pet
Literally me!
Dear hrothgals,
you are beautiful and cute
love - anon
>to clarify
This confuses me actually
So the coomer version of established titles? Lmao
hmmmmymmmmmm i shan't but if that was the new foray then sure...
QRD on Myron Bruh?
You’re thinking too small, raiders won’t be able to cheat their clears anymore if this happens and I love that. Maybe they’ll actually learn to play the game
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>feed some twitterfags ego by saying youll make them a custom fleshlight
>they advertise for you for free
>dropship a temu fleshlight
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>P12 Edition
My favorite...
How do you pronounce "Mateus"?
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I understood, worry not
I am a fujo
posting my miera!
but the new foray isn't out yet....
cute bunny, nice tummy
By my guiding hand…
don't, we finally got that faggot to stop posting here all the time, don't lure him back with negative attention
alter is for schizophrenics that need a facade to hide behind
i thought fujos were supposed to be good at making cute males
meguca magica umu
have i got time to get the bozja bike
are duels actually hard
I'm tired of horny.. I just wanna love someone..
if xiv got anticheat i'd quit because i can't goon or do anything fun anymore
my condolences.
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List of Things we like:
1. This.
2. Gooning.
3. AFKing and playing other games.
4. Plapping.
5. Sex, Rape even.
6. Jerking off in Ul'Dah.
7. Being comfy and eepy.
8. Cooming in the 'cord with our heckin' eepy ebins.
9. Val Moorabella.
10. Moonies.
11. Modding.
12. Mare.
13. Cumming to videogames.
14. Replying to Anchorposts
A reminder that you WILL like all of these, or you're a convicted sex offender.
sorry anon, all the males that were posted earlier scared her
MATE us?
mebe meguca mateus uwu cum MATEus mateus SEX meguca mateus 4:11 pupu platter cum fun sex now
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i'm not a fujo please stop saying that...

>im not gay
you literally play miera. being at least a little gay is required to press the button at character creation


no thank you

pic related
yeah... sorry anon ;_;
maybe it hasn't been that healthy for a while
made a crystal alt to chat with people, that was long before DC travel and then met someone who was longing for companionship (i don't know if the two were correlated because they happened at roughly the same time)
eventually i found out about what they did together the kicker here is it all happened around valentine's day
it was painful to get over but i was willing to forgive and move on
things seemed fine for a long time after that, then he just continued playing on his alt until it eclipsed the progress on his main character
i was fine with it but i think part of me still can't accept it

i don't even want to picture a future like that
creepy sexpest
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Why does Val have her own section lmao? Did she offer Macchi sexual favors to be included in this shitpost list?
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I am not Sarganon, as per (You). I'm Raenanon.
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Warning there is cringe underneath.
i dont mod but ill start if the next round of dye updates sucks ass
The best part is they only discovered it because some furry guy complained his CN made onahole wasn't the same color as his furfag OC was. Shiori's cat is so generic there's probably no way they could have figured it out on their own.
>why not join Alter?
Because I've never heard of it. qrd?
Gonna cry
yea, me, and i love these bastards like you wouldn't believe
Aww sweet a beaten dog relationship live on 4chan. Let me grab my popcorn so I can bask in this mental illness
>mare lamentorum
erm ackshually it's called mare synchronos
Was trying my hand at the sweaty meta, I dunno if it would have had as much definition without it but I'm glad the pose is received well.
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anyone remember Tomo Mae?
any context on why his search comment said E/RP for a while and why it now says "failmale"?
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Whoops meant to quote >>496088796. Was gonna go on a tangent about how easy it is to commission a pocket pussy or dildo with how accessible 3D printing is nowadays lmeow.
my femlala is so eepy....
No, about the difficulty of a weaker extreme
>Teams being posted
I shan't be queuing for Frontline
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say something nice about my wife
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FC to restart the game from scratch. Did ARR with a huge amount of people, fc lead threw a tantrum and disbanded and then we opened it again. Most of them were alts though many are now mains, many friendly people.
Need a wife like this gremlin
You should love PLD because he stuns and keeps enemies in place for you to kill.
it is ALWAYS a biofem who does shit like this
the stop motion one that black fiddie did mogs all of these using the animation I've been seeing in the past couple days
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I don't think a KHHV would know what "cute" really means
Oh, an FC on Sarg that originally was made for people to start on new alts, full reset, and go through the game while stopping at points of progress. Nowdays we are a normal FC, even had Glue Licker and Tozer join us. We're also BLU maxxing, so come get your Morbol mount soon lel
my lalaboy is enjoying a nice cold monster zero ultra
This brings such a stupid smile to my face every time I see it.
i don't like this one

i like this one

omw to steal your cdata
For research purposes, how would one go about doing that?
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>he cant top the scoreboard in FL
you only have 2-3 people who are serious competition in any given game
>fujo calling another fujo a KHHV
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why does she a tooth gap?!
would she like to nap on a cat lap?
Excuse my obscenely gendered language he/she*
cute fangies
yeah, actual girls make way cuter characters than men or trannies
we like this.
this is ffxiv.
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uhhh you are not allowed to use that. it is trademarked by our resident asexual, contrast loving twitter ebin sapphira nyx.
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I'm sorry, but fuck your pvp talk, this is what we like in Final Fantasy XIV

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I tried doing stop motion but I am ass at it
I'm glad i'm on console and dont have to see this shit regularly.
he actually schizod me in the thread for a full day for using that necklace on a glam ive used for like 7 years
So make sure you take note of what head has a speech bubble come above it, that’s the order the heads shoot off their attacks in
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Ooh that sounds fun! I'll ask for an invite if I see one of y'all in game
genuinely how does someone develop an attraction to hypercocks
its so grotesque
Inceel Ja Ja
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>femra blacked btw ;)
>twitter famous btw ;)
>contrast btw ;)
>asexual btw ;)
It really didn't. He had no sense of weight.
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PC players don’t have to see this shit regularly either, you have to download Mare, set it up, then join syncshells. None of this just randomly shows up if you play on pc
Porn addiction
i want to die
if you could manage to do a stop motion-like animation with the background still being fluid, it would look pretty good
kek, nothing gets past you niggas
it's pornsickness plain and simple
they get bored with normal proportions so they have to sink further into depravity to get off
Yeah, just like how meria is asexual(Which she wasn't, btw)
the contrast is pretty nice tho
Anyone wanna do an expert on brimal?
and they were both grown ass men
you can develop an attraction to anything if you don't have sex irl.
porn addiction. eventually the vanilla stuff doesn't do It for you anymore so you progressively move on to more extreme fetishes because it's the only thing that gets you off.

Just like drug addicts. They build a tolerance to weed and gradually move on to more and more hardcore drugs.
I dodged Sapphira's schizorants by wearing the platinum one.
gigantic hyper dicks i cannot explain, but i put a mildly hyper dick on my characters [ spoiler]because im 8.5" irl and regular big dicks just look normal to me
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i read this just as i was breath'd to death
What are you talking about, schizo?
What you need to do is leave this person who clearly doesn’t care about you and work on yourself for awhile. Want some popcorn I put a little bit of extra butter on it
meria was a roastie that cucked people like red lol
not only did it have a better one, it also has much better timing
This, except i've peaked at being raped.
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>all the steps just to jerk off.
Once again, glad I don't have to see this shit on Console. Why would you download so much 3rd party software?
you can be asexual and still masturbate. asexual just means you don't get sexually attracted to real people
idk man, find someone who makes custom sex toys online? They're all over the place, I'm sure you can find someone who can make it with safe materials and has good business practices. Just do your research before you drop loadsamoney on something like that.
Sure! We usually hang around our FC house at
Plot 32, 1 Ward, Empyreum so you can leave a note in the message book!
Femraen fingers typed this...
>Once again, glad I don't have to see this shit on Console. Why would you download so much 3rd party software?
>Please note that the presentation slides will include both Japanese and English text, but the presentation audio will be in Japanese only.

5 months for the first major patch, most controversial expansion in the history of the game, and the first live letter is in JP only
nice PR
hmm today i will queue for frontline
and my team will actually pvp instead of licking ice
most "asexuals" I've met are usually porn-addicted degenerates who can't get off to anything except the most extreme pornography.
>tfw will never be a useless white male midlander worshipping Sapphira's feet while highlander bulls breed her holes
It's not fucking FAIR
They're in for a ruuuude awakening.
Male midlander, actually.
Real nigga
I know you're trying to do the ebin soul vs soulless shit but the animation barely worked, had way too much vertical movement while the extended are moved in the wrong direction.
this. they have low/no sexual attraction to others because they completely fried their brains with porn
>dont get sexually attracted to real people
yet Meria's obsession with david bowie/Red/Godspeed was totally natural
licking this catboy's tummy
step away from my wife
you as well
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>you can be asexual and still masturbate
you people just make this shit up as you go along
The LL are usually in JP only tourist. They only have Aime translate on special occasions
It’s Square Enix and Final Fantasy Fourteen. What the fuck did you expect? This company lost 70% of its profit in the past year.
You can be straight and still have men suck you're penis
>anon apparently says "hi" to sapphira nyx in frontline
>sapphira nyx does not respond
>"play the game if you want to impress them." says one of his beta orbiters
Might actually come to Balmung for the first time since DC Travel became a thing
What hair mod big bro?
90% of the people left in this general have no idea who meria and godspeed are
enjoy the trip bro
I'm doing the "I have a much better eye for quality then you", actually.
Let me know when you post your ugly character using the overused bouncy animation, I would be so thrilled to see it.
>queue for shatter earlier
>our team doesn't get an ice, have to fight for mid one
>both teams ignore their ice and blitz our team in mid with 4 drk knights per team
I'd rather be forced to play Borderlands Ruins every day than this slop map
Did ilberd intend to summon shinryu or was it just happenstance?
why don't biofems come here anymore
godspeed was a funny lad
hello haters of sapphira nyx. drop your igns here so we can all blacklist you at lb14.
>red sands time
you don't know all the details and if you did i don't think you would be saying that
there's no way this is real. It's a super common glam item
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a lot of major patches in EW had a live translation, including the first one after EW's launch, which even had Kate herself translating it halfway through
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>I have a much better eye for quality then you
>written and posted on 4chan /vg/
im right here?
>why don't biofems come here anymore
>looks at the usual thread activity
All got taken.
there was more controversy over heavensward
i am a malera
queuing for CC.
I'm right here but you'll never be able to tell who I am and theres not a thing you can do about it :)
we hide in the shadows
none may know of us
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I've been cockwatched incessantly for days but I haven't actually been erping this entire time
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Any 30 year olds on here?
Drop some wisdom for us, uncs
This had better be Bong Hits and you had better be on my team.
he deliberately orchestrated baelsars wall in such a way that as mixture of all those ala mhiggers dying and crying for help and a shitload of crystals nearby would summon a primal
the whole scenario was to summon something if not shinryu
i know of four still posting. 2 femra, 1 moonie and 1 fiera
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oh god she’s looking right at me

what do I do
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talk about my son
yeah i'm thinkin /smooch
She dropped 40k on commissions using that necklace, it's her iconic item at this point. I don't see anyone else putting up that kind of money to claim something. As far as I'm concerned, it's hers.
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He wanted to summon something that was equal in destructive power to bahamut that could wipe garlemald off the map, so while he may not have had it in mind concretely, it being a dragon does make some sense and it at the end of the day just a way to get their reference in the game along with omega since both of them are tied together.
The only details you’ve given us is that he spends more time on a Balmung alt and doesn’t spend time with you as much anymore. Wake the fuck up from whatever fairy tale dream you think you’re in and finally comes to terms with the fact this person does not care about you anymore and you clinging onto the hope that one day they’ll magically snap out of whatever trance they’re in and be all over you again. That ship sailed sweetheart based on the info you’ve given to the thread, it’s not coming back. Move on
mieras are for fieras.
That moonie is my moonie
it does not belong to him nor is he a woman, try again
i knew he always planned a summoning but i just didn't know if he had shinryu in mind or if it was just a "whatever happens as long as it kills the garleans"?
why is he mpreg
nigga there are not 3 women here right now i know you're grown men
The DRK complaint, I get, but complaining that the enemies have decided to let you in on the BH farming? What?
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I thought i saw a pregnant miera from the thumbnail
Just want to say that
thank you for your assistance
my miera has never been approached by a fiera, only femlalas, femras and catgirls
What's this item called?
Besty way to level dps jobs?
Got the first 20 levels through hunting logs and a couple fates. Dungeon queues are 15 minutes+.
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>Its for le contrast!
>Seeing Sapphira post in the blacked eorzea.
Biofems play malelalas btw
Every time someone calls me trans I giggle a little at how silly you guys are.
Pretty much "whatever happens", he probably didn't have knowledge of Shinryu. Due to all the Ancient lore being a huge (albeit successful) retcon, the mechanics of summoning were a bit wonky back then.
We were the ones getting farmed.
that gave me such a funny image in my head
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Not for lack of trying
screenshot or you're lying
why are you in blacked eorzea yourself, anon...?
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sniff my pits?
Way to show everyone how new you are
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I'm logging in
You seem cool anon. Anyway have you heard of that Remus Anima guy? Really annoying, am I right?
>he got commissions with him wearing the glam
Ok??? It's a super common piece
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Objectively correct, take them by force if needed.
it wasnt to kill the garleans per se, as much as force a war with eorzea
he thought the likes of limsa/uldah/grid were ignoring ala mhigo so by making a primal occur basically on garlean soil it would force garlea to invade on the premise of killing an eikon, and hence eorzea would be forced to ally with ala mhigo to free them
I refuse to believe that, ebins of the past never leave. They're always in the same discords.
Only if they smell nice, like berries
Nope sorry
maybe the weird ones that project their character as being their child
Accepting this hurts, but it's the only way to release the pain. You should listen to this anon, anon.
there are way more than 3 women here at any given point in time
*kicks you off the platform*
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more of a "what ever happens", he committed suicide anyway so long as it was summoned and caused the war to get reignited it didnt matter. its either summon a primal to fuck shit up cause he didnt care anymore and/or force the alliance to free ala mhigo before garlemald comes crashing down on them like a wave since they'd see this as an open act of war.
I've died twice on this dungeon boss and it's making me want to kill myself. I can raid successfully but I'm dying on this 93 boss. I'm going to jump off the mountain.
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do we still like her?
i am
a gay hrothgar
whoa, nice armpit!
The extended arm was moving in the wrong direction of the momemtum generated by the body bouncing, retard.
Shut the fuck up you have no idea what you're talking about.
I have no clue who this is
watching my own cock while i stroke it two handed rn
Thoughts on Glue Licker?
literally who
What the fuck is Yoshit Piss thinking with this shit?
Reject them are youll get one.
would it be cringe to make an fc for my alts
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I miss a lot of our posters that just seemed to get raptured overnight? Is nice/xivg/ real or am I getting memed? Why did everyone I like just stop posting?
cope, chaser
It should have been Rhalgr. Fuck the obsession with dragons.
nice but coombrain
i didn't care for any of the alter modbeasts
cc my wife
Bro he likes the contrast
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I haven't been trying...
Chen came back online and they're all posting there
him summoning the patron saint of the mhiggers would've been cool
coomer who got groomed by Appal and his clique, became even more coombrained and can't even hold a conversation anymore
it's always been like this
xivg has insane turnover
regulars from 6-9 months ago are ebins of eld now
no way this is real
Illberd saw first hand how destructive bahamut was, it makes total sense that he'd have that in his mind when summoning a primal made for total destruction and chaos fueled by his hatred.
My male highlander has returned from the gym.
And is now eating birthday cake.
Not really. It does look Discord-coordinated, though.
>can't even hold a conversation anymore
He never could
my first xivg friend
also introduced me to more friends
love that sunnie
game director's don't tend to be in charge of merch marketing, do they?
>I bet you’re just a Filipino
nta but i feel personally attacked why us specifically
i need two lala volunteers to appear in a grim, morbid gpose. there will be no sexual violation, but you may be sliced or generally dismembered
this is not a lala hate image, but one of love
Enjoy King and if you had birthday, happy birthday bro.
Thoughts on me (but pretend I'm not namedropping myself I'm just an anonymous poster wondering what you think about me)?
another alter faggot that I probably don't want to know the identity of
Sounds like a lala hate image...
a-age is just a number...
Well in xivg we have
>filipino sexpest
>filipino transphobe
>filipino with a father fetish
would fuck this slut raw and leave her a quivering mess on the couch
Tell me about it, one time I went to LB14 and tripped over his massive dick, can't stand that guy
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Only if you sniff mines first.
I'd cum on her face
it's not a lala hate image. my lala will also be a part of it
uhhh, noty sorry
U h h u
it's cringe cat
Hagwife at the age of 35 with my miera of at the age of 367.
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That's the one person I really want to get to know but I'm too shy to approach. I wish they would notice me and just start talking to me honestly but alas no luck.
I hope they have a great day and a good life in general.
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is it me
Actually, let's drop a little more info so posts like these don't accidentally get typed for a femlala
I am a femlala too
what the fuck are you talking about
works on my machine
Total moonie annihilation.
but they like jollibees but i dont
Nah, my mother's birthday, but thanks bro. She's got excellent taste in cakes though, cream and fruits to keep the caloric damage to
a minimum (as minimum as freaking cake can get anyway), shame my father is diabetic and could only afford to get a little taste specially today when he also had to get a prostate exam.

It might have been her birthday but he got the gift, RIP.
what kind of filipino phenotype does ndja fit in
You mean Val's alt?
is it me...
I don't bite...
Why would anyone lie like this.
>filipino transphobe
He’s the second one bro
Summarizing the other replies:
It was his plan all along.
A happenstance.

Ilbert won btw.
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My femra is like this
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Yes, please approach me... How did you guys know?!
Hope she has a great birthday and condolences to your dad though I hope everything turns out fine.
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Happy birthday regardless
fillipino transphobe forma de trans
some of the worst posters in this thread are filipino (korkana, magness, kong, etc)
oh hey look, a filipino
Spreading her legs and presenting already...
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What's coombrain? Someone like this?
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mine is like this
that's just gonna make everyone want that more
“You have cum for brains”
I just knew, okay? Please look forward to our upcoming get together.
nobody likes wholesome cute chars that enjoy kissing and handholding anymore anon

it's all about the strangest most out there fetishes now and hyperthicc bimbos
You're genuinely one of the people I enjoy talking to the most, you're probably the friend I cherish the most, and I love you
what a garish whore
Bros how do I get more clusters for materia? I keep burning through mine to gear my jobs even though I don't even raid or parse I just like big damage numbers
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i wanna be a neet and do nothing but play video games all day
raubahn should have been leader
lyse did fuck all
the amount of people who would quit off that would be ludicrous
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my malera doesn't like the new league of legends patch and now doesn't know what to do all day
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Don't give up hope just yet. There are a bunch of wholesome enjoyer out here.
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Hunt trains bwo
stop bullying me...
wanna play overwatch bro
Well you could plap my femra...
you got it all wrong, people don't namedrop themselves (especially nu-ebins because they're afraid lol), it's their thread enemies, when someone says 'qrd on x' or whatever, they're really just trying to prompt shitposting at them
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There was a really cute femra, handsome male middie and a few really wholesome highlanders but they were all bullied out or just left the thread after the harassment got too much
I wanna ask Anons to go rate my house, but it isnt finished yet
also I miss Akito so much it's unreal. He was probably the example of malera that people really wanted for themselves
QRD on elk
Stop making yourself such an easy target. Have some fucking standards
If I post an extremely low effort picture of my character's tits, the (You)s flood in. If I post a SFW portrait of a nice outfit that isn't sexed up, nobody gives a shit. This place encourages the coom, and if you want to see more of the wholesome stuff you need to encourage people who post it.
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Yeah, I actually know a few that left because Anon's got too rowdy. A damn shame, some meanspirited part in my soul thinks /xivg/ deserved the absolute state of it now but in the end, I don't want that.
QRD on Appal?
Funny. When I finished the SB MSQ, the first thing it came to mind was taht Lyse didn't learn or change at all. People shit on Wuk Lamat (and for a good reason) but at least she went from "I know a lot about my people, I hang out with them at the taco stalls all the time!" to "geez I didn't know their culture was like this; I'm learning!". Lyse started and ended her expansion as wet toilet paper.
obnoxious faggot who's been here for 10 years
a fitting end for avatarfags
Maybe in this thread, but out in game most guys plapping my femlala are quite vanilla
qrd on effy
Sphene is a shard of wuk lamat
Realisation just struck me. DT is not final fantasy, It's DEI slop. How the fuck is niggergospel final fantasy? This is a propaganda piece wearing the skinsuit of 14.
QRD on Crystalline Conflict
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i can't find any...
hey... I don't erp at all >>496095060
though i just do lite cute rp...
you only just realized that?
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I'm aware, that's why I ignore pretty much all horny posts and enjoy the wholesome and cute ones. I'm a very simple minded bun! Also have a good amount of wholesome gposes but never share due to privacy, maybe I should ask for permission to share some time.
Well, besides liking femlala I mean.
I really have no idea what you're talking about anon
If I could just find a male midlander EB for my femlala, this general would be SPAMMED, NONSTOP with the most wholesome, cute, heartwarming, heart melting femlala+middie couple pics that you could imagine. I wouldn't stop, the pics would be the cutest you've ever seen in your LIFE.

but im picky.... if I'm going to devote so much energy to an EB they need to be perfect.....
it's too early for this schizo shit jesus christ
Sorry, I'm slow.. :(
what a surprise...
I don't erp either, i just like /petting
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I like it
take your meds sicko
>he doesnt want to join the goon group call session
is there a bigger red flag that youre talking to a tranny?
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i only have one reason left to go on
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Oh he said the thing!
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Pain, but you're gonna like it. Maybe. Sometimes.
Can I post the lala miera pic to the miera anchor?
see there's the issue I'm not interested in that in the slightest
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I like it.
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people always like that sort of thing, but moderate content leads into a moderate reaction and that means people starved for attention will move on from cute stuff into degeneracy for more (you)s from sexpests eventually and ones not starved for attention will post sparsely when they feel like it

have hope sis
>DT is not final fantasy, It's DEI slop
Not the first time a bunch of diverse people join hands for a common goal.
Everyone says this shit but its just not true.
What is this Pick Me bullshit?
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>i can't find any...
I think people need to be more forward. People like who'd like to find someone wholesome are already at an uphill battle so you got to really put yourself out there.
>I'll make her do a retarded face, that is so hot
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Started doing big fishing and my first arr fish I'm going after is about to slip between my fingers. It's chill though, and I think I'll really enjoy having a reason to walk through the world here and see the sights again. I can already tell my bags will be full of bait already...
my femlala wrote this but without the spamming it to the thread part because that's embarrassing
Hmm, pseudo-intimacy fries peoples brains way more than pseudo-sex
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Propaganda for what?
Daenerys is a shit character and it pains me how many chin-drooling fatty fat GAMs simp over her
her character arc should've ended after she took fat Drogo dick
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do you like my cat
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Of course, it was you I would have asked for permission anyways.
I am a femlala who lives vicariously through being a femlala by just doing tea party RP but one time I was asked to leave because I wanted to RP eating a pizza at the cafe that I brought in...
I just wanted to try Ishgardian Tea and Garlean Pizza together...
I believe in you and all sis, but you're not gonna find that perfect male midlander in these threads
Sorry, anyone who would ever Heypost in the thread wouldn't be a good EB.
Actually, at least a few months ago, I got a shit ton of (you)s posting sfw non sexual pics of my characters
yeah, would plap
better than your moonie
Glue Nigger
I hey post...
because i like bait and switch
Where's the bulge
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As soon as YoshiP gets the lalafell piggyback riding feature sorted out I'm riding every Miera.
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It's a cute cat, now put her in a cute dress and be wholesome!
Your moonie is the best one to exist your sunnie is forgettable
fiera wife that's more comfortable peeing in the garden than in a bathroom doko
Realist shit I've read all day.
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I enjoy this a lot, but I think it should be a spin off of an IRL relationship rather than exclusively through a video game. Like it's cute to take screenshots together with someone you care about, but at the end of the day if you never actually get to hold someone's hand for real then what's the point?
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naked femroes at the end of the thread

I appreciate the effort it must've taken to get that dumb face
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I'm actually finding Sage fun and by extension I find healing fun.
Issue is, I can't decide if the cause is that healing's fun or if Sage makes it fun.
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It'd be cool if we posted our favorite portraits.
Excellent swys
admiring your femra's massive ballsack
Try a different healer and you'll have your answer.
I don't post my character on xivg
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sry dont have a pic of that on this cat handy

yeah i agree i made the sunnie intentionally generic
I think I've gotten more (you)s from SFW pics of my character, but you do need some sort of gimmick to stand out that way.
I do every friday
I'm too insecure to do that.
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Crystal Casual CC @ 8:00
Anon that character is piloted by a mexican women
You need to change your style when posting anonymously. So if you type similarly to this with okay grammar and punctuation in game or with an avatar attached, not the 'faux apathetic lowercase', your anonymous posts should be the opposite style, so use faux apathetic lowercase when you're anon.

otherwise just type like this, you may notice you use certain terms or words frequently so you might wanna change that up, maybe sprinkle in a personality shift like typing LMFAOOOOO or kek or whatever if you don't usually type those
my husband bottom middle
what's the reason
All catgirls look the same to me. How do you distinguish between a moonie and a sunnie?
>t. have never played as catgirl
based sociopathic chameleon malezen
my lalaboy is just my stress toy
OUR stress toy
Yeah, that's all of them nowadays, sadly.
Round pupils for moonies or slit pupils for sunnies if the eyes are open, fangs on moonies if the mouth is open.
my malera just farmed a 13 minute Gleipner on Weaver
I will rape you
Nah I namedrop and samefag myself all the time. Not joking.
clan marks have different colors
pupils are different
(non modded) moonies have fangs and (non modded) sunnies don't
oh yeah...
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I never had a gimmick and still got many (you)s
>muh kween
Anyone on Crystal... wanna...
holy fuck hector posts here
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>that's all of them nowadays
I'm an adventurer, not a stress toy...
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do for fun reclears?
Of course!
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Huge haul
Watched two guides before doing Garuda hard and every single person ignored the mechanics except for the tornadoes at the end. I looked like an idiot going behind the rocks.

While you can ignore mechanics in other dungeons and trials, this is the first I've seen them just completely ignore everything. Does SE not rebalance or properly scale content in such cases? Weird but I'll take it.
I've seen your F-List.
Careful. Femlalas will fall in love with adventuring malelalas, especially if they're straight
How do I stop model transformation from fucking up the legs?
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eb for this feel? me on the right by the way.
Barely anyone gives a shit about your character unless you engage in thread drama or fuck ebins.
Where do I find you
That's fine as long as the right person gives a shit, right?
Good. The thread isn't for caring about characters, send screenshots to your friends for that
Wryx Alonis
You don't need to watch guides before doing MSQ or Leveling stuff, most mechanics are extremely forgiving and if you die once or twice to say, a knockback cheese mechanic don't worry. If you have a sprout/returner emblem or just say it's your first time doing X nobody will care.
Obviously i'm not you and idk how you want to play but i think the game is more enjoyable blind
>only 8 people of 162 on my friends list are online

never seen it this low before bros... ffxiv is finished...
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>Post a cute pic 0 (you)s
>do a cool pic 0(you)s
>Do a basic ass pic of my character ass out
>Can I plap
>Gooning to this!
you can ride on my shoulders but i'm not letting you touch my ears in public...
i wish it could be me
but i'm too much of a closeted vanillafag
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>potting on my corpse in CC at full MP
It is because I said it is and I'm white from northern europe
nta but i wish but it's so early...
>anon when he finds out people have lives outside of xiv
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That's the best part of being a miera's shoulder cushion though...
can my bigger plap
I've only been emoted on twice in like 700 games of CC, both were teabagging
>Decided to play CC without /xivg/ calls its like night and fucking day with these retards
cute retrovillian hroth
you can find me bouncing my nuts on Danny's forehead boing boing *meaty thwack* *giggles*
If you're going to behave like that then I won't call CC anymore
Get a job
what about malelalas that are straight BUT keep getting violated against their will by males of various races?
>post a standard pic
>get (you)s
>post cute pic
>get (you)s
Why can I get so many (you)s while being a nobody from eu while you guys can't? Are your characters just ugly? My characters are a male elezen and a female veena
why the fuck do you want grown men to talk about raping you
i have never understood this gooner argument
I saw a guy teabagging a teammate the other day and gave him what-for for the remainder of the game. That's just rude.
can my bun come use your thighs
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How am I supposed to avoid falling off if I can't hold onto your ears for stability?
they're too sensitive, i can't...
i shall compromise

i don't think that's a bad thing. because I'm not really interested in erp, it should make it that much more special to a person if i do choose to do anything erotic with them
>Femlala ejected from a venue
Get used to it, sis… it’s just how biggers are
As the thread crumbles to dust...
No one will know...
That I am a malera man...
how are trannies still obsessed with this jobber npc

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