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>Wuthering Waves Version 1.3 Trailer | The Shore's End

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Previous: >>496033313
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WU awooo
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Post wuwa pits
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new *4 characters not on both banners are bad
>maxing a character in wuwa is literally 4 times more expensive
Lmao it's so fucking obvious you don't even play PGR
Nice try doomtard
He looks like Darby from the movie Law Abiding Citizen lol
Isn't that the third year guy? Are you saying I should expect this system here in another two and half years? That's a long fucking time.
>battlepass is dogshit
>4* weapons are dogshit
>battlepass 4* weapons are dogshit
>premium battlepass is ESPECIALLY dogshit
>s6 4* = s0 5* like from genshit. but with no way to reliably get a 4* up to power like with a limited. can easily roll 200 times and not get them s6
>absurd pricing for buying lunite directly, copied from genshit
I sleep
>4* on rerun banners
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I love Changli so much bros
That was just an example u dork, i expect it in 2.0 because there's talk of gacha banner changes
nice strawman you got there nigger.
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Everything above your last was not a MSGK which means I do not care.
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Where's the sub stat re roll system Solon!? You're willing to add useless shit like echo load outs into the game but something as useful as this!?
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wuwuwuwuwuwuwuwu waaa!!
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>waiting two months for camellya
at least the 4* rat girl will run with her right haha
>Soloning Waves doesn't have all those mega roll bundles PGR does every month and every patch and every drop
I could see that. Being a whale in PGR was great.
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stop it
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Dragongirl pee
>100% weapon banners and you only need one decent universal one for each type
blows the fuck out of points 1-4. BP isn't dogshit you get weeks worth of mats and a few rolls for a better deal than any top-up or store pack.
>4* on rerun banners
the only real issue yep
You can tell something is a stupid non-issue when AsmonGOD isn't talking about it.
>defending anti consumer practices
Who the fuck is that?
no one give a shit, this place is the only one left that pretend like this is the end of the world
>Agreeing that 4* in rerun is bad is now anti consumer
I feel like this has to be a hoyobot at this point.

Solon touched the blood and booger wall?
You forgot all the other things bootlicker. Why shouldn't 4* weapons be stronger? Are you anti consumer? You lose nothing for having them be stronger. Are you worried about kuro's revenue?

Why should you be able to roll 200 times and not get a 4* to s6. You didn't agree that was anti consumer. Why?

Do you think the premium battlepass is good? I noticed for that these points you didn't try defending them but you also said the 4* on reruns was the only real issue. That must you think everything else is fine

Where's my 40k comments and 2 day melty over these things? Why are you anti consumer and trying to turn this game into genshin?
It's genuine F2Poors who don't spend a cent on the game and expect whales to fund everything.
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Yes. Now pay for mah vidyer cuckboy.
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What is this math based on? buying BC directly? because nobody does that and this reeks of bullshit, PGR has a fuckton of bundles which is something Rexlent was also complaining about WuWa not having, are you including those?
I'm not defending the 50/50 or lack of guarantee for 4*, but at least there's competition so they have reasons to one up eachother
>raw cost is the same
So how much are the giant roll currency bundles? The ones that actually make it vastly cheaper in PGR? Is it factoring in the USBs and shit that act as universal weapon dupes?
Rexlent isn't wrong about wuwa being more expensive to whale on than pgr, simply because of the difference in frequency at which new characters are released.

The one who got it wrong is the retard who misrepresented his words and said that maxxing a SINGLE character is 4 times more expensive in wuwa.
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This outrage feel forced af but whatever help you faggots waste time until 1.3
Do you even get anything for your birthday in WuWa? Maybe I claimed it mindlessly and wasn't paying attention...
just an automated message and unlock for the happy b-day voice lines for chars I think
just because you dont care about it doesn't mean other people will have the same opinion with you
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found this leddit post which claims it's about half if you factor in the bundles but like the same as wuwa if you just buy it directly
Oh yes, Jinhsi has an anus.
finally a good post
>the game has to either give everything for free or the game should try to take your every cent and give you nothing back
You retards are genuinely embarrassing. The 4* on rerun is a bad decision and even OTHER mihomo game doesn't do it.
Wuwa costs more to upkeep and initially develop so obv it'll be more jewish than pgr (which still worth picking up or caring about)
>yahoo leaked to be in shorekeeper's banners weeks ago
>everyone here applauded Kuro for being pro-consumer, loving their playerbase, not implementing genshit practice of putting new 4* on re-run banner to force players to pull
>suddenly announces that yahoo will now be in re-run banner
>/wuwa/ understandably has strong opinions about it's following the bad anti-player marketing that genshit did
you're either a fucking retard or a tourist.
>about half if you factor in the bundles
That's even cheaper than I expected comparatively. I knew that anon was being retarded, but not by this much.
She also has a womb and vagina and a bladder and a urethra. She needs to go to the bathroom multiple times per day and if she gets aroused she'll leak sticky vag juices on her undies.
still ISN'T* worth picking up or caring about
>disingenous strawman
respond to the post directly buddy. Or concede and admit there are far more predatory things already in the game that you never bothered to think for yourself about
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To be fair lunite prices ARE a fucking scam
>50 rolls for 100 dollars
Bud i bought Monster Hunter World and Rise in a 20 bucks bundle last Steam sale.
>buying BC directly? because nobody does that
You actively HAVE to do that if you want to even SSS everyone and triple resonate weapons. That's not even S+ territory which is what the other anon tried to argue, that S+ing a char is cheaper than S6ing a char on Wuwa. It's simply not.
Bro, doing a few rolls on Jiyan banner to get one copy of Youhu (her appeal is her outro which you get at S0) is hardly "taking away your every cent".
>avg 100 bucks for a char
this is what the 3d gacha market settled at sadly
>yahoo leaked to be in shorekeeper's banners weeks ago
>one guy's wishlist is a leak
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whatever you say
i will just do a 10 pull and get Yahoo
they've already made more than PGR makes in a year from their first 2 months bro. they were able to make wuwa with profits from pgr in a cave, with a box of scraps.
kinda starting to get why Limbus Company's Project Moon dev was being a turbo autist about not expanding his team to keep the SOVL intact.
>b-but the leaks
Kek so you're a dumbass that fell for schizo leaker
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congrats you just jinxed yourself. Now you will go broke before getting her.
3-4 years of dev time couldn't have been cheap
Just admit you're gay.
>this SEAnigger revenoo argument again
This won't be just Youhu, and there's no guarantee you'll get her in a "few rolls". A decent amount of people will get Jiyan before getting her.
>everyone here applauded Kuro for being pro-consumer, loving their playerbase, not implementing genshit practice of putting new 4* on re-run banner to force players to pull
Hey shiteater, better show me some proof because I'm actually in the threads. Fucking falseflagging piece of shit finally showed his tail.
>people will get Jiyan before getting her.
No way you just said this
>instead of talking about all the cool QoL added in the new patch note
>keep seethe about 4* for days now
man you guys are even worse than twitter at this point
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Bro you just activated the desire sensor, good luck getting her in the next 6 months.
Yep, I love some retards are spinning headcanon that the leaks are unreliable or headcanon too, it was directly from the beta banners which never changed until now.
Yes, it will happen for some. And then those people will feel like shit for wasting their luck on a banner they didn't even want to roll for because of a retarded decision. Go fuck yourself, likely my last reply to you, as you're clearly a moron if you even argue about this.
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Take you fucking cube homo back
Give me my Yahoooooooo
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the only good QoL that I care about are the echo load-out I doubt they will able to roll that out at least until 2.0
>explaining why the outrage isn't forced
>how there was an expectation here in /wuwa/ organically grown from the reliable leakers that slowly trickled out while the community waited for the patch
>retarded nigger shifts argument to "SO YOU BELIEVED IN THE LEAKS??? HAHA YOU DUMBASS! GOTCHA!"
no hope in conversing with cro-magnon grugs.
>ever reliable
Lmao retard
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Okay i think i got all the chips. so let me get this straight- people are mad NOT because Youhu is on a rerun banner but because its on a MALE banner (yuck!)
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>it was directly from the beta banners
>spinning headcanon that the leaks are unreliable or headcanon too
yeah leakers would never lie
I praised Solon sama and posted something like "Kuro will do the right thing and won't put her on the rerun banner" a couple of weeks ago.
>hmmm nyes leakers are just liars
Then why are you even discussing leaks? Just ignore it.
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>3 way split
Ha ha... not me having missed a 4* I wanted because of this...
>Don't take some of my guesses too seriously
Kek even the leakers know they talking bullshit
>after he got experience he switched to Hoyo for better pay and less workload
thank you for beta-testing our workforce, kurocucks
Anon, I know what I'm talking about when I made those maths because I fucking whale on both PGR and Wuwa. I know my costs well lol.
Claiming that Wuwa is 4x as expensive to max a single char is bullshit and the packs on PGR do not get you to SSS+, it gets you to SS3 at most. SSS onwards you need to buy raw fucking Black Cards.
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>wasting their luck
Mentally deranged closet homo, i just filtered your IP.
Is that why you didn't include the cost savings in the initial post? And still aren't?
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im mostly malding because I think transforming into mihomo is such a slippery slope that Solon could easily stumble into.
It's literally me and Solon on top of a building with him holding a detonator to bomb the steel beams of /wuwa/s WTC with me shouting at him to "DON'T DO IT SOLON!! YOU'RE BETTER THAN THIS" as the planes flown by mihomo sandnigggers fly over our heads and close in on /wuwa/'s twin towers.
Just stop after 30 rolls. It's a 4* and she'll spook you eventually.
If you have really bad luck you can even go 2 pities without getting her.
nta but saving to ss3 is only about 200 dollars, it doesn't suddenly make it "4x more expensive"
the original anon that claimed that slurped up what rexlent said without context.
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was posted by hakush.in, the 1.2 banners were posted by Stormy Waves, they're all just various groups datamining the beta clients. Those leaks are obviously less credible than a closed beta client
so giving out free stuffs and a limited 5* for months doesn't count but 4* is enough to convinced you they're literally Mihoyo now?
lol ok
NTA but the calculations doesn't account for the fact that you won't be failing every 50/50 in wuwa either
This game is becoming boringer and deader with each passing day...
What? It quite literally does.
>If you lose every 50 50 you need to do 150 x 10 pulls to hit S4 and buy the remaining from coral.
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>mortefi, taoqi, sanhua
this feels like a meme. They just put all the 38% xyz deepen outro characters together?
You know this "free limited 5* homo" was brought directly from mihoyo, right? RIGHT?
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>corpo bootlickers
nice thread wookeks
Reading comprehension bro... take a break, relax a little and take some small walks...
>Mihoyo invented freebies
New leaks from CN just dropped
>Lumi will be on the Xiangli rerun banner
>2 Males on 2.1
>SEAmonkey melty
look buddy, couple dozens rolls are like an hour of work.
And also excludes the USBs and packs for weapons and CUBs.
He should average it to only losing half.
He's saying the calculation shouldn't assume you'll lose every 50/50 bro. He did assume that because it lets you buy the dupes from the shop and makes it look not as bad.
>and there's no guarantee you'll get her in a "few rolls"
This seems like an F2Poor problem. Just treat her like a 5* and green general like a 4* and do 140 rolls. If you still don't get her, it means she hates you and you should give up.
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don't use my studentwife for your shitposting nigger faggot
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i'm gonna be honest bros i'm not really feeling the cast 90% of it can be summarized by
>i'm a nice kind girl and i want to save the world because it's the right thing to do!
haven't seen a cast this gay and bland since fucking BNHA
I consider myself a whale at PGR. Got SSS for every S-rank character with their signature weapons, 3 reso, and even CUB dupe, never even touched the 2x BC bonus once. Only got the Monthly + Bpass + and most packs, heck I often didn't clear all the packs because I already have more than enough BC.
Yes, Wuwa is more expensive unfortunately. It fucking sucks it cost $200 MINIMUM to get just 1 char and 1 weapon. In PGR, that amount of money would get you much much more than in here.
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You forgot:
>2.0 skins are male versions of jinhsi, yinlin, changli, camellya, shorekeeper and zhezhi with rerecorded lines.
well we don't know for sure now
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This thread need more images.
Post some anons.
Are we going into the insane schizo path and also say that wuthering waves isn't just an improved genshin impact? Are we there yet?
didn't ask nerd
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is it a shitpost if it's true tho?
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Looks like an improved breath of the wild to me. What the fuck is genshin? failed botw clone from years ago? Idk man couldn't catch me playing that
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ah, yes, let's just ignore all the other free chars they've given on pgr.
usb for weapon is fair, cub doesn't really help. norman helps only a little also.
>only losing half
that still doesnt make it 4x more expensive than pgr to max a char
the discussion was on S6 vs SSS+. not obtaining a single char which, yes, pgr is far better at that because its literally free every time.
Sure, using your retarded logic Genshin invented grasses and gacha too
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>corpo bootlickers
KV faggot still salty uh
>cub doesn't really help. norman helps only a little also
>these things don't count even though they were taken into account in the initial calculations
genkek is just a jewish version of BotW, they literally put a slot machine there so you can unlock traversal skills by gambling. KEK
New lore from Nanami chapter
Any civilization marked by the Watchers cannot escape the contamination. They will be pursued relentlessly until Agent 0 brings the civilization back to the "Gate."
Goddamn there is no escape the harvest once your civilization is targeted.
Something is going to be sacrifice to help stopping the Lament on Solaris-3.
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Since when Genshin gave out a free limited 5* again?
Which timeline are you on bro?
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oh shi
time to dip out
cya woogers
did you misread what i said on purpose or am i typing like a retard? cub packs barely exist and give you 5k tickets at most, which is 1 copy if you pity the cub, norman gives you another 2 copies which only ss' the cub.
you still need another 7 copies to sss+ the cub.
I know he lost wait, it's still funny
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didn't ask nerd
Alloy is a free limited 5* that was gave out btw :)
Of course, the homo idea is from HSR.
Man, this is just pathetic. it's a real shame that even /vg/ has turned into nothing but pseudo consolewars, but now with corporations. I like PGR and Wuwa, but they make mistakes.
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I'm glad KV Project die and BA will EoS in 3 months
Also Wuwa sucks booooo
>5* only in name
doesn't count
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Its also curious how similar that line is to Shorekeeper saying that you can't escape the lament in the 1.3 trailer, I 100% believe that the verses are connected now.
all of wuwa's 4 stars would be 5 stars in genshit. They actually have ult animations
Why is this 4 star in particular the source of such stress? It can't be just because she's a loli...
>It can't be just because she's a loli...
Welcome to 4chan
Is this real? Is soundwave/frequency fuckery even a thing in pgr or are they just adding it in retroactively
I still don't know what the fuck was the point of this, did Sony really put a gun on their head and say "okay but if you want to put your game in our system you better put Aloy in it"
kek I suppose so.
This is the first time I've seen outrage about a 4 star really. They are nice to have but usually people focus on the 5 star limiteds.
Is wuwa even worth playing
Did they add ANY bosses after Jinhsi and her dragon Jue ? Bosses are literally the only meaningful replayable content in the game. Jue is also a shit tier boss. Unfun.
I'd say if we were to discuss directly about their designs, people would choose her over shorekeeper easily.
>loli on homo rerun
>nothing else to do or complain about
its still scummy though
Correct. It's because she's a MSGK and the first crumb we've gotten since launch.
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I dont think I ever saw Youhu gacha animation. Did I miss it or no one ever posted it here?
There are different forms of disasters in PGR for different alternate universes.
The canonical PGR universe is going through the punishing virus as their disaster. This gave Kuro wiggle room to say Wuwa is an alternate reality where the Lament's and TD's is "Wuwa's Disaster"
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It's so fucking over
Yapyap will die next patch 100%
Don't ask me, I don't think I ever saw anyone use her at all even when she had been just given out.
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Uh no? I want my wifekeeper
did you beat lv6 crownless
big tit hags are always the most popular and best sellers though. Just see changli mogging jinhsi in her own patch
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i don't care you WILL read my opinions
seriously wasn't kuro supposed to be into grimdark shit
why does wuwa feel like a saturday morning cartoon
The problem here is the assumption that the live banners should be the same as the beta banners when they probably just put both first so people could test them asap.
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Got milk?
>if they do it to yahoo they'll do it to all 4* in the future
>dengdeng and all succeeding new 4* will be put in re-run banners
>reminiscent of hoyofag policies, something that Kuro should've started to veer away from especially when they already have consumer-friendly policies with pgr
yeah I wonder why...
because grimderp doesn't sell with normal functioning human
It's literally the same in PGR though? You're a nice dude and you're trying to save the world cuz you can and should.
>no trailer
It's Rover
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PGR writers are now working on wuwa anon.
I'm sure the next updates are going to be different.
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>people would choose her over shorekeeper easily.
Trailer tomorrow bwo
>big tits
Did they update her model again and I missed it?
>Literal girl designed to be your wife
>Even goes as far as to say "Welcome home"
>Design made to accompany that
>The loli will sell more!
Lol, wrong.
Le grim and dark for the sake of "cool" is just edgy, you need to know how to balance it out.
At the end, Nanami found wormhole that could connects earth to another earth (another earth bc different timeline).
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What does the harvesting depends on the timeline or alt universe, so it can take different forms, which gives them the wiggle room to say that Lament is WuWa's version of the Punishing.
>yeah that's a cute butt
wuwa for this feel?
No, anon is just ill-adjusted from his over exposure to flatties. Shorekeeper is normal sized.
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They were all very unique and had their own random motivations and weird backstories in the CBT but the execution of it was retarded and made so sense so they just scrapped it and had to rush their personalities for the release.

Probably they'll keep writing unique characters going forward but they have to be careful to actually make it good
If I were to roll on green homo for yahoo. It's not guaranteed to get her when I pull a 4* right?
PGR characters are just "kind and nice person BUT THEIR LIFE IS FILLED WITH SUFFERING". I like kurogames but it's the gameplay that is great, the writing was never there.
>what if Rover is wuxia/xianxia levels of OP
>handles the Lament
>btfo the ayylmaos
>nanami travels to Solaris-3 dimension to seek his help
>wuxia/xianxia bros win
>mfw Solon made wuwa so someone can finally help gary raven from all of his suffering
No. You have less than a 33% chance that any A-rank you get is one of 3 characters. It is possible to get a 5*, earl or not, before you get a single copy of a specific 4*. This is unlikely, but possible. Taking that risk is your decision to make.
because they targeted genshitters and all these fags mad that you even pointed that out are all but converts seething that someone said something about their next best thing
Zhezhi...my only love.
Dengdeng/toutou/lumi but good luck waiting 2 months bwo

Suffering builds character
This is worse than the holocaust
I liked Chixia until Zhezhi came out and Chixia started bullying her.
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What are the odds we get a gothic region? Even better, a gothic lolita character?
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2.0 is rumored to be gothic themed.
I'm pretty sure I remember seeing a leak that a limited 5* loli is coming out in 2.x
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this was said but it was deleted. idk maybe there will be some gothic shit somewhere but it's mediterranean themed mostly
To the PGRbros here, how hard are the holograms here in wuwa?
>Story mode
>Overspeed 5
>150 Babel
There are some bosses in PGR that idgaf to learn just fromcthe sheer autism they ask of you like Ctylla or mistery nigger 2
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>He doesn't know
You might wanna take a look at the PGR thread right now anon. The timeline janny wife got help from the ayylmao wife.
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you shut the fuck up, it's not Chixia's fault that beta zhezhi can't handle her PURE UNADULTERATED STACEY ENERGY
>Chixia was just being friendly in her usual genki way
>beta cant maintain eye-contact
>beta can't refuse
>beta just agrees
The most profitable banner girl in the game.
Oh fuck no...
That sucks...
Wait a fucking minute? Didn't Shorekeeper mention a black hole in the PV? Isn't there a black hole you can see at the Port City area?
Bugs aside, the holograms feel easier to me than the max-challenge special boss events in PGR. Or maybe that's just PTSD from THESE FUCKING CUBES AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
no way they do more chinkslop in 2.0 right?
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Were it not for the rules of this general i would have call you a nigger for those words.
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nobody but history nerds likes that shit
Ehh kinda easy I guess? The only annoying part is they one-shot you, but other than that their moveset is relatively much easier to dodge
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its gonna be the not-china area capital and it will be glorious
filled to the brim with chink, mongols, mudslimes, and turkish
uncle dong whispered this to my ear personally
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don't make me boot up my paint and start churning out zhezhi-who-laughs 10, 11, and 12.
>doesn't like roman kino
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Zzz has Nicole figure.
Can we have a Zhezhi figure? I will buy 3.
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>waaa waaa cowards using filter instead of taking our shit, coward faggots!
If the ankobwos learn how to use it and the troll, baitposters get angry because of it, it's my pleasure to post it in every thread.
Already using the filter and don't want to see this? Just use the promotional code: SexyWuwabro69
Here is your goth loli bro, you rike?
nyes pls
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And i will report All of them as a hate speech. This general loves and protects Zhezhi!
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I will burn zhezhi on the stake if I fail my 50/50 in 3 days
Is the anime colab for Shorekeeper still gonna happen? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LHB4p5rvSoM
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t. history nerd
if you want an actual kino empire look no further than the ottoman empire
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>This general
ew fuck no
get the fuck outta here
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>he didn't get Zhezhi's fan made just for (You)
You aren't bricked forever are you?
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>the turk is back
>t. made post from his apartment in berlin
no one wants that garbage back
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second is pretty high if first is true, cant forget 2/5 standards are lolis
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I can't wait for chibi dorms where I can display my non bricked account items.
there are ZERO limited lolis
there are ZERO 4* lolis
overall 2/22 characters are lolis
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>you now know what happened to zhezhi's parents
Difference is encore is on par with limiteds while being easier to get and verina will be used in every team till eos. So kuro clearly does care about lolis
Wu? Wawa?
Wa? Wuwu?
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evil zhezhi is a forced meme and cringe
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>Zhezhi's fan made just for (You)
w-wait what?
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its true
she wouldn't do something like that
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I will kill you for posting this, leave Zhezhi alone!
oh nononononnoo
Literally me
I also got Changli
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After you finish zhezhi date on the event you meet her on the side of the stall, once you finish her quest she will be in the stall and talking twice to her gives a fan.
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>Suddenly thread quality improve
I fucking kneel JejeGODs
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Pretty sure that its just 1 retard pushing those unfunny edits.
I haven't logged in today, but isn't the festival itself still around? Yesterday, I could still talk to the booth NPCs that have a chance of giving the echo boxes. You can still get the fan until it disappears.
>listening to Wuwa soundtrack
No one does that. Apart from dim forest it's not catchy and memorable at All. Genshin Has Wuwa completely and utterly beat here.
In my opinion they should hire linked horizon and based Revo for the future zones to make them ost.
Literally who?
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>1 retard
I think it's funny and original
Sure sure go back to your nigger walahi music
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>2.0 is rumored to be gothic themed.
Thank fuck they're not doing copy pasta irl countries then like another game.
That's my wife there! First from the left!
Zhezhi is just perfect. And i Wish we called her Orie because i think that fits her better.
Wuthering Waves has the best lofi techno soundtracks in the industry. I'm sorry that you have shit taste.
Even if the other game doesn't copy paste the country from irl people will complain that they didn't and that they're appropriating the culture or got shit wrong kek
I like wuwa and i want it to be better, but i am sorry. As of now the ost is much worse than what Genshin had at release.
Ah yes, the """"boycott""" special.
god i miss this retard like you wouldn't believe
sniper lolita wuwa with white hair when?
There was some info about a known composer working on new WuWa content. We'll see if music will improve then also blackshores will have some decent music if the leaks are true.
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Natlan was a disappointment
I want my Okinawan
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I dont dislike the meso-america pick, I just hate all the modern day shit, hell the first thing you see is ugly graffiti like you're walking into the hood
the okinawan is just seanigger brown
Open wide PV niggers, it's chink time.
Do people get paid for shit like this? Like, it looks awful. Black void, wrong lighting, and you can visibly see each keyframe the guy posed and filled the rest with tweening.
Fuck you for posting this
Where did the pisser Jinhsi meme come from? If she didn't piss herself while facing a Sentinel and her own death (again lol), that means she has a strong bladder
Rough translation:
"Since you left, thousands of days and nights have passed. Memories can be put away, but the past that actually happened never goes away. As promised, at the Shore's end, I'll be waiting for you. Is this loneliness?"
As time goes by, this feeling has kept flooding through me, though my body is not human. But does this mean I have developed human emotions?"
I wonder if, one day, like ordinary people have, I also became aware of... a heart. Due to this feeling, at an unrecorded moment I had a dream for the first time. Even in the dream I have a mission to fulfill. An incredible scene I saw was— that we stood shoulder to shoulder, paced around the unknown world and preserved our history. The dream is... a projection of desires. This is how I watch you as I peek into my heart."
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>Do people get paid
ofcourse not, thats pure sovl fanwork you're slandering you nincompoop
if you can do better then do it
It came from Jinhsi watersports being erotic.
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nuh uh
real trailer here
They're testing the waters by putting Youhu on Jiyan's banner.
If lolicons refuse to open the wallet I'm afraid we won't see another loli for a long time...
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jp trailer where???
Given that she has the voice of a 30 year old, I can't say I'd care.
>Hagchads put to the test, successfully passed Changli
>Fujos put to the test and given an advantage of having the first copy free, about to fail miserably
>Lolicons put to the test and given an advantage of it being a 4 star results pending
Let's see your Anko MMD
Your main problem is being a masochist using the EN dub.
>en dubkek
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you won't get a single cent from me on that banner SOLON
I hate how nowadays everyone can only see something as being made for profit. I don't like today's manga translation groups for the same reason, most of them is nearly begging for money or only picks up something as a "commission". Sovl can't be made with profit first in mind.
I like to understand what my characters are saying mid combat, please pick better voice actors across the board if you want me to care about the loli I am not going to learn chink.
Tbh I understand more JP than EN, EN VAs literally speak like monkeys. Shorekeeper's VA is a rare good one though.
>Can't understand anime japanese in the year 2024
Anon, that dumbed down language is made for children and you still can't hear out what they are saying?
what do you think all that extra "spectro" is that gets sprayed around her as she fights?
Interesting, its good
Two good games
Kanji is hard and my brain refuses to hang onto them no matter how hard I try.
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I will never ever have this sexy brat in my account
Anons, have you spent all your boosted tacet field uses on a single tacet field or spread around to a variety?

I've used 100% of mine on the havoc/moonlit field for camellya prep
I spent it on glacio since I have full double crits of all other sets
might come in handy in 2.0 when we get a glacio DPS since currently we have none
You don't hear kanji, all battle lines are extremely easy to understand
you know he's right bwo, even their notChina was done better. mt firmament had the first memorable ost, great leitmotif. and man cannot survive on techno alone.
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Hagbros win again.
"loli enjoyers" fujoshits and faggots only vote with their xitter ramblings and 4chan meltys they're EXACTLY like the people who want woke shit on games they don't even pay for and ruined western kino for everyone.
variety, was mostly targeting:
>rejuv/fire for spectro / er / on-set 3-cost
>glacio / electro
but I did do a few havoc/moonlit and fusion/electro to mix it up.
I like brats that have hag voices
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Not fair, why do hagfags get the easiest "test" to pass with no bullshit strings attached?
Yeah, but we aren't talking about Kanji, do we? Anon said he uses EN VA because he wants to understand what they are saying while in fight. You don't need kanji for hearing. I am translating the showcases to my language from EN subs to JP video/audio and have to manually correct the fucked up english because it's either totally not what was said or so needlessly verbose it's cringe. It's pretty obvious each language does their own thing from chinese instead of having some cohesiveness to it.
it's a shitty low effort shrill voice it's garbage all the EN loli voices are bad on purpose because westoids
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Welp. Looks like I can forget about getting the brat. Goddammit
She's literally damaged (cracked booba, failed boobjob?) and used (by previous Rover) goods with no womb. She's trans coded if you think about it, I hope Twitter catches on to that
More new lore
It seems like Cradle was holding back Red Tide to wait until humanity become advanced enough. Then she will open the dam and flood humanity with Red Tide when they're ripe, and harvest the entire civilization.
However, with Cradle's death, and our daughter Chaos having to stay inside the Tower and trying hardest to resist the Authority with her unstable consciousness, no one is controlling the Red Tide. The floodgate has unleashed, drowning the majority of Earth in Red Tide.
Gary become depressed like Shinji during the first half of Evangelion 3.0 +1.0.
>Vonnegut: I told you, anons. Merging with Chaos and stabilize her immature consciousness was the best plan. Did anyone listened? No.
So if Phrolova really is the Agent 0 controlling the Tacet Discords, but she would be holding back the Lament to wait until humanity is ripe, then unleash the whole Lament everywhere, harvesting the entire civilization.
I don't know if Phrolova is the first Agent 0 of the Lament memetic. But if she die, Agent 0's Authority will be transfer to another person to become Agent 0, and continue to harvest. Agent 0 can't be killed and will just regenerate unless someone replace the current one as the new Agent 0.
We are ready for Agent 0 Yangyang, the new overarching villain in WW.
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Only good post ITT thread Hagchads carry this shit on our shoulders and you should lower your tone when talking to us.
The bullshit string was coming immediately after Jinhsi and Yinlin prior.
>maintenance will occur late afternoon PST ending late night PST on saturday
Fuck my ass.
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We only need a playable Juyao and Xinyi now.
That just makes open wallets even more though, it's an actual buff
>sales carried by Ankobwos wanting her weapon
>shorekeeper hype carried by Yohou
Lolibros are two steps ahead of you
Yinlin's big ugly buttplug earring is ugly as hell
How many loli limited 5* have been released so far?
How many have been announced?
Good companies pander to people who pay, you're only vocal and cope with made up shit. That's the truth sorry if it hurts.
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Changli pandered to LoliCHADS, kind of
are you ready for shorekeeper's showcase this reset bros, roughly in 8 and a half hours
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Is this Nikker good? Need someone to help me finish stage 3 in left tower and I don't want to use my best hitters
Danjin damage is as flat as her chest and Taoqi is a useless slampig
Can't use Sanhua because of that glacio resistance faggot looking angel

>In the upcoming Version 1.3 [To the Shore's End], in addition to implementing the optimizations mentioned in the Version 1.3 Black Shores Broadcast, such as "Collection Spots Tracking" and "Batch Merge," we are also expanding the selection of development materials in the Store's Oscillated Coral section. Be sure to check them out after the update goes live!
>We have also taken note of your other suggestions, such as "Echo info display upon absorption," "auto-select options for Echo upgrade," "portable synthesizer," and "Echo presets." These improvements are already in the works and will be rolled out in future updates. Please stay tuned!
What does auto-select options for echo upgrade mean? Where is our substat reroller?
>maintenance will occur late afternoon PST
can someone translate it into human language? like using GMT?
upgrade to next stage maybe? +5 basically
Changli mogs all women AND lolis in the game.
Changli is a tier of herself.
>What does auto-select options for echo upgrade mean?
Choosing +5, +10, +15, +20, or +25 to auto upgrade to instead of it only going straight to +25 that only retards would want.
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That's a pretty neat QoL, I always try to juggle the different tiers of tubes to get +5 echo levels, but I still want to have our substat rerollers Solon you fucking nigger where is it
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As a cunnyfag I prefer Yinlin desuhonest
So much wrong i'd rather just give you a (you) and let someone else handle the newcutie.
Good luck
>blacklisted Uoh
Do redditors really?
Nice I can play Saturday night then
Yapyap is the best Nikker in all Jinzhou
Invest in her asap
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>Is this Nikker good?
if not help me pick a servant to build
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>7hr maintenance
post character box bro, yapyap is a good sub-dps at s6 i believe
Bro it's a dogwhistle to rape drawings and 3d models haven't you heard? Think of the pixels.
>22:00-5:00 EU time
EUGODS win again
Floors 1-3 from left and right towers can be cleared with literally any damage dealer solo. I recommend Chixia
>So much wrong
Im asking about the character not her stats, Im a month and a half old I know enough
serious reply plz
here are the ones I didn't build >>496106191
Im just looking for someone who can help with the first three floors in left and right towers
I think you should build snow leopard-kun.
>loli enjoyers
>same as people who want woke shit on games
I dont even like lolis but you are a fucking retarded KYS
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i know you don't want to but make leopard your janny bro
>Floors 1-3 from left and right towers can be cleared with literally any damage dealer solo
>Danjin damage is as flat as her chest and Taoqi is a useless slampig
Danjin even has a 5* sword and Rover echos which helped me 2 star first floor in the middle tower
Free astrite is free astrite anon. I hope it somehow becomes 8 hours just so they give us 400 instead.
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Mortefi is probably the metafag 4* with Jiyan's rerun coming soon, but Aalto looks fun to play and I've seen some people beat tower and cheese holograms with him. Invest into Rover if you haven't yet, Spectro is a good support and Havoc is an okay dps
enemy has Glacio resistance on floor 3
faggot Leon kinda grew on me but I want to pretend that I hate him
These are not real damage dealers, Chixia is. You can check the roles in character description.
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>Danjin damage is as flat as her chest
Skill issue
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it is okay bro, first 3 stages of side-towers are just free but you can do ma xiaofang if you don't want leopard-tan
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>Danjin damage is as flat as her chest and Taoqi is a useless slampig
Yapyap and chixia are competent damage dealers. Mortefi can be coped with if you are able to pull off his heavy atk spam tech.
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>4 star
AHAHAHAHAHAHA, not only can 4*s be harder to get, you are also being fucked by risking getting a 5* you dont want, I dont want either 5*s, this is more of a test of "can you put up with our bullshit"
Why are they rerunning Jiyian when he flopped so badly they needed to emergency release Yinlin early to salvage their launch? Should've re-ran Yinlin instead.
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>You can check the roles in character description.
what does basic dmg exactly mean?
You missed the point based retard.
You missed the point based retard.
Probably for the playstationbros
clicking your left mouse button and letting go of it immediately
Her ult deals basic attack damage if I recall. Like how Jiyan's deals Heavy attack damage
I don't want Kuro to make billions, I want them to be mildly successful so they don't get complacent and keep pandering to me, the humble monthly buyer. The game isn't dying for 5 years at least, anyway
That's cool but what you want doesn't matter reality will not bend for you especially not shit you have 0 control over stop thinking like a low effort tranny.
stop posting lust provoking pic of her
I can strip Anko naked for echos, the only thing stopping me from building her is that I don't feel like leveling up her weapon
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What are the chances of Kuro doing a Egypt, India, or Mezo America region? Did PGR have a lot of dar skin representation or is it like hoyo with token ones. I want to see the meltdown as I saw a few ppl jump ship to WuWa saying Kuro cares so they will represent skin color better.
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KYS stelletroon
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Hmm, no. I have control over the posts I make at least, and they obviously upset your corporate cocksucker self, so I'll continue in hopes of you seething your way into a brain hemorrhage. Faggot
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Where in the post am i sucking corporate dick are you retarded?
Just giving you a much needed reality check.
>I'll continue
Continue what? Your wishful thinking with absolutely no impact on reality? omg scaryyy
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PGR only has one playable dark character, but has a bunch of NPCs.
Their faction is called Akdilek Commercial Alliance.
>omg scaryyy
damn found the tranny
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post more you mean?
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>omg scaryyy
What social media hell did you crawl out of?
Chixia is so ugly and doesn't make dick hard please stop posting
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wish we were Nikke. Fuck normalfags
samefag you got bent over and molested
>it's having another meltdown
Here we go again.
this is "wuthering waves" players every day. lmfao.
>Wuwa is not on the list
There is a chance
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Wawu Wawa
>wu wa wuwaaa I wanna wuu waa
I post like this
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>Surrounded on 3 sides
>The western lolifsgs
>The Southern husbando front
>The Eastern hoyosteamroller
What are our plans? What are our Wunder Waffen?
I-i dont like this .. my dick won't lost to me .
>the tom and jerry gacha isn't on there
So maybe...?
What's the gacha where you do get the bj though?
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WAAAAAA WAAAAAANOMNomnomnomnomnomnom!!
Wiangli Wao
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>What's the gacha where you do get the bj though?
Oh wait it's Nikke. Should put my glasses on.
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and a schizo too
a complete package
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>took troon this long to inspect element
i know HRT addles the mind but damn
I don't know why you took the h away too.
It's funny because redditors were probably the ones using it the most whenever they saw any character that looked loli. It's a geriatric meme at this point so only the unfunny/trend chasers(read: redditor) keep using it in common parlance.
>thinking i will make some effort to edit shit
enjoy your mental illness sis
is this enough CR, im still leveling her skills and weapon though. i dont want to keep farming shitty 1 costs and inferno rider for more double crit stats.. especially the latter
>India themed region
How can you make this look good?
when is shorekeeper bwos?
bambi, come to wuwa...
>It's a geriatric meme at this point
Time really does fly by, huh?
Despite the people, every region in the world has its beautiful cultures and architecture through history
You HAVE TO have double crit on all of your echos, otherwise what's the point?
Yes that's definitely enough CR, CD is a little low but not too bad. You'd have slightly higher average DPS if you traded a little bit of CR for the equivalent amount of CD but your setup will be consistent at least
Yeah I agree that the character writing is generally weak. Much like genshin, feels like playable characters aren't allowed to have meaningful flaws or inter-character conflict.
Hopefully scar doesn't get dindu'd.
Wuthering John
Waves Jane
DingDong Ping Pong DengDong
Thunderwave Veronica
Misty Alphonse
Danielle Radcliffe
Tanaka Lumi
Jenny Jinzhounson
Calculator Jones
Bing Bing Waahoo
Leon Yangston
I don't laugh but the corners of my mouth turn upwards slightly
I only recognize like 3 games from this
Solon murdered Shorekeeper's hype...
Imma still pull but my hype went from 100% to 70% https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IIUsxsLVT8E
>Narwhal for the ost
bros this isn't looking good for monthly pvp if shorekeeper gets half of the first 3 days cut off between september and october.
We're all saving for Camellya bro, didn't you see the poll?
There's a Tom and Jerry gacha?
Can I roll for Chinese Tom?
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Had no interest in Zhezhi, then I did her companion quest. After that I have a strong urge to
>pet her head
>play with her hair
>strangle her and make her cry
>make her cum until her legs tremble like crazy
Anyone else feels the same? no?
what poll?
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GeForce RTX 5090 to feature 21760 CUDA cores, 32GB GDDR7 memory and 600W, RTX 5080 gets 16GB VRAM/400W
Oh fuck
they got you... don't do character quests before their banner leaves for your own good
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this but with the hag
fuck the nerd
Yeah they got me too hard pity and all
For me, my next upgrade's gonna be the 6090
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bet that costs all yer limbs
Finally I'll be able to run WuWa smoothly...
That thing is definitely gonna cause some housefires kek
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Wuxia Tom is cuter than Kekzhi
That's how they got me
Kind of. I was expecting to use 2 new characters when exploring 1.3 and it kind of puts me off that Yahoo is not only delayed but is on a banner that I don't even care about.
Biggest cope here is they'll learn from this and keep Camellya and Lumi in the same banner for 1.4
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Is going to be the GTX 480 all over again
I don't know but doubt it seeing as it's mostly played by Asians. I do know they've had to resort to making units from characters that showed up for a whole five seconds in one episode though.
>only the xx90 tier gets a real upgrade
Same, I rolled a bit for her and got her in like 30 pulls, wasn't crazy about the character. Just got halfway through her quest and had to take a break to jerk off to her
You guys told me Kuro would kneel to the chink backlash, why is Youhu still with Jiyan
It's time to accept that Solon doesn't listen.
Because Jiyan is a better man than you.
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Fuck i hope i get enough shit to get a good jojo 4 cost
Jiyan and Mortefi are the perfect parents for Yohou, Solon saved her from being raised by a single mother
Lolicons are being tested. Place your bets on their performance.
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>decided to skip initially
>give her some pity pulls because I liked her companion quest
>get her in 10 pulls
>push my luck
>get her weapon in 20 pulls
>might as well use her
>immediately ended up as my character who has the best overall echoes stats all rolled from scratch
>easy to use when rushing dailies because of aoe, AA focused button mashing
I feel like I got pick me'd by her and I ended up liking it
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>Jiyan sells
more homos
>Jiyan flops again
no more lolis. We are just rats caught in Solon's trap, our only chance at victory is by getting Kuro to bend before the SHK banner goes live
so will I be able to get a 40xx card for cheaper when this releases?
oh Lord look at her... I bet you guys Zhezhi is probably the kinkiest in bed because nerdy girls low-key an deviant
Aright now that we know for sure Jiyan is rerunning, do i need to max out Mortefi to use him on the Jiyan team ?
This unironically. They tested with fujos by immediately pandering with a male banner but the sisters folded almost immediately and left. Now they're testing with Yahoo to see how if they can profit off of her despite being in the worst gacha banner available.
is this the rise of Darth Solon?
If Jiyan sells it'll be because of Youhu entirely, Kuro has already seen how his first banner and XLY went.
Dude Jiyan is like our second best DPS
Who are the top 3?
Should be Jinhsi > Jiyan > XLY. some niggas say XLY is better so might swap places
In that order
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Yeah loli"chads" decided to instead just have a melty and not pull on their first fucking trial not looking good for them.
I thought she was ugly but after her quest I rolled for her too.
Jinhsi >>> Xiangli Yao > Jiyan
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I'm skipping SK for Youhu
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When the fuck is the predownload?
Do people use 2 separate sets of Fusion echoes for this?
OUR Magistrate, OUR General and that new guy
is a 4* you dont need to skip anything
I do. Encore got my reject echos.
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Just completed mine onkobwo you didn't get one?
get his c4 if you can
Jiyan is good for aoe
Jinhsi is good for raw damage and boss battles
Changli is good for downtime and buffs.
That guy is a complete homosexual. Wanting the same doom vibes in wuwa like no bro fuck off with that shit theres a reason as to why PGR is so niche
I do. I put the best parts on Anko and Changli uses leftovers. You can also use Lingering Troons on Anko but it's worse.
Yes. Obviously.
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Is Jiyan still good? I'm going for at least one copy of youho so I might end up getting him.
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I have him S6
Is this supposed to be good for jinhsi on a tower buff that shills her again? jiyan and encore being that high up despite it just makes them seem even better
Pretty cool to see that teams that looks solid on paper get mogged by teams with little to no synergy. And then there's just Verina
>is so niche
hoyofaggot detected there's a reason to gatekeep normalfags from these games
didn't Maygi the troon fairy shill through 100 hours of math that best team in wuwa atm is verina/changli/encore?
how come they aren't even in the 30-34s bracket?
lmao this is an actual cult
calchurros... our response?
It is autism tier list i wouldn't take this seriously at all. if you play the game you know what i mean like running the changli - encore team is terrible. can just use jiyan and get the same 3 stars holding down LMB like bruh
read the tower buff
Because to play them and get those numbers you need to be good at the game.
It's really that simple.
Verina's reign will end soon though
nice try but you gonna try to project something else i dont play any hoyo game. nobody likes the doom and gloom vibes and that is a fact
I "run" enco and changli with no issues.
Sounds like you have shaky uncoordinated hands don't get nervous little bro.
>nobody like-
aaand stopped reading right there never reply to me again subhuman
Don't care didn't ask i'm stating the truth.
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Shorekeeper trailer doko???
He's good for lazy clears, I generally use him for IR. But I feel he has already reached his peak with Mortefi, while people like Changli can probably get better suited supports in the future and improve even further.
Anyway I only have Mortefi S0 but he still clears tower comfortably.
jiyan needs quickswapping too what teams are you guys supposedly running that requires no skill post towers
I'm curious to see how the current tower performs, since the current buff doesn't specifically benefit any damage dealer.
We are yet to get a 5* nigga for his team to replace mortefi
Bruh vibrating too hard to play anything but button mash ohnonono ahahaha
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I used this for the current refresh. Jiyan "quick swapping" is a joke even retarded streamers can do it just make sure you time the outro buffs properly on verina and mortefi and that's it is simple and it just works
These are the best 5*s. Comfortably clearing end game content with an S0 4* support.
When he gets an even stronger support option that creeps mortefi he'll get even better. Guy is pretty futureproof with his aoe/cc already
>at least the 4* rat girl will run with her right haha
At least Yinlin's dupes are good right? Right?
Yinlin is the best S6. il die on this hill
Mortefi will never be replaced because at S6 he is insane support for heavy attack fuckers
Start complaining if you want to see that happen.
We can get a nigga who have heavy atk buffs plus deals good dmg and maybe buffs something else like for example Zhezhi vs Taoqi
Day 1 player and I still don't have Mortefi btw
>complaining on 4chin saves the world
will he be on Jiyans banner or will ppl get cucked by youhu ?
>This character never gonna be powercrept
You severely underestimate the jewishness of gacha companies.
38% Heavy attack deepern and 20% ATK team buff is going to be hard to beat.
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How do we powercreep this demon
>new 5* support character gives +50% heavy attack damage
you retards said the same for verina
no such thing as "future proof character"
supports can get powercrept just as easily as DPS
they are both about numbers and they can always go higher
it just depends on the company's whim
>H-he's going to be powercrept because i said so!
Cammy leak says she's 90% the power of the magistrate which means 2.0 characters are going to be cracked
You stop giving resonance skill buff towers and make DPSes with no actual downtime for once
The next city's magistrate is the only one who can powercreep Jinhsi
Verina is still better than brick keeper
>H-he's not going to be powercrept because I said so!
it goes both ways retard
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Jinny will never be powercr-
until there's a verifiable reward for higher character power, whining about powercreep is in the realm of spreadsheet autism and never actually matters.
If changli is already aright imagine her without that buff
Won't that be pretty on par with other featured 5* DPS? Doesn't seem like much powercreep if one of the most hyped characters releasing in 1.4 is set to be weaker than a 1.1 character and on par with the very first featured character?
I will redeem the Shoekeeper Ahmed
How does that make you feel?
Cowqi is usless and there's nothing you could say to convince me otherwise, her shitty playstyle is crippled and slow as fuck
spoiler major leaks don't be a faggot it's just one click
What about this nigga >>496121041
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My Shorekeeper...
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Shorewife mogs everybody the butterfly takes a dump on that lil flower
>nooooo everything MUST be grimdark and edgy or I can't relate I need to feel it crawling in my skin!!!!
Jinzhou bros... our magistrate is too weak...
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>flat on less flat violence
Oh baby that's the stuff
I feel indifferent because my Verina, Baizhi, and SRover outperform shoekeeper
>but she can pick flowers
I go to the pharmacy and buy whatever flower I need + permanent 100+ emergency stash. She's useless for me. Enjoy your roomba
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Cammy is also supposedly completely self sufficient unlike jinhsi so that's the tradeoff. Wouldn't be surprised if her dual dps teams outperform jinhsi teams
>Jinhsi has the power to bend time at her will
>never uses it
Doom and gloom is fine as long as that's not all there is. WuWa is pretty grim actually so not sure what that guy is bitching about and I'm sure it'll have its share of edge, it's just getting started.
>New Chun
Sounds busted that team will carry your ass all the way to 3.0 if true.
Your Shorekeeper looks like she's ready to tend the rabbits
Maybe is another brick like changli. Hopefully she is not, imagine having a Jinhsi tier DPS with S6 Havoc Rover on the same team
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>almost never check this general
>check it out today for next patch discussion
>it's the same cancerous shit posters from /gig/ ruining the thread
... and then Whorekeeper woke up.
People who bitch about doom and gloom stories most likely never even read one, not to mention a good one. If it is written well, it's absolute kino and it doesn't necessarily means it has to be full-on edge every time. Just because something is grimdark everyone expects it to be all out sufferingslop, but the best ones are always the ones that can pull you along on a rollercoaster of ups and downs but still show some kind of hope at the end of the tunnel.
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>Danjin damage is as flat as her chest
And I love her for that.
Her kit is like Changli's but with the damage output of Jinshi I really doubt they'd make another Changli like character without the DPS increase just for the sake of it
>didn't Maygi the troon fairy shill through 100 hours of math that best team in wuwa atm is verina/changli/encore?
Not at all, she doesn't think it's particularly good, just really fun.
so.... in terms of gachas
WuWa.... lost?
where's this info from? Been trying to find camellya leak info but haven't found much yet
ok edgelord
random tieba leakers. all compiled here
>slow ass update
>kills their hype with underhanded banner shenanigans
Lost? More like did not participate
This game may now join the official list of wugger approved gacha
When is the update in EDT? Saturday or Sunday night?
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Solon WAs what DaWUnt!
maintenance ends saturday night
Really regretting spending $15 a month on this shit when even the new ToF game is shitting all over it. Asmongold doesn't even remember what Wuwa is.
Solon, why couldn't you put 1.3 to 27 or 30? Now I have to update the game on phone and pull for shopkeeper there. I can't wait a whole workday to end, my palm is itchy to pull...
Most pleb's understanding of grimdark is just game of thrones: the red wedding. That's why the frequently spouted low iq opinion for low-stakes stories to become higher stakes is "bro just kill off your characters" because that's the mongloid's understanding of "grimdark" fiction.
Wu wawa wu wuwa wu wawa wu
wuu waa
wuwu wa wawa wu
>faggot pulls out AsmonGOD now
>"H-he doesn't even talk about the game anymore, hah!"
>Mongoloid forgot AsmonGOD said he doesn't like playing Wuwa on stream and just plays it off because he wants to focus on it when he plays
>He had 100% explorations
>Faggot shilling tower of flop
lmao even
lol, lmao

I haven't watch his stream in a hot minuto tho but i remember this one
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Does this guy really think people do not know calchud is good ? i think the problem with calchud is how annoying he can be to use
he's just contrarian he also uses lingyang
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I got Zhezhi day one, but this is what made me get her weapon
Girls like her deserve to be happy
Kinda based
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>Solon already pulled 15 dollars out of his pocket
Haha, what a loser!
weren't more characters supposed to get story quests or was that old leak fake?
The character quests weren't leaks, they were datamined to have quest names and images for them in the game, we just don't know when are they planning to add them. But being in the game means nothing, Old Chun was in the game until 1.3 too and we know from beta they took it out from the files, either to rework or because it's scrapped, we will only know when they put her back in.
1.4 beta when?
>youhou buffs mortefi who buffs jiyan
She’s clearly on the banner she’s supposed to be idk why you’re all so mad. She isn’t even that good to begin with
Is mortefi's ult considered coordinated attack?
dont care, not using mortefi or jiyan
Then don't roll for their support???? What's the issue here?
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>She isn’t even that good to begin with
This so much. Maybe Zhezhi can make her good like how she and Sanhua have good synergy? I don't know
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I want youhu, I dont care what she does, if she is good or not, I WILL roll for her and I WILL use her, retarded metafaggot you can never understand
I think it would depend a lot on how quick you can get her outro buff going
Enjoy getting spooked by Jiyan :^)
I thought Solon browsed these threads
Then do it. But to complain about your character being on a banner for characters you don't want when those are the characters she is designed to work best with is retarded. If you want to pull for her and refuse to play with ther best teammates then that's on you and you should silently eat whatever the cost is.
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I might, I am fine with only getting one spook, same with snorekeeper, I dont want either 5* so its the same outcome really, im a bit mad I have to wait longer still, I fucking hate the 4* system in gachas, they are NOT easier to obtain in practice
She's so Perfect!
>they are NOT easier to obtain in practice
yes they are wtf are you talking about i have multiple S6 4* characters and not a single S1 5*
Everyone will be powercrept after shiny new 2.0 resonators so what’s the point about stressing over getting anyone right now really
rolling for specific 4 stars is always ALWAYS a cursed task.
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she is...
there is no guarantee you will get the 4* you want, if you get unlucky you can go almost infinite pulls without ever getting the one you want, if you ever played any other gacha you'd know how you can easily get fucked over trying to roll specific 4*s, its the same shitty system copied from genshin https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G21cm-YB5oA
Thats a problem for future me. present me wants this new characters and im sure future me will run into the same argument "what about 3.0 characters"
the problem will carry on for future updates
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The odds of that happening are beyond unrealistic. S6 probably a hard task, one singular copy is very doable
>if you ever played any other gacha you'd know how you can easily get fucked over trying to roll specific 4*s
This so much
>50% chance it's a 4* character and a smaller chance to get the 4* you want
>50% chance to get a 4* weapon instead of a character
Bwo your Anko quest in 1.3?
Then they either do
to fix it or you should already know what you signed up for with mixed GACHA
if you would bother trying to see the video and understand, its the same system we have btw, on the surface it looks easy but that is misleading and the odds in practice is different, her example is she wanted a 4*, put 300 pulls on the banner and only got 2 copies, yes as the total pool of 4*s is low right now it may not be as bad since it SHOULD be easy to get her as off rate up later, but its still bad, I can see me going 100+ pulls for ONE copy of her, its not as simple as you would think, are you new to gachas or something?
I dont mind male characters if you are assuming that's a problem. If the guy is cool enough i might even built him
They should’ve replaced Zhezhi with ice msgk from the start and nothing of value would be lost, and green man gets his solo rerun
>This one nigger got really unlucky
Yeah i said the odds are very unrealistic i didn't say it was impossible. Realistically you will get it
gigi killed the game
Do we know what the 1.3 banners are yet?
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>are you new to gachas or something?
And are you new to wuwa or something? Because this is a system that has beem in place since launch but I'm only seeming faggot monkeys like you crawl out to chimp about it today. Yes, more than 4 months into the game.
shorekeeper first half. jiyan rerun second half.
Youhu on jiyan banner. don't know any other 4 stars
But the reality is different, i don't want to see you bitch about it anymore send feedback or something where it matters.
Should haves are for menopausic women.
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Zhezhi doesn't deserve to be a 4*
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its not just one, this happens all the time, ive had it happen multiple times in other gachas too, are you being stupid on purpose? realistically ill get jiyan, a 5* I DONT WANT and almost go to pity again, its bullshit, do you not see this as a problem?
yes I know, this system isnt unique to wuwa, its a problem the whole genera has, I never said it was something unique wuwa has, but for you guys to downplay it and pretend it isnt that bad is retarded
>bitching about people bitching about a bitch of a problem
now that would make (You) the woman
Any Playstation news?
>but for you guys to downplay it and pretend it isnt that bad is retarded
Except it isn't or you wouldn't have played the game to begin with? We would have seen you bitching about it daily if it was that huge of a problem since the system was in the game since launch, wasn't it? Why hasn't either of that been the case? Curious isn't it?
No, only more disappointment to follow.
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trailer releasing later today/tomorrow my fellow wuwwers
ive always talked shit about the 4* system when it comes up for years since ive been playing gachas, just cause I dont like one aspect means I should never play the game entirely? how retarded, im sorry I dont shit up every gacha thread 24/7 about it, I dont have the energy to try and be annoying all the time like you, you have to admit its shitty, idk how you cant see this, I only went on about it cause you retards tried to say its okay and I have ALWAYS said its pain, I remember saying it about danjin before when I wanted more of her
Is TGS stream today?
you get like 16% chance to get the new 4* every 10 pulls. you get 7 attempts before you go to soft pity for Jiyan. Why is the 4* system a problem all of the sudden btw
I remember this stream
>egs sponsored
>spent the whole stream complaining
waiting for the apology stream
Mother.. https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/120162666
Based ESL essaying tranny
>problem all of the sudden
its a plague that has been in gachas for awhile, its nothing new, just... idk watch the fucking video, im done replying to retards and probably trolls
Easier to get a 4*, not easy to get a single specific 4*. Even on a rate-up banner you have a >10% chance to not get a single one by the time you reach pity for the 5*
Black resonators will save WuWa
If you go all the way to pity you will get at least one copy of each one of the featured 4* characters unless your account is mega cursed
Why are asian and white males so obsessed with nigger cocks...
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>Hsi... the rite has concluded... From this moment on you will be Jinhsi, the new magistrate of Jinzhou.
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why do they keep pairing everyone with rover
To be fair in Camellya's case, she wants Rover all for herself.
>WuWa is pretty grim actually
we've had literally zero notable deaths
the towns are borderline utopias
everyone is super happy and loves everyone else
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waiting for the absolute kino trailer
No TGS news yet? is Wuwa on the last day?
Wawu is tragic for my wallet.
holy speedreader
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>the towns are borderline utopias
>the entire norfall barrens town area destroyed by the crownless statue
>the various camps and military bases scattered near in the desorock highlands trying to fight off the TDs
>the entire existence of Qichi Village
>port city of guixiu completely annihilated by Inferno rider
>half the whining aix's mire are just ruins
Wawu lets me get rid of stupid extra money i don't even need
Put yuhu on the first banner or else...

You do not know what a groyper is capable of.
How come no one told me here that the shopkeeper PV is out in the wilds?
>it's not a utopia because it got wiped by a natural disaster
fair on Qichi Village though but that's literally one isolated example
and we've still had no actual deaths
and everyone is still way too chummy and good other other than the designated bad guys who are evil because... they just are
Bilibili, but found it on twitter now.
>forcing character deaths (no NPC deaths don't count it needs to be a character), in the first few acts of a story makes it...mature
sure retard.

Also your first point makes zero sense
>my house got destroyed recently but it was a natural disaster so it's still a utopia
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Man. I wasn't ready for that.
Yeah, obviously it's not the usual high quality PV, but I think it's better this way. They already shown in the 1.3 trailer what Shopkeeper does and showing anything else in-game here might just be soft spoiler, so I don't mind a more somber talk video this time.
Some people seem to think if your setting doesn't look like came from a gothic horror book everything must be going pretty good because hey the flowers are pretty.
I am so ready for this robo babe
This isn't the resonator showcase though
The canon wife. No need for harem.
As I heard, it's a bit extra from the dev account, resonator showcase will come later. Not even sure the official EN account will post this one. The EN youtube is a bit all over the place, like they uploaded the Yao ASMR 2 weeks after JP and they never translated the Jinhsi one just because.
That's was obviously not what i meant.
Don't mind me, I had 4 hours of sleep in me and getting to the latter half of a 12h shift, so I start to fall apart. I know what you meant, I'm just rambling, I want my robo wife too.
Have you fellas remembered to wa your wus today?
who are you quoting? i never said death = mature. but you definitely cannot have a grim story where nobody of importance dies.
and utopia just means ideal society. it doesn't mean fucking tsunami-proof
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inferiority complex
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Bros...Yahoo atleast needs spats or shorts instead of the puffy shorts
ideally I'd want a my society to be tsunami proof. Maybe you mean to use a different word for the place your describing
>wants it to be grim not necessarily mature
sounds like some edgy anime I'd watch when I was 13 idk I want my story to be a bit more serious
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17.000 astrite
Shorekeeper or Camellya?
I can't decide...

I have Jinhsi and Changli; no Verina
I should roll for Shorekeeper, but Cammy... what do I do?!?!
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Roll Shorekeeper until you get a 5*
If you lose the 50/50 save for Camellya instead
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You can wait for the beta to see camellya's kit and animations before rolling.
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I want to wa Danielle's wu.
get both
Always wait for next character gameplay powerlevel scenes lorew place in the meta and whatnot before using your hard earned astreides.
The banner isn't going anywhere just beat the fomo..
Based fellow Danjin enjoyers.
>17K astrite on hand
>Will get 122 pulls in 1.3 as Monthly+BP
What's the problem? Just pull both.
nah, just trust in your dick to guide you in the moment
Camellya will definitely be a character that you only pull for if you like her. We'll likely have S6 Havoc Rover by the time we get Camellya, so gameplay-wise, you don't need her.
>tfw no Danjin gf to do this to her
It's not enough he can't write, he is also a meta fag. Slowly I get to a point where I just start adding meta related words to my filter so I don't see these posts...
Oh no my Jinhsi will do 500k instead of 600k for her nuke. The tower buff doesn't change anything.
Holy fuck even Throne and Liberty is killing Wuwa.
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You're so rude.... i'm no metafag i'm just trying to give him good advice since chances are he's not a dolphin like myself who just dumps all savings for character and weapon or swipes the moment new tits show up.
Relax man my atrocious misplay on words can't hurt you *smooch*
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I have always S6 every single female character and now I'm planning to go away since their also copying mihomo tactics (putting new 4* on rerun banner). I have sheen similar sentiment from others whales such as I. I sincerely hope they stop being this greedy fucks and keep their loyal playerbase. For my future plans, i think im gonna try another game that starts with Z and ends with Z.

> I cannot upload because of IP range ban
You just threw the fucking fishing pole man.
>i can't they're copying this company's bad practicies!
>i will now go play a game by said company
Uh, bwo, I think your logic needs some work.
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I'm just telling the truth, metafags should die. And yes, your misplay on words actively gave mental damage to my half rotten brain. Still love you.
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Oh sup z.z.z fagbro, another one to the filter list I see. Doing good, keep up the good work.
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>Le ᵐᵉᵗᵃ
Funnily enough Zhezhi is so boring and ugly i didn't roll for her despite being Jinhsi's bis
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heh shills trying to get past the filter wall is pretty funny
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>hate jeje
>post blue homo
Okay reddit, die!
>completely failed to comprehend such a simple sentence
i guess it's expected from someone who thinks a tsunami makes a story grimdark
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I don't understand the squiggles, but they don't seem to make Jinny happy.
shut it midwit
Translate this, Jue!
Wasn't on /wuwa/ for a month or so, glad to see the low account ID schizo is finally gone
>I have always S6 every single female character and now I'm planning to go away since their also copying mihomo tactics (putting new 4* on rerun banner).
Based and i feel the same way, if they dont change the banner and put Youhu with the Shorekeeper i am out, WuWa is my last gacha game.
>For my future plans, i think im gonna try another game that starts with Z and ends with Z.
KYS fucking ZZZOO nigger, i hope you get raped by pack of street shitters fucking disgusting pajet.
I don't need to be chink to guess it's probably some cuck insult.
That's because the only people still playing the game are new players. Low UID chads have already moved onto the superior TV game.
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>Just pick whoever you want bro
t. statement from a f2p bri-cked cracker
You cannot have a serious story where someone "of importance" dies this early, because it's obviously forcing in deaths for the sake of it. So I can only assume you want grim but not mature
You have to waste even more stamina just lvling your character and raising their skill levels in ZZZ than you do in WuWa. It also somehow less content too bro...
with Sanhua!
lol, cope. Have fun with your boring combat furry porn game
I pick Cummy but it's gonna take forever for her to come to the gacha
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where is the dorm, solon?
>superior TV game
I don't even know how can you write that unironically when the devs nearly obliterated TVs out of the game before deciding to rework them instead because even they know it's shit.
literally 1.4, have some patience, I waited almost a year for ayaka
I don't think we've hung around anybody enough or consistently enough for any death to feel impactful. I think Chixia and Yapyap are supposed to be the designated close-friends that mean a lot to you, but they still feel pretty distant and I can't imagine it feeling like much if they were to bite it.
Shorekeeper has them.
>slopdorm with predetermined animation repeats instead of superior cute and funny chibi sovldorm
Many such cases
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What could've been...
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>predetermined animation repeats
isnt this the same for chibidorm
Ummm but that did happen?
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But the chibis are cute and not souless rigid 3D models. You can pet them!
Wheres the Danjin quest?
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You can have a lot more is the difference I guess. Also minigames
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Take it back or the Yap will die from sex.
>CCs unironically think i'd be better if wuwa shitted out 5*s weekly like in HSR
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Yapyap knows Rover will not be tempted by that 1.3 harlot
What game is that?
Sorry Jinny but you have to wait until marriage.
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Male Rover concept art
>we almost had this
It's rover bros... I wawuposted in real life out loud. Now everyone thinks I'm deranged.
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what are you doing, bwo!?
Sex with chibis
>tacet mark on forehead
It's not as good as the hand one, especially when Yapyap and Calchud already have their marks on their foreheads.
He wants to see her panties so bad kek. Chinese sensor is a curse. I hope it gets better in the future
Nigga looks like he came from a PS1 90's JRPG
Tower of Minigames.
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>Post this
>But not the actual concept art of God Emperor Rover
Zhezhi and /Z, ZZ/ unironically killed this game
f2p skin

100 dollar skin
This one is just too strong for the current moment of the game. This is what you will look like later on, I'm sure of it!
Curious what FemRover would look like in a similar setup.
rover after 100 years of cultivation
I hope she shows tummy because that would make her even better
Rover of both genders is genuinely attractive.
why do chinks suck at mmd
all of the shorekeeper ones suck
both, you will get enough pulls from the two patches. 2.0 characters will suffer though...
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Should I roll for XLY's sig? I don't really have any good gauntlets atm.
Rover Chalchud...
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Just a note z.z.z. fagbro, just because you put them between / / doesn't mean you wouldn't get filtered. Please come up with something better.
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I got it because I actually wanted to build my Xiangli Yao. If you've benched him, don't do it. The gauntlet's effects do fuck all for Lingyang and Youhu.
Why is rover sometimes silent and sometimes talks all the time
If you really want to use xiangli and make him as strong as possible sure. If you just want any good generic gauntlets you can wait for the standard or wait till the 4* selector in 1.3. the new 4* weapon set is pretty good
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>he doesn't know where to find good ones
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wait for scar and get him with his weapon
He's bipolar just like me FRFR
I don't think that's how bipolar works anon...
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Grow for me!
Fake and somehow way worse
>The gauntlet's effects do fuck all for Lingyang and Youhu.
Can it make Monk good though?
Yeah already put resources into him. I have the Hollow Mirage on him, I was just thinking maybe I should try to get something better.

Scar is staying in jail forever. Frog girl can't save him.
Encore, Verina, Youhu
These 3 will be our mascots
I don't hate him, I just don't want him.
>Boots up browser
>1,4B China population
>1,4B India population
>100M Filipino population
At least the billions oart is correct, China hates him because he is a deserter, the other two because they are F2Poor and clashing with their long term investment
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I want a pic of him keeping Yahoo as a hostage
is there a part 2 to this
>China hates him because he is a deserter
I'm pretty sure deserter is preserved for those who AWOL, which Linshu may have done if he didn't just die. Retreating isn't deserting.
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The only good mascot this game has is Jinny and maybe Abby
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He's a wuwa OG
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Already have him + his weapon but WILL roll on his banner for Youhu because I am not a little bitch
Why does her upper arm look like a twig compared to her forearm...
Are his early dupes any good?
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whatever you say
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no s3+ minimum
Youhu is a little bitch and that's why I want her...
No lmao his first one does nothing except make air combos more fun. Useless for his metatranny rotation. S3 is where he starts heating up
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unfortunate shadow
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He wouldn’t do such thing ourgeneral is an honorable man
Why is this bitch so toned and dumb she definitely needsm ore porn.
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she cute
Geshu Lin didn't desert, he fought back the threnodian for the time being. It's just that with the death count of soldier it was blamed on him and was kicked out and disappeared. Nothing directly says he died or went missing on the battlefield.
Please use highres fix and ADetailer. Those faces
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my face is ready for you to take a seat, Madam Magistrate
new bread
His body wasn't found so for all we know is he AWOLed after the battle. Or just died and body eaten by dreadmanes. Or he was turned into the Dreamless.
>strangle her and make her cry
only this really, shes annoying and i hate her eyes

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