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/vg/ - Video Game Generals

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Ofcourse there is not a single tableware in sight edition

>I have a question about Monster Hunter!
https://pastebin.com/D3zuHuqK (embed)

>MH Wilds
Wilds Info: https://www.monsterhunter.com/wilds/en-us/
Steam page: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2246340/Monster_Hunter_Wilds/
New weapon trailers: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7z-ZXbhfoKEO9jJv7a-bG7UcHGTCX5uH
Release Date trailer: [YouTube] Monster Hunter Wilds - Release Date Reveal Trailer | PS5 Games (embed)

>MH Rise
Sunbreak TU Info: https://www.monsterhunter.com/rise-sunbreak/update/en-us/
Hunter Connect: https://pastebin.com/Tp9t570y (embed)
Armor Set Search: https://mhrise.wiki-db.com/sim/?hl=en
Monster Weakness Database: https://robomeche.github.io/MHRise-Database/

>MH World
Iceborne Info: https://www.monsterhunter.com/world-iceborne/
World is now Steam Deck verified! https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/582010/view/3738609511464820653
General Info: https://pastebin.com/uCazCZBf (embed)

>Older Game Emulation and Multiplayer/Frontier
https://pastebin.com/fYyeU0kY (embed)


>Where does /vg/ play?
Post the game, platform, room code, and password (7243/rage)

>/mhg/ OP pastebin (use this when making new threads)
https://pastebin.com/rYHCaKT3 (embed)

Previous thread: >>496028321
giant huntress tits
Of course. No one.
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Huntresses...ARE PURE
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First for mating pressing Gemma.
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sweaty Gemma sex
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petition to remove rise from the OP and replace it with mhnow
But MH Now has Rise monsters.
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>need to hunt Hub Gravios
>fuck that I'll just gun him
>best gun is Lao
should I play monster hunter today
(You) there! Put down the MEAT
post player list
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Well i will be honest, this Handler is growing on me. Bhernal gal is still the best of course, but a calm and intellectual type once everywhile is not bad. Plus her voice is soothing

And i much prefer a normie Handler over "x))) me so quirkuh, me eat alot and always get into trabuu xdd" Handler.
>villages are just an assortment of shitty tents
>no canteen in villages
>no day/night cycle

Now what else can go wrong with this shitty game? No hub? No actual physical quest board?
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>Gemma's expression when you bust a fat nut in her fertile womb
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What game? Just use Daimyo Bow if this is FU.
They flat out tell you it's a temporary settlement so who knows how it'll progress.
post yfw
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tent sex
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>no day/night cycle
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Very fashionable, very nice. Spider once again established itself as the best mon
>temporary settlement
>only new village is in G rank expansion
It's all so tiresome..
Competence is sexy, who knew.
looks like bingshit
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Finally, a successor to replace 4U as the king of MH.
What are the mushroom cats doing
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I will be honest. I think nothing of it. It is just a smaller Rathian with the same tail whip, fire ball and charge run. The armor looks gay as fuck too

I guess only the nostalgiafags are hyped?
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these guys at capcom definitely know what they're doing
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>Bioenergon war
>+500 research points
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It is the little detail
>smaller Rathian
Because you're thinking too small. Bird Wyverns are made a different thing because they did act differently.
>Peck attack
>The weird ass run that they do when trying to escape
>surprised animation
If you want a Rathian expy, point to Garuga but even then they changed him so much in the later gens.
>Competence is sexy, who knew.
Indeed, I already busted a nut to >>496089914
how many years has it been between 4u and wilds?
how did the little girl from harth become a semen demon
john monsterhunter
Kitty <3
As long as they're yelling like the most racist depiction of savages you've ever seen in your life, I don't care.
You just fucking know all that hard work has made her incredibly horny.
Have they shown character creation yet? I hope they just use the DD2 creator because its honestly the best character creator I have ever seen.
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ten and half years
>ace lancer becomes dilf
>little miss forge because semen demon forge
>>>>ace cadet still looks like a dumbass from 4u to world
Why did they do him dirty?
>It is just a smaller Rathian with the same tail whip
That's Garuga you tard.
>HH can do slice damage in Wilds
It makes no sense but it makes me so happy, I don't even care about the piss puddles anymore
hh can do slice in any game though
>I guess only the nostalgiafags are hyped?
The reason we are excited is because the last time Kut Ku got brought back after being absent from an entire generation, we got the best Monster Hunter game.
>lancer runs the guild
GSbros, how do we cope?
He breathed in too much of the gore virus
Do you think they're taming them ? We already saw a forest grimalkyne riding a pukei in the witcher quest
>when mushroom savages friendship is high enough they have a chance of joining you on a hunt with a friendly kut ku
and it got locked into the retarded everwood
Rajang semen contains a lot of estrogen.
There is an ancient saying, shit floats. The least useful hunter failed their way up to the top.
Capcom needs to bring back Ace Gunner and make her into semen demon choco milf.
>HH can do consistent slice damage in Wilds
I'm sick of constant hh changes
I'm sick of bloated movepools
NTA but wilds hh seems better than rise. looks cool honestly so even tho i dont use hh ill give it a tra
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any PS fag here to share the PS preco bonus artbook with us?
>Banbaro, the giant notmoose thing is weak to
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Juvenile monsters where
>get a job
>miss all the live shitposting in /mhg/
I hate my fucking nigger life
Wilds is a thighs game.
Oh they change Garuga look
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Be the shitposting you want to see anon
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>he isn't a soles hunter
It doesn't sound bloated. Apparently is like Iceborne's horn but with more focus on the actual notes instead of the spin to win. Sure, the AoE makes no sense and the focus mode is a bit off, but overall looks like a total improvement over World's iteration, let alone Rise.
Stop posting Yato
imagine the smell
>Transformers anniversary is in the lull between games so no crossover armor
it’s not fair
>Kut-ku in
>Congalala in
Now we only need Qurupeco
>cant browse the threads anymore without faggots posting spoilers every second post
see you later fuckers
Qurupeco has too much sovl for nushit hunter
Spoilers for what? The trailers?
I don't think its gimmick is all that feasible anymore unless they specifically make a +1 to the monster cap for the mon he calls out for.
No, enjoy your volvidon as the first High Rank monster.
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Can all of you losers stop hornyposting or at least go to >>>/v/ since thats the dedicated thirsting board ty
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do not under any circumstances actually build this. shoot over, not under or exact
>nigger life
Pick one.
Getting a new PC soon, is a pre-built motherboard + CPU actually a good idea?
Or is it just to prevent retards from not putting thermal paste on and giving a bad review when their CPU inevitably explodes?
Dude, I'm using 5600x for years now, it's reaching it's limit, go with newer gen
I'm switching later this year
Wilds is looking like it will be Rise 2.0, where 70% of the monsters are "early monsters" and the "endgame" is hunting the same 7 monsters because the entire roster is full of jobbers, holy fucking shit, lets hope that somehow Capcom pulls a 40+ monster roster to justify the fact that we have 10 monsters confirmed as "entry-level-jobbers".
Is it worth using Dragon element vs. Elder Dragons or the Element they're weak against? I'm really not sure what exactly the Elderseal stops.
What MonHun game isn't like this though?
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>he isn't a solo hunter
You fuck off to /v/, since it's the deidicated bitching about games and not actually playing them board.
/vg/ is the horny board.
>8gb gpu
bro... you need 12+ to run anything now
>he wants endgame to be nothing but elders again
Worldbabs are truly fucking retarded.
The game has MH Now monster scaling system, early game mons are endgame mons and vice versa.
Will Wilds even have the monster cap? It’s all one giant map, and with the whole herds/packs mechanic it sounds like the number of monsters will really vary.
Is Valstrax the only elder dragon who is weak to every element?
This is every fucking game in the franchise
>Getting a new PC soon, is a pre-built motherboard + CPU actually a good idea?
Maybe if you live near a Microcenter. Otherwise unlikely.
Good value prebuilt systems actually do exist these days it's not as dire as it was in 2016
You just need to make sure you're getting it from a good place that isn't going to rip you off and will build it properly
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Will longsword be a viable weapon in Wilds??
Well it could be more than 3 but I'm just thinking about how Qurupeco's thing would work if it's already at said cap, if there is one. I doubt they just let you spawn in as much large mons as you can. But maybe they do hence the spec requirements
it’s not a horrible distribution yet
Yian Kut-ku
>midgame monsters
Lala Barina
>endgame monsters
Rey Dau
Uth Duna
Get a 5700X3D and save the rest for a good GPU. I have a 58X3D, but it got overhyped to the point the price for it are so retarded that they're making a 7600/7700 build look sensible (and that's about the same level of performance on average). Last time I checked, it can handle on average up to roughly 3080/6800XT/7800XT tier of GPU. On average of course, games like DD2 or Starfield that rape every CPU in existence still exist.
don't forget rathian and diablos
>1TB ssd
don't do this, go 2-4TB
love yourself
>Rey Dau
>Uth Duna
Still can't get over these names. They feel like they still need to be translated to English.
Get a 5700X3D for like £20 more and get either a 4080 super or a 7800XTX
Getting the exact specs is just asking to have to upgrade 1-2 years later anyways
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>Gemma is canonically sweaty

oh boy
i don't mind, probably come from the rightful criticism localization got in the recent years
raydau sound a bit weird for anglophones i guess but uth duna is fine, i suppose most people will call it a duna like the yan is cut from garuga and kutku
I like them in the context of “this is what the locals call them”
like it’s more the name of a legend than a species
I feel like there will be a new expedition unit per map.
First map is ours, second map belongs to Astrum unit, then other two maps to get other two units (and to fill up NPC hunter roster), then a completely undiscovered fifth map where we all converge.
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it's like capcom got into my mind to cater to my tastes
Just wait for actual testing first you retard, going by recommended alone is dumb as fuck.
but the entirety of 4chan says localization bad?
rathalos? localization
lagiacrus? localization
fatalis? localization
>NPC girls are hot enough for me to play hunter
Oh boy oh boy
very cute type 1.5
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Gotcha bitch
there must be easier ways to masturbate out there
nta but i don't think it's about wanking to panties, i think it's more about harassing other hunters
Miraboreas is better than fat alice desu
I see the Teo CB and I know what's coming
its not like the other hunters know
it's more like...target practice
no it cant you fucking liar
why do I hear a *click* behind me every time I whiff a TCS?
>Capcom decides to go full story mode
>but won't be able to romance Gemma, Alma or both
Wasted opportunity.
I don't think any of that happened and you just want to be cradled by a strong dom
idk if its just the difference between high rank and G but i dont know how I dealt with Valstrax before. This G urgent quest is kicking my ass
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>or both
imagine outdoor sex in the windward plains river water, cumming into gemma while alma rimjob you
>550 psu for this
oh boy
The reviewbombing from poorfags when Wilds is released is going to be nothing short of manifisent.
frame genning
minimum CPU abover the 3rd world 3 months worth of salary

Oh yeah it's kino, finally a white game only tainted by having to look at brown npcs.
Get your 4090 ready white man, get it ready, because we are not playing at 30fps
yeah ok, rajeesh
post build right now faggot.
hey man me and your parents have been talking and we've decided that if you don't find a more productive way to satisfy your need for attention from strangers we're kicking you out of the basement
>Everything is typed out rather correctly
How'd you fuck that up? The missing "g" is fine but the "s"?
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look at them
look how nice these are
the hunter's eye can't see higher than 24fps
>frame genning
wtf are you talking about
Is this AI generated?
There's a conspiracy between tech developers and game developers to jack up system requirements so that people will buy newer parts sooner. It's true!
Gonna keep them in my room
>I have a RTX 3060
You might want to sit down for this one... you are a 3rd worlder.
Doomgods told you about Dragon's Dogma 2, it's gonna an encore of a flop from Capcom.
computer build will be the new flamewar shitposting for gen6
Game developers use high spec computers because time spent compiling is wasted money.
They don't bother testing on lower PCs, and don't really need to because decent dev tools have the ability to track code performance to high precision. No one uses them
Just buy a Series S if you're so fucking poor, that shit goes for about $200 on sale.
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>Series S
Wilds barely functions on the PS5, what makes you think they will even make it for the SerieS
Choose your wild path hunterman
>Skip wilds entirely
>Say fuck it and just deal with the 30 fps
>Spend a few more zenni to upgrade your shit
minimal spec is GTX 1660
recommended is RTX 2070
it's surprisingly lower than DD2, you'll probably be more than fine with a 3600
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>keep them in my room
About that....
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Good hunts! Think it's like 7/16.
... What? No net in this game?
in what game can it not do slicing damage
Download the downgrade mod and cope with my craptop.
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these niggas are CUTE
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Might as well just play a PS5 if you wanna bore yourself with 720p and 30fps.
This is the minimum requirement
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>No net
>playing a game at 720p and 30fps in 2024
Poorfags are literally switch tier
What's the deal with the sns oil in Sunbreak? Why does nobody use it?
What's the purpose of 60 fps vs 30?
It's pretty ridiculous that the PS5 is playing games at the same resolutions and framerates as a $300 tablet from 2017.
>25 mins to kill magma almudon, 2 carts
yeah this game isnt for me
Fidelity. I'm sure you've seen video comparisons with how games look at different FPS levels.
No romance allowed, only sloppy primal animal like mating between colleagues.
I want to try GL but it bothers me how ugly they all look when sheathed
I can’t into computers but I hope my AMD 6700 can run Wilds
This >>496090582
Also Garuga confirmed no cap
I have not
>go watch a video
>It's a difference of completely smooth vs very slight stuttering
So it's nothing?
because its competing with a ridiculously strong silkbind
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It'll be okay, things take time. I'm a fucking dipshit and things eventually just clicked with me after hunting basically everything for a while. Not sure about you, but I fucking used to and still do panic roll all the fucking time even when I don't need to. It just takes time to work it out.
By the way this seems to confirm that Kut-Ku will be a "pack" (flock) monster.
Really fitting for it tbqh.
>panic rolling
There's a very easy fix for that
Use a weapon that doesn't roll
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>Use a weapon that doesn't roll
Nothing can stop it.
>By the way this seems to confirm that Kut-Ku will be a "pack" (flock) monster.
>Really fitting for it tbqh.
yeah there literally was an infinite kut ku quest back in gen1/2 with two on the map respawing everytime you kill one
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>no Konchus
Yeah nah
>recommended specs
At least I'm certain the switch axe movement bug that was in world won't happen again. Inb4 it is and it takes them 6 years to fix in a stealth patch that never gets listed on the official update page
He would probably have different calls for each map and mostly call for certain monsters that are in each map's pool (maybe with an increased chance if said monster is already in the map), when it comes to calling for an invader like Pickle or Bazel you can probably just have the monster that's been in the map the longest other than Qurupeco despawn, you could even have that cue up in advance before Qurupeco even does the move, and could track what monster has been "inactive" for the longest (as in, what monster has been in here the longest without taking damage from the player) rather than just who spawned first to ensure the game always despawns a monster that's getting completely ignored, letting something more relevant spawn in.
This is your brain on porn.
What movement bug was it anon?
Your hunter would get locked in one direction when moving after a mounted ZSD above ~100 fps
Does this mean that there'll be a Kut-ku alpha like this >>496102335 ?
It might be actually a thing.
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yeah, a Yian Garuga
you gotta be the guy to prove your claim buddy its really easy to guess though
Yian Garuga is a tranny tribe betrayer.
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>extended kut
>Blunt force trauma incarnate
>Has no Hammers
I expect him to do literally every single move you listed, but also a bunch of stuff from 4U and to also have a bunch of brand new stuff on top of that. There's already the fact that he seems to be pack monster which is already interesting on its own.
There's an element of nostalgia for sure but there's also the fact that in our imaginations we always knew that things like Kut-ku flocks must exist, and now we get to actually see it. It's kind of about the majesty and spectacle of that thing actually coming to life, more than Kut-ku being a really awesome monster. Kind of like Anjanath and Great Jagras for many of us back in world.
How hyped would you be if in the next trailer a new weapon is revealed.
A Rajang with a Hammer is Hobo with a Shotgun tier. Completely and utterly unstoppable and so Capcom had to nerf Rajang's ability to use tools to keep that potential menace in check.
Wouldn't we have known about it already? How did Swaxe and CB get introduced anyway?
If it's some kind of whip sword you unlock after defeating chain dude that'd be hype
No chance in base Wilds or the expansion. And if the game following Wilds doesn't feature one, then new weapons are permanently off the table from any future mainline MH game
If they were going to announce a new weapon, TGS would have been their last chance. Not happening this time.
It's not happening. They are already putting out promotional videos saying that there are 14 weapons in the game, and however much I'd like it, they aren't gonna put misinfo out about their own game just to throw us of for a future trailer.
I still hold out hope for the expansion. Adding new weapons midgen has precedent in 3u (with the caveat that those were old weapons being put back in), and it could make sense in the context of this game since they'd be retroactively putting those weapons into the base game since I'd imagine they wouldn't be exclusive to master rank.
That's very doomer of you, care to explain what makes you think they'd never ever introduce a new weapon again?
They took one look at Frontier and figured out why adding new weapons is dumb shit beyond their capabilities.
>then new weapons are permanently off the table from any future mainline MH game
That's a longshot call. What makes you think that?
>and figured out why adding new weapons is dumb shit beyond their capabilities.
Frontier's new weapons are just busted beyond reproach.
longsword is the only viable weapon in wilds
it's retard proof now.
you literally can't fuck up any of it's combos.
The weapon is so piss easy it's a joke.
It is, and dare I say it. Easier than GS now
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World is the jobber game, not Rise
>Watching MH videos
>Turf was starts
>Hunters immediately stop attacking and just watch
>Even ranged hunters
Is there a problem with still attacking them? I assume they can be knocked out from it, causing you to lose damage but I've not experienced that yet.
Monster hunter shouldn't have named NPCs.
nah they're just pussies
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>walled by G valstrax
Its owari da
Might finally have to make a non-HR set
Thanks for the hunts, 5/16
World intentionally puts in shit like Dodogama and Great Girros purely for "muh ecosystem"
girros was fine.
Dodogama was the one purely out of place.
Dodogama is cute so he's fine though I feel like they may have planned tiny versions of him like Great Jagras does.
10+ years of no new weapon aside a shitty palico? no, frontier doesn't count
>Graphics haven't gotten any better
>Game still requires needless amount of resources
>Denuvo wasting cpu and will not actually prevent any cheating
>will probably make your PS5's overheat and the fan will start screaming
>will likely corrupt saves on PC
>will likely play like garbage until we get 20 patches
>will likely corrupt saves on PC
???? whats this based on or is this just crackpot doomposting
PC Rise SB saves broke a couple of times.
I mean the saves for the game itself, not breaking all of your other games saves.
Sounds like a Rise issue teebeeaytch
Can someone list the pro and con of Lance vs. Gunlance? I really like how strong the shield is but the trade off is you can't roll.
Same spaghetti engine.
Ok but what does that have to do with wilds?
this desu
This dumbass >>496112724
You mean lance vs gunlance or the lances vs the rest of the weapons
(asking for clarification)
hops are better than rolls
lance is poke poke poke and counter, gunlance is spam whichever shelling move is better for the type after doing the obnoxious wyrmstake blast minigame
Oh wow is kutku confirmed in wilds? Genuinely based. Missed this little guy like you wouldn't believe. Still not buying wilds but I'm glad he's back
wyrmstake is so much more fun in rise vs world it makes me sad
Like why is it so fucking agonizingly slow with a shit hitbox
GS isn't easy though. It's the main weapon that require knowledge of the monster moveset in order to position properly.
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>instead of any other low populated species or a new species
>scraped frontier design ideas
Not even mad but how creatively bankrupt Crapcom is right now? Or is it just pure laziness cause they know people will eat this shit up anyway?
Lamce is a weapon designed around the shield while Gunlance has a shield
+Low recovery frames
+Counter thrusting
-low damage

+Shells ignore part defense
+The slam attack is powerful
-higher recovery frames
they should make a monster hunter game that's all bird wyverns, they're clearly the best type
except the Ya Kus I don't like them
Lance vs Gunlance. Gunlance seem more complex so I'm not sure what is the proper way to use it. Gunlance seem to have some unique skill and gauge.
I still have to hunt a single Tempered monster and I'm already trying to kill Namielle...
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> because the entire roster is full of jobbers
My entirety of endgame in base World was just spamming charged shells from the Zorah GL, that shit was busted
morlo casuals, our response?
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>Wilds system requirements
Well... Consoleniggers play at 30 fps just fine and don't complain. It's not a big deal as long as it's stable. I'll get used to it. That's how the game was tested and intended to be played. I'll feel the rhythm of combat better. It's more cinematic.
EX Deviants are harderer
Ummm? I see rise sissies and I want passionately make out with them because I am always overcome by homosexual desires.
I'd do this with other Worldbros, but Ricers... are a more taboo... exciting...
There's no way on earth that Balahara isn't stronger than Doshaguma
emergency hr apex zin is more oppressive than ex zin thunderlord
not that morloids played gu anyway
Gunlance is more complex with more risk but more reward
Lance is consistent and safe

-Shell management
-Knowing the different shell types
-Knowing how each shell type is different
-Knowing when and how to access wyrmstakes
-Knowing the optimal combos with each shell type
-Shells deal FIXED damage to ANY part they hit. Meaning they can bypass any physical resistances and are really good for breaking parts
-Gunlance can have BEEG damage and look really cool
-Wyvern fire in world is more or less just there for whenever you stun or flinch the monster, but you can work it in more frequently if you know the monster and have a high artillery. You dont really manage it, its more you just use it when you have an opportunity to
-Also gunlance has kind of pseudo states? Like if you did a rising attack and whether you can go into a slam attack. Also the buttons for what is essentially the same move can change depending on the combo string. (eg slam being both done with triangle, or traingle+circle)
-Youll also need to know the differences between the two kinds of reloads and when to do them

Im a gunlance main and i love it /shrug
Being a well-versed player of both I hate how true this is
I don't mind a 30fps but I feel like in Wilds case it speaks more about it being poorly optimized, nothing I saw in that trailer justifies it being so high.
Rise had the excuse of being Switch Game First.
Even world had some optimization fumblings, but it was also first big shake up you think Wilds would have learned something from that development.
It's not out yet so what I'm saying might be unfounded though.
Ngl i think wilds gunlance got some of the most attention in the roster and im so glad for it
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Gunlance bros we are finally getting guard points and counters in Wilds...
Gun Lance's biggest issue is that it was unique concept that was just not different enough to justify it being it's own weapon.
Glad Wilds changed it a bit more, it really felt like it lacked character for awhile.
Gunlance is about ignoring hitzones and attacking the monster wherever you want, while lance is about ignoring attacks and attacking the monster whenever you want.
The problem is it might not even be stable 30fps. This is the scary part.
Even before the bad performance and crazy system recs, wilds was looking extremely derivative. It's just not trying anything new and simply relying on old ideas for a layup. It feels more like a product than ever before at this point. It's like why would I buy the same game again but this time even easier because of focus mode? If you've played world, rise, and dos then wilds is pointless
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Im reposting my meme because its relevant and true, also two wyverns fire is hype.
Yea between the new drill moves, the new gaurdpoints/counters (iirc basic full reload has a guardpoint now), the changes to charge shelling, and the new arc shelling moves. Gunlance looks so fucking good and im glad its my main weapon
Where does Dos come into this?
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>a nest filled with Kut Kus

Sounds cancerous as fuck. Can't wait to genocide all of them. Kut Kus have no right to live with how insufferable and ugly they are.
Wilds takes inspiration from several dos mechanics
>Kut Kus have no right to live with how insufferable and ugly they are.
Apparently not according to >>496105162
>gemma twirls her hair as she stands there when you browse through armors
Such as?
Anon is trying to rope in the older gen to try and punch up his """"complaints"""".
Shut the fuck up, you contribute nothing to the thread
post a webm
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Cute little dorks
Discord behavior
It's a bigger Jaggi
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Like? I'm genuinely curious, as though i started playing back when '04 came out i never played Dos
i like the endemic life of wilds so far, either a bunch of bozos, goobers, or like dweebs. Good monster hunter vibes
Cute. Sexy. Wife.
I mean i kinda wanna play a game that combines those three games into one and hopefully doesnt have the bs from world or dose, and is harder than rise. Maybe im just a slut
>new cute wormy docks
>not!baby pukei
>creepy spooders that can pin down hunters
>wudwud tribe
Bros, are we fucking back?
Fatherless behavior, please leave
>not circling Somnacanth even though he's easy as fuck with Sleep Resistance+3
>also, not circling Nargacuga even though he's the easiest he's ever been in the series despite Rise fixing his slow-ass speed from Iceborne
>finally, not circling Rajang despite being literally the slowest and easiest he's ever been in the series
>same with Diablos being the easiest he's ever been

Dumb ricie.
you're one of these prude zoomers scared of sexy women arn't you?
make me, daddy
nta but i think both world and rize are jobber games
I hope zoomers decapitate all coomers
Or you do draw attacks and roll away and it works the same way as it has since FU
we really might be
It won't be harder. Focus mode alone ensures it'll be easier never mind all the other stuff like sneak attack free damage or just the sheer amount of traps available and mounted combat etc
>Practice dummy it placed out in the field
Hopefully that means all quests take place out in the field and there's no such thing as an arena
Total Speedtranny Death
looks like the Discord is awake
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He's in
>scraped frontier design ideas
I really don't know why the fuck people consider this a flaw
Frontier has approximately five billion different designs and ideas, and it's dead
Why the fuck wouldn't you use some of them in the new games?
Jobber game spiral started with Generations, let's be real
Whoops meant for >>496117940
im gonna wait for the game to be out and then find out. Also a showcase build made for game journalists to play isnt really a good metric to measure imo
Because Frontier bad and adding Frontier thing is bad because bad.
I love beating up this Purple Chicken like you wouldn't believe. I hope he, Maldzeno and Lunagaron makes it in Wilds!
Tbf a lot of frontier designs are just "x monster with a different flavor of mountain dew and some spikey bits stuck on"
Didn't they have scorpions though? Bring those back
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Fair enough but even when rise revealed wire fall people knew it would make the game easier and this is exactly the same. It's just obvious it'll make the game easier the only question is how much easier. I can respect a guy who wants to see for himself though
Primordial Malzeno was the most fun fight I've had in years. It was a lot better sendoff than Fatty was.
>Even youtubers can't afford Ryzen 9 series
Recession is in
Why would you name your cat after a faggot?
He's fun but no. Fatalis is a legend.
I mean yeah, some stuff is cringe
But whip-wing flying wyvern are fairly unique and they were never done in mainline
So I don't see the problem
I back up a bit so I can just run to wherever the monster gets thrown after the fight
???? I named my Palicos based on the friends I've made from /mhg/ and two well known hilarious PC players.

I have like 20 palicos.
I have no idea why people don't just keep attacking during a turf war. There's literally only one monster who damages you during a turf war (or, rather, at the end of a turf war), and that's the ugly mary sue fartcat. So every other monster you're pretty much safe to whale away and do damage throughout the turf war.
Buy an ad faggot
Fatalis is cool but the World iteration is just "going through the motions" the boss
Primordial might be hard if he wasn't in Rise
You can wait out his most dangerous attack by jumping up to the cliffs
Will they change monster Ai so that dung bomb are useful again?

Before World when there is 2 monsters or more they will gang up on you.
After World the monsters just attack each other. There should be a 50% chance they gang up on you instead of always attacking each other
i, too, would like to know why you named your cat after a fag
Even going below World's recommended specs was better than console performance once you turned the fog off
2070 Super (recommended for Wilds) was a 2 year old card when World came to PC and I played World on a fucking 970ti until just before Iceborne came out
most scripted fight in the series
It's because I want to make them my slaves in the argosy and meowcenaries. Is that a problem?
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>Rise brings back Khezu instead of Gigginox
>Wilds brings back Kut-Ku instead of Qurupeco

I fucking hate the gen1-2 dick riding so much.
Shitty, useless monsters brought back every time instead of far more interesting ones that do the same concept but 10 times better
If the attention whore troon is in your corner you know you're on the wrong side.
Somebody else gets it. It approaches Zorah Magdaros tier
>There should be a 50% chance they gang up on you instead of always attacking each other
Why would they? Unless the monster is familiar with the other, they would rather attack the other big thing in their territory. I get that it does lessen the gameplay challenge (though really you're still getting stray hits a lot if two monsters are on the field) they do act more "naturally" which was I believe, was the point.
Don't worry, they'll bring back Hypnocatrice next
Wilds has large pack monsters that try to gangbang you until you throw a shit nuke to scare off the non-target ones

Monsters without turf wars in World behaved the same was as always, only a turf war would make one run away
Rise made it so any monster that wasn't in a one room arena would just run away if they couldn't be ridden again yet
This. 3rd gen was when MH truly started. Anything before that was just a proof of concept.
I would say Freedom Unite was pretty fully realized, but 3U is a strong contender
fuck gen 3 and 4
only 1st, 2nd, 5th gen are good and possibly maybe 6th gen
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Gen 3 flopped bro and the sooner you accept that and the happier you'll be.
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>Why are they remaking these popular monsters instead of their vastly less popular alternatives?
Truly a mystery
Is there any reason to play Stories 1 over Stories 2 if you haven't played either?
No, stories 1 is way worse
>online cliques
What are you, 12?
looks delicious
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*5th gen
changing element of the monsters actually makes notable changes to their "ultimates"
>Changing Lagiacrus into Ice makes a wave of Subzero air come from it's body instead of Electricity, and shoots an ice beam instead of a lightning blast.
>tiggy's ultimate which is originally a quaking wingarm slam, becomes a thunderous wingarm slam, with bolts of lightning coming out of the ground, as if he just inserted Zeus directly into the earth
it's pretty kino.
but gameplay wise i couldn't tell ya. Been a LONG time since i played it.
I mean, he's right. You troons are one of the enemies of mankind, if not a stark reminder of depravity
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Reminder that Square is open to the idea of another collaboration.
Please god fucking no.
How the fuck is that going to work.
>Got fucked in all his holes so badly that he came back for more 8 years later
How embarrassing, jesus
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I love my hoontress
I'm not a troon desu. I know you guys keep pushing this but I hate trannies like Futa Queer or 95% of the PC player base as much as you do.
>Comments are turned off. Learn more
>Comments are turned off. Learn more
>Comments are turned off. Learn more

Uh oh not everyone jumping out of their dick covered chairs praising the slop guys? uh oh! SHUT IT DOWN RYOZO
Literally all weapons are braindead easy in wilds, and they've been braindead easy since 4U.
Square is sinking and Fujioka already mentioned that he regretted focusing on collab monsters in base World. We're not getting shit.
Based penguin enjoyer
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Sunbreak pishi lumu doko
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PC iceborne lumu
good honts!!
Kek have they really shut off comments? Genuinely not a good sign
>IG being at sync
>LS user is also there
Is there a way to add GQs to a 4U save?
I don't want to go kill some shitmon in expeditions for a random chance to get the GQ I need
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Please tell me this means you don't have to start your own personal lobby when booting up the game every single time like in World.
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I bet everyone is going to have these in their room, if they bring that back.
>Booting up the game
>Not leaving your computer on 24/7
>if they bring that back.
its world 2.0, whachu think?
it should be a thing just to annoy you
Those two are so majestic, why the child is so ugly?
Nah I'm not doing the gay collectathon shit, it's not real Monster Hunter.
Makes sense
you are unironically the best poster in this general

searching for the magic
huuuunting in the daaaark
I'm already hating the fact that this bitch will follow the player everywhere. Just let me be alone with my bomb felyne.
>Wilds won't be soulfu-
who got the you wa shock mhfu video
its old as fuck i've lost it
>he doesn't want the smelly qt femcel to chase him around
low test
your gonna fill that mouth with smegma and you are gonna like it
I'm already loving the fact that this wife will follow the player everywhere. Just let me be alone with my gypsy wife.
100% we get are getting a chocobo skin
>immediately has gay thoughts
>Sweaty blonde bimbo
Oh god fuck yes I will now buy your game on pre order deluxe ultra premium yes
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I love huntresses
So how many true maps do you think we'll get in the base game? 4 or 5?

Since the flagship/start map is already one of the archetypes (desert/jungle/volcano/cold) I'm thinking 4.
me when I see a milk truck thick thighed barefoot choco huntress walk into the hub
It's not bad per se but it clearly show Crapcom laziness, plus it's not like they could give whip like appendage to any other monster species.
There are people paying over one hundred united states dollars for wonster hunter milds
5 full maps and one small that will make homage to older gen
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that's why I got it on presale
It's gonna be ancestral steppe
Thanks I hate it
I need advice /mhg/ on Sunbreaks anomaly grind. Which monsters did you guys grind for it? The investigation system is shit and although my anomaly level is 218 I barely have any useful high level investigations, and practically none of the lower rank monsters either.
the only elder seal you need is vs Nergi if you are trash or Kushala in MR. Everyone else is a jobber
Diablos/Bazelgeuse/Espinas give a lot of exp
If you're at 200 I figure you have your mats already and just need to rank
I hunt a lot of diablos, mizutsune, bazel, zinogre, and sometimes just whatever suggested one was
it's supposed to be whatever one you want to hunt unless you need decos crafted etc
will wilds let me cum on chiseled huntress tummies?
>focusing on collab monsters in base World
name 5 monsters
pukei pukei
ancient leshen
kulu ya ku
nergigante (not a monster but still)
He don't miss. God DAMN
Thanks anons, I've got a really good Diablos quest with 1 cart and 25 minutes, but it's only like level 150ish. Is it worth grinding that, or should I do some of the not so good 200ish quests I have of a similar rank and just fucking hope I get a good Diablos or Bazel arena investigation?
>Odo not a jobber
>Vaal not a jobber
>Lavafish not a Jobber
>Rathain not a jobber
never played rise but what the fuck is your list?
filtered lol
You could literally come up with ANYTHING
frontier did it before
All the concepts for “monster hunter” monsters were already done. Any and every new monster will make someone remember some obscure dumb fuck oc monster from frontier
NTA but seasons and changing environments pops into mind
>circles anjanath in world but not rise
Exceptional bait
But that's every side?
>>creepy spooders that can pin down hunters
there's some bugfuck footage floating around as a small monster
300 Volvidons
Red Beetle Roll
it is, you've hunted monster sizes for 2 decades now
NOT a Jobber on World:
Azure Rathalos

NOT a Jobber on Rise:
All apexes (but you excluded because they are glorified G-rank stats monster with high rank gear and is basically DLC)
Kushala, Teostra, Chameleos and Valstrax are DLC, so they don't count
Narwa/Narwa 2

You may dislike, but this is the unfiltered blackest pill about base World/Rice.
World Teostra is a gimp
Xenojiva just triple charges around I think
Bazel doesn't do anything in either game
Ibushi doesn't have enough attacks
>those don't count
>those don't count
Not monsters. Shitty minigames.
It'll gain like 10 ranks every time you clear it.
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t. hunter caught in the blender
>literally the worst iteration of the monster in the whole series
>not a jobber
Narwa is a real monster you're just bad at the game
Forced. Insect. Huntress. Sex.
disgusting and so hot
I assure you I miss 90% of the time
You miss all of the shots you don't take, king
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>every trailer is 30fps or lower just like DD2
Hunter bros...I don't feel so good
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Good hunts
love me funny cat
love me choco
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new weapon guy is autistic as shit
Kill yourself new faggot
go back to dark souls
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Will you buy an RTX 5090 to play Wilds?
The order is still the same they're just alternating instead of vertical
How do I dodge Valstrax's 360 spin move when it covers like 50% of every area?
didn't they do this in world and rise?
why are so many people jerking off about 4U anyways?
Wilds is 4U 2
You stay under him. He's more dangerous at medium range
In XX, roll in the direction he's swoocing to, it's actually a deadzone line Glav's left foot on his roundslash
In Rise, lol
a new weapon is never happening face it and cope
>4U characters
>starting the game on a sand ship
>more advancements into a more in depth story which started in 4U
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It should've been Anjanath
It should have been Tigrex.
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4U added two new weapons

XX headed by ichinose understandably did not have a new weapon entry. But it did include several new animations for styles and hunting arts as well as the playable felyne

Monster Hunter WORLD releases, understandably they did not add new weapons because of all of the new assets that were created for world and its higher fidelity most of which they claimed was work that went into FUTURE PROOFING meaning the assets in world are actually much lower quality than the ones at Capcom HQ

Monster Hunter RISE releases and again we are under ichinose's helm and we understand that we will likely get new weapons after waiting 10+ years in the next mainline title especially since they do not have to create an enormous amount of new assets.

>monster bad
>monster dead but still bad??
>other monster bad
>now big monster
Shogun Ceanatur is pure fucking cancer in dos. Why the FUCK is it tankier than Daimyo. That makes no fucking sense whatsoever. Daimyo's hitzones feel a bit generous, but it should be the other way around, regardless. God I hate this nigger.
bring back medium bowgun and underwater
Ceanataur is a rathalos level threat. Hermitaur is not. simple as.
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snibbedy snabd :DD
After 4 it's evident why the never added more weapons
because those weapons fucking sucked
You don't need a new weapon
He has that one sideways walking slash he does at light speed that will actually track you for a solid 5 seconds if you try to run away and he runs your ass down the entire time to catch you
i dont want new weapons
i already dont play existing ones
No. But I might buy one for death stranding 2
fuck off new faggot

Bloodborne had over 20 unique weapons. Capcom is fucking lazy and don't deserve a dime. Fuck them for cutting content for the sake of shuffling the monster roster .

Dudes yian kutku as a mount! wow!
Dudes look Anjanath is back! wow!
fuck off
Based. Fuck bugstick, fuck chart blade and FUCK shit axe
Okay I am sick of seeing doshaguma and chatacabra now.
you need to go back
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Good for you, you stupid fucking faggot.
I on the other hand ENJOY fucking variety in my fucking games you stupid fucking 100% crit critboost3 retard.
Why is this guy brown
As if it wasn't bad enough, this nigger crab will constantly dig and waste your time, which unlike Diablos, can't be interrupted by a sonic
Go back to what its the fucking truth that fromsoftware hacks literally outshow capcom with one fucking title CAPCOM HAS HAD OVER 20 FUCKING YEARS

Its possible but capcom are lazy faggots who have all of you on a fucking ball of yarn. fuck off shill faggot.
Their designs are cool but the movesets are still simpler than monhun's and there are a lot less interactions that can happen when fighting a monster vs when fighting an enemy or boss in bloodborne.
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TCS doesn't seem to be that much bigger in terms of damage this time around.
Why would they make a new weapon when they can't even add moves to existing weapons without stepping on the toes of another weapon
Man I would love to just stay perma under him but the double charge across the area is stifling that
Might just have to sit my palicos down for this one, but I need the emotional support cats
>Dude its impossible !
this is your fucking argument.

They're fucking hacks
You can't really judge that off of starter weapons with low attack. TCS will scale hard with higher attack.
Doesn't this still do more damage if you hit the tip of the weapon or is that not a thing?
Technically could do with a ranged or semi-ranged blunt weapon, or a fast one like DBs, but IG already does that kinda
That's the only unexploited niche I can think of (e.g., boomerang)
Yeah for Agumon, and Lumu for Gatomon
Greatsword sweetspot is the middle of the blade, not the tip
Good. I despised how Strong Charge was so forgotten in 5th gen
I learn something new every day
new weapon idea, Stick with a blunt and sharp edge
Back end has sweeping motions with higher element and reach
Front end is quick and sabby
Certain weapons will have blunt front end with a cutting back end instead of being sharp front and blunt back. Also has dual element potential. You switch between by doing a vaulting animation that only moves you horizontally and not upwards like IG
I just want an axe man
>There's already two
I don't want it to be some bizarre gadget
>Hammers already have it
I want it to cut
>Some greatsword designs are technically it
Y-yeah but I don't like what they did with it since World. Yes I liked the one button gameplay.
that's just an insect glaive, look at all the models
CB is way more axe focused, and SA can basically play just axe with it being better than ever
What do you even want 'Axe' to do? Name some things.
I got finally got to both Caravan and Hub HR in 4U
Is there any reason to do the Caravan 6 HR quests or should I just go to Dundorma now?
Why has UX design fallen so far down the toilet? Every game UI is just bad as fuck now.
Instead of adding a new weapon why not add blunt/cutting variants to every weapon type ? And whip variants. Imagine whip dual blades.
Except they are all cutting and the back is used for the kinsect
Yes, I've been hard coping with Savage Axe gameplay but it's really more like a spinny blade pizza cutter. I've not bothered with pure axe SWaxe but I don't like how fast it moves?? it's pure autism I know, but I want the attacks to feel meaty.
What even would be a plausible weapon to use? And why do /mhg/iggers want 1 more weapon they will never touch as they put another 5000 hours into GS or Lance or whatever dumb weapon (You) play?
surge slash with the right model is as close as you will ever get
>SA axe is too fast
Literally what do you want from Axe, answer me
Are you just going to describe GS? Just play that and pick on that looks like an axe. It's all in your head, bro.
not really, you'll be back after you reach HR 7 for elders, Rajang and Co anyways
>Are you just going to describe GS?
Yeah, I'm leading to that. It's mental illness at this point. I'll try playing GS but I really don't like the whole chain that you need to do now to do the big slash.
I'll try to look into that too.
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These faggots at capcom are paid a salary to come up with shit. And they give us fucking nothing after 12 years. Fine babify the game to no end go ahead. But atleast give us new fucking toys to play with All the fucking skills in these games are damage increase, they inflate the monster HP to compensate for the fucking power creep so now the damage increases are necessary to even fucking play in the end game.
The fucking game is more simplified the fucking monsters look like resident evil rejects now clearly they fired or retired whoever has been designing them for years.
Absolute horse shit.


>nd why do /mhg/iggers want 1 more weapon they will never touch as they put another 5000 hours into GS or Lance or whatever dumb weapon (You) play?

you're literally a fucking moron because the average MH player will play several fucking weapons they enjoy. I play Gs, Sns, DS, Hammer, Lance, GL, a fuck ton. If you only play one fucking weapon you are in the vast fucking minority of players and should get your fucking head checked.

I have played several characters in fighting games, rushdown, grappler, zoners all different fucking types If i like a game I will try most of them out and I will play a lot of them if I play the game long enough this dogshit you're fucking harping on about people only playing one weapon is a WEAK fucking argument because you are a WEAK minded zoomer nigger whos first game was on a modern console. Sincerely GO FUCK YOURSELF
Cite your source retard, GS has always been stronger by hitting with the middle.
Iceborne training ground
>I really don't like the whole chain that you need to do now to do the big slash
Just don't do that. That's the secret.
By the time you fight anything strong enough, you'll get Frostcraft which lets you do Charged and Strong, and just ignore TCS comfortably. It's endgame viable, if not solidly good.
unironic reddit spacing go
>I really don't like the whole chain that you need to do now to do the big slash.
You can skip 1st and 2nd with shoulder bash/slinger, depending on the situation. The latter also gets the sword over the shoulder quicker
No argument
I'm not arguing with you, I want you to leave. You being right or wrong doesn't matter
Ban me pussy faggot
>still five months to go
I... I don't think I'm gonna... Make it... *dies*
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Clean, without subtitles.
It'd be so funny seeing her hammer that metal and then produce something that's completely bone.
This but completely unironically.
Sex, but also she would have fried skin and wild tanlines from doing that with so much exposed skin.
don't worry, she takes a cold drink before work
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I hope Bagel is in Wilds
Did it seriously knock the cat off? Lol
they heard the complaints, made her a solid hot chick
I don't find any of the women in Wilds hot. Even the Twink looks more feminine than the women.
>average MH player will play several fucking weapons they enjoy
No, anon, you are the 1%. The average video gamer doesn't even finish games. The average video gamer plays only 1 playstyle their entire run and never touch the game again. Hell the slightly above average person who puts in 200-300 hours still will probably only play 1 or 2 weapons.

I have been playing MH since 4U and every game I just pick 1 weapon to use and go from there, because I don't have all the time in the world to play every weapon and I have other games I want to play. You are the minority, the autist who puts in thousands of hours into a single game and plays it for years and years ignoring all other games.
Should we tell him?
Retard, its multiple multipliers, the fact that a 50 raw weapon goes from 134 to 169 imagine when we are eating with 240 raw weapons + crit boost + gimmick shit
apparently im autistic
Leave faggot, we play monster hunter here. not monster tourist.
can't wait for mods to give her a sensible fucking hairdo
Uhm anon, Clutch Claw may not have been what anyone liked, but it was innovation and redefined the game. Same with the anime shit in Rise.
You want to give her an OSHA compliant hairnet?
>Wants new weapons
>Still not good with any of the 14 we already have
what weapons did you play in each game?
Oh look it's the blind buzz-cut claiming retard again.
And that's a good thing, just look at Elden Ring, everyone misses Demon Souls and Dark Souls 1 when each enemy was a puzzle, the combat is flashier in MH but its the same fucking combos and gameplay, everything that we get the mobs get it too.
>4U - GS
>GU - Hammer
>World/Iceborne - LS
>Rise/Sunbreak - GL
I don't know what I will play in Wilds. Maybe Glaive
>Dark Souls 1 when each enemy was a puzzle
>Wait for attack
>Run behind them to poke
A decent amount of skillbind skill are in Wilds. Crutchclaw isn't (hopefully)
They gotta add multiple invader-type monsters for Wilds.
In 3rd gen, you'd be doing a hunt and sometimes Jho would just spawn in under you in the place you were fighting, if they add a few monsters that can do that randomly every quest, it'd be sick.
also bring back qurupeco
Jho is obviously in so that's one. Bazel is likely coming back too, so that's two. If they'll add more then it'd just be a shitfest of much stronger invaders making hunts annoying.
>And that's a good thing, just look at Elden Ring, everyone misses Demon Souls and Dark Souls 1
lmao no one misses those games outside of zoomers that only watched them on tiktok or some shit
Still better than
>hit L2 or jump attack until monster is dead
>Wilds news put us in that period where the general is no longer coomers who play the game and is now instead retards arguing about their shit opinions without actually playing the game
I'm going to play a huntress in Wilds.
You may not like it, but what he said is the truth. I would bet money the majority of the playerbase stick with one weapon, the vocal minority are the multi weapon grinders
>Its okay that this billion dollar company doesn't serve its fanbase
Yes, it actually is.
A focused vision of how things should be is far better than a schizo fantasy from a group of people that don't know what they want.
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I am uncartable
>fire blight defeats u
NTA but I just want a normal spear weapon with no special guage.

Spear > sword
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spooky time
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Kokotobros rise up
Is there a room
5/16 currently
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He's eating kunafa?
Huntresses actually look good this time around with some beautiful presets so I don’t blame you. Far better than the crackheads of World.
>Oh it's the man with good taste
yes thats me
Needs a dick shadow edit
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Unironically the only way to get new weapon types would be to remove the rule that all weapons must return every game. Like for one game one weapon is removed in favor of a new one. And the next game it returns in place of another one.

They already said the problem about a 15th or so weapon is that you don't only have more work to do for the current game, but you increment the workload on literally every single future MH game. And this point they kinda reached a limit, especially with the new models.

Honestly it wouldn't even be too strange, since I can't think of a single action series where every weapon class must return every single game for 20 years.
Thanks she's gonna be blonde with blue eyes and long hair, and I'm still going to play Lance and Gunlance.
I forgot to mention I'm trans.
This is true. I'm going to be the first to ERP in MH Wilds.
>cut tail
>carve gem
You're literally the retarded consumer they are appealing to. Open your wallet and get on your knees you fucking mouth breathing retard
Huntresses like this?
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I hope you all make it to February 28th 2025. I really do.

It would be a shame is some of you get
Before Wilds release
room status?
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I hope they bring back Akantor and Ukanlos
VERY SPOOKY and 6/16
>mh is now anime
>suddenly out of 10
>One shot the monster
Shitmon or extremely strong hunter with HR gear?
>toppled Valstrax 4 times
>got 3 broken parts
>20 minutes into a 35 minute quest

I have one more faint left and I'm probably going to just cheese this for a repel clear. If I see it go to the top area of Ruined Pinnacle, I'm afk'ing in base
spooky? its not event october yet
>Is now
Always was since tri
been that way since 4
Looks like god eater
I can’t believe Yennifer is in Monster Hunter
characters are always stronger in cutscenes
t. man that has never played god eater
Started laughing 5 seconds in
I play and enjoy god eater but let's not pretend god arcs feel heavy. I enjoy both games for different reasons, I don't want one to become the other
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World won
Sony won
Wilds won
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good honts
wow just like stores putting out christmas decorations already
what about rise?
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Rise is a tranny flopped game, nobody cares about that kusoge. Not even capcom.
>be full HP
>stuck in valley, climbing out
>dalamaur moves
>get one shot
this isn't very fun
idk what I'm even meant to do after breaking his chest spikes and claws
Why would I play consumer tier slop when I have MH2, MHXX and MHF to play.
If its limping, can I use that as a guarantee that I'm in the repel threshold for quest completion?
Who's this Aira guy and why do people hate him?
is rise actually that bad? i only played the demo
some obnoxious attention whore retard
you can safely ignore
Only trannies care about additional comestic
It's dogshit and not a monster hunter game. Rise looks like some cheap discount Chinese ripoff of a Monhun that your grandma would buy from Temu as a Christmas gift because they don't know any better.
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If you are on the zoomer brain wavelenght you will probably enjoy it, given its super arcadey, with lots of particles and "press X to AWESOME" skills

its not a bad game per se, its just a spinoff with more focus on fast action paced combat and less about strategy.
She's my ex. We had a messy break up. I cheated on her with like 5 people in the room
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Takes one to know one, Rise trannysisters!
Fuck this, post cats. YOUR cat.
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nvm, fuck a repel i killed the bitch
This thing doesn't have much HP but it hits like a fucking truck
superman dive isn't what it becomes later because I fainted once by after explosion damage getting up from the dive
We know it's you aira
God arcs aren't heavy because of the god eater's mutation/modification hence the bracelet though..
Never bought DLC but how is this trans coded? It's from monster hunter stories
of all the moves Valstrax has that catches me off guard every single time
>folds wings foward
Gets me
Congrats btw.
Well... THAT just happened.
>fainted once by after explosion damage getting up from the dive
you CAN dodge the Ambush Dive
you just can't do it too early cause of the lingering hitbox.
Gotta do it JUST BEFORE he hits the ground
His ambush highlighted a number of my skill issues, I did get it eventually but it felt like it took too long
Especially since my face buttons are reversed between the xbox controller and switch buttons so I'd be hitting B which is A instead of the other one to instinctively dive
It's been like that since the first game. There is absolutely nothing realistic about swinging an absolutely giant slab of metal to kill dinosaurs and dragons.
What's the reason for greatswords being weightless in wilds ?
huntress seggs
No it just sends you back to camp
then why did I instant fail? Does his bite after the fire cones auto fail the quest? I swear I didn't cart that run
>Especially since my face buttons are reversed
just bind them properly with the normal control scheme? get a mod for the prompts if you can't stand them being wrong.
Yeah I ate that move every time, the tell is way too hard to recognize. Also I think it does dragon damage when its in its powered up state so it also hits me for like 60% hp

I always knew about the lingering hitbox but I think the uneven floor might be the thing that fucks me. Sometimes I time it perfectly and other times I think I do but the floor is higher where I'm supermaning to and its ggs
Maybe you ran out of time got hit before you fell
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If I reverse A/B then it moves gathering to the wrong spot and some other things.
My muscle memory to superman dive is different from the others that have already been relearned
>huntresses get bugged and impregnated
what did capcom meant by this?
>bug attacking and sinking it's mouth into your neck
>anon: wow this is hot
>bug: wtf is wrong with these creatures???
>rips open's anons flesh laying 30 eggs inside their gut turning anon into a zombie
Do not play any monster hunter game made after MHXX. just don't
Did you like the demo?
You can just play it like any other monster hunter and see very little difference except the monsters are more competent to compensate for the meme tools you aren't using
Resident Hunter 8
I appreciate you ai memer
Rise is fun.
do NOT buy this
genuinely wait until wilds is almost released then build
>Giving capcom money in current year
you people are morons and deserve to be robbed for every single penny you will ever acquire
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Capcom pays me to play it thoughbeit then I drop it after 60 days when the contact expires.
i need someone to make a mhg huntress tier list
i know who im putting at the top but every other slot is up for grabs
my list is only like 8 so please provide examples
Post tier list
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wirebug yourself
post huntresses
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Hunter strong

Also the GS looks weighty in that webm especially when she's sheathing it. Similar to how Cloud handles his buster sword in FF7R
steam profile tier list?
That's just the normal blacklist.
seems it's more like cs and scs are stronger rather than tcs weaker
could be wrong tho
/mhg/ huntress feet smell tierlist
Please remember to post the lyrics. I didn't go through the trouble of writing it down for nonthing.

On the monster hunter thread late at night
Aira's bragging bout her skills
Always picking a fight
Claims she's the queen
Best hunter in the land
But we all know she's just a troll with a plan
Says she's got looks ain't nobody finer
Grabs her dual sense just to prove she's a whiner
Always bashing PC since PS5's the best
But we caught her game lagging, just like the rest

Oh Aira the troll always stirring the pot
Thinking she's got something that we ain't got
But behind that username and all her claims
There's a fella laughing while he's playing his game

Everytime there's beef, she's the first to appear
Trollin even hard when the mods ain't here
Claims she's got the best gear hunts like a machine
But she ain't foolin anyone her acts obscene
Cart postin pictures from some fashion site
Livin in a dream where day is night
And when she calls herself, we just roll our eyes
Cause her true colors showin everyone of her lies

Oh Aira the troll always stirring the pot
Thinking she's got something that we ain't got
But behind that username and all her claims
There's a fella laughing while he's playing his game
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Little buddy watch out!
wilds will be the firs mh game i won't be able to play on release. in between the rising cost of living and rent i just don't have the money to upgrade or buy a ps5. bros please hunt on my behalf.
>2 day after the release day
>Thread is already dying
There is no hype...
Turd world poorfags have latched on to something that they can afford like metaphor re fantazio or assassin's creed shadows
To the people that won't be able to play wilds you can try this

Won't, not can't.
Buy an ad snoyboy
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Sovl overload
>admitting he won't be able to play wilds
Easy pee see japanezy
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Apparently HBG has a front hop now?
Didn't ask guntranny
It's similar to the weird slide it has
Man doshugma does not behave like a real monstie
I really hate how monsters look like they're barely even trying to hit you now
To be honest Dosh would have been a good monster if it has a different and aesthetically appealing face. The way the mane moves looks so magnificent.

Why they have to turn him into a Sharpei instead of a Lion?
First coomer MH
Not hating, but Itchynoose would be extremely successful if he left Capcom and started his own MHlike franchise
I like how the shitbird is just standing in the background watching
says a lot about society
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>human voiced palico
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I just want to punch the monster. Somehow. That's all, man. Just a punch weapon.
Weapon with a decent user base?
doubt, but i'd like to see him try
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Cute new sticker
hammer bros
Agreed. He should leave capcom so there would be less disappointments in the franchise
>cute Gemma sticker locked behind massive paywall
pay the attractive woman tax, baka gaijin
what do you expect after World?
a lot of that thing's attacks seem inspired by Elden Ring and their attack animations that take minutes to activate a hitbox
I don't think he wants to. He's been with this series since the beginning and as long as he gets to put out his vision of where the series should go I'm sure he's happy. He's responsible for some of the most popular games in the series (FU, P3rd, GU) and has even seen success post world with rise. He's cemented his legacy and doesn't seem to be going anywhere. Capcom would not be where they are today without him and I'm sure they know that.
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ty for da hunts
room is 3/16 i think
What is this?
>rusted kushala
>unlimited time
>AI gunner who poisons for you
>2 max heals
>12 mega healths
>2 free flash bombs
>free moving cannons (that are loaded for you)
>free Heal whenever you go below 1/3 HP
>huge fuck off cannon with 0 punishment for missing
Man the end of 4U was weak
It's the name of a system in elite dangerous
When people talk about 4's story they just mean gore->shagaru and completely meme hole the battlequarters tutorial that is rusty's "hunt"
also boatkino helps
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Good hunts! 2/16.
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>1 in 20 people actually did a single one of these requests
What the hell is elite dangerous
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Finally killed this bastard. I still have no idea how to dodge that supernova of his. Temporal mantle is OP. Also did the game really expect you to marathon Ruiner and then Shara?
well it's not very well introduced so i suppose most people missed it
A space sim game where you fly around the solar system and deliver shit
>how to dodge that supernova of his

This has to be a joke
Boomer dads.
Is that really the kind of shit you guys are into?
just run to the edge of the arena
No, not really. Then again I only saw it twice, carted the first time and temporal took care of the second. I suppose I should run away.
What do you do when you see a monster wind up for a super attack? run to it?
These are the same guys that play armored core lmao
Uh... in this case yes
Take off my pants and stare it down.
Isn't that the little transformers ripoff for kids ?
>mhworld was clearly a "remake" of sorts for mh1 to FU except they removed the ancient civilization like tower until fatalis has shrade
>mhwilds is literally just 4u 2: electric boogaloo especially if you look at the alpha footage of 4, in windward plains vs early ancestral steppe, and the new water forest vs the primal forest footage against tigrex
Why did they skip 3rd gen tho?
Why does it matter what other games anons are into? What other games do (you) play, why don't (you) share with the class and let us judge (you)r taste?
I bet it's garbage like Pokemon
Likely yes.
i used to play fighting games about a year ago, now i play destiny and only started world a couple months ago
Go look at how many people have dropped the game without ever playing it via achievements
I mean I don't have any issues with anons playing their little transformers ripoff or whatever I just think it's funny
I only play Monster Hunter.
And Sonic Adventure 2
My favorite Monster Hunter game is Tri and I've been playing GU, TroubleShooter, Stardew Valley, Skyrim, and Total War titles
I meant to play Dark and Darker before something awful happens again but keep getting sidetracked
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Holy moly
Goddamn that is ugly, what the fuck man
It has the best skills I can get for GL ):
zoomers jerk it to shit like this? she looks like a cheap inflatable halloween decoration
played every MH, favorite is FU, also i liked underwater in Tri, second favorite licence after MH is armored core, favorite is AC2, i also like most PS1/2/P era platformers, 4nigga in a raw type of RPG, and small scale management games like Banished
ac6 lumu when?
Armored Core is phenomenal and ACVI was a modern classic vidya experience that has seldom been seen since the PS2 days.
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Atleast the Japan / Monhun cat voice is cute. The English one sounds like a fucking try hard
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I only play Monster Hunter and various Digimon games and Wizard101 on occasion
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that shit looks so bad for starter armor standards
bring back the extra-extra-extra short skirts
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>100$ game
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still unsurpassed
So just got to the Guiding Lands, any particular thing I should know about?
Equip one point of geologist, it double the amount of shinies monsters drop in the GL only.
plus tip
and we spent half of it on Borah Bagdoros, the new original siege quest (not a hunt because you can't kill it but you'll see it means a lot for the bioenergy ecosystem the game has established)
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Probably cheaper by 10 dollars because I'm getting physical.
>19 minute zinogre hunt with an unfamiliar weapon
Is that good?
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Cute Mizu
rice faggots need a rope
>average HBG Gods are Chinese, use damage numbers, dedicate all their life to playing as little of the game as possible
Is this something to brag about?
I thought you guys said Sunbreak was a hard game
/ourguy/ Peppo breaks down Wilds' LS

Anons are one of those retards who buy the premium deluxe version for the tranny layered armor horns and ears
It's actually the first time I've seen anyone use Dragon S effectively, let alone Setting Sun DS
There might have been one other time with a Val gun but I don't remember clearly enough
Wasn't even aware you could trip duramboros during his spin move. This whole time I've been waiting around like a total jackass while he does that shit every time. Well at least I know now. Might actually make his fight more fun
You could? Fucker is a fucking whirlwind i am not getting near him, i just run to the edge everytime he does that shit
>any monster hunter game with guns
That specific section of the map Ambushes kill me
He'll slide and the entire time Val will do full damage
Also keep in mind that superman only works while airborne in oldgen

The most you can hope for EVER is Tonfas making a comeback
And when they announce it
Everyone will be crying, screaming, foaming at the mouth.
Rise added dog gear, switch skills, and made new models for all the shit BONED and IRONed World gear.
I think the dogs might've been intended as a new weapon but I genuinely don't know how that could work.
I'm grateful that this abomination will be memoryholed in just a couple of months. What a terrible game.
Yeah you just get close to him early on in his spin and the hitbox doesn't hit near his legs and you can trip him
Milds isn't going to "memoryhole" anything, it will just make people yearn even more for the days when monster hunter wasn't about escorting niggers on snoy movie missions
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He is incredibly fragile on his little ballerina legs, just a couple 3Ps and he keels over. it's pretty generous to get into the middle too. Love duram

yeah I was hoping the slope would actually give me more airtime but here we are
>tells you to get 2 eggs from the dunes map
>then gives you a fatalis slay quest
who dunit?
god tier design, yet rise bombed it with the fact that they don't have female skeleton and animation, what a farce
The egg quest mafia, haven't you people been paying attention?
I constantly not play LS just because it's popular.
But I want to have fun but I'm a piece of shit contrarian.
nobody's pc can run wilds here lol
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my wife
I can run wilds
..back to the store to return it
that's what mods are for
I can run like wild, does that count?
Why would a movie memoryhole a video game? They're two very different mediums.
i did install it later on, but it's sad to see consoletards stuck with ugly she-hulks should they decide to play huntress
What a fucking kusoge
Fucking kek
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This might sound crazy and trigger some people but you can actually like World, and Rise.
you really think Capcom aren't going to sell that separately when the game comes out... come on now anon...
>she hulks
Huntresses have always been stocky
The animation is one complaint, and fair, but you're new otherwise
they at least look better when not in motion than the drag abominations of world
I dislike rise purely for its own merits though
pathetic little worldsissies could never
with all that convenience if i ever see ls user in public ever carts I'm going to verbally them, no excuse now
hello sensible /v/trad. You seem to be lost, you are in /mhg/. A general filled with mental illness, you would have done well to come here 1 year ago but now it is too late
verbally abuse them* fucksake its this late already
Worldoids have to cheat to achieve clean hunts like that one, like the jho pierce ledge guy
its like Coffee and tea. You can like both, but you can't mix them up in any shape or form. but which one is which?
>Just get along guys :)
This shit is like the middle east. Unsolvable
Rise is Tea obviously, Asians don't drink covfefe
world rise and wilds will always be the best games in the series, the older games are too clunky (I'm 100% serious)
Rise did this...
You WILL buy the PS5 Pro
Post mbg proofs
I got my fatty weapon and meta fatty build now, but I still want to keep hunting. What goal should I set myself next?
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Hey guys look at my monster. It camouflages itself as a log and grass to entice prey and then eats them. It has tiny little legs under its big stingray like body for the purpose of moving on land.
trips confirm
Download the /mhg/ quest pack mod, join the lumus and have fun with anons
This thing fucking KILLED Steve Irwin
nice gobul subspecies bro
Steve fucked around and found out
local anon absolutely TRIGGERED by an objective truth stated by another poster, to the point of admitting xhe's a tranny, completely unprompted
still up
I know you are but what am I ?
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I like it it would be funny to see it move on the tiny legs
This is my sea monkey
he has webbed claws and feet and uses his tail to catch fish while hanging out on the beach
depending on the fish he catches he can spit different projectiles and maybe he can puff up like Conga for floating or water attacks
Let me guess. You need MORE than 60 FPS?
why did you post a singaporan
Wilds use both parts of World and Rise in the game. This isn't a good food analogy lol
Rise is literally just World with wirebugs.
This is just some tranny divide because cowards love to hate things on the internet.

This is Monster Hunter Rise and Monster Hunter World
Megaman 3 and fucking the corpses of horses.
So they're both shit bitter watered down plant juice?
zoomer words have never been spoken
It's called plantwater
I admit it.
My skin in few shades darker than the average poster here...
I main Gun lance btw.
Calm down Garuga.
>that "fuck me right here, right now" expression
You run away close to the edge. If you fall from the initial shockwave, you're too close.

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