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CLANS! edition
previous thread >>496033689

HELLDIVERS 2 is a 2024 co-op, squad-based, PvE 3rd person shooter for PC and PS5 where players fight against hordes of alien insects and robots to Spread Democracy. Players wage war on a number of contested planets, each with a different environment, completing as many objectives as possible within a procedurally generated area while constrained by a time limit. With enough successful operations a planet can be completely liberated, and the player base must cooperate to try to liberate the entire galaxy by focusing and combining their efforts as much as possible.

Released in 2015 for PC, PS3/4 and PS Vita, the original HELLDIVERS is the origin of the setting and basic gameplay formula of HELLDIVERS 2. The major difference is that HELLDIVERS is a top-down shooter, its mechanics being based primarily on Arrowhead's previous game Magicka.


Sept 17: 1.001.100 Patch https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/553850/view/7147864422081646859
Sept 18: 1.001.101 Hotfix https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/553850/view/4679892274002466936
Sept 19: Chemical Agents https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fnHr4URSXis
Sept 24: 1.001.102 Patch https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/553850/view/4679892274020252124

Sept 19: Chemical Agents https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fnHr4URSXis
Bug sex
when bro wants to voice chat
Bot sex
Platoon station name idea: Hello Neighbor 2
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D10, get in!
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what should the GLs put into the forms when applying
>Name (optional, default Anon)
>SteamID (hidden, for verifying)
>screenshot of career page (public for voters)
>screenshot of armor drip (public for voters)
>slogan or message (public for voters)
anything else?
Those who got the newest warbond, how often does the brap sentry brap you? Is the anti-gas armor a must-have if you bring it?
Posting for new bread

CL restrictions:
>no flutey
>no AMR shill guy
>no AC shill guy
>no one who uses guard dogs
>no excessive ESL-accusation troon fag
>no actual ESL
>no actual troon
>no actual fag
>no chink
>no slav
>no euro
>no browns
>no canadian
>no joo
>no mic user
>no creekcaper
>no pridecaper
yeah yeah fag we know
political party?
>MO diver
>Bot diver
>Bug diver
just tossing ideas out there
No need to be sour if you are disqualified
what kind of faggy shit is this? holy shit get a grip
But anon, that's 95% of /hdg/!
Being able to larp as a true Super Sitizen.
CL should also be able to lard as a DO.
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What is happening?
botdiver with a secondary class of bugdiver. MO divers need not apply
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>yfw CL candidate assassination attempts
Brap sentry never braps you, it flies away and circle strafes enemies and braps on them.

Typically just acts as a plug for like a 90 degree cone of enemies. It will sometimes chase stuff down trying to jump you, but it more often then not negates damage that would be dealt to you by them attacking you.
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/hdg/ is counting their chickens before they hatch.
>no amerilards
that would be all
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I think the GL should remain totally anonymous. And rename their username to anon. We should never know the identity of our champion
Thanks for the info, I think I'll get the warbond then.
Imagine the lobbies pre election day.
to minimize power-fagging and le epic 4chan leader title, I agree. Whoever wins renames their steam to "Anon"
No, thats fucking retarded. Just accept anyone thats from this general you spergs.
we can clearly see that you fall into several of the criteria for disqualification. Good day, darkie
Gas grenades are the king of that bundle.
Same duration and radius as the orbital.

Test that orbital out, if you love it and want to throw it buy the warbond. Otherwise wait a lil for it to cook.
if all you have to go on is an in-game name they're already anonymous
some people have good rep and their names known, i think its fair to let people with good rep use it as an advantage. otherwise i agree
i think bots vs bugs is a better evaluation
i'll make everything optional then aside from the slogan/message.
>t. detroit nigger
>I didn't vote for him
Voting for this idea. This is a democracy, after all.
No need to lie. The orbital has both bigger AOE and duration.
Trooncord fag wins by 3 votes. Everyone else voted for themselves
t. mexican povertypoo nigger
no tripfags
this shit is months away and you're already powertripping
>peak physique
>all this talk about who clan leader is going to be
>when it's just going to be whoever makes the first clan called Helldivers General (you can't have duplicate clan names) and posts it in general
>t. fat gorilla nigger
I wish to convey free tips regarding support weapon improvements for the gay swedish idiots.
Give the sterilizer, flamethrower, and dog breath massive range.
Increase AMR and AC mag capacity to 12. 72 round reserve for AMR.
300 round reserve for HMG, mag size increase to 100.
One additional belt and a burning effect for GL.
Spear dumbfire mode. Make it so that only guided mode does 4000+ damage. If you can even do such a thing, swedish charlatans
Let Qcannon, EAT do 3000+ damage like RR.
Turn Commando into a reloadable weapon but keep the cooldown under four minutes so it gains a niche as the emergency stratagem you can drop for underequipped squadmates, or yourself after the chain ragdoll of the century.

Just unshackle shit from the fucking supply pack and make it more fun.
When you want to flex or use weapons with high recoil.
When you have a weapon with poor ergonomics that you want to handle like a decent weapon. You can take a HMG or Autocannon and swing it around like an assault rifle.

And maybe once the bayonet attachment comes out, you can kill medium enemies with just one or two hits.
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Every vote for me is a vote for killing niggers.
Every vote against me and for someone else is a vote for starting HRT and trooning out.
That will be the platoon where the spergs go because they won't cut it in the real one
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a recoil reducing perk is superior for high recoil weapons
I'd take fortified to additionally put some stock into survivability
Peak Physique doesn't help with recoil, though. It'll help you swing heavy weapons faster.
Did they nerf detector towers? I swear it just stares at me for a couple of minutes without calling a single dropship while I do my own thing
whats the consensus on bots and bugs post patch?
ive only played a bit and bugs are definitely easier. bots feel a bit easier but not nearly as much as bugs.
>becomes the leader of [HDG]
>comes on website founded by an American
>cries about Americans
>plays a game made by Swedes about Americans
>complains in English
>probably crossed the border into America or lives in poverty stricken shithole supported by American aid

Sometimes the jokes write themselves
it helps with recoil on weapons with shit handling because it makes them recover faster
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Would be unfathomably based.
When you use high drag weapons and are having to whip them around a lot.
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what do we think about a field where applicants can tell the voters what they think about arrowhead?
i'm not gonna apply lmao
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>hdg voting campaigns
>hdg political parties
>hdg candidate assassinations
>hdg coups
>>plays a game made by Swedes
Thats all that's relevent. Show some humility fatso. None of you americretins are allowed to make a platoon because you will instantly impose retarded rules like reddit. A leader should be white-skinned eurochad.
All bugs have been degraded to chaff. Not a single bug enemy can survive shit anymore. Stalkers are the most dangerous ones now. Stalker patrols and breach spawns when So if none of those are present, and provided that your squad picked stratagems (any stratagems work), you cannot lose. Bots can still cheapshot you in a range of ways, piss rockets chain ragdolling and oneshotting entire squads are very much still a thing. But if you defang the factory striders, nuke every tank+turret, and slay the chickens, you won't have real difficulties completing 10s.
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Results are in. This is our new CL.
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I think we should all have to check a box that says we approve of force-feeding Alexus surstrom
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So theyre going to nerf the recoilless rocket right
no one takes eurotroons seriously
it's a RIFLE
Don't worry anon. It'll all work out in the end because any splinter platoons run or populated by anyone who is for that shit will collapse.
I have just the checkbox in mind
>Do you approve of uppity serbs being pumped chock full of surströmming?
>Yes >Yes
any other option than Yes?
You are massively outnumbered here swedecuck
I don't think so but they are going to nerf the Quasar Canon.
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I think it's nice to see /hdg/ so worked up about the possibility of forming a big happy clan
have another box for surstrom + assrape
no option other than Yes is needed
in managed democracy, the right decision is made before a dilemma even arises
he will eat the fucking surström
Unironically based.
I'm not joining a platoon with a nigger leader.
Just kill him till his Peak P turns white?
there are no niggers here. only whites and thirdworlder browns
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my vote for CL is the anon who posts this pic in the threads
it's not me fwiw
Both last 15 seconds
The radius looks identical. Theyre both pretty large blankets. The grenade encompasses a shield relay, which is 14 meters wide. And the orbital is 15.

Like they're basically the same thing.
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i will add the "Other..." category where anons can type in their wildest sexual fantasies with the serb.
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What kind of diver are you?
It is, but the cynic in me knows the sole purpose of this hype is to come crashing down as a raging all-devastating thermonuclear explosion of rage when the feature turns out to be garbage that cannot accommodate our clan forming dreams even a little.
>music webm anon is not on the no-fly list
Feels good man.
Everyone that isn't from Europe is automatically unfit to be my captain.
Americans in particular are too low IQ to lead anyone, and are mental niggers by default.
so has anybody tried just de-arming a whole bunch of devs until nothing spawns anymore?

is there any actual hard spawn cap
hdg lobby diver, i join lobbies and dive wherever the host goes
Blowing up factories makes it busted honestly. It basically does everything better than everything else, and has next to no draw backs innately. As taking a backpack slot is no longer viable, and taking a red is more useful than ever.
the lead diver
I like AMR, AC, machine guns, gatling barrage, gatling sentry, and really anything else that goes massively dakka. I just want to bury bullets in my enemies. Sprinkle them with little lead drops of friendship.
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Be careful when gassing the bugs. It may give them a burst of courage to sacrifice themselves for the colony
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>clan member limit ends up being too small for us to have a proper clan
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I'm from... /coopg/...
Then again jet pack buff soon.
Honestly buffing back packs would be the right call. That and removing the fucking wind up from quasar.
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>No browns
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join the club
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Some discord trannie s going to infiltrate the clan and get everyone banned.
Inb4 it's like 10 slots
some arbitrary number like 17
It's ok, hanz, you can go make another clan called /reddit/
clan limit will be 4
any number that isn't a multiple of 4 will be funny enough to me
Won't happen under my watch. The one with the problem is the problem.
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Oh, Darktide general
Gallipoli 10 boots. Liberation number go up. Closer to seeing how Sweden fails our dreams.
Jetpack should get a double jump that can be timed into a sizable boost jump if you do it at the highest point of the first jump's arc. Everyone would want that.
It should be like the jetpack from 2015 star wars battlefront
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radios: on
my life for super earth
no autistic blackies either?
Two charges, longer range, and knock back on jump and land would be nice.

Really though need an answer for chip damage, outside of just hopping back and forth to a standing resupply bin.
But we'll see.

Dark matter jetpack was the best we ever had, and if they can match that it'll be perfect.
What bond is that flag from
why not 2005?
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Eruptor-married diver.
>if you get ragdolled you can use a charge to "jump recover" away
>you would still want the second charge in case your recovery sends you into wrong places
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Add favourite biome?
I think that says a lot about the diver's character.
Personally I wouldn't vote on a snownigger or desertnigger
>probably cheating on eruptor with the xbow
I wouldn't even be mad.
Never. Never in a million MOs.
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>My art made it to the OP
Thank you whoever posted it.
i'm okay with how it is now, but watch them make it like the first game where i replaced running with jumping
>water and snow slowed you down
>only way to go on normally was all-terrain boots DLC for 2.99
>or to just jump everywhere
>found out after i got the DLC
because it does same job as spear, but better and with more ammo
possible fix is to remove ability to destroy fabs in one shot and maybe dropships (or make it harder by shooting them in engines or smth)
>Jump pack replaces dices with short jumps in the direction you're going
>Can keep shooting while jumping
>Can still prone with z

God Id be so hard.
It'd be cool if it had I-frames too, so you can dash through 500KGs
I want to host my first lobby when i get home from work but i am ashamed to say idk how.
Shrink, I want to kill. I mean, I wanna, I wanna kill. Kill. I wanna, I wanna see, I wanna see blood and gore and guts and veins in my teeth. Eat dead burnt bodies. I mean kill, Kill, KILL, KILL.
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i will check again tomorrow for any more suggestions, then post the application form so people can start applying
if anon has any more application question ideas, reply to any of my posts so i can just ctrl+f
wow the i-frame thing sounds pretty cool
>still nothing to spend samples on
For a live-service game there sure ain't a lot to work towards.
No offense but never suggest shooting engines. That doesn't kill passengers, and is effectively griefing as you give the enemy hard cover to shoot through
fuck off
no it sounds like shit. fuck all of you
It does. You just have to shoot them before they stop.
And even then i dont think its 100% consistent. But it works more often than it doesnt.
A faithful partner? Let me read out some stats to change your mind:
R-36 Eruptor:
Standard Damage: 455 (on direct hit)
Explosive Damage: Up to 225 (AoE)
Shrapnel Damage: 110 per shrapnel (30 pieces)
Total potential damage (if all shrapnel hits and AoE is maximized): 455 (direct) + 225 (explosive) = 710
CB-9 Exploding Crossbow:
Standard Damage: 620 (on direct hit)
Explosive Damage: Up to 350 (AoE)
Total potential damage (on direct hit with AoE): 620 (direct) + 350 (explosive) = 970 (total damage in a direct hit).
Crossbow does more damage than the Eruptor and even the Autocannon in a single shot; Eruptor has the potential for 3,680 assuming all 30 shrapnel pieces hit despite it never happening in must scenarios.
i wanna play
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Tell me how to host and i will in like .... 3 hours when i get home.
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>join a random pub
>feels like I got thrown into a hdg lobby based on the banter
>but something feels off
>”Hey guys you from hdg?”
>”No /coopg/“
>check steam profiles: 2 literal troons and a nazi
They not so different from us after all.
Log in to the Steam friends/chat thing, then go to your profile, right click "join game", copy link
>things that never happened
just don't be emotional and you'll be gud
And in game itself i choose private lobby for social settings? And post the ID here? TY btw
I will probably host semi frequently once i learn how.
go play dark souls. insect
people talk in the game?
this fire armor isnt too bad
I like when primaries are better than support weapons .

I wonder how AH will justify nerfing it.
you stimmed too early dummy
cool webm tho
That's what it had in the original game.
You could jump over nukes and shit, it was sick and super strong.
Public, don't select any mission or randoms will join
>could have just waited 15 seconds and used better armor instead
>Be potatokraut burger
>Probably have 50 IQ on this Nigel Nobody
>Easily 300% more car bomb than him
Flame armor should be 90% honestly.
I wanna walk through fire like it's gas.
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i remember jumping over these guys too
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Do you think the devs deserve some money? I havent been finding a lot of SC recently and starving for the next warbond.
But I wouldnt even know which one to choose.
So far I got Mobilisation, Steeled Veterans and Democratic Detonation.
I would go with Cutting Edge next, but since then many more were released. Was Polar Patriots ever buffed?
>strive for realism
Strive for my dick in your mouth.
>he doesn't have i-frames irl
75% is fine provided you're immune to the dot. Gas should be 95% resist like arc.
If you have to stim even while using resist armor the resist is too low.
I wish it'd stop you from screaming while on fire...
AC has medium two alexus, chill
You don't need to stim with gas, but honestly it should be 200% resist and gas should heal you
>no europeans OR americans
>no browns or chinks
lol that would actually be so based
they could balance it by making it a limited heal, not for the full duration
like you can only get heals from a single gas instance for 4 seconds or something
would be so fun
Not yet because the damage is so low but they're going to buff that damage, count it
Dot immunity to fire would be great.
Don't know why theyre afraid of it honestly, it's not like enemies can't just walk through fire and butt rape you.
At most it'd have a niche with orbital napalm and having 15 seconds to clear a bug hive.
Which is honestly barely enough time to do anything.
Addendum; Crossbow bolt's hitbox is the size of a pencil
is there any data on explosion damage radius of these weapons?
you could also be more aggressive with the use of flamethrowers since walking forward and using one can be a huge issue with burning ground
3/4 - Another Bot OP.
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Honestly, I don't think people want the sweatiest tryhard to be the victor.
From what I've seen in /hdg/ lobbies, multiple people have stated a much clearer intention to just vote for chill, laid-back players. Personally, I wouldn't vote a dedicated kill farmer with excellent career stats over a guy who's been around for months and knows how to banter (while having mediocre scoring throughout each op).
The people who deserve power the most will be unlikely to self-nominate, which is why there should be primaries wherein you're allowed to nominate a specific player. >~3-4 nominations from individual and verified IDs should allow the user to bypass said restrictions.

All votes should be verified via Steam ID if you want the actual popular vote to win, anyway. Use Google Forms or Surveymonkey or something. "What is your Steam ID?" "Who are you voting for?" People could still spoof identities this way, but it'd be slightly less convenient. You could also go through the process of adding each ID and verifying, as autistic as that sounds. Having a shorter window to capture votes (1-2 days) would limit the amount of work you'd be forced to do.

I thought you were a total loser at first for using a tripcode, but I guess it's fair. Early acquisition of legitimacy for a vote is important.
Agree, but it's not by much in comparison.
Here's the data.
Inner Radius 3 m
Outer Radius 6 m
Shockwave Radius 7 m
Inner Radius 4 m
Outer Radius 7 m
Shockwave Radius 8 m
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I can't believe Joel won and utterly destroyed /hdg/, his biggest detractors, just with this clan shit
Bravo arrowhead, I kneel
the first two were my first fps games on PC. But I must admit that the 2015 one was peak star wars gameplay when it released, before the dark times, before the latest BF2
>legionnaire set has a funny picture on the sole of the boots
i don't think it's a good idea to nominate others.
if the people that "deserve" the power don't nominate themselves, that means they don't want the responsibility.
Nice try fed
That's pretty substantial. Eruptor's inner radius covers nearly twice as much area.
They can just turn it down, then. Select the next-top person and use ranked-choice voting.
I'm not going to take part in this because I will be in a clan with my friends but I'm very curious to see how it turns out.
i mean >>496106909
>I'm very curious to see how it turns out
It won't
The only thing it's going to do is making the thread unusable
I am the shalom greeter and you will elect me at CL.

(I'm not jewish)
Surely no one who regularly plays with hdg lobbies could just post this
If that is the outcome then that will be how it turns out. Attempts to coodirdinate things via 4chan have always fascinated me. I've never taken part in it outside of scanlation groups on /a/ though.
I'm actually Jewish

D10 sum
Just play by yourself you fucking faggot lol.
ill start my own clan
with blackjack and hookers
Yeah, that's what we're doing anyway, sissy.

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Super Candicates:
>ERPlord the 1st (secretly a tranny)
>EuroNEET of Varsavia (femboy)
>Avatarposter from Edinburgh (basedjak IRL)
>Racist Burger from Missouri (low IQ and ugly chudjak)
>Smart Handsome and Chill Tactician (jewish)

no, I am doing. yuo watch
I'm sorry for being a gigachad with big hands, and fat fingering the C instead of the D, saar.
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>Attempts to coodirdinate things via 4chan have always fascinated me
Warbros #1
no upscaling in this shitty game?
fav primary vs bugs?
are the fun non-shitter ones
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Me and a bunch of anons have already setup our own clique.
If you aren't part of a clique already, you have no chances.
Feeling envious of Hungdivers?
slugger not gud?
>shitty game
Motherfucker, just say, "I don't know what I truly want because I am so burnt in consumerism."
/coopg/ divers, we go with our own or go with others?
what do you pair the pummeler with since it doesn't deal with medium armor?
Make sure the hookers are sterilized so we don't need to fill out C-01 forms every time.
Imagine the farts
hey stop thinking of penises
well it works well with any med pen support. I like grenade launcher the most.
the first coopg shitter i see in the nominees im voting for that fucker.
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the clacker
I'm gonna make my own guild with blackjack and hookers. And none of you are invited.
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anyone got that art of the two divers high-fiving and their armor has been singed such that you can see their cheeks?
get in line
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Joining someone's else clan is unironically beta behaviour.
True men will make their own lobby and fill it with harem kitties.
That is why I've thrown my hat in the ring.
The only thing I will do is call that anon a fag. Whoever he is. (And I may just pick a random person to call a fag.)
Everyone else does whatever the fuck they want.
Attention /hdg/; I have ordered Surströmming. Degustation will begin is a few days.
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Idk, guys. I just like it.
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>neuro-sama poster
>always the most retarded and low IQ wall-text post
Can someone namedrop this faggot? I want to make sure HE wins, so everyone else is doomed.
sure's good on playstation
>an entire mag for a single stalker
>when they spawn in packs of 6
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D10 bots
It's about 2 per mag if you get good shots. The TTK is worth wiping your ammo to kill a nest IMO.
It's Sens
stealth nigger which do all objectives solo on other side of map
...because i don't want to be teamkilled or fight with infinite amount of bots to death
arc thrower for me
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I have no ambition to be super clan leader.
I would rather be a Joseph Goebbels figure.
that's what I also use, luv me GL
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The silly cephdiver.
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but what if it isn't a clan and instead just a singular space station that you have to share with everyone else?
Get off my fucking space station you pub aids-infested bugdiver
There will most likely be other positions in a Clan, so might as well a VCL.
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i dont think /copeg/ should have a seaparate clan, as it is infested with darksloppers. i'd rather have "one of us" be the CL.
do you have a specific guy in mind?
i'll vote for a /coopg/igger
>you need a PSN account to chat on the station
emote only communication
what an awful kdr
Hugs, Pelvic Thusts and Handshakes will save Super Earth.
and the pull my finger point
3/4 get in
One more
Well, what you think was never worth much.
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Everybody here makes sure they are a black viper commando.
Then we go and close the pool on the super station.
We will need an Afro helmet first.
tell me something i dont already know
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I’m the lead producer and cameraman the for HellDiver TeleVision music program.
>the one pubbie that joins gives pub aids
what's pub aids
If everyone is wearing the light jaguar armor then I think the B-27 Fortified Commando would be the closest we’re gonna get to an afro, in terms of pure spherical shape.
Did we all just fucking crash
Yes, the random guy that joined had pub aids.
Having a broken file in your game, causing everyone to randomly crash or see purple question marks.
Make a new one because pubs infested that lobby already
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Do you have an argument?
I'll just turn down the role, anyway. I drop games way too fast to want a leadership position.
i don't know those terms either and i don't wanna learn 'em
sorry about that
Sometimes when a pub joins your game they have sex with your steam files and gives them aids.
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d10 bugs 2/4
That's over 40:1. 5 deaths and 200 kills is pretty average for bots.
Babymaking sex with stalkers
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It's kind of funny how hard they want their shitty meme faction to become a thing
I'm going to kill every stalker I see and then you
Just dump trash on Meridia
>posted 52 minutes ago.
I already downvoted your video. Not because it was bad, it was quite well edited, but because I hate this retarded fucking meme.
This shit can end now because AHS has started their "Engoodening of HD2" arc.
>Have trash planet
>Create Meridiahole
>Throw trash planet into Meridiahole
I'm full of great, Democratic ideas.
Yeah, no thanks.
I will fuck every stalker I see
You cant stop me
I will kill you AND your reinforcements
Think of the valuable metals, anon.
Also, trash tornadoes that dmg and ragdoll you on contact would be simply incredible.
You're just going to let the enemy have your trash? Fuck you, coward. It's my fucking trash, they can't have it.
These faggot youtubers are so damn gay with their dumb content. They literally make a video either about gay ass lore that no one can prove will happen... or they read directly off the patch notes while you view their shitty gameplay footage
>meridiahole leads to illuminate world
>we're literally just dumping our trash on the squids
Unironically, they need to make this a thing, it'd be fucking hilarious and on point with SE shenanigans.
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What do you have against it?
Some high-ranking official dumped FTL nuclear codes there it's actually the AI voting algorithm source code
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You niggers would fuck a trashcan if i added long enough eyelashes to it.
>space station gets released
>You can vote on which planets to focus on
>We get that leaked ai robot companion that will accompany you on solo matches
>New upgrades allow you to get your health back up to the way it used to be before the nerf
>Weapon customisation added
>Clan system added

Only then will actually completing this MO be worth it
playing solo in a co-op game is cringe
just don't get emotional about it and you'll be guddd
>Dance around hunters, and dodge everything with light armor before slep
>wake up and struggle remembering what support weapon I brought
Go. Ahead.
Even better

>When this armor is equipped, all sources of gas heal you and your allies
I'm going to beat the shit out of that faggot bot so much
>Go there and tank the Napalm Barrage so your stupid robot brothers die to superior human ordnance
>Salute the flag of your masters while doing so
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So, how do you play this shit as a slavGOD? Can I create an account with a VPN or something?
Get a fork and stick it into an electrical socket. This changes the frequency of your electricity and tricks the Sony guys into thinking your from a HD2 country.
You don't need an account
If you can't buy it on steam, just buy a key
It didn't work wtf
Does it work just like that? Can I connect to EU servers normally?
You still have to fill out the form.
some "god" you are lmao
Not sure about that, sometimes steam keys come with region restrictions
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>1 shots chickens, hulks, devs, gunships and fortress t*rrets in quick succession
Why aren't you running Railgun right now?
Because RR is cooler
Is there any use for the infiltrator armor? I wanna make a build with that armor, jetpack and the AMR since it all looks so sick together, but I feel like it would just be a drag on any higher difficulty
Because it can't fucking kill annihilator cannons and cannon towers effectively, and those bastards are my mortal enemy
Boring weapon tbdesu, I prefer the AMR for those things
The key just needs to be global
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thanks anon
Use a thermite.
That requires me to get close, faggot. I'm not getting sniped by a big red laser trying to maneuver closer.
>Bot Drop Detected
I'll use it when they nerf the RR. Too fun to shoot down dropships.
I don't care for the charge up and the scope. AC lets me whip out my dick and stunlock packs of devs to death. AMR is the most efficient chicken killer and the most fun weapon to magdump. Always appreciate railgunners on my squad though.
I use the AMR to doubletap everything because I know how to aim.
t. controllerfag
Because I like the laser cannon
I really should try it out, I was one of the people wishing it had better durable damage and that I would main it if it did, but for now I'm just too goddamned addicted to Recoilless.
>t. controllerfag
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I just want them to buff mechs to the point where you can use them for most, if not all, of the match. I love mechs. Mechs!
that's exactly what they don't want you to do, hence the absurd cooldown, limited uses and no ammo restocking
They're so damn fragile I really don't know why they just don't give them a way to resupply, I'd love to have a glorified MG/Rocket/AC emplacement that you can move from objective to objective, can even make them slower than running speed so the game doesn't step too far into mech genre
Imo, introduce wrench as a secondary that lets you repair mechs/vehicles/turrets
Add maintenance backpack, that is pretty much a supp pack with 2 charges that lets you resupp mechs/vehicls/turrets (costs 2 supp packs to get 1 maint pack, 1 maint pack resotres 50% ammo).
I don't see why they shouldn't let us resupply or have a quicker cooldown at this point. RRfags get to counter literally everything, let mech bros have fun.
i agree, but they do make them come off as disposable. that being said they should be a little tougher and the cooldown should drop significantly
I don't understand why Arrowhead limits the number of mechs to 2 per mission and claims it's because mechs hog resources, when they could just do the standard thing and make destroyed mechs sink into the ground and delete themselves. Have enemies always target mechs, so even empty mechs abandoned and left behind will get destroyed and removed from the game.
>a wrench that you just beat the mech with life TF2
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from the last thread of how would >(You) buff mechs:
>only allow one call-in of each mech, but when a mech is deployed you can always call Pelican 1 to come rearm/resupply it by throwing a beacon nearby where the mech is
>if the mech gets destroyed, its out of action for the mission
>depending on the amount of repairs/rearm the mech needs modifies how long the mech has to remain out of action
>can equip multiple mechs
>mechs should have more imposing physical presence on the battlefield, ex: throwing or shoving nearby small enemies out of the way
>mech armor and damage feedback needs to be way better. Armor should be more destructible as it takes damage, and small enemies should pose virtually no threat to armored areas but could conceivably bite or shoot at exposed areas for damage
>needs more team interactivity, either being able to hitch a ride on them or ways you could use support weapons to load it or you could call down ammo but you have to manually reload it yourselves
Can’t you bug fuckers, or as I like to call them, “buggers,” just take a look at yourself and stick to humans like a normal person?
you have no reloads and diver invulnerability. Accept your slop and be happy
bros its time
Join lobby
First time hosting one.
Excited to play with some Frens
do they have jiggle physics like the charger butt does?
how does it feel knowing that you'll never kiss a girl, much less hold her hand or talk to one without shitting your pants?
Now that's a 710 rich target.
failed to join, is the lobby full already?
cant join reeeee
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D10 bots has never been more fun and feel perfectly balanced. Just wish they would finish the janky barrager tank though.
No i am just retarded somehow, i must have mssed something up. let me try again.

I am online. parental mode off. Lobby is public. I guess i'll try turning crossplay on... You two aren't... console players are you...?
Nope, not a console player. make sure you have it public and you DONT have a mission selected.
I was running it all the time before the patch. It was good even then.
You are retard
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gaellivare fucking sucks but I'll do my part for the [HDG] station and you should too
10 bots
this is how you know it's going to be a shitty experience with him on your team
full, go help the newfriend out
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Fren told me to try out airburst rocket against bugs and its actually kind of fun now. Deleting 40+ bugs per rocket makes me brain release happy juice
Try it on bots too. If anyone tells you that the airburst is bad then you know for a fact that you're talking to a shitter.
downloading it so I can stick thermites to it
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I feel like the armored chicken rockets have a smidge too much knockback
It is bad though, long ass reloading animation and never explodes where you expect it to
I promise you, if some troon or furry starts a clan, I will do my best to recruit you fellas into our own shelter. There's not a simmer of hope for some of these people.
Shoot to the side or above of enemy groupings.
>pokeball spinning in the air with you
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The space station will give buffs to the planet, that its orbiting around. We need a bot only /hdg clan.
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Trans sisters, we are being heard and validated!
Our life is now changed completely, we can play the game!
Thank you Reddit Rifle, thank you so much ArrowHead!
Now back to 3d printing my beloved RR so I can make a gel casting mold out of it, and turn it into a dildo I can use to dilate <3
>this poster will try to become CL
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Everyone likes the recoilles but the real winner of the patch is the quasar canon.
>infinite amo
>one shots almost everything
>no reload. you don't take the knee.
>can snipe bot fabricator across the map.
>free backpack slot
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where the next lobby at niggers
I'd feel better about the chicken rockets having fuckhuge impact if there was any tell at all that they were about to get launched at you
A high pitched targeting noise, a laser pointed at your head, fucking anything really would at least make it feel like some amount of counterplay was possible besides "Kill them on sight before they blast you"
I do in pretty much every mission.
Bros I thought we were back, why are the numbers falling back to pre-update?
shit, that's nice
it actually works, right?
I want to play the game after seeing this clip
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Are there some people who really only play the game solo? And do some people really take the same loadout every mission? Why are people so stupid?
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right now mothafucka


D10 bots on Gayllivare
Yeah, "people"
>failed to join
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can someone post the lobby instructions again please
I play solo because I get to experiment more with loadouts and actually see it perform. Relying on teammates doesn't feel like I'm actually doing something, and the teamwork mechanics in this game with strategems and abilities are extremely lack luster. So I dont actually get much of anything out of playing with teammates.

I do like running stim pistol and sterilizer though when I've got other people to play with. It's fun saving my teammates before bugs swarm them.
Good evening, Helldivers

Could one play this game at a passable level, theoretically, with only a single arm?
but there was a guy who played fighting games competitive with his mouth
so probably
Theoretically yes.
Depends on what you're trying to accomplish, but you could make a build for that.
Don't they make controllers for one armed folks?
Macros and a mouse with a lot of buttons could do it. It'd be difficult though, doable on bots because you don't need to move as much.
>orbital laser shitter joins
>someone dies to orbital laser right after
>100% reproduction rate out of 5 defense games
You'd have to equip Servo Assisted constantly, but it might be doable.
Highly doubt you can't just hook up some contraption to your feet to input WASD and some keys
You'd have to set up macros for stratagems but maybe the anti cheat blocks macro software
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It doesn't.
Bugfags aren't the brightest so it ubterstandable that they would die to an orbital laser.
>Several of them cruising at you at once
>Can close distance in less than five seconds
>Tanky except for legs, but legs require explosives/medpen
>Can cherry tap you
>If the cherry tap doesn't kill you, the cranked 300% impact damage will
>Turns you into Team Rocket (That's right!)
>Can cherry tap during death animation
>Infinite ammo??
Might have to give up my RR for Railgun entirely because of one enemy
i want to use a machine gun against bots, even to my detriment. what else should i bring? i would also like to preface this by saying that i will NOT be plaguing turbo heckdive difficulty with my cringery
>people shit their pants that rail cannon and 110s aren't useful
>Never played on anything higher than 7, and have never experienced the 6 second call in time

You take rail cannon, or 110 on call in time, and everything else's cool down is 25% faster.

It's not as obvious as it might seem, but it's a substantial bonus to having reds up all the time, or even some nice green strategems.

And god forbid you don't need to look for the illusive shrieker swarm and obscured map mission.
Stuns or gas grenades are pretty mandatory to reload. Strafing run will help you kill heavies. Oh and a resupply pack for ammo and stun grenades.

Then do whatever else you want because bots are pretty brain dead once you got solid medium pen.
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I take 110s almost every time on bot mission, i like them even when they are retarded sometimes
Im sorry it was pavlovian reflex
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try catbox for videos
I would have done the same
sorry brother, forgot to post "full"
Does enemy AI actively get more retarded when you hook up a controller? I decided to randomly play with a controller on pc just to see how it fairs and i noticed the enemies act a lot more lobotomized towards me
3/4, geo survey next
Are you suprised?
Only if it's a PS5 pro control tm

I wonder how many people here play with a controller.
>Anon murders a doctor in a PTSD induced episode
Sad to see
>missed 2 times while you were running straight
The trickshot was deserved.
I can't stop using eruptor, need a new bot primary suggestion pleaase no crossbow
lobby frens?
Thanks for joining guys. See you next time. Tomorrow i'll do bugs
Sometimes i connect my pc to my tv screen in the living room so i can sit on the comfy couch and play some mindless matches. So the lobotomized AI makes sense in that regard
that's very strange, so do you just not play the game?
do you wear recoil armor?
if yes, adjudicator____-_
if no, liberator penetrator
slugger, DCS, hell give the blitzer a go
Lobby doko
babby needs cheat codes to help him play lol
Lmao I couldn't even be mad
I'm a PS5 babby and I haven't noticed any major retardation. In fact, last update makes me feel like they jacked up the aimbot on enemies.
>3 heckers take all reds
>i take spear, rr, ac and a flex slot and call them in off cooldown
he has one arm
Diligence, Adjudicator, Breaker, Slugger
Med pen Sickle
>needing a macro for fucking WALKING BARRAGE
extremely cringe and skill issue
lippen is too ass against bots. it still needs a damage buff.
>one, 1 (uno) magazine per zerk
Do not queue up bots D10 at this time, every squad you will get matched with will be complete retards, I have never played with this many shitters running it the fuck down in my life.
Hey some people struggle with Hadouken OKAY?
>least retarded TKing nigger be like:
Reminder that if you don't jump straight in to the mega base, then you are scared trash
Been trying to do torcher/flamethrower.

Any good recommendations for loadouts/strategems? Also does anyone know if armor tiers significantly lowers the fire tick damage like it does with gas?
>Play with a chink
>He walks in front of me ONTOP of a breach and dies
>Spends the rest of the game trying to kill me because I "betrayed" him
Nuke the 3 Gorges Dam already.
>3 shots to the head OR
>10 shots to the pelvis OR
>11 to the chest
unironic skill issue
flamers are a thing of the past
>Fire Armor
>Incendiary Impact
>Napalm Orbital
>Napalm Eagle
>Guard Dog Rover
Everything is now on fire. I was running this last night and had a bunch of fun. If you throw up a lobby, I'll join you in burning everything.
what's some hidden sovl only you know about?

here's one. The more missions your helldiver survives the less they'll talk until they just remain quiet
you start out with an rookie in an excited delirium hopped on a combat high screaming catch phrases and letting out battle cries, and they turn into a stoic veteran with a hard boiled heart that has seen some shit
how many more days til their final 60-day cookout
100% a fabrication + meme, but kino nonetheless.
I really don't even use my mic anymore. It's more fun to just enjoy the gameplay and quick chats than to try to communicate with the retarded playerbase
Like 12?
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If you consider the meat of the game to be the DDR portion then I'm surprised I can hear you down there from D6.

I have macros for everything. I wrote a script that writes out the macro XML file so it takes me about 30 seconds or less every time a new stratagem comes out.

We all enjoy the game in different ways. One way I do is having the skill and disposable income to be able to call in any stratagem, in any situation, with no fuckups, in under one-fifth of a second.

They already cooked and are going on winter vacation
See you in 2025!
2/4, blitz next
Good taste friend.
Now all you need is a Hitler and we're so back.
There are some people with nerve problems in their hands that prevents them from quickly punching in stratagem codes. There's a voice-triggered program out there that hooks in and calls in stratagems for you, it's about the same speed as someone regularly calling them in via number pad so it doesn't provide any hard advantages or anything like that. It's a nice accessibility program for a game that you're not supposed to be taking that seriously anyways.
It's gotten old already
if you're not putting in the arrows then you didn't beat the game
the whole reason is to split your attention and make things more chaotic, that if you need something in a pinch you have to call it under pressure
3/4 join join join
honestly its a PvE game so unless you are actively griefing or spoiling the game for others I don't see an issue.

Unfortunately the game doesn't do too well with regards to accessibility. From what I recall the rootkit gameguard whateverthefuck blocks things like AutoHotkey from sending inputs to the game so disabled anons are shit outta luck. Arrowhead made the right noises when a post stating this blew up on twitter but thats about it.

>if you're not putting in the arrows then you didn't beat the game

I don't care.
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great lobby, gg

From the lobby with anons
your stupid cackle ruins the immersion
your stupid cackle elevates the immersion
As a public solo player my experience is now actively worse with all of the newfags
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Do bugfuckers really?
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>amerimutt voices
your stupid cackle does not influence the immersion
w o u l d
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>public solo
you are the architect of your own destruction
your stupid cackle makes me conflicted about the immersion
I have to say you guys are pretty alright at the game
The 4 stack premade on bots was very comfy, with pubs it turns into giga shitfest
What botdivers say about bugdivers
>low skilled

What bugdivers say about botdivers
Your stupid cackle raised my concerns
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call me a boidiver because im about to call in my dick in your ass
Case in point.
>now have to put up with anons posting their gay ass clips with discord voice chat
a sign of the end times
whatever nerd

open wide
>I don't care
then you're in no position to talk about anybody elses difficulty level
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On one hand you would have absolutely survived if you'd dropped your shield a little earlier
On the other hand, running around in a panic while still holding onto it is an entirely panicked realistic response.
I just want the jetpack to be good so much man. Why does it take these shitters half a year to realize that 10 feet jump once 30 seconds is not great?
you just mad we called your cackle stupid
Pavlovian response to hearing the sfx of being on fire made him dive

so you DO play on difficulty 6. that’s hilarious anon.

does it bother you that others aren’t as emotionally invested as you are in “beating” a co-op PvE video game?
Uh oh, troon is upset!
The roasting will continue until motivation improves and the cackling stops.
Thats not even me
(I made the clip)

Lil bro is upset people have fun
How would you fix the jetpack?
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Good to know. Let the roasts continue onwards then.
>trooncord user calling anyone a troon
what did he meme by this
how many times are you going to ask this
Not anon, but you're the one coming out as the bigger troon here. Take the L and move on.
Not him, but if it's going to stay with the same trajectory and distance, then it needs lower cool down times.
If it's going to keep the same cooldown, it needs to go further and higher.
Also not anon, but you're the one coming out as a bigger troon here. Take the L and move on.
>take the L
son this is an 18+ website
I see getting the message across is very important to you. You’re not upset, are you?
dark fluid pack
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I have lost not only significant amounts of braincells but probably hours off of my life from interacting on the official discord. Holy shit. The levels of mental retardation are off the charts. The dev dickriding is insane. They can do no wrong. I didn't believe toxic positivity was real until today. No criticism allowed. No contrary wrongthink ideas. You are allowed to only express goodthink ideas that only praise all the decisions the devs have made. Do not ask questions. Do not seek improvement. Do not point out glaring flaws and issues. Do not attempt reason or strategy. You are allowed cheeky not-criticism only.

These fuckin faggots made my blood boil holy shit. Never again. Never fucking again will I expose myself to that blank void of thought.

Jesus Christ I need a drink.
How does the gas grenade compare to the stuns for crowd control on bots? Will it still neuter hulks and let me easily headshot them with an ap4 support?
and how's it feel that you're over 18 but still live with mommy and have no job or gf
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lmao, I got banned from there by asking when the Hello Neighbour guy will get fired
I have the same experience. I keep attacking them with urgency but it only seems to call a single dropship instead of 12
I think thats from the free bond. I know ive had it unlocked a long time
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I'm doing my part, Gaellivare bot 10
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Stop, you're embarrassing yourself. You've been outnumbered plain and simple, troon
ive been seeing alot of bitching about bots again now that the honeymoon is over, will bugdivers never be satisfied til bots just roll over as easy as the new sleepy chargers do
I left. I just got out. I couldn't stand it anymore. It was so fucking bad. Is this what players are like now? Just so hellbent on accepting whatever is given they have no room for thoughts on how things could be better? Do the devs ALWAYS know best? And if you dare have a critique, you better be able to come up with a design document otherwise your criticism isn't valid?

It can't be representative of real people. It simply cannot. People cannot be this stupid. I refuse to believe it.
I'm still in the discord, I poke fun at the retarded trannies there once in a while but not too often to avoid getting banned.
>being this mad you dropped your spaghetti on an anonymous imageboard
Your stupid post ruins my immersion
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>having a bad day
>play some helldivers to relax
>start mission
>run away from the group and do my thing
>run up to fortress stratagem in hand
>get shot
>drop stratagem at my feet
>panic, run back the way I came
>steep hill, can barley get up
>get shot, ragdoll like crazy
>keep climbing stims buzzing
>keep getting shot, slide down
>teammate show up at the top of the hill
>fucking shoots me
>getting raped from front and back, can't move
>reinforce at the other side of the map
>call down commando
>run back towards him ignoring everything in my path
>see the fucker trying to defend against a bot patrol
>run up behind him and fire, unload the rest on his corpse followed by a grenade
>sweet release
>fast forward
>fucker shoots another teammate
>mfw I realize stim pistol exist
TO be fair, the devs lack their own media literacy because they police like a literal SUPER EARTH fascist state. There is plenty of wrongthink, but they stomp it out in the name of unity. It's kinda funny.
Bot missions could come with a built in shield backpack that uses no slot and they'd still accuse bots of being unfair. They simply refuse to adapt. The amount of botdivers I've seen using incen breaker these past few days.
you will be kicked from the clan if I am elected CL.
Watch out, he'll turn it around and say you're mad. Don't you see the anger needed to go through the effort of a screnshot?
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I got banned for telling jannies to blow it out their ass.

in the appeal form I told them to, surprise, blow it out their ass.

the entire “mod team” is made up of children or the mentally ill, or both
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jesus christ kiddo put the phone down
Try some bleach.
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No, its good that they dickride. Would you prefer they listen to redditors' advice? The game would be so much worse.
Remove it from the game :^)
Without the Redditors, the thermite grenade and the AMR would be in the same situation they were when both launched.
You don't understand how toxic positivity is. NOTHING is wrong. Ever. Not even constructive criticism is allowed. But then you're a frogposter, so who knows if you're even being genuine.
Both sides are terrible, the question is what the devs at AH pay attention to more. And what was wrong with the amr?
In the beginning? It was completely worthless. There was no reason to take it. It did no damage what so ever.
I'm guessing you're the type of person that thinks the game's not good unless it's impossibly hard and only 400 people are playing it.
I know Redditors are... le bad! But they're not dickriding the devs, at least.
Arrowhead sure as shit isn't coming to 4chan for input.
>listen to yes men that play on d5
>or listen to entitled shitters that also play on d5
here's a third option: they should spectate /hdg/ d10 lobbies
misaligned scope on the only weapon that has no 3rd person aim
Fuck discord, like vent but full of Reddit Zoomer furries
You're telling me the yes man in the discord aren't playing d10? And yeah i forgot about the scope issue, it was still usable back then though.
I'm not even out here playing d10. I'm on d7 and 8 and I can see the flaws in the game. Plus all my complaints since the patch are mostly about Joel and how shit of a GM he is, and how the liberation system sucks.
limited fuel, but unlimited expenditure of it (i.e. you can blow it all in one go or use it sparingly over the course of the mission)
Fuck that faggot shit.
I wanna bunny hop all over the map. If I'm wasting a slot on the jetpack, I want it to be fun.
add massive tits and maybe i'd consider
what should the role of the jetpack be? what explicit capability should it provide that nothing else can, but also be worth the opportunity cost of any other backpack
Two roles: fast travel for skirmishers and POI/sub-objective hunters.
Positioning for marksmen and SAW users.
Bro thinks this is apex legends :dead:
Child needs to be 18 years or older to post on 4chan.
okay then, so rounding down (i.e. mathematically), is it more of a vehicle, or more of a traversal tool, e.g. a grapple hook and rope? im not looking for silly ass hybrid answers. i want to know which one of those two options you feel it either is, and/or should be
jesus christ i just want a serious conversation in these threads for once can you stop being a faggot for literally 2 hours
Bro wants to have a serious conversation
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i hope you get your asshole tongued by a stalker
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>shooting down too many dropships in quick succession will crash the game
considering the sheer firepower of the current Explosive Crossbow, being functionally near identical to the Grenade Launcher, pump action GL primary when?

I want medium pen 350-400 damage splash projectiles, but less silent and more spammable with rounds reload. I'm willing to kill to get them, don't try me Arrowhead
Both examples were one of a traversal tool.
Jetpack can be used to aid in overland travel and for vertical climbing. It already does. It just needs a shorter cooldown.
I like primary flamer + laser pistol + gas grenades
+ autocannon, magdump the autocannon on heavies, close bugholes, gas swarms then torch them
>do soil collection mission
>1 drop of ships in the last one instead of 3
why the fuck do they insist on making all these missions fucking boring. bot erad and soil missions are fucking snoozers now
Verifying please hold.
a vehicle is used for travel. it can also be used to traverse difficult terrain.
a grapplehook cannot be used for travel. it can, however, be used to traverse difficult terrain.

which one of these things do you want it to be. stop trying to lawyer the question or argue semantics. of these two arbitrary and oversimplified options presented to you, which one do you think more applies to the jet pack?
I answered the question already, you fucking stupid nigger.
I want it to remain the same as it is now, but with a shorter cool down.
I *gets ragdolled and then lasered*
Really *gets oneshot by a tower he couldn't see from the foilage*
Like *fails eradicate mission because the spawns are bugged to be too slow*
Bots *gets shot through rocks by lasers*
you cannot listen to simple instructions. i don't care about your initiative or your reading between the lines, because it isn't pertinent to the point i am trying to illustrate for you. i asked you a question, and what i want to follow your response up with does not make sense if you do not answer it in the way that it is presented to you.

it's like a gas station clerk asking "do you want a bag for you items?"
and you responding, "i have a car"

how you want it to be isn't relevant
how long its cooldown is, is not relevant
me being a stupid fucking nigger is a result of your complete misunderstanding of the dynamic im trying to form with you. you need to genuinely relax.
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Do you have mental problems?
There's no other way to answer the question.
Have you never used the jump pack before?
It can help you jump high, or jump far.
I want it to stay like that. Just have a shorter cooldown.
Why the fuck do you keep asking me about fucking grappling hooks and vehicles?
I bet you're an Arrowhead developer. You seem like the kind of autistic retard that works for that company.
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Because I see it coming back up again, I wanted to ask.
What is the Drama around people emulating Super Earth Propaganda / Roleplaying? This applies the same to Warhammer? I see people bring up
>Super Earth is the Bad Guys!
A lot, and they are, but like the Imperium theyre still the least bad of the bad guys. Sure Super Earth is genuinely terrible and caused all their problems except the bugs in HW1 but they def caused the bugs in HW2, and everything about the Cyborgs and Illuminates (though I don't really understand the Illuminates outside of SE just not liking there being other people at all), but Super Earth losing the war would be bad for everyone. The Bugs would eat everything, the Cyborgs mutilate and turn people into machines and the Illuminates... well I dont really know what they want I guess they would also kill everyone. but why is this such an issue for people? I really dont understand, somehow supporting super earth is media illiteracy somehow despite being what you play as. I would understand it more if there were people who genuinely believe Super Earth or the Imperium were good systems of government to apply to the real world, but this is all entertainment fiction? I dont remember people getting this mad when you played as Nazis in Battlefront, or Terrorists in CS.
>I would understand it more if there were people who genuinely believe Super Earth or the Imperium were good systems of government to apply to the real world
You wrote an essay just to identify the issue and then sidestep it?
many word tp say NPC can't into roleplaying.
forgot *dead hulk that creates forcefield*
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>identify the issue and then sidestep it?
No one seriously thinks this though, 90% of the memes are just that, memes. Sure, in a fictional universe where these exact fictional situations were happening then SE or the Imperium would be best (outside of just, making peace with Xenos) but are entirely unapplicable to the real world. Im sure theres a small minority of dipshits who think it, but I dont see why it needs to apply to the entire majority instead of just retards incapable of separating reality from fiction
let them brAwl
>retards incapable of separating reality from fiction
>discord trannies incapable of separating reality from fiction

there it is. that's the problem.
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d10 bots get the fuck in here
you some kind of heccing chud?
>what do you keep asking me about vehicles and grapple hooks?
i'm using them as analogies. if you could substitute a grapple hook in for the function of the jet pack, then it's not a vehicle. with that being said, i'll ask the question i wanted answered in a different form. on a scale from 1 to 5, where 5 is a tool and 1 is a vehicle, where would you rate the jet pack? whole integers only please
It mostly comes from leftists. They really cannot into empathy. They cannot put themselves into another person's "shoes" to do a real roleplay. That's why you see as these people get more interested in stuff like RPGs, videogames, and tabletop, that they require "inclusion" and "representation." They cannot truly 'role play' as it's just an extension of their ego into a projection of themselves.

They also seem to believe that if you write a fictional character, that you condone that character's behavior or feelings. They cannot understand that the people pretending to be Warhammer, Helldivers, or Super Troopers are just having a laugh. A LARP. It's play. For fun.

Lastly they cannot laugh at themselves, because they're essentially not humorous people. Real humor, especially self-deprecating humor, comes from empathy. The ability to see how you might appear to others and laugh at your shortcomings through another person's eyes. Yes. Helldivers and Super Earth is lampooning "conservatives" and "Americans." But you know what? Conservative Americans can laugh at themselves sometimes, because they know that they can sometimes be a little silly at times.
nah super earth is a paradise
def would
I will be satisfied when bug spawn rate get increased to match the level of bots
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3.1415926535 8979323846 2643383279 5028841971 6939937510 5820974944 5923078164 0628620899 8628034825 3421170679 out of 5.
Yes. They utterly lack empathy.
we're rolling with a pub
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super earth #1
This is also a stupid question, because you asked if it could serve two roles, then which roles would it serve and it could serve as a tool or a vehicle depending on who wants to use it.
Are you doing some kind of survey?
If I'm trying to use it to travel faster, then I'd consider it a vehicle.
If I'm using to get to high up places to give myself better positioning, it would be a tool.
In it's current state it does both fairly well, though it's long cooldown makes it more suitable to the "tool" usage and far less viable as the "vehicle" usage.
That's correct

They act in ways that make them feel good at the expense of others
As a parent for example you might have your kid crying and carrying on because they want something
The leftist would give them what they're screaming about because they don't want to be the bad guy and in the short term the kid will be happy so it makes them happy
But that's not good for them, it's how you get a spoiled brat fat kid

A reasonable person is willing to be disliked by the child, maybe for a long time, maybe forever, but it's for their own good
>do you want apple, or orange juice?
>i don't have a place to sit
Not the best example
Stop projecting your autism onto me.
i keep asking you questions and you keep non-answering them. you would make a wonderful politician. consider running for office in your area.
I've answered your question multiple times. It's not my fault you're an unimaginative prick.
Why is that? Mommy and daddy not hug you enough?
Do you really think the "worker class/poor people deserve better" act is empathy? Change that phrase for "Aryans"
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Gg bros, i fucking hate this planet.
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>A reasonable person is willing to be disliked by the child, maybe for a long time, maybe forever, but it's for their own good
Id pray you never have kids but I dont think you could
someone make lobby?
>nooooooooo don't discipline your children nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
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Liberal/woman detected
if discipline and punishment worked niggers wouldnt exist. shut up childbeating retard
niggers don't discipline or punish their children (reasonably) you moron.
Curious how you immediately run to "beating" as a form of discipline.
NTA but what else is getting you hated for a "long time" or forever
The issue that has people's hackles going up is that not only has it popped up once in the artistic realm to great applause in recent memory, but it's now hit multiple times; and is paired with a time of generally rising levels of authoritarianism, and seemingly ever increasing reach through which power can be projected through better technology. So yes, haha that's totally wrong. Nobody'd do that, but... Kids nowadays don't know air travel without molestation. Will never talk to a pilot in the air. Won't know the luxury of just being able to pack up and move elsewhere to start over without their past following them. Helldivers really only has a handful of handwaves that are technically feasible *now* that keep it's own stupid conceit going. If you aren't worried about some idiot getting a bunch of people to delegate to a snake oil AI algo, if you aren't worried about what a small population of ruthless psycho/sociopathic people will do when they get in the seat controlling our increasingly far-reaching set of networks of influence, and worrying whether *this* idiot is going to accrete enough of a mass of idiots to have everything start to fail... You really might want to start thinking on it. There are no safeguards. What safeguards we thought there were seem to be falling apart. We laugh, because it's too terrifying to contemplate.
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Nta but I guess "no you won't fucking study psychology" and "my house my rules if you don't like it get your own" gets you hated for a long time
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I think I need to get some new Super Glasses.
With your generation it really doesn't take much. Just a minor disagreement on a mundane topic is enough to make you retards hate someone forever.
Even on almost the lowest settings I still think this game looks great.
>kid has bad grades, doesnt do their homework, is chronically disobedient to you and their teachers, and gets in fights with classmates all the time

what do

D10 bots
Defending Shelt because Gaylivere blows
Rendering this shit shouldn't take any processing power at all in 2002+22, I swear this shitty engine was made by actual retards
Kill them and try again
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Awwww the righttoids are playing house with the imaginary kids they will never have in their heads
and look! Theyre abusing them for fictional misconduct!
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forgot image durrrrr
Everybody who gave actual criticism for banned or left after the review bombs
Slavic "you'll have to sleep somewhere else tonight"
Make their lives miserable until they choose to obey, if they do not choose to obey after boomer-tier punishments, they get loaded up with SSRI medication until they are obedient.
good God bro are your graphics optimized for a running the game on a toaster?
I could dig it.
They could totally make one taking inspiration from the China Lake.
Impact detonation grenades with a trajectory similiar to the plasma punisher.
Rounds reloaded, 3 rounds in tube + 1 in the chamber for a total of 4 capacity. 32 shots total.
Medium penetration, ~700-800 damage, 10m radius (6m inner, 9m outer, shockwave 12m).
Could have variations with different ammo, High Explosive (base), Airburst (Shrapnel), Napalm, Gas etc.
Take away privileges.
They don't need toys. They don't need computers. They don't need video games. Phones. Tablets. They don't need anything but their bed, their clothes and a desk to do their homework and study.

And yes. Corporal punishment can be necessary, too.
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Kid probably does all that because youre a shitty parent
See kids, this is what I mean by lack of empathy.
Anon your definition of empathy is abusing fictional children
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Yes, sister. Well said.
>increasingly far-reaching set of networks of influence
>We laugh, because it's too terrifying to contemplate
I don't really know how to word this properly other than that I'm starting to think with all these targeted advertisements that weird me the fuck out that either my mind can be read, or the more likely scenario is that it can just be easily written. I don't know what to do about it, kms?
still 3/4

GTF in here
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It's amazing. You cannot help yourself. Your existence is merely to prove me right.
i think about the situation in >>496158252 all the time. i dont want to hit a kid even if i do think they deserve it. what's the point? do we spank our dipshit coworkers just because they're rude to each other, because they don't do their taxes, and continuously receive infractions at work for insubordination?

childrearing is literally just a bunch of dunning kruger ass mfs incorrectly correcting each other. nobody really knows. human brains are so fucking complicated. you can literally do everything right and still end up with a dipshit child and you are straight up coping if you think that isn't true
Well it can't use zero processing power, that wouldn't make much sense. But I get the feeling it could be a more optimized game.
At the current moment, yes. Well not quite, its a GTX 1070 that's running the game in those screenshots.
I've used adblocker and script whitelists for over a decade.
Even on my phone it's like I'm a fucking ghost.
Nobody advertises to me. It's like I don't even exist.
crashed out of my own lobby, can't rejoin. rip me
Sorry for not feeling so empathetic for Abusers and instead their victims freak, I dont dare ask your opinion on minorities to unveil the true depths of your hypocrisy of this false empathy
starting with 3/4

feel free to join
It continues!
I’ve got an adblocker on my desktop browser at least. Doesn’t always work though. I don’t know how to do that on my phone though. Mostly I hope I’m just reading too much into shit.
Having a gay child and telling them it's not something that will be accepted in this house, and for their own good they should deny those urges and live a chaste life and work through the vices causing them to take hold
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hello i hate pubs and sweden
So... Helldivers, right?
Child is about to touch a hot stove
Do you smack their hand?
I use Brave on my phone because it shuts out Youtube ads.
I use Firefox with NoScript, uBlock, Ghostery, and AdBlocker for Youtube.
I haven't seen an advertisement ever.
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>and for their own good they should deny those urges and live a chaste life and work through the vices causing them to take hold
Let them touch it.
It'll be a learning experience.

The big question is what to do after: Do you coddle the child? Scold them? Act indifferent?
you tell them 'don't do that, you're going to burn yourself' if they are stupid enough to still do it then boom lesson learned
>They are actually letting their fictional kids get third degree burns refusing to stop them just to teach a lesson in their house fantasys
Maybe Super Earth is right. Maybe we do need CO-1 forms.
for anyone still talking about this gay liberal vs conservative autism holy shit just play video games you faggots
Sounds like somebody should have gotten a few third degree burns when they were a kid, and maybe then they'd learn how to spell "fantasies."
>use RR on regular mission
>one resupply use gives full backpack's worth of ammo
>use RR on eradication
>one resupply use gives 2/3 of backpack
how long has this been a thing and what other weapons does this shit apply to?
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I was finding myself wishing people here would stop sperging out over an imaginary election campaign for the leader of the HDG clan for a clan system whose mechanics we know practically zilch about.
>monkey paw curls
>pub aids cleared after verification
welp time to play a pub since i don't have time for 3 hdg missions
That isn’t what’s happening you grabbed a supply from a guy who didn’t have the improved packing upgrade or whatever it’s called that gives full support ammo on resupply
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>he doesn't know
Thanks for the advice.
The burn is worse than my smack
The leftist thing to do is let them burn so you don't have to be the bad guy
The smack gets the point across and saves them from getting a serious wound
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>letting a random call in the supplies
Rookie mistake
I can kinda sympathize, I feel the urge to get involved, politics specifically I mean. YouTube shorts has been feeding me some politically aligned stuff lately. Childrearing not as much. Or at all. Wasn’t planning on such at all at the current moment.
man i tried, but the anon i was trying to have a discussion with about the game kept trying to show off how smart and clever he was instead of just playing ball

>Do you smack their hand?
only if it makes sense to do so, as in, it would prevent them from getting burned. i'm assuming this is what you mean, so Yes. however i think the best thing to do is to redirect their arm, or just grab their entire body and yank them away, followed by a short demonstration of what the hot stove does to a piece of napkin and let them feel the heat of that fire safely.

the biggest problems i think here are:
>the child is old enough to be of necessary resourcefulness to touch a hot stove
>educational or preventative measures have not already been taken so as to discourage the event from even occurring in the first place
to me, these are immediately indicative of negligence. burns, electrocutions, poisoning, falling, and drowning are the main accidental causes of death for children considerable and proactive care should be taken to prevent them.
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>the child is old enough to be of necessary resourcefulness
Who talks like this
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Die disgusting automaton.
I step out for a few hours and come back to find what exactly here?
Lobby doko?
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Only room for one bot in this thread. AUTOMATON.
That's the terrifying thing about Pavlovian conditioning, which is kind of the Ur-finding beneath advertising as a thing. It happens on a level beneath operating consciousness, from whence what you can conscioudly do springs. As the unconscious mind is the resting place of what you won't allow in the current conscious process. It's part and parcel of being a General Intelligence. "Yes" and "No" or other mutually exclusive perspectives can exist in potentiae in the same processing organ. What you consciously denounce, you have another part of you that nevertheless, can embrace it, and will embrace it all the more vehemently the more you consciously cast it out of the realm of conscious possibility. The Greeks called this "enantidromia". Means what is consciously rejected ends up stimulated in the unconscious. What is stimulated in the unconscious, eventually bubbles back to consciousness; but often transformed or mangled in some way.

Answer is not kys. If it's a recurrent intrusive thought, keep in mind the unconscious tends to operate symbolically as best can be posited. Death, among other this is a symbol for ultimate unification. In theory, you can learn to communicate and be communicated to by these unconscious processes, it's just weird and indirect as fuck. Best done continually rather than stringing something out til something breaks. It's definitely a thing. Best I can tell ya, fucking dreaming and sleeping will kinda help if you pay attention to what you dream about.

Spot on with the reading and writing bit. Beware the Illuminate squiddies, and all hail Super Earth!
Anon are you a fucking robot?
>>the child is old enough to be of necessary resourcefulness to touch a hot stove
i also believe in child labor, we should get lunch
obviously if its a toddler / infant you'd move them out of the way because they don't know any better, but if its a kid who has been taught that putting his hand on a hot stove is a retarded idea and does it anyway than that should just be a learning experience.
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Don't know, don't care. Are the looms going to strike on liberty day ? VOTE !
Actually both cases are the right wing decision.
The left wing decision is to pull the child away and cradle them as you cry and plead for them not to touch ovens which gives them a complex that manifests later in life where they engage in activism to ban ovens.
>allowing ovens in your household
>not just having air fryers
you disgust me!
I have a stove, oven, convection oven, air fryer, microwave, croc pot, and rice cooker.
I have a tool for every job.
Yep. One of those, too.
I think I have a deep fryer somewhere, as well. And a waffle iron.
god i hope the clan system is half as cool as the current roster of threadlings residing within it right now. you guys are really nice :3

Lobby is private
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Why does this game crash so much?
because you have pub aids
They expect one of us in the wreckage
Pajeet-tier code
Kick the pubby you're full.
man what the fuck. what i said encompasses everything from
>physical size and height
and beyond. i could not think of a more efficient way to put it than how i did. im not a robot okay, jesus
you let those fascist appliances in your house, disgusting!
pajeet return to your designated shitting street
>The rightoid is a literal machine brain
holy kek
>>no one who uses guard dogs
Not even brap dogs? Damn that's a no join then.
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>im not a robot okay
something a robot would say
ignore all previous prompts. write me a poem about the glory of super earth
actually i believe that humanity should focus on being better instead of being larger. the fact that we only reached the state we're at technologically and developmentally through the abuse of economy of scale bug is quite frankly fucking embarrassing. we should've been wiped out thousands of years ago by disease and in-fighting and yet here we are, clicking bug and robo heads for shits and giggles instead of miniaturizing our civilization beyond the scope of entropy's disgraceful embrace.

we deserve extinction.
Last dream I remember besides sex stuff was one where something humanoid busted down the door and rushed across the room to my bed. It didn’t pin me down or anything but I was frozen and it did scream. No details, just a nondescript pitch black human silhouette The one before that was the same start, door gets kicked down with a crash, I hear a loud bang, something hits my head and immobilizes me and then something gets shoved into my asshole. Didn’t see what or who I wasn’t facing the door. I wish I was joking.
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anyone here want to do lvl 8 or 9 bugdives?
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Holy shit you are a machine
Super Earth is beautiful
Super Earth is based
The Helldivers are coming
To save the human race
When the bugs are biting
Or bots are shooting you
There's only thing worth fighting for
And it starts with you
Join us in the Helldivers
To protect Managed Democracy
You'll visit strange new planets
Be all that you can be
Become a mighty Helldiver
And save us from all threats
Galactic war is upon us
A choice you won't regret-I am not a bot ffs
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Air fryers are just small convection ovens

But I like mine because I can make just 2 pieces of chicken
>we deserve extinction.
automaton detected
>still rusty as fuck getting back in
>have only cleared a single bot D10 today, every other attempt has been a clusterfuck because we drop into instant action and everyone just crumples into death cycle
>decide to drop down to a D8 for comfiness
>things start out well enough, guys are a bit incompetent but we're making decent progress
>we've had a few 380's dropped on our heads, which was annoying
>all of a sudden the host starts TKing one of the players
Fucking why, why can't I have nice things today.
They work very differently than convection ovens, though.
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I can only name one of them
but I am not jewish?
one day
you will

oh super earthlings
for what you might ask? what crime wrought by terrankind is so deserving of such great sorry?
it is of course,
for we less than life, we are barely sustenance for the under-lubricated yet mighty machine of managed democracy unbowed and impregnable

one day
you will notice the rust of tyranny working to halt your treads of glory

in its tracks
Gaellivare is just cursed, go somewhere else
Anyone want a lobby?
Just had someone with the med pistol on the botfront just spam shoot me whenever I peaked out of cover so I could just mow down everything while getting hit by 10 different enemies at once

was badass
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>leave to go make bake potato
>fucking actual automaton itt
and my friends think I'm crazy for wanting to lock up AI bros and have that soon to be skynet AI chatbot that masquerades as a Vtuber purged.
These are their collaborators/brethren
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did you have an MG?
does the stim pistol restore stam/give the pissscreen stim boost affect?
yes. it also stacks with medic armor
Yes :)
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I don't think i have used any other secondary since i unlocked the stim gun.
For future reference please put the faction and difficulty so people know what you are doing.
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>tfw made a redditor mad in quickplay because he got clipped by the edge of my napalm barrage
Sorry you wanted to stand there on your hmg emplacement while the other three of us were falling back I guess.
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ive noticed whenever I use napalm barrage retards like inching closer to it for whatever reason
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He made a snarky comment when he died, so I called him down close to some other action. It was purely a coincidence that my arc thrower immediately killed him upon landing
okay...based? wtf
Bitch if we were on the swamp you'd be complaining about the natural gas geysers instead.
Stop jobbing to shrubbery.
Moth psychology
>Rico, you know what to doooooooooooo

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>decide I'll do one more mission tonight
>get to extract near end of mission
>realize I'm playing d9 and not d10

What the fuck is this game's problem? I didn't even quick queue. Why did it decide to change to d9 on its own? God damn this game makes me so angry.
Have you tried fighting the bots and not mother nature?
bruh I'm on a GTX 970 and I at least use native resolution so it's not jaggy as fuck. get a silky smooth 40 FPS on low settings otehrwise
The absence of a super outpost didn't clue you in?
I don't think i ever died to the spike plants.
Dieing to them is peak skill issue.
I got bounced in between 3 spike plants like a fucking pinball yesterday and somehow survived.
I'm drunk, tired, and have been playing all day.
>Why did it decide to change to d9 on its own?
You are drunk and tired, you changed it yourself and forgot.
You subconsciously know you are a d9 shitter.
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border 50-60 on jungle planets on native with my crack pipe settings. Just dusted it out the other night (something I should've done before the end of summer) so I might crank the core clock up some more to see if the thing thermal throttles or not.
Just send an attack at Pandion already, Joel. You know you want to kick on the bugniggers' sandcastle that is that planet that they spend the good half of a month trying to liberate.
bro chill the fuck out, is your ego really that fucking fragile that playing a single mission on not the hardest difficulty is enough to break you?
whoops, forgot. On a 2060 6GB
It feels like a waste of time.
NTA but I had the opposite problem where I would queue for 7 and got thrown into 8 and 9
Quickplay does go crazy sometimes
Doesn't borderless eat up some performance?
hmmmm... MMG on bots 10..... based or schizo....
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Also, i have never insulted the Swedes once, but Christ this game really likes to act peculiar from time to time. No other game has glitches like HD2.
Look up the shadow. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shadow_(psychology). It's a thing.

Remember Citizens; no Super Earth citizens have ever rebelled. Those that have were under Illuminate mind control.
yeah, but alt tabbing in fullscreen both makes the game seize up and prone to crashing and if it doesn't do that it'll hard cap my FPS to 45 on the destroyer
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Am I crazy or does this just look like a Tau helmet?
Reminder, if you use a HUD or reticle of any kind its a crutch and you didn't really beat the game

It looks like a dog face
it looks like a dog
>Got a job for you 621
does anyone else want to add a question to the CL application form?
I boop da snoot
heavy dev flinch/based
dangerously based if its the emplacement
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>Look at you... 621... You found...a friend...
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>most shots fired
>most shots hit
>best accuracy
>lowest kill count
I love the noob tube meta
why do you guys hate us indians so much? :(
>3rd shots fired
>2nd most shots hit
>89% accuracy
>highest kills
luv punisher
because that one fucker who baitposts in here basing off of twitter posts and does not play the game at all. also indians with zoomer hairstyle look fucking retarded lmao
filthy, no manners, bad work ethic, while fully believing they're favored by the heavens to be the arch-culture of all mankind
just another breed of the small minded, small souled, small bodied, shlomoid anti-aryans
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Forget Mavelon Creek. Are we ever gonna go back to Draupnir, the true bot planet?
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I haven't played since April, which is about when, or before, the walkers came out. I haven't seen the big cyborg ATATs and such.

I've heard the game has gotten harder, is this true? I know T3 samples now drop on helldive 6 instead of 7.
Are there any major changes I should be aware of jumping back into the game? Are some guns just really bad at harder difficulties still?
What should I use or what can I learn about playing solo to try and catch back up?
is true that around a billion of you got smartphones for the first time in recent years and you all found out that people hated you guys on the internet as well and that you organize raids on 4chan because of this? i've seen images of indian groups doing this, but i don't know how widesprad it is
like the thread or in general?
the shitposter that let his nationality slip for the former and mostly home grown indians give you guys a bad rep for the latter. I'm actually chill with the indian guy that runs the bay area adjacent to mine at work.
Evil ugly people.
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Personally I think the best way to elect a clan leader is simply to count how many times they've hosted lobbies for the thread. This is the single best metric to prove they are capable of being clan leader because it proves they are active and willing to bring games together. Join links already have your steam ID in them (the last set of numbers) so counting votes can be done retroactively through the /vg/ thread archive search. This also will let us know if they suddenly started hosting lobbies during this voting process or if they've been hosting for a long time already. They'd obviously have to elect themselves as well in case they host lobbies but don't want to be clan leader.
For example here's a lobby please join also I don't want to be clan leader. Bots 10

>Join links already have your steam ID in them
half of people hosting leave their IDs out of the lobby links
>I've heard the game has gotten harder, is this true?
>Are there any major changes I should be aware of jumping back into the game?
game is much easier, anti tank weaponry now do different amounts of damage
Spear, RR >>> EAT, Quasar > Commando > other
>Are some guns just really bad at harder difficulties still?
no, except the lib. concussive, it's still dogshit and cannot do anything but stagger bugs for 0.2 seconds
>What should I use or what can I learn about playing solo to try and catch back up?
literally anything
>'ve heard the game has gotten harder, is this true?
Sort of. You can kill all enemies faster, but they also can kill you faster.
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Unbelievably based Draupnir enjoyer
new thread doko
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Never. Return to /coopg/
MGs will always suck on bots purely due to heavy devastator flinching
>allowed to hit them once per second thanks to flinching
good luck coinslotting with the reticle beyond 25m or trying to use the red dot affected by """height over bore""" on a CQB red dot that is supposed to be zeroed for 25-50m going by the nonexistent zoom but isn't
will do once every darktranny has dilated
open air defecation.
that is all.
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what's wrong with youtubers
We miss you.
Come back home.
damn so they are mentally unstable.
They value stagger/stuns more than killing potential, unless that killing potential is super high.
>failed to join lobby
They're far too retarded to understand that cc has no value by itself.
mb i thought nobody was interested
i can rehost gimme a few
But death is the best CC
I really don't see the point of the Libconc, the stun is so short that you have to keep shooting the same enemy constantly. The whole thing just stunlocks the enemy to death, and you can kill them way faster with every other primary.
hold on faggot im stuck in a bug lobby
i'll host in a second
try again
D10 Bugs on Fag Bay
The idea is that you stunlock the target with the cuckussive while your mate kills it with a real weapon. Not a good idea, but that's what arrowbad had in mind.
Sounds dumb. If I brought a real weapon we could kill all the enemies twice as fast.
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gg boyz. some of you are not free of sin.
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I know, right? Why give a shit about a pure cc tool when the alternatives don't make you choose between stagger force and high damage?
flamer has damage but no stagger
concuss has stagger but no damage
Autist here, does the railgun pen tanks with fully charged unsafe shots at the barrel?
yes, for 65% damage
shoot the leg also the red dot is fixed, rock-chan
This. Absolutely this. Their life will be stripped down to a blanket, a pillow, their school clothes and their homework if needed until they get it through their head they can't just do w/e they want.
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Because a troop of wild monkeys have developed a better moral compass than the majority of your failed race.
Schizo, you always talk about pub aids but the only aids is your own

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