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>Game Download - Android/iOS/PC

>General Info/FAQ for New Players

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>Update on September 19

>Developer's Note: September 2024

>Current Events
JINX PLAYER - September 19 ~ October 3
NONSENSE RED [Red Hood Poll Costume] - September 19 ~ October 30

>Upcoming Events
Co-Op: Modernia - September 27 ~ September 29

>Current Special Recruit
Rouge - September 19 ~ October 3

>Upcoming Special Recruit
Quency: Escape Queen - TBA
Phantom - TBA

>Current Costume Passes
Leona: Zoo Keeper [Mission Pass] - September 1 ~ September 30

>Upcoming Costume Passes
Miranda: Thief of Justice [Mission Pass] - October 1 ~ October 31
Tove: Baseball Fan [21-Day Login Event] - TBA


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I love my wife Rapi.
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The Admire?
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I hope you are having a wonderful day!!!
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it's said that Nikkes were modeled after the ideal human body
but Rapi confirmed that Nikkes have buttholes
explain this nikkers???????????????
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The AZX?
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>can't break wall
>but in order to break wall, I need to break wall
>but in order to break wall, I need to break wall
>but I shouldn't empty all my cases because they scale by level
>but then you have no cases
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ma'am, will you please step on me?
>souline thread
Very blessed.
nikkes aren't human
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>No one in the thread
>No one dieselwaved me back in the union chat
>My danchou didn't make a coop room

Where's everyone?
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Talk to your real friends, not the retards that will betray you eventually
We already have Nero (smoll cat), Leona (big kot), Admi (smoll kot), Anne (fairy kot) and Frima (bed is a kot)

A human without a butthole is far from ideal.
Sorry, Soline. I like Anne.
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>real friends
Y-yeah I'll get rigfht on that
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I love Anis
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My"real" friends were the ones to betray me, which made me withdraw and hang around with the nerds here instead
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It's still wonderful, I hope yours too.
>real friends
Anon, I...
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Hi snowanon! My day was good, i'm going to bed since it's very late and i'm tired. I hope you had a good day as well!
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taken from Elotes doro owner:

>taken from Elotes doro owner:

Wooooow, no crei que hasta aquí llegaría mi negocio hahaha, lo hice con mi esposa, apenas lo vamos a abrir, gracias por sus comentarios!!, si buscan donde se ubica la eloteroa es en Reynosa Tamaulipas, en México, apenas la abriremos el domingo, y apenas vamos a comenzar, pero le andamos echando ganas, pronto tendremos todo lleno de Doros dentro del negocio, por ahora se ve un poco normal dentro, pero hasta habra promociones de llaveros doro en un futuro, en la compra de cierta cantidad de elotes a base de sellos, bueno, eso sí nos va yendo bien, tambien vamos a poner musica de NIKKE en el local

>translated by deepl
Wooooow, I didn't think my business would get this far hahaha, I did it with my wife, we are just going to open it, thanks for your comments! If you are looking for where the eloteroa is located is in Reynosa Tamaulipas, in Mexico, we are just opening it on Sunday, and we are just starting, but we are working hard, soon we will have everything full of Doros inside the business, for now it looks a little normal inside, but there will even be doro keychain promotions in the future, in the purchase of a certain amount of elotes based on stamps, well, that if we are doing well, we will also put NIKKE music in the store.

Man I wish the Mexico wasn't full of the cartel or i would come make a pilgrimage.
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After scrounging up all I can from newbie events and campaign stages I can clear, I'm ~70 off from 200. I'm not sure how frequent events that give 10 rolls like Jinx Player are. Can you get 70 rolls before anniversary?

Assuming I only pay for monthly pass. 100 daily + 300 weekly + 100 daily (monthly pass) + 10 shop daily + 50 shop weekly + 100 shop monthly). I don't think I'll make it.
you can get 9000gems for 20usd
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I forget is Rumani missilis or tetra?
wait, whens new anni?
missilis defender rl
bonds, tower, dispatch? we have two events, thats 20, and then free shit for anni
Every event gives you at least 10 lgbt tickets. Login events for 3-week event also give limited banner rolls instead of blue so the next phantom thiaf event will give you at least 20. And we also know there's Rumari banner coming up so there's another 10.
There's also some other sources like daily dispatch or pvp/solo raid.
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Here's a diesel for you!

I understand you, I think it's best to approach the game with patience and enjoy the time spent with the nikkes, one day you will break the walls, keep going!

Uhhhh why would you want that??

Nice!! And thank you my friend

I'm glad to hear that anon, my day was good too. Have a good night and sweet dreams! Here is very late too so I will follow your example, maybe, in a bit
I never really paid much attention to that giant metal doodad Maxwell carried around. I always assumed it was just one of those giant unwieldy gizmos that mecha musume have strapped to their backs to look high-tech (pic related), but upon closer inspection I finally understand it is just her rifle.
Don't neglect pvp. Even at your stage you should be able to get to top 30 in your shard for 2k gems every two weeks.
my arena rival sperg war continues. KOBRAH has returned to the battle, but moon runes has made a killer team. We're fighting over 1st, 2nd, and 5th right now. So what I need to do is wait until moon runes defeats KOBRAH, then beat him, then continue to beat him as he attempts to take out moon runes.
That's the nuclear option for when I'm desperate enough.

Previous one was november 4 according to google.

So about 30 from events. I haven't factored in the tower, bonds and dispatch. I only have rookie arena available at the moment. I think it only gives arena tickets. But yeah, that's a nice boost when I unlock it. I might just make it from event freebies. Thanks guys.
Sue them, shift up.
Where’s the stream nyuuus?
The mexican boiled corn cartel will fuck them up if they do. Not worth it.
I hate my subordinate Rapi.
i got the vibe its just panel/interview shit? if theres no actual stream its probably not going to be anything important
shut up, privaty.
it's a smaller city on the border with texas, you could probably drive on over if you're close by. As long as you go during the day you should be fine.
Why? machoism. Also your boots are cool asf.
huh, these are elotes doro owners
>guy looks more feminine than the girl
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i wonder if those people actually post here
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I understand, they are cool indeed
Fuck off back to your drinking hole.
I think I won... I haven't been hit in 15 minutes...
fugg i can't spell
I can't wait for the first anon to go to Dorolote and chronicle their journey for us
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>most nikke players are from indonesia, philipines and thailand

i wonder if this is related to nikke SEA posters
Who keeps commissioning weird shit like insects being born from Nikke's nipples? WTF anon? Nikkes can't breed!
>livestreaming eating cup corn with the cartel while arguing which nikke is the best
>get beheaded for saying dorothy is shit
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Rapi is the coolest nikke!
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When I say SYUEN you say LOVE

>implying cartel bros would be into Dorothy instead of Moran
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Seethe brother, let everyone else know why I can't do anything
we'll be getting ~30-50 gold mileage's worth at minimum for anniversary so don't sweat it too hard
plus you could get lucky on the daily free roll
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Drink a lot of water and go to sleep retard
Does Doro condone free use of her image for business ventures?
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WOAH look at that YOUNG and SUPPLE beautiful girl!!
Considering Musan stole doroCREATURA and sold it as merch no. No she doesn't.
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She gets paid in corn
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rate my DIY doll collection
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Don't call me a retard when I make more money than you on the daily
Cute frimmer
>30-50 gold mileage's worth at minimum for anniversary
Man that's a lot more than I expected. I can relax then.
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>capturada en moto g53
First the elotes doro, now this, love my soulful latino friends
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Any nikka at the TGS
Give me news
>he doesn't know
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I don't know, enlighten me anon
Rapi is lovely but I can't see myself falling in love with her as I could with Anis...
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The only one I can recognize is Grima but it's still really impressive anyway
They look very cute!
you wouldn't a syuen, would you shikicum? aren't you a disgusting nikkephile?
>2 million gems
whats that level infinity shit?
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Elegg on the top right!
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here's your Rapi, bro
If there's a hole there's a goal
Thing you can log into and collect daily coins so you can get 1/10th of a Belorta per month
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I have no idea what she's saying but BAY!
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>messenger doesn't have red notice
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> 100% outpost
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Sad Rap make me big sad.
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Good night bros. Hopefully my dreams are filled with happy moments with Rosanna.
Anybody stand in it yet?
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Hmmmmmm butt?
You are the SEA poster.
S, your hair is grey. No one is buying it.
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what about horny rap?
Good night anon, have sweet dreams with rosanna
stop stinking up the thread with this smelly ass
Quincy gets a skin?
Good job newcute!
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This is a downgrade
Not as cool as pubes, you should show them
>I see white people
my ear hurts :(
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She's correct.
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Licking sweat from those cheeks...
Take your meds Alberto
can i have some toots?
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the answer is yes!
What does that even mean? Is this some ESL shit?
You know I'm right.
And I know you have a jungle down there.
So cool.
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I predict... Zwei
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good luck!
I was pondering my orb, it said now is not a good time.
butt hole made to be impregnated
She penetrates my butthole. It hurts so much, but I do it for Behe.
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what was that nikke roll simulator?
another slopper added to the filter, thanks
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poli = police = crooked cop
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Those are too many smooches anon
>faggot flirting with himself
uhhh ok
you're welcome sweetie
Kiss me on my hot mouth, I'm feeling romantical
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you can never have too many smooches
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Where do I buy this?
Buy plenty of Elotes Doro and get a free one.
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Try Elotes doro
why hasn't the troonchink hanged xerself yet?
Too busy grooming
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I no longer like Nero
you two are clearly made for each other. why get rid?
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Pinne on the telly
You first
Tickling Exia's butthole
LA CREATIVIDAD invented Pinne and Dorothy?
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Soline is le
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that data is fake. Average IQ in Indonesia is 78.
Triple kill...
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did somebody call me?
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I am not a chinktroon though?
I'm gonna buy a teddybear, gift it to soline and then fuck her In the ass.
You're even worse if you're a sinposter.
I wish to commission a topless nikke who has water spouts instead of nipples on their breasts but dispenses Arizona Iced tea
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I will talk to the armpits, and I will be happy
-50 points
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can you pass the sauce, fren? Obviously, I'm not into it. I'm just curious
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>was too busy metafagging when SSakura dropped to notice how fat her ass is
holy shit I'm gay
you do realize that you deserve everything you're getting right? get fucked.
Why is Eyera shitposting again?
so next UR falls on the 17th
>Trannycord infights
yep these are the right hours
It falls on my dick. LMAO
imagine if I fell on your dick. LMAO
>everybody who posts Sin is muh boogeyman
Cope and seethe
That last frame looks good but anyone without Chudmilla can't even dream about getting it
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The anni itself will most likely give 50+ free pulls for the Pilgrim banner and every regular event gives 10 rainbow tickets in the shop of which we are still getting two more before anni, so 20 from that
Every 2 weeks you're also getting 2k gems at least from Special Arena and there will be another SR before anni for more gems if you place in the ranking as well as one during anni most likely
There will also be one daily free pull on the Pilgrim banner for the duration of the event, but those don't accumulate mileage, but it is still possible to get the character from it, I've seen some people get lucky like that
And anni is at least 3 weeks if not longer so even more time to accumulate gems
You will 100% be fine, worst case you just buy a pass during anni which has pretty good value
Imagine not having chudmilla
Good thing we'll have phantom soon
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You're a bit behind, bro
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Do you think SKK is cute? :)
Do the front and back rows make any difference outside of that one Rouge skill?
D put the axe down before I can answer that
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Just pull for the new units
Rouge is the first of her kind to have skills like that. It can make some difference for pierce units to make it easier to overlap if you put them on the sides.
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You skipped? She literally is meta though
there's no way phantom's gonna be anywhere near as strong as chudmilla tho
Of course.
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I am the SKK. Of course.
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Does nobody remember the ch. 17 hard mode boss that had projectiles that would come flying down at your units from so high up that it was necessary to place your Alice in the back row in order to see them going towards Tia so you could destroy them in time
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>Ellen Zoe
Who are the two to the left?
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QEQ and Phantom will be enough for top 3% for sure though even if you don't have CLud
>top 3%
>not top 100
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> she forgot
it's so fucking over
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>frame 3 vs frame 3
It's so retarded how some projects all go vertical for literally no reason making it impossible to hit
And worse even when the AI just aims into the air at them when they can't even be targeted yet
Why would you guys do coop together at 5 am on the first day
AI targeting is just weird. In OC when you get the timed suicider spawns right in your face the AI wont target and the spawn has always been happening right after my burst ends.
somehow I really doubt that individual is an actual woman
>top 100
>not top 50
Are any of the treasure nikkers good bros? I finally have some extra dolls to use and don't know who I should prioritize anymore. I don't have diesel or viper however.
you made me look up the exact rewards from last anni. urge to waste some rolls on phantom rising
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The cutest
Exia is good and Laplace is decent as well, for the rest I haven't seen anyone post impressive numbers or any testing at all really
>the exact rewards from last anni
What were they?
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SKK is average.
fuck you
60 advanced recruit vouchers and 21 free pulls with no mileage
There are only 4 people in here that make it to top 50 and it sure as hell isn't you as I know them.
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My hoardbros, I have reached the equivalent of 2000 rolls saved up. I am ready for anni.
I do not know you lil bro
You mean you got around 600 000 gems and/or tickets in equivalent?
There's only Rix
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DAMN, is Nikke the most generous gacha game?
what are you even posting? kek
dumb nigger
>>496188621 (me)
missed the 10 from minigame so it's actually 70
unironically, when it comes to the top grossers. i don't think there are better pity systems elsewhere
That is correct. 518k jims and 300+ rainbow tickets.
generous yet shitty rates with a bloated pool balances it out
Just read through their skills real quick. Is exia just good for electric comps with s.anis? The other treasures seem kind of whatever.
The bad things are
>rerun almost never happens so if you missed someone it's very hard to get her after. There are selectors but these are also rare
>you can run into a long streak of bad luck
Snow's burst is really awkward to use.
NTA but I refuse to upgrade Elysion dogshit. The only one that's maxed out is DWife. I'm 430 and still walled at 260s.
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Enjoy being bricked, I guess.
If you spend on anni you will literally be bricked
Is 260 Nihilister? I think I'm stuck at 260 or 290 which is Nihilister
>>you can run into a long streak of bad luck
you know, like any other fucking gacha?
most gachas aren't fgo or arknots
And you wont get cucked out of character skills if you only get one copy. MLBing a character is just wallpaper and 6% power increase but it's not that huge and beyond that it's whale territory who you're never going to compete with anyway.
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So everyone's retarded this chapter.
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>this chapter
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Solo raiding Anis massive titties!
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It's relative based on what type of game it is. PVP games tend to have more competitive people. You can also have sweats tryharding on PVE games just to show off but PVP games are a different breed. So you need multiple copies or up to date units to keep up. They can give lots of resources but also higher drain on resources to keep up with the competition.

If you're chill and just want to see content, roll with your dick for cute girls and number going up, then it's great. 10/10 would recommend

t. spent 3k dollars in the past for pvp bullshit when he was younger
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>shitty rates
I don't understand how people can say this when there's games out there like the mihomo stuff where you have a 0.6% chance at the equivalent of an SSR on a banner, like holy shit rolling in those games isn't even fun because you don't even have a real chance of getting lucky prior to soft pity

Seasonal time-limited units get rerun every year so far, but I guess no other banners really got a rerun except for Modernia. The only players really getting fucked over are new ones, SU should just run banners of already established meta characters alongside new event ones so people that don't care for those can roll there instead
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>t. spent 3k dollars in the past for pvp bullshit when he was younger
>he failed the retard test
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Our FUCKING heroes...
How much are you spending per month?
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Are you ok down there pal?
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Love this stupid dog
holy shit I didn't know KERIPO posted here
Only bought the 2 monthly login passes. I didn’t like the leona suit and I didn’t like eva.
that's starting to change with treasures. thankfully, treasures aren't really that game changing and are only worth doing for the waifu stories
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>t. spent 3k dollars in the past
>when he was younger
Where it not for my loyalism to Nasu's work in the past, I would not have wasted over 50k in F/GO.
Unfortunately, I was too blind to see where the game was headed and only this year's Anniversary stream broke the spell.
Nikke is definitely more deserving of my money, specially now that TM has undoubtedly refused to make more content only adults can enjoy.
What happened?
finally broke the wall
do I open the credits and battle data set cases to get to 200 immediately or should I still be saving them for something?
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>three and a half lolis in your first synchro row
They're just making bad characters into usable ones. You're not suddenly gaining second SBS or RH on the team by doing the treasure.
push as far as you can first
laplap can keep up with rh. she'll overtake rh in stuff where true damage matters like glass slippers
I'm an inheritance baby. I wanted to go prodigal son like in the bible and spend my life away like there's no tomorrow. I quickly found it stupid and calmed my tits. Financially stable and living in peace now. Like 10 dollars a month on gacha is my limit.

Holy shit dude, I can feel you a little but that's way above me. I'm glad you've stopped doing it since you seem to hate it.
$15 a month gets you both the monthly login passes. That’s all I am spending in this game. I find it pretty good value.
I'd check outpost chart and see if you're close to any dust breakpoints before popping them
>tfw I make the same coffee as sugar
I wish her bond story was better ngl
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>released stay night on steam this year
>cut out content and censored
>released space ereshkigal with a special for (you) mechanic in f/go
>increases the required pulls needed to mask out a servant by 2/3 timex
>drawing out f/go's content over the years
>the more servant fillers released, the lower the chances of getting rate up summons
>only this year they unlocked the pity system
>before you can only pity once for a rate up servant
>so the struggle to get servants were fixed 9 years after
>kept it up at 330 pulls to pity
>same price still
A lot of cases that broke the proverbial camel's back.
One not easily mended.
May games like Nikke ever be prosperous, for at least they know the audience and not as cruel as some companies.
Truly, it took this long, but thank you.
hag got me bricked up fr
bunny mustang
why aren't you dead from diabetes?
I'm glad I dropped that retarded game after 4 years for this instead
Do we have a Queen Bee nikke yet?
>>496190653 (me)
*max out
Apologies, I was so infuriated recalling back the retardation of only this year by Type Moon.
Modernia's mech is based on a bee/wasp/hornet, and she is a queen, so yes
they should make an ant queen heretic that gives mass birth to little rapture bugs
Gacha and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race
That’s just Mother Whale’s gimmick.
It's just an evolution of the game business model.
>Commander goes full retard
>The counters just meekly go along with it because despite approving of SKKs Nikke rights talk they're completely buckbroken and have no will of their own
Yet you participate in gacha. Curious!
mother whale is a rapture bus, she doesn't make them
>Mother whale heretic
Would you?
And how would you know that? Have you actually seen the insides of Mother whale?
That's just heretic Anis.
it's irrelevant because we KILLED mother whale
the raptures should repurpose a heretic for the job
There's one man who has...
His name? Raptilion.
The one man to willing enter it's birthing chamber.
nihilister lays eggs, because she's a dragon
I'm going to chew very slowly and stare at Nihilister whenever she makes eggs for breakfast from now on.
>she doesn't know people
she lays very big eggs, one egg could feed a family
you wouldn't believe how wide she can stretch
who is this?
>For nearly 2 years everyone was saying ETHER BAD
>When in fact Ether is good
As a day 1 Ether lover, I feel vindicated
>he listened to "people" in /nikg/
lol, lmao, even
ether still bad, not so good
Ether smells, not good
ether just needs a sexy alt
ether needs to pay for her crimes
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mmmmm nyot gyood…
Ether smells, delicious
Ether is still bad, retard
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Stop liking evil women.
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If you don't like Ether you shouldn't like Maxwell either. They're both sociopath cunts.
She's only necessary evil unlike straight up schizoid evil joker-level Crow or Yuni
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I like both crow and yuni however.
>posts fanfiction
Maxwell calls me cute while I'm just a number to Ether it's that simple
why would matis have our corpse?
>posts my favorite edgy what-if fanfiction
Doro has to have one of the fattest ass in the game
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I can fix her.
How can you fix someone who's already perfect?
not comparable at all, retard
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By getting rid of Syuen, she's bad influence on her.
more comics like this?
So what happened to TGS?
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cute doll, crow
>crow in rehabilitation center's gas chamber moments before SKK presses the button
I accept your concession.
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>ACPU! Freeze! Is a song about cooercing a confession out of someone illegally
put the dress on
Maxwell treats me like a human. Ether treats me like a statistic inhumanely. Retard.
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s puss
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Only raging homo hate Ether.
>treats you like a human
>wants to rape you
These two are not compatible, Retard. Unless your brain is fried by reading too many doujins.
>this desire to equates to disregarding humane treatment
I simply make her too horny. I am already a convicted criminal and my charges were being too handsome.
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Maxwell acts like a huge cunt to Laplace even when she just wants to chat. Fuck her.
Shut up Laplop. Stop breaking the fucking windows, you're fucking up the budget!
Stage 1 AI is better than clearing SI?
we should get a junior commander sidekick
We should give each Nikke a baby, and then raise an Army of competent commanders instead of having everything on our shoulders.
I accept your concession.
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i don't know whats going on but i'm posting rupee
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I think stage 1 is tied stage 2 definitely better not sure.
we should get a jerk commander
not evil like Doban but they won't humor nikke autism like SKK does
We already have Johan.
Alice-sama, please no more WAAAHAAAAs.
My ears are simply too weak to withstand your powerful WAAAAHAAAAs but I like playing with sounds on.
How important is elemental advantage in AI, Can I just throw redhood at everything?
johan doesn't seem like a jerk so far, he's been fairly reasonable
another reason english is better
Oh, you mean Gary Oak level jerk? Yeah you're right.
Anomaly lives and dies by elemental advantage, but if you don't have it just use your strongest team
switch to the canon EN dub
it matters a lot, I can stage 4 ultra because the meta squad is full of them, but i can only stage 3 everything else.
heretic commander
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Details regarding Action Plan of Goddess of Victory: Nikke @ TGS:

勝利の女神ニッケのコラボイベントに関する発表がありました。東京ゲームショウのイベントで、開発元Shift Upとのコラボイベントが、象徴的なドラゴンボールシリーズであるドラゴンボールスパーキングゼロと勝利の女神ニッケの同時コンソール版とPC版のリリースに合わせて行われることが明らかになりました。また、勝利の女神ニッケには、ドラゴンボールのベジットのようにユニとミハラが融合した新しいニッケ「ユハラ」が登場し、巡礼者になります。

舞台は混沌とした戦場で、気のエネルギーが爆発し、宇宙戦士カカロットとベジータが未知の攻撃者2人組に押し戻され、ダメージを受けているところです。閃光が走り、その後2人の戦士がベジットと呼ばれる存在になり、反撃して攻撃を開始します。ユニとミハラは押し戻されますが、効果的なダメージは与えられません。 ユニとミハラは本気になり、戦いはエスカレートし、ベジットは鞭の一撃をかわし、ミハラの攻撃を受けて山に投げ出されます。ユニとミハラは優位に戦い、奇妙なイヤリングを披露します。イヤリングは輝き、2人の少女は一緒になり、1つの存在に融合します。彼女の名前はユハラで、ドラゴンボールのベジットのようにユニとミハラが融合したものであり、閃光とエネルギーの破滅的な爆発で、敵のベジットは一瞬で破壊されます。
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Help me with my lineup. I keep getting shat on by the whales in my lobby.
I don't have Anne, Rosanna, Emilia, Bay, Soda or Power.
Is this how Quiry sees the world?
Nihilister is a fucking wall. It's over.
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I merely jest, I find it cute. I was just poking fun at being their servant rabbit. Liter's Awooo is cute too.
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Would have been easier if you posted roster.

Scarlet/Blanc/Centi or SBS/Noir/Jackal
3rd team either POW stack or Blanc/RH/3 shotguns
You can mix it a bit depending on the enemy defense team
Kinda weird that the story tried to portray Anis was wrong for suspecting people after setting up that there's some suspicious shady shit going on in the Ark.
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son of a bitch you got me there
Literally me after using my firepower on neon.
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Thank you for finally killing that annoying gremlin.
Im gomenasai
I didnt know it was this bad
Soccer game with /fgg/ when?
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Both kind of tow the line, but I still can't fully trust Ether after going through her bond. The excuses she makes for her actions towards both SKK and the mass-produced nikkes she was testing on only work if you're ignorant to the kind of science she's attempting to do. Ether explains that she uses the mass-produced nikkes as in-vivo test models for the disease progression of the infection SKK picked up on the surface with the hopes of discovering a treatment for the infection. However, this doesn't make any sense since the infection SKK got was respiratory in nature and did not exhibit symptoms indicating any neurological infection which she specifically questioned SKK about when he was suffering the full symptoms of the infection. Nikkes, having no respiratory tissue to infect and only having neuronal/brain tissue to infect, would thus only display symptoms of neurological infection or possibly a highly truncated neurological immune response neither of which SKK exhibited with no chance of respiratory symptoms developing thus making them virtually useless as a test model for respiratory illness treatment. Ether being an expert in this field should know this, yet she still tells SKK that she uses the mass-produced nikkes as in-vivo test models only because he is not educated in these sorts of matters and can easily get away with the lie. If anything, such experiments of testing infection and disease progression in differing tissue types on living subjects fall more in line with biological weapons development more than disease treatment which further adds a sinister element to what Ether is doing all while she tells SKK that she's really helping them and others to find a cure.
Never happening, she is getting erased and then you are too
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While this sounds fantastic and says a lot about Ether and makes her bond look cool, I think it's unintentional
Shiftup probably didn't keep in mind all that shit you just wrote, I mean yeah, it's cool, but since they have multiple writers (some worse than others) they probably didn't intend any of that
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>Getting erased
Never ever and I'll never stop (unless I drop dead)
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Follow up to pic related
Build each team around a DPS. Scarlet, Red Hood, SAnis, SBS, Alice. Team 1 is decent, but is easily killed by a fast Scarlet team. Team 2 is dogshit, Privaty's stun and Blanc's invulnerability does nothing if you lack the DPS to actually kill the other team. Same with Team 3 - Crown makes the team super slow to burst, and Noir's burst will barely dent the other team.

1. Scarlet-Blanc-Centi-Pepper-Jackal (quick to burst, Blanc will keep Scarlet alive)
2. RH team with Noah and Biscuit
3. Noise Rapunzel SAnis team
or 4. Dump your highest CP Nikkes here
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Yeah you're solid, just try some of the teams to see what works for you the best. Here some more comps
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NOPAN is willing to accept PREFECT refugees.
Apply now to get FREE batteries.
I will let you know that NOPAN finished the most recent raid 1 and a half day before the end.
Well it's more like like "don't doubt your friends" more than "you're dumbing for being suspicious"
Is this AI?
Sup how many bars for your CC31 if you attempted it lately
haven't attempted at all
prefect is a sinking ship but we are h
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You're probably right because they also do something very similar with Cecil during ch. 20/21. To put it simply, I highly doubt that someone as capable as Cecil actually needs human cells sourced from the mother whale to produce vaupas when there are plenty of other molecular biological techniques to accomplish what she's attempting to do to make vaupas. Thus, one could read this as Cecil manipulating SKK and Johan for that matter to risk their lives to do something that actually has little to do with vaupas production. Alternatively, this is really just the writers fudging the science in order to make a somewhat believable excuse for mother whale boss fight with vaupas as the narrative reward.
That so I got 1.1k left, probably just gonna wait for 2nd anni, that shit is too much
Anon? Did cuteyan's assassins get you?
this real?
one of my unionmates just beat it the other day and he's 470+ so I'm not bothering really
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This is some good stuff. How am I looking now?
Good time to tackle game backlogs
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No, this is just my boredom and formal education coming to a head. If my post were written by AI, it would've probably been more succinct and comprehensible.
My apologies.
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I found a DBZxNikke fanfic
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>going to have to rely on the fucking glowie, helm, doro, tove/leona/bunny alice and summer mary
i fucking hate this raid already
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>the Joker rifle
Phantom is le water.
>just got bunny alice
>got summer mary earlier
>neither have investment
It's fucking over, I can't just conjure up anything usable in a couple of days
i ain't fucking pulling for some frilly garbage showing no skin
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I thought people just pulled everything since unless you've pissed off the god of luck everything comes within 3-5 ten pulls.
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lol no.
t. hoardfag.
It's a 50% to get a 2% nikker at 35 pulls. Someone might win 10 coinflips in a row but someone else is losing them.
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Nah. I only pull for what I like.
>pulled for maid Privaty
>pulled for Bay
>pulled for Elegg
>skipped Crown
>skipped summer garbage
>skipped evangelion
It's that simple
>skipped Crown
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desu maxwell looks really chill, she probably rapes you slow with lots of kisses and caresses trying to find weak spots rather than merciless bouncing.
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>skipped summer and eva
okay the-
>skipped Crown
El Ladrillo...
>Skipped the King
Omega bricked.
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>reroll overloads on D:Wife
>end up losing 8k pow
what the FUCK? I thought only atk/elemental affected POW. Does crit damage affect it too? I don't even know what made it drop so hard.
Rouge and Phantom plans?
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There is too much coming up that I need to catch up on that I can't afford to be wasting gems on wishlistable units and SR where I'm not getting 3% anyway. Gonna ticket anniversary but there is still Christmas Mica, Anne, Rupee, Ludmilla and whoever are the new ones to pull.
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Here's your mirror container anomaly level 9 clearing team bros. You leveled up Ein, right?
I don't care about Rouge, and I may drop a few rolls on Phantom. I'll spend a good portion of my stash on Quency though
Am I supposed to put Naga in slot 2?
well since you'll be bursting with crown i don't think it matters.
i only have liter and naga out of those lol
DAD, why are you stuck in diamond 2 hell?
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Bocchan... Don't forget me...
I got Ein to clear Missilis tower so yeah. Not planning on doing any clears of mirror container, haven't even tried it.
Talking about crit why is that such a shit stat in this game?
i knew moran was chesty but holy shit she is STACKED
No wonder shitkura has to trap SKK she cant compete fairly
Because base crit rate is 15% and crit damage is 150%.
Is more like Core Damage is just too good and crit is inside the damage formula instead of being a different modifier
Because every other game gives a 4x multiplier on dmg, and shitup can't math. They just throw darts at a board.
Delta SSR....
what about Exia?
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why so slow?
yeah they better not put her in a tomboy dress with a flower in her hair and give us erections and be an attacker assault rifle class ha ha subtle post
everyones trying to get persona sakuya in lost word
I'm edging
At work
Farming so I can get the past limited water units so I can play the only game mode that matters
thats not for a few weeks
lol, lmao even
attempt #16 at coop
so far nobody seems to notice the big "NO BURST/WIND CODE" label
she's not out in global yet
definitely pulling for her though
id let loli helm heal me with a burst
how do we fix defenders?
We definitely need loli alts for all hag nikkes
I fucking hate Jackal
I think Nikke could slap a unibrow or outie bellybutton onto an upcoming nikke and they'd still be conventionally attractive.
either turn damage reduction into charges or longer durations. i mean seriously 30% damage reduction with that long of a cooldown for 5 seconds? thats almost impossible to make use of and a dps loss since you are waiting for something
Hell yeah
>outie bellybutton
Hell no
Hello saaar, shitting nikke when
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Content that will outright kill your other units if you don't use minimum 2 defenders and no amount of DPS will help. Hire me ShiftUp.
Can't fix what's not broken.
The Crown treatment
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90% damage reduction while in full burst
I don't want to leave my current union since I can get #1 in all minigames
What weapon type will she have?
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I'm not feeling it...
sex gun, it shoots sex
Twin rocket launcher most likely
DEFECT is a plat shitter union, you can do better bwo
it's a smaller city on the border with texas, you could probably drive on over if you're close by. As long as you go during the day you should be fine.
i want a purple mg doll for diesel
You mean an anchor boy?
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so basically it would need to double to be worth investing in? (damage, not rate)
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Kinda, 15% base crit is not bad at all but you can't scale the multiplier effectively. If you look at crit formulas in other games the base crit damage is either higher or you can scale the multiplier to hundreds of % with investment and you can't do either here.
needs more meat on those bones
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>got the skin but haven't pulled her yet
Fuuuug, at least I have something to look forward to
Cute dog
cute, would get knotted from him
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>still barely made it on blue numbers
god this fucking tower SUCKS
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You're gonna LOVE later stages, newcutie
Why is Marciana, a 16 year old, a teacher in high school?
she's not 16
didn't ask, bitch
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Stop being mean, faggot
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Fuckable nipples are essential part for the next mission's success.
Damn, I'm sorry for being a huge dick.
Who honestly cares about towers aside from the pilgrim one?
I want to farm the gold frame, don't give a shit about the molds
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when do you get the frame?
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I need my big dick gold frame
It has different levels, I think the first one was just 10 first places
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in co-op just doesn't feel as good as spamming
Yelling at Noah until she cries
omg granny what are you doing
I can't wait for chime and then 5 chime comps spaming KISAMA
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goddess of sex
All my nikker bros get kisses
Smochies for everyone!
it is frustrating how so many fanfictions never get finished.
>15% deficit on glass niggers
>can break all individual slippers without issues
>after the spinny shield there's another motherfucking shield with 4 more stacks and yet another single slipper phase
does this faggotry ever end? do i fucking have to be at blue numbers to clear?
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Great idea. I usually set the voice's volume to 30, but I'd change it to 100 just for that
yeah we really needed the thrilling conclusion to this
Damn I love sloppy women
you need to be really close, like i'm at 388.5k (6.4% deficit) and I think I just might barely make it.
so true.
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>Viper got mean saggers
>Crow got weird bolt-ons
>Jackal got normal tits
Another win for retarded dog
Fanfiction autism is something else, nothing else really compares
urghhh my feet keep getting caught in the hem of this DRESS
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another reason to NOT use dress slop
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Your Exia (treasured), Anis forma >>496207502
and Ein?
This OUTFIT is a real DRAG
haha you're brown
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*sucks pacifier villainously*
Are you saying RH is a drag queen?
this is with ein on board
anus is uninvested and lol lmao relying on the pellets to hit
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must I be haunted by that autist even here
You've had dealings?
You need Anis for the damage buff and infinite ammo to Ein during burst and just spam regular shots with Ein

Use cover and let Ein charge shot the slippers on phase 2
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I'm pregnant now, idiot. Will you take the responsibility?
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mansanna and manran
My wife Moran
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nta but joewari da, jesus fucking christ
i'll have to wait for 20 more levels
The Moron cosplay is pretty sovl
nigga i have 15 seconds left when that faggot finally brings out the slippers for the SECOND time
what will skk do with all of his wedding rings?
Surprisingly decent cosplayers this time
nice feet
thats normal I think but are you breaking the slippers or not? Should be no problem to everyone that actually knows what they are doing
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yes. i don't want to into detail about it but he's honestly one of the biggest autists i've ever seen on the internet, not far off from chris chan
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Better deploy /nikg/s favorite duo
our fucking heroes...
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I dont like the mlbs i have been given so i will simply not break the wall
that's a woman
waddup nigga
Wheres burningum?
oh my gosh it's kilo!
Almost as sickly as Andersen
i am
the stacks are decreasing
it simply spends like 30 seconds in that 99.99% damage reduction state before i can fucking shoot the next set
There was one pretty good one with Burninggum and Papillon
>syuen in the background
I ignored the slippers mechanic entirely with laplap's treasure
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found it
How many bars left? Just roll for 4x elementals for Ein. She should clear this easy.
Sad you dont have investments on Anis, the duo for electric is too strong to ignore
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>The thighs on that Kilo cosplayer.
Oh my...
>this lucky fucker gets to cosplay as a family man with loving wife and kids
>also has a papillon to take a picture with
damn, that's a really good papillon
Why would any girl want to play an annoying bitch like Syuen?
Don't they know most SKK wants to physically abuse that midget?
Look Anne, it's your favorite! Mister Penis!
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because she's popular and recognizable
Oh they know, same with Crow cosplayers
i want this moran to serve me tea
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m e n
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Los hombres trasvestidos...
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>Why would any girl want to play an annoying bitch like Syuen?
You would be surprised how many chicks are into getting dominated by a strong male character. Syuen is just a vehicle for that fantasy, so she's obviously going to be popular. The other reason is likely the somewhat easy clothing, it's just a mini-skirt, short undershirt and a jacket worn loosely. Very easy and cheap to sew.
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las horas de la SEA...
I'm getting angry...
Does she get corrected live on stage?
>30% accumulated
better not be in my fucking union
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New doujin from BANG-YOU selling at Encounter 2
Privaty found my cum sock mushrooms...
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Where dem BBW Eleggs @
In America
fat 3dpd is disgusting
TGS stands for Tokyo Game Show, not Texas Game Show
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Kim Hyung Tae
More like Kim HUNG Tae
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the man
i hope rapi becoming progressively more hysterical is made canon
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snow whiteman and jackman
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Rapi lost the moment Modernia was revealed to be Marian.
Damn, ngl that's a beautiful Snow White.
the manran
Snow White mogs
Moran :)
>don't put retarded shit under your eyes
>mog all cosplayers around you
common Snow W
why do people do that eye thing? do they think it's appealing?
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>those obvious fake tits
Why cosplay a character if you don't have the assets.....
it's the current trend
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snow white if western dev
Man this Anis is so much cuter
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that's a better snow white than rachel ziegler
post butt
Anis is always cute
Doro card...
30 or 50
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>give rapi child bearing hips
>SU wont let me smash
fix this shit SU
I'm not black, so yes I will take care of our child. Smooch~~
Anyone up for a goon sesh?
are your NA pals asleep?
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I'll be waiting in the 'cord
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wait, is there a union chat? sorry, I'm a newfag
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Egg (Huevo)
yea you go to union then "log"
Only use it for diesel wave
I prefer skinny egg, fatfags can scurry off
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what if Naga had a big snake tail instead of legs
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I've been in my big union for 4 months without saying anything but contributing in my own way... thought "log" was just logs of activities...
just posted one now, no one ever uses it apparently...
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>monster girl nikkes
I've never seen Modernia use her giant beam sword before this co-op, it's pretty cool
Nikkes can't because mindswitch.
[spoilers] All the heretics we'll inevitably recruit have no such limitation though
nice spoiler moran
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that's exactly why I like heretics
good spoiler bwo
Yall invested on the new meta Shotgun teams?
Goon sesh with polipets or diddy?
>I prefer [non-canon] egg
whatever floats your boat dude
Not falling for it, Jamal. Give back the computer you stole.
well niggas i have almost 700 golden tickets and like 120 pulls, my idea is to get the pilgrim with golden tickets and use the pulls for normal banners. im retarded or no?. i have 0 good water damage dealers. i also will spend 140 usd on every anniversary skin
holy fuarking based...
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>Mr. Mishima retired from Zaibatsu and constant cycle of bloodline feud to correct bratty chocolate cyborg highschooler girls
Is that Vinny?
>my idea is to get the pilgrim with golden tickets and use the pulls for normal banners
Exactly what you should do yeah
Also Emma is his wife
Who's next in the powercreep chopping block?
Crown's asshols
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does this look skinny to you?
Compared to the average American, absolutely
Give it your best shot.
elisyon b3, water b3, lolibaba, fire b3(we got asuka and a free alise). They will power creep the collab character and the free ssr
Alice since she was given away for free
>america out of nowhere
Nikke is an American game retard
Hows your stash?
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perfect zero
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She'll always be top tier in my heart
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Egg Discipline!
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>co-op without white circles
>water weak SR
>Genshin banner
The game is on life support until anni
Oh yeah. I guess she exists.
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Where do I find women like these two?
They have the best personalities to me
there is no fucking way that the new 2 water nikkes are trash, these SU niggers are going all in to milk players pre anniversary
only in our dreams
use a going into games machine to enter the nikke world
the machine was stolen so I can no longer do that
We've seen their numbers bro
Quency might be okay since her self buffs make her dual SMGs into a ghetto MG but Phantom doesn't do particularly impressive damage and her knife thing doesn't even sound like it works right on bosses
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Would you a Trony?
ass too big
shit edit
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Why is Noah like this?
We still haven't had a Priavty replacement
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Rapi won the moment they made her the main heroine and the face of nikke.
ass too small
shit edit
if her ass was actually this big I might've rolled for her
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Thanks, random strangers. Very rare for retards to actually play co-op.
Yes, only need one more copy for her sexy lobby
shit taste
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>trony with an adult body instead of a weird gremlin one
based taste
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We know Kim.
You do realize Marian is the main heroine, and true love of the Commander right
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>trony with a weird adult body instead of a sexy gremlin one
shut the fuck up marian. if cared about you i would at least visited you once
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>meanwhile neon is actually the one getting dicked down daily
I love images that show Rapi being sad or unwanted.
>the absolute delusion of n*onfags
noonfags? what's wrong with noon?
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You said this.
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PREFECT has one spot (two after UR) open. Apply now with nikg in your profile.
afternoon is better. less heat
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I pressed skip, so I didn't say that
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Splendamin factories.
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SKK also threatened to kill Red Hood just for muh Rapi. The only other Nikkes he threatened that way were fucking Crow and Viper. It's such cringe that they'd try and force Rapi on us like this. Ruined the story for me.
they poop from there....
No, they produce splendamin from there.
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>Babukek mad rapi gets to bounce on skkcock
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Liter is just broken on a fundamental level. If she were a post-launch nikke her Burst buff would only increase by her own ATK stat, because that's how literally every other Supporter has worked since then.
What splendamin flavors do they produce?
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I love it
>waifu main heroines
>play a game that specifically caters to (you)
>don't waifu main heroines
>play a game that forces (you) on girls you don't enjoy like some kind of cuck
simple ass
Strawberry and blueberry
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The Admi?
SKK didn't even shoot Crow when he thought Rapi was literally murdered by her, but now I'm supposed to buy that he'd be willing to kill Red Hood? Yeah, sure.
Admi makes mint splendamin.
Can't get over her weird looking ear
>SKK didn't even shoot Crow
he was about to
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Go back!
Then join those reality shifting weirdos on tiktok that are trying to go to Hogwarts, except go to nikke world instead of Hogwarts.
The Sexmi
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Just like he was about to with Viper, right
fuck off lumi, you ruined my vacation
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Trading Rapi for Red Hood is like trading a Ferrari for a Toyota Prius. it's not even fucking close to being a fair exchange, fuck shift up.
Admi looks sweet and innocent on the outside but I bet she's a total degenerate
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>trading away someone very loyal who's saved your life dozens of times for some hot random woman
I would rather have a Prius than a Ferrari
Red Hood herself is a quitter. That's why she always ran and gave up. Rapi is the easy choice.
I didn't like that Red Hood doesn't even care about saving the world.
That's why Snow is best girl, she fights for humanity
it's a shame she's so weak
RH is still my girlfriendwife so shut the fuck up
Humans are evil and disgusting
Not only is Red Hood a doomer and a quitter, but she also uses her dying message to try and force this defeatist mindset on her friends. Fucking awful. Whoever wrote those chapters should be shot.
based page 2 baker
Why do (some) people care about this?
>more than almost anything
so what is more important?
Because the more generals bake before page 10, the more the catalog gets filled up and slower generals get bumped off easier. That and ritualposters want the next thread up asap after bump limit so they don't have to spend an hour refreshing the catalog.

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