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Old >>496173868
>affix orbs on Vix'goth spawn in the water
>if you don't jump in boss becomes resistant to damage
>if you do jump in you get eaten by a shark
its almost like blizzard didnt properly test anything
Is there an illustrated encyclopedia of all the prominent female feet in WoW?
Thinking about making a female night elf warlock. I forgot, do femnelves look good in cloth?
i got Abberant Spellforge as a trinket and had no fucking clue how it worked until i read the WoWhead comments on it
it's also completely retarded to maintain
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>armor transmogs are limited to your class' intended armor type
What's the point then? I could understand if this restriction was only on RP servers, but it's not.
>do bg
>pop all my cds but the enemy's hp bar doesnt change
>die in 4 seconds with personals up
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So you don't look at the DK wearing the very prominent Warlock shoulders and robes and confuse him for a Warlock
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>All Horde group
>Still got Alliance version of Boralus
Why is war mode on argent dawn flipped? Rolled an alt there for a friend and instead of a bonus for being outnumbered its the opposite?
There is no point. They've added so many type agnostic purely cosmetic appearances at this point that you can make any character look like anything.
Hell yeah bros we're gonna fucking KILL some orc shites, draw steel boys for the Alliance these Hordefuckers are NEVER gonna threaten our Azeroth ever again!
is augussy worth it in pugs?
cataclysm ruined loch modan ;-;
skill issue
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i play a nightborne which is just a night elf with a crack addiction and they do indeed look good in cloth. desu i think big elves look good in everything, but the males definitely suit plate better. i don't like the skinny elves of void/blood so i can't say much about them
Jaina bros...is it over? Are her ovaries really all dried up?
>he knows he'd rather play dps than tank or heal
>"durr why no one heal or tank?"
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>75 min long siege +10
>Lor'themar canonically has a pet name for his wife.
It's over bros, the woman writers got to him
Kek, Copeland & ACK ..
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Mekkatorque become Iron Gnome after Horde's murder attempt anyway
I think that was obvious ever since he got paired with Thalyssra. Same with Baine and Mayla. Literally pairing the spares lmao typical woman writing.
why would you not have a pet name for a pet?
>a spare
she probably had more screentime than lorthecuck
Femdwarf? Pawgers dude
i like this lil nigga
I still can't get my shaman to wear Doomhammer plate mail though?
me too, he is amazing
Is that why she ransacked Dazar'Alor? She wanted the superior Troll genes in her offspring?
I don't think Lor'themar's case was a pairing the spares. Bane 100% was, but Thalyssra always felt like some female writers self insert character who was lucky enough to be carried by the VA so she feels like she actually has a personality.
Especially with how quickly they rushed through Lor'themar and hers relationship, it screamed insert paired with favourite character
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In one expansion. She has nothing to do now besides bear fetal alcohol syndrome mutt elf children.
>surely she will stop drinking arcwine while pregnant?
don't bet on it
Danuser and Roux are fired, we will never hear about the pairing of Lorthemar and Thalyssra again, you can rest assured
>An alliance leader finally risks dying in a blaze of glory
>crippled into becoming machine god-gnome
>Vol'jin got less attention in all of wow than Mekka got in all of BFA
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>pairing the spares

That is not how you refer to the Grand Matchmaker Rommath's attempt to create a new royal house for Quel'Thalas.
Unironically best race/faction leader out of the current lineup.
id play gnome if they had some better hair styles
it is all goofy shit/bald bastard
Imagine going into Midnight and then suddenly those two just get a divorce.
Because that's what we need in World of Warcraft, divorce court.
vol'jin got handled really dirty tbf
pretty fucked what they did to him
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Bro, there's literally an entire book about their honeymoon releasing next month.
Bro, Vol'jin died to make Sylvanas Warchief. All the Horde rejoiced and cheered.
Mekkatorque had a different role, to unite all the gnomes and become their leader.
You have to be more pragmatic and it will all make sense.
Only cause Greymane retired and Stroms arent considered their own race. The latter isn't a bad thing mind just saying.
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I just want more loot, 2 items per dungeon is not enough also add reforging for m+ item, otherwise yea M+ is the best content in this game.
>Greymane was a good leader
The remnants of Danuser's babies
Don't care (not canon (maybe))
That's not what pragmatic means. I think you meant to say detached.
>betrays Kael
>betrays the Alliance
>betrays Garrosh
>betrays Sylvanas
Name a bigger piece of shit. You can't.
Velen is better imo. knows to stay out of the shitshow.
>Lor'themar you have to seal the deal with Suramar by uniting Silvermoon with her and pumping 7 high-elf-borne heirs into existance bro we are still seen as a military junta bro please we need heirs dude please fuck already she is visibly throwing the lettuce when in the room with you bro
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>mfw when trying to get into an ara key as a dps
nta but it will probs still be referenced once or twice, but I don't think it will get anywhere near the focus and attention alleria and turalyon do (though they are the literal first couple in warcraft)
>Good leader
His entire backstory leading into wow, is that he's a shitty leader and that continued for all of wow.
The first zone you meet him in, has a coup from nobles because they're sick of his shit.
Danuser wanted to turn Silvermoon into a mutt-kingdom of Nightborne and Blood Elves
Metzen will turn it into an Aryan Thallasian Heaven
You were meant to make me hate him, not like him!
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Lorthemar hooking up with Thalyssra is fine by me it eliminates one more potential rival for Liadrin becoming my void elf paladin wife (against her will (gone crazy)).
Well, your word will do, too. But I wrote what I meant
Can't have a white man be competent.
while he did literally backstab all four of them, he "justified" it as being in the best interest of his people
>>betrays Kael
Hold the fuck up, the rest are fine, but Kael is the biggest fucking idiot the series produced and is the driving reason for Garithos being as right as he was. Motherfucker needed to be replaced, and credit to Lorth, he for some reason still makes mention of wanting to speak with Kael in the Shadowlands about leading his people.
Probably so he can take note on what not to fucking do.
Kael is a fucking laughable cuck and a dipshit of a leader.
it really is tragic, the Darkspear have been getting the short end of the stick for every stick for all time. with the single exception of their heritage quest.
this tabard looks kinda stupid
like a dress
and make him look short
But warcraft 3
That's entirely what I'm referencing, he was already in full fuckwit mode by the time BC came around.
>literal first couple in warcraft
Turok and Griselda say hello.
where do i get that skirt and those thighhighs?
More like 'Mega-dork'.
As of TWW after all the heritage quests? Velen, or Dagran, unironically. Dagran has the makings of a leader that will be titled "The Wise"
literally who
Rokhan still doesn't feel like a character in wow.
Only showing up to remind you that the Darkspear technically have a leader now, or is there to play support cast to other Trolls like Talanji.
Man's desperately in need of the same thing a lot of current Horde leaders are facing and a direct handover from their previous leader.
Rokahn needs to speak to Loa Vol'jin which honestly should've been picked up in the heritage quest for a proper hand over.
Calia and the rest of the council need a direct interaction with Sylvanas, instead of (you) getting a message from her while she's in hell telling you she approves.
Lor'themar needed to be actually allowed to interact with Kael in Shadowlands like they said he wanted to.
Gazlowe needs some on screen battle with Gallywix to make him have actual Goblin development so people give a shit.
Baine everyone accepts as leader of the Tauren, but he barely does anything.
Get bent secondary.
Rokhan also is getting the Rexxar treatment. Which is to say not being acknowledged, as he was also a core character from the Founding of Durotar campaign from TFT.
>"""horde council"""
not real horde characters
practically alliance

horde doesn't exist anymore, it's practically a loose federation of cucks and women
You're insane lol
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would you invite me to your group if i put this in the message box?
Rokhan is probably the most active member of the Horde NPC lineup, not even for leading, just for being on a scene, even if supporting whoever the fuck. Before his official (and offscreen) promotion to leader, he was there for so goddamn many events, and he still gets shafted on the respect front. Motherfucker's done more for the Horde than everyone else as of late.
Tick tock echosissies
Max is waking up soon
>attempt to solo kretchenwrath again on my 70
>he spams melee hits for 280-350k
when the fuck?
>Calia and the rest of the council need a direct interaction with Sylvanas
For what? So we can peddle another case of nonsense that Sylvanas isn't bad anymore, or to peddle the even more retarded nonsense that the Forsaken are now good boys? All the evil, all the atrocities, all the glee and the cries for death to the living, that was all just a phase right? Laughing my fucking ass off.
You're right, real Horde characters exist for two reasons: genociding Alliance towns and becoming raid bosses killed by Horde first world race to raid world first raiders.
For the Horde, Loktarogar!
>zekvir's lethal cone animation still comes out delayed if he's doing something else before starting the cast
no but they will still read it and get pissed
had some retard put no ret note tier status in the title i put yes ret more than you fool
>Horde isn't allowed direct handovers from previous leaders and just carelessly thrown into plots.
>Meanwhile Alliance successors have
>Anduin speaks to his light ghost dad, ready to try his best at King
>Shandris and Tess have a direct handover from their parents, with their parental approval
>Moira has an entire arc trying to prove herself that finally ends with Magni waking up as a Diamond and admitting he's watched everything unfold and has always approved of Moira in his awakening comic.

I'm sensing a little bit of bias with the carrying of the torch bros.
Clearly, Horde leaders don't have enough daughters.
>You're right, real Horde characters exist for one* reason: genociding Alliance
we also kill non-horde raid bosses sometimes
Best thing Voljin ever did to Horde was introducing Thalassian orcish spike huts in Ashran. Shit was funny but cute. Check the jewelcrafting one out
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what kind of retarded fags don't want rets lol
Calia would be entirely redeemed as a character if it was revealed that the good girl thing was mostly just an act and that she's always coveted the throne of Lordaeron.
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people taht watched a tierlist 2 months ago when all the hack "pros" were saying they hadnt seen them so they must be bad
fucking retards
what use do I have for your aoe pad?
and yeah, you have lots of utility but what fucking ret ever uses any of it to help the group? you're lucky if he LoH's himself
i think it was from the valentines day trading post, there's a white version too
The Horde deserve to decay into insignificance. Did they rape and murder forsaken players while they shilled for sylvanas? No, they zugzugged with giddy happiness and pissed on us during Blizzcon. I have no regrets. Sylvanas said Arthas Menethil must be forgotten and fade away. So shall it be with the Horde hereafter. Perish fiends
The whole point why the meeting went to shit was when Calia tried to rouse the forsaken into rebellion when some of them realized it was her. That is why she fucking died
I love the idea of some belf looking at an orc building and being immediately appalled, but then scratching his chin and frowning before thinking, "No, no. It's fine. I can fix this."
Okay give it to me straight.
If I level a warrior alt for tanking, am I going to have a bad time?
I mean from a gameplay/dungeon pathing perspective. I don't really think of pugs as real humans (no offense) so anything they type is filtered. I just don't really know what kind of spot tanking is at right now.
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Yes. This is what true cultural blending looks like
Arguably the best tank going right now, so just learn to play them and your bad time at least won't be you specifically.
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>invite ret
"oh, here goes the hammer for the first siege boss 3 seconds into the trash pack nearby"
"oh, here goes the hammer for the other pack in grim batol (somehow)"
"oh, ret just walked straight through the webs and spawned 5 adds in Threads"
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>aoe pad
my nigger in christ dungeons are 90% trash packs with 20 mobs in them are you retarded

>m-muh single target damage!!!
ret is still good there too
Damn Arms dps is chadly. Glad i stuck with the best class/spec in the game
Well, yes. That's the idea. Calia should want to be queen of Lordaeron. Hell, she's Arthas OLDER sister. She should be seething with resentment and ambition. You want your girlboss characters, Blizzard? The central complaint of Calia's life should be that her retarded little brother was the heir instead of her. Instead, she's just a nice person?
>my nigger in christ dungeons are 90% trash packs with 20 mobs in them are you retarded
figures a retnigger doesn't even understand the concept of prio damage
have fun sitting in lfg. or switch to prot or holy, but we both know you're too dogshit for it.
I can't stand prot warrior. Its just spamming thunder clap forever.
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whine more you dumbfuck retard lmao
>forced merc mode putting me on the losing team
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you sure you wanted to post this screenshot?
>finally play the campaign
>it has so many feet shots it's basically a Tarantino movie
holy shit lmfao they can't be serious, was this really Chris (I can't have Alexstrasza be sexy because my daughter might see it) Metzen really responsible for this?
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>Sylvanas said Arthas Menethil must be forgotten and fade away. So shall it be with the Horde hereafter.
Seems like they are already doing that, just look at TWW's story kek
Imagine playing a troll and having to follow around and help the king of stormwind and a woman who earned a title from genociding trolls and pretending like you're best mates with them
The Forsaken can't go evil again because the nuHorde would either have to kick them out or be complacent with evil AGAIN leading into either being defeated or cucked AGAIN. We can only do this story so many times. Any villain from now on has to be an outsider, this is not negotiable.
>>forced merc mode
don't you rets cry about having to pick between single target and aoe builds lmao
wonder why there are 5 ret parses for broodtwister in the world
wonder why they're bottom 4 dps on that fight LMAO
two women who earned titles from genociding trolls, let's not forget about the Daughter of the Sea, the Regicide of Zandalar.
Jaina is fucking based and Asmongold is wrong about her btw.
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>wonder why there are 5 ret parses for broodtwister in the world
low tier bait
rets(paladins in general) are always crying about something
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Sorry, man. Don't take it personally.
my io is higher than yours
higher than the other guys too
my io is higher than yours
i also have better raid logs than you do
Jaina is literally the average liberal when they get older and their pets bite their hand one too many times. Her story arc was the most natural thing in the world
its all aoe pad, they do fuck all damage on bosses, sometimes near augs or tanks
jealousy isn't a good look bro
literally fake news
these niggers got mindbroken by ret SO BAD in dragonflight they cant help but sling horse shit
>Jaina is fucking based and Asmongold is wrong about her btw.
what did the bald faggot say about her?
I thought most people liked Jaina and Thrall due to them being the defacto warcraft protagonists desu
i play survival hunter and absolutely dick on ret overalls in dungeons
he knew what had to be done to save the game
The Orcish Horde exists to slaughter pathetic alliance humens dogs! Without this great purpose, there simply is no Horde! The humens must be slaughterd, ere we go ere we go ere we go WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGHHHHHH!!!!!
you shouldn't brag about bullying disabled people, no matter how funny it is
post details
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>ere we go ere we go ere we go WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGHHHHHH!!!!!
Ever since Christie Golden started writing Jaina got more screen time and so when youtubers got on the hate bandwagon Jaina got pulled along for the ride. And a large amount of hordies get mega asshurt she finally had enough of them
Eh. More people have grown sick of Jaina over the years thanks to how the plot more or less bends over backwards to justify her, then any "consequence" she ever faces, she shrugs off swiftly and the narrative then insists on telling you she was in the right.
BFA was certainly the big turning point where the character felt less like oh look, here's Jaina. And became more, look, here's Jaina, look at her doing these cool things. She's voiced by Laura Bailey remember. You love critical role right?
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best race for female dk?
i just go along and believe the exact opposite of anything he says and it hasnt let me down yet
Even though Jaina is wrong for siding against her father she is also wrong in kicking the blood elves out of Dalaran without Varian's hairy sweaty muscled ballsack of approval first because having traitors with zero loyalty to the Alliance on your side is "le practical". She also should've let Kael fuck her in order to prevent him from going evil and she should've helped Arthas purge Stratholme because he was doing What A True King Must Do.
i wish SMF wasnt so fucking awful. at least that way i could use my tank weapon when im not tanking.
>highest damage in the game game
>best damage profile in the game
>utility up the ass
>too hard for Xxarthassx-Ragnaros to play
take the enhancepill
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>Whoa anon, Uncle Chen there's a bunch of gold here. Maybe these delves aren't so bad.
BfA and MoP were the only points in recent memory when Jaina had an arc though, so it's not surprising she would be a main character for a while in those expansions.
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>craft 636 ring
>wouldn't have to change it for the whole expansion
>craft 636 engi helm
>more dps
mmmmmh i dont know what to do
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the part where she nuked mostly peaceful blood elf protesters was cool
He doesn't give a shit about Alextraza, he's not a furry. It was said about Sylvanas.
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>Play Tank or heal
>Or only play PvP as DPS because no one will fucking invite you
I fucking hate it man, I hate it
Not true at all. The transmog I want to do requires 3 cloth pieces and 3 mail pieces. I can do it on Ascension no problem, but in retail it's just not possible. Your point only further validates mine though, since like you said, there's tonnes of cosmetic pieces that don't have restrictions. So why have restrictions at all?

But the DK wearing a prom dress with bunny ears is ok? If you want 'class identity' restrictions then keep them for the RP servers, but not the rest.
blizzard...wheres 11.05....i want to do orders from my warbank...
The horde is 50% blood elf and 10% nightborne.
Imagine not having friends or a guild to play with
Did Nerub silkweaving stop raiding or what? They're still 4/8H
I do but
I prefer playing alone
>Instead of prevaricating, Jaina helps Uther understand why the purge must happen
>Uther and Jaina stand by Arthas during the purge
>With them being loyal through a difficult act, Arthas heeds their council and does not rush after Mal'ganis without a proper force
>No Archimonde or undead army arises
How does the story unfold from there? Keep in mind the Horde still forms and clashes with the Night Elves
It was about the dragon aspects, bro. The quote is paraphrasing
>my daughter asked why dragon aspects wear swimsuits and I said I dunno
because having a daughter instantly cucks men, like just tell her the truth dude they're wearing swimsuits because they want to get fucked in the pussy by big male penis, she's gonna find out eventually
>She's voiced by Laura Bailey remember.
Laura Bailey is amazing though
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The horde was too small and had no blood elf support. It would end at Cenarius.
are we ever gonna see a nerf to this shitty ass affix
It was said about Sylvanas, stop peddling fake news, "bro"
>finally beat ?? zek
>no extra drops compared to normal
It's really pointless to think about because warcraft isn't a verisimilitudinal work of fiction with an internal logic and structure, it's literally just the Big Evil Things Want to Kill You so if it isn't one way the Burning Legion attacks Azeroth, it's another.
The plot of RoC is mostly about the apocalypse happening and Medivh choosing to leave fate in the hands of others instead of singlehandedly defeating the Legion and the Scourge himself.
this game is a fucking joke i only get alternating siege and nw keys
what the fuck
Healers are entitled to ONE forehead kiss and 15 seconds on handholding.
Use your allowance wisely
Your reward? Your knowledge that you're not a turboshitter, just a casual.
You're welcome.
That quest gor retconned 3 times so its a waste of time to talk about it. But it getting changed in development so often kinda makes the point. Doing BFA and her mistakes being handwaved away in Kul Tiras felt uber stupid though. Also where the fuck was Chen? Dude took part in killing Daelin but was not involved in BFA. Not even a single quest where Rexxar and Rokhan bail him out of jail or something
I already knew that before stepping in, retard
years ago in fact

yeah im thinking isle of dorn is peak kino comfy wow zone
Tanks are entitled to the entire rest of the raid doing /kneel after killing the final boss.
Phew, playing Retribution Paladin is a hard job but I'm doing pretty good on the DPS Meters
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Saturday/Sunday is when the shitshow starts. Can't wait.
this shit was insane, what were they thinking?
this is the only time I think "x was mindcontrolling y" should have been used.
I prefer troll women
is this a joke?
metzen unironically thought it was going to be a "fist bump" moment for the alliance after the alliance was shit on all throughout cata
>what were they thinking?
What are you thinking? Are you thinking at all you stupid belffag? Maybe we should voidbomb Silvermoon for good measure, turn all of your blonde hair freaks into tentacle trolls. That would be pretty based, don't you THINK?
They get anal ONLY after they get pregnant, yes both of them
Considering how asshurt the alliance was and still is over old pvp, as if it was real, tells a lot.
It was a start. Not nearly enough. The Hordefuckers can never suffer enough for cataclysm.
>You're welcome alliance
Kill Horde devs and their ugly horde dev children in their filthy horde dev cribs!
Desu it could have been a really good moment if they didnt pussyfoot about it and just owned up to it
There will be no progress unless the shitters are kicked.
>mostly peaceful [...] protesters
wait I heard that before...
i have 3 sparks, can i make 3 pieces of gear? what ilvl can i make them at? i'm so confused by the crafting system. i also think i can make one of them a tier piece or something?
Can't do that. It'd make the alliance the aggressors
>instinctively shit on alliance despite playing dwarf for almost 2 years now
old habits die hard, huh?
fuck the alliancels
it would be pretty funny if there were people in nerub raid sabotaging the pulls so that they can raid for longer and experience the comfy more times with wowg anons, haha I would never do such a thing no man
Do NOT craft gear just to turn it into a tier piece. Waste of resources
Reminder that if you pay attention to warcraft lore you are retarded or desperate. Find a real story to care about.
why not? i have no tier pieces. also won't it be high ilvl if i use the best quality mats?
>can i make 3 pieces of gear?
yes, unless a piece needs two (like 2h weapon)
they're also really fucking expensive rn
>what ilvl can i make them at?
depends which crests you have. you need 60 crests per item. anything below mythic is kind of trolling unless you have infinite gold or are a filthy paypig

tier sets are kind of a meme nowadays, don't bother (I'm also not sure you can)
yeah its wild that in the last few years you had people crying about "muh story" like nigga, wow story was always shit, even in legion, that it's probably the best one, is still dogshit.
Read a book or watch a movie/tv show.
There's nothing to own up to, belffags chimped out and she fireballed them. Nothing to apologize for because she did nothing wrong, even secured Dalaran for the Alliance for two expansions and all that ungrateful furry king could do was complain about it.
>the blood elf retards said they would join the Alliance
the only thing blood elf players need is a good solid genocide and being replaced by kino void elf women
I'd suggest getting a hero/myth gear piece from somewhere else and turning it into a set piece so you can craft something else you need
>tier sets are kind of a meme
u wot m8? most classes have at least medium impactful sets. some are gamechanging.
Warcraft lore is heaps better than Pathfinder, DnD, Elder Scrolls and Dragon Age lore provided you ignore Shadowlands.
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Thanks for reminding me that Vereesa was completely absent from Dalaran at the start of TWW

>uhhhhh shit we kind of forgot about the windrunner sister that literally lived in Dalaran
the asbolute SHIT state of this company
>lemme spend ~100k+ per item to convert it into tier which will add 4% dps
buy yourself a beer instead
This feels like a new cope. Better than picking at imagined pvp wounds at least
>lemme spend ~100k+ per item
What the FUCK did he mean by this?
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>secured Dalaran
Shame if something happened to it LMOA
>map dropped yesterday
>do delve today
>another 610 abyssal trap
Hahaha this is so funny I love RNG!

Fucking hell.
What is this strawman you've built? Tier sets are not a "meme" and you are retarded.
I spent 180k on a 2h staff 2 days ago. A 1h dagger costs only 75k - as in, mats alone, without the crest thingy which also costs some gold.
Shit's mad expensive rn, at least the items I was interested in.
>Liquid regularly pulling into p3 all day yesterday
>Echo chain wiping to p2 for 8 hours today
Max wins today and Echo deserves the loss
Oshit I remember that furry waifu comic
Meds, now
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Yeah but what does any of that have to do with tier sets?
>without the crest thingy which also costs some gold.
if you're willing to wait a few minutes you can just do a public order for <1000g and some schmuck will fill it for a point
the one good part about MoP was listening to Uncle Chen and Li Li argue on the road
what the fuck do tier sets have to do with the reply I quoted?
actually forget that, go ahead and spend two tokens on some bullshit, what the fuck do I care
He's not off his meds he's just saying inflammatory statements for fun. He doesn't genuinely think that.
So Fire either has to be top tier or bottom tier according to Blizzard/streamers, no in-between?
where do you even get more enchanted runed harbinger crests?
It doesn't even work?
MoPlands had more good parts than bad parts
>what does tier set have to do with this post chain about tier sets
joggin my noggin newfriend.
The real question is why did you jump into a conversation about tier sets and mention a staff you crafted.
At 2stars, don't forget that
The reply you quoted was a reply to a post talking about tier sets you dumb fucking cretin
is she supposed to be a nelf/draenei? Holy Coomalot
crests don't have quality. if anyone is paying more than 1-2k for them they're retarded. place an order and wait.
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sometimes I make up some bullshit about m+
I don't even do m+
i dunno
fuck it, just gonna drop the game. if the grind was fun i'd engage with all the gearing systems but delves are a slog and m+ is retarded. can't get into raids either since my item levelerino is under 605
See you in 3 months
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I only do comfy +2 with my little brother
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Dog = casuals
Cantaloupe = Delves
>It was said about Sylvanas
No, it wasn't. Take your meds.
yeah i'm sure pressing divine storm on cd is very hard
you should go back to destiny 2 with your little brother
That's a moose you fucking retard
>Thinking about making a wholesome older dwarf adventurer on Moonguard to just to roleplay with sluts and have lunch with them and invite them to fishing and asking them about their journeys and asking about their edgy backstories giving them a chance to roleplay through the things they never get to while getting zug zugged.
whats in 3 months?
The wow itch
Metzen came in while TWW was well underway apparently, also i think most normies aren't going to notice feet stuff unless you're an extremely online person memeing or an actual foot fetishist so he probably didn't notice or give a shit
someone else on the team had to be responsible though the shots are too deliberate
>11.0.5 in just 30 days
We are getting so much content bwos...its unreal
M+ should be available to run with AI companions.
Imagine I posted this with Pepe pointing to the word FACT, I can't find the pic right now.
That would be a disaster. The AI is beyond retarded and only saved by the fact that you can literally solo normal dungeons as a DPS character.
frog posters are getting so lazy
but I would love running m+ with my warband
Imagine gearing not just one character but 5 to run your own m+ keys.
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I got you frogsister
stupid frog poster
I got the sylvanas bow yesterday and only just realized it doesnt come with the quiver like legion artifacts and it doesnt even match the dark ranger set anyway
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i miss the BFA and Shadowlands days where Mythic+ was actually reasonable instead of a sweaty tryhardfest where you have to min/max everything from group composition to talents to flasks and enchants just to do a fucking +8 pug
i cant believe they made M+ WORSE
literally no idea what you're implying
there are 5 ret parses in the world and it's the 3rd worst lmao
I wish some attacks had a better hitbox indicator
Like DHs soul cleave is cool and all but I have absolute no clue how far it fans out
>normies aren't going to notice feet stuff
despite what you might think, normies aren't your boomer mom that doesn't understand what she's looking at on the tv screen anymore, everyone knows feet are sexy
I like where your head is at but we gotta be just a bit slower for mazerats. Everything up to m0 should be possible for followers. Make m0 queueable cause clearly no one does heroic for gear or learning, right? Give it six months and then bump followers up to m0 to make the vault easier
Stop trying to remove playing with retards from the WoW experience, it's literally like half the game.
last time i played was mid legion lol
maybe ill get a 2-3 year itch but when i drop wow i get no real urge to come back
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>tortollans first appeared in hearthstone and worshipped tortolla
>after that they appear in wow where they pray to some new random loa turtle but are still called tortollans
danuser really hated all the old lore?
>turtles worship some turtle god Tortolla: good
>turtles worship some other turtle god: >:(
danuser bad
So like, how do you find a real guild?
Not the epic bacon guilds that spam you with the recruitment addon, but like proper guilds that do content?
The guild finder thing in game seems to only have dead guilds on it.
warcraftlogs or r.io websites
>old lore
HS isn't canon
a turtle made it to the water
God be praised
Moonguard just had a guild recruitment event yesterday.
minmaxers will always suck the joy out of everything
cute elfu
danuser must die
>BfA m+
>not minmaxed
lmao yeah right
They worshipped torga retard. Tortolla has nothing to do with them other than also being a turtle
fair, i still think it's not something that would trip the "omg can't let my kids see this" compared to alexstrasza's tits and ass hanging out
whatever sexuality there is a much subdued so they just let it slide
>610 vdh
>my hp starts making me sweat in +5 onward even though i'm not dying much
bros...i need more gear...
tortollans first appeared in hearthstone and there they worshipped tortolla, hence their name, retard.
resto shaman fucking blows in raid
I will kill myself if the dark ranger set wont let you turn off the leggings. Please just let me be a slutty elf blizzard why the fuck is genocide ok but some thighs not
grim batol is such fucking bullshit it's unreal
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this map looks stupid
huh, how? i've not really run into any issues other than you have to watch your mana if you're playing totemic and not go too crazy on CHs
the curse debuffs in there are extremely retarded
it just doesn't perform well at all

I love playing it but it feels lackluster in terms of output
nah, looks like a doom map
>duhhhy durrr duhhhhhh
genocide isn't ok though
everyone's output feels lackluster compared to presvoker in raids
currently in a m+ 3 group as a tank that said "dont be dogshit" in the title and im about to insta brick it as soon as the key gets put in
holy based
>dicks down the nightborne queen
chad imo
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>put up m+ listing 'furries only' in the title
>3 elves of various flavors apply
Yet blizzard shows coordinated mass killings of ethnic groups in every expansion but is lightning fast to remove existence of any ass or titties from the game
>With Rhonin's death in Jaina Proudmoore: Tides of War and Korialstrasz's dying in Thrall: Twilight of the Aspects, none of the time-travelers from the War of the Ancients Trilogy are alive.
it's over
they have furry dna in them now (it's not their own)
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I do this in aotc raid groups
>delete addons
>fps goes up

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Where's the lie?
it's shown to accentuate how bad it is to kill niffens
Thanks anon
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Krasus was unironically a really cool character and I hate Golden so fucking much for killing her it's unreal.
He wasn't even mentioned or referenced ONCE in Dragonflight as well, like what the fuck cunt.
>i invite 3 ranged dps to my key
>they all somehow die to frontal cleave
i am going to start inviting only melees
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What you people were saying about mages were true
I agree, I think most people that like playing wow for the gameplay will love TWW
But classic is just a really bad MMO for modern standards too
turn the mobs around then
as a melee, even with the updated visuals, I can't see the fucking frontal of the second boss of boralus
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lol half of our bg group are dk's
Yes except unironically we somehow did a full 180 from previous expansions now it's all the range dps who die instantly to shit while doing 150k dps while alive and some random ret pally who doesnt speak a word of english from quel'thalas pulling 800k

Playing a range dps sucks this expansion and if you suck on top of that then you just instantly explode
>11 are pretty chill outside of grim batol / siege
>12 are pretty much impossible outside of maybe ara-ara and mists
yea I think I'll just play alts until my sub runs and then waste my life on factorio instead
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classic won
finna buy some kino d4 and ow2 skins :)
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are there any tanks in the chat? in dawnbreaker when you're meant to kill those 3 minibosses before the second big boss, how do you do the pull on the one that's down in the town by the tavern?
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Can anyone explain pvp gear to me? If it upgrades ilvl in BGs, why does it have upgrade levels? does that increase the upgrade level or just for retards who want to use it open world?
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>She is only 2set
pull him under the bridge at the bottom of your pic also land there
do you do it before or after bwl?
damn FFXIV getting destroyed by Wow again lmao
answeredyour own question bud
Not her but I am only on 2p as well since I don't raid
worst navigation in wow history, don't miss it
what's going on with china?
They were always going all out with the classic logs but wrath is kinda insane now.
I started playing TWW like 12 days ago, only done delves and a few M+2. Even I have 4set
I was scrolling /vg/ and thought this was the Qu'ran
Only faggot retards raid. He knows this. That's why he spoke in tranny.
retarded trannies itt
pvp only players are max 3 set atm
china loves wrath (and classic in general). also chinks were wowstarved for more than 1 year
something about how china never got wotlk so this is the first release of it for them
chinks never got to play the original WOTLK as wow wasn't available there when it was around
arthas is also really big thing in china, it's literally THE character they care about, no other comes even close
and, well, there's a lot of chinks. hence the numbers
That's your answer I've done something like 30 delves on my main and gotten 28 cloaks
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I don't have a single tier piece
I'm 602 ilvl
i've run lfr, normal and heroic for all 3 weeks and never won a single peice of loot.
Wait, no fucking way that 8 years of XIV can't compete with 1 ulduar china tier...
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I friggin got him
have you tried needing on items? it helps a lot
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36 shuffle rounds so far
6 Solo shuffle procs
>Rating unchanged 3/6
>Rating unchanged 3/6
>Rating unchanged 3/6
>Rating unchanged 3/6
>Rating unchanged 3/6
>Rating unchanged 3/6
wow is just that big, anon
>run lfr
>lose every upgrade to people in 620s who are afk and only come back to roll
What could Blizzard do that has an actually realistic chance of happening that would make you quit for good?
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Anyone know what ilvl lfr gear caps at? I'm wearing full heroic but I might just go scalp some tier pieces. I know the lower ilvl shitters are going to be mad but I need my 4 piece
>drums cost like 4k a piece
I should probably just wait 2 months after the new expansion releases
if you're healing shuffle is a scam, its harder to climb as a healer because you have less ability to hard carry the match
anon ffxiv literally killed itself with its latest expansion. the game is deader than wow ever was during bfa/shadowlands the difference is that blizzard got put into panic mode and tried their best to revive the game whereas square enix are happy not giving a fuck and letting the game die
>run LFR
>greed on everything
>always end up with at least one tier piece for classe I don't have leveled
Well at least I'll have easy 2 sets for paladin or warrior if I ever decide to level one
I got one tier piece from delve track on weekly vault and 2 from the converter thing plus one from ksm.
>600 million parses
This shit needs to be studied, are they farming tokens or boosting people? Just insane.
Kihra might be right, wow is peaking again.
I'm a mage, shuffle is a scam though
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veteran gear caps at 606
ok frost dk is pretty fun in bgs with these talketns
they have a population of 1.4 billion so it's not hard to imagine some 15 million active chinese players
so that's how it works?
don't run lfr, i've checked the gear of people beating me they have 616, i don't know why they're in LFR but they will roll on any item they can.
this will be the only way I get tier set, but unfortunately i don't have KSM and getting groups as a rogue sucks.
I'll get it eventually so i'm not stressing my astounded at my shit tier luck.
Nightborne queen is Elisande though, she's still alive btw
What board is the generic WoW erp thread on? The furry one is on trash, and there's the healsluts thread on trash, but I could have sworn there was just a generic WoW one for everyone talking about basic erp stuff. On /Aco/ there's just a generic WoW porn thread.
what happened sis?
funny thing is that, according to the gdc leak, even at it's lowest wow never dropped below 4m players. it's just that shadowlands was incredibly popular at the start and the drop in players was too big
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>listening to old linkin park with chester (rip) and a bunch of other rock music whilst playing wow
it's like i'm back in 2010
how are they so perfectly shaved?
>i've checked the gear of people beating me they have 616, i don't know why they're in LFR but they will roll on any item they can.
if I can roll need I will roll need. maybe I'll use a mog from it in 3 years, who knows. besides I did objectively much more work than almost anyone in this shitraid so why wouldn't I roll? you got delves to get loot from now.
I sometimes join lfr to test out builds, addons etc.
it's stormblood tier at worst and the game did just fine after that, you sound like one of the people still somehow constantly seething about the tranny va 3 months later
at what pvp rank do you start losing rating?
The Nightborne have no queen so you're both wrong. Thalyssra is the current leader of the Nighborne.
Would love to see how many unique characters are logging.
I guess since they are using number or parses instead of unique character, the number is still lower compared to XIV and DF.
nta but the story in dawntrail is boring at the best. also class design sucks
I guess it's just not up right now, I only see the private server general and this thread.
>+2'd dawnbreaker 11
>failed dawnbreaker 12 five times in a row
this is silly
Why wouldn’t they run LFR? If they’re not 4p tier yet they can still get some worth out of their runs, also queen will always be worth running because of the mount drop
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Want to start healing but then I read the Icyveins guide to healing and I get demotivated.
I sometimes wish I bought a better pc back in 2004 so I could play WoW and start from the beginning to get good. Now everyone already expects you to be good.
Parseniggers are the bane of wow
stormblood is miles better, dawntrail has a dogshit story, literally no content and the gameplay is worse than both shb and ew
>game ends its 10 year long story
>now storyfags have nothing to keep them embedded
they should have just kept it going desu. they essentially pulled a shadowlands where arthas fucks off to the void cementing his fate ever since wc3
>Now everyone already expects you to be good.
entitled fuck heads
what ilvl for +4 as bdk?
still not a "dead game", idiot, they've got a ton of content upcoming in the patches that could easily bounce things back
the amount of colossals fuckups wow has done over the years and still trucked on afterwards should tell you that, that's all i'm saying
tired of this retarded doomering for either game
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essential slutmog pieces?
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endwalker had potentially 3 expansions worth of story
killed zodiark too fast
garlemald falling off screen
cringe bird barely done anything/done everything off screen
very cringe
oh well rip in piss xiv
That's a lot of paragraphs just to say "use cooldowns when you think damage is coming"
honestly lil bro you would have been good untill about legion.
Legion is when m+ got added and the turbo spergs really came out in full force, now you're just cooked.
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xiv stopped being good after HW anyways. SB had one of the best raids the game ever made, but everything else was a nothing burger
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that's a boy
the game has plummeted to player numbers unseen since heavensward keep coping you fucking ffxiv cuck
Is destro the better lock spec now?
the only viable ranged dps this expac is augmentation, to buff your dk player
>the amount of colossals fuckups wow has done over the years and still trucked on afterwards should tell you that, that's all i'm saying
the difference here is that wow has always had millions of subscribers throughout history, several times reaching over double digits however in comparison ffxiv at its best could never breach beyond 200-300k subscribers, even runescape is a bigger game than ffxiv
>transgirl has come online
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so what tank are we inviting, healerchuds? bear, war, anything else?
hot. WoW needs more femboys
>he thinks he has a choice
i'm playing wow more than i am ff14 right now you retard i'm not like sucking off ff14 specifically
i don't need to cope about shit, the game isn't going anywhere even if sub numbers dip
everquest is currently on its THIRTIETH fucking expansion after 25 years and it's still not gone, it's going to take way more than a mid expac to kill off a game as big as WoW or FF14, that's my only issue
i leveled a brewmaster and feel like i made a mistake
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Can't wait to raid with my pals in Nerub Silkweaving Forum.
Can't wait to carry the gray parsers and the people whomst didn't bother doing the bare mininum because the GM is a pussy cuck healer druid
That's right, the GM is KEKOLD PUSSY BITCH healer. DRUID!
dude, healers are twice as much in demand as a tank
you get a bunch to pick from if you roll your own key as a healer
prot pala
>chinks never got to play the original WOTLK
what? I thought the original wrath with
>le 12 million subs
was mostly Chinese back then too? Are you sure?
you're such a nigger if you think development costs of everquest requires it to have the same player numbers as ffxiv even more so when you take into consideration the fact that square enix takes the money ffxiv makes and puts it into other dogshit projects
don't they just fall over? their interrupts are neat but I dunno, I like tanks tanky
same reason why I avoid DH - cool toolkit, great when played well, but they just die randomly
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EQ3 when?
then wait 50 minutes for a bear tank to join
you know what, true, that was a poor comparison honestly, it's just always suprised me that EQ has stuck around like a cockroach
i still don't think WoW or FF14 are going anywhere in the next ten years, they'd have to fuck up so colossally badly outside of "expac story wasn't very good" "class design maybe not the best", these things have happened countless times for both games
I usually do, except it's more like 3 min
wow isn't going anywhere until wow 2 comes out but ffxiv is definitely dying within the next 3 years
>was mostly Chinese back then too? Are you sure?
They literally said it in the 12 million announcement, and most of the "12 million" subs were the fake ones, buy 30 minutes of game time = 1 subscriber

But yeah, they had the same problem at the end of TBC with their old distributor and they weren't able to release Wrath in time, so by the time they had a new contract with Netease they released cata and skipped wrath.
I've had zekvir spawn in random delves 6 times now and only got a map once on the first kill
bugged buggy piece of garbanzo
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Stop reading. go heal a follower dungeon. then a regular dungeon. then a heroic. then heal all the m0s. then either heal all m2s or continue healing m0s depending on how much learning occured.
S-E is going to hang on to their cash cow for a lot longer than 3 years no matter what happens
EQ knows they have an audience that wants to play classic-planes of power every year until they die. I'm sure they can get at least another 10 years out of it.
yeah I think people don't understand that these games can make so much fucking money, hell even gw2 and eso, games that are so much tinier than wow and xiv are still releasing content every year.
>but ffxiv is definitely dying within the next 3 years

dude come on, you're just like the "just two more weeks and blizzard is done" guys...
They have DQX, another game that also make bunch of fucking money, XI is probably still making some money too.
I doubt XIV is going to just die in 3 years while still being super popular.
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What the fuck happened to MY HORDE?
they ruined it in tww. it was so self sufficient in df but now it just drops dead if the healer falls behind at all
do you have proof or are you making baseless claims on the internet?
It became based
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It saved the alliance.
proof is that I want to fuck it but I feel bad about it
Echo sisters... max is going to wake up and kill Queen... it's looking over for us
i wanna make money with gathering, mining or herb for the most money?
Healers purposely obfuscate and mystify the role to protect our own ego. It's not as complicated as one might think. You'll be fine and you'll learn how to prepare for certain damage spikes naturally by playing.
that artist specifically loves drawing very flat-chested girls, its a large section of their work so there's a good possibility it is a girl
they also sometimes just draw their flat chested girls as girly boys though so yeah it might be up in the air unless that loincloth stars tenting
I make alot of gold with mining bismuth and getting null stones
>wow 2
lol that game would have the same dogshit latency xiv has in the hands of the current wow devs if not worse. you think you do moment
We need more MMOs that are slower paced.
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so what classes have immunities that let you move around? pally has bubble, huntard got turtle, is there anything else?
I'm looking for classes that can soak tentacles on last boss in grim batol. does DK's AMS or whatever they have also work?
All the tanks are fine if you are dying you are pulling 3 packs and not using your defensive abilities
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>blizzard hired a boy dressed like a girl to be an announcer for the wow arena tournament
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these junkers saved the alliance
imagine it got vulperas
literally unplayable on rp servers
we do but at the same time good healers are noticeable when shit hits the fan
also turn on steady flight for dawnbreaker, TBC flying gets a movement buff so its at like 710% or something. this lets you easily hover over where you want to land.
did i really earn my m+ mount if all my shit looks like this? so many retard subhuman dps in these groups
this guy is an avid ffxiv player. troons really love that game
all tanks are playable but they're not as retard proof / bring the same tools, like bear's CR and motw.
same with healers - rsham isn't even busted on healing, but they can interrupt and lust and they're easy to play so it's popular.
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sometimes i think the people working on the game don't even play it
Is everyone playing alliance mentally retarded? How do they manage to lose every bg
>WoW 2
Anon. WE ARE IN WOW 2.
it's only based if you never interrupt
or just lrn2tank fagit, it's pretty easy right now
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>Is everyone playing alliance mentally retarded? How do they manage to lose every bg
alliance = a mix of the lowest IQ and highest IQ players
horde = midwits
Because of Horde bias, which is why we should kill some more of your fucker characters, so that there's more victory for the alliance, never forget cataclysm! They deserve no mercy!
They're used to starting closer to the objective and a neutral spawn point throws them off for the entire game
the endgame will be to stall the race for as long as possible to retain twitch numbers, possibly months.
>constantly bringing up xiv
>no mention of wow ever unless it's to laugh at it
Holy obsessed
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>be healchad
>post my +10 key
>bukkake of tanks and dps want to join my key
>all the dps cucks write "4pc big dick dps 4kio dragonsneed, will interrupt, please please invite me"
>purposefully invite the chads that leave the info box blank
>time the key anyway
Echo stream is unwatchable because they have a foid talking
Keep telling yourself that, sissy
Echo is really choking this away. An entire day wasted wiping in p1 when liquid was pulling p3 for over half of the day yesterday.
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*ruins your video game so badly that its lasting effects are felt decades later*
its ok the boss is mathematically impossible to kill so ion will nerf it as liquid go to sleep and echo wake up fresh
aww thanks ion *shits pants*
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The healer debuffs are actually insane. I'm in there going full blast all the way from the second boss to the final boss. It's actually exhausting.
healers can be chads but they have to be god tier in terms of skill and game knowledge to even put in an application to be a chad
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>after all the feedback
>after all the guilds breaking
>after mythic raiding dropping more and more people every single tier

They made another Sepulcher
skill issue
sepulcher lasted 21 days. this tier is not even close to that.
wdym? oneshot first four, next three fell over with acceptable pulls
queen is the only difficult boss
Seething demon hunter hands typed this
why the fuck do i just get destroyed on prot pala
like i just get wrecked like im playing vdh
its actually insane and i dont know what im doing wrong
prot pala sucks rn kill urself u dum twit
By this point in Sepulcher they had only just started pulling Rygalon
not even remotely comparable
If you play a healer you are automatically at a best a failed male and can never be a chad

If you play a female elf healer you are basically a woman and I will never use male pronouns or honorifics for you ever again

Now shut up put the dress on and heal you stupid sissy
>totalbiscuits feedback is personally the cause of at least 5 years of wow decline because the devs were stupid enough to listen to him and make dungeons "hard" (complete cancer)
incredible truly
>"healers can be chads"
>why the fuck do i just get destroyed on prot pala
because you're shit and paladin is weak so put together you're giga shit
it's why you never invite prot
>If you play a female elf healer you are basically a woman and I will never use male pronouns or honorifics for you ever again
Most likely never. The company that takes care of EQ1 and EQ2 doesn't even have the money to properly maintain both.

Sony getting rid of SoE was one of the most stupid things ever. Maybe even more retarded than buying Bungie.
t. augmentation evoker wriggling in his chair while the catheter in his chastity cage moves around
>If you play a female elf healer you are basically a woman and I will never use male pronouns or honorifics for you ever again
Thank you for accepting my transition :3
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ummm are you going to invite me into your +10?
Never because EQ Next/Landmark was a scam used to pump and dump a bunch of gullible investors
my io is higher than both of yours, probably combined
once again i dont know why i bother coming here to talk to shitters that like to pretend they know anything
bunch of mountsmogscheevies delvefags
healers that pump dps are the biggest dickus players in the game
Sit down protcuck the real classes are talking
No I main a MM hunter
take flagellation off the fucking gcd
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>my io is like, super high, and I'm like giga smart
>which is why I eat shit all the time on prot pally
sure thing, nerubtroon friend
maybe i should start healing because i recently bought a chastity cage, what healer do i go for?
prot paladin is genuinely one of the weaker tanks which is why it's getting buffed
now post how many guilds killed crab 10 days from release
I actually have a question
I want to try hunter and play Marks but still want a pet
I know Lone Wolf was nerfed this expansion but is it still required to do decent dps, or will having a pet not be too big of a difference?
this is the only real answer.
take it out of the fucking game.
Thinking about it, it's kind of wild just how much of a hack that guy was.
His entire shtick was crying about how the game wasn't hardcore enough and calling people wrathbabies.
Then when the game actually got harder he quit with some weak excuse about how he was soooo busy filming 30 minute videos of his character dancing on a mailbox while he read fanmail to spend a couple hours per week raiding.
The fat british fuck was dogshit at the game and didn't want to admit it so he quit playing out of shame.
>Make mathematically impossible boss
>Don't nerf it for 2 weeks
>Nerf it by 90%
>Dies 1 hour later
>Repeat next tier.
>Everyone falls for the grift again
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By the light
Reminder that Horde paladins aren't real paladins and that forsaken will NEVER be paladins
Back in the day he attempted to collab with Elitist Jerks because he thought of himself as hardcore and they laughed & told him to fuck off because he was trash.
He was better suited to complaining about FOV sliders and max frame rates anyway.
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>Decide to do fungal folly tier 10 today
>Game spawns Zekvirs champions right on the ledge before the final boss
>mrw I can't get up there without getting 2 shot by the champion and venombite and have just wasted my time with this run.
LW playstyle is optimal but not mandatory. Your utility gain for dps loss is not a good trade. You can basically be the dedicated lust bot though.
sounds like asmond
I really never understood esports because logically how can you have a sport based around a game you know
>is fundamentally imbalanced
>can be altered at any time behind the scenes without anyone being the wiser
TotalBiscuit is dead and you are a loser for watching his videos.
So is officiating in every Chiefs games but each week a team still has to go out there and play against them.
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>you vill do ze chores
Didn't he quit because of Firelands nerfs or something else retarded?
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Nah. I make my own fun.
cataclysm was so bad not even the art team could carry it. i mean everything from that expansion looks like shit, transmogs, zones, dungeons.
and somehow they still bring back it's terrible dungeons for new m+ seasons instead of just picking a legion dungeon. i just dont understand.
>blizzard is doing their meme pvp event during race
People like to watch people play video games. That's really it. I can't stand League or Valorant but people like to watch higher skill people play and put on a show. There are also a lot of delusional people who look at esports and think that they can make it there and make money playing games, and reach the same amount of stardom a real athlete has. It's a self perpetuating system thats little more than glorified advertising
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Time to upgrade to the epic edition :)
Dragonsoul will forever remain the shittiest low effort raid
At least Siege of Orgrimmar had a new section made for it under Org
But Dragonsoul was literally just reused areas with no changes
The least they could have done was change the skybox and add more debris and clutter around Wyrmrest Temple to show the damage the battle was doing to it
>echo using a paladin tank
so how much were they payed to throw and how bad is max that he is losing when the other team is actively throwing?????
>game removes all the chores
>retards are now calling content chores
league is also doing their own pvp event
its just retarded lmao
Damn I will never financially recover from this. I bought the first two tokens I have ever purchased and sold them last Friday before it ripped. Bloody basterds redeeming.
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i just hecking love siege of boralus, im so glad they bought back this epic dungeon
It went down like this:
>Blizzard nerfs t11 raids when firelands patch comes out
>he has a melty about it and says he's quitting the game
>fast forward a bit to the blizzcon raid race that he was hired to cast for some reason
>he asks his fellow epic hardcore raiders live on stream what they think about the raid nerfs and they say they like it because they can gear alts faster
>days later in one of his mailbox videos he says he actually quit because he didn't have the time to raid with his terribly busy schedule of running FRAPS for 30 minutes while he ad-libs responses to fan questions once per day
>kidney shot
>smoke bomb
uh is it the left ledge? I had them yesterday too and I just positioned myself so the mushroom propelled me away from them
>raid mechanics are chores
>dungeon mechanics are chores
>having to make gold just to repair gear is a chore
>having to do weekly quests is a chore
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>there are 600 bajillion parses being uploaded to my website weekly
>wow is stronger than ever, there are 100000 million unique players raiding daily
>classic is bustling, there is a raid being finished every second as we speak
>it's all uploaded to my website, the traffic is insane
>just trust me bro, it's all real, i have the numbers on my server, for real, why would i make it up?
>what do you mean i said the same thing last year? what do you mean it's impossible to have more people raiding every week for years? stop being negative, it's true, wow is growing, my site gets more logs every month, don't trust the haters
>btw pls come advertise on my super busy website ;)
why would anyone take bullshit posted by that tranny seriously?
I still don't understand the point of those special champions.
Zekvir was fine just giving the trash extra buffs that slowed down your progress and might pop up as a surprise and knock one life off you.
The champions outright spawn in places that can either be avoided completely or straight up brick your run.
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like so glad
he's talking about the china launch you daft retard
i run out of gold for consooms/repairs i buy a token
simple as
>i buy a token
>people dont jump on the statue
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>only invite characters with gold proving grounds
>they dont brick my key
its like clockwork anons
he literally posts same shit every month about "insane numbers parses"
Yeah, left ledge. Unfortunately I made the mistake of doing it as caster and it was destroy the mushrooms rotation. Guy spawned on the last mushroom right on the left ledge before the boss, so it was essentially a dead end run despite a few attempts to cheese it.
absolute RETARD here
how are top raiders adding sockets to their crafted gear?
did they take tokens in the first vault or something?
She's Tauren owned
I kind of wish he stayed in WoW
His career would have sank faster and maybe he would have retired sooner before permanently retiring from life
Is there a lore for injured male Draenei? It always looks like they're just chilling and are A-okay
would gladly enter that void
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god it feels good to brick a key as a tank as soon as a dps subhuman decides to backseat tank
omg kihra catgirl is so cute <3
>reports you for deranking
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>you vill buy ze token
Where can I find more pic of satyr qts?
JEWlers can make a consumable that adds a socket
its what i make most my money off of
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Exhibit a
they explode at the slightest injury that's why you never see them in a bad state
>getting mad at words
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Nothing better. Gotta put those uppity lil niggers in their place. You will go at my pace or you will not go at all.
first actually attractive piece of art ive ever seen posted here
>finally get pvp geared
>cant fucking die and enemies melt
>realize it wont mean anything if the team plays poorly
>it all comes crashing diwn
>log off
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it's so fucking over
Not every person thinks as malicious as you, you're fucked in brain. Maybe don't be on 4chan 24/7
Could be either PersonalAmi also draws a fair bit of completely flat ladies
What tier?
Orcs couldn't be priests during Legion and BFA, Pal.
The options are Goblin, Undead, Blood Elf, Troll and Tauren
do i really care about mining while mounted or do i just go for plethora + bismuth?
I wonder what Irididad is doing right now
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Finally beat Zekvir on ?? bros...
I'm free...
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dont forget to cuddle a worgen
>kill first boss of dawnbreaker
>tank flies to the catherdral alone
>healer types "wait for us"
>tank release
>goes to the middle of the town
>pulls everything
>another wipe
>tank "dont ever tell me what to do"
I fucking hate that we have to treat tanks as literal toddlers because the second you tell them they are doing something wrong they lose their minds and brick the key
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Based and mechagnome pilled.
Best racials in the game btw.
Are you expected to flask for "farm keys" in m+? Like keys just to fill vaults at the highest track.
its just losers who have never had power before in their lives abusing it
Just wasted 10 radiant echoes going solo into a world soul memory and wondering why I am not getting any rewards. How was I supposed to know this is a raid activity? Fuck this shit.
I don't bring anything into a 7 except potions as a healer.
What class?
>have to move out of swirly
Your mistake was doing Dawnbreaker in the first place
If we actively retconned these shit gimmick dungeons Blizzard would stop making them
Feral Druid
Kept losing the DPS check on my Blood DK.
Saving 2 seconds per node is worthless
What you want is to max out the bismuth node so you can get full null stones instead of fragments, and plethora since it gives generic increased skill to all nodes
for now, then season 2 comes
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Yep, TWW is the greatest expansion ever
Fuck u Legion
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yeah im thinking based tank
I fucking -LOVE- gimmick dungeons, especially on a timer.
why are people SO precious about their ARAK keys?
>2.2k 611 tank queueing 7s and it's the only dungeon I have to spend 10+ minutes applying to get into
>DPS check
>My plans of cheesing it as prot warrior are gone
It hurts so much...
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It's a free key if the tank doesn't int like a retarded monkey
I swear they find new ways to brick that shit
i totally agree with the nerf but i still wish vengence had two sigils on everything because FUCK relying on retards to do CC
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cus they're desperate for pic related
Solution is simple.
Remove M+ and Blizzard can fully embrace making unique dungeon designs more often
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Wish the title were solo only too, don’t want to see team-SHITTERS rocking the same title as me
The dirigible ain’t really my thing either but gonna have to use it just to let others know I can actually pull my own weight
I'm so bored I made a hardcore character in classic.
The 15s deaths is the worst affix they ever added in M+
You might be able to do it with lucky Brann RNG if you keep him on DPS. Idk if you can live though without Brann healing
Yeah, shame I'm Feral so I'm literally never going to use it outside of AFKing in town.
it's not even bis anymore since it got nerfed
Got that in my vault and tossed it in favor of tier
lil bro everybody is getting the kill post-nerf, they made the fight a joke.
and i thought it couldnt get worse than spiteful lol
Do they just not know it was nerfed into hell and they're grinding for an obsolete trinket
I'll just go arms and hope I can unga my way through it
does it matter what zone you mine in? i've just been pathing around the edge of dornogal while my truesight ticks
kek just get the one from m0 and call it a day
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>im so bored i cut my dick off
Was it?
I have seen mages rabdonly teleport 9 times in a row before dying randomly in pvp what the fuck is happening? Its like some hunters backflip sliding halfway across the map or some shit
Just don't die
yeah I think it's retarded as fuck
all it does is punish you for playing with lesser skilled friends, barely affects sweaty groups
5% nerf or so
Not making it abysmal bad, it's like B tier on most specs now
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Why are there so many WQ with low spawn rates?
what's the matter you don't wanna do another delve?
Why do people like you have to blow things out of proportion like that? No, not “everyone” will get it, even with inflated gear later on, just like not everyone got MT skins back in legion
enough bad that i don't need it anymore
Engagement metrics. It's much better than usual though.
Yeah that's one weird nigga
Not been following WoW but I saw a post about the RWF, Is Liquit Max losing?
>dual swords for hunters nade for SoD
>new model that would be perfect for retail
>roll hunter on retail in hopes of it getting added in the future
>realize survival can't dual wield
How could this happen to me...
Holy fuck I need to stop using this site. My brain read that as "terrace of grifters"
because I did it at less than 610 ilvl doing 500k dps with tons of mistakes
it's as easy as the tier ? version was before
what do you even get for killing zekvir in his lair?
>tank players have to post these delusions to cope because nobody needs to do dungeons anymore thanks to delves
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max sisters.... someone call ion NOW and get him to nerf the boss in ~3 hours when echo go to sleep
a cookie ^^
>terrace of grifters
Damn they gave Bellular his own district?
Miss me yet?
I hate manbaby tanks too but this is a cope every group in the finder is 3 dps 1 healer waiting for a tank
That's what I've been doing the most, and I dislike most of them. Getting pre bis has been the best part of the expansion, somehow.
>delve retard never sets foot inside a m+ to know that this actually happens
>on Tier ?
Bumfuck nothing
>on Tier ??
Title, if you're solo you get a void skin for the mount
It's definitely not that forgiving. One fuckup and you die, unless you have a cheat death and you have to be disciplined with your kicks. Way too hard for the average mountsmogscheevos farmer
Its not even that hard
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Cosmetic back piece on ? as well as progress on your delver meta with the nemesis achievement, and then a title be it solo or in group on ?? and a void mount skin for the delves mount if you do ?? solo
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Works on my end
>almost every mechanic on ?? is a one shot compared to ?
>?? has additional mechanics not present in ?
you’re not making yourself look good posting bullshit verifiable by anyone who actually cleared it, why are you like this?
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Why are female humans like this
imagine doing m+ this expansion
>pretending we weren't all here for dragonflight
you losers have been replaced by solo content. Try not to kill yourself out of desperation haha
Lol wtf is that eu and is city of threads cancer for healers or something because in na its 90% looking for a rank
Am I the only one who thought Shadowlands lore was fine? We found out who was behind the Scourge, Sylvanas surrendered herself to justice, and the night elves got closure
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>Am I the only one who thought Shadowlands lore was fine?
Yes, Danuser, you are.
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>Am I the only one
Nah bro there's a lot of people on reddit
>injured draenei
Your racial?

>shitter tells me i'm bad at the game
>immediately start throwing
Not only do I get the satisfaction of trolling them but it's literally impossible to get punished for. Just make up some excuse how their bad attitude affected morale and your ability to play. If anything they'll be the one getting suspended.

I love doing this in HotS.
he fell off
Shadowlands has the worst lore the series has ever had and is the only expansion where I feel it's fair to say that the story is legitimately a hindrance to the experience rather than something that, while very stupid, can be ignored in favor of mindless slop playing. Even in the context of individually fine beats the framing is just so insanely fucking stupid.
>have to goon to WoW porn
draft dodgers
unironically where do you get these from? I want one too
Most of it was fine.
The expansion really didn't need to be the third expansion in a row with multiple designated Night Elf focused storylines.
Other races really could've done getting some exposure in the expansion and instead we got stuck with Tyrande again
What point is there in pushing beyond heroic dungeons if you don't care about endgame? I think the only thing I somewhat care about is having enough ilvl to defeat the raid endboss on heroic for the AotC but I don't have a guild and I I play hunter so I count my chances really low to even get into a pug.
j'lor should have won
he should have won
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Too much NElfbaby crying on the forums about losing their tree
any way to check which delves I've completed?
Unironically how are the mythic+ chuds going to cope knowing I can get gear just as good as them while never having to subject myself to their military-grade autism? I bet it hurts. I hope it hurts
>Lore was fine
It wasn't.
>Sylvanas surrendered
Other beloved named characters did half as much vile shit as her and got deleted fromt he game and she gets to be put behind glass "in case of numbers drop"
>Night Elves got closure
Nelves got shit and dick, dickshit and shitdick.
>Using chud unironically
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Dunno, different zones have different density, you’ll never find aqirite in isle of dorn but there’s no ironclaw in azjkahet, but bismuth seems to be all over
>We found out who was behind the Scourge
we've known that since the manual of Warcraft 3 you retarded nigger
shadowlands story was aggressively retarded even by wow standards
the 3d printed gods were kino
You're not getting crests for 636 gear in delves lol
the cones are oneshots on ? difficulty too
they removed the cast time differences, reduced the DPS requirement on the egg to less than what it was for ? difficulty pre-nerf
the channel in phase 2 actually makes the fight easier because it almost always overlaps with egg spawns with much lower area denial than the cones
I facetanked 3 full duration poisons because I just forgot to use my snare break lmao
the shit's a joke, did it in 5 fucking pulls.
underrated gem
And they still somehow bitched loud enough to get a forth expansion that focused on their plights. Lmao, any other race would beg for a crumb of explore Nelves had this past decade
Not everyone played WC3 queer
>one 616 a week
>vs one 616 in ~75min
I dunno man, I guess I'll have to kneel to delvegods
Wow look at that. I guess it does hurt after all
I don't care. I'm sitting happy in gear that lets me do challenging, yet not sweat tier content.
no they aren’t
I’ve survived the cone on ?
Crumb of exposure. Thanks autocorrect.
And they're still crying about not being able to personally execute Sylvanas and rape Orgrimmar
Figures the race led by women act like them
you do now because they nerfed the damage across the board retard
Im comparing pre-nerf ? to post-nerf ??
pre-nerf ? cones did 10 million damage, instant death unless you have a disperse tier personal
You better if you know what's good for you. You spergs torture yourselves to have an ilvl slightly higher than mine (despite putting in 25% of the time)
Careful buddy, you're gonna upset the Night Elf stans in this thread who claim 4 expansions of exposure is bad, because they lost a tree so blizzard hates them.
You are very smug yet also very ignorant. I'm not bothered at all since I don't put my self worth on gear in this game.

Then your 603s aren't just as good as 636 is it
I feel like night elf players would have shut up if Blizzard just gave them Ashenvale and phased in night elf flags in the Horde lumber camps to show that they "won".
I’ve cleared ? before the nerf retarded mong
You’re too far up your own ass, quit assuming you know what others are doing
if pvp gear scales to 626 in arena/bg
does that mean also the stats scale?
>i-i'm not bothered at all!
Hahahaha okay chudley can't wait for the solo content trend to continue growing until your queer containment sector is forever obsolete
Ok bros this season cured my racism.
Nah, they wouldn't shut up. Night Elf fans have never been happy with what they get and always expect more.
It's why half the fanbase keeps coming up with fan theories to try and devalue and mystify any other races lore, by connecting it back to theirs.
You're seething because I'm making you look bad by dropping truth bombs.
I know more about this game than you ever will, you can't slip your bullshit past me.
Of course? What else would scale?!
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>Really like Warlock
>It's DPS only so I can forget about doing high end content
>Really like hunter
>It's DPS only so I can forget about doing high end content
At this point I don't even know what to do man
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Opposite here, now I hate niggers more than tanks.
I still hate them but now I don't hate brazilians.
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Don't wanna use my crests/mark of splunker in case I get a tier piece from the vault
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you're deciding my fate and i'm asking for the last time
monk or warrior
thats the right thing to do nigga
I kneel to tankGODS as they lead me to looties
I kneel to healSISSIES because they're divas who'll leave otherwise
I spit on niggers. Not racis, just dun like em.
Blue Draenei with white hair ret pladin
Always play the lesser played class to help diversity
>have to filter another image on the thread
fem vulpera protection warrior
monk is super comfy
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What race for Deathstalker
What race for Diabolist / Hellcaller
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No, he's totally right. The game feels great to play right now. It's not amazing as an MMO but as an action RPG it's pretty good.
But I concur with the other anon that Classic is a pretty bad MMO these days too.
my wife
I'm better than all of you. I refuse the maze altogether. I play Season of Slop instead. My gear is trash. I am a single digit level chud. I don't have to worry about "ilvl" this or "toxic player" that. We don't have ilvl. We don't even have players. I am safe from the nightmares of Retail and float blissfully in the Sea of Discovery. Faggot.
SoD p5 is fucking out, no one fucking cares and you're laughing?!
Not only the plot was retarded, but the expansion completely destroyed worldbuilding. There's no believable scenario in which these events didn't lead to massive religious, political and social crises. Yet we are supposed to believe the heroes and heads of state just returned home and everything remains the same
is there some bullshit with the game that completely stops your right mouse button from being able to control character movement?
It's not that bad in chromie time
member when old +8s (less than current m0) gave hero gear in the vault?
I member
i disagree, im NA and group finder is like 80% in need of a healer. and no im not healing a pug
Forsaken should never be paladins
Forsaken should leave Lordaeron and bury themselves to repent for their sins
Lordaeron is for living Lordaeronians, not the squatters who claimed it as their own and ask to be treated fairly after committing so many atrocities
probably some dogshit addon you haven't updated in 6 months creating an invisible frame you can't click through on your screen
Bro there is a scam too where gladiator/champion gear got a way higher ratio for vers than lower tier pieces.
Honor gear is like 50-50 while it's more 80-20
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so if Chris "Chris Metzen" Metzen came in while TWW was well underway, does that mean the first major content patch will be his baby?
>monk: okay healer, meh tank, okay dps
>war: one good dps, one okay dps, decent tank
only pick monk if you want to play MW at some point
Eredar Draenei
stand in your consecrate always, liberally use ardent, combine with tyr's defender or chain it after ardent to smooth damage taken, keep righteous shield uptime, save holy power/free proc wogs when you know you need it, ancient kangs for the big ones. if you cant do that, then youre shit
We will be getting undermine with a Gallywix boss to tie up loose ends. Horde gets their patch to balance things out and its going to be goblin kino. Also new goblin chick pin-up calendars
Devs already confirmed that TWW's content patches were being designed and made alongside Midnight and Last Tit.
So yes, the content patches will directly be purely Metzens influence, compared to launch that was mostly just reworking TWW's launch ideas to set up the rest of the story.
I expect the outline for all the major patches was already done by the time he came in, so we won't see his true work until Midnight
maybe? theres probably some elements that he wasnt able to write out so there will still be some lingering Golden and Danuser until WSS is done.
have the same problem after rolling
not sure if it's a weakaura or some other addons
yes master...
chris "chris metzen" metzen ruined starcraft
he's objectively a hack
When the story veers into cringe forced "redemption" romances and "strong leaders are bad because they just are, okay?" territory, you will know Metzen is in action
are you flying? sometimes i cant strafe when landing on my mount from flying, have to button mash and release mouse click to fix it
Draenei Priestess
Orc Warrior
no, this happens in combat. caused a few wipes because of it because i'm a tank
nobody believes this
Starcraft was always bad
They took what could have been a story about the geopolitics of the Korpulu Sector and made it a shitty story following shitty heroes like Raynor and Tassadar
Its the same mistake all RTS games make
They need to play to the strengths of the genre and make it about geopolitics instead of rehashing old tropes
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BfA should have been Jaina's swan song and she should have had no further involvement in the story since.
Were you even alive during SCII release?
>Then your 603s aren't just as good as 636 is it

You're assuming I care about pushing content that requires 636. I don't. I'm happy where I am. Now what faggot? Are you having fun sweating and STILL being a fucking nobody?
zamn, extra buttons on mouse is pretty comfy
bfa jaina should have been impregnated by zandalari trolls
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find metzen
Starcraft 1 story and worldbuilding was absolute kino
Brood War had some plot holes but the themes and atmosphere were excellent as well.
Not sure if it's fine but it's not as bad as bandwagon fags make it out to be, most of them don't even know why they are angry at it
The biggest guy
kino pairing
the story will never get better and people will keep pushing forward when Metzen must have *really* started working again
behind Ion to the left.Direct behind Ashbringer, shade on forehead, making a stupid face

An encouraging number of white men in that photo, tbqh famalam
>man hunter feels a bit shit
>try rogue
What the fuck have they done? I went back to hunter after 1 hour
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Leaked image of Nexus Princess Ky'vesa's boss. The one who put bounties on (you)
>i dont care
>i dont care
>keeps responding
>getting more emotional with every response
The highest key I've done is +4 since i dont care about gear
If your 603s were just as good as 636s like you are coping about then you wouldn't be here coping about it you would be doing delves
he's up in the middle in front of the statue
next raid tier: Battle for Pleasure Palace
that was happening to me too, i thought my mouse was breaking
why do people get so upset about myth gear being better
the first 4 bosses of mythic nerub-ar are easy as fuck anyway, 4/8 is literally free you coule probably pug it easier than you could a non-mists +10
what's the fucking point of warmode if people get put in different shards anyway
i literally can't find any horde
What ilvl do i need for +7s?
I am so mad Blizzard decided to add Hunters for no reason when Shaman would have been the better choice for pet class.
Shamans get "Tame animal" but it's more like "Attune Spirit" so your animal companion is now a feral spirit that's always by your side and you unlock more Feral Spirit abilities until you get to the Rexxar Beast Mastery fantasy where you stampede the shit out of your enemies but now you're not just a useless runner, you can also heal and buff people with your totems.
Fuck it, Enhancement should replace Totems with more animal companions who can move with him even at a slightly reduced duration and efficiency and that's their big difference to Resto and Ele whose totems are static but more powerful.
For all the archery faggots you could easily have made any of the Rogue specs at least provide a ranged-build option and end up with "Outlaw" being "Marksman" instead and now you beat the shit out of your enemies with the butt of your gun before you shoot them.
>Night_elf Tauren -animated
>PuriFi: on
time to pump
+7 what
Are you on an rp server?
you can do them at 600 ilvl but wont get into a group as a dps unless youre 620
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>he's ranting about original WoW design choices again
it's ok buddy, it's ok, everything will be ok, there there...
two scoops, executus
How hard is it to get to 1600 rating in Blitz without using the chat at all?
why are you wasting your time thinking about shit that will never change
this is fucking stupid
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So if seen a couple of people that just use weakauras and nothing else but you still have to bind ur keys on ur hotbar no?
or the people if seen are just so used to their keybind that they dont even need a hotbar to begin with and just use weakaura CDs.
id love to use weakauras but it just looks so cluttered..
Remove Elf
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>if you cant do that, then youre shit
i mean i have like 12 dungeons on this spec, im a ret main, id be willing to say thats a foregone conclusion
i didnt get murdered by the anime slashers in this mists 10 this time tho so thats a plus.
My latest cope is blaming the healers - i did a wake 9 last night no problems and i tried one today with a disc priest and ate shit on stitchflesh three times in a row.
what do you think of this uptime big dog? anything that looks really bad?
i think im fucking up using tyr's on pull but sometimes it feels like i struggle to get threat without divine toll up
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>Another bricked key
Why the fuck would they choose this dungeon?
I wasted fucking almost 30 minutes of my life getting all the way to the second to last boss and everyone fucking dying and leaving. I'm fucking tired of this. I am NOT HAVING FUN WITH THIS DUNGEON AND IN GRIM BATOL BUT I HAVE TO FUCKING DO THESE TWO TO GET MY SCORE UP SO I CAN PLAY THE DUNGEONS THAT ARE ACTUALLY FUN TO RUN. ACTUALLY FUCK ALL OF YOU. I'M EXHAUSTED.
self reporting being mentally ill
kill yourself
can i stop getting necrotic wake as my key i fucking BEEGG
I took to drinking strong alcohol until I barf (in game) when doing m+, then periodically refreshing so I'm always on the highest "can't walk straight" level
it's quite amusing, though perhaps slightly less so for people I run with
there isn't even any bullshit walkways like inner mechagon so movement works more or less fine
>early thread
You fool
same here its retarded
So close
God, you're retarded.
You'll never be as good at Mick at shilling your videos and tweets here you faggot. KYS.
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I wish blizz would get the stick out of their assholes and just add an approved, official method of cosmetic modding, without the threat of a ban or the risk of third party fuckery.

Having a modding scene is never bad for a game long term health.
Why can't I fucking escape it. No matter where I go there's some hideous looney troon

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