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"You should be able to solve this" Edition

>Letter from the Producer LIVE Part LXXXIII

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>Future Meetups
• Sept 27th, 8PM | Ultros, Primal. The Mist Ward 20, Plot 34 | Twin Peaks Season 2 episode 3-6 >>495572647
• Sept 28th, 6PM BST / 1PM EST | Materia, Zurvan, Doman Enclave, One Garden | 1st /xivg/ Roleplaying Meetup - Introduction & Character Creation >>495681023
• Sept 28th, 10:30PM BST / 5:30PM EDT | EU Cerberus, Chaos, Lavender Beds W21 P27 + NA Seraph, Dynamis, Mist W9 P1 | Tokusatsu Watch Party: GARO ep 1 - 5 >>495416723
• Sept 29th, 1:50AM EST | Ravana, Materia. Solution Nine, Residential Radius 9-11 (X:9.1, Y:20.8) | Letter from the Producer LIVE Part LXXXIII >>494666281
• Oct 2th, 3PM EST | Marilith Dynamis | Mord Souq, Amh Araeng | Shadowbringers Shared FATE grinding >>495756527
• Oct 5, 5PM PST | Balmung, Crystal Shirogane W7 P26 | Zombie Movies! Warm Bodies (2013) and Zombieland (2009) >>494706846
• Oct 12th, 3PM EDT | Zurvan, Materia | Gold Saucer (Mahjong Lounge) | Mahjong Open Tournament | >>495487281
• Oct 27th, 8PM EST | Balmung, Crystal Lavender Beds Plot 28, 19th Ward | Pre-Halloween Badlands Chugs Watch Party

Previous: >>496194645
catboy supremacy
xth for sunnies
Third for femraen.
Calling futa rava's the hard R to get them to go harder.
I love femezen so much it's unreal
is this woober big enough to please a sunslut?
Starting the GOONWATCHERS Initiative, to find, categorize and blacklist every single goontard ITT
Categorizing their lodestones, usual locations, frequent housing areas, discord servers and whatnot
same but thighlanders
Can you guys post something cool and non-horny.
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Femraen here.
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>poster talks about pussy
>all the GAM and troons start seething
It's pure poetry.
You will never be a woman btw.
panty status?
I dream of a world of ebin/avatar attention whore free threads
should i post my miera
Good morning /xivg/
you guys dont even do anything at the lavender beds. what the fuck is the point
Are FATEs worth it for leveling 90-100? Are there even any other alternatives to dungeon spam? Feels bad on a dps...
i am a femlala
who got pizza
the point is to cum sex
*my fiddie takes in the last of her cigarette before flicking and stomping it out*
man... *sighs* tough times to be a humie lady.
"femra" this, "femlala" that.
as good a place to afk as any
The Miera is still defending his "biofem" queen spamming instead of going outside and finding a real girlfriend
good morning cute middie
I just wait for CC calls while I play stellaris
Reddit is down the street
>what is the point
To afk, to goon, to plap, to pump and lastly schizopost people you don’t like
Go for it
Fiddie is my favorite cure race, hold the line friend
Why even turn on the game if you will afk? Are you that lonely you need to be with your internet friends at all times?
You can do FATEs and PvP. Also do sidequests, the XP isn't big but can maybe level one job.
What toppings did u get on it?
Raping cute short girls (normal girls not lalafells) without the immortal flames and brass blades being able to hear them calling for help.
gm to chaos c:
My malera is listening to Melt-Banana.
>have a hangout/afk spot
>complain when people hangout/afk there
Are you new? What did you expect a constant night club venue?
>Are you that lonely you need to be with your internet friends at all times?
Anon there are posters here that have conniptions and melt in the thread if their friend doesn’t reply to a message within 12 hours
My sunnie changed to a fresh pair this thread, it's only slightly damp at the moment
*tiredly fluoride stares at you*
i can't keep going like this.
May I have some
we dont need to hang out outside of meetups. it diminishes things. also fuck you and FUCK nightclubs
>16:33 in the Chaos data center
good afternoon anon
no thanks
A fucking wasp stung me so I used compressed air to keep it in place to whack it with a rolled up paper and now it's corpse is missing.
Anyway, if I die I'm complaining to God about the power scaling of Earth.
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my femlala looks like this and is bad at raiding, pvp and mahjong
I see this pic every thread. Filtered
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so what is she even good for
I go there to read chat between roulettes/savage runs
Don't hang out outside of meetups if you don't want to no one is forcing or asking you, it sounds like you're just picking something to complain about for the day like a burned out boomer
NTA but some people are fucked up here, you ask them something on discord or something and they leave you on seen.
>Points out the stupidity of xivg using logic, experience and rationale
>Nah he's just simping
Leave this place and never come back
these >>496198610
no way jose
>for the day
it diminishes the quality of EVERY thread
Yes some people have lives and other things to do than reply to your message the moment you send it.
Post her so I can admire
i use it to talk to people i like and find bodies for roulettes/extremes
how'd you get stung
were you too close to a nest or swatting at it?
stray wasps are usually lost or looking for food
if you have any sliced meat, they're very fond of just cutting a chunk of that off and then fleeing
Blocking all femlalas now, you aint shit
her so I can admire
Cockwatch update?
Okay you can now begin to make the good posts.
The answer is 1
> 6 / 2 (1+2)
> 6 / 2 (3)
> 6 / 6
> 1

2 (1+2)



My beatnik-coded chainsmoking java-breath malezen laughs at Eorzean expatriots traveling to Doma or Tural for a change in culture when all he needs to do is cross Baelsar's Wall for easy sex tourism and cheap narcotics.
The thread quality will always be shit regardless, again how new are you
You have until tomorrow to leave the Lavender Beds before you will really wish you were not logged as a regular there. This is your ONLY warning.
This bunny is a homosex I can tell
You misunderstand. I'm talking about being left on seen indefinitely. I have a wellpaying job and responsibilities, I understand being busy. I'm talking about being willfully ignored.
which trust healers and tanks are the best for 80-90?
femra post
I see, I see. That was my second guess.
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>how'd you get stung
I will refuse to answer this because it's embarrassing yet it's not stupidity on my part. It was a stray one though.
Then what you do is wait a week or so, if no response delete them from discord and move on. It really is this simple
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>wanna discuss the game
>/xivg/ is just gooning and ebinism
>go to /v/ to discuss the game
>get a warn
What the fuck
Where the fuck am I supposed to discuss the fucking game?
Getting stung by a bee or wasp is my greatest fear simply because I was never stung in my formative years like many of my peers, so if I have an allergic reaction I wouldn't know.
My femlala can open her mouth EXTREMELY wide!
Division and multiplication have the same precedence, left to right comes into play so it's
6 / 2 (1+2)
6 / 2 (3)
3 (3)
Filtering both 'sunnie' and 'moonie'. Will report back later how dead the thread looks like
shut up gaylord
idiot, division and multiplication are equal in order, so it would be nine as you'd divide 2 and 6 first. put it in a calculator if you don't believe me
the division symbol is never used like that except for when first teaching division in like 3rd grade so it throws people off on the answer
Go to Reddit
You use PEMDAS stupid ass and Multiplication comes before Division. It’s basic order of operations you learn this in elementary school
make a post about what you want to discuss instead of complaining about the state of the thread
xiv posts on v get purged now
With opinions like that, probably twitch chat
No one asked, lilbro.
Not if you consider it as a fraction it doesn't
can i post my moonyan
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My moonie wakes up like this every day
Why are you afraid of the truth? I'm just an impartial observer to this nonsense and I'm simply calling it as it is.
My moonie is not a gaylord she cannot be gay she is married to a moonboy
Oh, it's no big deal to *me*, I just wonder why people do this. I would at least say "idk" or something along those lines after I come home from work.
My original point is that is kind of a dick move, and I empathize with these people who talk about it ITT. Not the people who lose their mind after not getting a reply for 20 seconds.
lmao what the fuck
My femra couldn't hold it in anymore and had to pee again. Her panties didn't stop it for long, either. Now, the pee is flowing down her thighs and filling her boots. It's actually quite pleasant for now, being all warm. But she makes wet sounds with every step now, and she's sure that people must have noticed by now. She also leaves a trail behind her...
unironically, reddit
It's bedmas amerimutt
Yeah you're retarded or trolling ain't you
I feel bad for all the honest hardworking femras who have to share a race with you
The point of cockwatching is to make a catalogue to help people choose who to plap
something the matter?
Maybe in the game? Oh shit, nm, you are a brown secondary.
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>pointless wishlist brainstorming that will never be seen by anyone who has a say on what happens with the game
This isn't worthwhile discussion, this is some redditor's excuse to farm karma.
Anon, my femra is also both honest and hardworking. She just has a little bathroom problem is all
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She doesn't say this but my femlala does
idk sounds pretty gay man...
By avatarfagging you must deal with criticism Lil bro
yeah, you have too much clothing on
fix that
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Job reworks are happening next expansion, maybe they will bring sovl back to each job
all this cockwatching but no one has made an interconnected web whos whos plapped who at lb14 yet like that one eu HORSED image
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And yes I fucking hate this situation too.
Fuckers will tell you to just post stuff here, but 90% of the time they are more preoccupied by their highschool girl level drama about who left their EB or how X cucked Y.

Meanwhile /v/ can have several Worlo threads, Yugioh master duel threads, fucking hell even AIslop is accepted and allowed to hit max post and remade immediately after.

But you can't discuss XIV at all, for some reason.
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Goooooood morning to all you wonderful fiddies out there!!
And morning to all the other female races.
Hetero is gay now? fuck when did that happen
nobody likes fiddies
God bless you, anon. I hope the world doesn't rob you of your childlike optimism just yet.
I'm not that guy you replied to, he's either false flagging as me or just defending me for some reason.
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May I rape brown women today in XIV
Why don’t you make one? Be the change, etc.
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im not a cockwatcher, if i had the data then i would
good morning anon!
there was 1/3rd left over if you still want it...
i think you can perform a test where they poke your skin with like 20 common allergens and watch for reaction... i think bee and wasp venom is among there.
Ah yes FFXIV discussion like
>Job design bad! We need to go back to HW/SB design
>Homogenization bad! But also let DRK have as much healing as WAR!
>Raid mechanics aren’t new!
>I don’t like the story because [head canon]
>I don’t like modern glams!
Riveting discussion to be had
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U r a brown woman IRL I've seen ur butt
There isn't a single futa interested in plapping my catboy..
>Sunnie panty gooner posts
>Receives immediate sperging from the same triggered schizos
>Femra panty pee poster posts
>Radio silence
I'm noticing...
What is this creature?
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Yeah I'm pretty hungry
Where are all the femra, it's Femra Friday, where are they
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Hope you never get stung! Even if you don't have an allergic reaction it's fucking annoying. I got stung by a bee as a kid so I'm fine, but THIS FUCKING FAGGOT OF THE INSECT WORLD THAT NEEDS TO BE CURB STOMPED decided to be an ultimate faggot and guess what? He stung me on the outside of my right leg.
So here I fucking am, sitting with a fucking ice pack on my left thigh so my right leg can be crossed and rest the sting atop the ice.
It's fucking uncomfortable. I'm miffed. If I had the money, I'd move to Alaska so I wouldn't have to deal with insects. God I fucking hate "nature's wittle giftie wifties~!" The only cool ones are jumping spiders, I know they're arachnids and not technically insects, point is, they're the 1% of cool lil' fellas, including bumble bees.
God fucking hope bees square up and start a gang war with wasps so those rreeeeeee-sounding faggots get bent by humble bumbles.
Feo Ul based. In this household we love this Pixie.
this is the correct answer, nobody uses ÷ in any math beyond 3rd grade and it's an abomination that only exists to confuse elementary kids

stuff like PEMDAS or BEDMAS or POMDAS or whatever the fuck they keep making up, only exsists because of ÷
literally me
You’re seeing it too right?
We don't like this.
We LOVE this!
left to right after the parenthesis retard
actually its bodmas
busting over the toes of this femra
NTA and this is more of just a rant agreeing with you, but I've wondered about this a fair bit along the years and came to the conclusion a lot of people are just socially maladjusted to a point of absurd behavior, I used to cope about it like thinking that they're just busy or not interested but that's giving too much credit and I hope more people here can learn to see that those types of people are beneath them

the person I talk to the most online is also easily the busiest, there's no reason people act like that other than they're dipshits that don't respect you enough to reply
I have plenty of jobs at 100 and I will not sit down and remember everything to play them at a functional level because a OTP is bored with his job after years of palying nothing else.
making femra stocks crash
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I really dislike lewd stuff and ERP, but would still rather spend time here than r/ffxivdiscussion.
It's amazing how bad and/or boring general discourse around this game is. At least the autism on display here can be entertaining sometimes.
for me it's DN
You're beautiful.
Don't start this shit, let them use their acronym they mean the same shit
LT evidence where
May I see more nude pics?
Do you pose with others?
Yup, the falseflagging is so obvious. They couldn't get their way with bitching so now they're trying to be as disgusting as possible to turn anons off.
I hope xivg isn't dumb enougj to not figure this out.
Most likely they will throw a tantrum and devolve into scatposting soon.
Builded for my malera's 10 incher
This is fuckin grim what is wrong with you anon
No explicit multiplication notation means both factors are in the denominator so you would multiply first in this case.
femra post
"Feet.", said the malera.
I like erp but find gooner pics boring, except the ones I make, of my erp sessions.
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Do I get up and play the game bros?
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>expecting ffxiv discussion anywhere
were all busy gooning hngh
My moonie wakes up on her own, 1-2 minutes before the alarm goes off, almost every time
my problem with /xivg/ is how much of you are fucking basic bitches without any inkling of substance to the porn you guys make. it should be legal to kill people for being boring
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That reminds me that need a malera into foot worship. Horns would make good footrests and stirrups
I think your moonie might have some form of sleeping problem
Past few runs I've been doing really well as a healer. 0 commendations for two of them.
Tempted to start letting everyone get to 30% before healing and not popping regens between AoE dodging. That or switch to tank even though I can barely stand myself when soloing as tank.
You added explicit multiplication notation thereby proving my point.
>doing an erp sesh
>guy keeps talking about consent and safety
this is a game, I can eject you for my apartment or log off whenever. Zoomer sexual ethics are retarded
my moonie eats half of a Delta-9 CBD gummy before bed which makes her fall asleep like a baby but hard to wake up if she only get 4-5 hours
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>I really dislike lewd stuff and ERP
this game isn’t for you then lol
With femra stocks in freefall, what should I invest in?
If you don't do that you risk getting outed as a sexpest these days.
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*plays it anyway*
Twice in a row you've input that equation wrong.
Wait are you serious? They talk about it before you engage in ERP?
Just make a cuter glam / portrait and say hi. Nobody gives out commendations based on how well you do except in extreme circumstances (extremely scuffed alliance / trials)
it's insurance in case other person gets cold feet and says "squeenix this guy said dirty words to me when i didn't want it"
... this can't be real
no notation doesn't change the order of operations retard
he might be using ai if its being brought up mid session
That can't be good in the long run for your moonie
Look at the website. Now look at the year. Look back at the website. Does that answer your question?
it's not as fun if they aren't on my face
I'm going to need you to sign this consent form so we can have pretend sex with our virtual characters.
My moonie's had too many people ask if they could rape her.
And you know the worst part? THEY DON'T RAPE ME IF I SAY NO!
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I am a fox, in spandex
Insurance? Do you both screenshot the convo or something?
Nice alt, bwo.
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Hey buddy I don't think it's a new tail anymore
You need to put a tell on you that you're fine to rape, I'm not risking a ban for moonie tail.
What, the gummies or lack of sleep?

I.. I mean she.. sleeps for 10-12 hours on her days off
>anon was erping with a chatbot
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Okay fine but there's nothing to admire.
Yeah, had to do that with a femroe. Is it like that all the time with randoms who aren't /xivg/?
Definitely both, the gummies and the lack of sleep. Your moonie needs more rest daily without trying to make up for it on her days off
>fiddie already have a partner
By god, thank you for your help filenamewatch, we needed your input the most!
I like this. You like this. We like this. This is Final Fantasy XIV: Dawntrail.
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>Riveting discussion to be had
As opposing to what? Dick size on shitty mods that have 90% of them be circumcized or otherwise mutilated, despite this practice only happening in the US?
You truly are retarded and this whole place is beyond salvation. The only reason I keep coming here is because sometimes I find people worth chatting/playing the game with, but god 99% of you are insufferable gooners
ngl the GAM drama is entertaining to watch every now and again
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twenty one
well that would explain why a hrothgar was typing faster than 5 words per minute with correct grammar and spelling.
wtf my friend just linked me this vid
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I have never ERPed and all my IRL sex has been pretty vanilla, but I thought when it comes to stuff like non-con scenarios and BDSM, you're supposed to have a safe word that's the real "No/Stop" so that you can use those for the role-play.
>Dumbass send me Tells over my PF asking questions
>Everything is written in the description in plain English
>Blacklist him so he can't join my PF
Who said it's meant to be fun for you?
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fyi they won't tell you what got you banned if it has the chance of identifying who reported you
There is literally nothing stopping you from talking about the game besides the fact you might not get attention for doing it and that is what bugs you. Meanwhile a basic bitch catgirl or femra can post and get 5 replies minimum
maybe third worlders should make their own mods if they want cocks that look like a Dobermans.
By god, thank you for your help filenamewatch, we needed your input the most (unironically)
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.ereh nearmeF
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That's me !!
You stupid
goodnight kong
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>>Homogenization bad! But also let DRK have as much healing as WAR!
Literally nobody is asking for that though?
DRK way of self healing is only a shitty 300 potency heal on Soul Eater, their third combo or their 2min 40% mit tool.

PLD used to be in a same situation, where their only way to heal was clemency and they didn't even have a heal on their combo action.
Now they have 400 potency heal on every holy spirit/circle
400 potency heal on all its Confiteor combos
400 potency heal on Divine Veil
1000 total potency regen on Holy Shelltron
And they STILL have Clemency if push come to shove.

PLD was fixed but DRK is left to rot.
Why is that?

Heck, GNB is the newer tank but has literally 0 problem since they get a 200 potency heal + 200 potency shield ON THEIR SECOND COMBO.
They have 2 stacks of a 1200 total potency regen in Aurora.
A 900 potency excog heal on a 25sec CD on Heart of Corundum.
And the best 2 min mitigation tool second effect on a 20% max HP + HP restored.

Once again I am asking
Why is DRK the only tank who is not allowed to have any form of proper heal on a short cooldown?
Trip back on, stinky.
keep those ebins honest nigga
*rolls over and adjusts body pillow*
my femlala is wrapped up in her blankets again and phone posting because it's just soooooo comfy.... hey...
fib post
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*farts in your mouth*
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Yeah, exactly. Call it "attention" if you want, I don't mind that one bit. It's tiring to post something about the game and be drowned out by 3 gooners circlejerking.
This shouldn't be a difficult concept to grasp, I come to /xivg/ to talk about XIV, not to goon.
Just make dicks look humanlike and non-mutilated? Better yet, make them as you like them, but post them in /aco/ or elsewhere
what the fuck is wrong with chinese ppl lmao
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I've never had a tripcode before and I JUST showered and brushed my teefs wtf.
May I insert?
what color should I dye my DRS gear?
fuck off
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Waiting for DPS again
Is this the guy who got permabanned and then rebought the game, all the expansion, job skips, story skips? That's another level of mazed.
Oh it's the OTHER hag fiddie. Good morning /pet
you wouldn't really be that cruel, would you?
I've had one, but only just got him to play after 3ish years of asking.
good job resubbing after being banned and going on a tirade about not coming back
>come to /xivg/ to talk about XIV
Then talk about XIV and ignore/filter the posts you don’t like it’s that easy. You guys make your own problems then bitch about said problems with simple solutions. You’re on 4CHAN an ANIME PORN SITE you’re not going to have quality discussion here ever
be nice to fibbs
may i the sex
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I made ebin status?!
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Link the post
m8 let's not pretend american coomers are any better
Hey, you're my favorite fid fib, very cute
don't forget he would always go on tirades about how bad the game is
but he has nothing else going on in his life, so
>I come to /xivg/ to talk about XIV, not to goon.
Congratulations! Now you'll need your own tread schizo.
terrible person
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mfer doesn't know how to take a break with idle or no chatter

apparently lobbyfagging doesn't reach too many corners of mmos
That's the fun part.
Seriously? That's really pathetic.
i pictured a femzen in a business suit saying this and now i need to go do something
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i miss pre-ew xivg.....
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What’s the best type of cookie in your WoL’s opinion?
Actually I already have one of those!PSPSPSPSPSPSPS here Schizo-kun! PSPSPSPSPSPSPSPSPPS say the line!
Ah yes, let me filter 75% of the thread (or more, during NA hours)
Fully rejoined Zodiark and the whole convocation of 13
Wuk Lamat with hands tied behind her back
who wins?
uhhhh no I don't quite understand? there's open space on the other end of the bed if you want to insert yourself into my pillow fortress, it's cozy in there...
thanks anon...
*flashes a weak smile in my half awake state*
Queue for CC on Crystal @ 3:30 ET!
We grow in numbers. Soon we'll have enough for a whole sewing circle.
*koala hug*
See what I mean?
Link your cock first
White chocolate chip.
fuck off twice
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link a rope to your ceiling fan and connect yourself to it
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DRK's sustain is fine. Other tanks should have less of it.
He's not someome that can be reasoned with or talked to. Nothing you say will change his mind and nothing he says will change yours. Do what you recomended of him and just ignore him
Yes you should filter them if the goon and coom posts are bothering you as much as they are and “preventing” you from posting about the game like you’d like. Again you’re bitching about your own problem with a simple solution the other option is to go to Reddit and discuss the game there
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ye ye
do do do
>this image appears on the left side of the screen and slowly goes to the right
do do do
do do do
>this image reaches the right side of the screen
do do do
All hail
xivg’s savior
All hail
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>You will never wake up next to a half awake femlala in a cozy pillow fortress...
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my moonie is waiting for the ultimate to release
God I want to goon with a degenerate faggy guy who plays ffxiv

t. ranny
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Any Novice Quick Ranked Doman Mahjong gamers?
Specifically on the Crystal Data Center?
>tranny whining about mutilated dicks
this is the real answer
those tank niggas have too much regen
How can you make such a claim after the repeated instances of instaloss?
my lalaboy is making steak and mushrooms
Snickerdoodle easy
am i going to have to beg for it?
actually mindbroken holy shit kek
Do you like catboys, perchance....?
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A type of bar cookie, filled with chocolate and walnuts, that her mom used to make during the holidays.
She never got the recipe.
So in your opinion, all tanks should just drop and die as soon as the healer die as well?
>shitter healer spamming cure 1/benefic/physick in 80+ dungeon ruins your day
If it's 75% of the thread then it's a majority of the thread
If its that high then that's the threads about. Not xiv, or gooning, but using xiv to goon
If it's 75% of the thread then you should go elsewhere

It's not 75% of the thread. It never was. I would be on your side if you weren't retarded and just as bad as the gooners simply because your arguments are just as brain dead and substanceless.
my friend keeps saying "oh we'll gpose together" "oh we'll plap together" but then they go and do it with some quicksands sprout instead
do i call them a nigger
No I like faggy boys who play girls because im unabashedly agp
Absolutely. You don't get anything for free, you've got to put the work in.
Bring me some and we will adjust your position on the woodchipper schedule.
Lalafell resurgence next month. Trust me.
you're right we should balance around shit players we should also just make mit innate so bad tanks never die
The ones from the pastry shop in Kugane
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been thinking this for a while...
healers should be able to dps and heal,
tanks should be able to dps and mitigate,
and dps should be able to dps and dps (more of it than other roles)

giving heals to dps or heals to tanks or mits to everyone just makes roles blurry and invalidates things altogether as people just pick the thing that's easiest or does the most damage
So considering that there’s “nothing to talk about”, has FFXIV essentially failed as a video game? Because at this point it might as well be PSO2: NGS, which is widely regarded as a failure. Why would people even pay a sub when they could just make free trial alts and goon? At least NGS is F2P. Is the great unsubbing upon us?
*shuffling out from under her pillow*
aww no need to despair anon! look, I'll make some extra room and you can come right over. I even have some... extra blankets, it'll b-b fun-...
*my femlala is cut off as the soft sounds of her snoring fills the room*
>rarely talk about cooming and gooning
>almost entirely post about the game, lore, characters, mechanics
>get tons of replies and can easily find a game discussion
>never avatarfag
What am I doing that other anons aren't? I don't get it
>see a strongly against futa artist actually draw some futa
Damn bro them bills must be screaming at you lol
>taking the extreme example of my post
Just give DRK a second stack of abyssal drain
No I need to keep my house
he's only making Lalafell proportions though...
"We" like "this".
What is cock watching and how do I feel about it
hard drugs from the sounds of it
You don't complain about it like the other retards i presume
You're schizophrenic and it didn't happen
Reminder: The silent treatment is a form of abuse.
Just drink the catgirl fanta juice anon
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Which circles back to my original point:
/xivg/ isn't about XIV
and posting XIV on /v/ is an insta warn/ban
then where the fuck do I go?
don't say reddit, we both know the crowds, opinions and posting styles are wildly different. If I liked reddit (or twitter, or youtube, or twitch) I would be there and not here, don't you think?
All I want is funny shitposts, calls to play the game with anons, and the ocassional GAM drama to read about. Hell, I wouldn't even mind the ocassional goonpost here and there, but nowadays it's all you faggots post about. And the worst part is, it's not even good gooning. It's just modbeasting in the most disgusting, vapid ways.
There's maybe one or two posters whose lewd poses I respect, the rest of you have no taste and no skill, and you all just slap mods on top of mods until you have unholy abominations that hurt my eyes whenever I glance at them.
Its not that there's nothing to talk about. If you want to know the real answer it's because dawntrail was so bad to some here they abandoned the thread. Many of those who talked about the game didn't like the expansion so left. The same thing happened in /erg/ when people hated how the dlc fucked up a lot of the lore and made the pvp worse while continuing to have middling bosses and weapons.
construct's perfect math class...
No it’s not lmao silence is bliss you’re giving me what I want
SE needs a reality check
his mother’s recipe
she messages me sometimes... at least once a week...
if it means getting your feet as a reward...
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Guess I'll take a nap too... *crawls into the fort and gets overwhelmed by the warmth and soothing snores, falling asleep instantly.*
it's not you, i'm just autistic and ran out of things to contribute to the conversation with
ffxiv is not about ffxiv
current queue status?
wife <3
true, it's about second life
Reddit is genuinely your only option. There's a shitpost dedicated sub and a discussion one. No matter what you'll never get what you want, you have to concede something
>go to /v/ and risk bans
>come here and get drowned out by coom
>go to reddit and deal with redditors
There's no other actual option unless you find an ingame fc and join their discord or something
I hope you're cooking for a whole village then - BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!! *slaps thigh*
i wish i was home leveling my chunibyo alt
I don't think that's quite what I said, but in my opinion tanks should not be able to sustain themselves indefinitely without a healer. I think giving all roles some kind of a rez could solve a lot of issues without the need of making tanks overpowered.

Even with a godawful healer a tank can survive with smaller pulls. I think a player playing badly should affect the whole team in team content.
wowchuds just can't stop seething, can they?
>two stacks of carve and spit
I am
a chuuni and powerful femlala
>There's maybe one or two posters whose lewd poses I respect
name them
nah when my bitch stops talking i get some peace and quiet
keep doing it
she's going to make me cry again
>I think a player playing badly should affect the whole team in team content.
nobody likes this.
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Look, pal. It’s FINAL FANTASY FOURTEEN. This isn’t WoW. The main feature of FFXIV is gooning. It’s like going to a Chinese restaurant and asking for pizza. WHAT THE FUCK WERE YOU EXPECTING??
*flicks you're forhead*
Honestly the only DPS who have too much mit/heal is probably just MNK and SAM.
MNK having a 20% mit + 500 total potency regen + a 500 potency aoe heal just feels kind of busted even if they balanced it by giving it a 2min CD.
SAM is a 10% mit + 600 potency regen is also busted for only 15sec CD.

I'm still mad that RPR's Arcane Crest was nerfed not even a month after its release by half too, it used to give a 500 total potency aoe regen.
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You obtain 2 chunks of mountain rock salt.
You gain 62,689 (+150%) experience points.
You finish quarrying.
You sense a grade 95 rocky outcrop 209 yalms to the southwest.
You begin quarrying.
You obtain nothing.
You obtain nothing.
You obtain nothing.
You obtain 2 chunks of mountain rock salt.
You gain 62,689 (+150%) experience points.
You finish quarrying.
You begin quarrying.
You obtain a chunk of mountain rock salt.
You gain 37,612 (+50%) experience points.
You obtain a chunk of mountain rock salt.
You gain 38,865 (+55%) experience points.
You obtain a chunk of mountain rock salt.
You gain 40,119 (+60%) experience points.
You obtain a chunk of mountain rock salt.
You gain 42,627 (+70%) experience points.
You finish quarrying.
You sense a grade 95 rocky outcrop 277 yalms to the north.
You begin quarrying.
You obtain 2 chunks of mountain rock salt.
You gain 62,689 (+150%) experience points.
You obtain 2 chunks of mountain rock salt.
You gain 63,942 (+155%) experience points.
You obtain 2 chunks of mountain rock salt.
You gain 65,196 (+160%) experience points.
You obtain 2 chunks of mountain rock salt.
You gain 67,704 (+170%) experience points.
You finish quarrying.
Man it’s over. I would have played.
I heard you had a meltie and said you'd never raid again after this tier
I do. I want to votekick people and make them feel bad more often.
Is it for me?
Woww.... you're such an alpha... lole
*my femlala reawakens for a brief moment to notice your presence*
there, there anon. get some rest, you deserve it...
*tucks you in and falls back asleep*
[screen fades to black, end scene]
boy do I have bad news for you regarding alaska and wasps and other insects. Now antarctica however...
I quit after 40 minutes...
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You clearly don't understand what this game is about.
Woah, is that a SHITNOSE MOONIE? W-with MODS?? That’s SOOOO original!
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>leveling raid alt
>it's in 6.0
>no flying in any ew zones
>buy a $25 endwalker skip just to skip 6.1-6.55

yeah didn't feel like redoing all that and without flying
I would like it. Why even do things with a group if everything is about the solo performance? Besides, an awful tank can already ruin the run for everyone else, so it'd hardly be a change from the current philosophy.
Well-loved furniture will get the TLC it deserves, I promise. Subby Malera are the best
erm actually its a cutenose
Your food? Your Manual buff? Your rested EXP?

Did Macchi make this image? It's really impressive if so
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This makes me wonder. This "most of the thread isn't even about the game just gooning, drama, and shitposting" mentality this general has isn't just here. I've seen a lot of generals on /vg/ act the exact same way as this thread, sometimes worse. They just aren't quite as fast usually.
What gives? What's the point of these generals if it's not about the actual game? Are they just containment threads for mentally ill people so they won't shit up other boards?
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DRK can solo more bosses than GNB. They can’t solo mass pull like a warrior can, but if you actually push their buttons they are quite durable.
Was your avatar really necessary for this post?
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It would have hurt less if you just insulted me as a cringe retard. Now I want THAT.
it's over
>Are they just containment threads for mentally ill people so they won't shit up other boards?
How new are you to 4chan? That's the entire reason why they made /vg/ in 2011
Of the major social media sites 4chan is the only one where you can talk about sex this openly in the general discussion channels, and as such, those who want to talk about sex openly come here.
This is the worst thread on the entire site. All that matters is getting attention and who people can take advantage of to get even more time in the spotlight. At least the cartel beheading threads are on topic.
I could never call you a cringe retard for wanting that because I'm just as complicit, if not more.
But sorry nonetheless. :)
i wish people liked moonies
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who would possibly have a meltie after this piss easy tier
we must put an end to face 4 hate
Sam needs it for often the pussy offtank doesnt put on his stance and they have to eat a TB
I like moonies...
Most /vg/ generals are containment threads but XIV is unique in not being allowed to have /v/ threads (due to jannies hating XIV).
>Are they just containment threads for mentally ill people so they won't shit up other boards?
Yes, unironically. Anyone who spends more than 30 minutes a day online "discussing" a specific thing instead of actually doing stuff is mentally ill, and /vg/ is the asylum.
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Only hate awaits those that call upon the moon.
I love team based games where because one person quits or sits at spawn or is trash I have to endure getting raped at base or stuck in content. No one like an anchor dragging them down. I don't even like that shit IRL why would I want it in my entertainment. If some faggot tank wants to throw a tantrum because a DPS pulled a mob then a decent Healer and DPS who knows how to mit should be able to carry. Giving the lowest person power to determine outcomes is never good.
This is how we can tell you're a tourist.
not even remotely close
nobody likes my moonie
Most generals aren’t like this. They have regulars and the community, but they pertain to the game. The exceptions are gachatrash and FFXIV and PSO2. The former are essentially the downfall of modern society and represent our priorities in 2024, and are the focus of many sociologists studying the decline of modern men. The latter two are dead games which, without modding, wouldn’t even have a general.

It was made so general threads wouldn’t flood the log, not because the posters in them were mentally ill.
Everyone loves Kong
except Zir who melts every time Kong is mentioned
You know you look better with my hand around your throat, right? Do you think you can rock your hips fast enough to get me off before you black out? You're just as useful unconscious as you are awake to me. Better hurry.
People forget that yoshi admitted to playing as a female character in older mmos and healslutting/erping. He even mentioned it wasn't all for items but because he liked it. It's actually genius what he did, he knows the coomer mind because he used to be one, he knows how to manipulate them because he spent years doing that as well. He knows as long as he doesn't Crack down on them secondlifefags will stay near permanently subbed, meaning no matter what he does he can ensure he looks good to his higher ups in regards to xiv. "Ouu yoshituuu you keep player sub you very honorabu samurai dev"
Then he just needs to fake a smile and the community worships him too.

Yoshi fucking won. He's playing you all like a fiddle and you're addicted to it.
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Odds I join CC queues
Evens I make tinctures
>worst thread
>entire site
I like your moonie...
okay but less about skyrim threads
>I would have played.
Played what? Unless you mean "if you were in his shoes you would've done it sooner."
To be fair he was playing original ARR when it sucked, and powerleveling him I've found out firsthand how much has been removed.
>that whole section where in Thanalan where you're dealing with the graveyard by the church, burying bodies, etc. went from 10 quests to 3 tops
>the gear I made him doesn't even matter because he outgrows it so fast with msq exp
>each dungeon he has to unlock and do has been massacred to a husk of what it once was
Emphasis on that last one. Each time we're in a dungeon I tell him what it used to be like and by the time I'm done the boss is dead. He's nearly 50, now, but I'm tempted to buy him a skip of a class he likes. I'll have him use my account as a try-before-I-buy but he's been looking at DRK. I've been leveling GNB to carry him through stuff while practicing tanking- it's pretty nice.
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There is nowhere to talk about this game on this website. This is a simple fact that you must accept.
/v/ is under control World of Hormonecraft cockslurping jannies' iron fist and /vg/ drowns out every discussion with attention whoring and waifufaggotry. There is nothing that can be done about this. Either struggle against the avatarfaggotry or keep your discussion to yourself and move on. There are better things to spend your energy on.
just saw the picture val made of theo and it is quite unfunny.
HELLO?! Where did this come from?!!
>due to jannies hating XIV
It's literally just two mods from /v/, they used to have fits back in the day when you went into IRC to call them lazy dweebs for not keeping this place tidied up and would regularly melt down if you posted your character more than a handful of times in the thread.
There are less rules in this thread than on /b/
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I'm just being dramatic, it's a cute thought and I appreciate you being a good sport Anon. You have a good day
post it?
if you really loved moonies you would defend us from the constant moonie hate and abuse
>not because the posters in them were mentally ill.
I think that's a bit of an exaggeration. I already said that a tank can survive fine by taking things more slowly if the healer can't keep up. Unoptimal performance should have an impact, but it shouldn't doom the whole run (granted, for a lot of people a roulette taking longer than 15 mins is worse than eternal damnation). But seriously, why do you even play an MMO if you don't want teamplay to matter?
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>Most generals aren’t like this
Anyone can open any general on the first couple pages and see that's false.
you're just saying that. nobody likes my moonie they just lie to her and bully her
OP is talking about the quality of the thread vs the entire site, not the enforcement of rules
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No, I won't inflate a coomer's ego, even if their poses are good
See pic related. Also, there's nothing wrong with ERP per se, it's just that you faggots ONLY focus on that.
This saddens me deeply, but I have to admit you're both right on what you're saying...
this wouldn't be an issue if xiv actually encouraged people to improve.
at least name the race
I like moonies so much that I know they secretly love the hate and abuse heaped upon them...
Yeah, you'd like that! I'll like you AND pull your tail.
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Same to you anon, thank you for entertaining my silly posts. Have a good one!
Clearing the fight once you get in is the easy part. Getting a PF to fill, that's somewhat harder.
>120 similar posts across /vg/
no, it is that unfunny.
Would it be shallow of me to annul my EB because she's sorta... ugly...?
i'm super hungover right but where do you play if you'd want to meet at some point?
they hated him because he spoke the truth
If you want to dictate how this place runs you should become a janitor when they open up applications (you won’t)
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now check the generals they were posted in
>Most generals aren’t like this.
this is true
unless its an mmo
they are all like this
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Femlala and femezen
I make posts that are easy to track down but schizos think I don't already know that and think they're hot shit for finding my old posts.
I actually don't ERP I just like the ideas of it. Sorry to disappoint. I'm on Aether, anyways.
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>Annuling because of their looks
Shame on you anon.
stay AWAY from the tail growl hiss bite
You are deranged
Annulling would be nicer than hinting at them to fanta every other day and wearing them down.
Yes, embarrassingly so.
that's not that bad althougheverbeit
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>boy do I have bad news for you regarding alaska and wasps and other insects
EB the person not the character you shallow fuck
if my EB fantaed to a lalaboy or hrothgar i'd still be with him
You'll notice after every content update the thread actually does talk about thing, for like a week or so. Them it's back to cooming. This happens with every game. People immediately overdo and bore themselves of content then complain there's nothing to do so they fuck off and leave those who don't care about content to talk about the game and because they don't care about content things usually go to coomery, drama, or shitposting. This isn't just in vg, same thing happens on most social media sites.
>Most generals aren’t like this.
gacha generals are much worse
other mmos are exactly like this
any game with a half-decent character creation is like this
you don't browse any other general, admit it
my moonie streaks in roulette
anyone wanna do an expert roulette on primal
yeah this is fine and par for xivg
I would crash out if I got annulled because I was "ugly" to my EB. Why even EB someone in the first place if you think they're ugly? It obviously shows you didn't do it for the personality- which is the thing that mattered, so did they just fantasia recently?
So you’re telling me Yoshi-P wasted ten years of his life making FFXIV when he never intended anyone to actually play it? Why did he even make content then?
>the fucking avengers on the enemy team
Oh boy.
socially stunted retard post
my moonie needs to take care of some errands but will instead continue to bedrot and maybe cry a little
I meant I would played with but it’s over anyways.
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>leveling my Sage was super comfy
>no worries ever, always knew what to do
>play WHM
>constantly fucking worried my tank will eat shit
>not comfy at all
>currently in the 60's so oGCDs suck compared to the dungeons
This is going to give me a fucking panic attack at some point, i know it

also, semi related:
>level WHM with frontlines, decide to swap to DRK for once
>unga into enemy team and press 3 buttons then fuck back off
>Battle High 4/5 the entire game and second most damage done
>i dont even know what im targeting half the time because tabtargetting in PvP is dogshit
good class design
I'm very horny for this cat today
Self-referential post
>played with
>stops there
>it's over
Question for you tank anons out there, do you wait for cutscenes or just insta pull. I personally dont care if people are watching cutscenes and will just insta pull
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Don't worry I'm with you in terms of sheer hatred toward wasps. I know they're important but september is such an AWFUL month for them. Nests filled to the brim with angry hungry wasps. I'm also allergic on top of it
such a tease.
i know you are but what am i
>ironic shitposting
I'm not being ironic. Yoshi admitted to being a GAM playing slutty femcharacters in the past. He also admitted to doing it for items and fun. It's also clear that many of the coomers rarely unsub or when they do they don't do it for long.
All of that made me come to the conclusion that it's intentional. The fucker knows this thread exists, he doesn't post here, but on stream before it was there when someone was showing him things. And he knows about modbeasts too because some snuck into screenshot competitions he was going over.

He just doesn't do anything. He knows and doesn't care. He doesn't care because these coomers are whales and are free piggybanks
you can't pretend to be afk forever you're gonna have to message back eventually
I don't mind team-play but I think if a shitter is in my group the other 3 or7 people should outweigh their retardation by showing their skill at the game. not be hampered by it. DRK just needs a little more self-sustain so I don't have to sit there and wipe 3 or 4 times because the healer can't figure out mechanics even after explaining it.
I wait for cutscenes because I’m not an animal
Video game generals belong on /vg/
And then there are the highly autistic generals like Undertale/Delta Rune, Five Nights at Freddy's, Sonic, Friday Night Funkin, etc.
Also special shout out to Animal Crossing general for making the schizos here look like well adjusted members of society. Seriously, I don't think xivg realizes how relatively tame this place is compared to other generals. It's a small miracle when you consider how fast this thread moves too.
Nigga give some fucking context maybe
You cant instapull in a trial because the cutscenes lock you out
If its a dungeon its up to your own morale
If its Aglaia fuck you, some retarded dipshit will pull early anyways so might aswell get my opener in order
what does that have to do with finland whats going on in the pic
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really? I think it's bananas
I insta pull because the casual player base is beyond redemption and don't deserve to enjoy things
If your eb fanta’d to a lalaboy I’d cuck you
There's literally nothing wrong with wasps btw. They only attack of you're aggressive towards them, they treat bees like how humans treat other animals plus there's way too many bees now thanks to conservation efforts. Just ignore them and we won't bother you. Just like bees. Wasps are the flying great whites nowhere near as bad as popculture wants you to believe.
i wait for cutscenes if it's a 4-man because waiting for 1 person out of 4 is acceptable
24 man i dont really care because trapping ~23 people for 1 cutscene is nonsense, the boss isnt doing anything real the first few mechanics anyway
Ain't gonna dog on you for it, its your prerogative to wait but I cannot be fucked waiting
Clearly not trials or nm raids. I didnt think I'd have to spell that out for you moron
I am in no huge rush and let the newbies experience their videos.
You know that ctue little femra you were flirting with sitting on your lap that said she needed to grab some water? That's a grown ass man who just took a smelly shit and feels 2 pounds lighter
you are either a nigger, a tranny or a tumblr reject
likely all 3
I instapull because the boss is there and I have an ability that can hit it
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ok i made a pf password 5555
I know who you are
You knowing you look much more better with my hand on your throat yes You think you can shaking your hips fast enough to making me finish before you going black out? Whether you awake or unconscious it same for me you still useful You must hurry with the needful I am close my big dick cumming for you
why are you a cuck
Based king, was it soft or hard
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alright man but you're not gonna like it
>filtered by whm
Crystalloid moment
Let's eb and talk about the game together
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just curious, does your EB get notified if you break the bond?
>grown ass man who just took a smelly shit and feels 2 pounds lighter
My male middie literally did this and feels like this rn
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>on stream it was there
Post it, then. Link me. Prove your claim.
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You can't fool me
Hello very horny for this cat today, I am going for a nap so see you soon <3
Explode abdul.
sigh... every time YOU post, I'm not on the game. what a sick joke....
Just have Recuperate and Guard bound, that's all I ask.
They get a message too yeah
wanna bedrot together
My moonie is too socially anxious when she's sober so she smokes weed but that makes her too paranoid and scatterbrained to socialize
I can kinda understand if its a story dungeon, I still wont wait for it and dont care if people dont wait for me
I only do if im the tank, some people throw hissy fits if you pull as a dps or heal
I ain't gonna wait for some faggot to watch the boss do a little swirl im pulling that shit bro I got better things to do than wait
I always wait for cutscenes, I like being nice to other people. After a few times of waiting for people to finish the Phoenix cutscene, no wait feels like anything anymore. I'm a bit petty though, so I often leave instapullers to die if I play a healer.
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FUCK IT, WE BALL (insta pull if there's more than 4 people)
Bro please be careful. Like extra careful.
>There's literally nothing wrong with wasps btw
wasp hands wrote this

Actually gonna go check if the faggot is still alive.
>>currently in the 60's so oGCDs suck compared to the dungeons
My brother in Christ, you have Benediction and Tetra.
Also just put regen on the tank and Afflatus Solace if they get too low.

I don't understand mongoloid like you that cry about how WHM can't heal when they have tools and play just fine.
why did you EB them in the first place

retard post
how so?
Literally the only job that gives me this kind of autism
I played scholar twice in my life and had no problems doing expert roulette with it, Ast feels like Sage but Regen to me
Fucking WHM man
uhm just get on the game then question mark?
These retards want to ogcd heal only and when they have to GCD heal they short circuit
:3 I'll ask to hangout if I see you post later
Total bee death, total wasp death.
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Nope, have fun
t. recently annulled
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>trying to give people a 3-day global for stating the truth
Caught another femlala huffing my shoes when I got out of the shower. Why are they like that?
I'm sure you love it when warriors instapull then. I'd never do it myself but you can actually be reported for letting a tank die on purpose
we fuckin ballin nigga
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oh yeah for sure man how about I just-
(go without me)
Wasps are evil dickheads and need to get the fuck out of my region, I'm tired of having to hunt for their nests so that the honey bees can be happy in my garden.
Name 2 things wrong with wasps. And don't just go "they stung me because i kept fucking with them"
Oki doki <3
Hello dear

Why you saying this to me? I say all sweet words for you, I tell you how much I like you your body I even offer you 33 camels but still you no liking me I do everything to make you happy I remember every detail I talk about sexy time I tell you I want to kiss you and make you feel so much pleasure but still you telling me "explode"? Why you no love me back?

I am trying very hard for you I give you all my feelings my heart my words I want to be with you hold you give you all the love in the world but you still tease me and no say sweet things to me in return What more I must do to make you happy I think about you day and night but you not appreciate all my love and effort for you

Please tell me what I doing wrong I am ready to do anything to make you love me my dear
Im hoping most of these replies are sarcasm right... you guys aren't ruining the player experience just bc you want to go back to cooming in quicksands right?
My diet has been pretty good for the past few weeks so firm
You are either projecting or have terrible reading comprehension, i never said WHM can't heal
I said it sucks compared to my experience with other healers
I'm using Tetra and Bene and Afflatus but im still constantly panicking for some ungodly reason, which isnt something that happens on other healers, i blame Sage allowing me full freedom of movement even with its GCD heals
Poggers my fellow gamerman
i was right nobody likes my moonie
syntax error ackshually
it should read
but you already knew that ;)
I knew I should've went PLD this match.
I'd like to, but I haven't done it before and wouldn't want to waste anyone's time anyways
Yeah, DRK is honestly total bullshit in frontlines and has been for years at this point. A DRK by themselves is merely annoying, but the moment that there is even the tiniest amount of teamwork or coordination with even 1 other player, the DRK becomes the instrument of insta-killing 5-8 enemy players all at once.
Every frontlines tactic that results in wiping out the enemy team so rapidly that they cannot respond reads "DRK + someone else time their attacks together". No other job in PvP enables that level of degeneracy.
With your fiddie
Are there any MCH pistols other than the Tarnished Makai Hand Mortar?
It's purple and gay as fuck, if it was dyeable at least it would be decent...
They fly around in my vicinity and bully the funny bees
Goodnight Abdul
I like it a bit risky. If someone has noticed I do it, they haven't reported me either. I tend to just leave roulettes if there's a warrior though, not that I do roulettes very often anyway.
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I'm allergic to them and they are ugly. Ugly things do not deserve to live.
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How many years has it been?
So are you guys doing any content today
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mixed messages here

if they do, good, hope the little bitch cries about it
Get the normal Makai Hand Mortar, it's dyeable.
It it dyeable
So why havent you off'd yourself?
I got a ton of stuff to do
How do I find a femra like this?
Oh. I mean you can still play the game with me, no worries. I'm sometimes on the CC calls in the evening or back home on hermanoland doing rolos.
Nta but I'd be down for a chill first run for you
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Having any allergy means nature selected you to die. Just take the L
cryptlurker is kind of close. revolver of the wanderer if you like Handcannon.
You can clear every 50+ dungeon in the game casting nothing but medica 2 and regen.
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Because my mother says I'm a "strapping young lad", her opinion is the only one that counts.
>this has been going on for 5 years man
>01 aug 2020
9, apperently
told ya you weren't gonna like it
get outta here, you yellow black striped bastard!
you're so right for that fellow pen haver
Here’s how you play WHM below 50:
>slap regen on tank
You now know how to play WHM below 50
Nta but wasps are scary and the buzzing is annoying. I don't kill them though because bugs are good for the environment, I just throw them out with the glass trick.
>mfw the tank pulls the huge pack after the first boss in Shisui and doesn't invuln or use a big mit first so i can holy spam
now what about 50 - 100?
>Having to actually play the job instead of having something that automatically heal the tank/people
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Why would you lie on the internet?
It's dyeable through glamourer though... like not through special colorset edit, but through the dye menu
But in game, it won't let me
I'll check those, thanks
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Hornets are better "fuck off huge evil murder bees" than wasps are. They're much scarier, more aesthetically pleasing, can kill people more easily, and you really have to piss one of for one to kill you otherwise it's just a big bee. Hornets do what wasps do but are better, less annoying, and overall just cooler.
Quickcast holy, if he dies it’s a wipe anyway.
hop on cc bro
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It's okay I adapted and overcame (we won)
Nah, I recleared yesterday
Now it's time to look at catgirls
I don't like pvp and I don't want certain people to schizo me if i die
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good meowning everynyan
Fair point, still fuck him for not using his mits
the NORMAL ONE means THE PVP ONE. get the one from pvp currecy WITH THE BLUE BACKGROUND you fucking inbred not the shitty one sold for MGP
The *actual* Makai Hand Mortar. You buy it with wolf marks from the priest in Wolves' Den Pier.
I know this is probably a joke or bait but If you actually hung out with Shannon you'd know everyone who talks to her has already clued into that on our own. It's really not that subtle, look at any other biofem we have it's the same shit. I don't get the appeal of name-dropping people in shit like this
Yeah I ruined it by making them miss two autos and an aoe
One day when you don't have your pen a wasp will find you and you'll rue the day you mocked them.
>lily heals
>medica 2
You know now how to play WHM 50-100
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>want to play chill morning CC with anons
>have to work
Yeah he loves nature and insects and flowers.
I have a 20% winrate in my last 20 games with xivg and I haven't been called out
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Kyoppi love!
His invuln is wasted if he uses it when the mobs are stunned by your holy's.
Yes? No? Maybe? I don't know.
Godspeed anon.
can my moonie get uhhhhhhhhhh
There's always next time. I gotta stop calling pretty soon anyways, the rain has finally stopped and that means yard work.
Why do you leave if there's a warrior? That's so fuckin odd to me they're the easiest tanks to heal since you pretty much don't need to heal them
Status report, no faggot flier noises heard, whacked some places in the room and no faggot flew out.
Even put on big bang theory reruns in case sound, especially bad sound, would drag it out, nothing. Either the fucker is dead, it's hiding because a 6ft retard is hunting it with murderous intent or the body's gone.
I wish I could hire some jumping spiders to hunt the fucker down to make sure.
Annoying noise. They've got annoying venom that has capabilities to kill people if they're born wrong.
It's God's intent that we kill them like the scum they are.
Shut up pedophile apologist
I will accept my end with grace,,,
Japes aside I know how insanely important wasps are. I actively tune my garden to support native insect species. phobia just messes with me in the moment of a perceived encounter. So rational thought fails...
i'm a very horny sunnie+
Always, kitten
wageslaves shouldn't play MMOs
i've basically never done it myself so i have no room to judge
no pressure either way
Kyoppi is a pedophile?
>two people
>character has two feet
>There is nowhere to talk about this game on this website
If you are at the Lavender beds between 3pm EST and 11PM EST, you will be put in a diaper pic. Do not say you were not warned.
The outro is quite depressing.
>using a gcd heal when i could be farting my 200 potency damage and pretend im helping
I meant using a mit on the way, all those archers do a surprising amount of damage that normal regen doesn't help too much against and i swear no one fucking ever uses sprint or Arms Length there
Precisely because you don't need to heal them. It gets too boring with them, give me a DRK or a very stupid GNB instead.
There's no need to be this mean...
Thanks, anon, I got it
think ill stay here
FT is locked the FUCK in
They're aggressive
They don't die when they sting so they repeatedly fuck you up
They build their nests on my porch then sting me when I tried to live peacefully with them
I put on my heavy coat and helmet then burn their shit down every time. They had their chance. The Bees are chill and exist in the backyard, never got stung once.
Footfags should be shot into space
>5 month old thread
Lmao this is what so called “gameplay discussion” enjoyers want
Does this count as a terrorist threat?
I shant be picking up the calls
i'm a slightly horny sunnie+
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hey leave my wife alone

hello my wife
To each their own, I'd rather shit be done quicker as they're fuckin boring to begin with so the more damage a healer can put out the better
I might pick up the calls maybe idk
let me destroy you >:3
My femezen sliding her fingers gently along this slightly horny sunnie+'s ears until she's a moderately horny sunnie+
>no one fucking ever uses sprint or Arms Length there
I do
thanks for the calls
step in to the grand tour grand tour grand tour
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huh!? destroy what about me exactly...

keep away from those they're sensitive and fluffy
odds RPR
evens PLD
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When you tilt versus when you don't tilt.

Learn from my mistake and don't tilt.

sorry I'm a chainloss dipshit tilt or not
your ass >:3
I never tilt in CC
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Why would you tilt over casual mmo pvp anon?
The only strange thing about whm is medica 2 has more *single* target potency than cure 2. Cure 1 being shit is a meme, but cure 2 is also shit and you should rarely if ever cast it after lvl 53
My fiddie is experiencing dramatic mood swings and might do something she regrets soon
I always tilt in CC
I'll be critiquing your poses if you do, better make that shit good if you're gonna threaten it
I agree it's a bit of an unusual preference, but it's genuinely what I like.
my sunnie+'s fat ass is NOT to be destroyed!!!!!!!
nta but i tilt over every game or contest no matter how insignificant
had a girlfriend break up with me because i was taking pokemon tcg against her and our other friends too seriously
my fiddie could really go for a mcchicken rn ngl. i could regret that later, so i relate
When you don't tilt you can proceed forward to the next step - think carefully about what you do.
Dumb American nigger, pvp is the only thing to care about in this shit game
Yeah, i dont even have C1 and C2 bound to a hotkey anymore because the uses for them are so goddamn minimal
Still on the hotbar just in case, but yeah
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You're only allowed to tilt in Ranked anon, not in Casual
because it's a way to acquire threadcred that doesn't involve drama or gooning?
this is the most lukewarm faggot ass reply imaginable
then what is?
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My femlala looks and acts exactly like this
Armpit sweat may I get a cheeky peek
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>want to cc
>stuck at work
ill call for you guys when i get home in 2 or 3 hrs....
Ain't nothing wrong if you enjoy it anon, I may think you're weird for it but if it's what you enjoy who am I to judge
If you WoL had to fight either ben 10 at his peak or beast boy at his peak when your WoL just had the Blessing of light removed by midgardragondong which one you fighting?
What sexuality is it considered if you're into transgirls but hate biofem...?
Ranked PvP sure because you’re actually playing for ranked points but tilting over casuals is so fucking funny and sad
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I hate goontards so much it's unreal
maybe her pelvic bones...
You are not allowed to tilt in ranked neither
fall down the stairs and you'll be CCd alright
The malera instinct to go to a parking lot, sit on the ground, and cry.
Well then it's a fitting reply for "threatening" people with a decade year old meme
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Cry bitch, go back to WoW
Tilt is only allowed in ranked and is merited, especially when the game keeps fucking teaming you up with one of the infamous creatures going 0/6 and then do stupid shit like running deep in the enemy team solo and dying immediately...
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hey now, there are some good BRD players in CC
just not the vast, vast majority of them...
I love her!!!
*parks next to you and watches you while I eat my lunch* uhhh.. bro? you want a fry?

fairly certain it was a random but if it was someone from here who's new to CC please bind recuperate
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damn this guy is ANCIENT
Getting away from the keyboard for a match or two works wonders. Chaining CC matches on a losing streak is dreadful.
there's no stairs here or at home bro
we love the primal cryptids don't we folks
>"B-but the state of the thread?!!"
Fuck off. If you cared, you'd be setting a trend and speaking, not telling others to shut up.
DRK chew through trash packs a lot faster than a warrior tho
i dont know how you managed to do it but this reply is even more limp wristed than the last
What does this mean?? What does the numbers mean, Mason?!?
*does loops past you in my go-kart*
wotlk was the peak of wow, shame its been garbage since legion
So adder-ra is into ovipositors now?There's really no stopping once you touch the untouchable.
MayI lick her?
That's enough PvP for one day
Fuck your perma stunlock teamcomp
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A good/decent DRK is absolutely fine in DT dungeons with minimal healing.
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I swear to god, if SE only change the kits and don't add any new things to the reward system of ranked and I'm STILL stuck with them, I'll probably just drop the whole thing all together.
stfu bro im only 27...
Sure go ahead
I have so many friends in CC that when I lose, they win. So it's hard to get upset!

... Especially since I get to lewd my EB when I do win!
>TEAM ASTRA: all randoms, nine times in a row
>runs back in one at a time and feeds
what now

qrd is thats my grown man biofem biotranny purewife gooner lewdwife or not who I will die for because they sometimes start really nice conversations out of nowhere and that's more than any of you afk wallflowers

what are you going to fanta to

bro the kids still use era don't they...
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>please bind recuperate
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>someone chases me down
>lead them to my team
>they die to my team
>/squats them
I don't think they understood what they were doing when they added this emote
it disappoints everyone when that shit is mid, at least someone gets to enjoy it if it's quality
Only shitters have a hard time healing DRK. I do it on WHM without a single issue
this dude just got raped lmfao
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@ Rin
>catgirl turns 30 in 2 months
>only have 100m gil in XIV
>only have $50k in bank account
Is it genuinely over for me, is this my midlife crisis
you know they're not adding any real ranked rewards, maybe another shitty glam
are the primal kittens still doing their thing? I haven't queued up in a while
my favorite cat here /hug
>what now
Now we are proceeding to the next game
May I do that to you're cock
You're not wrong anons DRK is definitely faster as it hits harder, but on average it's faster with a warrior as the skill floor is way higher with war as it is easily the most braindead tank to play and heal
Yep, the only time they are really in the cuckshed is late SB dungeon like doma castle.
there's like 3 of them
Just don't get hit?
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The devs like this.
my crush said no
>all of the cool allagan node mounts are locked behind FL achievements
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hey guys I found this picture, hope you enjoy
Whip it out and slap me with it (in CC)
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The easiest solution is to not play in the first place
I guarantee you you are doing better than a lot of your peers
Well it's pre-season, so ranked has been dead since DT release.
IIRC Kanye and Ruja tried to push some to queue so there was some games going but it's still pretty much dead till 7.1.

Though last season I think most of the kittens were in Aether.
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now you get to crush them in a different way
like with a really big boulder
>t. sprinting out of the spawn point at palaistra
Can I crush your pussy with my cock
Its unironically the most fun gameplay-side thing in this game so its better to play it
>/squats them
enjoy your vacation
Jokes on you. I closed the DM.
is this real
gang shi
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My fiddie says stuff like “yeah im crazy. Im a fuckin psycho. You better not mess with me if you know whats good for you”
Doesn't have one
mine said maybe and then keeps saying we'll do things together and we never do
Can I crush your bussy with my cock
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better days.........
Time to take the hint
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stop trying to make me horny while i kill people!!!

she knows who she is
>same thing happens to me
>my team sees an enemy approaching
>promptly scatters to the four winds
>die because I am bad at PvP and my teammates are all cowards
Shit like this is why I never try in FL. I get my daily and get back to playing real game modes like MSQ roulette and normal raids.
my femlala otl
the one crushing on me hasn't said anything
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this is incorrect

cutscene skipper post
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Is it me? What do I tell you?
chat is this real
Pits are SE-approved goon material tho (see >>496226990)
i take the hint and then days later she comes back to seduce me and be like "hey we should gpose sometime" (it never happens)
uhhh you confess to me duh
*flicks forehead*
ty for doing fast calls
You killed 1 person that game hehehe that time could have been better spent making my eyes water
you'are mare is offline
it's a real and unmodded (althought cropped for emphasis) cutscene.
this was too fast and i missed it but i also didn't really wanna play more clockwork so it works out
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My ass still hurts, man... they were fucking RUTHLESS
It genuinely felt worse than playing a fightan and getting combo'd to death, god DAMN
.. I don't remember making this post
Are people ACTUALLY supposed to confess to their ingame crushes...? Or is that just a meme you guys play up on here... aaahahaha... asking for a friend
Do not be afraid. You are worth more than many sparrows.
Cute hrothgal.
I am now forklift certified
But like, for real
it's an epidemic. these catgirls think they're so cute and quirky for being fake afk and sitting on benches and ghosting people
free spotemgottem
>My ass still hurts, man... they were fucking RUTHLESS
Sorry I think I used miracle on you like 5 times at least
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NTA but you could consider using your LB to negate that. Especially playing MCH of all jobs.
my fiddie says "yippee!" and "yay!" because she is actively happymaxing.
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Yes stop blueballing your crush and confess already
Yes, why wouldn't you confess to them? Are you going to live being passive and watch as other people take initiative and go out with your crush, when it could have been you? You're not a cuckold, are you?
>another forklift certificated(tm) xivgger
How many forklift operators we have in this general?
I did it. She doesn't feel the same way. We remain friends. It's a burden you can offload from the friendship, so you should. Worst case scenario she says no, best case scenario she feels the same way. You have nothing to lose
I think my problem is that I overextend a lot because I try to pop Bioblaster ASAP, so I get caught in bad spots all the time...
it just switched to palaistra
My catboy screams that at full blast when he spots a cute tranner
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Please don't confess to me, please never confess to me
I just want to play the game now, I've been burned way too many times and every time it just hurts way too much when it ends.
Please don't do it, don't make me reject you even if I really like you just because I'm afraid of getting close to someone else again
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my moonie is extremely powerful
As friends.
He's probably not xivg but I got introduced to this game by a forklift operator
my moonie might do it for real this time
this moonie luvs hroths
I dont believe you
>Please don't confess to me
>I've been burned way too many times
I'm different though...
I'm the exception....
We could be so happy together....
trip back on, pedophile
a good number probably, considering the low iq of the general they can't get real jobs, only gruntwork
i ain't certified but that's never stopped me
m'lord you did it, you saved the kingdom once more
>no instant pop
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shush now

i forgor to update the chara things and i probably got paused cuz of triangle
has anyone ever actually responded to that knight RP'er guy in these threads

i see him post all the time and no-one ever responds to him, kind of cringe
It's not enough that I not tilt. I want others to get mad, to actively ruin their experience
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thats a new accusation, did you figure out your old schizo methods werent working?

at least youre trying to keep it fresh
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I can understand that, you just need to have more situational awareness and weigh your options if it's safe to use analyzed Bioblaster
i.e. is your team with you brawling or are you all by yourself? Just keep in mind MCH has little to no mits aside from maybe its turret if you would even consider that as one.
Distance is your best friend as a MCH
I do, and I even complimented him ingame for his posts. I don't need to respond and give a You every time he posts, though.
I've got two university degrees and speak 4 languages.
I STILL needed to get this fucking shitty ass warehouse job.
Holy moly I love this middie so much it's unreal
he said after someone replied to him
oh man you're gonna feel soooooooooo stupid when you look a few posts above yours.......
I gave him a pet I think he is cool
>3 minute stomp against 0/4 keyboard droolers
this dude is actually really fucking good on monk so i tolerate his existence
>2 degree warehouse grunt
LMAO in what? women's science?
I think he's cool. A bit stupid sometimes, but he's genuine.
Single but also probably ugly for most of this general, as I play male highlander.
not who you think i am, but that image is skeeve af
I like him but like most good posters I don't have anything to reply to them with
Why are you showing off when the other team clearly didn't know what they're doing here? That reaper put in a lot more work than you, BTW.
I just know this nigga's Canadian
i will wait for 4 man content but i always instapull in alliance raids, where at that point it's not about the new players in the cutscenes, it's about pussy ass tank sissies scared of pulling the boss. i'll instapull that shit and run into the group any day of the week
hey that's a cool post but why is your avatar attached to it?
He's genuinely better than every ebin and avatar whore that posts
Niggas wake up at 10am to seethe at a mario party game mode with no rankings on the line
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Wait a minute who do you think I am.
Graphic Design and History.
Yeah, I know, History, but come the fuck on Graphic Design should have been enough for stable work, and yet look at this shit.

Nowhere close, I'm european and not even a native english speaker.
How do you feel about unprotected sex with a fiddie?
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damn thats crazy dude you should ask me if i care
>I'm european
Damn, is the job market that bad there too?
This moonboy is forklift certified? That makes my moonie wet
is that my wife angelina
Graphic design takes skill to actually find work + a good portfolio
Erp gangbangs are lame. Just a conga line of mooks repeating the same general script.
Something something my femra something something
Yeah people should just do it to me irl instead
Something something femra send me a /tell something something


Yeah, and 5 years of experience minimum in every single position unless you want to be an intern paying for the privilege of doing someone's work.
Can I come home yet
Do you have a funny accent? I’ll pay you $400/ month to be my maid. You get free room and board too. American here, obviously.
oh no one in particular actually, I just typed what came to mind.
your anonymity is safe with me...
AI. Wrong degree at the wrong time bro sorry
Same here. Interesting!
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unfortunately not anon I'm nobody's wife except the one guy i definitely didn't forge papers for
something something runs away aaaaaaaaa
holy shit that's fast based
my crush is doing rouls with a rando and not me even though i asked if they wanted to do them with me
not you dumbass im talking about the girl in the image
nah i had fun anyways :D

they tried
>+ a good portfolio
That's why I haven't gotten anything with my computer science degree. You're supposed to treat it as a full time job creating shit just to get a job
Catches with a net I won't bite too much you're free to poke me whenever you like!!
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>That's why I haven't gotten anything with my computer science degree
Don't worry bro, development jobs are gonna be back on the menu soon now that they're cutting rates
think about it from the employers perspective, too many people have gone through school cause "i wanna work for computers" and its not even hard to slide by and get a degree, they want to make sure the guy theyre hiring isnt one of those who has never done work on his own time outside of class projects. filters out a lot of the retards and indians
2 hrothgals in this CC match lord have mercy I'm about to BUST
a blue collar warehouse monkey 40 year old hick pedophile who posts on 4chan 16 hours a day. at least you own it, swysster
and not a single woman lol
It was gaelicatnip spray!
what does this post have to do with xiv?
>Layoffs from may to november
Ive never felt worse in my life
idk i saved it like years ago bro
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I've been working on a more specialized photography portfolio, as those positions seem to be doing better after the advent of AI than just straight graphic design. That and I've always wanted to get a job that makes me travel often. I'm not sure how realistic those expectations are, but if all else fails, I'll keep it as a hobby participating in contests for the occasional price and instead go into security, since I've been crushing the gym and that's a better prospect than fucking forklift operator.

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my moonie just wiped to e9n
my crush just plays CC all day and I don't touch that shit at all
this moonie still loves hroths
Good you will never know. I win.
yeah but your actual crush is waiting for you btw................... just letting you know...........
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im impressed that you didnt manage to hit a single accurate insult after cramming half a dozen of them into one sentence
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If 4 years of education isn't enough then your onboarding sucks ass
because cs degrees even from great schools barely teach you anything about actual software """engineering""". and besides, there are hundreds of thousands of cs grads every year now, youre all functionally the same, you need something to differentiate yourself. having something on github that isnt a school project shows some level of independence.
t. senior software engineer, ive done over 100 interviews over my career
act your age
How’s this for a deal: regen healers do 30% more dmg than shield healers.

Sge/SCH shields now stack
this nigga makes the best content on erp troons
>You use PEMDAS stupid ass and Multiplication comes before Division.
I know you're shitposting but some people unironically think this and that bothers me
Wouldn't this apply to you as well?
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They're the coolest for sure. In fact I was just looking through some art trying to find ideas for some cool DRK screenshots.



(My last call)
my wol moonie is canonically 15
My crush is a fiddie. They are very patient creatures
I sign up for kino and neither tank has LB bound, classic
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won that one so hard my shit exploded

shield healers are now unplayable unless you strictly need to clutch an LB3
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is this a callout post i feel like i know who this is
uoooh cat belly erotic chest and belly erotic needs impregnation correction
At what point do you stop being a punching bag because you have to be the bigger person
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x = .999999
10x = 9.99999
10x - x = 9
9x = 9
x = ...1?
>Sge/SCH shields now stack
>the one thing stopping every PF retard from spamming double shield is now gone and WHM falls off the face of the earth (based but still fuck you desu)
good job retard
erm wheres ur repeating sign
It didn't pop... did I miss that queue...
It should have been implied
I know your kind cant read but is intuition also a no go?
got split i think
I guess, now...
Dying to raidwides isn’t what’s gatekeeping most PF groups from clearing m4s. It’s having to do sunrise at all, retard.
I saw a cute thighlander in my roulettes, and I would like to share their plate with the thread.
>I sign up for kino
Pic unrelated
sorry but your post is false try again with proper notation next time
disappointing post
tfw zadnor is dead so spamming normal raids is faster than spawning CEs for relic books now

Kill me dudes I knew I should have done bozja when it was current content
New bread where sisters?
>PLD in friendlies
Time to queue down.
Just like that manchild slop trial yeah
but respectfully
sorry I only deal with whites or asians
Its gonna be even deader soon, sis.
yeah this is stupid
As sweet a scrub quote
I see why no one queues this shit except these mazed autists
>SCH in friendlies
Yep I'm stopping.
i've been wanting to sit down and lab anti-pld strategies beyond extremely basic stuff but it's hard to get in ideal conditions since you need 3 people at the minimum
you post some variation of this every couple days
Same, but only East Asians. And female.
give that one a shot in english
What's my age again
As I said. Shitty onboarding. Very few other fields require you to study and create content full time for the luxury of being employed
the sch queues will continue until morale improves
t. not playing cc right now
>xivg player in queue
Yep I’m stopping.
Cmon you can just counter them
>PCT in friendlies
time to queue down
Aw sweet a scrubquote in xivg. There ya go is that better?
ok i smiled
I really, really, really like thighlanders. And I like to share their plates when I find good ones.

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