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Previous: >>496060475

>Ordeal Call III: Neo-Primate Succession War, Archetype Inception:
●Event period: Aug 28~Oct 31 JST (2 Months).
▶NEW Limited Master Missions (~Oct 4): 10 SQ, 1 Crystallized Lore, 9 Stargazer's Teapots and 4 Silver Apples.
▶Login Bonus (~Oct 2): 5 Gold Apples, 10 5* Embers, 3M QP, 20 3* Fou-kun (10ATK, 10HP), 1 Footprint and 3 Teapots.
▶Welfare Servant: 4*Moon Cancer Kishinami Hakuno (Male and Female). These Servants will be featured in the FP Gacha in October's Event (you must clear OC III).
▶Moon Cancer will be added to the EXTRA I Class Score after clearing OC III.
▶Animation Update for Sesshōin Kiara.
▶Strengthening Quest for Sesshōin Kiara and Kingprotea.
▶Teapots expire October 31.

>Kyoto International Manga and Anime Fair 2024:
>Kyomaf 2024 PU Summon:
●Sep 21~28.
5*Berserker Sen no Rikyū
4*Saber Saitō Hajime
3*Assassin Okada Izō
All limited

>Lostbelt No.4 Clear Support Campaign:
●Sep 1~30 JST.
▶Recollection Quests: 6 Gold Apples and 600 Mana Prism
▶Limited Master Missions: 20 *5 Embers, 400 Leaves, 1 Rare Prism, 3 SQ and 1 Lore
▶Next event requirement: LB4
▶0 AP for LB4 Main Quests

>Archetype Inception Part 3 PU Summon:
●Sep 22~29.
5*Alter Ego Sesshōin Kiara (limited)
4*Saber Roland (permanent)

>Current Pick Ups:
●~Oct 2 JST.
5*Moon Cancer C.I.E.L.
4*Lancer Dobrynya Nikitich
4*Avenger Xu Fu
All limited.
5*Lancer Karna
4*Lancer Percival
Both permanent.
●~Oct 9 JST.
5*Moon Cancer BB Dubai
4*Moon Cancer Tenochtitlan
4*Foreigner Mysterious Heroine XX Alter
All limited.

>Pastebin for utility links:
Wait, which one is the one below?
from OC3
Let me rephrase it. Which moment from OC3 is the one below? I nearly forgot all things.
last scene
I hope this thread is less schizo. The last one was schizo in a way that was depressing from people taking their digital waifus way too seriously.
The archetype launch.
It's going to be the same as usual and you know it
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Oh right.
>Castoria theme plays
I dunno man, that sounds kinda sus that this happens after Guda has to write how manking went out.
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Sex with Okita
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They used LB6 themes in this OC. The one that you mentioned, and also they used the battle theme for when Kazuradrop revealed herself at the end before getting her head off.
City rabu
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>Hakunos killed Melt
Was I supposed to feel sad about their deaths?
Also glad that KD got decapitated.
Is the star below eresh?
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Yeah, fuck off. And never come back.
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>OC1: Guda becomes an Alter Ego, doesn't really do anything other than being a bit different from normal Guda
>OC2: Guda becomes an Avenger, gets cheats
>OC3: Guda becomes a Mooncancer, doesn't really do anything
>OC4: Guda will become a Ruler and get cheats
The pattern has spoken
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for me it's gotta be foggsu~
>Clarification, Complementation, Farewell
>Entrustment, Pledge
OC1 -> Complementation of Alterego
OC2 -> Farewell to Avenger
OC3 -> Entrustment of future by destroying the Moon Cancer

>OC4 -> Pledge to Human Order by Ruler
Apocrypha ref chapter by Higa
>OC5 -> Clarification of the Foreigner
Foreigner has been the most mysterious class. Some of it were explained in Imaginary Scramble but still not enough. Meteo chapter
>actually we will have 5 OCs
is this what hell is like
Nope, is something that Guda schizo mind saw
SO how the fuck will they finish part 2 during anni if there will be 5 fucking OC
Farewell is graduation for OC3
Not entrustment
She tanked it
Da Vinci? Romani? Castoria? Olga?
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Are you guys saying there is goghing to be Goghtent in the future?
They won't, it will finish in december like every arc
>OC3 -> Entrustment of future by destroying the Moon Cancer
Well no kinda the opposite
Fulfillment of the future by giving an answer to the mooncancer if anything.
Guda didn't reject the mooncancer like he did avenger
And by deciding how humanity would perish he effectively acted as a mooncancer at the end, thus giving them validity
Nasu is going to find a way to retroactively ruin LB6 and Castoria because he's been incapable of letting things have sound endings, isn't he?
Already did in fairy summer
She's effectively only shipped with muramasa now because of him
Castoria being alive and returning is something that has been teased already, anon.
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Are you ready to apologize yet, /fgog/?
Why would I apologize to the worst summer?
I'm sorry for going out to buy the cigs, so-ehm daughter.
Retarded takes by cuck/shipfag.
Holy illness
Yeah that's why you are here lmao. Are you playing for gacha? Or not even playing or reading only shitting this thread. Trying to corner waifufag but fine with the shipfag, or cuckfag, lol. Big L.
Just go delete the game and go outside touch the grass or consult with psychologist.
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ACKTUALLY, Kiara killed melt in the true ending.
Weird way to spell cucksummer
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>JP fans still remember Hakunon's glasses fetish.
That's probably why Hakunon claimed Koyan.
Sure raikouschizo, enjoy ankotrash fiddling with your gookshit btw
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Gudako's onahole.
You haven't, and nobody believes you anyway.
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I wish farming for materials outside of lottos and event shops isn't such a miserable experience.
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Lavinia when?
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This but also qp
Not soon enough
>nobody can ever have every assassin in the game because of the freebies
>they aren't even in swimwear in their battle sprites
Are Summer Xu Fu coins grail fodder? She just seems so bad.
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Please consider sex with the banana
she's okay for an Instakill meme team, I use one for the QP blank earth node.
I hope this become a ritual post
None of the summer servants are actually that good besides Ciel
Foreigner OC, that form she have in the Salem manga is Meteo "secret" spoiler
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Would it be a good decision to make her playable like 6 years after her story debut? Is the UOOOH gang strong enough to carry that gacha? Doubt non-lolicon players from back still care by now.
cute rapist
She could be more popular than most main story servants we have gotten since lb6
On her own or as an Abigail orbiter?
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Both probably
Breed Banana's Bubble Butt
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remember Enkidu? yeah (s)he is for me
We know Gil
King wa hitori, kono ore da!
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Are these your heroes?
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not evil enough
not cat enough
not evil cat enough
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Fancy city.
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I did Aesc
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God damn, what are the odds of this. Literally back to back multis.
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You must have exuded strong retard energy
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>got another mordred spook about a week ago
The Mocancer is spreading
Bros... I'm one BG away from MLB. The odds of rolling one in the story banner is only 1/8th the odds of rolling a rade up SSR. I should do it, right?
Kill yourself /alter/
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Why she doing this
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I think it's time to accept that she flopped.
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Egao (forma de ropaje robado)
I unironically hope you suffer forever /alter/
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wtf arc is gay?
I wish nasu loved gil as much as gege loves Sukuna
He will always value his sluts more.
Sorry, mushroom is still riding Oberon's dick.
gil is one of the most shilled characters in the franchise
what are you complaining about
Probably aura. Nasu thinks of gil as a god, supposedly, but writes him like a clown. King Hassan, for example, has way more dignity.
are you twelve
Nasu prefers strong women/sluts with weak minds. They also have to be fresh because he changes his mind easily
The word has been around for centuries, friend.
>sluts with weak minds
Kiara, kama, and Tamamos
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>has unremovable invul
>break bars into an insta NP that ignores invul
these quests are all so tiresome...
Don't worry, it only gets worse from here.
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The battle that wasn't.
Nasu, Takeuchi, and 2-kun need to naked dogeza on a live stream, followed by a bunch of very short fat men stepping on Nasu's dick to make up for this not happening.
Use kerry
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It happened though
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Ill just use these
I dont give a fuck unless his other break bar also gives him full NP. THEN a fuck will be beyond given but delivered in the form of a semi automatic
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You know for a character who has never even appeared in this game Galahad has good art.
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Things that I wish would happen in-screen
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Ciel prostitutes herself for curry, OHOHOHOHOHO.
You’re asking for a lot, I’m pretty sure Gege self-inserts as Uraume
>(You) canonically introduced curry to the Servantverse
>Ciel prostitutes herself to (you)
uhhhhh based?

>who has never even appeared in this game
He showed up to shit on Mash tho

>inb4 insubstantiated theories about how it wasn’t the real Mash

Also Moonlight Lostroom
this is eerily plausible with old ciel
Use Koyan Dark lmao
>search Ibaraki artist
>see if he had ever made hentai
>only one
>pussy not visible
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>finally finished leveling up my last remaining Mystic Code
>Shirou age 16 at 2006
>Guda age 16 at 2016
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I finished it.
didn't want to repeat the DMC gimmick since we know more about OC than the first one but wanted to keep it as a sub gag since it's basically narrowed down as being the final deliverance of that "Divine Comedy" keyword

>Actual Christian philosophy
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>Buy starter account to play on JP and NP5 Ciel
>Go close to zero SQ chasing NP 5 (actually got a 6th copy too)
>Buy another just to see if I have better luck
>Get her with 1500 leftover
The main difference is:

Account 1:
>4 BG
>Already cleared OC 3 and current event
>Got 15 summer Xu Fu and 12 Dobrynya for grail casting and rare prism fodder

Account 2:
>3 BG
>+1500 SQ
>Is only at OC 2 and hasn't cleared current event (so it can get more SQ)

Which one do you think is better?
Account 2
You didn't account for Ruler chapter having nothing to do with Christianity because TM is a contrarian ass company

SR event already set up an indian Ruler
>western servant wanks japan
Will definitely happen if higashide is the writer
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Lady Avalon and being one off MLB BG is really tempting, but I think you might be right just because I really like rolling.
Sometimes, I'm tempted to use and buy a JP account so that I can access extra goodies like Space Eresh, Ciel and a lot of meta Servants, since I started playing in NA last July. But I already spend too much money on it at this point, so it's too late for me to turn back.
Btw, I only have one NP2 BG.
>He showed up to shit on Mash tho
Really? The only line I know Galahad has in the entire game that I recall is talking to Mashu in LB1 and it wasn't exactly shitting on her, just giving advice.
>Actual Christian Philosophy
Why add things you KNOW won't be in there...
If you've already spent a lot on your NA account, I'd say it isn't worth it. Mine was F2P and I lost access to it, so I didn't mind dropping $25 (each) on starter accounts. If you really just wanna dick around with new shit though, I think it's kinda worth. You'll get to preview the new servants and actually play around with them enough to know whether or not your main NA account needs it.
Kinda ironic since Sakurai likes nipwank and OC2 has none whatsoever

isn't it 2004?
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sex with retards
I'd be more interested in the Lartorialter getting an animation update and buffs.
Or a swimsuit version.
*grooming retards
Nice fake
I'm so fucking shit of these dogshit story supports. This has to be the worst one yet. Not even Shimousa was this bad.
Usually I always try to beat every fight without CS or cubes but this OC3 I didn't give a fuck the moment they kept shoving me TWO useless supports that couldn't be moved from the front line.
Shimosa was still worse since they didn't think about buffing the forced supports back then
Good idea, I'm gonna brute force this shit, CS regenerate daily anyway.
What's the point of it anyway? Why not just skip arty setup and go straight into battle after the dialogue?
Although I do think having no friend support the entire chapter makes sense, as the chapter's battles are meant to be entirely story-driven and (You) are basically cut off from Chaldea and could not get other reinforcements, be it other Servants or whatelse. So, OC3 is the probably the one that stuck most to the in-story limitations and translate them in-game as well, more so than LB6.
I don't need friend supports, just let me use my shit and don't fucking prompt me to make new party every fight. Stop fucking shilling your useless autofill feature, Lasagna.
Can Shiki cook curry? Or is he like Shirou who can't cook for shit?
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Foreigners will just show up to deal with last Brolga. It won't be an OC.
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Nasu will get a random mind goblin, and write a Foreigner OC that is also the Angel Notes collab
amphibian will write it
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When was the last time gogh was relevant
The auto feature is useful for chapters like these though.
What the actual fuck
Your rank is already B. You just need A to pass the barrier. There won't be a Foreigner OC. The secret one was Mooncancer.
I don't think those numbers are possible unless multiple people used automata or something.
Foreigner is literally in the OC trailer
Is it? I never bother with using it because when it was first introduced it only cared about class affinity.
>"Since when did you assume the ranks go from F to A?"
>S rank unlocked
kek yeah they'd definitely do this
This seems like a chapter that is made entirely for Automata.
So? Mooncancer isn't and got it. What are you trying to prove?
>Only 100 replies after 12 hours
>Has a nothing OP
Dead thread
There are 5 OCs and that's final.
>Nasu said there is a Foreigner OC
>No there won't be a Foreigner OC because [Headcanon]
Kill yourself
>Nasu said there is a Foreigner OC
>he doesn't know
>he thinks he knows
What if the OC4 girl is actually one of Lilith's lesser know friends: Naamah, Eisheth Zenunim and Agrat bat Mahlat instead of Lilith herself? Or worse, genderbend Samael?
L or R?
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Damn, the shitposters really do carry this thread, huh?
Sex with the Bit
>Hakunon want to suck your dick.
>But Hakuno was the one in 90% of the story.
So, depend on what you want.
That's basically this whole board.
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what does this mean, nasu??
med bee
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Fate and UBW message was improve yourself and be competitive
>surpass yourself
>iron sharpens iron
>don't get complacent
>neverending story about self-improvement

HF message was
>don't surpass yourself
>give up on your dreams
>settle for used goods
>you exist to make sakura happy
>being a normal salary man
Media literacy is at an all-time low.
>settle for used goods
literally me
Thoughts on this years servants?

>Falling for /alter/ copypasta
Jp only servant rabu
You mean this year's OCs and a couple of new Servants
30m downloads campaign when, bros?
Before 2025 you rike it?
Look at the app version and take a guess
Good thing since new servants that aren't OCs are shit anyway
You seem to be an alter expert, way to expose yourself, retard
/alter/ general, retard.
I can't hear you over you owning and exposing yourself, alterfag
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Iori-kyun, Arisu and Grand Kareshi
Hassan-kun and Caglio
>Think they're cute
Takeru, Marie Alter, summer Tenochi, the Hakunos and BB Dubai
Mostly indifferent towards everyone else
Me love Bit
Me not Tez
Me not Pepe
Me not Kirsch
Me not Guda
Me not Bit's dad
We know Ort
We get it Dark Star
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Is hakuno a limited event servant? or can i take my time clearing OC III?
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I'm curious about the weird plot device of this OC.

>OC 1 simulation with AI in the paper moon

>OC 2 takes place in our hole

>OC3 simulation with AI in the Mooncell and other stuff

The church of Rome is at the center of dark conspiracy theories more than any other education so there is a lot of stuff to draw from like the chronovisor kept in the Vatican.
It could also be linked to those semi-forgotten characters like Mario, Marem and the other members of the butter agency
Do they still play, that one is ancient history going by date.
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Kinda both? Hakuno's limited until they make OC3 permanent. Whether or not you need 1 Hakuno to benefit from FP rateup during the next event is unclear.
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Yeah, I think OC3 motivated them to draw FGO related fanart again.
If evens bit playable
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News Doko?
(you) got wanted and (you) are a nip.
I have passionate sex with City every night
Nasu also said Mooncancer wasn't going to get an OC but a gaiden story.
He lied and switched their places.
OC are just chapters to showcase the main writers skills. The main writers being Nasu, Higashi, Sakurai and Minase. Meteo has barely written ANYTHING for years, even events. So I see Foreigner as completely unlikely.
>but some other guy could
Main writers bro.
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There's 5 words for 5 diffent OCs. Foreigner is in, and also in the trailer, it's not a discussion.
castoria... please stop bonking her, it's not going to make the news come out any faster...
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lmao even
You're supposed to say this about something stupid not facts
it could be pretty kino if we start the Ruler OC and then it turns out to be a Pretender OC instead
We already have Pretender in the class score
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It turns out that it's the real Ruler OC pretending to be Pretender OC
you are a retard and it's a fact
what happen if foreigner oc really show up?
lol lmao even
Does that mean City Ruler SSR alt? I'm in
EoR have four singularity
I don't think there even going to be a fifth ordeal call. It will be Olga quest unlocking the foreigner CS or later down the road.
Why is there a schizo in denial.about Foreigner OC?
Why is there an ESL schizo in denial about the Foreigner OC? We're not getting shit, enjoy it being unlocked through a gag event
>It will be Olga quest unlocking the foreigner CS or later down the road.
this is reasonable
I hate Melusine, Choco and Nasu so much.
we know georgie
it's okay because we hate raitabortions and sakurai

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