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Use this one unless you wish to behave womanly
Previous thread: >>496250594

HELLDIVERS 2 is a 2024 co-op, squad-based, PvE 3rd person shooter for PC and PS5 where players fight against hordes of alien insects and robots to Spread Democracy. Players wage war on a number of contested planets, each with a different environment, completing as many objectives as possible within a procedurally generated area while constrained by a time limit. With enough successful operations a planet can be completely liberated, and the player base must cooperate to try to liberate the entire galaxy by focusing and combining their efforts as much as possible.

Released in 2015 for PC, PS3/4 and PS Vita, the original HELLDIVERS is the origin of the setting and basic gameplay formula of HELLDIVERS 2. The major difference is that HELLDIVERS is a top-down shooter, its mechanics being based primarily on Arrowhead's previous game Magicka.


Sept 17: 1.001.100 Patch https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/553850/view/7147864422081646859
Sept 18: 1.001.101 Hotfix https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/553850/view/4679892274002466936
Sept 19: Chemical Agents https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fnHr4URSXis [Open]
Sept 24: 1.001.102 Patch https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/553850/view/4679892274020252124

Sept 19: Chemical Agents https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fnHr4URSXis
Your fellow Helldivers continue the fight for managed democracy. Join them.
>promoting alcoholism to children
shame Swedish behaviour
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please leave a bump to bring down the splitranny thread
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destroyer radios: ON
on board the keeper of the stars
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Total botnigger death.
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Oh god, Shelt is a fucking colorful tundra biome. Yeah no wonder people are having trouble there, that biome is actual hell.
why don't we ever do it, then?

i did some yesterday it it was nice
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splitranny fuming rn
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cityscape biome still in development please understand
>majority playerbase on shelt all day
Was building a space station all it took for bugdivers to realize bots aren't that bad?
This but the flutenigger doxxing xemself with a backyard image 200 meters from a one of a kind restaurant
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>bot MO
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Bots are pretty easy all things considered. Can take any strat against them and have a good time
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>ATTENTION EVERYONE : I am currently drinking
I kneel, Piles
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here's one i made myself
they also made the best free games
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spray it don't say it
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so i told flutey
>i'm gonna grab the rockets
>slideee and dodge all the laser bullets
>SUBMERGE MYSELF IN SHALLOW WATER (her name has "water" in it)
>get out of the water
>jump OVER the tank
>put three rockets in its backside and one more for good measure
>and then spin around really fast

i posted an in n out too. we like going there when we touch back down on SUPER EARTH
i don't know where that came from
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>clans not even out yet and the general already has namefag drama
We're so fucking cooked. RIP to the anons who just want to talk about the game and play some missions together.
shoutout to the 3 different people who have posted itt
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jesus, the schizo is worse than i thought lmao
he's a playstation player from what i gathered as well?
anyway threadly reminder to apply for Clan Leader.
applications close on sunday
>he's a playstation player from what i gathered as well?
Which schizo? You have to be specific.
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Thanks, niggerfaggot. It was fun to stomp your troonsplit into the ground right after that little "well what are you gonna le do about it :)" troonout in the previous thread.
No, they just want to try to "protect" their investment by securing a nearby planet while it's still got fresh post-defense liberation.
he’s on PC with an Xbox controller, go and look on arch at some of the webms he’s posted for the button prompt popups.

in his defense if you’re going to max out at D3 you might as well get comfy with a controller even when a mouse and keyboard is available
If clans are revealed to be small as fuck, i hope we'll have the common sense to divide them by timezones
you really took that hard huh
im going to be honest dude you are genuinely unnerving
the splitfaggot
Haha the beloved drawfag doesn't like you.
>managed to forget your gay little image
just kill yourself already, you can't even avatarfag properly
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I truly hope the Space Station has nothing to do with clans so all this discussion dies out for a while.
>live in LA
>autistic because of late pregnancy mother and fluoride tapwater
>have imaginary girlfriend
>live a sad lonely life
>ritually post about my imaginary girlfriend on 4chin
>hated by other lonely autists
>cant even play my favorite games with them anymore
Why is everyone so womanly :(
flutroon you can either schizo out or samefag but you can’t do both
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I'm not one to treat niggers like people. You will either behave yourself or be superbly fucked with.
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>Haven't played the game for a few months because all my friends quit
>Check out the general because it was on the front page
Jesus christ, this place went to shit.
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>superbly fucked with
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I'm not him, just love the cute style. I'd like to say that I have no opinion about the fluteposter. But if someone decides to fuck with the OP, it's the duty of every decent regular to set things straight and spite the splitranny with extreme force.
now this is a manly man
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For me it's the mech. There's a lot of stratagems in HELLDIVERS™2 but none quite compare to the mech. Mech. Please buff the mech.
It's just 2 or 3 anons having synced up spergouts. It will cool down when actual people wake up to post lobbies.
flutroon im going to bed but I promise that if /hdg/ is around 700 posts when I wake up I’ll split it again just for you
take that up with them. it was nice seeing a flutey OP
I think if they let us take both mechs they would be a lot better. "Missing" 2 stratagems isn't that awfull if you are permenantly in a mech.
They probably need a few extra buffs but it would be a good start.
>splittroon needs to be pacified by his little games
KEK it keeps getting better.
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what the fuck is wrong with youtubers
>cockpit view
>engineer backpack that, among other things, can replenish and fix mechs
>laser, flame, and arc mechs
a man can dream
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we uh we really need that 4-man vehicle with the two machine guns on the side and the big cannon
im going to split it again flutroon! im going to use one of your images as the OP! everyone will know! everyone!
>dvd logo
>they don't make mechs great becouse of performance
>fog, dust and rain are all super duper important despite eating up performance
I hate sweden.
be my guest. use the in n out one pls that's one of the newer outfit sets they released
>*explodes before some foliage clipped inside the armor*
it's OK we got twenty reinforcements
you have to catch every split flutroon. you can’t sleep, you have to counterbake every single one. otherwise, you know what will happen.
i didn't make this thread and only make them once in awhile, but i said go ahead fukken lel what more do you want, woman?
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>splitranny seethe level: completely off the scale
Amazing. Ignore splitranny threads.
Part of the problem is that mech just walks all over low difficulties and is helpless at higher difficulties unless you really know what you're doing. This could be solved with Super Destroyer upgrades that increase the HP/armor and ammo count.
Pile posted this. He's in these threads.
they’re laughing at you flutroon. they’re laughing at you in the splits you didn’t catch. the ones you can’t see.
>Attacking a Fortress alone
>Always wary of these because I fucking hate annihilator turrets and don't want to be sniped into a ragdoll into death
>Team comes barreling through, attracting everything under the sun
>Can't reliably attack the fortress anymore
>Punt in orbitals and RR shots on things that really need it
>Finally resistance has lessened enough to actually explore the fort
>Some shit raider off in a corner that was firing his bazooka at a wall fires off a signal flare
>Fuck, we're out of reinforcements and 2 people are dead
>Rush through and take out the remaining fabricators
>Gunship patrol passes overhead, go prone outside the fortress to avoid attracting their attention
>They pass, wait until they're out of range, then poke my head back in the fortress to take out the factory strider dropped off there before moving on
>Suddenly get pelted with five fucking gunship patrol volleys, get gibbed and my torso launched into the stratosphere
>Somehow the fucking gunships heard me and doubled back
>Mission failure
we're already aware you're the /hg/tranny
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thanks for the shoutout, pilesdstdsts
>based anti-namefag thread deleted
you all need to kys
Girl, you need to go to sleep. You're being cranky! Or is it PMS?
Mechs are paper bags against bots but near indestructable vs bugs.
Bots one hit kills:
>cannon towers
>tanks(barrager rockets and the big cannon)
>strider cannon
>chicken rockets
And then you also got all the normal rockets that can severly damage it.
Meanwhile bugs one hit kills:
>charger stomp attack (easily dodgeable)
>biletitan spit or stomp (easily dodgeable)
get a job
ive already split another one flutroon. you better go jannie that one up too. they’re laughing at you already.
holy moly mindbroken beyond belief
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Rent free.
>huge fuckass cannon and giant rocket 1-shots my mecha
yeah? that's how it should be you mongoloid
the whole /hdg/ discord is laughing at you flutroon. they are laughing and making memes of you and flutey! Chuckling! At your expense!
if the /hdg/ discord was doing that then why are they all posting in a flutey thread
I didn't say it shouldn't you third grade reading comprehension level ape.
Also, reactive armor and AMS when?
You have no friends.
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Democracy fills my sample containers!
i'm from the discord and can confirm we are laughing at you
For me, it's prosperity.
>reactive armor and AMS
Taras pls
Joel, where's my fucking MO. I have a >bot MO pic to post
erm..... why is the personal order for scout striders when only reinforced ones show up on d10...
they are posting kekw’s at you flutroon! kekw stickers! and gifs! they’re going to split your thread again flutroon!
have you fucks even come up with a name yet?
because if you play d10 you have no need for medals
they're handouts for weaker players
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cool, but none of those are me ;)
>while you were making room for the space station, bug numbers have grown! kill x number of bugs, helldivers! joeeeeeeel out
>"womanly" tranny on one side
>splitranny on the other
wow, you're both fucking insufferable
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My sample container just has sandwiches, juice packs and crayons.
Feeling called out?
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>less than a month before Liberty Day
>at least 3 MOs to complete the DSS
If they want to inaugurate the station for L-day, they better avoid filler MOs
thanks i try my best
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I have a few more
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stop arguing about trans people and come play helldivers
d10 bugs
not going
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Unless it’s with Flutey, Hero of the Federation and Drawfriend then I’m not interested ;)
I'm scared to join this lobby as the schizos have me on edge.
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name it HEETH TEETH or something. something with one of the planets
we are 3/4 frenly people. no drama. :)
4-e Raumchudflotte "Klee"
what da hell
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pool is closed.
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You think we'll ever be able to talk to the Service Technician again? We haven't been able to since EoF.
Good morning I hate Swedes.
cardboard armor is the least of mech's problems
the real problem is a shitty scopes and a fucking fog everywhere, while bots fully ignore it at all
Goddamn nonstop noob shit tonight.
Joel hasn't started MOs while a planetary defense is up lately. It just kind of 100% results in those defenses failing, rather than him holding the carrot out with the idea it's able to be eaten, when the reality is it's not at all since it's attached to a sting.
Consider the following: 4 stubborn mech players at an objective with all of them refusing to get out of their mech to use the terminal
sound fun!
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>finally bit the bullet and swtiched from heavy to medium armor against bots
>zero change in surviabiltiy but I'm way faster now
heavybros... we got fucked over again...
This happens like 50% of the times I play geo survey with /hdg/. Nobody wants to get off their perch to hit the terminal at the end.
3/4 again
Heavy is at its best when you wear the bubble backpack since it inherits your damage reduction and armor passive.
Is 3 scavengers in a coat one of ours? He's joined a few of my non-posted games and is pretty cool. The name is pretty funny too.
why not ask him in the chat instead of namedropping in case he's ours
Gotta go extra padding with vitality and shield now
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here's your new squadmate bro
she looks like she definitely fucks human men
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I'm sure she'll get along just fine with the rest of the team
Because I want the drawfriend to draw 3 scavengers in a trench coat pretending to be a helldiver.
>Bots drop off a factory strider almost right on top of the team
>Have essentially one shot to take it out before it shreds the team
>Take the shot
>Hear its death cry

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