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Previously, on /pso2g/: >>496132401

Global Alliances:
Ship 1: RappyDeathsquad
Ship 2: Daikkuri, Tendoku, Toblerone, Oyasumi, Stardust Drive
Ship 3: Mitsuba
Ship 4: group chat only

>NGS Headline (2024/09/03)
>Next NGS Headline (2024/10/01)

>Scratch Tickets:


>NGS Wiki:
https://pso2ngs.swiki.jp/ (JP)

>NGS Damage Calculator:

>NGS Verification Data (frame data, enemy stats, game mechanics, etc):
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1h3gSISqcFIkZUiV_Z4thvFmycuTajw5-6V1Y36rx64w/ (JP, usually more up to date)

>Item Codes and Keywords:

>Fashion History

>NGS Roadmap:

>PSO2 Information/FAQ

>Older Phantasy Star Games
How the FUCK do I get an Annette gf?
Daily reminder that making money from mods is more important than dealing with your mentally unstable, cheating whore.
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Alicia is banging stella
Damn Alicia really downgraded her face.
Why would someone get into a relationship with a mentally unstable cheating whore in the first place?
Never date someone out of pity. Worst mistake you'll ever make.
he needed a twitter famous model for his mods who also believes that he is not Serenity
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>mentally stable
>twitter famous
You can only pick one.
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my friend just started the game and used his 1m exp ticket on his main class when hes not even done with story
am i right to be flabbergasted here
im lvl 40 and now hes like 80
is this recoverable
how often do they even give these out
>how often do they give these out
once, you’re not getting another
They've only given out two so far (the second was because of a glitch or something) but it's not really a big deal because leveling up is easy as shit anyway
alicia >>>>>>>>> stella
i havent used mine but now hes so far ahead
wtf do i do sisters
you may as well use it because you’re going to quit in 2 weeks once you realize what you’ve gotten yourself into
2 weeks is pretty generous desu
The game has some hours of content, story, doing the quests, they'll even give you free gear reaching X points and the ticket to max level. After that it's just barbie dress up and artificial % damage for the 1 boss they realse every 6 months which needs heavy investment.

>Run run run run run after you're done with story and their 4 quests once
> straight t2 x gay t2
many such cases
Alicia is HOT. Stella is a cutie <3
post your character?
Pedos like you would bang anything with a hole so I am not surprised
that's the point, Zenith never cared about relationship. he just wanted someone to promote his stuffs and defend him when people accuse him of being Serenity
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>Zenith never cared about relationship.
Which means they weren't putting out. Which means getting cheated on was inevitable. Deserved.
Alicia's face looks kinda goofy.
>fully developed curvy body with wide hips, fat tits, and a nice ass
Stop projecting.
Stop it, get some help
You first.
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become sakai
Can confirm this community needs to be nuked, made a minheight and I was getting hit on non-stop
logs or it didn't happen
>make a minheight
>get hit on by Vance
Based Vance
No he's pajeet tier
i burnt my mouth on hot soup and ate ice cream but it didnt help any advice
try sucking dick
you should eat more vitamins
Vance really went from stirring shit in fleet and modcord out of loli hate to full swing on minheights

Truly character development arc right there
real? i take vitamins every day what do you recommend supplementing
no dicks in my vicinity sadly
This general is cooked.
All the good posters are gone it's just friendless pariahs left
Post your gear right now so I can shame you.
Last season gear
>A player count of sub 1k is starting to become the daily occurrence
Just a little while longer, anon. Pretty soon this entire ship will be sinking to the bottom of the sea.
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>me when this game goes in the dirt
You were right lmao
it's impossible for it to keep the current pace, next month will see a moderate surge in players guaranteed
The good posters have long since been gone. All that's left is drama. No one talks about the game.
Only because of techter expansion, october is literally empty
>sent alicia a cute on sight for years
>never got a like back
The devs better prep some mind blowing headline/s for these months or else they are royally fucked with the new realses for 1Q of 2025
this but teddyoshi
Sub 1k with all the AFK lobby rats...imagine how bad it really is.
This but Aiatar
They aren't fucked. People will just treat NGS like the side game it was always meant to be. Only mentally ill retards try to make this their main game.
this but doppel
I can feel the cope in your words, I am sorry for your loss.
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only becasue you asked

i guess you can flame me for running an eredim and my shitty ex skills.
just waiting for more info on how the gear upgrades are going to turn out before i commit, or i will otherwise wait for next rarity before i transfer, same for units. (the harmonizer is actually a gunblade)
This but Asuka Eros
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I miss my chicken leg CAST already.
The only people coping are the people who try to treat NGS like their main game. Plenty of good games coming out in Q1. NGS isn't going anywhere and is a good side game. You're just projecting.
>Treating games like side jobs
Gacha games have rotted humanity
Well, you are replying to shitten, the ultimate loser here.
This says more about you than the other person
Reminder to take your schizo pills before getting yourselves into another day of drama here in the phantasy star online 2 new genesis general
Thank goodness you're leaving again!
What made you so mad, anon?
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Learning to parkour

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