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Escape Queen

>Game Download - Android/iOS/PC

>General Info/FAQ for New Players

>Additional Links


>Update on September 19

>Developer's Note: September 2024

>Current Events
JINX PLAYER - September 19 ~ October 3
NONSENSE RED [Red Hood Poll Costume] - September 19 ~ October 30
Co-Op: Modernia - September 27 ~ September 29

>Upcoming Events
Solo Raid: Land Eater - October 3 ~ October 10

>Current Special Recruit
Rouge - September 19 ~ October 3

>Upcoming Special Recruit
Quency: Escape Queen - TBA
Phantom - TBA

>Current Costume Passes
Leona: Zoo Keeper [Mission Pass] - September 1 ~ September 30

>Upcoming Costume Passes
Miranda: Thief of Justice [Mission Pass] - October 1 ~ October 31
Tove: Baseball Fan [21-Day Login Event] - TBA


Previous: >>496274952
Stealthy sex with Diesel on the AZX
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The Great Stink was an event in Central London during July and August 1858 in which the hot weather exacerbated the smell of untreated human waste and industrial effluent that was present on the banks of the River Thames. The problem had been mounting for some years, with an ageing and inadequate sewer system that emptied directly into the Thames. The miasma from the effluent was thought to transmit contagious diseases, and three outbreaks of cholera before the Great Stink were blamed on the ongoing problems with the river.
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I love my wife Rapi.
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Season 21 Union Raid

> NIKG 16th
> PREFECT 0.88%
> VGNIKKE3 0.94%
> PANTSUU2 1.11%
> WANGERS 2.52%
> CUNNYSI 8.16%
> NOPAN 9.85%

> NIKG 41st
> MESUGAK1 45th
> N1KKAS 75th
> UOOOH 100th
> NOPAN 1.34%
> POLIPETS 1.56%
> NIKGERS 3.18%
> P愛ZURI 3.37%
> ROBUTTZ 3.78%
> 404TH 4.14%
> LUCKLETS 5.58%
> RIKKERZ 5.48%

> KNICKERS 6.65%

> LUMMIES 2.07%

Nick Gee Bros give us your final rank update please
What if you played as Burningum
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Season 21 Union Raid

> NIKG 16th
> PREFECT 0.88%
> VGNIKKE3 0.94%
> PANTSUU2 1.11%
> WANGERS 2.52%
> CUNNYSI 8.16%
> NOPAN 9.85%

> NIKG 41st
> MESUGAK1 45th
> N1KKAS 75th
> UOOOH 100th
> NOPAN 1.34%
> POLIPETS 1.56%
> NIKGERS 3.18%
> P愛ZURI 3.37%
> ROBUTTZ 3.78%
> 404TH 4.14%
> LUCKLETS 5.58%
> RIKKERZ 5.48%

> KNICKERS 6.65%

> LUMMIES 2.07%

Last update
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Teacher, why is there a nigger in the OP?
Do you think Nikkes talk about the things SKK has done for/to them
Stupid sexy criminal in tight suit.
>Do you think
>Then I started thinking to myself, man what did Syuen do to make them Nikke's that mad?
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Now now Rei, darkies can be quite attractive and beautiful when they're the on topic kind
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Were due for a collab that can make everyone happy right?
uh so I reached 200 and did some math, with the core dust and core dust cases I have saved from the start(I have never opened a single one) I can only do like 7 levels more
so is it just plain impossible for new players to get anywhere near catching up?
Is she nice? I got Sin first and she seems suspicious
Guilty seemed nice in her swimsuit
>nuDoA girls instead of classic DoA girls
they removed all the volleyball
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You don't force Red Hood to wear that dress on the battlefield, right?
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mmmmm nyuus?
Most likely the least of the three that can possibly harms you. She just like to steal things.
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It gets worse starting 351 and every 50 levels
Anyone else having problems starting the PC client?
Quency is the nicest of the three as she only wants to keep doing what she likes behind the rehabilitation center walls. It's hard to pick between Sin and Guilty because both have glaring negatives. Sin is manipulative as hell (kind of hot) and Guilty can and will crush your bones if you lie to her.
>if you lie to her.
She only has to think you are slightly nervous and she will crush you to death for "betraying her".
If you make it to level 225 free-to-play, you unlock a core dust factory for your outpost. However, if you've ever spent a dime on the game, you're locked out forever.
Why are you expecting to catch up to players who have played over a year more than you?
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>why can't I catch up with people who had over a year head start on me by doing the exact same thing they are doing
because in a lot of other gacha you can catch up to max level easily(even if you're behind on limit break or individual character stats)
Which Nikke is the whole package when it comes to big tits, big ass and thicc thighs for you personally?
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It's hard to not be nervous around her when her massive tits are sticking out
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No ahah don't crush, that would be very bad ahah!
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You have no right to say that when you like eating and drinking chocolates, Rei.
wrong gacha then
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Where did Rei learn such language? We don't allow racism in our school...
Have you ditched Scarlet for your new power creep JK queen yet?
Yeah, why?
And other gachas wont let you use your character properly until you have core7 and then upgrading their weapon so they'll actually do something
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Guilty had a sort of sadistic streak that was implied to be the real reason of her incarceration and then got confirmed in Beauty Full Shot. Rather than being unable to control her strength, she found pleasure in destroying people and things with it on purpose, hence her name. That said, ever since being released she's more interested in your cock and handholding more than anything. Her strength is only really a danger if you really fuck with her bad enough to make her want to break you, but it doesn't seem like that's going to happen. Unless you asked her to.
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>baseball tove skin won't be available during solo raid
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No, I pulled like 80 times on the regular banner this week with Ein in my wishlist, but I kept on getting Elysion nikkes
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If I was SKK I would have executed like half of the Nikkes for being deranged and dangerous.
I skipped her and Zwei because I don't care about students.
VGNIKKE3 - 0.92%
KNICKERS - 6.10%
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>I am forgotten
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>Skipped Ein
>Got Ein in the molds
>Instant 10-10-10
>Mother Whale killed after a few tries
>Got alot of Tetra attacker gloves in Mirror Container
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I fixed
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why are you playing on 2 servers?
Which Nikke am I gonna think about in the shower
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have we ever seen Scarlet and Frima on the same room?
any hag nikkes(all of them)
Her violent streaks are always a result of frustration caused by everyone using her like a tool and throwing her away which she thinks you are doing when you start hesitating and just wants you to fuck off.
Which Nikke is Rei?
Can't ditch someone I don't have
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Does Liter have any voiced dialogue outside of her standard menu/combat lines? Her voice is cute but I haven't heard it in a single storyline.
Pantsuu2's final rank is 1.08%
Doesn't makes her less dangerous nor does it excuse her actions of attacking anyone because she hastily jumped to conclusions.
Collab unit, you missed her
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My world is ending.
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She was in Sea You Again, but I don't think she has that many lines.
She had a lot more screen time in the first summer event, but I think that one wasn't voiced.
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Nyotengu, honoka and freebie marie rose. I don't make the rules.
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Give me Mila or go to hell!
Thoughts on Sin?
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good design but unlikable personality. which is unfortunately a more frequent occurrence than I'd like in this game
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Here's your gf bro
fuck yes that's the non-meta nikke I wanted the most
and an SSR from friend recruit right after, today is a good day... even if it's just Helm
high quality mold from the proceeds of those rolls wasn't so good but hey at least it's not a rikker
Her bond is cute
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>I'm finally competitive in my arena group
at the top (as in top 5/3), my rivals are constantly buying hits to knock me off. But surely that doesn't actually help them if they're spending more gems than they'll get?
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Ein is very much meta for electric teams right now, what are you talking about, anon?
I'm the dumbass who spent 3k dollars when I was younger being sweaty in pvp games like that. I can tell you, if they're still in that mindset, what they gain isn't important. They just want to feel like they've won. You won the moral victory, rejoice in that fact.
great design
great personality
fuckable pitpussy
pvp niggers are never right in the head
What should be my story progress if my sync level is 240?
what's your combat power
Depends a lot on your team
sounds like chapter 24 material, maybe chapter 25/26 if your pushing high deficit.
>no sex
>no volleyball
>just nonstop yapping
What's the point?
holy FUCK RH's ass cleavage caught me OFF-GUARD
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so what do you guys think the event story is gonna be like? I'm curious about what we're going to be stealing since Elysion (Ingrid) is involved with Phantom being there and all
>happily married to a loving wife
>has kids that love him
>has a high position rank that pays a lot
Unrealistic. It's going to give me the gosling so much.
She is going to steal the heart of SKK
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Her backside would've been better looking like this.
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it's obvious
Which Nikke is a PAWG?
They are trying to steal my DT.
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yea that's sex
Quency stole my bike...
Can't believe she was a nikka all along...
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seems like having a body like that would make it tough to be a master thief. what a porker
None. they're not girls they're nikkes.
She's probably more happy to get it than you're sad to lose it
>feet cut off
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>Make a nikke with mind control powers that rival that of someone like Lelouch Lamperrouge
>Make her a free by grind character with middling stats that takes weeks to get
>Do basically nothing significant in the story with the character.
ShiftUp continues to baffle me with their decisions.
that's not sex
Maiden is there with a similar power anyway, and she does stuff with it in the story.
This was peak design shame that they downgraded it
Do people really like feet or is this just a meme that has gone too far?
It would be better on a Heretic
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What date did chapter 25 release?
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posting my laptop with nikke
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Design is pure sex, but her counselling sessions, story, advises and Outpost meets suck ass.
I already got Guilty and Quency, but Sin will rot in her cell for the rest of her life.
*steps on it*
November 2nd
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Hacking your location right now, Drakefag
>I'm still nearly a year off current
I just want to finally catch up
Shut the fuck up DEADLOCK go push hard campaign
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also my meal just arrived
He is at TGS
Good idea
I should doordash breakfast
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I actually like her censored swimsuit and wish we could toggle between it
>slacked with tower prog so hard i got FIVE rupees in a row
>i bought them all
I'm stealing your dinner nerd
I wish the base versions had the censored clothes but as you gain bond with them they'll start to strip their clothes one by one. bond 10 would be the absolute sex version.
what the hell, is that business class?
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thank you missilis tower
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I would want to do this for a few Nikke
>no volleyball

Wait seriously? The volleyball was the best part.
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>tfw I just have a cup of instant noodles
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Those leather pants are so hot on Red Hood
fuck you, I have nothing
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This would actually get me to do bonds
I'm house sitting and I feel it would be rude to eat their food without permission
Even standard seats on the shinkanden are business class everywhere else in the world
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I don't give a damn about afk idiots in Co-Op Raid, but I hate fuckers who sit in select screen and switch back and forth between characters.
how the hell you guys have money for food delivery? I barely have 50usd left for whole October.
Well Yuni can force you to feel some whore's menstruation.
it's usually some really low power newcutie too. I think they wrack their brains too hard about it and they don't want to ruin the rewards for everyone else
>no b1
>swap to liter
>one guy swaps to liter at the same time
>I swap to crown
>same guy swaps to blanc
>yuni makes skk feel syuen's menstruation
>your balls start to squeeze itself hard like it turned itself into a compressor
I just generally have a very frugal life style. So I can splurge out on my hobbies.
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such a patrician choice with Vivobook, sir.
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Yeah I really like Anis's swimsuit it's cute
This is Koreandev, mister. We don't make sense here.
try and stop me faggot
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Actually, for the 70% it's old farts just showing off their waifus with skins and their power levels.
No senpai, that's is not the case. What I mean is retards who switching after at least 3/5 already locked with B1-B2-B3.
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>Anchor gets censored
This is fake, right?
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Bonk! Nwah!
censor it NOW
cunny too strong
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me trooooooooooning rn
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If I see that behaviour for at least 5 seconds I just alt+F4 and actually stop you from doing that.
Maiden's powers only work on nikkes.
Sin can turn the CEOs and deputy chiefs into your obedient slaves, all you have to do is lure them outside of Enikk's surveillance.
Surprised CG didnt make a glowie out of Sin now that I ponder it
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How come Sin got caught in the first place again?
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time to show them why I'm the pit boss
>pic related is 126usd, 6 10cm figures
Turns out, nikkes turning off their hearing works.
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>person just explains how maiden can capture nikkes
>How come Sin got caught in the first place again?
Privaty found my chibi hotglue jar
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kek, saved
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also each comes with 3 faceplates
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absolute cinema
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>go to Akiba a year ago
>no trace of Nikke
>all genshin mihoyoslop
unfair take me back
Can't wait to hotglue that
>Absolute mentioned
we don't like evil women here.
Absolute garbage
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How does hobby Sakura stuff compare to nendos?
Absolute toilets
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she isn't evil shes lonely
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Does the Ark have some kind of public address system that one could use to be heard by the entire population at the same time?
Asking for a friend.
These jobbers lost the poll to Matis
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Goonhwa LOST
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Does seeing cleavage in public create corpses of men or something? What the fuck is this goofy ass marketing?
objectifying women is not ok
It turns children into degenerate coomers.
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Doesn't she have to make eye contact too? Or am I just blending in the rules from other mind control abilities from other sources?
Men start cumming uncontrollably when anything more than ankle is showing
I don't know, it's not really explained how her powers work.
If Sin is Counters now why isnt she in campaign
she's not canon
You know what would be cute? If Syuen had a little sister that loved onee-chan very much. And then when you are about to meet the little sister syuen asks you to keep your deal with her a secret so the image of the little sister doesn't get tainted.
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>Does seeing cleavage in public create corpses of men or something?
We're talking about japs here anon, of course
is this guy going to get sued?

Because some players have her and some players don't and that's too much work for the devs, poor $3bn studio can't afford non-linear storytelling, pls understand.
Okay, DM.
I tell Syuen's sister that I'm her husband.
does shift up own the meme?
>Trying to sue someone from mexico
It's funny because they censored stuff in this area due to tourists complaining. Actual tourists that left feedback.
There's a webm of a group of elementary school boys all touching the boobs of a genshin girl poster at a train station and I can't find it shit someone here has to have it
They're not powers, you're just a weak bitch victim for her bonds considering she never takes the "converter" off.
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rate this doro
That's pretty normal though. My classmates back in elementary have done way worst than that.
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Cursed artifact / sonichu medallion
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0/10, Doro shouldnt leave the 2D plane or even the internet or even 4chan or Korean forums. Why'd the Mexicans do it
How do I get more commander dolls?
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>"I'm sorry, but your train station had advertisements with hot chicks on them, so now my wife forces me to file this complaint. Please! Do something so she stops nagging."
solo raid
By waiting for the next solo raid in 6 or so days.
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I wanna go to a foreign country and complain to them about the way they do things and make them bend to my way
Is this the worst skin even made?
Fuck off glowie
I hate Rapi.
I don't know. Is Musan, who has been profiting from Doro since way before, getting sued?
yeah I prefer western advertisements
Refresh my memory, Red Hood died fighting Cinderella right. she died right after the fight?
How did she exactly die again?
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Musan uses his own design.
nyo, she "slept" for 30ish years.
I would rather have sex with you anon than that thing
You know that Shift Up didn't create the doro meme, right?
I would like to watch
That's gay unless you kiss me then it's perfectly straight
She took a shower.
>That's gay unless you kiss me then it's perfectly straight
Yeah, I'll kiss you so its not gay anon don't worry
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We never saw her die. She went into a 30 year coma after fighting cindy, and met rapi when she woke up
No. But Red Hood is dead now though. Rapi even said that she's gone forever.
She isn't
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*sucks pacifier villainously*
No one said SU would sue them.
good job moran
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Are you underage or just retarded?
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>Didn't reply with a kiss
Yeah, you're GAY
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I'm Doro's creator. You may use Doro under the GNU open software license. Pic related, it's Doro.
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Sir, that is a CAT!
don't bully anons for being retarded. entering these threads lower your IQ points by 30 so it happens to us all
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Chatterbox if he real
Well sorry I didn't know we were going to have sex right now. *mwah* there now its not gay
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Final day of solo raid will have the 2nd water thief nikke.
Whats the point in grinding the score all week?
Do you not know where you are? You are in /nikg/ the straight kissing general! You have to kiss your bwo.
On a normalfag spectrum, how shameful is Nikke? If even japs are forced to censor when 90% of all their ads consist of sexy anime girls. What does the average nip family taking the subway think when they see a giant pillar covered in our western equivalent of "meet single girls in your area" type bait.
Nobody here kissed me so I didn't know....sorry bwo...
>skk wants power
>doesn't just marry syuen
>marrying a flesh bag
gross, SKK is only interested in nikkes
Like a 7/10 normie filter. Lewd enough but not a 8/10 like AL (lewd lolis and more titties) or above 9 (tits out/full porn).
I know right? it's only the natural conclusion if shikicum really wants to get anywhere. I mean, he was given several chances to take advantage of poor single syuen and take her and everything she has, but he keeps refusing
What hours? I'm always smooching everyone. No nikker gets left behind
syuen is an ugly little granny and I would have sex with any Nikke (except Crow) over her and if I HAD to have sex with a human in Nikke it would be be with Ingrid so she could have an heir and she's tall. I capitalized Ingrid's name and neglected syuen on purpose.
>What hours?
I don't have a set sleeping time *smooch* Thanks for that anon. I needed that.
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>Marry a human
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I'm only married to my 2D and it'll stay that way until i'm wormfood.
I want to overload naga just to boost my CP
I'd argue that it's already a 9/10, you really can't promote openly anything like taimanin ever. Nikke is already way more than any person can play off as haha just another waifu gacha collecting game since it's core identity is ass shaker game.
naga is too old to be CP though
>I would have sex with any Nikke (except Crow)
low test
We're having a test?!?!! I didn't study
One day they'll release Syuen as a nikke. Then you'll come crawling back again, shikikan.
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I genuinely don't think advertising works for these games, normalfags and coomers don't mix. Guarantee every that showed up for nikke TGS booth was already an established fan.
Usually later in NA hours or close to entering SEA, everyone starts to smooching. Don't worry anon, I love all my nikkers
this is kino
>low test
I said no to Crow nothing against Anis, Tia, Noir, you're mom, etc. and Crow would 100% give an STD, she probably lays with the entire Outer Rim population to spread disease and terror
>reach mother whale
>huh this boss is a lil tough lemme look up a guide for the first time
>"use these nikkes and it's easy"
>don't have most of those nikkes
>read comments
>"you don't have to use these nikkes you can just use those instead"
>don't have them either
well, fuck
just have blue numbers and you can beat it with anything
>everyone starts to smooching
can't believe I've been missing the smooching sessions because of my sleeping schedule...
Don't underestimate the amount of people who go like "haha I tried it for the memes but stayed for the story" (but they are coping and actually enjoy the tits and ass shaking).
This is a case study of how not to advertise to the general public, mocking the player no matter how playful it's tone is not how you convince the average takeshi to play your game.
Post roster
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Is there a phone where playing nikke isn't a pain in the ass?
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I want to hot dog the Red Ho
No, you still have to navigate dogshit menus because gooks are retarded.
are they throwing rikker corpses at ultra? wtf
no that'd be retarded
Recently started to play a porn gacha and I can tell you that Nikke's menus are the best in the industry.
That's not even what I was talking about
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Maybe the real Jinx Player were the friends we made along the way.
Sounds like a skill issue to me
There's nothing to play, it's an idle game, you can't macro on phone.
Sounds like a skill issue to me ngl
Not mother whale. Its the one fight where you will be losing at +80k power advantage if youndont have the right nikkes
Check the archives, it turns into a smooch fest. Don't get left out later today
Never had trouble playing on a samsung galaxy s24 ultra
worked for me
>Don't get left out later today
I'll drink some coffee to stay awake then...smooch me later too again
You probably have modernia
I really don't buy that Cafe Sweetie is at the same level of Matis or Absolute
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I only give dolls to Nikkes I like, so Product 12 got one before Al*ce
I don't
I am diamonds
>Can't macro on phone
>Baby needs assistance
Skill issue and a shitter
Why does the game freeze on loading screens sometimes? My s24 ultra is a month old.
I only give dolls to the most meta Nikkes
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This makes my penis hard. Why is this so hot? Is this how feetfags feel when they see feet?
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Friend points roll
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Can you anon recharge my luck through nikg?
What if we gave Syuen a skk doll?
She would a 100% hate it and and throw it away into her desk drawer for future studies.
>future studies
Does that include cuddling it?
To be thorough, possibly maybe yeah kinda.
I'll smooch you later, so drink something like coffee or go to bed.
Clear cache worked for me, but I think it's a problem with the phone or ShiftUp. For me it gets stuck at 50% [2/2] then finishes after 3 secs
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I lost gallons to Noise
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What if we gave SKK a Syuen doll?
>lonely femcel
What will Leviathan be?
okay but who asked?
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We all know what some SKKs would do to a Syuen doll here, I would post it. But I forgot to save that dorodoll onahole.
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Noise mentioned!
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I only play games with strong doro communities
it would be a hidden camera to try and spy on us and she would see everything I did to that doll
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The campaign isnt horny enough, I'm skipping from now on
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should i reroll this on my edge scarlet
it's my only max ammo roll and i don't know how important charge speed/dmg is compared to atk/ele atk
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>a dude had his daughter cosplay as Viper at TGS
Crow is cute
1 Max ammo is good enough. Rest should be ele damage and ATK.
Look at that little gremlin
They're the best tetra there is. Would you rather send a fat hooker out there?
doubt it
>he thinks gameplay applies to story
>he thinks it doesnt
Show me the feats lil bro
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>they think they're getting +50 free pulls for anniversary
This is cute I guess. Viper is weird ass choice though
No. You can't do this to me. I've calculated the tickets I need to reach 200 assuming it's the same as last anniversary. Please no.
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Gifting pulls goes against infinite profits, based Kim
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Her game.
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catbox it nyow
I don't want Nikke Syuen. I want to BREED her fertile womb, don't you get it?!
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>the dot is PINK
what does this MEAN?
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Ok I like neon now
That's where you put two in
oh my fucking god the booba on Quency I want to live in them
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The prettiest Nikke and all she's known for is starting a war and being NTR'ed.
here you go bwo
Crit buffs suck, but how much?

What is the ratio to get the same benefit from +Crit damage% compared to +ATK%?
But she NTR'd the entire outpost in front of them all.
It's actually 100+ free pulls 'cause they can't go lower than last time
It means you pull or get bricked. Extra-super-rare-dot, almost like cyan-purple dot
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Moran can't handle it
Wish someone scanned it, Moran looks exactly like I'd imagine her during sexo
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Stinky Neon butthole
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Moran is not a WHORE like rosanna
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If Tacos Goku can continue to exist, so will Elotes Doro.
what if I just plant a big fat wet smooch on ein's lips right fucking NOW
thinking about how mexico declared toriyamas death a day of mourning
The only good Neon pic
dduck kong is my favorite artist
Neondev is here, in this thread
neondev here
Needs a version of this with the Bejita thumb pose
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There was also that time Toei sent a letter to the Mexican government via diplomatic channels telling them to stop people from doing a public showing of a Dragonball Super episode.
And Mexico did not care, kek
isn't her but a little... too big?
post the whole comic nyow
Post car Nikkes.
doubt it
I dont feel like doing coop
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too small if anything
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her stomach is not fat enough
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Saw a red mustang on the road the other day and could only think about Rapicar and it made me laugh so hard that I almost rear ended the guy in front of me
they are a lot bigger than I thought
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>come back after over a year
>almost 600 gorren tickets
Well now, what's the newest hotness to splurge these on? Whatever busted unit's up for anniversary, my intuition says?
>Whatever busted unit's up for anniversary
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yeah, just wait a month until the anni event starts
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moshi-moshi, character designer-san
Nikkes hallucinate biological functions like that. they don't actually burp or fart
I thought it was part of the Moran thing but this is good too
doubt it
If she drank so much soda in the bed then there's a good chance that some air is trapped inside of her stomach right now.
Rapi said nikkes have buttholes and that nikkes need to have regular human stuff or they will go crazy. So of course nikkes fart and burp
I'm hallucinating RIGHT NOW
I am posting THAT soundpost
Anis's previous commander died to her noxious fumes
no you aren't
nuh huh
>Nikkes go crazy if they dont fart
>Perfectly fine having night vision eyes or radio waves in their body or a penis
Nice writing
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Yoonee status?
It's never not funny
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not sloppy enough
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who clogs the toilet most?
>tfw wasted an SSR roll on zwei because she looked like Sakura
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Rapifags will defend this
Just hit the 160 wall. Have 68k gems. Do I spend them on trying to break through, or save them for anniversary?
just hold it
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Nigges for this feel?
post sync teams
Scarlet Drunk
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"Rapture is le bad, because .. it is okay?"
Snow White said this.
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By modern Korean coomer standards? nah not really
Which one has a penis?
you'll get a free MLB nikke for anni
Every Heretic
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Sign me up
you nikkers need jesus
Enikkbros, I don't feel so good.
This is why Chime is on the surface.
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Jesus built my hot rod
cool it with the antisemitism
post rabbits for international rabbit day
Agree, antisemitism is cool.
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I want to reinstall for Quency. What's the install size on PC and Android?
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probably more than 5 or so gigs. I bet it's around 10 gigs on PC
why is she in the rain tho?
SU should release a new meta-loli. Liter stood alone in that SSSS tier for too long. But it ain't gonna happen
What if the anniversary freebie is just Eve from stellar blade?
10 gigs on android, probably 10-15 on pc
this meme dance looks so fucking stupid, worse one yet
What do you think the "loli" in lolibaba stands for, retard
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I love (you)r favourite Nikke more than (you) love her
oh really
post your MLB+ 4 OL 'egg
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AAAAAAIIIIIEEEEE!!!! Hags also count as loli, you nig!!
I doubt it
yea right
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yea right
doubt it
Nikg is dumber than usual today!
go back
stay here
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All meme dances are retarded
Did you OL gear, waste a ton of rocks for good rolls, maxed out her doll, core+7, have all her skins, 10/10/10 skills, max bond and bond sticker?
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The Mysterious case of the "N-word"!
oh yeah? have you drawn her and written fanfiction of her then?
Why is this psycho allowed to roam the Ark unimpeded
No this is normal, it's been like this all week
what is happening here?
please shiftup
i really want a guillotine dupe
Post you core+7 c.Rupee.
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Broskis, how are you supposed to play Treasured Exia? help
use her with a eletric team with ein
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Post your drawings tough guy
I made love to your favorite nikke and you never did.
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wtf. That shader is sovl!
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Check your mailbox!
day after graduation
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I love (You) more than (You) love (you)rself.
Whose body odor?
wdym Ade
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Jesus Christ, this entire stage is just healers and the boss, but the healers have fuck off shields, how many mother fucking hits do the shields take?
Is 420k power enough to clear the latest story chapter?
I stopped doing it a while ago before Mother Whale but have been trying to catch up since the new interception launched.
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I had to run 4 fucking Machine Gun Nikkes to beat this shit, FOUR. Holy shit, and I almost lost because of fucking course the boss jumps 3 goddamn times in a row, each jump eating 1.5 seconds of the clock. Motherfucker.
ade has a big pendulous moose cock under that dress
I've reached the point where all I do is my dailies for 20 minutes then log out and wait for tomorrow. When does anniversary hype start? Do they release any news on what it will be beforehand or is everything a surprise?
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Dorro Dominacion
just use srosanna lol
i know she's a womanlet in canon, but i would love anis more if she was that size
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you just got Nikker fatigue, bros. You could safely take a break anytime now.
>Do they release any news on what it will be beforehand or is everything a surprise?
we'll get a livestream and teasers on social media
I would guess beginning of November.
Dunno about that. I asked for official height in every survey, but of course Shift Up won't listen to f2p.
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every hag nikke would be better if they were 7ft tall
nikkes range from 110 cm to 158 cm
With spare bodies, anything is possible.
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no way
Are Nikke's marriage material even if they can't get pregnant?
Blond Yuni....
Just need to throw a brain in a child spare body and gradually swap them out to an adult one over 18 years. It'll be fine.
You get a system to sync their brain to a human body.
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what? The CAN get pregnant
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I like Nikke buttholes.
what's in there?
D: Killer Daughter
Whats left of him anyway
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Uh, it's already weekend. Should I push hard for the campaign or just keep procrastinating?
How are Nikke's created again? Were they once human? Like their consciousness was pulled from what was originally a person to make a Nikke?
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Oh no this picture is broken
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They harvest the brains of "volunteers" with the promise that they'd become an SSR/a part of the Goddess squad. Then they stuff it into a robot brain, a spare body, creating a Nikke. So, they are still human, brain wise.
My wife.
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finally finished 24, they should do more CGs they are always great, they make more than enough money compared to cost of this game
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>1 stage away from the next integer number core dust/ hour
>be stuck at both normal and hard
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>They should do more CGs

Good news anon. They do.
Mary, get off the table, I was playing with Rouge
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What did she mean by this?
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Ok Syuen, Nikker time!
They say complicated child birth is one of the most painful things you can go through. I say impregnate Syuen to teach her a lesson about hurting others.
my third leg is rising
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So cool
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>cast of hundreds of sexy scantily clad robot women that want your dick
>hottest bitch in game is a human with barely developed body with shit personality
Why is the volunteers in quotes. Are they not consenting?
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>"Hey kid, wanna see a mindswitch?"
Not all do. Some are tricked into signing, some are kidnapped, others are drafted, those who died in hospital were harvested, etc. Any and every method of acquiring human brains was used.
eh some of the brains are taken from recently died girls
What weapon does she use?
light bow gun
pure joy in her face and sparkle in her eyes is amazing
Hunting horn, like any civilized human being.
Charge Blade of course, she's high IQ
nah, you see that shit. She needs no weapon
whitewashing is not ok
sorry bwo hunting horn is cringe now with rise
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T-that's just the lighting I swear
Marciana - Insect Glaive (the bug is her drone)
Rei - Gunlance
Naru 3 - Optimus Prime
Zwei - Dual Blades
Naga - Hunting Horn
Tia - Hammer
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What the hell is Yunli's problem?
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I gotchu bwo! Is this better?
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rathatlos is a NIGGER
I'm gonna have to pull at least one of the water dps. So it might as well be Quincy.
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Eugh, this does not spark joy.
I gotta say it's cute and funny, until it isn't-
do collabsloppers really
When are we getting campaign easy mode?
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Didn't they already release RH?
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Never go full retard when defending.
devs too stupid to let people enjoy their story in any time shorter than 6 months
seriously, why does every gacha take like 2 years to realize "maybe an easy mode without rewards or investment needed is a good thing actually"
what would be the point in no rewards why would you play that
>my meticulously crafted pvp autismo won vs something that was put together to be able to burst at most
because then people will beat the story, lose interest, and stop playing. and that doesn't make the sort of money continuous engagement does
Just read the wiki if you want to know the story that much
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that shit was $60?
i think i spent more than 60 dollars...
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rooj looking kinda sex
At least it accentuates her cute boobs
>buying the costume that symbolizes the peak of when Eva starts to go downhill in the rebuild movies
I would be more depressed about that gem count honestly
>he actually bought that shit
turbo bricked
im talking about the black bars the outfit is fine
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I'm so hot
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I want to go to hell with Crow
nice gems RAYPIST
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Okay, I'll send you there
B-but anon, I can fix them!
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gg ez
so you can experience the story? and not get spoiled any time the devs want to do a modern event?
easy modes don't mean normal and hard stop existing, the rewards are there as usual

do you think everyone that's caught up to main campaigh has lost interest and stopped playing as it is now?
or that every game which has already added an easy mode has no players left as a result?
though i will agree that they can milk money out of progression baiting, it's probably miniscule compared to those that chase progression for the sake of rewards instead of just story, and they would still exist

reading offhand and experiencing firsthand are not the same, there's still the visuals, audio, setting, map changes, etc
even watching someone else's youtube playthroughs lacks the same immersion
relying on an external resource when devs can provide it themselves is just silly
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Just got to chapter 24. She has a brother?
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>Collected resources
>not enough to do anything
>too impatient to wait so I always use the level 200 rentals every day
do her bond bro
The rentals are there to be used
Not sure what the ratios are but tons of people stop playing all the time, as in they stop playing and then they come back every couple months. Then again I have no idea how many people actually do this as opposed to just playing for events and stuff, so I suspect you may very well be right in that the majority sticks around between story releases
I'm charging my Alice
I can't imagine playing this on/off, the game punishes you hard for taking even a small break. You wouldn't even be able to do new story content when it drops due to being underpowered if that was all you cared about.
But then I'm stuck for another week. I only got through the half of Chapter 14 because someone suggested I put Mari first in my lineup
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dont worry about it
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Will I make it past the whale without breaking the 160 wall?
You'll be stuck either way, you'd do well to get as many resources as you can so you can improve your income as much as possible with academy upgrades and passively getting defense levels from clearing fights.
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I can't remember but I'm pretty sure I killed the whale before I got past the 160 wall.
why do you think people play Nikke for the story?
If you have the right units, yeah. If you have any MLBs in your team you can level them up to 200 to improve your odds without breaking the wall.
yeah if your roster is great
I don't understand SP arena defense.
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Hey can you guys stop posting that pink shit gremlin on /v/? Thanks.
alice won
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What's the best thing to get out of these things? Core dust?
Impossible. Nobody loves Aria but me
I thought when you got these you got one of all not a pick one. I picked skill books
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What's the Nikke equivalent of this picture
Me too. I would never have bought this if I realized it was a pick one, not get all
I wouldn't put them at the same league as the rest of the current meta
Then it would actually be a decent deal. But as it stands it's still the best value for skill books.
I wish I were a nikke (male)
Babu and Red Hood? Just having one copy tips the scales greatly for campaign pushes. Liter for sure as the premier evergreen support.
i would do anything to shed this male coil and become a beautiful nikke
Need it or keep it?
Unlike FGO where you can clear anything with shitters and freebies, Nikke is a game where topping the DPS chart actually matters and makes a difference. There's not really any dick waving about using off meta shit since you'd actually be gimping yourself.
Whats the limit to cp deficiency? how far can I push with red numbers
>checking out Volume's bond story
Holy shit, it's like they have put the brain of a rich brat inside of a milf body
I wish I were a prototype male nikke that was even weaker than a regular male and got raped and abused by female scientists and mass produced Nikkes....
I get more fucking rocks than upgrade materials. What is this fucking horseshit.
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im gonna fucking CUM
I don't want to hear anything from Redman (he takes the Gae Bolg into his Rho Aias)
20%ish, but the CP values for individual stages are pretty much bullshit, so what you can actually clear varies wildly
20-30% seems pretty hard, I think at 50% it's virtually impossible because you will deal only 1 damage. They fuck with calculations, so your stats actually get lowered aswell. It's fucked.
Nikkes that are cutie patooties?
not Rei
i have a cp deficiency
Isn't having a super rigid meta the sign of a poorly designed game that leaves no room for alternative play
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>red hood
you didn't beat it
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Noise-chan is the cutest!
>sex hood
i beat my meat
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That is what the Queen saved Chatterbox from.
That is why he is eternally grateful.
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nikkes not named rei?
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cute cuck
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Jackie Chan
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John Nikke
i dont have noise yet, what is she like
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Rei > Rei > Asuka
It's not a matter of meta, it's a matter of incentive. You can clear content with a shitty team, but you'll get less rewards. FGO has an extremely calcified meta but it basically doesn't matter since the game is so easy and you don't get anything for doing 50 billion damage overkill.
Better than Volume and Aria but still pretty meh. These musicians all suck except Julia
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9001 hours in paint
Get a refund.
ariana grande
escape queen is making my cock drip
put the lips on her nipples
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I don't get it
is she afraid of sausage?
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imagine cumming inside a nikke
why would I do that when I have Syuen?
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I'm surprised the QA session didn't make it over here.

[Article: Kim Hyung Tae, the CEO of Shiftup: "We will continue NIKKE's service for another 20 years"]

At Tokyo Game Show 2024, Level Infinite's booth for "Goddess of Victory: NIKKE" (hereafter referred to as NIKKE) was swarming with crowds. They showcased a 10-pull physical gacha box boasting an overwhelming presence, capturing the attention of visitors.

Just as during Business Day, when Public Day began on the 28th, NIKKE's popularity was truly well-deserved. Many commanders happily pressed the button to attempt the 10-pull physical gacha and enjoyed themselves by taking certified photos at the photo zones.

The reporter also briefly stopped by the NIKKE booth due to some business nearby, and the crowd was so large that it was a relief to have visited the NIKKE booth on the first day, the 26th. It was clearly felt that many people in both Korea and Japan love NIKKE.

At Tokyo Game Show, ShiftUp's CEO Kim Hyung-tae and Director Yoo Yong-seok identified NIKKE's strengths as fourfold: the charm of its characters, a deep scenario, high-quality graphics, and the fun of shooting gameplay. They also explained that the solid content density, based not only on the love between the users and the game but also between the users and the characters, is another reason why it receives much love.

Regarding the future of NIKKE, they stated, "Our goal is to build a solid foundation so that we can provide long-term service for 20 years," and asked for much interest and love for the upcoming 2nd-anniversary events.
Is this just a stand alone picture or is there more to this.
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[Q&A Section:]

Q: It was impressive to see Japanese users forming long lines and waiting for events at TGS 2024. What was the driving force behind NIKKE's good performance and its ability to be loved by Japanese users?

[Director Yoo]: Fortunately, NIKKE is receiving a lot of love not only from Japanese users but also from the global market. We believe the four strengths—character charm, a scenario that allows for experiencing diverse emotions, high-quality graphics, and the fun of shooting gameplay—are the factors behind our success.

[CEO Kim]: When we participated in TGS 2022, the game was not yet released, so we were in the position of promoting the game, but now many people recognize it. Over the two years since the release, the development environment has changed significantly. Previously, the concept was to provide impactful content and have users enjoy it.

While servicing NIKKE, although each game genre may differ, we realized that the most important thing is 'love'. This applies not only to the love between users and the game but also between characters and users. Complex emotions such as love, anger, jealousy, envy, and ambivalence create strong relationships and can lead to a stage where genuine mental connections are formed between characters and users.

We are developing it not just as a game, but as a world. We cherish the story of each character and always consider how users will receive it.
>20 years
>between the users and the characters
Why would you lie like this Kim
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Q: As the 2nd anniversary is approaching, could you briefly spoil any events or new characters?

[Director Yoo]: Since anniversary content is announced through broadcasts, it will also be revealed via official channels this time. What I can say now is that the volume is much larger compared to the 1st and 1.5th anniversaries. We are particularly putting effort into the 2nd-anniversary mini-games. We chose a genre that is challenging to develop, and we hope that users will enjoy it as much as the development team has worked hard.

It's difficult to mention the names of the characters, but to give a hint, NIKKE always provides content based on the story. It might be one of those within the expected boundaries.

Q: The performance of recently released collaborations and regular NIKKE is very good. There is increasing performance standardization, but is there a response to power inflation?

[Director Yoo]: Since NIKKE's goal was to provide differentiated content compared to other games, there were aspects that were released in a relatively awkward or insufficient state. We have been filling those gaps over the past two years. We are always listening attentively to opinions related to power inflation. Currently, we are in the stage of refining our direction. As always, we will not ignore user feedback and will take sufficient explanations and responsive measures.

Q: When can we expect to see the Stella Blade collaboration?

[CEO Kim]: It seems that the announcement will be made at a meaningful timing. It is related to an expansion period of something in Stella Blade. I will provide more information soon. Since it's not the 2nd anniversary, I hope you can fully focus on NIKKE during the 2nd anniversary.

Marciana is pretty hot for a 16yo hag
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Q: The biggest difference between the main scenario and side scenarios was dubbing, but currently, the criteria seem ambiguous. If there are criteria related to dubbing, what are they?

[CEO Kim]: It is due to the characteristics of the NIKKE development team. We include as much content as we want and can. Initially, voice actor recordings were only done for anniversary events and main quests, but we are gradually increasing the volume.

Q: Are there any offline events being prepared?

[CEO Kim]: We are discussing it internally. Of course, we have a strong desire to conduct large events such as Only Events and others, but we decided it would be better to proceed when we can execute them perfectly to satisfy our users. Currently, it is in the discussion and preparation stages.
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Q: ShiftUp achieved great success in the Japanese game market through thorough preparation. What is ShiftUp's view on Japanese user tendencies?

[Director Yoo]: Although our presence in Japan is significant, we have been fairly successful globally. As a global single-build service, we focus on universal points that are fun for users rather than catering to specific national borders. Our content centers around stories, events, and other content that many users can enjoy. While we are grateful to be greatly loved in Japan, we cannot operate focusing on specific countries.

[CEO Kim]: Subcultures and the origins of 2D games are in Japan, so the people who are most familiar with Japanese culture came together to create it, and I believe that is why it naturally resonated with users. Since the codes used are universally understood worldwide, it has also gained popularity globally. Additionally, the development team tends to push themselves to create more, be more active, and incorporate richer and more diverse content. It's a kind of overworking. Despite this content density, we are receiving good responses.

[Director Yoo]: Nowadays, many people appreciate the content density. They like the affection embedded in NIKKE's development.

Q: A significant number of new NIKKEs have been released under the Tetra line. Elysion, which lacks performance character pools, makes attacking company towers difficult. Are there any plans for improvement?

[CEO Kim]: We are aware of this and are discussing it to find accurate solutions rather than rushing to fix it. Instead of forcing the number of tower personnel, we plan to design specific key characters to break through. Since the game was launched with a story focus, the balance between companies may not be perfect, but we will pay more attention to adjust it in the future.
>The narrative has allowed a boring Japanese tradwife to forcibly cuck SKK away from more interesting Nikkes twice so far
She can't keep getting away with it.
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Q: At TGS, we received many evaluations from Japanese game companies that the story is a strength. How do you feel about that?

[CEO Kim]: We did not expect the importance of the scenario and narrative to increase to this extent. During the development process, we became increasingly captivated by the charm of our own scenarios, and the design not only focuses on aesthetics but also pays attention to fitting the narrative and settings. Besides design, we also pay attention to elements that can blend into the story, such as expressions and motions that suit the characters, which naturally complements the narrative. We deeply realized that it's not just about having beautiful drawings, and it was a valuable experience.

Q: What do you think about the perception that the strength of Korean games is their story?

[CEO Kim]: Games with good stories are being released in various countries. Korean game storytelling does not tend to be obscure or heavily region-specific; it has a global universality that anyone can easily accept. Of course, individual capabilities are important, and NIKKE relies heavily on its scenario writers.
marciana why are you sitting on a urinal in the MEN'S bathroom
This is it. We are getting the Elysion super-Nikke soon.
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Q: Considering the recent quality of animations, it seems that the release of animations is imminent. Can we look forward to it? Are there plans to improve the initial animations after their release?

[Director Yoo]: We have a desire to expand in various directions, but currently, we are in the exploratory stage. Regardless of what content it becomes, we will never compromise on quality.

[CEO Kim]: We have no plans to remake the animations we created in the past simply because we felt the quality was lacking. They contain the emotions that were conveyed to users at that time, and remaking them would certainly result in the loss of those emotions. Preserving them is a decision for the users' benefit. While animations are important, if there is energy to be poured into original source multi-use, we would prefer to invest that into the game. If we can achieve good quality even while being completely immersed, we might attempt it.

Q: Was there a special reason for choosing the Evangelion collaboration?

[CEO Kim]: There was some personal bias, but it was a title that we had to do eventually. The Asuka and Rei I drew did not pass through Kku-em, but I will try to personally show them to you somehow.

Q: Are you reviewing or preparing collaborations with the latest IPs?

[CEO Kim]: We are on the verge of a massive collaboration with the latest IP, Stella Blade. We are also preparing collaborations with other IPs that can attract new users' interests and IPs that no one expected, so we ask for your great interest.

Q: Are there any important elements you handle when directing Korean sound for NIKKE?

[CEO Kim]: The scenario team often goes on-site to oversee the directing. We create a comfortable atmosphere for the voice actors to perform well and support them to help them understand the characters. It is a procedural but important process. Besides that, I think the good results come from the voice actors doing well.
We'll get Green Hood, and Blue Hood.
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Too bad I ain't reading 'em
Why would there be urinals in the women's bathroom?
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Q: The Redhood costume was given as the top vote in the popularity poll. Users who do not have the Redhood character and new users cannot use it even if they receive it. Wouldn't it be better to have about a one-week pickup period in future popularity polls?

[CEO Kim]: That's a good suggestion. We will discuss it internally.

Q: The Hongryeon (Scarlet) drinking glass sold at the recent The Hyundai pop-up store was impressive. Are there any goods planned with the concept of realizing in-game items into reality? Or goods that you think would be good to have?

[Director Yoo]: At the pop-up store, we sold goods closely related to the characters, such as Shifty slippers and Hongryeon drinking glasses. There are many goods we want to release in the future, so we plan to actively attempt larger offline events or similar initiatives.

[CEO Kim]: I really want an Anis hair badge, so it would be great if you could release it in high quality.

Q: How is the Champion Arena coming along?

[CEO Kim]: It is completed, but it was delayed because we needed to secure QA time. We overextended during the 1.5th anniversary. Usually, when you try to create everything you want to, it can make subsequent schedules difficult, but due to the nature of the development team, we don't stop. We ask for your generous understanding. We will make any content fun and present it to you.
I'll summarize:
Q: What are your plans for X?
A: It's something we're thinking about, and we'll find ways to implement it in the future.
Why do I have a feeling that they didn't expect the game to be this popular and last this long and they somehow have no idea what to do with it?
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Q: Combining 2D characters with 3D battlefields seems to require attention to many elements. For example, if a character like Rapture is hiding in the 3D battlefield, is there a bug where aiming doesn't work? Are there any challenges?

[CEO Kim]: What you mentioned is a bug that needs to be fixed. Since the characters are 2D artwork, we pay attention to three-dimensionality and spatiality to implement vivid graphics. We try to incorporate dynamic movements rather than flat ones, and especially, we make an effort to show side character shooting scenes as much as possible so that users can immerse themselves.

Q: There are instances where NIKKE influences other subculture games, such as NIKKE modes in Girls' Frontline 2 or NIKKE skins in Azur Lane. What do you think about that?

[Director Yoo]: I'm actually pleased when parodies or similar content of our game appear. It's something that happened because our game has achieved success and recognition, so we are grateful for it.

[CEO Kim]: I think it's very fun that our game can become someone's muse. However, I'm not sure if Level Infinite, as the publisher, feels the same way.

Q: The Japanese mobile game market is entering a downward trend. Considering NIKKE's long-term service, how do you plan to proceed in the future?

[CEO Kim]: We are preparing for it with several policies. Even if the Japanese mobile game market stagnates, the number of subculture 2D game users is increasing. We are preparing collaborations with good IPs, attractive content, and various events that can attract new users. Regional expansion is also one of our considerations.
blue hood?
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Next post last post

Q: There was talk about an artbook for the 1.5th anniversary. How is that going?

[CEO Kim]: We have a lot of art, so we are preparing it.

Q: If you talk about ShiftUp's future roadmap, what would you say?

[CEO Kim]: We recently went public, and we aim to present a slightly different image from other listed companies. Currently, the NIKKE title is receiving great love, but we are well aware that maintaining this position is very challenging. We will not hastily undertake new or diverse projects but will invest to make our existing titles even more attractive.

We will continue to develop Stella Blade to become a good IP and plan to gradually expand regionally and across platforms. We are bringing in good people to expand our pipeline, and will be making games in areas beyond Stella Blade and NIKKE. Rather than producing a large quantity, we focus on bringing together talented individuals to create high-quality products.

ShiftUp is a rare company in that its business divisions do not handle publishing. Since we cannot do publishing carelessly, we work together with Level Infinite, the best publisher. We will show the extent of our development power moving forward.
That's not uncommon, guess we'll just have to see
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Because is true
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Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk.

Q: Regarding future NIKKE services?

[Director Yoo]: NIKKE is a game designed around the main scenario, so the main scenario holds high importance. We have built up about two years' worth of content and plan to maintain it with consistent value. Other content, such as shooting and mini-games, will be developed in a flexible manner to pursue various fun while aligning with what users want. More important than the immediate roadmap is user feedback and adaptability to situations.

NIKKE is approaching its 2nd-anniversary service. The ultimate goal is to make it a game loved for over 20 years, which is the duration I have worked in the game industry. I don't yet know exactly what to do, but I will try various things in alignment with the users.

[CEO Kim]: Strengthening the foundation so that NIKKE can be serviced for 20 years is important, and it's also one of the company's key agendas. Please look forward to the NIKKE 2nd-anniversary events. It's also a very good time for a comeback.
I will release a highly successful gacha game and repeatedly fumble the events and make people lose interest and realize the game is badly designed at its core
It happens all the time.
FGO was literally a cash grab until the devs understood that people actually liked the game and decided to go all in on it when Camelot and Babylonia came around.
You could've just linked it, or compiled the most interesting questions in one post, but no, let's just flood the thread with walls of text.
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I'm not going to read.
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The Admi?
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Forgot it was Full Burst Day. Well, time for my daily simulation.
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I read it. Thank you for spoonfeeding anon.
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1. The source is Korean and Google TL is terrible.

2. Even if I were to summarize everything it's still more than one post.

3. I started posting at post 700. The thread was about to be swapped out anyway and I'm not going to repost them in the new thread.
I thought that was an extremely long noose. Thank god she's okay.
I read all the CEO thing. The CEO said sex with drake is canon and will have it's own event. I won
Thank you for the inciteful comment anon
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This is my second pilgrim mold. The first one ended with Belorta. I need your toots please
Don't justify yourself to me, I already decided you're wrong and dumb. I'm nice, so I'm just telling you how it is, instead of baiting you further.
it's intentional spam to speedrun the collapse of this thread so the ritualposters can dump their garbage at the start of the next thread because they have free time at this moment. it's not a genuine intention to share information with friends, they are serving their own selfish purpose.

can't you see this?
Almost definitely, yeah. Hopefully they'll work out how to keep the story interesting in the long-term. Typically in situations like this, the narrative is the part that ends up suffering the most, since it's initially planned as starting with Story Arc A and ending with Story Arc C, and when sudden, massive success hits, the corporate demand to stretch it out comes in. So, either they have to fill in padding, thus Story Arc B becomes B.1, B.2, B.3, etc., or they lead into the initial ending, but then continue on into a new Story Arc D through Z plot, both of which are problems in their own way. Definitely not impossible to do well, but it is difficult.
No, I can't see this schizo-san. I think that anon was genuinely trying to be helpful, but they did it in the most obnoxious way possible.
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A common feeling.
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It's insightful, not inciteful.
nice crown bro
Wait for the pilgrim mold guy, you fuck.
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>we will never compromise on quality.
nah gotta push my epeck uoh loli xddd
thanks intern

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