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Thread for the discussion of Honkai Impact 3rd


>Shattered Swords VN

>Latest CN supply, event, abyss, and MA cycles:

>v7.7 Drudging, Drifting, Dreaming Trailer
>Theresa: Schicksal's Imperative New S-Rank Battlesuit Preview
>Schicksal's Imperative Tutorial Video
>Summertime Reminiscences — Honkai Impact 3rd Concept Animation
>Honkai Impact 3rd x Honkai: Star Rail Collab Behind-the-Scenes

Previous: >>495889848
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Rare Milstein bread
Idea niggas.
Idea niggas are my homies
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I want to deflower this hag.
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Teri slow ass banner killed HI3
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>Chapter 3 is literally just the final act of Penacony
what the actual fuck
>shart rail invented silhouettes
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Mei impregnates Griseo
I don't remember switching PoVs 30 times and hearing again and again about two opposite extreme ways of viewing escapism because some dumbass dove died
are you retarded?
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No, Penacony was just a shitshow carried by stellar marketing
for me it's dying in pain because escapism is bad
/hrtg/ newfag spotted
yeah, just I expected
That anon wasn't wrong. Penacony was overhyped as fuck. Firefly's three deaths was just dumb, people don't die in dreams, that last minute twist about it was all a dream, and how absolutely useless the whole 'bring Jade's cornerstone to Penacony' sub-plot was. Like, holy shit, that entire arc was just dumb once it was all over.
okay but please explain how that's any different to the first three chapters of Part 2. From what I've been reading so far, Penacony and Part 2 are both two different approaches of the whole "dream" theme they've been going with. Prove me right now that you're not just a drive-by low quality shitposter from the other thread
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HSR didn't have Songque. Checkmate.
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>there's even a Nihility flashback sequence
this is you on hsr brainrot
>shit rail invented flashbacks
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not anymore
At least Lantern outright says something about "Following the path of Destruction"
What does that flashback have to do with Star Rails Nihility?
I meant the fake death/Nihility realm inside Penacony's dreamscape
nigga there are no paths in sol
We had similar sequences i think 3 times prior in part 2
That changes next patch, get ready for Kiana to be railed by male Emmanator cock while Mei watches
yeah but it's just funny that they've abusing it lately. No wonder Chinks are calling Mars a Paradise arc ripoff
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Mistelin will be meta again! Eventually
How so?
She'll almost certainly get another suit eventually. She's become to much of a staple for her not to get one.
Does he know?
Where is she right now? I thought she came back to visit someone recently - Kira? Is she with Griseo in the asteroid belt?
Her and Griseo are still stuck in Vitaland I believe. It's like dozen's of years travel away, but she can skype.
Oh. She is effectively written out of the story then. Sad.
She's forming a pretty tight relationship with Vita who can just magic shit up if she wished I assume.
You could say it's a Vitaland Saga
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I still love Mistelin's KOSMOS doll
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It's kinda hard to top the sheer utter nonsense of a metaphorical death. Like, it retroactively makes Elio looks like a major fraud.
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What is Lanterns expression trying to convey here?
Fund it
She realizing she's the 3rd wheel of a otp. She wants to give up but it's too late to do so and is wondering if she can turn it into a harem end instead.
Sexlema got there first?
And instead everyone falls for the classic ploy, becoming Sera's harem, just like in her smut collection.
Sexlema was everywhere first.
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welp, anon was right. I could have just went straight away with Chapter 3 EX since they're doing a recap of everything that happened anyway. The last act of chapter 3 was fine but I wouldn't recommend anyone to go what I went through. It wasn't worth it, despite how good the tail end of the chapter was.
But 3 Ex is just so good. Not sure if you are done so we don't spoil you.
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observing the sex robot
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You wouldn't a robot
Too late, I already have
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You can softlock yourself
For those that did not figure this out yet, instead of resetting, bump the block to the orange tile and climb up
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I want to argue but I don't know enough about maths to disagree.
What is the seed of wishing? The next plot device?
what is 1+2+3+4+5....
better than the Loom of Fate
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Dunno why it was translated as seed in this side story. Vita called it the "Sprout of Wishing" in the main story of this patch. The first time this term came up was in the Seele vs Vita boss fight as the vita boss name. Imo, it's basically a manifestation of Sas (now Vitas) authority and is connected to that whole "Sa granting wishes of people in bubble worlds to blow that shit up and gather energy"
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>Dunno why it was translated as seed in this side story.
It wasn't, nvm lol. They did use sprout there
Also I mean this boss
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>thinking that Vita is lying just because Teri refuses to trust her
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"Seele" in casual wear

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