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Previous: >>496346393

Version 1.2 "Tour de Inferno" Special Program:
Dev Face-to-Face | Zenless Zone Zero:
Agent Record | Tsukishiro Yanagi
Agent Record | Lighter Lorenz

>Newest Trailer/Teaser/Character demo

>Upcoming Events for 1.2
Full 1.2 details and events: https://zenless.hoyoverse.com/en-us/news/125865
New at the Arcade: Bizarre Brigade - to be added in 1.2
Back in Business - Daily check in, double drops and more - 09/25 (1.2 release) - 10/10 03:59 (server time)
All New Program - 09/25 (1.2 release) - 11/05 03:59 (server time)
Overlord's Feast - 09/26 10:00 (server time) - 11/04 03:59 (server time)

>Redeemable codes (claimable in-game or online)

>Resources and useful links
Sex with mentally ill women
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Yanagi has a Defensive Assist :)
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banging . . . BOOS!
Holy fuck I love hags
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Alright guys!
>favorite ZZZ
>Are you team AXIS or team ALLIES
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Bwos I just googled Caeser's height and she's bigger than me with 5cm...
A fire character increasing ice damage is retarded and you can't convince me otherwise. They should've made him increase fire and physical so he has synergy with his own faction instead.
>it's not powercreep because old units still clear fine
>what about a couple patches from now
you guys are actually retarded with absolutely zero foresight huh
Who doesn't, really.
>Piper literally says "Iron Tusk"
>subtitled "Steel Tusk"
What's the point of localisers again?
Who's /zzz/ slampig?
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Jane > Caesar
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>He pulled on Jane Doe thinking she would be good for disorder teams.
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buy mibibi.
so apparently Nicole has a thing where if you hold down the attack button during her basic chain she fires a small ether shot. as far as I can tell that's not explained anywhere in her skills breakdown. they explain holding the ex special but not basic attack.

what the fuck why? do all agents have some hidden bullshit
he's not powercreeping any limited unit, which are the units that matter.
How do I use Caesar with Seth/Jane?
Grace, Rina.
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Wtf is axis and allies
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How did Lucy end up winning so hard?
*uses them together*
Because she's cute.
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>Triumph in JP but Vanquishers in sub
She's a big girl.
knotbros... what happened...
Only if they hardcore ripoff Vergil for her moveset. Not interested otherwise.
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>pulled jane because everyone said burnice will be amazing with her
>turns out burnice needs way more field time than expected so is not as good for jane
>not even a week after jane's banner, a new fotm anomaly appears and is way better for disorder than jane+burnice
I genuinely regret falling for the anomaly meme, give me back my chromes Hackwei
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I'm not rolling either way but yeah it's wack
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where objectively does caesar place on the cute and canon powerscale
>"densetsu no proxy"
>"the proxy I've heard so much about"
I'm 5cm shorter than Zhu Yuan irl...
bwo your history class?
I'm telling you bros they should've taken all the fat from Burnice's tit's and moved it straight to her thighs and ass

we got too many big booby bitches. give me a girl shaped like an avocado that's pure SEXO
She's the Firefly of this game what were you expecting
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She works fine without disorder though?
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She's the biggest winner of this patch in terms of personality by far, what a fucking cute character. I also really enjoyed Piper quite alot, even more than Caesar and Burnice which is weird, Burnice didn't get much screentime at all
>Characters finish their entire attack animation even after you swap in another character

Oh, game makes more sense now. This is something I should be doing right? Like I'm using Piper and I should be swapping out during her spin so she does the big slow finisher while I can use another character at the same time? Is there any downside to doing this constantly?
>billyGODS still solo clearing end game content
>metakeks crying because limiteds have strong kits
Cry more metatards. It's literally just a skill issue.
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>some hidden bullshit
They need to do more of them honestly, it's so fun discovering them and appease my fgc brain
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everyone with a brain was telling you jane is a shit meta play bwo, only reason to roll was for your dick
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Im surprised we have so many powercreep apologists here. This must be the first gacha for a lot of people
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>175-176 cm
I'm MARGINALLY taller than either of them - somewhere around 3cm taller. I bet both tower above me if this is their naked height and they wear heels...
What's so good about disorder anyway? Isn't it just bonus burst damage after building up two separate anomaly bars.
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She's so sexy it drives me insane.
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You're supposed to just roll for who you like you fucking retarded ape *dabs*
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>Burnice didn't get much screentime at all
She's getting an agent story when she releases, and it's okay she made up for low screen time quantity with high screen time QUALITY
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>crushes windpipe with knee
>mag dumps unarmed suspect
>blows up the head of dazed suspect with shotgun blast to back of the head
>any downside
If you mistime the switch, your off-field agents still could take damage, and it's pretty hurtful especially in ambush node
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Must...fondle them puppies...
Oh, I get it now, her bike is styled after chariots.
*both of them want to be on field constantly and work horribly together*
american moment
i forgot to do dailies yesterday i was too busy getting terry to master
most fighting games pretty clearly explain character mechanics and interactions
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True to Caesar
You do realize the original is in Chinese and not Japanese so it doesn't make sense to compare EN with JP translation... right?
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>multiple broken ass launch 4*
>multiple broken ass launch 4*
>ZERO broken ass launch 4*
I simply don't care so long as Shiyu isn't balanced to where you absolutely need the latest shilled character. This next rotation will be a good test, since this will be the first shiyu where new enemies are available in the game, and Caesar is the current banner. Unless they pull some bullshit I expect to still clear with over 2m to spare on the S rank timer.

More billyGAYS, with your pussy SAFE RANGED gameplay

Corin is way better.
Most modern fighting games, yes. There's always some sorts of hidden mechanic/interaction in older games, that's why it's fun to discover them
Mostly when you can go for a perfect assist so your piper/Jane/Ellen can get their charge/spin finish while they are invulnerable.
if I'm reading correctly this makes yanagi do 7x damage against an enemy after setting off disorder for 15 seconds so it could do literally nothing and she'd be comically powerful, at least against bosses/elites
It's not gameplay, but she does Judgment Cut End on the guy at 1:45
*swaps and uses both on field*
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It doesn't matter if I don't have access to the source material, I know the trannylation is incorrect anyway.
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I'm hoping that Burnice's agent story will reveal more about her, I like how unhinged she is but I also don't really "care" about her character so far.
I'm more attached to even Lighter at the moment.
Yeah, that properly showed how fucking crazy she is which is nice. I'm looking forward to her trust events, hundreds would cum if they made her the yandere type with the protagonist in them
>turns out burnice needs way more field time than expected
What are you talking about? She barely needs to be on the field. You just hit charge skill, swap and you're golden.
Oh so it's like a fighting game? Both agents are vulnerable?
Nicole, Piper and Lucy are better than some S rank agents.
Anyone got that one Sjal picture? You know the one.
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>she made up for low screen time quantity with high screen time QUALITY
Her being a single-brain celled arsonist > deep backstory and emotional plot about some literal who's I will most likely never see again
Who's powercreeping whom?
Your Billy?
Don't be mislead by descriptions.
Jane could easily be her best partner just because jane has a ton of damage.
Yanagi multipliers are basically that, "do more damage", if jane + burnice does more or similar damage than yanagi + burnice all that jargon about disorder doesn't matter.
>since this will be the first shiyu where new enemies are available in the game
What? Haven't they been adding new enemies to shiyu? Like the Ambush Node literally has the animal trio in it amongst a few other new enemies
I pulled on Jane because she's hot, what's a disorder team?
Nicole, Piper, Lucy are better than HSR's launch 4 stars
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>Core Passive: Lunar Eclipse

When Yanagi hits an enemy with her Ex, the target will be entering the [Trembled] state. When attacking the target Yanagi inflicts 40% additional Electric Anomaly Proficiency. When she triggers a Disorder the Disorder damage multiplier is increased by 600%. The [Trembling] state lasts up to 15 seconds and the maximum duration is refreshed when repeatedly applied.

>Additional ability: Moon Phase
When there is at least one other member of Section 6 present or another Anomaly agent: After using her enhanced basic combo the accumulation of her Electric Anomaly Mastery is increased by 70%.

She requires field time. RIP Janebozo's.
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In Ch.2 right now. Jesus, why is she so goddamn big it's fucking humongous

How did Caesarfags win so bigly?
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>Still coping about jane in disorder teams
>come back after quitting in 1.0
>speedthrough content for 3 days for a pity for Caesar
>get the ugly black cat loli
Fuck this gay game.
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>there are people who still believe in the Jane is bad for Disorder memes
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Jane sisters can't catch a break, huh
I'm afraid i'll not be able to keep pulling on every banner anymore. I got all banner characters since Ellen and my stocks are stariting to run dry. It's not fair bwos...
nta but ambush isn't timed, it doesn't matter. The only time powercreep will matter in the sense of clearing content and getting rewards is when shit is timed
Yes lmao they could happy birthday your ass, and you just sit there watch a good chunk of your health just disappear
If Yanagi is supposed to be on field why does her disc set reward you for only keeping her on field for short bursts?
I wish I was Seth
that 600% disorder damage has to be a mistranslation,.
Yanagi would powercreep every team without even looking at numbers.
>Nothing particularly lewd about her design
>Just has fucking enormous tits

I enjoy this, it's a nice little mix up of the make my dick big formula
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Piper was powercreeped and the other two are supports which don't have any S rank yet. What a stupid post.
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Can someone tell me what's it's like to roll an S-rank early
meanwhile in reality:
the only ice stunner
>nekomata alexandrina
both have their own niches
>soldier 11
the only fire attacker
lighter upgrade
>noo please yanagi, dont powercreep grace
said no one ever.
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Damn is this NEPS' latest recruitment video?
Shiyu 7 is ridiculous easy compared to spiral 12. I fully expect a shiyu 8 to be added in the future to round out the number of chromosomes to 800 and put it on par with hsr and genshin endgame. Then the lack of good 4*s will really be apparent and people will stop doing solo Billy runs, as funny as those are
Shiyu critical so far has only used enemies that were available at launch. Disputed and Ambush doesn't use the same stat scaling as critical. Not only that, the level cap in critical is 70, compared to disputeds 60 and ambushes 65. These things matter.
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>warn people that jane is too selfish and is going to synergize horribly with multidps disorder stuff (the whole point of running anomaly)
>"uhhh no dude look burnice is designed to run off field all the time and yanagi is going to be the same anomaly is going to be build around jane obviously"
>burnice wants more field time than originally anticipated
LMAO, crept in TWO (2) PATCHES
at least the people that rolled her because they like her will still get use out of her for a while, I feel vindicated in all of the people pretending it was meta and not a total dickroll being proven wrong though
You guys know Miyabi is getting changed, right?
This is not the genshin devs with their slow as fuck feedback recognition.
Why does he look so horrified?
Jane literally doesn’t have another anomaly to work with right now
Why we cant play with Lighter in story mode?
Me on the left
most disorder damage multipliers are close to their total damage, so around 1200 to 700. this means her disorders do 1.5x to 1.8x, not 6x
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for some reason this is insanely fucking hot
Good to know, thanks. I assume if the swap triggered a dodge/parry assist then both are immune, not just the one that got swapped in?
A younger brother with family issues?
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Yet another one bites the dust. Kot is the gift that keeps on giving.
He was talking about if burnice was good for jane, she is.
Is jane hyper carry the best team? yes, that's usually the case with every team, some may be better than others but in the end all you want is to play with your favorite characters.
Besides, yanagi teams could end up doing the same damage for all we know.
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And this is her nerfed design by the way, it's ridiculous
No, a white guy
>i got a sexy rat that makes my dick hard and my enemies dead
>anon somehow is celebrating it as a W that someone stronger is released
Do you have brain damage?
>the soulless gambling addict experience, poorfag edition
sounds like an unhappy and stressful life.
good thing I play the game primarily to have fun
if you really like both of them I respect the soul there desu
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It's additive, normal Disorder damage is between 750% and 1250%, Yanagi will simply add her 600% on top of that. It's still a big increase but also her only niche.
Disorder is just a way to make shock and burn not shit.
Nothing Jane does will remove the taste of Razor's cock in his mouth or get rid of the feeling of that monster dick in his ass.
fuck it i gotta make a caesar chat bot
Small indie dev pls understand

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how big do you think her areolas are?
It lets you do very snazzy rotations like for example you can stun with Lycaon and at the same time build full vortex on Soukaku and trigger the stun with her so you have the most amount of stun time with Ellen. You can swap out a character right before you trigger the stun so you get to choose who you actually want to stun with.
He hates filthy rats
Now that I took a good look at him I now realize that Wise is pretty handsome.
They always planned powercreep, they gave us selector so we can choose 1 (one) standard 5 star to future proof
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Mind explaining? >>496359712
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>Burnicebwos has brain damage
>Just like Burnice
Caesar has inverted nipples
>favorite ZZZ
A tie between Koleda and Lucy
>Are you team AXIS or team ALLIES
Both are shit
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Do keep us informed
My Jane is not even maxed out running with level 1 Seth and level 35 Lucy with proper disk and I still clearing content jus fine I think she and burnice will work fine . She is the Kafka of anomaly/disorder
I am also very excited for Pulchra, just like her
Does it matter who you stun with?
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I just started the chapter 4 story and Caesar just feels clunky to play. Burnice on the other hand was super fluid and fun. I was going to roll Caesar but I guess I'm now on team Burnice
What does that have to do with what I said?
You wrote:
>>multiple broken ass launch 4*
And I responded:
>Nicole, Piper, Lucy are better than HSR's launch 4 stars
What will Miyabi's team options be? Seems lame to have her paired with Yanagi if they both want field time.
Another roll blessed by gato
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>Piper was powercreeped
lmao, by who?
She is a virgin btw
You can't proc anomaly while off-field normally.
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>most replayed part is grace feet
but oh my lord if the music that plays during the end was used for a Meeb final boss in 1.4 I would literally never stop cumming
This is her from the beta
>She is the Kafka of anomaly/disorder
she's good but saying this when she has no enabler potential (the whole thing that made kafka good/unique) is beyond retarded, be honest with yourself bwo
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>Yanagi will improve this
AnomalyGODS won, bigly
Did chatgpt stop charging for their API yet?
I do genuinely think people are fundamentally misunderstanding how they’re designing these disorder characters.
Wise is useless
Wise is ugly
He's only good at computers
He can't talk to women
He can barely manage the video store
That's why Wise is going to stay single forever and will manage Random Play with his sister until he gets old
What? But I've specifically been using it to trigger disorder and assault at the same time
NTA but I didn't know that. I did know about Nicole's boobas getting nerfed.
Uh oh melty
Don't trust anyone...

even yourself.
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The chest zipper is more erotic than the cleavage, just the implication that it could be used.
Ugly? i know she's weak without her M1 and her engine but she's really pretty and sexy
read the last sentence of my post friend, I'm glad you're enjoying your rat
I just use chub ai. Agnaistic is also a good free alternative but chub has more variety with responses
Did lighter get Qinqyi entire kit in his M1 ? that's kinda fukced up isn't it ?
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>barely beating mission
>2 characters already died and got revived, no more lives left
>finally beat the 2 idiots that can never be dodged or parried properly
>another even bigger idiot spawns in
time to abandon I guess what the fuck...
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>For Ben to do literally anything he has to be out
He can apply his shield that gives crit rate just by swapping/perfect assist into tapping special. He doesn't have to stay on the field for any meaningful amount of time. Burnice probably demands more field time just to apply her debuff
>Its only +22.5%
So you want an off field stunner like Anby/Lycaon/Koleda then, not an on field one like Qingyi. Still feels like a significant amount of damage to ignore when you're happy to dedicate an agent slot to use Burnice for a bit more uptime on +28% crit rate, but neglect +22.5% conditional bonus damage
>Replacing Lucy
Again, I dont think more uptime on the crit rate is worth losing +600 damage. I'm working with an M4 lucy that gives +10% crit damage to the squad too so I definitely wouldn't give that up for faster burning application
Janebro it's so fucking over
M1 Lighter
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Brocon hands typed this
You wouldn't know what real powercreep is if it hit you in the face desu, meanwhile I played whale-centered gacha with PvP before, so I'll just have my personal opinion on the matter, capiche?
Sethbros won
Are tencent shills running with the "powercreep" narrative to doompost now?
First new characters are side grades and bricks, now everything is powercreep? This lack of consistency in the whining smells like someone is trying to force a narrative.
I somehow mixed two posts in one, sorry bwo I'm tired.
I want to drink Burnice fluids...
Something very suspicious about this post.
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>jane brick
The massive cleavage on the beta model lacks subtlety. Plenty of agents have massive cleavage in game already. Covered huge booba is sexier because you get to use your imagination a bit more.
Her ingame outfit is more functional to her role anyway
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S6 won.
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Depends on your team, Ellen's team for example wants to use only Ellen's chain attack since any additional chain attack drains the stun time faster. Zhu Yuans team wants to trigger the stun with Nicole's hold basic to apply the def shred for the chain attacks. You kinda get a feel for it but most teams end up with the stunner/defender triggering the stun.
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>single forever
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Caesar rapes wise
So true!!!! He has no rizz or aura so other girls should just stay away from him
Objectively wrong post, most NPCs say Wise looks good
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Did today's leaks change your mind bros?
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>the entire Section 6 didn't even bother to look back at potential threat because they're so used that Miyabi will surely finish the job
>Cheese event
>No rrat
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>Lucy craves Caeser pussy
>Caeser wants a prince in shining armor taking her away
Didn't expect the lucy cucking arc
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>after shilling Jane, Burnice, and Yanagi they release a bunch of new enemies that you can't build anomaly against like those pillars
one single TV mission in the whole update.
Oh so it's specific to characters/build and such, that makes sense. I thought it was some general thing with roles, like a stunner will trigger a different stun type than a support or something.
I played ToF nigger. I know what powercreep hell looks like
How is she not? The sheer amount of physical anomaly she dished out is insane, it’s literally up to the second anomaly character to keep up with her. And in my eye, the faster you build up the anomaly bar, you triggered more disorder, which in turn make her an enabler, no?
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Who would be able to stop her?
Wrong, 2
Mining and the golden car one
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The bratty princess wants to be saved by a prince too.
She does visit on the 4th day while undercover. Pay attention at the npc faces
2, actually. But just like the other one, it is no-combat commission.
A silly crush means nothing! She's a self-inserter not a self-starter she'll never make it!
Don't be racist.
Good thing that instead of rolling for weapons or dupes for "futureproof" i rolled for every single character i could and liked, now im covered in all sides.
Horizontal investment is KING
We lost
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I started playing literally the moment the servers went down for Caesar's maintenance, so I'm gonna use my new guy freebies to get both! With the real goal being Lucy
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There are two actually
Both of them are gimmicky, one where you ride a car and the other where you go mining
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i love this lil nigga
How is it even doing these days anyway, don't hear much about it.
Just build hybrid Piper
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When my Billy solos stop clearing I'll let you know.
>caesar falls for the bitchmade Wise instead of the based literally me Lighter
Cute couple
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>your favorite ZZZ
>your favorite movie
The mining one is kinda fun. but no bomberman fun, or pokemon fun, or space invaders fun, we truly lost
You wouldn’t date your own brother now would you
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I regret pulling Caesar
>When the side character tries to assist the MC in the final battle
Another nuanced thing, if jane dodges sways left you will sweep the leg and launch mobs, sway right and she does air crash down aoe which is much better for mob clearing. If you ever wonder why the annoying launch moves comes out. They technically tell you in the description but you don't reasonably expect one dodge from a minute ago is affecting your current input. You would think that shit will reset to natural state after some time but it doesn't.
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My kot looks weird
Looks like you got no game, lighterbro
>M2 grace
bros... why does she keep stalking me...
she wants a softboy
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nice detail with the pig, ngl
I look like this
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Is it all just the same group of fags that plague Genshit too? You know, the ones that after 4 years still screech about bricks and meta when F2P 4* clear the hardest content just fine even after all that time
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>Soldier 11 kit : If you press the button at the right time, you do more damage. Also you get a damage bonus against stunned enemies.
>Lighter kit : Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1). At start of player phase or enemy phase, inflicts Atk/Def-7 and【Sabotage】on foes within 3 rows or 3 columns centered on unit through their next actions. At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, deals 8 damage to foe as combat begins (only highest value applied; does not stack with other "deals X damage as combat begins" effects; effects that reduce damage "during combat" do not apply; will not reduce foe's HP below 1). At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, inflicts Atk/Def-X on foe (X = 20% of unit's Def at start of combat + 6), reduces the percentage of foe's non-Special "reduce damage by X%" skills by 50% (excluding area-of-effect Specials), deals damage = 30% of foe's max HP (excluding area-of-effect Specials), and reduces damage from foe's attacks by Y, and also, if foe's attack triggers foe's Special, reduces damage by an additional Y (Y = total damage dealt to foe; max 20; excluding area-of-effect Specials). At start of turn, if unit is adjacent to only beast or dragon allies or if unit is not adjacent to any ally, unit transforms (otherwise, unit reverts). If unit transforms, grants Atk+2 and unit can counterattack regardless of foe's range.
Is it really that healthy to have such blatant feature creep that early into the game?
you do know japanese and chinese are also closer together in language then english, especially when english just makes up what it wants by memes.
one notable difference is ch and jp going with "children of Calydon" while en went with "sons of calydon" due to biker gang memes
Your kot has been tainted by the Azure
>Yanagi triggers her passive with another Anomaly character or an Electric character
Must be because of Seth lul
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weh weh weh
piper unironically builds anomaly just as fast, and every anomaly character builds anomaly quickly, that semi-synergistic aspect of the class is the whole point. Black swan did a fuckton of damage and gave a fuckton of dots but that doesn't buff any other units, she wasn't an enabler; kafka was able to do damage directly scaling off of the dot other units apply by proccing them on her turn, this completely changed the game for dot by allowing them to be set off offensively and made kafka an enabler that indirectly buffs any future dot units and is able to scale off of them for her own damage by setting dot off on her turn. Again, jane is good and will stay good for the foreseeable future, but she doesn't have anything with unique interplay like that. If another physical anomaly releases there's nothing preventing jane from being powercrept, while kafka's role in setting off dot offensively is irreplaceable unless they add another character that does the exact same thing.
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Bless the person that made this mod.
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Funny how the thread quality dives down the moment an upcoming character's kit (that will be changed once or twice anyway) gets leaked and half of the thread is filled with worthless drivel about such
Leon the professional
No idea. I quit not long after they merged all the regional servers since most of them were completely dead on their own. That was over a year ago I think
Zhu Yuan
Lord of the Rings
good question.
This trailer is honestly so god damn kino though. I hope we get another factions trailer for the next big contact patch after Section 6 releases.

It could show off:
>Obol Squad
>Church/Religion faction
Did I miss any other leaked factions?
I fucking LOVE Fairy
Smokin' Aces
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is this agent gulliver? will s6 get a proper ice boo in 1.4? it's a mystery, and I hate waiting. meeb would probably say patience is a virtue
Guys, I'll be honest, I don't think devs know what they're doing
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i like miyabi
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Slow down with the cheese...
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the original The thing
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ain't that the mihoyo game general experience? fastest threads with most engagement are during drip, initial datamines/leaks, and then release
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Why are swaps inconsistent? Why the fuck isn't it a constant rotation of which character will be swapped in? I swear to god it's like a 70% chance of working as expected, and then otherwise it's just random who shows up. Literally swapping back and forth between two characters will randomly have the third appear for no reason ahhhHHHHHHHHHHH
This looks like an Ether corrupted skin.
>only reason to roll was for your dick
money well spent!
they're just like me...
This is why the shield gate is a thing
I mean you can do that but why
it swaps to an evasive assist character (rina/grace/billy) if you can't parry with a defensive assist
If your character is doing an animation and is not the playable character you will switch to the only character left.
In short, stop mashing or get good with the animation cancels.
You can't swap in to a character that's still on the field
Got my second copy today, I will devote myself to Ride Boarski until he is complete
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shoutouts to the zzzigger for the genshin maccas codes
>The original The Thing
My guy. Fucking love that movie and I dont even like Horror. Its so good
This started happening to me since the update
1.1 - Zero issue, I could 100% consistently perfect assist into Seth to parry an attack as Jane.
Now half the fucking time it pops Rina out to activate Vital View instead. I think its a bug
I don't there's ever an optimal time to spend the time to switch into Nicole to start chain. Just simply start chain with stunner -> Nicole > Zhu cancel. anything else will be an overall dps lost.
outer rim is peak comfy
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>tries to kill several streamers
And people STILL dislike her?
That is still wrong. Kafka was played as a hypercarry before BS due to the detonate not being great.
And BS's damage is much higher than what Kafka can even detonate from her, and she offers def shred as well.

Future dot units will likely be similar. Most of their kit is made in a way Kafka's detonate won't work. You are very optimistic believing Kafka has any lasting value over other chars. The main reason she's still relevant is because dot is dead.

In the end it's a gacha. What stays relevant is funnily enough the shit that doesn't get upgrades, but it will still fall behind regardless.
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Just got this with S11. She truly is my fuarking hero...
Its not that - >>496362227 This is more likely. I had no idea that was a mechanic. I suppose its good because otherwise if you lack a Vital View agent, the agent you would have swapped into gets a dodge off but the previous agent just absolutely eats the attack which is terrible. But I had no idea that was a mechanic
> they make Caesar """""necessary"""" by making every enemy now take out half your health with at least one hit.
Still gonna dodge and parry everything.
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I don't care about meta
I like Corin.
Reminds me of Fatalis's fire breath kek
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Is Caesar a must have if I have ever 5* besides Nekomata, QY, and Koleda?
I'm feeling the FOMO but seeing footage of Caesar makes me think she's for players that're really struggling/people who left due to the TVfiltering
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Does anybody here play with manual chains? Is it worth switching?
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This is a single player game, calm down
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Smells like Piper.
They really doubled down on the Star Rail's Sparkle controvery when they were making Burnice. She's fucking unhinged.
>still cant get enough cr subs
please, just kill me already
Did they really fix Hoshimi's models? I don't see it
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That's a pretty good mod. It's funny how some people think this hoyo game is coom-ortiented when we're never going to have a 3D cleavage sculpted and shaded like this, or even swimsuits.
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No cause you can always cancel auto chain anyway.
Gameplay leaks when?
>not that interested in burnice
>yanagi is an on-field dps
>right before miyabi of all things
Guess I will save through 1.3 aswell...
You can build anomaly, you just can't proc it. The agent dealing the anomaly damage must be on field under your control for the anomaly to proc
>Soukaku dealing enough ice damage to take target to 99% anomaly during her tornado attack
>Switch out to a physical agent and start building physical anomaly while Soukaku is still going
>Ice anomaly meter will cap at 100% but not trigger Freeze
>Any love tap from an ice attack will the instantly trigger Freeze
You can use this to your advantage by stalling a debuff until you want to trigger it or trigger two at once for a big Disorder burst.
should have rolled her sig
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>He can apply his shield that gives crit rate just by swapping/perfect assist into tapping special.
He can. But that'll be ALL he ever do. There will be literally no difference between running him at level 1 and 60.
16% Crit for a slot isn't nothing but it's bad.
>So you want an off field stunner like Anby/Lycaon/Koleda then
You want and off-field stunner IF you want a stunner. I don't want a stunner.
Also, Lycaon is NOT an off-field stunner, do you even play the game?
>Still feels like a significant amount of damage
You feel wrong.
It's not nothing on her EX and Ultimate but it's an extremely minor overall part of her damage - absolutely not worth giving up her field uptime for an extra stun in a fight.
It's about 10% extra damage during the stun. You know what would be more than 10% extra damage? Not wasting your time with a stunner and landing another 681% damage multiplier BA3.
>when you're happy to dedicate an agent slot to use Burnice for a bit more uptime on +28% crit rate
But you are lying and twisting my words for some reason.
I'm going to use Burnice for:
1. A MUCH stronger Burn
2. A MUCH better Burn uptime (baseline 50% increase against elites, more against bosses)
3. Her off-field damage, i.e. her entire core mechanic you keep pretending doesn't exist
4. AND the better uptime on the Inferno Metal
>but neglect +22.5% conditional bonus damage
I disregard building a team around a modifier this minuscule, correct.
It will be there because there will be stuns regardless.
>Again, I dont think more uptime on the crit rate
Again, I don't understand your dumb agenda and why do you keep making claims directly contradicting my post
>is worth losing +600 damage
The debatable part is losing the damage from pigs, actually.
Lucy's ATK is not that meaningful, given S11 will be stacking a lot of ATK from her W-Engine (both passive and conditional effects) and Caesar.
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bwo your snakey pvp?
If you feeling doubts, don't roll for her.
What's good about caesar is her buffs and flexibility, her shield is only good for specific units like Ellen and maybe S11, for other is a QoL at best.
Did she do something to upset CC's?
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I prefer gameplay discussion over how Nicole's used underwear would smell.
They changed the highlight on her hair. That's it.
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The hair reflection? That's it???
Bu then I guess you don't need to fix perfection then heh
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here's the final Yab
No country for old men
Definitely not an american moment as WWII is one of the four things we're actually "taught" in history class. That, Revolutionary War, Civil War, and Greece/Rome if we're taught any other history that's older than 300 years.
I think we need to start a prayer circle for the sluttiest Lighter Mindscape art. I'm hoping for pits.
Oh that makes sense, I would swap piper to grace "just in case" shock went away without me noticing, so it was probably grace's physical attacks doing it.
>Stalling a debuff
Wait, does anomaly not diminish over time? I barely understand how it works. I've been assuming it works kind of like monhon.
>Work toward status
>Progress slowly fades over time if not being added to
>Each proc increases how much status must be applied next time
That's not really how it works because it still consumes the chain, so the next chain proc on that enemy will let you do one less chain attack
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She's beaming with confidence!
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What did Cecilia do to her?
sweet I wasn't planning to get her but this looks great
Who was the bright ode to put cooldown between dodges against hyper aggressive enemies that’s like beyond retarded
Is Miyabi the Ayaka of ZZZ??
is red moccus worth leveling over Bangvolver? Planning to run Jane/Caesar/Burnice.
Ah yes, conditioner vs 2-in-1 shampoo.
So she needs to be the one who trigger disorder to gain that 6x multiplier yeah? or anyone will do as long as the enemy has trembling state?
who the fuck is ayaka
Holy based bartender
So why has no one talked about how Burnice's off field damage can proc burn, not just build it up?
based dickroller
Bro your Officer Cui damage? That fucker hits as hard as 5 Zhu Yuan shotgun blasts and that lil dude is usually the difference needed to kill any boss in a single stun rotation.
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These are the the standard S rank characters I don't have. Who should i choose on selector? Or are they all bricks?
I'm new and have literally no other Bangboo to compare him to, but he is pretty constantly dragging dudes into Piper's spin and also he's very handsome and tries his best.
Part of me wanted to say git gud, but that one HZ corruption that slows down the dodge cooldown is a literal cancer
wait is that true
Soldier 11 is very fun.
Is that even true?
Well if you wanna go full chain you obviously you don’t want to cancel the chain. The only good thing about manual chain is sometime you don’t want to enter the chain at all so you don’t trigger it
Your Shizaa?
>baddieboo is A rank
>Who should i choose on selector?
You will get them all in 4-5 months don't worry.
Start researching whose dupes are the best.
S11. Very good DPS plus fire element
the big meta now outside of hypercarry-type stuff is fua, which is all synergistic interplay like anomaly in zzz funnily enough
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isn't it a little early for a selector?
don't tell me, anon...
>Ben pulls grace aside and says that she's blowing the company budget on stupid experimental robots that don't work and people could lose their jobs
>She cannot understand what this has to do with her, chastizes ben for talking nonsense and goes straight back to working on experimental robots, even talks shit about ben asking what the budget has to do with robots to you

Being ben is suffering
He could literally pop this sociopath's head off but has to sit and listen to this autismo say "uhm, robots are better than humans, acktchually"
>You will get them all in 4-5 months don't worry.
Chat, is this true?
is a Miyabi Moober mibibi, should I roll for either Lighter or Yanagi, or just save?
only ice 5* i have is Lycaon
I wish I knew lmao
S11 gets more and more value as the only fire attacker in the (immediate) future and all the recent limited support her considerably
Section 6 bangboo is such a brick. Only good on Yanagi but she doesn’t want any S6 members on her team
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>Jane wants to be paired with another anomaly

>if you play 2 anomalies you may as well be playing a disorder comp

>yanagi is the queen of disorder and is onfield so no sinergy with Jane may as well use Burnice








STOP SAYING "X IS THE NEW KAFKA". THERE WILL NEVER BE A KAFKA IN THIS GAME. THERE ISN'T A KAFKA IN GENSHIT EITHER. KAFKA IS ENTIRELY UNIQUE AND WHAT SHE OFFERS CANNOT BE REPLICATED. Also I love Kafka and miss her stop mentioning her because she still hasn't shown up in like a year I fucking miss mommy so fucking much holy FUCK NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
How does Piper stack up for a Caesar/Lucy team against Nekomata, S11 or Corin? An all-SoC team just seems neat, but if it means having difficulty clearing Shiyu I'll pass.
Do I need to build my Caesar differently than for the other options? I'm still gearing her up, but so far I'm aiming for CritRate/Phys%/Impact%, unless that's wrong?
Nekomata is a brick
Rina and S11 are both good and the most future proof standards, it really depends on if your account is more in need of a dps or a support
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I find it very funny how the marketing and leaks suggested that the 3 would be from the same faction and even known rivals of the Sons of Calydon, but in the end Pulchra and Bellum are just mercenaries, Lighter was known to Bellum and Mors is a traitor .
Stay tuned, I'll record a video. Or go test it yourself if you want.
if you wind up Lucy's ex skill and immediately swap back, does she still hit it?
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Why are Piper's hangouts so weirdly hot? am i crazy? she does stuff like this, and yesterday i did one where she yawned on my hand for good luck, stupid sexy truck driver hag...
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>level 40 promotion training has a chance to give you ZERO upgrade materials
>I've spent 300 battery and haven't gotten ONE upgrade material
Hey so it turns out this game is actually not good lol
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>have to endure months of Section Shit
How are you coping?
>RIP Janebozos
I will run a Jane disorder team on team 1. I will Run a Yanagi disorder team on team 2. It's that simple.
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>This is supposed to be a "healthy" food
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There is something off with mibibi's eyes, I'm not sure it's that they're too far apart though. Anime eyes aren't super realistic obviously, maybe move them up a little and a bit bigger? I am not an artist
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>pulled Caesar because boobs and strengthening of the true best girl S11
>look at my collection of balls
>no balls fit for her
>gotta pull her sig
>no polys left after pulling Caesar because soft pity
>but I have a guarantee on ball banner
It's not really gambling away your salary if the result is guaranteed, right? Also what the fuck is up with purple mats for her core skill not being available? When will it be fixed?
Her banner is up right now bwo?
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which engine should i get from battle pass box?
why are you so obsessed with playing disorder? just go physical anomaly like a normal person with her
You get the lower tier upgrade material when you get zero purple.
Stop acting like a retard.
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content doko?
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Which engines does Burnice wants? Should I buy another battlepass for the onahole?
Please do, I don't have access to my pc right now
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>wait a month
>patch comes out
>content is done in 3 hours
>wait another month
It begins again.
all of them are ass, but the lips are the best by the merit of the other 4 star anomaly balls being worse
>Defending greedy evil game design
Yeppers, it's a general alright.
Eh? It's the Negro La Rata boss over in HIA.
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wasn't there a video, the expensive prerendered kind, that included a shot of meeyabby staring at the camera while her hair blew in the wind? some hair was a little in front of her face too. i think a hollow may have been behind her, or a sunset.
Neko is useless, she can work but there's other physical DPS you could be running instead. This one is a dickroll only.
S11 is the only standard fire DPS which gives her value.
Rina is an electric support and a good friend of Corin.
I would either pick S11 or Rina.
What would Burnice's feet and/or pits smell like?
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>But that'll be ALL he ever do.
Nta, but I do use Ben. At 50 he fills up a quarter of the anomaly bar with one parry + EX. So on aggressive enemies hes pretty decent for helping with inferno metal uptime. I dont have a dog in whatever you guys were arguing about though, so carry on
Cheese's good for your bloodvessels bro, trust me
HIA training thing, HZ investigation level cap unlock & new arcade game.
If you want burnice then save the ball guarantee since she really needs her sig. give caesar any impact% stunner ball
You claimed you got zero materials so I just corrected you.
Moccus seems to have higher basic attack while Bangvolver has more anomaly buildup. Don't have volver but looks like his skill is luck based (picrel). Overall I don't know, to me it looks like Bangvolver would be better but at the same time I can't believe they would put a worse Boo newly into the game...
Kafka and Clara are the only good and sexy characters in HSR, so no wonder the tourists always bring them up
Really puts into perspective how good our characters are when a majority of them are sexy as hell
>he doesn't play the game
Chapter 4 content is time-gated bwo. We've got a few more days of content.
I wish there was settings that turn off auto correct parry assist. What they can do instead is add a setting with extra color indicators: yellow = parry, blue = evade
You know gives us full control of the game and punish us if we miss judge the input and timing.
And for miyabi sake give us the ability to turn off cycling swap, nothing triggers me more quick swapping to next character only for the previous character to show up. It throws me out of the loop. I would much prefer it doesn't swap at all and just show cool down timers or some visual indicators on their icon.
Should I write these in the survey?
The entire chapter was so unsatisfying.
>whole issue is caused by the dumb bitch tampering too much with AI
>finally catch them all
>they get wrecked by mega ethereal immediately
>to be continued in 3 years for the resolution
When you eat unhealthy greasy food, it forces your heart to get stronger, therefore making you healthier, of course
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We've been had.. she knows..
I pray to the heavems and all the gods above that they dont make Burnice a lesbo for this
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oh fuck off
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it's not completely impossible they still get their own faction
though I guess it wouldn't be "The Vanquishers"
I want more voice lines, more quests, more Kafka CONTENT. I already have her at E6S5, I just need MORE.
Which ZZZ would enjoy getting their arms and legs cut off and being turned into a living onahole the most?
>level 40
who cares, level 50 rewards are consistent
>Every patch is just going to make the bad characters even worse as more and more broken nonsense gets released
>We are already approaching the point where Jane is shit
Lmao in six months from now they'll release a character that just kills the entire screen in one button press for seven trillion damage while Corin is still struggling to kill one normal enemy
So someone said I should play on PC, but I want to be able to play it on my tablet while I'm traveling.

Is the tablet experience really that horrid? I have one with the Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 which is super powerful for gaming and emulation if that makes any different.
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whoops here is le picrel
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By saving up polys for characters I actually want
it's healthy considering what they're going through bwo
Piper is better than neko, s11 or corin. She clears shiyu easier than them. I personally am not changing my crit Caeser for piper but technically the 4th disk being proficiency should be optimal in piper team.
>wait a month
>patch comes out
>content is done in 3 hours
>switch to genshin
>content is done in 5 hours
>switch to hsr
>content is done in 2 hours
>wait another month
>has an animation of calling his bike
>checks the engine and revs up after jumping in
>then goes ham
>bike explodes and he lands in a little super hero pose
They didn't have to go so hard on the animations for the little bro, but they did.
I will never read the cards, fuck off.
I see lettuce in there so its obviously a health food
at least get a controller
Always knew deep down Jane and Bunice didn't go well together because leakers were saying jack and shit about the two paired together.
The moment Chaos Jazz also said it works for Electric characters, I knew it'd be a short time before we get a limited electric anomaly that works with Burnice.
now I just gotta hope I don't lose my 50/50 on Yanagi to Grace...
settle down horse king
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Keisuke Itagaki...
It's only terrible if you try to play with touchscreen, the game supports gamepad on mobile so use those.
Lighterchads, we....are a filler character......no one is going to roll on him when Yanagi is about to turn the game inside out.....it's over for OUR boy....
chapter 4 has ended you're lying to me
Nah, anomaly is not my style. I'll raise my M6 Piper for mandatory phys+anomaly shilling, but that's it.
OK cool, I use my PS5 controller when I play stuff on my tablet so that's good to know.
He is great just by the fact that he will make me save polychromes.
Cheesetopia content is a permanent addition to chapter 4 bwoski.
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Who else for the peak badass team of Caesar-Lighter-Miyabi?
did you not know you can craft
>Oi, Rin!
>Hey Belle!
yikes, troonlators
Is miyabi ether stunner...?
Just dodge bro. Their attacks telegraphed af
>westoid art
funny how the west love cuckshit.
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Sex is way more fun than pretending to kill ethereals.
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Don't talk shit about selfinserters, they're adorable and strong.
Defense wind.
Japanese names in hoyo games are very often different from other languages
Pulling for Burnice for my Noodle wife
>defender and stunner on the same team
Sovl but why
>not rolling for Miyabi's BiS
Is that katana made for stunning people?
Caeser's slow ass banner is killing the game!
should one be rolling for Shizaa??
any vid?
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so does she eat poop? in the eng version they affirm it while here it's just that she might do it
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Bro, you can suffer or you can play an actual game.
>Piper is better than neko, s11 or corin
Really? I was hoping for at most Piper being on par or only slightly worse than the S-ranks, so this would be great news for me.
>but technically the 4th disk being proficiency should be optimal in piper team.
So it's only the 4th disk that would really change? I guess I could try to find a decent one on top of my crit 4th disk.
>He uses JP dub
Yanagi powercreeps her already. Only thing that matters now is disorder comps
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Who can defeat this Dawei?
I will roll for FIRE PUNCH
Given that I can scrape enough roll for him after burnice.. I lost Ceasar 50/50 at 82 pulls
This looks slightly AI generate...
>he uses the tranny dub
>>defender and stunner on the same team
NTA but it's ellen's best team
Miyabi is phys support. She gives +200 attack to all teammates for 3.5 secs after using her Special.
The kids are making shit up anyways, it's not true
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You are now aware of the fact that if Yanagi had a cool design she wouldnt be as strong
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they shoved ice damage increase into his kit even though it thematically makes no sense just to bait ellen and miyabi players
they know he's going to flop
what the fuck, does jstern know
Stop falling for FOMO her ball is not that good for the price.
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Lighter's ice res shred is obviously not final. Why would hoyo make a character that has synergy with an entirely different faction instead of his own? It'll be fire res shred on release.
fontaine and sumeru killing genshin made him cry.
Piper is so cute, I like when you find her at the milktea shop and she asks you to just stay with her for a little while. I need a stinky trucker hag gf so bad
>+200 attack
That's......not good.......
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Why are we so fast? Was there some leaks?
Lighter disproves that.
What's the consensus on Piper? A true trucker hag or a kid larping as one?
DAMN papichulo looks like THAT?
Huh, actually good to know.
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Anybody since he can't fire the gun.
Kasa sex
He already buffs both fire and ice
6th disk must be impact. 5th disk is atk% or physical, valid for both crit and assault. So yeah, only the 4th disk changes. But the difference is minimal anyway.
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What is Wise's problem?
>So why has no one talked about how Burnice's off field damage can proc burn, not just build it up?
Because I can read where her fucking in game tutorial CLEARLY says it?
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But lighter has a cool design and is bad
The Naked Gun
>Caesar and Jane already powercrept
So happy I didn't swipe
Werent there leaks saying that he scales with HP?
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I don't think it changes anyone's expectations. Everyone knows she was going to be good for off field application. If anything TO ME, this means she's going to be really good with disorder teams, since you can swap off earlier to the next element.
It's a KoF reference. Unironically.
Stinky asshole
Hey retardo, there's a new game update that released like 2 days ago
Yeah, that's why Piper/Jane and most likely Yanagi would easily proc 3-4 disorder in very short succession if set up correctly. It's the only thing i really tested with Burnice when i could play her in story.
She's guaranteed to be mega busted for disorder comps.
What's 4th disk mainstat should be on Caesar?
>wise is a pedo texting minors
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Get spooked!!!
crit damage
use the recommend feature
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You can power creep her, but you can't power creep her out of my heart.
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that was fun
My luck in gacha is infinite because my luck irl is zero.
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what is this expression trying to convey
I would eat Jane's creampie without hesitation
Ice defender
wtf Janebros... are we saved?
t. burnice
FINALLY! A protagonist I can relate to!
about to sneeze
Crit but it doesn't really matter
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>s-ranked all Shiyu floors
>All HZ missions done
It's over...
>hfw she sees my 3 inch monster cock
What kind of man creampied her?
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The big 4
Boring bitch.

1 Pull = 1 5 Star
She's not powercrept lmao,
she's equally as good for disorder teams, we saw a 35 secs with grace in this thread, now imagine with yanagi.
Her best teams are still hyper carry either way.
the new jane team is jane, burnice and lucy with the pig bangoo/fire bangoo
metakeks who wasted resources on seth are seething rn
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NPC sexo
I said man, not faggot, try again.
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I'm bored, when are we going to have another Twitter meltdown?
>But the difference is minimal anyway.
Ah, so no real need to find 2 perfect ones so long as I get one solid option then? Is there a lot of difference between the 5th disk being ATK% vs Phys%, or is it also just "choose the one with better substats"?
Might just be me, but so far it seems the Caesar/Piper/Lucy team is pretty lenient on how good your disks need to be.
anomaly proficiency will be the pick in the future
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How the fuck did you retards not know Burnice procs burn off-field when you have a mission with her? The fuck??
What even would be the point of her character if she didn't? She's obviously DESIGNED for disorders you schizophrenic 2 digit IQ handicapped fools.
This place is dumber than gig, no wonder you ppl think Jane needs all the field time in the world to play assault disorder teams.
I play Piper and Neko together. Piper is largely good when she can spin to win, but when it comes to anything else Neko is better.

Wouldn't call it the best team ever, but I've used it plenty since Caesar's release and it just works.
Got both Caesar and Lucy at lvl 60 with Jane, planning on getting Burnice. Really doubt that Lucy will be better than Caesar in that team when Caesar will buff both Jane and Burnice = bigger Assaults/Burn/Disorders
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40 year old with the body of a 10 year old larping as a 60 year old hanging out with 20 year olds
>Old character 1 DPS
>NEW Character: 1.001 DPS

Is Caesar a better addition to the Ellen team over Jane's?
747 Sjal
Who the FUCK enjoyed the TV mode? I'm glad they got rid of it for the story, thank god.
don't let /bag/ find out...
I like the one on the bridge where the black text describes the sun shining on her hair.
it's literally impossible to be ugly having blue eyes
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Did they really make it even harder to stay on the same target now? Every single dodge causes a new enemy to be focused.
>just press middle click
I don't like not being able to move the camera.
For 5th disk it's down to substates. But do understand that Caeser does almost no damage. She buffs, Shields and stuns.
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may I post slop
She's easily in her 50s
i wanna see lucy shower
>HZ investigation level cap unlock
You may not.
this is how I felt going back to college in my mid 30s
She seems pretty onfield in this webm desu.
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I did this

I only had Grace, I was desperate man
>Old character 1 DPS
>NEW Character: 2.001 DPS

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>powercreep apologist
They're adding 30 more levels to the HZ license next weekly reset.
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no, we are taking away your posting license
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I'll keep my slop to myself then
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I love cute old tiny hags
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>All these people screeching about powercreep
>BillyGODS enjoying life in the back clearing content just fine.
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>NPCs think Lucy is the mother of the pig thirens
Most characters have one or two mid mindscapes.
Hoyo wants you to believe powercreep is real, don't fall for lies, say no to powercreep psyops
Thinking about trying this game. Are there some girls for (You) or is Mihoyo still doing their usual schtick?
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>001 power increase
>disorder teams already kill in 30-50s on end game content
>625% multiplier increase (with w-engine) that doesn't exist currently in the game
lol, lmao even. just call yourself a retard, retard.
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>Yanagi came to the store looking for a tape
>have I mentioned I love to work?
Please let her be a critique of a jap working culture and karoshi. Please let her not be another female overworked character whose character arc gonna be about relaxing. I beg you...
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HSR just needs to avoid the Loufu, since it's the worst location and always kills all the enjoyment
>Haerta was kino
>Belobog was kino
>Loufu part 1 was garbage
>Penacony was kino
>Loufu part 2 was garbage
I'm staying with ZZZ since I have high hopes they won't push some random Chinatown and force wuxiaslop
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>quit during qingyi's banner because burnt out
>watches the new 1.2 trailer and it was good so im thinking of coming back to get caesar
>came back after 1 month and the server was still up, didn't bother
>banners were gone and the only banner i saw was the standard
>again, didnt bother
>ffw the next day because maintenance
>i was thinking about the welcome back player event where you can get some hefty rewards so you can have a few shits to use
>it just so happens that theres an event for that but for those who logged in after the fucking maintenance for 1.2
>but me logging a day ahead resets that and i didnt got a call to see Belle's jiggling massive bells

i am seething, dilating, malding, and fuming as a type this post
Fuck this shit just because of that one video call of Belle shaking her hakoona matatas im going for hiatus again
>Lighter is a potential sub for Lycaon
I would have never guessed HE'D be the one to revive my dead Ellen team.
i dont see any news post about that, what is your source?
>jane "teams"

What team????
>got friend to play zzz with me (alongside hsr) on release
>he loves the combat and arcade feature in the game but really hate all limited characters so far because it’s too coomer bait for him
I love the guy but is that what it’s feels like to interact with people on X and R*ddit? Does he have a point?
don't care
When will they stop designing the game around disorder? This is cringe.
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Make her tits way bigger and if possible, add big ol' blue veins going across them too
>Belobog was kino
>Penacony was kino
You don't play the game OR you're underage.
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Erotiic lolibaba...
You fell for her ruse and didn't realize her objective was bugging your house.
your friend is a normal person, you won
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He won't revive anything as long as soukaku exists in the 3rd slot. Ellen teams were dead on arrival
Let's just say that once you find a gf you'll lose interest in this game.
>Too coomer bait
>Hoyo game
I mean some of the tits are comically big but, and some of the media is fan service, but if THIS is too """cooomer bait""" to the point it detracts from the rest of the game that's their problem. It's extremely easy to ignore, especially by anime standards.
He's a normalfag, yes.
This but with Jane/Burnice/Lucy and Calydon bangboo
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>Not liking Dot explosions(disorder)
No, YOU'RE cringe.
based retardGOD
Kafka sex.
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uh oh melty
When will they stop designing the characters around mental disorders? This is cringe.
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mmmmnyo. This is Mom's game
it's okay to admit you're a retard
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Damn M6 Lucy makes cheer buff busted
honestly space china has potential they've just wasted it wanking dan heng and jobking instead of exploring all of the ideas at hand
If Caesar is the one that got the EP that clearly shows she loves Wise why did she get the short end of the stick on the trust events ingame? Piper and Lucy are way more romantic than Caesar and show way more signs of actually being interested in the Proxy
The patch notes.
Fuck soukaku, I'm running Ellen, Lighter and M2 Rina. Soukaku's wind up is so fucking slow I don't care if it gives more damage I don't like playing her
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Sayonara.... Pon!
Burnice? Lighter? Yanagi? Masa? Mibibi? Skipping.
nicole and lucy are both comparable to tingyun and pela in HSR, they will both be strong for a long time even with S-rank supports get introduced. billy and piper are very strong A-rank DPS who will probably be able to be used for a while especially as they get elevated with new supports. the rest... at least soukaku has a niche right now i guess
I almost fell asleep reading through that shit like twice.
ZZZ keeps its dialogues and info dumping short and has plenty of action scenes.
Who is mibilibili
Need an ice shielder for shork
Anon.. >>496359712
I'm sorry kafkabro but fua is more fun than dot
wait what. did we get a kit leak?
Anon, everyone has a limit to their tolerance of "coomer bait". There's that korean(?) gacha and when a pic of one of its characters is posted here, the universal reaction is disgust.
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>Soukaku's chain attack speed is now doubled
There, I fixed your Soukaku
>But do understand that Caeser does almost no damage. She buffs, Shields and stuns.
Yeah, I got that. I pulled her because shes cute + sword&board + shields to compensate for me being a dumbass.
But just to confirm, both ATK% and Phys% help for Piper's damage, and for substats I want crit and/or anomaly, correct?
That's kinda gay bwo.
>SoC is obsessed with cheese
Lactose intolerantbwos....
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It's either mass hysteria or shitposting.
You're so interesting and unique!
>have high hopes they won't push some random Chinatown and force wuxiaslop
it's the same guy from a couple days ago that tried shilling HSR's writing. remember the whole ¨TO BE FAIR YOU NEED REALLY HIGH IQ TO ENJOY PENACONY¨ shit
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Billy is the most broken 4 star in all hoyo games.
>b-b--b-b--bb-b-but Bennett....
Show me benny soloing abyss 12 and then call me back. I'll only concede that it's early so billy may fall off, but right now it's absurd he can solo everything by himself. at M2 max investment.
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Yanagi is the Kafka of ZZZ.

These numbers are false, she gets 600% more disorder damage atm lol
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this is your MC????????
Of these 5 characters that have ID records in Hakushin, which ones do you guys intend to roll for?

Uhhhh Billybwos, is your screen okay?
Kafka has a FUA though!
I don't really see the powercreep when the new characters just fill different niches, like jane -> anomaly hypercarry, yanagi -> disorder
ceasar's "HARDER" got me pretty stiffy
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Wait so her character it's just Zhu Yuan but pink?
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ZZZsisters, our response?
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Her events are simple and straightforward and it suits her well
How do you apply for a CBT for new agents? Is it chinks only?
this proves that billybros play on acid
Zhu Yuan is already pink in all the right places.
>all the gooner artists forget character moles
so sad...
she's truly the perfect woman, she can do it all
>muh workaholism
the youngestest void cunter in history.....hosheemer mibibler
what's happening
Zhu Yawn
>BillyGODs can see in 4 dimensions

billybro already ascended to the 4th dimension...
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>he doesn’t like Sunday Infinite Sunday speech
But yeah shit was whack got really high hope when they reveal the map early on. Turns out it’s just pseudo intellectual and philosophical word salad slop
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You're saying that you wouldn't kneel to Baddieboo?
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>gajin refuse to roll for pink smurfette?
>fine, make her do 10.000% more damage than grace *tfu*
Wise belongs to me btw
Are there any timed commissions in the new patch like the old man going and getting himself killed in the ballet twins tower?
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Lucy is just a clingy brat, and I'm saying that endearingly. She's the type to make sure you know she's interested in front of everyone. Caesar makes her moves when nobody is looking
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Miyabi, and potentially Yanagi as well if she can work with Mibs.
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you can just BARELY make out the veins
>hiphop ape trap beats
That was true, but we got better music now
Now do it without the mods.
based kek
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Sorry is this better?
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Will any of these characters hold my hand if I asked nicely?
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Caesar gods...this is the last of my chrome, please...
Zhu Yuan also has her cute sides like living with her mom and being absurdly pure. I swear Yanagi has had three or four encounters now and every single one has been "muh work"
big furry titties
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She and Lighter are the only ones I'm interested in, Lighter because he reminds me of K' from KoF and Pulchra because I really want a playable female furry in the game.
stfu metra tranny
Lay off the bongwater billybwos
Caesar will but it will count as holding hands with Billy.
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>People still thin Zhu is a workaholic
Zhu is an exemplary cop, but she leaves work at work, Zhu is just the good citizen kind of character.
Yanagi is literally just work in everything she does.
Can you make her completely flat with even bigger hips/butt/thighs please
>she and Lighter
[ - ]
>He rolled for a character that is already powercrept
Yanagisisters.....point and LAUGH
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Do let the door hit you on your way out
Pulchra, and Yanagi on her eventual rerun.
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brickedbros, we're all gonna make it
That's good. We don't need to be reminded this character has cancer and will die soon...
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Not today stupid kots
>3 seconds faster
lol, lmao even
gweilo is funnier than gaijin
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Corin would do it.
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Congrats anon.
>random soukaku
based qingyi poster as always
Is Caesar better than Lucy or Rina for Jane-Seth team?
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Enjoy your king!
Do you want a picture of your god damn hot dog by any chance?
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Who powercreeps who? I'm late to the news.
>is 1000 atk better than 600 atk
truly a mystery
I don't disagree with the comparisons, but zhu is open and honest, while yanagi is a fed spying on you, there's a fair bit more deception and mistrust going on with yanagi. Might ultimately end up in the same spot character wise once we inevitably win her over though, and her hangouts are also about how she's a workaholic with no free time
Caesar's bonus is big, but she really wants to give defensive assists and you kinda don't want to do that with Jane too much. I prefer Lucy
it's not a romance game, retards

>self admitting you have ADHD and thus should have your opinion thrown into a garbage can
Yanagi powercreeps everyone. Your fave? Powercrept
>Are there any timed commissions in the new patch like the old man going and getting himself killed in the ballet twins tower?
I'm pretty sure that's a part of the base game and not timed
But yes there are new missions, but only 2 of them are exploration, the rest is all combat and overworld
>she leaves work at work
nigga she literally was forced to go on vacation by qingyi and she still wanted to go to places where she could "scout for suspicions people" you are either completely lying or skipped all of her bond events.
>Mors will join Victoria
>Bellum will join Belobog
>Pulchra Will join the Hares
Lighter powercreeps Lycaon, Koleda, and possibly Qingyi if C1
not worth the reply
[ - ]
>absolutely LOVE Nicole
>didn't roll Zhu
>don't have C4 Nicole
>have no reason to put Nicole on any teams
I just want a reason to play Nicole bros...
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>tfw thought there would be Gay Shit In Fact in this game
>almost nothing for me to work with
I already invested $300 in a game that is actually just for straight men with 1.2's release. Justfu fukku mai shitto uppu, famiri.
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>force you to go home
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I love Lucy.
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That's why I picked the defense weapon from the battle pass, I knew it would end like that
I crept on lucy at night
Her introduction animation shows otherwise.
Pulchra will powercreep Yanagi thoever
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bro... i can see it
>sits on your driver seat
>yanagis pussy
I love how the cameras are literally shoved into their face
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is that a...
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It's my new favorite team
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Mors will join Graveyard
Oh I see so animations outside of the game are canon and story inside the game aren't. Got it.
mad because I'm right, cry.
idk what i should do with my m4 soukaku
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Yeah I'm thinking I see it
Mibibi maybe, everything else is a skip.
I am telling myself that w1 Spring Embrace is good because 10% EGR affects both energy regen and gain from attacks
>Lucy rides a bike on the sun all day
>Her pussy is drenched in sweat by the end of the day
>But still smelll like roses
What now?
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>leave Random Play
>ganked by Billy
>ganked by Anby
>ganked by Nicole
>teleport to Blazewood
>talk to Piper
>deported back to New Eridu
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This is what Burnice wants, right?
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>Being gay when women exist
Ho Chi Minh Mibiber
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alright, Ambush Node was fun

Tricky, but not frustrating.
I've been using it and it works wonders.
I don't play other hoyo games but he has everything he needs to steamroll the game it's actually ridiculous
>ranged playstyle allows for constant dps
>aoe and piercing lets you hit multiple enemies at the same time
>massive daze on dodge counter and ex
>free extra dodges with huge i-frames
>energy regen on dodge
>massive damage steroids from crouching shot
>dodge counter steroids
>ex special steroids
>more wild damage steroids from not being hit
>f2p cope engine has perfect synergy with him
Keep using her as an Ellen buffer
Both can be canon you know? I guess you're just a brainlet.
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You forgot the best one, Lucius will join Vision
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Reminder if you rolled and are using Caesar you are objectively not playing the game. Caesar's parry and shields make your team invincible and require no timing at all.
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Holy thanks. I love my little girls, but I also like some fat tits every now and then.
I got baited by Lycaon and Ben. GI gets the girlies, so I was hoping a pivot for da bois. Buuuuuut... yeah, turns out it's just the straightest game (???) Mihoyo has put out.
that's a MAN
I don't think Victoria needs to fucking furries
/hsrg/ is two door down.
What is subjectively playing the game?
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Shiyu 7 is closer to floor 11 than floor 12 bro, especially because you have a whopping 5 minutes in shiyu. Pretty sure bennett could solo floor 11
Anton is still better.>>496369797
hows it feel to be a faggot?
Parrying is fun as fuck thougheverbeit
Especially in Blitz with the animations off. Real good dopamine kick
Also you can just focus on not building her daze if you want it to stay interactive
>What is subjectively playing the game?
You have to suffer every battle
i don't have ellen
>lighter just announcing to a diner full of randos that you are paethon
Thanks, prick.
Mors is joining Lucius in unmarked graveyard.
How many dennies to shag Nicole for 2 hours?
I’ll roll for Miyabi if she unbricks Soukaku
No Zhu Yuan has the slightest bit of personality to her. Really hope next patch reveals more personality like 1.3 did with Lighter. He also seemed bland to me at first.
>I love my little girls
>but I also like fat tits
Oppai Loli GODS...our time has come
Knot? Run with Corin
If not then well you don't even have a team so she's gonna have to wait
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Fags will never be catered to. There's zero money in it.
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I think Pulchra will be a side grade for Harumasa to be quite honest.
Both characters will have electric traps.
based cringekino retard
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But that's okay. She is no longer bricked with Caesar. Beat endgame and all the new hard stages with S rank with her.
I honestly don't care much about Caesar, but I love her for how much better she makes cat work. Now I just need all those skill levels and whatnot...
I like how he doesn't give a fuck about life at all. Dude is pure "whatever" energy from Squall.
i have a kot but no knot
There is no world where soukaku is unbricked. That chain attack is here to stay forever, quite literally
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Before going out to the Outer Ring one of the siblings says they don't have to give a fuck who knows their Phaethon because there out of the normal jurisdiction.

Doesn't make sense considering anyone in the outer ring could report them, or be from the city, but they atleast tried to explain it
>her RWBY tier revolvers were just gun blades all along.
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You linked the wrong posts. All my posts had to do with women and how I love multiple types of women.
Those moves are from Jane though. She has no unique moveset as of now.
sounds like cope, faggot
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It's over for Lucy.
Nobody in the game universe will believe that Wise and Belle are Pharton
She still gives 1k attack so... I guess just run her with any dps that don't mind her taking 4 business days of fieldtime
I called it. the minute Yanagi was revealed to be broken as fuck, "people" here would love her.

disgusting meta fags. soulless bunch. I despise sharing a board with you.
while being carried by Neuv on the other half, doesn't count. Billy is holding his own like a full team is playing in Zzz.
>got caesar in 40 rolls
>no pipers, 2 antons
I am conflicted but l won’t over roll, I want to ready for the streamer robot
I am very curious what anons intentions were with this post.
A good chunk of Sixth Street probably does
Lettuce is fucking nothing. Cabbage is cheaper and healthier
Dps bennett wouldnt need neuv in that situation lol. Eula could suffice
I do the same, but i only do single pulls.
I will not risk "winning" two 50/50 in a row.
that's like losing 180-60 worth of rolls.
>I want to ready for the streamer robot
bro, there is no confirmation yet
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Oh no Leighbros... she's retarded....
>More information gets revealed about a character
>people start to like said character more
Kill yourself
>building pity
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Don't lump me in with anyone else. I'm saving absolutely everything until idols. I haven't done a single of the premium rolls since I started playing a month ago.
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>You can play as Caesar whenever you want
Good point now that you mention it.
Enzo knows but I dunno about the rest. I think they're a little suspicious that something is going on but that's all. Qingyi definitely knows, too.
the fuck is wrong with her armpit?
She has multiple interactions showing you that she's as brain damaged as Burnice
So you admit Benny can't solo.
You won't make it until idols
>a month ago
So you have just enough for a 10 roll?
Sayonara Mors
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piper fucks
>haha wise is all mine brotherfuckers win agai-AAAAAACCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKK!
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Monke and his big gun will join hares
This is TRUE and has been FACT-CHECKED by the Hollow Investigative Association
my face isn't in it
>only rolled Ellen, Qingyi and Caesar
>won 50/50 on all three
Bwis... what the fuck
Where did I say that. I said bennett would solo with enough time left for eula to finish the second half
Also burnice when she becomes available and you roll her
Other agents are in 1.4
Women are cutest when they are a little bit retardant
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The Golden Week event has you tell Asha and Tin Master that you are a proxy so they know too
I won 3 consecutive 50/50s too, although then Jane cucked me hard and Ceasar also kotted me, but came in 40 rolls anyways
holy based
>Yanagi has already appeared multiple times
>was always a bland bitch with big tits
>everyone was calling her a generic npc since day 1
>all it took was a paragraph saying she got flowers on mothers day and her kit being overpowered for everyone to suddenly love her
fuck outta here
tired of you niggas trying to rewrite history
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Do you guys think that between Pulchra or Harumasa one of them wouldn't be a support?
Cute and sex on model art
I have a credit card to fall back on.
64. I'm still not done with Chapter 2 or all the Shibuya defense thingies.
That’s the whole point in being ready in advance I won’t buy emergency currency whenever they decide to introduce them
You don't love Nicole if you didn't get her to C6 during Zhus banner, faker.
Didn't happen, fuck off fan fiction writer.
Burnice's banner has a drop increase for Nicole
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Fuck, that's also very good. Can't decide if I like the fat tiddy one or this one. Those fucking hips are amazing.
/hsrg/ has been so fucking bad lately. I dont even bother anymore. /zzz/ is cozy outside of meta faggots
Does it change the story dialogue and what not? i doubt it but just curious
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>i got my thick hair from my father and my height from my mother
Uh oh Khors was one of them
Koleda Belobog
Neither, I'm team Stalin
maybe she applies anomaly slower than Grace like Jane outside of her spin
Zhu Yuan might overwork herself but she doesn't make every conversation about work

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