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Previous: >>496356754

>Version 5.1 "The Rainbow Destined to Burn" Trailer
https://youtu.be/yJ-tllvBvmI (EN)
https://youtu.be/_DqVC77tmrc (JP)

>4th Anniversary Theme Song: "Passing Memories" - Faouzia

>4th Anniversary Web Event "Starlight Reverie" live until October 12

>4th Anniversary Web Event "Teyvat's Special Delivery" live until October 7

>Current character banner: Kinich, Raiden Shogun, Chevreuse, Thoma, Kujou Sara
>Current weapon banner: Fang of the Mountain King (Claymore), Engulfing Lightning (Polearm)

>Daily check-in rewards (permanent)

>Redeemable Codes (all regions): https://genshin.mihoyo.com/en/gift
>With Primogems
>Without Primogems

>Useful Links (Wiki, Simulators, Maps, Character Builds, /gig/ friendlist, Third-Party Tools, etc.)

/gig/ OP pastebin (use this if making new thread):
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first for good tao
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>*kisses cheek*
>*kisses cheek*
>*kisses cheek*
>*kisses cheek*
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sex with alhaitham
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It's time, post characters that have NEVER jobbed
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Gosh...all I can think about is Diluc...*sigh*
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SOVL status?
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ZERO debates lost
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MHY is doing us dirty again.
Do we still hate Aether here?
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why don't you show your stars
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Natlan designs are fucking out of place TRASH and I’m glad the Genshin community en masse are disliking it
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>had a dream where I ended up fucking hu tau
>she got impregnated and promised me to take a plan b
>she didnt and I basically guilt shamed into marrying her and taking care of her "business"
>I remember vividly that her business was in debt and my life was ruined
>for some reason I jumped out of the window because I knew my life fucked sucked
>woke up
my love for this character is basically gone.
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Excited for the prospect of more Albedo in 5.2.
That's it. That's the post. Have a good evening.
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am i allowed to post cheld here?
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>random twitter spam
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>he just wears jeans lmao
nobody is working on this game anymore is there? new designs are either aped from zzz or uninspired shit like jeans kek
horizontalbros I don't feel so good

Anyway, the only reason you'd run Chiori and Kachina is if you weren't running a Geo main DPS. Then you'd still be worse off than a team with a Hydro or Pyro sub-DPS but it works against everything I guess.
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Zzz won
/gig/ has always been a twitter colony, that's why it's so awful
I thought cheldposts were outlawed like two years ago
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Most people with strong opinions one way or another left for /hrtg/ ages ago.
...the fastest to drop out the top 100 grossing list competition
Pags are hated, not Aether himself
I see the male hating schizo already latching on to the new tall male
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We told you it was a filler region
Nobody likes his outfit.
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Their dev team run Genshin now too
They won
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Am I solv?
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She jobs to Furina in bed every night
>Their dev team run Genshin now too
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Post hot geo women
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Friendly reminder that if anyone asks who they should roll to complete their ARCHON collection, the correct answer is FURINA! Anyone that ever has, or ever will answer Wormvillette is a humongous glue eating retard! This post was brought to you by:
>OMG Wanderer is the Anemo Archon!
>Neuvillette is the Hydro Archon!
and other retarded lines you use to cope! Sorry, not how it works!
...but enough about WORMeru.
She looks kind of rough and incomplete, really giving off that 4* vibes.
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I mean, has any zone had appropriate designs for their inspired countries except for Liyue?
Bennett is the true Pyro archon, Kazuha is the true Anemo archon and no amount of coping will ever change this fact.
>not 720
get out of the guild
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>zzz wubstep music in Xilonen demo in livestream
>ass shots of Xilonen
>hag after hag spam
>zzz reject designs in Natlan
Yup the zzz takeover is complete
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I love this artist so much bros
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For me, it's Iansan.
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wrong pic, faggot?
Wrong. Femcel fujos do
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chevy big love
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Sovereigns are above Archons, why would I want Neuvillette to be dragged down to a Celestia wagie?
I'm just gonna save everyone's time by saying that if you have more than 10 abyss runs you're soulless.
what is it filling in for? only 2 regions left
Citlali's exposed hips are just begging to be grabbed and caressed
A lot the images from the preview stream have a weird quality to them
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post event pictures
Nobody cares about your Neuvillette btw
He didn’t even show up in the anniversary web event or livestream
What a fail
Inazuma and Fontaine?
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Which leaker said this stuff?
uh oh hebechurl melty
...Except EsotericSunset, of course. That freak will plague this general until EoS.
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I mean if you want to be charitable, Neuvillette can be considered a kind of Archon since he had his authority returned by the Archon.
I do think Furina will be turned into some kind of deity later since she was made by Focalors, and someone will probably bullshit her powers that "part of those tears that reached her imprinted parts of focalors into her".
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Someone's mad his waifu got replaced by an artifact set lol
He does show up in the web event and even has an entire scene to himself bwo
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>Amber is in the event
>it's not voiced
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into the ground
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We love aether here
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C1 Chiori has got to be the most disgusting bait they've made. Navia shows up in her demo. Navia shows up in her quest. Navia hogs her cutscene. Navia's clothes are designed by her. They're marketed together as a geo duo.
Then a few months later Xilonen powercreeps her and she's relegated to Itto/Gorou teams.
where do you get this?
Sure, but inazuma was extremely bastardized. Fontaine is probably the only one that has been somewhat proper.
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Silence slut, i need my damage buffed.
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>only feat is beating the biggest jobber in the multiverse
Not to mention C0 got powercreeped by a fucking 4*.
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6,8,9,10,12 and 15 are all wrong
Conclusion? Unreliable leaker
Great shipp
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yearly anniversary web event that shows you your account stats
there was a mail today in game with a link to it
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our fucking roots
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Is xilonen a milf?
What's the song that plays during the Natlan book on the web event?
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Should I roll for Xilonen or Nahida?
thanks bro, i checked the hoyolab but it wasn't there
Chiori (C1) + Xilonen will be the new meta
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What are the next IT elements? I do not think I have enough girls to make it to 22.
But enough about Arlecchino
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dont care about metafagging, fitting that you also post faggot images
she's a renowned blacksmith apparently
But enough about the knave.
Raiden Shogun
Mavuika gonna become Natlan dragon, by drinking the dragon blood from the chalice
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Wouldn’t Nahida be really good at giving you comfy dreams?
>Xilonen doesn't give a shit about a Geo teammates
>Chiori is a worse sub-DPS than 4*s
It'll work, anon, but meta is a real stretch.
i want to bite her ass
But enough about the dinducchino
Uncle Hagpedo
nasty bitch.
She doesn't have kids.
Xilonen is like 1 year younger than Mualani
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Fuck you /gig/
Not to mention her own kit being Albedo pro max. I feel like her design was wasted.
Do you guys like any fujoship? For it's Scaraether
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let her go dawei....
True. Inazuma is bastardized, and Fontaine is extremely stylized to fit the anime artstyle (but the inspiration is there).
9 was mostly correct though,10, 12... have we seen xblanque yet idk it's too early to write those off. 15, could be mistaken for the world lvl increase, i don't think it's that preposterous. chronicled banner yeah is dead wrong
I like all of them excet Kaeluc and Zhongchi
Nahida is Nilou's best partner in bloom, Alhaitham's best partner in quicken. She's also good for Ganyu because she can sustain burning, so she'd be really solid.
I'm melty
what does this image imply, i don't get it
save for shenhe
>I don't have Chiori C1
>I shit for the sake of shiting
yep it shows
I wish.

No way...

Xilonen could give twice as much buffs at c0 and I would still skip her since she is a safehorny brownoid
>beginning of the relationship
>years later, domestic violence
Can you redeem codes without logging in on the actual Genshin game? I've been away for long enough that I'm a couple of days away from the 2 week incentive for coming back to the game.

Also, the 4th anniversary pet + 10 rolls don't need to be grabbed every day right? If I start on Oct 2 I'll still get them all?
sakimichan did irreparable damage to the art scene
Where the fuck is this glaze lily?
Why is the chiori fag so bitter today?
brownoid zzz-slop
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Why don't the phone gaming gets improved?
Combats are fucking trash, the gameplay is barely barely playable.
In a cave
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It's not an advantage for a 5* to need C1 to even function. It's an indictment of their quality, even. I'll admit I was shitting saying C1 is worse than 4* sub-DPS, she's worse than C0 5* ones like Yelan. And you know that Chiori C0 is nowhere near someone like Neuvi's C0 who is locked out of optimal teams himself and her C1 is nowhere near someone like his C1 either so.
folding screens always look so cursed to me
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Pros of dusting off my Navia
>She's a pretty hag
>She's got Chad gameplay
>I want to believe the Navia anons who shill her

>I don't have an artifact set
>I only have wgs for her
>Shit hair, hat and outfit
>Geo but Xilonen may save it
>I don't have her axe
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Its fucking over
the safe horny disco ocelot...
yeah, you can do it with hoyolab app, it's really convenient for stream codes or on their official website.
why dont you improve your english before posting
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Why are you brown?
Because computerer wonnered and phonerer lostered
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I like most of the manlet ones. The only one I really don't like is cyno and nari because nari and collei are way cuter.
if only they looked like that in-game
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stuffed full of babies
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Xilonen made me a hag fag...
You do have a lot of characters that would love a Nahida. Xilonen does work in almost every team there also though.... Both very good investments for you, can't really go wrong. Just pick whoever you like.

see >>496371195
fuck off slopflyfaggot
They'll just turn everything into Abyss and then do 7 more anti-regions
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how many babies can you fit in her?
Does that fuck over the 'you haven't logged in in XX days' needed for the Stellar Reunion thing?
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Hello, Furina. I will keep pestering you.
This ship is a bit overrated in my opnion, but maybe it's just because I dont really like Xiao that much
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For me, Its the prinzessin!
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this is not sustainable, we need better policies...
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Heh, FUCK fontaine, I am not playing this tranny region!
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Technically Xbalanque could be a tall guy just like Mavuika is a hag instead of a hebe like Fanta Furina.
fix that
you have one day
>made me a hag fag
Do you like any other hags now?
wtf /gig/ you told me there's inflation...
fuck off slopflyfaggot
Mav's little sister will be the true pyro archon
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Is Kazuha worth pulling in 2024?
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A tomboy rival that follows you around to fight would be pretty cool
Why doesn't Genshin have any fun characters that people love to see in events like Guinaifen and Burnice?
it's so fucking over for everyone with non-c6 chevy aka me
who and whomst
never go to latin america anon, their prostitutes will ruin your life considering your taste
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You just had your chance, you'll have to ask again in 2025
What's the difference between C0 Chevy and C6 Chevy?
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Cheld® Time™
Will he be worth pulling in 2025?
time traveler from 2030 here
yes, it is
Yes, even with Xilonen coming out he's still at the top.
Although you'll probably be waiting a while
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He's portrayed like this in the murals, but we haven't seen any proper pic of him and I refuse to take his "concept" art from months ago seriously when Fanta Furina looks nothing like Mavuika, but he looked like Pyro Cyno in those pics.
Based Saar only playing for indiakino
>Sovereigns are above Archons
False, Pyro Sovereign jobbed to a mortal
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He's a valuable slot for IT at the worst, remains the best Anemo unit in the game whenever that is convenient.
I have no idea, hope someone else helps
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You won't see Kazuha again until 2026 on the Inazuma Chronicled Wish banner in the middle of Snezhnaya patches.

You should get Xilonen in 11 days.
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It's time already?
60% dmg bonus to pyro and electro
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It was sustainable for me.
>they're literally adding a co-op raid event next patch
>/gig/ isn't talking about it
>clericoftech/co-opschizo isn't seething 24/7
what gives
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Little Gui! Dunno who the other one is though
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Does anyone know who shows up in these? I think Kazuha for one of them?
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A few decades
>t-pose on top of the corpse of the pyro sovereign
Mavuika will support one side and xilonen the other
Only sunk cost fags will continue using clunkzuha
time traveler from eos here
yea he's still amazing
Genshit is dying
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>Average fontaine female design:
>manly gray suit, no color, 0 skin showing, eternal bitter feminist bitch face
>Average fontaine male design:
>boy in shorts looking like male prostitute
Why would anyone enjoy this trash region again?
Furina, that's pretty much it
The only place I love seeing her at is my balls
Why do you want to know? Do you need to prepare or something?
made for tummy punching
Is the terrone having yet another melty over Fontaine?
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they carried billions
I see!
are you a padanocuck sucking French cock as per usual?
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How important is Zhongli in the current year?
I was aiming for him so I would finally have a geo teammate for Navia, but with Xilonen coming, I don't think I'll have a good use for him
I don't play Lyney, my Neuvillette is C1 and, while he would be good for Arlecchino, I don't have her yet and I can always play full offense and kill things before they kill me
I'm not your boogieman schizo
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>ctrl f Yoimiya
>0 results
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Damn, that's crazy.
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We all like Itto here
Yes, he had his daily Neuvillette melty last thread.
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The only two boys in shorts in fontaine are lyney and freminet. They are both arle's kids she ALLOWS them to dress like that.
even in the random web event they put alhaitham kaveh and clorinde navia together LMAO
the first one sounds like it will be Ningguang on the Jade Chamber
Who do you guys think will be released on the anticipated 5.2 version?
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Chiori is pure sexo and my proudest Fontaine roll.
Crawling in my skin
These wounds they will not heal
Anybody here know xilonen rank up material?
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I worry about Asmoday.
why can’t you criticise a region without either being called another region’s slurper or someone who’s having a melty
Chasca, Venti, Wanderer and Arlechini.
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>you have to mod it bro
>picture taken in sumeru cause it's better region
You can't make that shit up!
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Anon... Don't tell me you're pulling on flop banners during the flop region...
Cute Charlotte. I wish she'd appear on a banner soon though, I don't have her.
Wrio likes Xilonen (1pt), likes Nahida in burn melt but Emilie's better (0.5pt)
Itto likes Xilonen, however Chiori is probably better at C0 (0.5pt)
Ganyu likes Xilonen in freeze, but it's a dead reaction (0.5pt), likes Nahida in burn melt but Emilie's better (0.5pt)
Clorinde likes both (1pt for both)
Cyno likes Nahida (1pt), he probably likes Xilonen too at C2 (0.5pt)
Raiden likes both (1pt for both)
Alhaitham likes Nahida (1pt)
Nilou likes Nahida (1pt)
Ayato likes both (1pt for both)
Yoimiya likes Xilonen (1pt)
Total: Xilonen 7pt, Nahida 7pt
Tldr: roll the one you like
Uh oh u/THE_HORSE_KING melty
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Zhongli, Aventurine, Caesar are for mobile "gamers"
post the criticisms in question
Yeah.. did you want them to put Clorinde with Yoimiya and Alhaitham with Amber? How does that make sense?
why is your pic of a woman from Khaenri'ah?
There is also furina...
I will probably build pity on her banner
If i get her, I get her.
Who’s that? A new schizo? Are they worse than Koult?
The only Genshin hag that’s canonically noticeably old is Yae, according to Kokomi. The rest are just normal 20-30 women.
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rate my soul
some people are arguing that Xilonen won't be better than Zhongli for Navia but only time will tell
>I can always play full offense and kill things before they kill me
You don't need him and he is unnecessary for Arle.
He's almost never the best option, but he's always a good option. Xilonen is double the debuff magnitude but no IR until c1, where it's still worse. Also of note, Zhongli lowers phys, dendro and anemo res as well.
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Based. Sovl
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chASSca my beloved
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bwos... am I ready?
>spats + leotard
fuck the spats mandate
literally ruined the game
uh oh shiptroon melty
Sparkle should've been a boy btw
Damn I was hoping for Citlali
sparkle sex sparkle sex sparkle segs spargle segs
uh oh archiveschizo melty about their boogeyman koult again
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Shut up, bitch.
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Fischl is love but you're using Fischl strictly as an attack enchanter not because you love Fischl.
why are falseflaggers like this? how do they find the power to go on
Horse king isn't Koult, their posting styles and timezones don't match
Yeah, I've seen people saying Xilonen's weakness with Navia is Crystallize generation, but let's see

I see
Maybe if he reruns later on in Natlan I might have primos for him, but I think I'll prioritize Arle instead
it's over...
Ororon being electro is so frustrating. I liked the idea of each tribe only having one element vision users
go go go
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Just use Kachina for your Navia
But getting him for Arle is a good idea. Her most popular team is Ben, Yelan and John
Same. I only unlocked all the teleport points for the events
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Level up to World 9 for celebration.
Horse king is the cuckschizo who types ‘x is so lucky’
Koult is the obsessed doomposter and offtopic shitposter who types in esl
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It is done
nobody loves fischl though, people only play her because she makes clorinde good
Inazuma is the ultimate SOVL region.
he will be a superconduct specialist being an electro from the ice tribe. Its still thematically on point
>archive collage
What mental illness drives schizos to create this cringe shit?
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>you can't just go and farm specific weapon or skill level up mats
>you have to wait for specific day
GOD I forgot how utter TRASH was genshin when it comes to QOL compared to HSR or ZZZ. How come they didn't fix that shit yet /gig/?
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feel called out Koult?
the troon got humiliated in /hrtg/ again so zhe is here to let off steam please do not engage zher i can only imagine how high zher blood pressure must be rn
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Strike status?

how would that work? do you get excommunicated or just abandon your family to live at another tribe if you get the wrong vision
Koult doesn’t post on gig anymore
Every shitpister isn’t your boogeyman
he will be our fourth male electro on-fielder and you know it
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>stop noticing my archiveschizo headcanon spam!
Okay Archiveschizo
on field superconduct specialist....
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I'm pretending to be Koult to get a rise out of the archiveschizo
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KoultGOD continues to mindbreak gig even months later
insane how mentally ill you are Koult.
You shit up this general 24/7 and you don't even play genshin anymore.
Forgot your deathnote image btw
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>nobody loves fischl though
I have always been a Fischl lover!
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My freakin' heroes
they would need to make him physical for that to make sense... electro Razor
>/gig/ constantly blames women
>Every schizo shitposter is a guy
what mod?
Furina redeemed
it doesnt need to make sense, he is a 4 star. He will be shitty kinich but instead of wanting burns he wants superconducts
>Every schizo shitposter is a guy
Newcutie! First day on /gig/?
There’s no proof of Koult posting on gig anymore
We have new schizos now
Didn't ask Fischltroon
Is Koult the saleposter?
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You should roll Uraku instead of C1
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Arle is from Khaenri'ah and lives in Snez thought
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I'm unsovl but i love my N words
well you see it is easier to blame women then blame a man for his own faults that ruins his fun.

i.e. They always think about penis or NTR whenever they see an attractive woman
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How come they are afraid to pair Neuvillette with Wrio for good?
>cleocord and hutroons are now shitting up /gig/
why does this posting style feel oddly familiar...
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KEK same
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wandie’s pov
We know the saleposter spammer is not a real woman with XX chromosomes because he hates Klee. Women (XX chromosomes) adore Klee and she is one of the most popular female Genshins among women.
>posting style
Your mental illness is showing
It’s insane how mentally ill you are… Koult…?
Even so, denying the wannabe thread personalities their desperate attempt at getting famous by assigning their work to someone else triggers and hurt them even more.
The unit was designed in v4 which is fontaine version it also has average fontaine design.
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clitloli sexo
The salesposter spammer also loves Furina, and only men love her.
Ignoring their existence and filtering them would hurt them even more than that.
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because no one besides child molested fujos thinks that pairing makes sense
I'm just curious. I heard that Kazuha has dialogue this event, but he might be the only Inazuma character to get some.
Either that or the Narukami Shrine.
drunk anal sex with March 7th
Because furina exists and the shiptard devs will keep making her suck his dick
I miss the ‘Genshin players deserve bullying’ schizoposting from Koult
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I'm /gig/'s most famous poster
You're all so fucking disingenuous and cowardly, lying as easily as you jerk off to your mother's underwear
Seriously... Koult... what the fuck... is wrong with you...?
i wish they made the characters i like good
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no need to talk in third person, Koult AKA rdr2 schizo aka 1234userkills
it does make sense unless you project your retarded pedophilic tendencies but judging from your post you probably do
Koult samefagging btw
Uh oh fontranny melty!
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How is Xilonen's sword after nerf? If Chasca/Venti is true I'd rather roll for Chasca's bow especially if she turns out to be an onfielder.
>Meta team but uses one healer with single target healer
Why wouldn't Xianyun be better than Kazu in this instance?
kys neuvifuritroon
ba da ba ba ba, have it your way
swirlies for genshin players!
look at that nerds xiao mask!
Please stop hagpedo
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>/gig/ schizos trying to out each other
This feels like Jujutsu Kaisen and Chainsaw Man threads in /a/, not gonna lie it's quite entertaining.
Genshin Impact.
Sis, Neuvillette doesn't need a healer
it doesn't make sense and you want to make neuv into a groomer fujolard, seek help
"koult" isn't real. And you are the only person that thinks "koult" is real.
What happens at AR60?
It went from S to A+++ tier as it is 10% weaker now
Why is /gig/ suddenly filled with Hu Troons?
whos kolut
yup not beating the projecting pedo allegations xister
Furina has dumped Neuvillette and wants Aether in her future
koult once again derailing a thread with offtopic shitposting
why won’t jannies do their job?
>cleocord shitting up the thread again
we know based on your groomer ship xis
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lel nice game dawei.
>got the mcd meal and pies
>got codes
>try again the following week

Can you only get the codes once? I was thinking I could get another set for my alt account
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Damn, you're actually falling for it?
uh oh stinky fujo melty
Glad to see you still playing with Suno Mr. Goji
runescape has fishing. What does genshin have?
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time to install mods
after all, why shouldn't I explore natlan and the rest of fontaine while masturbating?
>Sis, Neuvillette doesn't need a healer
Huh why not?

Wait does Prototype Amber heal that much?
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It's true bwo furina states that she doesn't want anything to do with him in her lines and in the film event yet the next event they meet up and she sucks him off in lantern rite and subsequent appearances.
Its an anniversary event that lasts 6 days and the first day was spent in Mondstadt. I'm sure the 3rd day will be in Inazuma
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Genshin Impact?
>runescapetards are here
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Furina is mtf troon and you should feel bad for ever liking xer.
we had fishing too...
im not the one thinking neuv groomed wriothesley tho, seriously consider seeking treatment
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Cute Razor and Ororon...
Nice try koult but I will not be subscribing
loomtroon melty
I'll consider swiping, don't want to run her with fav.
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i hope mavuika has a movement ability so i can have a fully afk team, genuinely looking forward to it lmao
One per a MCApp account
>Kazuha is still too good to replace and remove
Uggghh... I really hope Mauvaki finally lets us ditch him.
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sad that the only likeable and attractive one here is furina, do metafags really?
you're the one who knows neuv met wrio as a child and wanted written letters on his development fujoxis, take your own advice you need it
Xilonen heal + Neuv self heal and drain is enough to build fanfare
This is the first time I'm seeing that being posted
No one fucking cares about your Raiden you mentally ill freak.
Neuvillette heals himself when attacks......
he restores 48% max hp with every charged attack
They were busy deleting anyone who mocked their pet terrone schizo last thread.
>rdr2 has horse riding
what does Genshin have?
Sex with Huni's robotic cunny...
I am literally Raiden.
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So uhh... Anyways
pretty girls
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>Sad news
Why is it sad /gig/?
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Kamisato Ayaka is the paragon of femininity, virtue and sincerity.
We love Ayaka here and wish her a happy birthday.
>5.2 - 5* Chasca + 4* Ororon
>5.3 - 5* Mavuika and 5* Citlali
Source: hxg_diluc
Neuv's droplets heal for an insane amount and Furina's burst buffs healing%
Furina's popularity would have dropped like a rock if she wasn't meta.
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Why is Dori considered a brick compared to Kuki? Just trying to wrap my head around what Ororon's kit will do compared to those two if he really is a healer.
god it’s insane how mentally ill I am
hrt_dliuc said it so it must be true
Jimmy neutron ahh forehead
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>Source: hxg_diluc
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there wont be any pyro Natlan character other than Mauvika as there's no other tribe for them to coem from and have a regional travel gimmick
neuv met wriothesley during his court case and never again afterwards and then he developed a personal relationship with him when he became the warden, if you think this is grooming then you’ve probably got raped as a child which then you have my condolences
Is that the Colonel?

Also he didn't shower after waking up, bet he smells like ass
Kuki scaling on EM gives her the benefit of being an insanely good Hyperbloom trigger while providing strong healing. Dori's healing is weak and she has shit electro app.
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>boy in sorts
why are genshins anniversaries so unfestive? even shitty png collectors have better atmosphere around their anniversary
Ororon can use the new support set
What's blud yapping about?
>still seething about getting owned last thread
hahaha, this is the kind of hypocritical neuvpaggot throwing words like "mindbroken" around. you're less than a joke and you know it
Please don't make me wait another year please please please
Stop projecting tranny
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I didnt mention popularity, just that she is likeable and attractive, that would stay the same either way
Neuv met Wrio as a child and asked his familiar to send him written letters on that child’s development as he grew up, you literally want neuv to look like he’s preying on little boys. Seek help
bro you're shablobkay?
NTA but over the years Sigewinne sent Neuvillette letters about Wrio growing up and shit
>moving the goalposts
Kys troon apologist
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I thought Russia was homophobic.
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We're gonna need an update.
Cook that fraud!!!
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xilonen is the support for my c6 chiori though
Woah woah woah, how did this thread all of a sudden take such a schizo turn to hell
Fujos are so fucked in the head.
why would they be paired? makes more sense for him to be paired with sigewinne
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>femcel self insert
>likeable and attractive
>fujotard is a lorelet
Many such a cases
>you're a tranny!!
>heh heh, no you are!
Just shut the fuck up. Stop. Leave.
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>xe is meta cause xe is glued to THIS kind of gameplay
Neuvillette is a woman-hating homo lusting after Wrio and making him handmade gifts
Alhaitham is a straight man enjoying the company of women and shitting on Kaveh
Ok terrone. Try not to hurt your nanna again
what are you talking about? what goalposts am i moving?
I'm still coping that Ororon will be a 5*
you're responding to woman so yeah it fits bwo
neuvillette never asked sigewinne to write him letters regarding wriothesley lmao it was sigewinne’s own idea you retarded pedophile
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Troon detected.
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Which nation is the strongest, if they use everything they have including Archons (with the exception of Alice)?
Liyue or Fontaine?
Sumeru is the weakest?
Bro felt so sigma after saying this
tranny melty
Is this what peak genshin gameplay looks like?
She would definitely be less popular than navia, but at least not chlorinde tier forgotten.
If he has coordinated or ranged electro application, at the very least he'd be better for my Nahida team thanks to 4pc Scroll. AoE would be better for hyperbloom, but ST is fine for Spread. My hopium is high because he's being released with Chasca, a bow character that needs an infusion source and will most likely use ranged attacks since she's supposed to fly like Scara or something.

Unlike Kuki, Dori can really only be used for Spread because of her ST application. She also has higher ER needs.
gig can only remain normal for about 200 posts on a good day
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Fujohomos lost so fucking hard. LMAO.
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AIEEEEEEEEEE Give my time and money back
Which cord is treating the thread as their battle ground now? They don't even play the game
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Fact: Ayaka is more attractive and likeable than Furina
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neuv is carried by furina btw
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it always makes me laugh whenever a schizo gets butthurt and starts spamming images, happens in all hoyo threads kek
these folding screen phones are really cool but until they can survive the rigors of a pants pocket they're just cool tech demos. what a shame.
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here's my clear, for the guy that keeps track of the characters.

Yeah yeah I know
His model is unironically done better than Citlali's
What were they thinking...
Dont let bro in the kitchen, he cant cook frfr
ooo that sounds comfy
Shitposting aside, how's the English dub been for Natlan so far?
Fucking shonencord again
Navia is boring wordslop pityslop that deserves to be forgotten
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Good Morning.
Friendly reminder that Furina is for you and that...
emergency food lol
rotund alatus could never write something so funny
Okay let's not get carried away here, but better than Kinich for certain
>the furina is for (you) paghter nowhere to be seen
>wriolette posting
I'm noticing.
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Sumeru has this nigga
obsessed and mentally ill
I have terrone friends and they're fine people, undoubtedly smarter than someone whose obsession in life is gay porn of cartoons as well
not bad, but pacal is possibly the biggest miscast ever
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Enjoy your homo. Last one you get for a year.
>yeah throw in hyperbloom just in case neuvillette missed his 360 area of attack
Fontaine probably the strongest inside their own borders, their tech doesn't work outside Fontaine though
>2 boys and hermaphrodite on the picture
God, fontaine was so gay it's unbelievable...
Genshin for this feel?
Kinich's and Mualani's models are alright.
Citlali's model looks unfinished
I thought it was good. Mualani's VA really made the character
>swap teams
It doesn't count anyway
kujou sara
Jesse, what the fuck are you talking about?
Imagine being a new player and being told this is what the endgame meta looks like.
sorry my discord is currently raiding you guys
That's even worse
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what a great archon passive, it was so useful
hope she is on chascers banner
fuck off shounenfag
They copy and pasted Faruzan's model
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all the shitposters are men, why do you blame everything on women
>also /gig/:
*has an hour long struggle session over whether wriolette is a problematic ship*
The "rational and logical" gender is having a melty again.
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my dragon pet looks off...
I know you’re here koult
>Gay couple
They would both wear suites to the wedding though.
why would she? faruzan sucks wandie’s cock
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Hag money
I'm rolling both and 5 more constellations
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Thanks bro.
One of the events in the last versions of Fontaine established that the Millelith is the best military among all the current nations sans Snez. So in an all out battle Liyue would probably win
It does look like that. THIS is genshin gameplay in a nutshell.
wrio literally said he didn't agree with that retarded fujoid. and sigewinne still explicitly states neuv was concerned about him even as he was a kid in prison. your groomer ship sucks ass
mavuika will ride a motorcycle
xbalanque will ride a dragon
incredible juxtaposition between natlans past and present wow
Who let bro cook?
Oh my. This image is evoking something within me
Aether cucked Neuv? Damn.

It's kind of nice in fontaine, same with neuv's but yeah not that useful overall. The Natlan's cast is going to feel really awkward in Shnezneya and later.
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>sees a woman
>I'm a gay pedophile
what's wrong with "straight" men?
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what is chori thinking?
A bunch of you sound like you don't play the game. So why are you here dilating so hard?
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I am staying!
leaks say chasca and wanderer are running together
>not blowing a load into her fertile womb
what a waste
fuck off shounenfag
Kaveh's fucking her right in the pussy
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What does this mean?
no u
fucking HOW? the millelith are a bunch of terra cotta soldiers with hailberds. fontaine literally has robot soldiers with rocket launchers and an entire rifleman corps.
You have 150 period cycles to live!
You should heal your Ganyu bwo
>A passive that you never use because there were no new underwater regions added in her release patch or patches afterwards
This is not to mention that most of these abilities already had a 5second cooldown naturally
If Amber is also a lesbian and how much wine she needs to buy to get her drunk and have hot girl segs tonight.
chyna stronk
you might them up battling the local legends
presumably something happens when you light them all
>cuckcord is here
he didn’t agree it but didn’t refute it either lole, and how does neuvillette expressing concern for one time in a letter equate to him asking for updates when it was sigewinne’s idea ahahaha retarded pedophile you’re seething so hard you don’t make sense
shitmeru has the retcon tree so they are the strongest
Yeah but the millelith has actual experience defeating ancient evils.
Waay too imba. What were they smoking?
china #1
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D-do I have a problem?
>c1 literally does nothing for itto
What the fuck did they have against this character
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Bros why was she screaming his name like that in the trailer? It sounds like she's having an orgasm
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I never thought you'd miss me.
I was away trying to light some old flame. I'd still be here tho.
people who think faruzan fucks kaveh don’t play the game because that homo was still thinking about his boyfriend even when he was hanging around faruzan in the parade of providence event
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finest naku weed in inazuma
Fat Xiao got mad at people making fun of his manlet selfinsert so he made the new one absolutely busted.
Sayu Anon...
what is that pet besides ganyu?
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I am from cuckcord and i LVOE Furina!
imagine if troons never latched onto this game...
That is implied, you must get her pregnant before cumming anywhere else
Is it bad that I want C6 Dori so I can play that janky Furina Hyperbloom with Driver Dori team?
Why are you here then?
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>Metachurl discussion
it can’t be one time when sigewinne continued including Wrio in her letters out of all the people he sent to prison retard fujokek. neuv never told her to stop which means he cared about Wrio for all the time he was growing up. dumb fujogroomer
>Kaveh thinks about alhaitham while rearranging faruzans guts
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I swear I literally have not used Sucrose for like 2 years on the abyss.
What is this bullshit?
inazuma really did ruin everything
>Anime japan
The Trinity of troons
The COCK is watching

Careful with whatchu say the COCK is watching and he ain’t take NO prisoners keep them cheeks TIGHT
Troons latch to every game, gaming communities are ground zero for troonism, slightly above anime.
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>capitano reveals his master plan
>ororon is working with the fatui???
>omg... they're so strong... we can't beat them!!
>"stand back, tabibito"
>mavuika steps in
>"i will do something i should've done a long time ago"
>enter xboxqueer
>stoic tall male
>SSS on-field DPS
>everybody kneels
>"paimon understands now! this truly is the Chapter V: Incandescent Ode of Ressurrection"
>xbalanklet saves the day
>mavuika dies (himeko reference)
>ororon gets retconned into a dindu
>the gnosis? sovereigns don't need it so we gave it to dottore
>in other news...
>summer event: kazuha visits natlan
is it worth making a new account after losing a 200 hour save?
yep, its fuarkin kino
i don’t think someone who thinks about bringing leftovers to his bf is ever seeing pussy during his lifetime sis
The only games troons will never latch onto are FIFA, NBA, and all that shit.
You know why? Because trannies don’t play sports.
What's the price of elus in 2024. I remember the crash when homunculi were introduced.
we're so fvcking back
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I hate that this will probably happen. Mihoyo loves throwing their female characters under the bus
>that's not how you wear a jacket you stupid bitch
How do you lose a save in a live service game?
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i can’t believe how much neuv cares for wrio…
If genshin is the premiere cuck game, does that mean that femcels playing it are also cucks?
i deleted my account when i was drunk one night
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If you had to live in a Genshin nation, which would it be? Nobody is going to unironically say Inazuma.
femcels love watching their husbands frot
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Is it furina's cock though?
this is the genshin writing i love
Let it go, Anon...
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not at all.
but quicken dori is more fun, even though nahida does almost all the work, dori still hits hard.
it literally says in sigewinne’s character story that she assumed he was watching him with interest and neuvillette has never said no to sigewinne before ahahaha you are so retarded it’s unreal
theres a reason love and deepspace is selling more than genshin these days, non-cuck women (the ones that actually spend, fujos are dirt poor and only yap on social media) got tired of their husbandos turning gay and left for a game that explicitly bans faggotry
No, because they hold the sole power to cuck others. This is why we need to remove their rights and genocide them all so they lose that power over men
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What's your opinion on Nymph's for Mona? Or is there a better set for vaping?

6k as I have seen inside pront.
Sumeru! Maybe Fontaine as a close second!
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Would've been kino if you changed pyro sovereign to first pyro archon. How the fuck are people still calling him the sovereign even after the AQ? Do you guys really not read the story?
grape juice
burning passion guitar?

cant believe i remember every item in this game. guess it makes sense, i played it for nearly 15 years. also why the hell are you setting up shop in Izlude, nobody goes there
hp scaling dps get special treatment
Natlan to have sex non-stop with Mualani.
Now I'm thinking
How bad would Nahida/Furina/Xianyun/C6 Dori go?
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Furina in Arle's body
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>he thought neuv WASHING their minds was a joke
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Yeah, for me it was Bennett, Raiden, and Nahida.
Nahida makes sense, but I ONLY use Raiden on my C6 Dehya Overload team as a battery and I haven’t used Bennett in years. They must be smoking crack or something over at Hoyo.
Mondstadt. Safest nation, happiest nation.
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Wtf is this lmao
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I want to farm tea leaves and drop balls in a river with Fukin for the rest of my life.
fujos made genshin cope
Mondstadt is the safest region because of the Hexenzirkel.
Fontaine is nice and partially based on my country, but Mondstadt is cozy and looks exactly like my hometown.
so is dialogue skippable now?
Listen here fella we do not MESS with this online writing section Better gorilla glue those cheeks or else ima feel DEVIOUS
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I will put furina's feminine DICK, into my filthy, hairy asshole!!!! It will be his night of AWAKENING!!!! Pity about the aids tho...
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FtM character when?
>the Hexenzirkel
The what?
your wandy?
Mondstadt is raided daily by slimes because everyone capable left the main town.
Venti and Zhongli exist
imagine throatfucking her fish form
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>my traveler is Lumine
>she will have zero issues asking Mualani to soak in the hotsprings together everyday
It's beginning. I can recover from this.
>literally the "they don't know I post on gig" meme
You can reactivate it if it's been less than 30 days. But this seems like a lame larp anyway so whatever
200 hours is really not that much for genshin
but if i were you i wouldn't make a new account, you have found a good reason to stop playing this kusoge, no more sunk cost for you
yeah made it a game everyone else avoids like the plague LOL
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>he doesn't know about the zirkel
remember that time diluc had to defeat an army of hilichurls about to breach the city by himself?
Your "father" of the house of hearth Arlecchino?
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You're not supposed to point that out anon.

Everybody goes there. Its the cheapest place to warp, it's linked to all the other cities via airship, and Pront is fucking full.
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what is this?
its been 3 months

yeah but i see no other game with cute girls
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they have been a staple since 1.0 newfag, never has a straight ship even been close to being as popular as their gay counterpart even during the early days
lore about the Primordial One
I don't think Hoyo wants to promote cutting your own breasts and pulling skin to make a abomination of a fake dick so you can look like the new world's Frankenstein.
Listen here chiplet. I suggest you yap that nonsense somewhere else. better glue yer buttocks shut before I leave you hornswaggled
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Epic event mihoyo, can't even start it
The designated 'lore strongest fighter' of the region is always overpowered
Arguably Cyno [funnily enough he sucks]
Nahida otherwise
A group led by Klee's mom.
Looks like a tiny lifeform that emerged from a flame within a shell
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Favonius Knights patrol Mondstadt during the day
Diluc_Gaming roam the night

See? Mondstadt is unironically the safest region. Even if another god invaded, Klee's Mom Alice and her Witch gang will protect you.
get walkin
Whichever country has the most girls willing to put out

Natlan seems full of sluts at a glance
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Purple Furina mod when...?
Crazy, I made my first few millions selling elus at 100k a pop.
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Is Skirk a descender?
>he was watching him with interest and
that he sent his letter faster than usual fujolard thanks for acknowledging you want to pair neuv with someone he showed interest in as a child.
use the unlocked tp and take the boat
Varka is not playable yet
you have a teleport for fontaine unlocked if did finish Monstadt
He is a dentist.
Funnily enough i've never seen a woman have a meltdown over the perception that their husbando 'cucked' them. Must be a male exclusive thing
Probably Inazuma, asian chicks are the biggest sluts.
What do you think they're doing on /gig/?
well yeah if your metric for popularity is shipping, something done almost exclusively by fujos, then fujos are going to dominate your chart
venti x zhongli is more popular than eimiko, does that mean venti is a more popular character or sold more than raiden? lol
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i would argue schizodouche is stronger than cyno
don't make us go to the scara ep sis.
what is a Descender?
answer that question and you will get your answer
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Sex with Kirara!
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She gonna descend my bank account lmao
Where are the women?.
>venti x zhongli is more popular than eimiko
on what planet lol
There's a mountain in chenyu vale by the border that's high enough to glide into fontaine. Just hoof it the rest of the way
>Venti and Zhongli exist
quantumbros... Soon...
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>being fucked in the ass by furina
>sudden need to fart
>fountain of loose smelly diarrhea explodes on his dick
Does that mean he is the TRUE ARCHON OF FONTAINE??????
the lofter charts /gig/ always brings up when talking about ship popularity?
how the fuck does paimon have pocket money
is she working side jobs
do we give her an allowance
neuvillette replying faster than usual was stated to be an one time thing and it was right after he sentenced a young man to prision you monkey
Why do a bunch of ugly autistic losers think they'd have a shot with girls in teyvat?
You'd get killed by the first hilichurl you see anyway
Women have no problem sharing their chads with other women, I quess that applies to gatcha husbandos too.
xy can go with any comp, even if you don't plunge she can still bring team healing and VV.
Oh we got a comedian guys Think your so funny huh? Well bucko I am going to put this 6 meter MonsterMeat In between those cheeksThen we will know what’s so comedic
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>only 4 playable cats
Has it been updated recently? I remember Eimiko being top 15 but Venti x Zhongli wasn’t higher than it.
>Sex with Kirara!
Calm down Chiori, you shouldn’t have sex with your own pets. Only the archon can do that.
Beings that come to Tevyat from other worlds.
1st are the Heavenly Principles
2nd is unknow
3rd is Dead
4th is the Traveller
But the whale is from outside the world, and the whale is Skirks pet. So She should be the 2nd?
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When are we coming back to Inazuma?
which are months old kek
yumes never spent money even back during the early days it was always fujos that held cons for their favourite ships and characters
the last lofter chart that got spammed here had eimiko just barely making top 15 while zhongli x venti was #10
which means neuvillette showed keen interest in a child you retarded iqlet. and sigewinne kept writing about it and neuv who is supposed to be impartial did not tell her to stop. now you want to make neuv a groomer when he cared about s little boy, retardo
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Does that mean cheating is ok? Asking for a friend.
she sells her body when youre offline
But I'm white! Surely asian chicks wouldnt be interested in a white guy?
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let's go make more then.
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>unvoiced amber
this is bullshit
the descender thing was retconned after sumeru, there are two conditions to be a descender
>coming from another world
>having an extremly strong will that can shake the foundations of the world or some shit
listen here bud I WILL say a SWEAR word if you YAP allat again lil bro quit waffling so much bruh let the WORDS rest‼ ‼
Huh, thanks for the refresher. I still wouldn’t say that Eimiko is less popular, though, if we take into account the entire fandom. But then again that makes shit like Xiao x Venti seem popular when that’s western delusion.
>fujos spend money on doujinshi and cons
>yumes spend money on the actual game
just look at the success of love and deepspace, its successful precisely because devs told fujos to fuck off and yumes flocked to the game because they were tired of fujos parasiting off them
now show me a line where he asked sigewinne to keep him updated quickly
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Oh honey I love you~! But you need to understand that I exclusively fuck chicks hotter than you...
I am the main character.
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i checked the host's map in co-op and he hasnt even done fontaine. why would a new player just skip the entire game just to do a domain in natlan
René has given you a detailed explanation of what is or what it takes to be a Descender
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Chasca is an Ascender btw way
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no, i'm not playing TCG again unless i have a very good reason.
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What's /gig/'s opinion on Kirara, the top courier of Komaniya Express?
You are a camera.
and even what a world is isn't clear, teyvat was created long after the abyssal and elemental realms existed, and is implied to be a layer inbetween the two, while also being called a planet
don't thing too hard about the genshin lore because it's nonsensical
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Genshin already gave birth to the biggest FtM icon ever
did he have kinich or mualani
Metakeks only play abyss impact
Paimon and you are a team, she's the talker and you are the brawler. At the end she gets a cut of the rewards.
It'll never not be funny that the other Descenders can warp reality with with their will but all Aether can do is copy elements. The 3rd Descender had this ability too and the power to control reality with their will.
Maybe he rolled muttlani or kinich and needs the artifacts for them to not have a literal brick
No opinion, she was released after I quit the game.
But Tectone got his fame from arknight?
yeah because yume centric characters like lyney or albedo just sell so well kekypow not even xiao banners do well
Then why are you here
get off my dick faggot
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kyot lyove
the travelers original powers have been sealed. we don't know what the fuck they are capable od
Diona for me. I haven't used her since 2 years ago.
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I've reinstalled.
They are capable of jobing hard lmao, and flying with wing I guess
I like collecting the pretty pictures!
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Literally me
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Dottore did that btw
no he had kazuha
even when i was new and started playing last year, i had no idea what i was doing didnt level talents outside the starter characters until i was in inazuma
If yumes don't spend, then what is your explanation for Love and Deepspace's success? Who else is spending on that game?
>copy elements
what if I told you that the Traveler could use all the elements together as one before """"Sustainer sealed"""" them?
the natlan corridor...
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We love this hardworking cat.
ook man ill slap da goofy out ur ass cheeks dont dilly dally between my insolence
if you dare say a single syllable you shall be met with my swings which fly at a high velocity as well as dealing tremendous amounts of pain
show me the line where neuv told her to stop updating about him when he’s supposed to be impartial
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why does no one in the world use their gliding wings they have a license for
can you remind me of how many elements the traveler used against arlecchino?
not everynyan lives in Monstadt
Stop if Mualani…why are you smiling at me like that?
you are assuming that people who play love and shitspace used to play genshin when in reality fujos were always the majority of female genshin players
do you know why the Traveler constellations are called "Memories" and NOT "Stella Fortuna"?
Source: It came to me in a dream.
do you it's rude to answer questions with other questions?
It's been 4 (four) (FOUR) (F 4 O 4 U 4 R) fucking years and Crystallize,
and Superconduct are still awful.
>superconduct reduces all res by -40%
>Crystallize stacks and gives a small benefit on element, Petra is off field
Why is mihomo so stingy? Are they jews? Where is all the money going? Surely they do more than exploration maps, doa characters, symphony? Did mihomo create covid to skyrocket to birrion dorrar value?
it's true

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