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Previous: >>496371525

Version 1.2 "Tour de Inferno" Special Program:
Dev Face-to-Face | Zenless Zone Zero:
Agent Record | Tsukishiro Yanagi
Agent Record | Lighter Lorenz

>Newest Trailer/Teaser/Character demo

>Upcoming Events for 1.2
Full 1.2 details and events: https://zenless.hoyoverse.com/en-us/news/125865
New at the Arcade: Bizarre Brigade - to be added in 1.2
Back in Business - Daily check in, double drops and more - 09/25 (1.2 release) - 10/10 03:59 (server time)
All New Program - 09/25 (1.2 release) - 11/05 03:59 (server time)
Overlord's Feast - 09/26 10:00 (server time) - 11/04 03:59 (server time)

>Redeemable codes (claimable in-game or online)

>Resources and useful links
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Fun fact:

Yanagi is the first S Limited agent who's core passive doesn't activate on having a faction member in her party. It's Anomaly and Electric agents only.

She doesn't even get her passive with Soukaku and Miyabi. It's because she's in league with the Ether Corpos and will appear as the villain in 1.4. Her M6 is called "Inhuman Blood".
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Burnice my beloved
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This is now a Luiciana Auxesis Theodoro de Montefio thread.
If I'm a metafag, should I skip Caesar and roll Burnice+Yanagi for disorder?
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me taking a huge wuwa
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Will they continue making boring to play kits?
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Bangboo kino is back on the menu!
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There is only one virgin in this image.
This just makes me think Miyabi actually will be anomaly.
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I'm really interested how the average hoyoslop tards will react to idols when they start getting dripped. I mean, obviously to us they are based and hype but I do wonder what kind comments and reactions we will see from the average dumbass. Would be really funny if despite seething from them they will turn out to be one of the more popular banners in the game. Will be quite the reality check I bet.
who is on Yanagi’s banner?
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this cheesetopia event is damn huge, its filled with fucktons of mini-quests, essentially feels like part 2 of the story is here, also SoC girls are fucking perfect, i wake up every day hyped for more trust events with them and they are just the most likable faction in the entire game, its full of SOVL, you could even make an entire game based on the premise of a nerdy guy helping punk biker girls on logistics and it would be the greatest dating sim of the generation
wise attracts children, cops and gang members.
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ZZZ for this feel?
Yanagi looks like electric Jane, disorder focused.
Idk what a Yanagi team would look like. I wanted them both together.
Fun fact: dont care, skip
Assuming I want to run Nekomata, Lucy, Koleda, Burnice, Caesar and Piper, what's the best way to line these six up across two teams?
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Frankly, other 5* characters just seem so janky compared to Ellen. There is a reason why every new character is compared to Ellen. She is the gold standard for a well-designed character who is both enjoyable to play and does high damage. Let's go through the list.
Nekomata has insane energy issues and it's hard to keep her EX special attack spam going. She's also physical
>Zhu Yuan
Zhu Yuan does more damage than Ellen with burst but Ellen surpasses her when factoring in consistent dps. Zhu Yuan is also the hag body type, which makes it more difficult to avoid attacks.
40% uptime (versus Ellen 100% uptime) and less damage that can't crit. Assaulted Jane's burst is stronger, though.
The only character that's universally better than Ellen. However, flamethrower gameplay puts off a lot of people, and it's bad enough to be a dealbreaker for them.
Energy issues. You're pretty much fucked if you can't win within 2 rotations, which isn't a problem for endgame IK55 autismos but it is for the average person. You also can't swap off in an emergency to heal or use a support's ult until the 15 seconds are done.
Forced downtime, highly single target. Even the ult has shitty range. Energy issues unless you have m1. I will concede that she is significantly stronger than Ellen versus a single target, though.
>Soldier 11
Deals the same damage with her normals as a non-critting Ellen (and obviously Ellen will well surpass her once he starts critting). Damage is backloaded onto her ultimate, which has an insanely high energy cost. Is fire damage, which is as bad as physical.
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Sex with Piper
Wise is a groomer
Anby/Soukaku probably. Billy/Ben on Lighter's.
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I like Lucy, and wouldn't mind a team with her and Burnice, but there's two issues.
First, you'd also need Yanagi, and I hate that design.
Second, Burnice's kit reminds me way too much of wuwa's Yinlin and FUCKING GOD DAMMIT is the kit a pain in the ass and not fun to play.

-enemy spread out? Have fun hitting them all with your ex or spin
-next enemy wave? Have fun hitting them all again with your ex or spin

Unironically, unusable garbage unless you fight one single enemy.

Now that Lighter isn't a fire attacker, and has 0 synergy with everything from his group, I have given up on getting the rest of the group.
Good for me, I can actually raise my chars now (I only skipped rat), but still kinda a bummer. Why in the world another fire stunner? Why a stunner at all? Makes no sense.
can anyone fix her?
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>bonuses with elec agents
>DISORDER written in every one of her effects
the fuck is up with this bitch
Nice, is the Nun's faction going to be crusades themed??
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I want to pull for Caesar who I can get in about 10-20 more pulls, but I'm scared I won't win the Burnice 50/50 and brick my account by only having one of them.
it will be a thousand times better if one or more o them are the most meta agents in the game
>m1 lighter is basically lycaon + qingyi in 1
explain this
we are being invaded...
I'd say Caesar's kit is boring. But holy shit she enables everyone else and you can just buff and swap her off.
So probably yes, for support stuff.
Jane is built around dodging and using her meter I see none of that in Yanagi's kit
If you're a professional metafag and have skill, skip Caesar. If you're a scrub crutching on the shiniest new toys, roll Caesaar asap
I like how my restaurant becomes more and more comfy with each day...
Oh, that makes sense she's just under disguise and they don't want to spoil us. Once we finish the story it will unlock her actual design and she won't look like an NPC anymore!
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Anyone else getting concerned by all the powercreep? We have 2 new S ranks every patch and every single one of them so far has powercrept a previous niche.
dawei needs to eat
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Soldier 11 Chads, are we rolling for Lighter?
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Try my guns... FOR FREE!
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Is there no explanation for why some characters are superhuman other than just "anime?" You could probably excuse some Thirens, cyborgs, etc but other than that... ether magic?
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Why fix perfection?
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Neko Koleda Caesar
Piper Burnice Lucy
Those will be my teams (when I pull a neko please give me a neko
Usually I'm not that anal about typos and grammatical mistakes, they're just kind of funny. But the severity of this shit -- and the frequency of it is just so fucking obnoxious. They're all over the game but I spotted at least 15 while completing chapter 4. Fuck me, it does not instill me with a lot of security in ZZZ's future and the handling of the intellectual property. Fucking fire these retards typing "rizz" and shit. Get some professional localization in.
It's cool
all of the unlimited s ranks are being powercreeped.
Are we getting more story when Burnice gets released to conclude the fat small man story or the traitor guy?
I want to tongue that anus.
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pull for who you rike and you'll have more polys than if you spent them on metafaggotry and then cleared everything maxed out and got an extra 200 chromosomes or something
the cutscene that mindbroke zzz
Harley Quinn style archetype
not powercreep
>fat small man
that's Ron Perlman bro
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Nice M2W1 Ellen you got there kid....

Shame if something *CRACK*happened to it nyeheheh~
blitz is easier than base one bro
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Didnt read the leaks
Could I give Lighter's engine to my Koleda?
oh no no no this anon gonna lose it when they get to the piper talk no jutsu part
>fat small man
that's jstern25 bro
Are disc substats even important on caesar if you're just supposed to EX or defense assist and swap out?
>new character is a sidegrade brick, eos soon
>new character is powercreep, eos soon
>stop playing zzz!
tencent shills... try to be consistent
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Bitch looks like she's from a generic low budget mid 2000s hentai anime
He's literally me.
No it's just Homomasa that will be electric and it would make sense if he's an off-field dps that lays traps and snipes while she hogs field time
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>The Kafka of this game
Post a Yanagi comp!
I agree. I was feeling apathetic about playing it after how much Golden week dragged and how full of slop every event in 1.1 was in general, but I caught up with cheesetopia today to get my free Lucy and enjoyed it a lot
just aim for impact and fuck everything else.
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Burnice is too far gone.
she looks like she eats meerkat poop
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yeah man go ahead
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unzipped jenny booty shorts
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I feel so admired
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I think Cheesetopia SUCKS
For me?
It's Unregistered HyperCam 2!
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mmmm I would disagree, I think exploration Nineveh is much more easier given the opportunity to curate runs with the most resonia you could possibly hoard, and then steamroll her there. There's at least a hard cap of resonia in Blitz!
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>basically a parry machine and a decibel factory
Huh ok
and I'm the protagonist
I've always liked her anyway
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When the soft pity for the weapon banner starts?
She looks like she had to run away in the outerlands after commitung fire related crimes to young thirens
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pulchra already came back in the cheesetopia event, your additional story unfolding right there (also burnice sidestory is confirmed to happen when she gets released)
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love low budget mid 2000s hentai anime
1 taste 3 nutrition
Blitz 11/11 doesn't seem to scale anywhere as hard as regular 11/11. Even with only half as much resonia, it was significantly easier for me with the same team.
I am unironically very excited for the inevitable cutscene where Billy goes "Sorry, Manager, but I'm going to have to go all out... just this once..." and activate Devil Trigger before jobbing in 5s
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Still skipping
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The biker gang tomboy overlord can't be THIS cute!!!
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of the NTR variety!
So...after all of the gang members release...what will be the most META FIRE TEAM?
what do (You) think
We get it zoomie, you want another vtuber inspired design like your gawrrr guuurrrraaaa sharkgirl but this time the adults in the room get a character.

You can keep whining and complaining about her on a Cantonese yoghurt synthesizing forum 24/7 or you can shut the fuck up and simply skip the character like a man.
>First, you'd also need Yanagi, and I hate that design.
uhh bro your piper??
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Jane who?
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>and activate Devil Trigger
You mean Release Restraint
Uh oh, NPC6 melty.
dumb critic-kun you where drunk on nitro-fuel when you drove into that hollow
burnice eats his poop for fun
I love S11 Lawrence.
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I want Billy to get a powerup, since it's kind of boring that my wife meebeebee is always the strongest thing on the screen
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Are these shits worth using on ANYTHING?
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Jane on Jane violence
Piper isn't suited for on field, and already in another team. Great for spinning to win when she has energy though, that's for sure.
Jane is assault only Piper is probably better for Burnice
who is the tingyun of zzz
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>"Take some of this nitrofuel is good for your health"
Jane vs Shadow Jane is ludokino to play
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in hsr I rolled for kafka despite not really liking her design/character solely because I thought the dot gimmick was cool, I've now ended up doing FUA with yunli anyways; I haven't used my dot team in a couple months at least despite rolling black swan too (also for solely meta reasons). One should roll with their DICK (/ heart) in these games
you can't proc assault without Rina's buff being active, that's illegal.
Kafka was good for a single patch
so yanagi + burnice is CORE for any future team to streamroll content right?
what's the third, maybe caesar or lucy?
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>need Yanagi
You can on-field Piper with Burnice bro
Koleda Disorder was how I beat everything in the game until Caesar
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>before kit leak
zzz.... mimimimimimi....
>after kit leak (meta)
I can't follow their movements
>Piper isn't suited for on field
Can you explain how to play Piper?
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I did that entire fight with just Jane because it was fun. Grace and Rina were there for moral support.
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My hubby taking care of our kids <3
Soldier 11 is probably the best mono burn carry, with Lighter being on parry and stun duty. I wonder if Lucy or Burnice will be the best support for this core
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I've been running piper as my main dps and it works great even without burnice bwo
Caesar/Rina/Seth/No one
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>zzz.... mimimimimimi....
me when i play zenless as my wife
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This is a combat game. Not a blender model collector.
Yanagi pullers are gonna be the Robin pullers of this game, pure meta hogging behavior
No. Koleda is fine.
I am. I'll use Lighter/S11/Caesar.
Yanagi is the enabler you need another anomaly with low field time and for now burnice is the only option but I'm sure we'll get a Anomaly ether focused on disorder latter on.
3rd is just a aoe support, Caesar is the best but Lucy and Seth should also work.
That's your brother...
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This is a blender model collector posing as a combat game.
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The climax to chapter 4 was good, despite my issues with Pompey/Lucius.

I also usually really hate "heroic sacrifice", but it felt fitting here with the context we had. Outer Ring is a fledgling sort of place, and people can't "simply leave" it, so the oil field is genuinely of critical importance. And Caesar herself recognizes that while she's pretty capable as a leader she's not some overwhelming force that, if she wasn't there, things would fall apart. It actually made me tear up since I felt it was good and properly built up why she would risk her life to help people, well, basically exactly like herself: born into a shit situation that without this sacrifice was about to get much shittier.

Good "ending" in that regard and the best end to a chapter yet for me, honestly.

I'm not quite done yet, but that was nice. Would've done a bit better with more buildup for some of the enemy characters like Pulchra, and with a better execution of the Lucius/Pompey stuff.
So like wtf does Nicole do in her cunning hares team?
I just stun shit with Anby and burn down enemies with Billy

what's Nicole for? tits?
there's an achievement for buying 5 engines
Leave while you still can if powercreep is a genuine concern for you. ZZZ will be just as cancerous as HI3 in the long run.
she's not showing anything, why the shitty censor?
>burnice and yanagi are basically kafka and black swan
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did i just enter an endles spiral?
I'm critting for almost 300 with each hit but he just regenerates to 600 (so full hp)
fuck this quest
Yes, I did always like her, stop asking
fucking kek
miyabi should by all means have the most obnoxious fanbase
yet every single miyabiposter on /zzz/ is fucking hilarious
how is this possible
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What are you meant to do with monochrome?
you're supposed to keep the enemy debuffed with her.
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>movie context
I love Cheesetopia too bwo
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What does this expression convey?
like building the ether anomaly? she builds it so slow
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That baba has a HUGE BUTT
massive def shred, parries & easier grouping
>before kit leak
>my headcanon
>after kit leak(happens to be meta)

this is you
she's looking at her breasts
>old civilization is hundreds of years old
>old eridu is like 20 years old max
was this ever made clear before the end of this patch or am I just a retarded speedreader
Harumasa will be broken beyond belief since no one actually cared about him.
Are section 6 the ones who are the biggest threat to wise/belle's proxy business?
The cops seem at least vaguely aware but look the other way
Tits, cuteness, grouping, DEF shred, crit buff (C6)
Aye but is there anything worth buying? All of the engines seem to be ultracope and none of the A rank signatures are in that shop
meganechads are eating good this year
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Bros... Skyrim modders have come for our wife...
Strongest character for two patches at least?
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this is a reference to some ice cream related dish that uses a cup of a cartoon character but i can't remember what, anybody got any ideas?
starlight engine is pretty good
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bro, have you even read her fucking kit?
Cheesetopia is pretty based
Am I the only one doing the cheese event and finding myself frequently alt tabbing to do something else every other section of dialogue?

This is unbelievably boring.
Keep farming, this quest requires patience and perseverance
(Keep upgrading you ATK and CRIT % to one-hit KO it)
They're glowies, what the fuck do you think. The regular cops don't have access to black sites or the ability to simply dissapear you to New Eridu's version of Guantanamo.
What do the boxes next to it give?
you dump black holes and boost the fuck out of the damage of the whoever quick assists from them for a couple seconds
Swap into her when enemy is stunned > E to clump and apply def shred> swap out to DPS. Do not onfield her otherwise.
No, we work with/for section 6 on Nineveh. ZY or Seth would be more likely to bust us if they knew.
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Old men...
The censor bar is more enigmatic and arousing than just showing a black void or spats. Same reason why beeping out curse words makes them stand out more
I'm enjoying the fluff, the story was too short and I want more of the characters
I guess this sounds a little schizo but she's always given me weird vibes. The line they've marketed her with is
>All evil must be eradicated. What is "evil"? That's for us to judge.
That kind of absolute yet dubiously vague on what is right and wrong stance kinda gives me Light Yagami vibes.
Jane, Yanagi, Rina. Rate.
Funny to think Soukaku is a government agent, and one of their best ones at that
i was at like 55 atk 54 int and -4 dex
it seems to be close to impossible to get all crucial stats high enough to do that
This is literally every story section of Zzz. You're only even more bored because there isn't a terrible puzzle minigame(TV slop) to force you to engage with the game more.
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pffft reading? people told me gacha games were mashing tits

alright fair enough so she shreds defense. does that shit stack? like not the percentage but if I hit an enemy twice does it go from 3.5s to 7s?
also it's weird her team bonus is extra ether damage when neither anby or Billy do ether dmg
Weekly boss materials
And they need Jane to complete the trifecta
nah i dont think its a reference to cuphead, its an actual dish that uses a mug of a particular character
No? Black Swan is a main DPS, Burnice is a sub-DPS, she's more like Scampo in that sense
>before kit leak
Those who pull for design alone already made their decision
Those who mostly pull for gameplay are waiting
>after kit leak (meta)
Those who pull for design alone already made their decision
Those who mostly play for gameplay are now considering either rolling or skipping the character
Who are you going to main in coop bros?
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I don't play HSR so I don't get any of those comparisons.
Welp, rip most of my merits.
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healslut with idol support
Jane and Yanagi both require too much field time and Jane doesn't provide anything to a disorder comp that Burnice would. 13 second burns is a 30% fire damage upgrade.

Will probably still be fine because Jane is stupidly strong but she simply isn't designed for disorder, you're far better off giving her Seth+Another support/Caesar to crit spam assaults.
>Black Swan is a main DPS
She's a sub dps because she enables Kafka by giving her DoTs to proc.
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Corin or QY until robot idol
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qingyi because me like stunning shit
>if I hit an enemy twice does it go from 3.5s to 7s?
the timer is refreshed
> neither anby or Billy do ether dmg
she goes well with asscop.
I refuse to build seth.
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>forced to be on field the entire time
Easy answer.
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When did Eridu collapse, anyways?
Caesar to give everyone a shield
It's the other way round, Kafka enables her because the bulk of Kafka's damage comes from Black Swan's Arcana stacks
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Early-game prophecy lone wolf achievement is genuinely one of the hardest things in the game because of how easy you can fuck yourself over if you don't use your bomb wisely
Holy shit
They actually gave Grace a second voice line in the agent menu, it annoyed the fuck out of me that she only had one
Hoshimi Miyabi
but on sundays I'll use Swordmaster
Ironically, it's been harder to talk about Yanagi now that we know about her kit. Maybe metafags are bad, actually?
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My M6W5 Miyabi will oneshot the content so we clear in 00:01.

All loot reserved btw.
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Please look at her
No if they think you're a regular proxy, DEFINITELY if they find out you were phaeton
Same goes for NEPS, civilian proxies aren't illegal, belobog hires them all the time, shady jobs for groups like cunning hares are illegal though.
was it leaked?
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coop? when? also qingyi obvs, I have her penta-crowned or whatever
She's so fucking cute bros
Right click > Kick from party > Block player
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Belle only has one option when she leaves Wise to get dicked down and has to set him up with a girl to be less pathetic for the rest of his life
>Anby, S11, Burnice, Grace, Lucy
Autistic (not reliable adult)
>Ellen, Soukaka, Corin
Highly illegal
>Zhu Yuan
>Piper, Qingyi, the ghost lady
someones grandma
Would only exploit him for money and be bankrupt for life
>Nekomiya, Jane Doe

>Caesar King
Highly reliable, mostly independent, gorilla strength to make up for Wise faggot fragility
Yup this is the only way to see it.
They act like it was recent, but it was long ago enough to build an entire new city nearby. Also, Belle and Wise were old enough to be in high school when it happened.
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I look at her every morning when doing my dailies
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Yeah, but you can run Kafka in other teams (even if very cope), while Swan has 0 practical usage outside teams with Kafka in them. Or maybe I'm just helping your argument, I genuinely can't tell. My point was you pull Kafka first and then Swan to support her. No idea how this relates to ZZZ tho, anomaly is too big brain for me.
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>final fight against nineveh prime
>fairy has turned against you
>belle is dead
>you hear the sound of ten billion trillion fucking gazillion fold katanas in the distance
>perlman's head comes flying off
>sarah trembles with fear
>miyabi, as swift as the simple breeze, cuts Sarah into a million tiny pieces and absorbs her into her forehead as Nineveh shits herself and dies, she then proceeds to shove Hollow Zero in her loose vag from all the hollow raiders she has raped, inevitably collapsing New Eridu
> Complete the Commission
> Complete the Commission with no Defeated Characters
> Complete the Commission within 3m
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>before yanagi leaks
wow, a large breasted pink? day 1 roll!
>after yanagi leaks
wow, a large breasted pink? day 1 roll!
Wise isn't interested in 3d girls though.
If you skip caesar and get burnice you won't ever get both until half a year reruns.

If you just get caesar you have a month to luck your way to getting both of them before the banner ends.

Take a risk anon.
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Belle has weird fantasies
Jane or Heal-bot Idol
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does that mean wise wanted to sleep with them?
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shut the fuck up Caesar you suck desu wa
Nicole still has the best combat intro. When will they add someone that can rival her?
Caesar Lawrence
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Perfectly relatable tbqh
Burnice already does desu
fake. fairy won't turn against us, she's mentioned in too many menus
S11 shows her armpit
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I started playing this game because of her.
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That stunt at the lake really changed Lighter's tune, huh
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2 best teams for shiyu defense?
Currently running:
Ellen Soukaku Caesar
S11 Piper Lucy

I see Nicole has high usage so where can I slot her?
Afterglow with Lucy
Qingyi + Caesar + Billy is fucking busted
>just do 2 whip combos with Qingyi
>infinitely parry shit with Caesar for the rest until stunned
>ult with Billy
is lucy worth using?
Miyabi will lend us her own AI (she has Youkai) to compensate for the damage.
ok billy bros got me. keep seeing him solo shiyu defense so i'll build him and he better be good.
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What kind of matters does Grace handle again?
Has anyone got the Lucy and Caesar pause screen wallpapers yet?
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Please tell me the kotball is at least good on Billy or Corin. My only other cope is that Big Daddy will be physical attack if/whenever the fuck he becomes playable.
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Need to build a second team to squeeze some more pulls for Caesar. Wich team should I build:

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>looks like an npc
we're getting two save banners in a row
It's Corin's bis
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mirin those glutes
Miyabi saving thread!
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It's good for dps Caesar too.
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I think I'm done farming discs for Burnice
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You forgot to mention Caesar having a Messiah complex that'll get her killed due to the holes inside her brain from drinking Nitro-fuel at a young age, making her off-spring barely human or likely miscarriage

You should be fucking your sister! S-I-S-T-E-R, Wise we're already criminals what's a little incest gonna change in our prison sentence
Is it even possible to die with this team? Between the iframes, the shield, and the stun speed...
My brain damaged girlfriend
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>doesn't look like a faggot
must pull
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how many times have they made grace the foot fetish agent so far?
>the story cutscene where she's held by the foot and slips out
>the trailer with all the factions
asking for reasearch
Any team with Caesar is basically immortal bwi
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Interesting how she is basically the first character who will kind of ignore having a faction, and if the spoiler is real, at least she will have something really interesting, because so far she is the most boring woman in the game.
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damn, looks really good in hq
>using ben as mule
so evil
Looks like she's getting built next then.
Interesting, I got her sig though, thankfully this was off standard and not the ball banner.
koleda... so easily forgotten
Damn shame the foot fetish agent is the most insufferable character in the game
>Biggest tits
She’s the best agent in the game.
to be honest both look like solid characters. Yes I'm rolling because Yanagi has sex legs and big booba. Yes I like Lighter.
It's not like he's useful for anything else
I already run a Jane hyper carry team so i was gonna roll Burnice to team with Piper and Lucy for a disorder team. Yanagi is a safe skip for me.
you listed two negatives though?
why is this child so erotic?
can't wait for the Miyabi vids with Bury the Light playing
Piper's serious face has permanently bricked my crotch.
Nicole is Zhu Yuan’s buff slut bro
bear thirens are used to manual labor
I love her eyebrows
Show your disc-mule stats, I need reference since I lost the 50/50 on Salad and I'm sub 20 pulls in (I have dogshit luck)
ellen bros.. i'm actually having more fun with a piper team. seems like i had to go the anomaly route going forward.
and I still don't have her reeeeeeeee
>level 40
you've had so much time bro...
Which agent has the worst personality and why is it grace
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>Not supporting your bro
Footage have no standards so making a literal BRICK character their rep is ok.
If this is true, how will they write the trust events so it still makes sense to hang out with her after the reveal?
more like Bury the Wide
Behind Wide Eyes
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Continue the royal bloodline, Proxy-san.
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Chink here. Yanagi won't be as onfield as you think and will work with Jane. My uncle is Dawei.
>Show your disc-mule stats
I would if we had a site like enka.network, but it's too much of a pain in the ass to screenshot each disc and crop it in paint. It's all 2+ AP rolls except disc 4 obviously. AM disc 6, Fire% disc 5, AP disc 4. 4 set of the new disc set and 2 set of freedom blues. I'm running 4 set freedom blues on Lucy to debuff for Burnice.
Ellen is only illegal for a few months at best, at which point she'd be the best option.
*hits you with a baseball bat*
I'm pulling for literally me thougheverbeit. Calydon WILL be fully collected
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nigga we inside a bangboo
so the twins are just gonna work with her just cause?
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I am about to steal money from your uncle by buying the knot pass
what's the name of that slut bro
cheesus christ
Jane Doe

It's kind of obvious that Yanagi is intended as an off-fielder considering the fucking new set that buffs off-field ELECTRIC and Fire
who are the burger girls in zzz?
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Are you enjoying that NO content???
Someone tell me why Lucy's JP is so familiar. I haven't seen shit she was in but her desuwa is so familiar
I love Piper and her English voice.
I actually can't get aroused by this at all. Is it over for me?
t. Doesn't have a job
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classic asspull redemption, as always
Which one?
I do, but I don't talk about it because NO ONE FUCKING CARES. SHUT THE FUCK UP ABOUT YOUR JOB.
Canonically the twins don't even know Jane can fight
The face is pretty uncanny desu
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you ruined the moment you stinky fox
That southern accent...lil ol cutie
i know we like the funny meme song, but my actual autistic fixation is this song, at 1m33s playing
and the setting is that you killed the big ethereal and peace is restored, except Miyabi has turned against the rest of section 6 to become the real final boss, thinking that she's about to have her revenge on her mom's killers
Miyabi and Yanagi have hairy bushes
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>"Hey p3 we could really use a support, what do you have?"
>*silently locks in Miyabi*
>nothing but female character banners
is it over for me? did the straights win
God I hope Miyabi saves this faction...
Nta but Zhu Yuan is also a workaholic without it being her whole character
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Is this shit even safe for human consumption???
minority sexuality
minority banners
deal with it faggot
yeah man, dont you know how to eat scorpion?
Ruined the moment, you say...? What moment? I daresay this entire narrative exists for Miyabi.
>I'm here to declare that I'm your sworn enemy.
Both teams are decent, I'd use the characters with higher level. I prefer the second team.
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I appreciate the text post, got a skeleton-build of it and I start my farm now.
Thank you!!!!
It's so over, I only cleared shiyu defence up to level 4 with my lvl40-50 teams, I should've started playing on release, not in mid september, so many polys missed
Is Caesar better on Ellen's team than on Jane's?
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Jstern25 just said that Jane and Yanagi are not compatible.

He actually did.
straights are losing btw. listen to brat
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I find it hilarious whenever the protagonist offers a store membership
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1 taste
3 nutrition
Billy or Corin on a Qingyi and Nicole team?
co-op was around during one of the betas, as for when theyll release who knows
I finally got an event that wasn't her outside of the fucking locker.
REMINDER: Your account is bricked if you don't have Jane in this mission.
It's subtly implied she hides her sextoys in there. Not kidding.
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what's a disc mule?
Its just a roman history reference.
The original timeline has Pompey dying which caused the Roman Triumverate to crumble, followed by Caesar being assassinated, with Lucius being one of the assassins.

They just switched it so Lucius was a Pompey supporter who assassinated him instead. The motive was even exactly the same IRL (Ambition, Ego, Greed) as in ZZZ

So you're asking why did Pompey not suspect one of his own, his right hand even, would betray him like he did? It IS true to real life. As the old adage goes:

>it be your own niggas
I cleared that one with Billy, you're just bad.
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Does she mean Soukaku?
Should I build Caesar for Anomaly Proficiency if I'm running her with Lucy and Piper?
>Record with OBS
>Transfer to VEGAS Pro
>Use VEGAS Pro to apply Bandicam watermark
>Render to AVI
>Use Webm4R to encode into webm

Billy is an on field DPS. Qingyi doesn't play well with on field dps because they battle for field time
Corin is like a physical version of Zhu Yuan, she's off field. Her power comes in from her chain attacks and max power Ex-Special during a stun.
sure, but even Caesar's betrayal is an infamous shock from history. Pompey's betrayal here is like...well, he says it himself "Are you blind?"

Lucius was being VERY obvious
I guess a disc jockey sounds better.. But it's when you build discs for a character you want later down the line on a character you don't plan on using. It's just easier to swap discs instead of manually searching for what you farmed for
who else could it be
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soukaku definitely can't survive alone
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I vote for Disc Slave.
>on field dps
why are retards still spouting this? anything but burst dps/anomaly is negative dps
this is like crescent pike shilling all over again
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bros... I fucked up...
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So was Brutus and Lucius, Caesar was hellbent on making friends in Rome and basically refused to hunt down even his obvious enemies, let alone his friends.
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I just hope lag doesn't screw over my parries, but either way I am going to stay alive and res anyone that messes up
>expired cat lady
>but instead of cats shes taking care of retards
>So was Brutus
no, Brutus was not very obviously plotting, hence his being able to surprise Caesar

or at least that's how history puts it
wait, how does this game work?

I started I think 3-4 days after day 1. Did every single quest in the game and used a lot of batteries back when I was IK level 45. I bought all monthly passes so far, always used stamina every day.
I'm left with like 25 batteries.

And I'm IK level 54 at 2700 exp. How are you at more than 40k exp points ahead than me? did you whale for batteries? I have no explanation.
Even if I used all the batteries I have now, I would just gain 12k exp point or so. What am I missing?
It's sad that we have this level of translation in the fucking game. Really annoyed me in this chapter.
Will we be able to have multiple people run the same character?
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Real niggas
Does Lucy's father also say it's ok if you are Lucy's lover if you play as Belle?
does anyone have a webm of this conversation?
Et Tu, Brute? turns into Et Tu, Belle? the moment Belle finds out about her little crush
>did you whale for batteries?
Wait, Rina is a Thiren?!
I wish futa was real
>your troons?
no, not like that, I mean biological futanari
>your intersex?
with 100% fully functioning vagina and womb for getting pregnant AND penis and testicles for cooming
yeah it's the same
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What is Nicole's best cope weapon if you dont have her sig or craddle?
>Record with OBS
I get filtered here
Hopefully not, it's going to double Ellen's, Jane's and Miyabi's over and over again with nobody wanting to play support.
>Gets cut up into gifs online
what the fuck is her problem
Vros..... the Lighter animations......... where are they.......?
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If Yanagi is this strong then imagine how good the autistic fox will be, i would save if i was (you). Ellenfags need not reply.
>ellen is negative dps
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Bros, I'm not a furry or gay, but for some reason the two characters I most want to get are Pulchra and Lighter.
Fuck off with your MMO dps support tank bullshit
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Big Daddy listens to AC/DC
Gonna park the Random Play minivan between Miyabi's eyes when she's too busy practicing her katana slashes
That's fine anon. You can like a character without it being sexual.
The rest of Section 6 definitely seems to treat her like an adopted child.
The fact that shes still a special agent soldier must mean her being an Oni makes her some kind of ridiculously powerful humanoid despite her young age
Where is the rap music?
I complained about it in every survey
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I'll play support
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I hope co-op will have a DPS meter and logs so we can kick people from the /zzz/ guild who underperform.

Don't have a S rank their weapon? Kicked.
Don't have at least +3 meta substats on all of your discs? Kicked.

You will play optimally for our speedruns, we are a semi-hardcore guild and we will not be carrying shitters.
Full Caesar parties will be kino
Is this the cumdump list?
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It's still there on the roll screen...
Is Co-Op 3 players on field at once??
Sounds really fun
Gang violence in the streets when

I'm stealing that based party lineup bro. And then replacing Qingyi with Lighter whenever he gets added
why isnt pinKing advertised on the launcher...?
>Damn near betrays her gang twice
Nah fuck that bitch, even if she was human
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Don't, I'm in this list
>Since they want an apology,. I'll go "apologize" myself
What the FUCK did Lucy mean by this?
If its anything like genshin it will always be faster to just do it solo because you all are always hopelessly retarded to matter how meta and skillful you are in your headcanon
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>w-w-we are S-SEMI HARDCORE guys...
I don't want to associate you with conformists and cowards such as you. You don't deserve to be carried by my Top 1% characters.
only if you're on it

>Elitists have their faggy guild with 10-15 people
>Everybody else having fun in the casual guild
yes, instead of an assist button you get a parry button
it looked kinda lame though hopefully they make it more fleshed out and cooler
>I did not anticipate being bested by you.
She's a jobber and she's not even out yet lmao
here's to hoping awakened billy is some kind of formidible force
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Based BillyGOD
That should work, my Qingyi in that pic is already M0W1 so I don't need another stunner (Caesar is a stunner too but she has infinite parrying so I rolled her anyways)
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>"We need a support, anon can you pick one?"

>Pick Soukaku so I only buff myself
The new shiyu mode is fun I'm going to try solo Anby and see how far I can get, I think the first side of 6 will filter me though because Pulchra has to many invulnerable phases and can just shoot you mid combo
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fuck you negromata, give me back my pulls
>Based BillyGOD
Meant for >>496394637
burnice breath stinks
caesar breath stinks
Pulchra and the robot idol are gonna ruin me.
>Infamous shock from history
Because it was the roman empire devouring itself.
In context, Caesar knew full well he was surrounded by enemies on all sides, so did the rest of the senate. Caesar was just a gigachad right until the end that refused to budge to save his own life.
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She didn't betray the gang, she just wasn't paid enough for what they wanted lol.
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I love Lucy
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This was exactly what I was thinking during the scolding segment, I was pleasantly surprised when it came up. Maybe EN localization is good actually? Was this in the CN script too?
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I want Lucy to whip me
Nicole will love her.
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When I got that text I audibly kekked. Lucy is fucking funny.
Its not her gang. Shes a merc with loyalty only to the job and she states that MULTIPLE times, in her introduction and in the other comission she shows up in. She's there for the money not for the gang's interests. But she places her own survival first over money.
No one cares enough about him to leak, at least it'll be a surprise when he's out
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Post link.
My pull plans are in shambles
Miyabi more like MIDyabi
Not even a vorefag but this is hot
So what Type of Agent will Pulchra be?
Her Ultra Instinct dodge mechanic makes me think Attacker/Stunner.
you gon get raped
based smug princess
One of those needy lines deeper into her trust flusters her, so I'm assuming that one does the same thing she just hides it better
mote like Mileyabi
It was on the livestream, hell make a Yanagi first impression video tomorrow and say the same thing
Is Ben good?
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I don't understand why they are just staring at the trash
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Lucy’s just putting on her usual haughty act. She’ll be all over you when you meet her.
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Oh why is Nicole the most used 4*?

Last time I played in early 1.0, she was mid according to TCs. What changed?

What teams is she used on now?
rappa! the new character from HSR!
Literally every Agent is good and can clear all content. Ben does a lot of damage, can be incredibly tank and deals a decent amount of daze. Also can be a support type unit offering a shield + Crit rate if you wanted.
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hmm based
He needs some investment but he pays it back
>according to TCs
Nothing changed, TCs are just absolute brainlet retards as always. Nicole can be used on literally any team, 40% DEF shred is massive.
So what are your thoughts on the Sons of Calydon now? Do you guys like Lucy and Piper more now? Surprised that they are old?
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We don't know yet, the most we know is that for now she appears to have an electrical element.
I wanted her to be a attacker, but it looks like Harumasa is going to be an electric attacker so I have no idea what she would be.
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will i ever get a 5 star in like 40 rolls... at least my bangboo luck isnt bad
Everyone with a brain knew Nicole was strong as hell. 40% defense shred is insane. She was integral to S ranking the entire first Shiyu cycle without whaling.
I already liked them before and I like them even more now. I wasn't expecting to like Caesar because I was judging her personality off the trailers, and she ended up being a cute retard which is way more likeable.
Nicole gives (off the top of my head)
>40% def shred
>25% ether dmg bonus
>15CR at m6
>sig boost dmg by 15% at m1
>swing jazz user for more dmg%
Plus shes Zhu Yuans defacto best support.
The fact the TCers were panning her shows you should always take what they say with a grain of salt
nah he's shit
disingenuous post about some clown who spent $4000 to try and make ben deal damage in 3,2,1
What's her next hair color gonna be?

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You've won every 50/50 bro, consider yourself lucky.
Can anyone edit this video with Caesar getting out of the car and then piggies moving the car? I thought it would be a funny but I don't have any video editing software
not really. thats like saying noelle in genshin is good
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I'm all dried up now...
yeah, that's pretty much just correct
She also has uptime and energy problems, she only works for burst DPS.
She's good, but not as good as the others, you could say Rina is worse than her but with the anomaly teams coming up she's becoming better and better.
Can I do S11 Nicole Lucy?
piper cock and balls torture
i swear sometimes there's 1 dude, sometimes 2, sometimes a bear thiren to make 3
I predicted this happening weeks ago, by the way.
Have you ever tried it?
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That Kusoge does not deserve to have HIM
There's only 5 elements and 5 roles and S ranks supports and defenders don't seem to be a priority so overlaps are bound to happen, I wouldn't be surprised if she turned out to be electric attacker or anomaly
on anton should i just ditch the crit and slap on energy regen or go 2-2-2 with electro crit and energy?
I stated this a MILLION fucking times.
People here ALL of them are meta shitlords.
>Lucy tells you she is disgusted by your weird obsession with your sister
No wonder she flew her rich family if she hates incest.
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omg its Miyabi
Wrong, he said her best partners are:
Jane, Seth, Rina, Burnice
you wouldn't get it
you should reroll because you're bricked
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>burnice breath stinks
Not true. Nitro Fuel neutralises any bad breath.
His engine has an energy regen mainstat
Not it isn't this comparison makes no sense at all.
That's definitely a placeholder, but if it's not, her dynamic with them will definitely be one of the funniest.

>Neko having another member that she obviously won't like and wanting to compete and Pulchra doesn't care.
>Nicole asking Pulchra for things and she only does them after she is paid.
>Anby obviously not trusting Pulchra.
>Billy would have a companion who rides a motorcycle and knows the outer ring.
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good, stay away from wise
It's a Harry Potter reference.

The bagage cart at the station, Platform 9Âľ
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Hmmm, I wonder who's going to be ether anomaly, that would go well with Yanagi...
She has tons of sources of ER. Its not THAT big of a deal. And her fields have 6 seconds of uptime (not 2 which is what Ive heard repeated frequently) Obviously you wouldnt run her in an ellen team over soukaku but TCers were way down on her at launch which was insane
Her dad wasn't into incest though, he scooped up some hot ass from the slums just like Lucy is doing.
Good thing my dick doesn't have a nose
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banging . . . BOOS!
People still play this ? The combat in Wuthering Waves is infinitely more enjoyable, this just felt like button mashing + press button to swap and do a million damage when the enemy flashes. Seriously, try WuWa's combat, it's miles better.
those are fine fuck time attack though fuck em don't mind them in defense.
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>shitposter doesnt know we all play wuwa, hsr and zzz
She's basically confirmed to be ice you moron, Lighter giving out Ice bonuses wasn't good enough for you? Maybe the 50% Ice Crit damage that his engine gives?
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>So what are your thoughts on the Sons of Calydon now?
cool designs ruined by chinese writers.
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I regret rolling for Caesar Lwarence. Should've waited for the Yanagi leaks.
Why does a cat need so much milk?
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But this early, like if Harumasa was in 1.4 and she was in 1.5, like the time would be very short to repeat functions and elements, although I don't know how it works in other Hoyo games if something like that happened.
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the Lighter Ice damage leak is pretty damning.
but at the same time, we thought the same about the chaos jazz elec damage leak. maybe mihomo is just retarded.
That might be true, but... Mmmm... nyo, I won't touch your soulless chinkslop.
Dumb fuck retards why the fuck would Miyabi care about Lighter's passives you fucking idiots.
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Hoshimi Miyabi!!! Ahhh!!!! Hoshimi Miyabi in the flesh!!!
touch tail
She's guaranteed to be anomaly but we don't know her element
because his ally passive activates from attackers, and Miyabi is the attacker coming after him.
She's going to be an A Rank so she doesn't step on any S rank toes.
They’re hyping up Miyabi too much. Shes going to megaflop since everyone already has Ellen
yeah it is. simple standard banner defense character at the start of the game. seth is already better
She still isn't usable on other teams but ZY teams though, which is why nobody though she was good.
The other supports are better than her in most situations.
That being said Nicole is probably above them in situations where she actually works.
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my turn to post this next
Who tf is Caesar Lwarence?
Newfag here

Is there a tldr explanation for:
Burst DPS
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>Miyabi is the attacker
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Pulchra will not be playable, the faster you come to terms with it the less it will hurt.
Sure, but the point is that every character is viable, not that there aren't better characters.
You can clear content with any character built right.
I've been playing since day 1 and I only rolled on Jane...
Because he's the banner right before hers, he's designed to stun for her.

People who missed out on Lyceon can now guarantee an Ice stunner for the flagship girl. You want max damage Miyabi right? You want M6W5 Miyabi and do gazillion damage? Better pull Lighter too so she can do another 500% Crit damage!!!

This is how gacha in Asia works, it's not fair, it's all marketing.
What is Yanagi's personality
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Brick character voiced by Rina Satou
People were slotting Nicole into Ellen teams over Soukaku the first 2 weeks when going for S ranks on critical (and succeeding) because the defense shred was significantly more valuable than the food gremlins buffs when you're level 50 against level 70 enemies.
What is your personality
>If you have no hands you aren an anomaly
>If you think you're a woman you have a disorder
>Gooning for 1 hour will give you a burst dps
You absolute dingdongs. Why would Lighter, a FIRE character, boost ICE?? Shut the FUCK up and stop mindlessly following "leakers"
play the game
It is 9/28 and Koleda's EN voice actor STILL hasn't been fired and replaced
Pulchra gives the WORST blowjobs
nta, and I do enjoy ZZZ's combat, but that's a disingenuous clip and you know it. Illusory realm is designed to be fucking ridiculous.
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Why did they give the best dynamic background to a 4*?
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Just spent 2 Tuning Calibrators on a crit dam disc for my S11 because I'm a retard and rolled a third natural crit dam disc
NONE of them had ANY of Attack%, Crit Rate, or even flat fucking attack
Holy fucking rigged
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I play both and enjoy both.
And the best rimjobs.
1.3 beta is out and those are their actual skills.
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This isn't THAT bad, right? Somewhere in the decent zone...?
Going to be interesting to watch her usage rate over the next several patches. If they stop releasing burst DPSes and go another direction her usage will probably drop a bunch. Otherwise she might well stay very high in usage until an S rank nicole comes out and creeps her
>I work, stop having fun and do work
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every single time
It's not a prediction retard, they literally pulled it from the game files.
then it's not the same situation because Pompey in ZZZ is genuinely shocked
She'll lick the skin off your starfish bro
>She still isn't usable on other teams but ZY teams though
This is bullshit, she is strong on most of the teams in the game and used for one stun speed clears
The only reason she wasn't a major talking point on day one was that Ellen specifically has better options for her teams and Ellen was the only limited 5 star
You only use tuning calibrated on Disc 5 or Disc 4 Impact and only on discs you can share between several agents.
Office lady desperately horny that unloads her frustration on more work.
>boosts FIRE and ICE
>only burns
??????????? explain yourself zzzchuds
With the moveset she shows in her boss fight I doubt it a little.
Like she has a shooting position like Billy, she has Jane-style dodges, she can set traps like Harumasa, she has an auto-evade mode.
All of this in an A rank seems kind of insane, besides the giant tits and huge thighs.
What game is this character from? There's no Caesar Lwarence here.
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I love him...
Mostly scalings and how they work. Anomaly dps (which disorder is part of) scale with anomaly mastery/proficiency. If you've played Genshin its similar to Elemental Mastery.
How does ZZZ explain this? Is this cuck mentality? You do realize zzz is chinese right?
It's burns nice retard.
Status effects in this game, each element has one. For most classes it's more or less a nice damage bonus every once in a while, for anomaly agents they build up the gauge for their element by far faster and dead huge chunks of damage with frequent anomaly procs
An enemy can only be affected by a single anomaly at a time, if you trigger a different second one, the first one stops, all its residual damage gets compressed into one instance of damage and you get a separate "Disorder" damage instance on top of that
>Burst DPS
Any damage dealer that deals damage in one spot of the rotation. For example: Zhu Yuan gets damage increases when the enemy in stunned so her optimal gameplay is to stun the enemy and then unload Zhu's enhanced bullets, EX specials and ultimate all in a row, then switch out back to your stunner until the enemy is stunned again. Another example of a burst DPS in Anton, since he deals negligible damage when his charge gauge isn't lit up and the enemies aren't affected with the Shock anomaly
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>gets powercrept and isn't even playable yet
it's not fucking fair, I've seen characters with some of her traits before but this singular fucking fox has me spellbound, she activates my neurons, and imagination for what might happen in 1.4, unlike anyone else I've seen for years, I've completely lost control
They just won't give her any of that shit on the playable version. Jane doesn't have the charged 3 dash attack like her boss fight does.
The only character getting powercrept is Ellen Brick
I hate mihoyo and all of the greedy-ass chinks that work there, but sometimes they do interesting things for phone games
I thought Burnice would be the kind of girl to take you for a ride (figuratively) but Piper is really taking that home literally and figuratively
I like it.
I would like to add to the discussion that 1.2 added a hidden achievement for completing 30 battles with 3 ether agents in your team. Prior to this update, ether was the only element that didn't have this achievement.
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But Noelle is good
Why the fuck is my grace does like 70k shocks, and rat hits for 400-600k with assault? Is it even worth it to switch to grace? Feels like a dps loss
now you know how it feels to be a waifufag
Why would an Ice Attacker get powercrept by an Ether Anomaly?
Are mibibi fans this stupid?
>Ellen is a brick
She's my only S rank....
SHE HAS NO TAIL. How can you take Miyabi seriously when she doesn't even have a tail?
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Rate my account
average luck I'd say, seeing a nekomata at ~80 pulls is always hilarious
What makes you believe she's an ether anomaly anyway when she is an ice attacker in the early beta.
>I did not anticipate being bested by you.
So us navigating and repelling nivineh is canon
this bitch must feel retarded to scratch nivineh and being laughed off
1 word: buttplug
what if her tail got cut off in battle, huh? what if she's a cripple? you ever think of that? you're making fun of a crippled foxgirl. i hope you're happy with your life choices.
does this count as forced animation?
>inflict the shock
>swap back to Rat
>assault for 700k disorder for 900k
The status effects are all different in how they work. Assault is just flat damage but Shock is a DoT and has some other effect that I forget.
The beta didn't have roles, and Soukaku was wind in beta. Nicole was also physical.
its going to be a long time before we get a new ether agent
yeah and its still fucking nothing
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All this Miyabi shilling, both story and gameplay wise just makes me want to skip her. She's normie central. The entire world needs to resolve around mibibi and her goonsquad, they even take what was obviously supposed to be a SoC A rank Attacker, strip him and turn him into her cucked stunner who does fire damage but now suddenly BUFFS ICE (?????) damage. It's some artificial Frankenstein shit just to sell their little foxwhore virgirl wannabe.
>Miyabi is ether anomaly ok?!?!?!
Liking a game doesn't mean you need to like the country it's from. Though honestly, China isn't even much worse than Japan and Korea desu. Obviously the poor regions are fucked but that's a skill issue. I'm from America, though so I don't give a fuck. Zenless Zone Zero.
Post more Mibibi
>Caesar level 37
based impulse rolling retard
You're the failed normalfag here
and nicole was physical, what's your point?
how could mibibi be ether if that dust cloud created by her attack was showering ice crystals
Why is Ellen Clunky?
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>Want to mindscape Piper but get 6 Antons instead
>Notice I have 3 standard pulls, might as well
>Pull a Piper and a Lucy, who I also really wanted
>Pulled Caesar this morning
>Apparently had Lucy's w-engine and have no idea when I got it?
>Obtained Piper's engine in the same mystery way
>Got lil hog bangboo to 2 stars today too

I'm having a great time! Vroom vroom!
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Because M0
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We got married as soon as I saw her.
>The entire world needs to resolve around mibibi and her goonsquad
Would be the case but they are literally lost without your help, the other factions could deal with their issues eventually without your assistance but section 6 can't even do their jobs correctly
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>qingyi without zhu
>no jane
If she's ice, then why is she coated in fire during her major shilling cutscene?
They're just in denial they have to pull for Lighter now.
Even in your own video Soukaku was wind and then got changed
>stunner who does fire damage but now suddenly BUFFS ICE (?????) damage
If only temperature spikes could be painful...
She's from the ZZZ DLC. You have to top up at least $500 to access it.
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This one is extra potent, only view in a safe space.
Just say you're a soulless metafaggot
>this shit again
that's not "fire". that just the spirit energy from her spirit buddy. There's no reason to believe that's suppose to be fire at all.
simple, spooky ghost fire is actually cold in this universe
Yeah, you farm all that shit before a character releases so you can max them INSTANTLY.
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It's shit.
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>meeb spergs keep sperging out about ice attacker and bricks as if there's some kind of problem
The real problem is that it'll be months before I can run 3 ice attackers on one team if mibibi really is ice attacker
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>There's no reason to believe that's suppose to be fire at all.
Sure, and I guess the fact it sets Ninevah on fire, who then proceeds to leave a trail of fire as she flies away (something she never has in any other scene) is also meaningless?
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>no jane
Why would I roll for a downgrade from the almighty STARLIGHT KNIGHT?
My first character since game start...I'm going to shed tears...
Fighting Jane with Jane feels like the most "anime" thing in this game lol
cute tits, would grope
can you not exit chapter 4? like i can't do any of my other commissions even though i'm inbetween a story segment. i like to take breaks and do other things, not power through
>Is Ice in the beta
>Is Ice in the in-game cutscenes
>Ellenkeks keep coping
Kinda sad to see.
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Shiyu always aligns with the element of the banner character. Miyabi is Ice, the character after her is Ether. Harumasa isnt an S rank.
If Ellen is powercrept I am refunding everything
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When the coop drops BE READY FOR ME. BE VERY READY.
I'm gonna come into your game with my M1 Anton. Don't have any Belobog Construction agents? No worries, I brought Safety bangboo. Blocked Anton? Gochu senpai I got a M2 Ben, gonna spend the whole game practicing Toad Kung Fu in the block stance. Locked it to S ranks only? Crit set Grace is coming your way.

You will learn to FEAR and RESPECT Bricklobog Construction
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> rat hits for 400-600k with assault?
holy based
>enter Immersive Storytelling
>wtf why is my storytelling immersive
???? she wasn't....
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I'm sending out friend requests to all EU bros in the /zzz/ list.
>people fighting within their own elements
Ice queens are perfect.
just like Fireniggers are subhuman.
it's always socially acceptable to kick a Firenigger you see on the ground.
anon, that's nineveh's propulsion system. have you never watched the retreat cutscene after you beat her? the base of her bulb-tail thing just shoots out ether-y fire when she is flying away.
Keep saving bro, the idols are coming!
If u have her engine she has the greatest crit damage potential in the game with easy to reach 100% crit. Higher than 450% is possible
I spent my 300 selector on S11's m1 bwos
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I still think that the biggest argument against her being an A rank, is that they are already making a build up of her appearing in the story and in the event, her big tits and well this game did some marketing for furries, I think it would be good to make some money of them, only Lycaon won't hold them for long.
what multiplayer features are there even in the game?
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saying "cowboy showdown" with a southern accent yeah this is why I play on dub
>Harumasa isnt an S rank.
You saw that in a dream?
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These bosses have 70% more HP than the current Shiyu btw, you fuckers complained it was too easy so here you go. The tutorial is over.
how much have you saved so far?
Did you see those buffs?
The HP change may as well not exist.
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I already cleared all shiyu modes with S rank in all stages but this still appears for me. What gives?
I'm going to spend mine on either Rina's or Kot's M1
other immersive stories like the agent stories give you actual breaks inbetween. that's my complaint. not to mention it lets you go to other regions of the world and do shit like training and shiyu defense. if it's not going to lock you into the deserts why lock you from doing other commissions too?
She'll probably be a test to see how willing the furries are to pay, if she does well we will probably see more thirens like her in 2.x
Grassy, Woody and Bricky huh
You like Jane for meta. I like Jane for her fat rat ass and cute feet
one of the beta test let you co-op against a boss. its attacks were considered to only have one target, and only that target could parry, which was the assist button but didnt allow switching.
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>like widefox
>like lighter
win-win for me
>Shiyu always aligns with the element of banner character
>1 side is Ice/Ether (Hoshimi)
>other side is electric (We've literally already seen Harumasa is electric)
>this means Harusama is not an S rank
but I can't even beat the current Shiyu 7
me as the last one (i rolled M2 Grace)
My rat is lvl 50 with the most dogshit disks known to man
your arcade games bro?
Did they make the battle pass bigger? Could have sworn it was only 50 tiers before, now its 60
That's what I think too, I also think that's why she wears the mask so she can make non-furries roll for her too.
that is during lighters banner
Caesar and Lucy's attack buffs stack, right?
I've never seen such an intense cope as what has been generated by that Caesar MV
Pretty sure they did, remember some people (Including myself) Complaining it only went up to 45 and there was no lesser rewards onward for people who finish very early
This tells us nothing, these enemies have been in the game since release and they're always weak to ice and ether. It kills the "fire Mibibi' narrative I guess?
Bro your arcade score ranking?
actually i just went to my next objective and it's asking me if i want to enter immersive storytelling, so i'm not even currently in immersive mode! it just locks you out for no good fucking reason.
Red shiyu rotates in two days
Something like 44 limited tapes
all the people in supreme over cope denial that it's Wise she's fantasizing about
Ceasar M1, W1, or save?
yes but you get diminishing returns use Nicole or Rina
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Where does all that fucking food go in that tiny body of hers?
Always save.
uhhh actually it's jstern25 the guy of the MV
I didn't do the Rina and Koleda trial missions at launch and now i cant access them in VR training.
It's going to my child in her belly.
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Always w1
W1, M0 is good enough
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I know. But why isn't my bp accounting for the stages I already did? Is anybody else having the same issue?
I'm seeing more Ether on that screen than Ice pablo
People thinking Lighter's engine has to be there to shill a new Ice attacker are forgetting we already have 2 Ice damage dealers who want CritD in the game already
Of course they added Ice to it, you think they would sell a limited stun engine which buffs team damage but literally only works on S11?
>Nekomata's core passive says to do a dodge counter or a quick assist for extra damage
>Nekomata's sig W engine passive says to attack from behind for extra damage
Am I retarded or is this impossible to actually do? There's no way to reliably get behind an enemy without stunning them and there's no way to do a dodge counter or a quick assist if the enemy is stunned. Also is running behind an enemy just to attack from behind while stunned a DPS loss?
she just wants the pudding cakes, the rest goes to her boars thirens
out of her tiny asshole
She takes on bite of each and gives the rest to the pigs.
why do you think they are loyal to her? just because they like her? PFFT
It is though, there's only 5 stages there and your BP is at 5/6.
She babybird feeds me
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why is my robowife raping me
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I'm truly impressed by your commitment. Godspeed, anon.
the world would be so much better if it was connected. like i could walk to the city or whatever. as it is, it just feels very soulless
Every single support allows you to quick assist during stun.
KOT has a charge attack that puts her behind the enemy but yeah its clunky without m1
that only applies to new s-ranks you get when the bp is active
it doesn't retroactively count your past clear
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end your chain attack with a support so shitcan can quick assist onto a stunned enemy
who are you saving for?
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I like qingying
Oh yes, I forgot that. Ty.
Kot teleports behind the enemy if you hold down the attack button
she is taking a toll on my boomer hands
im using caesar as a main dps
Based. Keep it up no-roll anon.

We're you able to clear last red Shiyu or not?
Post build.
not every game needs to be fucking open world slop. the more retro-styled instances areas are more comfy and they probably are way less likely to explode pag phones too
post tits
I skip literally every text that's not my wife talking. Fuck Mihomo wordbloating.
i really like that setup with qingyi, zhu and caesar
Caesar is the cutest
if you're on pc i would advise adding a second attack button on one (or multiple keys) so you can spread it around or maybe adding macros that simulate repeated keypresses if you're down for that

the tendonitis/synovitis is quite noticeable in this game due to the mashing all the fucking time
you don't like the characters so you're tuning out. for people who like SoC this is a great fan service event especially since the story was short. if you don't like them or the setting then it's probably boring. for me I get more Lucy screentime so it's awesome
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I can fix broken girls with my dick
>end your chain attack with a support so shitcan can quick assist
this didn't occur to me so I guess I am actually retarded, thanks
>2 Ice damage dealers who want CritD in the game already.
Ellen and...?
I really really like Burnice
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>story was short
>aboutt the same length as other chapters
sorry bro... its placebo.
>brickyi and lighter pedos paid to get arthritis
>lycaon boomers chilling with a nice low 1.01 presses per second
>posting cbt1 gameplay
>like i could walk to the city or whatever.
You can though. Through the metro.
C6 Soukaku
the lack of TVslop probably makes it feel shorter than it was. either way I'm not going to complain about getting more SoC content and anyone who really finds it boring can just skip the dialogue so there are no issues
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How is Burnice? I wanna roll like 60 for M6 Lucy but don't wanna brick myself.
who are those broken girls sir?
Burnice is the premier disorder enabler because she can proc burns off field, not just build them up.
What's the best bangboo for Caesar's team? The new one?
No limited so far has been a brick, they are all meta.
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zhu rerun when?
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but I only get to see Nicole's fully modeled puffy pussy in cbt gameplay...
So how much will the Sons of Calydon really be able to appear in the future since they're quarantined to the Outer Rim 99% of the time whereas the main plot and events take place in New Eridu city 99% of the time
very strong, will play well with piper + lucy too
autoclick macros and turbo controllers exist, boomer anons
if you have two sons of calydon. if you're using her with jane and seth you'll need someone else
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1.5 second half, after Pulchra's banner
Lighter gives ice because of S11 and Ellen rerun.
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>lighter pedos
Don't assume he's a pedo just because he hangs around school girls (he's just like me)
gacha games have a tendency to ignore previous characters' existences once their story segment (and limited gacha) are over
why did they take this from us?
Is someone compiling all of the ellenkeks copes? I wanna point an laugh at them in the future.
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Why does a cat girl need such big tits?
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Jane love.
I'd suck it
>click danbooru link
>it's gay porn
>click ZZZ tag
>first thing I see is gay porn
yeah, I'm thinking that site is for faggots
Thanks, and nah I really like these 3. Great designs.
hey guies
i just smoked weed and am high as fuck
biut i just saw this?
is this real? wtf why is there cesear in a highschool uniform lol? is this really happening?

Why can't furfags enjoy what they enjoy without trying to antagonize everyone else?
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I'm compiling both sides so I can laugh at people no matter who is wrong.
To feed her litter after I impregnate her.
Slice of Time
Very nice balls
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second time one of these new missions broke for me
To seduce HUMAN MEN.
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Played for a week during 1.0, got Ellen then quit

Now come back and she's a Lawrence brick
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>there are people ITT who spent up to 180 tapes on Ellen and can't afford Burnice or Yanagi now
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>restart mission
>happens again later
where do I report bugs
cute looking piper
just get lucky or reroll bro.
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>there are anons ITT who don't have an ice team
this but with jane
Who would have the smelliest pits or feet in the ZZZ universe (females only please)?
60 on Ellen
70 on Zhu
lost the 50/50 on Qingyi
~210 tapes left
I guess I have to choose now, aye?
isn't ellen really good
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Lycaon or Soukaku for my future Ellen Miyabi team?
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I have no regrets at all.
Not rolling for section 6 btw.
its me. i have neither a fire or an ice team, which makes certain battles very annoying. electric is also kind of eh because qingyi isn't really an attacker
No, Miyabi just powercrept her
Joke's on you, I put 300 tapes into Jane!
What's the meta party comp right now??
ben 100%
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Did I brick my account by skipping Zhu, qingi, Jane and Yanagi?
She's good but will 100% get powercrept by Miyabi if she'll be ice too
also everything is ice-resistant now compared to everything at launch being weak to ice
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I said females only brah... you gotta read that ish closer jeez!
isnt piper just a shitter jane?
The fuck is that name nigger?
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the only character I've rolled for so far is qingyi
I do, it doesn't include your picrel though
Hey relax buddy, we're both gamers of Zenless Zone Zero and you definitely are not acting too Zenless.
I turned on boss music from the game to read this.
who will be the first brick?
Not rolling for anything but Ellen cinemas on rerun and idol lolis desu.
why are you so sure that the section niggers are next?
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>twitch shill namefagging on a mongolian basket-weaving forum dedicated to a chinese anime slot machine
unironically kill yourself
And jane is a shitter anomaly when Burnice and Yanagi exist you can't have everything
mi idolo
Come back and say the same thing a year later.
see you in a year
Jane serves a completely different purpose than Burnice and Yanagi
Jane is supposed to be a solo on-field DPS
>1 year of being meta
wow, better than most.
i want to fuck the little bratty nekomata so badly
just pick her my her petite hips and ram my cock into her unit her pubic fur is drenched in her fluids
then i'll pull out and cover her black fur with my cum, making her lick it up like the clean cat she is
not a furry btw
who asked?
I find piper more fun to play personally
EoS soon.
nta but jane works with both though.
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still a shitter anomaly once we get a proper physical dps
Does Google have 8 hour maintenance windows? Game devs need to get their act together
t. the steed czar
yanagi also seems to be an onfielder bwo
Lucy is the devs' favorite Agent.
yeah but shock and fire are terrible as damage anomalies, you literally NEED to do disorder
Woah mama
I rolled for Ellen just so i could use Soukaku in one of my team.
Red pulls and winning the 50/50 is way fucking better than getting yellow pulls and losing the 50/50.
jokes on you all my rolls are in purgatory
They werent an empire yet you dumbass

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