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>Letter from the Producer LIVE Part LXXXIII

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>Future Meetups
• Sept 29th, 1:30AM EST | Ravana, Materia. Mist, Ward 14, by the beach | Letter from the Producer LIVE Part LXXXIII >>496407123
• Oct 2th, 3PM EST | Marilith Dynamis | Mord Souq, Amh Araeng | Shadowbringers Shared FATE grinding >>495756527
• Oct 5, 5PM PST | Balmung, Crystal Shirogane W7 P26 | Zombie Movies! Warm Bodies (2013) and Zombieland (2009) >>494706846
• Oct 6, 8PM EST | Ultros, Primal | The Mist W20, P34 | Twin Peaks Meetup Season 2 Ep 6-9 >>496369505
• Oct 12th, 3PM EDT | Zurvan, Materia | Gold Saucer (Mahjong Lounge) | Mahjong Open Tournament | >>495487281
• Oct 19th, 7PM EST | Costume Party Mixer | Goblin | Goblet | W3 P58 >>496273537
• Oct 27th, 8PM EST | Balmung, Crystal Lavender Beds Plot 28, 19th Ward | Pre-Halloween Badlands Chugs Watch Party

Previous Thread: >>496378473
Yuri EBs are the only EB that is truly pure. Hear me out...

Male / Male - super gay. You're arguing over whose turn it is to be top or bottom.
Male+ / Male+ - mentally ill. Just be a buff female if you want a vagina as a man.
Fem+ / Male - you just want to be dominated by hairy older men while playing pretend with a pair of tits.
Fem+ / Male+ - reversing the roles doesn't make it any less weird.
Fem+ / Fem+ - you can't come to terms that you might be gay so you must be a degenerate ERP plapper instead.
Fem+ / Fem - you can't come to terms with being gay OR trans so you pretend to be both.
Fem / Male - as hydaelyn intended but horny minds can't help but have unprotected sex and if you aren't getting enough attention, you just grow bored and start cheating... The only logical conclusion to this pairing is healthy sex or nothing.
Fem / Fem - what are you going to do, flick the bean? You have no choice but to love your partner for who they are and spend quality time together.
Post lewd catboxes. I need to cum.
please post c@girls for c@girl c@urday
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Lizards run this shit.

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fuck you bitch I don't follow orders
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i need to see this
Hear me out: femlalas x maleroes
I think I found the only miera mod I'll ever need
I'm going to post my catboy instead
need a face 4 femra for my face 2 malera...
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have a cool tuesday everyone.
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Nuh uh
i saw my femezen pvpwife again
Hear me out: femlalas
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k (shes is gone for abit)
Good evening.
I will be farming Dalriada and spawning CEs and Duels on Crystal now with some other bozjan players.
You're welcome to tag along.
Thank you so much
give me the catboy shota mod
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i took a nap
post elezen please
does anyone want to hold paws with my froth during the LL?
middie x fiddie
as hydaelyn intended
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Someone please tell Mia to shut the FUCK up.
Looking good king
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Kong stands with Magness against Lorilee
What about (You)?
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Also based
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is it me
@Mia shut the fuck up
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my moonie
Well thats not the right image, whoops.
she needs to get some sleep
what does this even mean? i thought Aether was the most populated center? all the servers on aether on congested
Take your top off
Magness kisses up to all ebins
Thanks, homie.
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Thanks bro!
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we support our king here
HB has locked the FUCK in
I don't get people who are into NTR
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Throwing c@girls to gaol for c@urday.
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my queen
My violent pvp wife
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got a problem, chud?
not if my moonie plaps you into submission first
I hope you're not seriously using one of those FAT body mods...
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can we do something other than CC?
Hey do you guys mind if I repost a gpose thing I did
>most populated center
>20 people at most in all of Ul'dah on any given world at any given time
Pussy shot. Now.
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my femlala is literally pic related
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I've been slacking. Now how will I get my toucan minion and perhaps the reference emote. I'm most certainly not able to get the gorilla mount.
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Yes? I appreciate all same race hetero couples.
oh is that a erper statement? roleplayers makeup like .1% of the ffxiv gaming population
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Reminder that LT fucked Adder-ra on 01/09/24 around 1600 AST on Ravana, in the goonshack at the Doman Enclave.Snapped her horns off for certain.They were in there for 4 hours.Not sure what else went on.
your pvp wife is a poophead

anyone who uses or has used fat body mods is a loser #truthsplosion
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I'll head into the instance but will be busy soon so I'll farm clusters and spawn stuff for you. Which zone are you going to be in? I'll farm there so you get spawns.
Oh great, instaloss comic time.
>why does he have to play a girl

Because he’s a transbian looking for a vulnerable dork to groom, duh.
No, just explain it to me

Don't have to be insecure cuck
I'd be insulted if you didnt
hey everyone let’s do FL!
It's a
>This city is fucking empty, how boring and lifeless
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I am logging in
I'll be in z1 spawning Dabog, then make my way up.
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Okay thanks!
shouldn't you be getting your horns snapped off in a shack somewhere?looks like you already got an offer.go get them,tiger
I am literally me.
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you cannot cum inside my moonie
need to push my cock between their lips while they kiss...
no but you are one of my pvpwives
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Charcoal wife.......
nia you are so insanely brown it's not even funny
only if you shrink it down to 5 inches, I’m not seeing elephant cock clipping out of my forehead
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Can't resist, bed too inviting, must....https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XHjguF8US1o
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>Male / Male
Gay or Fujo Fantasy 14 (not gay, it's ultra gay - women why are there so many here gtfo my board, fuck)
>Male+ / Male+
Double Gay and they have double dick mods installed.
>Fem+ / Male
Man on man is gay
>Fem+ / Male+
3 dicks is as bad as 4, both are dudes. Gay
>Fem+ / Fem+
Male / male exists what's the point of this. It's still gay. Just cause your fat enough to have tits doesn't mean your not gay.
>Fem+ / Fem
Still gay. Fat dude with tits and women should never be together
>Fem / Male
Based and normal. We need more of this
>Fem / Fem
Gay, but cool in the male eyes.. maybe not gay. Imagine the beach shots.

You forgot these
>Male / Robot
Based and future proofed. Arguments can be solved with the off button
>Female / Robot
Gay and desperate, unless it's with someone like OTIS then you cool.
>Thread posters / Thread schitzo enemy
The most based and wholesome relationship here. They actually provide mass entertainment and are the best pairing.
someone rape and murder this nigga
We forgot to take our meds again.
The Raped
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These are the numbers for 6.5, except Dynamis all other NA DCs have around the same population. Aether is "congested" not because it's overpopulated, but because Square Enix is a fucking inept developer. They know that all other DCs Party Finders are dead because everyone would move to Aether, but instead of trying to find a logical solution to this issue, they are just artificially locking a whole Datacenter to force people to raid on their own DC.

As much I miss the good ol times on Aether, people on /xivg/ just go to Crystal, and I don't see changing any time soon unless they swap the roles around and Crystal as a whole becomes impossible to go to.
Please rape my male character
smooch Leloreion!
im hearing
Both of those things shant be occurring
ist vorbei
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There's a new census for 7.0 btw
For gpose yeah.
But in RP, a maleroe training a femlala to take his dong up her butt, between her thighs, or in her mouth.
this guy stole my gf
Can you pvp fags go play a real pvp game already. No one gives a shit about ur no skill 5 button mmo. https://youtu.be/dDHX1xUyigU
dhe looks like she enjoys it in the ass
It's as dark as the options go!
Oh ty, didn't knew, still, my statement applies the same.
I went against UN in CC once and he lost with bottom damage.
Sexpesting is based and I'm tired of pretending otherwise.

Trying to create "normal" relationships with anyone here is cringe and a meme.
Happened to me and a lot of others here too...
Bullshit, everyone knows RA doesn't get pussy
EU has less than half of NA's population? Geez. Some of those are ofc bots but still.
I am logging in
You have my dick's interest.
Based, the only stable long term relationships I've had from people in game were all about being lewd
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they either self insert as the better man, or they self insert as the woman trading up
some people do want to be the man in the chair watching and i dont understand them either
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>Stand next to someone
>Gpose with someone
>Target anyone
Thread people find out and think pic related is happening when it's not.... Every damn time
Yeah okay here's a catbox
>End of ARR
>Unique challenge with a massive fucking dragon slowly marching towards the city
>Need to stay on top of your game or you can and will fail

>End of EW
>Another wall boss

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cc doko
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my lalaboy looks and acts like this
did they ever even stand a chance bros?
unironically hot
t. robofucker
My male midlander is no longer incel
its crazy how mal*die posters have to gas each other up because no one likes them lol (excluding robert chidori and theo)
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koko dayo

crystal casual cc @ 11 et
i don't think i've ever stayed up to watch a live letter and thought "wow, how amazing. that was definitely worth it."
Nia a cute
This time I’m really gonna do it
My schizo conspiracy theory is that they made DT bad on purpose so that everyone would forget how bad EW was (if you spent any amount thinking about it).
idk i talked to a girl from here for a few weeks and it was pretty awesome
miss her actually
you havent posted your femezen in months stop the cap
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it's something to do man
im in a game T.T
It's fun to socialize with friends and get hyped over your shared hobby.
you've never stayed up to watch a liveletter because you're a retarded dawnsperm
I think the best thing they could do since cross DC Party Finder is impossible to them, is making it ala Halo Lobbies, where you can join the PF from the game's main menu without having to login.
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>Her necklace isn't dangling.
Can you guys remake the photo. This is ruining my immersion.
That doesn't sound like a no
why do they both look high
why are they both ugly
why is she draped on his back like a corpse
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That's a funny one I'll give you that.
Honestly… might be fun but the only time I rp’d with a roe I didn’t know how to use simpleheels so it was hard just positioning myself to wear I could reach his cock, even sitting down. Also he was mean and insulted my character for not using the stacked mod. And he typed really slow! Just a bad experience all around.
My moonie's tummy is grumbling...
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hardstuck on dzemael darkhold
She got laughed out of the thread for being too damn ugly
this is a good pic
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Quite a few yuros play on NA, the amount probably not enough to drastically change polls but it would likely make it closer to half if they stuck to their space.
This is the best femlala in the thread right here
except it was true every single time with LT, proxy, and others

lizzy already killed him, let the guy cope
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>glamour competition at some venue on Balmung tonight
I kind of want to go just to see the glams...
it's happening again she's doing it to me again ehehehe hahahaha
I'm an ARR corpse and i'll be honest with you, this is a part 1 PLL so there won't be much shown.
They'll also repeat what they've shown about the ultimates and new UI shit that they've shown in the CN fanfest and pax.
You look like a drunk who just got thrown out of a bar
need wife pls halp
need to see more of this femlala...
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being cute is tiresome work
otis what body mod is this
do i have to go to some arcane discords to find these mods
didn't you just decide to swap off of that red eyed one one day
Yeah this is why I was considering it, but I just can't be bothered.
inb4 its all just horrendous modded coomer outfits
nia feet please
Kong, I pray thee, post your moonie's dark soles.
we need more piggybacking/carrying gposes in here
Do you have an album? I’m interested in this character…
>wide birthing hips with a pencil thin waist
makes no sense
Get me out of here!
Don't you know that rez mage unlocks at level 64?
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My moonie has accidentally turned himself into bread ... Nyoooo get meowtta here nyoooo
I fanta’d to her for one day and literally everyone in the thread and in game told me she was the ugliest freak they’ve ever seen
Nice armpit!
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You may not like it but this is what the ideal rava body's baseline looks like.
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That I can do.
It’s stacked, pretty sure. Google stacked and the spud farmer.
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I wish GL would tell me if this is just a short woman from anime or pedo stuff
tummy smooches
I like my buns, elezen and highlanders looking like this
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This is actually a good point, my hair could also probably be tweaked a bit. damn gravity, hard to think about all the time
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kill yourself my dude
Good post haha
Are there any female Hrothgar left?
May I plap your femezen?
no c@t on hand, here best can do
Run what?
God I fucking love femra
nobody tell him that lolicon is just the Japanese borrowed word for lolita complex
Evens do Fates to level
Odds don't
Yes there is a tranny one who harasses the lalas on balmung uldah.
>let femlala sit in my lap once
>crazy bitch won't leave me alone
ardbert was right, man
*calls you on your phone*

is ur femra running?
that's not a mava, though?
cute doggo. the chucks must stay on during sex
unfortunate, elezens just have a skill curve i guess
GL, my retarded zoomer wife
Mine looked like that kind of
yeah, why?
permission to stroke?
I'd walk out if they were asked to be removed
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crystal casual cc @ 3 et
Hand holding with this cat.
Looking out for you, tuna tosser
Permission to plap please
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I am a female suncat
that loves femlalas
Loli has always referred to children or 1000 year old women with a child's body
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If someone goes "HUH??" "WHAT???" or anything similar, it means you won the argument and they have no counterpoint to anything you said and their ego wont allow them to admit it so they pretend like what you said was nonsense
she literally ignores me and gets third wheeled by her friend... i don't get it...
Where's page 5?I want to see you get raped.
*holds my laughter in, practically in tears*

The-then you better go catch her! ahahahahaha
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my moonie dislikes healer glamours
half of the time you guys are mad your friends never reach out to you, half of the time you are mad they bug you too much. I’m just done with biggers.
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close but
>when loli was just a descriptor for short woman in anime
I'm truly surrounded by zoomers
I used Male+ to describe men with vagina mods but yes, glad you agree.
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH FUCK YOU *loud banging in background* *hangs up phone vioently*
why are u GROWLING at me
I see your nipples there benis
how did the RP meetup go? i slept through it...
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loli butts
btfo lmao
you were supposed to say "look like what" and then I reply with "like a wife"
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My moonie has become kung pow chicken. How over is it for me?
based ARK chad
Never beat a biome just enjoyed farming Baryonyx and being a pirate
We're heading in now. The lead was waiting for everyone to arrive.

If anyone wants to join for fast Dals/CEs, we're going in now.
pet birb
Do you do lewd poses with others?
I miss these posts
that's what u get for chasing a biofem
Niggas really don't even know what loli means. baka senpai
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chad or chud?
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I overslept and woke up late :D
she's a stupid tranny
you should just make what you like instead of worrying about what retards like
s...squishy ravas.......
it's not my fault she won't leave me alone sis

stop projecting
i am speaking for all zoomers what I say that Gl*e L*cker does not represent us
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>no handsome Miera to impregnate my Femlala

Where’s my Husbun…
I've never done that before or ERP. I don't think I've found anyone I trust enough to do any of that with. It's risky especially with people from here
That's just to be expected when you're a cat in chinkland
God I hate bugmen chinks so much
"billions must die" prototype lookin ass
My femra looks at you like this
my sunnie turned himself into a fucking pickle
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ahem, my moonie?
You look like you're going to tell me not to come to school tomorrow
>make what I like
>she’s incidentally a horribly ugly freak to everyone else on the entire earth
I shan’t be enduring the humiliation ritual
>ooga boga bigger gibberish
I love femlalas so much its unreal.
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we LIKE this
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I appreciate it, anon...
>impregnate a femlala
no fucking thank you

maybe you'd have a husband if you weren't so RUDE
if you like her what does it matter if other people think she's ugly
the new generation of middies a.k.a mal*ddies is the worst ever, just absolutely disgusting.
> That armor, dyed

Sir, you have my respect. We have walked through the same darkness.
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im mentally ill and thinking about resubbing already
The whole thing is like here, but it contains no such content, sorry to disappoint.

It was great! We had a lot of people and it went very smoothly.
I’m not really good with ERP. I’m just interested in lewd pics. Been interested in doing it with a loli but they are hard to find.
come back i miss you
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the 99 trial was really cool i didn't anticipate the size change with the severed head
i still dont get what the point of the kid is though
Come back anon, we miss you...
YY is locked the FUCK in
>Reminder that LT fucked Adder-ra on 01/09/24
Loriliee wasnt an ebin in january
EB like this?
i did it and i regret it nonny
i think you should be wearing pants when speaking about kids
my sunnie will probably queue down for a little after that one

i'm just clicking buttons
It's an EU schizo

they write their dates in a funny way
funniest shit I've ever seen
You wouldn’t get it
walk a mile in the ugly femezen size 13 shoes before throwing stones
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crystal casual cc @ 6:30 et
Garo is more fucking based than I had thought it was going to be
>nonsensical outfit + inappropriately dressed for the environment
ppl say this but no one actually does
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Nya, that was close. I am nyow a western moonie living in cowboy town with rubber bullets.. they have made me the sheriff and there's this weird gang out outlaws running round
He wishes he was Magness
Damn, we could share shoes!
of course a starter city is going to empty. what are you talking about?
chad and my future husband
need a moonie girl's smelly feet in my life desu
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>LL meetup spot got hijacked last minute after being up for 2 weeks

okay then
Glue Licker?
More like __________
hate this meme so much dude just play the fucking game
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posting c@
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>tfw you realize you'll never be a true chid
feel free to throw stones then, she’s already covered in bruises and tomato paste from the rest of the audience (she is ugly)
Anon their RDM did 30k damage I'm not surprised it was a stomp when a BLM is allowed to freecast
both you and your "YY" are retarded unironically
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>this is my ping sitting in an empty ward by myself
i dont think im going to any Garo meet.
this makes me laugh every time
I'll be your friend whenever you come back
i cant even quote right im a failure
why dont we just go to the correct spot? the beach is just going to be a mare goon fest anyway. those creatures dont even play the game.
Ma'am please put on pants
c'mon man i dindu nuffin
Smooching this cat’s pussy and booba
black-coded rava fiera for my white-coded male xaela
Alrighty, I've farming up some clusters in z1. Good luck with Daboggers.
/dote /dote /dote /dote
>log in
>alt tab
>dont tab back in for months
yep its gamin time
Nice, I love DE so much
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My moonie is part of the gang and took bribes from the previous sheriff.. am I safe?
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it's giving
guess people don't want to go to S9 and hang out in an apartment
very true
based if it was on balmung previously
This nigga has never been locked in
im going to Ravana, Materia. Solution Nine, Residential Radius 9-11 (X:9.1, Y:20.8) personally
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*SFX: carton of milk spilling over*
its ok u dont have to lie
Chad and sex
Ending this anon's life with sweaty moonie feet
Thank you so much
because they dont even have it unlocked lol
sunnie for my moonie
i love moonie feet but please wash them
Built for BWC
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just leave him alone, let him enjoy lolis in their true meaning in peace
i'm going to go to the solution 9 spot for the live letter because letting people cuck us out of cool locations for their sprout alts is gay
it never was, I specifically asked people if balmung or materia would be better to being everyone together and materia was chosen so i chose ravana from the start.
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So true
MK post
get fucked, nigger
So... are we gonna do it again tonight?..
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any cock watchers?
I'm not lying, I'll be waiting...
you cant
i will learn to subsist off smelly moonie feet
I call a lot of people in here retarded but I genuinely think GL is mentally incapacitated
Pretty sure he's exactly like that with femra
Ew, not surprised though
>sprout alts when you can just dc travel with your main or whatever
It's so retarded. there is literally no excuse. they just want to goon and plap. we like this. we like this. bounce on it lol!!!
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You moon'd your last ie, pardner. I'm sorry for what has to be done. Cat let you get away with this kinda thing. Report to the lavender beds 14 by the tree.
yes please
i dont understand the korosuke mods at all. do i really need to make a midlander to make a shota catboy?
you missed our darling Mia standing in the spawn and pressing more quick chats than damaging abilities that game
He's just like me frfr
materia was chosen specifically so the most amount of people can cross travel and join from all servers
what does it mean when someone says they like you a lot and then ignores you or barely replies for a week and then comes back to be nice and repeat
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You are correct actually
may i sexpest (respectfully)?
>there is literally no excuse
Oh no, think of Dragonfucker who has had an entire year to do his MSQ but chose to fuck dragons instead.
idk which one to vote for but will be there to watch
What's the venue address?
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I was so unfathomably drunk at that RP meetup that I passed out not even an hour later and have been asleep for 6 hours.
The worst part is that I'm such a functioning alcoholic that nobody knew or will know despite me being active in the conversation.
I just don’t want you guys posting my green parses and insulting me whenever I feel like posting a cute new glam
no tummy pudge no buy
if I remember right, yea

how it woks is you make a midlander, and then you are basically sizing them down and just "dressing them up" in mods
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Nopan is a great look.
This bun owns my cum
still don't know where to download these from...
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Why does he look like this?
Skill issue. He had the time. He chose to squander it.
Someone should make this but with his face and a random femra's face and replace hyperborea with either azimborea queen or doman/hingan princess
Cute brown cat
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I'm definitely interested but it depends on what you had in mind.
that is fucking annoying. what is the point of making miqote faces if it doesnt include the ears and face shit
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>• Sept 29th, 1:50AM EST | Ravana, Materia. Solution Nine, Residential Radius 9-11 (X:9.1, Y:20.8) | Letter from the Producer LIVE Part LXXXIII >>494666281
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i am
a drunk miera
literally never happens unless you deserve it
stay in the thread then and never meet anyone pussy
They got shy. Happens pretty often.
a CBT pose
I don't know but that outfit annoys me since that one guy who idles at the Ul'dah entrance wears it
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I afk near there. Don't go after me accidentally
sex with your loli
they're not a very shy person though... they're being hot and cold...
Nothing wrong with having better priorities over going through MSQ slop.
Anon, why don’t you just stop cultivating this extremely reviled fetish? You are grooming yourself into being a fbi end-of-year bonus for a lazy agent.
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Remember to hydrate bro!
Love to see it, can't have shit in this house
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they're both based on char anzable/quattro bajeena because catboys cannot make original characters
see: joker cat
dont call me bro it triggers my agp
this bun pwns my dick
why are you so mad over that
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gomen anon, i'm slightly tarded

they were advertising on bung but it's on dynamis
Incorrect. He looks like a husband for my femlala.
Why not drink less?
Then it means they're wasting your time.
Based unironically, I need a BWC EB too....
It's up to sunnies and subbier moonies to wash moonie feet with their tongues
Okay, all of your meals will have to be licked off of mooniefeet and your drinks will be poured into a bowl my moonie uses as a footbath
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femlalas x malezen
yeah it's clear he's genuinely retarded
people like you enable mare gooners in our meet ups
joker cat is cute leave him alone
I thought it did include ears, and I assume the mod maker just did that for maximum compatibility between loli and cat loli (or shota) outfits
I am
a drunk femra
too many people from here haven't finished msq so it got moved
You are a miera bro. What am I supposed to call you?
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>too many people from here haven't finished msq
I'm there already so that works out just fine. Thanks anon.
then they shouldn't attend to begin with
they are autistic and awkward
their feelings for you haven't changed, they're just retarded
Did you know my catboy has feet?
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My moonie shall diskuise himself as a bird so that >>496415937 will take the blame. You won't be able to see my moonie and I shall gyatt away with my bribes
i stopped getting drunk because nobody would take advantage of me
Sorry little guy
my meena is going to drink again tonight too
not yet though
>literally never happens
50% of the posts in here are schizoing and cockwatching.
Forbidden pairing
I shan't be attending then.
thats most people here
If they haven't finished the msq what do they even care about the new content. They won't play it anyway.
it just gives me a regular midlander head without the ears and whatever. the body doesnt even appear, so i have no idea what im doing wrong there

bro I have 2 jobs (playing limbus and playing poe) you can't expect me to keep up with this shit
Femra for my lalaboy
Don't fucking watch it then? It's for the next part of MSQ? You "people" are just looking for clout in a mare syncshell.
If you don't goon or mare, there is nothing to worry about.
Say bigga instead
Is it the next patch yet? I don't think so fuckface

Unless you're going to pay me you will host the meetup at a location I can AFK at until I rush the MSQ before the patch comes out
if you have put off getting half way through msq in the months its been out, maybe you shouldnt be allowed to go to a patch live letter meet

the real reason is some schizo is freaking out because he cant park his level 2 alt there
Anyone cute cats or lizards on EU wanna make out with a suncat?
/pet i'll see you there! probably
Please, I'm desperate for catboy feet...
no one is expecting anything of you, if you aren't done with the msq for 7.0, then you shouldn't be watching a LL for the next patch.
It's the end of the month, pick your femra wife!
Or just pick a femra you like and help her out on this difficult time of the month
but... this is someone i've been close to since stormblood, there's no way

this is what i want to believe is most likely is that one or both of us is retarded, but i don't feel they're a very awkward person like that...
plus they spend a lot more time with others instead of me despite telling me they want to spend more time with me
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the hell is this shit? just make a male character
akemi you're cool and all but this is exactly why i start gatekeeping how to stream movies; people learn how and suddenly want to stream a different movie every single night and it stops being cool
>nobody wanted to hang out with a femlala today
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>Unless you're going to pay me you will host the meetup at a location I can AFK at until
can I see her
please my thread crush don't listen to them
i will be there after the LL!
Rob Chidori
>femra linkshell
>look inside
I'd help every face 2 resist their urges, it's my duty as a fishra appreciator
shan't pick from that garbage but I'll choose whatever tan femra likes middies so it's at least mutual
You didn't provide a cute image of fat cat so I voted NO
She knows who she is because we’re plapping instead of going to the LL meetup tonight
>I haven't even gotten to DT
>I wanna be part of the LL meetup
No fuck off. What would the point even be?
You cannot heightbeast and be the center of attention with Mare Lamentorum in an apartment. That's the entire reason.
So true man
have u made any attempt to seek them out and spend time together or do u wait for them to come find you?
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Bird Moonies do nyot exist. We will find you and apprehend you and turn you back into bread just like >>496413609
They're sensitive! I'm not sure about showing them... He DOES have them!
i have a copy of the grudge already, in a format that doesn't require the userscript if you wind up going that route. i can send it to you when you log in later if you go that route.
i wanted to stream no country for old men but i'm a nobody and nobody would watch and also i don't even really know how to do it and my house is undecorated
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crystal casual cccccc @ 11:30 et
It's been too long since Ive messed with it so I'm not much help, you may have to switch which face you are using, or maybe you have multiple heads activated and that one is just the most priority

It's hard to tell without looking
Also if you're doing shota stuff, I have no idea if that's different, I only messed with the loli options
All the cute glubs
Tbh, I'll fill every single one of them
mental illness of one variety or another, could be them cutting you off to fight against developing feelings, them having a melty, them wanting to tone back the expectations in your relationship in a dumb way, them being overwhelmed emotionally and afraid anything they say will "ruin" things
it could be fucking anything, but it's most likely not a sign of anything negative like them disliking you or leading you on unless they're clearly focused on someone else during those periods that's doing the same thing to them
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Just silently edit the meetup back to the soultion 9 area.
It happened to the malera drawfag
i cant even get that to work
I'm queueing up to be a terrorist
The LL meetup is still at Ravana, Materia. Solution Nine, Residential Radius 9-11 (X:9.1, Y:20.8) btw
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Otis bro stop marking this isn't ranked.
can akira sachiko stream something funny instead of el ringo
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>wanting to attend a LL for future current patch updates
>haven't even finished the current content to catch up
??? those fags shouldn't attend, they should play the game.
you telling me you want to watch a sequel before watching the first movie? moronic.
>join rava'd discord
>have to choose whether I'm a stud or a slut
>have to say whether I want DMs or not
>jerk off to some femra getting fucked by five huge rava+s
>leave rava'd discord
Tell everyone it's going to be a good movie and make them watch the entire first season of my little pony instead.
Not the good one, the 80's one.
That's your problem
No one here deserves anything. You're all slaves to the hivemind.
>tan femra that likes middies
Oddly specific...
that guy made the mistake of trying to contribute to the thread when there was a giga-schizo around
he's helping you improve you should thank him actually
>No! Don't play the game! You have to AFK like we do in LB14
i don’t remember making this post
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I'd honestly watch if you don't mind a catboy in your apartment.
That movie is fucking GOATed.
Only 3 males to please 61 femras during the end of the month, holy shit
hey me too /fistbump
tantalus is married, and theo's scared, so that just leaves rob desu
just watched that movie a few weeks ago but would watch again
great movie
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Every time I see him I have to fight the urge to demand he go dye his hair blonde like god intended
i see enemy drg, i focus enemy drg. simple as
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Sounds like fun actually.
That costs extra, anon...
My femhwoth will be attending :3
i would absolutely watch that
what rings bwo?
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Molded by it.
tyty, mainly here for the artistry and heroism frags.
Anon, please! I'm really, really desperate! Catboy feet are such a rare treat, just let me peek at them...
What if we got a bunch of people...
And we marathon'd the Tremors movies.
yeah i'm always trying to start conversations or ask if they wanna do something together, they always ignore me or blow me off or just give nothing replies
the only time we ever really spend a lot of time together is when they come after me which isn't that often...

>them wanting to tone back the expectations in your relationship in a dumb way
this sounds the most likely, but they seem like the type of person to be open about something like that instead of leading me on... i'm totally okay not being in a relationship, but when they make the steps toward it and back off it gives me such mixed signals...
i've gotten over viewing it as a sign they hate me but it's so frustrating to deal with and they know how much it frustrates me and yet it continues...

i have autism
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I think I need a better DRK sword, doesn't stand out enough, also I've been loving playing this job performance aside
How much?
I don't plap or modbeast and I still got schizos simply from talking to the "wrong" people
Don’t worry guys, I’ll change the meetup spot in the OP back to the way it was. I’ll snipe the thread if need be, but you faggots aren’t gonna get away with this shit.
is this cam?
Is that a vanilla chest piece on center lala? I don’t recognize it. Looks like half of a male coat from nier.
I'll be at Mist, Ward 14
then consider their confessions false and move on from them
You should have lurked more to know who the wrong people were.
my apartment is decorated but it's a wintertime apartment and doesn't have a tv. i have a medium but it's kind of barren since i bought it. i guess i could set up a kinoplex or something?

i rewatch it constantly it's my favorite movie and i know all the lines. i've listened to the audiobook and i'm gonna read blood meridian too
i shan't be->>496416889
i will now attend the meetup
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my femlala is doing this at the QS
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Shut up retard
K. I’ll be there and I hope I will be in the right place
It's one of the nier tops but with the extended color channel editing stuff from glamourer, all of the outfits have their colors modified with it, it's super neat
Can someone explain to me why I don't find NSFW XIV images and videos all over the internet?
I can find video after picture after video of really crummy Skyrim stuff, but XIV has maybe the largest modding community I've ever seen with lots and lots and lots of nsfw mods.
But I see practically nothing made despite this?
In how many hows is the LL? I wanna watch it with you guys
Maybe you should have lurked more
you are incredibly based
uhhhhhhh link?
Because you don't have an X (formally Twitter) account
ask her
Good, keep that shit contained. Tired of seeing people's dumbass screenshots on boorus.
4 1/2 hours
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Farm the bozja relic…. It’s brütal
>tantalus is married
Last time someone posted his wife's plate that had Tantalus' name on it, and a few days after she took it off her plate
So maybe he is no longer married...
to the pic or to the discord
>Sounds fun actually
So.....Can I get your mcdf? I already have a pose in mind and a smaller body would make it easier to pull off
Negative. I'm unrelated to them I'm just using 4chanx and dont want the filenames randomized
i do that and distance myself, and then after time they come back and act all nice again... i want to believe someone that someone i have been friends with for over half a decade wouldn't lead me on like this, but...
its on twitter which isn't cache'd by google because it's owned by an alt right racist and google doesn't stan that
Casual doesn't man don't try to win. It means you don't gain or lose ranks.
>he doesn’t use Twitter
>he doesn’t use Discord
>he doesn’t use YouTube, Twitch, or Reddit
Are you just a Facebook grandma?
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I feel called out but I brought it anyway, Although the Hein was also tempting
He's still married, Akemi, stop being a homewrecker for five minutes.
tremors is based but i most likely wouldnt go too many sexpests and people looking to report you for anything here
discord but both work
Drawing fat viera titties while I'm waiting for this hunt train to start that I'm in with my girlfriend
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That's the point Lorilee.
We're still going to Solution 9.
im so depressed
how about you guys
I'd pop in to watch. I'm a bit of a retard though so I'd need instructions on how to watch with you guys
best movie meetups are the small clique ones honestly
can i see
>trying to split the meet because you're salty people don't like the original retarded location
great idea bro
This minion has always bothered me because they aged it up after a few patches and only that one.
i plapped irl yesterday and the liveletter is tonight
i'm doing well anon
Thank you so much i am autistic and retarded. was also considering the other movies i sperg rewatch but i dont think anyone would be interested in them
Molybdenum Longblade
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i'm horny and hungry
what're your other choices?
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Can I help you feel better Anon?
I've been working on my DRG one but sure why not
I love this picture lmao
There’s a dog one too right?
This whole thread is split. Even with cross region travel, we will never be one. Go goon and plap at the beach with your mareshell.
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I feel ya bud, it's hard out here for a sperg
with friends like this it's best to try and find other people to fill in the social gaps so you don't feel the absence of this mentally ill friend as much, having alternative people to message or hang out with when they're giving you the cold shoulder will make the relationship feel more complete and you happier in general as there's sadly no way to help people like that even if your tism tells you there is
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>Yuri EBs
>Imagine the beach shots.
True :3
>trying to split the meetup because you don’t like the original location
lil bro tried to cut his own hair
So when's the meet up? You have enough interest
Lorilee is the one exposing the schizo stalker shitposting everyone
the S9 one is literally a ndja meet lmao, why do you retards obsess over having meets in capitol cities
do i attempt to find an RP venue again tonight

or finish grinding for Kullervo
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crystal casual cc @ 3 et
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when does mahoyo come out so I can stream it
But's SATURDAY and we're all single and lonely as FUCK. I want to watch another movie or I will do something stupid and regrettable
>i will be there after the LL!
Umm isn't that in 4 hours? By impromptu... I mean like in 15 minutes, after I order some nachos
Okay here, now be honest!
Oooo really?! That makes me want to pick that immediately then
That movie was so dumb and I'm tired of people pretending it was the greatest thing ever. A NOTHING ending
What if we watch the Tamers12345 my little pony instead heheh
I just got the last card I needed for both of my class combos in RO so I'm doing pretty well
When I first started playing I sold ERP as a generic catgirl because I wanted to buy a house as soon as I learned they existed. After about 2 weeks I made enough to buy a medium and then stopped selling ERP. I then Fantasia'd to a lalafell and just did normal RP as a creepy child for awhile. Every so often someone who previously paid for my services would recognize my name and would say something about it in public chat. . . Because they didn't realize I was a lalafell now. . . This eventually got back to some people's irl partners somehow as them participating in child sex trafficking in a video game.

All because some gooners can't keep their private thoughts in their head or check to make sure the person they are talking about is RPing as an adult.
I'm just feeling empty
>about to make a post saying "I thought you just got married"
>realize this is a completely different blonde fiddie
In need to plap this fiddie
THIS is what you guys want to plap?
You think I don't wan that? To taste moonie feet with every meal, with every sip? That's paradise.
This is why we should have the Liveletter meet up at the beach! For those Beach Back Shots! We love this so much.
You are such a retarded black gorllia nigger. Your shitposting fools no one.
need this fiddie to lotion my maleras rippling back muscles (he does not sunburn)
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his marks aren't why you lost
that's a good point, why don't we just stay at lb14 on Balmung then? What's the point in dc hopping just so 3 EU retards can come schizo post?

original spot is innately split by being in an endgame area
i like staring at my moonies pawprint pubes when i click examine gear on someone
>can't even go in the water in Tuliylmao
What a mistake of an expansion
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No, not at all actually. Plapping is for boys, romance is for men.
ADVERTISER-SAMA GET DOWN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
we should watch The Thing to see Akemi's parents in action
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What is the best stirrup socks mod? The one I have is ancient and clips on the back of the thighs with the body it is supposed to be fitted to.
You have any comedy movie in your stash?
an endgame area is bare minimum for people who should be interested in the newest content shown in a live letter
Good taste. The ShB relics in general are really nice up until their final form.
Grape cat is one of the worst ebins we've had in ages
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OOOOOOOOHHH! I GET IT! We hate Ndja because he’s a “sea monkey” and hates trannies (we like Wuk), right??? Therefore we HAVE to move the meetup so we can avoid him, even though he’s just going to show up anyway! Yes sir! I hate Ndja, sir! I will comply, sir!
sweaty footjob
is that A fucking penis and nipples?!?!
eyes wide shut, rashomon, eastern promises. a serious man. i rewatch these constantly but only eastern promises would make for a good meetup movie imo

i'd have to decorate my place and figure out how to do it and stuff so not anytime soon

you are a dumb gorilla nigger and you literally Didn't Get It
Post those tummy pictures again please.
Two grown men on a Saturday night decided to so this instead of literally anything else.
i think im gonna blob again bros
>You deserved it
Maybe you should just admit the xivg community sucks instead of blaming literally everything else
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I'll be at Solution Nine with the other discord sisters!
Hope no one says any bad words of course...that would be most...unpleasant...hehe....
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Need handsome male viera man to romance me
same whatcha blobbin to
I love this fiddie so much bros
what eye mod is that? cute
I love beach booties
Guys i dont wanna scare you, but it's end of month. Beware all femras, they're on dire need of using their ovipositors to lay eggs!

Dont say i didnt warn you {races towards my femra wife}
>split by being in an endgame area
What the fuck are you smoking you faggot retard freak? Who hasn’t gotten there yet? Tell me, WHO?? Your schizo alt?

Nobody said it isn't bad, you're on 4chan you fucking fart huffer
check their bio for link
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Yeah really sucks doesn't it bwo
unironically made me laugh pretty hard

good post
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Just ask one and be direct, they are a bit skittish.
That's what I've been trying to say but retarded coomers see a pair of tits and go "rape" regardless.
he doesn't hate trannies tho he is one (we hate trannies and we hate wuk)
Real gamers will stay on Balmung and be at the 'clave
>it's hard out here for a sperg
THIS IS WHAT BOTHERS ME SO MUCH like i'm an autistic sperg how do i have better communication skills than someone who seems very confident and normal who socializes so easily???
i have friends so it's not like i'm lacking things to do, the hot and cold behavior just really bothers me and they know it bothers me and they don't care...
what if i say Thal's Balls or Nophica's teets?
if you can't read the sarcasm of my post talking about how he tried to contribute to the thread when it's filled with schizos you should head back home where they use "/s" at the end of their posts to denote it you dumbass
anon you can just follow that slut on twitter and see her get gangbanged by bbc all the time
Sheriff, my moonie wishes to tell you that you have never been more wrong
they're out of date though
thank you
>t. meena with the awareness of a small rock
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But I want HIM to seduce ME for a change instead of me having to make the first move...

Male viera to kabedon me doko???
>first pic is a pov of a black dick (b-but it's on a rava+ tho!!!) getting sucked by two white chicks
You people are mentally ill man
Anon... She just said it was yuri.
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I'm still in 6.4 because I don't have any desire to read a terrible VN anymore, especially knowing what 7.0 is like.
does your friend have ADHD by any chance
>every biofem I know has been hornyposting male characters like crazy for the last few days
sexo with this tan femra accepting middie
>plapping is for boys, romance is for men
This is why I love miera so much...
Damn, I'll have to wait for more. You took good tummy pictures.
I simply show up to meetups (not movie/tv ones) and never say a word to anything or anyone
i think you care about race a little too much
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Is this a moonie? It smells like moonie!
I'll be taking a night run then going back to trying to clear M1S
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Took less than 60 seconds to leak. I'm honestly impressed dork, good job!
Who the fuck is ndja
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My male character does this
now you understand how dangerous it is, beware their ovipositors
>the fag miera will get banned at two consecutive meets
I’m coming start the movie
huh? from where? twitter? no way you're telling me this is from a paywalled site.
just realized i am incredibly lonely
I want to plap your cat
My moonie kinda look like this
Then don't come and watch the liveletter for 7.1.
Are you so touch starved that you require the presence of other peoples' characters doing the same thing as you to survive?
I can't even get to S9. This is not my meetup.
no idea, why do you ask?
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I uh I gotta go
>I-I have no interest
>ok why haven't you skipped it?
>B-because, uhm I
Shut the fuck up your opinion doesnt matter.
It's just him because he's a loser poorfag that doesn't have a house. Every single one of his meetups has been in a public area.
>a serious man

What does a goy get out of this movie?
can i see
I hate when I feel lonely
But I want to be alone and anyone talking to me would just annoy me
From a public discord server
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Bro if you wanna post porn of your character getting reamed, just post porn of your character getting reamed, you don't gotta be coy about it.
oh okay that's more fair
you know what else takes less than 60 seconds to leak?
...My moonie is going to leash you to an anklet and take you for walkies around town. If you love mooniefeet so much, you shouldn't have any problem being publicly shamed as a moonie's footpet
grape flavored feet

what a treat
you a cute girl?
well which is it
Let's be alone... Together.
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*Smooching this Laplace enjoying moonie*
>getting anally hroth'd
i kneel

and yet people still thirst because this is a hopeless board
Then why do you care what's coming in 7.1
can I be an ebin? I play as a male char
Second Dalriada will be up in 25 minutes. I'll make a post if people want in. our last run took 17 minutes.
someone makes a thread on /v/ NYAW
They need to remove post ARR and just turn it into a 15-20min. cutscene. That whole damn dual quest chain and go straight into rubbish. Guarantee their retention rate for those that have completed ARR and then made it HW is close to 10%, and ARR is bad enough alone.
because it's really funny and the mysticism aspect with the curse and the dybbuk is cool
the jewish people should be converted into biomass thoughbeit
>being nervous or socially awkward means you have Autistic Spectrum Disorder
I’m getting really tired of you freaks. You have friends. You have CLOSE friends. You have many people in your life. You understand queues but just have ordinary life challenges like getting laid. That’s NORMAL. You don’t have a “disorder”. If you think you’re autistic, there’s a 90% chance you’re not. And the fact that you’re kvetching about your friends and close ones means you probably aren’t. Stop robbing people of resources and treatment just because you need a crutch for your own failures.
>no desire to read poorly written VN
>but desire to see what the poorly written VN adds after
??? skip cutscenes then retard
whose the gayest poster ITT?
and no it's NOT me
Nice armpit!
Tozer stocks in shambles.
No, my stash consists of anime, spooky, or sad, in that order
Uuuuuuuh okay but now we have to wait for the anon to give me the link to the grudge!
That turned out bad last time I did it
Post as many pics as much as you can and ignore all the comments
who are the WORST ebins on Aether?
What happened to your neck in that pose? It's cartoonish
>even the self-isolating replies to me are more wanted than I am
Where is the movie? Can I come on an alt since I'm not currently subbed?
Practice your gposes before you post them
absolutely me
watch it again and pay more attention to the sheriff character.
Is your middie doman
What other anime shows do you have?
nothing wrong with a moonie wanting to hook up with a hroth...
me but im not an ebin
I'll endure it. I have to. I mean, if I'm gonna be a moonie's footpet, then I'll be the best footpet I can be. If my owner wants to leash me to an anklet, then fine by me.

Besides, being known as a moonie's footpet is kinda hot...
I went through this with a friend who has it. I took it personally at first but then realized it wasn't. They're just easily distracted
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Sir, the thread is arguing over a meetup.
people who are good at socializing innately haven't had to go through your struggles to develop those skills, it's very frustrating to deal with due to the paradigm society set up for you and you trying to play by its rules, but sadly the world and others aren't run by logic and coherent systems that you can perfectly understand or fix
you just gotta find a way to love people as they are, hopefully one day they'll sort themselves out
very ironic post, I wish people with ASD had resources and treatments that we could rob right now
what server bub?
Me and I'm not even from there.
It's not a movie or a plapup meet up. What gives?
>just clipped the asshole rather than posed it
how many hours until the meet thing? I might try to sleep and wake up for it
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crystal casual cc @ 7:30 et
All-star post
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A second meetup has been announced.
not about the meetup but about the location and about the requirements to view the meetup contents
>spending time posing buttholes

gposers are on the next level..
If I buy a private house and then fund an FC can I transform it into a FC state?
I'm watching the new joins channel on this not to post about anyone but just to see who was actually brave enough to join it without instantly leaving
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>The porn gpose looks like shit
Correct. we have several high level goonslop gposer ITT.
Of course you will get shat on
no he's da man aha..
Got his ass
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its not a ndja meetup because im not ndja
Wrong you are cute as fuck, fellow aether cat
Nope. Just an admirer of good cats and good tummies.
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meteor is so fucking lucky god fucking dammit
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do doman middies have big wieners
I'm sorry that this is happening. You don't deserve that.
go away tozer nobody likes you
what card game is BJ
Why are wyte bois like this
need the one in the middle
this happened to me once
Ndja doesn't region travel when it's not convenient.
The point of penetration is the crux of the screenshot. Half-assing (heh) it invalidates alll the time you spent loosing the goofy chokehold.
How mad will people be if FRU has an ending cutscene that has Gaia and Ryne hugging while (You) watch?
Since femra are the instaloss race, what (male) race is best for delivering instaloss?
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Nice armpit!
I'm cringing at him thinking this is clever, it's probably some malezen
It seems like the weirdest femra all have pink/purple eyes
Why do you think that is?
How does he keep getting away with it
my femraen can only get instalossed by maleras
legally they can't say Blackjack because of gambling, right?
not that this makes it any better lol
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This was literally my male middie a week ago with two fiddies
>speenposter is an early thread maker
i hope they go full iron blood orphans and just kill ryne and gaia at the end
>early thread to replace the meetup
you niggas are so petty
Even if it was Ndja, why are you faggots hating on him so much? He's really nice.
Thanks doc
Myron and live, by far.
what the
don't do me like this...
hey are you gaia or ryne?
I really need to see if I can edit my leash mod to attach to my moonie's feet, then I could actually leash pets like you to her feet. You've got the type of subby thoughts I like, finding a fall straight down the social ladder so hot. I'd let you lick my moonie's feet in public!
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Any meatbun mods out there?
i've moved past taking it personally, but it still hurts when they ignore me messaging them or something and seeing them in an apartment with a friend 20 minutes later...

yeah... i guess overthinking and overanalyzing every little detail that's probably nothing to them is just making things worse for me...
i really do love and care about them no matter what since we've been close friends for so long, it just bothers me a lot thinking that they don't reciprocate that feeling despite telling me that they do...
it had to be done to fix the OP bro please understand
What's wrong with live?
post if you see any xivggers
my moonie lives on aether
ain't such a thing
I don't care if he's "nice". He's an annoying Flip that fucks animals.
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That's the idea, I was gonna wait for a anchor to post it in thread though.
Thanks darling! Glad you like it.
2 of my favorite femra have purple limbals and eyes though
Forget their name as I haven't seen them post in a long time but the catgirl face 1 sunnie who played Sam and did ultimates a lot. Tranny IRL obsessed with gooning and was autistic as hell
Lol, lmao even
How does rob do it?
There's already like 6 in there that I know of. And only 2 of those are recent.
Constantly seeking attention
S.S I am a fucking retard, you still alive ?
Can I watch the letter later somewhere? Thinking about taking a cough syrup nap and probably won’t be up when it launches.
my femra is freaky as hell but she has yellow eyes though?
Where the fuck do you think we are?
An anonymous image board. Special emphasis on the anonymous part
the thread has decided youre not allowed to
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Do you believe luck to be a real stat that's taken advantage of?
What can I say, being known as a moonie's footpet would be exciting. If you manage it, do post pictures, so I can admire and fantasize...

And I'd happily lick your moonie's feet in public, but only with permission. Otherwise, I'm just being too greedy.
Crystal. Dalriada is about to pop VERY soon.
We know KR
I totally forgot all about them. Are they even alive? Name slips my mind as well though.
>im not in that instance
>still cant find that dal one
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why do modders insist on using retarded names for everything
whats wrong with small med large xl and so on
heh uranus
Keep trying. you'll know you're in the instance if you see me standing at the front.
wrong femra
Holy heels, do more of these please
Although I take pets out in public, pictures I do are kept private... If I manage, I could see about posting a pic with a golem unless a friend consents to having their picture posted being humiliated like that. And anon, you'd have more than my permission to do so. You'd have a responsibility to make sure your owner's feet are constantly cleaned. What's your race, by the way? I could see potentially giving you a taste test, if you'd want it...
that's the name of the body mod it's based on
>it just bothers me a lot thinking that they don't reciprocate that feeling despite telling me that they do...
they most likely do, just in their own compromised way that feels frustrating due to them being dumb, love and its forms are very complicated and more plentiful than media and other people might lead you to think
I believe in you finding the best path forwards Anon, just don't take for granted your current form of friendship in search of something else that might not even make you happier in the long run
Yeah the sudden wave of sadness showed up for me too
Well, I'm content to dream, then. I'd make sure your feet are kept pristine and smell free after I've huffed it all.

As for race, I won't say as it'd give away too much, but I will say I do play a male character.
You're getting on all fours for me and I'm milking you in public. You don't get a choice in this matter.
You say that like I wouldn't enjoy that after the fact, flooded with endorphins after being made a spectacle of by my owner.
...You wouldn't happen to be a catboy, would you?
Not anymore. Good guess though.
Hmm, then I don't know who you are... Dang it!
Not surprised. Just know you have a secret admirer.
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>Kanchelle Loreux
>late 20s pedophile, friends with spooky who self admitted to raping a little girl he babysat as an adult
>tried having sex with an underage catboy player in real life after pegging them in erp and growing attached
>joined in the last patch of shadowbringers because of asmongold and is a gremlo/rich spamming twitchfag
>obsessed with aether and especially vik, spams about him and his eb every time they post
>shitposts/stalks random posters like sophie ss klaris sechen & jill behind their backs, bragged about it on all the discords before being banned for /pol/-related mental illness
>made a fake dox and msgs of a biofem ebin that rejected him, spammed it until she stopped posting
>makes fun of ultimate parses and people without clears, is grey and can’t clear savage even with plugins
>has a meltdown in the thread more often than he clears content
>doxed a random non-xivg static lead because they won earrings in p9s, then replaced him for melting down over it
>has a reddit under deagledad420 where he crossdresses and pretends to be a 156cm biofem but he’s a 178cm man from new hampshire named lucas
>skinwalks and spams in trash about trannies, has been caught in mass bans
>now makes trans porn with shotas crusty and macchi and spams it in the vanilla threads
>shitposts lewders on aco with fart and dickgirl spam because he can’t post his sodomy pics
>spends hours every drunken night digging up shit on his thread enemies (approx. 90% of xivg posters) in archives until he passes out
>got caught banned on flist falseflagging the thread enemies he melts about and threatening to kill people with his guns like he does on xivg
>still schizzes and melts over blue miqo’s existence and can’t use the filters he spams
>spams updated dox pic with a fake image of himself
>brags about spending years of his adult life spamming /xiverp/ to death >>475150523
>stalks the thread for mentions of his name because his online presence is his life

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