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Previous: >>496424563

Version 1.2 "Tour de Inferno" Special Program:
Dev Face-to-Face | Zenless Zone Zero:
Agent Record | Tsukishiro Yanagi
Agent Record | Lighter Lorenz

>Newest Trailer/Teaser/Character demo

>Upcoming Events for 1.2
Full 1.2 details and events: https://zenless.hoyoverse.com/en-us/news/125865
New at the Arcade: Bizarre Brigade - to be added in 1.2
Back in Business - Daily check in, double drops and more - 09/25 (1.2 release) - 10/10 03:59 (server time)
All New Program - 09/25 (1.2 release) - 11/05 03:59 (server time)
Overlord's Feast - 09/26 10:00 (server time) - 11/04 03:59 (server time)

>Redeemable codes (claimable in-game or online)

>Resources and useful links
the ultimate team
desu Burnice is kinda ugly and reddit
Caesar mogs her in every metric
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do we still love ellen
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kafka of zzz
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why'd burnices arms get so long? They look retarded now.
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save for mibibi
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>wears Sarah's dress in her promo material
>only S Limited agent who doesn't activate her core passive by being in a party with her faction, Anomaly and Electric only
>name of her M6 is "Inhuman Blood"
What the fuck is going on with Yanagi?
The outfits aren't really that similar.
i do this for her btw
>Call Bolter and say what she said
>get in the car first and have sex with Lola
>Bolter rushes over to the car only to be met by his wife getting fucked silly by some pretty boy from the city
Yeah I'm thinking kino
is that official art? i'm not homo but i'd fuck both lighter and yanagi
yes, it's the cover art for their respective agent stories in 1.3
So Caesar, Lucy AND Piper are all for (you) right?
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The B in Burnice stands for Butt
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Hajime no Lighter
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No. The B in Burnice stands for Nitro-Fuel.
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drawfags plz
need them to release this damn song
yeah and burnice confirmed by leakers
i genuinely don't know, is that shit or eggs?
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>can't let the crew know I fw this
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Burnice doesn't treat thirens as equal people and if you roll for her, you are also a terrible racist towards thirens
Isn't that a sturgeon, thoughbeitever?
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I don't care if lighter is her BiS I'm using qingyi with miyabi
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>shows up
>says "I'm too old for this shit" in the sexiest, roughest voice possible
>fucks off
His banner when?
It's caviar, and that isn't a shark
I will now roll for Burnice
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is this going to be the 'cheld face' of zzz?
lighter is an easy skip
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when are we getting more bangboo quests?!
When are they gonna release some proper A rank W-engines? Caesar is probably not selling at all because no one wants to roll on a sig engine for a support just to make her usable.
You don't need to convince me to roll for Burnice any further
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For me, it's my 41 year-old hagwife.
based wise
she is perfectly usable without her sig, just use a stun ball or the BP ball if you want teamwide energy. this narrative that she needs her sig needs to stop, she's not a fucking DPS
>not using Lycaon with Miyabi
it's like you want to lose
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>read up on Lighter's abilities
Oh Boy, Qingyi really is the Silver Wolf of Zenless Zone Zero. Already powercrept within two patches. Instead of rolling for Qingyi, you could've waited and gotten Lighter M1 which is essentially Qingyi's entire kit but better kek. Not to mention his engine gives 50% free fire and ice crit damage.

I'm so, so sorry Qingyibros.. Two patches was all it took for you to become completely irrelevant.
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I like qingyi and my second team will be burnice/piper/lucy, she's getting qingyi and she will like it
I'm still of the opinion that all defenders should've been defense or HP scalers. Make their gimmicks convert def/hp to the desired stat or whatever
nice try
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You get pulled over by these two in a routine traffic stop.

Zhu Yuan already has Suppressor K22 in shotgun mode pointed at your head. You can see her trigger finger hovering over the trigger. She asks to see your license and registration and tells you not to pull any sudden moves.

How do you come out of this alive?
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I don't think so. It doesn't feel like it has the same momentum.
>stun ball
nigga, no one is gonna want to level up up an alternate class's ball for her
if you're paypigging, you'd just get her sig anyway
I fucking hate discs
Never got a good disc ever
The game's easy enough with shit discs but goddamn the chances of you getting decent discs for 2 teams is miniscule unless you start burning through polychromes
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aside from our sibling which character is closest to us? someone that the MC shares trust with. Jane and most characters don't know that we are a proxy, aside from Qingyi, so they're probably not in the top 5. S11 still thinks we're a random proxy so not her.. maybe Anby? Nicole? I only started playing recently so I haven't done a lot of character quests, what do you anons think?
>xhe stopped xis the buzzword to avoid getting filtered
is that a 5-layer psyop that wants to sabotage lighter's revenue by being as obnoxious as possible?
*powercreeps you out of existence*

Heh, nthng personal hag *spit*
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You're rolling for burnice aren't you?
>nigga, no one is gonna want to level up up an alternate class's ball for her
if you are rolling the character and you actually understand her build, then you shouldn't give a shit. you can also throw this on another stunner in the future if we ever get a more appropriate defense ball that's F2P accessible for her
>if you're paypigging, you'd just get her sig anyway
the BP is significantly less expensive than rolling for an entire sig, don't be retarded
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post yfw you skipped brickyi
Counting trust events and stuff I'd say it's a toss up between lycaon, ellen, lucy, and caesar.
it's the HORSE_KEK schizo, his posts are so absurdly identifiable since he either doesn't care to or is unable to change his posting style. just filter
probably anby and nicole. though out of those 2 idk which would be closer
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it's very memeable
C3W1 now, C6 rerun
Where's King's OST????
tfw you're not a poorfag
probably going to play qy over lighter anyways because I like her more
Ellen love..
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After watching the dev log and playing through 1.2 I feel the game is not only directionless but that the devs have stretched themselves thin.
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>Lmao, imagine rolling for this character when its powercrept within the next patch
Holy FUCK you're playing a single player game, how the FUCK does powercreep matter?
This face and the situation this happens in is so stupid that it pretty much made me switch my rolling plans from Burnice to Yanagi.
Burnice really sticks of r*dditbait.
But of course.
I'm never rolling for a male, so it doesn't matter to me.
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Bros I think I was wrong.
I think Zzz is starting to be better than Wuwa....
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W-what are they doing to that fish? Do I have to do that to Ellen?
So uh can I still touch your tail?
>Holy FUCK you're playing a single player game, how the FUCK does powercreep matter?
By making future content effectively resistant to older characters
the HP bloat is already happening, you're not gonna fully clear stuff without proper teams
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I like how people cry about "power creep" when there's still some motherfucker getting S rank solo Billy clears in Shiyu Defense. Every unit is just a Billy sidegrade.
>can touch lycaon's tail
>can't touch ellen's tail
what did mihoyo mean by this
need all the metal jams from the quest
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bid daddy banner when
absolutely nothingburger
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>schizo insisting on trying to call burnice r*ddit to turn the thread against her
interesting strategy. lets see how it works out for them!
really? didn't he stalk us at the end of his quest with Rina
Burnice cute!

i wanna top this twink
Lycan was the first for (You) character prior to how blatant Lucy is now
not even joking
this >>496438802 clearly
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so, he/she is crossdresser?
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I like Qingyi.
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I don't know what being r*ddit mean
more burnice for me then
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What is this retarded mentality called?
This is Yanagi's daughter btw.
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I don't care if you roll her mate. She just feels r*ddit to me.
Never gonna roll for le "quirky" girlboss character like her.
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Was hoping he was holding a Gameboy Advance or a PSP, but nah, it's some Famicom-colored Switch-clone or something.
metafaggotry, most likely HSR refugees mindbroken by that game (which doesn't require you to metafag to clear content either, but they sure want to believe it does!)
>That Capitano bod
Non-canon for Twinkitano.
Are there enough free standard pulls to reach the 300 pull freebie in the game?
I just realized Ellen doesn’t have an agent story
I dry heave so much when I see big daddy with pierced nipples. Absolutely disgusting.
Why isn't this shit bannable? I'll get banned if I attach a picture with the slightest female nip slip but this shit flies past the radar
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So Caesar is basically a Soukaku upgrade on my Ellen team?

You know that eye colors are based on Ether Aptitude, right?
Are you all ready for him to powercreep your maid hag?
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My dream of psycho freak Yanagi are coming more real by the day
Where's the girlboss? She's just a schizo who likes to set things on fire.
should I go with officer cui or revolverboo for a jane/caesar/seth team?
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For me? It's BILLY KID!
dont make lucy upset!!
no one here actually cares about RIna so your bait is kinda stale bro
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no, it will take probably about 12-16 weeks for most day 1 players currently to hit the 300 mark. they really drip feed those standard pulls in this game.
Yeah. Next year
I'd own one of those badboys
Billy is actually broken though. You don't see solo clears with Anton.
no, the direction is do whatever makes them take less shit, which is shortsighted, they really need to take one from the genshin devs and do what they think is good, yeah they might step on some toes, but im sure they have the talent to deliver, trying to please everyone is sure to get them burned out before 1.4
>Still using my C2W1 Ellen even though I rolled Butt, Onahole, and Rat
>Not because she's better but because it's taken this long to max out a full ice team for her
Slowly working on Qing since she seems to be wanted by more teams but goddamn.
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Who would be the best support for a Lighter/Mibbers team? Soukaku or Lucy?
Nope. Launch players should be around 200~something right now, plus minus.
so you didn't read any of the story and skipped all of the cutscenes, thanks for informing me!
Dunno, I haven't played 1.2 yet. Just saw the webm's of that Burnice scene here which turned me off of pulling her.
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Burnice isn't reddit, newfag. She's OLDFAG.
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>HSR refugees mindbroken by that game
All the loli lovers over there are immune to that bullshit.
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Posting lust provoking images should be a bannable offense. I literally cannot play the game without getting hard and having jack off because I keep getting mentally flashbanged thinking of the images of Caesar's giant fat baby feeders on full display here.
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I don't want another stunner, you fucking chinks.
billy is """"broken"""" because we're in 1.2
You need to learn that sometimes not shoving as many buzzwords as you can actually makes you more believable.
>So Caesar is basically a Soukaku upgrade on my Ellen team?
sidegrade but comfier
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who is this good for? I don't have Kot
They're giving you stunners and support for your Ether Attacker Miyabi
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>Ellen / Lycaon / Caesar
>Ellen / Soukaku / Caesar
Also, is no one mentioning how an Energy Regen disc on Ellen might be better with the +2000 ATK buff from Soukaku and Caesar?
Ellen remains invulnerable for like half her time because she's constantly spamming skills.
This is some quality bait, well done.
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Fuck Pulchra
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>the devs have stretched themselves thin.
>spent so much effort on building TV mode that which was supposed to make story chapters easier so they could focus on animation
>TV mode isn't actually being used
>now have to pull double time on character animation to fill space

the ornament marmot is how zzz devs feel inside
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Is Caesar better than Piper for S11+Lucy?
>they really need to take one from the genshin devs and do what they think is good
Yeah, nah, as usual the truth lies in between.
Why are people saying Yanagi is a greedy hypercarry? She seems like she's designed to use her EX and then leave like Grace. Even the electric set we got is geared for that.
There is no way I could use QY for almost 5 minutes straight without hurting my hand
Why would you even have Piper on that team?
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Anyone free to help me test a bug.
In construction ruins, probably any rank, but I tested 2500, due to how the changed or speed up events, when u reach the last tile which is a shop, it should pause and let u open it, but right now it bugs out and skips to the next map. If anyone else has this happen can you help me report it? True bug fixes usually nets everyone 100 polys
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Is Burnice the most unhinged ZZZ character yet? I don't even think Belle is that crazy.
>that one clara main who went schizo over Yunli directly powercreeping clara
Uh huh.
Yes. Piper/Lucy/Caesar works well for Physical weak enemies too. M6 Lucy even has a unique interaction with Piper's spin, they're designed for eachother.
I controlled Rina for like a full minute just flying around and chipping away for a safe stun
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>wise plays on a cheapo aliexpress emulator shitbox
Damn Fairy draining all of Paethon's funds...
I’m still waiting on the Hotel California knock-off from Jane’s trailer, man.
i see at least a couple hookGODS post their MoC clears every rotation. none of the mihoyo games are hard enough to where you need to metafag to clear, just pull who you like and put the minimum amount of effort into understanding the game and you'll be fine
How’s Ellen’s C2 in practice? I want to get it but not sure how strong and spammable it is outside of HZ without damage and energy buffs
People are just coping because she's confirmed to be the new Anomaly disorder queen that's about to buff Jane to the moon.
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It'll be during the rerun when they also add her alt outfit, trust the plan.
Jane Doe, Lycaon, and Qingyi are the kings of wrist pain.
Lycaon is subtle because the constant click-hold click-hold click-hold adds up.
Metafaggots are pathetic because they'll always be rolling for the next strongest thing thinking they're cheating the system and that clearing everything with ease means anything when in reality it doesn't and they're constantly in the red. They're never making those rolls back and someone that only rolls for their waifus probably have way more saved since being metarded is not even required to get any of the roll currency as of the time I'm writing this and, once it is required if we ever reach that point, they will likely be losing out on very few rolls per patch.
>Will never have a piggy little bangboo that will lead my way to you
why even live
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Burnice if real
Yes, she threatened to burn me alive if I didn't
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in Russian, her nickname sounds like Pernis. Which means farting. It's very symbolic.
Is TV mode really so bad?
Is corridor slop so much better when each TV mode is more memorable with each chapter instead of running around copy pasted environments beating up the same mooks
Well, we only have so many characters drinking actual toxic liquids, even Qingyi drinks water like the healthy robot she is.
Burnice playstyle was so bad.
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i've had this happen but i'm too lazy to report it, good to know it's happening for others though
Thats exactly what I mean, neither approach is good, but at this point they need to defend some of their ideas instead of catering mindlessly to every retard complaining about shit like coffee costing dennies and piling more work on themselves
Indirect Caesar buff via 4 star Defender W-Engine with Impact substat when?
>swing jazz 4pc only triggers off a chain attack
So Rina goes 4Freedom in a disorder teams (Yanagi/Burnice/Rina) yeah?
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Yeah, the off-field anomaly agent worked so well...

I'm sure the on-field anomaly will be better, trust me bro...
I mean most ZZZ characters are pretty normal.
>Caesar has brain damage because Burnice has been feeding her gasoline since she was a kid
it's not. antitvkeks are just impulsive zoomers who can't stay still for more than 5 seconds
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Finally cleared it with Brickton and Billy Brick.
>Unique interaction

Go on
>he thinks we're playing Jane Doe
keep coping homo
TV could be better. It's bearable when you have the fast forward on all the time, but most exploration quests are slop. The best ones are that one where a robot copies your movements, the turn based bangboo battle, and obviously the prophecy rpg
pretty good
The only thing your spreadsheet shows is that Burnice is a brick. Yanagi is literally built around Disorder unlike her.
It's just sluggish. Make it flow faster (they ARE updating it to do that) and it will work wonders.
CUTE W-Engine.
why are you using lyacon in that billy team instead of nicole?
worst of all is that with tvslop as a proxy you're doing stuff solving puzzles and navigating through the hollow being useful for the group
Without it... you're just a dinky bangboo that follows the other characters around that does nothing
Technically it's not direct because Clara and Clara with eidolons in particular can actually do meaningful damage with her skill, unlike Yunli, but in practice Yunli is preferable like 9 times out of 10, so.
the 1.1 bangboo event would have been much improved without the TVs, yes. story mode with actual production value put into TV mode I could take or leave though.
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>billy brick
BillyGODs, show him how it's done.
I am.
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My Nicole dies in one punch.
Reminder today is Sunday, weekly stuff resetting soon
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>using caesar
insane skill issue
I think TV mode is a good palette cleanser. The game won't be as fun if it's just combat combat combat.
It just needs to be snappier. The animations are nice and all but they're also a pause button, make everything work like picking up the purple/yellow boxes does, where if you move it skips the animation.
Then the biggest, most daunting, nigh impossible hurdle for Mihoyo: Don't blab at us non-stop while also freezing us in place. Walk and talk, walk and talk.
I feel like I've seen waaaaay more Lucy art than Caesar art from 1.2
>Indian cc
You didn't like the golden week minigames?
I've seen lots of Caesar art just that I can't post it here because I'll go to jail
ESL YouTubers should get bricked in the skull.
Considering this is the first time since 1.1 that i actually bothered to do 2 clears of hollow zero, good riddance to TV mode here.
TV should only be in story mode and story comissions that would require too many resources to make something interesting.
Repeatable TV shit is when it gets annoying and gay.
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I'm aware of that!
I don't know shit about the damage numbers but it's just really fun and extremely useful to the point I can't imagine playing her without it.

To reiterate, after A3 (Spinning kick), she goes straight to sharknami which you can then repeat for another A3 which can also go straight to sharknami which can be repeated ad nauseum until you run out of energy. At full energy bar, you can sharknami around 3 times.

A3 not only has stupid amounts of homing due to being a warp that also goes behind the enemy but sharknami is fully invincible so going straight to sharknami can "dodge" a lot of attacks without allowing the combo to be interrupted.

Probably only worth rolling if you really want to main Ellen as it is possible skipping over the initial strong attacks lose you dps.
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I don't blame him. Introducing another barefoot loli character with the same role was a dick move. They saw people clearing content with a standard banner character and decided that they didn't want any more of that,
I just rolled her LC for my clara lol.
Lucy's design is 10/10, even if you were an asexual uunuch monk. Caesar's is good but a fair bit relies in enjoying her giant goomba gambas, and her jiggly jahahoomama
blitz HZ literally takes longer to complete and is significantly less fun than normal HZ though. unless you're trying to clear 11/11, the normal TV mode is significantly faster and actually has content to engage with. blitz mode is just a lazy boss rush that just throws buffs at you with no thought, i literally cannot believe people like that mode more than the standard.
alexandrina sebastine...
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I need cowboy Katalina
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>Test out my teams with and without Caesar to see how impactful she is
>this happened
Uhhhh...I guess I just fucking bricked my account. This is M1W1 too what the fuck
Every time I do a bangboo assist with the biker bangboo I shout BIG HOG in real life
i clear blitz in 8 minutes while the old slop took 30 mins a run
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>stunlock Mors against one of the edges of the map with Piper spin
>swap to my Grace to ult
>Mors and my Grace's ult teleport to the exact opposite end of the map
>he is now stuck in the wall and keeps trying to run and dodge
>4chan thread has dogshit taste
What's next, sky is blue?
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The middle one is Trigger btw.
All of Obol Squad is just Anby clones.
Trigger is long-haired Anby.
She like crunchy foods and bites on a bullet.
They pretty much perfected the feel for TV I think it plays so damn good compared to 1.0 it's insane
Corridorslop is garbage no matter how you twist it and the pacing of chapter 4 compared to chapter 3 can prove it
does rina have the fattest tits in the game?
What the fuck are you even doing
Glad they seem to be going subversive with Yanagi. Cause holy fuck the generic OL Office Worker vibe was a snorefest
>300+ rolls beats 90 rolls
>but only in fire/ice team
damn thats crazy
nuts even
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I like them both desu, buy Lucy is sure to press a lot of buttons for people.
Anon this is a single player game
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Despite its flaws, TVkino is one of the core gameplay aspects of ZZZ -- no matter what any caffeine-addled zoomer says. It has resulted in some of the most soulful & memorable things in the game (The Prophecy, [ROST], League of Bangboo, Hollow Zero in general, etc.)
The near-complete removal of it in 1.2 was a MASSIVE misstep from the devs, and makes it extremely glaring how badly paced the game is without it. We need that slower dungeon-crawling puzzle gameplay to balance out the high-speed action, it makes for a good contrast.
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>actually interested in Lighter before chapter 4 even dropped
>get Koleda
>a little interested in Yanagi's fat knockers
>electric anomaly
>already have Rina and c2 Grace
Welp, guess I'll be saving for that ice defender counter DPS.
>coming out of Burnice + Yanagi, I now hove to save again for Lucia + Trigger + the witch hat sex on the bottom left
Holy fuck I'm not gonna make it
The worst part of the story mode was how everything took place on a featureless grid. Instead of actually exploring a haunted hotel or the belobog construction hollows, you're just staring at blank tv monitors. Them removing the TVs from the main story was the biggest W we've had as we can now actually have a more immersive story.
Try using her AoE debuff > go to DPS > parry into Caesar > Ex2 to get 1000 Attack buff up ASAP.

Unlike what retards spout, Caesar takes half a brain to play. She should always get prio on chain attacks too in order to refresh the shield if it's close to breaking or when it's not up yet.
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why did they make the main character look like a rapist
So that’s all Obol Squad? Or are the white/gold characters a new faction?
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>Fuck Pulchra

yes please
post your caesar gameplay
zoomies ruin everything
industrial robots stomping around in belobog worksite
spoopy ghost shenanigans in the mansion with ballerinas
all of this shit is memorable

I cannot tell you what makes blazewood stand out because it's just corridors
Brainrotted ADHD zoomieshits you don't even have money to spend
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wowwww bro
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Please respond.
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He is me
I made sure to pay off Kind Bear's god damn debt
It sure pressed mine after Ch4.
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i'm going to invest in lightercoin even though i won't be playing s11, ellen, or miyabi
there WILL be a fire or ice attacker i like in the future
there HAS to be one
New faction. Church.
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the fact that no one can agree on whether the TVslop is good or not is proof that the devs need to just pick their direction and stick to it. it's a polarizing feature, and no matter what they do to smooth it over, there are going to be some people who will never like it, which is fine. adding modes for people who don't like dealing with it is good, such as the TV-less HZ. i personally don't get what the fuck the appeal of that is, but it's good that it exists for people who just want combat. obviously, for the actual story, it's less possible for them to make the TVslop optional, so they should just pick a direction and accept that some people will get filtered. you literally cannot please everyone, and we're already seeing them bend over backwards to try and appeal to everyone since they already backpedaled their TV removal stance after they got the opposite feedback from their dev blog.
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For better immersion.
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Rape is cool that's why.
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Choose who will arrest you.
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that was a memorable mission too
why are they trying to appeal to zoom zooms. they'll do all this work and zooms will just leave to chase the next shiny object anyways
don't listen to users, user are retarded
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susie rape (by me) (i am wise)
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Mommy milkers
>had both tv exploration and combat combined before
>only have combat now
>this is somehow a good thing
Funny because the game has been getting progressively easier since release and A rank characters are clearing endgame content easily if you know how to play the game
Gacha game, they need impatient stupid people without a grasp of finance and access to their parent's credit card.
yeah lots of exploration on a featureless fucking grid
we have actual exploration now of 3d maps retard
will be rendered obsolete by miyabi in 2 updates
She’s a sidegrade and you need her engine
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The Yae Miko of Zeezeezee
The Kafka of Zeezeezee
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Not gonna lie, seeing this makes it even easier to skip Section 6. Literally every other teased or unreleased group looks more interesting than them.
TV mode has the potential for memorable commissions, the problem is that low-effort slop is less bearable with TV mode. If the change means that only well-crafted TV mode missions stay in it's a good thing.
how do you look at this and not feel disgusted by the slop
How is Ether Anomalyabi supposed to do that, exactly?
tv mode grids are not exploration
>their parent's credit card
no the target is overworked wagies
belle is 24 wise is 25/26
nice game zzzkeks
Oh nyoo, Lucy was so cute in this scene. Made me like her more.
Ambush 5 is the hardest content I've played since underleveled shiyu.
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Are we reading the same skills? She'll still abuse chaos jazz, but she's obviously a character that'll be spamming anomaly through her basic attacks like S11. Seems like the 15 seconds of buffs is her DPS window, and you'll want to switch stances at least once during this time to maintain the bonus AM buff.
it's ok, she's dumb and will think you guys are playing a game if you just tell her that
>Fat thighs are diegetic

caesar's fat fucking dump truck is too big to fit between the stools...
lmao you gotta be baiting
what fucking exploration when you're just walking on a straight line to the next combat encounter
>Their asses are actually modeled bigger
the pressure system and resonia really should have been utilized more outside of hollow zero, it's probably the most engaging thing about TV mode from a gameplay perspective.
Just go for a hybrid approach
>TV section with innovative gameplay
>never add TV section that's just "move down this corridor"
>never do long pauses of Fairy instructing you
>remove small combat encounters
>only have long lengthy combat scenarios like the ones in the Outer Ring
>but the combat scenarios are part of the TV stages

However, that's not the biggest problem.
The biggest issue is the lack of diversity in the tutorial/early game.
No matter what you change now, new players will still be turned off by the long TV at the start.

Break it up.
Add in optional side challenge stages as a teaser for something like the Disputed Node/Ambush Node.
Add in an optional boss you can encounter in the early stage, by solving a TV puzzle.
Blitz 11, and Withering 11 while you have less than 10 Resonia are harder
>Playable Ben will crash this game, with no survivors
Caesar's fat ass is stuck.
I've seen this in doujins

lighter is so fucking cooool
Lucy's design is just way more interesting, cohesive, and fucking SEXY. Caesar had potential, but like most milktanks in hoyoslops; she was doomed from the start due to censorship. She has one of the worst cases of censorspats I have ever seen, it's a tragedy. I'm patiently waiting for a good mod to fix her bricked design.
I don't know, someone test it. I don't know what's what anymore after some anon tinkered with physical / ATK% / PEN% discs. with assault anomaly and there was barely any difference.
how do you design a one-character-at-a-time action gacha without most of the roster being quickswap-skill-quickswap fodder that you never actually play as
This anon summarized why TVslop becomes annoying dogshit sometimes and until they do something to fix it then the whole system can stay contained in monthly events and exploration puzzles.
in CBT1 as far as i could tell, the pressure and resonia were actually part of every TV exploration, and it was more universally like hollow zero. this apparently got negative feedback which led to the simplification of the encounters, and we ended up with the braindead TVslop that makes up most of the game.

it's almost like the devs need to stop listening to zoomers and actually commit to their vision of the game
>discord timing
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The bike racing was alright. The controls were a bit ass but I'm sure they'll improve on it. The dodge the lightning commission was okay too.
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need yanagi to warm both my ears with her thighs
I'm not even touching those because they're permanent. Just going to wait until I have the latest powercreep character.
Sisters... I'm suddenly ovulating...
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bros... its over.... lighter has such cool animations he will sell more than ellen and mihoyo will start to release homos just as often as genshit and shart rail...
Sounds like a skill issue to be honest especially with people clearing it hitless solo
Among the playables, it's a toss-up between her and Grace. Rina's are saggier, Grace's are rounder. Yanagi and Pulchra definitely give them a run for their money, however.
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They should add a character that looks like a literal NPC until you ult and transform.
>the naginata is technically a sword
am i uncultured or is that a star wars thing
My wife!
So far, yes.
there's nothing in his animations that would suggest he buffs ice damage lmao
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>electric anomaly
Grace is dead...
the lightning commission was just some random gameplay mechanic that has nothing to do with blazewood or the character of that region
Yanagi is... okay. Mostly boring animations but there are a few that look cool. Lighter looks pretty damn nice though.
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>adjusts glasses anime pose
cringe in anime cringe in game
Firekuma is cooking again
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I hate fire characters. Their fire particle effects lag my ancient phone so much.
It requires actual playtime instead of spreadsheets.
ER gives you access to higher scaling more often, at the cost of 500-700 lower ATK.
However, that amount pales in comparison to the buffs Soukaku + Caesar would give you.
Yanagi seems pretty underwhelming bwos except the zoom zoom lightning shit.
Lighter looks cool
Already saw that video, he was using Jane. I had to clear it with Ellen and anby.
Yanagi looks more fun than Burnice
go back
Lighter looks fun. Yanagi is eeeeeeh, reminds me of polearm charge attack spam from Genshin or something, not a fan.
you know the dvd covers are non canon right
Holy fucking snoozefest.
Better but I was expecting more. Where are all those animations we saw during the leaks?
How do you feel about Caesar this update music video attracting political andys that talk about "hoyo pwaning the woke westeners" lol
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Kinda want Lighter but it doesn't look like he's a main fire DPS?
>i can't goon to this therefore its bad!
lucytards can't stop losing
>TV is dead baww
>next patch leak has a bunch of TV mode items for knightboo, likely you go on an rpg adventure with him so it resembles the propecy
hurr durr, they even said on the dev talks that TV mode is not going away just out of story mode
Thunderstorms in a desert fits the atmosphere of the area enough to me at least. The best I can hope for is that the lack of T.V is one big knee jerk reaction, and they'll correct it over time.
>it's almost like the devs need to stop listening to zoomers and actually commit to their vision of the game
Chinese devs don't do that because their players can and will sink their business to the ground if you piss them off too much. The direction the game will take is unironically up to chinese surveys.
Why the fuck does Yanagi have a sheath for her naginata? I can already see it looking stupid as fuck with the handle protruding.
he's a stunner. not clear how much field time will be optimal for him yet but it seems like he's flexible based on his kit
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Sometimes you get a different impression from a character once you see them from behind and in-gameplay. I'll say Lighter actually looks even better than I thought from behind. Yanagi still looks like a fucking NPC. This better be some kind of bait and switch.
bwos, is this a waifu game?
you lied to me.
They actually went for the dual approach.
TV KINO is playable on the side, but if you want to rush through it, Fairy's auto-explore lets you just go down the main route.
yanagi has a pretty basic looking moveset but I appreciate that after her combo she turns around so you can see her boobs shake. that ult is pretty uninspired though.
I don't think either of them used their special skills.
>yanagi looks like shit with boring animations and will sell like shit
>lighter looks fucking SICK and will sell just off of how cool he is
yep we're definitely gonna get way more men after 1.4
sisters we fucking won
>First ever official hoyo male nipples
I'm too virgin to look at it!
Alright, I'll go for it. I got nothing else to do anyway, I'll look for an ER ice piece.
I'm sorry you have to live with glasses anon, but it looks dorky when you do it
you're confused
on field characters are mainly stunners

I'm an autist who likes punching things a lot we'll see about lighter more likely to pull him than yanagi who is not bad but still
Yanagi animations
*sigh* ZZZ devs still too afraid to add cock jiggle.
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this looks like an EX to me
>Yanagi's design is shit
>her animations are a fucking snoozefest
holy shit how did this bitch leave fucking concept development?
That sucks.
Sure but that's not what I'm looking for.
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what I don't get is why they don't add auto-explore to combat and story missions too, with the exception of the polychrome rewards I guess.
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Think fast!
Yanagi's animations seem kinda quick and uncomplicated. Almost like she's not meant to be a hypercarry or something.
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>I had to clear it with Ellen and anby.
Nigger you are the powercreep
If you've got ellen you have no excuse whatsoever
>Already saw the video
disingenous or you would have said "yeah, billy cleared the second half no damage solo" Which proves my point

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His scarf should be bigger. Too bad his scarf doesn't catch on fire and gets some weird glowing ghost thing instead.
there's thinking in TVslop. it's the same thinking you get in zelda puzzles
no idea what that poster is posting about you're not doing factory assembly work when you're exploring in TV mode
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now thats what I like to see.
yanagis attacks look weightless and floaty
kinda like shenhes NAs
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Has anyone beat Pulchra and the mech without Jane or Caesar or Billygod?
I don't have fire team so I used Anby and Nicole but Anby was getting screwed by the fact Pulchra's gun takes three quarters of your health.
On fielding Neko or Qingyi made it a lot easier but I want to beat it with Anby.
Lighter is a fucking Street Fighter character lmfao
I gotta pull him now
I am sure someone will make a K' mod for him
Ambush 5 is ice resistant.
>Almost like she's not meant to be a hypercarry or something.
Because she isn't
She's literally designed around disorder so she's more like a quickswap on-field support
No way!
on field dps characters like ellen are shit you just haven't realized it
honestly hoyo should have milked on field dps way more before releasing stunners because stupids haven't figured it out yet
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>Those Lighter animations
>Lighter fighting style

Holy fuck missed opportunity of the year to not make him an Attacker, I would've pulled for him in a heartbeat, what the fuck were they thinking of with another stunner
>"she has two stances"
>it's just a fucking infusion
>no Herrscher of Thunder mecha arm
fuck this gay game
he is voiced by Ryu's VA in JP and Luke's in EN
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>was hoping yanagi's animations would change my mind on her
>they did the complete opposite
what the FUCK were they thinking??
go back
I wish Lighter would turn into an unhinged over the top psycho when fighting
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cunnybros we got baited with all the launch lolis
we thought this was waterkuma's game but it's gonna be nothing but hags and men from now on
Ambush Shiyu 5 resists Ice on both nodes retard
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Bros, is Yanagi the Aizen of ZZZ?
The game is still easy enough that you can make him your DPS with Caesar and Lucy supporting him
I hope to fucking god Lighter doesn't require the same click spam Qingyi does, but it ain't lookin too good. I'm getting too fucking old. He looks fun though.
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I will be doing this with Lighter
Honestly if disorder is sticking with more of a quickswap playstyle who the fuck is burnice for? You'd think she would buff disorder if that's what they wanted to do with her
That's what I'm saying!
they both look boring
i dont know why everyone is jacking off lighter his leaked moves looked way cooler
Yeah I regret pulling for Qingyi, can't have too many stunners on my account so I'll have to skip Lighter with a heavy heart.
Did it with cop duo and nicole
just bruteforced my way through
I swapped one of my discs from Ice Damage % to Pen Ratio on Ellen and felt a big difference desu
>zero combat exploration straight up tells you "don't need to deploy agents, let's just go"
>icon is of bangboo on a bike
This was DEFINITELY planned for the main story TVs. All but ether dust in the wind now.
Also, that faster coin gate interaction, kinda nice.
burnice is quick swappy though?
did you even play her in the story yet?
Skill issue
Cleared it with Ellen as my DPS just fine
stop hating on yanagi because you are activating my contrarian sensor and making me want to roll for her + ball + cinemas
Weird attempt to save her desu
>Says A-Rank on roster screen
>Character screen says S-Rank

what the FUCK.

You're literally paying for an A-Rank character tweaked to S-rank
Funny his JP voice actor is Ryu
Should have fucking paid for Qingyi, she was the feeler unit.
It's time to get a turbo controller old man.
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i have every S-rank stunner and i will still at least go to 50/50 on him. he's too sick and i want to try to collect all of SoC
Burnice is pretty good at applying anomaly + the way burn works is triggering it again doesn't apply damage twice so she's either an enabler for S11 or in fact another disorder candidate
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stunners rule this game
Yanagi's ingame looks expose how shit hoyo models are
They were going for a BA type bland design but all it did is show how shity mihoyo is at modeling their characters
It's been 4 years ffs is it actually impossible for them to do better than this?
Lucy love?
>bottom-rimmed glasses, just like anime.
it's fucking boring.
Yeah I was thinking the same thing. The floaty animations look just like Shenhe's.
Stunners are boring. I just want one hyper-DPS
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Maybe? I don't know, I'm just M1-ing through everything and so far I haven't hit a wall. So I don't know what you're talking about.
Why all characters in this game are so rollable, I am skipping Lighter but fuck that is cool, Yanagi seens unfinished her after images on the dodge are missing the effects that some of her other moves have
we got HSR'd
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lmao I didnt notice that
With anby for stun?
not him but if I like a character I'd want others to roll for her or him less
>easily outshines the glasses pink
Jesus Christ, you need to actively try to design such a bland female character.
Inital leak said he was an A-Rank attacker so it checks out.
Not beating the boring bitch allegations.
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how is she the only well-designed character in this entire faction
who the fuck is sarah

and people clear the ambush nodes with ether resistance just fine
The resistance never stopped anyone, especially with ellen/zhu as you can shit out damage
you have 0 excuses
Mibibi and Yanagi are for us contrarianchads
Maybe I should do that, too for slot 5. I regret dismantling my PEN discs...
>on field dps characters like ellen

Nah, that's just Ellen
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I have Koleda, Qingyi, and Lycaon but I'm still going to pull for Lighter... I don't have any S rank attacker
shes not a human so the boring clothes work
blue nipples
SD is super easy now with any character leveled to 60
let's see when they start adding some real difficulty
you don't understand multipliers and want a DPS characters on field all the time. I'm talking to a mathlet
>nothing but good stuff from now on
Hoyo knows pedotrannies won't spend as much as they talk
Yanagi ult should have transformed her into a 12 foot tall red oni woman wearing only a loincloth while her hair covers her nipples.
Still has glasses.
I cleared it too, but it wasn't easy.
But that's like this entire general.
Except you get constant and pointless mini-interruptions when traversing the TVgrid and solving puzzles, which doesn't happen in Zelda games. TVshit can fuck off and stay gone until Mihomo makes it better like they said they would in their devlog stream, simple as.
stunners have the most on-field time of all roles, you actually get to play him more if he is a stunner vs moving enemies instead of attacker like zhu or soldier who just dumps their ex+ult on stunned enemy, if qingyi is any indication, his damage wont be negligible either
ambush node will never be a real metric of powercreep
you can clear it running around and letting the bangboos 100-0 the entire thing
>game is doing so poorly that they can't afford to make A ranks anymore and have to upgrade them all to S ranks so we keep getting 2 new S ranks per patch
Twitter literally won. This team listens way too much to feedback.
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good slop for once
It's over isn't it? Yanagi will gigaflop like Jade and Emille before her...
Even if you're right, I still prefer gameplay over meta.
I love glasses
cant wait for the caimogu modder mods this boring bitch into Raiden shogun.
Because it's funnier when you find out hes the one that gets raped
Yanagi spam thrust is reminding me of a genshin character but don’t remember who
They just need to add gradual HP decrease like they had in their previous game.
This. Inshalla why they didn't make Yanagi some kind of thiren. The faction "based on" image says she's something but It's just so fucking boring.
Finally, gender ratio to 50/50
should i be using 4pc protopunk on seth
glasses gacha characters are always bad
>I still prefer gameplay
the game is designed that you bring a character to sun and then beat the shit out of it with a burst attacker
Jane and Caesar both flopped what did you expect
You can’t expect someone as boring as Yanagi to carry 1.3 so it has to be Lighter now and hope yumepags spend on the game
That would take an hour each side. I actually tried letting Lucy's pigs finish it when they were at a sliver and it took fucking forever.
xiangling has that move
shenhe too like the other anon said
How do you even tell it's slop?
Even the words look right.
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>the chinese are the biggest KoF fans, second only to latinos
I kneel
Where is this image?
It reminds you of Boy Tao the boy in shorts, possibly also Shenhe like other anons have already said.
blue oni cute tail jk
we could've had more creatures from japanese folklore in section 6 but they went with two generic humans and a very watered down kitsune
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He's literally an upgraded A rank.
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it's not slop, it's just stylized
>proving him right
It is actually insane. Like at a glance her massive tits make me do a double take but then I feel like I got duped by a plank of wood when I look for more than a second.

It's like one of those videos:
>"I PAID A $50 FIVERR AND A $500 FIVERR ARTIST to both make a big titty workaholic government anime protag"
The $50 would give you Yanagi and the $500 would give you Zhu Yuan
Huo Tao, probably.
yumeGODS please save the game
CoomerKEKS couldn’t save shit
guess they had a bad launch where enemies were too easy and dialogue slog made too many players quit
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lighter will flop
what an upgrade
Yeah try that against Ninevah. That's not entirely true, there's like 3 ways I can think of to play the game.
I just wanted Lighter to be on the main spotlight, dealing the most damage, clearing the most mobs. Not some, in-and-out chara.
will come back to zzz and whale just for him
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Man I ALMOST returned to genshit just for her then remembered they don't have a story skip button.
you're indonesian
Do you have any non-limited character at core skill F? Who are they?
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spider sense
name of the author?
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>lighter is an 4* unit upgraded to 5*
>lighter will have 4* animations

>people will roll for a shitty upgraded unit
If Jane hadn’t flopped then Lighter would’ve been A rank
Jane being a dyke coombait was a mistake
What's an example of mini-interruption if you don't mind me asking specifically? So I can get a better feel for what you're trying to describe. What chapter?
just gigabuff him with 2 supports and build him into crit and he can probably shit out damage just fine. as everyone has said, the game is easy right now and we're probably not going to hit the point where you can't clear with off-meta setups for a while. put caesar and lucy with him and he can probably DPS fine.
just play him solo or hypercarry then
with enough buffs/crit stats you could make it work
I would roll for this character.
save patch! I have no complains!
No wonder his animations are so fucking boring they didn't even try lol
It's the tax for Piper and Lucy.
>the game is designed that you bring a character to sun and then beat the shit out of it with a burst attacker
I mean to some degree. Stun is not needed for Anomaly like Jane, DPS like Ellen are less dependent on it, and DPS like Zhu are specifically designed for what you're describing.
this is probably more likely than trying to appease the yumes. Not because it's failing but wouldn't be surprised if the team or Mihoyo underestimated how much time and work it takes to make action game character.
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>Sounds weak ass
Finally a skip patch
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ZZZ might be the first game I've played that mentions diarhhea explicitly.
Ellen, Qingyi, and... Anton.
A DPS with two supports is never going to beat stunner + dps + support because of how multipliers work in the game.
maybe the poster is a shonenfag who can't into numbers
Yeah it was Hu Tao, thanks for reminder

Ngl i like yanagi design but gameplay wise she seems a little basic with too much emphasis on basics and very small aoe. 1.3 looking like a SKIP
I take it that you don't play HSR.
NTA but when the game takes control of my camera and pans to a button/light tile I can already see
then it pans back
then I step on a button and it pans to the door it showed me 2 seconds ago
then I walk through the door and it happens all over again, but with an extra box this time
actually fucking infuriating
Please stop making fun of my wife and her defenseless anus.
who the fuck is sarah
If Seth would be an S-rank defender agent instead it would succeed since incels were drained by 3 female banners and fujos were primed to pull.
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the solution is very simple, mihoyo
just release more sexy children and you will make billions
im just going to skip every remaining character and save for the next 2.0 batch
hopefully the game doesnt die before then
it's not about "beating" anything you retarded metakek, it just needs to be good enough to clear and you get the same rewards as your metakek team that can clear in 10 seconds. fucking retard, it's not a competitive game.
Yanagi also has the A rank dumbufucks, is a placeholder
but anything to fit your narrative eh?
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Hate to be a party pooper here but it says A rank on Yanagi's character select screen too. The ranking both change to S when they swap to the skill screen.
she's perfect
She also looks like an A rank upgraded to S rank anon
Idk about yanagi but lighter definitely did. At 0:48 you can see his EX special which has a different animation if you do it out of a dash. Both versions end with the same uppercut into power dunk move
It sounds like you can either spam click or hold down the button like billy
Yanagi should have been an A rank thoughbeit.
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my impression of yanagi is rising as time goes by
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holy shit both 1.3 agents are promoted a-ranks? this game is FUCKED
Honestly she looks more like a B rank
Yeah, I actually like how she looks, but I just can't get into these animations, my last cope is that she feels better to play than it seems.
That sounds like a lot of investment and I don't have a good foundation for that kind of team. I'm not rolling for Caesar, I'm broke. Currently looking for a fire DPS.
No, not Burnice. After playing around with Jane for quite some time now, I still prefer hitting and dealing damage instead of building-up anomaly for a huge burst or DoT for Burnice's case.
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I suppose Yanagi is also an upgraded A-Rank Fire/Attack as well?
1.3's a skip patch or no???
SD is easy now and you can clear it with anything.
My guess is that it won't always be that easy.
fitting image for a design that looks generic enough to be AI generated
>yanagi's inspect animations are copy pasted from miyabi's cbt ones
oh they are reworking everything for her damn
>fire Waterkuma and scrap the idol faction
>quickly promote A rank agents to S rank to fill the hole in content
>>496445524 >>496445348
Oh you said non-limited. So just... Anton.
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uh oh mibibicucks melty
I thought it looked familiar. I'm excited what they did to her.
Skip patch if you don't like the character
MUST ROLL if you like the characters
Old people didn't pay up, now they're targeting the newer generations...
by the time its that easy, anyone running an off-meta setup will have new units to roll for to fill out their account, if they need to. i enjoy discussing gameplay but it is genuinely infuriating when metakeks get all uppity about how some slightly scuffed team setup will clear 5% slower than the optimal one. the game is easy. we have no idea what the powercreep is going to be like long term. there is literally zero point to being elitist over how people play the game
wait waterkuma is fired? non no no no no o nONON O
yanagi shouldve pole danced in her moves
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>have a kitsune girl in your game
>for some unthinkable reason, you don't give her a set of fucking MASSIVE fluffy-ass tails
>instead you get a faggot with a choker and an office lady with less visual flair than an HIA NPC
Soukaku belongs in a better faction.
>Lighter was meant to be A-Rank Fire Attack on Caesar's banner
>Yanagi was meant to be A-Rank Electric Anomaly on Fagumasa's banner
Checks out.
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don't ask me how many times i had to retry because of their fucking ranged attacks
jane sold more than qingyi thoughbeit
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Grace won't leave my alone, my standard banner agent and the two 50/50 losses for her.

At least now she can boost damage for... Anton? fuck
hes gone bro check his twitter
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It’s up to yumes to reverse this falling trend now and prove themselves
If Lighter sells billions, the face of ZZZ will change
also the fucking tutorials for shit like the night vision mode
>hey we just got some goggles!
>item description: “you put on goggle that let you see in the dark”
>lets try it out!
>highlights item activate button ive used a million times already
>highlights use button on item screen
>finally use it
>wow it looks so clear!
>walk two tiles
>woah theres a ghost!
>pans over to the ghost
>pans back
>dont worry just walk at it to kill it!
Firebear is the new zzz main artists now
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so why does lighter buff ice
nothing in his moveset indicates it
Good event.
>It's another episode of broke seapags doomposting about a new character because they have no pulls left and need to skip.
yeah, nicole and anby. seth is next, he's at e
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So lets get this straight.
Lighter is a stunner that shreds both ice and fire resis.

So Lighter is trying to powercreep both Koleda and Lycaon.
I just don't see the point of it.
He's completely useless and unneeded.
There will be no strict meta, Mihoyo likes diversifing playstyles to create new character archetypes. Chances are there will be future attacker DPS units who gain buffs for being on field for x amount of time which deincentivizes using stunners
Wtf why did Jane flop so hard that even Caesar will overtake her
I told you shiptrannies ruin everything
yeah yumes saved genshin
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Monthly PvP is tommorrow right?
Estimation on our rank?
Melt reaction reference to Genshin
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genshin mentions diarrhea too. seems like a hoyo thing
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They are launch S ranks. He's not "trying to" powercreep them, he will.
There are people like DSP that exist in real life
he was 5* first bwo
The declining revenue is due to the BP losing its value with time.
If only the wengines in the selector were better than the craftable ones..
just as a small survey, what did people think of the 2 new TV missions we got compared to older ones? i agree that the interruptions and agonizingly terrible tutorialization in older TVslop was terrible, but I think it was handled much better int he 2 missions we had, and if future TV content was like this, i have zero issues with it being more prevalent in the game. post for reference >>496444576
>lighter is generic punch boxer guy with antons ult
>miyabi is a c rank npc
its over, we are done
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kof reference
>Zhu Yuan is coombait done right in moderation, succeeds good enough
>Jane is coombait done wrong with dykebaiting, flops
When will Mihomo get rid of their Hi3 dykebaiting roots?
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It was pretty painful, all my firepower was saved for the second half. Ended up upgrading Anby quite a bit so I could get her stuns faster.
why do you retards keep believing a site that flat out says their numbers are made up bullshit
man they need to get creative with the fire effects, all the fire agents have the same fire look and effect
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Did Lola just imply she's going to fuck Bolter in a car?
man the pinking shit makes me happy, hits too close home since I'm a truck driver and I self insert as wise
Everyone already has Ellen.. Miyabi is going to GIGA flop hard.
1.3 and 1.4 are easy SKIP patches
Lighter is actually cool, if I lose my coin flip I'll roll him
I did it with
Corin / Qingyi / Rina
Zhuyuan / Koleda / Nicole
It's all just friendly banter.
Stop having a melty over it.
I know Jane is unpopular and didn't sell well but I really enjoy the QoL of popping small enemies.
>Ellen Joe, best selling is 20 mil
>Qingyi second best selling is 9.79 mil
What a fucking drop, maybe they should’ve made Seth an S rank too to keep yumes in check
they're husband and wife, they can have sex in their car whenever they want
i mean it's not totally fair since HSR is playable on mobile and zzz isn't
if zzz is flopping and dying what game is thriving besides the deepspace kpop mode femcel games
I know you're a stupid bitch but I actually agree. At best he's replacing Koleda and if you already invested in her there's no point in rolling for him.
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He is trying, because he's doing a poor job at it.
Caeser already fucking did it, Qingy already did it.

Lighter isn't doing anything good, in fact he's WORSE because his stun is too strict, it only benefits fire and ice users.
Why have that when I can use Caeser for a free 1k attk, or Qingy for a huge stun multiplier boost.

Its stupid.
Was really hoping that Yanagis animations would redeem her. If she doesn't pair well with mibibi then she's a 100% skip, too boring.
Yanagi is missing some effects an animations, I think that lighter will end up being the first banner of 1.3
Oh I replied to the "stupid bitch" /trash/ tranny. My mistake.
I want to NTR Bolter
Lighter became S rank because coomers can’t keep a game afloat and the devs learnt their lesson
They literally upgraded him last second to S rank KEK
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That is a funny way of saying you got BTFO with facts and logic, STUPID BITCH.
wow it's almost as if LITERALLY ALL FUCKING GACHAS had a good start because all whales activate on day1 either to sell accounts or just get everyone and it stays that way until a super-limited giga-meta-breaker-with-no-alternatives-and-good-dupe-scaling character drops
are you really that new?
Didn't Yanagi make huge lightning pillars come down and shit when Section 6 assists you in that Withering Garden unlock quest?

Or was that Harumasa?
Effects maybe, but animations it doesn't look like it. Maybe they'll do another Caesar and fucking scrap her beta kit and mangle it on release but as it is, it looks final.
They're going to have to port over raiden or furina to save this game.
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That was Haramusa.
He is most likely an electro support.
but that’s lucia
LighterGODS… HarumasaGODS… MiyabiGODS… we leave the sales to you guys now
Carry our game please…
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I am not indulging your AGP fetish.
I think those were Harumasa's ranged attacks.
That was Harumasa, and those aren't pillars, they're electric mines
/giggles/ are here... Again
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why's she so cute bros
you get to gloat about that when a new faction shows up and it's all homos and maybe a shota
male:female ratio is already whack right now lighter is like the token nignog you get in other games
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>people post animations for new characters
>sales shitposting starts soon after
>thread quality plummets
i'm nyooticing...
the new tv optimizations made the stages feel noticeably better
the older stages like prophecy and bangboo limbo were memorable and felt really strong as an alternative gameplay mode
a big thing is giving the player freedom to move and fewer interruptions as a whole
the complaints are mostly for the stuff that theyve addressed, id be happy to see more TV if they follow how the good tv missions were set up
but that's pulchra's shtick...
Kill all salesfaggots
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Harumasa shoots up arrows into the air and they come down to form a lightning pentagram that leaves small traps behind that explode.
Funnily enough when I replayed that HZ quest to check out their animations, he kept A posing for me whenever he jumped in to help.
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Yanagi might be a must pull.
But I seriously already have Grace, and I really REALLY hate the idea of going after a side grade.
Neko and S11
>anon discovers that games recycle npc aspects
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Literally how I beat that white teleporting bastard with my qingyi team. I hate thanatos so much it's unreal
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this isn't a moege general
What it is with this game and boring ass ult animations that are recycled from chain/EX attacks/another agent? Lighter's is almost identical to Anton's, except... Fire.
You're telling me you designed this fighting-game inspired character that kicks and punches all over the place and you couldn't make him do a [CRIMSON STAR ROAD] or chuck a giant fucking fireball or something? COME ON.
SEA hours
Jin Saotome mention raaaaaah

His p2 colors look a bit like Lighter
>Lighter didn't get the Jane's animation team
>Yanagi didn't get the Jane's animation team
who the hell are they working on???
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S-Rank bangboos get more love and marketing by mihoyo than any new A rank character
and Billy!
I gotta say as someone who has rolled every limited so far, Section 6 will finally give me a break. They just haven't presented a single thing yet that looks impressive or unique.

Who are we betting on for the next faction? Idols? Will Nun emerge from the shadows censored before then? Wildcard faction?
Nobody since all that Jane coombaiting led to nowhere
Miyabi, the flagship agent.
they gave up and are just doing the bare minimum
noticing what?
zoom shits can't enjoy a game because social media ruined their minds? They are only allowed to enjoy something if everyone else enjoys it social proof.

btw if TV mode was allowed to stay in we'd have MORE CHARACTERS instead of putting devs to copy paste environment assets that no one gives a shit about. Now A ranks have to get promoted to S ranks.
kys zoomshits
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>he fell for the /zzz/igger narrative
All ults in this game are Chain Attacks with extra bits to them.
Got the pic of Qingy giving me a good night kiss?
I can't sleep otherwise
I have ellen, zhu, chink, and caesar
Tell me why I should not skip any one of burnice/lighter/burnice? instead of saving it all for mibibi?
unless they want to leave S11fags hanging for a whole year, i expect we'll get OBOL squad after section 6, then maybe the idols as the anniversary banners
>Jane's animation team
Thank fucking God
Jane's animations are a tragedy because they look like a fucking neon light installation instead of a swift character
I want to see my girl not just odd lines
lighter is literally me
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Wasn't Yanagi supposed to have a mode switch?
I can see her weapon telescope into a short sword in the menu but I don't see it nowhere in combat.
There's no way that that's all the moves pink lady has.
yeah we need blackhole and shit like HSR
That was Harumasa, again. The guy wields dual katanas and a bow...
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the anti-jane schizo lives in his own fantasy land
That fucking sucked I want to see my agent not lines and flashes
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I think she switches between circular NA mode and straight electric thrust mode
You have the same IQ as the animal you posted.
Ah FUCK I forgot about Obol squad. They seem just as boring as Section 6 on paper, and Trigger's concept art was neat but didn't appeal to me. FUCK, guess I'm saving for a while. Hopefully they'll atleast confirm the anby theories.
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>Where are all those animations we saw during the leaks?
They're all in there, most of the one-two punch combo stuff is part of his normal attack string, it's just hard to see because it happens so fast. I love how he switches between flicker punches and roundhouse kicks like he's doing a fighting game rekka series or something
>Amillion has more art than Billy
the same obnoxious retard as always.
You might as well just skip 1.4
Eww, how embarrassing. Even I don't have a reaction picture to accurately portray what I'm feeling. He must really hate himself.
a lot of characters ult in this game are just jump + hit the ground
Lighter should go shirtless during the ult if they want to attract more femcels
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My king...
You can build a nu-Sona 3 team now

Anton (nuAkihiko)
Lighter (nuDoor)
Piper (nuFuuka)
And female agents should switch to bikini armor during their ulty.
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>yanagi looks as boring to play as her design is bland
Grim. That one coping anon about her having some "hidden dark side" or whatever is done.
>lighter's animations seem lacking
I can't put my finger on it. Seems too simple. Like an A-rank.
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femcels don't play this game
love and deepspace has like almost no game elements it's just molesting your kpop husbando
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>A rank animations
Nobody gives a fuck.
Horsetranny back at it again with the salesposting, samefagging, bait posting
I’m glad not many people are replying to him tho, let him talk to himself till he gets bored and goes back to shitddit to cuckpost and rage about incels
Miyabi will 100% have the most cracked mindscapes and sig thus far
Feel free to screenshot
I'm almost certain that like 3/4 of that is just because Nicole usually carries Amillion on her hip
S-Rank HK-47 Billy
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>secretly girly
she's perfect
True, that’s like saying femcels will play Call of duty because hot men could be added to the game
No female will play button masher tryhard games so yumebaiting and homobaiting is absolutely pointless in ZZZ
What the fuck is a "void hunter"
redditors hate him too, you have to be a deranged schizo to make people in 4chan and reddit hate you.
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The game's sales are in danger?
Leave it to us. We'll pick up the slack.
They definitely aren't doing as much as they should relative to how much money they're making. At chinese salaries, they should have years worth of characters designed and ready to plug into the story.
just check the TV sections on Grace's story and you'll see some examples of what >>496445573 >>496446143 is talking about, which is why it's a good thing they removed the whole thing from story commissions until Mihomo can cook a better system, because right now shit sucks and it's baffling how so many dumbasses are defending this.
Are they cooking kino?
Says who, unicorn?
Genuine question tho, did females ever like playing Tekken and Street Fighter? Just asking
redditors managed to get him banned though, that's one big L for us.
Miyabichads, is 1.3 looking like a skip and save?
Would be sick.
TV mode is gone, the purpose of that mode was to tell the story in a way where they could focus resources on character and animation
So now animation team is diverted to fill gaps in storymode chapters and events

happy you now you fucks?
>fishing for Affinity resonia in Construction 3500
>put in Caesar along with zero-gear underleveled Piper and Ben
>get A rank in second floor boss fight but already used the bomb to skip a mook
Well fuck... Does anyone know what happens with the 900 total weekly Z-Merits if you don't pick up the 120 Z-Merits from floor 2 in a run? Do I just have to do an extra run and get the remainder?
who the fuck is this horse redditor you guys are talking about
Some guy called Mr. Hands.
Nope they never did, that’s why zzz will never attract a female audience
I know a few female(actual(not troon)) MK, Injustice and Skullgirls players but only one Tekken/SF girl, although it's hard to say it counts because she's a general fighting game nerd
Absolutely not
skip the 30 or you won't be able to pick up the 120
I'm unironically saving for S-Rank Billy because nothing feels quite as fun as his playstyle so far
I was playing the new Main Story right now. Just started. Is every girl in the biker gang the Boar Daddy's daughter? Or is it just Lucy and they just call him "Dad".
What does this have in ZZZ?
I seriously hope you're not trying to draw any parallels between a gacha game and a fighting game.
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He should've had the long flaming scarf effect from the cutscene but his animations punch strong and really quick.
I'm convinced and will be pulling, hope theres someone based enough to mod him as a kamen rider, shin ichigo or kuuga specifically.
Here's the thread where he got discovered. Basically just a schizo who spends 20 hours a day falseflagging here and on Reddit.
If I'm using Piper and Ceasar which Bangboo would be better, Bangvolver or Red Moccus?
wait for 1.3's release
that's when 1.4 beta releases and we'll know her kit
both Lighter and Yanagi has A ranks animations... please report it in the survey everybody
I did that once
you just get less zmerits for the higher value one
I got 90 total from a 3500 point stage before after collecting both rewards
He's the old boss.
It’s the same button mash bullshit that’s why
With Genshin it’s open world and chill with most people bot even doing the abyss and HSR is easy asf to get into and mostly a glorified VN
ZZZ however is a button mashfest which I find hard to believe women would enjoy
This, literally this
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check me out
the obnoxious faggot who shits up the thread.
Extreme minority. Fightans are like the opposite of farming sims for them, pure kryptonite.
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more girls play tekken because it's a friendly braindead button masher
Remember that faggot shitposter who tries to stir up fanbase wars about Jane and Qingyi and samefags all the time? That's him
None of them are his daughters. He's their mentor.
this patch is the retard test
if you roll the uplifted a ranks then new characters will all be lazy
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reminder that zzz also said chinky had A rank animations when she leaked
I really like Anby for duo fights because she can hit so often against aggressive enemies but it feels like they designed Pulchra to kill her normal string.
Qingyi's aoe stun murders Pulchra but I imagine Corin was an issue. It's Anby's short i-frame window in her counter hit that Pulchra can kill you in it ends early than I thought so I've been resetting.
Don't worry, they'll know with the revenue.
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I played through this whole thing and it wasn't as bad as the mansion
gonna have to be more specific than posting an hour long video
I understand upgrading Lighter to appease the female audience, but why Yanagi? They just didn't want to give us more A ranks?
you already posted this
the ones that aren't in this patch?
R.M. for mobs, Bangvolver for bosses. But it really doesn't matter.
ZZZ is closer to DMC/GOW/MGR in regards of button mashing and character focus (although by no means similar in practice, don't get me wrong)
And these girls have plenty of female fans
Soulslikes are generally popular, even among girls
It's really not as simple as you think
Bros i just realized, considering the precedent with Ellen, and that there are fantasy creature therians around, getting a dinosaur girl with a thick tail Is not Just a dream
He’s the guys constantly trying to create character wars here, he’s also obsessed with cuckposting and his reddit had the ‘X is so lucky’ spammed which is a common phrase used by cuckposters in gig and came from there
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Judging animations from beta footage is dumb. They're missing effects, sound effects, and they can just get reworked before release like Caesar's.
>It’s the same button mash bullshit that’s why
Yeah you're a retard.
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shh no I didn't
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why are you guys so obsessed with doomposting every single thing that releases
I thought they were remodeling miyabi she looks the same
Rolling mommy Yanagi anyway
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Explode. NEVER post this again.
Holy shit a M*A*S*H reference
It’s the /gig/ effect
uh oh tekkuck seething
still rolling Yanagi btw
Female genitals!
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they havent done it yet
I will just pull the fox 7 times and avoid this gay nigga
So why does Soukaku have dungeon cuffs on her arms?
Is she a prisoner to the most bland faction?
/gig/ culture, they will go way soon
Mixed responses but I am hoping the "less zmerits for the higher value one" is the case, because it's the approach that makes sense given the devs' focus on QOL
I can't imagine that was fun, did the bangboo help?

didn't think of using Ellen
why do you guys keep repeating "A rank animations" as something bad when both piper, lucy and corin look and move amazing in this game?
They’re retarded that’s why
Every A rank has a special ult screen too, this isn’t Genshin
that ult is literally K dash nigga
the launch characters just look better in general
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shit faction, skipping every single one of them. i don't even think a story could save them in my eyes, especially with how dull their designs and personalities are.
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>my main team has corin and qingyi
You haven't seen her when food is not included.
it’s just poorfags doomposting everytime new character animation leaks come out. The animations are likely not even fucking finished like other limited leaks we’ve seen so far.
You know that you can just hold down Corin's attacks and don't have to tap, right?
Kula when??
A company with as much money as mihoyo has the resources to do both. It's easily parallelizable work that they should just be able to throw bodies at.
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Man, I wanna cum inside Lucy and let it drip down to her legs too.
>haha are you pulling for this S RANK I'm not
>look how bad it is!!! do not pull like me!!!
beta male mentality
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Hey I was wondering if Wise and Belle are the most powerful people in the zzz world, especially now that they have fairy.
Sure they aren't invincible like Caesar or super dangerous like Ellen but they can do anything
Isn't she more of a break since you just have to hold down the button instead of pressing repeatedly?
i tried ER replacing my atk% disc on ellen, i shaved off like 15 seconds off my shiyu7 robot clear
tbf i had a handle on the rotation but spring embrace + ER made BA3 loops SO much easier and way more accessible as a c0 ellen
ill have to try it again with atk% disc with better play since i think i have a handle on properly rotating with caesar now
I think Yanagi looks like crap but the A-Rank comparisons mean absolutely nothing in this game.
I skipped QY because you couldn't hold down her attacks like Corin. I felt like I was getting carpal tunnel just from her demo.
I know they both use what can be classed as polearms but Qingyi just felt more bouncy in her animations she has that hip roll when she goes from her dodge or plunge to her neutral standing position. The only thing that moves with Yanagi are her tits it feels lazy.
the dev budget is fixed. 50-60% of the cost is marketing.
mihomo is not raking it in like they did during lockdowns either.
They are nothing outside of hollows.
I want to enter a fairytale romance with Caesar and make Lucy sad
when the horse_king starts spamming flopyi images with no text or context that's how you know his autism was triggered
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did it with Qingyi, she probably spent more time dodge countering than breakdancing.
>tell mihoyo that you view the leaks that they fight so hard against that they sue people over
yeah, no
>Wise and Belle are the most powerful people in the zzz world
They certainly haven't displayed any level of competency close to that yet, even with Fairy's assistance
>especially now that they have fairy
There are atleast 3 other AI's we have no info on that we can assume are some degree of class around Fairy.
Jesus christ, Burnice. Stop giving people Nitro-Fuel, you psycho.
yeah but they’re rich enough to begin developing two new games after zzz and funding nuclear reactors
they’re doing very well so don’t worry about it
Was probably gonna pull the bottom twink anyway
Hoyo teams compete with each other, why teams competing with each other would borrow their members help other team instead of working on their own game
my cute retarded bimbo wife
Hoyo raked in during lockdowns? Wasn't that the era of eternal Ayaka and pre-HSR?
>I can't imagine that was fun
And you'd be correct because it wasn't
I thought that Razor was bullshit but Mors and Pulchra have reached a new high
As for the bangboo, if you're asking about the electric one then it's my leftover from Anby/Rina/Anton chosen in hope that it will do something to the robot and maybe trigger a nice disorder once or twice, my other option would be the S rank shark but he doesn't do anything without other ice units. I still can't decide whether I should pull Rocketboo or Red Moccus (I got Bangvolver off-banner so there's a third option too) because that's fully dependant on whether I'll win Burnice's 50/50 or not
Etherboo is self-explanatory I guess
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Can you explain zoomies?
Anyways steve jobs was totally right when he just told consumers to fuck off with recommendations.

The same people who complained about TV slop are going to complain about A ranks being upgraded to S ranks when they're the ones being fucking responsible for it in the first place. You should never listen to users. Users are morons.
I thought he was a janefag
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That's what i've been trying to tell people. We used to despise demons. We used to fear sharks. Yet now we let them roam free? With the same rights? Making children with our people? What the fuck? Get these "therians" out of my country.
dumbass salesfags think mihoyo makes everything only from ios
Imagine having this mark of shame on your account, holy shit. I feel bad for Miyabi enjoyers.
>not recycling the same animations
>Lighter was originally a A-rank
Why are his animations way better than most S-ranks?
why should i pull lighter for stun when i have caesar for stun?
He’s trying to deflect after running away for 12 hours when he got called out
If you're tempted by good animation remember that by the time the idols come out their animations will be 5 times better
Your faggot bias.
Mihoyo made 900 million YTD 2024. It cost 400 million total to develop and market cyberpunk 2077.
You can stop samefagging now, nobody will bite your bait
>inb4 screenshot of inspect element removed (you) or refreshing after ip flushing
>The same people who complained about TV slop are going to complain about A ranks being upgraded to S ranks when they're the ones being fucking responsible for it in the first place.
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bwo I am a phoneposter
seth is an a-rank and his animations are the craziest s-rank shit i have seen in the game indeed
Because Caesar is a generalist and will be power creeped by any specialist like Lighter.
>muh shields
Only shitters rely on them.
>funding nuclear reactors
they didn't do that. they took some extra money lying around and bought some shares on the open market.
You have no idea how much marketing bleeds corporations dry. I don't think mihomo is profitable at this point.
But I do know that Wuwa is operating at a loss and has to bleed themselves even more with marketing to try to even hold on.
>>Lighter was originally a A-rank
He wasn't.
kek it’s exactly around 1-2 minutes apart too. This faggot lost everything after his trannyddiy account got banned
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So what the hell is Nitro-Fuel? Is it booze? An energy drink? Fucking vehicle fuel?
All three of those mixed together. Unironically
maybe because beta content is supposed to be, you know, beta and plenty of things are just placeholders
you didn't ask why yanagi is shown as fire
Riddle me this, why does the short and flat and bootylicious baba make a certain person so unreasonably butthurt?
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It's not her own creation because SOMEONE makes it in New Eridu, but since Burnice is a bartender, she seems to fucking love the stuff and uses it OFTEN.
they're morons who are fickle

and you know this how? are you a shareholder?
revenue is not net income
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For sure, she's a decibel support. Because decibel = sounds, and she wields a megaphone.
Lighter was always supposed to be S rank because otherwise they’d have something in place of him as an A ranker
They’re not rerunning shit anytime soon and they wouldn’t release Miyabi in 1.3 either
she doesn't though? the schizo is a qingyi pedo that hates jane
all of the above
it's even said somewhere
Does the Cheesetopia thing have something where it lists menu items and their descriptions anywhere?
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I really want to get Burnie
I'm guessing the fuel is Ethyl Alcohol-based because that's the only flammable thing that's safe to consume in small amounts.

So Nitro-Fuel is an energy drink cocktail.
Nice try horsetranny but nobody cares about your shitty character wars
Kill yourself ASAP
The real question is do you think she'll be the only S and she buffs two A's? Or will one of the others be S too
her breath smells like gasoline and meerkat poop
I want her too. What would be the ideal Burnice team?
HORSE_KEK has no actual opinions or motivations; he switches his angle and falseflag to whatever he thinks will make people upset. he was trying to bait people by saying Lighter M1 powercreeps Qingyi earlier which is the most retarded thing I've ever read. No one was biting, thankfully.
>I don't think mihomo is profitable at this point.
If they weren't profitable GGZ and HI3 would've EoS'd. I don't know why you niggers have such raging boners when it comes to the financial practices of gacha corporations but your kind manages to say the dumbest shit every single time no matter the game, no matter the general.
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I am the Equus Imperator
Qingyi hate has been going on since before her banner even, perpetuated by one or two schizos, while most everyone thinks shes pretty good and she’s always in the fastest teams.
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Why do doomsissies want Mihoyo to fail so badly
>burnice is chugging hundreds of mls worth of combustible fuel on the daily
No wonder she's fucking loco.
I think they should add 3 bangboo slots but only one bangboo can be on the field at any time and they swap out when the character swaps out
It's just pags.
Gacha earnings is their national sport.
I don't know if I'm willing to place all the shitposting on one redditor, but I do think this general sentiment is the case. it's just shitflingers going with whatever bait they think will work at the moment
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it is genuinely disturbing that this many posts can be compiled of this one singular schizo. these games actually drive people insane
I hardly see qingyi hate though, only ever see jane dyke and shipfaggotry
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I got enough to guarantee her, but I hope that I win the 50/50 so I can just start saving after her rate-up with more starting polys.
How do we know that the cunny idols weren't scrapped
Mihoyo mindbroke them
because they literally showed their concept art in an official livestream. they probably are not coming anytime soon but they wouldn't bother to drip them unless they were going to use the designs in some manner.
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>two S-ranks with A-rank designs and animations
At least Lighter is a brawler, but Yanagi is a fucking snoozefest.
At least I can save for Miyabi or Harumasa
they have a tiktok account
All the estimates are in the billions of dollars, including net income. They're more like casinos than traditional game devs.
They were teased in an official livestream
Show disks and w-engine please.
Their bilibili acc made by Mihoyo is still up
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Why are we deeply concerned about the revenues again? Are we shareholders now?
go to sleep HORSE_COCK
>Piper says "Irontusk"
>TL: "Steeltusk"


Well, I guess I don't know what it is in Chinsese.
in general if you see an aggressively obnoxious sentiment being repeatedly expressed in these generals, it's probably a singular schizo, or a small cabal of people in a discord shitting up the thread at best. the equestrian troon's posting style is so distinct that it's easy to tell when its him specifically
Horse tranny now switching to Jane to shitpost characters
Don't want to waste time on a gacha that will eos in few months.
Guess you didn't play Dragalia Lost.
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The retards that try to call the schizo out are just as annoying as the schizo tbqhdesu just stfu and don't give it attention
why are you letting retards here gaslight you into thinking that
You people are genuinely retarded if you don't think Mihoyo isn't making money hand over fist.
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It’s always one schizo, look at this
They once got banned and 90 posts of them samefagging got removed
They usually buy a 4chan pass too
this looks fucking awesome
It took years for that to EoS tho.
>Nintendo vs a company that still keeps shit like HI3 and GGZ and ToT
HI3 has been a dead game for years and it hasn't EoS'd. Tears of Themis is also probably a black hole for them and it ALSO hasn't EoS'd. There is literally no risk of any Hoyo game going EoS anytime soon. If any of the big 3 games started seriously underperforming they'd just siphon money from whichever one was doing well to keep it afloat.
it's a pretty shitty feeling to spend on a live service game for it to go EOS

GGZ Hi3 cost nothing to maintain or advertise.
genshit banners are not beating tiktok in charts anymore
you're so uppity not knowing anything. all companies do this where they think the good times will last forever and overhire or bloat themselves on budget, just google lifecycle of a bureaucracy
70% of their recent hires were all women and they were bragging about it on some kind of DEI hr ad and that's textbook bloat

2021 hoyo is not 2024 hoyo. I'd like to see a source for this seeing how net income isn't something you plaster on the web and they can't beat tiktok anymore in cn
Because we're have a discussion about ZZZ's development resources.
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>don't patroni-ACK
shouldve been the S rank bangboo
he also actually buffs agens right?
You can leave whenever
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(also I just noticed the Remiel feet tease in this art)
Will yanagi want chaos jazz disc drives?
Personally, I'm going to wreak havoc with Jane/Seth/Burny. Burny/Grace/Lucy should be fun, too.
What faction could this even belong to?
>tries to sound smart
>brings up tictac hours
every time
it's rank A
Just because they don't have exact numbers doesn't mean there isn't an entire industry dedicated to analyzing and forecasting this stuff. They're not going to be off by billions of dollars.
Should've gone with Google Trends or LINE hours.
idols were the feet faction all along...
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he's not faction locked.
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I'll swap to 4pc hormone when I have better pieces for it
There can you fucking shut the fuck up already jesus.
A-ranks aren't factional, but if I guess you are saying IF it was S-rank. I've seen some anons talking about nun from old leaks/builds that I haven't seen personally, could've been that.
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it's all the same person
>GGZ HI3 cost nothing to maintain or advertise
>tiktok charts
Event Bangboo most likely.
>Cop Faction
>Horror Monster faction
>Biker Gang Faction
>Shinsengumi faction
>Vtuber faction
>Church faction
>Starlight Knight faction
>JSDF Black Ops faction
What's next
wrong fucking image, my bad, see >>496450894
No but they usually share a theme with a faction in the world, the new ones at least.
This doesn't really fit any,
is that a 160 atk buff?
AND energy?
what about butlerboo?
launch banner?duh, doubled and even trippled nearly every banner till acheron came out and thats a year later, not even meta units got close to sell as much as seele on release because she was the launch banner.
the bangboo powercreep is going to be 100x worse than the agents. red moccus and officer cui basically mog all of the other factionboos
By not being black
>2 regen and 160 damage
It's not much, can't see it being used except challenge runs or purely for the soul.
Firefighter faction
Medic/doctor faction
Astronaut faction
Swimmer/diver faction
Miner faction
Lumberjack faction
That's a bonus since Zhu Yuan is built for ***
by not being thiren
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>Guys, Mihoyo is fucking dying because of tik tok hours fucking trusssssst me.
Gangster/Mafia faction. Either that, or skater punks.
they always use the specific region that fits their narrative, they are still pretending launch numbers need o be consistand otherwise is a flop when every single gacha release has massive revenue numbers and not many can ever top that ammount ever again, look at wuwa you think itll ever do 60m again? is struggling to get past 10m now
forbes tier mumble jumbo
they're private corps you don't have access to the books there is no way to make an estimate
Theranos was on here not long ago

who's paying for this analysis?
forbes tier garbage
>there's no way to know
>but I know!
kill yourself already you waste of oxygen
nigger private corps need to report revenues and other things too, you just cant stay entirely hidden from the public unless you are some shady goverment org
when wuwa drops to 10m
>omg you schizos wuwa can survive on 2m if it wants games like that dont take a lot to develop also makes a gorillion dollars on pc (without any proof)
when genshin is top 3 every month and has divided revenue from pc and console too and most revenue comes from pc that we know for at least 3 years
>game is dead the mobile revenue is not enough to sustain it, my sources tell me genshin needs a gorillion dollars to operate is over
>mihoyo is not profitable
my nigger they are developing like 5 games, making their own akihabara, investing on nuclear and space programs lmao they already put out a sneak peek for their new upcoming games wtf are you even on about
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What other characters have the speed of Neko? Or something similar? I'm a relatively new player and I'm used to the attack speed of 11 and Anby but god damn Neko goes fast, it's really satisfying

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