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Luck edition

Previous thread >>496382398

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>Notable links
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Droptables by DE: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/809777-warframe-drop-rates-data/
Builds, Tierlists, and Damage Calculator: https://overframe.gg/
Frames and Modding: https://rentry.org/zcav453e
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DPS calculator: https://github.com/GottFaust/WWDC/releases/
Stream Times: https://warframestreams.lol/
Guide for Returning Players: https://www.warframe.com/fr/news/returning-player-guide

CURRENT UPDATE: The Lotus Eaters: Hotfix 36.1.6
CURRENT EVENT: September Corruption Alerts
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delete alchemy
>wokei and the five DEI hires
Delete all modes that involve standing by a target waiting for enemies to figure out how to path to it.
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I'm gonna throw this on Nezha to further increase the rate at which I get sexually targetted.
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Say one good thing about Excalibur
why does her design look so ugly
>tellurium for dry dock
>eidolon sharts for quills
brainless fun
exalted blade's beams should build combo
He has an honest kit.
slash dash is fun
made for Hildryn
What ability should I replace on Hydroid, his 2 or 4
His torso looks like oberon's muzzle.
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My friends, it has often been said that I like Wisp. My friends, I like Wisp... No, friends, I love Wisp!

I love Motes. I love Breach Surge. I love Wil'o'Wisp. I love Sol Gate, teleporting, I love triangulating two breach surges, and decoy switching for invulnerability. Wisps across plains, in ships, in space, in infested hellscapes, in frozen tundras, through deserts, on the sea, in the air, I love every act of Wisp that can occur upon this earth.

I love blasting the enemy to smithereens with Bramma salvos that thunder across the lines of battle. My heart leaps with joy whenever a Grineer is tossed high into the air and cut to pieces by well placed explosive rounds. And there is nothing like an operator using a hardened wellspring to buff her motes. And the feeling that comes when a Corpus runs screaming from his irradiated MOA, only to be mowed down by heavy kitgun fire, is such an exquisite feeling. Reminiscent of when ranks of infantry brandish their prods rushing into the enemy line. It moves me deep within my heart to watch a Wisp meleeing over and over into the bloated chest of a long-dead enemy.

Gentlemen... All I ask for is Wisp butt, Wisp butt so grand as to make Hell itself tremble. Gentlemen, I ask you as fellow brothers in arms what is it that you really want? Do you wish for further Wisp as I do? Do you wish for a merciless, bloody Wisp? A Wisp whose fury is built with iron and lightning and fire? Do you ask for Wisp to sweep in like a tempest, leaving not even ravens to scavenge from this Earth!?

...Very well. Then ass is what you shall have. We are a clenched fist, ready to strike down all who oppose us with our might. But... After enduring over half a century wallowing in the darkness, for us, a simple "ordinary" Wisp will no longer be sufficient. We need a MASSIVE ass! A Wisp beyond any other that man's history has ever known!
His Umbra has a nice scarf.
I only love Nova prime.
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Post old screenshots
How do we fix Duviri?
Treat drifter's melee weapons as if they were the ones in your arsenal. So that killing mooks on SP isn't an exercise in tedium.
Get all items from it and never come back?
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>when you realize that most people complained about Caliban because they didn't understand how the frame worked
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>going somewhere, kiddo?
How did he work?
Besides laying down 2 armour strip areas which DE removed because of course.
I think making him a summon frame is better. His description says he's supposed to be a ruler but his abilities didn't reflect that at all.
reminder that nova is fat
>how do we make him a summon frame
>i know, lets make his summons worse
The giant ribbon syandana is actually designed for Trinity's massage parlor skin and I guess butterfly oberon because they look the same
By far the best visually designed frame in the game
Helminth is the worst thing ever added to Warframe
>3 Deluxe skins in 3 days
I have ~1k plat (because I hate trading so I just gather up shit to trade) so I should be fine, but still... good thing there isn't a voidshell too I guess (those fucking scam skins).
All four of his abilities are useful
He does look like a ninja swordsman. The ninja part is often lost. Lavos, Vauban, Mesa, etc. A lot of frames don't look like they have any ninja in them at all.
yeah now if a frame has a shit ability they don't bother fixing it because you can just helminth over it
>no aura polarity
super jump was rad
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>started playing july 2015
you're telling me lavos' chunky legs aren't those mc hammer ninja pants and his feet aren't traditional wooden sandals? I've been lied to
Oh, they gave Titania a new alt helmet huh
I enjoy it and it's given me reasons to have 3-5 different mod loadouts on the same frame where before it was lucky to have 2
helminth should've been more radical, LET ME HAVE GAUSS' REDLINE ON OTHER FRAMES
I want a helminth frame entirely made of borrowed abilities.
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isn't that technically just Xaku
it was SUPPOSED to be xaku but they just made another afk frame because one of the parts happened to be female
No, I'm talking about using 4 helminth abilities in one frame.
How did the Oroking empire lose with this many warframes?
they weren't forma'd
Are any of the archon weapons worth using in endgame content? They sound fun and look cool but I could see them being outdated novelties.
They won the war with the sentients but got exterminated by the Lotus led Teno shortly afterwards.
I know you are
Xaku should have been exactly that because it fits the premise of "somatic skreleton with stuff glued on", but isn't because nu-DE will never take a chance on frame design and always do safe boring shit because they have to make 5 of the fucking things per year
>he doesn't remember the naga drums
because of the warframes, lorelet
How were the sentients ever a threat when they do down to everything including doggos and kats.
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The New War is Pure SteveKino and I'm tired pretending that it's not.
A frame that has no new abilities to animate would be the dream for DE. What you want is actually the laziest attempt at powercreep imaginable
TSD and TWW were good, TNW wasn't fucking finished and it was clearly a disjointed mess that had been rewritten a million times with a million cuts and didn't do enough with the best parts (teshin)

I think it's why steve left warframe
nepheri and verdilac have multiplicative CO with their fireball and toxic waves, so they have some good setups. korrum has melee influence stuff.
There are plenty of ways to balance it with existing parameters
>same rule about two damage mult abilities
>have to share the same original slot as the progenitor warframe (besides 4, a free space)
>could also classify them by cost so you get 1 ability in each 25/50/75 1 2 3 slot
slut shut up, we weren't supposed to both be wearing power donation
that's kinda hot
What would even be a good combo of Helminth abilities?
Pillage and Eclipse for survivability and... wyrd scythe and dark verse for damage?
Maybe Roar and something else for boosting?
just found out the new frame is a fucking sniper shitter with an exalted sniper
what the fuck were they thinking, that SUCKS
Think they know behind the scenes that Quincy/Cyte-09 won't really be used much.
If the sniper fires infinite punchthrough tree trunks like the Nataruk, then it could be good.
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Ooh, there's a website that mirrors the 'puter in gay grandpa's lab
There's also some cool Lotus symbol ASCII art in the markup
skill issue
here's the decent ones
Condemn, Advance, Spellbind, Scythes, Xata*
Nourish, Pillage, Larva, Terrify, Warcry, Resonator, Tharros, E Ward
Silence, Lull, Sunder, Ophanim, Eclipse, Dispense, Roar, Gloom, Lycath, Breach Surge

The problem I can see immediately is Xata (technically wouldn't exist) + Nourish + Roar but there are other directions you can take it like melee or CC
all the strippers were on 2 before ophanim choir
Could also be a Protea/Wukong case where the 4 (presuming that's the Exlated Sniper) is the helminth slot.
why would i do that when i already have an infinite punchthrough primary that doesn't need exaltedshit
goddammit i actually had my hopes up that it was gonna be a straight up unreal tournament shoutout frame, my disappointment is immeasurable
People that helminth their 4 deserve only suffering.
Dagath's 4 deserves to be helminthed
Wukong's sticks' stance is unforgivable.
What were they thinking with revs 4?
either or, im glad i can always afk onslaught now
It's the sentient disco ball attack because he's a sentient for no reason
How many ranks of arcane energize do I need to completely solve the need for more energy?
Come to think of it, how did Gara/Revenant contend with the Eidolons(' progenitor) when they don't have void damage for the shields?
>he's a sentient for no reason
he's literally the eidolon frame
Depends what you're running, anon. If you have blind rage and spam volt's 4 you'll probably always be out of energy no matter what (you can use it pretty frequently in fissure runs, but you can't spam it every second).
The eidolons didn't become immune to non-void stuff until after the frame interactions, maybe?
They were regular sentients at some point before and not ghost zombies, even if that makes no sense because vomvalysts are on the murex ships

he's like six things because reb didn't think about her OC and most of his meme vampire theme didn't even make it
No people understood, and they understood that outside of his armor strip, every else was not good.
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>Skin is Conquistador themed
>Mogs the shit out of Styanax's gay aztec skin
>Rework is coming with a new damage type exclusive to him that makes everything sicker and weaker to Viral (status damage) like the Spanish did by bringing Smallpox with them
What did DE mean by this
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What is DE's excuse for not deleting duviri and rewarding everything from it to everyone for free as an apology for wasting so much time and money in creating the worse gamemode ever?
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Anon you do realize that the styanax/caliban and hydroid/sevagoth skins are literally gay slashfics right
Duviri is great
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fucking gottem, owned.
Duviri's problem is entirely in its implementation, the premise of "warframe rougelite" is almost impossible to fuck up and even the new enemies are decent
basically all of the assets they put together could have been used well but weren't because they fell back on the same Mastery Treadmill (random loadout thing means own everything instead of being actual random progression and modding) and the circuit/croft is just warframe but worse
if they gutted it completely and admitted they were wrong it could be fixed in a single update
It objectively is terrible, stop pretending to be retarded.
I can't believe he just killed him like that
his motes was giving like, 400 health so he was right, those motes were weak as hell
Random loadouts is not fun and have never been fun, and it is part of the reason why deep archimedia sucks too.
Drifter """""""""""combat""""""""""" is extremely terrible. It is impossible that DE played it before release, because if they did, they would have said, "this is the worse shit ever made," and immediately canceled it.
you will never be a woman
Random guns could have been fun if it worked like literally any other actual roguelite where you have a primary/secondary and you can switch them out at reward points for other ones, and used the existing warframe mod drop system to upgrade them alongside decrees
Drifter trailer showed him with a tigris too so I think soulframe beta muscled in on it too much
not ideal but it's something, who actually cares? my practical builds give maybe 500-800 depending unless I'm going for the tryhard big sweaty numbers
2 whiny bitches ouch
you will never get laid
you are objectively filtered shitter, cry more
troons enjoy duviri, which makes you a troon, troon.
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>hating kinoviri
contrarian retards
go back to standing on pods old man
>continuing to pretending to be retarded.
Makes sense because you pretend to be a woman too, which you will never be btw.
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No, you do not enjoy cringeviri. You hate it, because it is objectively impossible to like.
goddamn this is cool as fuck
>only 'argument' is tranime and jakshit
rebiri lost
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>I don't like it
>delete it
>skill issue general
>only argument is 'no u'
chadiri won
>whaaa whaaa
whiny bitch, just dont play it - its not for shitters like you
random loadouts are genius
they should be mandatory for end game content from now on
including railjack and raids
Intentionally lying about something this egregiously should be a bannable offense.
No, you do not like it. You hate it, like every other person does.
Genius in what way? Please e-laborate.
>There's also some cool Lotus symbol ASCII art in the markup
that is on every page of the site
they are not random, but shitter retards dont get it
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I will not engage shitters who lie about liking something to earn "cool" points on 4chan.
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>more bitch crying
this is getting boring, its just not for you, dumb shitter, get over it
Unironically how do I build Yareli
I'm thinking of going through the humiliation ritual that is acquiring her and the bubble gun without paying plat
>no u
Go back to TFD, shitter.
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warframes for this feel?
why don't we have a plant warframe yet?
you got filtered hard so stfu
i like how one nigga has been having a schizophrenic episode debating which abandoned content is better or worse
No, you do not like duviri, no one does. You hate it, and these cries for help are pathetic. Admit it and you will feel better.
oberon, saryn
doubt it
...is fat
MRlet here just did SP Circuit for the first time, it wasn't so bad. Crit chance on melee hit decrees are OP, red crits everywhere.

Got the Burston incarnon, that was the best one this week, right?
You hate duviri, and you will admit that you hate it.
base warframe is unironically the worst part of the game
it improves massively when DE gives us something else to do
any askers?
Why are you still crying and projecting? dont play it and stfu
Duviri is great and you just got filtered cause you are a brainless shitter
Uh oh duviri whiner melty
can all the shitters just go back to d*stiny and t*d
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I liked parts of duviri and wish it was more inviting for me to just go hang out in the world, instead of feeling offputting and tired from the pathos clamp grind and not respecting my player customizations
The bumpernaut
I think you made it angry
Good work
I did not ask for your opinion, shitter. I told you what your opinion is. You hate duviri. Stop whining and admit it. You will feel better, little guy.
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>literally gay slashfics
>Gay people fantasize about being colonized
Is it, like, a south american thing?
It's a ligger thing, close enough
>do bounties in void land or fibonacci world
>know exactly what mission type im queuing into
>its finished in a few minutes and get to extract and get my reward
>do bounties in open world
>get random objectives that spawn randomly around the open world and then waste time getting to the location and then hit with shitty timers before objective is done THEN HAVE TO FUCKING TRAVEL ALL THE WAY BACK EHN ITS OVER INSTEAD OF A SIMPLE EXTRACT
>No! Not a beautiful open world with unique mechanics! AIEEEE REBECCA WHY?!
>game is about going fast
>complains he isn't fast
sped issue
>duviri shitters are wojak posters, troons, and tw*tter/instagram/tikto lingo users
>duviri haters are normal people
Not surprising
Yes the open world content has artificial time barriers that makes it slow
you are the one who is slow, slowmo
No, you do not think it is beautiful, or that the "unique" mechanics are good.
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>come back
>thread is still dumpsterfire
I'm just going to sleep
yeah man timers that you cant speed up make it slow
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What is wrong with you speds?
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Duviri speds are ruining the thread, like how duviri is helping to ruin Warframe.
Duviri haters are ruining the thread, unlike how Duviri saved Warframe
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>it's not my fault, it's his!
Die, you sanctimonious fuck.
No, they didn't.
Yes, it is your fault. Stop ruining the thread, and admit how much you hate duviri.
Tips for gooning while playing?
I hate choosing between my sexual urges and SP survival fissures
learn to multitask
or start estrogen to keep your libido under control
Bring back Umbral Echoes
I can't believe a bunch of youtube faggots got them to remove unreleased content because they wanted to farm fucking somatic fibers or whatever with """droptable dilution""" and didn't just ask for the consumable to be longer duration than 24 hours
>we were robbed of "alice in duviriland" frame
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returning player here
why does stalker sound not as cool anymore?
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>tranny in trannyland

internet clout
You will become lame too if you ever become a father.
Went from actual art to shitty wojaks for political jokes
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I think both Duviri and Railjack stinks.
I think seriously liking any Ligger skins to point of arguing with people is emblematic of having shit taste.
they hired the meme youtuber for some fucking bizarre reason
duviri haters inventing people in his head to argue with
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returning player here
What is a Protector Stalker?
Gianni Matragrano or however it's spelled. Does a lot of voicework in indy games like Ultrakill, and also has a youtube channel of narrated memes (eg; him doing the Duke Nukem voice).
don't forget eidolons, orbs, k-drive and necramechs. open world in general and all standing grinds. archwing too
r/warframe ahh opinion
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amerimutt hours = r*ddit hours
He's not wrong...
All these complaints could easily be resolved by releasing more coom- I mean Heirloom skins for all female Warframes.
is verglas really as strong as everyone says and can nuke level caps?
I think railjack was excellent before the corpus update and duviri is a shameful abomination of gimmicks divided from what it could have been
>I think railjack was excellent before the corpus update
I just don't see why they had to basically remove a couple of the best railjack-only nodes and then add literally none for corpus, making every single corpus railjack mission feel like an absolute fucking chore
it was 'too efficient' because people were snaring the fighters and nuking them in 2-3 goes instead of it being a real mission even though that's what you do in normal exterm
really a fault of DE's mission design and they punish the players for their own failings
I never even did Gian because I didn't give a shit about the rewards
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Why yes I have everything I need from Duviri
Why yes I have over 1k+ in clamps
Why yes I keep playing Duviri because it's fun
Why yes I play Railjack too

How did you know?
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nightwave has gotten me to spend some extra time in both recently
I like railjack.
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Based hutch farmer.
>color scheme
checks out
did they make the roving spawn groups not give decrees anymore?
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tak on the 'log
wish they add sp railjack
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>DE is moving the conclave console to the opposite side of the relic console
>mfw I have a bunch of decorations there
Good, you won't even remember it's there.
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Now I'm upset too. Mother fuck.
My ship is so fucking barren. I'm MR34 but I never felt the need to add stuff in the ship (barring a few domestik drones and articula) except in the... lliving quarters? The place with the bench, shelves, and kneeling station. Then I just shoved shit in there.
Don't worry. I'm sure they'll also update all the surfaces on the orbiter to be at odd angles to just fuck everything up.
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think you could do better?
But isn't the Flappy Zephyr console there already? Or did I just choose to place it there?
>Or did I just choose to place it there?
i fail to see how and most people dont even use riven
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This train of thought leads to me having the codex and market mounted to the ceiling. Are you sure you want to pursue this?
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how can i get a cute Mesa wife bris?
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how about ceiling-mounted mirrors?
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I dread seeing all 322 existing warframes scraping for random nonsensically diverse appearances
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>Log in once a week to do archon and other weekly shit
>Get reminded how shit most of the playerbase is.
>No one stands on the capture point, No One protects the target
>All people know how to do is runn in a random direction killing mobs.

I think I know why DE doesn't want good raids or complex boss fights. The player base would whine.
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I agree.
>The player base would whine
the player base is fine with the fragmented one
That "woman" is an actual tranny
Don't spread lies.
No, you do not think it is fun.
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How is that a complex boss. You just shoot it until it dies.
I was disappointed when I found out too
the player base seethed about the fragmented one
What's the boss that's a jackal but you have to hack the drones? That shit filters even supposed veterans who just stand and expect it to die from spamming abilities.
Post proof or fuck off. There's videos where she's wearing everything and there's no sign of anything not being natural
It has damage attenuation, FF14 tier attacks and you have to deal with his shitty murmur enemies sucking him off constantly
"she" had bottom surgery. Look I don't care if you believe me or not. I'm just giving you a heads up.
So you don't have proof then. Nice
I can kinda see it but the video is so blown out and manipulated/angled that I'm not going to waste time tracking it down for confirmation
The vast majority of "women with tacticool bullshit" is by and for weird dudes anyway, it's all bait
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There's a reason why /k/ doesn't post her anymore
I forgot what it is called. It Is more annoying than anything else since it is not clear on what the player has to do.
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She was Brandy Alexander
Anybody else having crash issues?
and hollow vein
no they aren't. Did you forget the event? Or the people pleading for them not to return it back to the rotation for EDA?
On the other hand, Warframe

Hollow Vein is clearly bullshit designed for powercreep because they're afraid of children throwing tantrums about their numbers being less big
especially when it rolls up and just stands there screaming permanently until you pry it off the defense target
warframes dont jiggle like this
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Doesn't even look like her. Different nose and cheekbones.
She literally has an onlyfans with her nudes. She has a normal vagina. What do you stand to gain from this?
Grinsisters....we lost another kuva depot
the Strong ones do
>She has a normal vagina
look closer. It's way too low.
Just another two weeks and 30,000 platinum I'm sure the invasion node will swing back from 20% loss
Kuva is worse than crack, I need more. I mean my rivens need more.
Vaginas are not always in the same spot due to genetic variance, dumbass. She also has a lot of loose skin from being overweight.
Listen, I've seen trans surgery franken-vaginas. That's not one of them. I'd like to see the miracle doctor that could do normal labia minora like that with no scarring or stiches.
same tattoo
you can still fight him and get his hands ornament
Anon just google her name and trans. You get a fuck load of results.

Look, I know it's hard to admit you fell for a mtf. I fapped to her a couple times too before I knew.
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omg schizo post a link and I will tell you, I'm an expert on this matter for various reasons
This is the second time I've seen this exact tism-out over this exact e-girl. And it still isn't in a place that's remotely relevant to it.
It's ok bro, it's not gay to jerk off to a trans woman. We've all been there either because of ignorance or because we don't really care. I always said that when you are alone, dick in hand you shouldn't restrain yourself.
When should I get back into playing Warframe?
I stopped about a month ago after briefly popping in to play the new story quest. I'm at MR16 with no Prime equipment.
If you thought it was a woman then it's not gay.
I would still pound that ass
Trans frame with a dumpie when
>vaginas are not always in the same spot
My friend, what is this
I checked the back of the knee already
the only results I found were, naturally, on tiktok and twitter - this is of course the outcome of r*ghtoid screeching over trannies and "transvestigating" anyone you think you can get away with accusing of wrong-being for their assigned label, they've created a cultural fixation
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Imagine being so deeply insecure about your own sexuality that you have a complete fucking meltdown about finding a trans woman attractive
Wukong deluxe
The only thing I get out of "Brandy Alexander trans" is a sockpuppet X account screaming that she's trans. You're gonna have to give me more than that.

I've watched enough porn to see them drift slightly higher or lower, bigger or smaller, etc.
>ticker story quest
idk about this one
This sort of stuff is tempting me to find who these agitators are and "out" them as transsexuals using strategically Photoshopped images of them.
ideal consequence
Imagine thinking that filtered fisheye pixels on a screen behind clothing and angles are indicative of a person's real appearance
t. men enjoyer

The only trans anything ticker is, is being a frankenstein brain transplant into a manmade horror body; they conveniently forgot to clarify when they jumped for virtue signalling points
go read the fortuna fragments
god i wish
on topic
>I only found her hot because the image/video was photoshopped
What fucking kind of mental gymnastics is that? You do understand that this is literally what happens in 99% of porn right?
protea 1
I'm not the person you were vagueposting about
I don't find that fat flabby shit attractive
Is Trinity the ideal frame for me to be playing if I'm relatively new to the game and don't have much progress to get weapons, mods and so on? As in, contributing 75% damage reduction, full healing, infinite energy, status effect immunity and even more personal damage reduction with Link seems like a very complete utility package for any team.
how do i win in ascension?
you just win
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how do we fix the man in the wall?
glory hole
Nah there's some stuff ar15 about matching tattoo work and business addresses and govt registry before even getting to the rest of the physical
It doesn't matter either way because it's a YVAN EHT NIOJ op either way
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With the power of friendship and love
When rebecca gets a kid like she's been bitching about for some ten years as the lotus' entire character
the indifference is fucking alzheimers the wall is THE WALL brother
duviri is grownup escapism and whatever the fuck, a storybook
Jade is obvious
Please do the needful Kojima and save warframe
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With hugs and kisses.
Did you not play the whisper in the wall quest?
>go read the fortuna fragments
yeah unless I misinterpreted that whole arc that was kind of misleading on DE's part and really reeks of a desperate post hoc forced inclusion that kinds of stomps on the actual storyline, which I thought was already very progressive in playing with wacky sci fi gender and identity stuff

post a link to a picture of the SRSussy to be proven wrong or give up the bit
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>The only way to beat the wall is to fuck it in the ass
took a break from kinoviri to do my nightwaves and stuff
oh weauw mobile defense? exterminate? archon hunts and maroo?
exciting! standing on pods is the bee's knees!
*goes back to stevekino*
post gameplay screenshots or get ye gone
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guess who i ran into, wfg???
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How did we go from this to Conclave?
why the shameless crotch grab?
ZZZ will finish the job helldivers started in mogging warframe to death
You can't fuck the frames Billy
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explain this
Who today speaks of [warframe killer #426]?
>images you can hear

I feel like it "just" needs a netcode pass with some kind of real improvements for the replication's impact on player experience and for the arsenal to be modernized and reorganized, it's perfectly serviceable even under poor conditions for PvE but PvP in warframe at its best speeds feels flakey and bad
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Agreed. Warframe story content has been on-point lately. Hopefully they don't go off the rails with 1999.
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How do you build your Vasto Incarnon?
I have been wondering how better it is to use the -50% recoil Evolution since most bullets in Incarnon mode miss otherwise even with Steady Hands. But don’t know if the extra magazine evolution would influence the Incarnon mode somehow.
I’m also interested in desirable stats for Rivens as I got one. It’s Vazarin tho
Most retarded post in this thread. Congrats.
What’s the reference of?
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Duiviri and Railjack are maximum cozy. Needs more content.
Riven polarity is an ancient meme propagated by marketeer manipulators to corner the market through irrelevant nitpicking of perfectly good mods
adding a vaz to a gun is not a problem for players spending plat on rivens
removing vaz from a gun is incredibly common for idiots that I shouldn't subsidise
vaz isn't as annoying as it was then anyway with PCR and Galv etc
there is literally nothing wrong with vazarin
Reb's favorite fotm anime
The best part about both is that it filters the shitters out. Even better played Solo, but god tier if you have a good group.
Well that’s reassuring. Thanks.
Wait, Reb is a fan of Jujutsu Kaisen?
Quick, send her the manga spoiler webms from /a/!
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Anon that’s old news
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>delete [gamemode]
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How new are you bro
delete the star chart
make the star chart fun again
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enable hags
wait a minute...
delete the orbiter
railjack dojo future
also make the turrets on the side again
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Make me pay plat for revives again
>captcha: g0y4mmy
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This will kill :

Steel path
Archon hunts
Everything on Zariman
Works on my machine
Pay me plat if you want me to cast Soul Survivor on you btw
is there any way to fucking remove sevagoth shadow? i want to use last gasp when i die not give people hugs with shitty hitboxes
[laughs in valkitty with 4 constantly up]
what do i subsume on val?
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I personally use tharros strike over her 1, but I've also used roar to good effect. Really depends on if you're relying on finishers or not.
finish all your story quests
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I play both with my wife for our weeklies. Railjack is her favorite content. She likes to fly the ship and shoot resource nodes while I zoom around in the archwing boarding/gunning/clearing the optional objectives. Maximum cozy. We need a proper full Railjack campaign.
If Reb won't give it to us this game looks like it might: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1757300/Jump_Ship/
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how do we feel about Gara?
infinite scaling means infinite fun
the original slopframe
is that the hawk tuah girl? is she really milking that blowjob joke this hard? we are reaching levels of doneness never before seen
>noooo dont make free money let opportunity slip through your fingers!
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>playing Railjack with your wife
Dangerously BASED.
Sounds like max cozy too. Thanks for the recommendation too , that game looks great.
would you not in her place?
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>Milking losers for money
Reb would be proud
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should I make spaghetti or a giant plate of nachos
I'm feeling nachos
RIP to this anon. 'She' used 'her' VA benefits for a damn good surgeon but is trans. Don't beat yourself up over it though no one thinks less of you
nachos sound good
I think I'm going to make shakshuka
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>Want to play Xaku
>Have to either give up on one of the best subsume abilities or spend 100k simaris standing and farm the parts all over again
she's the daughter of some banker and being promoted for that reason
intelligence services so was probably part of the plan from the start anyway
not only a recruiter but a grotesque fleece to boot, fills all the right boxes in
What's going on in the webm?
Those gov't backed trannies hit different than the civvy ones. Love seeing all the thirsty dudes eating it up. Aunt Samantha wants you to die for israeli interests. Glad the zoomers and alphas aren't falling for it though.
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professional gooning
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The Second Dream playthrough
No, it isn't.
The radial damage aura of Gara's 2 is increased by the damage of her 1 when you stand outside of her 4 and use her 1. The damage of her 1 is tied to her melee weapon's mods. The duration of her 2 is refreshed when you cast her 4. In practice, this will look like:
>Cast 2 (Splinter Storm) to gain 90% damage reduction, as well as a small damaging aura around you
>cast 4 (Mass Vitrify)
>step outside of Mass Vitrify's circle and use your 1 (Shattered Lash) on the circle
>the circle will shatter outwards, dealing damage equal to shattered lash + your current Splinter Storm aura's damage. Your Splinter Storm aura's damage will increase by the value of the explosion.
>Repeat ad nauseam.
If the aura starts off dealing 500 damage, and your shattered lash deals 30,000 damage, then after breaking your 4 once, your aura will now deal 30,500 damage. If you cast 4 and then break it again, your aura will deal 61,000 damage. Another cycle puts you at 122,000 damage. Then 244,000. Then 488,000 damage. 976,000. 1,952,000. 3,904,000.
... Now do that 200 more times over the course of an hour-long mission. You will become a living blender. Anything that sets foot in your Splinter Storm's damage radius will immediately take billions in damage.
Are any of these mods worth prioritizing upgrades for? Newer player and this is what i currently have but idrk what or which mods are good
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Koumei seems bad, but I hope she's good. That's all.
Did you forgot your pic
sounds like too much work tbqh
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Honestly I wish they'd change Splinter Storm so it has infinite duration but constantly loses 2% of its damage per second (10% while inside a nullifier bubble.)
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srry pic related
>rng frame
>need to roll to be usefull

She was built for the wall
Remove Fast Deflection and Armored Agility.
Max the Aura first, Auras will ALWAYS take priority. Redirection on the polarized spot so it consumes even less, try to optimize your loadout
you'll want to max all of them except redirection, you can leave that where it is or stop at like 6 or 8 as you get more endo and save a full rank 10 for later, but the most important things will be
>aura mod: corrosive projection
for capacity then
for being able to actually keep your abilities up and running
I would like railjack more if each missions did have at least three different things you had to do.
ok, how do we fix koumei?
i would like railjack more if it was slow and more like real spaceship battles instead of free-forming willy nilly
I want railjack survival without it being an on-foot survival in disguise where it's just an endless exterminate, maybe stations get repaired over time or something
I would like it more if I could use the archwing slingshot to board ships instead of having to actually get into my archwing and press the enter button
It totally depends on which decrees they remove from the pool for "balance" and how painful the challenges are
They promised Railjack Grineer rework so it would become like the Corpus side but it never happen
She's a pure RNG frame in a game with a laundry list of consistent damagers. She won't be good, though she might be fun.
Yeah, that's why I don't play her much these days. Too much stress worrying about the duration of her 2 lapsing, running into a nullifier, etc.
Would be a phenomenal change, but we'll never see it happen.
It should be some kind of fomorian that you're flying around, you can't kill it because of reasons but it's able to keep sending stuff at you and galleons keep jumping in too
She doesn't have a cap on her decrees so I imagine she would start out ok if not weak but become broken once you get a bunch of those kinda like the circuit
thanks bwo's!
yeah pretty much all of them are staples except for Fast Deflect and Agility.
max the aura to get more mod space, plus its a staple Aura. all the ability ones are staples. Maybe not Streamline but as a begginer it's the easiest access to be being able to press your buttons more.
you can consider getting the Redirect or otherwise some health/shield/armor Mod to Rank 5-8 if you want some more basic survivability, too.
Koumei her 3 for survivality and her 2 and 4 for CC and damage. Not including the massive powercreep that the correct Decree can give you at any moment. Who knows it might be even shared with the team = Instantly meta
God only DE will tell if we get more armor loops for free 500% Power strength instantly
Big news.
She looks fun and unique which is more important than just being strong imo
good news
>The radial damage aura of Gara's 2 is increased by the damage of her 1 when you stand outside of her 4 and use her 1
I'm very sure you don't actually need to step outside of the 4. You can just stand in one spot and repeatedly 4 -> 1
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Transference Distortion
Knifestip Syndrome
Secondary Wounds
Lethargic Shields


You're laughing and Shitters are crying right now. CRYING.
how to farm plat?
come to orbiter
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your protea, bro?
That seems really easy actually
Any retarded shit like Parasitic Towers on that survival?
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Do TennoGen people still come here? I know Faven used to come here and post WIPs of his Graxx skins. I've been wanting to get into it for a long time and the recent 1999 contest got me off my ass to make my first submission.
Nah it's
Hostile Support
Nice. Thanks very much.
This is actually pretty cool. Will vote for it in steam
Thanks anon
i'll down vote
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Let me preface this by stating that i DO NOT have yellow fever, but damn what i wouldn't do to this mag cosplayer holy fuck.
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Based yellowfeverbro
Finally, we can prove that Umbra is viable in EDA
i'll upvote if you teach me how to do this stuff
How the fuck did they make Dante, a caster frame that even uses energy for an exalted, and not have regular ass rounded numbers for fully modded energy capacity on him?
There's very little information on it online, the best tutorial I found is this https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLR3SGizvoHb9zRbROrhuE9vrkZ_bevSEb
I do as well, I hope they bring back the pure railjack missions at some point.
i'll upvote
oh no...
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she makes Aoi a lot more attractive but the awful hair still kills it for me
>go to do tridolon
>have settings set to "nearby, low ping"
>get put into a group hosted by someone who is actually on Mars
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I'm vooooooooooooooooooooooooooooting. Nice anon, keep it up.
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I've never seen the Mission Failed screen before. Neat. Is there content harder than DRA/EDA/Final tier steel path? I'm still pretty new but have cleared those so far.
gave you a vote
never let it be said that /wfg/ doesn't support local anon-made produce
>I've never seen the Mission Failed screen before
you've never played public spy?
>negative ass
gave it a voot
i wish that guy who made corpra skins would come back
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I only play private matches with my wife. Never played a public match. They sound awful.
She makes up* for it with her magnetic personality and racially accentuated facial features/makeup
People who try to meme that shield builds are good in the modern game can go fuck themselves.
the modern game is literally the only time when shield builds have been good unless you're a newfag who's stuck on dragon key as oldfagging
It's fine. I'm sure DE will make it so toxin doesn't go past shields just like they removed sentient status immunity.
nerf mobility
nerf incarnons
nerf shieldgating
nerf energy economy
nerf mapwipers
save warframe
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Hildryn is pretty great anon. Basically immortal.
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fine yes ok
Toxin bypassing shields is kind of a non-issue if you know the mission has it
You can use Silence and never worry about it in most of them (infested that is)
Thanks anons
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>nerf mobility
i want to be even slower
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people don't know how to build frames for a reason
>map wipe
saryn and octavia and other afk frames are never going away. you'll get workaround non-changes to some small chinese exploiters but not the core of the problems because of death threats
loki should be replaced with wukong. everyone else are slow.
99% of monke I meet are slow af
ugly monkey newfag ESL
if you mean actually building for shields, yeah just harrow and hildryn
if you mean shieldgating you're retarded
but you play solo...
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>spends two or more minutes AFK at the start of the mission half the time
>"everyone else are slow"
nah I pub pretty much everything I can, unless trying to pub it is really getting in the way of me getting it done
shut up I was packing a bowl and you all loaded faster than I thought you would
>slow melty
>Kahl sabotage
Is this the worst quest in the entire game?
I'm a little bummed because it seems to be that Caliban's rework is dropping the defence strip fields. I liked those. I don't want to have to hit the enemy directly. The fields are way more consistent than me having to aim a restricted movement beam on 1-3 enemies.
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>packing a bowl
Eh. Everything that was continuing projects left half-baked from Steve's time has smelled of cut content. Do y'all remember the Duviri stream that showed off a whole segment regarding Bombastine at the beginning of the quest that involved getting the audience's favor? The anger in the conversation made so much more sense then, instead it just seems short and disjointed now.

The only stuff that's felt genuinely complete has largely been the stuff Rebblo have worked on completely independently. Veilbreaker, for whatever flaws people found in the Kahl gameplay, at least felt COMPLETE. Whispers. Jade Shadows. Crimes of Kullervo.

New War, Zariman, and Duviri all had the taint of being dabbled on and off and having segments chopped out. Not getting quite enough playtesting. Being inconsistent pacing or too short in some spots. Granted they were all better than what Steve and Scott had done for years, but I think that was in spite of their influence, not because of it.

New War could've been cool, if it had more of a proper build-up, and had a couple more hours of content, more of an impact on the game as a whole. The portions where you saw the corrupted star chart are very highly obviously a fucking remnant of when it was likely to be a multi-part quest arc. They wanted to go to Tau at some point with The New War, but Steve's vision as a creative director always outstripped Scott's capabilities as a development lead. They balanced each other out in some ways, but it wasn't a true synergy. Rebblo on the other hand seem to have a general synergy, seem a bit more on the same page.

I suspect The New War would've gone over better if the Kahl, Veso, and Teshin segments were prequel quests released over a period of time, with the sentient invasion spreading across the map until the promised moment where we go to save Teshin and get stabbed. Without that, as it is now, the quest just kind of became "Okay, so all that happened but very little has actually changed."
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Got caught sniffing my sister's panties again
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>i wish that guy who made corpra skins would come back
he quit midway through kino too
anon there are multiple alcoholics in here regularly and we're all addicted to this trash game
Voted. You make that in Blender? How does tennogen work?
Which one's that?
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cheers to that
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Jesus christ how horrifying. If you're going to get blitzed at least vape. There is nothing good about booze though. Get help. Life gets better.
You guys really are registered losers if you think this is weird dumb whatever kys
Thanks, I made it in Blender and textured it in Substance Painter. The rest was a lot of fucking trial and error based on DE's little bit of documentation and this tutorial
Getting the tint mask and emissive scrolling texture working was a real challenge. There's a lot of stuff I could do better now that I understand it better
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check these trips
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>Life gets better
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Definitely not me, I''m married with a kid.
why does she poop dots on her face?
Those are called "freckles" they are a small, pale brown spots on the skin, usually on the face, especially common in people with a pale complexion and often becoming more pronounced through exposure to the sun.
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I'm losing my fucking mind here how bad I want to BREED this woman.
>assination returns for duviri.
>get caliban, mag, and yareli for frames.
>tonkor, vasto, glaive as weapons.
Are these things resetting? Last time I was going to do EDA, I had Rhino on saturday, but then when I went to do it later in the week, all my frames were different.
they also make gooning special
>I''m married with a kid.
uh, aren't there laws that prevent that?
you were taking a shit?

there's no world where new war was ever going to be good after the first hint of rewrite
Rhino on Sunday, I mean. Later when I was going to do it on Saturday, it was different.
thanks ordis
that calls for one singular "yike"
Is she simgle?
Minin' away
I don't know what to mine
I'll mine this anyway
we're married
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Married to a 24 year old norwegian woman and we have a child. Weird your mind went immediately to pedophilia. Maybe there is no hope for you after-all. Stick to that bottle.
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I'm married to an 11 year old
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I'm okay with this
they should do this with weaksauce stuff like hata-satya as well
My Warframe is married.
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is that a neopet
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>Weird your mind went immediately to pedophilia.
Are you really surprised by this? You can't post a picture of a biological woman without someone screaming TRANNY, but have no problem gooning to pedo shit.
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Tell him to add Galvanized Lethal Momentum
ending was shit but that was to be expected ngl
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>Do Tri capture for Nigwave
>Get 2 people
>They both get lures as well so initially I assumed I'd get some help
>Then they fuck off to the other side of the map
>They come back for second Eidolon which I thought was good because both of my filled lures got sacrificed for capture
>They both just randomly fuck off again taking their filled lures with them after I destroy one part
>Literally do everything solo
>They just come back to gather the shards and put them in after a bit of me tard wrangling them
>At the end when I capture third Eidolon they have like 5 filled lures each but are still nowhere to be seen doing nothing
It didn't seem like intentional trolling since they were occassionaly coming to help, doing nearly 0 damage then fucking off again.
I'm used to pubs being dead weight and basically doing it solo anyway despite a full squad that just ends up shooting the Eidolons with piss poor damage and never gathering lures, but pubs actually getting lures and then not actually putting them to use is a new one.
I want Caliban rework NOW.
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hmm yes quite
Rebb post booba
why would you want the nerf now
>but pubs actually getting lures and then not actually putting them to use is a new one
For me it was like
>carrying a newbie bc he asked me nicely, teaching him in the process
>2 guys joining in
>they get the lures and just standing nearby
>with uncharged lures
>waiting for me to do all the job
>end up killing aylmaolon just in spite
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>It’s a "pub found the book" episode
>he doesn't like doing the book
it's like me but evil and shitty, I love it
No, it is a buff.
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When playing public it is best to assume your team mates will make the worst possible decision.

I main Yareli and constantly get stuck on shit while riding the hoverboard.
Yet I am still the first one at extract, always, even passing Titania and the other speed warframes, people in this game are just bad.
it is a buff to one skill and a nerf to everything else, including his best feature, net it is a nerf
No, it isn't.
shut up retard
I could never get my ember to look like this.
Let me voidshell her, please reb.
Should I put tempest barrage with augment or larva with augment on rhino for memes
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Gooning to Rebb before bed
Rebb should post booba before we all goto bed. It's the least she can do after taking another vacation
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she has none
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She used to, when she was younger
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how could you build mag...?
Wait how did you build mag
Ok but WHY did you build mag?
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>The current week is actually the last one of the rotation for Circuit Incarnon purposes
>We are actually going to have to wait 8 weeks to be able to get the other 2 of the 3 Incarnons
>Even worse, 16 if you don’t want to pay plat for the last one
how the fuck??!?
chat... us this real!?
What's the current rotation
Stalker weapons.
You will be free when you realize you don't actually want or need all of these things
>tempest barrage with viral tempest over rhino's 1.
>two green shards.
>nautilus with manifold bond..
>enemies are constantly getting armor stripped, dying, resetting cordon, etc.
>outkill sevagoth and kullervo teammates.
A silly build.
Duviribros, what's the next weapon I should unlock after edun and azothane? I want a fun melee for drifter.
Generally speaking manifold nautilus grouping is silly strong but it actually got annoying for me after awhile
Crashing people's machines with the amount of tempest barrages on the field is very silly.
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shit week
But 80% of those things are fun
unironically mag and glaive
>mag, gorgon, detron, glaive
lucky nigger
which relay do all the femoids hang out in
I'm too autistic to go outside, warframe is my best chance at obtaining gf
im going chroma
fuck mag
come to my orbiter
Nowhere, anyone who says they're a girl are all trannies or larping
I got mag and glaive too.
should we make out?
Fusion Strike was his best ability. Now, the armour strip will be only on the beam, which will be slowcast like Crucible Blast, instead of leaving a 20 second 20 meter lingering zone that increases the damage armoured enemies take by 10x and removes instakill resistance from shielded enemies.

There's no guarantee the summalyst will be as reliable as current lethal progeny at keeping you safe.

First two abilities got a net buff, third one is probably a buff but potentially may have issues, fourth one is absolutely a nerf and WILL affect his already middling popularity after the new skin new rework shine wears off.
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>Fuck mag
yo I can see her nips wtf
y'all got any more of them pixels
2070ti 5600X 16G RAM 2TB SSD
can my pc run mhwilds?
absolutely insane that there are people like you arguing in defense of the literal least-used frame in the entire game staying the way it was
genuinely insane
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So which ones are actually useful?
>Deep Archimedea Fragmented
So this is what every enemy I've ever killed has experienced. Huh. Are we the baddies?
NTA I don't think anyone is arguing against him getting changes, just THESE changes are bad.

The biggest issue is the changes are unlikely to give lasting appeal to people just trying him now and they're also going to alienate people who like the current way he plays since it removes his current main use
Why don't you ask about it in that nippon slop general?
If it was true for grende's rework l I'm willing to believe it's true for taliban
hate+whatever you like
fucking nullfiler bubbles filling up an entire room in spy
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Great job putting words in my mouth.
Saying 1 out of 4 things is worse, and that one was also not only the old design's best ability, but one of the best abilities of its type in the entire game, is not the same as arguing his entire kit should stay as it was. Besides, Caliban has other reasons for being the least-used frame in the game outside of just being bad.

Like the fact that he's tied behind The New War unless you buy him outright. Like the fact that The New War doesn't advertise that Cetus and Fortuna got new missions after it's complete, or the fact that the grind to get his parts is not particularly pleasant, or the fact that up until not that long ago his missions used to alternate between Cetus and Fortuna based on Cetus' day/night cycle, which again wasn't clearly informed to the players in-game.

He has better usability than fuckin' Banshee, that's for damn sure, but Banshee's probably got much higher usage statistics due to being a dojoframe.

So many of Grendel's changes were good, but, like, not having a more generous cap on Feast really fucks with the playfeel. The whole fucking appeal of old Grendel was eating like 20 dudes, regurgitating them all at once, and seeing them all perish instantly to the gnarliest toxin proc that ever existed while they no longer have armour.
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im on a date with meg, what do i say?
delete alchemy
are you gonna eat that?
Woof woof
i'd bark, beg, do ticks for her if she wants me to, ruff ruff
>white and blonde
sorry, not diverse enough
yep, chroma needs to be an overweight black woman with autism for inclusivity
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got damn look how thick those pickle slices are
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>finally stockpile some formas
>too anxious to use them on anything
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Found my old folder of warframe screenshots. Here's some sleek map tile generation. Basically what happened was:
>DE releases new tiles for the Grineer
>Exploring tileset
>See a door
>Walk THROUGH the door (it didn't open)
>It's a dead end room
>The door turned into an untextured hull you can't walk back through and there was an entire gap where the door was supposed to be
Weekly 100 rolls on torid surely this is the day
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Honestly man, in any form of media, having a character that represents someone's race/ethnicity/gender is pretty healthy. It doesn't affect you personally, but for people who it affects, it provides them with the validity that what they are is fine, that what they are is cool and not negative. Using that as an excuse that "oh they're not this" just shows how you are bothered by how other people present and give it a negative connotation.

Hope this helps.
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rerolled cc+cd into cd+ms and because i felt like i dont need crit chance because i only play frost
boy was i wrong
bricked riven for a week at least
Too much teasing, it's like borderline mockery at this point.
>chroma and glaive
you're so goddamn lucky and you don't even know it.
Itzal prime possible…?
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Chroma and Grakata are the better pull for this week. That final mission is basically a 60 Eyes fight
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What if Reb is the Reb poster and Meg is the Meg poster?
Rebb single-handedly gives me faith that I will one day find my qt3.14 weeb gf
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>look at basic bitch marketing done by attention whore
>gives me faith
lmao even
let me enjoy my delusions
>weekly reset
>so many grinds reset
I hate what they done in past 5 years. Well, it's mostly Duviri with their clamp shop and circuit, both require quit a lot of time each week.
like that one dude in the military whose wife started streaming as a vtuber and fucked 3 black guys while he was deployed and then cried abuse with little to no evidence to play the victim and the dude came back from tour to be cancelled and hated without even knowing what hit him lmao
fujos are the worst kinda human garbage anon
What if cats are catposters?
no that's just Froot being a sociopath
I hate the russchizo.
I hate the wokeschizo.
I hate the catschizo.
I hate the magschizo.
I hate the valkyrschizo.
I hate the novaschizo.
I hate the frogschizo.
I hate the TFDschizo
I love the Θεmatic anon.
I love Warbros.
Warbros #1
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>wokeframe 1999
I don't hate Railjack on its own, but i hate how they treat it like a minigame that makes it take longer to do the mission
>Railjack Survival
>instead of a railjack endurance, it's just a 3-5 minute intro to a normal survival mission
lmao even
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Oh, sorry, it's 12k now
yup, ez week once again
how do i build mag?
how do we fix mag?
one of the strongest frames surely needs fixing
Why is China so much ahead of the rest?
Everything about Corpus nodes is trash. And orphix, just fucking kek
>Garuda main
"through dick, unity" rings true once again
>void war
who came up with the name? So damn edgy
You will never have this
Now that you mention it whatever happened to thematic anon?
He used to post in every thread but I haven't seen him in a while

He had some pretty based opinions ngl
the russchizo doxxed him
Everyone on the leaderboards used to run Garuda for her free damage buff
I like Grineer Railjack
is this from her twitter?
>war within
>new war
>void war
but it never changes...
Hi, I'm gay Bilibilituber Michael Douglas
Last I saw, he said something about pirating Elden Ring's DLC and then fucked off. Good riddance IMO. He had a few interesting opinions, but 80% of what he said was worthless, and he was retarded in the sense that I honestly think he had a learning disability.
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playing solo speedva in SP survival with only melee equipped and blasting some cherry picked tracks from hotline miami, yep it's gaming time.
Reminds me of my friend who found his ideal nerdy girl who has the same interests as him but she showed zero romantic interest in him
He's been depressed for months
im really thinking about becoming deathcube verglas slave
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>Le Perv
nova with the dmg buffs and being able to finally be modded properly is gonna be a menace
shame shes fat
and ugly
shes a down syndrome the frame
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hell yeah, le perv, hydrogen, turbo killer, roller mobster..... ahhh don't rember what else is in this playlist
can't wait for noba buffs, i like her even though she's fat and ugly and retarded
Voyager, Acid Spit, Richard, Knock Knock, Turf
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>new weapons getting sp augment mods
>its for veteran player
>redditards complaint why new player not getting it
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What if Meg is the Reb poster and Reb is the Meg poster?
What if Meg is the cat poster and Reb is the russchizo?
ah yes, but you see, I'm six feet tall and own a house
>even though she's fat and ugly and retarded
Is there a pattern for what primes will be next in the aya rotations, or is it too new to have a pattern? I already have Trinity, Rhino, and Ember, and i just got Nova, so i wanna know if i can guess who is possibly next
>he measure himself in stinky feets
you never had a chance
Arca plasmor incarnon
Dunno, but i'm sure Mag will be closer to the 1999 release.
I can't help being american (superior in every way)
>captcha: smork
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if you come to my orbiter you'll end up pregnant.
>fake scenario
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DE would ban one tryhard redditor who plays legitimately but can do nothing to hundreds thousands of chinks who easily exploit how brainless this game is and afk farm daily lmao
oh yeah? do you often fantasize about getting a man pregnant? are you trying to get me boypreggers?
don't threaten me with a good time, anon
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I unironically look like this and say this
The redditor turned out to be using macros to automate gameplay btw
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why would DE interfere on the national server? de has no power over there
Chinks run all games by themselves in China, it's law or something. Path of Exile for example have metric ton of superb QoL's but only on Chinese servers.
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>>496595848 >>496596354
This is all done on the main as well - see breadboards full of asians(not just chinese) afking for up to 20hrs and then ruining the game economy and RMTing plat and rivens
But DE is too retarded to fix it on the fundamental level, all they can do is seal map holes - and chinks just find the new ones lmao
>forgot to turn on the EDA modifiers
>got 3 fucking melee adapters
Just kill me
goddamn chinese is such an ugly language
at least the nips can string together more than 2 syllables
>didn't screenshot it for memes
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trinity is up for a rework soon right?
is torid just superior to every gun or can glaxion with primary frostbite compete with it?
>tfw no longer have normal chroma
>need to subsume him
I think I'd have an easier time just buying his prime set
why do chinese spend so much time finding ways to avoid playing warframe
Faustian Spirit
Their brains as developed as domestic drone. You can teach it to do the math, but you can't teach it to be a human.
warframe community is so cooked
Can't agree with Duviri because of the skybox, it makes me sick to look at. But railjack is maximum kino. People were putting me off it for years but when I tried it I found out it's the most enjoyable content in the game for me.
You either use them all without noticing or hoard them like a dragon. Btw 23 hours of build time is too much, forma should be 12 hours tops
>12 hours tops
30-60 minutes*
Not human
>LR4 in circuit dies 8 times with Saryn and starts sperging in the chat
>I ask him what he uses for survivability
>"augur secrets"
>he doesn't even know catalyzing shields is in the game
I don't even play Saryn but he must be retarded right?
idk if this is the failure of DE or his intelligence when someone can stack 6k hours in a game and not understand how to shield gate.
cant subsume primes
enjoy :)
are the effects of the arcanes coming with koumei update already known?
Do you think we will get another event shop with Koumei? Or did arcane energize mafia suffer enough
I totally missed that, are we getting new arcanes? Melee, frame or what?
I have 2 r5 energizes and I don't think I have it equipped on a single frame.
5 new arcanes, they posted this one in the dev workshop for qol changes but i didnt watch the devstream so i dont know if they showed any there
What the fuck is up with the second EDA mission this week, performance deteriorates as the mission progresses. I had like 15 FPS at the end of it.
what are good amp arcanes for the 123 amp and no I don't plan on changing my amp any time soon.
prices wont ever drop lower than 800 for r5
maybe 600 during events but thats it
because equillibrium is the most overpowered mod in the game.
Always onslaught and eradicate 3/4 of your damage comes from arcanes and the madurai school anyway if anything you are only going to struggle hard against eidolons and angels
Madurai is so overpowered I did 3 cascade levelcap runs without having a single arcane on my amp.
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nvm this one aint new, also the arcanes are only mentioned on the german update page for some reason
Silly language
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Rate orbiter fashion
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It's also there in Russian (I assume "mystificators" are arcanes). Hell, after checking it, it's there in French and Italian too, it appears English is the only one without this information for some reason.
They study and sleep while the game farms itself. Or play other gachas
Fuck English speakers
>t. DE
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>>496598763 >>496598858
just farm formas
the game is so brainless and trivial you can coast without maxing or learning anything and just rank up fodder in ESO/hydron to max MR while still remaining a noobshitter
fuck it im buying verglas cc riven, lets see if its as strong as everyone says
he saw me crying.
he crew too.
together we crode.
Privet ^)
>get what is being advertised as equalizer ephemera from nigwave
>ephemera repeat generic wave patter and have nothing to do with music playing
fuck you to
2nd october in nip or canadian time?
in dns time
oh it's a pikachu
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1.5 Choppers
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>tfw no haglet
i want the tall big titty bitch with black hair
>big titty
shes flat af
>dante in EDF
>well this is easy
>oh god its assassination
>still easy but my left hand is now paralyzed
cardio gone out of control.jpg
I've done lua spy for 2 weeks 3 hours a day and every time I ran into the music puzzle I did it. Out of 83 music puzzles I got 0 forma.
About to finally finish leveling all my syndicates since I started 2 weeks ago. So I guess I get profit taker and EDA now? Anything I need for these modes? Besides chroma for profit taker and dante to trivialise EDA.
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Pokemon center in Shibuya, next to it is a capcom store where I got my tiny nargacuga
thanks for your anecdotal evidence
now look up probability
how about you take away the point that it's an inconsistent farm that can wildly vary in effectiveness?

Like first you need the music room and then it's a 1/8 chance to even get forma, if you're as unlucky as I am you're gonna waste 30 hours farming to get 0 forma. Instead you can just run void cascade for an hour and buy a forma bundle with the plat you make.

OR just sit in the dojo reselling shit from the market with good profit margins.
What makes void cascade so profitable?
t. retard, I don't like that mode
>r*ddit spacing
old ass meme



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>complaining about reddit spacing in the most reddit game imaginable
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You can quickly open relics while also getting arcanes for either selling or gambling
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eso? yeah, too much for lr4s
warframe is too easy, we need massive nerfs to everything.
Warframe is only as hard as you want it to be
thats what she said
you open relics really fast if you're good and coordinated
also steel essence and arcane farm
ur mad he doesnt want to carry mindless waves and leaves when his stuff is leveled?
you open them quickly in alchemy too yet for some reason everyone screeches and pisses themselves to the sheer thought of doing this mode
He can't even carry his own dumb ass sitting in a corner doing nothing afk
Actially it affects me personally because I am a White Aryan Man and I want to only see White Aryan people in my games. Not black negroes or other hominids of the underbrush, which make me uncomfortable with their ugliness and inherent filthiness. Have a nice day.
alchemy doesn't have void angels.
Caliban was the *least used* because he was subpar and locked behind a big grind. He wasn't the worst though. His 4 was one of the best abilities in the game (at least pre jade shadows) and it has now been nerfed massively.
I am a White Aryan Man and I want to see more black negroes or other hominids of the underbrush in my games.
oh shit update tomorrow
Yeah but no arcanes and cascade is just more fun in general
I just want to do 1 bounty on deimos for fucking mod i never bought and so far 1 party failed literally the moment i loaded and 3 other times it didnt even fucking load and crashed me back to the necralisk
Am i supposed to run this shit solo? Its been years since i touched that shitty "OPEN WORLD"
Void cascade fissure rotations go extremely fast so you can crack a relic every 2-3 minutes. Thrax enemies drop arcanes like Molt Augmented (drop chance influenced by mod drop chance boosters) that can be sold for a nice buck. And you also get steel essence and an immense amount of void traces since you open relics so quickly.
It also reaches level cap after around 1 hour 15 minutes, which makes it a great stress test for your build without having to sit through hours of disruption or survival. It's a great endgame activity.
Last but not least, it's not annoying (like alchemy) or boring (like survival), you just parkour through the nice zariman tileset and shoot things.
The only open world shit I don't do solo is trilodons
agreed on everything except
>nice zariman tileset
probably the second shittiest tileset after the circuit
come back, cutie!
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kill yourself I just alt tabbed back in and saw it out the corner of my eye, i dont pay attention to this shit
I'm going to forma Knell Prime and no one will stop me
From gameplay perspective Koumei is just 1 new mission which you grind for new warframe and weapons?
>wokei and the five DEI hires
And yet TFD is the one dying
isn't that what the past few frames were?
Reb's frame system
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>check free Caliban news
>see this
Everything make sense now.
Why is Reb still in Japan having fun? GET BACK TO WORK BITCH
>Sentients are a twink race
the porn will save it
sorry me dumb russian ESL. This was meant for
But anon her work is having fun using our money
only if it's with me
is reb taken? I wanna have some kids with her.
Married to Kojima
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yes we got married
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Sure thing buddy, because porn is the only reason why people play games.
Hags enabled
>he doesn't know about Overwatch
>valid criticism of warfame: off-topic
>talking about other games in wfg: on-topic
you're a pathetic little cuckold
Don't forget posting thirst traps from time to time
TFD is a Warframe clone and is dying

Seethe more Russchizo
Taste issue desu
you are supposed to use Orokin eye and Gold instict cant use it in spy ofc then you find plenty of rare crates and ayatans
Been years and I still haven't gotten helminth to rank 15, I'm only at 11.

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