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Jinouga if he real edition

>I have a question about Monster Hunter!

>MH Wilds
Wilds Info: https://www.monsterhunter.com/wilds/en-us/
Steam page: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2246340/Monster_Hunter_Wilds/
New weapon trailers: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7z-ZXbhfoKEO9jJv7a-bG7UcHGTCX5uH
Release Date trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0dJpKRWYNkE

>MH Rise
Sunbreak TU Info: https://www.monsterhunter.com/rise-sunbreak/update/en-us/
Hunter Connect: https://pastebin.com/Tp9t570y
Armor Set Search: https://mhrise.wiki-db.com/sim/?hl=en
Monster Weakness Database: https://robomeche.github.io/MHRise-Database/

>MH World
Iceborne Info: https://www.monsterhunter.com/world-iceborne/
World is now Steam Deck verified! https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/582010/view/3738609511464820653
General Info: https://pastebin.com/uCazCZBf

>Older Game Emulation and Multiplayer/Frontier


>Where does /vg/ play?
Post the game, platform, room code, and password (7243/rage)

>/mhg/ OP pastebin (use this when making new threads)

Previous thread: >>496457169
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petition to remove
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I love huntresses
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4th for my wife
I love the hunters that love huntresses.
What? That’s my wife!
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>he isn't a soles hunter
>ugly rise zinogre
this gives me the ick
yeah they're fun to tease
Men: Which weapon do you use?
Women: Which weapon do you use?
Trannies: Which weapon do you use
Genuinely curious
>get through Ten fucking posts without using the word or any variant of the term Tranny challenge
OK so instead of getting buthurt on 4chan, you could just answer the question
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Lovey dovey kissy sex with huntresses
t. hunter where's my coke
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There are no women here, and whatever weapon I say, someone will call me a tranny
Anyone who flashes a monster even is immediately on my shitlist
Thanks the monster running across the room and seething at a wall and then doing completely unpredictable attacks in random directions is exactly what I wanted. I'm so glad this is happening because someone didn't want Teostra to do his fucking supernova
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Christ almighty
you can even continue 360 aiming attacks DURING TCS
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Literally Who is so bad they need to flash ZINOGRE.
lmao, that's absurd
Do any of these MonHuns actually teach you how to play the game properly?
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>he isn't a solo hunter
holy shit that is jarring.
It’s a co-op franchise.
And just like that GS drops to semi-shitter weapon.
>immediately resorts to greentexting a specific scenario no one is talking about
Games pre-4
But I am.
And I never reached G-rank.
>immediately resorts to greentexting a specific scenario no one is talking about
Society won't tell you this but it always was
Shoot. Why does Capcom assume everybody has played MonHun before in the 4 and onward installments?
5/16 , one more for 3x 3 hoonts pls
and now its undeniable
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Rice is starting to look like hardcore monster hunter next to Milds
That's the funny part, the recent "games" are designed to be beaten by people who barely even know what they're doing and they've openly admitted it
G1 and G2 aren't awful solo
the multi monster hunts in g3 are a slog though, and G4 solos are just don't get hit fests
It always was a giga shitter weapon thougheverbeit.
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>G4 solos are just don't get hit fests
my favorite.
Then how come I never beat any?
There really is nothing wrong with random decos, it makes things more exciting when you get a good one.
this but talismans
I got a neat bio + 8 three slotter which will be useful for brachy hunts
They should just remove decos from the game as a whole
got a FastCharge 5 with 3 slots.
Focus is now always on the menu.
Wilds only has shitter weapons
There is everything wrong with rng decos.
Honestly this. Skill bloat is going to be awful in the wilds expansion as it is.
total genprey death
every single genprey needs to be exterminated
The problem with RNG decorations is that decorations as a concept are the glue holding armor pieces together, they let you top off skills, they let you slot in the things necessary for you to function and are the easiest to swap around to prepare for specific monsters
You make that element random, and every set you wear before deep endgame feels like shit
RNG Talismans aren't much better, but it represents a much smaller % of your total skills than decorations do
We wouldn't need to have decos or talismans be RNG if Capcom put in some proper features to punish DPSmaxxing optimization.
Monster hunter is dead. The last vestige of high commitment position based 3rd person action combat is fucking dead. Enjoy your roll slop i-frame Simon says timing simulators bros, because that's all every 3rd person action game is going to be for the next 2 decades before these retard developers realize it's shallow and boring. It's genuinely horrifying how no one with a substantial voice in game critique/discussion is talking about how Capcom is raping Monster Hunter's fundamentals. We're on the verge of watching Capcom remake DMC 1 with fucking souls combat at this point. No wonder Itsuno left.
Surge slash isn't even weak, you guys just had your brains melted by strongarm and think anything worse than that is unplayable
I would like craft everything with material drops
ryukishi won't stop insulting and arguing with me guys im about to cry
That punishment actually already exists, it's called "getting one shot and then complaining about it on /mhg/"
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i do this when i get pinned by savage jho, throw a dung bomb, then get hit by his next attack before my hunter even recovers from the pin animation.
Fuck pre-world savage jho.
2 seperate pin attacks and one of them used to be just a normal attack by regular jho.
Got his Crook so i never have to see the cunt again.
Fuck em.
this fucking turd will be the most casualized trash ever holy fuck
then they will inevitable cram in inescapable area aoe 1hko attack to give it a semblance of challenge but that will work once as everyone learns after the first time.

I am currently downloading MH3U to go on my Steam Deck!
>NOOOOO monhun is dead NOOOOO
>crying now and not when adept/valor shat all over "positioning"
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I'm dysphoric but I didn't fall for le transition meme, what does this make me?
top lel
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>mfw nintendo gets me
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>take that meownster!
>waaah waaah people can actually make sure to land wake up hits
wheres the negative?
Wilds will be awesome button kino
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the difference is those are easy modes you had to toggle on like a bitch baby poopy pants
you are not smart
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Oh no, it runs like fucking dogshit
fuck bird wyverns
runs fine for me
What's this about a Wilds demo?
Next you're going to say because armor is equippable that it's easy mode. Being optional is irrelevant. Gen also had literal X to awesome moves with Hunter Arts, but let me guess, they don't count because they're optional, even though every style gets to use them.
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That sounds mighty nice, sir
>it crashed after the opening cutscene
Fine I’ll just play 4U instead, see if I care
I love huntresses
me: GS, CB, gunlance
my wife: insect glaive exclusively she cant stand anything else
I used to use Longsword exclusively.
Now I don't use any weapon, because I got ejected from the Hunter's Guild for sucking too much.
>comparing big commitment moves with being able to turn around 360 at any point during regular combo


lmao even
Simply admit you're a dumbfuck that can't stop herself from using OP stuff.
>its good to keep casualizing the already casual game, after all it already got casualized before
nigger faggot
i wasn't going to say any of that bullshit
>Being optional is irrelevant
damn right, so is valor and adept but you hamfisted them into the discussion anyway
the problem is this ez-mode 360 no-scoping is worked into the GS default kit, stupid
That's not what that post means, retard. It's pointing out that the bellyaching is reactionary. By all accounts, MH should already be considered dead after the string of Gen, World, and Rise. Does it really take a fourth game to be dead?
>MH should already be considered dead after Tri
This is the closest to true. P3rd’s success and the design changes in 3U are what solidified how Monster Hunter is made and what the devs and many players consider important
Tri is part of the problem faggot
unless they announced something today, I wouldnt expect one until december at the earliest.
the moment mh came to psp it was made for casual portable gamers
Ichinose ensured MH would never succeed the way it was supposed to
It wasn't as cancerous as P3rd onward but Tri still reduced attack tracking, reduced monster speeds, and changed monster design to promote higher damage uptime and aggression instead of weak point sniping
tri is on a weird spot honestly, core gameplay and balance is closer to oldgen than anything
so you can't realy lump it with oldgen (MH1 to FU) and you can't lump it with nu-MH (3U to GU)
>room bombed
God i love 3U
I need to see my bros Cha-Cha and Kayamba again.
i miss putting the cannon mask on Cha-Cha and fire Kayamba directly into Barioth's fucking face, shattering his Amber Fangs.
I miss my certified-paraplegic-on-land Gobul where the only thing he could physically do on land was roll and bite
i miss my shitposter bird Qurupeco giving me THE CLAP cause i busted his beak for healing himself with his songs.
GOD i miss 3U.
t'was a reddit room, nothing of value lost
What makes the old games good is not the combat, it’s the rural life hunting simulation, and Tri was the best.
>What makes the old games good is not the combat
>it’s the rural life hunting simulation, and Tri was the best
Tri is almost as bad as Rise in terms of feeling like a mobile game in terms of all the menus you have to go through between hunts
Periodically having to go to NPCs to get free items from boxes and then send them out again is not "rural life hunting simulation", if you wanted that then you'd need to bring back building up your village, hunting monsters just for money, severely limited inventory slots, actually meaningful gathering and trading with other villagers...
>tfw no monhun survival crafting game
Would be cool.
>no base
>no magic item box
>spawn fucking anywhere and nowhere
>you can eventually make camp
>you build weapons as normal monhun, you are smithy
>you need to eat
>if you die you die
>monsters start like village lr mobs and then small easy bosses
>at night you get more dangerous predators
>you wander into guiding lands esque area to find monsters you want when you are strong enough
no it wouldnt
Villager requests going through the chief’s son for you to fulfil is ideal, it’s great for mechanical convenience and it represents how a centralised point of contact for a contracted worker would occur in this world. A rural village having a farm and letting you benefit from it also melds mechanics with verisimilitude very nicely. It’s also a great story, with the hunter having a positive ecological impact without having to kill Ceadeus, and not being a hero that saves the world from a bug bad evil monster
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I feel like wilds will be on the continent of fonron
Not fully explored
Extremely dangerous
Full of ancient ruins
>just Ark: Survival
...elgado is next to pokke?
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Apparently, according to this video and the map i posted.
>artic ridge
bomb it.
gay headcanon albeit
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as far as i'm aware picrel is the only map published by capcom
the rest is an extrapolation of that one
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i cant make out anything of what that says
I haven't played World yet. Is random deco really that bad? What if you play multiple weapons?
have you played literally any other monster hunter?
It's better now because at the end of the content update cycle they let you just buy some decos
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Like any rng it’s bad if you want something specific because you can’t influence it really. I’ve got everything I need after just playing, but it is disappointing to be missing a point or two and not be able to just hunt for the materials for a specific deco
World is the only one with random deco
God I can't wait to play Wilds in ultrawide.
It sucks because you need several just to fill out the slots in your armor
It takes forever just to get any kind of decent selection
it is not that bad no, autistic speedtrannies say otherwise because they cant max out weapon number skills (+3 raw)
both systems are good in their own ways, but i think random decos makes more sense for the new skill point system
yeah, that's why i asked, so anon would have an understanding of whether or not RNG decos were that bad.
Where is uh... our Kingdom Capital
It's just minmax faggots crying that they have to hit the monster 96 times instead of 94 because they're missing a deco.
You can get everything you absolutely need from your armor and most crucial ones (ele defense) can be bought/crafted or are obtained very easily.
Does anybody have that picture of all the armor sets from the Wilds weapon overview?
I don’t soz
Pretty sure this is a render from a fan so technically not official
nice servers crapcom

>return to World
Nvm found it
I wanted to find out if we could figure out all the armrests already from the monster reveals
I think so if all the purple armors like switch are and hammer are from the water monster in the forest
It's not bad in a vacuum, but it is bad when combined with set bonuses that make armor piece choices extremely restrictive.
Genshin impact stole set bonuses from World
I think the bow armor is from spicy chicken
Swaxe might be from uth but I think the hammer set's monster hasn't been shown off yet
I heard that Wilds is bringing back Wirefall. Is this real? Bros... Wirefall was one of the few things I disliked about Rise.
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>Crystalburst a monster and you interrupt whatever he's doing and he does something else
>Crystalburst Kushala when he's about to do his fuck you tornado, and he'll stop and then try to do the fuck you tornado again
>he'll repeat this no matter how many times you Crystalburst him

Kushala in World has got to be bugged.
what the fuck is a crystalburst
>one misremembered anecdotal experience
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I'm a cis-hetero Gaelic/Nordic male who larps as a cis-bisexual east Asian woman, which means I count as a tranny for your poll.

I maintain that all true hunters should be competent at a variety of different weapons depending on the monster. If you throw a bitchfit because Gravios is a bad matchup for your cuck sword that's self-inflicted trauma and a skill issue.

My main and favourite weapon is HBG but I play basically everything at a competent level. Wilds' Gunlance trailer made the weapon look pretty cool so as long as it doesn't do literally negative damage and if I can resist the siren call of playing HBG during progression I think I'll be playing Gunlance in Wilds.
>I'm a cis-hetero Gaelic/Nordic
stopped reading there you're an amerimutt with goblin genes shut the FUCK up
No, and anyone who says it is, is retarded, or trolling redundant as that is.
The "sekritfall" has you laying on the ground for just about a second before the sekrit comes and picks you up. Hardly comparable to wirefall.
>it's called "secret fall"
i fucking love it
I’ve been pronouncing it “say-crit” and I don’t plan to stop
Why the fuck is kiranico such dogshit? It's missing so much vital information.
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There are other continents you mouth breather. Glad the /pol/ speak collected a (You) though :^)
the UI is pretty bad I just use it for looking up materials and upgrade paths pretty much
there's Athena's ASS or whatever for set making and anything more specific I just Google ( for GU)
It serves the same function and trivializes wakeups in the exact same way
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>No, you can't wirefall
>Instead you get picked up your mount after 1s on the ground
Is this a fucking joke? Jesus Christ I'm looking forward to it having a million invulnerability frames and giving me a free mega potion too.
>monster hitzones
but...WHEN are the changes? It's not just when the monster is enraged either...
it's either enraged or part broken iirc
enraged for shit like deviljhos and broken for the rock fuckers like gravios etc
>part broken
>literally lose a hitzone when you cut Goldian's tail
okay that does make sense.
Time for a mod to remove all invuln frames, then, just to make you guys happy.
it wasn't broke pre-world, just roll it back to how it was
Especially for older than GU some monsters are just straight up missing hitzones
It wouldn't have been bad if the drop rates for skills was divided evenly but some stuff like guard up, artillery, mighty bow, etc had drop rates orders of magnitude worse than just requiring a monster gem to craft them
Thoughts on the chink monster roster leak? It predicted Kut-Ku and Congalala back in June and the same guy also correctly predicted the order of weapon trailers.
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dont bully me
post it here, idk what you're talking about
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cant wait for Wilds sisters
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Positioning? That's transphobic. Now you can just redirect every attack at all times
Committing to an attack? That makes Timmy's ADHD flare up, you can just cancel everything into a dodge roll at all times.
Avoiding attacks before they hit? That's ableist, Now you can just dodge into the monster's hitbox and we'll automatically dodge it for you.

No one liked those retard baby mode crutch mechanics in Generations lil bro, you were regularly mocked for not using Guild style.
sure thing buddy, everyone is an autist like you that only does naked runs with the starting weapon
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Gee I can't wait to chase monsters through mile long hallways every 2 minutes. Getting rid of loading zones was a mistake.
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The SA set is from an unannounced monster. Uth Duna is predominantly red and blue in colaration. The SA gear is bright pink with green accents. It also doesn't integrate the monster's veil fins, which I would assume to be the predominant feature of most of the gear derived from it.

Also, the SA seems to be an Ice element weapon, while Uth Duna is a Water element monster
I'd be more interested if they leaked some of the new monsters cause with the exception of maybe Nerscylla those are pretty safe guesses
rather be autistic than a fucking retard with no standards like you
Oh hey nibblesnarf armor
swaxe isn't uth since the weapon is ice element (in the swaxe reveal) and pretty obvious uth is water
What's the one between Blangonga and Gypceros? I can't make it out with the background.
NVM, I thought wrong. It was the one up top with the bowgun. Realized now it ISN'T actually nibblesnarf armor.
I think seregios?
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Yeah, that's it. The Sunbreak render. The claw is very distinct now that you've pointed it out.
ah, random photos chinese on a chinese website, the most credible source of leaks
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Good hunts! Think it's 8/16.
Not really in the mood right now
kys twitter tranni
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>no giant milker wyverian gf
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i am also nordic (not american) and i agree. i use the weapon that fits the situation. does not seem to be the case as much anymore though, with capcom trying to make every weapon do everything and beat every monster the same.
i play almost every weapon, although progressing might take too long so depending on the entry i use different ones with similar solutions (for example, water bow instead of bowgun for basarios/gravios, maining different weapons each game). i believe my most played across all games is hammer though, its always so nice to come back to.
what's this pc /mhg/ obsession with this fucking monkey?
it's very funny
3DS babies have severe stockholm syndrome for it because it was the easiest endgame monster to grind for endgame RNG gear in 4U so they just did quests for it over and over again. The (very few) new players who picked up World and didn't drop it by Iceborne do it to imitate their elders
Odds I play elite evens I join the lumu
Doesn’t angry monkey in the arena drop astral melding tickets? Players probably farm him to meld decos
Time to be a space trucker
It's not enough that the monster dies
It needs to suffer, too
okay but what about if they added frontier dual elements
Was there any actual use case for those ever
Monster weaknesses are usually like 30/20/5/0/0 so splitting any element would just lower your damage
It's much easier to accumulate skills in World than it is in other monster hunter games. The game is likely designed the way it is as a way to stave off/delay extreme skill creep that would completely collapse all semblance of a difficulty curve during progression, as you can see in Iceborne where about midway through the campaign you start to accrue so many skill bonuses that the game can't keep up without resorting to MMO style DPS checks.
elite is fucking shit even in vr and with a hotas
shit ass fucking waste of time jesus christ i'm mad still thinking about it
The number was often big enough that it didn't really matter, plus with determination you were always hitting at the very least a 10 element hitzone
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This is why I hate World
>Use the skill creep to get all my comfort skills on one set
>Guard, Evasion, Defense, Stamina, etc.
>Punished for not building for Attack and Affinity
they're cool
I think its pretty good for what it is, not amazing but i like exploring
Not many games get me attached to my vehicle
>guard and evasion on the same set
what are you doing?
1) There's nothing stopping you from having attack and defense skills on your set even before endgame
2) Out of the one fight with an actual DPS check beyond the quest timer, Alatreon, you can just abuse Fortify to beat it
My big plan is to find a black hole and dive into it
are you retarded?
>block attacks you can't dodge
>dodge attacks you can't block
>extender for easier repositioning
do you also get confused when people run both affinity and attack boosts? handicraft and speed sharpen?
offensive skills shouldn't be mandatory, every fight should be balanced around a player with 0 armor skills
>are you retarded?
very ironic coming from you, but your bait is stinky so idc anymore
do you get by people not being retards like you?
both of your examples can work at the same time
you cant block and dodge at the same time you fucking nignog
>starting to get to the point where I want an element set for every element
comfy endgame
that and the fact that while decos are RNG, the sheer fact that you can not only craft, but upgrade charms so you are almost always guaranteed a max level of 1 or 2 skills is honestly insane. Suddenly makes remaking Ala into a completely decent albeit easy fight, with a DPS check you can't escape from to an instant cart if you fail make alot more sense.
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Seregios actually deserves to be in the base game for a change, he's always overshadowed by other monsters in G-rank
fights shouldnt be balanced around skills, they should be balanced independently from each other which in turn makes the most sense and creates balance & harmony
They aren't mandatory.
If you feel that they are, you are just not gud enough.
It's too late for me to get into MonHun, isn't it?
The available games are shit, and the good games are defunct.
>every fight should be balanced around a player with 0 armor skills
A hammersister I presume?
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Nope, the best game is the latest one.

Play Monster Hunter NOW
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I hope for your sake this is bait and you're not actually this retarded.
>It's too late for me to get into MonHun, isn't it?
Of course not, you...
>The available games are shit, and the good games are defunct.
Oh. You're not a newfag. You just wanted an excuse to post this garbage.
get FU or Tri on emulator
the early psp games especially were made for soloers anyways
>and the good games are defunct.
you can emulate them all
As a Tribabby I can't believe I've actually lived to see the day where MHTri is considered a "good" MH game.

Oh how the turn tables...
I flatout refuse to believe they tested fighting Fatalis with Charge Blade, without any Fatty gear
I imagine cock and ball torture is more tolerable

Well atleast I managed to unlock multi in my first try with A-lister's help
Wasn't he in Gen Low Rank
Just had a nice 5 hour hunting session
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All of them are the good games.
he was
I had an all dayer yesterday it felt really good
yes he was
every weapon and it's mother needed his parts to upgrade too.
Just had a nice 5 hour goon session

my secret? sweaty chiseled huntress tummy
CB versus Fatty is the worst matchup of all of them yes
Just make Switch Axe it's basically the same weapon and is the best vs Fatty
>too stupid to understand something simple so it must be bait
you can't call a dictionary bait because you can't read
this anon >>496541526 is posting about using a suboptimal set full of defensive comfort skills rather than attacking ones
so why are you so surpised that the hypothetical set he's talking about is inefficient and has redundancies?
you dumb nigger
I'm going to assume you're not being intentionally dense and say that there's more than enough skill budget to go for blocking skills and evasion skills on top of a couple 'normal' damage ones
And even if you're blocking every single attack and dodging nothing you could just drop Evade Window and keep Evade Extender since its still useful for repositioning
I don't think there are enough comfort skills to justify going for no offensive skills at all but I agree that Alatreon's dps check was a mistake
>durr skill issue bad
Just because I can step around shit on the sidewalk doesn't mean I'm glad it's there
Good? It’s the best one.
This mode was pure ludo. How the fuck have they not brought it back? It costs almost nothing to add.
I wish I was born after 2010 too, being old kind of sucks
Im partial to FU as the first I played
The village definitely wasn't a fleshed out as I like nowadays though
Remove armor skills entirely and just give each set a single utility set bonus based on the monster's flavor
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...I don't like any of the GS changes.
Why does all the gameplay footage coming out of TGS look like washed out ass?
Can the Japs not into capture cards cuz comparing it to earlier footage and trailers it looks way worse.
Alatreon should not be able to switch elements after both horns are broken
That is literally the only change I'd make to the fight
>"fight should be over by then anyway lol"
I fucking wish it was
I've been doing SoS to try and help a few retards out there who take Lightbreak weapons
Their DMG ends up being so lacking that it actually does stretch into the "third cycle" and beyond
Have you not gone to Sagittarius A* yet? I recommend making the trip at some point
blazing black twilight or the black dragon?

option C is for me to return to the tempered teo quest for deco grinding
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Alatreon! Escaton Judgement that guy
i would not be against this, reminiscent of stories
I'd just remove affinity and crits as a concept
That's all I'd do
Thanks for playing, the room is 7/16
Erm... Do you guys a-agree that we are sissies?
With the upcoming work week, I probably won't be able to hunt at all.
this but rathalos' set bonus is weakness exploit
That’s awful…but the first hunt after will feel so good!
Blazing Black Twilight solo
Do that first before trying The Black Dragon
This. We need a skill debloat anyways.
Artillery and Load Shells should be one skill again, same with Guard and Guard Up.
World was bad about a ton of skills, Rise was even worse.
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I don't know about HH players, but this guy is definitely an insufferable cunt
>Mad because called out
go back to attack up being the only damage skill
I just started out so no, but I'd like to in the future. I learned just now that there's more outside the first civilization bubble
MH1 did this and they immediately course corrected with MHG. The series has been getting dumbed down from the start. Wilds will triple down on skill power creep since all weapons now have innate skills and there's an additional group skill tier for armor
>return to Moga
not watching these videos, but he already sounds like a cool guy.
MH1still has other combinations you can do, they just don't show points so you would have to experiment to figure it out
You should have done blazing black twilight before dawns triumph
What's wrong with a long hunting session?
You don't need to teo grind ever unless you really want to

Just literally git gud
Do Alatreon first with an ice weapon, craft alatreon weapons then do Fatalis
it's great stress relief
It is!
Especially with some help
Btw there is a secret legendary thing in elite called "Raxxla" Some kind of planet with either treasure, alien technology, or something else. Some even think it might be a state of enlightenment. But Raxxla has been confirmed to exist by the devs tho no one has found it yet. There is a faction in game dedicated to finding it, called the dark wheel
Would make sense since Seregios seems to be related to Akrvald, they both have zygodactyl talons and the same gait.
They would not put the least popular flagship in this game over any of the others
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Maybe they want him to be...more popular?
>4 FUCKING Magalas in SB
eh the main focus of the game seems to be the desert region, so he makes the most sense. i dont expect to see gore. zinogre i can see, but think narg will sit this one out. tigrex, have to see the ice area, but so far doesn't fit in with anything. i think lagi is guaranteed now after seeing the water stage. mizu also fits in well with the style of the tropical area, so chinese leak maybe accurate

altho, why is the leaked list so small? wasn't world/rise leaked before hand during the capcom leaks with the entire list? definitely happened for rise.
>more popular
>jobs HARD to gore, just to throw some scales at the very end, like some "I GOT THE LAST WORD HAHA" shit
>make people hunt silver and gold dragons for me
>feel bad
sorry bros
how are you supposed to survive the lunastra nova attack? it does a huge chunk or my health then my gay little man sits there cowering while my hp keeps ticking down so i end up with like 2 seconds at most to try and put my weapon away and heal. the only time i can survive is when i happen to have the fire mantle on but i hate using that stuff.
I doubt the veracity of the leaks in the first place, but I would assume those are monsters in trailers and not the final game. We still haven't seen rathalos since the initial reveal. I think Seregios has a fine chance if, say, Tigrex or Brachy are already in the game but simply not in the trailers since they were aready in Worldborne.
>Finally got around to playing multiplayer
>People with a lower rank than me already running around with Safi and Fatalis weapons
>No one has resistance vs. Black Veil Hazak
>People still spamming Flash Pods vs. Kushala Daora after 10 has already been thrown
>Shock traps vs. Zinogre
Am I just doing the quests slow or did these people just carried or did they cheat them in? What's going on...
fire mantle or leap of faith for your life.
Last time i dodged it by getting far enough away where it couldn't hit me.
Then the next time i fought it in that arena you first fight velk i beat it before it nova'd. Only once.
lots of jap gameplay popping on youtube
>or did these people just carried or did they cheat them in?
Its that.
If it's HR, SoS her once and then forget her for a while
A serious answer for MR is just bring wind res. Literally the one fight where it's worth it.
Either cheesed for drops, hard carried, or cheated
But yes, the average player is a mouth breathing retard these days.
Yeah Seregios seriously a new Grank armor, it's been fucking a fucking decade come on!
Game was released in 2019
And the nexus mod got pretty big in the community for this game
They are most likely cheaters
Had a guy with a Raging weapon try to cap Namielle in the Guiding Lands
It's both.
>these days
>cheesed for drops
>can unironically just farm with plunderang until you get all the parts you need
>including Evil Eye
forgot this was a thing.
>sand barioth spinning around his tornado about to launch at me
>just before he hits me cha cha slime blasts him out of the air
KINOOOOOOOOOOOO this is why I play monhun

Not wilds though
I'm not saying they didn't exist back then, but it is VASTLY more common to see them these days.
I miss Sand Barioth.
Most aesthetic bow in the series.
I think it's the most fun barioth has been
wind resistance + superman dive
Don't feel sorry, I just like hoonting
I hate metaslaves. In 4U it was the cheese blade (Lo)sers, in GU it's BuJaBuJaBu sheep. Ultimately, however, I think it just underlines the importance of balance... and that Monster Hunter has none of it.
That's not even a meta thing, that's just a stepping stone.
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>immediately turns 90 degrees
>follows it up with the charge
>shoots mini tornado
>dodge mini tornado
>mini tornado does a fucking U-turn and hits you from behind when all your attention is on Sand Barioth
>The Simoom Sandbiter when you finish his GS
I hate him but i love him so much
hey bros, i'm trying to get back into wilds since i played it a bunch and fell off. i reached rank 7 i think, and i'm able to play it but i feel like kind of a bumbling retard. are there any good guides for the mechanics i might have forgot?
Fiver post
Imagine the kushala and sand barioth turf war
...i meant rise, that's how much of a bumbling tard i am lmao
i think about that sometimes, as he does the same thing as Kush does.
would be pretty sick.
The majority of hunters I've found in random SOS's are fucking horrible, however the ones I encounter in guiding lands and event quests that are farmed for a specific resource tend to be good.

Also its funny that in random SOS's, there's LS everywhere while in other content there's a ton of ranged weapons
you are rank 7, game's easy enough where you only have to focus on the monster, no outside effects that are really detrimental to you.
Should just click back in pretty quickly.
I guess in the form of advice (really is more a tip than anything else) for someone rusty...
Evade extender also affects the "aerial Dodge" off a wirebug, not just rolling.
Iceborne is piss easy and never expects any level of mechanical knowledge from the player between the clutch claw, defender gear and multiplayer so most people are very very bad at the game
Lol this reminds me of last night I asked me bf if he wanted to play world but he knew I meant I wanted him to actually pound my asshole. God he knows me so well
barioth gf
LS gauge multipliers in Wilds:

White: 1.02x
Yellow: 1.04x
Red: 1.1x

Step slash: 24
Overhead: 21
Crescent Slash: 26
Rising Slash: 18
Thrust: 18
Fade Slash: 22

Spirit 1: 31
Spirit 2: 30
Spirit 2 (moving): 13+25
Spirit 3: 13+19+33
Roundslash: 37
Roundslash followup: 54

Crimson 1: 13+27
Crimson 2: 8+15
Crimson 3: 25+13+43
Foresight Whirl Slash: 22+13

Helm Breaker: 24?*7
Spirit Release: 10*3 + 18-19*3 + 24-25*3 + 28*3, 240-250 total

Iai Slash: 18+12
Iai Spirit Slash: Unverifiable but stupidly high, at least as strong as base Rise

Unbound Thrust: Unverifiable

Shit's cracked bros, base Rise LS 2.0
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Every japanese vtuber girl seems to use a bow or bowgun. Explain this
I refuse to believe it will get through the demo once TAs start dropping
And by 'refuse to believe' I mean 'It will 100% be untouched but they'll preemptively nerf GL'
It's only bad if you're an autist who absolutely has to have Attack +7 on all his sets
You can get everything you need from armor and charms
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Stupid fucking farting baby (affectionate)
Ah the spirit release weapon yes
Crit Boost was a deco only skill until Kulve
huntress bobs
big choco huntress 'zuri
women often project their'yre inscurities onto others, ever argued with one?
women using bowguns is an allegory for how they wanted to be blasted, blasted onto and inside. they'reier telling you they want to breed
What shade of choco tho
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All of them
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nice servers crapcom
thanks for the hoonts
LS is forever fucked. Valor LS was the beginning of the end. We'll never get LS that's like 4U or 3U that's just spirit combo slashes and fade slashes for repositioning (like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WdIL-LWk5I4).
Every LS from now on is just going to give it some giga anime gimmick to pull in normalfags. Spirit slashes will barely do any damage compared to the "animaymay move du jour".
>Spirit Release: 10*3 + 18-19*3 + 24-25*3 + 28*3, 240-250 total

This is just silly. Considering the range on this move and the fact you can get Red gauge easier than ever, there's literally no point in doing anything else
total conga death
>Waaa Muh wax on wax off spam so good classic sovl
There’s a reason they keep updating its move set to make it more unique and appealing
I usually see them using GS/LS and the occasional SnS. I have seen a couple use Bowguns tho.
A true choco connoisseur
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my oshi was a swagaxe main
What ship would you recommend to get to giga nigga black hole ? I kinda want to get fer de lance or mamba later on for the SPEED but I'm pretty sure it's not a good choice for exploration
>TCS nerfed
>everything else buffed
Good. Super good.
>>We already know
Then know some more.
>There’s a reason they keep updating its move set to make it more unique and appealing
None of this NuLS shit is appealing in any way.
There is real beauty in the simplicity of classic LS. Because you don't have access to power moves to nuke monsters, all moves are equally useful.
Also, when you don't have a billion different parries as defensive options, you have to be far more creative in avoiding enemy attacks.
Look at this video.
Look at 1:29 and 1:55.
That dodge he did at 1:29 with the Fade Slash (to avoid Stygian's super saiyan explosion) before going back in with a spirit combo was just such a beautiful sight. You almost never see that shit in NuLS, because LS players will just foreskin slice it or do the iyay nutting personnel slash on it (or use any of the LS's bing bug moves to parry it in Ricebreak's case).
That Fade Slash he does at 1:55 is also sexy, because he did it while Stygian was flinching backwards so that he can stay directly in front of Stygian's hind leg. It's repositioning in a way to stay aggressive.
I didn't know, but I don't care because I'm skipping this game. Thanks anyway.
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rise chaotic gore is a dirty fucking cheater
>hits you from behind your block/counter if he air dives
>air dives into trap, triggers the tracks then hits reverse midair like he's backing out of a parking space
Skill issue.
That's Capital C Caravan to you, faggot. I reached the Elder's Recess in World and lost interest the moment I saw Uragaan.
No you're not. See you tomorrow.
Yeah, LS also fucking sucked in 4U and nobody played it when IG existed
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i didn't play world and got bored of rise 25 hours in and I have self control not to CONSUME MEDIA
This channel is one of the best place to learn about the ships in the game
I think some ships were added since the guy quit but its a good started
I use a krait phantom to explore because its really good at exploring and i love my krait mk2 more than anything.

I know the asp explorer exists???? But its been so long since ive played i dont remember any explorer ships besides the phantom or the asp
>me when Gravios still aggros when the gates are up and lasers me while I'm currently coiled by Hyper Najarala
The bowguns are the most overhauled weapons according to devs so I'd imagine people were playing around with them when they got their hands on it
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I have finally got MH Rise working on my LTSC (N) install after installing the microsoft media pack.

I did the tutorial and couldn't find the H bitch so I accepted a quest from the M bitch, which was apparently meant for a group. For 45 minutes out of the 50 minute timer I fought and chased Izuchi before dying the third time and failing the mission. First time playing MH; it was pretty fun.

I then found the H bitch and now today I will do the tutorial quest found.
o7 cmdr
>hasn't really played the games released the past 6 years and wont play the next one
>still browses the general
sad desu
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This is TCS multiplier? The difference doesn't seem huge compared to Iceborne but just looking at the numbers for draw charge level 3 and TCS level 3 in Wilds it looks hugely nerfed.
i play GU
what's wrong with older games
Yeah it is. I use sns and some deco just don't drop and my sets are left with filler decoration.
Those numbers are if the barrel has HZV 60, but it's actually 80.
>First comment is about how TCS doesn't feel as meaty and activates their neurons
JP bro...

you can literally free aim and change the direction of a greatsword TCS mid fucking swing

what the hell, this weapon is literal easy baby mode now
did you use the repack in the OP ?
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No I was talking about how draw charge level 3 only did like a little less damage than TCS level 3, but then I realised that the multiplier for it was hugely buffed.

Still the damage of the GS in general seemed a bit lackluster, so a damage nerf overall? GS was pretty busted in World ngl
All the JP players hate the TCS nerf, both in terms of damage and hit feedback
So do I, it feels like it does back in Rise which is disappointing.
what weapon should i use to interact as little as possible with the cunt claw? i realized that i never actually finished iceborn and want to do that before wilds comes out
Gonna miss all my TCS on purpose now.
It's a combination of really bad skill distribution, set bonuses and RNG decos that makes world's set building particularly awful and limited.

The two former things basically make a LOT of armor in the game completely irrelevant, as certain armors just have objectively more useful skills than most of them, and a lot of set bonuses were the ONLY WAY to get that skill, meaning you were limited to 3/4 pieces from the same monster or event quest. The alpha/beta system seems cool in theory, but alpha armor becomes completely irrelevant once you actually start getting useful decos, and that can fucking take a while.

RNG decos are just kinda the shit ribbon wrapped around the diarrhea gift, because it means if you don't have the decos you want then there's literally nothing you can do about it. Some set bonuses were made into decos or charms but were less effective than the set bonus or exceedingly rare. The combo decos are one big cope with them usually having one useless skill that you have to pretend is totally worth it.

Craftable charms can have ONLY ONE skill and you have to upgrade them one level at a time, with some skills having levels locked behind late, and I mean LATE G rank.

Is it hard? No. It in fact makes set building really fucking easy... by making it extremely limited. And that's why it's so goddamn boring
this was already posted at the beginning of the thread
it was half the video and without sound
GS and other heavy weapons unironically.
Never used it when i played through Iceborne unless i was exclusively riding the tail of banbaro, tenderizing his tail cause he wanted to run through the area with a tree in his antlers.
surprisingly the only charge move i know that doesn't have a full body hitbox.
i dare you
Wilds seems to integrate the RNG decos more into high rank progression instead of making them a pure endgame system, which would be a pretty big upgrade.
>No one liked those retard baby mode crutch mechanics in Generations lil bro, you were regularly mocked for not using Guild style.
By no one I mean everyone liked them except 5 hipsters on the internet (including me)
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I'm getting carried by HBG in Now since they give me an easy to build easy high rank weapon for the start of the game...
Free use choco
choco frog princess
>stygian literally just standing in place or attacking like molasses the entire hunt
Huh..........4thgenxissies? I thought we had the hardest games in the series after the GOAT FU? Hehe get it, "FU" it's even in the namerino
4U monsters are slow but become fast with frenzy/apex
>Watch the streams that are posted
>Keep coping to myself that the 0 difficulty is because it’s early game shitmons and LR
>See someone boot up a save and they’re HR43
Genuinely worried for this series
I know they said they made changes to difficulty because if soulsvets but this is just insane
>monster literally does not change speed at all between normal and apex
i wish someone would make a side by side comparison so people would stop (or continue) to keep telling this white lie.
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congratulations bud!
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What is the best weapon that can utilize infinite stamina?
We can all watch the video and see how untrue that is 4bro
why are you against accessibility chud
bow, just keep dodging and shooting your level 4 arrows
Dual Blades made for Dash Juice (pre-nerf)
My peenus weenus.
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bro... that shit is ass
Bro your sticky HBG?
I feel dirty knowing I had to use bug stick just because I was struggling against shrieking and her simp.
Better than the other craftable glaives atm
its an insect glaive?
>a DECENT AMOUNT of purple sharpness
>free 15 affinity
I'd certainly say this was a win.
once again, congratulations.
The dash shot spam really turned me off from bow, so stupid
Should I just speed through Sunbreak until the Anomaly grind? These beginning monsters are super fucking boring and from what I've heard they do the same stupid "only MR points after MR limit uncap count"?
You don't retain charge level after dashing in wilds so that style is not incentivised
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I just want one gem...
will wilds have musclegirl options? i want to make my chocolate wife.
if you want, but you'll still fight those beginner monsters in anomalies
>he thinks 31 hunts for a gem is a lot
Capcom told me they're replacing the buff body layered armor with the thot body layered armor
Just meld it
But only for males.
used it already on nergigante gems
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this one looks suspiciously purple
can't see through all that VOLUMETRIC FOG
Do the arena frostfang quest, it grants you a gold ticket every time
Garuga is probably in if Kut-Ku is in, just due to the fact that it'd be easy as fuck to add.
thank you I didnt know that
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what about vanilla huntresses?
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how do we stop degenerates from extending hunt times by pausing to jerk off
Risecoomer is the best content creator we have
Maybe stop equipping the buff body armor like you're not literally asking for it
good for footjobs
>Shamisen horn still in
Fuck yeah I can still weeb it up
if I'm allowed to butcher the little pajeet I'll buy wilds
I sure hope so
>It's genuinely horrifying how no one with a substantial voice in game critique/discussion is talking about how Capcom is raping Monster Hunter's fundamentals
they don't care. the majority hate complex and deep combat systems because that means learning. there's nothing the masses hate more than having to learn or think. they spend their whole lives avoiding having to think about anything. PRESS X TO AWESOME
There is nothing sexual about creepshots, it's done for sport
It's okay because they nerfed TCS damage output overall so you're forced to fish for counter moves like every other weapon in the game
literally everyone in that reddit thread posted earlier is sucking this change off saying it's great that the weapon is more accessible now so more people can use it
The TCS does not dmg now though
So it evens out
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TGS video has a few more frames than official trailer, but it's blurred to hell and back
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This is the answer. The game needs to let Max and other payroll streamers look good in front of their viewers or else it'll make them upset. The easiest way to do that is to dumb the game down so that everything is a minor variation on a piss easy timing challenge. That way there's the illusion of difficulty and overcoming adversity before they memorize their input timing.
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Morld bab here.
I’ve been grinding HR tempered E-dragons for a while now and still haven’t gotten any warrior stones.
I’m not even interested in minmaxing, I just want to unlock the augment mechanic and see what it’s like.
How many of these tempered E-Dragons do you have to kill on average for one drop? 15? 20?
people who play action games are obsessed with the idea of "fluidity" and believe that anything that feels like it gets in the way of doing exactly what you want at any time is "clunky"
I don't want commitment or positioning or think about my angle of approach or resource management I just want to PRESS X TO AWESOME
I see monster I start swinging, simple as
>The easiest way to do that is to dumb the game down so that everything is a minor variation on a piss easy timing challenge. That way there's the illusion of difficulty and overcoming adversity before they memorize their input timing.
this is exactly why I've come to hate Souls games and especially Elden Ring. Demon's Souls enemies had unique and interesting mechanics/gimmicks and the challenge was figuring out the best way around them. Then gradually the sequels stripped these away more and more in favor of every boss being a big guy with a sword that has a set of attacks with different roll timings you need to rote memorize until you win. It's total dogshit.
Coincidentally, this is also why you see intense histrionics from redditors against Alatreon (which requires the player to capitalize on quick openings, build to maximize elemental damage output and negate dragonblight = engaging with the game's systems). While also praising Fatalis as the greatest boss in the history of videogames (essentially memorizing an MMO-esque flowchart rotation with occasional cinematic breaks = regurgitating info from a youtube video or steam guide without thought)
Garuga will be the alpha of kut ku packs
They do nest in flocks. Aaaaaaa. I am going to quote that jarrassic park line over and over again.
meant to reply to >>496562704
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yeah, I'm a pretty skilled hunter, luck is a skill right?
They're doing the opposite, actually.

"I am really curious if they'll make it harder or not

It would be nice if all these way stronger tools meant monsters were more challenging; but past experiences always made me feel like (using fake numbers to convey meaning) the hunter would get 30% stronger and the monster would get 10% stronger.

I don't need MH games to be Elden Ring, but I admit I am kind of worried when more and more weapons are getting answers to more situations and more solutions to any potential mess ups (such as Long Sword no longer being able to miss helm splitter) that the game is trending to a point where moments will start to feel a lot more same-y rather than engaging

Still, they've done these games great long enough to have me play/enjoy almost every game since the series started, so I'm hopeful they can continue"
>am kind of worried when more and more weapons are getting answers to more situations and more solutions to any potential mess ups (such as Long Sword no longer being able to miss helm splitter) that the game is trending to a point where moments will start to feel a lot more same-y rather than engaging
this is why you need to play a weapon that the devs hate and don't give preferential treatment to
like lance
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No? Its scales are fucken gold. Are you colour blind?
"That looks so unnatural. You can't just change direction with that amount of momentum. A small adjust window would be cool but those 45° are ridiculous.

As a GS user, getting a 3 lvl charge hit or a TCS connect is very rewarding as you prove your knowledge of the monster and positioning (even luck) was good.

Capcom keeps making this games easier and easier to play and I'm not talking about QOL changes. This is like adding auto aim to bows and bowguns."

No one's happy with this shit really
Gonna miss looking at huntress butt during wyvernsnipe...
>still misses my TCS
nothing personnel
I prefer fighting monsters in the arena because running all over the map is just annoying and I think wilds is going to be really annoying with this shit
Is it actually removed?
Wirebug dodge made the dev give monster extended combo. the dev will give monster some counter/dodge too. Hermatuar already have one by default after blocking.
>weapon doesn't match armor
2/10 you tried
You don't even get punished in Mild. You can just have your seikret pick you off the floor fully invuln the entire time and end up in another room.
it's funny cause to me, Rise with the latest patch with Anomaly monsters really highlighted how boring hunting monsters in an enclosed space really is.
Granted yeah, it's just you and the monster but...idk how to explain it.
It just feels better being out on the field than one single open area, whether it be the arena, infernal springs, Forlorn Area, whatever.
Maybe it's just me and I'm not explaining it well, idk man.
Most maps in Mice aren't much more interesting than the arena. Only the two sunbreak maps and flooded forest are a little stimulating
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>New to monster hunter, been playing world for a few weeks
>Do the slinger thing where it makes the monster run forward
>It knocks its head on the wall fucking killing it and ending the hunt
first time that happened. i think i love this game bros
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Those are gold
I enjoy the occasional bit of arena or arena fighting but a proper hunt is out in the wild. Always has always will.
>still no poogie confirm
He died on the way to Wilds...
I guess but chasing monsters around Worlds map is just annoying even with the afk mounts. I didn't play Rise much but the movement options were pretty fun. Of course anything will get old after hundreds of hours but back in the day the instant load map zones were nice unless the monster flew 4+ zones away.
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Make way for the real monhun cutie patootie
no, those are blue and black scales
this is white and gold
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Can't confirm but there's only Wyvernheart and that new Wyverncounter showcased so far. Maybe we'll get guns that can do Wyvernsnipe + Wyvernheart/Wyverncounter
I do this but also click interact with the baby moofah next to the shopkeep and then refuse to pet it
I'm talking about tummy scale though
I hate the hollow so fucking much
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They likely worked backwards from World Garuga to add Kut-Ku so I don't know why they wouldn't include it
I'm so glad there are no dog companions in monster hunter or else we'd have more of your kind here thanks for getting the joke
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Holy based.
>with Wilds on the way I decide to be a giga fag and try to get all achievements in World
>already had 91 so it doesn't seem that difficult
>mostly missing crowns and need a few arena quests and the photo minigame side quest
>do photos throughout the week
>knock out a lot of the crowns through the music theme quests, only 4 or 5 monsters and the MR elders remain
>decide to tackle the rest in order
>get my ass kicked all day yesterday, get my ass kicked most of today
>Teostra was so immensely easy by comparison
>google says arch tempered Lunastra quest can't spawn gold crowns
>other 2 guaranteed Lunastra quests can't spawn gold crowns
>Lunastra investigations on high rank are nigh impossible to find after hours of picking up tracks from AT Luna in high rank
>Lunastra investigations on master rank have 1 or 2 faints so I lose a lot to the supernova, running out of attempts
>don't want to SOS because randoms are a mixed bag and I'd be livid if I lost a crown because of a random, at least if I lose solo it's my fault
I knew this would be an uphill climb, but holy shit guys this is the worst thing I've tried to do in a long while. I think I'm going to skip Lunastra for now, but does anybody have some tips and insight for when I return? I don't have Fatalis or Safi armor yet but I'm thinking about detouring and trying to do those before I continue fighting Lunastra at least because this is insane and clearly my loadout needs some polish.
it's literally a fire resistance check, you do have fire resistance right?
I'm playing iceborne on pc and it's dead as fuck. Is it the same for rise?
Yeah I have 16 in my armor plus whatever I get from eating if it gives me any element resist increase. I'm currently trying the bow because I read that it has a good matchup because you can avoid a lot of the bullshit so I'm running Silver Rathalos armor with Yian Garuga legs. But the supernova still kills me nearly instantly. I read that the Kushala Daora armor is good for the windproof armor bonus but the fire resist isn't very good on it so it doesn't seem like a worthwhile investment.
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Tried to fight primo malzeno. Almost beat him but then he grab me wtf. There was also another attack that killed me through my shield but not sure which attack it was.
to add, in order to make the bow work "properly" I melded some decorations. I find that if I go deep into fire resist my DPS takes a huge hit because of the lack of proper decorations and how skill hungry the bow is so it seems like the problem doesn't get solved either way.
>whatever I get from eating
chef's choice is trash. Go straight to the max veggie meal, and get +50 HP from items. steamworks shits out ancient potions by the drug store.
Fire resist mantle protects from most stuff. drop health booster when luna reaches critical mass and it'll absorb the nova. I think cool drink also works? The fire ticks are also straight damage that divine blessing can absorb.
>that new helm break follow up
What the fuck did they do to the LS?
It's on roids now.
Shitborne yian garuga is a zero effort rathian asset flip on a different engine, Wilds YKK is built from the ground up for Wilds and has new mechanics and game design it needs to be oriented around
There's no real way around it other than Guiding Lands and/or investigations
Guiding Lands I've found the fastest since there's no loading screens

Also, are you measuring?
notice how it doesn't even have to connect to do damage, EVERY move in that webm misses the monster and yet numbers fill the screen
>Yeah I have 16 in my armor
you want 20 to stop blights iirc
it's called anime sweaty and it's fuck*ng epic
20 resist gives bonus blight immunity, but crisis jewel is also a 1 point perk that replaces every single bow stamina perk so choose your poison.
This isn't inclusive enough yet, I think performing this attack should be a guarranteed 20 second knockdown every time you do it. You might think that would make the game a bit too easy but we'll compensate by making the monsters even slower and reducing all the hitboxes on most of their attacks so it's harder to get your counter off
uhhhhhm it's powered by Bioenergy™ okay??
>Also, are you measuring?
yeah I've been watching videos to know what I'm looking for, but sometimes I don't get to do that because the quest will drop me right in front of her so sometimes it takes a while since I have to farcast away, but the ones I do fight appear to be small crowns according to the videos, sometimes even smaller, but no luck so far. I do the guiding lands after every few quests, or I ride to any area that already has a natural spawn, but no luck so far. I thought I had a gold crown but it was the biggest silver crown. Literally 1 more step up and I would be halfway done. I think I'm just going to stick to the guiding lands from now on though just because there's no expiration, I can just keep slugging it out as long as she doesn't leave the locale.

does she inflict blights? I've never noticed any blight icons but I also die in 2 hits so I guess if she does have blights it almost wouldn't matter. I do know that you're right about the 20 though, I just haven't noticed if she has any. Does being lit on fire count as a blight?
all the element themed debuffs are blights. there are non elemental blights like effluvia and blast, those have their own jewels.
>Does being lit on fire count as a blight?
that's fireblight, yes

And yeah Rise is giga dead
Just set your steam dl region to usa/eur depending on where you live. Check ping and set somewhere you get a good one.
There's the better matchmaking mod for rise tho, but I don't know if it works with lobbies (just change your steam dl region and restart steam, it will change back on its own when it updates, gay)
Idk if there have been any others but there is the full first mission captured in english, although it's recorded not direct capture
https://youtu.be/Ei7yhpeQS00 Main quests are "chapters" now.
>Hunt gore in everwood
>equipment Bias: SA,CB,IG
>get guild quest for Teo
>bias: SnS DB
lumu status?
>The two former things basically make a LOT of armor in the game completely irrelevant, as certain armors just have objectively more useful skills than most of them

True. In pre-World MH, most armor in the game was actually relevant.
It totally wasn't just the same pieces for all weapon classes.
So much diversity.
See pic related. Esurient, Silver Sol, Ceanataur, Gore, Esurient, Silver Sol, Ceanataur, Gore, Esurient, Silver Sol, Ceanataur, Gore, Esurient....
why did reading this suddenly give me the schizophrenic fright of monster hunter soon becoming
>Recommended Weapons:
for future Monster hunter games?
those are the relics you'll get
I think
Careful, GUtrannies are more active than usual after someone criticized Bing Arts and Wahoo Styles earlier today
Game is still 5 months away and all of you are already shitting yourselves.
im shitting myself RIGHT NOW
>apparently you can tcs 180 degrees now
Each area seems to have at least 5 different battle themes.
1. For aggressive small monsters, such as Talioth and Bulaqchi
2. For "Medium size" tutorial fodder monsters, such as Chatacabra and Quematrice
3. For large monster bosses, such as Doshaguma and Balahara
4. When fighting at least three large monsters at once, such as an Alpha Doshaguma pack
5. For the area's "Apex" monster and presumably anything else in the equivalent strength tier, such as Ray Dau

Quematrice is most likely the first monster you fight after Chatacabra, similar to how you fight Kulu Ya Ku after Great Jagras
>people playing demo are already hr 43
wait what? so they already completed main story?
it's a fucking account on an in dev version of the game
of course the hr number is going to be "off" there is no way it will be like that for the actual release
is that fuckin lagiacrus? so based
>sunbreak's quest giver is literally named chichae, aka "little girl"
What the fuck
Weapons you do NOT respect?
>classic MH
nice try nigger
maybe he's getting it confused for chisai which means small
old room doesn't seem to exist anymore
WORLD pc lumu room lobby
I'm more confused as to why he reacted that way
tfw just made a rice room but i'll join this
So where's monoblos?
any faggot ass troon who "mains" a single weapon and makes it the crux of his online identity. This is especially common with low pickrate weapons such as Hammer, Lance, Gunlance and ESPECIALLY Hunting Horn sissies.
It's time
Post 'em
I get "maining" a weapon back in MH1 just because of how brutal costs and material requirements for upgrades were but there is ZERO excuse beyond gen 2, and even then you'd be cucking yourself because some monsters were horrible for certain weapons prior to Tri
DBs, they are little pests that exist just so that autistic CB guy can snap pantyshots of
if you flex when drinking a potion, it's Classic.
If the game has loading zones through areas, it's Classic.
If Rathalos is unfun without Gunner + Flash Bombs, It's Classic.
Simple as.
>If Rathalos is unfun without Gunner + Flash Bombs, It's Classic.
gen 3+ problem he gets absolutely brutalized by hammer in 1 and 2
heavy bow gun. game is auto pilot.
oh he does? that's pretty cool. What changed where he doesn't get destroyed by hammer anymore?
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