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>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>Future Meetups
• Oct 2th, 3PM EST | Marilith Dynamis | Mord Souq, Amh Araeng | Shadowbringers Shared FATE grinding >>495756527 (Cross-thread)
• Oct 5th, 10:30PM BST / 5:30PM EDT | EU Cerberus, Chaos, Lavender Beds W21 P27 + NA Seraph, Dynamis, Mist W9 P1 | Tokusatsu Watch Party: GARO ep 6 - 10 >>496409915 (Cross-thread)
• Oct 5, 5PM PST | Balmung, Crystal Shirogane W7 P26 | Zombie Movies! Warm Bodies (2013) and Zombieland (2009) >>494706846 (Dead)
• Oct 6, 8PM EST | Ultros, Primal | The Mist W20, P34 | Twin Peaks Meetup Season 2 Ep 6-9 >>496369505 (Cross-thread)
• Oct 12th, 3PM EDT | Zurvan, Materia | Gold Saucer (Mahjong Lounge) | Mahjong Open Tournament | >>495487281 (Dead)
• Oct 19th, 7PM EST | Costume Party Mixer | Goblin | Goblet | W3 P58 >>496273537 (Cross-thread)
• Oct 27th, 8PM EST | Balmung, Crystal Lavender Beds Plot 28, 19th Ward | Pre-Halloween Badlands Chugs Watch Party

previous >>496516020
first for alters are fags
Pedoniggers need to be shot. First, ZT.
That moonie stopped posting here years ago. Even their skinwalker gave up last month.
guy was cooler when he was a rat poster now he's a diamond dozen sexpest like every other male character
Tell me some cringe headcanon you have about your WoL.
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We need a new generation of femlalas
Wow another lewd femlala
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Femra like this for my middie
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This is you when alter player bend over
That's the pipeline of every male character who have a funny animal minion
You are a two faced fucking cunt without an ounce of respect in your bones.I hope karma does its job.
Kill yourself
Name names if you want it to actually cut, otherwise you're just a retard with a butter knife stabbing blindly.
never happened with poogie middie
stay seething and keep responding like a good boy
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Hey lowlander bros do you recommend the young and boy faces or the kitten face options?
No one here actually names people who have wronged them anon you know that
Remember when remus was just an axolotl middie/bun? lmao
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The cycle of shitposting:
>new xivg thread
>group or individual gets mentioned or does something that earns a fair bit of (You)s
>people see that and start hate posting the group or individual, some genuinely, some as shitposters trying to farm reactions
>people see the hate posting then jump to the defense, once again some are genuine, others as reaction farmers
>others see all this back and forth, decide to bait both sides
>it then devolves into trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls
>bump limit, new thread, repeat
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may i post my merry moonster?
You're seething cross thread. Did tozer pozz your favourite sissies manclit?
im raping
The cycle of shitposting:
>new xivg thread
>group or individual gets mentioned or does something that earns a fair bit of (You)s
>people see that and start hate posting the group or individual, some genuinely, some as shitposters trying to farm reactions
>people see the hate posting then jump to the defense, once again some are genuine, others as reaction farmers
>others see all this back and forth, decide to bait both sides
>it then devolves into trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls
>bump limit, new thread, repeat.
Just for that, I will scrap all ideas of ever making my bun a charcoal rava.

Nose bridge or cheeks?

I'm not too fond of them, myself, but I'll give it a try. Just looks too much like she's got tear-tattoos.

I'm not sure what sort of softer color would work, but I'll see what I can do.

my brother in nophica this IS Ndja........

The hair mod is Automne - Hair for all Ladies and Bunboys.

yeah but answer the question though
No, post more of your fat knockers so I can distract you from CC and you don't shit up my games.
yes you should post your merry moonster!

Post your merry boobster
Kitten for cute shota catbois plapping my sunnie
>want to make a small miqote lad
>have to make a fucking HYUR to play as one
makes no sense i tell ya
How's everyone's day going? Enjoying more of the game I hope.
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May my meener /pet?
I just like to scream into the void. Please don't mind me, anon. It's the only place that listens. Anywhere else just pretends to.
You're seething cross thread
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*drift over your crush*

Sorry mate...
kiss my butt
no, post tits
>he wasnt around when he got his dick sucked
Molly. Kill yourself, (You) dumb nigger.
Only if you post a silly dance
Just use c+ scaling on a regular male Miqo.
is there a mod that lets my human character have the miqote ear and tails? no, i can't just make a miqote. it has to be like this
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Me femra looks and acts like this...
Super cute! Just give it a day or so with them on the cheek and do the same with the nose.
Go through cutscenes or take several pictures in different locations/lighting and I'm sure you'll come to a choice.
you mean with elsee? because that was aldis
You were not here back in 2021/2022 when he got his dick sucked at a summer meetup at costa del sol by plapcat
I'm sorry your discord e-crush got pozzed by alter seed
but you're my crush...
funniest part is that the vagueposting is always some dumb bullshit
go on, say some dumb retarded shit about someone you know but don't say their name
ten people will show up and think its about them because all you faggots with tiny useless pricks are the same
I feel like my soul is rotting, as if it contracted leprosy.
File deleted.
There's only one choice anon, choose wisely...
Molly is still jealous that Donny wouldn't fuck her at his venue.
how about you crush my balls instead
I havent seen a certain maliddie at the beds since everyone went back and I miss him
I'm sorry your FC is gay
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Can I post my moonie?
you should've never insulted my catboy and these are the consequences
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ok fine
yes, you must
After my nap, I'll continue my plan to do the thing with the yeah and mhm.
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He may have a handshake.

I just like the nose bridge one more. Maybe if it was a different color. I will try it in different locations / lighting.
Can you post a grilled cheese sandwich
You're playing the gayest MMO ever made. But somehow you managed to be the gayest nigger in the thread. Don't stop sucking bitch
I want to sex these femlalas
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Lol thanks for the idea, Anon.
yeah i'm kind of feeling pizza
Is there a body mod that gives midlanders a nice ass? Not huge or thunder thighs shit just a nicely shaped butt
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Demons to some, angels to others.
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ok be nice he is timid
my lalaboy ated a whole pizza
i think he is going to die now
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please help my viera is really ugly and i need to fanta. which of these are less offensive to your eyes? or do i start over
You're playing the gayest MMO ever made. But somehow you managed to be the gayest Alter in the thread. Don't stop sucking bitch
cool m*le players either end up posing with every female that likes males and it becomes awkward to be around them because they become a sexpest or they fanta into a cute female character to fit in
I should probably post and browse less like everyone else with some dignity left
Tre is good for normal proportions
Your assistance with the miera rebellion was most appreciated
start over with a femroe
3 is perfect, I want to meet her
Heaven or hell, let's rock!
>proceeds to Dragon Install
I think a bun at the male meetups is cute.
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Athena with glasses is something I never knew I needed
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It's illusion, they're both the same
very handsome moonie
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I'll take it. Have a wonderful day you goober.
1 or 4
maybe 1 with 4's skintone
Well your viera isn't as bad as you think she is. But if you want to fanta I'd say go for your chocolate elf.
is this that one athena larper on twitter
ill miss this game
sad to see square enix basically give up on all of us after we put so much time and effort
i spent thousands of dollars on being able to play this game only for them to not think im important
our lives were here and they just throw us away like we're disposable
why does everything in the modern world have to keep getting worse and worse
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god DAMN i need some muhfuckin friends rn
1 is what i am and i hate her
>But somehow you managed to be the gayest Alter in the thread
That's glue though
I want her to rape me at knife point
Fourth is the best
But viera is cute
pizza with kyuss
the bun is the best looking one though, but if you insist on fantaing then 3
Do you have any examples of cute shotas with the kitten face?
I think she is cute
4 then
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THE BOX, you opened it
I came
3 or 4
tho i like 3 more
maybe 4 with 3s hair
Is there a reason you insist on the grey grandma hair?
Papa John is blushing at all the grease on you're back
A bit late but you deserve to be thanked
Thanks anon!
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May I post my malicious malezen?
viera looks fine
femra looks bad but I'm biased because I dislike f4
white elezen looks ok but kind of grimy, maybe less eyeshadow or normal lipstick
black elezen looks very good
Viera > Face 4 >>>>>>>> White Elf >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Brown Elf
no hes just a pedophile
The one on the far right really looks good
Get back in the box I don't want a couple of futa trannies.
hey I don't mean to be a party pooper but what's with the sudden uptick in people posting their dicks in the old threads
>Can't sexually harass someone because visibility is being retarded
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im not sure this hair works
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These threads are boring as fuck without COOMSEXRAPE.
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I have headcanoned that every job I main for each role is different incarnations of my same character in different time periods/settings.
>BLM is an ancestral shaman, acting as a guide to early prehistoric tribes and small cities, being slowly deified against his will and just wishing he could go back to smoking weed in a cave.
>MNK is a shaolin monk in ancient China, making his way through a war-torn land while dispensing justice with his fists and protecting random person-in-need-of-the-week characters.
>DRK is just canon WoL, living in Eorzea, being a Scion, etc.
>SCH is a detective in a noir/paranormal modern day setting, who stumbled upon magic and the fey and now his fairy companion helps him solve increasingly wierder cases.
>MCH is a mercenary/smuggler in a sci-fi futuristic setting with a space ship and operating out of a cyberpunk city but regularly going to all kinds of sci-fi cliche places.

Of course, I always plan my glams accordingly.
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Never stopped, inventory's still full of axolotls too
I just don't hang around/post as much
All pedos are gay retard
1 i'd get ambushed by
2 i'd make my live-in maid who i treat like a princess making her sip plan b elixirs
3 i'd crossbreed with sullying her bloodline forever
4 i'd plap after meeting at an inn while traveling, never to see her again
both elezens are great although they can use better hair choices
waiting takes so long

better ingredients better feetza
The gay Alaskan catboy is back.
based i love athena
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No tears please; it's a waste of good suffering.
yeah i like it but 3 is still better imo
My sunnie loves feetza
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I'm crafting nightmares again.
I sometimes cheat on the post your latest screenshot anchors even when it says 'no cheating'
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Crystaloids bros... please assist...
It's just Kat posting his schlong for attention because at least the fujos and gays appreciate him.
made a femra cum last night
For me it's pitzza
>just ate pizzq
>omv to beiong very drunk
what is a flattering hair for elezens?
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Remember, you are never safe.
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christmas is VERY very close, when are the xmas movie meets?
i'm so good at cc wtf..
oxford comma
eat...you're wasting away...
they will be smushed inshallah
I wish I didn't have to have the same level of interest in porn as everyone else here to fit in.
I wish Proxy talked to my maliddie like this
Started playing a few weeks ago, chose a name I didn't expect anyone to recognize, got a /tell from someone that did but I couldn't reply due to trial acc and I couldn't find them :(

Without giving it away, it's a character from an old, less popular 90s game that had a tragic death and all the other entries in the series overshadow the game.
Your viera is cute. Your duskie scratches an INTENSE need in my heart. If you ever fanta into that and you're on Marilith, I'm making you my wife. No questions asked.
My friend made a new character that looks just like mine and it's making me uncomfortable
whats the name of that animation mod?
I want to take lewd pics with your fiera
same hehe
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The only one I remember was this guy. He totally claimed himself as a shota, no faggy bullshit though
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I'd say 3 but i come from a bit of a biased position
do retards from here actually think thats sexy?
you look like spongebob ngl...
My goonwife
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no it's halloweentime and I wanna see some spooky movies
both of the elezens are wildwoods actually. 3 is just very pale
Spongebob looking bitch
Torpedo elezen...
looks nice
exquisite taste


yeah but have you ever gotten drunk multiple times throughout the day?
how do I get the one frame of him blinking when I don't want that
i know who posted this, shaddap horndog
going to dress my femroe up in a flannel and short shorts
We're they just retarded and thought the word loli applied to short women?
No one thinks futa is sexy.
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I cant join. I see how it is... you hate me
i got drunk and showed my sister my penis
1 or 4
the white elf looks fine, but i find the graphs outdated so i prefer controlled chaos, for the brown one i really dont like the racial hairs, its just too childish, i'd pick Form And Function and great lenghts over them any day
no the dude is an actual pedo
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This does not change my answer in the slightest.
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holy moly
If he didn't type like an ESL I might.
My moonie only wears job appropriate glamours
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need help on the dungeon queues aiiie
Crystal DC!
no password, S.A initials
I cum hard when grown ass men from here degrade me and make me feel like a useless sleeve for their fat cocks since mine is useless
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>1 spot left
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i am big fan of the 2 you used plus 1 2 and 5
for the short options anyway
men make the best women
>tanks and healers have a 0% chance to Direct Hit without any outside help
Justify the DH stat now
that would imply i stop being drunk
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Yeeehaw giddy up pardner
I just story-post and see whoever has some commentary about the MSQ content, or what they remember of it. :3
If it gets no attention, it is what it is. I'm enjoying the game.
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Does anyone know if Proxy likes femlalas?
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SE can't think of a dps specific stat
This place seems to hate new players....
Going to have to see evidence of that.
Arigatou my talented CULwife
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Good night /xivg/ ^.^
And good luck with your reclears! <3
a decade of paranoia does that to you, every new sprout is an old thread enemy making a new character
kys pedo
that sounds so gross, fag. where did you go wrong? even single cell organisms know how to reproduce, how come you didn't figure it out? servicing big superior cocks has no biological function, you're lower than even bacteria!

in final fantasy 14
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Alright, this never happened. Watch closely.
now kiss.
My maliddie is going to cum to this unironically, thank you
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>my cock will not warm itself alone…
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Any fatties in here?
if you dont like that you are going to HATE this
Of course you recognize the floor, harlot
Yeah we do, fuck off and watch a guide retard.
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Kill me yourself, coward.
is that akemi?
Mierda will never recover from this
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i logged in
would wrap her lips around my cock as I pull on her braids.
This is just zoomer retardation
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Not me. Where are you right now? Need some gil? Do you like malera?
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Fatties rule this thread
AMA i guess
idk this shit is so boring now
you all say theres plenty of content but then you all never do it
Im with the other anon, Glue is like, 12, he's just retarded.
Yeah and we established that he went on to clarify that he believed in loli having some older meaning that had to do with short women no?
absolutely unhinged reaction, honestly you deserve the trannies and schizos.
You say that, but as an Independant Contractor I see noone here... curious.
all three builded to be sexually harassed by my fiera who has had too many drinks
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Posting a real fatty, not one of those huge tits and asses wannabees
sending bad vibes to miqo players woooo do you feel it yet wooo
Thats it, I am making a Garloli TODAY
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>Proxy plapped the wholesome fiddie
Holy fucking based
Nah, we’re all gymchads here
>Kong wakes up
>spam about Glue starts because he picked Appal over him
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What adjustments do you hope your main class in CC will be getting next patch anon?
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i tried them all, which do you think works the best? the eyes are super cheated though
lmao what does this even mean
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>Lalafell have a better fat body mod than talls
it's never been more over
that's the best part
you can start getting drunk again
>ANOTHER ebin BLACKED by Proxy

holy fuck bros..
please go back to the bob
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Braids are made to be used as handles. They are fun to grab from behind too..
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can you two get a room already
But also rip chocolate wife :(
Stop schizoing me
need some playboy type of ideas for a screenshot
I've been going through msq as a ninja and just finished hw. still too new for this place i think. Will try again once DT is finished. and no malera are freaky looking
sunnies are too powerful their stocks are shooting into the stratosphere
a class plays like poppy from LoL
no class plays like poppy from LoL
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>go to balmung, femlala btw
>lala lane kinda empty, whatever. I'll go be cute somewhere else
>I'm definitely the type to like erping as a lala but jesus christ the openness of some people in here, they're so bold..
>malera comes up to me
>instantly starts flirting
>he's kinda cute, xaela with edgy anime hair, but I have a soft spot for them and he seems gentle...
>go back to his apartment in dynamis (YUCK)
>whatever, housing is hard to come by
>he's standing there motioning for me to come over
>something about being perfect cocksucking height if I get up on a stepstool
>actually made me blush a bit desu
>I start undoing his zipper
>hear a click
>look up
>realize he's actually an ELDERLY DOMAN MAN!
>he pulls out his Makai hand mortar and points it at my skull
>forces me to beat him in DOMAN MAHJONG or his confederate goons will banish me to the land of the Yi (their term for WAR mains) for eternity
this comes from kong's obsession over appal btw, he had 140+ messages mentioning appal and almost all of them were flirts or teasing of some kind
Then why not make the stat not do anything on non DPSes?
Middie cuck bros were eatin good, who will Proxy black next?
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I thought my crush was pure... ;__;;
Can't believe I got cucked by a black nigger generic sunnie+...
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Magness is coming for you. Better unsub now.
now post gluepedo2.png, the one that showed their clarification. or does that prove your narrative wrong so you regret posting it or something?
Link to the CC tourney?
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I tried to TELL THEM that the au ra were tained, depraved beasts. Trust NOTHING with scales.
Its holy ground!
Stay put. We'll wash away your blashphemy with blood.
bro if you're going with the third elezen for the love of god go back to the bob
Lmao it was only a matter of time
If I save you from the land of the Yi (their term for WAR mains) can I have sex with you?
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miera doko?
Two Tozers...
Nigger cat x white woman is kino and you can't change my mind
Damn Moenbryda got to get fucked by this?
have i got this shit on

im not sure on the boots/pants, theyre always my weakpoint when it comes to glams
Kill yourself faggot
i want to get a 7900xtx but i know i should wait
I’m sure you’re well acquainted with the floor during your unholy acts
>hey guys i was just confused! yea thats it!
modders are so cringe
>therapy hour for the 40 year old retarded gay furry polchud at LB14

can't make this shit up
atomic hellion: kill yourself you manchild
I've been milking my lewdfriend on repeat and I still can't get enough. I'm insatiable. Making them cum is just far too much fun...
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I fucking knew it and still kept reading lol thanks for the laugh
hi macchi wanna do eureka?
Man this game is so fun, I can't wait to see the reclamation of Doma and Ala Mhigo. I love learning about the lore of the individual xaela tribes especially.
Hmm...not bad white boy. Yeah, you got that shit on.
post a screenshot or fuck off
oh I havent done my m4n for the week
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Gooning to Athena again.
Shut up nigger we are not going to play WoW with you. I get that you want the XIV community but over there but it's not going to happen. Stop whining
does he like femra???????????????????????
How do I easily change this mod that applies a custom face to a Male Midlander to the race of my choice instead?
>notice someone making the same mistakes over and over again in CC
>they're on the enemy team
Would it be cringe to travel to their world and ask them if they would like constructive criticism and a little advice on how to not die to certain things? I'd try to be polite and gentle about it because I know losing can bruise egos but I hate seeing people make mistakes that can be easily-corrected.
>its ok when transbians do it
that's not what it said lol, they are still retarded but it's clear where they went wrong. post it pussy boy.
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>but jesus christ the openness of some people in here, they're so bold..
This is when I knew this was fake, no one dares to /tell my femlala even if she's sitting for hours and hours in there. Do I need to strip down naked? Do I have to put on some "Free use onalala!! uwu <3" on my plate for people to notice me?
I have my standards, and I know I'm not a cheap whore. I just wanna have my fun every now and then without coming out as a slut for everyone in that god-forsaken place
Are you niggers still whining about alter? Who the fuck cares
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holy cute
2 and 4 are very good and i want to say you should go with 2 but it needs move going on in the back so it really depends on how you feel about it
you never see gidanian elezen having to deal with this kind of thing...
but if im drunk i can get drunkers
>Femlala this
>Femlala that
No I am just going to straight up say I want to fuck lowlanders. Not even going to use codespeak
stand back sis this one is moonie only
just a bunch of discord troons mad as usual
Bun is. Still working on this one, but got distracted by even larger size sketches I had.
cumtrib a femlala today
It was all me
Why wasn't I invited to play? My KDA would be 99-0-99 with 27 gorillion damage done
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Your lala is ugly, sorry to break it to you.
4>1 without the thing on her nose>3>2
How is he a polchud when hes a gay furry
Is proxy really that charming? I don't think his cat is that attractive but people are clamoring to get a piece of his woober anyways.
What if he likes femra AND moonies??
This one is such a cutie I love seeing screenshots of him
lilias bros..... proxy HORSE'D our cute ebin we were grooming... we didn't watch hard enough... how could we let this happen
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Pious activities.
Good question but he is one

One of those delusional faggots who thinks he is somehow less degenerate than trannies
/xivg/ is so starved for tops that if you make a mildly attractive f+ and aren't super annoying you'll unironically drown in ERP
me...... perhaps.................
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Are lowlanders the new meta? How young can I make them look? Anyone wanna be my lowlander bestie and go through varios adventures around the mystical lands of Eorzea and beyond?
>want to resub
>dont want to give SE money
Its not even the cost I just dont want to reward them for the absolute state of the game right now
Another win for Primal chads?
There is a 1 to 100 dom to sub ratio. Any sexpest with a woober can probably just ask around and collect ebins.
>wanting the enemy to get better
Macro replaced by Earthly Star. Disappears if AST dies before it is popped
No succ on Salted Earth, immediately binds on placement. Salt and Darkness applies a vuln to enemies hit or shield to you and allies inside it. Either is fine.
Zantetsuken deals twice the target's base HP value if afflicted by chiten, 24k otherwise. Others with chiten in the aoe receive 24 true damage.
>no markings
that's just a girl
free trial account
It's a pubg dance called Toca toca
do NOT smush miera you vapid whore
I genuinely think it's because he's one of the few rare tops in a sea of bottoms
does proxy plap male characters or no
You get far by being courteous and asking, as another anon also mentioned there's also somehow a shortage of tops despite the prevalence of futa and males
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Can confirm that once word gets around that you can top the line starts forming rather quickly
yeah but waking up realizing you can get drunk again is even better

we will joust to the death

it's going to be a bloodbath
do you still need help
my moonie loves shotas
You should show me just how fun they are some day. I bet we could find many ways to use your braids.
Why is everyone surprised this retard is a degenerate? There's pics of his WoW character getting fucked by Maye.
feena heeeeere~
>queue up cc
>teammate without recuperate bound
>well what can you do just go again
>same teammate next match
>and the next match
>decide thats enough queue on the same job
>he switches jobs and is on my team again
bit tired of this game mode bros
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Whoa, my moonie too
hello thank you for coming to my ted talk
today we will be discussing why the proper terminology is not 'moonie feet' but actually 'moonie paws'
please may you beat me into a pulp
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This place is the Fury's. How dare.
The less said about Gridania's heathen rites to appease the elementals, the better. Never mind what you'd get up to to appease Nophica...
she bottoms for maliddies
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>My middie fighting Brute Bomber
My moonie thinks your moonies are weird
I'm currently in another city with no access to a FF14-able PC and I'm having actual FF14 withdrawal.
I wish we had white f+s that liked brown girls desu
whomst is you are be
He just gaped Uchiki like 2 days ago
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ummm cc doko
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This post didn't need your ugly tranny avatar attached to it.
meteodrive 2
each one you land increases the drk premade's next fl queue by 10 minutes
Shut up bitch, you're probably fat
need my prostate stuffed into a blender and pureed
i wish we had more male tops
What should I change?
Built for corruption and defilement.
Im the one that executed the murder plot on the King of France which caused a 6 year old to take the throne and plunge the realm into a chaos of claimant wars.
Uchi is borderline a female tho...
so you made a new second screenshot. pathetic.
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can we have more moonies and less pedos
this doesnt even look like ff14 anymore
this but also femra sunnies and fiddies
My maliddie is waiting for Proxy to allow him to clean her after finishing inside Tali
seconding >>496533640 , shotas love big moonie mommies that are either squishy or muscular
my moonie loves being a mommy!
Yes. I want everyone to improve and learn how to git gud together. I don't want to overstep and make people uncomfortable with unsolicited advice, though, that can feel patronizing and frustrating if done incorrectly.
My male midlander is no longer incel
Do you do lewd requests?
we're all watching the tournament
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My male middie started drinking coffee after avoiding it most of my life
It's way too bitter so I have to eat something sweet afterwards... I'm too weak.
*Licks a spoonful of nutella*
Ah thank you! I do my best
That just makes it better.
I don't know why but it annoys me how Proxy erps with everybody.
>carried by viera simp through savage and then sleeps with the miqoBVLL
Would make a cuter miqo than a lalafell, I'd start by race swapping.
feel bad for OY and LL for this being posted every single thread, exactly why i dont post my male character with female ebins lmao
what does ff14 look like?
she was also proxy owned...
But I'm right here?
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Yep, it's official: we won, anti-Kong bros. FFXIV is STILL the best MMO.
t. Male middie cuck watching his fiddie crushes take BSC+
fair enough
reminds me we supposed to have some in-house tourney hosted for fun a while back
I just might, would be an interesting thing to do at least, trying to level jobs again and experience each expansion as it comes, I did HW on release on a PS3
so why don't you erp with me?
What ever happened to that pale redhead catgirl they had wrapped around their finger for the longest time?
It wouldn't be cringe in any other game but people in this game, especially in pvp, are mental and will take it as an attack if you try to give criticism or try to help them get better. Do it anyway though since they might try to get better and it'll give you a chance to get better to if they adapt to what you've said
have you tried sweetening your coffee
The absolute state of Joker FC
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Kong loves xiv! He bought the game twice!
Worse lighting, DoF, and lower res titties are about the only differences
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did I ever tell you what the definition of insanity is

crystal casual cc @ 4:40 et
Good Webm, saved
Should be a gif tho
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They have NO idea
My moonie is nyot fat.. :(
Doing this to every femlalas
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Do not trust TB
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this is literally my femra
i wanna fuck those socks
He got BTFO over being a Val clone and had a meltdown in the thread.
Rare, I'll find you unicorns in the wild one day
>decided to do Eureka again on my raiding alt
I have mental illness
stop or he'll have to sell this account too
Do part one LL about patches normally have the trailer? Wondering if they are scrambling to delete Wuk from it
Yep, it's just weird knowing you all jerk off with each other
Post femra.
Suginon Dixon
>duty support for non-MSQ dungeons
Say goodbye to the following:
>Cutter's Cry
>Stone Vigil
>Dzemael Darkhold
>Aurum Vale
>all (Hard) dungeons
>Fractal Continuum
>Saint Moccaine's Arboretum
>Hell's Lid
>Swallow's Compass
Anything unique, fun, or interesting from the old XIV will be deleted for the new lobotimized age. May as well delete everything before SHB at this point.
i was just inting because someone i didn't like was on my team
i wanna fuck those feet
>hey look guys i just PLAPPED
>get surprised when people clown on him for it
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But lalafells remind me of the sprites from older games...
Who cares, every ebin that ERPs is like a Russian nuclear reactor, they all eventually have a meltdown
it doesn't even take that long when you know what to do
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i like chocozen too... difficult choice. everyone said the femra is straight up ugly so i'll scrap her
i'm just kidding my femra wishes she was that
give me a mod for an outfit like that
swap to femroe, trust the plan
this is too much thinkning
My weak to anal inquisitor wife, I’ve missed you!
Unironically hate this, MSQ dungeons okay, fine, I let that slide, the MSQ is single player enough. But why the fuck would someone play a fucking MMO if they are scared of players, fuck off with that shit.
True, and I got WAR leveled so I'm covered on actually grinding in Anemos and Pagos
this is now a moonie thread no sunnies allowed
do not the moonie feet
Are you fucking serious?
Shaped like a wife.
Why did you buy the game twice, Kong?
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going to take advantage of this bun
try and stop me

your first problem is you're actually thinking
Starting to think that Crystal DC might not be the best place to spam dungeons back to back as a DPS.
Because it preps the game for life support mode 7+ years down the line when only a handful of people bother logging in like GW1, it's for the long term
Never trust anyone from here they will throw you under the bus to get more friend points with their favorite ebin.
look at this fucking weirdo lmao
moooooooooonie feeeetttttt arrhgghhghg gimmegimeegimmmee imgeee
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I'm begging you to get a trip.
you won't be saying that after i start blasting all over them
I can come through, what level are you at?
are you a moonie?
built for black highlanders exclusively
genuinely what happened to all the thread femlalas

almost none of them post here anymore
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do we like this
I have NO idea what I'm doing in TexTools. How do I edit a face mod to be compatible with other races?
my femra absolutely does
Was this actually in the LL or are you fear mongering?
Miqo'maid (singular)
Lala names are hard
>it's the contrast!
it was
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I just got pins and needles in my arms and felt nauseous and threw up all over the place after seeing this image
good riddance
Can my male midlander watch you creampie Menhera
Yes, Halatali support comes in 7.1. No more open rooms, locks, electric moat, endless fire adds that explode, etc. You WILL pull two packs of mobs in-between bosses, you WILL do stack spreads out in every boss with your NPCs, and you WILL praise Yoshi-P.
who's the inquisitor femezen an alt of again i forget
Just use trusts bro you would be done by now
Love the healer hat and pants from this raid
Now why would I get a trip?
just google pet names
Whatever happened to that Daria looking middie that used to post here. I just randomly thought of her.
my tan femra on the bottom middie on the top
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That's not a thing! I just need to calm down a little. And I've been around. Need to get back into the PvP queues though...
They're offline, unfortunately. I hope they're able to figure it out on their own, they did very well otherwise. If I see the mistake again I'll hop over to ask them if they would like assistance.
my femra is going to cream all over this sunnie
no gock
When are you making pt 2
nooooo pls dont
a red moonie ^_^
It was, but not all at once. Seems they're stretching it out longer than the MSQ duty support updates
queue up for cc right mf now nigga
You can do most of these already with your grand company squadron.
>You are being judged
when I saw the moonie feet I just started blastin
gimme a kiss
Because I'm tired of seeing that disgusting goblin mutt.
Surely they'd just change the bosses and make the ARR dungeons actually still feel like dungeons right...
No I won't, I barely played the game until I found the cunny mods were fixed, I will simply quit at that point
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Noooooo not the poor sprout meena!! I'll resist and push back until you need to resort to drastic measures.
gridanian au ra on the other hand seem to be massive whores, maybe it's just something about the lizards
I just realised I am the model /xivg/ poster. You all should strive to be me.

>Nobody has any dirt on me
>Haven't wronged anyone
>Stay out of drama
>No thread enemies
>Not seeking popularity status
thanks for the help frens /smooch
Shitty fulala spam, and now one em them went cat. Lo and behold how more shitposting happens with the common denominator.
i would have sex with this lala unfortunately i am a femlala as well
Hope you KYS too if they do
are you EBd yet?
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Good King Moggle Mog
Good King Mog
Kind and noble lord (Hear, hear!)

Nod your noggle nog
And mind your gob
Or he'll put you to the sword!

Good King Moggle Mog
Good King Mog
His judgment you will dread

Good King Moggle Mog
Good King Mog
What do you decree?
What do you decree?
What do you decree?
Off with their heads!
im imagining your penis
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my moonie is pregnant
Only if we're highfiving after
Oh dear, this isn't supposed to happen... GOD I love femra so much it's unreal
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>Gridania's heathen rites to appease the elementals
the elementals are nice!
you just dont know them like we do
here ill introduce you!
If you work a full-time job to occupy yourself during the day and don't join /xivg/ discords you avoid pretty much 98% of drama
My femraen holds dominion over heaven and earth
Why would I kill myself over this slop?
my bad...
i loveyou
message me in game
Not with that face gayboy
After I get judged as acceptable for my fat cock I'm mating pressing you.
No, you should strive to be like me and make 1 really good pun.
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It started with the fulala spam
Than it was the vore spam
than people starting spamming lowlanders while blaming lalas for it
A lala fanta'd to cat and start being a sexpest
Now most lalas are either gone and the one that still post are so jaded they just don't give a fuck.
Yeah I think I'm actually done posting, I'll lurk every thread or so. To the few of you who I made friends with, its been fun, I'll still be in game so just shoot a tell or send a dm
>been in the thread for years
>no one knows my characters name even when I do post them
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And? They still changed the ARR dungeons you could do with GC squads to accommodate newbies. Squadrons and GC rank are failed side content.
My brown catgirl loves white cock yea
>tons of people have dirt on me
>for some reason no one ever shitposts me with it
I'm winning?
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crystal casual cc @ 9 et
so do these teams represent DCs or not
Zamn maybe I should've let him pretend to be a woman and groom me
Soon. My suncat hasn't been pawned off yet
{Huh?!} Surely you jest
Your body is just rejecting all the food you are eating FatFUCK
Just don't do anything and you'll get schizod anyway like that one middie during cloudtest
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what's changed since 2 months ago?
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I have queued (and am now in) for a casual match
Can you NOT summon your HEATHEN GODS in the Cathedral
The consequences of world of warcraft goblins and league of legends yordle have been a natural disaster to the lalafellin culture
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Thou shalt not avert thine eyes.
Get a room zt, sheash, /pushups on a pile of lalas in public.
I hope this is the gay superhero furry.
>The consequences of world of warcraft goblins and league of legends yordle have been a natural disaster to the lalafellin culture
I hope they replace you.
gonna have to pay the troll toll huh
guard reduces damage taken by 90%
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both of these men owe me sexOoOoOoOoooo!!!
What do you mean by face mod, a makeup or a sculpt or something else?
you're a good kid dont let anyone get you down
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A disgrace to fiddiedom. I'll make sure your judgment is swift and final.
yeah I know, grats though!
nasty tranny
Post her now.
I love all moonies!
do not shit yourself to erp
They didn't. The squadron just doesn't get the debuffs you do.
This nigga just posted a zoomed image of a rava getting mating pressed and it is still up
can i show you mine?
>elementals bad because they force you to respect nature which in turn gives gridania a boon in food production
>continuing a war that started 10 generations ago by a power hungry pope good because its good ok don't ask more questions
... do ishgardians really?
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Nice pic of molly.
You were deemed tiny.
Too many threads it is a web
A sculpt. It only applies to male midlanders, but I need it to apply to Miqote Females and Males
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What am I misisng?
Time won't tell, I'm not really anybody, sorry to get your hopes up.
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i am obsessed with this goofy cabin prop
You will have to go into blender and port the sculpt to the other races
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>The consequences of world of warcraft goblins and league of legends yordle have been a natural disaster to the lalafellin culture
Good riddance
LT <3
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Don't you use your psychic abilities on me!
What the hell...ur so mean to me...
Judging from the way you utterly silenced that moonie, I think you can manage.
if it is he has the thinnest fucking skin around. good riddance
I made some friends on balmung and I think some of them lurk here.
>Get a room
Nah, everyone will watch me /pushup on lalas AND lolis
i am obsessed with
wanting to smooch this miera
Probably the ARR relic trials
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Chess is alright, would rather play mahjong though!
May I see your moonie?
how many xivggers are in cc queue?
no im imagining bending you over, rolling up your skirt, and....!
I'm too stupid for that...
What those 2 actually being shapely and having tits and ass compared to lalafells that are just sacks of potatoes? Lalafells are truly the lowest form of shortstack.
I know who this is
I think we both know how to calm you down, wife!
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Hey in order to unlock the mentor roulette do the ARR relic trails like the Hydra one count? god i hope not.... a fren is missing 2 more " ???? " and we have no idea what they could be (guildheast fully cleared)

we just might have to get one in the mix
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Mado I dont understand
please may i lick your midriff
>WoW goblins
>never posts an in game model
a relic reborn trials probably unless it's something like Memoria Misera ex and something else
I don't remember making this post
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do i do this with NPCs or do i do this with people.
then you shan't have your face mod
Air locks release. Metal fastenings release. Please hold. *KRRRRSH*
Hyper drive jet platform fueled and ready.
Deploying my meena shortly…
delete this fabricated image of my husband NOW
posting your overly modded pornbeast all thread isn't a personality
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Truly a shame, if two femlalas somehow end up in a sexual encounter their bodies would explode as soon as one of them tries to make a move
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What do you mean anon
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>my cock will not warm itself alone…
If you're a DPS it doesn't matter, if you're a tank or a healer play with people.
Wow this place has really nice lighting!
put up a pf
They do and It's not too far in to get them done
With people. Is the trust system being pushed that hard?
I am a thighlander that has no personality to speak of
many fanta'd off
but also threads have sucked hard since 3 months before dt
that's gay.
STOP THAT! I won't warn u again......
If that anon doesn't stop putting me in compromising positions in their mind I'll sic you on 'em, that really ought to get things going.
I pity men with such low testosterone and remain blissfully oblivious to it.

seems like its ARR trials, never knew it had some, ty
probably the hydra and the chimera if they havent done the ARR relic stuff
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I meant in-game silly
This looks like photoshopped Nic Cage..
Dragging this mudshark into the confessional booth
What are you talking about? They changed Thousand Maws, Haukke, and Stone Vigil for trusts. Now they're coming after the rest. People like trusts, they don't like squadrons, that's the point.
NPC for first clear, people for any clear after that
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Not sure.
Step one was just getting everything to work as it used to, and that's thankfully all done and working properly. I'll probably hold off on pos(t)ing anything further for now, just for the thread's sake.
Why do homosexual men play female characters and flirt with other males?
just play a man
total lala death
pushing your head down, raising your hips, flopping it out onto your bunny buns........
what is the twinkiest male body mod?
im getting mixed signals but ig im putting up a PF
Lots of homosexual men have a fetish for fucking straight men
Dragons are an immortal, egg laying invasive species. Anyone could read the writing on the wall, the only mistake was not fully committing to the alpha strike.
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My sunnie did *that* in public again
Desu the faithful in-game style is good. They are dirty jersey hookers with fucked up teeth and massive asses
Because he obviously picked fiddie to try tanking OUR stocks.
Because I prefer trannies more than masculine men and jerking off with an estrogenized failed male made me cum harder than I ever did with my irl ex-gf
T-minus 90 seconds until deployment…
Radio systems online…
Biosensors nominal…
Thermalnuclear reactor engaged…
Mechanerve connection stable…
get blacked by some bbc futa? don't worry that's the norm around here.
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I think being exposed to fren discords lewd section has taken a toll on me creatively, how I'm interacting with it. I mean I'm falling victim of orienting things in my mind around how it's engaged and if I get engagement. Intellectually, I know this should never be my focus and to be cognizant of social media stuff screws with your perception of things. Because I posted more just on lewd thread, engagement, little stickers are not a thing. You just put what you want out there, and a lot of time no responses is a good thing. Just trusting someone may find it hot or interesting, and that worked for me more or less. It was fun little outlet. Now it's like I have peers now, I know some of their handles, styles, and as much as I try to avoid it, drawing comparisons is just what I'm stuck in.

I know that I never want to copy trends and be pulled to doing poses I don't really to, and yet I'm finding myself adopting contrarian tendencies, which is actually just as worse because you are doing the inverse of being ostensibly derivative. Spite can make for some good art, but not in this case. I almost just have to forget about my surroundings and find what it was that gave me to joy to work on lewds and other gposes in the first place. Be authentic, be innovative, have fun.

I'm unsure how to get that back. I wanted to do some work today, but I just feel so damn blehhh.

Also - I don't know if I should attempt to try to throw stuff on twitter or if it's going to exacerbate that problem. I feel like I'm trying to go for things that will only ever be very niche artistically, not fetish related but lewd that isn't wholly *supposed* to be hot, but make you feel other things. I'm just a bit of an odd duckling, just trying to find a good and fun way to just keep doing it.
any version without the tits?
dont forget the femlala that posted a pic of himself irl in diapers
Easier to find men to fuck you.
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crystal casual cc @ 12:50 et
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This was not an invitation for everyone to desecrate Saint Reymanaud's Cathedral! What are the Temple Knights even DOING these days...
Dynamis is supposed to be alive now that we have eight worlds. Why am I still waiting half an hour for duties? Why did Yoshi-P lie?
actual good cc players (astra) showing everyone how to fucking play
Good work anon
I like it
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why not?
they are friendly!
please pretend i gposed them running amok in the cathedral i would have done it but d&d has now started
I am SO sorry for being a lalaboy...
Thousand maws was too long and confusing for new players for a lv30 dungeon it's good they changed it, the only thing they changed about haukke is that you don't have to return after the second boss, and stone vigil is just a bad dungeon before and after the fix. They changed the ARR dungeons because they were outdated and poorly designed not because of trusts.
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Meena deployed. Begin protocol.
Nigga things I'm gonna waste my time watching a CC stream, I'm here to cum to BBC futas
What tits
Nobody cares enough to read all that.
Good description tbdesu,
I don’t find homosexual sex compellIng

I could play as male character and erp with men pretending to be women , but that seems kinda gay.

>overly modded
show me?

oh noooooo........
>constant shitting on brd itt
>every match has a brd in it
actual good cc is a treat to watch though
This disadvantage of being a lala is it not being as powerful doing such as a taller race.
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>Dragons are an immortal, egg laying invasive species.
That immortal, egg laying invasive species is the only reason garlemald didn't conquer eorzea before 1.0.
Plus for an immortal race, there sure are a lot of dead dragons (nidhogg, ratatoskr and bahamut)
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>my cock will not warm itself alone…
The discord is bad enough, twitter will make it astronomically worse. Because inadvertently even considering twitter is an unconscious choice of yours to escape what the other people are doing in that discord. The clique nature of discord is a small candle compared to the gross mentality of what is done on twitter. The best thing is perhaps post more infrequently. Only do so if you /really/ feel that inspiration, rather than out of a monotonous reflex.
>tacky makeup
>modded clothes
Are you blind?
why are you thinking about two of me...
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my moonie has to wake up early tomorrow
it hurts
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yes ^_^
pinoy rizz
BRD is universally hated here because you can't abuse defensives if you are silenced and bursted down before it runs out.
Because if I play a dude I want to play a self insert and the race with the face that looks the most like mine is intrinsically linked with homosexual roleplayers.
you know it's a miera fotm when sexpests like scarmiddie make a miera alt
I am a homosexual man and I play a man though
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'Inquisitor, you need to calm down, these outsiders aren't so bad'
'Inquisitor, you're just out of touch'
'Inquisitor, of COURSE we should let a disgusting mongrel aberration dictate policy to the Knight-Commander'
I never thought I'd miss the war
Have fun in D&D!
Are you a biofem?
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our king
i wouldnt say you're over modded but you're nothing special. basic bitch look
Post for my sake.
Cock-3 to Cock Actual, got a couple bandits on watch status. Requesting permission to engage. Over.
How the fuck are there still people unironically excited for more Hildibrand shit?
>make up mods
>porn body mods
>porn clothing mods
>the porn oil skin gloss mods
But I do play a man. I ain't a futafag like half of this thread.
nice moonie
Well, your moonie is an ugly bitch, so nobody would be missing it if you decided to take an early night.
may my lowlander plap
>Plus for an immortal race, there sure are a lot of dead dragons (nidhogg, ratatoskr and bahamut)

Not enough. Given enough peacetime, the entire world will be overrun with haughty, droning dragons shitting everywhere and talking smack. There can be no peace simply due to theyr biology.
THAT'S IT! They're all yours >>496536965 ! You're going to annihilate them for your poor vulnerable Meena sprout right? You won't let this...defilement happen right? Right?
Niggas pretending like they're going to enjoy chaotic alliance raids like it's not already hard enough to find 7 people with IQs above room temp. yeah let's multiply that by 3.
this bitch's forehead so big I saw it in the previous thread
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havent seen this modbeast troonie in a while, how you been?
its less about the look and more about how desperate your posts seem for me
Cock Actual to Cock-3. Engage at distance and keep the line open. Over.
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>Have fun in D&D!
thank you!
ill try but my lovely rat boy died last session and im still sad about it...
Val clone i sleep
I don't know why it hurts so much to see my ex being extra loud about showing off the new guy she replaced me with, it's a bittersweet feeling of being glad she is happy but at the same time it hurts a lot and I don't think I even want anyone else anymore or at least for a long while
She said the same and said she'd probably stay alone for a while, but being replaced in such a short time hurts
Am I a narcissist for feeling this way?
Is there a version of the "Nymph" body mod but for males?
I love my basic femra wife. We will have a basic family together after an intense week of passionate love making
Ugly as hell.
post you're femra
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please present your midriff so that i may worship it ma'am
you look fucking retarded
my miqqa this is not narcissistic to feel that way lol
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>Am I a narcissist for feeling this way?
no it's normal. it will always hurt.
Women usually scout for other men when they feel like the relationship is coming to an end. Truth is she was probably in contact with him when you were together. It's why they are much colder during breakups than guys if they are the ones to end it. They clocked out of the relationship months ago.
She does it because she knows it hurts you and makes others lower their opinion of you. Cut her and all mutuals out of your life completely.
its very rude to compare red moonies to trannies
its just you and me, sprout...
running my fingers through your hair, wrapping my hand around the base of your ear and gently yanking it... getting stiff as i push against you from behind...
It’ll be run by a literal tranny discord clique. They’ll do a good job, but you WILL listen on voice to their creepy coombrain voice on VC as they flirt with their GAM orbiters, and if you dare speak up prepare for the blacklist. Get your mount/eyewear/ etc, and never speak of it again.
wow is that an image of a generic face 3 blond shitqote with a hempen camise top!? poggies!!
is FS a new player or a nigger
i saw him afk multiple times
>Am I a narcissist for feeling this way?
No? that's normal
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im starting to love autistic roblox hildebrand
can we keep him instead of hildy
Someone HELP
Val clone. Cease speaking.
The reason why you see so many female characters itt thirstposting miera is the fact miera are almost female
you won't see the manliner looking mierda getting any attention
Such a tease. I will be remembering this lowlander and her cute braids. They are in desperate need of use.
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you're wrong
ive been posting but im alright
>There can be no peace simply due to theyr biology.
There was peace before the 1000 year war and after the WoL killed your autistic pope. Sounds like the real problem were the ishgardians not the dragons.

Maybe we should kill every elezen instead.
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>MSQ locked at 99


I've done every dungeon, every aether current side quest, every MSQ quest on the same job...
>Raiders dont want to actually play the game
have a scrapped pose featuring moonie tits
i'll revisit it another day
Fucking retard shouldnt talk about that one.
I'm a faggot and play a man.
i am
a meena
That's not true, my sunnie never took money for lewd acts
Less clothing doesn't make it less ugly bro.

As a start ditch the glases, you trying to be Velma or something? Jinkies!
cc doko
This is true. To only do things when you're actually inspirited to put something out there. I guess it all felt more natural and fun for me in the many months it took me to go through MSQ. A lot of stuff I worked on was in tandem to where I was at story wise. Everything was fresh - exciting. Now I'm just trying to force it. My inspiration now has really just been what I'm seeing posted, and Twitter would probably just be the worst direction for me.

Thank you for your reply on this. I'm going to think on it.
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crystal casual cc @ 5 et
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im just gonna say it. i don't like this.
i guess ive just missed whenever your were posting oh well good to see your troonie again
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I did every quest and even without running any roulettes I was lv100 by the time the MSQ was giving me lv96 quests.
don't like what?
cumming violently in a middie kikuri
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I like this.
>What are the Temple Knights even DOING these days...
Hard discussion of scripture of course!
would peg
How is your cock so massive? Unironically, I'd be too intimidated to top you.
I'm a raider and believe me I'm with you wanting more casual to mid tier content.

I would fucking kill for them to make cosmic exploration something actually fleshed out like island sanctuary but better, more communal and more fun with some actual gameplay to go with it and not just mindless grinding, like combining foray with restoration along with some housing you can actually use
Please consider killing yourself.
rested exp prob boosted you ahead
yeah are you enableist against the blind?
don't get your hopes up
i'll take that as a compliment
here's a vanilla outfit
i'm still greased up though
it's not desperation
it's just getting fucking drunk :)
let's eb
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This brat needs a good raping
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cant have shit in this house
The wol killed niggerhog too, who literally held an immortal grudge. They already have a world and they don’t belong here. They aren’t even part of the lifestream- 0 dragons in the aithiascope
I want to take lewd pics with your fiddie
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Madam it's cold out there
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my moonie is a she, not an it, and she looks weird without glasses
thanks ive mostly been posting between deadlock games
my wife (male) fr
>let's eb
ok let's do it
m-mod source?
He looks like he fucks lolis
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Why are you trying to act like Unnamed Neko @Jenova?
>I know I'm not a cheap whore, I just wanna be a cheap whore every now and then.
the reason you're not getting any is because you can't even commit to what you really are
someone who pretends to have worth when they have none, are worse than those at the very bottom
its ok im a grower you wouldn't know until it was too late
You need to be shot in the head, you low IQ redneck niggeroid.
I haven't posed anything yet to post!!
It looks corny with the glasses too, might be time for a face swap.
Be more cute, less slutty. People assume slutty Femlala will be into unspeakably deranged things.
Fuck Yoshi gon do?
Can you give me an idiot's guide on how to set up the shader you use
By every quest I really mean every single quest. Are you doing your yellow and blue quests?
I was a fiddie
now I'm a femra
but I think
I want to be
a fiddie again
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I didn't go to the store today and the only thing I had to eat was a burger and a pepsi, it's also 1 am so I can't get anything more so I'm off to sleep and ignore my stomach
Ok it.
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He does.
why are you crying
At a point enough will be enough I think
why did you fanta sis
I had mare turned off for a bit and you're vanilla sunnie is really cute
You're trying to get plapped not reminded of other games.
I like doing my sidequests when the time is appropriate, for example it feels kinda weird to do sidequests that address stuff like the final days weather and you're long done with endsinger.
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chill out oomfie
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best i can do is palette swap
erm you have to use my preferred pronouns
not a sunnie but thank you, i actually prefer vanilla looks and my modding is just messing around mostly
Why are you obnoxious?
this bitch looks mad comfy
hell yeah
My femra would cook you dinner...
Jokes aside I know the pain, hope you can sleep well!
I don't even like pvp but that was fun to watch
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Came up with a Xaela backstory whereas my cotton candy fiddie brat didn't have one.
no theo!!!
Watching these tourneys just makes me realize more that pvp is dogshit in this with how high damage everything is
I wish I had friends
you shouldnt be here if seeing a post gets you this upset
The one acceptable Val clone
Finally some good fucking food
HELLO THR-oh its almost over
post fiddie and femra
*rotates head*
*forced blowjob*
sch sisters...
okay when

just follow this
and download this https://files.catbox.moe/knjjs3.zip

i'll rescue you and make you take responsibility
who's it is? i guess we'll find out
I hope they destroy mnk's lb in 7.1
That vile evil green freakazoid should be locked up for good.
My moonie likes seeing other moonies being posted
Don't want to, it.
That point is entirely reliant on SE hitting three homeruns in a row within the next 2 years, they literally can not afford to tackle mods and add ons when XIV is the only thing propping them up besides gacha.
>all that damage and only 3 assists
Let me be the first to know when you do.
Sex with Molly's bun
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Had to move, couldn't sub. House got demolished and the caretaker won't give me my shit. So I guess all the event and MSQ housing items I had are just gone forever now? I don't even care about the gil but man fuck Squeenix.
I wish I had feet
>okay when
whenever you want
My fiddie gives up on maliddies- malelezen and malera are the way to go
mnk is one of the few actual counters to shit like astro
i meant this https://www.xivmodarchive.com/modid/104473
weakest MNK fan vs strongest DRG abuser (rpr player)
>Dodges the question
Stop being an annoying fag
right through her pants? woah
sorry i'm very fond of my woober
Good, male middies only care about femra anyways
I still think the creamy sunnie poster is some of the funniest shit I've ever read in this thread
I don’t think ppl believe this but I get a lot more attention on my femlala than my moonie. There are just so many catgirls it’s hard to stand out, but a lot of people are “curious” about lalas, and if you come off as not-crazy are intrigued to learn more….
Alright deal, I'll take it. Anything!
what did i miss from the live letter thing
you stop crying and i will stop calling you out on it
Good, male middies only care about femlalas anyways
>she hasn't found the 1 in 1000 straight roe
You'll get there sis.
can i see it
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crystal casual cc @ 10 et
What do you mean you "couldn't sub"? This is FFXIV, the game where you plap 'n goon with all the classics from the 'cord. What reason do you have to unsub when there's so much plapping? Don't you read the thread? LL even got plapped by PN. And did you see EK and MN?
even mine...?
Yeah I meant moonie but I was in a hurry to get back to my CC match hehe
A lot of people at LB14 have really great vanilla characters
I'm not sure who you are but hopefully you'll be in the thread when I get around to posting
Call me out on what? That youre an annoying fag?
I dont think you know what a call out is
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this fucking bitch

(also thanks for filling up the pf)
i'm ordering pizza and talking to a bunboy (he's going to take responsibility)
Setting up insta kill lb combos with phantom rush is not skill
not in thread
Especially yours
ok share story
imbue me with your lore, O teller of stories, O maker of tales
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I want to play a game
Yours is for raiding
I do not care about femra. I only like Elezen and mid/highlanders.
widdle baby still crying do you need your diaper changed
Shit man you shouldve posted in here. Id help you out in that situation. Rip though I feel your pain
Didn't burn my dinner, today's a good day
real image
Oh wow... oka-
>just follow this
i dislike when grapecat horny posts but i find the cute couple shit with the hroth adorable
My catboy is a sexpest, sorry.
I gave up on that years ago
my bad refer to this
Looks like someones mad
Hope you made extra for me babe
to who
yea that someone is you
Where is the new thread so I can ask something
What's her magic trick?
I find them both annoying as fuck and I wish they'd fuck off back to Twitter.
yeah me
No sad okay's, you're mine
making my gock disappear
Sorry, I'm raiding owned apparently.
>Got you to stop spamming to convince me how youre not mad
I won
Bunboys and other catboys ofc
cc as a gamemode doesn't require skill to kill people, just hit your buttons
name one lb that actually takes skill to use past ones that are just pure shit like vpr / pct
Came to Ul'dah and uses her horse taming skills for femdom
Feel like this ain't true. Lalas are stigmatized so only pedos and people that get past the stigmatisation are your very limited pool of people to RP with. As for miqo, everyone loves them.
the crybaby award yea i could see you winning that one
Stole you from raiding now you're middie owned
just took a massive shit in my diaper.. ugh it fuckin stinks.. malera btw
What's grape cat's Twitter
Ok you stole me, now what. What's the plan from here?
I miss the time when i didnt know what tozers dick looked like but they are a cute pair
I love my friend
Keep going
maliddie here

i just ripped a big fat wet fart would any femra like to sniff it
i love you too
Now you raid
Eb my middle to your xaela and put a collar on him and my malera will tame your fiddie
Its one of cultists mods

Not cold enough yet.

I dont log in enough atm to do that.
I found my threadcrush's twitter and cum to her daily getting dicked down by other people
I love you too
I fantasized about bringing my crush a snack while he was playing CC only for him to lose because of shitty netcode. I gave him a blowjob to help make him feel better and he ended up facefucking me, then we cuddled after.
easiest jobs of each role:
>white mage
inb4 MCH chuds bitch about dancer chads
They have Proxy, Leviah, Macchi and Uchiki.
do you need anything more?
keep on packing those pamps khagan
Woah, is your toon NAKED? With SKIN GREASE? Holy shit, I'm literally cumming!
explain how blm lb takes skill to use
Aight bet.
Every other single pvp lb has a chance to fail if you button mash except for monks
see you in the next thread crybaby :)
I don't know who you are either, but I hope I'm around at that time too, and not a missed until who knows when.
Catgirl is the equivalent of default human male in other games. Lalas are also usually more creative in their looks and go for themes that makes them stand out.
It’s just a question of supply and demand. About half of guys want nothing to do with lalas, but there is still like 10 miqote for every lala on balmung uldah. And there is a substantial fraction who REALLY like them.
The Temple Knights were corrupt and have been deposed. A more just order now controls the cathedral.
When do you wanna do the pics?
>cotton candy brat
what does this mean
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My favorite part of that specific schizo is that if they actually knew my twitter it narrows them down to 2 people in the thread, which means they won't post it.
mnk can troll and waste lb like any other job can
Not at home right now but I could meet you in Diabolos Ul'dah aetheryte in about an hour and a half.
only ever retarded monkeys on my team
IV Can you do a quick gpose in that BLM glam? I'm sure you know precisely why I'm asking :3
Post horsecock please
It's not hard to reverse image search or tell people"here's this person's twitter, they make and commission porn of their character."
Since you asked nicely https://files.catbox.moe/2lt982.png
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You're right. The thing is I just use my twitter to talk about FGC stuff and repost art, I don't post any gpose stuff there.
Based. Ty
Love your bun and would have liked to collabed with my much small sunnie+
Have you, at any point, used the same handles on your twitter account or shared the same content in /xivg/ spaces? People are fucking stupid when it comes to cyber security and you are no exception. Your online footprint is much more legible than you'd believe.
Trust me I'm aware, it's half the reason I do my filename, cropping, and md5 shenanigans when posting here.
>wants to avoid being md5 filtered regardless
god you're pathetic.
thanks its probably too late to ask but do you want to see more

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