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>/rog/ - Ragnarok Online General
Cute Girls Wearing Beige Edition

Currently: Ragna/v/3

>Ragna/v/ 3
>7x EXP/5x Equip/3x Misc/10x Cards - Pre-Renewal
We are here.

>Other servers
Individual anons are spread thin on a random assortment of servers, at least make a 4chan guild in it before you try to shove a server into this list.

>Basic resources:

Careful with iROwiki links. If the url has "wiki", you're looking at the Renewal article!

Previous >>496249721
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[Good News] *Minor(uoh)* MyRO update is up, let's h*ckin' go, bros!

>Fix crash when checking equipment of jRO sprite
>Poison now damages until 1% hp (was 25%)
>Poison damage increased by 50% in PvM
>Yao Jun (Hyegun) now drops Hyegun_Hat at 0.20%


>10% reset chance to reset Taekwon Mission


>Homunculus now gets 50% of quest exp


>Sonic Blow 80% dmg per skill_lv (was 50%)
>Venom Splasher; Range increase to 2 (from 1), Cooldown reduced to 2 seconds, removed 75% hp requirement, will spread - poison on explosion.


>Added Poring Catch event - win a Costume Gift Box by finding the right Poring!

I was going to repost this from previous thread but thank you for doing God's work anon
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Play MyRO now.
>vtumor pic
stopped playing myRO there
I already am, just finishing some paper for a presentation tomorrow so I can log back in
daily bros won
erp sisters lost
Only women and faggots seethe about vtubers.
Why would women simp about vtubers when they found the BEST way to make people simp for them by pretending to be an anime character?
i don't know how you make even worse changes than the ragna server but here we are
I don't see any problems with the update though?
it insists upon itself
you're not deep
whats myro
>It took me 2500 Creamy kills to get a card but i'm supposed to believe people have gotten lucky on multiple MVP cards in a one month span
yeah i'm not gonna let that go
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>What do you mean full power and what do you mean with better?
>Because full power can be anything from what you posted in>>496516508 (You)# image which is far from full power and wont be great at soloing anything
That is my party gear bro, I use that only for tanking
I have some other weapons and rings that I change when I wanna farm raydrics and stuff
>image which is far from full power and wont be great at soloing anything. To mvp carded rapetrain using frenzy to tear trough shit. And I guess a few MvPs that you just BB into submission.
Yes, that build is still lacking in the DPS department
see >>496529089
I'm still farming the 2 abysmals cards that I need for my bloody Eater so I can actually solo stuff, it's the only thing that i'm still missing for my mvp build
>So now the second question, how do you mean exactly better? Because a sniper will spend less zenny mvping, while having a larger range of MvPs they can kill without any dual clienting.
I mean that sader and knight can farm random stuff generally more efficent than snipers and gunslingers, they can mob and kill multiple mobs in a row instead of 1 by1.
Also knight is the better mvp hunter than sniper and GS, ranged classes still need at least a priest for some bosses that they can't run n' shoot, knight just unga bunga the thing to death with the right gear.
The only real advantage in this scenario is that snipers don't need to spend zeny in pots. But that doesn't matter as much since the mvp build as knight is agi based, meaning high flee and way less hits from bosses, and they can use snowie cards for more cost-efficient pots while farming.
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You have Bloody Eater?
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what's the problem with it
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I've been trying to buy one for ages now to no avail
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sry bane, bought mine before the jews even went to payon nyo
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>he hopes to believe there is no clique, corruption and drama in a ragnarok server for /v/
skill issue desu
>>Poison now damages until 1% hp (was 25%)
>>Poison damage increased by 50% in PvM
what is this retard doing?
The dev is stalking me in the game and he knows what I'm trying to farm and disabled the loot I'm aiming for... I know this to be true...
It respawns as soon as you kill it so you have to keep scanning the whole map every time you kill it
>cuck server
No thanks
>r*ddit server
no thanks
Exactly. They seethe because it's not them in that avatar making money. Again, only women and faggots seethe about vtubers because they feel jelly.
The absolute vast majority of vtubers are trannies, the fuck are you on?
>implying faggots don't include trannies
holy shit, are you retarded, son?
Your low IQ is showing.
bwos where can i buy/grind some low level gear as a taekwon, i'm going around with only a cotton shirt equipped and im getting fcuked by everything.......
also is there something like a main quest to follow?
i'm so confused and lost
it's based on the luck seed on your account, fortunately in party, drop rate prioritizes the one with highest luck.
What's easier to gear up, a sinx or a champ?
>source: my ass
proofs? link the exact source in rathena
That's exactly my point stupid retarded faggot
I give up. You're literally retarded.
How do I get a RO gf?
Tranny spotted
there's an armor shop in every town, bro.
also taekwon kind of have shit hp for a while. you can ask in global chat for a pantie+undershirt for some bonus flee.
be a CHADsader and look for priest(girl)
how can the vast majority be trannies if the vast majority isnt american but japanese?
if you play super novice you are a griefer
if you play super novice you are a griefer but also really cute and i'll happily carry you
If you play super novice and have gone through the effort of slotting HP cards I'll help carry you to 99.
Is it possible to gear my high priest in a way where I can bonk some demons/undead without healing them with my mace/staff? For solo boss farming
3k HP on mine but i'm not 99 yet and two good hits will kill me cause 95% flee is a fucking lie
you can use magnus exorcismus but priests are absolutely not suited for solo bossing.
rape all priests
headpat all priests instead
i haven't seen anybody sell elu for days
Are the fixed Les spawns bugged on ragna/v/? There's two spots that are supposed to have x2 Les at a 10 sec respawn but sometimes one of them simply stops spawning.
time to make a sader anon
sinx needs lots of weapon cards, but champ usually wants (at least) two abysmal knight cards which suck dick to farm.
Why does that look so retarded?
>cast one spell
>go AFk outside screen
>come back and kill it
Something wrong with how poison scales in this shitty game or something? Why is it always archer classes that turn out broken in RO?
Tell us what server so we know to avoid it anon
whoa did you know i have 2 mobster cards?
just in case you didn't see it the first time
i'm talking about ragna obviously
that server has a ton of custom changes, including a big increase to poison damage. here's the default: https://irowiki.org/classic/Status_Effects#Poison
This status ailment causes the following effects:

Status-oriented DEF is reduced by 25%.
If HP is over 25%, you will lose 1.5% + 2 HP of your max HP every second.
SP Regeneration is disabled.

thank you, anon. very cool!
I play both ragna/v/ and myro
why not focus on only 1 of them?
isn't that more productive?
what do super novices do at 99?
2000 more HP, more obviously if you have % HP cards
Do I have to do the Rachel quest up to the part where I can go inside the temple to access the dungeon on an alt?
you have to do the whole thing
yea but... what do they do it's not like they rebirth
solo MVPs like a chad
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what the fuck is this set bonuses? Is this a fucking joke?
all crit based bullies members have 4 mobster cards at minimum, what's your excuse?
I really spent like 2 hours farming a grand peco card and some motherfucker has it for sale for 200k?
fuck my entire life
but anon, you saved yourself 200k! Think about it
anyone got a undershirt?
I have a few unslotted ones yeah
I sometimes forget that rogue 3rd job was turned into some kind of looney tunes job where you can paint holes in the ground for people to fall in
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>run into another player on the map
>they ask me if I want to party
>exit to windows
maybe this isn't the right game for me
Why are you so obsessed with bullies?
bullies stole my drops
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Seyren MVP down
Look ma, I made it into a screenshot.
no one will know that i've made it into a screenshot...
>biolab clique
no thanks
how do I get green ting
You don't, as you see in the screenshot, green tings are protected by high lvl mobs that kill anyone trying to loot them.
Green tings seem to be mvp drops that are not under 1%
lvl 4 weapons sometimes have green tings (ex. Electric Eel from imps)
alright i'm a complete babby to this but even i've seen a friend icewall a bio MVP into a corner
is it just so if your tank fucks up that your party doesn't get run down?
It forces the summons to spawn on the low ground, they're very hard to deal with otherwise
>champ is allowed to cheese boss with steel body
>but reject sword is not allowed
lol ok niggerdev
reminder that rogues/stalkers are niggers and buffing them would break PvM/PvP stuff.
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>randomCHADS did bio3 before bulliekeks did
I see the clique made their ad.
surely niggerdev made a congratulatory global chat announcement as well as recording it in GM hide to show the thread, right?

I think we've been mostly running during devs bedtime, he's US right?
The current 4chan server everyone is enjoying.
He's gonna wake up and record if its Bullies doing it.
theres no bullies member in the picture so i guess not
dev was recording PLEB Randgris attempts and talking with us inbetween
steel body tanking? what's your card set up?
I used an alice valk shield, alligator acc, f beret, raydric. He was still popping me through SB once he powered up below 30%, we got through on res spamming. I'll need to get some more HP cards to try and mantank him properly.
can't kaizel-zerg through bio3 :)
It's a positive change though?
I'd feel embarrassed to even post something like this. If I was the GM of the server I'd feel embarrassment for seeing this. Like how can you be proud of something like this on such a small server and having to exploit icewall and stupid game AI? Also gay Monk tank to boot. Yawn.
>mad myRO shill since he got no one to party up and do boss hunts with
What's better for wizard in parties, fw or sw?
huge congrats from bullies!
SW since it can actively help your tank, or cheese certain boss mechanics
firewall or safetywall? Safety wall for sure, but as a wiz you shouldn't be using either in parties. FW is mainly for soloing literally anything in the game, and SW is just safety in case off, and in parties priests are supposed to SW.
Can someone tell Chelle to unblock me

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