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Welcome to the Zelda general, a place where we discuss anything and everything related to The Legend of Zelda!

/lozg/ This is fine Edition


Most recent news

The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom has released!

Live action Zelda film announced!

Links of interest

Zelda wiki

Hyrule Historia

TOTK material
>Art book
>Sheet with useful information
>Interactive map
>Glitch spreadsheet

OP template

Previous timeline: >>495513716
We WILL live
I wanna rape Zelda bros...
So what're everyone's thoughts on the game? Would you ever want a spinoff sequel or anything of sorts?
>So what're everyone's thoughts on the game?
A lot of the same problems as BotW/TotK but at least there's music this time.
>Would you ever want a spinoff sequel or anything of sorts?
No. I want this art style to die and for 2D Zeldas to go back to sprite art.
Can't believe we actually made it to a fresh thread bros. I love you all
>I want this art style to die and for 2D Zeldas to go back to sprite art.
I don't hate the art style, but I would love this. I'd also give anything to see Ninty put out non-potato hardware and see a 'next-gen' open-world Hyrule.
Top down Zelda refined to absurd levels that make me want more classic Zeldas (but with Link, like in the intro), but with BotW/TotK freedom AND actual classic dungeons, it's an absolute blast and I can't believe they melded these so nicely. Still, I hope we get an old school title for the new top down game, leave the super open world for Switch 2's new 3d Zelda
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So is swordman mode Zelda literally the same as playing Link in the intro? Because that was so fucking satisfying
Did some autistic stuff with beds and the Silk Pajamas.
I won't bore you with all the parts of the text document where I timed each one three times to make sure, so instead you'll get something like an average.
So, the Old Bed, after the initial heal after 2 seconds which all the beds share, heals every 5 seconds, at a rate of half a heart each time. So for 3 hearts, that's around 27.2 seconds of lying there. If you get out and back in every time the initial 2 second heal happens (which I'm going to call "power napping"), that's around 13.6 seconds depending on how quick you are.
In the Old Bed, the Silk Pajamas reduce the 5 second interval to 3.3 seconds, making the time lying there 18.7 seconds for 3 hearts.
(For 6 hearts, the times are 57.2 seconds, 27.3 seconds, and 38.5 seconds, respectively.)
The Soft Bed, after the 2 second heal, heals every 4 seconds, healing a full heart each time.
For 3 hearts and then 6 hearts:
-Resting, normal outfit: 10.1 seconds, 22.1 seconds
-Power napping: 6.7 seconds, 13.5 seconds
-Resting in Silk Pajamas: 7.4 seconds, 15.2 seconds
The pajamas here reduce the 4 seconds to 2.6.
Zelda's Bed, after the 2 second heal, heals every 3 seconds for 2 full hearts. The pajamas reduce that time to about 1.9 seconds.
For 3-4 hearts and 6 hearts:
-Resting: 6.2 seconds, 8.2 seconds
-Power napping: 4.4 seconds, 6.6 seconds
-Resting in Pajamas: 4.05 seconds, 6.04 seconds
So 12 hearts in Zelda's Bed with the Silk Pajamas takes about 11.8 seconds to heal. Power napping that amount would take 12-14 seconds depending on input efficiency.
(Averages may be off by a couple tenths; I'm human. Also, the times for power napping are dependent on how good you are at hitting A twice quickly enough.)
I thought it was kinda interesting to figure out.
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How would you rate the new princess?
Playing EoW rn.
Is it possible to teleport out of the dungeon back to the world map?
I need potions to beat the boss and don't want to run all the way back
Found it out myself: Press left on the map screen till you come to the world map
I like her voice
>Zelda has to magically transform into Link to fight directly
I’m loving this so far. I’d definitely enjoy a sequel and I like the art style too.
Haven't gotten the chance to play the game myself but I really don't get all the hate for the art style, it's nice to look at and is cohesive
Thanks anon, I'd been wondering about that. I'll offer some damage autism in exchange.
Hits to kill lv2 Boarblin, hero mode if it matters:
>29 hits: 1 cost monsters
>15 hits: 2 cost monsters, bow
>13 hits: Peahat
>10 hits: Darknut, Ball-and-Chain Trooper
>8 hits: Charge bow, most 3 cost monsters
>6 hits: Most 4 cost monsters
>5 hits: Most 5-6 cost monsters, Darknut Lv2, Gibdo Lv2, Bombfish
>4 hits: Sword slash, sword spin attack, Mothula Lv2
>3 hits plus burn: Fire Wizzrobe
>3 hits: Darknut Lv3, Ice/Elec Wizzrobe, bomb, bombchu
>2 hits: Roboblin
At what cost?
Sword level?
Everything's Lv3
So does dragon zelda lay eggs?
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I miss dragon zelda. It was cute and wholesome (and occasionally lewd).
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She's still there in your Nintendo Switch™ game console cartridge, waiting for you to mount her again
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I miss Mario and Malin
Is EoW Zelda a hag or a loli?
Young adult
How would you rank Tri among the fairy companions?
The Lelda of Zelda
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It's not a bad style, per se, it's just that absolutely none of the people who have been begging for a playable Zelda title for years had this aesthetic in mind for it. They wanted full mainline, anime style graphics, both for the perception of importance over what they erroneously perceive as lesser or spinoff titles, and the sex appeal.
Rather plain imo
At least she has a hot voice
I think they were also just pissed she wasn't playable in TOTK + scared this was a baby game for little girls like the new Peach game because of the style.
Pretty much.
Exact same thing, just on a timer and you don't start with all the upgrades.
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So I started exploring as soon I beat the first dungeon and got the sword and I have
>47 energium ores
>2 fairy bottles
>15 ingredients and plenty monster stones
>30 smoothies
>9 accesories
>100 echoes, including the lynel (8 of them aren't even usable because Tri's power isn't high enough
>21 heart pieces
>21 stamps
>all the map discovered and explored EXCEPT villages and Jabul/Gerudo rift parts (only exception is Link's village which I properly explored before clearing the first dungeon)
And this cave cleared without zora flippers, which I assume were intended to be mandatory.
Time to go for the story?
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>Peach game
Man what the fuck happened for Peach's game to be so shit when EoW is so good?
It was handed off to notorious shovelware developer Good-Feel.
Did Link and Zelda get together before or after TOTK?
Summon bed on the left side, use reverse binding on it from the right and let it slowly go up, you will ignore the stream and go up as well. The stream is so intense you will hit rock bottom the moment you snap out of the binding so I used the tree and the rock to have footing right away. There's no stream more to the right so you can just jump out of the water and grab the treasure
Just like in Tears of the Kingdom, you can solve plenty of puzzles without the required tools if you know how to abuse the OP mechanics.
People weren't expecting Peach's game to be a baby game? lol do fags really
Everyone knew. That's not the issue.
>Summon bed on the left side, use reverse binding on it from the right and let it slowly go up, you will ignore the stream and go up as well.
I'm retarded
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When did the Deku Tree become this godly being second only to the goddesses themselves? Back in my day he was just a guardian of the woods, on par with something like the Zora King or Goron Chief
when's the doujin of her fucking a bunch of monster echoes?
you mean that's not how you're supposed to solve it?
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Haha that would be weird ha ha...
Give it a few months and wait for it to either get scanned and uploaded on the internet, buy it directly from the artist and wait until your copy arrives in the mail, or fly to japan and go to one of those massive mangaka events
Where the fuck are the Great Fairies in Zelda's game?
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Bro, your link to the past?
Are there any use for the Golden Eggs, beyond smoothie making?
Stamp Guy is lame. They should've just had it be Tingle, or a previously unseen brother who is autistically into stamps.
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Hyrule has fallen
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Holy kek anon
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Selling for 150 rups
I wonder what prompted Nintendo to make this game
I agree, I keep thinking "kooloo limpah" when stampfag shows up
Zelda should have infinite money, she's the princess!
>When did the Deku Tree become this godly being second only to the goddesses themselves?
He hasn't.
He has never been a godly being, what are you talking about?
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fierce diety mask is the adult link that failed his termina?
So slashing and spinning is the same amount of damage? Or, rather, within the same range of damage so as to not be different for this enemy?
No its the personification of the hopes and dreams of terminians
On a level 3 sword, yes. Testing on a fresh save with a level 1 sword, it's still 4 spins but 8 slashes. It would appear spins start off twice as strong but don't improve with weapon enhancement while slashes do.
>link goes go prison
Huh. You'd think the spins would scale up as well. By the time you might be really good at the spin, slashes are just as strong.
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Most handsome Link?
What's more, the stamps themselves are a bit of a letdown compared to how they were in Spirit Tracks. The individual stamps are generic and repetitive, not indicative of the actual location. (I also slightly miss closing the DS to stamp them, but obviously that won't work here.)
Zelda 1
lanayru dungeon is so good brod
Can I say this? Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom somehow feels like a Zelda reskin of Mugen Senshi Valis, a game series initially assumed to be an H-game but eventually actually became an H-game, featuring a girl becoming a warrior to her name. Though it may be limited to Zelda's Swordfighter Form in how she can become a fighter for a short period of time (wonder if you can switch it on and off at any time).
Nowadays I disagree with the notion that BotW/TotK had "no music", that's just wrong.
The difference is noticeable though
Need tips for the Flag races bros....
All of them.
Is there a good place to farm milk and salt? The Salted Milk Smoothie is OP.
use the force (and the racing line)
linkle is the big dumb?
The middle one shouldn't pose a problem. The long one, go up above rather than down while at the top. For the short one, cut your corners tight and boost right before the last flag.
Alternately, you can grab and move some of the trees to a bit in front of you so they don't block your path, or put a box down in front of them to jump over them, or use that wind enemy to blow them away a bit.
chibi adult zelda
mob face chibi.
>Grandma said I'm the smartest actually
Will Linkle ever be canonized?
If they make a mainline Zelda where you can choose male or female maybe but then it's more likely to be Link or Zelda
Can we even consider Linkle to be girl Link though? Isn't it more like a Link and Aryll situation?
That depends on the story, Cadence of Hyrule had Link and Zelda (and Cadence) but if Zelda is supposed to have her usual role then you would have to choose only between Link and his chick equivalent
>map fully explored before any dungeon, have fucking 11 hearts already
>still can't find Dampé
what the fuck
You have to progress the story for him to appear, I think
Fuck, I guess he must be in one of those empty houses then
he's frequently the guardian of the Master Sword now and in EoW he guards the Triforce itself
I assumed a teenager. She's noticeably taller than the children but shorter than the adults and is still largely treated like a child by the people in the castle. Though that could just be protectiveness from being the princess
1000 year old loli
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So it's basically Triforce of the Gods 3 huh?
whatever gets your dick the hardest
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Gee ALTTP! How come Nintendo lets you have 2 third games?
How heretical is it that I liked the original ALTTP the least of all the games on here? I can't really put it into words.
you sick fuck
ALttPChads saty winning
Still playing ALBW but so far I'd say ALBW > EoW > LttP for me, but they're all pretty close. Haven't played Triforce Heroes.
I like LTTP and all but it's your typical 2D Zelda largely held up by nostalgia of people who played it when they were kids. You're fine beyond putting it below TFH. I agree EoW and ALBW is above it
Grope Linkle
Just beat the first one of these and it was absolutely awful.
Does it get any better?
Here's something that will rustle some jimmies: https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/rs-gaming-lists/legend-of-zelda-games-ranked-1234729801/
>Although we’re combining two totally separate spinoff titles here, few would argue that — even together — they equal a full-scale Zelda adventure
Four Swords, sure. FSA is definitely a full scale game however
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Favourite hero and princess? Yes, I know the first Zelda isn't really a princess, but fuck it, I needed another one.
Hero of Time and Princess of Firmament.
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I am extremely biased, second favorite hero is hero of Hyrule and second favorite princess is princess of wind
Manga FSA Zelda is so fucking cute
Based STshippingchad
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They deserve their own spinoff
Oh, I don't really ship them, but I must admit they make quite a nice couple
Zelda: Tetra/Wind Waker. Though OoT will always have a special place for being my first fictional crush
Link: It's hard to judge since he tends to be more of a self insert than a character. Probably Wind Waker just for the artstyle. Though BotW/TotK can be a femboy. Granted Link in general has good femboy potential, no one just realized it until BotW and of course they're going to draw the most recent Link so old Links don't have a lot in that area
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>no one just realized it until BotW
>walk up to zelda
>pick her up and walk away
>make sure link is watching
Link: Hero of Time, for having the most resonant and tragic character arc, and ending up as a cool skeleton knight mentor in the end.
Zelda: Very challenging, I'm not entirely sure. A sad amount of Zeldae are largely just there, with TP Zelda being perhaps the worst offender, relegated to the backseat because everyone knew it was Midna's game. I guess the ALTTP Zelda and all her iterations win out, but I really liked Skyward Sword Zelda. OoT Zelda was my childhood Zelda and I always thought she had a lot of presence, plus I really appreciate her more active role in the future. Spirit Tracks Zelda is an honorable mention.

Probably an unpopular opinion but I think the Toon art style really holds its Zeldae back. Little cloth-bodied bobbleheaded things. Not my type.
Skimpy outfit but I wouldn't exactly call it feminine. Doesn't help that TP Link is the least femboyable of the Links
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Related to what the anon >>496797183 posted but if only you knew what the HW era was like lol, it was a similar situation with ALBW Link, especially when it came to Ravioli. Japanese artists tend to acknowledge femboy Link the most, I've observed.
>Hero/Princess of Beginnings
>At the ass-end of its branch on the timeline
Ach nein nein nein nein
>Hero/Princess of Firmament
Is that what the Japanese says? Firumamenuto or whatever the fuck? It's a very Western concept but they love that kind of religious esoterica.
Oh, right, that's TP Link. You're right, I was wondering why I wasn't attracted to him. Too masculine. I'm an awful bifag, though, I don't like many males at all really.
Anon, you DO know that's Hyrule Warriors Link, right? TP Link is one of the few who posses any visible amount of muscle
Ah, just assumed it was TP since I never played Link in Hyrule Warriors unless no other option existed so I forgot he had that outfit
Fair enough, but if it makes it easier just remember the faces next time lol at least that's a good way to tell them apart
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Purah became so popular in TotK but I still think Riju is best girl
*looks away, blushing furiously*
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>hundred year old hag gets checked out
You know she loves it
Footfaggotry is so goblinoid. I don't really understand why it's so repellant, though. In theory, a fetish for a natural part of the body is nothing to get worked up about, but for some reason, it carries such a creepiness about it that other fetishes like this don't. The art that always hyperfocuses on wrinkly soles and shit is so gross.
not another stealth section...
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Hero of Legend
>ALttP got 3 sequels, one of which got its own sequel
Get fucked other heroes. Hero of Legend is legendary for a reason.
yeah i don't think anybody wants to talk about triforce heroes. the fact it has costumes would have been perfect for zelda.
>Hero of Legend is legendary for a reason.
Honestly I never thought about it that way but yeah that checks out. I wonder what crazy myths and legends sprouted among the people after the guy died, would be fun to see that aspect explored.
There's a surprising amount of them, and you can basically pass most of them with just decorative shrubs to form a path to walk on.
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Anon, do you have this fit? You're not a real zeldafag unless you do
Today years old when I found out that the Japanese name for Link to the Past is cooler
The japanese name for Link's Awakening is a bit of a spoiler.
Reminds me of how every ren faire I've ever been to was somehow full of bootleg Zelda merch like replica ocarinas and all sorts of Triforce and Hyrule crest shit. Plenty of cosplayers, too. And one woman who just had the name "EPONA" tattooed on the base of the back of her neck. There's something unsettling about that one.
>A mutt
Sword of Might is cool if it can beat a being like null, but I wonder it could have a different name
Almost like she had no prior battle experience
Just finished Hyrule Castle in EoW. Does it get better? The dungeons are overall fun (the Zora one was pretty lame) but it kinda feels like a slog outside of them. The echo system just isn't that fun. It makes battles a chore and traversal/puzzles mostly revolve around the same 3 or so echoes while the other 95% of your inventory sits unused. Yeah, I know, I know, I'm not "creative" enough, but whatever. The truth is a water block, trampoline, or flying tile will accomplish anything, and I'm not gonna bother digging through my inventory for wacky alternate solutions for no other reason than to say I did it. That wouldn't make it more fun for me.
Link's Awakening
At least fags should shut up about wanting to play as Zelda for a decade now
Yeah there's a lot of useless echoes, they should let the player filter those out from the menu
>I'm not gonna bother digging through my inventory for wacky alternate solutions for no other reason than to say I did it. That wouldn't make it more fun for me.
Breath of the Wild came out over 7 years ago, it's time to accept the reality that Zelda games are about having fun by sharing clips on social media.
Hahahahaha!! Ok, I was expecting either a Rick roll or some e-celeb that was trying to get free clicks! But I'm glad I clicked it! Zelda related, short, sweet and funny. Thanks anon!
>just spam the yellow eye platform to get to higher places
>already got the frog ring
Yep, I have no creativity anymore.
it was mostly the one where you can't use echoes that was giving me trouble. everything's better when i can solve all my problems with five crows
That's HW Link who has the face of a pretty woman, more so than BotW Link even
The kanji clearly says "great skies"
He's not even called hero of legend anymore
Don't all Zelda games since like WW?
I still call him the Hero of Legend, got any problem with that, punk? Source your new official name (and even if you do, I'd not care for it, a hero has multiple titles, this one's just legendary)
>Source your new official name
TotK, anon. The clothes of LA Link (who is also ALTTP Link) call him the hero of dream
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Is my wife legal? Not like it would stop me but I'm curious
Don't care, still hero of legend for me and many others
You can actually say hero of legend and be understood than whatever totk said his new name was
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I like the coward of Lorule and his waifu
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In a few years we will get a sequel of EoW with both Zelda and Link to complete the trio of main adventures and the trio of secondary sequels
Which one has the prettiest balls and which one has the puffiest vulva?
>like the Zora King or Goron Chief
Anon, the deku tree isn't equivalent to the leader of a tribe, he's the PATRON DEITY AND GUARDIAN of the tribe. The great deku tree is more like Jabu Jabu, the equivalent to the fat fuck fish would be Mido, not the giant minor deity tree.
Link X Tetra
Link X Medli
Link X Mila

all good fucking wind waker ships.
>just the ALTTP family has more games than the whole child/adult timeline
Why is she tanned
Tetra descendant
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Chibi Zelda is so cute bros. Sometimes it feels like Nintendo is the only company left that can make empowered yet feminine heroes. Pretty much all other female protags these days are butch "don't need no man" lesbians.
Tanning isn't genetic, faggot
Go back
okay what about grand theft auto: hyrule
It's never explained why Zelda transforms into Link with the sword, odd
Why is Zelda a priestess?
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So what do you think about the artstyle now?
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next time they give link a slingshot i want them to make it look like this
that and give its ammo different effects like the muddle bud, puffshroom and dazzlefruit instead of the more directly damaging ammo that arrows use
cute, but sometimes I just want to jack off to detailed 3d models
Clearly it's a power of the sword, which makes sense considering it's made of energium, the material of the void (and the void thing since to be making copies, given Tri and Null)
>Death Mountain became Hebra and also Lanayru
I love when localizers just make shit up.
Death Mountain has been Hebra since 1991 bro
Really? I forgot
In the original versions of the games the mountains with the glasses shaped rock from the two previous games (Death Mountain) was called Hebra for ALTTP's Hyrule, then they changed it back to Death Mountain with the release of OoT five years later, but when ALBW came out they recovered that name and now EoW did the same. In that era of that Hyrule the name is always Hebra, "Death Mountain" is only used in the sacred realm corrupted by Ganon and in Lorule.
The Hebra in BotW and TotK is different tho, the former is a single mountain, the later refers to a chain of mountains
>ALTTP/ALBW/EoW = ヘブラ山 ("Mount Hebra", the former Death Mountain)
>BotW/TotK = ヘブラ山脈 ("Hebra mountains", the range in Tabantha)
Sexiest Zelda? Just superficially, not accounting for personality/role/relationship to Link/etc.
I did find my creative solutions tended to fall when I got the cloud. I missed the Platboom until the 7th dungeon and never used the flying tile so I wasn't abusing those
I forget her name all the time but yeah she's underrated as she's not one of the main girls
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Indirectly responsible for killing millions across multiple timelines
Odd that EoW also has a volcano but it isn't called Death Mountain
is it too late/early to talk about the lore EoW brings to the table?
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Why would it be called Death Mountain? That place is already in the game
This >>496904716 and the Smash Ultimate one
why didn't OOT zelda just play her magic clay pot to go back in time to assassinate orange man?
If you kill Orange Man you'll be no better than he is, that's why you have to wait for him to transform into a pig first
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>just superficially
What do you wanna talk about? It's just
>there was a realm of void before the world was created
>and a jerkass was there too, the goddesses cucked him by creating the world
>now he's back and Link and Zelda kick his ass
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So I feel like there something very important we all need to come to agree on.
The travel outfit gloves, just the wrists, up to the forearms or all the way to the elbows?
Just compare it with other outfits/characters? There's no way they reach only to the wrist, and I'm sure that doesn't reach the joins of her arms so it's up to the forearms only
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Courage - Green - Link - Exploration
Wisdom - Blue - Zelda - Puzzles
Power - Red - Ganon - Combat
Hope - Purple - M Girl - Shipping and Lore
How did he get an echo of Ganon for one
Does Nayru and Farore ever talk to Din about how her portion of the Triforce always seems to be grabbed by villains?
The Triforce of Power has been carried by more good guys than villains
Outside of cases where someone just claims the entire Triforce
all villains
true you can sum it up like this. EoW seems to explore the inner workings of aspects we see in breath and tears (possibly other titles too but those are most fresh in memory). the echoes : shadow ganon / evil princess clone, the blights and malice, tri filling a role of "voice of the triforce" or "of zeldas power" (similar to fi and the master sword). there were plenty of interesting factors to ponder upon and scratch chin over.
good point, we dont actually get to fight ganon in this game, just an echo. found it interesting that ganon was just "the blue monster" to hyrulians and link was unknown to them.
>Fire and Water
>Light and Shadow
>Forest and... Spirit
Explain how these two should be opposites. Maybe both are renamed to Wind and Earth?
Even not counting the full set SS Link and TLoZ Link got the Power piece before getting the other two, TLoZ Zelda apparently had it too, and Cia isn't canon.
>SS Link
>ALTTP Link (full)
>TLoZ Zelda
>TLoZ Link
More good guys than villains
>found it interesting that ganon was just "the blue monster" to hyrulians and link was unknown to them.
I could see Ganon being unknown to LTTP as he was locked in the Dark World the entire time and could only interact through Aghanim which they'd probably think of first. The second more implies it's a prequel or just that it's another reincarnation that they don't think to much about and just assume he's named after the hero
Spirit leads me to think more of sapient life/animals while Forest makes me think more of plants
so who's the maple and irene of EoW since we're back in ALttP world?
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Fire and water aren't opposites, they are part of a trio along with forest, just like red and blue aren't really opposite colors, but part of the basic color trio
why can't we have young zelda and young link again
what about


Worth pointing out that it’s only called Hebra in the Japanese version hence why a lot of people don’t know about it. Ocarina was originally also going to call the mountain Mount Hebra as evidenced by the Gigaleak but did not go through with it in the final version of the game
Where can I download the datamined textures and shit from the game? I know those leaked too
I can't choose between TP Zelda or HW Zelda
We literally only had young Link and young Zelda in two games, and in one of those half of the game was with them as adults
I think he means more specifically a child Zelda and Link and not specifically the OoT/MM ones. The last time was Spirit Tracks or Wind Waker if you're one of those who only care about the 3D games
>Ocarina was originally also going to call the mountain Mount Hebra as evidenced by the Gigaleak
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>I think he means more specifically a child Zelda and Link
That's also what I meant (I forgot MM entirely).
You get young Link in OoT (and MM) and in TLoZ, that's it. Toon Link is an entirely different matter, remember pic related is technically a toon Link too.
a lot of the 2D ones it's also difficult to tell if they're supposed to be kids or adults, thus all the "Is it ok to sexualize EoW Zelda?" posts

CTRL + F hebra
There’s also stuff like Nayru speaking directly to Zelda
Why can't Zelinkers accept that they don't always get together?
Eldin Temple soundtrack is great. I also love the remixed Zelda's Lullaby for the overworld. What are some of your favourite songs from the new game, /lozg/?
playing totk for the first time and it kind of sucks bros. I think the boss battles are a lot better than botw's copy paste ganon shit but otherwise there's not much I like more than botw.
wat do in EoW once you've got all the echoes and beat null? Got all the automata, I'm running around doing a handful of leftover sidequests… I don't know if I'm completionist enough to get every heart piece and crystal. is this it? Feels like there's so much potential for postgame.

On another note - is there truth to EoW originally being a dungeon builder earlier in development? Super Zelda Maker incoming?
Bros I think it's time to progress to romhacks
Official dungeons just don't post a challenge anymore at all
What are some decent ones?
in todays world you know exactly why we cant have children (even fictional children)
Personally I was viewing EoW as a sequel to Awakening.
races and the kakariko dojo too, but nothing unlocks postgame that you didn't already have access to prior to the last dungeon
It's an interesting spin on the "souls forever intertwined in a reincarnation loop" setup that they don't. It helps that Zelda isn't the best choice for Link in a given game more often than not. I'm honestly surprised Nintendo is okay with doing that so often. It's not a good "brand" mindset.
The "brand" mindset is that most games are their own thing.
>thus all the "Is it ok to sexualize EoW Zelda?" posts
lol, do fags really?
Definitely Lanayru temple for me
I like mango rush too
Yeah it turns out I did most stuff prior to the final battle, did all the rifts, majority of side quests, completely missed the automata, missed 3-4 echoes

It feels like the game is missing a true finale where you return to each of the previous locations in a freshly upturned state of disarray, with a final wave of powered up enemies (not just their shadow variants). The co-op section with npc Link implies the game should have had a 2 player feature… doesn't seem like there's nearly enough costumes or automata included (the latter feels like something you should be able to experiment more with echo fusioncombo fun). What are the chances of DLC / sequel to EoW? What features did you like best/least? What do you want to see expanded on in future titles?
Why? It could be anywhere in the downfall timeline desu
Do you play as Link or Zelda in a EoW sequel? Do you use the same artstyle?
Just beat the game and I feel like water block, raising platform enemy, flying tile, and whatever generic level 3 combat echo gets you through 99% of the entire game.
For me it's Cloud and Darknut Lv3
Should make an Echoe Tier List, could be fun
Water block, beds, cloud and trampoline are top tier
I suppose the art style is a big link. It certainly acts as something of a yin-yang to LA in which Zelda is absent compared to EoW in which Link is primarily off-screen (bar key moments). I'v always placed LA so outside of any other title (it's easily my favorite zelda game), having EoW act as a bridge between LA and the wild games released on the same platform…can't help but make the connection.

Feels like 2 player co-op really needs to be introduced. I could potentially see a game that takes place simultaneously to EoW in which you play as Link battling to escape Null, the story seems to imply Link doesn't spend the whole time sealed away so some sequences like this would be cool (they'd have made great post-game episodes for instance).
Neither here nor there for me personally, I'm not head over heels for this aesthetic but I don't hate it like some do either. It feels like they want to build on the asset pool they have and fuck around with this engine some more though so I wouldn't be surprised if we saw more of it before a change comes along (especially if the rumors of dungeon builder development are true).
The final batte was pretty fun, kino even
Zelda pulling on Null's arms from the back while Link and a Darknut deal all the damage
The platforming sections are really fun. The climb to Eldin Temple is one of the most memorable "up death mountain" treks I've played. Any other non Zelda games that do top-down 2D platforming?
>a game that takes place simultaneously to EoW in which you play as Link battling to escape Null, the story seems to imply Link doesn't spend the whole time sealed away so some sequences like this would be cool
Yeah It seemed like Link kept fighting inside the still world up until the second fight with ganon where he gets captured
EoW prequel where you play as Link rescuing people from rifts and ends with the intro
>ends with the intro
Well maybe not, it maybe should be Link's POV all the way to the end
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>I suppose the art style is a big link
Here's another.
We already had two Four Swords games and Triforce Heroes.
Ok but what if you add dungeon maker on top of that
>goddess start speaking directly to me, think something feels off
>realize that since you play as Zelda in this one they actually talk to you
Something something goddess bloodline, yeah that's pretty funny
>in the end the goddess were misandrist whores
Now that the dust has settled... timelinebros, what are we thinking about Echoes of Wisdom?
Flying tile and the spinning blade disc bro are chad level. Flying lazer eye guys are great. Armodillo, rope, crow all good. There's so many I barely never used, like Giant Goponga Flower

kek I didn't pull on the arms once, I pretty just threw bomb fish at it for the whole battle besides the odd darknut

so there's a few areas to explore
>links past, he's taken to the still world as a child along with other kids and escapes
>the events that lead up to him rescuing zelda and becoming trapped in the still world again
>his escape from the still world and journey towards aiding zelda in the finale

haven't had co-op link and zelda yet
Obviously somewhere in Downfall, most likely before Hyrule Fantasy and AoL
I'd personally place it after ALBW/TFH
I'm about to play Four Swords 1. Any advice?
For what? It's quite short
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I entertained slapping one together, but it felt impossible to rank anything beyond flying tile or water block objectively for utility or puzzles, so I settled strictly on combat value.
Explanations for some less obvious stuff:
>Mothula Lv2: Abnormally high damage per hit, vertically adjusts both upwards and downwards on summon, generally a more reliable antiair trajectory than Lizalfos Lv3. Deals contact damage even before it starts the tackle, making it the highest damage output pointblank on large or tall enemies.
>Wizzrobes: Strong, freeze/shock are obviously great. Fire's weaker than the other two but by far the best solution to ice yeti.
>Darknut Lv3: High damage per hit, spins for awhile so you can go swordfighter and do your own thing without it being useless
>Electric Keese: anti-Gohma
>Slugs: In addition to contact status, every tile of their trail has a separate rehit rate and shits out immense damage when two or three are making contact at once. Dirt cheap, you can summon three at once endgame.
>Holmill: Make a hole, drop enemies in for instant kill. Unlike water blocks, enemies can't destroy a hole.
>Lynel: Slower to attack on call than Lv3s, finicky AI can waste time on shitty attacks or run around doing nothing, but the double slash is pretty good.
The other leaders don't recognize Zelda so either it's a common name in EoW or the kingdom of Hyrule doesn't span the whole... continent?
should I bother playing echoes if I think the artstyle is ugly and I'm concerned that the gameplay looks boring because the ai fights for you? is it worth it or nah?
The clothes you specifically wear are from the dream (hence looking like a fucking muppet), so them being clothes of dream makes sense. Doesn't change the hero's name because TotK Link never wears his actual tunic. If they made a set for Wind Waker Link that actually looked like the toon art style, they'd call that tunic, "Tunic of Toon" set
>I don't like the artstyle
Not a deal breaker, but will definitely impact how much you enjoy the game overall.
>the AI fights for you
Partially true - there is swordfighter form which tends to outclass basically ever combat orientated summon. Fortunately, the focus of the game is on puzzles and platforming over combat.
I'm still mad there wasn't at least a quest for the Wild set in TotK
yes, not only will they immediately start denying they ever sexualized the character upon hearing they're under 18, they'll also start condemning anyone who does
I wonder why Link's house was demolished
Of the Wild set is the closest set we have to the ALttP tunic anyway, could have retconned it to be the ALttP tunic to make it a quest (the fact that it exists in the depths, when Link should canonically have it at the start of the game is just very weird)
>It could be anywhere in the downfall timeline desu
Cannot be between OoT to ALBW, Triforce in name and otherwise and Ganon are pretty well known. Actually scratch that, it has to be after AoL by this same logic.
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Would it not perhaps be one of the earlier entries on the timeline? I had the sense that there hadn't been much reincarnation tomfoolery just yet for the protags of EoW. They felt like young souls.
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>zelda and darstongetting thrown into the air in celebration after you clear Eldin Temple
Cute and wholesome-pilled.
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>Zelda related
I had the cat suit on and failed to take a screenshot
>off topic pisscord
go back
What even is the server about? just very curious, i'm not gonna click that shit
>Would it not perhaps be one of the earlier entries on the timeline?
No because Ganon needs to exist for Null to echo him
>Triforce Trilogy
>walk up to saria
>take her ocarina
>walk away
what now green girl
Triforce Trilogy Trifecta?
probably just some 16 year old that thinks everything needs to have a discord
She gave it to me as a present, anon. Then I got rid of it as soon as a nicer Ocarina came along
What if she notices it sounds different?
that would be funny saria throws a bitchfit you got rid of her ocarina
No, she might be angry but she won't show because she's Link's mom
TP Link's harem

No, TP Link's harem is non existent, he's destined to cry himself a river while trying to find a way to twilight realm
stfu WW fag
>Talking about TP
>WW mentioned for no reason
? Link has no house in Awakening, the whole game takes place on Koholint.

try Deku Baba Lv2 on top of pathblade
Everyone knows they aren't ALWAYS ending together
driftwood counts as an abode
Are you suggesting Link lived on a house boat?
Vs Echo Link is great, I love evil renditions of hero themes
World is 100% the one from ALTTP but the Desert Temple is in ruins so it has to be after ALBW/TFH. Could be before or after TLoZ/AoL but given how small Hyrule is and how Death Mountain is still called Mount Hebra (like in the period between ALTTP and ALBW, but not in TLoZ/AoL era) I say this is after ALBW/TFH, people already forgot about Ganon and the kingdom is heading to a golden era of prosperity and expansion that ends with the country reaching multiples continents and leaving the original one as a small corner of the map as in TLoZ/AoL. The goddess statue and sheikah tech seem like nods to the future of BotW/TotK way after that too.
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The set is called after "the hero of dream". Pic related is the hero of dream.
Deal with it.
Are you enjoying EoW Master Quest?
Dropped the game midway through because I got bored. Just letting you all know.
wtf this? o.O
Link noooooo!
the set does not look like that. It looks like the play-doh the dream looked like.
Null seemingly can't create Echoes on its own and needs to use the power of the Tris to do so. So it's likely that at one point, the Tris made an echo of Ganon and Null simply copied it once it captured all the Tris.
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youtube randomly recommended me an ai generated video from a channel that rips of square enix's art style with AI generated video and music

this one is about LTTP, so it might interest one of you

>AI generated
No, thanks
... alright give me the theory behind this one...
your loss. this is what zelda will probably look like in the year 2100
Meh, ALttP and its babies LA, OoS/A, ALBW and EoW are better. Minish Cap is just too short.
I kinda wanna play ALttP with the redux patch.
there's something called zelda randomizer, where it makes you go on a nightmare to find your sword, and my route i rolled was so fucking confusing i actualy needed to consult the auto generated gamefaqs guide to figure out what the fuck to do

i had to infiltrate the dark world as a bunny, and i did have the hammer to get there, and then when i drained the water in the water temple/sewer thingy, instead of a heart container, i finally have bombs, then i can explore the light world to get my fucking sword, and get the master sword to clear the lighting thing blocking the path to agahnim's tower
i don't remember the exact route it gave me, but it was such a goddamn mess, that i was supposed to get all 3 pendants with the hammer and bow and arrow, get the sword, then immediately get the master sword, then magic mirror out somewhere to get the moon pearl
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>check wind waker randomizer skins
>they added Mila
She acts like Link's mother and has been unaging so probably also raised him from a baby? It's not too deep of a theory
Surrogate mother, kind of like Koume and Kotake are Ganondorf's surrogate mothers.
i guess im so used to schizo crackpot stuff that normal things are bizarre now
True Hero mode
The set being stylized doesn't change the name of the hero. The hero of wind was still the hero of wind without the batton of winds, the hero of twilight was the hero of twilight in Hyrule, the hero of the sky was still the hero of the sky on the surface
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It's like mixing SS play in the tutorial and TotK Msgnotfound thing
Thoughts on ALBW?
Not really? Toon Links are 12yo (based on WW), young Links have been said to be 9 or 10 depending on the source but according to AoL Link gets his hero crest in his 16th birthday, so if other adult Links are 16 that would probably make the two young Links (TLoZ Link and MM Link) 9yo.
The exception is BotW Link, who is at least 17yo (since he can climb a Mount Lanayru you aren't allowed to enter until then) and then is probably at least 22 in TotK, all that without counting the 100 years of stasis.
Oot Adult Zelda plays ocarina go acquire shota link
My second favorite 2D Zelda
>Oot Adult Zelda plays [...] shota link
There you go
it generates a romhack for you in an algorithm where there will be some way to beat it, and i got a fucked up mess for one where i had to clear the whole light world with no sword, i got the bow and arrow rescuing zelda and that was my first weapon
i don't remember all the details, but what i needed to, was enter the flooded palace as a bunny, pull the switch to drain the water, then instead of being a heart piece, it was bombs, then i could finally bomb caves in the light world to get the sword and the moon pearl, anything i could dash attack, wasn't in there, and went straight to the lost woods and got the master sword
the other thing i remember now is that where the bow and arrow normally is, that's where the hammer was, so i was like that's great, it's going to be really awkward going into the menu, but at least i have a melee weapon now, and if i recall correctly, this game added some manual asm checks to make sure that if you save and quit in the dark world with no magic mirror, you restarted in the light world, but it's been forever since i played it, i can't remember
Dude, what are you doing?
How does young link defend himself?
trying to flash back to the most fucked up romhack i ever played to the point where i actually raged and looked at its automatically generated faq to clear it, it was like augh, is my sword in agahnim's tower itself, where the fuck is it? i'm getting mad
this was the weirdest fucking experience ever in LTTP. all i have to work with is the bow and arrow, and that's all i got. i gotta make sure every shot counts, or i'll run out of ammo, then i finally get the hammer, and i constantly need to swap between these two weapons for most of the light world. it was insane
so, what do zelda and link do with their free time at the end of each adventure?
bang and create a new royal bloodine
Perhaps but wouldn't say it's the only possibility - Null himself resembles an overgrown and malign tri so it may well be he has the power himself yet is cursed with the power mad greed that leads to his own downfall and… demise
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>only get their triforce pieces for the last dungeon
Man that's some short lived triforce held
Sweaty delicious princess pits
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>Feel my energy flow into you!
How could Zelda get tricked by the old dream battle training trick? Is she stupid?
this looks awesome, tell us more
>grabbed the Nayru stone first in EoW
Yep, I picked the canon route.
we're getting ponytail zelda for smash bros aren't we
1 hour of set up but hey, it works.
You mean as a skin or a rework of Zelda's character?
Did BotW's english localization mistranslate Ganon?
I'm going to buy a Wii U and a copy of the Wind Waker HD tomorrow. I have lost all hope of WW HD coming to Switch.
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They did mistranslate the part about his revival, yes. In japanese Ganon becomes the demon beast because his obsession of revival (obsession being a huge theme in the eastern cycle of reincarnation and rebirth), while in english he becomes the dark beast because he has given up on his revival. In japanese he's too angry and crazy to let this chance go, so he becomes a kaiju, in english looks like he has been completely defeated and the kaiju form is his last gambit even if it costs him his life.
Funny enough, Ganondorf would do the later in TotK, but transforming into the demon dragon. I guess from the point of view of an english player Ganon pulled off the same trick twice.
Pits and tits
How the fuck did Nintendo mistranslate that? They're one of the biggest gaming companies and Zelda is one of their flagship franchises.
getting the Triforce never means anything beyond being a macguffin anyway. It'd be neat if it gave you double defense or something
Localization has been a monster unchained for some time now.
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It just came to me how many times the Triforce has been split in the downfall timeline. In the child timeline it split once and that's it, the end, and in the adult one it split, got restored and then disappeared. But in the downfall timeline..
>was split when Ganondorf obtained it just like in other timelines
>was restored by Ganondorf for the Sealing War
>was split again after the Oracles games
>was restored again after the Lorule incident
>was split yet again by Null
>was restored shortly after after beating him
>was split once again this time by a Hyrule king
>was finally restored for fourth time by OG Link
And we still don't know what happened to it before the zonai descended to form a new Hyrule.
Same reason the English dub has some of the worst voice acting you'll hear in a high budget corporate game.
In BotW it seemed like Zelda's dumbass had it but that's it
There were a bunch of things mistranslated, like that infamous sidequest.
Mistranslation of japanese games goes all the way back, it has improved a lot over the years but still not perfect.
Why do Japanese games get mistranslated? You don't see this happen nearly as often to French-to-english game translations or german-to-english game translations
The triforce mark is a symbol of sacred power, it's not exclusively an indicator of having the actual thing. SS Link for starters, had the mark in his hand to symbolize he was ready to get it LATER
It's a non-romance language made with a stolen alphabet that relies very heavily on context that isn't always clear to be understood.
Easy, not a lot of people available to translate and also what >>497065757 says as basic as it might sound. Which is also why it's often referred as "localization" and not just translation.
Well duh but how else did she stop aging for a century and nuke ganon at the end? SS Zelda couldn't do that and she's literally Hylia
>Then why didn't she j-
Because she's retarded
SS Zelda also kept herself in stasis while reinforcing a demon king's seal that lasted generations (in fact, it lasted millennia, way longer than just a century). You are retarded.
Uh huh, but why do that so Link goes fetch the Triforce instead of just nuking Demise right there? Link just got the Master Sword too
Hylia was inside a gem ambar thingy and couldn't do anything else, BotW Zelda was literally inside calamity ganon and still communicated with Link every bloodmoon
And as >>497067253 says, why bother with the seal and the Triforce if Link already has the Master Sword?
tri is a metaphorical embodiment of the ability to comprehend and conduit the divine energy of the triforce, the would be midichlorians given agency and will

note how tri does not understand basic "human" concepts such as gratitude, and explicitly states the only reason it assists Zelda is in order to achieve its own goals – the character seems to lack impact but the reality is its an alien consciousness, an atomic or microbial energetic phenomenon masquerading as cosmic sentience manifest
>Hylia was inside a gem
And it lasted thousands and thousands of years, not just 100. SS Zelda sealing powers scale way above BotW Zelda
>why not nuke
That's Rauru's light power, not Hylia's blood.
Zelda didn't have a stone and all she does in TotK is fix the Master Sword and recall a couple times
>That's Rauru's light power, not Hylia's blood.
Without a secret stone? That probably would've been useful against Ganondorf
TotK's story sucks and retroactively made BotW's worse but I digress
and become a dragon
As far as BotW's concerned, no. I refuse to pretend Nintendo actually thought that far ahead
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I just need to get into the castle to beat the game. But the dlc's just popped up. Tried both of them and hell they just feel like a chore. I just feel like if i even give them a try i will get turbo burned. Anyone else experienced this?
>Play WW, loved it
>Replay WW, hate it
This happens to anybody else? For me it's the fucking sailing that makes replaying WW suck. It lost its magic the second time through and just feels like a chore now
Why do you think Taima no tsurugi used to be Blade of Evil's Bane, and now its Sword that seals the darkness?
Treehouse being retarded?
Just go to the castle and and try them later.
>walk up to TP Zelda
>take her bow
>walk away
what now serious girl
She'll drop the sword and surrender.
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I want this bros
zeru from twipure
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What's the best modpack for SoH? I already know I want the 3DS experience mod, but what about other models or UI or gameplay tweaks?
Dsmn I never used white wolfos despite looking strong
Well, you can play as Link in EoW now.
wtf instant 10/10
...What was the gimmick for the Volvagia fight in Echoes of Wisdom supposed to be? It felt like the dungeon had a lot of hints about bombs, but it didn't seem like there was anything particularly to do with them in the boss fight. Heck, what were the green fireballs about?
I managed to break the necklace thing twice with arrows, but doing so didn't really seem to change how the boss acted or anything, so I must have been missing something.
(While I'm at it, the fight to get bombs in swordfighter form was by far the easiest Link fight yet.)
I pulled on it with bind and it stunned volvagia
That's at least somewhat smarter than me. I just waited for the fireballs to stop and smacked it with the sword. If I needed healing, there was plenty of time to pop down a bed while it was flying around.
Did pulling on it release more energy like most of the boss fights so far?
Everything about Eldin Temple feels like it had bigger plans but was rushed together for the deadline, easily the worst of the late game temples
Do their racing minigames even get more levels?
Okay, I really appreciated the fire giant fight. Nice to see the reuse of the Seismic Talus boss but with a twist and another phase. And the reward even felt worth doing the quest. Nice.
you know what EoW is really missing?

fucking FISHING

imagine an expanded adaption of LA's fishing minigame where you use different echoes as bait

also feels like it needs a Tarry Town-esque element, ie a sandbox area even if just a bedroom / secret base to fuck around and customize
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Did anybody actually use the automatons? Only one I used was the katana moblin but that was only cause I felt bad for not using them
Please delete this post right now
If you mean the Goron flight race thing I never did more than the first challenge, but the ranch race has three levels and it’s okay overall
You'd think Zelda would be able to customize her room a little or something
I disagree. I thought Eldin was absolute kino - one of the best Death Mountain sections I've played. Mind you, I was extremely stoned when I played it, so YMMV
SS Zelda is kinky?
It's Breath of the Wild with the structure it desperately needed. Puzzle solutions actually feel like you did what was intended rather than flailing around until the physics engine decides you did it.
>playing totk for the first time
Same. The side missions kept me busy for the most part instead of the boss battles.
Fixing the Master Sword took uncountable millennia and was specifically done so TOTK Ganondorf simply couldn't destroy it with trivial ease again.
BOTW Zelda notably using it to nuke Calamity Ganon comes down to 1) the Triforce generally not vaporizing any threat that approaches and simply going for the fastest method. Even with Demise, it just dropped the Goddess Statue on him. And 2) Calamity Ganon simply being that powerful.
Roboblin was great, both for crowd clears and hitting things through walls. Maybe works to shave off a couple seconds in boss rush prepping it between phases, dunno.
Tocktorok makes for a great mobile cannon, bind it and watch everything you run past die
Goldfinch generates 50+ rupees off every monster so it's great if you somehow need rupees
What happens if i bring all the zeldas together?
>every Zelda lusting for Link
>child timeline Zelda and TP Zelda feeling awkward for just seeing their Links as friends
>OoT Zelda and Tetra arguing if pirates or ninjas are cooler
Discord server TOZ BOTW/TOTK help for bosses is a sight to see. I didn't realize there were idiots who could solve a simple boss fight with weapons and things provided already by the game.
child zelda and TP zelda are.cuckqueans
everyone just ignores the giant dragon zelda?
>Zelda general already dying
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what am i in for?
Stones are potential multipliers retard, every princess after Rauru has inherited his light nuke powers, it has nothing to do with the secret stones
There hasn't been a real Zelda game since Link Between Worlds over a decade ago, it's a miracle that this general lasted this long.
Metroid fans are doing better than Zelda fans at this point.
We're not
it's monday afternoon, people are working
>its friday
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I still remember when some months ago someone said BotW couldn't possibly fit in the downfall timeline because no goron, no sea zora, no gerudo, etc. Now they release a new game that basically says "oh yeah all those races were still around you just never meet them in the areas you explore in other games"
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Even the river zora area is next to where you encounter the only non-hostile zora from ALTTP. They actually cooked with this map
How's TotK if I don't want to use guides or look up things?

I played BotW a bit but didn't enjoy it since it felt like the stamina really limited what you can do
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I'm so sad I couldn't get a polsvoice echo even if it was just a plushie
BotW couldn't possibly fit in the downfall timeline because it straight-up retcons every other game. It says every game up to that point was just a legend people told in-universe and nobody knows how much of them are true or not. And then TotK takes a giant shit on SS's story where it couldn't possibly happen, and if SS didn't happen, then none of the games happen. They only ever said BotW took place thousands of years after OoT, but what they really meant was it took place thousands of years after the Imprisoning War, which TotK entirely retcons and retells. In fact you can say OoT is just the "legend" of what

EoW can't fit in the downfall timeline unless you stick it after Zelda 2, and even then it's dumb because are you telling me the River Zora just randomly decided to be friendly to everyone after being Ganon's evil feral minions for so long? And they renamed the Triforce for no reason?
>It says every game up to that point was just a legend people told in-universe
I never dropped a post this fast before.
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I only realized after I posted, mixed up the days
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I'm not lying. Look it up.
Yes, you are, I have nothing to look up because I already know that's just your headcanon. Just because they list four instances of the hero with the Master Sword that reference four different games doesn't mean BotW is saying all games are legends "except the ones that aren't, but nobody knows which ones are those"
Fuck off and off yourself
lmao >>496242548
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Both of you are retarded.

The entire point of them saying this in the artbook was to say that every single previous game was just an orally told tale and that BotW/TotK are the "true" story. They've made multiple timelines about Hyrule's history with those games and none of them even hint at the possibility of other games being true, at least the way we saw them. Even the director hinted at this:
>"Hyrule's history has changed with time, and even now there are some occasions of canon histories becoming slightly changed. Some detailed parts in the history books have been changed as well."
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>no mention of every single game being a legend in-universe
See what happens when you try to push your stupid headcanon?

>The entire point of them saying this in the artbook was to say that every single previous game was just an orally told tale and that BotW/TotK are the "true" story
And you just did it again. You are a fucking retard. Please, leave and never come back. That's the true story, you leaving forever, everytime you would have returned it's actually just an orally told tale.
Ooooh look at the tryhard who thinks he's pic related epic takedown frog. What a burn! Worthy of maximum Reddit karma. Well memed, my friend.

Aonuma being asked a leading yes or no question from an interview (that was mostly jokes) about whether or not it takes place after OoT is not the same as SS being entirely removed from the equation thanks to TotK and Aonuma and the director both literally saying the canon has been changed and Hyrule's history is different. It is im-fucking-possible for SS to have happened, at all, period, and it's also impossible for OoT to have happened the way we saw it. Whether or not Aonuma intended BotW to be on the official timeline in 2016 when he gave that interview clearly isn't the case now. The idea of BotW fitting literally anywhere is dead. If you deny this, then you don't give two shits about timeline debates, evidence, or truth, and you alone represent every reason the rest of the internet LAUGHS at Zelda timeline theorists.

And if that's not enough for you, if you need your bullshit idea of everything still being connected blown out of the water, here's Aonuma confirming that BotW is indeed a separate continuity:
>When I say that I want to go beyond OoT, go further, it's mainly because all the games I've made since then have more or less referred to OoT as a backdrop.
>But for BoW, I freed myself completely from the OoT universe, since we're in a totally different universe. And in a type of gameplay that's revolutionary compared to what OoT was, I think we've surpassed OoT insofar as we're in a different dimension.
Feel free to pull some bullshit out of your ass about how this quote is taken out of context, or mistranslated. You can keep being right as long as you throw more excuses and complicated scenarios at the wall, because that's what conspiracy theories are made of.
>"le reddit"
>"it was a joke! A joke, okay!?"
See >>497164014
BotW and TotK aren't the "true story". They are stories after other stories that also happened, like OoT. Go farm (You)s somewhere else.
Cute, but one of them should be wearing the stamp outfit too
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So both tribes descend from the one seen in OoT, right? We know the river zora descend from Ruto because Oren from ALBW, but what about the seafolk? Is she related to the river zora leader? Because they want to fuck badly
how do we defeat zelda?
>I played BotW a bit but didn't enjoy it since it felt like the stamina really limited what you can do
I don't know how it survived playtesting. Perhaps they were worried the map wouldn't feel big enough without a ball and chain around your foot, or they didn't want to think of a more interesting counterpart to hearts. The wheel should have only activated during climbing.
>if you spawn a flying enemy echo and grab it with A, you can use it to glide
>literally the only time the game ever even hints at this being a thing is in the dialogue when you finish the cucco sidequest
>went into eldin temple before doing that sidequest and got stuck because I had no idea what I was supposed to use the air currents for

good game design
Sword in the head.
I like that they did this because I've always thought that logic being applied to enemy types like the whole "Lynels have only been in 2D games until BOTW, that means they're an Index Fossil for this being the Downfall Timeline" thing was silly.
There's also a goron secondary mission that literally tells you to grab a flying creature and glide. You are a retard.
>goron secondary mission that literally tells you to grab a flying creature and glide
...which only unlocks after you finish the temple
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So the red part is Death Mountain/Mount Hebra and the blue is Mount Lanayru, right? Zora lived in the caves of a mountain pretty close to Death Mountain so I guess the zora realm from OoT was always Mount Lanayru? It would also fit with WW since the remains of Death Mountain (spectacle island) are separated but not very far away from the zora realm that became Dragonroost Island
Why the fuck do you lie? I beat that mission yesterday and I just beat Hyrule Castle this morning, I haven't even seen anything resembling a temple in Eldin yet but I already beat the mission, both courses
You fucking bitch
only og zelda and zelda 2 were hard
>I beat that mission yesterday and I just beat Hyrule Castle this morning
Assuming YOU aren't lying, maybe it's unlocked if you go there early before the large rift opens in that area. But I am 100% sure the sidequests in that area aren't there if you go there while that main quest is active. Looked it up on google and multiple sources list completing the temple as a requirement for that quest so I know I'm not imagining it.
Just in case you try to lie again
>planeador = glider
>niño goron = goron kid
>the rift in Eldin still not cleared
You can get the mission before you even clear Jabul/gerudo rifts. You should be able to realize the trick on your own anyway
Since you have the rift there now, can you go where the quest was and see if the kid is still there?
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I love fish girls.
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>refuse to get involved with any race that lives outside Hyrule's core
What did they mean by this?
>how Totk if I don't want to use guides or look up things?
Pretty simple. I've looked up some questions on gear for side mission once or twice.
mipha is pretty cute I won't lie
If there's one Zelda that's into anal it's definitely her.
What is she looking at?
my dick
Link in his underwear
Which Link is the weirdest?

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