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Previous reclining: >>494785471

>Upcoming and recent releases
>Touhou 19 Unfinished Dream of All Living Ghosts (OUT NOW)
>TH18.5 100th Black Market
>TH17.5 Gouyoku Ibun + gote update
Dream Logical World https://store.steampowered.com/app/1664410/
Wonderful Waking World https://store.steampowered.com/app/1901490/
Hero of Ice Fairy https://store.steampowered.com/app/1955830/

>Recent official manga
Lotus Eaters
Cheating Detective Satori

>What are these games?
Touhou Project is a series of doujin bullet hell shooting games made by ZUN where cute girls shoot other cute girls

https://pastebin.com/Vu7p9R0z (includes FAQ, netplay guide, training tools and more)

>Where can I get these games?
https://nyaa.si/view/1743411 (all in one pack)
https://pastebin.com/hPmDczz6 (separate downloads)

>Support the official releases!

>What other official Touhou media is there?
>Semi-official web magazine

>Touhou media hoarding guide (fan art, doujin music, etc.)


>/2hug/ high score spreadsheet (feel free to edit)
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>Page 10 keeps lurking our thread
>Doesn't bump
How rude
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When I see western garbage or boring 1st Gen 2hus posted over and over it kills my will to post
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>boring 1st Gen 2hus
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Page 10 Sign "The Frog Eats The Sleeping Thread"
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i don't get what this caution shit is but it's kinda useful to remind me to avoid certain spots
Never seen that before, are you using some kind of patch?
it's the vanilla touhou 10 with vpatch and english translation
Weird, I guess it only shows up when hugging the bottom.
it's the auto hint system it's only available in 10 (and th11 with modding) if you have it turned to auto in the settings it displays where you died with caution signs.
Huh interesting, so that's what the Hint setting is for. It's off by default so I never came across those signs.
In a way, it's making the runs a little easier, but the benefit doesn't look significant enough to consider runs "unofficial", unlike most would when someone increases the starting lives.
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I'm sorry 2hug. I could've bumped after I woke up and save the thread, but my internet shat the bed completely and I had to leave before it got back up.

Also last incident was #508.1 so this one should be #508.2
damn i wish this was kept for 15 at least
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>Another incident
I blame Koishit.
Funny, because I posted her yesterday when I saw the thread was about to die. I'll just let it die sooner next time then.
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>Sees you sleeping
Scarlet Sisters Mating Press
Oppai Remilia standing paizuri...
This is NOT how Remi works.
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tell me good mmds to watch RIGHT FUCKING NOW

Social Anxiety Alice and Burning Meiling are peak, especially the latter, but I need more.
wake the fuck up...
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Put a bra on you slut.
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Needs more sarashi Reimu around here
I believe in you, huggers.
I don't.
Huggers die if you stop believing in them, just like youkai.
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look at her go!
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sir no
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China Numbah One
It's her armpits
That's what it is
There's just something about those armpits
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Stinky Sumireko
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total gacha death
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I won't fall for the Animal Realm propaganda.
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You are not inmune to animal propaganda.
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Damn brat.
She needs correction.
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more sarashi 'mu
It's dead
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It's back from the dead
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Oh boy another dead!
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Only Mima can save us
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Be more grateful
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she's not that big
you were just told why she's that big
SA Sanae is the hardest midboss holy shit the fuck are those last 2 cards
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but shes tiny
fellas, how hard would it be for someone to make a touhou puppet dance performance mod to show if an attack is super effective or not?
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Why is Yukari like this?
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Howdy, partner!
This horse looks more like a cow (and that's a good thing)
suwa war (last ten seconds) is still bullshit
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No horse. Only cow.
but she'll die if she touches the cow and lose a life
Requesting big boobies in my dreams tonite.
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No, you get flat foxes tonight.
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Wake up, it's tengu thursday!
Border of archival
I hate tengus
Cool it down with anti-semitism!
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Tengu Thursday!
No, not the Tengu propaganda again.
read the paper goyim
The Tengus promised me sex at the mountain but they just mugged me instead. Do not fall for their tricks.
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Aya SHAMeimaru
they mugged me too
of my semen
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You will learn to love the tengu and you will be happy with it.
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She's getting more evil with each frame.
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Tengu thighjobs...
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>ask chatgpt to explain why honest mans' death works like that
>finally understand it
bros....... i feel stupid
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I'm falling for the tengu again.
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The Idea Factory Touhou game has a limited edition.


It has the figures cd and art book from the Japanese limited version but seems to be missing a wall scroll and a sticker sheet of dots to make a bullet hell scene.
and if they do have any leftover by like next summer the whole package will probably be half off knowing how their sales work
How do I use a hex editor on Labyrinth of Tohou 2? I'm trying to fix the game crash bug after the 2nd floor FOE by replacing "E8 48 24 FC FF" with "90 90 90 90 90" but I can't even find any instances of the first set of letters/numbers using the find feature.
I tried searching both the string and the hex in the searchbar but I can't get any hits.
Somehow 2hu fangames manage to look just as if not more cheap and amateurish as in 2000s despite gaining more production value.
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Consciousness' Unity of Opposites full release when...
Touhou 20 when...
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Bird sex when...
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Right now
next year
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I can't survive another year without Mima...
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Touhou 20 where Marisa is the main character...
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Thread killing frog
Maybe it would be better to just nuke youkai mountain.
Mountain of _____
Erotic Cirno
They literally did in the latest CDS chapter

Despite her panic earlier
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Frogless behavior
Frogs should be frozen to death
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soft warm wolf tum
perfect environment for nurturing human children
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Hot dog
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I hate Aya.
Big Tengu Breasts
Sex with all the Tengus
Maybe with some.
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What's up with the daily Tengu propaganda?
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Stop noticing things.
wait...its not tengu thursday...
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Feathered Friends Friday!
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Another imperishable Friday night? Already?!
I need to smell Kaguya's socks.
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I won't fall for the Tengu propaganda.
Glory to the Animal Realm.
sex with wild animals
Shouldn't monkehu be on humans' side as a fellow primate?
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For all of Sanae's competitive posturing towards Reimu and the Hakurei Shrine (even threatening to close it down) and massively winning out in terms of wealth and popularity, she seems awfully charitable, lending help in faith-gathering and even tending to the shrine in Reimu's absence. It's either because of friendship or Kanako's secret agenda, or a combination thereof.
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What should I play tonight? I kinda want to learn more about Yuugi, Suika, Satori's sister, or Miyoi. Or another that has an interesting one-off playable character.
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Moshi Moshi
The last 2hu song you listened to suddenly blurts out at max volume on public transport on your local commute.

How fucked are you?
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Not fucked at all.
>Satori's sister
IaMP (good luck)
Read the whale manga, plenty of suika in it too.
>interesting one-off playable character
Phantasmagoria games and UDoALG

EraTW is a good tip too, it's one of the fangames which adheres the most to canon. There's also Mystia's Izakaya.
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I keep putting off LOLK it's the only game i haven't 1ccd not even on easy
Not even with reisen?
it's scary
Sounds like you haven't played the photo games.
I haven't beaten STB yeah i play a few scenes then forget about it for weeks
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LoLK was the hardest N1cc by far for me
UFO was about what I expected and SA was kind of a wet fart surprisingly that went down in 3 attempts with lives to spare.
Did you play it before or after LoLK?
Good evening /2hug/

Im finally getting around to starting the touhou series so i wanted to ask.Should i use bombs or not? Because ive heard that not using bombs as a new player is preferable since using them could lead to bad habits being developed.
You'll always get different opinions on this, because different players have different habits and once they find something that works well for them they usually think it's the best for everyone, but here's what works best for me, as someone who started not too long ago and still remembers what it's like to be new to the series:

Bombing is a fundamental mechanic, you will pretty much always need it when going for a 1cc run, but it's also a double edged weapon. If you just bomb every time you find yourself in trouble, you'll deprive yourself of some very needed practice in high stress situations. If you never bomb, you'll maximize your practice at dodging but you'll have trouble later when you want to go for a 1cc and have no idea about whether to bomb or not when you're in trouble.
The truth is in the middle. During practice runs you should bomb as little as possible and try to dodge everything you can, but also try to recognize when you're completely cornered with no way out, and bomb with no restraints in that case. Once you can clear the game with one or two continues at most, you can switch to 1cc mode. By this point you'll know which are the parts of the game you're having the most trouble with, and whenever you reach them you should still try to clear them but bomb generously if anything doesn't go according to plan. With the experience you've accumulated from practicing, and the resources saved by only bombing when you really need it, you should manage to get the 1cc in just a few tries.

This will all sound complicated at first, so you shouldn't worry too much about it at first, just play and have fun and the theory will click eventually as you practice and gain experience. Having fun is the most important part of the whole process, and the only which will guarantee you'll keep improving. Taking breaks is very important too, don't play every single day of the week.
SA was the last game I played
Use them and improve organically by removing them in spots where you think you could do without. Not using bombs is a more frequent pitfall than not if we are to look at the goal of 1cc-ing as straight as it gets.
>SA was the last game I played
That explains it. UFO's difficulty is mostly in its gimmick, and stays consistent even with practice, while SA is about pure dodging so it feels quite easier if you're very experienced (which a player needs to be, to clear LoLK).
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Bombs is part of game's resource economy, knowing when and where to use them or how to preserve some in case of emergency is important.
I see.Thank you for the help anons,
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Also, if want to practice and get good enough to clear spells without bombing, you're better off using proper practice tools like stage practice, spell practice and thprac instead of just spamming no-bomb run attempts of the full game.
>practice without bombs
>identify the shitty parts that are constantly tripping you up
>use bombs proactively in proper 1cc attempts since dying with bombs is a huge beginner trap
bombs are a resource to be used like anything else, it's about finding the balance where you're not relying on them like a crutch too often.
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Best doghu.
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Hi /2hug/
Today's the day of our second friendly, vs /@/! It's somewhat experimental tactics, I hope it goes well...
The friendly before ours has just left half time, and we'll be on in a little while, tune in at https://cytube.implying.fun/c/vgleague soon!
I once again got it wrong and was one match early, fuck me, I even had food ready!
Ours is the match after that one...
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Me when the fairies warn that they saw Sakuya pee in my tea.
We are really starting now!
Well another dogshit game from me, I can't seem to figure out finishing on this PES.
Tomorrow is our final friendly against /mjg/, and I wasn't in charge of the tactics so we might get a good game!
It's over...
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Sakuya pads her chest.
I pad Sakuya womb.
Autistic maid wife.
That smirk, that fucking smirk.
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My autistic wife so cute...
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Sakuya STINKS!
need a meido in my life
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Not that anon, but how often would you recommend practicing to avoid getting too rusty? Once or twice a week? Gotta schedule some time for 2hu, is all.

Sanae looks so pretty here. I miss the long hair, but I guess her current hairstyle is less generic.
Wait, Sanae doesn't have long hair in ANY of the actual ZUN art. The long hair is all from Hisoutensoku + print works. I'm getting the Mandela effect like with Patchouli's stripes, or whatever is going on with Momiji sometimes missing the wolf ears.
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Animal Realm Pussy
I can't believe this was an official manga
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Thread killing bat.
Oops got stuck thinking of a post to make and didn't actually post XD
Does anyone want the old monkeyscript where you set an mp3 sound to loop on /2hug/ every time it reaches page 9 or below?
I blame Sanae
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Bat killing frog.
>how often would you recommend practicing to avoid getting too rusty?
I've only been playing once per week, 3-4 hours every sunday, for most of my "career" and yet I've been improving at a very satisfying pace.
I would say playing once every couple weeks is the minimum to avoid getting rusty. Anything above that will result in improvements, but only if you make sure not to play while sleepy. Sleep deprivation will result in your skill decreasing by half in the worst case, which leads to inefficient practice, easily failed 1cc runs and frustration in general. Make sure to have some decent sleep on the nights before playing.
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There was an old woman who swallowed a fly
Perhaps she'll die
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There was an old woman who swallowed a spider
who swallowed a fly
Perhaps she'll die
Mima's ghost pussy
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There was an old ghost who
swallowed a bird
But what if she can't die?
Is Marisa a midget?
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You tell me
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Page 'kill the witch'
Why doesn't Margarine just fly to reach?
Is she stupid?
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Too many of the same characters ITT
Post rarer hus
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Post rare yuri ships instead
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Can you be less gay?
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no, but i can be more gay
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Hello /2hug/,
I triple checked this time and our match with /mjg/ is coming up soon!
Let's hope we can score at least one this time. There's already plans to revamp the tactics after the friendlies so hopefully we can be competent comes the actual league.
The match before ours has left half time, tune in at https://cytube.implying.fun/c/vgleague soon!
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We are coming on now!
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Well, it may have been a draw, but at least it was a game of football this time, hags are the future.
See you whenever sign ups will be on, which will be sometime within the month, and after that for the actual league sometime in November!
New Touhou fangame in development
Is this like a fighting game? The animation style reminds me something out of Arcsys.
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Got it, thanks anon.

I can't believe faceless hentai man is there
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>Sandbox + fighting game
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Gotta wait for the full PV to get a better idea about the gameplay but at least it wont be a regular 1 vs 1 fighting game
Miko Miko mii~
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Boku no Miko...
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bro like what if 2hu but SCARY
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maybe the REAL monster is the hakurei shrine maiden
in UFO does Sanae B's shot do more damage unfocused than focused?
whenever i try to point blank the big fairies they die faster when i'm unfocused i don't get it
Yes, it does
When bombing with Sanae you should always be hugging the bosses for unfocused damage
It does, because she shoots fewer frog bullets while focused than unfocused.
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what the HECK i hate sanae now!
Tengu Sexo
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Marisa bullying Monday
Are we gonna start having bullying days for everyone now?
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Fortune-teller did nothing wrong
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Marisa love Monday
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Reimu Stinks!
Showering is out of her budget.
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Showering washes off danmaku skill

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