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Previous: >>496252480

>What... is this?
Put simply, a simulation of Pro Evolution Soccer being competed between teams which are embodiments of boards of the 4chan imageboard. The players represent facets of each board's culture. All of the matches are AI versus AI. However, humans "manage" each team, creating their tactics and giving input during games as they happen to make substitutions and tactical changes as they see fit.

>Where can I watch the cup?

>Upcoming Cup

>Current Invitationals

>Upcoming Invitationals



>Other videos

>PES Info

/vt/Leauue 7 concludes
/mlp/ gets worst logo for autumn to win
/4ccg/'s threads only last 3 days now
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way too many funny ones but my fav is
>offsiter always happens
fucking /lcg/
ew, i hate niggerish anime girls
>retarded melty gonna kwab
>gold teams based
late, /vip/ signup?
>lmao team vtl vs vgl
>bullying local femboy involved
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so true
/fluff/ confirmed for akko leaguue v champions
sovlmancer's cute butt...
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hate is a strong word
spread love in the world instead
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Final game over game difference teams had on attendance in this VT League.
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>Karth came out as an LGHDTV "ally"
now do this for akkolel
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>POI rank: 4
the most important thing is to stress a metric that factors out and essentially punishes people for watching full match days
Fuck POI thanks for proving it why it's such a shit concept
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whenever my team plays I start wanting to puke out of stress
how do you fix this
I thought they banned redditors on sight in the 'cord.
If POI can be ranked, why isn't that used to determine who goes into qualifiers?
TMA doesn't know what POI is. His POI is "do I like the team -or- do I like the caretaker?"
copious amounts of alcohol
TMA for 4cc Overlord :^)
Now take into account how late in the day a match is and what was the team that played right before.
Ah, you can't and this chart is retarded? Understandable, thank you for being forthcoming.
for the first time in recorded history, karth was based
>Watching the vtlel final
>Manager comes on stream
>Talking about how the team participated in a previous league even though the subject was on an extended vacation and there were no threads about her being made on the board

Why is this allowed?
/mogu/ and /doog/ not only SHARE a dead thread but each have individual teams. Nothing make sense. At the very worst, they should be one team.
>live in Maryland
>be a massive fucking faggot
Many such cases
Remember kids, clear out your history before going to 4chan
teams that have fans do tank viewership by 20
I love people with funny accents.
He's simply good at the lost *art* of trolling.
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he just doesnt want to be confronted by reality
VTL really is a KWAB factory.
The "play in" should have been /mogu/ vs. /doog/ uniroincally. 1 thread 1 team simple as.
New boards when Hiro? We need new blood.
>wanting even more shitboarding
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but what does this mean
the script has been leaked
I want funny boards with funny players
please do not create /ai/
/vtg/ - Vtuber Generals
He's always been an unironical faggot.
Is this real
this is embarassing
>please only talk about this away from public eye or in a place that won't reveal your identity so I can dismiss all the criticism as random anons whose opinion doesn't really matter
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the POI in question: 2 top 10 teams, one of which was the runner up.
This is just sad at this point, he's not handling the viewership drop well at all
I like this idea going forward >>496654952
nigga is turning insane from huffing his own farts all day long
If you are a serious league (VTL is not but that is besides the point), your commissioner should be at least 30 years old
He really is just turning into a second nomo isn't he?
Nomo was unironically more mature making shit up for VGL at 18 than TMA is being however the fuck old he is. There's a reason one grows and the other can't even get more viewers than a VGL aftershow.
No one sane would call himself a dictator, even though he is one.
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stfu beebs, nobody cares
>This is not an issue with the league
Wrong, they can always force them to coalesce into fewer teams instead of letting the entire league thin out further every cup.
If the league encourages splitting up a general to form a new general for the sole purpose of a having a new team, I'd call that an issue with the league you troglodyte bengals fan.
capippi schizo, go complain about homestuck femanon on /vt/
These words aren't even english. Don't reply to my posts again.
>If the league encourages splitting up a general to form a new general for the sole purpose of a having a new team,
Never happened.
femanon... wait... there are WOMEN on this website? No freaking way!!
Struck a nerve?
Anyone who likes /nijiEN/ is almost certainly a woman.
The board has evolved and the league has not.
They are still hanging onto irrelevant 2022 /vt/ stuff. Them refusing to let go of /doog/, /mogu/, /tsunx/, /nasfaqg/, /nepolabo/, /mayo/, /holox/ etc while adding 7 teams a year is a problem.

You can't keep hanging onto low interest teams while adding 7 new teams every year.
Beebs can say "48 teams is great" but I can guarantee you VTL8 will have 55 sign ups because new blood wants in. So they are gonna have to trim fat to get back down to 48. Everybody knows what the fat is and it is an uncomfortable truth. Even "le Phase market" teams there is no demand or reason for their random team they added this year and they didn't get viewer support.
I think maybe they should focus on getting 7 new viewers a league first before worrying about 7 new teams a league.
vtroons when /scrimblo company/ is still allowed to play
They'll trim fat based on Strength of PoI.
they won't.
they claimed to "strenght POI" THIS YEAR and garbage like this got let in TWICE. This counts for 2 teams. >>496656948
The strength they... arbitrarily decide!
>Trim the fat
>This counts for 2 teams.
Always has bucko, since at least VTL4
It's not VTL4 anymore. It's gonna be VTL8. Evolve.
Does this mean that /lcg/ can now have a team for LobCo, Ruina, AND Limbus?
That wouldn't be appropriate since Limbus is all that matters these days
none of those words are in the bible
Ruina rerelease says otherwise.
>The league is constantly adapting to represent the board
>noooooooooo we can't change that it's been that way since VTL4!!!
Shouldn't have gone to California
Simple, Stop being in California.
>VTL anons call the cup a relic of the past that refuses to change
>VTL speed running into the same issue

Oh the ironing
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>living in California
this is the future you chose
Is this, perhaps
The legendary
Smort kot?
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So are TMA's """"""troubles"""""" but like your's they're easy to solve.
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>When she sees your dick
Drink tea or lots of water to avoid the feeling of nausea.
FGO has two generals and /akg/ is already planning to split when their new gacha releases, so be my guest.
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Generally general splits happen because there are widely different communities of discussion which can both sustain each other. The Fates split because there was a huge gap between JP and Global and both had a large enough userbase to last. /gfg/ also split briefly into a Neural Cloud general but that wasn't able to be sustained and eventually folded back into /gfg/. Not sure if GF1 and GF2 will separate or not.
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Does anyone have akkolel vods? I was just recently thinking about Madness Combat in PES and apparently someone's done that already, but I want to see the games.
>The Fates split
They never were a single thing to begin with. /alter/ was created by the posters whose recurrent thread on /v/ got moved to /vg/, and they chose to become a new general rather than joining /fgog/.
the problem is the 1 fan teams from slow threads do a lot fo extra stuff for the league or make fun hype, so they want to keep those people around and don't want to tell them "sorry your team isn't making the cut" eventhough those caretakers understand and would likely still make hype and stuff because they love the league anyway.

You get new viewers by allowing markets who show an interest in a team. That is how you grow. Or even get a manager in there for a big thread who posts about the games in thread, people will check it out.
vtl should start by getting rid of users being allowed to caretake multiple teams. that will get rid of 6 teams
god this new model is so good I wanna fuck her face
speaking of her, this is exhibit A of why tighter POI is not necessarily good. /lia/ went from creating a general to getting a team approved for the league in 3 weeks. that is all it took. it might be the fastest turn around from thread birth -> team. they would not have been allowed to have a team in VTL5 if they were forced to use VTL7's POI rules. just saying.
the winner of VTL7 was a caretaken team by a manager, don't think thats going to happen
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Day 1: I only have the emergency Aoba stream but /madness/ doesn't play here https://www.youtube.com/live/7xRYEWHko0k
Day 2: https://mega.nz/file/L9tUjCLQ#nfaW4P3ghoFwYQnR-zRo2WXjSZ4bvttfKCHzqStfm4E
Day 3: https://www.youtube.com/live/5_2gCtzw164
the problem is not about new teams getting poi and freezing out new teams
the topic at hand is legacy teams proving they still have the following, which some of them do not

kys phasekek
they are scattered all over currently, i hope they get gathered together and added to >.fun after akkolel is done.
Are you talking about a rule like vglel's "must have existed for 6 months"? Because that has nothing to do with POI, by the definition of the latter.
Any tutorials on how to breed my co?
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this autumn logo is legit atrocious
imagine that the team that wins autumn has to look back at this trash
Funny I felt the same way about the C logo which was apparently robbed
I want to lick Holo's soles and cum on them
so why should i care about /revue/ dying?
because now they can't say
>guess they REVIEWED their tactics
I really liked Bananice, and also Tendou Maya's horn.
having a "you have be alive ___ weeks/months" rule is not poi. it is just good sense.
Is it 42"?
broly in the 'cord
what led to nijien becoming such a big market? lig and hlgg make sense.
apparently it was /numbers/ unironically.
It was /numbers/ watching so they could then antipost them afterwards + their new manager was actually posting stuff in the thread trying to get anons engaged.
>/lcg/ made forced spot
even the circle knows /lcg/ was forced into a spot early
for /uuu/ that makes sense, it does not however add up for the other matches. they still pulled well above
/nijien/ is a lolcow for /numbers/ so they made they most out of watching their last day.
nijien did not pull well that well beyond last day of knockouts. the +25 for their 3rd game was all /pcg/. their match vs. /haha/ did a disappointing number.
Holy shit, I just talked to a girl that wasn't my mom, sister, or coworker an hour ago.
thoughts and prayers
Fake news, girls don't exist.
Then who was I talking to last Friday night?
Streak having a 9/11 melty on 'cord
What a tragedy.
>133 posts
>Only 2 kwabs
/4ccg/ is finally healing...
kwabnon having a kwabelty over kwab
wtf I wasn't supposed to reply to that
read the second part of my post.
manager was excited and excitement can be contagious. just depends on if they will care next cup. any general can care for 1 cup, but doing it again is what you hope for.

in a perfect world, the biggest teams should be /hlgg/ /nijien/ /vsj/ /pcg/ /jidf/ something about corpo vs. corpo should be money.
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Why isn't that belly bruised from the punches of a hundred men?
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Joining the Reich with Illya.
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With 4 days remaining, none of the signups have been approved
The following teams have not signed up yet: /b/, /cm/, /fa/, /i/, /lit/, /mu/, /o/, /s4s/, /t/, /v/, /vp/, /vst/, /wg/, /x/, /xs/
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Start with a romantic dinner
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Chadertale general does not accept the horsefucker logo
>host logo
so true!!!
>host logo, /mlp/
>3 days till signup deadline
>only 22 signups
>Signed up and does not need POI
/f/, /h/, /his/, /k/, /m/, /n/, /pol/, /toy/, /tv/, /vg/, /vm/, /vmg/, /vt/
>Signed up and needs POI
/an/, /bant/, /biz/, /c/, /ck/, /fit/, /g/, /vr/, /vrpg/, /vst/
>Has not signed up and does not need POI
/i/, /mu/, /vp/, /wg/, /x/, /xs/
>Has not signed up and needs POI
/b/, /cm/, /fa/, /lit/, /o/, /s4s/, /t/, /v/
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>POI mattering in the Sou era
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my ancient craptop served me well back then, im glad its weak specs gave joy to someone else too
K'WABentale melty about save editors in the 4cc 'cord

camon weedman, abolish byes just for this cup
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Games for this feel?
This nigga measuring time in micro-micro-seconds
people can look at my elf rape writing all they want
arent these teams ran by the same person?
it's a testing image, why he reposted it I don't know
Who's this? She's cute. I want to rape her.
Oh no no no
i gyet a little bit genghyis kyot
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friendly vods...doko....
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Made for sumata
You're made for sumata.
Just over 3 days left for signups are there’s still 15 teams who didn’t sign up. Can’t wait for that mad dash at the end.
/vrpg/ POI post got no responses
my gripe with it is that it's so fucking low effort and low quality and only offsite retards would vote for it
I'd be fine if logo C wasn't so fucking good.
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Logo C is overrated
haven't noticed his reverse hitler until now
Cipher is retarded but funny
how much for a night with Aoba?
Talk to Denko about it
>You pay to rape people?
apparently you can't say nigger, faggot or tranny more than four times in a post
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well thats disappointing
And that's a good thing
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>Your post was successful!
>Post doesn't appear
Where did it go?
yet you can say kwab kwab kwab kwab kwab

yeah cuz its so lame and no one cares besides /pw/ and /pw/ tourists in here
kwabnon having a kwabelty over a few kwabs
kek what a kwab
KWAB? I was a kwab once.
They put me in a server.
A discord server.
A discord server with Bellum.
They put me in a discord server with Karabellum.
Karabellum? I hate Karabellum.
He makes me say KWAB.
KWAB? I was KWAB once.
someone get this schizo his meds please
Well KWABed my friend
Yeah yours
kwab kwabbery, kwab kwabbery, kwab kwab kwab-ee, a kwab is as salty, as salty can be
Maybe on Planet KWAB
Damn nigger, that's a shame. The faggots and trannys are going to love this, especially the n igger t ranny f aggots.
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How nice of Iran to celebrate 4chan's birthday with fireworks.
Did something actually happen??
Nothing ever happens.
I liked their music
They contributed to the infamous "weeb annihilation tour"
They prevented /vn/ from reaching and possibly winning a final (dark timeline)
>side note
Manager should consider working with a bigger team that is not at risk of dying
Their manager probably isn't taking the gachapill again any time soon
/xgg/ wasn't a gacha, although they have a cycle of death and rebirth and I recall they wanted to come back when the next game is out, so I guess it's a different situation
He literally made a team that wasn't gacha and it died too.
>open link
>chat "iran about to get Esptein'd"
The post did also say 'not at risk of dying'
How many teams need to die to avoid a fetus?
Bring on the cull.
team revivals not included, so if /fit/ and /g/ get approved 5 need to die
The big gachas are actually the most stable teams since they're able to maintain interest easier, and it's only the low earning gachas that will EoS soon. The only non-gacha that is completely safe is like /hgg2d/.
But is it worth losing your soul by managing a Korean slop team.
/hgg2d/ and /vn/ which cover genres of games rather than individual games or series
Every night before bed, I goon to the thought of me having sex with my crush.
>The big gachas are actually the most stable teams since they're able to maintain interest easier
Yet teams like /gbfg/ and /fgog/ have been autos far longer than they have been managed.
/gbfg/ was rarely an auto, Tech management just seems like one
bit late for that m8
Learn German
Having a stable fanbase doesn't necessarily equal having a manager, many people hate the idea of becoming one and they're right
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When is Kot going to stop being washed?
Damn, didn't know Salem was so good at divegrass.
wtf is this real?
ramen melty in the 'cord
this just in: the council loves zzz
I guess we can expect /zzz/ in VGL 23 then.
>Captcha: G0YSK
Oy vey.
Taba please make the team
Holy KWABaroni
the melty grows
Denko has already said that zzz is not allowed for 23.
wtf is this real?
>melty in the 'cord
>KWABellum jumps in
Not wanting Taba to manage a team is actually a completely reasonable stance to have.
The council only consumes slop.
Someone at least semi competent please step in and manage /zzz/ before taba runs them into the ground
kekabello complaining at people "acting like an authority then condescendingly talking down to everyone" may be the most incredible lack of self awareness I have ever seen in my life
I never played the game and never will but I find the shark girl hot. Can I do it?
Yet everyone is anticipating the existence of this team, curious
That's like 80% of his melties my dude
To be fair, I've yet to see Crimson do anything but that. He is misery personified.
vglcolets fear the TABACHAD
you're not supposed to play these games just jerk off to the porn
>I find the shark girl hot
I don't care about the game gacha or whatever but I also find the Shark gal hot.
Good taste.
He is just there to make shitty boomer takes about things, don't take it personally.
I prefer the biker hebe myself.
Looking down on people is basically all Crimson is involved with the vgl for in the first place, that and being able to look in on council chats
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Taba making a /zzz/ team for DBC is the storyline we need and the one vglco deserves
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Good link
Wait they have a melty about this? I thought because Taba wanted to manage them for the actual league
Who fucking cares then
this probably earns billion dollars on patreon
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the general being fine with running a taba roster means the general has no culture and shouldn't play in the first place
I just jerked off, but ramen being mentioned here has made me hard again
This, Taba will give them the wooden spoon run that they deserve
That's all up to the thread. It will mostly just be generic gacha roster either way.
Translation: "I want to force another generic no culture name team for VGL 24 but I don't want them to have tabas generic no culture names"
Wtf how many Rabi Rabus are there?
>zenless slop zone.
>/zzz/ will be given a waiver to participate in VGL 23 to avoid Tabatard from making them team
There's your narrative
yeah not for 23 though
unless... nothing. they won't play and any sign up attempt will be rejected.
Baggots and limbabs are fuming now that the council has dropped support for their teams.
mihoyo league soon?
Entirely reasonable tbdesu
hi ramen
Translation: "This is what I want to hear because it makes the guy I don't like look bad"
/4ccg/ - VGL/VTL discord commentary
hi nomo.
Can't do it about the 4cc because they're so boring. What's their commentary going to be? A couple KWABs when /vrpg/ gets rejected and that's it?
This is why the discord should be locked
If you're not backing TabaCHAD and GODbellum against the council then you're simply a bootlicker.
Very much so.
I was anti-council before it was cool
I am a future /zzz/ livelong.
I am #TabaIN.
wtf is this real.
hi taba.
don't let /admin/ and the cabal get away scot-free either
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sadly they don't embarrass themselves as much as VGLCO
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Sharkgirls sure are the best.
The only difference's that the one on the right is actually fuckable.
Vglco could fart and /4ccg/ would try and figure out how to make it the KWABOTY, 95% of the shit is overblown.
Wtf I'm a /zzz/ fan now.
vglco panicking and calling their bootlickers because a nigga wants to make a team for a memevitational is very sad
that's because they remain silent Jews except on First Bait where everyone tunes out to utter boredom
trip on taba
Trip on Taba
he's right though
'fraid so.
talking about yourself in the third person
I can't think of a more niggardly culture than saying "hi namefaggot" in reply to a post that makes you mad. Shows how deeply involved you are with this circlejerk.
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okay then why was /uma/ okay?
vglco defense force has been deployed
call in the wayjay reinforcements
>backing shitty managers to spite people you don't like
Holy KWABaroo!
Hi Gio
making a team about your interest without associating it to a vgl thread = fine
making a team about your interest and trying to tie it in to a team that has yet to be created = not fine
it isn't difficult to understand you can see we had fake teams for /gbpen/ and /pcrg/ as well that had no relation to the thread or game. same as /umamusume/ and /uma/.
hi Akari
Hi Anon
Hi Anon
>making a team about your interest and trying to tie it in to a team that has yet to be created = not fine
Didn't happen
it was ramen who immediately did this
the very first thing asked was if someone was making a /zzz/ team and then he said "I'm doing their aes" it's very easily misconstrued.
But it was /uma/ who played in the AGL6, not /umamusume/?
oh I remember now. it was a classic "lie when asked about the sign ups" and it was said they weren't aligned with the thread and then decided to claim the results after the fact
How much of the vgl roster for /uma/, /gbpen/ and /pcrg/ got copied from the fake team?
pcrg is the only one that still merely resembles the pcr roster, the other two are completely different.
I don't get the /zzz/ issue there
surely if the thread has a culture, vglco don't have to be worried about their future pet team
I think you guys are reading too deep into this and this was just a very long winded way of Toki calling Taba a faggot
Yeah it was pretty obvious but you're expecting this thread to understand social cues.
I think you guys are reading too deep into /4ccg/ and this was just a very long winded way of us calling Ramen a faggot
I think they just want to appear hardline about the 6 month rule after they broke it letting /lcg/ in early. /zzz/ would probably have the typical first league gacha roster whenever they get in anyway, so it would probably be better to get it out of the way sooner
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I don't understand any of this drama
Can anyone fill me in?
VGLco plays favorites and water is wet
It's not worth anyone's time.
There's absolutely never been a person in a position of power in 4cc, vgl, vtl, etc that hasnt had biases.
Taba said he had models for /zzz/ and suggested making an invitational team for them
Ramen doesn't want Taba near /zzz/ and doesn't want his fake roster to influence their eventual real roster
That's all
Best girl. This manga flopped hard though
Sounds like Toki wants to be in the Kwabooty run.
I got a fat kwabooty
>now nomo is mocking ramen
Still TMA
Still KWAB-sensei
Still Kwababellum
current kwabooty rankings?
my kwabooty > your kwabooty
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>yap everyday since I joined the league
>not mentioned by the thread once
still KWABonymous
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that means you are irrelevant to the league as a whole, your presence does not make a difference
it's pretty hurtful to be a vital pillar of the league but the thread only ever namedrops the schizos and lolcows
Trying so hard to attention whore and nothing. The unknown Kwab.
Taba should make the team and then go on to manage /zzz/ so that they go on to become the next /uma/. It's the only way to beat the heel stigma at this point
>and then go on to manage /zzz/
Can't do that step if the council rejects you
BoB is Friday man
A /4ccg/ anon started using /pw/ terminology on a regular basis. This is what happened to his brain
that's okay I wanted abysmal dogshit anyway
A bit esoteric no?
Nah that's you
False, I've never been biased
Care to extrapolate?
Fine speech.
I'm genuinely glad I stopped being the focus for that schizo.
ya finnola wizerked seethin ya undercooked bagel
Crimson is Saturday man
what is happening with /smbg/'s match?
Which schizo?
What about Sunday man?
Why can I understand this post if I have never posted on /pw/
You are a smark now.
That depends on if the incompetent boobs that are the team's caretakers submit anything usable
alright who are we voting to play /ink/ when /smbg/ doesnt submit anything
/ksg/ encore
Mirror match, /ink/ vs /ink/.
Bird is Sunday man
(/uma/ reference)
I will vote anything that isn't Koreanor Chinese slop
Surely they get banned already.
Late as fuck reply, tech is with /psg/
What does the /comfy/ schedule look like at the moment?
Yes and he was with /gbfg/ prior to that
Who cares.
Me, that's why I'm asking.
massive melty in the vglcord
Care to extrapolate?
Can /myteam/ come back?
wtf is sandwich maker, reso? just use your hands nigga
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That's quite literally what they are called
You're literally called a faggot
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Sandwich press is probably the more common name.
Taba is already managing /pg/ though. /pg/ would have to die before he could manage /zzz/ in the spring, and why would he make /zzz/ as much of a lolcow as /pg/ was last league?
I anticipate the day when Nomo tells him to fuck off and stop trying to back-seat drive the VGL like Boris did with Gio in the 4CC a couple years back
Streakie says to post a fat ass with 9/11
Streak can we touch our twin towers?
zamn! /zzz/ looks like this!?
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Piper is so hot.

implications for vgl?
Finally, the PES 18 patch is ready.
Is she a zombie?
He began to show symptoms of hypernashemia. Hyper as in "high", nash as in "KWAB", and -emia meaning "presence in blood." High KWAB presence in blood.
Beebs really did give up on the VTL.
Congrats to the /nijiEN/ manager for becoming PES 16 equivalent to /lgbt/.
It's more like they have the potential to do so and it would be best to avoid that.
yes (she works a 9-5)
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stop being gay
i didn't want to be gay anymore anyway
/ddg/ would be up for it
damn bratty ramen!
correction needed!
Does /ddg/ need an ego boost that badly?
mind the timezone, this is UTC
no I just want to play more games
friendly reminder that Taba lost to a team running a final boss export.
you're supposed to lose against final boss exports
Let me be more specific.
Final Boss formations.
Conditions were randomized, and the stats weren't messed with.
The team he was up against used 3 formations that spelled out their thread name. One of which was a 235 T formation.
Sheer ineptitude is not enough to disqualify someone from managing
Cool story but he's still going to ruin your precious new pet team
VGLco will find a reason to ban him over the next year like VTL did
Something is in the water in Argie land. I think VTL has banned 3 different Argies.
One of them was banned for sheer ineptitude, another was banned for doing stupid shit while on probation (he was high as a kite on painkillers when he did said stupid shit), and the other got banned for being a complete and utter sperg.
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>Something is in the water in Argie land.
>Something is in the water in Argie land
it's lead
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page nine
Friendly reminder that I fucked Taba and made him moan like a girl all night
he was already banned but people asked for him to be unbanned. likely kara crying about it being unfair.
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That was either just from the 'cord and not the league, or it was last year prior to his verification
Should be banned for running the team as a manager FC with dodgy POI
>His team has a male manager
Sounds pretty gay you ask me
/lia/ has a femanon manager that role plays as a guy.
Give me the total list of VGL mercing, retards, autist and KWAB worthy to be mentioned.
ur mum
all me btw
>no /mjg/
what's to KWAB about, they just won a tournament
Anon wanted a list of mercs.
>mercs, retards, autists
that's everyone in the league besides autos
still insane that cipher joined /lia/ just for e-girl pussy
I just read a gook fanfiction of /bag/ losing. Even the Koreans are losing hope on this team.

It's okay, there is this hot new team call /esg/ anyway.
I knew Cypher was a girl
Women don't watch vtubers
And /llsifg/
go back schizo
this post just added /llsifg/ to the kwabooty list
I wonder what they say about /myteam/
>immediate response
you can see it here https://namu.wiki/w//vg/%20League/팀%20목록
>4chan cup
>it's all /vg/ news
t. troonsoup
It's funny to see who does and doesn't have their own page.
>Ok.. It's a once-in-a-decade four-chan cup final
Learn Esperanto
Not only this, but next year's VGL24 will definitely start /zzz/, so even if Moba Ball is abolished, it seems inevitable that VGL itself will become Moba Ball
they're showing up for akkolel at least
Maybe on planet retard
you can't say that
le fishe
vtl8 awaits
>Doyes is still streaming Trails
/vrpg/ better not die for this.
I was expecting him to be moving onto Metaphor soon.
/d/ league awaits
Who gives a shit about /vrpg/
See >>496809920
/nijiEN/ proves otherwise.
Surely /xs/ will die this time
Care to extrapolate?
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Good news, everyone! I've signed up to manage /xs/!
I have a confession to make. I have been the manager of all of the teams that haven't signed up yet and need PoI. I have been rigging matches for years.
That is all.
But what group do you hail from: horsecabal or the 2huminati?
2huminati. The horsecabal was a red herring to throw the plebians off the scent. Don't fall for it.
That's exactly what a member of the horsecabal would say.
But what if the horsefuckers are also 2hufags and part of both cabals?
Radical Centrist horsefucker weeb furry chad here
What if I jerk it to 2hus getting fucked by horses?
You have to pick a side
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Is prolific winger better than creative playmaker?
they'll pass POI
Not a single team will fail POI. It's a joke.
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4cc teams for this feel?
One team will fail POI just so Sou can pretend he isn't a pushover, and that team will be /trash/
There are no 4cc teams with 3 stars
Made for creampies directly in the bladder
Uh /ddlc/bros? Even the Koreans know.
/mu/. What kinda tourist would say otherwise
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4CC equivalent?
>KWABellum and KWABmen KWABing about Pre-KWAB KWABstructions
I can't find the page on the wiki with the record of top 4 in each cup, the answer would be there.
I think someone expressed interest in making /zzz/ so the taba fiasco will be averted
/ck/, /x/, /int/
How wil Kwabellum respond if the streamer exercises his right to ignore "manager" instructions?
Hopefully leave the server again
Toki is right, pastebins with tactical changes for friendlies is very cringe
yeah he is
openly agreeing with ramen, yet alone in 4ccg is very cringe
/3/, /int/, /vr/, /c/, /fa/, /x/, and /his/ all have multiple finals appearances with no cup wins. /int/ is also in a tie with /ck/ for the most wins of any team to never win a cup (67 total). Add in the fact that one of those finals losses was to Dragongate /sp/ and I'd say they are the most snakebit team in the 4CC.
/ck/ also has a strong claim to that title as they have one more total third place trophy than /int/ does and are also an original sixteen team who choked from the >winners bracket in the first cup ever's finals, but have fewer total finals appearances and worse win efficiency across their history.
/xs/ could be a thriving midcarder if they focused more on sumo and MMA (the stuff that's actually popular in there) instead of skateboarding, like how old school /asp/ was before it became 90% wrestling
Time to reset the Days without a KWABellum Melty counter to 0
what's the highest amount for that counter at this point?
because christ i feel this guy wants to fight every day over pointless shit that everyone's alright with
Kwabellum Not Acting Like a Total Newfag Challenge (impossible)

Seriously hes been a vglel manager for over 2 years and has no more of an idea how things work than he did when he started. Thats some god-tier laziness right there
who's having a melty in the vglcord this time?
Your mom
toki and lav are melting down over kara's 'astebin
The three stooges at it again
>current melties detected in the ‘cord
toki - instructions during friendlies
kara - freindlies pastebin
bowling - instructions in friendlies
akari - prematch setup in friendlies
l’av - general l’av melty
omg XD
When's this developing into a proper MELTCON warning system for the VGL discord?
Pointing out that instructions during friendlies or prematch setup in friendlies sucks is not a melty
MELTCON 2 in the 'cord
sup ramen
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Funny how when /4ccg/ posts are not full of shitposters it's just the managers being cowards and not sending their real thoughts to the dicksword as they should
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>l’av - general l’av melty
Sorry I'm too busy playing Ultrakill. What's the melty about
I don't think that's a visual novel or multiplayer game...
sex with haurhi
Why should we have to namefag in order to deliver commentary?
Normal, nothing happening. Stop trying to make something happen or posting about nothingburgers.
Minor melty, contained to 1-2 people, no-one really gives a shit. Attempts to hype it up begin in 4ccg.
Melty in the ‘cord. Certified melty, multiple people involved, called out as a melty in the ‘cord. Legitimately identified in 4ccg as a melty.
Serious melty. VGLco intervention required numerous people involved and told to calm the fuck down. Future references back to the event happening. Screen prints shared in 4ccg and major topic derailing relating to it.
Catastrophic melty. Suspensions and/or bans required. Becomes noted and well remembered event still referenced about months or even years afterwards. Many screen prints shared, whole threads derailed to draw attention or reflect in it. Participants permanently tarred with the melty, bans from competitions, ragequits or outright being laughed or shamed out the divegrass community never to return. Noted as historic 4ccg event.
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Think again
So MELTCON 1 is Erebus and /pcon/?
If you're in the discord you're already a namefag
Interesting. Give some recent examples of MELTCON 3, MELTCON 2, and MELTCON 1 if you got them.
That post was directed at managers who are by definition namefags, so your pointing out the obvious aside why should we have to namefag even more if we don't want to?
Idk, if it was 4cc it'd be Half's manifesto-tier rant, Kostas screeching at /admin/ hard enough to get banned or some of the more spectacular shitfits about patches or the mass retirements over PES 18.
KWABellum and Barry arguing the lb-cb-rb formation of /mjg/
Just happened today, tactical pastebin instructions on friendlies and whatnot
Cipher and Taba ERP'd on dicksword. Both got banned.
>mass retirements over PES 18
Not a thing. Classic anti-18 chud rhetoric.
MELTCON 1 should be Dragongate tier, shit like OaB and Metaraka
Average daily melty; usually whatever kara/l'av/alac/gio are screeching about big enough to start getting multiple bites here
- /bag/ throwing a shitfit so hard about winning -only- 3rd place in VGL 22 that they piled on and drove away a manager who'd not only ran the team but a whole league just for their benefit
- /dng/'s would be manager reviving them only to be exposed as a merc and admitting to not really posting much in the general, although it's a borderline MELTCON 3 for routine merc being exposed
- Whatever happened with /nepgen/ that caused accusations TMA got verified on a sockpuppet account just to sabotage the team
Hasn't really been one recently; the Cipher and Taba thing was more like a routine idiots fuck around and get banned so a 2. Most recent true MELTCON 1 was probably blinky getting permanently banned from VGL for being a dick with /dng/ and trying to play down the seethe about it and towards /vg/ and the VGL ever since
Dragongate would be in a unique category of MELTCON 1* or MELTCON 0 i.e. a total and a cataclysmic event that nearly ends the competition entirely. It's not a melty of any description it's a near extinction event.
Gaygay and metagross getting sacked by vglco then getting banned for telling them they'd find another gen to merc is definitely a MELTCON 1.
Why are two of the 2's schizobabble
I thought about that but there isn't really a DEFCON 0 so I didn't mention it. Really, if you don't count Dragongate as DEFCON 1 your scaling is wack.
>it's a near extinction event.
Yeah, that's DEFCON 1.
Man UFO PORNO could've been our own P.Diddy.
>join nepgen under a sockpuppet
>throw to aname in knockout round
>post "my work here is done" and leave vglcord
Seriously, what did he mean by this?
DEFCON is a bad system for it desu, VEI is a better comparative scale for categorising melties.

>VEI 3
Routine normal newsworthy but not catastrophic eruption, local consequences only. Basically average melty in the 'cord.
>VEI 6-7
Huge historic eruption with global impact; Krakatoa, Pinatubo, Tambora etc. Half losing his shit, UFO PORNO incident with Andy, Horsefucker attempted coup.
>VEI 8
Extremely rare cataclysmic event like a supervolocano blowing with massive consequences for the entire planet. Basically only Dragongate is an event on this scale.
I'm still in awe this was a real thing that happened.
How the fuck was Metaraka's whole thing a MELTCON 1, there was no danger to the cup at all.
It was the perfect cherry on top of his glorious career
metragross and gay gay are bigger examples of meltcon 1
Je suis fatigue
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Uh oh, i was in one of P. Shiddy's parties
will i go to jail now?
>Kevin was a victim of Diddy just like Justin
Nashbros, why does it keep happening?
>1000 bottles of baby oil up his ass.
Son, I am disappoint
why daddy
you now remember the shartyfags trying and failing to raid the cup
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give it to me straight... is he gonna make it?
I caught wind of one of their cup threads before the mods deleted it, there was interest from what I saw
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well they have a day and change if they actually feel like signing up. Still 13 teams who haven't signed up. and no one is approved but that's another thing entirely
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DEFCON is just popular knowledge, that's probably why it was suggested in the first place. I don't think it's necessarily bad, people just overestimate how applicable its levels actually are. DEFCON 1 has never been used for example and DEFCON 2 has only been used once during the Cuban missile crisis.
Autumn signups close tomorrow...
Struggling to get POI? Don't worry! Just contact me and I will reply to your thread. Discord: oldmansou
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>KWABellum thought today was Friday
So the melty he threw yesterday was for fucking nothing? He could try apologizing
>He could try apologizing
for what? being right?
Who the fuck cares so much you're still boiling about this extremely minor melty a day later
>DEFCON 2 has only been used once during the Cuban missile crisis.
That was real? I saw that movie, I thought it was bullshit.
Sharp as a fucking cue ball
Logged out of /4ccg/, /sp4cc/, and /mlp4cc/. Don't ask when I'll be on. Real ones know what's up. Don't kwab or melty emote me.

>/nepgen/ so bad and fraudulent no one could tell anything was different until he announced it
Announcement coming around cuptime, stay tuned
I can't stop jacking off. It's starting to affect my life.
Too bad the DEFCON system recently got abolished. Still don't know why
>implying he browses /mlp/
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Was Yugoslavia actually a good state?
What the fuck are you talking about?
The DEFCON system is still used to this day.
No, but only because Pan-Slavism failed.
hahaha, 'toss don't miss!
He was funnier when he put in red sus.
Just jacked off again
No, because only Tito's ironfist could keep it together. Moment he died everyone left and the Serbs threw a melty.
AOTY starts today
I thought TMA didn't post here...
nothing wrong with that, anon
My bad I mixed up DEFCON with DEFREP. DEFREP recently got changed to PT
Biblical melty. It is at this point that the melty has gone over a boundary no anon wishes to set but yet here are. Suspensions and bans are now out of the question, and rape correction is needed to prevent the destruction of humanity. If you bring a condom then good God what the fuck are you doing?
Why do you have to always make everything about rape?
Because of (You)
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fat horse
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Nobody wants fatties, not even the vglcord
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And that's bad because..?
obesity is bad for your health
and it's ugly
And then they shut the fuck up real fast once fatGODs started counterraiding them. Shows who the real heroes of the cup are.
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so true
Because >rape mindbroke way too many people
a bit too big
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>a bit too big
no such thing
I refuse to believe anyone who doesn't like this is heterosexual
Sex with skeletons.
Where is the announcement, Souman?!
big ass
big breasts
sole female
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This is what an intellectual like myself desires
Sorry, B cup or smaller only. Flat is justice, B is also a little large but I can't deny a little perkiness.
And here, a real intellectual's desire.
Best post ITT
shut up queer
i love boys and girls
/gif/ status?
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post your wife
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My wives
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This is the ideal female body
the anime was so bad it pisses me off
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Those girls are twelve you chomo.
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Strange, it's like reading the same post twice
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kys tabatard
The future /zzz/ manager...
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wasn't he supposed to have killed himself already
he just wants attention
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I'm still sad
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melty on KWAB
holy moly
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third tree branch from the top left
Day 1 Part 1: https://mega.nz/file/74ljHQKZ#pGlRrA0gOtPBiUWJdU8jL1F37XrCW36mRlfydOeLlMo
Day 1 Part 2 : https://www.youtube.com/live/7xRYEWHko0k
Day 2: https://mega.nz/file/L9tUjCLQ#nfaW4P3ghoFwYQnR-zRo2WXjSZ4bvttfKCHzqStfm4E
Day 3: https://www.youtube.com/live/5_2gCtzw164
kara and tomzai melty
What is the melty about?
Which 4cc manager is canonically lesbian?
Happy zoo pride week cuties! <3
It's in gookshit, false alarm
alex and siegmann whenever they cosplay in convincing enough outfits
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that's a man btw

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it finally happened....
Joker was raped in the autumn of '24?
you tell me
'fraid so.
Is P. Shiddy a medal for Autumn?
No, /smbg/ didn't even make the roster.
That shiddy is not a rapist though.
>/t/, /x/ & /xs/ are finally dying
thank god
/t/ and /xs/ have solid POI, no idea about /x/ but they'll probably be fine
are you sure about that?
is /vst/ gonna be the first /v/alkan to die?
naw that's /vrpg/
I say kill them all
Bringing two laptops to my work trip because I don't know if I have one or three weeks to make tactics
I hope you are happy
>/t/ and /xs/ have solid POI
i wasn't but i am now
all me btw
>unironically letting your employer force you to travel
>Crimson will speak about /vrpg/'s horrible POI on the next first bait.
implying crimson will speak about his pet team
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>everyone knows what fat is
yeah its great
He's not going to talk about /v/ though.
>Signed up and does not need POI
/f/, /h/, /his/, /k/, /m/, /mu/, /n/, /pol/, /toy/, /tv/, /vg/, /vm/, /vmg/, /vp/, /vt/
>Signed up and needs POI
/an/, /bant/, /biz/, /c/, /ck/, /cm/, /fit/, /g/, /vr/, /vrpg/, /vst/
>Has not signed up and does not need POI
/i/, /wg/, /x/, /xs/
>Has not signed up and needs POI
/b/, /fa/, /lit/, /o/, /s4s/, /t/, /v/

>less than 32 signups
Time for the biggest cull, we only need 32 teams and two cups a year.
I hate to be the guy to just blame the jannies but they really are fucking merciless to 4cc threads on that board, it's a miracle if they get to last longer than 2 hours
That is almost every board
They haven’t signed up either. So who knows what’s going on over there, besides Jannys doing it for free
/xs/ don’t even need POI for this cup. So they literally don’t matter besides their shadow caretaker signing them up because I guess Sou is dead in commiefornia to alive them
Going to my relax trip with NO computer, because I hope multiple teams die and I wont have to send in stuff for a fetus
Which managers are participating in locktober?
Unironically me
Signing my team up now. Been /trv/ing
I forgot and already lost.
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Could this be changed from steiner to deal with it?
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/gfg/ bros... the dress-up CHADS are laughing at our pre-registrations...
17's momentum is stronger than 19's how did anyone think this was a good game

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