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New glyph edition

Previous thread >>496610176

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>Notable links
Wiki: http://warframe.wikia.com
Alerts and other timers: https://tenno.tools/
Buying and Selling items: https://warframe.market
Riven Prices/Calculator and other utilities: https://semlar.com/
Relics tool: https://wf.xuerian.net/
Droptables by DE: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/809777-warframe-drop-rates-data/
Builds, Tierlists, and Damage Calculator: https://overframe.gg/
Frames and Modding: https://rentry.org/zcav453e
Booru: https://wfg.booru.org/
DPS calculator: https://github.com/GottFaust/WWDC/releases/
Stream Times: https://warframestreams.lol/
Guide for Returning Players: https://www.warframe.com/fr/news/returning-player-guide

CURRENT UPDATE: The Lotus Eaters: Hotfix 36.1.6
CURRENT EVENT: September Corruption Alerts
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My friends, it has often been said that I like Wisp. My friends, I like Wisp... No, friends, I love Wisp!

I love Motes. I love Breach Surge. I love Wil'o'Wisp. I love Sol Gate, teleporting, I love triangulating two breach surges, and decoy switching for invulnerability. Wisps across plains, in ships, in space, in infested hellscapes, in frozen tundras, through deserts, on the sea, in the air, I love every act of Wisp that can occur upon this earth.

I love blasting the enemy to smithereens with Bramma salvos that thunder across the lines of battle. My heart leaps with joy whenever a Grineer is tossed high into the air and cut to pieces by well placed explosive rounds. And there is nothing like an operator using a hardened wellspring to buff her motes. And the feeling that comes when a Corpus runs screaming from his irradiated MOA, only to be mowed down by heavy kitgun fire, is such an exquisite feeling. Reminiscent of when ranks of infantry brandish their prods rushing into the enemy line. It moves me deep within my heart to watch a Wisp meleeing over and over into the bloated chest of a long-dead enemy.

Gentlemen... All I ask for is Wisp butt, Wisp butt so grand as to make Hell itself tremble. Gentlemen, I ask you as fellow brothers in arms what is it that you really want? Do you wish for further Wisp as I do? Do you wish for a merciless, bloody Wisp? A Wisp whose fury is built with iron and lightning and fire? Do you ask for Wisp to sweep in like a tempest, leaving not even ravens to scavenge from this Earth!?

...Very well. Then ass is what you shall have. We are a clenched fist, ready to strike down all who oppose us with our might. But... After enduring over half a century wallowing in the darkness, for us, a simple "ordinary" Wisp will no longer be sufficient. We need a MASSIVE ass! A Wisp beyond any other that man's history has ever known!
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her game
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1 to 4 and Koumei will be Helminth fodder.
5 to 9 and Koumei will be fun and good.
0 and Koumei will be so fucking broken she'll be nerfed to the ground a week later and everyone will be mad at DE for it until they revert the changes.
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It was fate
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Oof, should never have bet on her...
Koumei will be fantastic once you use her enough.
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>new weapons are shit on purpose
>need to waste a mod slot just to fix them
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>alternox is shit on purpose
>no free fix-it mod, fuck you
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fuuuuuuuuuuuck i love this gun
that reminds me, I wonder what weapons we're getting for infested liches.
>phallic object with a drippy tip
yeah no wonder you like it, fucking faggot
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>I'm imagining penises which means somebody else is gay
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>his penis looks like a sporothrix
anon I think you need to go to the doctor if you have penis tendrils and a big tumor hanging off it
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how do we fix Conclave?
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Nobody did that, but we apparently can do exactly that.
Just do not.
Hide it in a corner out of sight
delete alchemy
delete anon
Anyone use Jade's helminth on anything?
I want Garuda to rip out my spine and beat me into red paste with it
If all the Warframes got into a fight, who would win?
I use it on xaku
Nezha and it's not even close
I put it over my Harrow's 3 because energy is easy to get in this game.
Having an armor strip on top of his infinite shield regen is nice.
Modded or unmodded?
Infinite energy or just enough to cast each ability once?
Lore or gameplay?
Nigga I do not know, answer all of your questions yourself.
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simple: bring back QUICK STEEL
Unmodded with limited energy and based on gameplay, probably hildryn due to shield casting. Lavos is a thread, but pillage clears statuses
lorewise I think wisp, she moves between dimensions until she's behind and then opens a portal to the fucking sun
Limbo because literally no one else can touch him in the rift, and then he just has to outlast everybody else
A lot of frames have such fuckhuge power scaling in lore that I don't think there's any one single correct answer. Limbo can dip into another dimension, rhino canonically turns people into red mist just stomping around, Mag can flip an entire planet's magnetic field, Grendel is literally called "Devourer of Worlds," the list goes on.
you're all retarded, the obvious answer is Nourish caliban
Everyone can touch limbo in the rift. All warframe abilities cross the rift. So do eximus abilities. So do random attacks like attacks from 4tuna robo spiders.
It's Limbo who can't attack out of the rift (or even banish people, he needs to use his 4 for that)
I hate mouthframe
What is the canonical reason for Lavos having cooldowns whereas all other frames use energy?
Literally every weapon in existence is phallic

Nyx wins by doing absolutely nothing
He was a jailer who oversaw an alchemist, and the alchemist told him that cooldowns were based.
His abilities are the illegal arcane science of alchemy or something instead of utilizing orokin somatics based (not based) void channeling I guess
he does have a hidden energy bar for pickup reasons
>No one mentioning Revenant's Mesmer Skin.
Aside from Banshee's silence, what do you do against that?
Dante casts a spell that disables hags, deactivating all of revenants power
Nothing can disable hags.
And on the other end of the scale, Yareli is just a girl on a jellyfish who gets squashed by a fat guy and has to be bailed out by a bunch of jiggaboo children with sticks. This game's powerscaling lore is retarded.
Only because they're allied. Enemies (which the Warframes would be) can't. That's also how it is lore-wise, he's the only one who can access or move between the rift.
Kahl-Clave with Necramech kill streaks. Maps with vertical to balance the power of mechs vs Khals with jetpacks.
add proximity stat buffs to encourage teamwork.
it could explained as Kahl using the Sanctuary as a training ground for Cephalon Simaris to study.
We don't talk about Yarly
I choose to believe the sewer children are just afraid of adults and so the worst threat they could tell a story about was some fat bastard
counterpoint, Yareli wins by default because she's so cute nobody will be willing to attack her
that or Battlefront: Warframe where play as either Grineers or Corpus
I would have thought this to be a good game mode but then I actually played veilbreak and I never want anything even remotely like it again
Counter counterpoint: Yareli also wins because she lifts up her skirt and they all take turns having sex with her
She still dies from complications of having her holes destroyed, she doesnt survive getting gaped by Grendel and Rhino back to back
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blud literally took posts from like 7 people and said, "here's your proof about russchizo" :skull: :skull: :skull:
ready for your shift?
concession accepted
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post mr or stop posting
Kahl missions are boring because they are warframe maps at walking speed. Kahl might want to borrow some tech from Halo 5. When you run forward long enough, his back thrusters should kick on and allow him to run even faster at the cost of maneuverability. Adding this would allow Kahl to keep up with warframes. At some more clutter to old Grineer maps and it should be good. that tile set for Iron Wake would make a good map.
I don't have a husband
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do you think they were chatting...?
see >>496703439
always mrlets ruining these threads then screeching "russchizo, russcihzo"
less posting and more playing, and you won't suck so much at warframe that you need handholding and spoonfeeding on every topic in game
early shift today
Grendel sure, but we all know Rhino has a petite, feminine flopper
Nezha, on the other hand...
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>this kills the bumper
What does that have to do with my lack of a husband?
Baseline vanilla frames with no mods? Probably Nekros unless the others gank him first
>let frames murder eachother
>activates his 4
>repeat as necessary
Alternatively Nidus could them outlast through attrition if he gets his stacks going, though it’s more likely he’d be killed off long before then
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i have to play the game????? but i like bumping about amp building and wukong every day
>two more days until waifu buffs
I'm gonna splooge antimatter everywhere I go, just you wait and see
Kekros has to get the kill himself in order to raise a Shadow.
It does sort of work on other Warframes considering you can (could?) revive the Specters in the rail junctions
He could execute low HP with soul punch from a distance and it'd kick in
Oh, that does ignore the Misery shadows, those don't seem to need a kill.
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maximum comfy
I’d kill a man for lichified keratinous and bubonico
The one thing I don't like about the Nova rework is that power donation isn't needed anymore, so now I can't instantly host migrate novas without it.
I'm going to miss the free strength, DE hates rewarding the community for favors like that
you're a fag but also I know that I'm going to be mixing up speed/slow casts for a while
>it's a Mirage afk map wipes episode
well, free vitus it is then
>have a bunch of 5 year old relics from when i last played the game
>already have everything from them, and just want the vaulted primes that came after Wukong
>every random i see in fissure missions just have Baruuk and Hildryn relics
i could probably just trade my vaulted spare parts, but i really don't want to deal with market jews trying to scam me
>It's a Effervo level 300 boss is the hardest content episode
We did it first try does that mean I can uninstall now?
you misspelled exequias
how much do you want to make?
could try selling them for 10 each
you are like small baby
Warframe lore is just the power scaling roof we're eventually going to achieve.
neither is really difficult, they're just bullet sponges you drill for a solid 2-3 minutes. there are usually pubs for effervo though
i could do that, and make a decent amount, but i've always preferred bartering over selling and buying with plat. Like i'd rather trade a Rhino BP for a Revenant BP, than sell a Rhino BP, and use the plat to buy a Revenant BP
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bearframe never ever
What would it even do?
be a nuisance, eat garbage and rub themselves on trees like bears do, worthless creatures tbf
be gay
shut up

go away
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>Tfw I actually have to level my Tenno and grind junk for a decent weapon to continue the story
>anon was bullied by bears
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Futa frame
what do (you) think they do anon?
my fucking trash was rummaged through by those cunts and the city wouldn't get me new ones so i had to pay out of pocket, i keep a can of bear spray just in case i hear those bastards going through my trash again.
yep, pretty much all they do is this
They travel around the country and solve crimes and throw jamborees
Missed the next thread notice.

Relatively accurate. I now have no active concerns with this rework.

He's gone from 1 shit ability, 1 mediocre niche ability, 1 reliable survival ability and the best defense strip in the game and by far the best ability in his kit

to 1 likely-way-less-shit ability, 1 probably-a-lot-less-mediocre and less-niche ability, 1 way-more-flexible-and-potent ability, and still the best defense strip in the game, even if it's not nearly as potent as it used to be due to armour/health/damage changes.

So, yeh.

Neat! But also possibly overkill. All projections of the Summulyst suggested it'd fill the same niche as his current conculysts do. Sacrificing survivability for damage or widespread debuffing seemed moderately interesting, especially when the new 1 grants shields/overshields when at full health allowing him to shield gate reliably even without using the summulyst specifically.
It's only 30%, throw on Growing Power.
Soul punch also marks, so he could hypothetically knock someone into someone else's aoe and they get nuked right after.
It would have an exalted fish.

It's such a short duration mark with the exception of the mentioned ragdoll seeming to extend it
I've only ever gotten it to non-execute replenish a shadow by squeezing it into a beam weapon that's already firing
Delete everything that isn't Lunaro, and add Quick Steel back in.
Once you hit tankier enemies I've managed to use it to execute eximus units rather reliably. A full team of leeches is hilarious.
yeah the execute is reliable enough but the mark is barely there is what I meant
I hate leeches because they never die and I use conditional power strength bonuses for Shield, can't refresh them
Honestly instead of Wrecking Wall I wish we got an augment that turned Contaiment Wall into a V shape, like old pre-lifted Firing Line.
Melee Mastery: The bear Warframe could excel in melee combat, gaining bonuses when using melee weapons. An ability called “Feral Charge” could allow the Warframe to charge at enemies on all fours, dealing damage and knocking them down.

Defensive Stance: A defensive ability named “Bear’s Resilience” could temporarily increase armor and health regeneration while reducing incoming damage. This would reflect a bear’s ability to withstand attacks.

Area Control: An ability called “Territorial Roar” could create an area-of-effect zone where enemies are slowed or frightened, representing how bears assert dominance in their territory.

Summon Allies: The Warframe might have an ultimate ability called “Call of the Wild,” allowing it to summon spectral bears or other wildlife allies to fight alongside it for a limited time.

PASSIVE: Transformation Ability: Incorporating a transformation mechanic where the Warframe can shift between two forms—one emphasizing speed and agility (on all fours) and another focusing on brute strength (standing upright)
thanks ordis very cool
This just sounds like a better Voruna.
Kill all Tenno.
Kill all DEI Tenno.
Sleepframe 2024
I'm the wokest DEI tenno itt
You don't have to remind us russchizo
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Are you going to include me in your diversely brown brazilian equine experience?
wait, grineer are actually based!
Strength to the Grineer
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Say one god thing about Volt
he fast
He used to be based, now he's a filthy streetshitter...
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go back
Not pakistani dog
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>10 days till I can finally play the game
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Fact Check: FALSE
[100% Verified] by /wfg/ Patriots

There are enough Lotus Pods on Lua to account for all existing warframes and even enough to permit every single Warframe skin and Prime to be a seperate instance of Operator/Frame pairing, meaning that there are several of the same model Warframe. Even if there is perceived connectivity between 1999 and the present, it is altogether more likely that the Volt you possess is of a different unrelated variation, especially being a starting Frame.
>you can transform into a streetshitter at any time if you have the skin
It's joever...
Why would you willingly do such a thing?
The entanglement does not mean your warframe is the guy from 1999 they're just cross-compatible
that's a lot of mental gymnastics my guy
I am willing to find the truth at any length.
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bird 3 is packing
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for movement and going fast i should use praedos right?
i just found about it and wonder if there are any better weapons, dont want to grind these stupid plumes
is this Jojo reference?
once you praedos you wont change melee weapon ever again
No you fucking zoomer
is this supposed to make you laugh
Praedos and Furax with the amalgam mod are the best melee weapons for people who don't like using melee weapons.
The Bo and Anku incarnons also have movement speed buffs, but they aren't as good.
If you want to become the slipperiest motherfucker around, you use Garuda with yellow candies and praedos.
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challenge: don't slap assless chaps on everything like a queermo on top of the existing shitty brazilian pride parade slop
not to mention the mawframe, furfagging, all this other fucking garbage
despicable showing

>wearing a cape over the ass
Draught is pronounced Draft and it means you're sipping it
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>No options to remove the dick nipples.
Mouths do not belong on warframes.
They are supposed to be faceless and only have implied eyes which only cause confusion if read.
Repulsive Repala-adjacent Reprobates have no taste or aesthetic sense despite being homosexuals, it's appalling
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bro, it's just an invasion mission
Gotta bet big to win big
0-1 Buy Koumei with real money like a retard
2-9 Earn her normally like a smart individual
member when DE said they were going to "address that"
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Let's see the numbers
this anon 100% named their zarr "chance"
kys trannyfaggot
mouthframe is cool if they arent just normal little human mouths
like imagine big gaping jaws with sharp teeth and long tongues
(its not a sex thing)
It's private, ESL retard.
I hate the russchizo.
I hate the wokeschizo.
I hate the catschizo.
I hate the magschizo.
I hate the valkyrschizo.
I hate the novaschizo.
I hate the wispschizo.
I hate the redditschizo.
I hate the frogschizo.
I hate the TFDschizo
I love the Θεmatic anon.
I love Warbros.
Warbros #1
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that's a man
thanks i guess ill suffer and wait for the 6minute extermination bounty
ai generated post
no, i dont think i will
yeah its a jojo reference :DDDDDD oraoraoraora
hehe, get it? thats what dio cujo says when he is shooting his super accurate emerald splash that cant be dodged with his stand dirty deeds done dirty cheap :DDDD
that's my hotwife
i thought shes on the chubby side what the fuck thats actually a delicious tummy
i hope you realize thematicschizo was shilling TFD too before leaving this general
Honestly, all it probably needs is a UI/feedback update. The worst thing about the mode is that there's no clear feedback when you take damage- where the damage is coming from, especially. We had this figured out back in Doom 1.
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Are kitguns actually worth investing into or are they just a failed experiment that gives MR? I never see anybody talk about them.
Not really. If you really like them they're somewhat usable but it's pretty obvious that they've been powercrept.
Sporelacer is decent
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I love this Ashkenazi hag
captcha: SWAGR8
She worse. She's, may allah (pbuh) forgive us, Armenian
I do not fucking understand how am i at 0 energy on sevagoth all the time. I pick up a whorish orb and arcane energize buff doesnt even pop, its like this frame is bugged it happens all the time every mission.
Even stupid SP exterminations, i kill 50 fucking enemies, YET TO GO PAST 100 ENERGY
How do people function without orb on spawn is beyond me but even then ill probably lose all that energy in 20seconds.
>he fell for the arcane mafia scam
All you need is equilibrium
there is nowhere to slot it, i have the purple shard
you left me hanging last thread
which of those anons bullied you?
I use both Energize and Equilibrium, otherwise there's not enough energy. Generally Energize is kinda shit on spammy frames if you run solo, the game just doesn't drop enough orbs for it to constantly trigger anymore.
man im running nautilus with the energy drop mods do u actually mean i need to ditch range for equilibrium?
Why do you care?
is this game worth get into to?
I have 145% range, it seems like enough. Generally Sevagoth just needs a bit too much of everything while also having to run two augments, you need to make some sacrifices.
i wanna know the source of your anger
i care about you anon
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God Bless mirage nukers in ESO.
That pic is like 6 years old she is on the chubby side now
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I know Gladiator set bonuses work across melees, but do combo modifiers? Like if I put Quickening and Body Count on my melee, will it affect Baruuks exalted?
One of them got me from 0 to 30 in two rounds of regular SO yesterday. I had the frame, 3 weapons and a companion at 0, easiest 21k mastery ever.
smaller tits, keep styanax male and thats the perfect body for a shoulder carry bj
also im so glad i got styanax for this weeks eda, he is such a hottie and his kit is one of the best imo
least gay warframe player
>promise new arcanes
>change mind last minute
fuck you
I miss Steve.
>Actually gave Yareli a shot
>Kinda enjoy her now
Good range vacuum 4, long duration damage barrier around you, subsoom off merulina for something more general purpose. Pretty okay frame all around.
Prime when?
anon...Steve died in 2044, you need to let go
The secondary tombfinger still competes, but everything else is sub optimal.
I still like a few of them for personal taste.
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Glad i lost every 50/50 on the fucking dogshit sister i just did purely to change element and nothing else.
Love the lvl 5 cancer
Can I just forma the hell out of one weapon and just fugget about it after I get mastery? Do I really need to make sure its perfect before I start using forma?
>fist your ass in duviri
>find the hidden buttplug in duviri
>fellate a random nigger in duviri
>search for the shit covered dildo in duviri
>did i mention duviri?
>find whatsherface in... in.... you guessed it in duviri
fuck off already
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>Do I really need to make sure its perfect before I start using forma?
depends on what you mean
do you need the max %? fuck no its overrated grind, only do it if u rly like weapon
if you mean the element then its kinda advised to get the most meta element, at least on the weapons which still have some use like ogris, nukor, cycron or glaxion
magnetic is meta right now because you can have it with both viral and radiation or have magnetic+cold on something like glaxion which is impossible otherwise
but that might change any patch and you have to re-grind it like im doing right now
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fuck off reb no one wants to play shitviri
sounds like too much effort for shit ill probably never use. Imma just get the mastery from these
>using mag to spawn tenet weapons is too much effort
>"wahh you have to play meta"
everyone wants to play kinoviri
we want duviri 2!!!!!
listen to us rebby!!!!
Is Duviri the Megalopolis of Warframe?
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at least its gonna be somewhat indie flop not AAA flop
stevekino dont miss lil bro
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Have you ever played with Rebb? I've happened to be in the same squad as she a few times
>see [DE]Rebecca on the same team as you
>start furiously masturbating paying little attention to the game
>mic is still on but it's chinkshit so nobody hears anything probably
I think she thought I was a shitter
i was doing a spy mission on the old jupiter to get ivara
she tripped vault B and i was going to seethe but she solved it
i got the last ivara part i needed :)
>still no +range shards and/or augment exilus
I fucking hate DE
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returning player here
why are all the new mission drop pools filled with arcanes I'm never going to use?
ez solo eda with Valk
the only gay part was waiting for the eyes
anyone even knows or cares about it?
returning gooner here
any hagkino i should be aware of?
why is hammershot so expensive right now?
Check drop rate
god I wish. a race so beautiful they had to be exterminated
Duviribros we're going home...
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How much is it?
100p per
Damn, do I really want to curse myself with 2FA just for 500 plat...
how do you even survive without trading
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Warframe has mic support?
I almost like Steve for the sheer audacity of his ideas and his insistence upon them. There's no "design by committee" bland bullshit in his projects, but goddamn you can see the rushed and the axed ideas in his finished products.
I built up a stock years ago from arcane helmets before 2fa was required, and only now i'm down below 200p so i'm getting a little desperate.
He's got the grind mindset unlike weakling traders.
>Warframe has mic support?
Yes. But everyone turns it off once they experience the whole "third worlder with open mic, TV running in the background, mom screaming, dog barking" thing once.
Aryan horse lord versus Semitic trader mindset
its not just plat, some stuff is colossal waste to farm yourself or takes some 2 year wait
its disabled by default, used to be enabled at some point because i remember exactly that
You're close, I still need plat for frame and weapon slots but otherwise i'm pure grindlord. That's the only thing there is to do in this game why would I pay money to play less game?

Unless its vaulted and I run out of legacy relics, I don't really care. The thing holding me back more is fucking traces to make shit radiant.
>pay money
nobody is paying money for plat but cute mrlets
Someone has to buy the plat first before I can scam them out of it.
Money = Plat and any plat I earn from any means = Money
Turn it into a class based shooter with grineer vs corpus
Fucking god this would actually be fun. In fact, replace the invasion missions with this too and just make that the conclave points.
its only money if u intend to RMT
and if ur not buying forma and aura with plat ur a total psycho
And riven whales.
And coom skin whales.
Racial Slur
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Lovecraft's cat
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She is just like me
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Megan's Boyfriend
The abilities of the Rat Warframe should emphasize stealth, agility, and tactical advantages:

Ability 1: Scurry - The Warframe can dash quickly in any direction, leaving behind a decoy that distracts enemies for a short duration.

Ability 2: Noxious Cloud - Releases a cloud of toxic gas that damages enemies over time while providing temporary invisibility to allies within the area.

Ability 3: Burrow - Allows the Warframe to temporarily burrow underground or into walls, becoming untargetable while regenerating health or energy.

Ability 4: Swarm Call - Summons a swarm of spectral rats that attack enemies in proximity, dealing damage and applying debuffs such as slowing down their movement speed.
To actually play game instead of burning out griding some super-rare crap or waiting for baro or unvaulting
Thank you chatGPT
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Someone has to pay for her vacations
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My second Wisp Prime is done.
I am doing the meme. I'll have to test if efficiency helps with the beam. I'll also test Chyrinka Pillar after I'm done with Qorvex.
I will not relent. I will not regret.
>to actually play the game
what do you do when playing the game
what is playing the game

you are grinding for some item to grind for another item to make grinding for a different item easier so you can use that to grind something else
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>already up 3x on my lil speccy
I should've bought more but I honestly felt bad taking them
butt eater turbo laser
Chesa Dog
ding ding ding ding
Thank you for giving me that mental image of the frames Naruto running instead of bullet jumping. Should be patched in, crossover when?
playing whatever you like whoever little you like instead of being forced into ~5 hrs of grind in some dogshitmode you hate which only makes you detest the whole game besides wasting your time
I LOVE Protea!!!
add more railjack
Put koumei in railjack
>haha finally i have everything
>time to uh... time to uhhhh...
>i guess decorate my orbiter
Railjack Defection
time to play some more railjack and duviri :)
WHERE. WE. @???
On the floor.
when will we get more spy missions?
why am I on the floor if I am using PSF??? checkmaite atheist
If they added a high level escalating dogfight mission in Railjack it would be my go-to daily activity. I'm sick of going into stations or ships to play I-can't-belive-it's-not-a-normal-mission crap.
railjack boss fights when?
uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh your lich showdown, russchizo?
>why am I on the floor if I am using PSF???
The thumb of god
railjack should be top-down space combat like starsector
Only people that use psf are traumatized floorhuggers.
Goon to Bird 3
sorry i meant like spaceship boss battles not b*arding for a onfoot mission
/wfg/ gang approves of this message
Most likely Limbo. He just waits for everyone to die, then he pops out and shoots the last remaining Warframe who'll likely be Wisp or Nekros
Can you prove to us that you have psf? Because the only critters seething about psf are mrlets that do not have it.
>Plato crossfire exterminate
>37 tries
>still no Octavia systems
I'M LOSING MY MIND. 22.5% my ass.
Fuckin based I love rat themed characters
EDAs mission modifiers should be normalized across all steel path missions
My top 3 are
Hides and waits until everyone is dead bot in game and lore
Can loop herself into permanent immortality in game and in lore
Can make other dead frames fight for him in game and even more powerful in lore
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Fine, fine
Add them to regular star chart too
If only MR had anything to do with acquiring psf newfriend
mrlets are also loginlets
There is always something to farm and I can farm the modes l enjoy to trade for rewards from the modes I dislike, or just fuck around with builds for fun instead of farming some tedious crap. Even for a neet WF is an enormous timesink and I want to spend time on other games or hobbies.
So even if you love mindless grinding - enable trading and the game will become 200% better - like enjoying your rewards more knowing you can always sell them for good plat (even when you rarely bother to, it still adds value)
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>200 days away from PSF
reb content is literally too good and its a problem
I cant stand anything pre-zariman anymore
holy shit I hate defense and capture
favorite duviri?
If you've been playing for 200 days surely you have aquired enough skill to not need it, right?
my favorite duviri is when you play as bird 3 in a spyro-type mode.
operators should be the default gameplay and warframes now require an air support summon or console like necramechs in the lab
Duviri should remove combat entirely and make the open world entirely about puzzle solving and exploration
Our Lord and Savior Thrax.
add defecation to circuit
Delete PSF
replace with C(orrupted)SF
Give it to everyone on day 1
200% knockdown resist
-1% knockdown resist for every day logged in
tick tock
We need amp mods
Operators just don't deal enough damage for the higher end content that DE expects people to play (barring circuit due to decrees)
any mag builders present?
I would rather play as Kahl than the operator
You want me to learn to play? Fuck you I want to stand in place and nuke the entire map. Learning mechanics is for chumps.
skillfags in shambles
Kahl should be a Tenno
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>Dagath's face-hole is the result of a fucking laser burning through it
I want to bring a laser like that into missions, as if Dagath is now using the same laser that melted her face against others. What laser in warframe best seems like it appropriately melts faces?
No incaron shit unless it was already a laser before.
Yes? Is this a porn brain-worm thing, or is dagath actually not a girl?
So if Ballas could make a weapon that scales infinitely with each shot for Protea why weren't the orokin mass producing this for their troops?
She's in the Circuit this week, you mong.
why is deimos fishing so fucking infuriating?
add fishing to railjack
Dagath is a girl, the anon is just lobotomized due to rebbfags polluting his brain
How? It's the most comfy for me.
That's what I assumed. Like that one satyr from league or the space goats from WoW: sometimes they just add a horsecock and then it ends up sticking to the point where people think it's canon.
comfy as in nothing spawns despite being in caves and dropping bait
add open worlds to every planet
And so is Harrow, which is 100 times worse to farm, so he was the logical choice for this week's circuit.
Open Uranus
uranus ocean with sharkwing and whalejack
Opticor or its Vandal variant? Can't really think of a bigger laser though they've obviously been somewhat powercrept.
>he doesn't do Kuva Survivals

I bet you buy rivens.
i hope 1999 doesnt have a bunch of quiplord characters
you vill get ze modern marvel cinematic universe borderlands writing and you vill like it
>1999 prelude - 2 fags have melty
good luck with your hope lmao
Lemme just claim that i was one of the OG caliban enjoyer before the rework drops and all the fake fans show up.
Shieeet, I haven't reached that level of grind yet. I dread the day I'll have to farm kuva for rivens.
Railjack crossfire void cascade
You’ve gotta defeat waves of fighters while moving between Corpus and Grineer ships every round and clear exolizers like normal

I’d play it
do people actually do kuva survival outside of relics?
and as someone who has 300+ rolls on good rivens just to not his shit i'd rather pay plat
especially when i can snipe cc+cold+ms-magazine riven on verglas for less than 1k plat
based calibanbro
your nourish too?
You never really have to unless you're super autistic about rolling your rivens. I just buy the 70k "free" kuva each week and maybe spend leftover steel essences on the shit from Teshin. It's usually more than enough, but I also don't really care about rivens unless I happen to unveil one that is actuall for a weapon that I want to use.
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How can you claim to be a Calibro with those numbers?
I'm a "I wanted him to be good but was constantly disappointed when I brought him out from time to time" and have better numbers.
please vros
Just let the world be dark and shit and miserable....
your nourish?
But anon where are the station objectives? Everyone loves those!
Did some youtuber make a guide for running dante on profit taker? why the fuck do I keep running into overguard retards blocking vex armor doing this shit
Why even use Dante if you won't engage the overguard mindset?
unironically rework revenant
Removing the immortality aspect and replacing it with a gauge that triggers resurrection(disabled in arbitration) is the only way to send a message to the "people" that play him.
duviri should have copied god hand instead of fromslop maybe then it would be good
Are you using the right bait for the vome/fass cycle, I forget to swap sometimes.
But yeah trying to bait decent fish can be a slog.
The biggest part of the playerbase is on PC i.e too poor for a controller which means no God Hand
how do we fix arbitration?
Railjack mission that plays like Star Fox 64
Railjack arbitration
What is there to fix? You grind the galvanized mods and say goodbye to it forever.
railjack duviri
>herd the tamms
>4 people
>no one else is helping
>star forx
That's just that one archwing mission where you have to go through a bunch of tunnels and destroy a reactor.
Put in evergreen rewards
I really hope so. I really like Revenant as a concept and his 1 is really cool. But nobody uses him for that and I feel like a shitter for trying to actually use his kit as intended instead of being an immortal weapon platform.
this should be combined into railjack
Helps if I add the picture, huh.

No idea how this game tracks usage but by EXP if nothing else caliban is my most used
EDA railjack
Ultimate filter
Every shitter would stop playing. Do you want numbers to drop below tfd?
If it's on a counter I'm not interested. I want to run railjack missions as much as I like.
>vore frame is a fat man instead of a cute loliframe
tfd deserves to win
I'm going fishing on orb valis. Wish me luck!
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>most used
Damn, you spread the love out.
What is it with /wfg/ and fishing? Is it autism?
>Look at my stats
>2 million kills
Damn, I knew I tended to ignore enemies, but I didn't realize I was a pacifist... by warframe standards anyway.
>say goodbye to one of the best plat/kuva farms next to requiem relic openings
there is a lot to fix because its a mode that requires autism and very specific weapon from all players to get most of it
>throw bait
>weather: cold
See you in 20 minutes :)
My most used was volt for years and years and at some point swapped to regular nekros despite me never playing either anymore so no fucking clue
how do we fix archmelee?
Remove it
Just let it go
oh yeah werent we promised infested railjack
is that coming with 1999?
delete this shit fucking now
old news brother, chinks already discussed switching to either volt or gauss when patch hits
I dont understand
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Next up at nerf bat huh?
I still think that you shouldn't be status immune while Mesmer Shield is up. Just immune to direct impacts. Shit like toxin should still fuck you up. In exchange I'd make Enthrall a bit less clunky to use, maybe just let it target the closest enemy automatically if none is selected or something.
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dont worry about it
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I’m gonna do 15 railjack missions on my phone
>No idea how this game tracks usage
IIRC it's purely just the amount of missions you've ran with that frame. But the tracker seems to be pretty broken too. I have like 500 kills on my Nekros but I've used him to farm shit for hours. No way would I only have 500 kills.
Weird, I've nearly exclusively played Caliban for two years now outside of like, circuit and shit or just levelling new frames
Jesus Christ how horrifying
I think it's kills with warframe abilities.
Your weapons get their kill stats, your abilities get theirs.
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>this is what warframe mobile looks like
I dont get it
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i hecking love vex armor

It even has a ballsack.
The devs did this on purpose.
Yeah, that actually makes sense.
Was gonna say based until I saw that most used gun
my body kneeled mid mission i had no control over it
I put purple shards on all frames for free electric damage :)
I have no idea either, but I think it only tracks NEW missions, so a frame that went through every star chart node would have higher usage than one that you used 10000 times in ESO.
It probably looks a less lot awful when you're playing it on a <10" screen
so exp probably is the best way to track then giving allowances for frames that don't kill with their abilities as often
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>get rad status
>shoot teammate in the smeeta
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gian point, best mission ever existed
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>Konzu's favorite coon! Swaz-do-lah, NIGGER
how did DE away with this
It was a different time.
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if its so good why did they remove it?

Board the Grineer galleon, tenno
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I did it. It actually ran better than I expected.
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Very weird lighting in some areas like boarded grineer ships though
K to the I to the N to the O
fetus warframe when?
>this is my host in netracell every week before i remember to switch to solo
What sort of a phone model are you running it on and what is the performance like? I imagine most modern day phones have better hardware than nintendo switch
An old iphone 11 pro max and I'd say the quality is similar to an undocked switch.
If I had a controller I probably wouldn't be able to tell the difference.
Favorite Kaithe?
Was it KINO?
kino stopped at hunhow quest and everything after was a pure slop
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Favorite syndicate?
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Why doesn't cambion drift have a field boss like the eidolons or spiders?
remember to buy your cancer things for 1 credit in the market to support cancer
Holdfast. Because it's easiest to grind out.
where did you find this?
>all the cancer stuff is in tranny flag color
based! I have a wisp with rad shards just for this and it's... ok
>I'll also test Chyrinka Pillar after I'm done with Qorvex.
I haven't played with this yet
Please get rid of the NPC defense objective, Reb
Just make the little schizo less prone to running halfway across the map at any given time.
>his frame can't give overguard to defense objectives
does overguard stop him from falling through the map and insta-dieing 40 minutes in?
those are not the tranny flag colors, you absolute schizo
wait so thats what fucking happens in my arbitrations sometimes? everything is silk smooth braindead farm then suddenly mission failed
Two hours of sending them in.
Not a single gold mod, but I am set for Naberus.
We used to be able to pin him in place with Atlas' walls, but they removed that. The schizo running is the point.
Can you still Limbo the defense fag away or did they nerf that too
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You guys just want to pod sit and press one button to wipe everything off the screen while using PSF. It's a good thing the devs don't take your suggestions.
DE's coding is the biggest cause of mission failures in the game.
No one wants to sit on the fucking pod it's the most retarded game mode. Only interception is worse.
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I just want the game to be not as adhd enabling as it is nowadays. But, not as slow as it was back then to the point your trudging.
i would like to, but idk what shards to put on her, str? dur?
>doind Deimos bounties
>finish stage
>get reward for the stage
>right after that bounty failed
skill issue I guess
I like exterminate bounties in the entrati labs because I get to go fast. Playing effectively involves killing fast as well as excellent movement.
Everyone fucking hates escorting a retard who cries every two minutes.This has been the case ever since escort missions were invented last century.
Interception is only bad when you are alone or if you have downies on your team. I guess that it's always bad if you're the downie.
what skin is best for Mag
>every post is anti podsit and complains about old content
>uhhhhh you want to podsit with PSF
Least favorite bounty stages across all worlds?
ADHD players get the rope
Cetus defend the area
fucking mobs spawn underground
Slow burn, spine tingling, game definining T4D
We love wmaf
>sit on the pod for 10-15 minutes to leave
>sit on 4 objectives for 10-15 minutes to leave
>wait 5 minutes to leave, don't forget to recharge your breather
>throw/collect bubbles in the one big bubble for 10-15 minutes to leave
Right, these modes fit in high speed gameplay so well can't get enough of it. Retard.
>We love wmaf
nah, PSF is for going fast and podsitting is a miserable chore to be optimized
yea like defense isnt cheesed by sevagoth/saryn whenever its possible
if anything people straight up dont touch uranus and corpus ship defenses if they can and if they are forced in sorties/archons etc. they ALWAYS BRING SARYN
>people straight up dont touch uranus
dating market is tough huh
>if they are forced in sorties/archons etc. they ALWAYS BRING SARYN
true, or depending on how likely I think it is someone else will do that I'll bring speedva instead, especially post damage 3.0 with everything taking longer to die
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see you guys next year maybe, probably not
when does it com eout
cya tomorrow bro
cya later today, bro.
Just build Hildryn prime. I didn't know she was supposed to be this sexy.
welcome home brother
She's the best girl for a reason.
do you jerk off to brick walls?
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>masters Caliban and puts him in the wall
>posts his usage window with almost no stats, kills, or XP past what's needed to hit rank 30 with him
>"Yeah I'm an OG Caliban player, fakers GTFO"
Better than roleplaying as a trap, faggot main. Oops, i mean, nezha.
reminder that nova is fat
Stop being gay for a second.
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sorry i was octavia only main till lr4 now i play sevagoth, the manliest of frames
Why? Did your nezha frame hang himself on the chakram?
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Oh yeah. Her normal idles don't do her justice, but hildryn has a nice set of hips and her but arches out during aegis storm.
Now if only she'd get the Ember Heirloom treatment and get a skin that isn't just needlessly bulky or (over)designed by ligger, and play on the more classic amazon aesthetic. Or just rip off Raijin from Muramasa
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>look up sporothrix because I think it'd be fun
>awful farm
>look it up on market
The hell? How terrible is this farm?
Is it even worthwhile outside of the niche build?
I play Nezha and even I think you're gay now.
If hildryn really is so great
where's her porn?
actually the farm isn't bad at all
just do iso vault bounties for orokin matrices
I guess I need to do those anyway since I'm still at rank 1 with necraloid.
I also noticed pretty quickly that the whole set is just heavily marked up from the individual components, too.
i dont get it so are frames decomposing corpses or whats going on
Did you not play The sacrifice?
no i havent done second dream yet
>first time doing kuva
>struggled but managed to kill it
>pressed convert
pregnant frame check
futa frame when
pubes frame when
Then play the fucking game
i don't appreciate your tone, little bro.
>futa frame
There's enough faggot frames for your kind, fuck off.
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you are trying way too hard lil bro lol
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>you are trying way too h-ACK
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Nice try but there's a cooldown.
>hags enabled
>bumps enabled
yeahh baby, it is prime /wfg/ time
Where's the pit with hair frame?
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Don't care hags are now gone
What's the cat thinking?
I'm taking a shit rn
>It's not gay if it's a feminine penis :3c
Didn't work in the 2010s, why would it work now?
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That's Mesa, you just know she has the smelliest pits in the entire game.
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>The Russian hates the hagposters
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>defense sortie
vatniks are pedos
thats known fact
>xhe doesn't know
we need to be more friendly to new cuties
I cannot choose - run orokin vaults on titania or do hive farm with ivara, tennos.
I swear /vg/ needs post ID's to curb schizo fags.
play duviri
hey i made this!
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he won't be able to have 200 posts per thread then
actually i did
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>Steel Path is le prestige mode
>it's so hardcore guise
>you don't have to 100% all nodes, most assassinations can be ignored
>you don't have to do railjack at all
>you don't have to reach 5 in the story syndicates
>you don't have to do all the quests or even most of them
>prestige mode
Dont be so insecure
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That's not my problem then, plus it'd be easier to filter the hagposters out.
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oh yeah? post the contenno one......
I want to have so much sex with Aoi it's unreal.
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Does this not work? Haven't tried it before
how about you post it, tough guy.
SP Cetus bounties when?
Honestly, it's a coin toss of it working properly.
No you dont
You're response to someone calling a cow a mammal or an ostrich a bird is to say they're insecure?
Things are what they are, anon.
>food analogy
they're lost in /wfg/ archives...thought I could trick you
You eat ostriches?
lol dumb tourist
There's a decent amount but it's either
>With nezha
So most of it is garbage.
I'm right. And the arbitrations were supposed to be the NG+ as well but again they don't require you to beat the game to pretend you're playing it again but harder.
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sorry that youve been brainwashed by troons but us futagods are straight as an arrow

anyway how do we fix magnetic?
which have you done more recently? I like have farm a lot for the cache hunt
Nobody mentioned troons, gay boy. Futa is garbage on its own.
what does jade milk taste like?
Okay fag
50 gallium
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feet frame when?
>coomer attacking catposters
the real tourist here is you
exalted necramech frame when?
Gooning to Rebb has been around before the catposters. You wouldn't know that though.
doubt it
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>coom fag getting uppity when called out
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you are in the wrong general
>Quest to conquer cancer QTCC is back
>First rewards is glyphs
>Titania and... Fem Baruuk
What in the fuck?
>Gooning to Rebb
I never understood this and I don't think I'll ever understand it, especially not when Helen was there.
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reb is posting spiders
spiderframes won
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As usual.
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Nothing, the radiation would just melt your mouth instantly and leave you looking like Raziel from Legacy of Kain
Genuinely, who the fuck are you even arguing against? Nobody fucking says these things.
Bro your sweaty stinky Hildryn? Your tomboys Zephyr and Ember? Your hippie Titania, with the hairiest pussy and pits of all?
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true, this isn't even oldschool 4chan kind of catposter it's the weird passive aggressive zoomer "humor" nu-4chan post-discord social media kind
reb's hometown is getting bombed and you're playing wf
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Titania deluxe has huge metal pubes peeking out of her metal bikini
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It's just a bunch of retarded tourist. Social media was a mistake.
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how long has DE been running these threads?
You are slow >>496763050
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>Danielle on stream
The person on the right modeled for Rhino Prime correct?
>Conquer cancer
So we finally get rid of faggot spammers ITT with DE help?
DE themselves literally created it as that. You can see the intention behind requiring completion of most (lol) of the nodes and the exclusive rewards. The "anybody" isn't a player, nigger. I'm sure some players think it's special to play SP though.
>social media was a mistake
Then leave as well you fucking fag
pray for reb's family
>drops - 3 random captura
why even bother
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No that was ur mum faggot
>how long has DE been ruining these threads?
fixed and for very long
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I honestly want to see this guy have all his teeth, followed by nails ripped out with pliers
what kind of mission was it, and why does it matter?
So it was actually Grendel right
6 minute timer EXTERMINATE
Cancer is such superb business, it's like another Christmas.
Pretty sure that was you.
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>we are here to fight cancer
>by destroying your eyes
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picrel + danielle
Fuck, marry, kill
>fuck all three
>marry kaz
>kill lunaro
cant have eye cancer if you dont have eyes
Fuck Reb
Marry Danielle
Kill Megan
What time is the update tomorrow
>trannielle simps
are we getting warframe 1999 iran?
danielle has childbearing hips
god I know right she makes me jealous
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>max smeeta after the nerfs
>farming relics on defense
>guy afks on top of defense target
>jade light instantly destroys target
Enjoy wasting a mod slot on every pet for a 50% chance at more rubedo LOL
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The jade light is a malign anti-player enemy designed to stop people who have "afk" strategies they use for farming. Working as intended. Buy more plat goy.
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sneeda kavat
>start hack without seeing the green glow behind me
>downed and hack failed

as far as those go I hate it a lot less than nullifiers
But i can still afk
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I miss when they first implemented the jade eximus and it was oneshotting everyone with billions of damage, I'm pretty sure even revenants were dying to it.
MY three wives
What are you talking about, what is jade light?
it's what jade would have wanted
New eximus type that has an attack it uses without needing LoS, so it spawns and instantly uses it on you. The attack is a beam that spawns above you and does exponential heat damage that will kill you within 2 seconds if you do not move.
It's an anti-afk feature not altogether different from hostile architecture.
same. felt superior reviving Revs with my Valkyr
>they don't know you can just shoot the beam
he said if you do not move but really it's just if you do not respond somehow, it's a mechanism that demands a player interaction to avert disaster
even my triple umbras adaptation facetank grug build only buys me a little extra time if I do nothing... truly the jade light is a fearsome thing...
Is Naberus already started?
Really? I thought it's generic DoT beam, I even use it as Gauss to charge my energy - beam of free energy.
What will the Null Star changes mean for it as a helminth
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>hostile architecture
im not aiming in this game fucko, if it doesnt die to abilities or aoe from my weapons then it earned the right to kill me or brick the mission
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tak on the 'log
Post your afk macro that shoots down jade lights
The cancer flowers are back in shop
based fatalist chad
she looks like she fucks kaithes
cutie :3
nothing. pablo said the damage reduction is gonna be capped at 75% for helminth so zzz
she's BWC only albeit
on-topic and unbelievably based
My mother is getting her breast checked for cancer, pray for me and my family bros.
white kaithes only that is
sorry I didn't reply properly, meant for >>496770394
Have they said what the new augments are going to be yet
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thing is, they are all the same since DE doesn't have gamedesigners to make each one more unique and interesting but has 200 artists ans voice actors to make them look/sound differently
well and there then there is Kulervo island - so I mostly only played those where is appears
Sure bro.
reminder that nova is
On this one point russchizo is right, get a grip with this chinkoid behavoir
The red guy because he says actual curse words instead of the "legally not a curse word" curse words.
Russchizo is unironically higher mr than 90% of the general >>496704837
i will only move to grab energy orbs thank you very fucking much
Thanks, I blame DE for spreading awareness.
Based shitter.
I honestly forget invasions exist most of the time.

is that this guy? or is that just a meme?
I just fed her to the helminth, how is he still hungry?
marry rebb
couldn't care less about anyone else
Nobody knows for sure, but this profile used to be public and it is private now, so he seems to be aware of something
not opening the link. you are not getting my ign
>Caliban rework.
>New arcanes.
>New augments.
This content looks fun desu senpai.
>New arcanes.
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Fine. NickGurr
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>present all over the body,from the mouth to the anus
i see, thats why there are people who like hildryn
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>not using firefox
>not using containers
ngmi tbqh familam
anyone got a picture of in motion capture suit?
but i do use firefox
Still no info on what the augments are other than who they're for, right?
F in /wfg/ stands for faggot
>using Google's sneaky jewish trick
fuckall, Eclipse is strictly better as a defensive helminth
>what they are.
I dunno.
>who they're for.
They said already. Grendel, Gyre, Hildryn, and Voruna.
Still waiting for an augment for Qorvex's 3.
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That explains why you're here
I am here because of the G
stands for Gay
fuckin gottem lmao
>danielle couldnt kill a lich in 6+ requiem attempts
certified brainlet slag for breeding strong sons
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>corpus ship defense sortie pub
>max range wisp and slowva chucklefuck duo
First rule of the Goon Club:
-Never let a brother goon alone
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Macroless easy, just spam AOE and have shields. safety net to auto-res you just in case - like a vulp or venari
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Im so glad nova got a rework I like fat women
>DE is gathering money to destroy /wfg/
It's over guys.
Will they make Cetus and the Plains finally look good tomorrow? I want the TNW shit to be gone.
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Same except Nova isn't fat
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The skinniest nova pic in the existence
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>10k reached already
marry rebecca (cute, fun, passionate about everything she does and sometime cringe)
fuck megan ^
kill danielle (she give me wierd vibes like taylor and helen. Like they put on a persona, they're a bit obsessive and narcissistic)
How do we save TFD?
qrd on why it's need saving?
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very nice
I miss Reggie
I hope he's having fun managing Pizza Hut or whatever it is he's up to now
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arcane ice also counters it, but not like you'd normally waste an arcane slot on it
I DM'd Danielle and told her I will donate $100,000 if she flashes her tits
let us know what she says
this guy sounds so faggy its unbearable
thanks to the anons here donating
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No problem, /wfg/ deserves to be destroyed.
Ok guys real question pls answer
Where did you place your ember heirloom poster
Im not into decorations but that fucking juicy ass needs to be shown somewhere.
In my Ember goon cave on my orbiter of course.
dani WILL be the mother of my children
Has it been 9 months since Jade released?
>ember heirloom poster
strong tenno children
>Enter stream to get drops again
>It's not just some subhuman streamer this time but even worse - a twitchwhore
We don't talk about Reb like that
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It's twitch. What did you expect?
I'm working on my star chart and am having a bit of hard time with enemies taking longer for me to kill. I'm using the Boltor with 8+ Serration and even then i feel im not doing enough damage. I'm currently on Saturn, are there any other better weapon alternatives at this stage?
go and get Xoris. Use till you do New War and get Nataruk.
get the new gun that releases tomorrow and then beg someone to gift you the augment
Are you adding elemental damage mods too wherever you can?
Boltor is more than good enough but it sounds like you're missing elemental mods.
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so like your mum?
I'll try this out i do have deadlock protocol to still do

That might be it, it's affinity level 17 atm so im pressed for slots i will try this out when i can thank you
haha remember when the guys we rescue in rescue missions and one in the pods on defense missions were supposed to be tenno, the guys "we" play as?
haha so funny definitely not as cool as the space kids which came out of nowhere 6 years after game released
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warframe cryopod
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>tfw too tired to play
frames for this feel?
naked nick or the gimp?
It may be worth re-running some easier nodes with lots of enemies just to get it up to rank 30 already.
how much do I have to donate to have Maroo and Varzia come to my orbiter
octavia, xaku
>If you leave this guy chilling longer, you get more and better rewards...somehow.
Equinox night aspect
bro take me back to 2015 pls
how do i get cute mag aoi skin
Have a BWC and she comes to you naturally
>drops are just captura scenes
no wonder the anon who reminds about these didnt show up this time, literally pointless
free plat lmao
I already sold one for 25p
i didnt even know there would be drops >>496764109
>Go to the bathroom
>Unleash BWC
>Banging on the door and begging for it until I put it away
It's hard living in a haunted house in Japan.
captura scenes cost a fuckload of rep to get
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Ninjas play for free
name a more obvious lie
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who buys this shit
who uses this shit
for what actual purpose
they are just here to annoy you and pollute the drop tables
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>Ninjas play for free
they got this all wrong, it's NINJAS PAY FEE
Depends on your MR. Fulmin is a better auto rifle, Baza could also be a great addition to your arsenal and there's a few shotguns that could carry you. Finish The War Within if you haven't to get the Broken War, a nice crit-based melee weapon. As for warframes, a few primes could also carry you well into steel path, like Gauss and Hildryn, and damage-wise base Mirage from Stolen Dreams should be enough even for the final Void missions.
whats dropping?
>steel path
Pointless slop

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