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>/rog/ - Ragnarok Online General
Party Hat Edition

Currently: Ragna/v/3

>Ragna/v/ 3
>7x EXP/5x Equip/3x Misc/10x Cards - Pre-Renewal
We are here.

>Other servers
Individual anons are spread thin on a random assortment of servers, at least make a 4chan guild in it before you try to shove a server into this list.

>Basic resources:

Careful with iROwiki links. If the url has "wiki", you're looking at the Renewal article!

Previous >>496552040
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i want a wife
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The dev already said it that he doesn't plan on doing anything with RMS
But even if he did, would advertising on reddit and RMS even do anything?
90% of them would just quit 5 mins after getting in when the usual autism of global hits.
The only real benefit would be seeing the seething both in chat and in RMS about Le hecking chuds server™®
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>fight monsters
>sp stolen
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Important Post.

I would rather expand the ads into other boards than have RMS or Reddit. The RO subreddit in particular is hopeless, its mods are all GMs of large servers, we would get deleted immediately.
>expand the ads into other boards than have RMS or Reddit
what other boards?
/a/? /vr/?
which boards were already advertised on?
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49 aco lf duo pt right now pm Kani
Players that buy ads can choose whichever they want, but I've known them to be displayed on /v/, /vrpg/, /jp/ and /a/.
I think /a/ is the only major ro demo board not advertised to
it looks neat, make it happen
It says you aren't online
/jp/ and /g/ maybe. i played RO with some /jp/fags in 2012 (oh god where does the time go)
maybe it would be funny to advertise on /aco/ and /d/ since we already have the /trash/ degens
Have no doubt alice and miku multi client and dev should look into it but doubt he will because bullies are allowed to do anything they want.
she lied!
>t. miku
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sex with Elly
Do you really need to job 50 post trooning out? Seems unnecessary for classes like stalker and paladin
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Can't believe that I'm saying this, but I'd be willing to fund the jannies hotpockets for the first time.
Which boards would be good picks? Already saw the ads on /vr/.
Should I just go with >>496744506 and >>496745849?
no you dont
just make sure its on a class you wont regret it on
I wouldnt do ever a non50 on swordman but thief is fine
The ones I mentioned plus /g/, /a/ and /jp/ are the most logical choices. But really it's up to you. There's no limit to how many you want to include.

I would suggest limiting the number of ads displayed to individual users, or else it burns through the budget really fast. That is, it only shows the ad X times to a given user per day.
nta but why wouldn't you do it before lvl 50 on swordsman?
I don't really have a problem with adding more content, and the cards here don't really seem like they will break the camels back either way to me at least.

On a separate note, My brother was interested in playing, I told him he'd have to wait until I could ask since I don't know how that would work and don't wanna cause an issue.
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But I was. Fun pt btw. I got to job 49 but real life is getting in the way so bye
she is used goods
all the girls there are
i was there pew pew
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Anon asked me to post it here too. So here. gn, guys. I'm tired of the Andre grind

try /d/ and /h/...I'm serious
I got an ad for /a/ and I didn't notice too many people joining
advertise /po/... its the only way guys...
should I go with that animated ad from the past thread or do you guys have better reccs?
When are you faggots going to seriously start farming for orleans gloves?

Hurry the fuck up already
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dead woman sexo
It's such a pain to farm for this stupid earth katar
It's no problem. Send me a mail in-game with his character's name, so I'll know you two are under the same IP.

Which one?
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this one
Alright thanks, I'll send one later too since he passed out.
Can you add the earth katar as a drop to phreeoni or something?
Sandmans a complete pain in the ass
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what does DEX affects on a Knight? does it affect damage like LUK?
because knight has a lot of requirements on the swordman stage and you might already have to use a knight point on swordman with j50
cast time for skills
it's very important for BB, pierce and clashing spiral for example
it also helps you actually hit stuff
is this takoyaki? sex regardless
so 60 dex is enough?
don't go agi please
in your opinion how much dex should a knight have at lvl 90 before rebirth?
60 is enough
could be a bit more or less if you want
I like that one, but you can use whichever one you want. Make sure it points to the rentry, not to the thread.
base 50 should be enough
you can go lower to factor in extra stats from job level bonuses and blessing buff

some points in int is just as valuable as getting dex
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The Commander taking a stroll after saving the universe (again).
based fellow ragna/v/3 enjoyer
like 30-40 base dex is enough, really.
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I'm retarded and forgot to break off to reset Berserk
Halloween Event has started. Check the Niflheim Central Square area to find an unusual portal.
Can you change the MVP card to be undead instead of formless? Seems like a schizo design choice
What should I be using on wizard to kill things? The AOE takes longer to cast than firewall lasts, jupitel and fire bolt work but it's like 25 or 30 seconds per kill. Guides told me to only put 5 in fireball but should i be using that instead?
fireball is a lot stronger on this server
I'm still using it a ton as a high wiz
check the rentry for changes https://rentry.org/ragnav
I can try to reset my skills then, ty. Hopefully leveling goes a little smoother today, I can't tell if mobs are clipping through fire wall because of lag or if i'm miscounting the hit numbers
Did you use vertical firewall? If not try checking a video on how to do it. It makes a world of a difference. Also as people said, until you have high dex, fireball can carry you hard.
Is this gonna be fomo or will it stay in?
I've been placing it in a straight line between me and the enemy, I'll try to work on getting placement right for that since i didn't know it could hit that fast at once. Thanks
The map itself will stay, but the COupon Exchanger I'll add later will go away eventually.
aspersio scrolls when, i don't want to multibox like bullies im too lazy
Please kill yourself for thinking I'm that person
Whats gonna be on the coupon exchange? Cards? Weapons? Pets? Elunium?
one does not simply mess with the takodrip
1st prize goal? you can marry me, Hanyeo
why do people namedrop this anon so much, what did he do?
I wish I knew. I'm going to sleep on it and hope I find the answer in my dreams.
That was a great abbey party bros. I leveled up 6 times!
>he doesn't know
Its not a person anon, its a way of living and posting.
I don't understand
its the new desu senpai, just keep lurking a bit
sorry, I'm not Hanyeo, or a priest for that matter
you're alright Desu
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I think the grind and loneliness is getting to me, and after all those events I was wondering if someone would want to marry me but I doubt it
Are you a priest?
The person I was trying to befriend just self-deleted, I say just go for it.
Are these the most current translation for them or is there a newer one?
what is that?
cant make sense of these acronyms
some kind of RPGmaker game? ro related?
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Fucking kek
hi hanyeo
Are you kidding? I wish I sounded that cute.
ok, and?
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During the event period the kafra should be able to teleport to nifl.
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If anyone needs a warp to Nif during the event, just trade me 20k and I can send you right over
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if anyone needs a warp to nif during the event, just ask me and I can send you over for free
someone get me that new super novice card please
if anyone needs a warp to nif during the event just let me suck your cock first and ill send you over
Wait I didn't post this yet.
Bro, tons of other priests wear black and bunny ears. She wasnt the OG not to say they change styles almost daily.
im not falling for this one again, i didnt get sent to nif but the prontera church backroom
where is the card info on rentry
Dev please cut down Nid and ET lockouts by a few hours. Setting up a time for everyone is hard because there is always a small delay until you actually enter so the time you have to plan for keeps getting pushed back every lockout.
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I did it, my first priestess. I have never been touched by a dog.
You touch dogs now that you're a priest.
>rushing players have nothing else to do
Color us surprised.

>let me add more end-content then
So that they can rush and end up in the same situation in 2 or 3 weeks, further enlarging the gap between them and the rest of the server. Great idea.

We've already gave you plenty of ideas for the past month on how to entice new players or existing casual players to stay but this last decision you're making truly proves that they're not the audience. Not going to bother at this point.
nigga its been like two months
I hope people can chill a bit and not all burn out and quit. Take it easy, the server isn't going anywhere anytime soon.
>the server isn't going anywhere anytime soon.
or is it
Nobody tell her.
Is Cantocandius/Clementia worth getting? Skill points are a bit scarce
Endgame in MMOs fucking sucks. I prefer to run alts and struggling a journey again than doing non fun stuff for some extra stats. There's also no real PVP on this server too, even if you go to WoE you would barely had the time or fun to mess around with all the gears you've farm because its a clusterfuck (of fun on its own). You also need to broadcast on global if you want a chance to run a battleground. I think people should find more fun in helping and teaching others, its good for retention and the community. I'm saying all this but I know its just a /v/ server after all. Still, I met and play with a few nice people here. Its also okay to take a breaks.
Just my two cents.
It will make it to New Years at the shortest. If things go well maybe many more.
you'll wish you had them when you're the only priest in a party of 11 others
>I think people should find more fun in helping and teaching others, its good for retention and the community.
I find it fun minmaxxing my characters but it's really cool helping others still learning and struggling with the basics, specially doing dungeons and leveling together
totally for party of 3+
it will be easier to squeeze in once you trans and get more job points
the real wikis are unironically the knowledgeable old players
What about stats? Wiki says get only 50 base dex and the rest vit. Also is it fine to get only level 8 agi up or should it always be 10?
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>knowledgeable old players
i'm 23 lol
I just like this game a bit too much
are you reading this? https://rentry.org/PriestH2B
it goes into where to spend points and such on this server
its over

I mostly meant experienced players
are you guys really that old?
I'm 21
gaem fun
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I'm 27
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im 30
MyRo bros not like this.....
hows it feel bro..? I'm almost there..
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I'm 32
Is this about how my skill tree should look at 50
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what's going on?
myro bros WW@!!!
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I'm retarded my bad
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why the fuck can't I play?
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>mfw I stopped caring about my age once I realized I can kms myself anytime I want
admin kicked a schizo that kept re-joining discord, and server goes down.
Do not DDOS the server you fucking retard.
Imagine crying about not getting a stat reset when you can actually get it for free.
Bitch i will slap you!
genuinely don't understand why you would do that when you maybe only get one life
might as well see as much as you can before you go
you can actually get a reset after level 95 by just trading one (1) card
what the fuck is wrong with that guy?
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So what made him do it, MyRO friends?
not cool man
Yeah this is probably fine to just run parties until you trans
I'd usually take level 5 quag instead but 3 is probably fine, also firebolt kinda sucks ass in this so i'd leave it as low as you can while still getting everything else
Bros, where'd our trash thread go.......
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[Sad News] MyRO server is DOWN.

>Host is fully down - timing is suspicious.
>Doing all I can but realistically it's down until it's not.

What's new pussycat? Woah, Woah~
was it that guy stirring up shit on rate my server? it doesn't make sense because you CAN reset after 95 so what the fuck
o right thanks that answered everything
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Play MyRO later.
drop meteor storm/sightrasher get lov 10 and ice wall
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>tfw when 23 as well
knight player btw
An entirely new generation of degenerates. I've lived long enough.
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I feel the same... I'm having fun with the game, and playing with people is fun but it feels like everyone only think about themselves at high level, it was more fun while leveling.
I've been playing on MyRo for weeks now and it's the complete opposite, especially the higher level players, they constantly are asking for public parties and give out stuff when someone ask in global
myro bros.. it's still down
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how are you guys playing the game nonstop when you're that old
don't you have to spend time with your wife and kids?
ROs multiplayer functionality is retarded in pre re. MVPs being able to be killed by just suiciding into them is clown shit and acid demonstration is lmao
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I have a boyfriend who I have been with for seven years. He likes drawing and playing other video games.
I only play after my wage slave job is done and family is asleep. That gives me 3-6 hours a night. I'm doing just fine. 1 95+ tranny class, another 70+ tranny class, and one other decent pretranny. It's a marathon, not a sprint. Set a few goals each night and aim to knock out at least one. For example, tonight I will find a raydric card (already have one just giving you an idea).
hi bill
I'm not Bill. Just one random anon.
iran firing missiles at israel reminds me of that woe scene where the bullies bombard the random plebs with hwiz aoe
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mister dev i can't log in
>ran as admin
>made exclusion in windows defender
>still won't let me get to character selection no matter what i do
please help
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>depressed 20 year old anime fans
I'm not like them... I'm 21
yep, definitely still 21
Dev is this enough tickets?
I still have no idea how much I need.
looks like a custom sprite issue
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if i ignore the log and keep going it does this
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i'm not depressed lol
having way too much fun for that
resetting my look via flux control panel worked
Some bitch broke my heart so I've spiraled out of control and now I'm playing vidya like I'm a teenager again. I'm doing better now, I wanted to kms for about half a year but today I felt genuinely okay.
there we go
Is there any reason to start fresh on ragna/v/ 3 at this time? Are there any other servers worth that are new?
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i started two days ago and i'm having fun
MyRO is fun for the costumes. I would like the admin to make more custom changes though.
Give me a list and consider it done, after some schizo stops ddos'ing.
kys myrROdent shills, not a 4chan server
is there no way to block the denial? what needs to be done?
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>start fresh on ragna/v/ 3
see >>496743870
the server is already fucked
find another one
>Is there any reason to start fresh on ragna/v/ 3
ignore the schizos
everyone is friendly and there's parties daily
don't forget extremely homoerotic and cliquey
>Arcadia motd is Aliza
>tfw no frens to do KH entry quest with
just find someone random to duo it with, completely doable if both of you are prepped properly
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I have a boyfriend who I have been with for four years. he studies and plays other video games.
I started a week and a half ago and I'm having loads of fun
Once upon a time, in a small corner of the digital realm, there was a brave adventurer known as Loli4Cunny who ruled the fields of Rune Midgard with an iron fist—or, more accurately, a meticulously crafted sword. She had spent countless hours honing her skills, defeating mighty bosses, and forging alliances in the land of MyRo, the private Ragnarok Online server that had become her second home.

But one day, disaster struck. MyRo went down.

At first, she thought it was a minor glitch. "Servers go down all the time," she told herself, refreshing the page every five minutes. But hours passed, then a whole day. Her comrades in arms took to the forums, their cries of "What’s happening?" echoing across the internet.

For Loli4Cunny, it wasn’t just a game. It was her purpose. Without it, she found herself adrift in the sea of reality. She dramatically threw herself onto the couch, her voice filled with anguish.

"I have nothing left to live for!" she wailed, as if the server's downtime had personally shattered her dreams. She stared longingly at her screen, her mouse pointer hovering over the MyRo shortcut as if her gaze alone could bring the server back online.

Days passed. Snacks were consumed. Netflix was watched. But nothing could fill the void that MyRo had left.

One evening, her character's armor in the game started feeling like a distant memory, a glorious past she was afraid might never return. She sighed deeply and turned to you with dramatic flair, "What’s the point of logging in anywhere else? No game will ever match the thrill of MyRo!"

But then, something magical happened. As if the digital gods had heard her cries, the MyRo server came back online. A single notification pinged, lighting up her screen like a beacon of hope in a dark, serverless world. Her eyes lit up as she scrambled to log back in, her hands moving with the speed and precision of a seasoned gamer who had just been given a second chance at life.
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is this a real character in MyRo? wtffff
finally some good effort memes in here
Why did you do it, Anon? I haven't even finished my dailies..
make a rentry
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Because the best way to convince someone is to be a jaded asshole.
>there's parties daily
dev literally proved you wrong here >>496743870 you absolute fucking mongloid
In the vast kingdom of Rune Midgard, there lived a valiant Crusader named Arcelia, a warrior whose devotion to the light and justice was unrivaled. For years, she had traversed the harshest lands, fought the fiercest monsters, and defended the weak from the evils that lurked in the shadows. Her shield bore the scars of countless battles, and her sword gleamed with the righteousness of her cause.

But now, Arcelia stood at the threshold of something far greater: Transcendence. It was the moment every Crusader dreamed of—a rebirth, a second chance to become even stronger, wiser, and more capable. The Elders had guided her to the sacred altar, where she would lay down her armor and prepare to rise again, more powerful than ever.

Her heart swelled with anticipation as she knelt before the altar, her hands resting on her sword. The chants of the Elders filled the air, echoing in the grand hall where many a hero had transcended before her. She was ready—ready to leave her past self behind and embrace the glory of renewal.

But just as the final chant was spoken, a chilling silence fell over the hall. The light that had begun to envelop Arcelia flickered and died. The sacred connection to the divine was severed, as if some unseen force had reached out and ripped it from the heavens.

Confusion clouded her mind. She looked around, desperate for an answer, but all she saw were the dismayed faces of the Elders. "What has happened?" she cried, her voice trembling. "Why has the process stopped?

One of the Elders, his brow furrowed in deep concern, stepped forward. "The connection to the Transcendence realm... it has vanished. We cannot complete the ritual. Something beyond our control has occurred."

A sinking feeling settled in Arcelia’s chest as she rushed to the great portal that led to the World Tree, the passageway to the sacred realms. But the portal stood dark and empty. No light, no energy, no life."MyRo... it is gone!" she whispered, horror spreading across her face.
>t. doesn't play the game
The very world that had been her home, her battlefield, her sanctuary, was unreachable. The server—the heart of her existence—was down.

She fell to her knees, her sword clattering to the ground beside her. The weight of the situation pressed down on her, heavier than any armor she had ever worn. All her efforts, all her victories, and the years of dedication to her path felt as if they had evaporated into nothingness.

"I was so close," she whispered to the silence, her voice cracking. "I was meant to transcend... to become more than I am. But now... without MyRo, without the world I fought for... what is the point? Why should I continue to fight if the world itself no longer exists?"

The Elders tried to comfort her, but their words felt hollow. How could they understand the depth of her loss? She had faced hordes of monsters, braved the might of fallen gods, and now, at the most critical moment of her journey, the very foundation of her reality had crumbled. MyRo had been her battleground, her proving ground, and without it, she felt powerless, directionless.

Days passed, and the Crusader sat in the hall, staring at the darkened portal, waiting for a sign. But no light came. Hope began to fade, like the embers of a once-great fire.

"What is the point of all this struggle," she mused bitterly, "if the world itself can vanish in an instant? The battles, the quests, the camaraderie... all of it was for nothing."

Her hands clenched around her sword, the once-bright blade now feeling cold and distant. "Is this the fate of all heroes? To fight endlessly for a world that can be taken from us at a moment's notice?"

But just as she was about to give in to despair, a faint glow began to shimmer around the portal. It was dim, but it was there—a spark of hope. The Elders gasped, and Arcelia looked up, her heart stirring. Could it be?
thanks chatgpt
lmao, keep going schizo, I love hearing what you come up with
It's always nice to have a boogeyman, isn't it? Kike.
He ruined it by OG
Hey so can the anon who's doing the denial of service attack stop? had a really horrible day and the only good thing I've been thinking is of playing my Crusader just to be met with some random shit that's currently not letting me log on to myro
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Let me in!
myRO? more like noRO haha
>2hrs+ down
myro bros..
>have failed server
>don't want to run it anymore
>falseflag a ddos
>server never comes back up
it's that simple
except the server's been having constant 30 players on weekdays so that's silly
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why lie
perfect server rates are 2x and 3x btw
cute old image bro
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is there uuh... a tiny crown or something like that in the game? the crowns i found are far too big, i want something small...
pre-rebirth you're definitely better off getting only two of the big AoEs (sg, lov, ms)
maxing quagmire feels great and at least a couple levels in ice wall will do you very well. if you're slick with it, you can do some really dumb bullshit.
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Same, three more years before...
>deathwitch has no drops
>variable cast time cards
so any updates for myro? been 3 hours more or less now since I can't log in
could you be more specific?
you criticized ragnav so they're going to ddos until you apologize
that's the kind of people they are
sounds based, joining ragna/v/ as we speak
sounds gay, dossing ragna/ as we speak
I wish there were a good 1k unique pop RO server in 2024. It's all so shit. I've tried several. We need to accept this 20+ year old game is dead already.
i don't remember asking
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so where do I play now? I wanted to try out alchemist.....
source: i made it up
>no try hards
>no clique bullshits
>just enjoy the game without any external pressure
come play 4th job ro and chill with me, anons
I'm almost tempted to join
as opposed to post-re?
theres no scenario where i use bolts on a wizard, drop them for safety wall and sp regen while keeping pre-skills
downloading it, already got two triggers for my antivirus
>server got online 3 days ago
>3 days ago

hmm is this another 4chan server?
>less people than myro
idk bro
Reset. The mage portion should basically be pre reqs for your wizard skills+ safety wall. As for wizard skills, you don't have to use all 3 aoes and can distribute the 12 from getting meteor storm in your utilities/sp Regen instead
>get a Lif with good stats & sprite after a shit ton of attempts
>server ddos
not cool guys, not cool.
Lif is your character name retard
god yes please, i would love to
I wish hanyeo would fuck me...
ragnadev, would you be so kind as to let rogues learn arrow crafting
if he does this im going to make a rogue
Are the mage or wizard card combos worth getting
I unironically think the Hunter+Archer combo is better for Wiz, as you get 4 more dex than if you go drops+Zerom.
myro back up but have to download new patcher
it's on discord / website
or change clientinfo to "my-ro.com" instead of ip
23 is a boomer bro... I'm 22 I'm about to be an unc too... you must be one foot in the grave..
fuck off
Does wiz still get the stat bonus off it?
Hm. 8 dex if using both archer+hunter combos?
-1 drops card (1 dex)
-1 zerom (3 dex)
-can't use rocker or whatever the vit to dex card is (1 or 2 dex depending)
since merman is changed to hat, no isilla (-2 int and proc)
can't use raydric/noxious in garment, hp card in feet (green ferus in bard/dancer set alleviates this)

so more like 2 or 3 dex more but that's still pretty good. losing raydric and isilla kind of sucks though. i would say use green ferus in feet instead for the bard/dancer set. not sure if the charge arrow or tarot procs work. i think i did this write but someone correct me if i'm wrong.
I'll party with you bro whats your name
Piros the 3rd
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gimme 5 minutes to hop on
based. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YUf3ZY9aNfI
that's a blast from the past
oh shit I shoulda asked first bro I'm lv 94 are you in range
I am level 32 and I am taking a break right now. I will be back online in an hour.
ok I will maybe still be here in an hour. I've got a taekwon kid around that level. just reply to me again when youre around
i think im going to make a suno
these cards make it almost usable
someone lost his stems
myRO still down?
it wasnt even real
no...I'm schizophrenic?
it's up

how do i get to Nifflheim.........
Warp to Umbala, run north.
Or look on youtube how to do the umbala jump
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bro your fly wings? creamy card?
Was the marriage event a one-time only thing?
One of the hat requestes I got was Campus Festival #18547 but the kRO GRF doesn't have that file. Please provide if you still want it.

I'm on my mid 30s.

You can reset your look using the Control Panel. Make sure you're patched!

I can do it again if more people want to.
can't you negate that with bathory card?
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>the server isn't going anywhere anytime soon.
That's not what people said last thread.
Is it possible to get a whisper tail hat without the whispers?
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I'm 38
If you edit the sprite and send me files, yes.
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Crown and Circlet as costume when?
Mount Rental NPC in Larry's when.
why dont you go back to your denial of cervix
It's on my list. I was going to tackle all of them today but I lost patience because this is a really annoying task. Next time, for sure.
Do you really like those hats? Althought thought they looked ugly.
Anyone selling santa poring cards?
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people in #global is laughing at me for coming back after saying farewell...
what did he mean by this

if someone makes a big show of quitting then comes back they deserve to be goofed on
you couldn't help it did (you) hihi
EXP events for beginners.
>event is in an area full of level 6000 enemies
i quit, fuck you limbabs
theyre level 60 but youre right limbus fucking sucks
My last custom drop was great mybros I went back to the ragnav
I'm planning to go back to ragna as well. Will take incompetent nigger dev over schizo dev.
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>I was going to tackle all of them today but I lost patience because this is a really annoying task.
>Do you really like those hats? Althought thought they looked ugly.
Yes, I love the simplicity of the hats.
>w-whaaaa he didn't cater the server to me
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damn another custom drop
>he did cater the server to me!
>I can do it again if more people want to.
I'll wait until there's more people asking for it then
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I am also coming back to ragna/v/
when I first saw the server I made a ninja because the wall of text over the rebalance made me think it would be a fun little trip, but now looking at the gunslinger changes the idea of making a gatling focused slinger is giving me heehees and hahas
also I'll make a knight I guess...
Personally I'm just glad to see possible friends again
is Boss Nigger still around? I miss him bros
What happened to myRO?
Did the dev sperg out? I didn't even play there but he seemed friendly
spaz friend got booted off for harassing the dev and creating drama over free resets
then server got ddosd
all good now
Nothing happened there except being put offline by a schizo for a few hours, thats the only highlight of this server with a brazilian knight player showing off his meaningless solo grind. Most myro posts are pompous falseflagging clicuckeks and the server admin(tting) his shilling bur its okay that HE does it.
The 'free resets' you need to gamble for at high levels. No one is DDOSing your shitty server. Stop hosting it on a residential Belgian ISP.
Don't be so butthurt, Taizo
found him
I never get namedropped...
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>when you realise that the great exodus (Bible term) was in fact just the migration of a endangered low-pop sub-specie
Gotta up your schizo game, anon.
Me too
Never saw another Boss announcement in global from him
NIggerdev, the Ignition Break hits too hard IMO. Can't you tune it down a bit? The mob isn't even a MVP to be hitting that hard
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what the fuck happened
Looks like that guy just killed you
you got brutally murdered
yeah I think I'm with this server too
Was reading about Arcadia, that seems to be the reddit server. When are we getting an IRC for ragna?
what is this from?
This Virtual Beauty Can't Possibly Be A Girl!
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I hate this
Yeah you gotta wait like 20 mins
you look very fuckable
so what do I need to do to play on MyRo? client patcher still says there's no connection?
Go to the page and download the patcher, put the files into your myro folder, execute it.
sorry chud
myRO is pinoy exclusive, you're not welcome here
so I got to download the 4gb again? making sure , messing with the .pdb thinking i can just edit the myro.ip thing
No, only the 56mb zip with the patcher
I had to download the "big patcher" because the other ones wouldn't connect
thank you so much, will try
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downloaded the zip patch, it was 200mb, didn't work after extracting the files in the myro folder and replacing the old files
trying out the big 4gb patcher now
nvm, it's now a "4gb" file, the patcher is 50mb and after extracting it on the myro folder now the patch connects and is currently downloading the newest files
i think it's fixed on my machine now
still cannot connect no idea what's wrong
Total payon death
ipconfig /flushdns
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Jewing intensifies, I can feel the nose growing.
Sorry, still not working
I'm going to ragna/v
tfw only 179 ASPD

none of the retards who gave yoi advise actually play wiz and if they do they suck

* quag 2/3 is fine. you want to be able to refresh your quags without having to wait for nearly half a minute
* ice wall is situational, but unless you're mvping solo or doing stuff like bio3 you won't be getting much use out of it
* lov is fine as it's the fastest of the 3 aoe and nobody uses it. remember only ms stack with other players'. sg and lov do not
* your bolts become good again once your cast time is fast enough or if you're in party with a bard

skill resets are only 5k so don't be afraid to experiment

girls can play vidya too :^)
>* quag 2/3 is fine. you want to be able to refresh your quags without having to wait for nearly half a minute
seriously, anyone who suggests you go quag 4 or 5 is tricking you into wasting points
even 3 is kind of overkill
Dam what a bunch of pussies
bros your -50 agi/dex? your party play?
also just place your quagmires better lol
I hate Grapefruit so much.
>-50 agi
only when the mob has 100 agi minimum*
>bulliekeks begging for universal GD access
If anything I'm surprised it took so long
Why is everyone crying in global? I'm enjoying the game but you are driving the mood down
Stop playing if you aren't having fun...
I'm not crying, I just spent 10,000 zennies and got one blessing and agi buff that last for 30 minutes AND an extra free card point from the Gamba machines
Global chat is mostly shit
my keyoard is roken and now I can't input the damn password
Which armor should I put bathory in? I mostly play Crusader (soon paladin) and wizard
US morning strikes again
mink coat or odins blessing
Damn, don't tell bullies. They love gacha mechanics.
B> 1 IRL beating for Miku 1m
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Is there anything better than Odins at high end melee?
The combo just feels too good to ever take it off, be it knight or sader
what cards do you recommend I farm? Someone mentioned the mage and wizard sets arent very good but does the cast speed not make up for that? Or does a few more points in dex do more than the 15% and 20% reductions?
didn't you quit just now
How does one get personal ASMR with hanyo asking for a friend
seeing somebody rage about the SN cards and then proceed to put up a shop selling all his melee SN gear is fucking funny to me
another new member to myro
Whats with the card?
They use 2 acc slots to give SNs 3k hp and 20% atk, saving melee SN. Idk why they would say the build is ruined.
I do hope dev plans to rework mino and skel worker card though so they have some way to still be good and not end up like wormtail 2.0.
I WILL play super novice and join your party

average erper irl
Leveling alone without a healer is super boring... No wonder everyone wanted to play with me when I was a priest
it's ass if you're playing a melee and don't have many pots
>mob a few things

if the mobs you're killing stay up for more than a few seconds and they're not an mvp you are better off alone
gunslinger buff when?
What are those ticket event that everyone is talking about? I feel like everyone is part of an event and I'm all alone
Kafra -> TP to Umbala -> use navigator to path to Niflheim (first map in list) -> middle of town -> kill mobs -> get ticket -> buy goofy halloween cosmetics
The only buff they really need is access to trans gear/stats but dev said he doesn't want to do that, so kind of out of luck
Newfriend here, I need advice on what I should be aiming to do since I’ve mostly just been coasting for a bit leveling. My rogue is about level 70 and I’m not sure where I should be leveling at this point or if I should be focusing on farming some gear or cards now.
I’ve got the basic panties and undershirt combo thing and a gakkung +5 but that’s about it. Games fun I just feel prettt clueless at this point.
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i do think im mentally ill after all
that shit isn't going to save melee SN
by comparison magic SN got 10% MATK and another 40% damage on certain elements
I feel like I’m living in bizarro world on this server sometimes
Mage SN here is so pointless it didn’t get ANY buffs
im going to make a super novice
should i go melee or magic?
We all had her John...
Seeing everyone having fun in nifl and me being solo and without friends/party is starting to make me sad, maybe this game isn't for me
the fact that you have 5 accounts with shops wasn't enough to tell you that?
quag 1 is fine
ice wall is essential for high level play
lov and sg are the most used aoe, ms seems virtually no play in pvm
kys you who obviously do not play wiz
Why the new stuff isn't even that good to bother with don't fall for it
im not gordon, im his customer
I dont care if it's good or not, I want friends, I want to play with people, I want to have fun
I pushed out the second part of the Halloween Event. Check rentry. The exchange NPC is inside the Starting Area.
tl;dr new exclusive costumes, including garments.
tl;dr shit event
Then go join a party in nifl???
So why solo, if you want friends go make a party i'm sure people would join
You can expect much bro
Thanks dev good stuff
Is the quest for https://ratemyserver.net/index.php?page=item_db&item_id=5359 not in the game?
Haven't played in a while. Is this a party area or somewhere I can go solo?

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